Roland Berger Bike Sharing 4 0

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Bike Sharing 4.


Hamburg, June 2016

Bike sharing is predicted to grow at a very fast pace, opening up to
its users a new means of urban transportation
Management summary

> Major challenges and trends in personal mobility, e.g. enhanced interconnectedness, altered consumer behavior, etc.
became the growth engine for bike sharing schemes. Today, ~1,000 bike sharing schemes with more than 1,200,000
bikes are already in operation worldwide and the market is expected to grow by 20% p.a. by 2020. Then, the size of the
global market will be between EUR 3.6 and 5.3 bn

> Being low priced and covering short to middle distances, bike sharing closes an important gap between other modes of
transportation by providing an easily available door-to-door solution. Depending on the density of the public transportation
network, bike sharing can either extend or complement existing public transit systems

> Successful bike sharing schemes are mainly financed by a combination of usage fees and public funds or sometimes
advertising. Leading European bike sharing schemes all involve public funding with different levels of private sector

160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 2
Six factors on how to run bike sharing schemes sustainably and
Management summary

> Six success factors for bike sharing schemes have been identified in best practice examples:
(1) High density network: Highly concentrated networks of stations and bikes dramatically increase usage frequency
(2) Multimodal integration: Integration can be achieved through integrated infrastructure and operations, payment and
information structure
(3) Simple handling: User-friendly schemes rely on automated rental processes, no obligatory advance registration but
fast tracking for registered users
(4) Attractive pricing: An affordable and strategic pricing scale should be designed to promote both ridership and
(5) High-quality bike: Reliable bikes require low maintenance and are specially designed to prevent theft yet meet the
user's needs
(6) Support of local authorities: Support is key to success due to the schemes' dependency on public funds, land use
rights and agencies

> All of the main stakeholders in bike sharing concepts (governments, sponsors, manufacturers and operating companies)
need to be aware of the growing market for "bike sharing" and should be supporting, investing in and continuously
developing this opportunity

160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 3
Innovative mobility services change the existing way of passenger
transport fundamentally and sustainably
What is "innovative mobility"?
Traditional transportation Innovative mobility

> Conventional, rather asset-intensive > Intelligent combination of several trans-

transport modes and services port modes and concepts with improved
> Limited view on single element of travel interfaces between modes
chain – no focus on optimizing the entire > Leveraging new technological trends and
customer journey possibilities from digitalization
> Rather "passive administration" instead of > Shifting paradigms towards sustainability
"disruptive or continuous improvement" and flexibility of service offering

Source: Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 4

Business models transform towards lower asset-intensity, whereas
customers prefer "sharing" and "using" over "owning"
Business models
1 Traditional transportation 2 Innovative mobility: Lower asset intensity

Information Information routing and
navigation and
provider provider sight-seeing
review platforms
Intermodal P2P parking and
Agent Agent booking and P2P car sharing
Asset intensity


Asset intensity
taxi apps platforms
Public trans-
Car insurance eCall/bCall and Mobile "parking"
Service companies and
portation Service telediagnosis and mobile
provider car workshops
companies and provider service providers payment
Leasing and E-bike and micro Bike sharing and
Vehicle Car and bike
rental car
Vehicle vehicle car sharing
provider manufacturers
companies provider manufacturers operators

Bus station and Mobility stations

Infrastructure Garages car park
Infrastructure and E-charging
provider operators provider stations

"Own" "Use" "Share" "Own" "Use" "Share"

Consumer behavior Consumer behavior

Source: Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 5
Bike sharing addresses major challenges and trends in personal
Market and mega trends
Market and customer trends

Enhanced Altered consumer Soaring Increasing Diminishing

interconnectedness behavior individuality convenience boundaries
> People, vehicles and > People use and share > Niche segments arise > People face more time > New players enter
infrastructure are in- instead of own (share > People strive for auto- pressure, while increa- established markets
creasingly connected economy) nomy sing comfort expecta- > Players increasingly
(e.g. by real-time data, tions tend to cooperate

Challenges and opportunities addressed by bike sharing

Globalization Urbanization and Demographic Scarcity of resources Technological

growth of megacities change and climate change progress

Mega trends
Source: Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 6
Over time, bike sharing developed into a worldwide applied, highly
technological and integrated mode of transport business
Bike sharing development
"Multi-modal systems"
> Worldwide applied
> Bicycles distinguished by
3.0 design or advertising
> Designated fixed, flexible,
2.0 > First system founded in
Rennes, France
mobile or virtual stations
> User interface necessary
"Coin-deposit systems" > Bicycles distinguished by for check-ins/outs
> Founded in Copenhagen, design or advertising
display > Advanced technology used
1.0 Denmark
> Designated fixed or flexible
for locating, reserving and
> Bicycles distinguished by accessing bicycles
"White Bikes" color and design docking stations
> Linked with public transit
> Invented in Amsterdam, > Designated locking stations > User interface necessary (e.g. schedules, stations)
Netherlands for check-ins/outs
> Small deposits to unlock > Cleaner technologies (e.g.
> 50 white bicycles, bicycles > Advanced technology used solar-powered stations,
permanently unlocked for locating, reserving and sustainable bicycle
> More reliable, but almost no
accessing bicycles redistribution)
> Often stolen/damaged information about customer

1965 1995 1998 2013 and onwards

Source: Susan Shaheen, Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 7

About 1,000 bike sharing systems with more than 1,270,000 bikes
are already in operation all around the globe – Asia biggest market
Global presence of bike sharing systems – December 2015

31 471

3 103
Europe 10
North America 4 7
Middle East 396

5 29
Asia Pacific
Worldwide South America

57 countries
1,005 systems
1,270,000+ bikes

Source: Peter Midgley, press research, Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 8

The number of bikes in bike sharing systems is still growing
significantly – Biggest bike sharing systems implemented in China
Development and distribution of bike sharing systems
Global development of bike sharing schemes Biggest bike sharing schemes worldwide1)

No. of bike sharing schemes No. of bikes ['000]

1.005 Wuhan 90,000

639 855
388 486 535
Hangzhou 78,000

Taiyuan 35,000
No. of bikes in bike sharing schemes ['000] Shanghai 28,000

Paris 24,200
CAGR +28% Weifang 20,000
Ningbo 15,000
450 517
367 Wenzhou 15,000

Suzhou 12,840
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Wuhu 12,000 China

1) As of 2014
Source: Earth Policy Institute, Peter Midgley, Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 9
The market is expected to grow by 20% p.a. until 2020 – Then, the
market will be between EUR 3.6 and 5.3 bn
Market development [2006-2020] Reasons for growth

Market size [EUR m] > Increasing urbanization

3,600- – Increasing traffic and lack of parking space in cities
47 1,250
5,300 > Changing climate
– Increasing environmental awareness
No. of bikes in bike sharing schemes ['000] – Scarcity of resources
+20% p.a. > Changing buying behaviors
– Sharing rather than owning
+60% p.a. 2.304
> Increasing political support
643 – Supporting the "bikeability" of a city (e.g. through
dedicated bike lanes)
– Supporting bike sharing schemes financially as
sponsor or co-operator
– Acknowledging bike sharing for fringe benefits
24 > Enhanced interconnectedness
– Increasing inter-modal transportation
2006 2013 2020

Source: Earth Policy Institute, Peter Midgley, bike sharing provider statistics, press research, Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 10
Being low-priced and covering short to middle distances, bike
sharing closes an important gap between other modes
Transportation niche
Bike sharing… Distance

… is faster than walking Own

High vehicle
… is cheaper than taking a taxi Urban
… is more closely meshed than bus and tram railway

… is easier available than owning a car Metro

… can be combined with other means of transport
Middle Taxi
… requires less maintenance and is less
expensive than owning a car Tram
Low Sharing

… closes the transportation niche for Walking

inexpensive short to middle distance ways Price

Low Middle High

Source: DB Rent, Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 11

Depending on the density of its environment, bike sharing can either
extend or complement existing public transit systems
Bike sharing's role in transit systems
"The denser the urban environment (particularly for "The less dense the environment, the more bike
rail), the more bike sharing provides new connections sharing establishes new connections to the existing
that substitute for existing ones." public transit system."

Washington D.C. Minneapolis

> 47% of members > 14% of members
decreased rail use increased rail use
> 39% of members > 14% of members
decreased bus increased bus
use use

Bike sharing relieves pressure from dense and busy public Bike sharing casts the network denser and facilitates first
transport networks and offers an additional transport option and last mile but cannot compete with entire journey

Share of people increasing rail/bus Share of people not changing rail/bus Share of people decreasing rail/bus
Source: Evaluating public transit modal shift dynamics in response to bike sharing: a tale o two U.S. cities, Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 12
There are essentially two bike sharing models in the market: Free-
floating and station-based bike sharing
Bike sharing models

Free-floating Station-based E-bike sharing Company bike sharing

bike sharing bike sharing

> Inner-city rentals without > Inner-city rental of > Inner-city rental of e- > Company-specific rental
any fixed pick-up points bicycles from specific bikes from specific of bicycles, e.g. as a
within a defined pick-up points charging stations service for company
catchment area > Bicycles are rented and > Bikes must be plugged employees on site, for
> Bicycles can be picked returned at specific pick- in when returned to large events such as
up and dropped off at up points recharge the battery trade shows or for hotel
any intersection > Transaction normally > Transaction normally guests
> Transaction normally done at a user terminal done at a user terminal > Can either be connected
done by phone or app at the station or by app at the station or by app to municipal systems or
used for a limited time

Source: Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 13

Bike sharing operators are differentiated by their goal of operation,
financing sources as well as ownership and operations
Operator models
For Profit Non-Profit
> Owned and operated by a private company, > Owned and operated by an agency, responsible
Overall responsible for fundraising & costs for fundraising & costs
goals > Quick raise of private investments > Flexible funding (govt. or local sources)

Private Public
> Private loans > Federal grants
Financing > Private grants and/or > State grants
> Advertising > City funds

Ownership Private Public Private Public

Owner- Operations Private Private Public Public

ship & > Privately owned and > Publicly Owned/ > N/A > Publicly Owned and
Operations operated Contractor Operated Operated
> Street furniture
> Third-party operated
> Vendor operated
Source: Programs promote bikesharing in the US, Public Bikesharing in North America, Bike Share Opportunities in NYC, Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 14
Successful bike sharing schemes are mainly financed by a combi-
nation of usage fees and public funds, sometimes even advertising
Main financing models
(collected by 95% of operators)
> Access fees
> Rental fees
> Season tickets
FEES (collected by 68-89% of operators)
> Rental of advertising space on bikes and
BASIC > Rental of external advertising space
FINANCING > Sponsorship
(collected by 16-32% of operators)
PRIVATE FUNDS REVENUES > Operating cost subsidies
> Infrastructure subsidies
> Research and development funds
> Donations

Source: Mineta Transportation Institute, Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 15

Leading European bike sharing schemes all involve public funding
on various different levels of independency
Comparison of financing models
Financing Models Fund type Advantages Disadvantages Example
> A combination of several financing Public > All logistics handled by > Loss of revenues from > Paris
sources is possible Private the private sector party advertising
> The majority makes use of 4 sources or Partnership
Design, > Relieved of operating > Competition for public > Munich
Build1) and performance risk funds > Berlin
for private sector party > Very little control for
>/= 5 sources > Frankfurt
</= 3 sources private sector party
26% 32%
Design, > Relieved of perfor- > Competition for public > Barcelona
Build, mance risk for private funds
Operate, sector party > Operating risk for
42% Maintain2) > Reduced control for private sector party
public party
4 sources
Design, > Complete control for > Risk of disagreement
> These multiple sources are usually a Build, private sector party about advert.
combination of fix sources (e.g. Operate, > Assured performance > Operating and per-
sponsorship) and variable sources (e.g. Maintain, standards formance risk for
membership fees) Finance3) private sector party

1) Public owner and responsible for operations, maintenance and financing, private company designs and builds scheme 2) Public owner and responsible for financing, private
company designs, builds, operates and maintains scheme 3) Public owner, private company responsible for design, building, operating, maintaining and financing
Source: Public bike sharing in North America: Early operator and understanding emerging trends; TransLink Public Bike System Feasibility Study, Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 16
Endogenous (e.g. coverage) and exogenous factors (e.g. "bikeabil-
ity") made Vélib to become Europe's largest bike sharing scheme
Bike sharing examples: Good practice – Vélib Paris
Key Facts Success Factors
Extensive coverage
> Public-private partnership, station-
based bike-sharing scheme > High bike-station density (17 per km²) and availability of bicycles
operated by JCDecaux Quick roll-out
> Largest bike-sharing scheme in > Own internal momentum, program "buzz" after introduction
> Rapidly launched in 2007, Complementary transport mode
doubling the number of bikes > No subway operations after 1 am
within the first six months Easy intermodality
> Connection to public transport and car-sharing schemes
No. of bikes: 24,200
Robust yet modern bicycle design
No. of stations: 1,606
> Heavy to prevent theft, no exposable cables for more robustness
Catchment area: approx. 104 km2
No. of customers: 286,000 High acceptance rate
No. of trips per year: 39,500,000 > 70% increase in bicycle use, 5% reduction in car use after launch
Avg. trip duration: 15 min. Strong city support
> Paris-initiatives to promote the "bikeability" of the town

Source: Peter Midgley, press research 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 17

Though emerged as an awarded bike sharing scheme, Bixi Montréal
became eventually insolvent due to the inability to create profits
Bike sharing examples: Bad practice – Bixi Montréal
Key Facts Reasons for Failure
Strong seasonality
> City-financed (formerly private-
financed), non-station-based bike- > Operations from April 15 to November 15 (high costs, low loyalty)
sharing scheme operated by the Highly technologized
city of Montréal > Reduced target group to tech-savvy customers with resp. equipment
> Launched in 2007 and initially
acknowledged for its techno- Lack of major sponsorship
logical innovations > E.g. London: Santander, Barcelona: Vodafone, Paris: JCDecaux
> Filed for insolvency in January Poor management and intransparency
> Decision towards restructuring rather issuance of new debt in 2014
No. of bikes: 5,220
Dispersed coverage
No. of stations: 452
> Low bike-station density (6 per km²) and availability of bicycles
Catchment area: approx. 82 km2
No. of customers: 35,000 Broad international orientation
No. of trips per year: 3,500,000 > Intl. claims for compensation due to delayed delivery of bikes
Avg. trip duration: 13 min.

Source: Peter Midgley, press research 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 18

Bike sharing systems need to be simple, multimodally integrated
and low priced offering high-quality bikes in a dense network
Key success factors

A. High-density network Highly concentrated and comprehensive network of stations and

bikes and widespread program coverage ensure high accessibility

Integrated infrastructure, info-structure and payment with other

B. Multimodal integration mobility services enable convenient transfers

User-friendly, automated rental processes and no advance regis-

C. Simple handling tration increase usability and reduce entry barriers for new users

Minutes for free and low priced, competitive fares increase

D. Attractive pricing acceptance and usage intensity of bike-sharing offerings

Easy-to ride but also sturdy and weatherproof bikes ensure a

E. High-quality bike comfortable driving experience and reduce maintenance costs

F. Support of local authorities Support of local authorities e.g. in terms of bike lanes, accessibility of
public spaces and link to public transport can boost success

Source: Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 19

A High-density network

Highly concentrated networks of stations and bikes drastically in-

crease usage frequency – Market benchmarks show correlation
Key success factors – High density network (2012-2013)
Correlation between network density and frequency of use > Correlation evident
between network
No. of trips by density and frequency
bike per year
of use

Barcelona > However, high network

3,500 R2=0.65 density does not always
Lyon New York City trigger high usage fre-
Frequency of use

quency (e.g. London) –
2,500 Rio de Janeiro the city itself and the
2,000 Mexico City schemes need to pro-
Call a Bike vide incentives to in-
1,500 Hamburg crease bike sharing
Washington, D.C. London > Vélib Paris is at the
1,000 Denver
Call a Bike Montreal European forefront with
500 Vienna No. of stations/
Frankfurt 17 stations per km2 of

km2 of catchment area

Call a Bike Berlin catchment area and
approx. 1,460 trips per
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
bike per year
Low Network density High

Source: ITDP, providers, press research, Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 20

B Multimodal integration

Multimodal integration can be achieved through integrated

infrastructure and operations, payment and info structure
Key success factors – Multimodal integration
Infrastructure and operations
> Link bike sharing and other modes of transport through
multimodal hubs
> Secure easy transfer between modes through bike
sharing spots at public transit stations
> Install bike racks on busses to easily transport bicycles
Payment technology
> Integrate bike sharing into public transport tickets
> Develop comprehensive smart payment card for all
> Offer one public transportation pricing scheme, including
bike sharing
Information structure
> Integrate bike sharing into public transport control system
> Provide bike sharing user information on public transport
interfaces (e.g. availability of bikes at stations)
> Combine traditional public transport and bike sharing for
routing options1)
1) E.g. HVV; Hamburg, Germany
Source: Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 21
C Simple handling

User-friendly schemes rely on automated rental processes, no

obligatory advance registration but fast tracks for registered users
Key success factors – Simple handling

(Barcelona) (London)1) (Paris)1)

No advance Bikes can be loan out on the spot,
registration usually with a credit card or ID

"Fast track" access for Registered users receive a member-

ship card and simply swipe the card
registered users over the card reader to unlock a bike
Automatic bike Bikes are secured by locks that open ( )2)
unlocking automatically when bike rent starts

Rent is automatically completed when

Automatic bike return bikes are returned or locked

Payment with public Bike rent can be billed automatically

transit customer card to the public transit customer card

1) Operators of bike sharing: Santander Cycle Hire, Vélib (JV by JCDecaux) 2) Only with quick access for registered users
Source: Providers, press research, Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 22
D Attractive pricing

Affordable and strategic pricing scale should be designed to pro-

mote both, ridership and demand
Key success factors – Attractive pricing

Prerequisites Implementation
> Gather knowledge of habits and > Incentivize short trips in order to maximize the turnover of
average routes of the target group, the bikes
city's criteria, policies and objectives – E.g.: Offering first increment of time for free (usually
– E.g.: New York City decided initially to between 30-45 minutes)
keep fees for bike sharing lower than > Balance subscription fees and usage fees
those for public transit
– Subscription fees guarantee for stable revenues and give
> Analyze price-elasticity first (only little insights into customer data – also interesting for potential
re-search available) sponsorships – through registration
> Make sure to set prices for the medium- – Anonymous usage fees have the potential for higher
/long term – fast post implementation revenue creation
price changes will most likely lead to
> Attract both long-term users and casual users
public backlashes
– Long-term users account for the majority of trips and deter
theft, but are responsible for more wear-and-tear on system
– Causal users account for 2/3 of revenue, as most are not
aware of the free first increment

Source: Cohen, 2013, ITDP The Bike-share Planning Guide, Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 23
E High-quality bike

Reliable bikes require low maintenance, are specially designed to

prevent theft, yet fulfill the user's needs
Key success factors – High-quality bike
General bike requirements Part-specific requirements
> Attractive, yet robust (Barcelona) (London)1) (Paris)1)
> Overall appearance as > Easily adjustable seat
sleek and modern post, as only one size of
bike available
> Size aligned with average
user height > Light and reflectors for
increased safety ( )2)
> Robustness allows for min.
6 uses a day > Front basket for personal
items – to prevent over-
> Tires, chains and breaks load of rears
designed for low
maintenance efforts > Mud and chain guards to
increase robustness and ( )3)
> Special parts, proprietary protect user from dirt
tooling, non-common sizes
to deter theft > Durable tires to keep
maintenance low ( )4)
> Weight ranges between
14.3 kg and 22 kg > Drum brakes to keep
maintenance low

1) Operators of bike sharing: Santander Cycle Hire, Vélib (JV by JCDecaux) 2) No reflectors 3) Parts installed, however chain guard catching the crank 2nd most common
problem 4) Tires intended to be durable, however, flat tires is the most common problem in the Vélib bike sharing scheme
Source: ITDP The Bike-share Planning Guide, Providers, press research, Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 24
F Support of local authorities

The support of local authorities is key to success, due to the

schemes' dependency on public funds, land use rights and agencies
Key success factors – Support of local authorities
> Who to ask for support?
Authoritative support should be sought at multiple parties
to ensure for ongoing support over several years and

Need for (local) political support

election cycles
> How to involve them?
Throughout the different stages of the venture
– Educating authoritative representatives about bike
sharing benefits
Land use rights – Travelling to other bike sharing cities along with
decision-makers to see a program in place
– Talking to other implementers
> What are the authorities' benefits?
Decision-makers will then become champions for the new
Coordination between city agencies system in their cities (e.g. London Mayor Boris Johnson's
support led to the system's nickname "Boris Bikes")
Depending on the density of the environment, bike
sharing will either relieve the existing public transport
system or complement it to establish new connections

Source: ITDP The Bike Share Planning Guide, Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 25
The exemplary business case shows that the business model can
be operated profitably, with an EBIT margin approximately 10%
Exemplary and rough business case1) [EUR m]


Business model: Rental revenues 1 Op. expenditures 0.5 Revenues 1.4

Station-based Number of rentals p.a. [# m] 1 Rent for private/public space 0.1 Expenses 0.8
bike sharing
system with Ø length of rentals [min] 30 Repair and distribution of bikes 0.3 EBITDA 0.6
regular bikes Ø return per rental [EUR] 1 Insurance, power and other 0.1 Depreciat. 0.5

KPI's Advertising revenues 0.4 Personnel expenses 0.1 EBIT 0.1

# Cities 1 Number of bikes [#] 600 Marketing and sales 0.2 EBIT 10-15
# Inhab. 500,000 Number of stations [#] 60 expenses margin [%]
# Bikes 600 Ø return per bike p.a. [EUR] 160
Ø return per station p.a. [EUR] 6,000


Bikes and components 0.2 Stations 0.2 IT 0.1

1) Exemplary business case, actual figures highly depend, amongst other things, on actual business model, company assets and geographical focus
Source: Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 26
Operating system trends focus on digitalization, flexibility, collabo-
ration as well as taxation
Current Innovations: What's hot, what's next? (1/2)
Digitili- > Integrating a GPS-system for guidance
zation > Allowing for real-time information via built-in tablets (e.g. stations' location and availability, transit
schedules and ticket purchase facilities) and advanced booking
> Example: Cykel DK in Copenhagen

Stations > Installation of bike stations on movable trailers

on trailer > Moving the trailers around the city depending on availability
> Optimizing supply and demand by reacting on customers' needs
> Example: Velo Share in Singapore

Partner- > Expanding bike sharing operations through partnerships

ships > Integrating bike sharing into existing public transportation systems through integrated ticketing and pricing
> Collaborating with other shared mobility companies (e.g. Uber) via an integrated mobile app

Tax break > Making bike sharing eligible for fringe benefits
> Receiving the same tax treatment as company cars and other public transportation systems
> Example: Bike Sharing in New York City

Source: Press research, Shared-use mobility summit 2013, Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 27
Electrification, security, safety as well as family-friendliness are new
trends among bike sharing equipment
Current Innovations: What's hot, what's next? (2/2)
E-bike > E-Bikes: Using electric bikes for bike sharing; e.g. in Madrid
sharing > Portable motor
– Electrifying both: personal and shared bikes
– Originating from bike sharing systems in US, CAN, UK

Virtual > No physical stations required; parking is only allowed in a certain geographic area; location identification
via GPS (as car2go system)
station > Unlocking via bluetooth (mobile app), member cards, credit cards or PIN codes
> Increased flexibility: Less frustration finding an empty station when renting a bike, or finding a full station
when wanting to return a bike

Reusable > Reusable helmets especially interesting for countries with specific helmet laws
helmets > Helmet vending machines: Renting and returning at stations; incl. cleaning process before next usage
> Disposable paper pulp helmets: Renting and returning at stations; cheap and disposable (no need for

Family > Include kids bikes, balance bikes and bikes with stabilizers into bike sharing concept
bike > Goal: Make bike sharing more family-friendly
sharing > Allowing urban children to learn how to cycle without owning a bike
> Example: P'tit Vélib, Paris

Source: Press research, Shared-use mobility summit 2013, Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 28
Four main stakeholders in bike sharing concepts involved:
Governments, sponsors, manufacturers and operating companies
Main stakeholders
National and local governments
> Support bike sharing via politics and policies
> (Sometimes) operate bike sharing business (e.g. Montréal)

Operating companies Sponsors/Investors

> Operate the bike sharing business Bike Sharing > Sponsor/invest into bike sharing
along the entire value chain for operators
profit > Become advertised on bike
> Selling business ideas to local equipment
Bike and component manufacturers
> Sell high quality bikes and their (individualized) components
> Deliver bikes/components on time for launch/further expansion1)
1) Major US supplier for bike sharing programs (Public Bike Systems & Co.) went bankrupt in January 2014 and thus stopped the growth resp. launch plans of many cities
Source:; Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 29
These four stakeholders should support, invest in and continuously
develop the opportunity "bike sharing"
Recommendations for stakeholders
National and local Sponsors/Investors Bike and component Operating companies
governments manufacturers
Be supportive! Be aware! Be proactive! Be a pioneer!
> Define clear goals for the > Recognize the financial > (Co-)Develop bikes for > Develop the product on a
modal share of bikes potential of bike sharing bike sharing schemes constant basis to be
> Support the bikeability of > Test bike sharing > Develop e-bikes for bike always up-to-date
cities (e.g. bike lanes, schemes for operability sharing schemes to push > Seek for partner- and
inexpensive land use and financials e-bikes into the market sponsorships
rights, public transport in- > Align incentives for sus- and make the public used > Develop new client bases
tegration, etc.) tainability and practicality to it (e.g. families, e-bikes,
> Enforce the positive > Involve with bike sharing company bikes)
connection to the brand to increase modal share > Diversify supplier base to
"bike" of bikes overall reduce dependency

Facilitate the bike Anticipate investment Use opportunity to ex- Do not stop to further
share expansion by opportunity "bike pand market share and develop the product
political power sharing" reach new customers along market trends
Source: Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 30
We are thought leaders in innovative urban mobility

Mobility thought leadership

Shared Mobility study Paris Mobility study Connected Mobility study China Car-sharing study

> Evaluation of different shared > Study on innovative > Outlook on passenger trans- > Industry insight study on
mobility services and their mobility, the rise of mega portation in 2025 car-sharing in China
consequences on the indi- cities and concrete solutions > Impact of connected > Detailed analyses on
vidual mobility of tomorrow for the city of Paris mobility on traditional market dynamics, player
– Carsharing > Insights on how to change business models landscape and trends
– Bike sharing the modal share, incl. > Potential players to become > Customer purchasing and
– Shared Parking impact of car-sharing the "Mobility Manager" of perception insights
– Ridesharing > New city governance the future > Clear recommendations for
> Ten golden management rules models for new mobility > Success factors to re- business model adaption to
and detailed descriptions solutions in cities such as cognize and master the local requirements
Paris change

Source: Roland Berger 160622_VM_Bikesharing_Update.pptx 32

Roland Berger hosted the Mobility Convention 2014 in partnership
with the DLR1) which focused on smarter intermodality
Mobility Convention 2014 – November 6/7 in Cologne, Germany

> Two-day symposium hosted by Roland

Berger in cooperation with the Deutsche
Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)1)
> Intermodality as the main theme to
sustainable passenger mobility in urban
> Participants from global key clients, i.e.
Deutsche Bahn, Daimler, Deutsche Post
DHL, Europcar, Google, as well as start-
> Top-level experts representing industry,
research, and the users discuss about
new business models, technologies and
cooperation forms evolving around multi-
modal transportation – Sharing the latest
developments, insights and challenges

1) German national aeronautics and space research center

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Your contacts for innovative mobility services at Roland Berger

A. Tobias Schönberg Alexander Dyskin Victoria Markewitz

Partner, Project Manager, Senior Consultant,
Berlin Düsseldorf Hamburg
+49 160 744 3316 +49 160 744 2981 +49 160 744 4225
Tobias.Schoenberg Alexander.Dyskin Victoria.Markewitz

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