Role Play Rubric Members of The Group

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Role Play Rubric Members of the group:

Criteria Excellent 5 Satisfactory 4 Good 3 Marginal 2 Total

Participation in Always willing and Usually willing and focused during Sometimes willing and focused during Rarely willing and focused during 3
Preparation and focused during group group work and presentation. group work and presentation. group work and presentation
Presentation work and presentation.
Presentation of Convincing Competent communication of Adequate communication of character’s Limited communication of 4
Character communication of character’s feelings, situations and feelings, situation and motives. character’s feelings, situation and
character’s feelings, motives Purpose is clearly established motives
situation and motives. and generally sustained.
Achievement of Purpose is clearly Purpose is clearly established and Purpose is established but may not be Purpose is vaguely established 5
Purpose established and generally sustained. sustained. Satisfactory variety of nonverbal and may not be sustained.
(X2) effectively sustained. cues used in an acceptable way.

Impressive variety of Good variety of non-verbal cues is used Satisfactory variety of nonverbal cues used Limited variety of non-verbal cues 5
Use of Nonverbal nonverbal cues is used in a competent way. in an acceptable way. are used in a developing way.
Cues (voice, in an exemplary way.
gestures, eye
contact, props,
creativity 5

Good projection of character mrs. Jay duga duga


Duga duga maintain an eye contact during his interview.

The intro was creative at the same time catchy and entertaining.

The play or the flow was expectedly good, the objective was met and the character performed well

All the students have their role and collaboration

The background music is an old rhapsody song which is good

The add lib was good

You’ve improved a lot guys, I can see you as an HR

The sound effect was entertaining


It was quite messy and the play was lack of preparation

Stop the music when there is a conversation

If you want to cut the play just say cut so that the audience will understand that the play was being paused

The seminar in manila was not a seminar but an orientation of rules and policies of the company.

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