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Persistent Defenses Against the Wuhan Virus

Simple things you can do to protect yourself.

Harald Philipp / @hphil54

“Only the Paranoid Survive”

Book title, Andy Grove, founder of Intel, 1981

Part I

Presented here for your consideration is a set of simple self-help measures you can implement to dramatically
improve your chances of avoiding the deadly Wuhan virus, ranging from behavioral adjustments to the application of
readily available materials and chemicals.
The SARS-COVID-19 'Wuhan' virus, like all coronaviruses, has a very fragile outer coating which can be destroyed by
common household substances. But once it is incubating in your body, you are kind of screwed. While it is critical to keep
away from other infected persons and to avoid touching infected objects and surfaces, daily living is a messy microbial affair
and extremely difficult to control. We live in an imperfect biological world where ideal solutions are easy to prescribe, but
nearly impossible to practice without error.
I am an engineer and inventor with over 80 patents. Inventing and executing pragmatic solutions to specific problems has
been my calling in life. Since the emergence of the Wuhan pandemic, I have endeavored to create an array of simple
workable solutions to help others to avoid infection in the first instance. Most of these ideas are not well known (several you
can find elsewhere if you know where to look) but they are all based on sound clinical research, scientific papers and
historical evidence. In some cases, I have simply applied good old fashioned logical deduction.
Some of the ideas were already being offered commercially, but due to the current pandemic, they are increasingly difficult
to obtain and are being commercially priced out of the reach of many. The good news is, with proper care, you can self
implement these methods at home at reasonable to low cost.
Important Notice: This document is not to be considered professional medical advice or as any kind of substitute thereof!
It is merely intended to assist you in developing your own solutions. I make no professional recommendations herein.
You are urged to do your own research, as I have done, and consult with your medical practitioner, as your situation
may require, for professional advice after reading this.
From the outset of this crisis, my aim has been to enhance my family's odds of avoiding a Wuhan infection. I have shared
my ideas with close friends who have urged me to provide them in written form for easy and shareable reference. Hence, I
have created this document. If you replicate the measures described herein, I believe you will significantly reduce the
chances of your personal infection by the Wuhan virus. However, there are obviously no guarantees in life for anyone,
including myself. At this time, we can only do our best to fortify our biological defensive strategies and hope for the best.
This document is organized as follows:
Part 1 – Persistent External Defenses

1 – A Few General Comments

2 – Colloidal Silver Solution; Bismuth
3 – Triple Metal Solution (TMS)
4 – Betadine Solution
5 – Persistent Hand Sanitizer
6 – Persistent Gloves
7 – Persistent Face Mask
8 – Silver Eye Spray
9 – Nasal & Oral Sprays; Lozenges & Gargles

In Part 2, I will review what can be done to dramatically strengthen your immune system, tilting the battle against the virus
in your favor. I'll also discuss behavioral adjustments you can implement that will effectively reduce the chances of finding
yourself in a cloud of virus particles, or accidentally touching a contaminated surface that you will later come to regret.

Vs. 1.3 Page 1

1 – A Few General Comments (optional background reading)
The Wuhan coronavirus shares basic characteristics in common with other coronaviruses in that it is an RNA virus with a
double-layer lipid shell. More information can be found in Wikipedia and other sources. Lipids (a kind of fat) dissolve in
soaps and solvents, making them relatively easy to destroy with common household products. Once the shell is dissolved,
the fragile RNA strand found inside is denatured and broken, neutralizing its potential for infection. What makes the Wuhan
virus particularly deadly is not its shell per se, but the RNA coding which allows for particularly rapid replication inside
human cells, allowing it to overwhelm the human immune system before it has time to react.
One theory I have is that because the replication of the Wuhan virus is so exponential in the body following a period of
incubation or symptomless infection, you are better off delaying the onset of massive viral replication so your immune
system has time to produce adequate antibodies.
The ideas I have set forth in this document are designed to:
a) help reduce the odds of any infection in the first instance;
b) prolong the time between initial exposure to Wuhan and massive replication in your body;
c) boost your immune system and reduce the severity of your illness, should you get sick.
Even if these measures don't prevent you from getting infected, they might at least curtail the impact and duration of the
virus and keep you out of the hospital, or shorten your stay. This document is primarily organized and written to alert you to
common products and methods that, when used correctly, can defend you from being infected. Nothing is foolproof, but the
odds of avoiding infection are proportional to the amount of efforts you apply to defending yourself.
Wuhan particularly attaches to lung cells via a cell receptor called ACE-2, causing radical lung deterioration and inducing
pneumonia. A ruthlessly efficient intruder, the virus loves human lung tissue for a very practical reason: It is where you will
shed more replicated viral particles when you cough or sneeze, or even just exhale. Eventually your lungs become full of
dead cells and fluid, and you end up asphyxiating on your own fluids. That's why they may have to put you on a respirator.
If your case gets bad enough and you don't get access to a respirator, you chances of survival are greatly diminished. My
personal goal is to prevent the virus from getting that far, and I've taken it upon myself to think independently and logically
to achieve my goal.
Whatever happens, I will be fighting every step of the way!
All the public health recommendations about avoiding contact with others (maintaining minimum distances),
isolation, not touching public surfaces, washing hands and so on, are vital and necessary. The problem is, saying that
sounds great, but it's not always practical or possible. We all have to eat and make a living, so we do what we can. The
ingredients and methods described here do not supplant diligence and common sense, or a doctor's advice, especially a
doctor who has experience with SARS or similar viruses.
The worst attitude is fatalism! Fatalism means passivity which means that your body has voluntarily been freely opened to
all of the worst case medical scenarios associated with the virus, including death. Panic, the opposite end of the emotional
spectrum is also bad, but only because it colors your mental processes and can lead to ill-informed, disastrous decisions
based on ignorance and fear.
Coronaviruses appear to be similar in their paths of infection as influenza viruses. They will attach to your nasal and throat
linings and incubate themselves there, until they break out and enter your bloodstream and replicate in exponential numbers.
Eyes are also reported to be major entry points, from rubbing or touching and from infection via airborne viral particles.
Defending your sinus and throat linings is relatively easy to do! A good defense covers all bases, and starts with your hands.
Most infection happens because you pick up viral particles on your hands, and then touch your face – eyes, nose, mouth,
maybe ears.
First I will list the basic materials you should gather in your defense. Think of these as weapons of war - because this IS a
war, a biological war between you and a ruthlessly efficient killer.
As I have said above and bears repeating, this is not intended to be a substitution for medical advice! Consult your
doctor, no matter what, and/or go online to satisfy yourself with the efficacy of these ideas. If you have any information
that can augment or refute or otherwise constructively add to the conversation, please let me know.

I intend to update this document as new information comes to light. All constructive suggestions and feedback are

Page 2
2 - Colloidal Silver Solution; Bismuth
See Sections 6, 7, and 9 for uses.

Silver and its compounds have a long history dating back to Roman times as a disinfectant and antibiotic. Nano-silver is
used today in medical coatings and surgical implants to prevent infection over long periods of time. Many swimming pools
are treated with ionic silver in order to kill pathogens without the use of harsh chemicals. Silver nitrate has been traditionally
used in the eyes of infants to clear them at birth of possible infections. There are hundreds of commercial products in use in
hospitals and industry and in the home that rely on silver and silver compounds as disinfectants. Silver is well known to
eradicate both bacteria and viruses, and there are very few microbes that can resist it. (Since viruses are just pieces of RNA
code and not actually living things, I will use the term 'kill' metaphorically, meaning the ability of the RNA to replicate has
been destroyed.)

Colloidal silver (CS) is composed of nano-scale particles of silver suspended in pure water. There are several proposed ways
that metals kill viruses, but the fact is that “... little effort has already been devoted to the determination of nanoparticle’s
antiviral activity and their interactions with viruses”, quoting one review paper - In other words,
nobody really knows. One theory is that CS works most effectively at the point where a virus is trying to enter a human cell;
one example of a good application would be in the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and throat where a virus particle is
trying to attach itself. It might also be good for inhalation therapy through the use of a nebulizer, deep in the lungs. People
have been doing this for years, it's apparently safe enough and 'risk-free' in moderate concentrations. I personally bought a
nebulizer in case I feel compelled to do this at home, should all my other defense strategies fail me.

Silver is non-toxic and produces only one rare side effect when used to excess – Argyria –
and you need a large amount of the wrong type and over a long period to get that. Nobody
ever died of Argyria – but a few people turned permanently blue! I'm not using, and won't
suggest using amounts that come anywhere close to the 'blue danger' level. For sure, don't
drink it! It's useless in the digestive tract for Wuhan virus.

For my own use, I prefer a silver concentration of 50ppm (parts per million) which is
slightly above what most users advocate. I like it higher because I am not drinking it, and
I'm using such a small amount (a few shots up my nose during the day) that the 'more is
better' approach has no downside. I also want the silver to hang around longer; having a
higher starting point allows the levels of silver to remain above a certain killing threshold
for longer and helps it to work faster. If you wish you can use lower amounts; 20 - 30ppm
levels are commonly advocated by long term users.

Homebrew ~50ppm colloidal In a previous version of this document I outlined how to make CS at home using a kit
silver made using a kit available online. I longer advocate this because there are a lot of ways to make mistakes.
If you want to try anyway, there are a number of YouTube videos online describing the
process, none very professional.

CS can be purchased online from Amazon or eBay. There are many suppliers including up to 200ppm and beyond. If you
buy 100ppm, just dilute it 50% with purified water before use, and so on. 50ppm works just fine and extends your supply,
while lowering the risk, if there is any, of complications. I'd encourage you to buy a liter or so of the stuff now, before there
is a run on it, or shippers just stop shipping. Already there seems to be a medical campaign against it, no doubt due to the
fact that any medical benefits would bypass the medical establishment. I have nothing against the medical establishment
other than that they maintain an incestuous relationship with drug manufacturers and they in turn with government
regulators. They don't like things they have not been trained on, or cannot prescribe in a pill.

Purity is extremely important for water you dilute the product with, because contaminants WILL create unwanted chemical
compounds, few of which will be kind to your body. Use steam-distilled water only. Store in a dark place or in a dark bottle
as the silver will deteriorate in light. Refrigerate if possible. Do not store in plastic (ignore my picture!).

Put the 50ppm colloidal silver solution into a nasal-spray bottle. You can just empty out one found in your medicine
cabinet and rinse out several times with hot water, then rinse the bottle again with steam-distilled water, and fill with CS.
The bottle should be dark so that light does not get in. If you can't find a dark bottle, wrap the bottle tightly with a piece of
Aluminum foil and tape over it so the foil does not fall off. Label it how you wish.


Vs. 1.3 Page 3

Silver Footnote
There was a very unfortunate incident involving a preacher and his church in the USA recently, who were promoting a CS
product with claims that it could prevent and/or cure the COVID-19 by drinking it. The authorities have filed a legal action
to shut it down. Of course, the claims were rubbish. One should never drink the stuff; I have found no evidence that it does
anything when swallowed. It may kill off stomach microbes but this is not how the Wuhan virus enters your body, so
basically it does nothing for you and only gives you a false (and dangerous) sense of assurance.

There is no end of quackery around; sadly, this sort of thing destroys the reputations of otherwise perfectly good solutions.

The very next day after I wrote the above, I saw this paper:
- Courtesy of this link:

So could it be that the church is not that crazy after all? If Gastro-
Intestinal issues (GI) are an early indicator of Wuhan, and that those
with GI problems go on to get much worse symptoms, wouldn't it
make sense to take something that would wipe out the Wuhan virus in
the gut, as soon as possible? Could CS do that? - Pretty good chance,
if you ask me! Are there other therapies you can use to wipe out
viruses in the GI tract? Yes. Can you get them? Maybe, maybe not.
Pepto Bismol might, if you take enough for long enough (by the way,
Pepto Bismol is also based on a metal: Bismuth, and it's been very
well studied and is considered extremely safe – see below).

If you understood this to be true – that Wuhan virus in the gut in

almost half of all cases causes extreme GI problems that go on to
make for an overall very bad outcome in your lungs and other organs Miracle cure or snake oil? Aside from the ripoff
which could lead to your death, and there was a bottle of CS standing price, does he have a point?
in front of you, would you take it?

Would colloidal silver work for this? Was the preacher of that church right? No doctor will tell you one way or the
other, and I'm not sure either, but if it were me, my risk/reward analysis would take all of about 2 seconds to come to
a conclusion.

That being said – aside from using it in ways I describe in this document, CS is an amazing 'organic, non-chemical' underarm
deodorant – I can vouch for that, and it's easy to try without fear of terrible consequences! I've also read that people use it for
bad breath, and there's no reason why it should not work well for that too. I'll go on to say it should work for smelly feet and
any bad smell coming off of your dog too, but I've not tried it for these things. Once you try this for your underarms, I doubt
you will use a commercial chemical based deodorant again.

I doubt it will cure cancer, make the lame walk or resurrect the dead, but I do think it can do some things that other drugs and
therapies would struggle with. If you can't find CS anywhere (reports are that it's now almost impossible to find), you are
will have to make your own from a kit, and here I really can't help you other than to say 'use steam-distilled water', because
purity is everything.

Dosage (strength and amount), frequency and duration of use: I have no idea. People describe using upwards from a
tablespoon of CS a day 'just to stay healthy'. To wipe out an infestation of Wuhan virus, it's anyone's guess. If anyone has a
suggestion, please let me know and I'll incorporate any sensible ideas into the next version of this document.

CS is incompatible with: Any form of iodine, because the silver will react with the iodine to create an iodide (a type of salt).
The silver will basically be destroyed. Also don't mix with salt.


Page 4
I've added this section as of vs.1.3 because it seems to be important as a defense in the early
stages of infection, and I wanted to get this out quickly and not wait for Part II.

Please refer to the previous page about why Pepto-Bismol could be a life saver: Wuhan virus, in
almost half of all cases, seems to make it's entrance into the gut, and those who have GI problems
from the virus go on to get much worse symptoms overall.

Strange as it may seem, in this year of 2020 there seems to be only one commercially made
product that will “... prevent viral invasion of host cells and deter viral replication.” - And guess what, it's based on a metal – Bismuth. According the
pediatrician I happen to be married to, you need to take a large amount of this for a long time to be
effective – 3 to 4 times the recommended dose at regular intervals for 4 days – or perhaps 2-3
times the recommended dose of the 2X version pictured.

It also needs to be taken immediately upon the start of the infection (I'd take a double dose to start
with), or your GI system will already be so flooded with virus that nothing will stop it. There is
little danger of Bismuth overdose because it's almost totally eliminated in stool, but if there is any
chance of Reye's syndrome (look it up), think twice. There is an 'aspirin' component to the
compound in Pepto – a salicylate – that could rise to a dangerous level in your blood. If you were
told 'don't take aspirin'' by your doc, then this is probably not for you.

Obviously – Do your own research and consult your doctor first for possible unwanted
interactions with prescription medications you might be taking. Don't take my word for it that The only hope for
this will work on the Wuhan virus, either. I honestly don't know, but neither I nor anyone else Wuhan stomach virus
has the time or resources for a controlled study. in 2020?

If I could get it (banned for my own protection in New Zealand like so much else, gee thanks guys), I'd stock up on a few
large bottles of Pepto; at the first sign of GI distress I'd bomb the hell out of it with both Pepto and CS (they are compatible
and shouldn't cross-react as far as I'm aware).

Pepto has the side effect of turning your stool black; I once had an unneeded (and nightmarish) endoscopy done because the
ER doc was convinced I had stomach bleeding (based on my having black stool from Pepto), when all I had was a very bad
case of food poisoning.

There are several generic versions of Pepto (Bismuth subsalicylate); from experience these are not the same (very thin liquid,
even worse taste) as the original, but as they say, any port in a storm.

Vs. 1.3 Page 5

3- Triple Metal Solution (TMS)
See Sections 6, 7, and 9 for uses.

TMS is a general purpose anti-microbial solution containing metal colloidal particles of three different compatible metals –
Silver, Zinc, and Copper. Since we don't have data on how susceptible the Wuhan virus is to any of these metals, it's hard to
know which is best. I adopted the time-honored shotgun approach, because I can.

This is not smoke and mirrors - Silver and copper based face masks are being commercially produced today. An Israeli
company is today selling copper-nano-infused masks for $50 or so aimed specifically at the coronavirus, the advantage being
that they can be washed and reused. A Vietnamese company is doing the same thing.

Before Penicillin and other antibiotics, there were metals. Metals – copper and
silver mostly – were used extensively in the 1800's up to the mid 20 th century to
help prevent and heal all kinds of infections. Antibiotics were much better against
internal bacterial infections and took over from metals, but that does not mean that
metals don't have a valid, powerful place in preventing viral infections today.
Silver in particular has a millenia-long history as a wound disinfectant, going back
to Roman times. In modern use, silver is still used in antimicrobial creams and
medical implants to prevent infection. Silver nano particles and ions are also now
being used extensively on metal surfaces such as hand rails and door knobs as a
sanitary coating, and embedded within plastics so that they cannot sustain
microbial surface life. Copper and zinc have also been used similarly.

Metal particles are very persistent; they will last nearly forever without needing
renewal, unless they are exposed to other chemicals like iodine or chlorine
resulting in reactions that deplete the pure metal and destroy its effectiveness.

Colloidal metals can be purchased on Amazon or eBay, and some online health As found on eBay: Two out of the three.
care shops. You can buy 100ppm silver, zinc, and copper and even stronger. The silver is easy.
Simply combine three 100ppm metal solutions in equal parts to achieve 33ppm
values of each in the final liquid. The final liquid still contains a total of 100ppm when adding up the three metals. If you
start with stronger metal concentrations like 200ppm, just dilute the original bottle(s) down to 100ppm and go from there.

Can you or should you go stronger than 33/33/33ppm? Yes you can, but there is a point of diminishing returns, and quite
frankly 100ppm of total metals in solution is already pretty strong. Assuming you have a limited supply of colloidal metals,
it's quite reasonable to conserve your stock by sticking to this dilution.

In a previous version of this document I detailed how to make your own triple-metal solution, but after some deliberation I
decided to not get into that because it's not an easy process, and a lot can go wrong. So I'll stick to using professionally made
colloidal metals, which fortunately, anyone can purchase online. For now.

Purity is extremely important in the water you use to dilute any metal solution, because contaminants WILL create unwanted
chemical compounds, few of which will be kind to you, and many of which will not work on the virus. Try to stick to
distilled water, or if you can't get that, at least use deionized water (Brita filters and so on); if you can get a charcoal filter in
addition to a Brita style filter, so much the better.

What if you can't get all three metals? Just use what you can; two is better than one or none. The result won't be as
diversified in action but it will be better than nothing. Silver and copper have been researched more than most metals and
are used more for antimicrobial purposes than zinc, so if you can, try to get at least the silver and copper.

Put some of the TMS solution into a pocket nasal-spray bottle. Just empty out one from your medicine cabinet and rinse out
several times with hot water, then rinse the bottle again with steam-distilled water, and fill with TMS. The bottle should be
dark so that light does not get in. If you can't find one, wrap the bottle tightly with a piece of Aluminum foil and tape over it
so the foil does not fall off. Label it how you wish.

Incompatible with: Don't mix any form of iodine with any colloidal metal solution, because metals will react with the
iodine to create other compounds, removing both the metals and the iodine from solution. Also don't mix with salt.

Page 6
4 – Betadine Solution
See Sections 5, 6, and 7 for uses.

Iodine is the natural killer of viruses and bacteria. There is no known microbial resistance to iodine I am aware of, which is
why it's still in use after almost 200 years by doctors everywhere as a universal disinfectant. Your body also needs iodine to
support your thyroid and your endocrine system, including many important immune functions. Iodine kills via iodination (a
type of oxidation) of lipids and cytoplasmic membranes. The fact that there has been no notable microbial resistance to
iodine in 200 years is a testimony to it's irresistible destructive powers – against microbes. Why not harness that?
I prefer to use BetadineTM in my mixtures. It's the most popular brand name of povidone-iodine with an equivalent strength
of 1% iodine and found at virtually every pharmacy on earth. It's what surgeons use to scrub with before surgery, and it kills
every virus known including coronaviruses. Other brands of this will work exactly the same. My mixtures will also work
with tincture of iodine and Lugols solution, but with a catch – these other forms of iodine evaporate too fast for my taste.
Povidone iodine – Betadine – is compounded to release iodine slowly, limiting evaporation and making it last much longer
on your skin. If you can't get povidone iodine then use one of the other types of iodine, and adjust the formula to
compensate for strength against the reference value of 1% (see below). You will also have to apply the other iodine versions
more frequently to compensate for their faster evaporation loss.
Betadine is not intended for internal consumption! NEVER, EVER drink this stuff!
Never, ever put any iodine product – Betadine or other – in your eyes! I don't want anyone going blind over this!
I concocted Betadine solution for external use on masks, gloves, and as a hand sanitizer. I would not dream of using this in
my mouth or nose, as it's got soap in it and is much too irritating.

10 parts Betadine,
9 parts brine (strong salt water),
1 part liquid dish or hand soap.

For 2% tincture of iodine and 2% Lugols solution, decrease the

active component to 5 parts and increase the brine to 14 parts.
Brine is added to attract moisture (humectant). Salt does NOT kill
coronavirus; it's only there as a 'humectant'. There are better things
than salt for this job but they are not necessarily easy to find. I
focused on trying to use common household products. Use a
tablespoon of salt in 100ml of water, heat to a boil and dissolve,
then cool down for use in the Betadine mixture. I also considered
using a hand moisturizer in this mixture instead of brine; I've not yet
tried it. In theory it should work, but I'd not drop the soap from the The three forms of iodine:
list due to soap's virucidal properties. My worry is that the Lugols, tincture, and povidone iodine
moisturizer will make the solution too thick and too sticky.
Soap is a natural virucide, and also a humectant. Soap acts to dissolve the viral fatty shell of a virus particle, just as soap cuts
fat on greasy plates and utensiles.
Dry virucides don't work nearly as well as damp or wet ones. The iodine atoms have to migrate around freely enough to
close in on and touch the virus particles, and there is much less chance of that happening on a totally dry surface. A microbe
sitting on a copper surface can take a few hours before being disabled, but in a wet environment with enough free iodine
circulating around the killing takes just minutes. This is why I added the salt and the soap – to attract a bit of moisture so that
the iodine atoms can move more freely towards and around their targets.
Use a teaspoon or small measuring cup to measure out in the above proportions. To dissolve the soap better, heat the mix
gently (just warm it!) and stir rapidly for 2 to 4 minutes until you can see that the soap is gone from the bottom of the cup.
There should be no foaming action.
I put some of this solution into a small spray bottle (re-purposed eyeglass cleaner bottle - pictured) and carry with me
everywhere in a little sack. It stains like crazy, so be careful using it around your clothing. The bottle will eventually wear
out and start to leak, so try to get 4 or 5 extra bottles to replace as they start to fail.
Incompatible with: Don't mix any form of iodine with any colloidal metal solution, because the metal will react with the
iodine to create other compounds which probably don't do anything.

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5 – Persistent Hand Sanitizer
Coat your hands liberally with the Betadine solution (Section 4) before going out in public to turn
your hands into 'kill zones' for viral particles accidentally picked up from touching doors, handles,
touchscreens and so on. About 4 or 5 pumps is enough to apply and rub on both sides of my hands.
I make sure I get my fingertips. I also cut my fingernails short, so there is less chance of the virus
lurking under a nail.

In use, Betadine is a little sticky for the first ten minutes or so. The brine and soap keep it a little
moist on your skin at all times – it feels a little slippery, even after an hour. I find the solution to be
not irritating. Other than making my hands a bit slick and smelling a bit of iodine, I don't notice any
problems. If the salt starts to bother your hands, which is possible, try using liquid hand moisturizer
cream instead of the brine, and mix in under moderate heat to dissolve.

Because iodine evaporates slowly into air, you

need to keep spraying your hands from time to
time to replace the loss, at least once per hour. Tincture of iodine and
Lugols evaporate much faster than Betadine so I'd be refreshing those
every 30 minutes or so. Of course if your hands get wet or you wash
them, or use a sanitizer wipe, you will need to replenish right away.

If I happen to touch something or shake someone's hands, I coat my

hands again quickly 'just in case'. If you do all this religiously, you have
implemented a good part of your defense strategy! It makes it far less
likely that you have a contaminated finger touching your eyes, nose or
mouth. Your hands will become persistently self-sterilizing.

One way you can tell if you have active protection is if you smell your hands – you should always get a distinct smell from
the iodine evaporating off your hands; that's the same iodine that will corrode the virus' outer shell, killing it. Embrace the
smell! It means it's working. If you feel the smell is weakening, then it's time to refresh.

Finally, consider that this formula also helps the world suffer less contagion! If you happen to be sick with Wuhan and you
don't know it, self-sterilizing hands will help prevent you from becoming a spreader. We all need to contribute our share in
conquering this terrible affliction.

Page 8
6 – Persistent Virucidal Gloves
Gloves are a great way to avoid infection, but they are equally a great way to get yourself infected.

The problem with gloves is that they will contact contaminated surfaces, and in turn become contaminated. Touch
something with a glove on, then touch your eyes or nose, and kiss your next month goodbye in an ICU. Remove your
contaminated gloves and you have a very high risk of contaminating your hands again. It was this realization that led me to
the search for a better alternative. Rubber gloves are pretty nasty to use for very long, and still have the same contaminaton
problem as cloth gloves.

To solve the problem, I decided to use cotton gloves soaked in something persistently antimicrobial so they are always
clearing themselves of active virus, in 'real time'. My favorite glove fabrics are ones that can hold the virucide inside the
fibers: White cotton photographer's or costume gloves are best as they are thin enough to allow for good tactile feel, yet can
absorb a lot of virucide into their naturally porous fibers. If you wash them the virucide will come back out, but so will all
the dead viral particles that have accumulated in the 'kill zone'.

There are two liquids you can choose to apply by soaking (but not both!):

- TMS (metals) solution (Section 3), with liquid soap added as a humectant and for additional virucidal action
- OR-
- Betadine solution (Section 4)

If using TMS, use 9 parts of TMS solution to 1 part liquid hand or dish
soap, mix under heat as necessary to dissolve the soap without causing

Let dry before using.

TMS solution: The metals in the TMS are extremely persistent and won't
come out until you wash the gloves. They won't change the cotton's color
nor will they smell. The soap won't normally dry out so fast, but it's a
good idea to renew the gloves after every 2 or 3 days of use. Wash them
out in hot soapy water, and spray liberally or soak again in fresh solution
and air dry.
A cheap pair of cotton gloves soaked in Betadine
Betadine solution will turn white gloves an orange color, which will solution, air-drying on a non-stick surface
slowly fade away over hours and days. Be sure to refresh the gloves with
Betadine spray solution a couple of times during the day, including just after you first put them on. Black cotton gloves will
hide the color, if the orange makes you self-conscious. The gloves will smell strongly of iodine; if the smell diminishes
noticeably, refresh with a few quick sprays from a spray bottle to cover the entire surface including the fingertips.

My personal favorite of these ideas is the TMS (metals) solution. It requires less maintenance and the color remains a non-
conspicuous white.

Vs. 1.3 Page 9

7 – Persistent Virucidal Face Mask
A mask will prevent you from touching your face generally (except of course your eyes). It will also dramatically reduce the
transmission of your own viruses, if you have them, into the air. Anything that reduces viral transmission to others – not just
for your own personal direct interest – is to be embraced. Reducing transmission reduces the societal replication factor R 0,
slowing progression in society, and allowing the health care system to keep up. This will also benefit you, if one day you
become sick with Wuhan; it means you might get an ICU bed.

Currently in many countries masks are almost impossible to obtain, for example in the USA and parts of Europe. If you need
to, make your own fabric mask. There are YouTube videos, and some sewing is required. If I had to make a mask from
scratch, I'd be using vacuum cleaner bags, especially a vacuum's HEPA filter (a fresh, unused one of course!)

The idea that 'masks don't work' is complete rubbish, unless you believe in Magical Masks. Magical Masks are masks
that don't work for you, but do work for health care professionals.

Propaganda is detrimental to your survival. Disinformation for the purpose of aiding one group over another due to a
scarcity of resources (masks) caused by poor planning on the part of the benefiting group (health carers and/or
politicians) is NOT in your best interest. If you can't get a mask, improvise!

Conventional masks work but do have a weakness – like gloves, they can infect you when you remove them, because the
material itself becomes loaded with active virus. It's vitally important that you learn how to completely remove a mask only
by the ear strings without touching the front surface, and do not drop it under your chin (another good way to get infected).
Throw it away after use. It is said that N95 masks are good for about 4 to 5 hours before they lose their efficiency. The
reason for this is that the moisture from your breath twists the fibers around slightly, causing microscopic holes to appear
which let in the virus. Obviously, this is a big concern with conventional N95 masks.

A better bet is metal impregnated cloth masks which can be reused. Israeli company Argaman Technologies is one such
maker, using copper infused cloth nano material that offers persistent killing power. However, anyone can infuse iodine or
metal ions into a mask; it's not hard.

Not cheap at $50 + shipping, but they are washable, and just might save your life.

Persistent Antiviral Masks

If you can get a conventional N95 or similar mask, there is no reason why you can't
improve the risk factors by infusing it with metals or iodine solution. We already know
how to make these solutions; it's just a matter of applying them to the fabric or paper. If
nothing else this will make the masks safer to handle, as the mask will continuously kill
viral particles that enter the material.

Spray the mask inside and outside thoroughly with Betadine solution (Section 4) or
TMS (Section 3). I prefer the Betadine version for a simple reason: The mask will give off
a light iodine vapor which you will breath in, and I believe these vapors will help kill
viruses and bacteria in your nose, throat, windpipe and lungs. Will such a low dose actually
work in the airways? There are no studies to say it does, but what chance would you bet
that it will kill 5%? 10%? 25%? What if it killed none, would that stop you from using this
method? To me, any improvement that cuts a few percentage points off the odds of getting The author wearing a TNG
infected is worth the negligible risk, especially since the only risk could be that my airways (Vietnamese) washable nano-fiber
get irritated and I decide to go back to an uncoated mask, or switch to TMS. cloth mask coated with an iodine


Page 10
Is this safe? Well, Betadine itself offers a gargle (I'll discuss that later), and an Australian startup has developed and filed a
patent on a Betadine based nasal spray it claims is effective against coronaviruses. This tells me that others have put their
money on the line and researched it for safety. Povidone iodine is very safe with a long history. I've already coated my
Vietnamese TNG cloth nano-mask with Betadine solution, and I can tell you that while I do smell the iodine, it's not irritating
at all. Do I like the smell? It's not the scent of lavender and roses, that's for sure. No. But I'll tolerate anything for my health.

The important thing about metal or iodine impregnated masks is that the antiviral agent is constantly killing virus in the
material, so that when you go to remove the mask and touch it, you won't get as much (or any) contamination from viruses
absorbed into the fabric. The argument against masks – that you will get the virus anyway just by removing the mask unless
you are incredibly careful – is largely overcome by the use of iodine or other virucide in the mask itself.

Regardless, when you remove a mask, it's still a good idea to be very careful: Respect the virus, as though it's lurking in a
corner of the mask that for some reason has no virucide. Remember also, that the viruses are not killed on contact! It takes
some minutes for that to happen. So, imagine it takes an hour to kill a virus to be safe, and behave accordingly. Touch only
the straps of the mask to put on and remove, and be sure to wash your hands and/or re-coat them with iodine solution after
handling your mask, and wash or change your mask regularly.

After handling your mask, be sure to refresh your hands with iodine spray, or wash them
off thoroughly with hot soap and water.

Don't do stupid stuff! Like touching a public handrail without a treated glove or hand,
and then pulling down your mask to pick your nose. Don't drop a mask down under your
chin to eat or drink. Remove it cleanly and completely by the straps and set it
somewhere safe, in an orientation where you can pick it up properly again without
touching the front surface. This is a really dumb thing to do.

Be conscientious and think before you do anything involving any part of your face!

The methods I am describing here are NOT foolproof. There is always room for error and there could be situations I have
not thought of. Use common sense, diligence and intelligence, be mindful, and respect your enemy. It's gunning for you, and
all it takes is a few particles to infect you.

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8 – Eye Protection and Silver Eye Spray

Since the Wuhan virus can easily enter your eyes, goggles are important in public settings, especially indoors and in confined
spaces like airplanes. Closing off air circulation around the eyes is pretty easy; there are many high quality industrial
goggles used for dusty places that should work just fine. Ones with a rubber edge seal are best.

Goggles also protect you from touching your own eyes. Most people
touch their eyes unconsciously a few times each hour. An
unprotected hand is all it takes to get a bad case of Wuhan.

Normal glasses are better than nothing, but not by much. Side
protectors (pictured) should help a lot, for one thing by limiting your
ability to rub your eyes with your fingers, but also by limiting air
circulation around your eyes.

Colloidal Silver Eye Spray

Silver has a long history of use in the eyes, so this is not a crazy idea. In fact babies commonly
got silver nitrate solution dropped in the eyes at birth to prevent infection from the mother's birth
canal (STD's).

I've often sprayed 50ppm colloidal silver (See Section 2) straight into my eyes using a nasal-
spray bottle when I felt there was a threat, for example from someone coughing near me. I'd
shoot the solution straight into each eye, then roll my eyes around to make sure the solution was
being transported to the nether regions of my eye socket.

I didn't go blind! In fact, the spray seemed to clear up a minor eye infection while we were in
Vietnam recently. After an hour or so, my eyes felt hugely less stressed and irritated, and redness
that I had disappeared.

Colloidal silver will eventually get washed down the tear ducts and into the nasal passages. This
A commercially available colloidal is another reason why spraying your eyes with colloidal silver seems to me to be a fabulous idea:
silver nasal spray, useful for both The passages that you can't get to with a nasal spray get taken care of via the eye ducts, and so
eye and sinus protection
get disinfected.

I doubt that the silver lingers long in your eye socket, because tears are always washing out your eyes. Maybe give it a 5-10
minute lifespan before you need to reapply in a threatening situation. Certainly, use it immediately before and after entering
a threat zone. I suspect that the virus does not immediately penetrate sinus linings, it likely takes many minutes to an hour or
more to attach to a human cell and penetrate it. If your eyes had a whiff of virus, you probably have a grace period to spray
your eyes. How long this is, is anybody's guess, and I'd not rely on it – don't get complacent.

While I used a nasal spray bottle, you might find it more convenient to use an old eye drop bottle (if you can get the top
pulled out to clean and fill it) and keep in a pocket or bag. There is no danger of the solution becoming contaminated with
organisms, for the obvious reason that the silver kills everything microbial.

So if your eye protection fails, or you can't be wearing any, I do think that this idea has merit, and it's far better than doing
nothing at all.

Of course, watch what your eyes are telling you! If you start to have irritation in your eyes, it could be from the colloidal
silver solution, and it could be wise to discontinue. I don't use this very often, in fact quite rarely and only when I am in a
dangerous environment – for example, many people around me, or someone coughing close to me. These decisions are
judgment calls: The risk of getting Wuhan, vs the risk of transient eye irritation. However, I have very sensitive eyes and
quite frankly a 50ppm silver spray has not bothered me once.

Page 12
9 – Protective Nose & Mouth Spray, Zinc & Silver Lozenges, Gargles
Your sinuses and throat are primary attachment zones for the coronavirus. Your lungs too. Once the virus gets past your
mask, you are in a very serious situation. An iodine infused face mask will give off low-level iodine vapor which in theory
can help precondition your tissues with a protective iodine layer, but nobody knows if that's even effective. About the only
really big thing you could do is to nebulize colloidal silver or Betadine, so that the virus-killing mist goes deep into your
lungs. That could be risky too, but it could save your life. The bigger problem is that you can't be inhaling iodine mist every
hour of every day, you'll get sick from an iodine overdose. You can't predict when you will be exposed, so what can you do?

I don't have the full answer to that, but I do know that pre-treating your throat and sinuses is relatively easy, so why not start
there? Then after that, see what we can do to boost the immune system to take care of the rest? Let's try.

Colloidal Silver as a Protective Nose & Mouth Spray

The reason I made up my first batch of colloidal silver spray (Section 2) was to protect my
mouth and sinuses on a recent trip to Vietnam. Turns out there really was no Wuhan virus there
to be concerned with, but, it did give me frequent practice using the spray to defend my mucous

First thing in the morning before leaving on tour, I would shoot two solid shots of 50ppm
colloidal silver up each nostril and 'suck it back' until I could feel it running down my throat. I
would then shoot two shots into my mouth while breathing as deeply as I could. Not a
nebulizer, but it's something. During the day, I would repeat that if I ended up in the middle of a
crowded street, entered an enclosed space with others, or came too close to a coughing person. I
would also use the Betadine hand sanitizer quite often. Once in a long while I shot silver spray
into my eyes. It was all a sort of risk-free, Wuhan-free practice run. At no point did I have side
effects, and at all times I felt slightly reassured that I was controlling a few of my environmental
risks. Maybe these tactics prevented me from getting a garden-variety cold or flu or norovirus;
during the two week trip and after, I never got sick in the slightest. I also washed my hands as
often as I could and ate judiciously by avoiding street food and the like. I'm sure those
behaviors helped a lot too. I tried very hard to be mindful, to be aware of my surroundings, and Same bottle, same stuff,
to think in a paranoid way. nose and eyes.

For me, it was all about trying to reduce the odds of getting the Wuhan virus. I didn't get it of course, but the Vietnam trip
gave me a thoughtful practice run. It convinced me that as much as anything, my attitude and caution were as important as
the chemicals I'd brought along. Developing a sixth sense of the people and conditions around me came very quickly and
amplified the longer we were touring, to the point that at the end I felt I was behaving in a totally new way, almost without
thinking too much about it – almost like driving a car.

TMS – Metal as a Protective Nose & Mouth Spray

If you can find the ingredients, TMS (Triple Metal Solution, Section 3) is to me a better idea than just silver spray. The other
metals are less common and you might not be able to get all three, but do try. The only thing I'd caution on is inhalation of
copper and zinc. Many people do silver inhalation therapy without side effects, but I do not see evidence of copper and zinc
being used that way. Both copper and zinc are actually needed by the body, but still, I'm not sure I'd do it.

Caveat: The US FDA banned zinc gluconate spray after some reports that it caused loss of smell with prolonged
use. For this reason, I would not advise using zinc in the nose for very long. Silver and copper have no such
negative reports, but it serves to be careful and vigilant over any changes in your sinuses.

The report says that the loss of smell was accompanied by sharp pain in the nose after using the spray. If you get
such a sharp pain, it's wise to stop and try a solution without the zinc.


Vs. 1.3 Page 13

The data was correlative, not causative, so the study this recommendation was based on looks to me like junk
science. Also the claim that zinc nasal spray does not shorten the common cold may or may not be true, but I suspect
that this research, as is often the case, was a red-herring study that did not use it correctly. For example, it may have
tested the use of the spray in the nose without simultaneously treating the throat. There is a lot of disinformation out
there, propagated by special interests who have no problem creating fake or disingenuous studies.

A side benefit of spraying your mouth with any of the metals is that other bacteria, for example that might be causing
gingivitis or tooth decay are also going to be killed off. It should give you better breath for the same reason. Not a substitute
for brushing, but not a bad side effect! The counter argument is that it probably also kills off 'good' bacteria in your mouth.
Maybe. But killing off your 'good' bacteria over the next few months is not going to cause you any substantial harm, if any.
It's a sort of straw-man argument, which has to be balanced against the very existential risk of your demise.

For some reason, many otherwise intelligent people fail to grasp the concept of asymmetric risk assessment – the idea that
somehow taking action 'A' might have a 10% chance of doing temporary harm but a 10% chance of saving your life, is bad.
This should not even be an argument. To me, it's simply not up for discussion.

Iodine nasal spray

I don't know what iodine might do to your olfactory sense, but in general it's not a bad idea and may be more effective than
Silver. A 9:1 Betadine dilution is fine for starters (9 parts salt water, 1 part Betadine). Work your way up to 5:1 dilution if
you can tolerate the 9:1 dilution. I'd be hesitant to go further than that. People have described using Betadine in this way,
without any sort of bad reaction, but be careful and 'listen to your nose'.

An Australian startup, Firebrick Pharma, is developing such a Betadine spray and claims it is effective against viruses;
they've also filed for a patent. This tells me that someone else put their money on the line and hopefully researched it for
safety. Povidone iodine is generally pretty safe and not nearly as caustic as tincture of iodine, as povidone binds up the
iodine atoms, which in turn are slowly released over time. - not available yet, sadly.

Betadine throat spray: This is something to consider as well as an alternative to the metal
sprays or in addition to them. When dealing with a vicious pathogen like the Wuhan, it pays to
spread your bets over a few solutions in parallel. All I would say is that you should NOT use
the iodine and metals close in time to each other, because they will tend to cancel each other
out. Iodine reacts to oxidize the metals, creating metal salts, basically destroying the metal and
absorbing some of the iodine too.

Give a 30 minute break or more before switching between iodine and a metal solution.

Zinc & Silver Lozenges

Some zinc compounds have long been shown to be a very
efficient throat disinfectant and anti-viral. Many studies show
that zinc reduces the duration of the common cold. This could
be true because of zinc coating the throat, or because more zinc
gets in the blood, strengthening your immune system. Both
could be true, and for our purposes both possible effects should
be embraced. From my own personal experience, I know that as soon as I get a scratchy
throat and that 'getting sick' feeling, 4 or 5 zinc lozenges in a row always stops it dead in
under a day. After 66 years I know my own body, and I know with high certainty – due to
this being a repeatable phenomenon – that something is going on. Cold-Eze is just one of
many brands. Zinc Acetate is reported to be much better, but it's also harder to find.


Page 14
It's not a logical stretch to presume that Zinc is prophylactic to the throat if taken 2-3x daily
by lozenge, so consider taking these daily during this pandemic especially if you are in an
exposed situation. I will be doing that when Wuhan comes to my neighborhood. Also, the
zinc in the lozenge will go into your bloodstream, which is also not a bad idea to boost your
immune system.
Zinc lozenges take an hour or more to dissolve in your mouth if you stick it by your cheek.
Slower is better. Your saliva will carry the zinc down your throat, continuously sterilizing it
against pathogens, so make it last! This is a huge advantage over a throat spray or gargle,
which are only temporary and have no staying power in your throat.
I just recently found 60ppm colloidal silver lozenges on the market too. I have no doubt
they work but I have no experience with them. Now that I know about them, I'm going to
order some bags of them. I intend to alternate during the day between zinc and silver
lozenges, as sort of a double barrel approach in case one is more effective than the other.
Two approaches are virtually always better than one!
We don't have time for double-blind experiments, and none will come in our lifetimes because there is no money in it, but
there's a very high probability that metals, at least zinc if not the others, will make you more resistant to the initial stages of
Wuhan virus penetration of your throat and nasal linings; certainly, it is logical to believe so, and the risks of self-help in this
area are so small (to me!) that it is perfectly logical for me to embrace these therapies.
I have no patience for doctors who would oppose me with only vague, unsubstantiated warnings, or tell me that these
things are useless because there are no controlled studies, while they themselves have done no research on the subject
and have no other solutions themselves, or if they did, can't provide them in time or at an affordable price.
So no, metals have not, as far as I know, been formally tested as prophylactics. I'm betting they work, and in any case, the
consequences of being wrong are virtually nil in other than maybe for zinc messing with your nose. Metals are dirt cheap
and require no prescription. I actually believe metals are more effective as prophylactics than as cures, and there is
every logical reason to believe this is true.

Throat Washes & Gargles

If you feel a throat infection coming on, it's time to haul out the big guns. Gargles work as
antiseptics that kill just about every microbe in your throat. Any antiseptic gargle is better than
none, but one is superior. Betadine makes a throat gargle based of course on povidone iodine.
Having used it, I can tell you it's not the most pleasant gargle to use, but it seems to work.
At the very first sign of a scratchy throat or a feeling of ill-ease, use it!! Not a minute's delay.
Every second you wait, allows a potential viral infection to work deeper and deeper into your
tissues. If you are traveling, take a bottle with you. Gargle as deep as you possibly can, to the
point of gagging. If you swallow some, nothing bad will happen other than you getting a little
extra iodine in your blood, which in itself is not the worst thing.
If you can't get Betadine Gargle locally, use regular Betadine diluted 9+1 (9 parts salt water, 1
part Betadine) to achieve the same strength. Yes, you will gag, but you just might live.
Repeat this 4 - 5 times if you are having trouble getting the Betadine down to the back of your
throat. Wait a half hour or so, then start sucking slowly on zinc and/or silver lozenges for the next 24 hours interspersed with
CS or TMS spray solution into your mouth and nose.
As I mentioned, do NOT use an iodine solution and metals close in time to each other, as they will cancel each other out.
Iodine reacts with metals to create useless metal salts. If you are using zinc or silver lozenges, and/or CS or TMS, give at
least a 30 minute break when switching from those to iodine based products, so that the effects of the previous method are
not immediately canceled out.
Hydrogen Peroxide is another thing you can use to gargle with; I wrote about it briefly in an earlier version of this paper,
but it's not my favorite solution for a simple reason: It's not persistent. H2O2 vanishes in seconds, whereas Betadine hangs in
your throat and penetrates mucous tissues, lasting for a good long while (probably hours, depending on how soon you eat or
drink afterward). This quality of persistence is extremely valuable; it's something that alcohol and peroxide cannot provide.

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