Quays: Instinct Newt Own Countr Y Scap A Flow Brand New Cadillac Rannach

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Youghal News
Vol. 5 Issue 15 June 12th 2008
Tel 024 93358 Fax 024 93852
NEXT ISSUE Email: [email protected]
JUNE 26TH Website: www.youghalnews.ie


Ship Street, Youghal Tel 024 91566
Carvery Lunch and Bar Food Daily
Fri, 13th June - THE EVER-POPULAR...

FREE Entry to Nightclub for Bar Patrons
Sat, 14th June - THEY RE BACK, THE FANT

HALF PRICE Entry to Nightclub for Bar Patrons


Fri, 20th June - THE FANT

FREE Entry to Nightclub for Bar Patrons
Sat, 21st June - FROM WA


HALF PRICE Entry to Nightclub for Bar Patrons

Sun 22nd June - OUR VERY


FREE Entry Friday Nights to the Quays Nightclub (Bar Patrons Only)
1/2 Price Entry Saturday Nights to the Quays Nightclub (Bar Patrons Only)
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

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Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

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Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


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Youghal News.....June 12th 2008
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


Main Sponsor DR Developments
By Anthony Horgan
AFFORDABLE HOUSING All-Weather Flood lit Pitch
The clubs all-weather flood lit pitch is available for hire at 25 per
UNDER PART V OF THE hour for five a side pitch or 50 for a full pitch. The season has
come to a close now so more slots have become available to hire.
PLANNING AND DEVELOP- The man to contact with all the details is Jamie on 086-3461540.
School boys & girls awards night!
MENT ACTS 2000 AND 2002 A great night had by all at the school boys and girls awards night
held at the Mall Arts Centre. Guest of honour was Cork City’s
striker John O’ Flynn where he presented teams and individual’s
Youghal Town Council will have houses available at Ardan na with their awards. He congratulated the teams for their success
Mara, Seafield, Youghal in accordance with Part V of the during the season and also the boys and girls who represented the
Planning and Development Acts 2000 and 2002. club playing for Cork at their grades. He also wished the club the
very best for the future. A full list of awards and photo’s can be
seen in this edition of Youghal News!!
Applications are invited from eligible persons in need of afford- A special mention to the Under 13 team who won their league and
able housing. also to the Under 10’s who won a tournament this weekend in
Clashmore photo’s and report also in this edition!
An eligible person is defined as the following: Please log onto www.fai.com to register your child for the summer
soccer camp 2008. All details are given on the site.
A person who is in need of accommodation and whose income Friday 27th June at 8pm sharp in the Walter Raleigh Hotel. All
would not be adequate to meet the payments on a mortgage for club members are asked to attend.
the purchase of a house to meet his or her accommodation Upcoming Season!
needs because the payments calculated over the course of a year The club is looking to fill the following positions for the
would exceed 35% of that persons annual income net of income 2008/2009 season: Junior Team Manager, Under 16 and Under 15
Managers. Anyone interested please contact Billy Cotter on 087-
tax and pay related social insurance. 2282281.

For the purposes of the scheme the accommodation needs of an

eligible person includes the accommodation needs of any other
person who might reasonably reside with the eligible person.

Applicants will be assessed against a points based criteria.

Youghal Town Council will have regard to:

The accommodation needs of eligible persons, in particular

eligible persons who have not previously purchased or built
a house for their occupation or for any other purpose (i.e.
first time buyers).

The current housing circumstances of eligible persons.

Whether eligible persons have been living in the area of the

development plan or elsewhere.

Distance of affordable housing from places of employment

of eligible persons.

Loan finance is to be obtained where possible from private

financial institutions.

Further information and application forms available from:

Affordable Housing Section,

Youghal Town Council, Mall House,Youghal.
Tel 024-92926

Closing date for receipt of applications:

4.30 pm on Friday, 11th July 2008. ARDRATH PARK, YOUGHAL
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


By Michael Twomey ROADS & FOOTPATHS:
Presentation by Edmond O’ Sullivan, Vetinary Department, Cork 1. The manager has recently signed a contract with John
County Council regarding dog fouling and general dog care. McMahon Underground Services Ltd. for the Heritage
Mr. O’ Sullivan gave an enlightened and oftentimes entertaining Regeneration Works on Church Street. The contract value is
presentation on dog fouling and dog care in general. He began by 573,916 (inc. VAT) and is 6 months long. Works on the street
listing the top complaints received by his office. He said the num- have recently commenced with temporary traffic restrictions etc.
ber one issue for the public is ’owned dogs out of control’ with the in place for the duration of the contract.
second most common complaint being ’aggressive behaviour of 2. The contract for laying out the DeValera Street Car Park has
dogs’. The third highest problem noted was that of ’straying dogs’ recently been signed. Ken Hogan Groundworks Ltd. have recent-
with dog fouling the fourth matter on the shortlist to concern the ly commenced works on the contract which is twelve weeks long.
public. Mr. O’ Sullivan stated that there has been a ’dramatic This contract will result in a further thirty seven car parking
increase in complaints from residents associations’ and admitted spaces for the main street are of the
that it is a logistic ’nightmare’ trying to make penalties stick with Town.
the difficulty of matching the owner with the dog. He was quick WATER:
to point out that the fault does not rest with the dog in all of the 1. The reservoirs are currently at full storage capacity with an
aforementioned issues but with the owner of the dog. He added average daily demand approaching 600,000 gallons per day.
that people ’detest’ dog fouling because it is ’aesthetically noxious’ 2. I am unaware of any problems with the Waste Water Drainage
and expressed his amazement that dog urine is ’not covered under System currently and all pump stations seem to be working satis-
legislation’. Council members looked visibly disgusted as Mr. O’ factorily.
Sullivan ran through some of the health implications when dog OPEN SPACES:
owners refuse to pick up dog foul. He said that some parasites can 1. All the town planting should be completed later this week and
survive for up to three days on waste and that one particular egg the repainting works at the 1798 Memorial Park and on going and
with a thick layer has the ability to survive for five to ten years. nearing completion.
"This could be on the sand a child is playing with," he said.
"Every time a stool is passed an egg is present," he added. Most Votes of Congratulations.
surprisingly was the statistics for prosecution of dog owners. Mr. Cllr. Beecher congratulated all involved in the recent dredging
O’ Sullivan said that as far as he knows only one prosecution has from the jetty to the mall. Cllr. Linehan-Foley congratulated the
been carried out in the last 6-7 years. "Legal people are loath to do efforts of Chatterbox who, she said are doing ’great work for the
it," he said. He then informed the members of the type of action kids of the town’. She also praised Finbarr Hannon and Harmony
the Cork County Council takes. He presented leaflets on respon- on their very successful show ’From Here to Broadway’.
sible dog ownership and poster warning of the dangers to public Cllr. Revins congratulated the Munster rugby team on lifting the
health, adding that the posters had had a dramatic effect in European Cup and all those connected to Youghal Rugby.
Midleton. He added that he has visited primary schools to educate
children on dog ownership. Mr. O’ Sullivan stressed that there is a Town Foreman’s Report.
perception that Councils are obliged to provide dog litterbins. He Cllr. Linehan-Foley asked that the Council find funding from
said this was not the case and that ’any bin will do’ for owners ’somewhere’ to get the millennium playground reopened. She said
looking to dispose of dog foul. He added that he ’does not like’ the she has had a lot of correspondence from the public on the matter
pooper-scooper bags and said a plastic scented bag used typically and said the public is reticent to use the other playgrounds in the
for nappies are much more effective. Cllr. Casey asked if the estates ’because they feel the playgrounds belong to the estates’.
health of the dog would make a difference to the toxins in the dog She asked if there was ’any news from Bus Eireann’ in relation to
foul. Mr. O’ Sullivan confirmed that a well cared for dog helps the the suspension of the proposed Catherine St. bus stop. She added
issue of public health. Cllr. Revins ventured that tagging the dogs that walkers using the town walls sally ports are requesting that a
would help with identification. Mr. O’ Sullivan agreed and said all bin be erected for dog foul. Cllr. Casey picked up the thread by
dogs would be ’microchipped’ with greyhounds being exempt. requesting bins be erected for walkers on the ’one mile route’ from
Cllr. Linehan-Foley wanted clarification on the matter of ’danger- the golf links entrance on Golf Links Rd. to the top of Raheen
ous dogs’. She said some owners of dogs such bull terriers are liv- Park. He also recommended the use of plastic bags, which he
ing in areas not suitable for such animals. "Can anybody own any noted, are hung at cemetery gates for free in London. Cllr. Burke
kind of dog," she asked. Mr. O’ Sullivan confirmed that this is had a number of items. He said the chains at the diving rocks need
indeed the case. He said owners are obliged to follow guidelines replacing, grass at the town walls shop needs cutting and asked if
for restricted dogs such as muzzling but admitted that only a dog the Council website is under reconstruction. The Town Clerk con-
warden witnessing abuse of guidelines could lead to investigation. firmed that it is. Cllr. Revins informed the members that Seafield
He added that the other alternative was for residents to submit a Estate is experiencing some anti-social behaviour and suggested
written and signed complaint. "Which doesn’t happen for obvious that lighting would improve the situation. Cllr. Murray said an
reasons," he concluded. Cllr. Beecher said he had not seen any extra bin is needed in the Mall area. She also suggested that sand
poster on public health in Youghal. Cllr. Linehan-Foley said the would be a cost effective alternative to rubber in the millennium
Tidy Towns committee is against having them erected. The Mayor playground. She added that the Catherine St. car park is in need of
asked the Cllrs. to defer discussing this matter until a later date. a ’lick of paint while the ’low wall below the entrance to the Golf
Club has fallen’. Cllr. McLellan informed the chamber that the car
Report of the Town Clerk on Matters Arising from the Monthly park at Raheen Rd. ’needs spraying’. She added that ’taxis are
Meeting of Youghal Town Council held on 12th May 2008. mounting the footpath at the end of Windmill Hill’. She asked that
HOUSING & BUILDING: a bollard be erected to prevent this as some altercation had recent-
1. The tenders for the planned maintenance contract for the bal- ly taken place when a taxi had endangered a disabled pedestrian.
ance of Council houses in Dermot Hurley Estate are due to be She asked that footpaths adjacent to St. Mary’s church be repaired.
opened at tonight’s monthly meeting of the Council. The tenders The Town Clerk replied that the paths are included in the Church
will then be passed to the Council’s Technical Staff for assessment St. regeneration programme. Cllr. Beecher lamented the gathering
prior to the appointment of a contractor. of youths indulging in underage drinking at the back of Green
2. We will be advertising four new affordable houses at Ardan na Park on Friday nights. He said the park is littered with bottles and
Mara this week, they consist of 1 x 2 bedroomed house, 2 x 3 bed- said the Council might let their concerns be known to the Garda .
roomed house and 1 larger 3 bedroomed house. Application forms He cited the entrance to Green Hole as ’dangerous’ and concluded
are currently available from the offices of Youghal Town Council. with a request to have the overgrowth behind St. Mary’s grounds
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


the Garda . He cited the entrance to Green Hole as ’dangerous’ and Mayor’s Business.
concluded with a request to have the overgrowth behind St. The mayor expressed his gratitude to the Youghal GAA club for
Mary’s grounds cut. The Town Clerk said he would reply to all their hospitality to Eastern Europeans on a bike tour recently. He
queries in his monthly report but wished to express his views on also thanked Michael Hussey, Christy Parker and Seany Ring as
the playground at the Millennium Garden. He said Youghal had no well, as Doyles chip shop. The Mayor paid tribute to the Public
playgrounds in 2000 and can now boast three. He said ’a lot of Realm Conference saying it was a ’great showcase’ for the town.
money’ had been spent and that the playground is in need of resur- Praise was also forthcoming for art students at Pobailscoil na
facing. He confirmed the Council is ’awaiting funding from Tr on ide for their efforts in creating posters for disability aware-
RAPID’ which, he said, typically comes in June. The mayor said ness. He said he hoped the Council ’might use the winning entry’
the town was ’very honoured’ to have three playgrounds and the for the Council’s own campaign for creating awareness. The
Council ’would do the best we can’ to have all three operating at Mayor counteracted the negative publicity over the recent loss of
this time of year. The mayor then expressed his dismay at the a blue flag on the front strand by expressing his pride at erecting
ongoing disruption caused by boy racers. He said the situation is the blue flag for Claycastle beach. "We should remember that
’getting out of control’. He praised the Garda for their efforts but some coastal towns don’t have any blue flag," he said. Cllr.
bemoaned the continuation of the problems suffered by locals as Murray added that following forthnightly checks on water quality
a result of boy racing activity. Cllr. Beecher likened the Claycastle the water in Youghal is ’now perfect on all three beaches’.
car park to ’Mondello race course’. Cllr. McLellan said she had
experienced ’a near miss’ by the railway station when a boy racer Report of the Harbour Municipal Policy Committee by Cllr.
tried ’to overtake another car on a corner’. Cllr. Beecher expressed Casey.
the view that Garda technology should move from analogue radio Cllr. casey said that the aim of the committee is still to achieve a
to digital to prevent boy racers from tracking their movements ’world class marina for Youghal’. He added that the committee is
while Cllr. Linehan-Foley said the Garda had been present at considering by-laws of Kinsale regarding moorings and might
Claycastle ’for the past three nights’. adopt similar laws. He said members had looked at the possibili-
ties for raising funds for a launching facility on the quayside with
Cork County Council Items. the Town Clerk offering two other locations as suitable launch
Cllr. Burke asked if the County Manager is satisfied with the zones. He concluded that new signage on speed limits within the
progress being made in the pursuit of a blue flag for Red Barn. bay are being made available.
He said there would be no better way for Youghal to ’bounce back’
than to have ’three blue flags in 2009’. He again requested that the Report on Claycastle Leisure Company Ltd. by Cllr. Casey.
double yellow lines at the entrance to the Coast Guard Station be Cllr. Casey was happy to report on all positive aspects of the
extended to prevent ’large jeeps’ obstructing the view of exiting Leisure centre in its financial reports and in its popularity amongst
traffic. He said the odours from the landfill site are ’still bad’. He the public. "I’m delighted to see it being so well attended and
asked if for an update on traffic management plans for the bottom operated," he said.
of Cork Hill, requested that footpaths be repaired at Tallow St. and
Strand St. and wanted to know if there will be any funding made Report on Hatherton, T/A enterprise Youghal by Cllr.
available this year for the front strand promenade. He concluded McLellan.
by asking if the Council intended to continue with their plain to Reporting on progress at St. Mary’s College Cllr. McLellan said
put recycling bins by the railway station. ’progress is good and works should be completed in approximate-
Cllr. Linehan-Foley wanted to know if there had been any feed- ly six weeks’. She added. "There is a problem with the tower and
back regarding her request to have the Rifle Range removed. She that needs to be underpinned, as it is a listed building." The Cllr.
asked that her proposal to push on with a campaign to reopen continued that ministerial consent would need to be ’sought’ and
Youghal Railway would not ’slip away’. The Town Clerk said he Archaeological Consultant, Dan Noonan has requested this con-
had written to the Department of Transport and is awaiting a reply. sent. She said the cost of office space has yet to be finalized but
Cllr. Beecher informed CCC that there are two pot holes at the suggested that rates would be ’very reasonable’. She concluded.
Quarry Rd. one of which, he said, is ’caving in underneath’. "The "A site tour was organized so the board could see first hand the
stopcock cover outside the Thai restaurant is missing and needs transformation of the building and the views were spectacular."
replacing," he added. He again reminded CCC that disabled
spaces have been requested for both Raheen Park and the Coast Update of the Thundercats European Beach Challenge 2008.
Guard Station. The Town Clerk said ’everything is going well’ adding. "We are all
Cllr. Murray wondered why work at SruthÆn na Sall had come to very much looking forward to it."
a stop. She advised CCC of a pot hole outside the Coffee Pot. She
then expressed the view that ’something has to be done about Date for Annual General Meeting of Youghal Town Council.
Claycastle (boy racers) before adding that while cutting has taken The date for the Annual General Meeting of Youghal Town
place at the slob bank a section was left. She took this opportuni- Council is June 16th and will begin at 6.45.
ty to suggest that the slob bank walk be extended.
Cllr. Casey asked that the Council ’move with the times’ regarding Any Other Business.
a traffic management plan for Youghal. He expressed his desire to Cllr. Linehan-Foley asked that some decoration be applied to the
see the introduction of mini roundabouts, extensively used Porte cabin on the quayside in order to brighten it up for the
throughout Europe, and the construction of emergency service upcoming Thundercats event. She said some people were under
friendly ramps ’that only slow down speeding traffic’. Cllr. Savage the impression that it is for the Kathleen and May, which she
asked that CCC not to forget the extension of the outfall pipe at stressed is now gone. The Cllr. also asked that the Council support
the front strand. Cllr. Beecher revisited the dog fouling issue by young archer Katie O’ Brien who is hoping to go to Egypt for
stating his wish to see public health posters erected at the begin- Olympic training by affording her some much needed funding to
ning and end of all popular walks. pursue her chosen sport.
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Thundercats Launch At The Mall Arts Centre Photo Michael Hussey

Sgt. Orla Coghlan, Captain Patsy O’Regan, Firefighter Alan Sheehan, Janette Hickey and Pat McCarthy from
Paddy De La Cour and Garda Pat Grace the Ambulance Service Guests on the Media boat

Janette Hickey, Ambulance Service, Angela Hehir, Tommy Roche with Mary
Linehan Foley and husband John Aileen Ahern, Phylis Foley, Kartina Griffin and Siobhan Sheehan

Media and Press- Shane Supple Reporter, Katrina

Griffin, Youghal Tourism, John Hennessy Sports Aileen Ahern, Youghal Tourism, Mayor David Savage
Photographer, YoughalOnline Cameraman Kieran and Michael Farrell, President Youghal Chamber at
McCarthy and Maria Moynihan the Press launch Noel Mackey, Barbara Murray and Denis Broderick


Bunscoil Mhuire blessing of Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes will
take place on Thursday the 12th of June 2008 at 2.00 pm. (weath-
er permitting) Parent’s/Guardians, Friends of the School and mem-
bers of the Parish Community are welcome to come along and join
in our celebration of the Rededication of the Grotto.
Fionan Murray with Tommy Collins Gavin Tivy and son Neil on board The
from CRY Sea Hunter
HIGH SPIRITS is celebrating the end of term with a fundraising
CAKE AND BOOK SALE on Saturday 21st June 11am - 1pm in
the Youghal Community Centre. The children will be showcasing
some of their work also. There will be tea and coffee available too
so come along and join us for a fun morning.

Colin and Marion Doyle Phil Tivy and Michael Farrell YOUGHAL NEWS
Next issue June 26th
download the latest edition at
3,500 Copies FREE
Sal Tivy and David Fitzgibbon Colin Doyle and Derek Kiely
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


By Cllr. Barbara Murray N25 between Carrigtohill and Midleton The proposed closure of
several medians on the N25 has caused huge concern for the peo-
GOOD NEWS FOR FRONT STRAND YOUGHAL ple of Carrigtohill in particular. The Midleton Area Committee
While so far we have not suceeded in regaining our Blue Flag for would not agree to sign off on this proposal until the short term
this beach, the visitors to the Front Strand can swim with the options and longterm options were put out to public consultation
knowledge that the water is of a Blue Flag standard. There have especially for the people of the area to have their say. These sug-
been two water quality tests done in the past three weeks and both gested median closures are as a result of a safety review on the
have shown that the water quality is of a very high standard. I N25 between Carrigtohill and Midleton, it was felt that the closure
would be hopeful that we will regain our Blue Flag for next year, of 4 of the median openings and the realignment of the remaining
it would be highly unlikely that we could have such a bad combi- 2 median openings would benefit all road users by making this
nation of weather conditions hit us again all at the one time. The section of road safer. Meeting will be held outlining both sets of
Blue Flags will be announced in Dundalk on Monday June 9th and plans early July.
formal handing over of flags to each area will take place shortly Addressing Litter on N25 The whole issue of how we deal with
after. Claycastle will have a Blue Flag and a lot of work is being this problem has had an enormous amount of media coverage.
undertaken to ensure that Redbarn will also be a recipent in the Cork County Council have started litter picking and grass/hedge
near future. Water quality testing is also being done for Redbarn cutting in the last month. In order to maintain the N25 with one
and again the tests are excellant and meet Blue Flag standard, grasscutting operation and one spraying operation it is at a cost of
carparking is presently being worked on. about 200,000 to the Council. It would seem fairly obvious that
Slob bank Amenity Walk Work has started to improve this won- the resouces are just not there to maintain the upkeep that is
derful walk. Grasscutting and spraying should be all finished in required in order that the area in general would look presentable
the next week or so. The continuation of this walkway will be pur- at all times. With the support of the Midleton Area Committee a
sued and hopefully general improvements will be visible all motion has gone forward on behalf of Cllr Barbara Murray calling
round. This particular walk is enjoyed by an enormous number of on the NRA to remove all landscaping from the middle of the N25
people every day and I have no doubt that there are many out there and replace with a concrete barrier. These barriers are already in
that have never esperienced this wonderful facility. place in the South Link Rd and also on the Watergrasshill road.
Struhan na Sali Works ongoing on this County Council affordable They look clean, slick and there is no maintenance, there would
housing estate. The green area will now be a usable space with the also be the advantage of gaining more road space. Response from
provision of additional badly needed carparking spaces. These NRA is awaited.
works should make a huge improvement to the area. European Beach Challenge June 20th -22nd Its all systems go for
LANDFILL SITE this huge event for Youghal anyone looking for an exciting week-
A lot of work has been undertaken by Cork County Council to end Youghal is the place to be.
alleviate the odours that are coming from the Landfill. The latest
update is that the contract for capping works has being fast-

tracked, it is envisaged that the installation of a capping system for
the landfill is the permanent solution to the odour issue at the land-
fill.. The capping works for Cells 6,7 & 8 started on June 3rd, the

contractor is also preparing a detailed works programme and time-
frame for the project at present also the contract is being tailored
to address sources of fugitive emissions of gas from the site. The
capping involves sealing the cells with a covering of heavy duty
plastic that will be welded together, when cell is completely cov-
ered it will then be covered with soil with ventilation pipes
stragetically placed to allow for gases that are to be flared, it will
be a much more controlled situation. Hopefully there should be
major improvements, in addition the amount of waste being taken
in at present is decreasing with waste collectors looking for alter-
native landfill. The Youghal landfill has about 12 - 18 months left
before ceasing to operate. The Youghal International College will open its
MAJOR ROADWORKS TAKING PLACE door to Irish Students from 6 to 17 years old, (vari-
Main Street Midleton will be closed from the Gyratory to the Main
St. Junction with The Rock. The works are scheduled to take place ous groups according to age will be organised),
from Monday June 23rd to Friday 18th July 5pm. The purpose of from the 7th to the 26th of July 2008.
the proposed temporary closure is to facilitate full road recon-
struction including installation of ducting and drainage, recon-
struction and resurfacing of roadway and road markings. The children will have Spanish class and various
Alternative Route is as follows: For Main St. traffic - via group activities, including Sports, from Monday to
Riverside Way, Balick Road, and CBS Rd., Dungourney Road Saturday in the afternoon. There will be a Disco
traffic - Via Broomfield Village, and Mill Road. The area engineer
has assured the traders of Midleton that this work will be done in
two evenings a week.
the fastest possible timeframe. It is unfortunate that these works
had to be done during the summer months, but on this occassion The fee this year is 90 per child for the three
it was unavoidable. I would be advocating that no major infrastur- weeks.
al works take place in any of our towns and villages during the
months of July, August and December.
Killeagh The works in Killeagh will commence during September If you wish to avail of this opportunity, please regis-
and finish in January. The contract will include two men operat- ter your child at the Youghal International College
ing a stop and go system. There is no alternative route suggested,
but most local traffic will be aware of options that can be taken. Office from the 1st to the 4th of July at 2.00 p.m.
Further updates will be passed on nearer to time. Tel. 024-93939 or 087 6265208
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


Photos by Michael Hussey

now exhibited in such an accessible space. "Billy was also a great

lover of books," said his wife, Bridget at the ceremony. "He would
have been so happy to know that his painting was hung in the
library where so many people can enjoy it."
Youghal Visual Arts Festival would like to thank the Cork County
Librarian, Ruth Flanagan for her support and for allowing them to
use the space for the first ever festival. They would also like to
thank her for making the journey to Youghal amidst her busy
schedule to receive the painting on behalf of the Youghal Town
Youghal Visual Arts Festival would like to give a very special
thanks to the family of the late Billy Flavin, our thoughts are with
you at this time.
For further details phone 0874126213 or email youghalvisualarts-
[email protected]

Back Row: Ann Marie Kenneally, Joan Pakeman, Colin Pakeman, James Deane,
David Savage, Mayor of Youghal, Karen Gallogley, Breeda Phillips. Front Row:
Margaret Griffin, Sheila Loughnan, Ruth Flanagan, County Librarian, Bridget

M. Lyons
Flavin, Amanda Hogan, Visual Arts Youghal and Marion O’Halloran, Youghal

Paving Contractor

Tel: 086 8358503

Ruth Flanagan, County Librarian, Bridget Flavin and Amanda Hogan, Visual Arts
Driveways, Patios,
Youghal Visual Arts Festival Kerbing etc.
At 4pm on a warm Friday in May a small but intimate
group of family and friends gathered in the Youghal Town Library
to witness the presentation of an oil painting by local artist the late
All Types of natural
Billy Flavin.
In the first year of the Youghal Visual Arts Festival the festival’s stone.
Central Gallery was opened for the week to the public in what is
now the Youghal Town Library. The space lent itself well as a
visual arts space and a huge array of local, national and interna-
tional artists displayed work for the week. Among these exhibitors
was a local artist by the name of Billy Flavin. Word had got to the
Free Quotations
festival committee that he had some paintings that would fit well All work fully guaranteed
in the exhibition and after further investigation this proved to be

very true. Billy was invited to exhibit a selection of his work in the
Central Gallery as part of the ’Moments’ exhibition and in a local
shop window as part of the ’Walking Gallery’.

As part of the ’not for profit’ ethos of the festival it was decided
that a painting would be purchased by the festival committee to be
donated to a local public space as thanks to the towns people for
the support that they gave to the first Visual Arts Festival. An oil Curraghboy, Youghal, Co. Cork.
painting entitled ’Winter’ by Billy Flavin was selected. Tel: 024 92850/93469 Fax: 024-92977
At this point in time the Youghal Library was in process of relo- Manufacturers of Quality Blinds
cating to the site of the Central Gallery and it was decided that the
Roller, Vertical, Venetian, Velux, Conservatory
presentation would be delayed until they were settled in to their and Pleated Blinds, Flyscreens
new premises. This took a little longer than expected and the final
opening date was nearly a year later on the 6th June 2007. Opening Hours:
Presentation of the painting was delayed as sadly on the very the Mon-Fri 9.30a.m. - 5.30p.m.(Closed 1p.m. - 2p.m.)
day of the opening of the new library Billy Flavin passed away. As Open Saturday by Appointment
tribute to such a talented local artist it is fitting that the painting is All Quotations, Measuring and Fitting Free
Free Home Consultancy
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Youghal Indoor Bowls Paddy Neville Paramedic HSE

Presentation of Prizes 2007/’08 Retires after 21years
Photo Michael Hussey
Photos Michael Hussey

Paddy pictured with his wife Elizabeth and granddaughter Rachel

Pairs Competition: John Hamshaw, Chairman Youghal Indoor Bowls, presents the
winning prize to Kitty Shiels

Pat McCarthy, Acting Station Team Leader, Mick Norris, Asst. Chief Ambulance
Officer, Paddy Neville Paramedic South Ambulance Service HSE (Retired) and
Kevin O’Sullivan, Operations Officer
Trial Competition: John Hamshaw, Chairman Youghal Indoor Bowls presents the
prizes to Jan Goodwin (3rd), Dorothy Bulman (2nd) and John McGrath (1st)

Standing: Pat McCarthy, Acting Station Team Leader, Mick Norris, Asst. Chief
Ambulance Officer, Paddy Neville Paramedic South Ambulance Service HSE
John Hamshaw, Chairman Youghal Indoor Bowls presents the second prize to (Retired), Kevin O’Sullivan, Operations Officer and Pat Murphy, Ambulance
Sheila Kenneally and Jack Donoghue Service with South Ambulance Service crew.

League Competition: Winning Team; Bridie Walsh, Lilly Bulman, Rose Russell
O’Donovan and John Goodwin pictured with John Hamshaw, Chairman Youghal
Indoor Bowls. South Ambulance Service Crew Pat Murphy, Paddy Neville and Agnes O’Sullivan
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Retirement Function For Class of ’63 Reunion

Retired Teachers Pat Barry At The Quality Hotel, Youghal
and Margaret McCarthy Photos by Michael Hussey

From Bunscoil Mhuire

Photos by Michael Hussey

Pictured are the lads who celebrate their 50th Birthday this year. They were all
born in 1958 and started class in the Youghal C.B.S. back in 1963!

Mary Mulcahy, Chairwoman Youghal Branch INTO; Declan Kelleher, President

INTO; Retired Teachers Pat Barry and Margaret McCarthy From Bunscoil
Mhuire; Ted O’Brien, Secretary Youghal Branch INTO and Catherine Foley,
Treasurer Youghal Branch INTO

School Buddies Jimmy Revins and Paudie Donoghue

Kilcoran Financial Services

are Independent Brokers for mortgages, life cover,
critical illness cover, sickness and accident cover,
education policies, savings, pensions, lump-sum
investments and mortgage protection policies.
Declan Kelleher, President INTO, wishing the very best to retired teacher Pat MORTGAGES:
Barry who served 41 years and Margaret McCarthy who served 35 years with the Had financial difficulties in the past or currently having
financial difficulties, that’s ok, we’ll see what we can do.
Cystic Fibrosis Association Personal & Business Loans also arranged
Charity Fundraiser
Finance and Leasing
For best independent quote and advice contact
At Gaelscoil ChorÆin
Photos Michael Hussey J.J Flavin
(advising clients since 1988)
Kilcoran Financial Services under license from Evergreen Mortgage Services Ltd t/a Evergreen Mortgage
and finance is regulated by the the financial regulator as a mortgage and insurance intermediary
Kilcoran are multi agency intermediaries regulated by the Financial Regulator

J.J Flavin also provides advice on

European and Worldwide Properties.
We currently have investment opportunities in
London, Prague, and Crete with prices ranging
from 85,000 to 500,000. We may have some-
thing to suit you.
100% and 88% mortgages available on some
properties. Rents are designed to meet
mortgage repayments in most cases.
The investor may need to make a small
contribution. Feel you’re ’too old’ to put big
money into a pension, a second/investment
property might be the solution.
Terms and Conditions apply.
Liam McCarthy, Cork Cystic Fibrosis Association, Pr omh ide Sean O’ Murchœ
and teacher Eoin O’ Siochrœ with pupils from Gaelscoil ChorÆin who raised 370 Contact J.J on
which will go towards The Build 4 Life campaign 087 8128236 or 93333.
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Pobalscoil Na Trion ide/Youghal AURA YOUGHAL LEISURE

Disability Action Awareness CENTRE SHORT-LISTED FOR
Group Poster Design Awards
Photo Michael Hussey TOP HYGIENE AWARD
Aura Youghal Leisure Centre has been short-listed for a Hygiene
and Food Safety Award presented by the Excellence Ireland
Quality Association (EIQA).
The award comes under the Annual Quality and Excellence
Awards organised by EIQA.
Rosaline Normile, Aura Youghal Operations Manager, said she
was delighted to be among the finalists for the prestigious award.
’We attach particular importance to maintaining the highest possi-
ble hygiene standards in Aura Youghal Leisure Centre and our
inclusion in the short list for an EIQA award reflects that.
’Within the first 12 months of our opening in August 2006, Aura
Youghal Leisure Centre had won the Hygiene Mark (Grade A).
’Our continuing focus on hygiene standards give customers peace
Congratulations to Pobalscoil Na Trion ide 5th year Art students Sarah Jane
Daly1st, Sarah Roche 2nd and Chloe Hogan 3rd pictured here with David Savage, of mind that they are enjoying our top-class facilities in the best
Tides Restaurant, Sponsors, Pat Reilly, Chairman YDAAG, Sara Walsh, YDAAG, possible environment.
Jeni Dorian Lee Art Teacher, Jimmy Flanagan, representing Flanagan uPVC ’The criteria looked at on the visit to the centre were commitment,
Windows/Doors and Doyles Take-away, Sponsors, and Eoin Flanagan YDAAG
approach, performance & review and structure & services, so the
The Youghal Disability EIQA leisure centre award includes all aspects of the business, not
Action/Awareness Group just hygiene but all over quality’ Rosaline noted.
The Annual Quality and Excellence Awards were established in
The Youghal Disability Action/Awareness Group is currently 1969 to promote business excellence across all industries, with
researching the needs of a rural bus service for Youghal and sur- over 3000 companies entering the competition.
rounding area for the whole community. If you or anyone related to The awards are split into 24 categories spread across three main
you live in the following areas, this maybe of interest to you: areas - Quality and Excellence, Hygiene and Food Safety, and
Castelmartyr, Killeagh, Ballymacoda, Gortroe or other surronding Employee Management.
areas. If we have enough people in need of the bus service we will
The winner will be announced at the awards ceremony in the City
be able to campaign to bring it to our community. For further infor-
mation please contact Stacey Quinlivan, Community Development West Hotel on the 25th of September 2008.
Worker at Cumann Na Daoine on 024-91900. Last year, Aura Youghal Leisure Centres won two other sought-
after awards presented by EIQA - the Team of the Year Award and
the Team Player of the Year Award.

h ear L
Hearing Enhancer for Aural Rehabilitation
The awards are split into 24 categories spread across three main
areas - Quality and Excellence, Hygiene and Food Safety, and
Employee Management.
Aura Youghal Leisure Centre’s facilities include a 25-metre swim-
ming pool, five-lane lanes learner pool, 65-metre flume slide,
state-of-the-art fully equipped gym, fitness studio, health suite and
The centre employs some 30 highly trained staff - almost all of
Monthly whom are from the local area.
Aura Youghal Leisure Centre is family-focused and community-

Hearing Aid based and caters for people with disabilities.

The unique pay-as-you-go option means that customers can use
the state-of-the-art facilities when they wish and without any long-

Clinic term commitment.

A series of courses including slimmers programmes and an exten-
sive range of fitness classes are available daily, all taught and
monitored by Aura’s staff.
Emmet Place Surgery Aura provides swimming lessons for all ages (under fours to
adults) and for all levels of abilities.
1 Emmet Place, Youghal Further information about the leisure centres operated by Aura
Tel (024) 93552 Sport and Leisure Management is available at
Thursday June 19th www.auraleisurecentres.ie

Hearing Test, Consultation and Advice is FREE

Latest digital technology available
50% PRSI Grants may apply
3,500 Copies Free Every
Also service, repairs, batteries, earmoulds, Fortnight
swim plugs, noise protectors etc.
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


Gaelscoil ChorÆin By Christy Parker
Eochaill One of Youghal’s most promising young sports stars is hoping she
can fulfill her immense promise despite increasing demands on
her time and
Katie O’Brien,
17, is fast fash-
25th Year ioning a major
reputation in
the world of
Celebration She currently
female indoor

and outdoor
and Fundraiser National Junior
titles. She has
represented her
country over
At Youghal Greyhound Stadium the past two years, and was part of the squad that finished second
in the 2007 Euronations championships.
De hAoine Meitheamh, 2008 Already being coached by Irish national coach Hans Brun, at the
Artemis Cork Archeries club, Katie is deemed a potential future
Friday June 20th at 8p.m. Olympian -possibly London in 2012. Her immense potential has
seen her selected to travel to Egypt at the end of June. "It will be
tweleve days of Olympic style training, where we will shoot 450
Tickets 10 each available from Cree s Card arrows per day," says the excited teenager. Afterwards she is
expected to join the Irish Junior squad prior to the 2008
Shop or from the School Euronations in Wales and, should Ireland enter, the World
Championships in Turkey in September.
Her very participation and her progress beyond these competitions
is in serious doubt however. Presently unemployed, the strain on
her resources is immense. "I have to travel to Cork every week to
train at Artemis and I also travel there to practice in my dad’s
backyard whenever I can. Then I have to travel to competitions all
over the country and buy equipment, which is very expensive,"
she explains. "Its very hard because I get no funding whatsoever.
The Sports Council will fund part of our Egypt expenses but we
have to contribute to that too."
While her family do what they can, Katie has now composed let-
ters seeking help from local and Cork businesses. "I desperately
need sponsorship of some sort," she pleads, her eyes, for the first
time, losing their sparkle when talking of the sport for which she
lives. "I don’t care if it’s one off, a longer term sponsorship deal or
if I can get some sort of work to get the finances I need to keep
Friendly and inherently humorous, Katie’s pre-occupation with
her precision sport is neither novel nor new. "I can’t remember
what first inspired me, but I remember shooting arrows when I
was just five, during a trip to Wales," she smiles. "I can’t remem-
ber never wanting to shoot." She joined Artemis four years ago,
since when her ability has blossomed. The eldest of four girls, she
"simply couldn’t live" without the sport. "I injured my shoulder a
few months ago and nearly cracked up," she declares earnestly.
When not pointing an arrow, music is one of the few other strings
to her bow. It’s not a participatry pursuit of course, but Nirvana,
Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Lincoln Park, manage to hit the mark.
Elsewhere, the Munster and Ireland rugby sides may somehow
manage to distract her gaze, though not for long!
Archery is one of Ireland’s less debated sports. The country’s
Olympic representation is usually quite small, since first being
represented by James Conroy at the 1976 games. In 1984, two
women, Hazel Greene (20th place) and Mary Vaughan (39th) car-
ried the flag. "We’ve yet to win a medal," Katie sighs. Perhaps
2012 Meanwhile inquiries/assistance for Katie at: katiealisono-
[email protected]
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


024 93919 / PAT RYAN: 086 3524588
AT YOUGHAL LAWN TENNIS CLUB 06 Kia Sorento Commercial
Photo Michael Hussey
06 / 07 Kia Magentis Diesel
05 Mazda 6
01 Renault Clio 2.0
01 VW Polo 1.4
01 Toyota Corolla
08 Demo Kia Cee d Petrol
04 Kia Rio
08 Demo Kia Cee d Diesel
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05 Kia Cerato
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02 Subaru Legacy Estate
07 Kia Rio
02 Peugeot 206
07 Mazda 5 7-seater
01 Seat Cordoba
07 Kia Cee d EX
00 Hyundai Accent (Auto)
06 Kia Rio
00 Skoda Fabia
05 Seat Cordoba
00/02 Fiat Punto
05 Opel Vectra 1.6
Caroline Hunt and Annelee Casey with Bernard Cashman and Martin Finn with 00 Toyota Avensis Diesel
Kieraan Quill and Nick Raicevic Rosemary Kelly and Trish Leahy 05 Ford Focus H/B
00 Opel Astra Estate Diesel
04 Nissan X Trail
99 Honda Civic 1.4
04 Hyundai Terracan
99 Seat Toledo Diesel
04 Renault Megane
99 Ford Fiesta
06 Kia Sportage Diesel
97 BMW 316 Coupe
06 Citreon C2 VTR
Trade-ins taken. Finance Agreed
Linda Donoghue and Ger Flanagan Grainne Scully and Ita Treacy Free Wash and Vac
with Service and Repairs

Lawns Planted and Cut
Linda Donoghue, John Hunt and Ita Treacy
Shrubs and Tree Trimming
Power Washing
and General Maintenance
Top Soil Delivered in 25Kg to
1.5 tonne bags

Maintenance Free Flower Beds

and Rockeries a speciality

Bernard Cashman, Cathy Dorrian, Nora Veale, Valerie Hunt, David O’Connell; Tel 087 1343023 or 087 6884630
Front: Paudie O’Donoghue, Kieran Leahy, Paddy Corkery and Frank Delaney
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008



Anne and Amy O’Brien, Laurence and Clodagh

The Barton Family and friends Pat Joyce, Mary and Kay Kenneally Fitzgerald

Fiona Murphy and Mary Corkery with Amy Quirke, Phoebe Whelan, Holly-Rose
Twomey, Heather Curley, Saoirse, Sharon Sinnott
Lorna, Harriet and Imogene Gallogley
Jason, Veronica, Tristan and Leroi and Uisce Hagan

Jennifer Gallogley and Eileen Stephens

with Ciaran, Kareena and Emer Richard and Kelly McCarthy Albert Ruxton, Roseanna Malone, Lisa and Jamie Lee

Eleanor Mulcahy and Sarah Jennings

Margaret and Ben Coady, Orla, Leah and Caitlin Hennessy and Isabel Ryan www.youghalnews.ie
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

YOUGHAL ATHLETIC CLUB First in action was Nikita Savage in the Intermediate Girls Pole
Vault competition where 9 athletes were competing for the medals.
Nikita started the competition with a clearance of 2.20 and was
CHAMPIONSHIPS TULLAMORE successful at 2.40,2.50 and 2.60. Nikita took the silver medal los-
ing out only on count back as she had cleared the same height as
the winner.
Michael Healy competed in the Intermediate Boys High Jump in
which was a really tight competition, made more interesting by a
thundershower just before the start of the competition, making
jumping very difficult. Michael entered the competition at 1.70
and worked his way through the height to clear 1.85 metres miss-
ing out narrowly on 1.89. Michael won the Silver medal, just
missing out on the gold on count back. Michael also competed in
the discus where he finished 6th with a throw of 36.5 metres
In the junior girls Javelin Patricia Curtin was competing in her first
ever all Ireland Schools Competition. Patricia threw 25.33 metres
to gain 6th place, this was excellent throwing by Patricia and was
competing against girls a year older than her.
Michael Healy Nikita Savage It was a fantastic performance all round by the Athletes concerned
not alone to get this far but to be able to compete at such a high
On Saturday the 31st of May the All Ireland School standard. Great credit must go to the teachers involved in making
Championships were held in Tullamore Co Offaly, Youghal possible for the Athletes competing at school level, especially Mr.
Athletic Club had 3 athletes competing at the championships Raceivic of Pobalscoil Na Trionoide.
which is possibly the biggest of all underage competitions in the A special thanks to Emer Kelly who travelled to Tullamore on
Country, where the top athletes compete in Categories (junior, Saturday and gave up her time to officiate at all the Pole Vault
Intermediate and Senior) instead of individual age groups. Competitions.

YOUGHAL CYMS GO Junior Snooker Team Finals

The junior snooker team finals were held last Saturday and all the
INTERNATIONAL players showed great skill on the green baize. The players turned
out in the obligatory dress code, which was great to see. Snooker
On the weekend of July 5th the Irish U14 snooker teams will take amongst the juniors was never so popular at the society and all the
part in the International Challenge Cup against teams from Wales championship tables are in constant play. The tables are kept in
and Northern Ireland, Ireland will be attempting to retain the tro- impeccable order due to the high standard of care by the four care-
phy which it won last year in terrific fashion against Wales and takers and the tournament committee ran the event to a strict
Qatar with Youghal’s Christopher Cooney as part of the victorious timetable. The President of the Society William Kelly thanked all
team. This year Youghal CYMS will make a major contribution those involved and a special mention to Brendan Cooney who
to the Irish teams when no less than 3 of our juniors will be repre- acted as tournament referee throughout the matches and co-ordi-
senting their country in the Ivy Snooker Rooms in Carlow. nated the event. Thanks also to all the junior scorekeepers who
Michael Hennessy of the Market Square, brother of James played an important role for each of the matches. Well done to the
Hennessy our first junior international, Aaron Tobin of Chestnut winners, the runners-up and to all the participants who took part in
Drive and Kenny Wight of the Golf Links Road grandson of the this very competitive and enjoyable snooker tournament
late Jack Trihy, will play for Ireland for the first time. The qualifi-
cation for this honour was attained by the boys playing in ranking
tournaments in Carlow over the past 6 mths. This has been a won-
derful achievement, the 3 boys have brought great honour not only
to the CYMS but also to their town of Youghal and of course to
their families as well. Michael, Aaron and Kenny are excellent
young members of the Youghal CYMS. Their attention to prac-
tice, advice and their down to earth attitude will stand them in
good stead when they take part in this international tournament
and all of the members wish the lads every success. Over the last
3 years 5 junior members of our society have represented their
country these boys represent everything that sport should be about,
the "occasion" alone of playing for your country is an experience
in itself, and it is important that these 3 young boys enjoy the
moment and keep their feet firmly on the ground. I am sure that Runners-Up-Aaron Tobin, Aidan O’Neill, Steven Prendergast, Mark Flaherty, Lee
these young boys will perform in a manner that will do justice to Walsh with YCYMS Hon. Vice President Brendan Cooney
their endeavours.

Winners: Keith McCarthy, David Cashman, Sammy Hassan, Joseph Yellop, Conor
Youghal CYMS Internationals Kenny Wight, Michael Hennessy and Aaron Tobin Hennessy with YCYMS Hon. Vice President Brendan Cooney
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


Baby Girl Under 8 80mts Under 8 80mts
Congratulations to Mary [nee Fleming] and Pat Roche 1st Adam Lombard 1st Kelly Truswell
Ballyheeney on the birth of their daughter a most welcome baby 2nd Luke Coughlan 2nd Rose Walsh
sister for Ian and Joe, best wishes form all your family and friends 3rd Ian Roche 3rd Sarah Whelan
Sympathy Under 10 100mts Under 10 100mts
Deepest sympathy is extended to the Barton Family Kinsalebeg on 1st Patrick Prendergast 1st Kate O Neill
the death of husband and father James Barton. James died peace- 2nd Isaac O Sullivan 2nd Jessica Truswell
fully on Thursday last June 5th at Waterford Regional Hospital . 3rd Brian Lynch 3rd Kate Cliffe
Requiem mass for James on Saturday last at the church of the Under 10 200mts Under 10 200mts
Most Holy Rosary Midleton, was followed with Cremation at the 1st Brian Lynch 1st Kate Cliffe
Island Crematorium Ringaskiddy. 2nd Thomas Cunningham 2nd Aishling Keogh
Clashmore Ramblers Alpha Lotto 3rd Max Quinn
Our Clashmore Ramblers Alpha Lotto draw took place on Under 10 60m Hurdles Under 10 60m Hurdles
Wednesday night last and the letters drawn were V P J X . We had 1st Luke Seward 1st Sarah Whelan
no jackpot winner but we did have three lucky winners of 20 2nd Finn O Sullivan 2nd Tara Ledingham
each Mick C\O Pa; John Flynn C\O The Ole Mill ; Liam Curran 3rd Sergei Quinn 3rd Maeve Lynch
Clashmore Under 12 100mts Under 12 100mts
Well done to all our winners and thanks to everyone for their sup- 1st Declan Condon 1st Edel Murphy
port remember our Jackpot next week is 3100 when our draw 2nd Eoin Coughlan 2nd Zoe Hogan
takes place on Wednesday night. 3rd Edmond Hynes 3rd Clodagh Whelan
Ole Mill Poker Classic Under 12 600mts Under 12 600mts
Our weekly poker classic continues this week at the Ole Mill in 1st Ryan Thomas 1st Clodagh Whelan
Kinsalebeg, on this Wednesday at 9.30pm. Following the previ- 2nd Ian Burke 2nd Paula Cliffe
ous weeks absence- due to concert fever we were back on track 3rd David McGrath 3rd Elena Hynes
last Wednesday and our winners were Evelyn and Catherine Under 14 100mts Under 14 100mts
Mansfield. 1st David Burke 1st Chloe Walsh
This week we extend birthday greetings to godfather and godson, 2nd Marie Hynes
Michael Hickey and his godson Tom [Bottles] Keogh who are 3rd Emma Curran
both celebrating their birthday s this week. A very happy birthday Under 14 -80m Hurdles Under 14 -80m Hurdles
to you both. 1st Christopher Burke 1st Penny Nuttall
Clashmore Kinsalebeg Community Games 2nd Paul O Connor 2nd Elena Hynes
Area Athletics Finals 3rd Daniel O Neill
Again this year Clashmore Kinsalebeg Community games Area Under 14 800mts Under 14 800mts
Athletics day was well supported, the committee would like to 1st Emma Curran 1st Maurice Ledingham
take this opportunity to thank to everyone who came along on the Long Puck Under 12 1st Conor Lynch; 2nd Jack Foley; 3rd
day. A very special word of thanks to Clashmore Kinsalebeg Luke Seward
GAA Club for making their pitch and the clubs facilities available Please note first and second prize winners in all events from under
to us for the sports- and the club officers who very helpful made 8 upwards have now qualified for the county finals which will be
effort to facilitate us on the day . Thanks also to our sponsors of taking place at the regional sports centre in Waterford. Athletes
the highlight races of the day the mom s and dad s races -Aine attending are asked to wear white shorts club shirts will be provid-
Curran of the Decies Bar and Edmond Ledingham lunch for ed. Congratulations to all the prize winners and best of luck to
two vouchers were won by John Quinn [winner of the dads race] those of you taking part in the county finals of Community games
and Colette Whelan [winner of the mom s race] . These were two in Waterford on June 22nd.
hotly contested races with lots more than the prizes at stake! In the Clashmore 45 Drive
men s race the outgoing title holder - Peter Fitzgearld was the one Monday nights joint winners at the 45 drive in Clashmore on ten
to watch however the men from Kinsalebeg came in force and games were Margaret and Dan Leahy Maura McGrath and John
John Quinn s sprint over the final few yards was enough to win Connery In third place on eight games we had John Motherway
him this year s title. The ladies too were equally competitive and and Tom Osborne. In best of the last five slots we had Mary
we had lots of hidden talent here, in the absence of last years win- Dower and Jack Douris and our lucky last game winners were
ner we had a number of favourites here and for a while it looked Kathleen Osborne and Eileen Dower, Tomas Allen and Mary
like the title would go Clashmore way, however a final sprint with Curran, Mary Fleming and John Cliffe John Smiddy and James
just a few yards to go was just enough for Kinsalebeg lady Connon well done to all our winners and thanks to everyone for
Collette Whelan to clinch the title .John and Colette will be able their continued support
to enjoy lunch at the Decies Bar from the first weekend in July Clashmore Kinsalebeg Ladies Football
when Decies resumes serving food. Blitz
On to the main events of the day the children s races the results Our thanks to all players who travelled to the Blitz last weekend
of all our athletic events were as follows: we had two teams and all received medals and treats.
Boys Girls Junior Football Training
Toddlers Toddlers Ladies we would like to remind all you of junior football training
1st Nicolas Hynes 1st Taylor Lombard each Wednesday and Friday nights at 8.30pm in the GAA grounds,
2nd Darragh O Neill 2nd Sarah Cliffe all players are asked to make a special effort to attend training.
3rd Jamie Joyce 3rd Clodagh Fitzgearld Clashmore Kinsalebeg GAA Club Lotto -Jackpot 3900
Under6 60mts Under6 60mts Our weekly lotto is now 3900 and everyone has a chance to win
1st Jack Lombard 1st Isobel Sweetnam it just get your ticket in for next weeks draw which takes place on
2nd Will Walsh 2nd Laura Buckner Monday night at the Decies Bar.
3rd Josh Fitzgearld 3rd Aileen Hynes Last weeks numbers were 3, 5, 7, 27,
Under 8 60mts Under 8 60mts Well done to the following who were this weeks lucky winners of
1st Sam Fitzgearld 1st Mary Kate Seward 20 each; Fergus Hennessy Clashmore; John Hurton Clashmore;
2nd Jack Sweetnam 2nd Rose Walsh Paul Kelleher Ballinamultina; Fergal Walsh C\O Hickeys; Caitlin
3rd Finn O Sullivan Kemp C\O Curran Aglish. Thanks to everyone for their support
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


Fiddler on the Roof will open
in The Mall Arts Centre, SCIENCE PROJECT
Youghal on Sunday 15th June
and run for 5 nights until AWARDS 2008
Thursday 19th of June. While
Opening Night is Sponsors
night there will be a limited
number of tickets available on
the door. Tickets are 12 for
adults and 8 for children until
12 years of age. Tickets on sale
in Crees Card Shop on the
Main Street.
Youghal Musical Society was
formed in 1993 and have pre-
sented many of the best known and loved musicals such as
AND I, to mention just a few. This years show, Fiddler on the
Roof promises to be our best show yet. The story centres on
Tevye, the father of five daughts and his attempts to maintain
strong family and religious traditions while outside influences
encroach upon their lives.
The story is charming and the music is simply wonderful. We
have a host of talent from Youghal and the surrounding areas.
Students representatives from each class who participated in the Discovery
The cast and production team are looking forward to curtain up Primary Science Project Chloe Cinifeic, Holly Ni Thuama, Michelle Ni Chadhain,
and entertaining our patrons with a truly wonderful and memo- Sinead Ni Chuane and teacher Caitriona Ni Riada -Sitting:Kyle O’Laochdha, Aoife
rable show. Ni Mhurchu, Benjamin Colin

Write a Book Prizewinners- Tristan Daibhis, Saoirse Nic Stiofan, Heather Nic
Thoirleagh, Molly Nic Craith

Eola ocht/Science: The school has been awarded the Award of

Science Excellence 2008 for their active participation and involve-
ment in a range of age appropriate scientific investigations and
experiments. Each class from Rang 1 to Rang VI performed
experiments in the in the classroom under the guidance of their
respective teachers. Rang V attended a workshop based on elec-
trical circuits in Blackrock Castle Observatory while Rang VI
embarked on a trip to Lismore Heritage Centre where they partic-
ipated in a series of workshops based on acids and bases, air pres-
sure etc. This very worthwhile project was co-ordinated by muin-
teoir Caitr ona N Riada, sÆr obair. Three pupils will be chosen to
attend a ceremony in the City Hall in Cork on June 13th to accept
this award on behalf of the school. ComhghÆirdeas to all involved.
Scr obh Leabhair/Write-a-book: ComhgÆirdeas to the boys and
girls of Rang 111 agus Rang IV who participaated in the Scr obh
Scenes from the Rehearsals
Leabhar project recently. School children from all over Munster

were invited to write a book as Gaeilge and a panel of judges then
selected a selection of these books to be downloaded onto a CD
Rom and also the Scr obh Leabhair .com web site. A total of four
books from Gealscoil ChorÆin were chosen!! The winning authors
NEXT ISSUE JUNE 26TH were Saoirse Nic StiofÆ n, Rang 111, Molly Mic Craith, Heather
Nic Thoirealaigh agus Tristan DÆibhis, Rang IV. Maith sibh a
dhalta . This project was co-ordinated by mœinteoir Liam Riain,
www.youghalnews.ie sÆr obair. Ar s, comhghÆirdeas to all involved.
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


First Prize in the 3 Ball Competition presented to P. Drummy, D. Kiely & C.

Ruxton by John Walsh & Austin O Keeffe; sponsored by Gleesons Tipperary

Special Offer for the Month of June

Receive a complimentary file and polish on the hands or feet
with every full body spray tan

Best Gross: Karl O Flynn with John Walsh, Rory McGrath (proform) sponsor,

& Austin O Keeffe

The excitement among pupils, staff & parents of South Abbey NS
has been building for weeks when an overcast warm day arrived
on Sunday 8th of June. The school’s PTA hosted a Family Fun
Day in Youghal’s College gardens, to raise money for an interac-
tive whiteboard for the school. The crowds enjoyed the Grand
Summer Raffle, Bouncy Castle, Face Painting, Book Stall, Splat
the Rat, Beat the Goalie & much more. Many children after hav-
ing their faces painted had a go themselves by painting flower- 1st Prize in the Open Singles presented to John O Brien with Rory McGrath
pots. There was entertainment by Youghal Comhaltas & a few (proform), sponsor, John Walsh & Austin O Keeffe
brave entrants in the Glamorous Granny & Knobby Knees com-
petitions. All went home happy with smiles on their decorated
faces clutching painted pots, ice-creams, prizes, homemade cakes
& balloons.
The South Abbey National School PTA would like to thank all
those who gave donations and time to make this day successful:
Youghal Credit Union, Bank of Ireland, Permanent TSB, AIB,
Brookes Supervalu, Aura Leisure Centre, Trabolgan Holiday
Village, Fota Wildlife Park, Walter Raleigh Hotel, Tesco, Lidl,
Centra, Spar, Vivo (Crowleys), Liam McCarthy’s Newsagents,
Amber, Sports & Leisure, Blooming Flowers, Toymaster, Lynda
Ramsay, Youghal Visual Arts Festival, Comhaltas and Irwins.
Special thanks to Youghal Youthreach, Dan & Jenny Murphy for
their artwork & construction work. Another special thanks to St.
Mary’s Collegiate Church & Youghal Methodist Church for loan
of furniture and Dan, Elliott, Pat, Jean & Tony who moved it.
Finally a special thanks to Youghal UDC & Frankie Keane for the 3rd in Open Singles: Brendan McCarthy pictured with Rory McGrath, John
use and maintenance of this lovely setting. Walsh & Austin O Keeffe
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008



Loreen Sweeney & Sarah Arnott

Tom & Margaret Crowley with SiobhÆn & Ronan Haskett

La La Dalton, Mary Cronin & Angela Hehir with Fionn Dalton & Mary Daly, Catherine Arnott with her daughter Sarah who organised the
GrÆinne Lawlor charity event

Pauline Plante & Joan O’ Connell

To make a donation to the Laura Lynn
Children s Hospice Fund, contact:
National Irish Bank, Main Street,
Sheila Keneally with her grandson David Arnott Pat O’ Neill with her daughters Ann & SiobhÆn Blanchardstown, Dublin 15. A/C Sort
& Jo Power and grandson Garry Moloney Code: 95-15-02 Number: 01087029


The first ever group of students to sit the Leaving Cert Applied in Elysee & Galerie Lafayette. The trip also included a visit to one
Youthreach enjoyed a very successful trip to Paris last month. of the most famous cemeteries in the world - Pere Lachaise, where
Three students, Natalie Moylan, Marcella Reilly and Louise they visited the graves of Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, Maria
Jones, along with two teachers, Conor Gurrin & Maeve O Leary Calais & Edith Piaff among many others.
travelled to the French capital to sample some of the Parisian cul- The visit was short but they managed to pack in a large chunk of
ture and brush up on their French, prior to sitting the French oral the city in that time. Since returning home the students have com-
exam. pleted their French Oral, aural & written exams feeling extra con-
The group visited some of the most famous landmarks of the city fident after having had first-hand experience of practising their
including the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, The Opera, The Champs new language skills.
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Tourist Guide to Services & Shopping in Youghal

Sli na Slainte
Sli na Slainte Youghal (path to health) was developed by the
Irish Heart Foundation. This route is marked by colourful sign-
posts which are situated at 1KM intervals. Suitable as a daytime
route and can be walked in both directions.Starting at the Mall
House on the Mall, follow the route along Strand Street, South
Abbey and onto Lighthouse Road You will pass the 1KM sign,
just outside the lighthouse.Passing the lighthouse, notice stun-
ning views over the River Blackwater and the beach.Continue
onto the Front Strand to
the 2nd KM marker at the end of the car park. Turn around at
this point, backwards to the Mall House to complete your 4KM

Summerfield Ring Walk

Summerfield and ring start at the Strand Palace Apartments, on
the beach. Proceed to caravan park - right. Walk straight -
through crossroads, up the hill. At top keep right - straight on,
pass the school and round, down cork hill. Turn right at t-junc-
tion, and back through town, and up lighthouse hill. Approx.

The Bank Wildlife Walk

Take a walk along the banks of the Blackwater River. This pic-
turesque walk will take you passed the quayside and shipping
centre and up the river bank to Foxhole. This walk is of special
interest because of the wildlife living in the area, fox, badger
and otter frequent the bank region while, mackrel, flounder and
bass are often caught from the shoreline.

Ardmore Cliff Walk

The beings at the new Cliff House Hotel, the walk takes you
around Ardmore Head and Ram Head passing the shipwreck
known as the Sampson Wreck. On your walk you will pass the
old Coastguard Station, The Castle, the lookout post, used for
observation during World War II, and Father O’Donnell’s Well.
Now the path follows a series of bends away from the sea and
arrives, via a gate, at the end of the lane. Follow the road up to

The Coachouse
a T-junction and continue straight on until you reach the 12th-
century Round Tower, which rises to a height of just over 29m.
Hikers now have the option to either end their walk here by
turning right back down the the town centre and Cliff House

Hotel or they can continue onto Goat Island by taking the
unsigned road opposite the Round Tower. Follow this country
road until you reach a junction where you take the first left,
which is signposted for Goat Island, beach and rock fishing.
Your route carries on down the windy lane to the sandy cove at
27 North Main Street, Youghal, Co. Cork Goat Island. Retrace your trail and follow the signs for Whiting
Bay. A detailed map of the walk is available at Youghal Visitor
Tel (024) 92435 Fax (024) 90268 Centre.
email: [email protected]
www.theoldimperialhotel.com Glenbower Woods
Glenbower gets it’s name of "gleann-bodhar" or "Deafening
Serving Lunch Daily Glen" from the noise the Dissour makes when rushing headlong
in winter through the valley. Today this romantic glen offers its
Dinner 6 - 8.30pm visitors the opportunity to walk, stroll run or just sit and enjoy
Early Bird Menu 6 - 7pm its peaceful tranquility.
The scenic road from the Lower to the UpperCar Park is a beat-
Now serving Food Friday, Saturday & iful walk in itself, many prefer to park below and use the foot-
Sunday from 12.30 - 9pm path which runs parallel to this road.
Full Cocktail Menu The Woods is located just ten minutes drive west of Youghal,
the entrance is along side The Old Thatch Pub in Killeagh
Beer Garden Village
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Tourist Guide to Services & Shopping in Youghal


The Youghal Socio-Economic Development Group wishes to Aherne’s Townhouse & Restaurant Kelly Wholesalers
thank all sponsors who have given so generously towards funding Dan Noonan Archeological Consultant A.I.B. Youghal
this year’s Thundercat European Beach Challenge June 20th - Brooke’s Super Valu Murphy Insurances Youghal Ltd
Also, our media partners, in particular Youghal News for coverage Silver Sponsors 200 - 500
given to date of the event. The Gate Le Gourmet
Walsh’s Pharmacy The Nook
GC Motherway & Co O’Neills Oil
SPONSORS INCLUDE: Dannelle Fashions Gazebo’s Restaurant
Main Sponsors: Youghal Engineering Ltd Devon View
Cork County Council: 20,000 The Coffee Pot Kevin Power
Youghal Town Council: 20,000 John & Sharon Flavin Avonmore Town House
Youghal Socio-Economic Development Group: 5,000 Yawl Bay Seafood
Youghal Credit Union 3,000 Bronze Sponsors 150
Muckley Jewellers Maggie May’s
Platinum Sponsors: ( 1,000 and over) Moby Dicks Hennessy Sports & Leisure
Quality Hotel The Walter Raleigh Hotel All Other Sponsors
Farrell’s Summerfield Bar The Central Star - Mackeys Condon Flowers Cree’s Card Shop
The Quays Bar The Cliff House Hotel, Ardmore Genesis Elite Engineering
Marine Motors A Whale of a Time Youghal Book-keeping Services Read + Write
Tytex Ireland Ltd www.theirishriviera.com Youghal Dive Charter Mikey O’Regan Auctioneers
Dyno Rod Perks Entertainment Centre Horan’s Health store Maxgrove Furniture
The Red Store Bar & Restaurant Doyle’s Takeaway Sherry Fitzgerald Hennessy Property Partners Burke Wall
Roma Grill Greencloyne Partnership Keniry’s Garage O’Dwyer’s Shoes
Irwin’s Electrical & Photographic Youghal Burke Wall + Assoc. Youghal Chemist ltd
Structural Glazing Specialists Carleton Resorts Michael Cunningham Butchers Rotisserie Sam
Clear View Auctioneers
It’s still not too late to make a contribution to the hosting of this
Gold Sponsors 500- 1000 event! If you wish to make a donation to the fund please contact:
Lenane Developments JD’s Bar Youghal Town Council: 024-92926
Oliver Casey Cal Flavin ltd. Youghal Chamber: 024-92447
Denis Broderick & Sons Youghal Golf Club
Youghal Socio-Economic Development Group: 024-91423
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Tourist Guide to Services & Shopping in Youghal

Family Fun
Aura Leisure
At the Aura Leisure Centre Youghal there is something for every-
Go Wild
one, whether you want to get fit, loose weight or de-stress. You can
work out in the gym or take one of our many fitness classes, or
maybe you want to bring the kids for a swim or simply relax in our
Hair Care
Health Suite Area, the choice is yours. The centre really has to be Unit 2, River Gate Mall, Youghal
seen to be believed, you don’t have to be a member you can just Tel 024 20212
pay as you go !
Perks Entertainment
Perks Entertainment Centre has something fun for all the family. Gift Vouchers Available
Situated in Youghal, East Cork you’ll find a variety of top class Proprietor: Clodagh Kenny
activities for all ages in comfortable and spacious surroundings.
Some activities include: Tenpin bowling, Lazer Tag, Adventure
Play Centre, Adult only Casino & Roulette, Video Games,
Carousel, Bumper Boats, Derby Racer, Ghost Train, Kiddies
Rides, Snooker & Pool and lots more.
If you feel peckish you can eat at ’Mac Perkies’ Fast Food
Midsummer Gala Ball
Restaurant. There’s also a novelty gift/tuck shop. Birthday parties, Youghal Arts Network: Midsummer Gala Ball in the Mall
corporate outings, fundraisers, leagues and school tours are all Arts Centre on June 14th. Dancing to the music of the
catered for. With over 70,000sq ft of indoor entertainment not
Roaring 40’s Swing Band, food by Le Gourmet and drink
even the weather can spoil your fun! PERKS where every minute
is packed with family fun. Free Parking. Free Admission
and refreshments courtesy of Beamish and Crawford.A few
Youghal Pitch and Putt remaining tickets are available from the Tourist Office and
Pitch and putt your way across fairways and bunkers for winning from Gallery 126,North Main Street.Proceeds from the
glory. Located right on the beach front Youghal’s 18 hole Pitch night will be used to fund a programme of events for the
and Putt course is open all year round. Summer Fest from August 2nd to August 16,details of
The course layout is a varied array of lakes and hillside to put which will be on the new tourist site for Youghal:-
every level of skill to the test. Groups are welcome and prebook- youghal.ie. Tickets are 50-.
ing is not necessary, Clubs hire is available.
Mill Road Playground
Youghal’s Mill Road playground is suitable for children 0-6 years

Xpress Stop
and 6-12 years with a range of equipment to keep them entertained
for hours, Slides for all ages, Springers, Agility Equipment, Play
Houses, Swings, Furniture and Multi-Play Units. The playground
is free and open to the public every day.
Soccer School 47 North Main Street,
The National Irish Bank FAI Summer Soccer School Youghal
Programme... the official soccer schools of the Football
Association of Ireland. The National Irish Bank FAI Summer
Soccer Schools are the most enjoyable and safest place to be this
summer. They are open to boys and girls aged between 7 & 15 and
will take place this year in Youghal .All our coaches are FAI
New Proprietor
Accredited, referenced and Garda Vetted. We aim to ensure best
practice in Child Safety and Welfare to ensure your child is in very Robert Swayne
safe hands indeed.
Youghal Tennis Club is open all year round. Weekly or daily mem-
bership is available for visitors. Tournaments held throughout the
summer months. Tennis Court keys are available at Youghal One Stop For All
Visitor Centre
Youghal Greyhound Stadium Your Daily Requirements
Youghal Greyhound Stadium offers a dynamic and exciting night
out for the whole family. Races are held every Tuesday and Friday
Night. During the summer months entry is free every Tuesday,
light refreshments are available throughout the night.
The Regal Cinema
Lights, Camera, Action! Youghal’s Regal Cinema boasts three
screens all showing the latest blockbusters. Matinee movies are Mon-Sat 8am - 11pm
also shown in the afternoons. Popcorn, candifloss, chocolate and
soft drinks, the cinema has a range of goodies guaranteed to keep
you munching until the end of the movie!
Sun 9am - 11pm
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Tourist Guide to Services & Shopping in Youghal

Welcome to Youghal - I do hope you have a pleasant holiday here.
It is one of those amazing seaside towns that will one day be dis-
covered and probably ruined if it is!
Suil Eile
When you come along the road into Youghal and come over the
brow of the hill after Moll Goggins corner, you suddenly see the
Lighthouse and behind it the whole panorama of the river
Blackwater. There may be a few sailing boats in the bay . Stop the
125 North Main Street, Youghal
clocks - it is holiday time. This is the first of two articles looking
at the possibility of cycling in the Youghal area . Let me assure you
Tel 024 91118 - Fax 024 91128
Email: [email protected]
it is a wonderful place to cycle.
Check the website of the local cycling club - called Youghal Optometrist:
Cycling Club - for more detailed instructions on cycling in the
area. It also contains photographs of Ardmore and other sights to
Sue E Doherty BSc. FAOI
visit by bike.
Ardmore is my first choice of a cycle for visitors- this combines Extensive Range of Children s
two wonderful possibilities - you could cycle to Ardmore and then Frames and Sunglasses
do the cliff walk ! If you don’t have a bike you can still do the
walk! If you don’t like walking you do a little more cycling. Check
the website.
Why Ardmore you might ask? - you must see the Round Tower,
Maui Jim, Armani,
the early Christian carvings on the gable wall of St. Declans , the
even earlier monastic ruins, see a fine Ogham Stone, you should
Gucci, Hugo Boss, BollØ
do the Cliff Walk and you can enjoy some wonderful food if you
stop in one of the restaurants in Ardmore. Believe me it is worth
10% OFF
it! The view from the cliff is stunningly beautiful, the wide beach All Designer Sunglasses
is unspoilt, the old coastguard station will bring you back in time
to an era of shipwrecks and smugglers. The cycle is not too Open: Tue, Wed, Thurs, Fri 9.30a.m. to 5.30p.m.
demanding and quite short - about 15 kilometres each way - the and Sat 10a.m. to 3p.m.
main Youghal Dungarvan road is very wide and suited to cycling.

There is a gentle climb but not too strenuous. You can do it !
Route : Starting at the Clock Gate in Youghal ( the centre of town)
head east out of town, following the one way traffic flow. You pass
two roundabouts - the first is near Tesco and Lidl - keep going in
the same easterly direction. At the second roundabout take the TOWN AND COUNTRY SUPPLIES
third exit and you soon come to Youghal bridge. The easiest route Unit 3, Yawl Business Park, Foxhole, Youghal
is to stay on the main Dungarvan road until you reach the Tel/FaxQ 024 - 20625 MobQ 087 2889159
Ardmore turning point after about 8 kilometres. It is an easy cycle

- not too demanding, not too long.
You could then return by the same route to Youghal, or you could
return a few other ways - check the Youghal Cycling club website

for other possibilities like a visit to Goat Island or Ferrypoint
before rejoining the main road and heading home.
Our next cycle will be to the west of Youghal - until the next time
then - on yer bike! Pedal for pleasure!.
Shrubs, Bedding, Seeds, Compost, Bark Mulch,
Foliar Feed, Lawn Seed, Chemicals, Lawn Feed Weed

91 North Main Street, Youghal
and Moss Killer, Pots, Furniture, Features and much,
much more

Tel 024 92596
Coal, Gas, Briquettes
OPENING HOURS: Large Selection of Greyhound Food
Mon, Tues, Wed 9.00am - 5.30pm
Thurs: 9.00am - 8.00pm Fri: 8.30am - 6.00pm Dogfood from
Sat: 8.30am - 3.00pm 12.50 / 15kg
We Specialise in Redken Hair Large Selection of
Colour and Products Agri Inputs &
Your stylists are Marie, Michelle, Grainne, & Theresa General Hardware
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Tourist Guide to Services & Shopping in Youghal

New festival era beckons
TELEPHONE: 024 92189 FAX : 024 20912
By Christy Parker E-MAIL: [email protected]
Youghal is awash with anticipation as what is expected to be the
town’s finest ever festival draws closer from the horizon. On the
weekend June 20th-22nd, it will hit the shore, hopefully sweeping
all before it on a wave of celebration.
Anchoring it all is Thundercat racing. Over 30 of these high-speed,
versatile craft will compete in the Thundercat European Beach
Challenge at Claycastle. There will be eight races across two days
over a standard ’M’ shaped course (with chicane) of 400 by 300
metres. Up to 30,000 visitors are expected to watch the two-man
boats perform at over 60mph adjacent to shore.
The weekend will form part of the 2008 European Thundercat
RYA (Royal Yachting Association) Championship, which is run
over eight months. Primarily contested on UK and European cir-
cuits, this will mark its debut in Irish waters. The Youghal com-
petitors will largely be a mix of French, British and newly compet-
ing Irish racers.
The races will be conducted under the guidance of the Irish Sailing
Association’s new Motorboat Division. With Thundercat boats
costing as little as 12,000, the Association hopes the Youghal
venture will initiate a new dimension in watersports in Ireland.
Thundercats are derived from South Africa’s surf rescue boats,
which are designed to face extreme challenges. Skimming across
Decleor Paris, coming to
the water, the hull riding on a cushion of air bubbles, at full speed Walsh’s Pharmacy Mid-June.
they exercise a 2g pull at corners, giving it a better power-to-
weight ratio than a Ferrari. While spectators may crave fine weath- considered, boat racing is to visit us every year, then building a
er, the boats perform most dramatically in adverse conditions. This varied menu of attractions around it is crucial to instil a wider
is one outdoor attraction the Irish summer cannot derail. appeal and identity.
That being said, there Thundercats’ appeal comes with limitations. This first year brings promise. The weekend will open on Friday
At the risk of being hurled from atop the Clock Gate, it’s worth 21st with possibly the most spectacular firework display ever seen
considering the wider reality. While the racing’s immediate impact in the county, courtesy of the UK’s Skybusters company. An Abba-
on spectators is likely to generate excitement, the fact that the esque outdoor concert and a Thundercat parade will ensue in the
sport, its rules, the overall competition and the competitors are town centre and thereafter the weekend will be awash with various
totally alien to the spectators may make it difficult for them to street music and entertainments, including, various marquees, craft
retain an interest once the initial novelty has passed. More worry- markets, aerobatic displays and an air/sea rescue exercise.
ing, if the weather is inclement, Claycastle may prove as much of Coincidentally, the extraordinary Cork Summer Festival of the
a test to the spectators as to the boat crews. Senses with the Sensazione theatrical fairground also visit over the
The festival surrounding the racing is arguably more important to weekend
the success of the venture than the racing itself. If, as is being

BLACKWATER CRUISES Leaving Youghal Jetty, sailing past

Rhincrew, Templemichael Castle,
Ballinatray House and the ancient monastic
settlement of Molana Abbey - founded in 501
To Book this trip on Maeve,
a 28ft half decker, call Tony 087-9889076
Trip DurationQ 90mins approx.
Licensed for 12 Passengers
Sailings subject to tide and weather conditions
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Tourist Guide to Services & Shopping in Youghal

At Quality Hotel - Youghal


At the festival’s official launch, satisfaction was palpable amongst
those fervently -and financially- supporting the event. They
include Cork County and Youghal Town Council, the Youghal
Socio and Economic Strategy Group, Youghal Chamber of
Commerce and Tourism and the wider business community. "I
really don’t know how businesses have managed to get the money
but it looks like we will actually exceed our target," said Chamber

Chairman, Michael Farrell. Fionan Murray of Thundercat racing
rights holders Medaza, said his company were "flabbergasted by
the positive reaction from all quarters.. The co-operation has been
unbelievable," he concluded.
Medaza also own the rights to the proposed Northern Europe leg
of the ultra glamorous, super-rich P1 Power Boat World
Championships. Modelled on motor racing’s Formula 1, Youghal
remains favourite to host this mega event from 2009-13, with the
Thundercats considered a ’systems test’ for P1. Ultimately, assum-
ing government funding is forthcoming, P1 executives will decide
on Youghal’s candidacy. All may be known by September.
Acquisition of P1 would cast Youghal as a major water sports cen-
tre, with immense benefits for south Munster generally. It is esti-
mated that the three-day event alone would enhance the region by
over 260m over five years, visitor figures are projected at circa
150,000 per day, with an estimated global audience of 2.2 billion. 1 MONTH MEMBERSHIP
Job creation, infrastructure improvements and maritime-related
industry would spiral. "This is what Youghal needs," said Town
Manager Patricia Power, with admirable perception. Meantime
Medaza say the option of Thundercat racing returning annually,
regardless of P1, "remains open."
The consortium bringing Thundercats to Youghal operates as

Medaza (Cork slang word for ’Brilliant’). They are UCC graduate
Fionan Murray, whose background is finance and consultancy. He
is a former CEO of Cork-based LeT Systems and former head of
marketing with KBC bank. Aidan Foley is a central figure in the
Diageo Sponsorships portfolio, with 15 year’s prominence in
organising international sporting and cultural events, including the
Ryder Cup and Guinness Hurling Championships. Dr. Martin 350 PER FAMILY
Barrett is an icon in events organising, whose cv includes the
opening ceremony for the Athens Olympics and Rome’s Jubilee
2000. Greg Byrne is a former marketing director both with Irish Call Ann Marie Walsh at 024 93095
Life and Ernst & Young. Web: www.thundercatracing.co.uk for details of the Summer Camps.
Inquiries Youghal Tourism; (024) 93905
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Tourist Guide to Services & Shopping in Youghal

Calendar of Events
14th June 2008 Mall Arts Centre at 8pm
Fundraising Gala Ball for the Youghal Arts Network Arts Festival Youghal, East Cork
featuring the Roaring 40’s, Swing Band.Sponsored by Beamish
and Crawford. Tickets for this black tie ball available from The
Gallery. Contact: Eamonn O’BrienTel:0035324 92568The Gallery,
Youghal Email:[email protected]
17th - 22nd June 2008 Mall Arts Centre at 8pm
Youghal Musical Society presents "The Fiddler on the Roof".
Based on a book by Joseph Stein, music by Jerry Bock & lyrics by
Sheldon Harnick, this musical is a treat for all the family. Tickets
from Crees Card Shop. NEW 2007 42ft Interceptor
CORK MID SUMMER FESTIVAL 28knots, 700hp, Luxurious build
PRESENTS "SENSAZIONE" Full amenities on board
19th - 22nd June 2008. Dolphin SquareYoughal Simrad 3D Bottom Sonar, Reef, Shark
For the first time ever, the Cork Mid Summer Festival has decid-
ed to leave the hustle and bustle of the city for a three day break Specialise in Offshore wrecks
seaside resort of Youghal. This event promises family fun, theatri- Rods & Tackle Available
cal displays, arts, dancing and music for everyone to enjoy.
D.O.M P5 for 12 persons & 2 crew
Cork Mid Summer FestivalCivic Trust House50 Pope’s Quay.
Webwww.corkmidsummer.com. Daily Fishing Trips 10am--5pm
Email: [email protected] Evening Trips 6-8pm
Tel +353 21 4215131Fax +353 21 4215193 Weekends 8 hour trips
20th 22nd June 2008 Tel: 00 353 (0) 24 90437
This two day event is expected to be the biggest festival ever and Email: [email protected] www.seahunter.ie
will include an Opening Fireworks Display, Thundercat Boat
Races, On Water Displays, Aerobatics, Street Entertainment, Live

Music from Abbaesque, the American Drifters and The Corvettes.
Also included in the action packed weekend will be a Funfair, a
Boat Show and a World Record breaking attempt
Web www.youghal.ie Email: [email protected]
Tel: 086 0401668 129 North Main Street, Youghal
Tel 024 92796

Murphy s Pharmacy are sole

Pharmacy agents in Youghal for
D&G, Issey Miyake, Paul Smith
and Jean Paul Gaultier
Come and See our new spa paradisa range
of products which consists of luxury body
butters, exfoliants and bath and shower
milks with fabulous tropical scent.
We also have a range of affordable gifts for
all occasions. Hampers are available.
We have a huge range of Mens Care for
Father s Day
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Tourist Guide to Services & Shopping in Youghal

SENSATIONAL FUNFAIR and the drink is free. But you will have to cycle on the spot for a
few minutes to qualify for a token for your free refreshment.

FOR YOUGHAL "Sensazione" has won international acclaim for its imaginative
and innovative approach to circus, carnival, funfair and theatre.
Youghal is to play host to a fantastic and unique theatrical funfair This show won the Caixa Catalunya prize for the Best Premiere at
called "Sensazione" for four nights starting on Tuesday 24th June. La Fira de Teatre in September 2007. The award is given by an
The funfair is being brought to Youghal by the Midsummer international jury of professionals from the performing arts.
Festival who have decided to expand the festival outside of Cork The show is the brainchild of two extraordinary companies, Laika
City with the help of Cork County and Youghal Town Councils, and the Time Circus Collective. "Laika" is a theatre company
and with the support of a few of us in Youghal who want more arts operating at an international level that creates ’theatre of the sens-
activity happening in our town. I was asked by the Midsummer es’: imaginative productions aimed at children/youngsters and
Festival to "preview" the funfair in London, and I must say I think grown-ups who have "retained their child-like capacity for sur-
it will be a big hit after it sets up in Catherine Street Car-park, right prise". Time Circus Collective is a travelling company from
at the heart of the town Centre. Antwerp. The commitment and daring with which they build their
Of course we in Youghal have a long and honourable tradition of machines is impressive. They create work with which man blends
both funfair and circus, with our own Perks funfair having enter- with machine and the actor merges with his props.
tained people in their thousands over the years. We have also Sensazione is suitable for adults and children over the age of 12,
given great support to Fossetts and Duffys circuses, and only the the show lasts for 75 minutes, with no interval, although there are
other day I was reminded that my own granduncle Danny pauses between sections of the show. Younger children will enjoy
"Waddle" Sheehan was himself a professional acrobat, and part of the show too, but some of the machines are not really suitable for
the famous "Amingos" that many of the old people of the town still them. On the night I saw the show at Victoria Park in London, I
fondly remember. brought along my cousin and her family, including my nephew of
"Sensazione" though is an entirely different experience to what eight years, who did like the rides, and was a little frustrated that
we have become accustomed to over the years. he couldn’t go on all of them. We also brought my five year old
From the minute you enter the funfair, you enter a world that is a niece, who was too small for all but one of the rides, but who was
magical combination of stories and situations told by imaginative, enthralled and fascinated by the larger than life characters of the
almost fairy tale characters. They will entertain you with brilliant Funfair actors, and their incredible stories and energetic acrobatics
Spanish Dance, Fire Eating, acrobatic tricks, and great comedy and dance.
and stories. I think it is true to say that "Sensazione" will bring us on a journey
Then there’s the funfair itself. From the outside it looks like many that reminds us of the best that childhood and dreaming has to
a normal funfair. There is a big Ferris wheel, and a "magic round- offer and Youghal is in for a real treat when "Sensazione" comes
about" and two ferocious spinning wheels that will put the heart, on the 24th June. There are three shows: 6.30 p.m., 7.45 p.m. and
as they say, cross-ways in you. 9 p.m. Midsummer Festival, the Tourist Office and Creeds are
But this is also where "Sensazione" is different from the rest. selling tickets at 16 and 14 with special deals for families. The
There is no electricity used to power the funfair. In what must be show runs until Sunday 29th June.

the ultimate statement in Eco-friendliness, the entire carnival is

"powered" by us, the audience.
So, the Ferris Wheel is powered by other machines, like hamster
wheels, that are great fun to run around in. And as you run around
on the wheel, this starts to turn the big Wheel.
Volunteers are needed to turn the "magic roundabout" while others
sit in pairs on turn-table seats. As the roundabout turns it trans-
forms into something else, in fact a kind of giant dress, and anoth-
er character appears, and another story is told to you as you turn.
All of this "harnessed" energy powers the carnival itself, and even
generates the electricity needed to light the funfair. The organis-
ers, in appreciation of all this thirsty work have even put in a bar,
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Tourist Guide to Services & Shopping in Youghal

Cultural Activities
Fox’s Lane
Come and see how your great-grandparents coped with day to day
living before the invention of indoor plumbing, electricity, and the
Pak Fook
automobile. Step back in time into a fully furnished and equipped
traditional Irish country kitchen of 100 years ago.
Located in the historic town of Youghal, Fox’s Lane Museum is a
small, privately run museum, providing a fascinating display of
some 600 beautifully restored gadgets that trace the evolution and

~ Chinese Restaurant ~
development of household conveniences and appliances used in
the home, during the 1850s to the 1950s

Youghal Heritage Centre

Take a step back in time....
A visit to the Heritage Centre in Youghal is an essential first step 116 North Main Street, Youghal
to viewing the town itself. The Heritage Centre is incorporated
into the Tourist Office in the old Market House. It displays of arte-
Telephone: 024 - 91770 or 91989
facts, images and models illustrate the history of Youghal. The Open Monday - Sunday 5.30pm - 12.30
Heritage Centre is open all year round and the staff will be pleased
to answer queries, offer suggestions, and in every way help to
make your holiday both pleasant and enjoyable.
Lunch Special
Thursday - Sunday 12.30 - 2.30pm
Tourist Trail
This tour will take approximately one hour and commences from Takeaway and Delivery Service
the Heritage Centre in the Tourist Office, in the old Market House,
Youghal. This very building was built on reclaimed land on the Tel: 024 90668 or 90669
site of the medieval harbour. You will be introduced to the won-
derful and historic story of Youghal, and from here this trail will Deliveries Start at 6pm
take you to see important landmarks in that magical story!

Youth Busking Open 7 Days A Week

Competition June 20th

The coffee pot

Main Street Youghal
A Youth Busking Competition is to take place on Friday 20th of
June in Youghal. The Busking Competition is open to young peo-
ple aged 10-20 years who have an interest in music. If you are a
young musician or belong to a youth band then why not fill in an 77 North Main Street,Youghal
application form and register for this event. There are 3 Cash
prizes up for grabs with an additional cash prize for best
tel 024 92523
Traditional Act. Application forms are available at
www.youghalonline.com or contact Nicola on 086 1702347 to get
an application form. Application forms must be returned by the Breakfasts, Lunches,
13th of June. The Youth Busking Competition is being sponsored
by the Power Boating Festival which is to be held from Friday the All day Grilled Menu Available
20th of June to Sunday the 22nd of June in Youghal.

APPLICATION FORM Cakes Freshly made every day.

Name of Performer:____________________________________ Birthday Cakes and other Gateaux
Age:_________________________________________________ made to order.
Address:_____________________________________________ Contact Judy at 024 92523
Contact Number:_______________________________________
Performance Type:_____________________________________
Number of Performers:
(If in a band please fill in the number of people in the band)________________
Do you need a power point? Yes/No
I/We would like to participate in the Youghal Youth Busking
Festival Signed:________________________________________

Closing Date for Applications is Fri 13th June 2008

Completed Forms to be returned to Youghal Youth Project
Nagle House, South Abbey, Youghal or e-mail Nicola on nlyp-
[email protected]
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Tourist Guide to Services & Shopping in Youghal

Water Activities D o y l e s Ta k e a w a y
Youghal bay is a fishing paradise. Unspoilt, uncrowded and offer-
ing great sport, with specially fine bass fishing. At the eastern end
of Youghal bay, Knockadoon Head has great spinning or float fish-
& Delivery Service
ing for Pollack and Mackerel, Wrasse, Conger and Dogfish. Along
the miles of Youghal Strand the main problem is usually deciding
Phone 024 93069
where to pitch your shelter and start fishing - and the answer is just
about anywhere as the fish tend to sweep along its entire length.
Fancy yourself a real fisherman? Charters Angling is also avail-
able in the town with South Coast Charter and The Seahunter ever
on the ready to show you a good time. Great fishing starts here!
Dinghy sailing, yacht cruises and power boating - it’s all at
Aquatrek in Youghal.
Dinghies are raced every Wednesday evening and Sunday morn-
ing. Scheduled cruises include Baltimore on May Bank Holiday,
Isles of Scilly on August Bank Holiday week and Baltimore /
Kilmore Quay on the last weekend of September.
Power boat courses from introduction to advanced. Includes navi-
gation, VHF radio, safety, diesel maintenance.
Blackwater River Cruises
Lunchtime Specials
In stark contrast to some of the other boat trips along the Mon - Fri: Lunch 12 noon - 2.30pm
Blackwater river, Tony Gallagher’s trip is a much more relaxed
affair. Taking up to 10 guests at a time, Tony stands barefoot at the Full Menu available in shop
helm of Maeve, his 28ft half decker.
Tony, a natural raconteur with a love and life and a good yarn,
Deliveries Available 5p.m. to 12 midnight
knows all of the stories of the river and is the perfect guide for a
relaxed trip along one of Europe’s unspoilt major rivers. Pass PARTY CATERING
down the estuary by town under the ’new bridge’ Tony will point
out the old Knights Templar fortress at Rincrew, and the almost
Phone 087 412 6471
immediately you will leave the 21st century behind.
There are no roads beside you, just a couple of cottages to be seen,
and miles of beautiful riverside, where the forests that drip down
into the rising tide. Trips run right throughout the summer months,
however they are subject to demand.
Youghal Dive Charters NILAND
Youghal Dive Charters offers a state of the art charter boat "Sea
Hunter" with a luxury finish. The boat is one of the best equipped
vessels available today both for diving and deep sea fishing. There
has been large investment in making "Sea Hunter" a first class
South Coast Charter Proprietor: Jackie Niland
This charter boat hire company is owned by Skipper Martin Colfer
who has been commercially fishing for the last 15 years. Anglers
come from far and near to fish the good fishing grounds off this Tel: 024 - 90677
section of the Cork Coast. Our boat is a twin engined catamaran
and is new for 2008, the twin hull allows for more deck space, this 10 South Main St. Youghal
improves comfort for anglers and sightseers. The safety of our
passengers is of paramount importance to us. Our boat is the per-

Rendez-Vous CafØ
fect choice for anglers of all experience levels looking for an
angling charter in Co. Cork, Ireland. Our boat can also be hired for
sightseeing trips of Youghal Harbour and the surrounding Cork
and Waterford Coastline. South Main Street, Youghal
Youghal is the perfect base from to see Ireland. Savour the hidden
Ireland as you travel along quiet country roads, listen to the sound OPEN: Monday 9.30am - 5pm Closed Tuesday
of birds and country life. Find those wonderful little pubs, cafes Wednesday - Sunday 10am - 6.30pm
and restaurants along the waterfront, in the hills or on the roadside. Breakfast served til 12.30
Savour the greenery. Wonderful castles, majestic country homes,
monastic ruins, rolling hills and one of the most beautiful inland Lunches: Paninis, Bag, Wrap, Fresh Fish,
waterways in Ireland await you. This is a time when the journey is Open Sandwiches, Salads
more important than the destination and when going off the beat- Daily Specials
en track will reward you! Suggested routes available at
www.youghal.ie . Tel 024 25777
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Tourist Guide to Services & Shopping in Youghal

Food, Food, Food FARRELLS
Whatever your taste or budget we have a wide variety of restau-
rants to choose from during your stay in Youghal. SUM
With our coastal location it’s not surprising to find so much
seafood on offer, but whatever you eat, be warned portions are AND BEER GARDEN

Aherne’s Seafood Restaurant Call and relax in our unique

Gazebo’s sheltered Beer Garden
La Bella Roma
Lannigans Seaview Restaurant Ideal for parties, day-after weddings etc.
Moby Dick’s
Pak Fook Gardens
Seaview Palace
The Ameer Palace Enjoy a drink in a friendly atmosphere or watch
The Coach House the sporting event of your choice with
The Coast Bar five different options at any time.
The Golf Club
(GAA, Soccer, Rugby etc.)
The Parkview Restaurant
The Quays Bar Ample Free Parking. Wheelchair Friendly.
The Red Store
The Thai Cottage So relax and our friendly staff will
The Walter Raleigh Bar arrange a taxi on request.
Via @ The Priory Michael and Staff would like to thank all our
customers for your continued support.
STAYING HERE Tel 024 92233
Hotels, Self Catering, Caravan & Camping, B&B .What’s
your style?
We’re here to help you find the perfect base for your visit to
Youghal. With over 2,500 bed nights you’ll be spoilt for choice

Thundercats Launch

Family - Run Business,

Suppliers of:
Reptiles, Insects, Fish, Birds,
Small animals and all their needs

72 North Main Street, Youghal

Tel: 024 85963
email: [email protected]
Thundercats in action at Youghal Harbour for publicity at the Thundercats Launch website: www.TheOneStopPetShop.ie
held at the Mall Arts Centre.
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Tourist Guide to Services & Shopping in Youghal

Fox s Lane Folk Museum was recently honoured by Let s Go , a FOLK MUSEUM
Massachusetts - based American tourism guide by including the
Visit this unique exhibition of Domestic Bygones - a fascinating
Museum in it s listings. Let s Go values businesses that provide
display of some 600 beautifully restored household gadgets and
travelers with fun, unique cultural experiences at bargain prices appliances used in the home from the 1850s to the 1950s.
and when their regional writer came across the Youghal Also step back in time into a fully furnished traditional Irish
establishment he was very impressed. Since 1997, Let s Go have country kitchen of the period. Allow approx. 1 hour for your visit.
rewarded a small number of businesses from each of their guides
that best embody the qualities they value and, as tangible recogni- Open during July, Aug and Sept.
tion of Fox s Lane Folk Museum s outstanding services, have sent Tuesday to Saturday: l0am - 6pm. Closed lunch 1pm - 2pm.
a Let s Go 2008 Recommends window sticker to alert people of Last admittance: 5.30pm. Open any weekday by appointment.
the experience within Groups and school tours welcome. This is a Wheelchair friendly

Youghal Celebrates Any further information from:

Pat and Ann Lynch, or Youghal Tourist Office,
History North Cross Lane,
Youghal, Co. Cork.
Market Square,
Youghal, Co. Cork.
11th & 12th October 2008 Phone: 024-91145 Phone : 024- 20170

"Port Towns in the 18th and 19th Century" IN THE HEART OF THE HERITAGE TOWN OF YOUGHAL
Mall Arts Centre, Youghal. Co. Cork.
A weekend event with the highest quality speakers from across Quotes from Visitor’s Book-
Ireland and overseas. M. family. Dun Laoghaire
Classical concert on Friday 26th September in the Mall Arts "Great welcome, really interesting and beautifully presented"
Centre. T. family, Kent. "Fascinating. Children really enjoyed the quiz"
Visit us at our website www.Youghalcelebrateshistory.com for J & S. H Yorkshire, England. "Absolutely the very best"
information on our past conferences and to see our extensive H. & P. S. California. "The best tour. A wonderful experience"
photo gallery. Contact us if you wish to receive a brochure, make
a booking, to get more information or to be added to our mailing
Come and join us, we guarantee a weekend packed with celebra-
tions of all things Historical!
Youghal Celebrates History, St. Mary’s College, Emmett Place,
Youghal, Tel: 024 81010 or 087 9666554
Tone & Tan
Email:[email protected] www.youghalcelebrateshistory.com
Beauty Centre
FREE TICKETS TO 28 Friar Street, Youghal
Tel 024 91082
SENSAZIONE Proprietor: Norma Stone

Laika and Time Circus in association with Cork Midsummer

Festival present Sensazione, The Theatrical Fairground at St. SUMMER SPECIAL OFFER
Catherine’s Street Car Park, Youghal Town Centre, on PREPARE YOUR BODY FOR SUMMER
Thursday 19th - Sunday 22nd June at 6.30pm, 7.45pm and
Youghal News and Cork Midsummer Festival offer readers Deep body exfoliation that lifts dead dry skin
FREE tickets to Sensazione, The Theatrical Fairground.
Sensazione is a fantastic, interactive fairground for everybody leaving the body smooth and silky soft.
aged 12 years and up. Once you’ve walked through the gateway Book in June and receive a complimentary
fairground folk bombard you with fantastic tales and extraordi-
nary requests. file and polish
To Enter: The first 10 readers to email competitions@cork- Treat yourself this Summer
midsummer.com WIN 2 tickets to Sensazione, Youghal on
Thursday 19th @ 6:30pm. Closing date Monday 16th June @ Also available dermalogica facials - waxing - Opi
6:30pm. Please state SENSAZIONE YOUGHAL in the subject manicures/pedicures - spray tanning - turbo sun
line when entering
Vouchers are also available from Crees Newsagents and shower and much more...
Youghal Tourist Office to avail of a family ticket for just 46 CALL US ON 024 91082
For more information on Cork Midsummer Festival events visit
www.corkmidsummer.com for appointments and enquiries
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Tourist Guide to Services & Shopping in Youghal

Mall Arts Centre at 8pm Fundraising Gala Ball for the Youghal
Arts Network Arts Festival featuring the Roaring 40’s, Swing

& Crafts
Band.Sponsored by Beamish and Crawford. Tickets for this black
tie ball available from The Gallery.

SOCIETY) - 17th - 22nd June 2008 Mall Arts Centre at 8pm
Youghal Musical Society presents "The Fiddler on the Roof".
Based on a book by Joseph Stein, music by Jerry Bock & lyrics by
Sheldon Harnick, this musical is a treat for all the family. Tickets
from Crees Card Shop.

20-22 June A CELEBRATION OF SONG - 18TH June 8.30pm Bru na Si

Featuring legendary Cork Singer Sean O’Se and American guitar
player Prof Mathew Allen

Local Irish
SAZIONE - 19th - 22nd June 2008. Dolphin Square Youghal

Arts & Crafts

For the first time ever, the Cork Mid Summer Festival has decid-
ed to leave the hustle and bustle of in city for a three day break
seaside resort of Youghal. This event promises family fun, theatri-
cal displays, arts, dancing and music for everyone to enjoy.
Art, Knitwear, Jewellery, EUROPEAN BEACH CHALLENGE - 20th 22nd June 2008
On water, on land and in the air we„ve got it all! Watch exhilarat-
Ceramics, Decoupage, Knitted ing powerboat racing right on the shoreline with teams competing
for the European Beach Challenge or take in our extensive shore-
toys, Accessories & gifts. side supporting festival with great food, wonderful boats, live
music and craic. Thundercat Racing, On-Water Displays, Boat
Show,Aerobatics, Massive Firework Display, Live Music, Food &
Main Street, Youghal Craft Village, Street Entertainment, Funfair & Much More
Youghal Visual Arts Festival Walter Raleigh Hotel The Annual Salmon Competition
Fundraising for the Youghal Bridge Congress. The competition is
087 4126213 open to everyone. Entry fee has yet to be decided
AND ’DRAIOCHT AN OILEAIN’ 8th, 15th, 22st & 29th July

The Red Store 2008 Walter Raleigh Hotel at 8.30 LÆr na Cruinne and Dra ocht
an OileÆin, two award-winning junior groups will perform at Brœ
BAR AND RESTAURANT na S , in the company of members of Ceolta S , every Tuesday
night beginning 8th July. 8.30pm Ceolta Si is a local group with
150/151 North Main Street, Youghal International appeal, following on from their success in places
024 -90144 such as Wales and as far away as China the group will be hosting
evenings of traditional music, dance, story telling and poetry read-
Fully Licensed Bar and Restaurant ings in a warm, family friendly setting
SEISUIN /CEOLTA SI 7nd, 14th, 21st28th July 2008 Bru na Si
Carvery Lunches Outdoor Seating at 8.30pm Ceolta Si is a local group with International appeal, fol-
Morning Scones & Coffee On-premises Parking lowing on from their success in places such as Wales and as far
Well-chosen Wine List away as China the group will be hosting evenings of traditional
music, dance, story telling and poetry readings in a warm, family
Summer at the Red Store friendly setting
SEISUIN/CEOLTA SI 3rd, 10th, 17th 24th & 31st July 2008
- Dine al fresco in our Courtyard.

Paws n claws
Exciting New Salad Bar for Summer Season,
served daily from 12:30 - 2:30
New Panini Menu coming soon .
Plus all the favourites served daily O Rahilly s Street (ESB LANE) Tel: 024 25911
on our Bar Menu from 2:30 1st right after Clock Gate - opposite Youghal Credit Union
Pastas, Pizza, Home made Burgers, Steaks, Fajitas,
Sesame Salmon to name but a few Come and see our wide variety
of Pets & Pet Supplies
INCLUDING A FRESH FISH OPTION Check out our new stocks & say hello to
Check out redstore.ie for further information. BUDDY- our blue and gold Macaw
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


John Quinn, winner of the Dad’s Race

Elana Hynes, 2nd and Penny Nuttall, and Colette Whelan, winner of the
1st in the girls under 14 80mts hurdles Mum’s Race

Youghal winners of the Len Rodgers Memorial Cup

A group of young athletes enjoying the Clashmore - Kinsalebeg Community

Games Area Athletics Finals on Monday Boys 200m: Thomas Cunningham, 2nd; Brian Lynch, 1st; and Patrick
Prendergast, 1st 100mts - Boys Under-10s

Girls Under-14 100m: Chloe Walsh, 1st; Marie Hynes,

Mrs. Rodgers presents the Len Rodgers
2nd; Emma Curran, 3rd Kate O Neill, 1st; Jessica Truswell, 2nd and Kate Cliffe,
Memorial Cup to Youghal Team Captain
3rd in the Girls Under-10, 100m

No Phone Line Required, Unlimited Packages.
Move to Us for FREE!!!

Call Now on: 058 64030 or

Visit: www.azotel-ocean.ie
Terms & Conditions apply.
Railway beaten finalist in the Len Rodgers Cup
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

YOUGHAL GOLF CLUB shot to the hole. Advantage Youghal. Sadly for Kanturk their third
shot went into the bunker and it took two shots to come out. Danny
chipped safely up the green. When Kanturk failed to sink the putt
LADIES for a six they graciously conceded the match.
Wednesday 28th May - 18 Holes Singles Stableford There were scenes of delight from the Youghal supporters with
Sponsored by: DanØlle/Merricks none more pleased than Bertie Lupton, Team Manager and selec-
CAT A: 1st Mary Lawton (17) 37pts, 2nd Breeda Fitzgerald (18) tor. The Kanturk manager stated that while dissapointed to lose,
36pts, BG Marian Sweeney (7) 29pts, 3rd Denise Fitzgerald (13) thanked Youghal For the friendly atmosphere in which the match
35pts.; CAT B: 1st Sharon Luton (29) 39pts, 2nd Rosemary was played and wished Youghal every success in the final.
Matthews (25) 38pts, 3rd Ann Rochford (25) 37pts, 4th Mary B. Youghal will now meet either Monkstown or Douglasin the final
Murphy (27) 37pts.; CAT C: 1st Trish Landers (36) 50pts, 2nd which must be played by July 4th.
Frances Cunningham (32) 33pts, 3rd Avril Kelly (36) 32pts, 4th JUNIOR COACHING
Ann. P. Coleman (33) 30pts. Starting Tuesday 1st July - Junior Coaching for all ages at 9.30. To
10 HOLES SINGLES: 1st Ann Glavin (22) 18pts. enroll contact Liam at 024-92590.
Thurs 29th - Fri 30th - Sat 31st May & Sunday 1st June 2008
Captain’s Prize Weekend - Mr. Patrick O’ Regan
Winner: Pat O’ Leary (12) 134; Runner-Up: David Byrne (12) 134;
3rd John Cronin (12) 135; 4th Darren O’ Sullivan (3) 136; 5th
Albert Ruxton (14) 136; 6th Best Gross John Hooley (5) 148; 7th
Past Captain Joe Murphy (6) 140; 8th Kevin Kelleher (15) 137
9th Liam Sloane (6) 137; 10th Ray Shiels (13) 138; 11th Sam
Cashman (13) 138; 12th Don Sheehan (8) 138; 13th Donie
McCarthy (8) 138; 2nd Gross Christian Porter (5) 150; Best
Senior: John Greene (11) 140;Best Junior: Eoghan Keniry (15)
139; Best Thurs: Eamonn Carey; Best Fri: Philip Monaghan (15)
65; Best Sat: Stephen Hennessy (6) 66; 2nd Senior: Lar Dunne
(12) 142
Sponsored by Gleeson’s Tipperary Water
1st Patrick Drummy (12) Derek Kiely (13) Clement Ruxton (23)
94pts - Youghal; 2nd Dave Kiely (7) Mary C. Daly (31) Amanda
O’ Connor (22) 92pts - Tramore; 3rd Luke Swayne (16) Breeda O’ Brendan and Juliette Casey with the U-18 tennis finalists: 1st Orla Morrisson and
Donoghue (30) Jo Swayne (31) 92pts - Youghal Conor Treacy, 2nd Sorcha Treacy and James Howes, 3rd Sally Ann and Brian
1st Joe Murphy & Joseph Murphy, Jnr.; 2nd Liam Kelly & Ciara
Ladies 11th June: Open Threeball
Sponsored by The Old Thatch Pub, Killeagh
Fri 13th - Sat 14th - Sun 15th June Ed Coree Memorial Trophy
Sponsored by The Coree Family
Fri 13th June: 5pm Open Mixed Foursomes
Sponsored by Wallpaper & Paints, Watson’s Corner.
Fri 20th - Sun 22nd June Open Singles, Sponsored by O.B.
Hygiene Ltd.
Youghal Senior Golfers playing Kanturk in Youghal, won an
extremely hard fought semi final to reach the final of the Joe Carr
competition onthursday 5th. July. This is Youghal’s third victory at
home having already accounted for Kinsale and Raffeen Creek.
A more exciting finale could hardly have been scripted. E. Ryan Brendan and Juliette Casey with the U-12 tennis finalists: 1st Sarah Donoghue
and F.Galvin lost to a birdie on the nineteenth hole. M.O’Dogerty and Ciara Connelly, 2nd Aoife McCarthy and Laura Donoghue, 3rd Deirdre
And D. Hogan lost on the eighteenth. Clarke and Jayne Walsh
The first good news for Youghal was the victory of L. Kelly and
T. Linehan on the seventeenth.
More bad news for Youghal followed. Willy White and Danny Mc
Sweeney were two down with three to play. An intermittent piece
of good news for Youghal was that J.Colman and A. Ruxton were
winning comfortably out the course. So all present knew it was
down to Willy and Danny. It is no exageration to say that Willy
played wily and Danny was uncanny.
Willy put Danny on the green at the par three 16th. where two
putts for par won the hole. One down two to go. Danny hit a peach
up the par four 17th. Willy hit unto the green and two putts duly
won the hole. All square with one to play.
Danny hit another magnificent drive down the eighteenth to be
nearly equalled by the Kanturk man. Kanturk to play first and the
shot was pulled to the left of the new green, leaving a difficult shot
over the bunker to the hole. Willy cleverly played his approach
shot to the front of the green just short of the bunker but an easy Brendan and Juliette Casey with junior tennis players
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


Muskerry FOR A NO VOTE
Speaking while canvassing at the weekend, Cllr Martin Hallinan

Satellite Systems condemned the bullying and scare tactics being used by the gov-
ernment to frighten those who believe that the Lisbon treaty is bad
for Ireland.
Martin Hallinan said: It is a sign of the government s frustration
that they have increasingly turned to bullying and scare tactics to
Come Visit our Stand at Tesco Youghal pro- frighten off people from exercising their right to vote no.
moting Sky Digital Packages on Thursday, When the French and Dutch rejected the Constitution in 2005 it
had no negative effect on their economies, and nor would it here.
Friday and Saturday of this week Rather supporting the treaty will actively undermine workers pay
and conditions, threaten vital public services and assist in the
introduction of tax harmonisation.
When the French and the Dutch rejected the EU Constitution
For New Customers their governments respected and defended the people s right to say
no. The Irish government needs to stand up for the interests of this
Sky Box and Remote Control Free country and deal with the concerns, which people are raising.
2 Months Half price on any package I firmly believe the Irish people can secure a better deal if we
vote no on June 12th and give the Irish government a strong man-
Sky Plus Box Now only 99 date for new negotiations with our European partners.
Multi Room 7.50 per month for one year memorable show.

LOOKING forward to Seeing you on TO LET

Thursday, Friday or Saturday - First Letting Ferrypoint, Youghal
No Children. No Rent Allowance
Phone Dan at 087 9254818 Tel: 086 - 1588353
for further details
Knockanore National
School Sponsored Walk Tel 087 1343023 or 087 6884630

The clouds cleared and the sun shone as children and their fami-
lies took part in this years annual sponsored walk. The route took Tel: 024 90270
the walkers on a three mile circular tour of the local country side Mob: 086 3800888
taking in breathtaking views of the Knockmealdown and Unit 5D, Marlhill Court, Foxhole, Youghal
Comeragh mountains and the Blackwater river before ascending Large Selection of Quality Used Cars and 4x4 s
the final hill and returning to the school to be rewarded with
This Week s Special: 02 Audi A4 1.9 TDi 6speed 12,900
refreshments kindly sponsored by Glanbia, Tallow. The participat-
ing children were given a ticket for a free draw in which the won view full stocklist on www.karz.ie
a selection of prizes donated by the Knockanore N.S. Parents
Association and Primary Times. Knockanore N.S. Parents LANDLORDS!
Association would like to thank all those who supported and took
part in the walk raising much needed funds for the school. RENTAL PROPERTY URGENTLY REQUIRED
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Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

YOUGHAL GAA credit Youghal battled hard in the second half and playing without
two of their stronger players in the form of David O’Mahony and
Dean Lewis realy put it up to their opponents but never looked
INTERMEDIATE FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP like closing the gap. These lads can hold their heads high as they
YOUGHAL 0-8 v KISKEAM 0-10 are playing in a grade higher than they have ever done before and
Played in Mourne Abbey this championship encounter brought are improving with every game.
out the best performance of the year from the Youghal Boys and Team: M. O’Neill, C. Morrisson, M. Coady, R. O’Sullivan, P.
but for the lack of finishing power the outcome would have been Flavin, L. McCarthy, G. O’Regan, C. Keenaghan, C. Coyne, A.
very diferent. Youghal started brightly but despite holding the O’Neill, J. Whelan, C. Farrell, L. O’Flynn, O. Dempsey, J.
majority of posession were only two points up after the first quar- Murphy. Subs: M. Kennefick, M. Flaherty, D. Daly.
ter. Kiskeam got on the scoreboard and seemed to pick up scores
whenever they were on the attack with a very lively full forward U8 HURLING CHALLENGE
line and Youghal struggled and had to work very hard for any KILLEAGH 2-0 v YOUGHAL 1-1
scores gained. The lack of a scoring forward proved the diference The U8s travelled to Killeagh for their first ever away match and
as many chances went abegging both from play and frees. The only their second game ever on Tuesday evening and dominated
second half was much the same as Youghal moved the ball very from the start with most of the play in the Killeagh half. Half for-
well from back to front but couldn’t finish off the moves and wards Jake Cooper and Padraig Quilligan kept the pressure on
Kiskeam scored with every attack. It was a game that the selectors while midfielder Liam Moylan opened the scoring with a long
found hard to call afterwards, delighted with the effort from the range point. The half back line of Peter Kirk, Tiernan McCarthy
lads but a feeling of leaving this one behind having dominated and Rory McSweeney ensured the ball was kept in the Killeagh
possession by at least a 60 - 40 percentage. Youghal now face the half and the pressure eventually paid off with a goal from Ross
dreaded relegation playoffs and lets hope we can survive this as Bulman before the break. Youghal were cought cold at the start of
the future for football looks very secure with the potential being the second half when Killeagh goaled and the game ebbed and
shown by our underage and minor teams. flowed from then on and Killeagh secured the win with another
Team: P. Mackey, P. O’Laochdha, N. Farrelly, S. Twomey, B. Goal. The margin might have been greater but for a strong p_rfor-
Ring, B. Coleman, C. O’Laochdha, J. Grace, Damian Ring, V. mance from Connor Cremmin between the sticks for Youghal.
Murray, R. Cunningham, N. Roche, P. Monaghan, B. Cooper, M. Once again this was a great peQormance from the Youghal boys
Mulcahy. Subs Used: A. Kenny, A. Fox, E. Coleman. with great credit due to the coaches and selectors who give so
fr_ly of their time each and every Saturday Morning.
INTERMEDIATE HURLING LEAGUE 02/06/2008 Team: Ben Dalton, Kyle Brown, Connor Cremin, Ethan Cliffe,
YOUGHAL 0-14 v COURCEY ROVERS 2-7 Rory McSweeney, Peter Kirk, Jake O’Brien, Liam Ansbro, Jake
A great game of Hurling played in near perfect conditions in Cooper, Padraig Quillligan, Ruairi McMahon, Aaron O’Regan,
Copperalley. Youghal started well and were 0-9 to 0-2 at the break Ross Bulman, Christian Persaud, Jack McGrath, Con or Dorney,
against a Courcey side fancied to lift the County Championship. Tiernan McCarthy, Sean Flavin, Adam Born, Cian
John Grace was outstanding at full back and is realy making the O’Sullivan,James Varney, Oran Finn.
position his own after playing at centre back or midfield earlier in
the campaign. The midfield pairing of Damian Ring and Leigh FIXTURES:
Desmond were always comfortable with the latter chipping in 7 13/06/2008 U12 HURLING V CLOYNE Magniers Hill - 7.30
points along the way. The forwards were lively and a brace from
Brendan Ring and Richie Cunningham saw Youghal in a very 14/06/2008 NON EXAM LEAGUE FOOTBALL V CLAN NA
comanding position going into the last few minutes only to con- GAEL - Copperalley - 7.30
cede 2 goals late on to leave a nerve jangling finish. 16/06/2008 U12 HURLING V AGHADA. Rostellan 7.30
Team: M. Mulcahy, V. Murray, J. Grace, P. O’Laochdha, A.
Murphy, B. Coleman, S. Twomey, D. Ring, L. Desmond, Brendan PLEASE COME OUT AND SUPPORT OUR YOUNG TEAMS.
Ring, B. Cooper, Barry Ring, E. Coleman, R. Cunningham, M. The meeting ofYoughal and Clan na Gael on Tuesday night is a
Cronin. Subs used: S. Spillane, C. Spillane, C. Coleman. rematch of last years U16 County football quarterfinal where
Youghal narrowly lost in extra time after being very unlucky with
FIXTURES: injuries to two very key players early in the second half when
11/07/2008 IH CHAMPIONSHIP V DOUGLAS totaly in control of the tie. Clan travelled in great numbers for that
21/06/2008 JH CHAMPIONSHIP V MIDLETON game and outnumbered the Youghal support by about 20 to 1 so
16/06/2008 JHL V CARRIGTOHILL Copperalley your support would be greatly apreciated for this one. Get out and
bring the family for what will be an entertaining game.
U16 HURLING LEAGUE 26/05/2008 Cul Camp is in the planning process with August 13th to 15th the
BRICKEY RANGERS 1-8 v YOUGHAL 3-14 big dates for the Diary. Positions were filled very quickly last Year
The score just about sums this one up. Youghal dominated from and registration forms will be available in the coming weeks. The
the start and pulled some of their stronger players off at an early Camp is open to all members and associated members of Eochaill
stage to give the fringe players a chance to make their mark. It was Og and to family members of any member of the Senior Club.
one way traffic throughout with Conor O’Sullivan directing things Sean Oliphant is the Co-Ordinator for the event and can be con-
from centre back. Barry Walsh had a fine game at corner back tacted on 086 8355718 once the registration forms are in circula-
dealing well with anything that came his way while the classy tion.
Aaron Daly was always a thorn in the side of the Brickeys
defence. A reminder that Helmets are now available to buy from Club Aras
Team: A. Curtin, L. McCarthy, D. Ryan, B. Walsh, D. Mulcahy, C. for the knockdown price of 45 euro. Other Club Merchandise is
O’Sullivan, L. Lyons Troy, R. Tobin, K. Daly, R. Desmond, D. also available including, socks, shorts and hoodies.
Power, R. Lane, A. Daly, K. Coyne, D. Cashman.
YOUGHAL 0-6 v CASTLEL YONS 4-8 Michelle was the lucky winner of a weekend away for two in the
Youghal started well against a much stronger Castlelyons side in Monthly Draw and keeps a good run going with winners in the last
Ballynoe but conceded 4 goals in quick concession mid way three draws. Let’s hope we can land the top prize in the near future
through the first half that put an end to this as a contest. To their and Michelle we hope you enjoy your weekend.
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


Over the weekend of the 6th, 7th and 8th of June, we Played our
Ladies captain prize kindly sponsored by Phil Mangan. We would
like to thank phil,for such a beautiful Prize. Thanks also to the
Ladies who provided the refreshments and to the lads who had the
course in great condition. The results were:Overall Nett:Joan
Hyde; Overall Gross: Anthony O’Loughlin; Ladies 1st Nett:
Sally Wallace; 1st Gross: Lily Bulman; 2nd Nett: Rita Ryall;
Gents 1st Nett: Ted Healy; 1st Gross: Michael Landers; 2nd Nett :
Knud Thuroe; Hole in One Prize: Martin Keohane.
On Wednesday the 4th of June we played a Fourball kindly spon- Joan Hyde presented with the Lady Captains’s Prize 2008 from Phil Mangan, Lady
sored by Youghal Credit Union. The results were:1st Nett : Sheila Captain with prizewinners: Lily Bulman, Sally Wallace, Rita Ryall, Helen
O’ Sullivan and Martin Dalton; 1st Gross: Declan O’Shea and Landers, Ted Healy, Martin Keohane, Anthony O’Loughlin and Knud Thuroe
Michael Landers; Mixed Nett: Michael Dalton and Sheila
Next Competition sponsored By Flanagan Office Supplies ,
Youghal takes place on Wednesday 11th of June, Tee off time 6:45,
and on Friday 14th of June, Tee off time 6:45.
Ladies Morning every Wednesday at 10:30.

Youghal United Under 10

FC win Leonard Rodgers
Memorial Cup
The sun blazed down on Clashmore last Saturday, June 7th when
Youghal United U10’s won the Leonard Rodgers Memorial Cup
on Clashmore Ramblers’ football pitch at Pablo Park.
Leonard Rodgers was a native of Clashmore who invested a lot of Prizewinner Sally Wallace in centre of picture with the Cork Team
time and money into his local football club but sadly Leonard
passed away this year. This memorial was in his honour. 8 teams
participated for the first Memorial and hopefully there will be KILLEAGH CAMOGIE
many more to come. U14 League/Championship
It was an exciting, nail biting final between Youghal and Railway On Monday last Killeagh U14 girls played against Newtown, they
Athletic FC from Kilkenny, who have been playing together as a played a great game,but unfortuntaley
team for the last three years. were defeated.
Both teams were as tough as nails, with strong skilful players on TEAM: Jesse Swayne,Nora Walsh, Sarah Tracey, Isobel
both sides, but it was Youghal who had the strongest team and won O’Mahoney, Emily Desmond, Becky Fitzgerald,
the day when it lead to penalties wining at 2 - 0. The penalties Laura Tracey, Niamh Daly, Jessica Barry, Shauna Keniry, Elaine
started with Railway missing their first shot, then it was Youghal’s Meade, Ali Rose Sisk, Claire O’ Keefe,
turn with a goal from Peter Breslin, one super save from Aaron Aoife Walsh, Rianna Cooney, Maggie Drady, Emma Fitzgerald,
Clohessy in goal for the Youghal team and the winning goal was Niamh Fitzgibbion, Jessica Daly,
by Conor Walsh. What a triumph! Ashling Landers, Elizabeth Mulchahy, Ann-Marie Geary, Louise
This was Youghal United’s U10 first competitive event and what a O’ Neill, Shauna Landers, Jessica Tracey.
strong team they are. If this under 10 team continue like this who Congratulations to Shauna Keniry and Shauna Landers who
knows where they could take us! played for the Cork Camogie College Team, which won the All-
Up the Youghal Boys! Ireland last weekend, Well done to both girls and the team.
A big thank you goes out to the professional organisation on the Best of luck to all the girls who are doing their Junior and Leaving
day especially to Vinny Coonan and the parents of the Clasmore Cert Exams.
Ramblers’ players who made cakes and sandwiches and cooked Congratulations to the girls of the Cork Camogie U14 Primary
burgers and hotdogs on the BBQ. School Team and also to the killeagh girls from the club who were
picked to take part in the Cork Primary School Games.
Hard luck to the Inch school girl team who were defeated recent-
ly in the Sciath na Scoil Final.


(FAS Community Employment Scheme)

A vacancy exists for a

at the Youghal Rugby Club

Please forward a C.V. to:

Youghal Sports Group Ltd., C/o GAA Club, Magners Hill,
Youghal, Co. Cork

Closing date for applications: Fri 27th June 2008

Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


Photos by Michael Hussey

Captain Patrick O’Regan presents the Lady Captain Sheila Coyne presents a
7th prize to Joe Murphy bouquet of flowers to Mary O’Regan

Captain’s Prize 2008 winner Pat O’Leary with his wife Vina and daughter Rois n.
Standing: Denise Fitzgerald, Secretary; Austin O’Keeffe, Vice Captain; Mary
O’Regan and Captain Patrick O’ Regan; Lady Captain Sheila Coyne and
President John Walsh

Captain Patrick O’Regan presents the Captain Patrick O’Regan presents the
2nd prize to David Byrne best gross prize to John Hooley


GOLF CLUB BY RENOWNED Captain Patrick O’Regan presents the
ARTIST PHILLIP GREY 4th prize to Darren O’Sullivan
Captain Patrick O’Regan presents the
3rd prize to John Cronin

John Fitzgerald of Brandon,Co Kerry recently became World

L to R: P. O’ Regan, Captain; A. O’ Keefe, Vice Captain; Sheila Coyne, Lady Champion in Irish Dance for the second time. John was born in
Captain; J. Walsh, President Youghal in 1992 and lived in upper strand for 4years. In1996 he
It was with deep appreciation that Youghal Golf Club took posses- moved to Kerry with his parents. His dad Tom Fitzgerald served
sion of a painting, by well known Cobh artist Phillip Grey, donat- as a garda in Youghal for 29 years. His mom Eithne Keane is a
ed to the club by Maurice Kelly. native of Youghal. His sister Jill went to presentation school in
The painting depicts the fourth green as viewed from the tenth tee Youghal for 3 years.
box, and it is fitting that such a lovely painting of the fourth hole John has many dancing titles to his name ie Munster, All Ireland,
is destined to hang in the 15th hole. British National, and European. He took his 1st World
Maurice Kelly, who kindly commissioned the painting, left Championship U14 in 2006 beating competitors from all over the
Youghal in 1952 to make his fortune in the States. Like many of world.
the freshmen, Maurice succeeded admirably. Maurice started in Following a disappointing personal performance in the 2007
Chicago and travelled and moved extensively across the U.S.A.
before settling now in Nashville. World Championships John proved himself to be a true champ by
Maurice over the years continued to keep in contact with friends regaining the World title U16 on 26th March 2008 at the
and remaining family in Youghal and always had a soft touch for Waterfront in Belfast. His dancing has brought him to many ven-
Youghal Golf Club. The club is thankful for Maurice’s inspiring ues around the world both as a performer in shows and a competi-
support which he’s culminated in the presentation of this beautiful tor. He also performs with Siamsa Tire [The National Folk
painting. Theatre] throughout their summer season in Tralee.
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Youghal Chamber News

Message from the President Michael Farrell Provide tax exemptions for manufacturing and service jobs in
It is a great honour to serve as President of a Chamber of the area.
Commerce that is widely recognised as the voice of the business Provide a new hotel in the town.
community in Youghal and its surrounds. Through the many net- Connect the area to the natural gas network.
working and social events and seminars organised by the Chamber Upgrade the local roads including the N25 road.
during the year Chamber Members have the opportunity to meet,
discuss and influence the issues which affect business at every Lobbying
levelI would appeal to you to encourage any business colleagues, We are constantly lobbying for the upgrade of the N25 between
clients/customers and suppliers who are not already members to Youghal and Midleton. Recently the chamber met with Mr. Tony
join with us in growing our membership base and make the pro- Mullane the regional representative of the N.R.A on this matter.
motion of Youghal even stronger.The Chamber has always been to We are now pleased to announce that we have been informed that
the fore in providing leadership on key business issues and will the N25 between Cork and Youghal is to be upgraded to a
continue to work towards creating an environment which encour- Motorway. We have been campaigning for this for a long time.
ages and sustains the Tourism, Business and Construction Industry This is fantastic news for the town which will benefit the viability
of Youghal. On behalf of the Chamber and its Board, I would like of the town from both a Tourism and construction point of view.
to thank all our Members for your support during the past year and This will make Youghal an attractive place to live which will
I look forward to the continued growth of the Chamber in the Year encourage people to locate to Youghal as the commuting time to
ahead. cork will be greatly reduced. Which will in turn will help to sus-
tain the Construction Industry
Youghal Chamber Marketing Initiatives: Free Seminar
A series of Tourism Marketing Initiatives have been undertaken by In April the Chamber together with Pennsula services ran a free
Youghal Chamber for 2008 these include: seminar to our members on Personnel, Employment Law and
Full page colour advert in re-branded Discover Ireland health & safety This was of great benefit to attendee.
Brochure 2008, (professionally designed with distribution of
400,000 copies.) Issued by Youghal Chamber
Radio advertising campaign (using ’Ireland’s Finest Coastal
Resort tagline’
April: KCLR & Tipp FM (targeting domestic family
landlocked counties) June: 96 FM

Chamber Membership
If you would like more information on how to become a member
of Youghal Chamber Please feel free to contact the office on 024-
92447 or Email [email protected]

Recent Chamber events:

In January 2008 Youghal Chamber met with a Delegation from the
Joint Oireachtas Committee on enterprise, trade and employment.

Issues raised By the Chamber Included

Provide greater government and agency support. Directors of Youghal Chamber Barbara Murray, Mary Bernard, Seamus Curran,
Include the town in the Government’s Decentralisation and Michael Farrell (president) at the opening of the recent Photographic
programme. Exhibition sponsored by Youghal News in honour of Eddie O Sullivan.


With the cycling season in full swing we held our first club tour of
the year on Sunday June 1st. Sign on was at the rugby club with HOSPITAL CRUMLIN DUBLIN
23 cyclists signing on. Riders travelled from Thurles ,Carrrick on George Bulman a member of the Youghal Athletic Club will be
Suir and Midleton. A beautiful sunny morning and a challenging running in this year’s NYC Marathon in aid of Our lady’s
scenic route set out by Gerry Geary and marshalled by Sean and Children’s Hospital Crumlin Dublin.He is aiming to raise a mini-
Alan with first aid back up provided as well. The route covered mum of 5,500 for this worthy charityThe money raised will be
85km leaving Youghal passing Knockanore into Cappoquin, used to:Help build family rooms; Research into childhood cancer;
Lismore,Tallow,Conna, Ballynoe,Mount Uniacke and back to Intensive care, Cardiac and Dental equipment; Parents accommo-
Youghal through Killeagh. A refreshment stop was made in dation; Expansion of the A&E unit
Curraglass at The Plough with the riders fuelling up for the sec- Our Lady’s Hospital had 105,000 child attendances at the hospital
ond and challenging second part of the tour. Overall an enjoyable last year. There have been a number of children from the Youghal
morning of cycling was had by all with beautiful sunshine to top area and surrounds who have and are still using the facilities at
it off. OLH, therefore this charity touches many local life’s.
The club hopes to run a similar tour in July, a date has yet to be A number of fundraising events are taking place over the next few
confirmed. Sunday August 17th sees the club annual Youghal months: Bag Packing in the L&N on Saturday the 28th June from
Cycling Challenge take place which is very well attended. This 9am to 6pm. Table top quiz at Youghal GAA club in July (date to
tour will be 100km in distance taking place the week before the be confirmed). Bag packing in Tesco on Saturday 9th and Sunday
Sean Kelly Tour providing perfect preparation for riders partici- 10th August from 9am to 6pm each day. The PTSB Branch in
pating in the Kelly tour. Youghal have also set up an account for anyone who wishes to
Training Spins take place Sunday mornings @ 9.00am and donate, Sort Code 990737 Account number 12990933
Tuesday and Thursday evenings @ 7.00pm from outside Moby Anyone who can spare one hour for the bag packing days would
Dicks (by clock gate) All newcomers welcome. For more info be more than welcome. George can be contacted on 087 9165819.
check our website youghalcyclingclub.com
YOUGHAL BEACH FAILS Pobalscoil Na Tr on ide
TO MEET EU STANDARDS Credit Union Prizewinners
Youghal is now one of four Irish beaches which failed to meet EU
water standards.
The European Commission’s annual bathing water report shows
that most of Ireland’s beaches met EU hygiene standards in 2007.
Some 97% of coastal bathing areas and 100% of bathing sites in
rivers and lakes comply with the mandatory standards set out in
the EU’s Bathing Water Directive. This compares to EU averages
of 95% for beaches and 89% for rivers and lakes. Just 4 Irish
beaches failed to meet the minimum requirements - these were Na
Forbacha and Clifden in Co. Galway, Balbriggan in Co. Dublin
and the main beach in Youghal Co. Cork.
Ireland - 2007 water quality at a glance:
Irish coastal bathing waters - 122 reported
99 (81.1%) compliant with guide values
118 (96.7%) compliant with mandatory values
Congratulations to Pobalscoil Na Trion ide students Aisling
4 (3.3%) not compliant
Hurley (1st) and Gary Moloney (runner-up) who came tops in the
0 prohibited Regular Savers Scheme 2008. Aisling received an iPod from
Irish freshwater bathing waters - 9 reported Michael Sheehan, Marketing Manager, Youghal Credit Union and
6 (66.7%) compliant with guide values Gary won an Xtra-Vision voucher presented by Claire Fitzgerald,
9 (100%) compliant with mandatory values Pobalscoil Na Trion ide Regular Savers Scheme Co-ordinator
0 not compliant
0 prohibited Knockanore National
A detailed report for Ireland plus a summary of the overall report School Sponsored Walk
is available at:
html. For more information see: http://ec.europa.eu/water/water-
The European Environment Agency website contains an interac-
tive map as well as detailed data on individual beaches with infor-
mation on how water quality has improved over the last few years:
Every year EU Member States are obliged to report on the quality
of their coastal and freshwater bathing areas. Bathing waters are
tested against a number of physical, chemical and microbiological
parameters for which the Bathing Water Directive sets out manda-
Parents and pupils of Knockanore National School on their sponsored walk
tory values. Member States must comply with the mandatory val-
ues but may adopt the stricter standards and non-binding guide
New bathing water legislation was adopted in 2006 to ensure
coherence with other EU water legislation and in particular the
Water Framework Directive. It updates the parameter and the
monitoring provisions with the latest scientific knowledge and
places greater emphasis on providing information to the public on
the quality of bathing areas. Member States had until March 2008
to transpose the directive into national law, but Member States
have until 2015 to implement it fully.

Youghal Pigeon Club

Dundalk O.B. Race Result 25/05/08 Pupils of Knockanore National School taking a break after their long walk
What a difference a week can make if the weather is right. This The clouds cleared and the sun shone as children and their families
week our race was from Dundalk in Co. Louth. The birds were lib- took part in this years annual sponsored walk. The route took the
erated at 1pm in a strong N/E wind. The birds were flying just over walkers on a three mile circular tour of the local country side tak-
153 miles and were expected in a little over 3 hours. Timmy ing in breathtaking views of the Knockmealdown and Comeragh
Fitzgerald however had other ideas and thought it would be a very mountains and the Blackwater river before ascending the final hill
fast race and how right he was. Timmy/The Doc (as he is known and returning to the school to be rewarded with refreshments kind-
by all fanciers) clocked three birds together at 3.17pm to record a ly sponsored by Glanbia, Tallow. The participating children were
very high velocity and fly at the speed of 67 miles per hour. given a ticket for a free draw in which the won a selection of prizes
The Full Result is as follows: 1st T. Fitzgerald1984 YPM, 2nd T. donated by the Knockanore N.S. Parents Association and Primary
Fitzgrald1982 YPM, 3rd T. Fitzgerald 1977 YPM, 4th M. Aherne Times. Knockanore N.S. Parents Association would like to thank
1974 YPM, M. Aherne 1972 YPM. all those who supported and took part in the walk raising much
The Club would like to thank all its sponsors. needed funds for the school.
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Youghal Credit Union 60TH CELEBRATION

Bi-Annual Members Car Draw BIRTHDAY PARTY

Youghal Presentation Convent Girls who all celebrated their 60th Birthday this
year pictured at the Celebration Birthday Party at The Coach House Restaurant on
Barry Treacy, Manager and Michael Sheehan, Marketing Manager with the new Friday 30th May. The Birthday Girls travelled from the four corners of Ireland to
car in the Super Bi-Annual Members Car Draw which is only 6 euro to enter be at the big bash

A Celebration of Song
at Brœ na S
GOLF TOURNAMENT On Wednesday 18th June, noted singer SeÆn SØ and American
professor Matthew Allen will perform an intimate concert at Brœ
IN AID OF YOUGHAL COMMUNITY na S in Youghal. Cork native SeÆn SØ rose to fame during his
HOSPITAL & HOSPICE time with SeÆn Riada’s group Ceolt ir Cualann. He is best
known for his rendition of the song ’An poc ar buille’. SeÆn has
appeared on a number of albums and in recent years has toured
TOURNAMENT ON SUNDAY 6TH JULY 2008 IN AID OF with Comhaltas Ceolt ir ireann.
THE YOUGHAL COMMUNITY HOSPITAL & HOSPICE. Matthew Allen is no stranger to Cork having lectured on many
AS PART OF THIS TYTEX EMPLOYEES WILL PARTICI- occasions at University College Cork. An excellent guitar player,
PATE IN A FUN AMATUER GOLF EVENT Matthew spent a year in Cork studying aspects of harmony in Irish
traditional music. Matthew has published a number of articles on
"ALL IN AID OF A GOOD CAUSE" Asian Music and is co-ordinator of the Asian Studies programme
at Wheaton. He also teaches and performs Carribean Music and, of
Youghal Community Hospital and Hospice is situated at the top of In recent times SeÆn and Matthew have been performing together
Cork Hill overlooking the beautiful Blackwater River. There are a on both sides of the Atlantic. In 2007, Sean was a Haas Visiting
38 bedded unit catering for Continuing Care, Hospice Care, Artist in residence at Wheaton College in Boston. While there,
Convalescent Care and Respite Care. Tradition, a five piece band from Boston including Matthew Allen
Their aim is to provide physical, psychological, emotional and spir- acted as SeÆn’s backing band.
itual care to their patients in a friendly, caring and loving environ- Brœ na S provides a unique and intimate fireside setting. It is the
ment, where family and friends are involved and supported. They home of the Youghal branch of Comhaltas Ceolt ir ireann and
uphold the individual rights of their patients to professional and the internationally renowned performing group Ceolta S . Guest
courteous health care. They value the uniqueness of each patient, singers, musicians and storytellers will be invited to contribute on
their strengths and potential. They recognise their patients’ special the night.
needs and strive to provide a safe, secure and comfortable environ- Doors will open at 8.30pm and tickets are being offered at the spe-
ment where each individual can continue living a full life regard- cial price of 8/5. For more information contact MichØal on
less of the level of their disability or the extent of their dependence. 0877934504 or Daith on (087) 641 9081 or [email protected].
Youghal Community Hospital & Hospice consider patients’ self

esteem, dignity and privacy an integral part of the care they provide
and in consultation with each patient they develop flexible, appro-
priate and individualised care plans. The involvement of informed
relatives in the care of loved ones is appreciated in aiding their aim
to provide the highest possible quality of care and quality of life to ASSISTANTS
all their patients. Youghal Community Hospital & Hospice
endeavour to meet the spiritual needs of their patients and they REQUIRED BY BUN SCOIL MHUIRE,
respect their values and beliefs
The doors of Youghal Community Hospital and Hospice are open
to those of any faith or none, to rich and poor, young and old. Roll Number 20024C (Infant Hours). This is a
Bree Rosney, Matron wishes to extend her sincere gratitude to the fixed term contract to the end of June 2009 and Dpt of Edu.
Management and Staff of Tytex Youghal for their continuing sup- & Science terms and conditions apply. Please forward C.V
port and generosity of our Hospital and Hospice. She wishes to
to The Principal, Bun Scoil Mhuire, O’ Briens Place, Youghal,
thank them most sincerely for their work and commitment in organ-
Co. Cork. Closing date for receipt of applications is Friday,
ising this Golf Classic for the benefit of the patients in our hospital
and hospice. She would, also, like to wish them every success with 13th June 2008. Applicants may be short listed on
this event. the basis of their applications.
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Youghal United Schoolboy/Girls Soccer Awards Night 2006/’07 At The

Mall Arts Centre Guest Of Honour John O’Flynn Cork City FC Photo Michael Hussey

Cork City Striker John O’Flynn presents

Cork City Striker John O’Flynn presents the trophy to Ross Desmond- Most
the trophy to Yves Sohege- Player of the ImprovedU-13
Cork City Striker John O’Flynn presents Cork City Striker John O’Flynn presents Season
the trophy to Danny Walsh-Player of the the trophy to Mark Coady- Most
year Improved U12

Cork City Striker John O’Flynn presents

the trophy to Rose Sheehan- U 14
Cork City Striker John O’Flynn presents Player of the Season
the trophy to Colin Sheehan- U 14
Player of the Season
Cork City Striker John O’Flynn presents Cork City Striker John O’Flynn presents
the trophy to Gareth O’Regan- U 12 the trophy to Tomas Coleman- Most
Player of the Season Improved U-12

Cork City Striker John O’Flynn presents Cork City Striker John O’Flynn presents
the trophy to Patrick Durkin- Cork the trophy to Lisa O’Sullivan- Cork
Squad Squad

Cork City Striker John O’Flynn presents

Cork City Striker John O’Flynn presents the trophy to Kate Sheehan- Cork and
the trophy to Dylan Power- U 14 Player Munster Squad
of the year

Cork City Striker John O’Flynn presents Cork City Striker John O’Flynn presents
the trophy to Ross McCarthy- Cork the trophy to Conor O’Sullivan-Cork
Squad Squad

Guest Of Honour John O’Flynn Cork City FC and Billy Cotter, Chairman Youghal
United with committee members pictured with the FAI Cup

Billy Cotter, Chairman Youghal United and Ken Hogan, Manager U12 soccer team Cork City Striker John O’Flynn with the FAI Cup, Calum Gallogley, Danny Walsh,
with the U12 team Ronan O’Sullivan, Tomas Coleman and Connor Farrell
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Youghal Pitch & Putt Club Youghal Golf Club Ladies Branch
Singles Competition Sponsored by Lil Danne
of Danelles Merricks

4 Ball Competition Sponsored By Sammy and Kate Revins, Sammy’s Butcher Ted
Healy and Tommy McCarthy receive their winning prize from Lady Captain Phil
Mangan and Sponsor Sammy Revins, Sammy’s Butcher pictured with various
prizewinners and club officials- Kieran Hennessy, Captain; Michael Ryall, Martin
Keohane, John O’Regan and Anthony O’Loughlin and Joy Bryan

Cat A: L.C. Sheila Coyne, Sponsor Lil Danne, 1st Mary Lawton, 2nd Breeda

Fitzgerald, Best Gross Marrion McSweeney, L.V.C. Breeda Curtin.

Construction Ltd
Piltown, Kinsalebeg, Youghal, Co. Cork.

One Off Houses

Extensions and Renovations Cat B: L.C. Sheila Coyne, Sponsor Lil Danne, 1st Sharon Lupton, 2nd Rosemary
Mathews, 3rd Ann Rochford, L.V.C. Breeda Curtin

1st and 2nd Fix Carpentry

Decking Supplied and Fitted

References available
Free Quotations
Fully Insured
Cat C: L.C. Sheila Coyne, Sponsor Lil Danne, 1st Trisha Landers, 2nd Francis
Contact Colum at 086 0408378 Cunningham, 3rd Ann P Coleman, L.V.C. Breeda Curtin

or Emmet at 087 7700603

Ned O Keeffe TD
Will hold clinics in the East Cork area on
Saturday 14th June including the following:

Carrigtwohill Community Hall 11am,

O’Shea’s, Upper Aghada 12noon, O Meara s Bar
Ballinacurra 12.30p.m., Linehans Railway Bar,
Midleton 2pm, Tower Bar, Cloyne 2.30pm,
Inn By The Harbour Ballycotton 3pm, The Thatch
Ladysbridge 3.30p.m., Shorts Bar Castlemartyr
4pm The Walter Raleigh Hotel, Youghal 4.30pm.
L.C. Sheila Coyne, Sponsor Lil Danne with Trisha Landers 36 H/C who had 50
At Home Sunday 10.30 a.m. Tel: 022 - 25285 anytime points in singles competition, L.V.C. Breeda Curtin
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


Ken Hogan
Tourism & Local Intangible Heritage Competition 08
Result & Report

Youghal was pipped to the post in the recent European

Destinations of Excellence - Tourism & Intangible Heritage
Competition 2008 by the eventual winners, Carlingford & The
Cooley Peninsula, Co. Louth.
Following an intensive evaluation process of the top 5 destinations
by an expert panel of adjudicators, the Youghal Socio-Economic Tel 089 4105559
Development Group (the applicant on behalf of Youghal) were
highly recommended by the panel for their levels of commitment
in developing Youghal and their presentation of the destination.
The evaluation panel made the following comments and recom-
House Building
• This is a very impressive group and destination. The group has
the capacity to use their experience and to move Youghal forward Extensions
All Paving & Slabbing
in the future.
• To ensure their position in the top five destinations, Youghal sub-
mitted an excellent application. It was well presented and concise
with plenty of relevant information and good visuals.
• The heritage regeneration and socio-economic plan is excellent
Full Range of Groundworks
and could be a best practice model for similar destinations
• Progress on action plans to date has been very good; in particu- Carried Out
lar, work on living culture is evident and plans in place will ensure
• Priority should be given to developing core products (i.e. walk-
ing, cycling, etc.) for the target market. Call Ken today for a Free
• There is a wealth of resources in Youghal but more development
of these is needed to make them accessible to the visitor Quotation on 089 4105559
• The target market for Youghal should be segmented and focused
packages developed. Consideration should be given to developing
packages outside of the main tourist season.

• A good comprehensive presentation was provided by a very pro-
fessional group with good representation and partnership in place.
Commenting on the report, Tourism Development Officer for
Youghal, Aileen Ahern said:
"While it was disappointing to have missed out on the overall Next issue June 26th
prize, the application and evaluation process show just how much
Youghal has developed as a tourist destination. It was a great download the latest edition at
achievement to get into the top 5 out of all the entries made. We
know we still have a lot of hard work ahead, but with various ini-
tiatives such as the upcoming European Beach Challenge,, the re- www.youghalnews.ie
developed www.youghal.ie and a tourism marketing plan for the
town underway, the future is looking a lot brighter for tourism in
the town."
3,500 Copies FREE
ARDMORE/GRANGE ICA NEWS ance of Ann Carlton.
16th June - our annual outing - Farney Castle Visitor’s Centre &
The first five months of 2008 have been fun filled and eventful. Coffee Shop. We are promised a unique medievil shopping expe-
This started in January when to chase away the Winter blues we rience. A stop at the Rock of Cashel and Glasha House,
had a Makeover by Avril Geary, where we learned how to accen- Ballymacarbery, for fine dining.
tuate our many good points and how to hide our bad ones (not that 19th June - Our Go For Life grant has been put towards a Healing
they were too evident anyway!). Dance for physical & mental wellbeing in St. Declan’s Hall com-
In February we had a very successful Bring & Buy Sale, the pro- mencing 7.30 pm. Interested members please contact Maura Casey
ceeds of which went to Waterford Hospice & St. Vincents at 024-92500
Hospital, Dungarvan. In April Eileen O’Callaghan gave a very 16th July - All Choir members please note that practice will be
informative and enjoyable talk on our Millenium quilt which won held in Jane Knight’s house at 8.00 pm.
first prize in the Federation competition in 2000. A talk was given 20th July - our 12th Annual Antique Fair - 12 00 - 6.00 pm
by Ann Harty on our Carbon Footprints in April which was very As always a great day is guaranteed with light refreshments and
educational. Our Choir participated in the Baumann Shield in plenty to see and buy.
Abbeyleix under the musical direction of Jane Knight and a great Waterford and the South East Region will enjoy a Slow Food
day was had by all. Congratulations to Tramore guild who won the Festival at WIT, Waterford from the 4th to the 7th of September.
Baumann Shield. Terra Madre Ireland (mother earth) will showcase Waterford as a
Congratulations to Paula King, Judy Nolan and Ann Hally who culinary capital and gateway city to a great gastronomic region.
came second in the quiz recently held in Lemybrien. Guild members are requested to submit some home grown/home
Best wishes to our eight members who are attending the Waterford produced produce for this event.
Week in An Grianan.
A vote of sympathy was passed by our Guild to the Mulcahy fam-
Dates for your Diary:
14th & 15th June - Art Week - ICA Hall, Ardmore, under the guid- ily, on the sad bereavement of Eilish Mulcahy.
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


AVRRIL GEARY Counselling
Michael Fitzgerald
DECLUTTERING, PERSONAL SHOPPING, Adlerian Counsellor & Life, Business and family Coach
MAKE-UP AT HOME Adolescent, Individual, Couple and Family Counselling
GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE TELQ 087 9585730 Tel: 058 24579 Mobile: 087 638 74 24

RONAYNE’S JRM Gardening Services

SUPPLIED AND FITTED AT KEENEST PRICES FREE QUaT AnON Lawn Maintenance, Grass and Hedge Cutting, Gardens
Cleared, Edges Trimmed, Toppings & Cuttings Removed.
CO. WATERFORD 087 2443112 I 9 Contact John at 087 2595021

AC Computer Solutions Doing your Driving Test In Youghal or Dungarvan?

Online Sales, Contact Noel Hennessy Driving School
Repairs & Networking Pre-Test Lessons Now available in Youghal and
Aidan Connolly - 087 6502485 024 95935 Dungarvan The Highest Pass Rate, Week after Week.
www.accomputers.ie Pre-tester - Phone 087 2633240 or 058 54000

Thomas Trihy Sawmills O Brien Skip-Hire Limited YOUGHAL

Tel 024 94318 - Fax 024 94028 Collection - Segregation - Recycling
FOR SALE: Top Quality Roofing Timber, Mini Skip - Midi Skip - Large Skip Best Prices...
Garden Sheds, Dog Boxes, Fencing etc. Contact Mike: 021 4652454 / 086 389 2563
Large Range of Timber Flooring Skip Operators Licence: SOL/06/07 - Waste Collection Permit CK WMC 104/02
Full range of Timber Decking Now in Stock Email: [email protected] Fax 021 4652434

Specialised Landscaping
Unit 5D Marlhill Court, Foxhole, Youghal
& Maintenance Quick Servicing: Mini Service, Full Service, Wiperblades, Bulbs,
Brakes - Phone Kits, Radio, CD Player and Sat-Nav fitting
Private Gardens, Full Diagnostic Service Available
Commercial & Industrial Grounds, Phone Gerard on 086 - 8111331 email:[email protected]
Contract Maintenance

McCarthy Landscaping
Cork Road, Killeagh, Co.Cork Tel/FaxQ 024 - 85943 MobileQ 087 - 8927628
T: 024 95716 M: 086 3221697 Turning MillingFabrication Repair and Service of Hydraulic Rams
HYDRAUL LIC HOSE & FITTINGS Lubricants Bearings Steel
E: [email protected] Fasteners PN
Nuts, Bolts, Threaded Bar in m/s & s/s)

Plexus Special Needs Programme

For Dyslexia ADD, ADHD learning Difficulties behaviour
problems ETC. Involving Bio-Energy, vibrational kinesiolo-
gy and the use of special sound frequencies Annette Singleton Youghal
Barbara Kissane and Tom Griffin 086 0777792 For App. 086-3843786

Council House Transfer Cleaning Services
From Waterford to Youghal beautiful 4 bedroom semi-detached end - Fully Insured -
corner house of a cul-de-sac House only 11/2 old all mod cons. PAINTING & GENERAL MAINTENANCE
Big front and back gardens with a side entrance drive in. Summer Special on Painting
Looking for a transfer to any 3 or 4 bedroom house in Youghal We do it all - From Floor to Roof So Give us a Call, We ll Give you the Proof!
Tel: 086 0448386 / 086 3585195 Ted: 087 7719123 / Tom: 087 4137256 Office: 024 91340

At Euro Introductions EDDIE FLAVIN

Today is the first day of the rest of your life
Romance, Friendship - Everybody met locally LARGE AND SMALL JOBS
Tel 021 4315180 or 087 2902320 TEL: 087 6862843/024 91150
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


By Christy Parker Youghal’s Claycastle Beach was once again confirmed as one of
Parents will be pleased to know that repair work on the Millennium the best beaches in the world when it was awarded ’Blue Flag
Park playground is likely to begin shortly. The facility has been Status’ by An Taisce on Monday 9th June 2008.
closed since early in the year, as the Council seeks 50,000 fund- Blue Flag is a prestigious, international award scheme which acts
ing to undertake the work. ’We hope the money likely to come on as a guarantee to tourists that the beach they are visiting is one of
stream imminently and the work can begin,’ says Town Clerk Liam the best in the world. It is awarded to coastal destinations which
Ryan. ’It should be open before summer ends.’ have achieved the highest quality in water, facilities, safety, envi-
As well as repairs to the playground structures the chief outlay ronmental education and management.
focuses on a new surface. The present tattered tiling system is to beSpeaking at the Flag raising ceremony at Claycastle Beach, Aileen
replaced by a different system of ground covering, Mr Ryan Ahern Tourism Development Officer for Youghal said: "The beach
explains, adding that, contrary to rumour, "no claims have been here at Claycastle is a fabulous place to visit and that’s now offi-
lodged against the council" in regard to the playground. cial. For the first time ever in Ireland Youghal was chosen to play
Playground maintenance -not unlike children themselves- is a cost- host to the Thundercat European Beach Challenge from 20th -
ly exercise. While Youghal’s other two playgrounds at Chestnut 22nd June - international recognition of Youghal’s status as the
Drive and Blackwater Heights continue to flourish, Mr. Ryan finest coastal resort in Ireland.
reveals that over 60,000 has been invested in them in recent Local and County Councillor Barbara Murray, in welcoming the
times. Blue Flag award to Claycastle Beach commented "Its unfortunate
Meanwhile the Council is looking at a site near the town centre that we have just one blue flag beach this year, but we expect our
with a view to establishing another outdoor games and play area. loss to be short term. One test (out of 10 taken), on one day cost
Team sport facilities like basketball would be facilitated on what us the flag. But we fully support the decision of An Taisce, it only
amounts to under an acre of space. Further information on this ini- serves to motivate us to work towards our target for Youghal of
tiative will be forthcoming shortly. having 3 blue flags, in Claycastle, Front Strand and Redbarn."
Redbarn beach has entered a pilot phase which will make it eligi-
KILLEAGH/INCH COMMU- ble for the blue flag award in 2009 providing it maintains its excel-
lent water quality.
NITY COUNCIL A series of tests carried out in May on behalf of Cork County
Council on the water in Youghal’s Front Strand are also set to reas-
sure bathers that the beach is safe for swimming. Results confirm
CHURCH GATE COLLECTION: water quality is firmly back to Blue Flag standards, a further indi-
The above organisation will hold a Church Gate Collection at all cation that the one negative test in July of last year was due to
masses at Killeagh and Inch churches over the weekend of the 21st unprecedented levels of rainfall in the area.
and 22nd of June next.
Your support would be greatly appreciated.
Killeagh/Inch Community Council are exploring the possibility of
providing a Defibrillator for community use in Killeagh village.
This will involve fundraising to raise funds to purchase a
Defibrillator and also to train a number of people in the use of
same. Any business or individual in our Parish who would be
willing to either assist in fundraising or make a donation towards
this cause please contact your local community council rep. who
will be glad to provide you with further information or alternative-
ly contact myself (P.R.O.) at 086-2324844 for further details.
Remember if one life is saved our efforts will be rewarded.

Speed Up New N25 Improvements David Quill - Beach Guard, Aileen Ahern - Tourism Development Officer,
Between Youghal and Midleton Youghal, David Savage - Mayor of Youghal, Aengus, Seamus & Deirdre Galvin,
visting from Glasgow, Cllr Barbara Murray,
Cllr Martin Hallinan has expressed disappointment at the pace of
the proposed improvements on the N25 between Midleton and Office Administrator (Part Time)
Youghal and called on the National Roads Authority to give that
stretch of road the priority it needs. An Internet service provider is looking for an Office Administrator
The urgent need for major improvements on this stretch of road, to support our local staff.
such as the by-passes for Castlemartyr and Killeagh is not being Duties include:
responded to by the National Roads Authority (NRA) with suffi- Customer Accounts/Book keeping, Taking calls from customers ,
cient urgency. We need a dual carriageway, including a by pass of Organising mail-shots, Maintaining customer databases , Sales and
each village, between Midleton and Youghal, marketing duties, Various other administration projects
The development of Killeagh and Castlemartyr is being hampered
by the volume of traffic each town has to endure and urgent relief Required Skills:
is needed. Youghal needs good transport access if it is to reverse • Strong MS Word, MS Excel, email, Internet and typing skills
the flow of jobs and investment from the town. • Excellent communication skills and Telephone manner
While I welcome the announcement that planning and design • Outgoing and professional attitude
• Full in house training will be provided
works have begun, the NRA needs to get its finger out and provide
the type of road which will begin to deal with the serious lack of Please contact with any questions on 058 64030 or send your current
infrastructural development in this part of East Cork. It has to give CV (marked either Full Time or Part Time with Salary expectation) to:
priority to speedily completing a dual carriageway between [email protected] or Fax to 058 64503
Midleton and Youghal.
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Thanks to St. Martin and Sacred Heart for prayers and favours
received. CJF
Garda in Youghal have recently recovered a Con-Saw
in near new condition as a result of inquires. If you O’ MAHONY
think you may be the owner of said item please contact LATE OF 57 SARSFIELD TERRACE, YOUGHAL
Youghal Garda Station on 024 92200 WHO DIED ON 5TH FEBRUARY 2008

The O’ Mahony family would like to

ADG STONEMASONS thank all the staff at Youghal District
All aspects of stone & blockwork.
- Stone house fronts, entrances, walls & fireplaces.
Hospital, all our neighbours and friends,
Extensions, garden walls & patios. No job too big or small. Canon Tom Browne, everyone who
For a free quotation contact: 087-8030656 attended the Rosary & Funeral Mass,
everyone who offered their condolences,
50 sent flowers and mass cards.

Happy Birthday wishes to
Joan Curtin, Kinsalebeg
who is celebrating her 50th
Birthday. Love from all at IN LOVING MEMORY OF A DEAR HUSBAND
the Thursday Club.




The Hope Foundation is delighted to announce the HOPE FAMILY WHO WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU.

Celebrity Chef Barbeque on Saturday the 21st of June at

7pm in the luxurious Fota Island Golf Resort. A host of
national and international chefs have agreed to play a part on
the day from Margaret Browne chef, author and featured
guest on the Mooney Goes Wild to Lotte Duncan, chef
from UKTV food channel! Sir Laurence Olivier s daughter
and HOPE UK board member The Honorable Julie- Kate
Olivier will attend, as well as a host of other personalities 6th Anniversary
from the world of literature, food and entertainment that will
mingle with the crowd in support of HOPE. Edmond (Ned) Cronin
Late of 4 Kilcoran Place, Youghal.
The event will start with a cheese and wine reception as peo-
ple mingle and soak up the stunning surroundings of Feta We thought of you with love today,
Island. To follow, the HOPE celebrity chefs will share their But that is nothing new,
expertise in the art of barbequing and serve a mouth water- We thought about you yesterday,
And the days before that too.
ing array of food to guests. HOPE would really appreciate It broke our hearts to lose you,
your support to ensure much needed funds are raised for the But you did not go alone,
street children of Calcutta. Part of us went with you,
On the day God called you home.
Tickets cost 60 per person or 50 per student. For more
information or to buy tickets please call Sinead in the HOPE Always loved and missed by Kieran, SeÆn, Eddie, daughter-
office on 021-4292990 or email [email protected] in-law Noreen, grandchildren, friends and neighbours.
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

~ In Memoriam ~ ~ In Memoriam ~
Acknowledgement And First Anniversary
Seamus Walsh
Late of North Main Street
Died 14-05-07
On this, Seamus’ first anniversary, his wife May, son Seamus, daughters
Noreen, Ann, Shirley, son-in-law Shaun, grandchildren Amber, Heather,
Harry and Keely would like to express our sincere gratitude to all who
sympathised with us on our sad loss, to all who attended the rosary,
removal and funeral, to everyone who sent mass cards, floral tributes
and called to us personally. Our sincere thanks to the doctors, especial-
ly the ambulance staff, Bree Rosney and all the staff of Youghal District
Hospital. The Fitzgibbon family and staff. Their kindness and help will
never be forgotten. To Canon Browne, Father Winkle and Father 2nd Anniversary & 30th Birthday Remembrance
Birmingham for their support. To Colin Bulman and staff at Egan’s
Funeral Home for their help and support. As it is not possible to thank Emer, we remember you everyday
everyone individually, will you please accept this as a token of our grat-
itude and appreciation. with deep love and affection,
Sadly missed & always loved by your wife May, Son Seamus, daugh- but particularly on your 30th birthday.
ters Noreen, Ann, Shirley, son-in-law Shaun, grandchildren May you continue to inspire us.
Amber,Heather, Harry & Keely.
The holy sacrifice of the mass will be celebrated for your intentions. Your heartbroken parents and sisters.

In loving memory of a dear The family of the late Pad O’ Sullivan, Tim, Mike, Mag, Rob,
mother and grandmother Pat and Paul, nephews and nieces, grandchildren and great
Margaret (Peg), Upper grandchildren would like to extend our sincere appreciation to
Strand, Youghal, whose fifth all who sympathised with us on our sad loss. Our thanks to those
who attended the Rosary, Removal & Funeral mass and those
anniversary occurs
who travelled long distances, to all who sent mass cards
on 5th June. and flowers, we would like to thank Pad’s sister Eileen, brother
Dan, brother-in-law Tim De La Cour and very good friend
We hold you close within our hearts, And there you
Jimmy Cashman, Dr. Twomey and the staff of Marymount
shall remain to walk with us throughout our lives, Hospital for all their support throughout. To Canon Browne, Fr.
Until me meet again. So rest in peace dear loved Cotter and Fr. Birmingham who offered funeral mass. To Egan’s
one and thanks for all you ve done. We pray that Undertakers for their kindness and support. To Liz Coleman and
God has given you the crown you ve truly won. Don Mulcahy for their lovely singing and to McCarthy’s Pipe
Band, Bertie’s Golf Society. Pad had a great love for Youghal
Always in our thoughts and prayers, remembered and it’s people and the GAA, the kindness and respect shown to
by her loving family. his memory will remain with us always. The Holy Sacrifice of
the mass will be offered for your intentions.


Late of 67 Dermot Hurley Est, Youghal (Never Known To Fail)
In loving memory of a Dear Husband and Dad O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendour
of Heaven. Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin,
on this his 20th Anniversary, 16th June 08 assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me
herein that you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen
We have a book of memories, of Heaven and Earth. I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my
They re not upon a shelf, heart to succour me in my necessity. There are none that can with-
stand your power. O show me herein you are my Mother. Mary con-
They re locked inside our hearts, ceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to Thee (three
And we keep them to ourselves. times). Thank you for your mercy towards me and mine. Amen. Said
We turn the key quite often, for three days and after that request will be granted. Publication must
be promised when necessity is granted. Favours received.
And think of Happy Days, Publication promised. S.D.
We miss you so very much, NOVENA TO SACRED HEART
Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked for many favours. This
In many, many ways. time I ask you this special one (Mention Favour). Take it dear Heart
Always remembered and loved by your Wife of Jesus and place it within your own broken heart where your father
sees it, then in His merciful eyes it will become your favour, not
Joan children Michael, Liam, Christine and mine. Amen. Say this prayer for three days, and favour will be grant-
their families. ed. Never known to fail. S.D.
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Proudly Presents NO LIMIT
Fiddler On TEXAS
The Roof HOLD’EM
Directed by Ms. Terri Byrne
Based on Sholem Aleichem stories by special permission of Arnold Perl Book by Joseph Stein.
Music by Jerry Bock. Lyrics by Sheldon Harnick. Produced on the New York stage by Harold
Prince. Original New York stage production directed and choreoghaphed by Jerome Robbins.
This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Josef Weinberger Ltd.
on behalf of Music Theatre International of New York. FRIDAY NIGHT POKER
In The Mall Arts Centre,Youghal EVERY FRIDAY
From Sunday 15th June Venue: CENTRAL STAR, Youghal
to Thurs 19th June 2008 8.30pm SHARP. Reg:8pm (no late entries)
Buy In: 25+ 5
Time: 8.00pm Sharp 1 Rebuy/Top up @ 10
Price: 12.00 Adults
8.00 Children under 12 years
League winners also receive a ticket to 100,000
Booking: Tickets available ACE POKER FESTIVAL.
at Cree s Card Shop


Youghal News.....June 12th 2008


Youghal LTC has an illustrious history, with grass courts first laid in 1893
by the British regiment which was stationed in Youghal. The grounds Best Wishes to Youghal Lawn Tennis Club from
which were known as the paddocks enclosed by the original stone walls,
were donated to the Club by the Kenniry Family at a nominal rent for as
long as the game of Tennis is played there. Over the years the club has
developed and progressed with Tarmacadam courts replacing the grass
courts in the 1980’s
Facilities Development Programme
In early 2003 the Club made a decision to borrow 95,000 to purchase the Peter Smith 087 2581015
lease for the grounds and to provide seed capital to fund a significant
upgrading and expansion of facilities. This decision was made so that the
Club could offer the very best facilities for local players and visitors alike. With Best Wishes to Youghal Tennis Club from
Works included in the programme are as follows:
• Renovation of the clubhouse
• Renovation and maintenance of the floodlight system John L. Keane & Son
• New synthetic grass courts 3 & 4 Solicitors, Youghal, Co. Cork. Tel: 024 92426 Est. 1891
• Practice wall
• Midi court David A. Keane, B.C.L. Commissioner For Oaths
• Improved access facilities Mary C. Keane, B.C.L.
Renovation of the clubhouse and floodlighting system was completed in Jacinta Madden, B.Ed. Anna Beresford, B.C.L.
2005 and funded by the Club at a total cost of approximately 25,000.
Building works were carried out by Thomas Murray & Son building con-
tractors. Electrical work was performed by Clifton Electrical. Best Wiishes to Youghal Lawn Tennis Club from
In order to fund the cost of the proposed new facilities YLTC successfully
applied for funding under the 2006 Sport Capital Programme (lottery Albert & Anne at

Muckley s
funds) operated by the Department of Arts Sport and Tourism. Partial
funding was allocated for the provision of the new synthetic grass courts
3 & 4. Additional funding was granted by Cork County Council.
Following a competitive tendering process conducted by our consultant,
R.J.I. Jewellers
David Kelly & Partnership, the contract was awarded to Tennis Court
Ireland. Works started in February of this year and are now fully Est. 1937 93 North Main St., Youghal Tel: 024 92636
playable! The total cost of this project is approximately 100,000.
The Club applied again under the 2007 Sports Capital Programme for
additional grants for Phase 2 works (practice wall, midi court and access
facilities). Success again! A total of 40,000 has been allocated for this proj- Best Wiishes to Youghal Lawn Tennis Club from
ect with an estimated value of 65,000. Tenders for these works are cur-
rently being sought. It is expected that works will be complete by the end
of this year. These facilities will be of great benefit to juveniles. The midi
court (as the name suggests) is a reduced size court and is ideal for play-
ers in the 8 through 12 years age bracket.
Stellas Beauty Salon
By the end of this year the Facility Development Programme will be com- Kilcoran Road, Youghal Tel: 024 93345
plete with a total investment of almost 200,000. Youghal lawn Tennis
Club is delighted to announce the recent major development of the club
with now boasts four sand synthetic carpet courts thanks to all the Hard
work of the committee and in particular from Dave Clark.
The club offers something for all the family we have a clubhouse with Best Wiishes to Youghal Lawn Tennis Club from

Ger Motherway
seperate male/female changing
areas flood lighting for the four

synthetic sand filled courts,
We provide adult and Junior
coaching professional coaching.
Tennis camps, Regular Club Tallow Street, Youghal TelQ 024 93450
nights and tournament nights
and also a number of social
nights. Now that we have four
all weather courts completed Best wishes to Youghal Lawn Tennis Club from
we wish to encourage many
new members to join and
encourage lapsed members to YOUGHAL
return to the courts.
We are holding regular Adult
club nights on Thursday nights
Grattan Street, Youghal
where anybody can turn up and
Tel: 024 92325 Fax: 024 91080 www.youghalcu.ie
play Tennis.
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

We have tournaments regularly held on Thursday night’s in the club. Best Wiishes to Youghal Lawn Tennis Club from
Coaching Professional Coaching for Adults commenced on Wednesday the 14th

of May for six weeks, we are currently providing three levels of coaching one for
beginners and for improvers and one for advanced players. Professional coach
Dick McCarthy travels from Waterford for the lessons and it is planned that once
this session is completed we will commence a further course for Adults. All new
members will be able to avail of the next course of coaching, For Further informa-
tion please contact Caroline on 086 1722047 or Anne on 086 1083485 Junior
Coaching also recommenced on Sundays in May with our professional Coach Tel: 024 91081 or 087 2500931
Martin Cusack travelling from Cork, we have a thriving Junior membership and
Martin will also be providing a summer camp further details to follow on this. We
wish to acknowledge the FAS contribution to the successful running of the club in
the provision of a member of staff Sharon Coady O Brien who maintains the Best Wiishes to Youghal Lawn Tennis Club from

J. Hodnett & Son

grounds Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm and does a great job for us as the synthet-
ic carpets in particular require considerable maintenance to keep in a safe and top
performing condition. We would like to acknowledge Aspels Centra in the strand
for their continued support of the club in the selling of floodlighting tokens for
evening tennis playing.
Sponsorship Opportunities
YLTC is seeking sponsorship from individuals or businesses to assist with co-fund- Emmet Place, Youghal Tel 024 92169
ing the new Midi Court and Practice Wall facilities. These facilities are for the ben-
efit of juvenile players. Sponsorship received will be acknowledged in a perma-
nent dedication sign. Contact any of the committee for further information.
Committee for 2008 John Hunt Chairperson Anne Webb Secretary
David O Connell Treasurer Ita Tracy Membership secretary
Dave Clark Facilities Manager Caroline Connelly Public Relations Officer
Linda O Donoghue Junior Development Dymnpha Quill Junior Development
Other committee members Mary Hogan Frank Delaney, Mary O Connell, Martin
Finn and Jan Power

Youghal Lawn Tennis Club

Professional Coach Martin Cusack Shares
his Knowledge with Juvenile Tennis Players
Best wishes to Youghal Lawn Tennis Club from


Supply & Fitting of PVC, Fascia
& Soffit Gutters and Down-Pipes
Peter McDermott: 087 2421693 John Goggin: 087 2766801

Best wishes to Youghal Lawn Tennis Club from

Cllr. Barbara Murray

Professional Coach Martin Cusack with Juvenile Players Summerfield, Youghal
Tel: 087 2854971

Best wishes to Youghal Lawn Tennis Club from

Tides Bar & Restaurant

pper Strand, Youghal Tel: 024 93127

Best wishes to Youghal Lawn Tennis Club from

John Hunt, Chairman Youghal Lawn Tennis Club; Linda Donoghue, Juvenile YOUG GHAL
Officer; Caroline Connelly, PRO and Dave Clarke, Development Officer with
Juvenile Tennis Players Sorcha Nolan, Deirdre Clarke, Sarah Donoghue and Ciara Tel: 024 92916
Youghal News.....June 12th 2008

Ken-Co Cleaning Services Via @ The Priory Restaurant
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Timber Decking Supplied or Fitted "Please contact me if I can be of help to you in any way"
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Website Design, Hosting, Maintenance
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Mobile: 087-6480692 For Free Quotation contact us
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Supplier of a Large Selection of Quality Firearms: Hillside, Cork Hill, Youghal, Co. Cork. Tel: 024 90454
(Discounts available for large quantities)
Beretta Shotgun slips from 35 - Buffalo River Rifle slips from 45
Attention Commercial Vehicle Owners
ABS Gun Case with combination lock from 60 IF YOU ARE NOT INSURED WITH US YOU ARE PROBA-
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ABOUT US Youghal & District Nursing Home is a new, purpose built residential nursing home. The dØcor and dining facilities
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Established and run by husband and wife team Peter and Angela Connon we aim to offer a personal, hands on approach to creating
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TEL: 024 90280 I 087 974 3262
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