2018 BSABE Licensure Examination
2018 BSABE Licensure Examination
2018 BSABE Licensure Examination
Allied Subjects
- Floor dimensions for warehouse (10,000 cavans)
- Length, Linear-type feeder for poultry (100 heads, ages 4 weeks and below)
- Length, linear feeding trough for swine (15-25 kg)
- Cattle Ranch (height of fence, except for Brahman, etc.)
- Forage chopper (maximum % variation in lengths of cut)
- Drying efficiency
- Fineness modulus
- Running-in period
- Moisture content of corn for corn sheller
- Cattle feedlot (minimum area per animal)
- Gut room (slaughterhouse)
- Base course (FMR)
- Aggregate subbase course (3rd layer from top of bituminous road)
Given: no. of flourescent lamps with their wattage, floor area, voltage supply and Watts
per sq. m.); solve for:
- Actual current rating
- Current rating
- Load rating
Waste management (given: watershed area, effective rainfall depth, manure production
per day per animal, no. of heads, no. of months or period)
- Total manure volume computation
- Total runoff computation
- Total volume of digester tank
Strength of Materials, Farm Structures
Standards for corrugated GI sheet (estimate the number of GI sheets to be used, given:
gutter length, etc.)
Slope of the beam (given: length of beam, moment of inertia, concentrated load at the
midspan, etc.)
Cross sectional area of bars for beam (given: cross-sectional dimensions of the beam)
Yield stress
Geometry: Area and perimeters of polygon (pentagon and hexagon inscribed in a circle;
given: diameter and apothem)
Trigonometry (SOH, CAH, TOA); determine the height of the building, given: angles of
elevation and closer distance)
Equation of Circle
Volume when curves are revolved around the y-axis
Area bounded by a given curve
Integers, Natural numbers, Cardinal numbers, Ordinal numbers
Types of Sampling in Statistics
- Simple random sampling
- kth term
Systematic sampling, Stratified random sampling, Cluster sampling
Test of Rejection, Test of Acceptance
Standard deviation
Probability - getting two heads after 4 tosses of a fair coin
- 4 green marbles and 7 blue marbles, probability of getting green for the
first draw and blue on the second
Saturation point
Open channel flow
Hydraulic jump
Orographic rainfall
Time of concentration
Critical flow
Hydraulic conductivity
Gridiron layout
Bench terrace
ISS classification for sand
Aquifuge, aquiclude
Safe yield
Tropical Cyclone Warning System (strong winds are expected for the next 18 hours)
PAG-ASA Color Coding Rainfall Chart (30 mm rainfall within 1 hour)
Branches of Hydrology
- Agrometeorology
- Hydrogeology
- Hydroinformatics
F1 First Filial Generation
Photoperiodism (response to day lengths)
Solar cell, PV panel, solar module
Governor system
Fuel and air system
Lubrication system
Cooling system
Power transmission system
After sales service
Performance requirements
Perfect competition
Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR)
Payback Period
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
NPV (Net Profit Value???)
Row spacing and plant spacing of paddy
Minimum tire alignment for 4WD tractors
Cash flow statement
Field efficiency of Rice Combine
Composition of biogas
Cleaning device for rice husk gasifier
Stoichiometric air for biogas
Drill, Field distributor, Broadcaster
AFMech Law (Its entire content, agencies tasked under this law))
RA 10915 (Use of seal, signature of AB Engineer, qualifications to practice ABE
profession, etc.)
Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board
Theoretical Field Capacity (given: rate of travel, width of cut)
Actual Field Capacity (including time of turning at the headland)
Field Efficiency (including time of turning at the headland)
Present Worth Analysis
Installments, no. of years, and interest rates are given (solve for the down payment)
Fuel Consumption
Fuel Cost (given: fuel consumption per hour and price of fuel)
Seeder calibration (adjusted row spacing, solve for application rate)
Engine piston displacement (given: bore and stroke dimensions)
Brake horsepower (given: torque and speed)
What type of seeds are suitable for seed metering device in a seeder?
a. Small seeds (Mustard seeds) b. Medium seeds (Rice or soybean seeds) c.
Bold seeds (ground nut)