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Back To 'Certificate Final Exam/': Correct 1.00 Points Out of 1.00
Question 4 Which of the following sets of terms describes the data in a database?
1 of 15 4/24/22, 15:23
CS403: Certificate Final Exam: Attempt review | Saylor Academy
Question 6 What is used in DBMSes to make sure that data are accurate and consistent?
Question 7 To support concurrent transactions, a DBMS should have which of the following properties?
Question 9 Which of the following are the most widely-used types of database today?
2 of 15 4/24/22, 15:23
CS403: Certificate Final Exam: Attempt review | Saylor Academy
Question 10 Which level of the three-level database architecture deals with how the user sees data?
Question 11 Which of the following describes the capability to change the physical schema of a database without having to rewrite application programs?
Question 14 A link can be established between two tables by the use of what kind of key?
3 of 15 4/24/22, 15:23
CS403: Certificate Final Exam: Attempt review | Saylor Academy
Question 15 IMS is an example of a database system that implemented which of the following models?
Question 16 If you were a database consultant tasked with recommending a data model for organizing book records for a library, which of the following types of database would you recommend?
Question 18 Object-oriented databases were not initially commercially successful for which of the following reasons?
4 of 15 4/24/22, 15:23
CS403: Certificate Final Exam: Attempt review | Saylor Academy
Select one:
a. Primary key
b. Ccomposite key
c. Multivalued attribute
d. Single-valued attribute
Select one:
a. Binary
b. Singleton
c. Ternary
d. Unary
5 of 15 4/24/22, 15:23
CS403: Certificate Final Exam: Attempt review | Saylor Academy
Select one:
a. Unary
b. One to all
c. One to one
d. One to many
Question 23 Which of the following can we use to indicate whether an entity instance is mandatory?
b. Optionality
c. Disjointedness
d. Referential integrity
Question 24 You have an application domain that consists of Cities, Towns, and Neighborhoods. A City has a name, zip code, state, and a country. A Town has a name, zip code, state, and country. A Neighborhood has a name, coordinate, and population. Using a relational model, what are
Incorrect Students, Courses, and Sections called?
0.00 points out
of 1.00 Select one:
a. Attributes
b. Constraints
c. Entities
d. Relations
6 of 15 4/24/22, 15:23
CS403: Certificate Final Exam: Attempt review | Saylor Academy
Question 25 The diagram contains a unary entity with a one to many relationship. Which of the following best demonstrates a mapping of this relationship?
Select one:
7 of 15 4/24/22, 15:23
CS403: Certificate Final Exam: Attempt review | Saylor Academy
Question 26 This figure shows an ER diagram that contains a one-to-one relationship and four possible ways to map the diagram to a set of relations. Which is the correct solution to mapping this ER diagram to a set of relations?
Select one:
Question 27 What constraint type does the following constraint belong to?
"Every table must have a primary key, of which no part can be null."
0.00 points out
of 1.00
Select one:
a. Entity integrity
b. Domain integrity
c. Semantic integrity
d. Referential integrity
8 of 15 4/24/22, 15:23
CS403: Certificate Final Exam: Attempt review | Saylor Academy
Question 30 Which is the correct expression to find all students registered for CS403?
Question 31 Assuming that we have an additional relation called staff which is union compatible with faculty, what will the following operation result in?
Πname (Staff ⋂ Instructor)
1.00 points out
of 1.00
Select one:
a. No rows being printed
b. The cartesian product of instructor and staff
c. All rows of instructor being added to all rows of staff
d. The name of all rows which are in both staff and instructor
9 of 15 4/24/22, 15:23
CS403: Certificate Final Exam: Attempt review | Saylor Academy
Select one:
a. First normal form
b. Second normal form
c. Third normal form
d. Boyce-Codd normal form
Question 35 What is the highest normal form that all relations in the diagram are in?
Select one:
a. First normal form
b. Third normal form
c. Fourth normal form
d. Boyce-Codd normal form
Question 36 When is a relation considered to be in second normal form (2NF)? (Select the best answer.)
10 of 15 4/24/22, 15:23
CS403: Certificate Final Exam: Attempt review | Saylor Academy
Since the primary key is made up of PartNo and CustID, we cannot insert a new part without adding an associated customer. Which of the following is this an example of?
Select one:
a. A non-normal form
b. A deletion anomaly
c. An update anomaly
d. An insertion anomaly
Question 38 What is the difference between data definition language and data manipulation language?
b. It is used for queries and data manipulation language is used for updating and deleting tables only
c. It is used to create the files that store tables whereas data manipulation language is used to update data
d. It is used to create tables, indexes, etc., whereas data manipulation language is used to query the database
Question 40 Assume that we have a table called student with the following columns:
1.00 points out
of 1.00 What is wrong with this insert command?
insert into student ('s2234','John','Smith','Chemistry')
Select one:
a. It is missing a left parenthesis
b. It is missing a right parenthesis
c. It is missing a value before the parenthesis
d. There are not enough fields in the statement
11 of 15 4/24/22, 15:23
CS403: Certificate Final Exam: Attempt review | Saylor Academy
Question 41 Which of the following are constraints that can be used with the create table command?
Select one:
a. Add a new row to the course table
b. Delete all records in the course table
c. Delete three credit courses from the course table
d. Delete all records except those with three credits from the course table
Select one:
a. A listing of all customers
b. A listing of all customers with a credit limit greater than 500
c. A count of all customers
d. A count of all customers with a credit limit greater than 500
12 of 15 4/24/22, 15:23
CS403: Certificate Final Exam: Attempt review | Saylor Academy
Select one:
a. All last names and credit limits from 1000 to 2000, and 2000 to 3000
b. The last name of all customers with a credit limit of 1000, 2000, or 3000
c. All last names and credit limits where the credit limit is 1000, 2000, 3000
d. The last name of all customers with a credit from 1000 to 2000, and 2000 to 3000
Question 47 In SQL, the join statement is most commonly used to do which of the following?
13 of 15 4/24/22, 15:23
CS403: Certificate Final Exam: Attempt review | Saylor Academy
What would the following SQL Select statement produce for output?
select course.description, registration.SID,registration.grade
from registration
right join course
on registration.courseID = course.courseID
Select one:
a. Computer Science I 362112 C
14 of 15 4/24/22, 15:23
CS403: Certificate Final Exam: Attempt review | Saylor Academy
What would the following SQL Select statement produce for output?
select lname,CourseID, grade
from student
left join registration
on student.sid = registration.sid
Select one:
a. Williams CS101
b. Williams CS101 C
Jones ENGL210 B+
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