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DCA, PGDCA Irst Sem CCE Examination December -2018

Subject – Data Structure
Time: 2:00 Hours Max Marks: -
Min Marks: -
Section A
Note-Objective Type Question (Attempt All Question)
Q1. Q1.Which of the following data types is used to attach Microsoft Office files, graphics files, sound files,
and pdf files to a table?
A) OLE object B) Hyperlink C) Text D) Memo
Q2. Which of the following has a set of commands or functions (save, undo, and redo) that are independent?
Of the tab on the ribbon currently displayed in MS Access 2010?
A) Quick Access Toolbar B) Navigation Pane C) Title bar D) Module
Q3. In one-to-many relationship the table in one side is called _______ and on many side is called _______
a) Child, Parent b) Parent, Child c) Brother, Sister d) Father, Son
Q4. Which of the following is not a database object?
a) Tables b) Queries c) Relationships d) Reports
Q5. In a database table, the category of information is called ____________
a) tuple b) field c) record d)All of above
Q6. The third stage in designing a database is when we analyze our tables more closely and create a
___________ between tables
a) Relationship b) Join c) Query d) None of these
Q7. The size of a field with Number data type cannot be
a) 2 b) 4 c) 8 d) 16
Q8. The size of Yes No field is always
a) 1 bit b) 1 byte c) 1 character d) 1 GB
Q9. This key uniquely identifies each record
a) Primary key b) key record c) unique key d) field name
Q10. Query design window has two parts. The upper part shows
a) Name of fields, field type and size b) Tables with fields and relationships between tables c)
Criteria d) Sorting check boxes

Section B
Note- Long Answer type question (Attempt Any Five)

Q1. What is Database Management System (DBMS) and what do you mean by data processing?
Explain the objects of Access Database??
Q2. What is relational database and explain the primary key?
What do you mean by filter?
Q3. What are the advantages of normalizing database design?
Explain the Query Ms-Access?
Q4. Explain the form in Ms-Access?
Explain the elements of a database?

Q5. Explain the different sections of a report?

What is the difference between Print Preview and Layout Preview?

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