Affidavit of Withdrawal (Charmain Rivera)

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Republic of the Philippines )

City of____________________ ) S.S

  (from the Board of Directors and as Incorporator)

I, CHARMAINE T. RIVERA, Filipino, of Legal age resident of Block 25 Lot 22 Phase 6,

Eastwood Residences,Brgy..San Isidro Rodriguez Rizal. After being sworn to in
accordance with law, depose and state:

1. That we compose the original incorporators and members of the Board of

Directors of THADDEUS BUSINESS GROUP INC., with principal address at 190
AFP Rd. Corner, Ranger St. Veterans Village, Brgy. Holy Spirit, Quezon City.

2. That I the Vice President for Internal Affairs, has withdrawn from THADDEUS
BUSINESS GROUP INC. as incorporator and member of the Board of Directors;

3. That It was an honor to be part of the company. However, I could no longer hold
my position as Director and member of the Board of Directors of the company.

4. That I am executing this Affidavit to attest to the truth of the forgoing and in
support of the corporation’s amendment at the Securities and Exchange

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this ____________________ in

Quezon City, Philippines.

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this ______________________ in

__________________, Philippines by the above stated name, who presented to me their
respective identification documents and Tax Identification Number ID. As stated
above, and who are the same person who personally signed before me the foregoing
affidavit and acknowledged that he/she executed the same.

Tin No.456-855-791-000
Notary Public.

Doc. No. _____;                                                               

Book No. ____;                                                               
Series of 2019.

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