Captain's Curse Rules and Game Sheet

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Captain’s Curse

A Roll & Write Game for One Pirate by Steven Aramini | 15 minutes

As a treasure-hungry pirate, you’ve hatched a plan to steal the Captain’s loot. You’ll need to work your way around his secret
island where he has stashed his treasure and steal as much as you can. But there’s a catch! He has placed a curse on the
island, and the more treasure you take, the more the island sinks! How much loot can you grab before the island goes under?

OBJECTIVE: You must grab treasure from the island to earn as many points as possible (points represent each
treasure’s value). To win, you must score enough points to meet or exceed the point goal of 70 points (see “GAME
END”). Lose if your final score does not meet the minimum point goal OR if the entire island sinks into the sea!

SETUP: Take an island sheet and pencil. Additionally, you will need a white 6-sided die and a black 6-sided die.

GAME PLAY: Begin a turn by rolling both dice.You must take the value on the white die OR the value on the Free
black die (you may not take both values and you may not pass unless you have no legal placement for either die). The
white die is “free” to choose, meaning you can choose it without penalty. The black die, however, is “cursed!”

LOOTING: Immediately after choosing your die, circle the matching value in the column of your choice at Cursed!
the island center.You must mark each column from top to bottom. For each number you skip in that column,
you must “X” it out!

Next, locate a symbol anywhere on the island that matches

the column you chose (there are 6 of each symbol type
on the island). Circle one symbol of your choice, X
making sure it matches the symbol on the column
you chose, to indicate that you have “looted” that
If there are NO matching symbols anywhere on the island
(because they have all been looted or sunk), you may not
Example: You choose the Example: You circle a barrel
choose that column and must instead choose a different
white 5 die and mark it in the on the island to indicate that
column. If there are NO columns with an available barrel column. You must skip you have just looted that
number that match your chosen die, you must select the the 6 value and “X it out.” space on the island!
other die value instead (if there is a legal placement for it).
If you cannot legally place either die, you must pass for
this turn.You are not required to modify a die to create a
legal placement for it (see “MODIFYING A DIE”).

If you circle the final number at the bottom of a column, that

column is completed. Immediately score it! Tally the total of X
all circled numbers from that column (do not count numbers
that have been “X’ed out”) and write it in the green box at the base of the X
completed column. X

ABANDONED TREASURES: Once you have completed a column, check

to see if there are any uncircled symbols on the island that match the 13 Example: You completed the
column you completed. Immediately circle these “abandoned treasures!” treasure chest column. There is
Doing so does not score you any additional points, but it does identify those still one unmarked treasure
spaces as marked spaces. chest left on the island (this is
known as abandoned treasure), so
SINKING: After looting the island, if you chose the black (“cursed”) die OR you circle it to mark it.
were forced to pass because you had no legal placement for either die, you must
pay a penalty by “sinking” part of the island!

Choose any visible dotted line connecting water at two points on the island and then scribble out every space
that runs along that dotted line on the side opposite of the island center, scribbling from dotted line to island edge.
This may be one island space or several.You may scribble out A
unmarked spaces and/or looted (circled) spaces, including a
space you just looted.You want to sink as little of the island
as possible, so choose wisely! All scribbled spaces are now
considered to be water, as that part of the island has sunk!

ARRGH…DOUBLES!!: If you roll “doubles,” check the

matching “doubles” symbol below the island map. Example: You sink a single Example: On a previous turn, you sank
space of island, which has the island space known as “Pip’s
If it isn’t already circled, circle the doubles already been “looted.” Point” (A). Now you must sink more
value that matches what you rolled. of the island, and you choose this
group of island spaces (B).

You must then take the black (“cursed”) die as your die selection! Circle the value in one of the columns
at the island center (if there is a legal placement for it) and loot a space as normal. Then sink part of the island!

If the matching “doubles” symbol has already been circled, you may instead take the white die to avoid the
“curse”! (If you cannot legally place the white die, you must pass for this turn as normal and sink part of the island.)

MODIFYING A DIE: For each “doubles” symbol that you circle, you may modify either die on a future turn by +1
or -1, including modifying a 6 to 1 or 1 to 6. You cannot modify a die more than once per turn. After modifying,
immediately scribble out one of your circled "doubles" symbols to indicate that
you have used its power. You cannot modify a die if doubles are rolled!
Example: You roll a “4” and “1.”
You modify the “4” to a “5” and
scribble out one of your circled
“doubles” symbols.

ENDING YOUR TURN: After resolving your turn, check to see if you
have completed all six columns at the center of your island OR run out of
unmarked spaces on the island (that is, spaces that have not been looted or Center
circled as abandoned treasure) OR there are no more island spaces left. If
so, the game ends immediately.

Otherwise, the game continues. Roll both dice again to start another turn.

GAME END: If you have “sunk” every space surrounding the island
center, then the island has returned to the sea and you automatically
lose the game.
Otherwise, tally all six column box totals, subtract 1 point for each “X” X X X
in your columns and write in your final total in the line below the island. X X
If you have any unfinished columns at game end because you ran out of X
unmarked spaces on the island (which may happen if any treasures “sank”
before they were looted), you must “X out” these numbers at game end. 14 15 21 19 19 13
To win, you must achieve the goals listed at the base of your game
sheet. If you fail to score 70 points or more, you lose. The better you
Example: The game has ended because you completed
do, the more prestigious your pirate title! all six columns. You have a final score of 91
(14+15+21+19+19+13-10), which is enough points to
Game Design: Steven Aramini, [email protected] qualify for “First Mate” status. However, you only
completed 1 of the conditional goals (At least 1
“perfect” column with no “X’s” in it, in this case, barrels),
failing to get 8 or fewer “X’s” and 15 or more island
spaces that have not sunk. Thus, the highest pirate title
you can earn is that of “Quartermaster.”


(mark your achieved goals below and circle your pirate title!)


Total score Total score of 80 or more Total score of 90 or more Total score of 100 or more
of 70 or more plus 1 of the following: plus 2 of the following: plus all 3 of the following:
Lose if you score less than 70 OR the island sinks.

8 or fewer “X’s”
At least 1 “perfect” column with no “X’s” in it
15 or more island spaces that have not sunk
(not including the island center)

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