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NAME: Activity What is Agriculture Checked by:

Mark Daven C. Anjao #1

Venus Z. Loremia
03-18-20 03-18-20

Answer Briefly.
Instruction: Define the following terms:

1. What is Agriculture-

The term Agriculture is derived from two Latin words ager or agri meaning soil and cultura meaning
cultivation. Agriculture is an applied science which encompasses all aspects of crop production including
horticulture, livestock rearing, fisheries, forestry, etc.

Agriculture is defined as an art, science and business of producing crops and livestock for economic

As an art it embraces knowledge of the way to perform the operations of the farm in a skillful manner,
but does not necessarily include an understanding of the principles underlying the farm practices.

As a science: utilizes all technologies developed on scientific principles such as crop breeding,
production techniques, crop protection, economics etc. to maximize the yield and profit. For example,
new crops and varieties developed by hybridization, Transgenic crop varieties resistant to pests and
diseases, hybrids in each crop, high fertilizer responsive varieties, water management, herbicides to
control weeds, use of bio-control agents to combat pest and diseases etc.

As the business: As long as agriculture is the way of life of the rural population production is ultimately
bound to consumption. But agriculture as a business aims at maximum net return through the
management of land labour, water and capital, employing the knowledge of various sciences for
production of food, feed, fibre and fuel. In recent years, agriculture is commercialized to run as a
business through mechanization.

2. Where does the word Agriculture came from?

The word 'Agriculture' is derived from the Latin word 'Ager' means Land or field and 'Culture' means
cultivation. It means the science and Art of producing crops and livestock for economic purpose.
Agriculture is an art of raising plant life from the soil for the use of mankind.

Agriculture is the mile stone in the history of human civilization, due to agriculture man settled at
particular place. Agriculture is one of the oldest and prime activities of the human being. It has remained
an important source of land. In spite of growing industrialization and urbanization in the world, nearly
fifty percent working population still engaged in agriculture. In developing Countries agriculture sector
has been a major source of employment and it has contributed to the national economy.

The basic aim of agriculture is to raise stronger and more fruitful crops and plants and to help them for
their growth by improving the soil and supplying the water. Agriculture is a backbone of Indian
economy. In India about sixty four percent of the total population is dependent on agriculture for their
live food.

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