Quays: Healy Power Quarries LTD
Quays: Healy Power Quarries LTD
Quays: Healy Power Quarries LTD
Youghal News
Vol. 5 Issue 12 May 1st 2008
Tel 024 93358 Fax 024 93852
NEXT ISSUE Email: [email protected]
MAY 15TH Website: www.youghalnews.ie
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Bill Cullan and Principal Seamus O’Ceallachain with Bill’s book ’Penny Apples’
Pianist Sam Rotman with music teacher A. Fitzgerald and music students
(Never Known To Fail)
O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendour of
Heaven. Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in
my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein that you are my
Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth. I humbly
beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity.
There are none that can withstand your power. O show me herein you are my
Mother. Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to Thee
(three times). Thank you for your mercy towards me and mine. Amen. Said
for three days and after that request will be granted. Publication must be
promised when necessity is granted. Favours received. Publication prom-
ised. A.R.
Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This time I
ask you this special one (Mention Favour). Take it dear Heart of Jesus and
place it within your own broken heart where your father sees it, then in His
Music students make a presentation to pianist Sam Rotman with music teacher A.
merciful eyes it will become your favour, not mine. Amen. Say this prayer
Fitzgerald, Principal Seamus O’Ceallachain, Fr.Patrick Relihan and Mervyn Scott,
for three days, and favour will be granted. Never known to fail. A.R.
Youghal Baptist Church
YOUGHAL Tel: 024 - 92026
Marian Horgan, Woodwork Teacher, with students Adam Pais, David O’Callaghan,
Catherine Stilwell, Jonathan Savage and Daniel McElroy showing their handcraft-
ed pens
Sitting: Leaving Cert. Applied Students: Louise Jones, Natalie Moylan, Jodie
Collett and Marcella Reilly. Standing: Vanessa O’Loughlin, Ned Cotter, Angela
O’Loughlin, Carol Newman, John Bresnihan, Barry Murphy, Michael
Cunningham, Maura O’Leary and Ally Whelan
Leaving Cert. Applied Students: Jodie Collett, Louise Jones, Marcella Reilly and
Face behind the Gossip Shop
Natalie Moylan
The face behind the gossip shop
Is hard for you to see
My shop is only open
Thursday to Saturday
But on the local radio
My voice it can be heard
Speaking to the people
Always a pleasant word
My musical history
A tribute I will play
Plenty of information
I will send your way
So if you want a mention
Richard Whyte, Vanessa O’Loughlin, Angela O’Loughlin and Maura O’Leary Or a song from days gone by
Please come and visit the gossip shop
Now come on don’t be shy
By Wayne Motherway
A vacancy exists for a
Theresa Fitzgerald, Marian Horgan, Jimmy Crowley and Natalie Moylan Course Marshall
YOUGHAL I.C.A. for Youghal Golf Club.
A.G.M. will take place on Wed. 14th May at 7.30p.m. in Cumann Weekends during the summer.
Na Daoine premises. Our Information Officer, Mairead O’Carroll
will attend. A full attendance would be appreciated. Annual Please apply for further details to the
Outing to Kilkenny on Thursday 8th May-a few seats still avail- Course Manager, Luke Mc Auliffe.
able. Contact 92542 if interested in travelling.
Mick Walsh of Canoe and Kayak Store Youghal with models Anna Sheehan Remee
Cunningham and David Burke
All our young models Back row, L-R David Burke, Dean Russell, Darren O
Riordan, Adam Lombard, Sam Fitzgearld, Anna Sheehan, middle row Remee
Cunningham Shane Russell Kate O Neill Elaine Hynes, Maddy Fox, Front row
Model Mary Sheehan Model Phylis O Halloran Katie Roche Meave Lynch, John Keane and Aileen Hynes
For the Face - Book a deep cleansing facial and get a
Thalgo cleanser, Toner and Eye Make up Remover
FOR ONLY 50 - (normal price 100)
For the Body - Book an exfoliating body treatment and
get a Thalgo Body Scrub, Body Moisturiser and
Exfoliating Bar
FOR ONLY 55 - (normal price 105)
Claycastle Car Park, new litter bins will be provided in addition to
Dog Poop bins for this area.
Redbarn Car parking facilities, Cork County Council will use own
A new advertising campaigne will commence in June to advertise lands to provide parking in Redbarn for Summer season. Parking
the afffordable housing that will be coming on stream in the coun- over the years has been a huge problem in this area and there has
ty. The system has been changed to allow applicants to choose always being the fear that should an emergency service need to get
from a defined area, which will include a number of areas that to Redbarn it would be with great difficulty.
have available affordable housing, a good example would be that Initially these parking facilities will be temporary in terms of sur-
Youghal would be area 11 and would also include places like facing and marking out. The existing toilet facility while not total-
Killeagh, Castlemartyr, Mogeely etc so these options may be ly satisfactory in terms of where it is located, will be improved and
explored by the applicants if their first choice is not available. by 2009 will be relocated and replaced with a modern facility. The
Intending applicants should also check with their mortgage intention from the onset was to provide parking for the hundreds
provider as to how much they can be sanctioned for a mortgage. of people that visit Redbarn when weather is fine and by doing this
Recreation and Amenity grant forms are now available, adverts we would also be meeting part of the criteria for Blue Flag, the
will appear in local papers. Closing date for receipt of applica- water quality has always been good so hopefully by 2009 Redbarn
tions is as follows: Community Grant scheme - Nov 28th 2008, should be well on the way to achieveing Blue Flag status.
Recreation Grant Scheme - 26th May 2008, Amenity Grant
Scheme - 26th Sept., 2008.
The ’European
Southern Division meeting was held on April 21st where Cllr.
Barbara Murray posed the question of Cork County Council pro-
viding a glass recycling facility for their customers, the response
was favourable in that at present the council are looking at the pro-
vision of this service. Will update when there is progress on this.
Destinations of
Unfortunately due to the abuse of the McCurtainstown carpark
recycling facilities these have now been discontinued. In order to
Excellence’ Competition
meet criteria for blue flag beach these facilities will be provided
complete with CCTV at the area near the Railway Station from At the Mall Arts Centre
June to Sept. Cllr Murray brought a motion forward at the last
meeting of Youghal Town Council, calling on the council to allow
these facilities to be made permanent subject to there being no
misuse of the facility. The response from management was not in
favour of making recycling facility permanent at that time, but this
issue will be pursued again once facility is up and running.
Struhan na Sali - Works to improve the gradient of the green area
will commence next week. Trial holes were dug in the last few
weeks in grass area to determine what was under the surface, for-
tunately the ground is workable and our engineer has suggested
that a tiered green area would work pretty well. The intention
would be to widen the road and provide approx 8 more carparking
Litter Picking on N25 is posing problems and is proving to be a Mayor David Savage with Vicente Rodriguez, Ana Maria Boluda and Abel Cobos
costly operation for Cork County Council. The funding that is
provided to date by the NRA is unlikely to cover the costs that will
now be incurred by CCC to meet the new traffic management
guidelines. Apparently one of the carriageways should be closed
in order to do works on N25. Early next month the 1st visit to the
N25 will cover picking of litter and grass cutting. The 2nd visit
will be to spray for ragworth, this should be done more than once
in the year, but at present once is all that funding will provide for.
On Friday 18th April Cork County Council launched this years lit-
ter challenge, judging will commence on April 24th so all Tidy
towns groups and community councils are already active in mak-
ing sure that their area is looking its best, with the support of each
local authority.
Youghal Landfill Site, problems are still ongoing in relation to
foul odour coming from the landfill. It would seem that quite a Dan Noonan, Charlie O’Neill and Diarmaid Keogh
few additional measures have being taken to alleviate the smell
and to date we still have a problem. At the Southern Committee
meeting this issue was again aired and it was outlined that consult-
ants have been appointed to advise on new stratagy in gas manage-
ment system. By August of ’08 it is quite possible that Cork
County Council will only be taking their own waste and that other
operators will have to find an alternative landfill site in which to
dispose of their refuse. Bottle Hill will have to have an improved
access before it becomes operational,and all waste must be treat-
ed and baled to be accepted, as such at the moment there is no
progress in terms of an MRF plant which will have to be in place
before Bottle Hill becomes operational.
Provision of Additional Carparking at Kilcoran Place, Jack
McCarthy, senior engineer has applied for funding for the provi-
sion of parking and overlay from Development Contribution Marian O’Halloran and Kieran Groeger with Michael Farrell
When dreams come crashing down! Ole Mill Poker Classic
When John Cashman and his wife Margaret - a stroke victim, sold This week we the ladies dominating the winners list at our poker
up their house and farm in the quite secluded area of Monatrea in classic on Wednesday night last week’s runner up Mary O Mahony
favour of their present home located on the N25 in Summerhill, took the top prize and Sheila Foley was second. We will have
which is close to all amenities public transport and is more acces- cards again tonight at 9.30pm and new players are always wel-
sible for Margaret- it was the home of their dreams. come.
However within a short time their dreams came crashing down On the previous Wednesday night at our weekly poker classic and
around them and so began a five-year nightmare. While we are all we had Tess Mansfield winning for the second week in a row with
aware it takes more than one swallow to make a summer, but Mary Agnes in second place.
when six accidents occur in within a one hundred yard stretch of Poker.
road and four of those come crashing through your propriety com- We had lots of birthday celebrations this week and all at the Mill
ing within inches of hitting your home, and the most recent two would like to extend birthday greetings to John Flynn, Easter
occurred within the last two months its time to panic. Quinn and Catherine Seward.
Following each accident John contacted the local authorities We would like to congratulate Chris O Brien, who is celebrating a
requesting some action be taken to protect his home and each time milestone birthday, this week, best wishes and a very happy birth-
his pleas fell on deaf ears. However in February when a Jeep came day to you, Chris.
crashing through the boundary wall between him and his neigh- Clashmore Ramblers Soccer Lotto
bour, John knows it was only a matter of time before a major Jackpot - 2200
catastrophe occurs and fearing for his life and that of his wife he Our weekly letters lotto is going well with 2200 in our jackpot
upped his campaign. He spoke to the media, he lobbied local pub- fund now to be won if you match the four letters drawn in this
lic representatives for help only to be told in a letter from the Wednesday nights draw. Last Wednesday nights numbers were B
council dated April 1st that "It is not normal practice to erect safe- C D Z . Congratulations to our 20 weekly prize winners Eamonn
ty barriers for individual properties" and instead was promised a Foley Monatrea , Jack Foley Kinsalebeg and Sue Tomas
statutory "Dangerous Bend Ahead" advance warning sign. "This Clashmore
has to be joke," says John "traffic is coming down that hill too fast County title for Clashmore
to even see such a sign let alone read it!" Having successfully come through the qualifying round and the
Then on Tuesday afternoon April 8th the worst incident to date western final, at Saturday night’s county final of GAA Scor Na
occurred when a Mercedes car came crashing through the front paisti in Modeligo, Clashmore Ballad group really came in to their
wall which separates Johns house from the N25, thankfully a tele- own and gave their finest performance to date. They were well
graph pole brought the car to a halt just feet away from John’s bed- rewarded for the efforts as the judges award them a county title
room wall. Guttering, fascia and down pipes were broken and with guitar player Aaron O Mrs Gerardine Shine and staff at
damaged, paint was chipped from the wall and rubble was cast Clashmore National School who did Trojan in preparing all the
over a wide area. "It’s a miracle nobody was killed," says John, as participants in these years Scor. Thanks also to our small team of
he sets about cleaning up sorry mess around his front door once supports who came along each night young people who came
again. together for this competition just a few weeks ago. Well done
John is only too well aware he might not be so lucky next time Siobhan O Shaughnessy, Paula Cliffe, Aaron O Shaughnessy,
meanwhile he continues live in fear every time he hears a big Elena Hynes and Maurice Ledingham. Well done also to Kate
truck coming close to the house. Once again John is appealing the Hynes who performed in the solo singing, Kate also played a huge
to the council to bring this nightmare to an end by simply erecting part in the Ballad Groups success, our thanks to Kate and to Mrs
safety barriers outside his home Gerardine Shine and staff at Clashmore National School who did
Trojan in preparing all the participants in these years Scor. Thanks
also to our small team of supports who came along each night to
cheer us on
John Cashman pictured among the rubble out- the damaged wall next door to
side his home following last Tuesday’s accident John Cashman’s house, which
was demolished in February
Busking competition
Calling you young musicians- on this Saturday May 3rd as part of l-r Clashmore - Kinsalebeg GAA Club Ballad Group -County
the annual Feile na Ndeise they will be hosting the annual busk- final winners at Scor Na nOg Siobhan O Shaughnessy, Paula
ing competition and part of that competition will be the under 18 Cliffe, Aaron O Shaughnessy, Elena Hynes and Maurice
class . Here competitors will be competing for the Martin Curran Ledingham
Memorial Shield with prizes of 100, 60 and 30 for the first Clashmore- Kinsalebeg GAA Club Lotto
placed three groups. All are welcome to enter, it’s a maximum of -Jackpot 3000
four persons per group and it’s taking place at the town square in We had no lotto jackpot winner last week so when our draw takes
Dungarvan between 1pm and 2pm with entries being accepted on place on this Monday night at the Decies Bar there will be a grand
the day Lotto Jackpot prize of 3000. Our numbers last Monday night
Clashmore - Kinsalebeg Ladies Football were 10 16, 20, 25,
Training U8, U10, U12 Congratulations to the following who were our weekly winners of
Training for our young lady footballers- under 8, 10, and 12 con- 20 each; Jack Lombard Khakitown, William Ryan Grange, John
tinues on this Friday night at the Clashmore GAA pitch at 7.00pm Motherway Tinniscart, Ger Dunne Ballinamultina,Margaret Foley
(after the cows) as we are hoping to field a team in each age group Claddagh
we are asking as many players to come along and join in the fun. On the previous Monday night our numbers out in the Clashmore
On the previous Monday night our numbers out in the Clashmore Hurton and Susan Murphy.
- Kinsalebeg GAA club lotto were 2, 6, 16, 19 there were no match Also on that night we had Eileen Dower & Co going through to
four ticket This week’s lucky winners of 20 each were as follows; the next round here Aggie Hurton subbed for her grandson
M.A.D Trihy Piltown, Pat Walsh Modeligo, Damien Gleeson Graham Mangan and Patrick Murphy subbed for Killian McGrath.
Ardmore, Johnny Flavin Clashmore, Mike Fenton Tinniscart. Well The beat Mossie McCarthy Angela McCarthy and Pa McGrath.
done to all our winners and thanks to everyone for their continued Patricia Fitzgearld and co will be in action again next Friday night
support. for another series of second round games.
Clashmore 45 Drive In hospital
A change is as good as a rest and this week Martin Lynch teamed Get well wishes to Richard Prendergast D’Loughtane who is
up with Bernard Moloney to win the top prize on nine games. The presently in hospital, get well soon Richard from all your family
remaining prizes were divided between Mairead and Michael and friends.
Fahey, Dan and Margaret Leahy, Liam Curran and Thomas Power Death of Kitty Lehane
Mary Anne and Bobby Connery they were all joint winners on With deep sadness we record the death of Kitty Lehane Youghal
seven games each. Best of the last five went to Mary Fleming and and formally of Birmingham. A native of Ardsallagh Clashmore,
John Cliffe and our lucky last game winners were John Kitty’s death occurred unexpectedly at Cork University Hospital
Motherway and Tom Osbourne Nell Foley and Ed Hynes. Well on Saturday April 12th. Reposing at Egan’s Funeral Home
done to all our winners and thanks to everyone for your continued Youghal Kitty’s removal took place to Piltown Church on Sunday
support. evening and following requiem mass on Monday morning Kitty
On the previous Monday night we had a well deserved win at the was laid to rest in the adjoining cemetery.
45 drive for Mary Dower and Jack Douris, Mary and Jack won Kitty is survived by her husband George her son Peter and daugh-
nine games next up we had Mairead and Michael Fahey they won ter Pat her brother Paddy and sister Breda daughter in law Maria
eight games In third place we had Gabriel Hynes and Tony Keane grandchildren relatives and many friends to all of you we extend
on seven games. Best of the last five were Ann and Edmond our deepest sympathy.
Ledingham, Mary and Ger Donovan, while our last game winners Baby Girl
were Bernard Moloney and John Motherway, Mary Ann and Our congratulations to Francis [nee Cunningham] and John Daly
Bobby Connery, Roger Hynes and Bobby Morrison. Well done to Kilmore Clashmore on the birth of their beautiful baby daughter
all our winners and thanks to everyone for their continued support. Abi best wishes from all your family neighbours and friends
Remember cards start next week at 9.00pm Sympathy
Fashion Show Our deepest sympathy is extended to the Hogan Family Youghal
Thanks to Bridget Keane and her team our Fashion Show on the death of Patrick [Paddy] Hogan Dr Kennedy Place. Patrick
Extravaganza on April 2nd at the Park Hotel was an overwhelm- died on Tuesday April 15th at Youghal Community Hospital fol-
ing success rising some much needed funding for Clashmore lowing a long illness. Reposing at Egan’s Funeral Youghal,
National School Building Fund. Patrick’s removal took place to St Mary’s Church Youghal on
For one night a team of local people ranging in age from tots to Wednesday evening and following requiem mass on Thursday
grannies became celebrities and they took to that catwalk like afternoon Patrick was laid to rest in North Abbey Cemetery.
ducks to water. While it would be unfair to single out individuals Patrick is survived by his brother Jimmy and sister Mary relatives
many of whom took time off work to attend fittings or attend on and many friends. May he rest in peace.
the night great credit must go to our more senior models Phyllis O Our deepest sympathy is also extended to John Mulcahy Ardmore
Halloran and Mary Sheehan, who once again stole the show. and to his children Justin, Sally-Anne, Louise, Nichola, Audrey
Our compare on the night - style coach and image Consultant - and Rebecca on the death of wonderful wife and mother Eilis
Avril Geary did a brilliant job, and of course our special guest and Mulcahy. Eilis died following a brief illness on April 4th reposing
M.C for the night, Eoin Murphy who was wonderful on the night at Kiely’s Funeral Home Dungarvan Eilis removal took place to St
we really appreciate your support Avril and Eoin Declan’s Church Ardmore on Sunday Evening and following
We have so many people to thank, and without each of you the requiem mass on Monday Morning Eilis was laid to rest in St
show would not have been such an overwhelming success, our Declan’s Cemetery at the Round Tower. Ar dheis de go raibh an
shops- 4 kidz, Genesis, Paco, Canoe and Kayak Store, Signet, hanam.
Rigby’s Clothing Co., La Mode, Simply Irish Knitwear, Noel New Arrival
Devreux, and Phil’s Frocks. Thanks to Kerri Butcher for Hair and Warmest congratulations to proud parents Paula Kelly and John
Make up and her dad Denis for looking after photographs for us. Paul Carey Clashmore on the birth of their beautiful baby daugh-
Thanks to Knockanore Farmhouse Cheese for their sponsorship of ter Katlyn a most welcome sister for brothers Cain and Conor best
Cheese for the cheese and wine reception and to all who sponsored wishes from all your family and friends.
prizes for the raffle. Clashmore Fianna Fail Cumann
Last but not least we thank all of you who bought tickets and Monthly Clinic
everyone who came along on the night and all who put in a huge Brendan Kenneally TD wishes to remind all of you that he will be
effort to sell tickets. Thank you all so very much attending his monthly clinic here at the Rising Sun in Clashmore
[Supporting Photographs] on Saturday morning May 3rd at 11.30am if Brendan can be of any
models photograph assistance to you be sure to go along to meet Brendan no appoint-
Rising Sun Tournament ment is necessary.
With the final fast approaching our second round games continued Lotto down Coonan’s way!
to be played over the past few weeks despite some major delays This week we have some welcome news for all of you who like to
due to Weddings - Hen Parties - and even a few players falling vic- play "The Lotto" from last Tuesday onwards you can play your
tim to the flu, On the weekend of April 19th first year player Lotto, Lotto Plus, Telly Bingo etc right here in Kinsalebeg at
Fergus Hennessy hung the winning one to take his team of Coonan’s Quick Pick. You can also buy the still very popular
Thomas Trihy -winner of 2006 and Johnny Corcoran through to national lottery scratch cards and they will also be available at
the next round. Beating Jimmy Ormond Michael O Keeffe and Coonan’s shop in Kinsalebeg and in Clashmore Village. With both
Marion Ryan. shops now returning to summer opening hours, Kinsalebeg
On the previous week we had two games played on April 12th 6.30am -8.30pm and Clashmore 7.00am- 9.00pm, there no excuse
Richie Fitzgearld, John Veale-subbed for Johnny Curran and to miss you chance not to be in with a chance to the big millions
Patricia Fitzgearld who was on winning form and hung the win- or a chance to appear on winning streak. It could be you so what
ning one subbed for Mary Curran. They beat John Hurton, Paddy are you waiting for!
Contract 500,000 (6 Months) Commencing May 12th 2008
A meeting by the contractor with local residents will be held prior with disabilities with receive special assistance during these
to work commencing with the latest Heritage Regeneration of works.
Church St/Emmet Place. The work will be fenced at all times with barriers, cones and warn-
One week ahead of work commencing Youghal Local Radio, the ing tape, and every effort will be made to keep the area safe for
local Fire Brigade, Ambulance Service, Doctors and Manager of residents
Shalom House, Refuse Collectors, and Suppliers of Fuels (coal Experienced staff will operate all machinery on site. Noise and
and Oil) etc., will be informed that the street will be closed, at the dust levels will be kept to a minimum, and where possible all cut-
junction with North Main St., and will be updated on an ongoing ting and grinding of materials will be carried out off site.
basis. Excavating will commence at the junction of Church St. Disruption of water supply will be kept to a minimum.
North Main St. and connections will be carried out at this location, While no definite time scale can be given, due to the nature of the
to ensure that levels are correct. work, it is hoped that it should be completed within six months .
A road crossing will be excavated for connections to existing serv-
ices on the east side of North Main St. Work will then continue up
along Church St. and reinstatement with wet mix will be in place Traffic Plan during Works
for a period of weeks, for compaction, and to allow the paving to
be carried out up to the front of Shalom House.
at Church St/Emmett Place
When work has been carried out past Shalom House, access to It is proposed that Church St. will be closed during the entire dura-
services and egress will be changed from Emmet Place to North tion of the work.
Main St., and that Emmet Place/Church St. junction will be Work will commence at the junction of North Main St and Church
closed, to continue the upgrading along there. St. Access to Shalom House will be via Emmett Place/Church St.
Pedestrian access will be maintained by means of a temporary While work is continuing towards St. Mary’s Terrace, advance
footbridge, past the excavations for local residents only. People warning signs will be erected on North Main St, and on Ashe
Street, at convenient locations, to warn
motorists/pedestrians, that a section of Church St.
will be closed. This is marked with X on attached
A turntable will be maintained at the junction of
Emmett St./Church St. to enable vehicles to turn
back along Emmett St.
Parking will be prohibited at this junction during
the works. Marked as a black circle O on the map.
Traffic will be reduced to one lane on North Main
St. on the west side of it s junction with Church St.,
for most of the works, for safety of pedestrians and
works, to allow safe access and egress from Church
Parking along De Velera St. during the works will
be prohibited, as it will be the main route for the
access to Emmett St/Church St. by construction
vehicles and local traffic.
It would be hoped that only local residents would
be the only pedestrians in the vicinity of the road
works, at all times to avoid injury and delays to the
work schedule.
When construction work is completed past St.
Mary’s Terrace, access over the new limestone sur-
face will be maintained to Shalom House, and to
the east side of Church St.
Signs, to advise people of this change of situation,
will be erected.
Prior to the works, during the works, and at any
stage if something unplanned for occurs, the fol-
lowing services will be notified of the situation
regarding access- the Local Radio, Ambulance,
Fire service, County Council Staff, Refuse collec-
tion service, Taxi service, Doctor’s surgery, and car-
ers of persons resident on the street.
Any advice or help in these matters will be wel-
come, in order to allow work to proceed quickly
and safely.
on it. "They were blown away by Michael. They invited him over
for September," says Barbara.
END WITH BARNABAS. Others amongst the welcoming committee were Jean Francois
Bernard and wife Mary of le Gourmet and keen boating fans, sea
angling promoter Martin Colfur. Aquatrek representatives put
By Christy Parker their craft on display and Gavin Tivey detailed his wreck diving
Youghal’s recently formed Baptist Society will conclude its inau- and deep sea fishing enterprises.
gural season of concerts and performances on May 8th next. The All can expect representation at September’s French showcase. As
Barnabas Players from Alberta, Canada, will trod the boards in will representatives of the anticipated P1 Thundercat powerboat
’Lost and Found’ a drama production at the Mall Arts Centre. The racing spectacular who also attended last week.
six-member troupe are final year drama students from Prairie The visitors, en route to Cork, Cobh, Kinsale and other minor
Bible Institute and will be accompanied by their tutor. boating spots, were detoured to the beach, the better to appreciate
Last year the group -or rather their predecessors- performed in the setting for the racing. That, as well as much else, left them
Youghal at Pobalscoil Na Trionoide, Cois Aobhann, Youthreach "highly complimentary" of their short stay amongst us, even if
and St. Raphael’s as well as in other towns in the region. "They very few of us knew they were there.
had a brilliant time,"
Youghal Socio-
Kilcoran Financial Services
70 Development Group: are Independent Brokers for mortgages, life cover,
60 5,000 critical illness cover, sickness and accident cover,
Youghal Town Council education policies, savings, pensions, lump-sum
50 investments and mortgage protection policies.
Cork County Council Had financial difficulties in the past or currently having
20 financial difficulties, that’s ok, we’ll see what we can do.
Personal & Business Loans also arranged
0 Finance and Leasing
Committed Funding Vs. Target Target: 75,000
For best independent quote and advice contact
Required to Host ’Thunderkat’
European Beach Challenge
J.J Flavin
(advising clients since 1988)
PUBLIC MEETING ON Kilcoran Financial Services under license from Evergreen Mortgage Services Ltd t/a Evergreen Mortgage
and finance is regulated by the the financial regulator as a mortgage and insurance intermediary
Siobhan Sheehan and Mary Bernard Jo and Fergal Dooley of The Priory Restaurant
Ann Mehegan and Rose Normile Phyllis Foley and Tommy Roche Betty Broderick
YOUGHAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC Success for Joyce brothers at
The Youghal Socio-Economic Development Group wishes to sin-
cerely thank the people of Youghal for their concerted efforts in
presenting Youghal as a true ’Destination of Excellence’ during the
recent ’on-site’ Failte Ireland assessment.
Thankfully the judging panel arrived to the Mall Arts Centre on
what was a gloriously sunny April day, to see Youghal in all its
The traders of the town deserve a special mention and put in a 10 year old Daniel Joyce, Ballyknock,
magnificent effort with their shop fronts, which were duly noted by Killeagh pictured after winning the 13 year old Patrick Joyce pictured with
the judges. Loughnatousa Jack 128 Grand Prix at his trophy after winning the Spillane
Following a presentation by the Youghal Socio-Economic the Ballyrafter Centre in Lismore on Trailers 138 Grand Prix.
Sunday last. Congratulations to both boys.
Development Group in the Town Hall, the panel wandered around
the photographic exhibition dedicated to Eddie O’Sullivan in the
Mall Arts Centre. From here they enjoyed a traditional Irish music
St Raphaels Annual Golf
sessions in both ’The Nook’ and Red Store.
The following day the panel took the ’Heritage Trail’ as part of a
guided walking tour of the town, before heading to see Youghal’s On Monday and Tuesday the 7th and 8th of April 2008, St.
stunning blue flag beaches. Raphael’s centre held it’s 3rd Annual Golf Classic at Youghal Golf
The winning destination will be announced on week commencing Club. It is just one of the activities run every year to raise funds
5th May 2008. which will go towards the building of a multipurpose room for the
centre. This room will enable the 160 resident’s avail of a wide
range of activities and programmes and it is with your support we
can make this happen. The benefits of these activities will reach
out to the wider population of the Centre and extend into the com-
The Golf Classic was once again a huge success and we need to
say a big thank you to all golfers who played and those that spon-
sored teams and tee boxes. I would like to say a special word of
thanks to our main sponsorship over the last three years. To: Mr.
Ed Cashman Spar Supermarket, Mr.Michael Tracey Nook Bar and
Ger Flanagan, Youghal News, Sponsor ’Eddie O’Sullivan’ Photographic
Mr. Fintan Crowley,
Exhibition, Fiona Candon (Adjudicator), Karoona Jhugaroo (Failte Ireland), I wish to thank all those staff members of the Centre whose con-
Dominic Campbell (Adjucator), Sheena Doyle (Failte Ireland), Paul Flynn tributions and hard work made the Golf Classic a success
(Adjudicator), Tomas O’ Maoldomhnaigh (Adjudicator), Aileen Ahern (Tourism
Development Officer, Youghal), Tony O’Dalaigh (Adjudicator) and Catherine
Desmond (Youghal’s Municipal Heritage Group) pictured at Photographic
Exhibition in Mall Arts Centre to honour Youghal native Eddie O’ Sullivan Cork International Choral Festival
Emergency Contact.............................................................................
All proceeds to Ovarian/Uterine/Endometrial Date of Birth............................................. Age on 25/05/08:.............
Refreshments and Showers after the race
at Pobalscoil Na Trion ide
Please note that numbers may be collected at
www.emercaseyfoundation.com Pobalscoil Na Trionoide on Saturday May 24th from
3-5pm or on Sunday May 25th from 12-2.30pm
Contact 086 2232393 or 087 2838770
Confirmation at The Church of the Holy Family, Youghal
Tom Mason, Dylan Mason and Liam Naughton Danny Kiely with Sandra and Patrick Kiely Kash Ranson with Margaret Ranson and Jim Daly
Canon Tom Browne, Bishop John Magee and Fr. Bill Bermingham
Cormac O’Callaghan, Paraic Daly, Colin Keenaghan, Ollie Dempsey and Sean
3,500 Copies Free Every Fortnight
Shannon, Maura and Anthony Sophie Callaghan and Ellie Budds www.youghalnews.ie
Rookie Lifeguard Training at
Aura Youghal Leisure Centre
Aura Youghal Leisure Centre is providing local children with the
opportunity to learn an invaluable life skill with their new Rookie
Lifeguard Training programme. Rookie Lifesavers will take part in
deck rescues, life saving techniques and classroom based tuition on
water safety.
The programme is aimed at children from eight years and above,
with each child needing to be a proficient swimmer (level 4 gold
upwards). The course is delivered in three separate modules:
bronze, silver and gold.
"All of our Rookie Instructors are professionally trained swimming
coaches and Aura has a reputation for providing the finest swim
instruction in Ireland," noted Rosaline Normile, Manager at the
Aura’s Rookie Lifeguard Training will take place alongside the
centre’s renowned Swim School of Excellence which is now tak-
ing bookings for its new set of lessons. Children’s swimming class-
es run in consecutive 10-week sessions, with 10 half hour classes
costing 58.50 for members and 65.00 for pay-as-you-go cus-
Swimming is a great activity to help your children stay fit and
healthy. Aura’s swimming lessons provide children with the oppor-
tunity to keep active and begin learning an invaluable life skill they
will take with them throughout their adult lives.
All of Aura’s Swim School instructors and Rookie Lifeguard
coaches are professionally qualified and have been fully trained
under the new code of ethics for children’s sports. Instructors are
always on hand to ensure that everyone receives the highest quali-
ty level of instruction and supervision. A strong emphasis is placed
on safety and care at all times.
Aura Youghal Leisure Centre is focused on providing opportunities
for the whole family to enjoy. Its facilities are accessible to all
members of the family, both young and old, including people with
special needs.
For further information on Aura Youghal Leisure Centre’s Rookie
M. Lyons
Lifeguard Training and Swim School, please contact reception at
024 91614 or visit www.auraleisurecentres.ie
Robert Nunn, Marguerite Curley, Sam Garvey, Declan Galvin and Michael Declan Barron, Michael Dalton, Robert Hamill, Pat Kiely and Michael Sheehan,
Sheehan, Plant Manager Plant Manager
John Murray, Kieran Geary, Rachel O’Connell and Michael Sheehan, Plant
Lisa Power of The Rise, Duncoran, winner of a Getaway Hotel Break being pre-
sented by Ken Brookes
Mary Condon, Michael Sheehan, Plant Manager, Valerie McDermott, John Neville
Mark Carey and Eamonn Walsh
The Pobalscoil Na Trionoide Camogie Team pictured with Coach Analee Casey
who won the County and Munster U161/2 Championship
Team; Lisa O Sullivan (Goalie) , Karen Rohan, Rachel Cronin, Nora Sheehan, The committee of the Friends of St. Raphaels presenting Seanie
Alice Barry, Edel O Connell (Captain), Niamh Quill, Bronagh Shuel, Ciara Ni Fitzgerald sarcistan of the church with new altar clothes. Included are
Siochriœ, Samantha Swayne, Amy Ni Mhatharbhu , Emma Swayne, Aoife Walsh, Chairman J. Roche, Secretary Frances Aherne Sec., William Supple,
Chloe Daly, Ann Rohan, Kate Harrington, Sarah Harrington, Shannon Joyce, Seanie Fitzgerald, Angela O Loughlin D.O.N. and Betty Kiely
Maeve Beecher, Aisling Cooke, Shauna Harnedy, Elaine Meade, Rebecca
Fitzgerald, Rois n O Keeffe, Evelyn O Brien
Going for glory
After reaching the final of the camogie championships last year,
Pobalscoil na Trion ide were defeated by only a few points. But
after enduring many physical training sessions, this year the girls
returned with drive and determination to fight for their turn to
shine. And that is exactly what they did! After winning the Munster
Colleg and Cork College matches the girls proved that they were
one of many teams achieving and winning various things above in
the school. The team consists of people with all different skill lev-
els and different abilities. The level of camogieon the team is often
referred to as outstanding and remarkable and much of this is
thanks to Ms.Casey who coaches the camogie team along with Mr
O Laodhcha. It is no douth that the girls will continue to bring Committee: Teresa Collins, John Roche, Seanie Fitzgerald, Angela
home more spectacular trophies to the school and we all look for- O Loughlin and Betty Kiely
ward to hearing more on their future victories!
Chairman of the Friends of St. Raphaels John Roche presenting the keys
Christine Cusack and GrÆinne O Connor FØis Maitui winners in the under 16 Irish of the new vehicle to Nursing director Angela O Loughlin
verse speaking competition in Cork recently, also pictured are participants Laura
Hennessy and Maire Byrne and teacher Caroline Hunt.
Minor Boys: Conor Farrell Javelin 3rd, Adam Ahern Triple Jump
1st, High Jump 2nd, Jordan Power High Jump 1st, Bobbi
Donoghue Long Jump, 3rd. Minor Girls: Jessica Lawton Shot
2nd, Discus 2nd, Ciara Broderick Farrell High Jump 2nd, Emma
Flavin 1500m 2nd, Long Jump 3rd, Emma Hennessy 800m 2nd,
Javelin 3rd, Faye O Brien Javelin 2nd. Junior Boys: Michael
Morrissey High Jump 2nd, Yves Sohege High Jump 2nd, Povilas
Matinkas Long Jump 1st, Triple Jump 3rd, Zane Henzer Shot 1st.
Junior Girls: Laura Hennessy Triple Jump 3rd, Roisin O Keeffe
800m 3rd. Inter Boys: Pierre Sohege High Jump 3rd, Ashley Committee of the Friends of St. Raphaels with new vehicle
Lewis High Jump 2nd, Cai Stevens Javelin 2nd, Colin Sheehan
Long Jump 3rd, Ed Diolœn 800m 3rd. Relay 1st: Eamonn Word of Thanks
O Regan, David Melly, Ross Desmond and Dominic Evans. The friends of St. Raphaels want to thank most sincerely all
Senior Boys: Tim Nizet Long Jump 3rd, Ray Kelly High Jump the local business people who continue to support us every
2nd. Senior Girls: Louise Hurley Shot 2nd, Clowie Hogan Javelin year on our open day. This year it is on Sun 6th July.
Thanks to Grainne Flaherty, Crona McCarthy and Brian Lotty for
Everyone welcome. The money for these items that were
their support of the the school athletics team. purchased was raised by the Open day money.
Canine Cuties Official Opening At Yawl Business Park
Jean Morris, proprietor Canine Cuties and Deputy Mayor Sammy Revins cut the tape with family and friends at the official opening of the new dog grooming service
Tea/Coffee Morning
In the Thai Cottage Restaurant
15 North Main St., Youghal - From 11AM to 2PM
Jean Morris, proprietor Canine Cuties with Willie and Geraldine Morris, Simon
Roche, Clodagh Morris, Bill Morris, Ciara Collins and Baby Ruby
Upper Cork Hill, Youghal
Tel/Fax 024 90578
The Minor Girls Team who competed in the Waterford Schools Track and Field
Championships at the RSC in Waterford.
The Minor Boys Team who competed in the Waterford Schools Track and Field
Championships at the RSC in Waterford. The Junior Boys Team who competed in the Waterford Schools Track and Field
Championships at the RSC in Waterford.
The Junior Girls Team who competed in the Waterford Schools Track and Field
Championships at the RSC in Waterford.
The Intermediate and Senior Girls Teams who competed in the Waterford Schools
Track and Field Championships at the RSC in Waterford.
Bianne de R iste, Laura Lynch, Carol Keniry and Michelle McInerny all off to the
The Intermediate and Senior Boys Teams who competed in the Waterford Schools conamara Gaeltacht in August after winning part scholarships to Colaiste na
Track and Field Championships at the RSC in Waterford. nOitØan
Photo Michael Hussey
House Building
All Paving & Slabbing Donacha O’Cearuill, Runai Conradh Na Gaeilge, Liam O’Laochdha,
Cathaoirleach, Conradh Na Gaeilge and Aingeal Ni Dhomhnaill, Cisteoir, Conradh
Full Range of Groundworks Na Gaeilge with prizewinners
Carried Out
Joint 1st prize winners Majella Nolan and Phil Crowley from Read and Write share
the winning prize with Donacha O’Cearuill, Runai Conradh Na Gaeilge, Liam
Doyle s
O’Laochdha, Cathaoirleach, Conradh Na Gaeilge and Aingeal Ni Dhomhnaill,
Cisteoir, Conradh Na Gaeilge
Restaurant Aingeal Ni Dhomhnaill, Cisteoir, presents 2nd prize to Kay Curtin from Condon’s
Opening in June
Apply to Doyle s Take-Away,
South Main St., Youghal.
Donacha O’Cearuill, Runai Conradh Na Gaeilge presents 3rd prize to Mrs. Quinn’s
Charity Shop volunteers
COME AND Liz celebrating the Official Opening with Gertie Murphy AIB, Helen
Keane and Bernard Kavanagh
Tel: 024 25975
138 "SASSY’S" 138
Sassy’s Accessories has moved from 146 to 138 North Main St
(formally ECO Toys) and the owner who had her re-opening on
Friday 25th April with Fr.Bill Bermingham gave a blessing with
friends and clients who dropped in for a glass of wine.
Elizabeth who runs Sassy’s said she wished to thank the Traceys
for the support and the lovely shop she has had for the last three
years. "It was a lovely shop and set me up in the town of Youghal
which I am very fond of said Elizabeth.
Sassy’s has now got great space to look after clients that wish to
match jewellery and hats and feathers or just wish to have a pres-
ent made.
To pass Sassy’s you may think it looks expensive - no it is very
affordable and unique and all pieces are hand made. Elizabeth is North Cregg singer Claire Anne Lynch pictured with fans after the show
quite happy to have people come in to have a look to see for them-
selves. This is Sassy’s fourth year in Youghal and Elizabeth loves
meeting everyone and helping them match their outfits for wed-
dings and special occasions and making special orders. I make
costume jewellery and feathers and I love it and I hope my clients
enjoy it too!
Deirdre Ni Laoire, Ciaran Coughlan, Martin Leahy from the group North Cregg,
Louise Keating, Sarah McGrath and Micheal De Buitlear
Liam Egan ready for the pain Brian Lucey volunteers for the head shave
Chris Bulman for the chop
Ger O’Connell shaves for charity with MC Tommy Collins and Caitriona Sean Hogan leg wax
Bulman from Go Wild
1st in the Junior Scratch Cup Sponsored By Stephen and Evelyn Hennessy Mick
Frank Whyte Halpin with President John Walsh and Captain Patrick O’Regan and Stephen and
Evelyn Hennessy
Love you Frank xxx Marie Love your Daughter Lyndsay & son Neil
Fiona Hegarty, Lorraine Bernard and Niamh McCarthy Bishop John Magee with Eoin and Mark Motherway and family
Bishop John Magee with Kate and Aoife Finn and family
Bishop John Magee with Kevin O’Sullivan and family Keelagh Cullinane and family
Ballymacoda/Ladysbridge Confirmation
On Sunday, 20th of April we made the short journey to Dungarvan,
for a club fourball, we would like to thank the members of
Cunnigar Pitch and Putt Club for the use of the course and club-
house. The results were; 1st nett Paddy Mangan and Rita Ryall;
Gross Joy Bryan and Paddy Mangan.; 2nd nett Martin Dalton and
Joan Hyde.
Congratulations to Don Sheen, Jimmy McCarthy and Ted Kelly
who will play in the final of the National scramble competition
which will be played later in the year in Dublin.
With no local courses available, we won t be having any competi-
tions for the next few weeks. It will give a chance for our members
to take a little break before the the summer competitions get in to
Bishop John Magee and Sharon Murphy full swing.
Last Saturday saw an exciting conclusion to the Cork Mixed SERVICES
Volleyball League hosted by CIT Volleyball Club in Bishopstown.
Nine teams had battled it out over the course of the league which
28 North Main Street, Youghal - Tel 024 93333
commenced in January for league honours. Made in Europe from
Waterford, baring a huge upset, had secured the top position going ARE YOU A FIRST TIME BUYER OR
into the last day of action. However second place was still to be LOOKING TO REMORTGAGE??
decided and many teams were hoping to improve their league
position with some strong performances on the final day of play.
Bishopstown came into the final day in second position overall If so we deal with 20 lenders and can give you their
however they had some work to do to maintain this with Youghal maximum quote within minutes, allowing you to get
hot on their heels and still in contention for a second placed finish- the best deal possible.
ing. One of the first matches of the day pitted Youghal against
Bishopstown a must win game for both teams. Youghal made the We are also independent brokers for Life Cover and
better start taking the first set 25-18 and looked to have rattled the Mortgage Protection.
Bishopstown side. Bishopstown dug deep in the second set and We are agents for Vivas Health Insurance and will
matched Youghal point for point through the early stages of the
set. More consistent play from Bishopstown was enough to see
offer you a competitive quote that is best for your indi-
them through the set and take it 25-21. Both teams had to be con- vidual situation.
tent with sharing the points and had to await the outcome of later
matches to decide their final placing.
Youghal’s next opponents were the Grasshoppers who went into Contact us today on
the day in 6th position overall. Youghal were comfortable 024-93333 or call
favourites going into this game however they weren’t going to
have it all their own way. Youghal won the first set 25-20 but Norma Spillane
dropped the second set 25-23 to Grasshoppers a crucial loss of on 086-8037684.
points that would turn out to deny them a chance of finishing in
second position. Youghal defeated CIT 2-0 however despite a
Kilcoran under license from Evergreen Mortgages and Finance is regulated by the
good performance they had left it too late in their challenge for Financial Regulator
second place and finished the league in a very respectable 3rd an
Kilcoran are multi agency intermediaries regulated by the Financial Regulator
excellent placing for their first year in the competition.
Bishopstown’s remaining opponents of the day were UCC, where
they recorded 2 sets to 0 win, and Made in Europe the all but
crowned league champions. This turned into an enthralling game.
Bishopstown were the only team to take a set from the Waterford
team throughout the league and certainly started the game intent
on a victory. Some excellent blocking and defensive play by
Bishopstown secured them the first set on a very close score line
of 25-23. Made in Europe came out with all guns blazing in the
second set. They upped the tempo and after some incredible serv-
ing they began to pull away half way through the set to take the
second set 25-17. Both teams shared the points and Bishopstown
I’m sure were delighted to take another set from Made in Europe
and deny them a perfect record in the league.
Lower down in the table the battle was on to secure more points
and improve final league positions. Rebels had a good day record-
ing straight set victories over UCC and VBAK. They put in a very
solid performance against Made in Europe however the Waterford
team prevailed. Rebels finished the league in 5th place overall.
League hosts CIT also finished strongly with wins over UCC and
Waterford team Deise Tigers and took 4th place overall. VBAK
last years champions had strong opposition on their final day.
They pushed Made in Europe all the way in their game and will be
happy with their performance despite being on the wrong side of
the 2- 0 score line in favour of Made in Europe. Their last game of
the day was against Deise Tigers which was another exciting and
closely contested game. VBAK just had the edge and took the first
set 25-20 and the second 25-17 to finish in 7th place overall one
position above the Deise Tigers who finished in 8th.
Made in Europe are the new League Champions and deserving
champions too. They put in a near perfect performance throughout
the competition dropping just two sets over the entire league to
runners up Bishopstown. Congratulations to all the participating
teams who hugely contributed to the success of the league and pro-
vided many entertaining and competitive matches throughout the
contest. We look forward to welcoming all these teams back next ARDRATH PARK, YOUGHAL
season and indeed some new contenders for the 08/09 mixed
league. JUNE 30TH - JULY 4TH
AVRRIL GEARY Alan Costigan
Mogeely, Co.Cork
GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE TELQ 087 9585730 MobileQ 087-6330078 HomeQ 021 - 4623536
AC Computer Solutions
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www.accomputers.ie FREEPHONE 1800-302034
Dick, Kevin & Dermot, Pearl & Sarah, Mossy & Richie, Gene &
Maughread. Best of last five Willie & Jerry. Last game Ann &
The Lotto is building nicely having not been won for several
weeks and has reached the 6000 mark In aid of Under-Age Club, Camogie Club, Defibilator
Tickets are available throughout Town and from many members.
The big night at the Dogs is approaching fast and next Friday Purchase (2) and Adult Training Fund
Night May 2nd all roads lead to Youghal Greyhound Stadium. A
big thanks to all those who have contributed to the cause so far at Youghal Greyhound Stadium
and to the organising committee who have worked tirelessly over
the last couple of months. Please buy entrance tickets before the on Friday May 2nd 2008
night as the Club do not get anything from gate receipts.
Tickets are available from Club Members at 8.00 euro. Tickets 8 available from all members
The annual Golf Classic takes place this year on Thursday 12th Your support is most welcome and all proceeds from pre sold
June and more details on this will follow in later issues. tickets goes directly to the Club.
U16 HURLING LEAGUE Please purchase you tickets in advance.
Youghal Athletic Club
and there will be somebody to run/walk with everybody.
Remember, you are never too slow!!!
Sponsored By Youghal Credit Union Mens Run:
the mens running group continues on Friday night from 7:30pm at
Castlemartyr 4 mile road race results Tides car Park. All are welcome.
Noel Curtin was the first Youghal athlete home in a time of
22:16.On this fast and largely flat course he finished in 9th posi- Childminder
tion overall and 1st in the O/40 category. 24:04 saw our next run-
ner Marty O’Keeffe cross the line. Our onnly lady on the night, Childminder wanted to mind two 7 month old
Niamh Walsh, finished with a personal best time of 26:38. Eamon babies and one school-going child,
Flanagan ran 30:01. Well done to all Monday to Friday Inch Killeagh Area
Marine Climb 6 mile road race, Dungarvan
This is a tough course which begins in the town centre of please phone 087 9484271
Dungarvan and winds it way up the old Dungarvan-Youghal road,
incorporating the infamous hair pin bend and finishing at the O Brien Skip-Hire Limited YOUGHAL
Marine Bar. Noel Curtin was our only athlete to compete in this Collection - Segregation - Recycling
event and ran a time of 37:19 to finish 12th overall and 1st O/40
yet again. This was a very impressive run, considering Noel had
Mini Skip - Midi Skip - Large Skip Best Prices...
Contact Mike: 021 4652454 / 086 389 2563
less than 24 hours recovery from Castlemartyr 4. Great stuff Noel!
Skip Operators Licence: SOL/06/07 - Waste Collection Permit CK WMC 104/02
East Cork Oil Road Championships - Ballynoe Email: [email protected] Fax 021 4652434
It was fantastic to see 8 male athletes competing in the East Cork
Road Championships this year. Noel Curtin, yet again was our 1st
athlete home in a time of 29:28 to finish 3rd. He was well clear of Host Families Required in Town
his old rival Denis McCarthy, who could not close the gap on him Are you interested in hosting long term foreign
and finished in a time of 30:19. Marty O’Keeffe (30:51), Paul
Curley (31:44)Andrew Nicholson (32:44) and Kieran Curley
exchange students?
(36:04) put in a huge effort over this excruciating course to secure For more information including family payment
2nd team place for Youghal. Well done also to Eamon Flanagan details contact 086-8747751
and Pat Arnott who ran times of 37:58 and 38:04 respectively. A The Programme
huge congratulations must go to Niamh Walsh who won the ladies
2000m race in a time of 7:44. Joan Hough of Midleton AC was -Students stay in Ireland for between 3 and 9 months
leading the race until the dreaded hill which is approximately -Live with an Irish Family
500m from the finish. Niamh, an experienced hill runner kicked -Attend a local Secondary School Age:15-18 full
on and left her for dead to seal the title for Youghal!
Krakow Marathon: local coordinator support
Best of luck to Ann Moloney who is competing in her 8th -Students have fluent or excellent level of English
marathon this weekend in Krakow, Poland. Hope all goes well on
3rd In The Open Singles, Sponsored by Barry & 2nd In The Open Singles, Sponsored by Barry & Best Gross In The Open Singles, Sponsored by Barry
Fitzwilliam Ltd. John O’Donoghue with President John Fitzwilliam Ltd. Kevin Kenneally with President John & Fitzwilliam Ltd.Tommy Kenefick with President
Walsh and Captain Patrick O’Regan Walsh and Captain Patrick O’Regan John Walsh and Captain Patrick O’Regan
1 Year Road Tax, FREE
1 Year Warranty, FREE
Auto Centre 1 Year R.A.C. Membership, FREE
On All Gold Standard Cars
Used Cars: 03 Focus 1.6 3Dr - Alloys, Sunroof, Fogs - 49Km
07 Primera 1.6 4Dr SE - Alloys, Air Con, CD - 18Km 03 Micra 1.0 5Dr - CD, ABS, NCT 07/09 - 47Km
07 VW Golf 1.6 5Dr Comfortline - Alloys, A/C - 30Km 02 Mini Cooper 1.6 - Leather, Alloys - 80Km
07 Kia Cee d 1.4 EX 5Dr - Leather, Alloys, A/C - 16Km 02 X-Trail 2.0 Auto - Leather, CD, A/C - 83Km
07 Almera 1.5 4Dr & 5Dr - Alloys, A/C, Fogs - 16Km 01 Peugeot 307 5Dr 1.4 - NCT 08/09 - 82Km
07 Tiida 1.6 4Dr & 5Dr - Air Con, CD, Bluetooth - 16Km 01 Almera 1.5 3Dr - NCT 01/09 - 55Km
07 Micra 1.2 5Dr - P/S, CD - 18Km 01 Ford Ka 1.3 - 3Dr - Alloys - 49Km
06 Hyundai Coupe 1.6 - Alloys, Leather - 22Km 00 Seicento 1.1 3Dr - Sunroof - 33Km
06 Primera 1.6 4Dr SE - Alloys, A/C, Fogs - 24Km 00 Corolla 1.4 5Dr - 86Km
06 Mini Cooper 1.6 - Chilli Pack - 20Km 00 Astra 1.4 4Dr - Alloys, Sunroof - 71Km
06 VW Golf 1.4 5Dr - Alloys, CD - 42Km
06 Astra 3Dr 1.4 SXi - Alloys, CD, A/C - 43Km Commercials
05 Fiesta 1.25 Zetec - Alloys, Fogs, CD - 70Km 06 Pathfinder 2.5 TD LWB - SE - 46Km
05 Corsa 1.0 5Dr - Alloys, A/C, CD- 28Km 06 Toyota Hiace LWB 2.5D4D - 44Km
05 Hyundai Getz - 1.1 5Dr, Sunroof - 40Km 05 Interstar 2.5TD LWB H/R - 20Km
05 Primera 1.8 5Dr Auto - Alloys, Sat Nav - 29Km 05 Scudo 1.9 Dsl - 3 Seats - 46Km
04 Astra 1.4 5Dr - New Shape - CD, NCT 06/10 - 60Km 04 Terrano 2.7TD LWB - A/C - 52Km
Goodbye C.C. Hello C02. That’s the message for everyone buying a
new car from July 1 who wants the best value-for-money, greenest
car. On that day the old regime ends. Road tax will no longer be based
on an engine’s cubic capacity (c.c.), but on how much carbon dioxide
(C02) it emits. Emissions will also affect the rates of Vehicle Unit 5D, Marlhill Court, Foxhole, Youghal
Tel 024 90270 / 086 380 0888
Registration Tax charged. The less C02, the lower your annual road
tax AND the lower the amount of Vehicle Registration Tax paid, and
also the less harm caused to our planet.
From July 1st all new cars registered will be grouped in Emission 04 Jaguar S Type Every Extra . . . . . . . . . . . 29,900
Bands instead of by engine capacity. A car that emits up to 120 grams 03 Landrover Freelander Turbo Dsl Est . . . 16,500
of C02 per kilometre (such as a Fiat Panda 1.2 or a Grande Punto 1.3
litre Multijet turbo diesel) will be in Band A. Owners of these cars 02 Opel Frontera Estate Leather . . . . . . . . . 14,900
will pay just 100 road tax each year. The VRT rate on many cars of 05 Toyota Corolla 1.4 Saloon . . . . . . . . . . 12,950
this size can also be at the lowest rate of 14%, so the price of cars in 00 Audi A4 1.9 TDi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,950
Band A may fall by as much as 1,250.
There will be seven Emission Bands: 00 BMW 316i Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,950
Band A is for cars producing up to 120 g/km, annual road tax 100 03 Hyundai Sonata Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,500
Band B covers 121g to 140g, annual road tax 150 02 Ford Focus 1.4 H/B Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . 8,500
Band C covers 141g to 155g, annual road tax 290
Band D covers 156g to 170g, annual road tax 430 99 Landrover Discovery 7 Seater . . . . . . . . . 7,995
Band E covers 171g to 190g,annual road tax 600 02 Alfa Romeo 166 Leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,750
Band F covers 191g to 225g, annual road tax 1,000 01 Volvo S40 Turbo Diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,500
Band G covers 226g and over, annual road tax 2,000!
Fiat Group Automobiles Ireland has welcomed these changes, 01 Ford Mondeo Turbo Diesel . . . . . . . . . . . 5,900
because the new system will reduce C02 emissions and will reduce 01 Peugeot 206 1.1 LX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,500
the cost of motoring for people who want to go ’green’. The majority 99 Peugeot 206 1.1 LX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,950
of cars Fiat sells fall into Bands A and b, the lowest cost bands. There
are Fiat 500s, Pandas and Grande Punto in Band A, Bravos and Dobl 99 Peugeot 106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,950
7-seaters is in Band B, and by the time the new laws take effect, there 97 VW Passat 1.9 TDi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,950
will also be a Bravo 1.6 in Band A. You’ll see how engine size is now
less important in calculating your annual motoring costs, that from V i e w F u l l S t o c k L i s t a t
now on it’s all about what band you’re in! w w w . k a r z . i e
Motoring with Ger Leahy
Prescription Sunglasses
from 95
Niamh Walsh of Youghal AC, winner of the women’s 2000m at the East Cork Road
Championships, receiving the Albert Muckley Trophy from Dan McCarthy, Designer Prescription Sunglasses
Chairman of the East Cork AAI Board.
from 130
The Irish Kidney Association would like to thank everyone who
supported the Donor Awareness Week from 29th March to 5th Opening Hours:
April. To all those who stood on the street to sell our emblems and - Fri: 9.30am to 5.30pm
the shops who displayed and sold them for the week we say a very
big thank you. To everyone who took the time to buy our emblems Thursday Evening: 5.30 to 7.30pm (Appointment Only)
it is very much appreciated. A total of 1,753.50 was the final sum Saturday: 10am to 3pm
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LADIES Under 16 Cup Final
Wed 16th April - 18 Holes Singles Stroke - Harvey Williams Youghal 9 pts to Douglas 3 pts
Cup Our under 16’s won the south munster under 16 "A" grade cup for
Winner: Sharon Lupton (33) 69 nett; Cat 0-20 1st Maeve Troupe the 1st time in over 20 years when they defeated a gritty Douglas
Kelly (15) 75 nett, 2nd Edel Coyne (13) 76 nett; BG Catherine side at Musgrave Park recently.
Hayes (13) 93; Cat 21-29; 1st Mary O’ Regan (25) 75nett; 2nd Youghal who had defeated cup favoretes Highfield in the Quarter
Kitty O’ Sullivan (24) 75nett; 3rd Veronica Whyte (21) 78nett final were height favourites against the city side who had caused
Cat 30-36; 1st Bernie Cronin (35) 72nett; 2nd Avril Kelly (36) a few shocks in the earlier rounds by defeating a fancied Sundays
77nett; 3rd Amanda O’ Neill Coyne (30) 78nett well outfit while also getting the better of a srong Muskerry team.
10 Holes Singles Stableford1st Kay Curtin (23) 21pts Youghal played against the wind in the first half but took the game
Stand Alone (Winter competition); 1st Sharon Lupton (33) 28pts to there bigger apponents. Out half Alan Frahill - O’ Connor put
Wed 23rd April - Eileen Murphy Scotch Foursomes Youghal ahead after 15 minutes play with a well struck penelty
1st Dympna Quill (17) Ann Galvin (22) 37pts; 2nd Eileen Farrell before Douglas worked their way down field backto kick a penel-
(21) Eileen Cashman (28) 36pts; 3rd Catherine Hayes (13) Aine ty from their full back Eoin Philpott. Youghals fowards were mak-
Martin (23) 36pts ing big inroads into the Douglas defence and ater good runnings
Fixtures: Wed 30th April: Club Singles Sponsored by: Michael by Danny O’ Brien & Anthony Mason out half Alan Frahill O’
Cunningham, Victualler Connor kicked a superb drop goal to make the score 6 pts to 3 at
Wednesday 7th May - Ladies Open Fourball half time.
Sponsored by: Youghal Tiles. In the second half Youghal pressed hard for a try but a tough tack-
GENTS iling Douglas defence kept them out on a nuber of occasions.
Fri 18th - Sat 19th- Sun 20th April - Junior Scratch Cup Youghal side managed to increase their lead when Alan Frahill O’
Sponsored by: Stephen & Evelyn Hennessy; Gross:1st Michael Connor kicked his second penalty but Douglas to their credit
Halpin (5) 73 - Youghal; 2nd Anthony O’ Regan (9) 74 - Youghal; always tried hard yo break down Youghals defence.
3rd Frank Aherne (5) 75 - Mallow; 4th Liam Scannell (6) 75 - The Seasiders did finish strongly with Danny O’ Brien and Dean
Youghal; 5th Eddie O’ Herlihy (9) 76 - East Cork; Nett; 1st Donal Marray going close to scoring. However there was no more scores
Fenton (9) 69 - Youghal; 2nd Joe Barrett (8) 71 - Youghal; 3rd with Youghal winning out deserving winners over a gallant
Declan Geary (6) 71 - East Cork; CSS - Fri: n/c - Sat: 73 - Sun 71. Douglas XV. Everyone played their hearts out for Youghal special
Fri 25th & Sun 27th April Open 18 Hole Threeball mention must go to Danny O’ Brien , Justin McCarthy , Dean
Sponsored by: Fleet Delivery Services (Joe Hallahan) Murry and Brendan Finn who worked hard in the foward. Backs
Presentation of prizes on Friday 16th May at 8.30pm Alan Frahill O’ Connor , Alex Haodlay who played excelent while
1st P.J. Bunyan (9) Eddie Harty (19) Des O’ Halloran (19) 57pts full back Jason Drake was in top form. This was a great season for
back 9; 2nd Patrick Collins (4) Stephen Hennessy (6) Kieran Youghal having lost only one game for the entire season in Cup
Kavanagh (15) 57pts back 9; 3rd Kieran O’ Brien (12) Billy O’
Sullivan (19) Matt Nolan (21) 57pts
Intermediate Scratch Cup
Sponsored by: Mc Carthy Insurance Group
Gross; 1st Luke Swayne (12) 76 - Youghal; 2nd Eoin Hourihan
(16) 79 - Frankfield; 3rd Shane Sadler (12) 80 - Muskerry; 4th
Sean Ring (12) 81 - Youghal; 5th John Looney (13) 82 -
Mitchelstown; Nett; 1st Liam Walsh (15) 69 - East Cork; 2nd K
Griffin (18) 69 - Youghal; 3rd Sean Wade (13) 69 - Frankfield;
CSS - Fri: n/c - Sat: 73 - Sun 71
JUNIOR GOLF Youghal Rugby Club - South Munster U-16 A Grade Champions
Fred Daly Tournament Youghal played Waterford Castle in Coaches Patrick Kiely, Kieran Kenneally and Michael Healy and the Youghal
Youghal on Sunday 20th April and won 4 and half to 2 and half. Rugby Team, South Munster U-16 A Grade Champions
Their next match will against Cahir. Venue to be decided. Team:
Stephen Prendergast - Michael Coleman - Tony Sloane - Alan
Morrison Walsh - Kevin Coyne- John O’ Brien - Keith Mc Carthy.
Subs: Eoghan Keniry & Conor Coyne. Well done lads.
The ladies had three teams out on Sunday 20th April. The
Challenge Cup Team travelled to Kinsale Golf Club (Ringenane)
to play Gold Coast Golf Club and came away with a great win.
The team was: Amanda O’ Neill Coyne - Breda O’ Donoghue - Joe
Swayne - Paula Brennan - Una Cotter. Subs: Mary Murphy &
Moira Crimmins. Team Captain: Sheila Morrison. Their next
match is in East Cork Golf Club against Bandon on Sunday 18th
The Minor Cup Team travelled to Harbour Point Golf Club to play
Gold Coast Golf Club and also came away with a win. The team
was: Patricia Kearney, Mary Pomphrett, Frances Barry, Mary O’
Regan - Sheelagh O’ Callaghan. Subs: Kay Curtin & Breda Doyle.
Team Captain: Catherine Mac Sweeney. The next round will be
played in Kinsale on Saturday 17th May and we await the winners Team Captain Anthony Mason with Coaches Patrick Kiely, Michael Healy and
of Mitchelstown v Cork. Kieran Kenneally
The Junior Cup Team travelled to East Cork Golf Club to play
Cork Golf Club and were beaten 3 & 2. The Team was: Kay
Bermingham - Edel Coyne - Julie Coyne - Denise Fitzgerald -
Catherine Hayes. Sub: Paula Mc Namara. Team Captain: Mary
At The Church Of The Holy Family
Roisin Quillligan with parents Colm and Bernie and family Jack Monaghan with parents Philip and
Noel Landers with parents Adrian and Josephine and brother and sister
Geraldine and brother John
Killian Spigt with Shannon, parents Mary and Aard and grandfather Frank Irwin Stephen McElroy and family
Amy Herlihy and family Coran O’Halloran with parents Gary and Anne and grandmother Teresa
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