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Ragib Shahariar Ayon

Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology
Email: [email protected]
Cell: +8801750130130
10- B Tropical Saleh Tower
27 Atish Dipankar Road, Shabujbagh, Dhaka

Career Objective
Being a final year undergraduate, I intend to gain some real-life work experience and career-
oriented preparation to make myself ready for future challenges. As part of this rapidly
changing world, I'm committed to taking advantage of effective learning opportunities and
developing my skills to fit in this changing era.
As a [engineer/ enthusiast], I want to commit to the [Job Post] opportunity of [Company] and
impact on our economy as well as company’s motto and customer’s satisfaction.

Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET)
Bachelor of Science in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Expected May 2021

Major Courses: Data Communication and Computer Networks, Wireless and Mobile Communication,
Telecommunication Engineering, Communication Theory, Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics etc.
Research Interests: Machine learning, Deep learning, Computer Vision, Fuzzy Computing, AI, and SDR.

Notre Dame College

Higher Secondary Certificate in Science Background and achieved G.P.A. 5.0/5.0 2013-2014

Ideal School and College

Secondary School Certificate in Science Background and achieved G.P.A. 5.0/5.0 2011-2012

Research and Publication

Thesis: “Brain Tumor Detection and Classification using Fuzzy c mean integrated level set method
and Quadratic Support Vector Machine using Multimodal MR images.”
The research work mainly focused on modeling a machine-learning algorithm to classify brain tumor type and predict
survival rating for a patient using the BraTS 2018 Dataset. We solved the intensity heterogeneity problem and used
supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms for detection, segmentation and classification. It also
analyzed the performance of the model and compared it with other conventional algorithms.

Supervisor: Jannatul Robaiat Mou

Assistant Professor, Dept. of ETE, RUET
1. Ragib Shahariar Ayon and Jannatul Robaiat Mou, “Brain Tumor Segmentation and
Classification using Spatial Fuzzy C mean and Quadratic Support Vector Machine,” In
Signal/ Image Processing & GIS, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer &
Telecommunication Engineering (ICECTE), Rajshahi, 2019, IEEE
2. Ragib Shahariar Ayon, Rathiatul Islam Rifat and Jannatul Robaiat Mou, “A New Approach
of Moving Object Detection Using Background Subtraction Method” In Signal/ Image
Processing & GIS, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer &
Telecommunication Engineering (ICECTE), Rajshahi, 2019, IEEE

Projects and Achievements:

1. “IoT integrated RFID based security system”, Presented as the 8th-semester project of Radio and TV
Engineering, April 2019, RUET.
2. “Blood Group Detection using Image Processing.” Presented as the 8th-semester project of Biomedical
Engineering, April 2019, RUET.
3. “Smart Traffic Ally: IoT integrated GPS based system for Traffic regulation implication”,
selected for final round of Virtual track as well as finalist for project showcasing in SS-12 maker fair 2018, Sri
Lanka, Presented and Secured: 4th position in BUET Robotic Society (BRS) Robo Carnival 2017, 16th position
among the top 40 projects in International Humanitarian Technology Project Competition (IHTPC), 2017, IEEE
R-10, BUET, Bangladesh.
4. “Blind Aid” selected for the final round of Virtual track also a finalist for SS-12 maker fair 2018, Sri Lanka.
5. “Wireless Auscultation System” selected for the final round of Virtual track also a finalist for SS-12 maker
fair 2018, Sri Lanka.
6. “GSM based security system using fingerprint sensor” Presented as the 4th-semester project of
Electronic Project Design and Development, September 2016, RUET.
7. “Wireless Power Transmission”, Champion: project display in PHYSICAL section: Senior Level 1 (Class
XI), National Science Festival 2012 & 22nd GKC, NDSC; Senior Level 2 (Class XII), National Science Festival
2013 & 23rd GKC, NDSC; 5th Inter-city science fair 2013, Imperial College and secured 3 rd prize senior in 34th
national science and technology week 2013 organized by district commissioner of Dhaka

Works in Progress
• Tumor Classification and Survival Rating Prediction from BraTS 2018 Dataset
• Leukemia Detection and Classification using Machine Learning.
• Diagnosing Abnormal Electrocardiogram (ECG) for reducing false alarm and artificial electric
pulse timing for heart seizures.
• Classifying malaria parasite from “blood smear” images.
• Recognizing fraudulent credit card transactions using machine learning
Workshops and Seminars
1. Interactive Forum with the Chair of the IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC)
and the President of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT), Paul
M. Cunningham. Paul is the President & CEO of International Information Management Corporation;
Director, IST-Africa Institute; the forum was organized by IEEE student branch BUET, in BUET Dhaka,
December 2018.
2. IEEE Region 10 International Humanitarian Technology Conference. The conference was
organized by the IEEE Bangladesh Section in BUET, Dhaka, in December 2017.
3. Workshop on Deployment of IoT Devices Using Open-source Hardware. organized by IEEE
student branch University of Dhaka and Sponsored by University of Tokyo in Dhaka University, November 2017
4. Art and practice of leadership. APL is the state-of-the-art curriculum on leadership, communication and
networking skills organized by Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center (BYLC) Dhaka, Bangladesh, August 2017.
5. Field Training Attachment in Bangladesh Telecommunication Company Limited (BTCL)
visited NGN, ICX, ISP, MDF in Dhaka, Bangladesh June 2017.
6. Workshop on Electronics Circuit Design & Fabrication, organized by Electronics society of RUET
(ESR) in May 2017

Leadership and Extracurricular activities

Class Representative
• Department of ETE from January 2015 to September 2019
I managed sixty students for four years and acted as a liaison between the students and the faculties, the
academic leaders and the Students' Association. I represented my class at Student Forums as well as at
Program Councils. Ensured that my classmates are properly represented and completely informed.

Electronics Society of RUET (ESR)

• Vice President from December 2018 to November 2019
Developed financial strategies for ESR, monitored goals and adjusted policies to meet them, worked closely
with other vice presidents and executives to ascertain goals and advised about staffing and other
organizational resources.
• Treasurer from December 2018 to November 2019
As a treasurer I managed and oversaw the management of the financial affairs of ESR, which often included
basic tasks as selecting a bank, reconciling bank statements, and managing cash flow. I also assessed
possible fundraising ideas with the President and Vice President of the society and collected money from
fundraisers and also was present at all fundraisers.

Camus Ambassador
• National Robotech Fest November 2017- December 2017
I individually contacted prospective students via email and social media, Contributed to social media
activities. And also participated in the planning and hosting events on campus, Provided feedback and shared
new ideas from the university's students with the organization.

• বেতার ১৪ cultural night September 2019
Organized a cultural program as the farewell of the 2014 series. Managed 34 performers and hosted the
program containing almost 600 students of RUET
• Entrance Day January 2016 and January 2019
Organized a concert as the entrance day of the 2014 series. Managed 3 bands and hosted the program
containing almost 1500 students of RUET
• Telecommunication Premier league July 2018
Organized a premier league formatted cricket tournament between 100 students of the ETE dept. The
tournament contained five teams each including 15 students
• Farewell Program of ETE 13 Series November 2018
Hosted and organized a cultural program for the farewell of the ETE 2013 series. Almost 600 students
attended the program
• 10th-year celebration of Dept of ETE January 2017
Hosted the program containing all the students, faculty members of the ETE department, and special guests.
• BYLC Graduate Network August 2017 to present
• Engineering student’s association of Bangladesh October 2017 to present
• “অনুরণন” cultural club of RUET from December 2016 to September 2019
• Dhaka Nibashi Somity RUET from May 2016 to September 2019
• Greater Dinajpur District Association RUET from March 2016 to September 2019

Computer Proficiency
• Programming: Proficient in statistical analysis and software (C, C++, Python 3,) , HTML
• Special Software: CST Microwave Studio, Eagle PCB, Cisco Packet Tracer, MATLAB and
• Circuit Simulation: PSpice , Microwind, dsch2, Proteus Design Suite
• Electronics: Basic Use of Arduino, AVR, and Micro python, processing 3
• Editing Software: Sony Vegas Pro
• Application Packages: Proficient knowledge on Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative
Cloud Packages
• Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP to10 and Linux ubuntu 18.04
Language Proficiency
1. Bengali – Native
2. American English – Fluent
3. Hindi and Urdu – Conversational
4. Germany – Elementary

Dr. Md. Kamal Hosain Dr. Md. Munjure Mowla

Associate Professor & Head, Assistant Professor
Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineering Engineering
Rajshahi University of Engineering and Rajshahi University of Engineering and
Technology Technology
Mobile : +8801716130151 Mobile : +8801771-930245
E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected]

Hereby, I declare that all the details given above are true to the best of my sense.
Date:21 January 2020 Ragib Shahariar Ayon

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