Ophthalmology For Lawyers PDF
Ophthalmology For Lawyers PDF
Ophthalmology For Lawyers PDF
London • Sydney
Dr Walter Scott, LLB (Hons),
London • Sydney
First published in Great Britain 1997 by Cavendish Publishing Limited, The
Glass House, Wharton Street, London WC1X 9PX.
Telephone: 0171–278 8000 Facsimile: 0171–278 8080
The right of the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
Any person who infringes the above in relation to this publication may be
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Rosen, Emanuel S
Ophthalmology for lawyers—(Medico-legal practitioner series)
1. Ophthalmology—Law and legislation—England
I. Title
ISBN 1-85941-211-4
of the first books began to arrive it was starting to look as though we really were
going to have something which was quite unique. When the final manuscripts
arrived my confidence increased still further. More than two years after my initial
plans the first set of books has become available and the dream has turned into
This, then, is how the project came into being but it must be emphasised
that, in a manner of speaking, we have really only just got ourselves started. For
the series to thrive it must be flexible and respond to the needs of its users. It
must adapt to medical developments and legal changes. Clinical subjects are a
primary consideration but it is my firm intention to expand the series to involve
other areas of interest. Indeed the first non-clinical title should appear almost as
soon as the initial set becomes available. On a more long term basis, I would like
the series to cover every field of expertise that is of concern to the medico-legal
Uniformity of approach and clarity of presentation must be hallmarks of the
individual titles but the series as a whole must be independent and objective. If
we can aspire to these criteria we should achieve a fair measure of success in
assisting our readers to give good advice to their clients.
It remains for me to express my gratitude to all the authors and to the
publishers for their cooperation. In another kind of way I will be equally grateful
to all our readers for placing their reliance on us and for sharing our
Walter Scott
Series Editor
August 1996
Emanuel Rosen
William Rosen
Dedication v
Foreword vii
Preface ix
Acknowledgment xi
Table of figures xvii
Medical negligence and the medical report 3
Eyelids 17
The ocular surface 18
The cornea 18
Scleral coat of the eye 20
Uvea 21
Iris 21
The pupil 21
Aqueous humour, trabecular meshwork and the ciliary body 22
The crystalline lens 23
Zonular fibres 25
Vitreous body 26
The retinal vascular circulation 27
The retinal pigment epithelium 27
Retinal pathophysiology 29
The retina 29
Choroid 31
Optic nerve head (optic disc) 32
Clinical history 37
Ophthalmic symptomatology 38
External examination 41
Anterior chamber 41
Gonioscopy 41
Ophthalmoscopy 42
Visual acuity 42
Clinical measure of visual acuity—is it a reliable guide
to what a patient can see? 45
Acquired glaucomas 113
Diagnosis and screening of the glaucomas 121
Referral—the roles of optometrist, GP and ophthalmologist
in glaucoma 123
Treatment overview 124
Medical management of COAG 125
Treatment compliance 127
Lasers in the treatment of glaucoma 128
Surgical treatment of glaucoma 129
Glaucoma in recent historical perspective 131
Definition 133
Diabetic cataract 140
14 RED EYES 143
Overview 143
Anatomy 143
Pathophysiology 144
Uveitis 147
Endophthalmitis 149
15 TRAUMA 153
Eye injuries 153
Specific injuries 154
Overview of paediatric ophthalmology 165
Ocular pathology in children 165
Definition 173
Refractive surgery 178
Corneal opacification 193
Headache and the eyes 194
Sudden and unexplained loss of vision 196
Hemianopia 200
Lasers in ophthalmic practice 200
Duties of health care professionals in ophthalmic practice 203
Standards of vision for various occupations and activities 211
Abbreviations and notations in common usage by ophthalmic
medical practitioners and optometrists 245
Glossary 253
Bibliography 285
Index 287
Chapter 2
Figure 1—Diagram of the front view of the eye showing the anterior landmarks
of lids and eye.
Figure 2—Cross-section of the eye globe.
Figure 3—Cross-section of an eyelid.
Figure 4—Side view of the eye within the orbit, illustrating its relationship to
the supporting and surrounding structures, including the paranasal sinuses.
Figure 5—A view behind an eye showing its attachments visible in the eye socket.
The optic nerve is surrounded by the extra-ocular muscles and nerves within
the bony walls of the orbit.
Figure 6—Clinical photograph of the cornea, the anterior chamber containing
the aqueous humour and the crystalline lens by special (Scheimpflug)
photography, showing the anatomical relationships and the nuclear zones
within the crystalline lens.
Figure 7—Diagram of the structures in the angle of the anterior chamber.
Figure 8—Retinal diagram illustrating the relationships at the posterior pole of
the eye—especially the optic nerve head, macula, fovea, retinal arteries and
Figure 9 —The peripheral, visual field.
Figure 10—The optic nerve pathways from retina to visual (occipital) cortex,
showing the crossing over of the nasal retinal fibres from each eye to the
opposite pathway in the optic chiasma.
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Figure 20—The Snellen visual acuity chart.
Figure 21—The Logmar visual acuity chart.
Figure 22—Bi-temporal hemianopia (demonstrated on a visual field chart) caused
by compression of the central fibres of the optic chiasma due to a pituitary
Figure 23—An example of an incomplete homonymous hemianopia
(demonstrated on a Goldmann visual field chart); in fact, a ie loss of the
Table of figures
lower left field of vision in each eye caused by a defect in the right optic
pathways from a stroke or cerebro-vascular accident for example.
Figure 24—Fluorescein angiography of the fundus of the eye. Figure 24 shows
the arterial phase. As the fluorescein dye appears in the retinal arteries, the
photograph shows them as white threads on a mottled background. The
mottling is due to a combination of fluorescein dye in the choroidal circulation
of the eye and the overlying, retinal-pigment epithelium, which is most
densely pigmented at the macula.
Figure 25—shows the venous phase. Within a second the dye has permeated the
retinal capillaries and is draining out of the eye through the retinal veins.
Consequently, all the retinal vessels (arteries, capillaries and veins) appear
white against the mottled background of choroidal fluorescence and
Figure 26—Corneal topography. Shown is a black and white representation of a
colour-coded map of corneal shape and refractive power. It is an essential
precursor to refractive surgery and an invaluable tool for monitoring post-
operative progress and communication.
Chapter 9
Figure 27—A cataract is a clouding of the crystalline lens.
Figure 28—A cataract after extraction is replaced by an intra-ocular lens implant,
here seen encased in the crystalline-lens, capsular bag which is left in situ at
surgery to sequester the implant from other ocular tissues.
Figure 29—Cystoid macular oedema (CMO), a complication of low-grade,
postoperative inflammation following cataract surgery. The retinal capillaries
in the central retina develop a temporary incontinence in response to anterior-
segment inflammation and the fluid-leakage pools in the retina to inflate
microcystic spaces, which are unequivocally identified clinically by
fluorescein angiography. The dye stains the fluid in the microcysts which
appears as a mottled, white fluorescence.
Chapter 10
Figure 30—A fluorescein angiogram of a detached retina lower aspect. The in-
focus, out-of-focus aspect of the retinal blood vessels indicate that the retina
is elevated by sub-retinal fluid. In the lower part of the picture four retinal
holes are demonstrated by the absence of any blood vessels. It is through
these holes that fluid percolates from the vitreous humour underneath the
retina to cause the physical detachment. The initiating event is the formation
of holes in the retina, usually secondary to retinal degeneration which is
more common in myopic (large) eyes.
Chapter 11
Figure 31—An example of a fluorescein angiogram of the retina. This case
illustrates a detachment of the retinal-pigment epithelium, giving a blister-
like elevation of the macula. The fluid in the detachment stains with
fluorescein to identify its precise location. Retinal-pigment, epithelial
detachment is one component of macular degeneration syndromes.
Figure 32—A fluorescein angiogram of a right eye with early, age-related
degeneration, characterised by atrophy of pigment epithelium with pigment
migration and pigment clustering, seen contrasted against the background
fluorescence of the choroid. The inference from an appearance like this
is that the rods and cones which are the light-sensitive elements of the
retina will be decaying, and vision reserves and acuity of the eye will be
Figure 33—The fellow left eye of the same patient in figure 32 with a disciform
(disc-like) scar at the macula which has end-stage, age-related degeneration,
ie no residual central vision. The eye still maintains peripheral vision which
is usually not compromised by the age-related degeneration affecting the
central retina.
Chapter 12
Table 1—The five groups of drugs used in the medical management of glaucoma.
Chapter 13
Table of figures
Chapter 16
Figure 36—Pseudostrabismus, the appearance in this case of a convergent squint
when observing the white of the eyes. But note the corneal reflections which
are equal and central, indicating that the squint is an illusion, or
pseudostrabismus caused by the fold of skin obscuring the white of the eye
at its inner aspect (epicanthus).
Chapter 17
Figure 37—Optical ray diagram to indicate the focussing of parallel rays of light
onto the retina (clockwise from above): in an emmetropic eye; in front of the
retina in a myopic eye; and behind the retina in a hyperopic eye.
Figure 38—Diagram showing the principle of astigmatism within the cornea.
Regular astigmatism shows two principle meridia measured by keratometry
or corneal topography: one steep and one flat meridian. Diagrammatically
this gives the cornea the shape of a rugby ball, seen here lying on its side. Its
effect is to magnify the image in the vertical plane and reduce its size in the
horizontal plane. By equalising the radii of curvature of the principal meridia,
the cornea appears spherical when the image magnification is equalised to
give the observer normally-proportioned images.
Figure 39—Refractive surgery landmarks on the cornea. Note that the geometric
centre of the cornea does not correspond with the visual axis; the optical
zone of the cornea is the important zone whose clarity is to be preserved in
cataract surgery whilst influencing a change of shape (refraction).
Figure 40—Diagram illustrating the principle of radial keratotomy. Micro-
incisions into the cornea at a depth of 90% are placed around the central
optical zone to effect flattening of that zone and correct myopic, refractive
errors. Peripheral, corneal incisions cause a microscopic gap in the incisedarea
of the cornea due to the effect of intra-ocular pressure. Accordingly,the
corresponding effect on the central cornea is for it to flatten, ie its radius of
curvature being reduced for the correction of myopia.
Figure 41—Computer-derived plan for the incisions in radial keratotomy (usually
four or eight equally-spaced incisions). Note the clear, central, optical zone,
ie the eye is not looking through the operated area; of PRK.
Figure 42—Diagram to illustrate the principle of arcuate keratotomy. Arcuate
micro-incisions are placed into the cornea at a depth of 60% and a diameter
of 7mm, well away from the optical zone but on the steep meridian of an
astigmatic cornea to effect reduction of the astigmatic error. Arcuate incisions
are titrated according to the refractive defect. The incisions typically leave a
central clear zone of 7mm.
Table of figures
Chapter 18
Ophthalmology is that portion of the medical spectrum concerned with the eye
and related structures in health and disease. It combines both medical and
surgical skills. In the UK its structure within the National Health Service (NHS)
is the same as other specialities, with the backbone of the system being the
consultant ophthalmologist of which there are currently about 650. They are
supported in clinical practice by a variety of medical assistants and paramedical
All consultant ophthalmologists are appointed competitively, having
acquired the necessary training and certification (which is currently in a state of
flux, with European certification not quite in accord with UK requirements).
Training of ophthalmologists (ophthalmic surgeons) is undertaken in approved
hospital departments. Consultant ophthalmologists are now required to
undertake approved, continuing medical education (CME) supervised by the
Senate of Royal Colleges. From 1996 this has become a new requirement for
continuing in practice.
Ophthalmology, like many medical and surgical specialties, has advanced
rapidly in its capabilities during the past generation, taking advantage of
technological evolution. Many conditions considered untreatable only a few years
ago are now either preventable or curable. Practice of ophthalmology is therefore
in a constant state of transition as the era of the general ophthalmologist gives
way to the higher-quality services provided by subspecialists. Defined areas of
sub-specialisation within ophthalmic practice include vitreo-retinal surgery,
retinal medicine, ocular motility and neuro-ophthalmology, paediatric
ophthalmology, glaucoma, oculo-plastic and orbital disease and, perhaps more
controversially, the practice of cataract and refractive surgery.
Concentration of effort and the higher-volume exposure to special areas of
practice brings greater depth of experience and insight into medical and surgical
problems. Accordingly, hospital ophthalmology is being increasingly organised
to incorporate a primary care system that directs the presenting problem into
the specialist area for management. However, this approach to ophthalmic
practice is in a state of transition, with the change being resisted by some while
being welcomed by others.
In a medico-legal context this background information should be of value,
enabling each issue to be placed in recent historical context. The major question
to be answered is—what constitutes a reasonable body of medical opinion? Is it
Finally, the lawyer may find the visual standards for occupations a useful
source of reference. Clients seeking compensation for loss of employment through
degrees of visual disability may have their opportunities or limitations considered
in a wide variety of professions and occupations with specific visual standards.
In the ordinary case which does not involve any special skill, (negligence) in law
means a failure to do some act which a reasonable man in the circumstances would
do, or the doing of some act which a reasonable man in the circumstances would
not do; and if the failure or the doing of that act results in injury, then there is a
cause of action…in the ordinary case it is generally said that you judge (negligence)
by the action of the man in the street…but where you get a situation which involves
some special skill or competence, then the test as to whether there has been
negligence or not is not the test as to the man on the top of the Clapham omnibus,
because he has not got that special skill. A man need not possess the highest
expert skill; it is well established law that it is sufficient if he exercises the ordinary
skill of an ordinary competent man exercising that particular art.
In the realm of diagnosis and treatment there is ample scope for genuine
difference of opinion, and one person clearly is not negligent merely because his
conclusion differs from that of other professionals, nor because he has displayed
less skill or knowledge than others would have shown. The true test for
establishing negligence in diagnosis or treatment on the part of the doctor is
whether that person had been proved to be guilty of such failures of which no
doctor of ordinary skill would be guilty of when ‘acting with ordinary care’.
Negligence is purely a legal concept, so it is lawyers who decide whether
comments and criticisms on the question of competence in the medical report
are sufficient to amount to a formal claim in negligence.
In respect of liability, the issue is therefore whether the standard of care was
that which should have been provided by a responsible body of medical
practitioners. If the treatment was that which no responsible body of medical
practitioners should have provided, it is likely to be a breach of the standard of
care. It is a defence to show that there is a responsible body of medical practitioners
which would have carried out the treatment on the patient in the manner in
which it was carried out, even if that responsible body is in a minority. This
takes into account real and genuinely held differences in treatment which are
accepted equally by the medical profession. Therefore the requirement is:
(a) to identify precisely what was wrong with the patient, and its cause prior to
the medical treatment administered;
(b) to identify and itemise clearly the treatment administered to the patient; and
(c) to state, in relation to such treatment, whether or not the medical personnel
treating the patient
(i) administered a treatment which they should not have administered
(and, if yes, what was that treatment, and what are the alleged reasons
why they should not have administered it),
(ii) failed to administer treatment which they should have administered
(and, if yes, what was that treatment, and what are the alleged reasons
why they should not have administered it), and
(iii) failed adequately to diagnose (and, if yes, what is it that has not been
adequately diagnosed, and what are the alleged reasons why it should
have been diagnosed). Furthermore, if relevant, was there a delay in
diagnosis and, if yes, for how long, and why should this diagnosis
have been made earlier?
(a) the pain, suffering and loss of amenity flowing from that failure; and
(b) the pain, suffering and loss of amenity the patient would have endured had
the medical management not fallen below the standard of care.
Figure 1 (above). Diagram of the front view of the eye showing the anterior landmarks
of lids and eye.
The human eye is a complex organ. It is housed and protected in all aspects by
the bony eye socket, except for its frontal aspects (Figure 3, page 8) where the
eyelids and eyelashes serve to prevent the ocular surface from drying out and
inhibit access to foreign material. The lacrimal or tear gland located under the
upper, outer portion of the eye socket produces one component of tears which
continuously bathe the eyes with moisture and nutrients. Other components are
produced by the meibomian glands located in the substance of both upper and
lower eyelids. They secrete an oily component of the tears, while mucous cells in
the conjunctival surface of the eye globe formulate the mucous component.
Excess tears either evaporate or drain through two small ducts on the inside
corner of the upper and lower eyelids near to the nose—the lacrimal punctae.
With each blink the tears wash away debris and potentially harmful bacteria
into the nose. The production of tears, although a continuum, is varied by reflexes
which produce a response when the eye is stimulated by bright light, by variation
in temperature (hot or cold), by debris bombarding the eye (dusty atmosphere)
or by emotion. Thus, when people cry the nose runs as the excess of tears pours
into it through the lacrimal drainage system.
The eye is covered by a mucous membrane, a soft, glistening membrane
called the conjunctiva which covers the inner surface of the eyelids and the surface
of the ocular globe that terminates at the edge of the cornea, the clear window of
the eye. This continuum of surface material, collectively known as the ocular
Overview of the Eye
Figure 4. Side view of the eye within the orbit, illustrating its relationship to the
supporting and surrounding structures, including the paranasal sinuses.
surface, is the barrier between our environment and the eye itself. It is this tissue
which becomes red when the eye is inflamed, as well as the tissue beneath it,
leading to red-eye problems (see Chapter 14). The outer coating of the eyeball
itself under this membrane is a tough tissue called the sclera. Between the sclera
and the conjunctiva exist the connective tissue layers of episclera and Tenon’s
Attached to each eyeball are six eye muscles (Figures 4 and 5), four of which
are the superior, inferior, lateral and medial rectus muscles which allow the
Figure 5. A view behind an eye showing its attachments visible in the eye socket. The
optic nerve is surrounded by the extra-ocular muscles and nerves within the bony
walls of the orbit.
eye to move in horizontal and vertical directions. The remaining two oblique
muscles, superior and inferior, allow the eye to rotate in its socket. All these
muscles act in concert as well as with the corresponding muscles in the fellow
eye. Each muscle on an eye has an antagonist muscle, ie a muscle which
opposes its action. The two eyes together produce binocular vision, which
gives us three-dimensional or stereoscopic vision, a facility resulting from
physical separation of the two eyes and their slightly different angle of view.
In the brain these two views are fused to give us the impression of three
dimensions or depth perception.
The movements of the eyes are controlled by central areas of the brain which
co-ordinate their activities, served by the cranial nerves (III, IV and VI—
occulomotor, trochlear and abducens) which innervate them from the brain stem.
Abnormalities in the ability of the eye muscles to maintain ocular alignment
results in the condition of strabismus or squint and the symptom of double vision
or diplopia.
The clear covering or window at the front of the eye is known as the cornea,
which is one component of the eye’s twin-lens focussing system. It is the most
powerful component of this system, accounting for two-thirds of its focussing
power. As light rays enter the tear film and then the cornea from the less-dense
atmosphere of the air, they are refracted and focussed onto the retina. The cornea
also serves the important function of filtering out the light and near-visible
elements of the electromagnetic spectrum wavelengths which are potentially
harmful to the delicate retinal tissues at the back of the eye. These include both
infrared and ultraviolet portions of the electro-magnetic spectrum.
As the cornea plays such an important role in the focussing of light,
abnormalities or irregularities in the shape of the cornea will affect clarity of vision,
producing ‘refractive errors’. The full cornea is generally spherical in shape but
specifically is known as a toroidal asphere, ie it is shaped like the side of a barrel
or the convex side of a teaspoon with the handle towards the nose, and it is steeper
on the nasal side and flatter on the outer or temporal side. This design is nature’s
method of minimising the physical phenomenon of spherical aberration. Light
rays impinging upon the periphery of a spherical lens are refracted more than
the central rays, to produce different focussing effects. The eye as an optical system
requires precise focussing, hence the aspherical design of the cornea. A variation
in the refractive process is the phenomenon of astigmatism, a condition in which
the cornea produces more than one principal focus.
Refractive errors are corrected by sphero-cylindrical combinations of lenses,
spectacles or contact lenses, which add to or reduce the refractive power of the
cornea according to its variation in shape and its relation to the overall size of
the eye globe. A further refinement in the optical process is the Styles-Crawford
effect, wherein light impinging upon the centre of the cornea is weighted by the
brain more than the peripheral rays of light, a phenomenon that also serves to
minimise optical aberrations.
Overview of the Eye
Figure 6. Clinical photograph of the cornea, the anterior chamber containing the aqueous
humour, and the crystalline lens by special (Scheimpflug) photography, showing the
anatomical relationships and the nuclear zones within the crystalline lens.
Light passing through the cornea travels next through the watery fluid in
the front of the eye, the aqueous humour (Figure 6), one of whose functions is
also to absorb that portion of ultraviolet and infrared light which has managed
to pass through the cornea. The aqueous humour is contained within the anterior
and posterior chambers of the anterior part of the eye (Figure 7, page 12). The
light is modulated by the pupil, the central aperture in the coloured part of the
eye, the iris diaphragm. The iris regulates the amount of light entering the eye
through the pupil assuming large dimensions in the dark and becoming smaller
when it is exposed to increased light intensity. The iris diaphragm itself contains
a common body pigment called melanin. The lower the pigment content the
more blue the iris appears; the higher the pigment content the more brown it
After the light passes through the pupil it meets the crystalline lens, the
second element in the eye’s twin-lens system. This lens fine tunes the image,
providing approximately one third of the focussing power of the eye. Where the
crystalline lens becomes cloudy or contains opacities or significant variations in
its consistency, the process of cataract formation occurs which will variously
Overview of the Eye
interfere with vision. The crystalline lens is also designed to maximise the clarity
of the image ultimately received by the retina. It too is shaped in an aspheric
fashion, though the anterior surface is flatter than the posterior surface, with the
periphery of the lens curved less than the centre of the lens.
The vitreous gel which is clear in adult life fills the cavity between the retina
and the crystalline lens. In the embryological development of the eye this
compartment contains a vascular system which provides the building blocks of
nutrients for the developing eye, but as the eye matures in the embryo so the
vascular system, having fulfilled its function, regresses and in so doing secretes
the clear gel which fills that void between the crystalline lens and the retina. The
gel is bounded by an extremely thin layer, the hyaloid membrane, on both its
anterior aspect (the anterior hyaloid membrane) and its posterior aspect (the
posterior hyaloid membrane) which abuts against the retina. Any imperfection
in the clarity of the vitreous, especially in the major axis between the pupil and
the central retina will lead to an individual perceiving floaters or mobile fly-like
spots in the field of vision. These imperfections, consisting of fibres and cellular
material or blood, in pathological conditions will cause a shadow to be cast upon
the retina which is perceived as a floater as it moves around with eye movements.
The retina (Figure 8) is the light-sensitive layer that lines the posterior two-
thirds of the inner, eye globe. From a functional point of view it is divided into
Overview of the Eye
the central area known as the macula, which subserves the property of sharp
vision, and the peripheral retina, which provides the visual field or projection of
sight into space. All healthy eyes with a normal visual field (Figure 9) have a
small area towards the nose known as the ‘blind spot’, which is the space
representing the part of the retina occupied by the optic nerve, the bundle of
neural tissue carrying the impulses from the photoreceptors scattered throughout
the retina back towards the visual part of the brain.
The focussing system of the eye provides an inverted image onto the retina
which is transmitted by the nerve chain, through the optic nerve and the visual
pathways in the brain, to the occipital cortex (Figure 10) where the interpretation
of vision resides. Here the image is re-inverted so that the objects we see in a
familiar sense have an upright orientation.
The eye globe is housed in a bony socket, the orbit, which has a bony posterior
wall, superior, medial and lateral walls, but with its anterior aspect protected by
the upper and lower eyelids. The function of the eyelids first and foremost is to
protect the eye from noxious physical stimuli including light, heat, cold and
debris. The eyelids fulfil these functions by a series of reflex responses initiated
by stimulation of nerve endings in the ocular surface and by light sensitivity
mediated through the retina (Figure 3, page 8).
Structurally, each eyelid is composed of skin on the surface, a transitional
zone on the margin, and the mucous membrane of the conjunctiva on its posterior
surface. Between the two there is a layer of muscle underneath which is the
tarsal plate, a rigid connective tissue that gives each eyelid its firm substance.
The tarsal plate is shaped like a crescent, deepest centrally and thinnest
peripherally, and is curved to accommodate the shape of the anterior part of the
eye globe. The tarsal plate contains a row of meibomian glands whose function
is to secrete the oily fraction of the tear film to enhance eye lubrication.
There are two essential muscular components. The first is the circular
sphincter muscle, the orbicularis oris, which is the muscle that allows the eyes to
be screwed up tight. The second is the levator palpebrae superiori muscle that
retracts the upper lids in order to open the eyes. There are subsidiary muscles—
Müller—which have a different type of muscle composition to that of the
orbicularis and the levator. Issuing from the lid margin are the eyelashes whose
roots lie deep in the lid into the thickness of the tarsal plate. The function of the
lashes is to screen particulate matter from reaching the eye whilst still allowing
the eye to serve its visual function.
The gap between the eyelids is known as the palpebral aperture (see Figure
1, page 7). In its normal dimension the palpebral aperture is sufficiently wide for
the whole of the cornea to be exposed, ie the whole of the iris tissue. The coloured
iris diaphragm is revealed but there are considerable variations within the normal
range. However, when the upper eyelid droops, a condition known as ptosis,
and is patently different from that of the fellow eye, it may be deemed to be
pathological. Ptosis may be a congenital or an acquired condition (see page 276).
The eyelids change with age. The skin of the eyelids tends to become thinner
and may become excessive, creating redundant folds of skin on both upper and
lower lids. The muscles of the eyelids may become weaker causing sagging of
the lower lid (ectropion) with inevitable spillage of tears, or, as it affects the
upper lid, causing age-related ptosis. Conversely, the fibres of the orbicularis
muscle in the lower lid may undergo spasmodic contraction to cause in-turning
of the lower eyelid (entropion), which produces irritation and watering of the
eye on an intermittent but persistent basis.
There are a number of congenital anomalies of the eyelids worthy of note,
including extra rows of eyelashes (distichiasis) and a narrow palpebral aperture
(phimosis of the eyelids).
The function of the eyelid is best appreciated when it fails to close through
disease or trauma, exposing part or whole of the eye. The eye globe will not
survive severe exposure drying. Ulceration, infection and a whole catalogue of
disasters will ensue if exposure lasts for more than a few minutes.
The cornea is the ‘front lens’ of the eye forming a twin-lens system with the
crystalline lens. It is contiguous with the white, tough, scleral wall of the eye,
its clarity providing the transmission window for the images which are
Ocular Structures and their Function
ultimately focussed onto the retina. The cornea has a shape which can best be
likened to the underside of a teaspoon. If a teaspoon is held in front of a face so
that the handle is towards the nose, the back of the spoon will simulate fairly
accurately the shape of the cornea, which is steeper centrally, flatter
peripherally, steeper on the nasal side and flatter on the temporal side.
Optically the shape of the cornea is known as a toroidal asphere (see corneal
topography, page 55). It is so shaped to limit the spherical aberration which
would otherwise occur if the cornea had a spherical contour, in which
circumstance peripheral rays of light would be bent or refracted more
powerfully than the central rays of light, causing a defocussing effect which is
known as spherical aberration.
Structurally the cornea is composed of bundles of collagen tissue which
mainly lie in parallel, but the layers of which are interwoven. The cornea is about
0.5mm thick at the centre, and is thicker towards the periphery, being thicker on
its nasal than temporal aspect. On the anterior surface lies the corneal epithelium,
a multi-layered epithelial barrier to the outside world which is maintained by
the surface tear film. The basement membrane of the epithelium lies in fairly
loose apposition with the corneal stroma, but is held in place by the relative
suction force that follows the normal, slightly dehydrated status of the cornea.
When this fails in disease then the corneal epithelium becomes wrinkled or
There are relatively few living cells in the corneal stroma, as the collagen
bundles are known collectively. The living cells are called keratosites and they
facilitate the minimal metabolic requirements of the stromal tissue. On its
inner surface the cornea has a single layer of cells—the corneal endothelium.
This is irreplaceable and, when damaged, is only capable of minimal repair.
When these cells become damaged, the adjacent, healthy cells enlarge in size
to cover their function. Each cornea has a specific number of cells,
approximately 3,500/mm2, but the population declines throughout life and
especially in later life. The population can be further reduced by disease,
trauma or surgical intervention.
Just anterior to the endothelium is a layer called Descemet’s membrane,
which is a condensation of the corneal-stromal connective tissue on its innermost
aspect. While one function of the endothelial layer is to maintain corneal
metabolism, transferring metabolites from the aqueous humour on its posterior
aspect to the corneal tissue, its most important function is to act as a pump,
removing excess fluid from the cornea to maintain its state of relative dehydration
and therefore its optical clarity. The cornea in people aged 70 and over often
shows slight yellowing in colouration due to photochemical changes which have
taken place throughout the course of life. One of the most important functions of
the cornea is to act as a barrier filter to the passage of short-wavelength light in
general, and ultraviolet light in particular, which, if transmitted, would be
damaging to the crystalline lens and to the retina. With the yellowing of age, the
The wall of the eye is composed of thick, white, collagenous material, the sclera,
which, on its outer surface, is covered with a looser network of connective
tissue, the episclera. Anteriorly its covering is completed with the conjunctiva,
but posteriorly it is surrounded by the contents of the orbit, blood vessels,
nerves, fat and connective tissue. The sclera, which is composed of soft,
collagenous material in the newborn’s eye, gradually becomes more rigid with
the passage of time and, by old age, is a fairly rigid enclosure. It is fenestrated
and perforated by the blood vessels and nerves that enter the globe all over its
surface, but mainly on its posterior aspect. Where the optic nerve emerges there
is approximately a 1.5mm exit foramen straddled by connective tissue bands
known as the lamina cribrosa, through which the bundles composing the optic
nerve emerge to travel back into the brain.
The sclera and episclera are relatively inert in disease terms but can be subject
to inflammatory disorders which affect collagen tissue (see episcleritis and
Ocular Structures and their Function
scleritis, pages 262 and 279). The scleral coat can be repaired when perforated
and can be replaced by transplanted tissue. In highly myopic eyes in which the
globe is much larger than the norm, a myopic eye may be 30mm or more in
diameter compared with 22–23mm for a normally-sighted eye, and the sclera
may be stretched and extremely thin. In contrast, in hyperopic or small eyes of
20mm or less it may be relatively thick. In a normal eye, like the cornea it is
approximately 0.5mm thick.
The vascular coat of the eye is known as the uveal tissue or uvea. It comprises
several components, comprising (from front to back) the iris diaphragm, the
ciliary body and the choroid layer which lies behind the retina. Its vascular
content supplies the essential nutrients for eye metabolism, but it also houses
the eye’s immune system designed to protect against infection. Therefore it is
the source of inflammatory responses within the eye.
Inflammation is a necessary response to infection or the presence of foreign
material within the eye, but as the eye is a closed and delicate system designed
for optical purposes, inflammation may have devastating effects on its function
(see Chapter 14).
The iris diaphragm is the most visible portion of the uveal tract. It comprises a
circular muscle (sphincter) and a radial muscle (dilator) as well as a pigment
layer which provides the ‘colour’ of the eye. Heavily-pigmented irides appear
brown whilst lightly-coloured irides are blue, with combinations of
pigmentation providing intermediate colouring. The pigment is called
melanin which is produced by cells called melanocytes, much the same system
which produces the suntan pigmentation of the skin. Eyes lacking pigment
(albinotic) have almost transparent irides with a pink glow through the pupil
(Figure 7, page 12).
The central aperture in the iris diaphragm is known as the pupil. To an observer
the pupil appears black because internal pigmentation in the eye, specifically in
the choroid and retinal layers, absorb light which is therefore not reflected, to
give the pink or red glow that otherwise would apply. If the intensity of light
shone into an eye is sufficiently powerful, the pigment layer will be unable to
quench all the light, with resultant outward reflection of that quantum not
absorbed—hence the pink pupil in an albino eye or the ‘red eye’ of the direct
flash photograph.
The function of the pupil is to control the amount of light entering the eye,
by dilation in darker environments and constriction in bright light conditions.
The pupil is controlled by the light reflex, with a feedback system operating
through retinal light exposure. Other reflexes, eg the near reflex, cause the pupil
to constrict when the eyes converge to observe near objects. A smaller pupil
reduces the optical aberrations that naturally occur and thereby sharpen the
image, a necessary corollary of the better discrimination required when viewing
near objects, eg when reading. There are many clinical tests for pupil function
which are capable of yielding valuable information regarding the viability of
the visual process as well as signs of specific disorders.
Ocular Structures and their Function
behind the iris diaphragm secretes the watery aqueous humour. The fluid
circulates through the pupil to fill the anterior chamber of the eye before
leaving the eye through the trabecular meshwork in the angle between the
corneal periphery and the root of the iris diaphragm. Aqueous humour is an
isotonic solution with an ionic and glucose content that supplies the
nutritional requirements of the corneal endothelium, as well as absorbing the
waste products of metabolism.
Secretion of aqueous humour is a continuous process that has to be
balanced by drainage of an amount equivalent to that which is secreted. If an
imbalance occurs because the drainage system is not efficient, then the eye,
being a closed compartment, will suffer an increase in internal pressure.
Persistent elevation of intra-ocular pressure has a destructive effect on the
delicate nerves in the region of the head of the optic nerve, causing pressure
decay of its substance. This, in its varied forms, is the syndrome of glaucoma
(see Figure 11 and Chapter 12).
The structure and functions of the human, crystalline lens is both interesting
and instructive in providing an appreciation of the process of cataract
formation. Cataract surgery accounts for 60–70% of all ophthalmic surgical
procedures, a fact which is of relevance in the field of ophthalmic litigation.
Embryological development of the crystalline lens begins late in the first
month of gestation. After about three weeks, at the 4mm stage of the whole
embryo, ectodermal cells derived from the outer layer of the embryonic tissue
covering the optic outgrowth from the primitive brain (the optic vesicle),
differentiate to form a slight thickening known as a lens placode or plate. This
occurs after contact and interaction of the anterior wall of the neuro-
ectodermal optic vesicle with the epithelial lining of the embryo.
Approximately 23–25 days after gestation the cells of the plate arch posteriorly
and invaginate into the developing optic cup to form the lens pit. This process
continues until a hollow lens vesicle forms. The primary vesicle is surrounded
by a capsule. During lens development this basement membrane is
continuously laid down by deposition of material from the adjacent epithelial
cells until the definitive lens has formed. Soon after the formation of the lens
vesicle the front and rear walls differentiate into dissimilar structures. While
cells in the anterior (front) of the vesicle remain as a single layer of cuboidal
epithelial cells, those at the posterior (back) terminally differentiate to form
fibres. As this process occurs and the cells elongate towards the epithelial
layer, the hollow nature of the vesicle is lost, and the nuclei of these primary
fibres migrate towards the middle of the vesicle (Figure 12, page 24). The
formation of this solid, embryonic, fibrous nucleus becomes completed
towards the end of the second month of gestation. Throughout life, cells
differentiate from the equatorial epithileum to form the lens fibres, whose
older brethren are continually compressed towards the centre of the lens
(Figure 6, page 11) forming successive layers as it grows, rather like an onion.
Unlike an onion, however, the lens size is largely constrained as the innermost
fibres lose fluid content and, importantly from a functional point of view,
produce a lens core of increasing refractive index. Light rays are consequently
refracted more effectively producing a myopic shift in the refractive power of
the eye—a frequent, early aspect of cataract formation (Chapter 9, page 81).
Initially, the lens fibres extend from the anterior to the posterior poles so that
the lens remains spherical. As growth proceeds, this pole to pole growth is no
longer maintained, sutures develop and the lens becomes a flattened, biconvex
sphere. Sutures are fanned where the secondary fibre-cell ends overlap, either at
the anterior or the posterior pole; no sutures are found in the primary cell mass.
From the onset of secondary fibre cell formation until birth, two Y-shaped sutures
are present. The anterior Y is erect, whereas the posterior Y is inverted. Each
growth shell of secondary fibres has both an anterior and a posterior suture
composed of three branches which are positioned essentially equidistant from
one another. Since identical sutures are laid down in each shell, continuous suture
planes are formed. After birth, growth is more asymmetric so complicated
branching patterns are observed.
The adult human lens is an asymmetrical oblate spheroid which does not
possess nerves, blood vessels or connective tissue. The lens grows throughout
life, the rate of growth being linear from the ages of 10–90. The weight of the lens
increases from 65mg at birth to 130mg at one year of age, and then increases
Ocular Structures and their Function
very slowly until the age of 90 when it reaches approximately 250mg. The adult
lens is about 10mm in diameter, and has both an anterior and a posterior surface
which meet laterally at a rounded border known as the equator. The anterior
surface is in contact with the aqueous humour and the posterior surface with
the vitreous humour. The central thickness of the adult lens is 3–5mm. The radius
of curvature of the anterior surface is 9mm and the posterior surface 5.5mm (see
Figure 6, page 11).
Histologically, the lens consists of three major components—lens capsule,
lens epithelium and lens substance. The lens capsule is a structureless elastic
membrane which completely encloses the lens. Its thickness depends upon
age and the area being measured. At its thickest region it is the thickest
basement membrane in the body. The capsule is thinnest at the equator and the
anterior and posterior poles—4pm (picometre—10–12m) at the posterior pole.
The thickest regions are the concentric areas anterior and posterior to the
equator (up to 23pm). In contrast to other basement membranes, the capsule is
continuously produced throughout post-natal life. Its mass increases 5–8 fold
(see Chapter 9, page 93).
The crystalline lens is held in place by the zonular fibres (Figure 7, page 12), an
annular ligament composed of hundreds of fibres with a radial inclination, with
each fibre attached to the lens capsule running from the lens to the ciliary body
(a circular organ composed of glandular tissue which secretes the aqueous
humour, and a muscular portion which controls lens accommodation). The
anterior sheet of fibres terminates 2.5mm anterior to the equator in a circular
zone. The posterior sheet terminates 1 mm posterior to the equator in a similar
zone. The fibres attached to the anterior capsule are stronger, whereas the
posterior fibres are finer and more numerous.
Accepted theory suggests that contraction of the ciliary muscle to reduce its
diameter reduces the tension within the radially-arranged fibres of the zonular
ligament. The fibres (hundreds) are inserted into the crystalline lens capsule,
which is an elastic structure in youth but becomes less pliable with ageing. As
the zonular-fibre tension relaxes so the crystalline lens contracts, ie becomes more
spherical and therefore more powerful as a focussing lens. The effect is to aid the
focussing of near objects. Conversely, if the ciliary muscle relaxes, the increased
force applied to the zonular fibres ‘stretches’ the capsule and contents of the
crystalline lens to reduce its refractive power, as is required for distant-object
viewing. There is a feedback system from the visual cortex of the brain to the
nerves innervating the ciliary muscle to invoke the necessary muscle contraction
or relaxation according to the requirements for accommodation, ie the variability
of the focussing system to bring near objects into focus. Loss of accommodation
with age is known as presbyopia (see Chapter 17, page 173).
The bulk of the posterior segment of the eye is hollow and is occupied by the
vitreous humour (Figure 2, page 7), a gel-like structure in young eyes which
degenerates with age to become a heterogeneous solution of aqueous humour
and collapsed gel fibres. It is bounded by a molecular membrane—the hyaloid
membrane—which is clinically differentiated into an anterior and posterior
portion. Both membranes figure in clinical ophthalmology, the posterior
Figure 13. A fluorescein angiogram of a normal retina but with a variation in the usual
vascular pattern. Note the tortuosity of the retinal arterioles. This picture has no
pathological significance but makes the point that no two retinas are alike.
Understanding what is normal and what is pathological requires an understanding of
variations within the norm.
Ocular Structures and their Function
Unlike blood circulation, in many parts of the body the retinal circulation is an
end-artery system that has no parallel supply. In other words, if there is an
obstruction to the flow of blood through a retinal artery then the retina is
doomed, as its exceptionally high metabolic needs are lost when oxygen supply
is denied for more than a few seconds. The retinal, vascular circulation is
ultimately a derivative of the carotid artery circulation and is particularly
susceptible to vascular disease (see Chapter 13, Figure 13).
The retinal-pigment epithelium is the outermost layer of the retina (Figure 14,
page 28). It is non-neural tissue consisting of a single layer of cells which act as
an underlay separating the retina from its source of metabolites, the choroidal
vascular system. The retinal-pigment cells are extremely active and provide a
waterproof barrier between the capillaries of the choroid and the outer retina,
which is remote from the inner retina in terms of vascular supply and delivery
of materials. The retinal-pigment epithelium is an active transport system
transmitting oxygen and glucose and other metabolites from the choroidal,
sponge-like, capillary plexus to the outer retina and the photoreceptors in
particular. Each retinal-pigment epithelial cell has fine hairs or cilia on is retinal
side into which the photoreceptors nestle. These cells play a key role in the
processes of repair and regeneration which is a continuum in the life cycle of
every tissue in the body. The outer segments or photoreceptors have a limited
existence, and those whose active life is finished are absorbed and digested by
the pigment epithelial cells.
Electron microscopy of the pigment epithelial cells in the ageing retina show
particles of rod and cone outer receptors as they are degraded. The whole layer
of cells also provides an anti-reflective coating for the retina through the medium
of their melanin pigment. In later life, as the cells become engorged with the life-
time debris of degenerating material from the outer retina, pigment migrates,
disperses and clusters to give a characteristic patchy pigmented appearance
underneath the retina when viewed by the ophthalmoscope. Beneath the retinal-
pigment epithelium is a layer known as Bruch’s membrane, consisting of
collagenous tissue including an elastic tissue component. The digested debris of
retinal-pigment epithelial activity is passed out of the cell into the region of
Bruch’s membrane, where accumulated debris is seen as white dots or colloid
bodies, also known as drusen (taken from the Czech word druse, meaning a rock
or white crystal).
Figure 14.
representation of
the retinal
structure to
illustrate the
relationship of the
rods and cones to
the underlying
epithelium and
choroid, and their
connections to the
nerve fibres (1
million) which
constitute the
optic nerve.
Ocular Structures and their Function
The retina is subject to congenital and acquired disorders, the latter having
varied origins. For example, there may be traumatic, vascular, inflammatory or
physical separation of the layers within the retina, or degenerative (age-related)
conditions which represent the major types of pathology which can disturb
retinal function.
In terms of pathological anatomy the retina can be divided into peripheral
retina, central retina including macula, and inner and outer retina together with
its pigment layer. There are specific entities which affect the macular retina, which
in turn have a profound effect on visual performance (and colour vision), as this
is the seat of finely discriminating visual acuity, whereas defects of the outer
retina have an effect on visual field, ie the projection of vision into space.
The retina is the light-sensitive lining at the back of the eye—the film in the eye’s
camera. The light-sensitive elements in the retina are of two principal types,
rods and cones. Rod receptors generate a monochrome image (shades of grey),
whilst cones, be they sensitive to red, blue or green light, generate colour vision.
The photoreceptors are aligned so they actually face away from the light and are
in intimate contact with the retinal-pigment epithelium, a mono-layer of cells
supporting the retina and dividing it from the vascular coat of the choroid
(Figure 14, page 28).
The rods and cones contain the visual pigments which are bleached by light.
A degree of bleaching of the pigment within the cell alters its electrical potential
and causes, in effect, a discharge of a signal through a network of connecting
nerve fibres all the way to the occipital cortex, that portion of the brain serving
visual function. The retinal cones are mainly aggregated in the centre of the retina
(the macular area) which serves the function of sharp vision and colour vision,
as compared to the rods which serve the general field of vision and especially
cope with dusk and night vision where colour is not relevant because of the lack
of light.
The rods and cones are supported by special cells within the retina and
connect through a chain of neural elements or nerve cells. There are
approximately 110 million light-sensitive receptors feeding about 1 million nerve
fibres (Figure 17, page 35) which lie on the surface of the retina and coalesce at
the optic nerve, which they collectively form. The retina receives its metabolic
requirements from two sources. The vascular choroid layer lying outside the
retina feeds the outer layers, while the retinal vascular circulation lying more or
less on the surface of the retina supplies the inner layers.
The implication of this arrangement is that, in order for light to reach the
light-sensitive cells (photoreceptors), it has to travel through the substance of
the retina, through blood vessels and nerve cells, before it can achieve its effect.
As a consequence of this there is a degree a of diffusion of light, which means
that the peripheral retina is not capable of sharply-formed vision. It generates
the field of vision but without absolute clarity.
This point is demonstrated when you fix your eye on a specific object. You
will see it clearly, but whilst concentrating on that object you will nevertheless
also be aware of a field of vision which will not be sharp, like the object at the
centre of your attention.
The sharp vision and the colour vision that we have is a function of the
central retina and its special anatomical arrangement. In the macular area of the
retina, photoreceptor cones are arranged in a radial, fan-like fashion with their
supporting nerve fibres splayed to one side so that light does not have to traverse
the substance of the retina to reach the light-sensitive cells. Thus, in this particular
area the light is not scattered. Furthermore, the macula is constructed of densely-
packed photoreceptor cones whose relationship with their supporting nerve fibres
is on a one-to-one basis, allowing perception of fine detail. This arrangement
contrasts with the peripheral retina where 100 or more photoreceptor cells may
feed into one nerve fibre. Therefore, the macula, both structurally and functionally,
is designed to give a sharp image. The centre of the macula is known as the
fovea, which clinically demonstrates a small, depressed, pit-like area in its centre;
therein the above architecture is at its most refined.
The functional aspects of the retina are to provide vision, which is divisible
into central vision served by the macula and fovea and peripheral vision served
by the retina in general.
The inner surface of the retina is in intimate contact with the posterior
boundary of the vitreous humour and is defined as the posterior hyaloid
membrane. Between the two is a potential space into which blood may flow
from retinal disease. Blood may occupy any part of the retinal substance and the
character of the haemorrhage—be it round, splinter-like, pooled or lake-like—
indicates at what depth in the retina the haemorrhage exists. The field of vision
extends about 120° at the horizontal plane and about half that in the vertical
plane, giving a vertically-flattened, oval field of vision. The field of vision of
each eye overlaps to some extent to give a broader field of vision of about 160°.
Ocular Structures and their Function
The ability to visualise objects from different viewpoints due to the separation
of the eyes on the face, allows the brain to interpolate the data in the form of
three-dimensional images or stereoscopic vision.
Any fault in the retina, optic nerve or visual pathways gives rise to blank
areas in the field of vision known as scotomata. If the defect is in one eye or its
optic nerve, the blank area or scotoma will appear in the field of vision of that
eye alone. If the defect lies within or behind the optic chiasma—the point where
the optic nerves unite behind the eyes—the defect will affect the vision of both
eyes because of the fibre arrangement therein. Thus, the pattern of visual loss
provides clues as to the anatomical location of the defect. Once the anatomical
location is appreciated, the pathological cause can be considered.
The retina itself is subject to disorders which may be congenital, inborn or
acquired. The acquired defects may be due to trauma, inflammation, infection,
vascular faults and other pathological events. The retina may be affected by local
problems and disorders or be remotely affected as a consequence of generalised
disorders, eg those which affect blood and the blood vessels. Retinal response to
disease and disorders is limited because of its innate structure. It may suffer
from haemorrhage or bleeding; obstruction to its blood supply; fluid
accumulation within its substance; infection; inflammation; and invasion by
tumours arising in adjacent structures.
The retina has a particular response to a reduction in blood and oxygen
supply which is a condition which can also affect other parts of the eye. When
the retina is deprived of its oxygen requirement, chemical changes take place
that stimulate the formation of extra blood vessels (referred to as either new
blood vessels or neovascularisation). These grow on the surface of, or out from,
the retina. Unfortunately they do not achieve any functional purpose, but do
provide a great disadvantage to the eye as they are fragile and bleed easily, causing
visual obscuration as blood is opaque (see Chapter 13).
The choroid is a vascular layer which lies between the outer retinal layer—the
pigment epithelium—and the outer wall of the eye—the sclera. It comprises
feeding arterioles, a spongy capillary layer and large draining veins, the four
major ones being known as vortex veins because of their appearance. Cells
containing the pigment melanin permeate the choroid to give the inner aspect of
the eye a dark appearance. This will vary according to the person’s intrinsic
pigmentation. Thus, Negroid eyes are heavily pigmented while albino eyes
contain no pigment.
The purpose of pigment is to absorb light and avoid internal reflections from
light entering the eye. This improves the visual process, which understandably
is diminished in albino eyes, which are excessively light sensitive (photophobic).
The choroid is the posterior aspect of the uveal layer within the eye.
Each retina contains approximately 110 million light receptors. Their collective
impulses are funnelled into 1 million nerve fibres which traverse the retinal
surface to coalesce in the region of the optic nerve. From here they travel
backwards into the brain, initially to meet the fibres from the corresponding
eye, to form the optic chiasma, an X-shaped nerve junction which lies in the
skull on top of the bony box that contains the pituitary gland. The anterior
portion of the optic nerve is visible ophthalmoscopically in normal eyes
(Figures 15–18, pages 33–35). It has a general shape and form with many
natural variations.
In pathological situations the optic nerve head changes its appearance with
characteristic signs. Because of its anatomy, the optic nerve head may not only
reveal evidence of ocular pathology, but also, most importantly, intracranial
pathological events. It is often referred to as the visible window on the brain.
Swelling of the nerve head is known as papilloedema, whereas death of optic
nerve tissue leaves the nerve head white in appearance, called optic atrophy
(Figure 19, page 34).
Ocular Structures and their Function
Figure 15 (left). Clinical (ophthalmoscopic) view of the optic nerve head showing its
boundaries (the edge of the retina) and the central retinal vessels whichtraverse its
substance to supply the anterior portion of the retina. Thecentral pit in a healthy optic
nerve head or disc is known as thephysiological pit. In glaucoma, the central pit widens
and deepens; this is known as cupping of the optic nerve head, a key clinical sign in
the diagnosis of glaucoma.
Figure 16 (below). The optic nerve head in a Negroid eye, where the heavily pigmented
retina and choroid clearly demarcate the boundaries of the nerve head. The neural rim,
which is pink, contrasts with the physiological optic cup through which the central
retinal vessels emerge to branch onto the retina.
Ocular Structures and their Function
Figure 18 (above). The optic nerve head in a myopic (large) eye. In contrastto Figure 19
(left), the fundus is lightly pigmented, a feature emphasised by the retinal stretching
which occurs in myopia. The retinal-pigment epithelium and retinal tissues fall far
short of the nerve head, giving a whitish halo around the disc. Because of the
transparency of the tissues, choroidal blood vessels in a very different pattern to those
of the retinal circulation can be seen in the background.
Figure 19 (left). Hypertensive papilloedema, with congested retinal veins, swollen nerve
head due to capillary congestion and small haemorrhages on the surface.
Presenting complaints
(a) What are the symptoms?
(b) How long have the symptoms been present?
(c) Is the problem getting worse, better or is it static?
Social history
(a) Alcohol intake?
(b) Other drugs?
(c) Smoking habits?
Family history
(a) Is there any family history of significant eye disease or disorder?
(b) Is there any general medical problem that affects more than one member of
the family?
Do you have any known allergies to medications, environmental elements,
food, etc?
History of the Ophthalmic Disorder—Symptoms
temporal half
quadrant loss
night blindness
visual disturbance without area loss
Visual phenomena flashing lights
Light sensitivity (photophobia)
Double vision (diplopia) binocular
History of trauma?
Perforating minor
Non-perforating mild
with pain
without pain
without visual disturbance
with visual disturbance
visual loss
The purpose is to provide an assessment of the eye and its supporting tissues,
including the eyelids, the soft tissues around the eye, the lacrimal (tear)
apparatus and the visible portions of the external globe and the cornea. The
position of the eye in the orbital socket gives evidence as to whether the eye is
unduly prominent—proptosis or exophthalmos. Redness of the eyelids,
particularly the margins, may indicate that a patient suffers from blepharitis.
The quantity of tear production may be further assessed by applying a
Schirmer’s test, wherein the tear soaking of a strip of filter paper gives a
measure of tear production.
The anterior chamber is the dome-shaped space between the back of the cornea
and the front of the iris. In patients with small eyes the chamber tends to be
shallow (one of the risk factors for acute, closed-angle glaucoma). The anterior
chamber and the cornea are examined with the biomicroscope or slit-lamp
microscope, which provides a stereoscopic, magnified, illuminated view of the
cornea and anterior chamber, iris and pupil and crystalline lens. In other words,
the anterior segment of the eye.
Because of the curvature of the cornea and its high index of refraction, it is
impossible to examine the angle of the anterior chamber without optical
assistance. The angle of the anterior chamber contains the trabecular meshwork
drain. It is an area that may have visible pathology and, in order to visualise this
area through its 360° entirety, an instrument called a gonioscope is utilised. This
consists of a contact lens incorporating an angled mirror or mirrors which
enable the observer to direct the light of the biomicroscope into the angle of the
anterior chamber and visualise it.
Clinical Examination and Investigation of the Eye and Vision
Clinical Examination and Investigation of the Eye and Vision
For children there are a variety of tests including picture tests where common
objects such as a dog, cat, cow, horse, bicycle or car are represented in a Snellen
layout in decreasing size, and the child is asked to identify the object, giving a
fair indication of the acuity of the eye under test.
Clinical Examination and Investigation of the Eye and Vision
The Snellen acuity chart, which historically has been used as the assessor of
visual acuity function, is itself flawed because it is sensitive to proximity or visual
crowding, ie failure of adequate spacing between letters and rows. Variation in
the number of letters on each line presents the subject with a task of increasing
difficulty, rather than providing an equivalent task at all acuity levels. While
clinical decisions may be based in part on Snellen acuities, the Logmar acuity
chart may provide a more reliable guide to acuity (Figure 21).
Away from the consulting room, our environment provides varied lighting
conditions. If there are opacities in the optical media of the eye, principally the
cornea and lens, then light scatter from the opacities within the eye has the effect
of reducing visual capabilities. Contrast is lost and with it resolution of detail.
Thus, patients with cataracts may perform well in the dimmer light of the
consulting room than they would in an outdoor, brighter-light situation.
In determining the indications for surgical intervention, a patient’s
description of his visual problems must be accorded significance. Objective
assessment of the reported disability may, in part, be confirmed by the glare
acuity test. In this test a light of varying brightness is placed in front of the test
eye, utilising an opaque, white, plastic hemisphere with a central aperture. The
eye can see the test chart through the aperture and the visual acuity is recorded
at different brightnesses in order to stimulate natural environmental conditions.
The brighter the light, the greater the glare and, in media-opacity-affected eyes,
the acuity diminishes and is accordingly measured.
The loss of contrast of an image means loss of image quality and therefore visual
performance. Tests are devised to provide a quantitative measure of the eye’s
response to images of reducing contrast. Such information is invaluable in the
assessment of natural, visual disabilities, eg corneal scars and cataracts, as well
as iatrogenic effects, eg excimer-laser, photorefractive keratectomy or other
corneal, refractive, surgical procedures.
peripheral vision may often be subtle and pass unnoticed by a patient. Such loss
may be due to disease or defects in the retina or optic nerve or in the visual
pathway to the brain (Figures 22 and 23).
An understanding of peripheral visual field defects can give very positive
clues as to the location of the pathology in the brain. Confrontation visual-field
testing is a method of gross evaluation of a patient’s peripheral vision, wherein
Clinical Examination and Investigation of the Eye and Vision
the boundaries of the patient’s field of vision and that of the examiner are
compared by a face-to-face confrontation process.
A second test can be applied to the central vision by the Amsler grid test,
which determines the presence and location of defects in the central visual field.
In this test, a grid of thin, black, evenly-spaced horizontal and vertical lines with
a central dot on a square of white paper is viewed one eye at a time. Whilst the
patient stares at the central dot she may be aware of deficiencies or distortions in
the regular lines of the grid pattern around the dot. The location of the defect
should correspond to a definable lesion in the central retina.
Correct alignment of the eyes and the normal functions of the extra-ocular
muscles are a requirement for normal visual function. In those patients whose
eyes are misaligned, or whose extra-ocular muscles are unable to move the eyes
in a co-ordinated manner, the brain will not be able to fuse the images from the
two eyes. Failure to achieve fusion of the images in eyes which developed
normally will cause the symptom of double vision (diplopia). If this condition
(failure of image fusion) exists from birth or infancy (due to strabismus) with or
without failure of visual acuity development (amblyopia), a resultant loss of
stereoscopic vision will occur. Most patients who have a sudden onset of ocular
misalignment seek help for the consequential symptom of diplopia. Evaluation
of ocular alignment and ocular motility is an important component of a full, eye
There are three parts to an examination for these functions:
When a pupil responds to light it is called the direct pupillary reaction. At the
same time, the pupil in the fellow eye should constrict; this is known as the
consensual pupillary reaction. This should occur even if the non-stimulated eye
is blind and is unable itself to react to light. However, failure of the pupil in the
non-stimulated eye to react consensually would indicate abnormal function of
the iris sphincter muscle or the nerve pathways to and from the brain. In an eye
with normal function of the iris sphincter muscle, failure of the pupil to constrict
in response to direct light stimulation suggests that the optic nerve or retina is
not functioning normally.
The intra-ocular pressure (in the closed system of the eye) is maintained by a
balance between the production of aqueous humour and its drainage out of
the eye through the trabecular meshwork. Disturbance or malfunction of any
of the structures involved will cause variation in intra-ocular pressure.
Malfunction usually involves a fault in the drainage of fluid out of the eye
with a consequential rise in intra-ocular pressure. Such conditions can
permanently damage the optic nerve and lead to serious visual defects (see
Chapter 12 on glaucoma).
Raised intra-ocular pressure (IOP) may be asymptomatic. Measuring IOP
with a tonometer is therefore a critical part of a comprehensive eye examination.
The most frequently-used method is applanation tonometry. The Goldmann
applanation tonometer is utilised either on the clinical eye microscope, the slit-
lamp microscope or a hand-held version—the Perkins tonometer. The applanation
tonometer measures the force required to flatten a small area of a central cornea.
The precise area to be flattened is predetermined and varies with the instrument
used. More force is required to flatten the circle on the cornea when the intra-
ocular pressure is high than when it is low. Alternative devices are the electronic
tonometer, the tono-pen which also works by applanation, and the
pneumotonometer which provides a continuous IOP trace of minor variations
in intra-ocular pressure coinciding with the heartbeat.
Clinical Examination and Investigation of the Eye and Vision
Endothelial cell microscopy is a technique used for assessing the quantity and
status of the cells of the corneal endothelium. The single layer of cells lining the
posterior aspects of the cornea is vital for the integrity and optical clarity of the
cornea. The number of the cells in the endothelium provides an important
indicator of the health of the cornea; the shape and form of the cells provides
External photography
External photography requires a macro-lens-equipped, 35mm, still camera with
electronic flash.
Clinical Examination and Investigation of the Eye and Vision
A-scan—a form of ultrasonographic tracing of the echoes from the eye using
ultrasonic signals. A-scan is a time amplitude, one-dimensional display where
echoes occur as vertical deflections from a base-line on the screen of an
ultrasound instrument.
B-scan—a form of ultrasound scanning of the eye to provide a two-dimensional
display where echoes occur as dots on the screen of an ultrasound instrument.
It provides a brightness-intensity-modulated display.
These techniques use the reflection or echo of high-frequency sound waves from
various structures in the eye to give information which may not be visible in an
eye with opaque media for example, or it provides information regarding eye
measurements, in particular the length of the eyeball, the thickness of the lens
and the depth of the anterior chamber. For measurement purposes A-scan mode
ultrasound is used. This utilises sound waves travelling in a straight line to
reveal the position of, and distance between, structures within the eye and orbit.
It is of particular importance in the calculation of a replacement lens in the
operation of cataract extraction and lens implantation.
B-scan ultrasonography delivers radiating sound waves to provide a two-
dimensional reconstruction of the eye and orbital tissue.
Figures 24 (above). Fluorescein angiography of the fundus of the eye. Figure 24 (above
left) shows the arterial phase. As the fluorescein dye appears in the retinal arteries,
the photograph shows them as white threads on a mottled background. The mottling
is due to a combination of fluoresceindye in the choroidal circulation of the eye and
the overlying, retinal-pigment epithelium, which is most densely pigmented at the
Figure 25 (above right) shows the venous phase. Within a second the dye has permeated
the retinal capillaries and is draining out of the eye through theretinal veins.
Consequently, all the retinal vessels (arteries, capillaries and veins) appear white against
the mottled background of choroidal fluorescence and pigmentation
(a) The objective test consists of shining a light into an eye through correcting
lenses until a lens combination is discovered that causes a neutral reflection
of the light from the retina. This technique is known as retinoscopy and is
an acquired skill. In recent years a variety of electronic devices have been
utilised to automate this procedure, the instruments being known as
Clinical Examination and Investigation of the Eye and Vision
(b) Once the refractive error is discovered by the objective method, the efficacy
of the lenses needed to correct the focussing error of the eye are tested by
placing them in a trial frame or phoropter (a housing containing the entire
range of correcting lenses mounted on wheels, so that they can be sequentially
rotated in front of the test eye—a more convenient method of testing favoured
by some optometrists) in front of the test eye. The patient’s responses are
sought in relation to minor variations around the basic error until subjective
satisfaction is achieved, whereupon the spectacle formula may be prescribed.
Also known as videokeratoscopy and corneal mapping (Figure 26, page 56), this
is a technique which provides data with regard to the refractive power of the
corneal surface (tear film/air interface), corneal shape and corneal irregularity.
It is a technique performed by video recording of the reflection of a concentric
series of black and white rings from the corneal surface, which acts as a convex
mirror. The interface between the black and white rings is measured by
computer programs which receive data from each of 360 points, ie at each
degree in each circle which bounds each ring. With 18 or more rings the
computer has thousands of reference points which can be checked against a
standard surface in order to provide a mathematical representation of corneal
shape, refractive power and surface regularity.
The resultant data is conveniently expressed in hard copy form as colour-
coded maps with ‘hotter’ colours (red, orange and yellow) representing
corneal refractive powers steeper than an average cornea, and ‘cold’ colours
(greens and blues) lesser powers or flatter regions of the cornea. Such maps—
and there are many variations on the theme—are invaluable in the
management of refractive surgical procedures. Conversely, to proceed to
surgery without their use may constitute an inadequate standard of care.
Furthermore, the maps provide an excellent means for documentation
(record), communication and education.
Figure 26. Corneal topography. Shown here is a black and white representation of a
colour-coded map of corneal shape and refractive power. It is an essential precursor to
refractive surgery and an invaluable tool for monitoring post-operative progress and
Clinical Examination and Investigation of the Eye and Vision
The normal retina creates electrical changes when exposed to light. The
measurement of the changes in the electrical potential in the retina under the
influence of light is known as electro-retinography, and the output is known as
an electroretinogram (ERG). The ERG indicates the difference in electrical
potential between an electrode in a corneal contact lens and a electrode on the
forehead. The ERG is a wave-form response with multiple elements which
result from several superimposed events. There are four principal waves:
A-wave—the initial negative response after a latent period following the light—
it originates in the photoreceptor cell layer (rods and cones);
B-wave—the quality of deflection emanating from electrical changes in the
bipolar cell layer, ie the layer of the neural or the nerve layer of the retina
connecting the light-sensitive elements, rods and cones to the retinal nerve
C-wave—a slight, positive deflection in the wave; and
D-wave—the effect of removing the light, producing a positive potential.
Electro-oculography (EOG)
A difference in electrical potential occurs between the cornea and the posterior
part of the eye which is known as the corneo-retinal or resting potential.
Although it is difficult to measure the actual resting potential, the problem is
resolved by placing electrodes on the skin on either side of the eye at the medial
and lateral canthi. The patient then makes horizontal eye movements of a
constant size to induce a change in the resting potential, which is picked up by
the electrodes and revealed as the electro-oculogram. The changes in potential
relate to the resting potential if the eye movements are constant.
The EOG is affected by the state of light or dark adaptation of the eye. With
light adaptation there is a progressive rise in amplitude of the waves, whereas
with dark adaptation there is a fall. Thus, the ratio between the maximum
amplitude achieved in light adaptation (the light peak) and the minimum of
amplitude achieved in dark adaptation (dark trough) is determined to evaluate
the response. Normal patients have EOG ratios of 1–60 or greater. It is believed
that the EOG largely reflects the metabolic activity of the retinal-pigment
epithelium, and thus the technique can be used to provide an evaluation of some
aspects of the condition of the retina. The technique can also be used to monitor
eye movements such as in nystagmus, lazy eye conditions (amblyopia) and with
abnormal fixation of objects by the retina (eccentric fixation).
The EOG as a test of retinal function compliments the ERG, and together
they provide some information about a portion of the ocular apparatus. While
pathological processes in the eye that cause alteration in one response also cause
similar responses in the other technique, there are some exceptions. For example,
in juvenile macular disease, Best’s disease or vitelliform macular dystrophy, the
EOG ratio is abnormal not only at an early stage in those affected by the disorder,
but also in those who carry the gene for the disorder. In these patients the ERG is
normal. In retinitis pigmentosa in its later stages the EOG and the ERG tend to
parallel each other, but there are variations in some of the specific forms of the
Clinical Examination and Investigation of the Eye and Vision
CT scanning uses thin, X-ray beams to obtain tissue density values, from which
cross-sectional images of the body are derived. It is a technique particularly of
use in the evaluation of the brain, orbit and eye. It is a safe and rapid, non-
invasive technique which has revolutionised improvements in neuro-
ophthalmic diagnosis. Techniques have progressed to the point where high
resolution and contrast facilitates detailed examination of the intracranial and
orbital structures, and also to some extent within the eye. Certainly the optic
nerve eye muscles and optic canal can yield computer-derived reconstruction,
which is an x-ray technique and a primary procedure for diagnosing orbital
Visual defects may result from faults in the transmission of light through the optical
system of the eye from the cornea to the retina, or from failure of the retina or
visual pathways (nerve system). In broad terms, visual defects arising from
conditions which affect the path of light from cornea to retina can be regarded as
treatable, whereas defects affecting the nerve tissue of the retina or optic pathway
are rarely affected by medical or surgical intervention. While the optical system
of the eye can be repaired or replaced, the neural tissue and its supporting layers
(the retina, its choroidal vascular supply, the optic nerve and the visual pathways
of the brain) are irreplaceable and, for the most part, irreparable.
The definition of blindness varies from country to country throughout the
world. While the World Health Organisation describes 65 different definitions
of blindness, in the UK a patient may be certified blind if her visual performance
is so poor that she is unable to perform work for which sight is required. Generally
speaking, this means a visual acuity of 6/60 or less, ie 10% or less of best visual
acuity (6/6 or better). The definition would also include those eyes disabled by
gross loss of visual field. In the UK there is a second category of visual disability
known as partial sight. Patients are registered on form BD8.
The test is whether a person cannot do any work for which eyesight is essential
and not just their normal job or one particular job. Only the condition of the
person’s eyesight should be taken into account. Any other physical or mental
condition should be ignored. The main condition to consider is what the person’s
visual acuity is. But the conditions set out below should also be considered.
Visual acuity is the best direct vision that can be obtained, with appropriate
spectacle correction if necessary, with each eye separately, or with both eyes
together if a person has both. Visual acuity is tested according to Snellen’s type.
Who should be certified blind
People can be classified into three groups:
1 People who are below 3/60 Snellen
Certify as blind—most people who have visual acuity below 3/60 Snellen.
Do not certify as blind—people who have visual acuity of 1/18 Snellen unless
they also have considerable restriction of the visual field.
In many cases it is better to test the person’s vision at 1m. 1/18 Snellen
indicates a slightly better acuity than 3/60 Snellen. But it may be better to
specify 1/18 Snellen because the standard test types provide a line of letters
which a person who has full acuity should read at 18m.
2 People who are 3/60 but below 6/60 Snellen
Certify as blind—people in this group who have a very contracted field of
Do not certify as blind—people who have had a visual defect for a long time
and who do not have a very contracted field of vision, eg people who have
congenital nystagmus, albinism, myopia and other such conditions.
3 People who are 6/60 Snellen or above.
Certify as blind—people in this group who have a very contracted field of
vision especially if the contraction is in the lower part of the field.
Do not certify as blind—people who are suffering from homonymous or
bitemporal hemianopia who still have central visual acuity of 6/18 Snellen or
Other points to consider
These points are also important because it is more likely that you will certify a
person as blind in these circumstances
How recently the person’s eyesight has failed—A person whose eyesight has failed
recently may find it more difficult to adapt than a person with the same visual
acuity whose eyesight failed a long time ago. This applies particularly to people
in groups 2 and 3 above.
How old the person was when their eyesight failed—An old person whose eyesight
has failed recently may find it more difficult to adapt than a younger person with
the same defect.
Visual Defects and Blindness
Partial sight
There is no legal definition of partial sight. The guidelines are that a person can be
certified as partially sighted if they are:
‘substantially and permanently handicapped by defective vision caused by
congenital defect or illness or injury’.
People who are certified as partially sighted are entitled to the same help from
their local social services as people who are certified as blind. But they may not be
able to get certain social security benefits and tax concessions that only people
who are certified as blind can get.
Who should be certified partially sighted.
As a general guide, certify as partially sighted people who have visual acuity of:
• 3/60 Snellen to 6/60 Snellen with full field;
• up to 6/24 Snellen with moderate contract of the field, opacities in media or
aphakia; or
• 6/18 Snellen or even better if there is a gross field defect, eg hemianopia,
or if there is marked contact of the visual field, eg in retinitis pigmentosa or
Other points to consider
Infants and young children—who have congenital ocular abnormalities leading to
visual defects should be certified as partially sighted, unless they are obviously
Children aged four and over—should be certified as blind or partially sighted
according to the binocular corrected vision.
Of course, blindness may be caused by many other diseases, but these occur
much less commonly. The four major causes of blindness listed above are
associated in part with advancing age. The average age of patients with
macular degeneration is about 70 years, for glaucoma 72 years, cataracts 69
years and for diabetic retinopathy 61 years. There are racial and geographic
variations in these figures, eg cataract is more prevalent in sub-tropical
climates and Caucasians. Glaucoma is more prevalent in patients of African
origin and is more severe in its type. Diabetic retinopathy is particularly severe
in some American Indian tribes. Macular degeneration is inevitable in all eyes
if patients live long enough.
In general the human body consists of vital organs—heart, brain, kidneys
and liver—and non-vital organs—eyes, ears, joints, etc. As with all bodily tissues
there is a constant process of cellular turnover, but in the ultimate failure of the
processes of repair and regeneration (ageing) there is in a sense a race between
which systems fail first. If a vital organ fails, by definition the person dies. If the
vital organs continue to function, the non-vital organs inevitably decay.
Some repair is possible, eg to the optical system of the eye. Cataracts are
extremely treatable because they are part of the optical system of the eye.
However neurological tissue such as retinal tissue cannot be replaced, and it is
an unfortunate fact that if a person lives long enough, his central retina
(macula) will degenerate to cause a gradual or occasional dramatic loss of
visual performance. When the problem occurs it is a consequence both of the
genetic strength of tissues and the effects of the environment to which they are
In addition to eye diseases seen with increasing frequency as people age,
the need for eye glasses is almost universal. Approximately 40% of Western
populations aged 5–20 years require the use of eye glass correction. Past the age
of 40–50 years there is almost of doubling in the need for eye glasses, and by 65
almost 100% of the population require eye glasses to see clearly. As eyes age the
crystalline lens in particular changes its form and consistency, compromising
the eye’s ability to focus near objects, hence the requirement for reading glasses
to correct the condition of presbyopia.
The increased incidence of eye disease as ageing occurs, and the ability of
the eye to reflect inner diseases of the body, suggests that regular eye examination
is prudent. Comprehensive medical eye examinations to check for early signs of
Visual Defects and Blindness
eye disease and to provide corrective lenses are advised: for pre-school children;
for all family members if there is a family history of eye disease; if there are any
visual problems; and for everyone from 40 years onwards. Optometrists provide
primary eye care in the UK, and there are approximately 7,000 optometrists
compared to only 650 ophthalmologists.
It is the statutory duty of optometrists to request further advice should they
discover that the vision of an eye is sub-standard for reasons that were not
previously known, or if they detect any pathological signs in the eye (see Chapter
18). It is not necessary for them to make a diagnosis, simply to be aware that
there may be a problem. Optometrists then complete form GOS 18, which
indicates the visual performance of the eye with and without corrective lenses,
the previous, best-corrected visual acuity (if known) and observations and reasons
for referral to the patient’s family doctor.
The family doctor may then deal with the problem if she has ophthalmic
expertise; if not she will refer the patient on for expert ophthalmic opinion, as
there is a statutory duty to add medical information that may be of help to the
examining ophthalmologist. This will include a history of general disorders, past
ocular history if known and medication if appropriate.
How frequently should eye examinations be undertaken? In the UK it has
become traditional for patients over the age of 40 to receive an appointment to
see an optometrist every two years for routine testing. This is a sensible approach
to screening the population’s eyes with a view to early detection of disease. Early
diagnosis and treatment may solve many problems, whereas delay can cause
irreparable harm. Individuals also bear responsibility to report visual or ocular
symptoms at the earliest opportunity to serve their own best interests.
Delay in reporting symptoms by the patient, failure to refer by the
optometrist, delay in referral by GPs, and delayed hospital appointments for
ophthalmic review are all major items in the litigation process with regard to
ocular and visual defects.
A comprehensive eye examination has two parts, the first of which is used to
gain historical information with regard to previous history of eye disorders and
general medical considerations. This includes the history of recent and current
medication. A family history which might reveal familial tendency for certain
disorders and a social history are also relevant, as certain pursuits such as
smoking may have an impact on vision (see Chapter 3).
The second component is the physical examination of the eyes (see Chapter
4), which commences with an assessment of visual performance. The first point
to assess is uncorrected visual acuity before vision is assessed with any refractive
correction, ie the patient’s own glasses, or a re-test or refraction to ascertain best
corrected visual acuity. Other aspects of visual assessment include visual field
Many people believe, incorrectly, that poor vision is a natural part of the ageing
process. This misconception is fostered by the common observation that reading
glasses or bifocals are more likely to be required by those over 40 years of age.
Whilst millions of ordinary people may require eye glasses to see clearly, those
who are near-sighted or myopic require glasses for distance tasks but not for
close work such as reading. Far-sighted or hyperopic individuals, however, find
that eye glasses are required both for distance and near vision, a process that
progresses usually over the age of 40 but sometimes later. This process is the
result of thickening and stiffening or hardening of the crystalline lens which
steadily grows in size due to the continuous production of lens fibres within its
substance. In youth the crystalline lens is able to change its dimensions so that it
bends light more effectively, a condition necessary to bring into focus near
objects. As it loses this ability so supplementary glasses or reading glasses or a
bifocal element in distance glasses are required to provide that additional
focussing power. This loss of accommodation is known as presbyopia and is one
aspect of far-sightedness or hyperopia.
The wearing of glasses is simply the use of an appliance to focus an image when
eyes are no longer capable of doing it on their own. Not wearing glasses does
not make the eyes worse, it simply makes the vision blurred and may lead to
symptoms of eye strain such as fatigue when reading, or headaches. Many
people consider the wearing of eye glasses a handicap, an overt admission of
the ageing process, or have self-image problems that make them resist their
sensible use. People with astigmatism, ie eyes with more than one principal
focus in the eye, go through most of their life without glasses but suddenly find,
as a facet of ageing or not uncommonly after trauma, that they can no longer
achieve satisfactory vision without the aid of glasses to correct the astigmatism.
Visual Defects and Blindness
It is quite a common complaint of patients in their third, fourth and fifth decades
after minor personal injuries, which seem, often in a indefinable way, to disturb
the psyco-optical processes that have previously allowed a person to manage
happily enough without glasses. This phenomenon is more common around the
onset of presbyopia than it would be in younger people.
Contact lenses are a reasonable alternative for many people to having to wear
eye glasses. They may effect minor transient changes in the shape and focussing
power of the eye when they are withdrawn. There are a number of
complications of contact lens wear, but in general they serve a valuable function
for hundreds of thousands of people.
In childhood, the wearing of eye glasses may require fairly frequent change
of spectacle prescription. This is associated with the phenomenon of eye
growth-as the size and shape of an eye changes with growth, so the prescription
for lens power will also change. This process usually stabilises on attainment of
adolescence and early adulthood. If multiple changes continue, the most likely
abnormal situation such as pathological or progressive myopia may be
occurring, or the patient may be developing a cataract, or it may be an early sign
of the onset of diabetes.
On the other hand, not all eyes, especially in early adulthood, accept the full
and necessary refractive correction, for, with the juvenile flexibility of the
crystalline lens, the eye may unwittingly provide part of its own adjustment for
abnormalities of shape and size of the eye globe. Thus, there may be a natural
reason for regular change of eye glasses over a period of 1–2 years. If an
optometrist under-corrects by design or for any other reason, the change of
spectacle prescription may be more frequent than is really necessary.
Optometrists advise the general public to have an eye test every two years. They
send reminders to former patients, but is this necessary? What is the purpose of
the service? Do eyes, their focus and their vision change with such regularity?
What diseases may be lurking to be uncovered by regular testing?
Eyes do change with age. At birth, eyes are approximately 80% of their final
adult size and eyes which will become normal sighted (ie focussed) are hyperopic
in infancy as their smaller size dictates. From the mid-teens, eyes are relatively
stable in size and focus until the fifth decade of life, when presbyopia (the need
for reading glasses) arrives consequent upon physical changes in the crystalline
lens, causing it to lose its powers of accommodation. In childhood the range of
accommodation will be 10 dioptres or more; a person of 50 years may only have
1–2 dioptres of accommodative function.
As accommodation declines with age so stronger reading glasses are required
in order to keep near objects, eg reading matter, at within arms length distance.
In dioptric power terms, reading glasses start at 1 dioptre and increase by 0.5
dioptre increments to a maximum usefulness of 3.5 dioptres. Higher
magnification in a spectacle correction is counterproductive because of the
magnification effects and the closeness of objects in focus with a restricted field
of view. Such magnification may aid the visually disabled but is not relevant for
the normal-sighted person. Thus, all a normal-sighted person has to do is to try
glasses of different powers to find which is suitable.
From an optometric point of view, therefore, the times of change are
childhood through adolescence and the over 40 age group. As a person ages the
eye undergoes gradual, physical decline, with the crystalline lens and the retina
showing most effects. The fluid drainage system in the eye may become less
efficient causing the intra-ocular pressure to rise and create the syndrome of
Optometrists in the UK are in the first line of duty in relation to ocular and
visual problems. They are the most accessible and are effectively the means of
screening the public’s eyes. It is their duty to refer abnormalities to medical
practitioners (see Chapter 4). Some ocular disorders are silent in onset and
irreversible in effect. Therefore, an optometric test coupled with an eye
examination is of real value, and has the potential to unearth significant disorders
and avoid visual problems.
Vision is a product of the image formed by the optical system of the eye,
focussed on the retina and transmitted to the occipital cortex of the brain where
it is perceived. With advancing age, especially past mid-life, changes in the
optical system of the eye make focussing on near objects increasingly difficult.
With loss of corneal and lens transparency the image deteriorates. If cataract
formation occurs, as it does in everyone to a degree, the image quality suffers.
Retinal ageing (see Chapter 10) makes for loss of acuity, even in the healthy-but-
ageing retina. The 6/4 acuity of youth becomes 6/9 as normal in an 80 year old.
Of course there are many exceptions; rate of ageing is genetically determined
with some environmental influences.
The import of these physiological changes that occur with age is the
establishment of visual norms for particular ages against which claims of visual
deficit can be measured. Visual field does not vary with age in healthy eyes, but
colour vision may deteriorate to a degree conforming with age changes in the
The tissues we possess at one stage of our lives are replaced by similar tissues
throughout life. Molecules are replaced by fresh ones and so, throughout life, a
continuous process of tissue repair and regeneration occurs. The material in our
old bodies is quite different from that in our young forms as worn parts are
replaced. However, the ageing process infers that our capacity to replace and
repair tissues falters and tissue degeneration follows with loss of function as a
The eye provides a special example of these processes, especially in the
macula—that complex, ultra-sensitive tissue that provides the mechanism
whereby we achieve our sharpest vision. The light-sensitive units in the macular
retina are constantly being repaired and replaced, and their supporting cellular
system, the retinal pigment epithelium, demonstrably becomes overloaded with
a lifetime’s accumulation of processed debris, eventually compromising its
performance. Damaged tissues, either traumatised or diseased, have variable
powers of recovery or repair.
For example, the endothelial cell layer lining the posterior aspect of the cornea
cannot be replaced. If cells are lost the remaining cells assume their function
until the depletion is too great for the surviving cells to maintain the cornea
whose metabolic functions they serve. Tissues separated from their support
systems may have very limited survival times or capacities to recover. This aspect
of repair and regeneration is frequently of medico-legal importance in relation
to delayed diagnosis or treatment, with compromised visual function.
The structure of the tissue or tissues of the eye and related formations to enable
the reader to have a better understanding of malfunction and its management.
The anatomy of the eye is generally considered in Chapter 3. Therefore, to avoid
repetition, cross-referencing will be supplied.
Tissue and organ malfunction is explained in the context of the particular.
Physiology is the study of how biological cells, tissues and organs function.
Pathology is the study of malfunction generally in altered tissues (pathological
anatomy). Pathophysiology is how tissues and organs fail to function normally.
The reasons are considered herein, for this book is not directly concerned with
normal physiology.
Patients complain of a variety of ocular and visual symptoms. These are
classified as presenting complaints, the history thereof, duration, degree,
localisation, improvement, deterioration, etc. More often than not, the history of
a problem will suggest a narrow differential diagnosis to be specified after
clinical examination and investigation.
Clinical signs
Examination of a patient’s eyes reveals normality or abnormalities known as
clinical signs. Training, experience, powers of observation based on specialised
examination procedures, all contribute to the successful recognition of variation
from the usual and categorisation as pathological.
Natural history
Ocular Pathological Processes
Medical—by drugs applied to the ocular surface (topical) systemically (by
mouth or injection, sub-conjunctivally by injection, inside the eye by
Surgical—by incision, or by laser or other physical devices.
These terms are self-evident. The decision to treat or not to treat depends on the
natural history of the condition and the evidence for efficacy for particular
treatments. Has the correct treatment been applied? Was there undue and
unnecessary delay in implementing treatment? These questions figure
prominently in litigation for medical malpractice, therefore it will be
appropriate to indicate some guidelines for intervention and time-scales.
Outcome expectations
What are the risks? What are the potential benefits of treatment? In some areas
statistical information may be persuasive, though individuals have to weigh
their own prospects in the light of the confidence they have in the physician or
surgeon to match the statistical overview, and further to handle complications if
and when they arise. Does the patient proceed? Does she accept that the natural
history of the disorder may give her an acceptable outcome? Does she seek
corroboration of advice received from a third party?
Prognosis—at stages
What is the outlook or prognosis for the function of an eye at various stages of
its presentation to the ophthalmologist? Clearly, late presentation will prejudice
the prospects for stabilising the condition let alone reversing its effects.
Informed consent
Patients in the UK are required to sign a consent form for surgery or any
invasive procedure. Most hospitals utilise a general form which merely states
what the procedure is and confirms that its nature has been explained to the
patient by the medical signatory. Fully-informed consent is not a requirement
for invasive procedures in the UK, whereas in the US fully-informed consent is
the medical practitioner’s defence against malpractice accusations. The
questions surrounding this complex issue are considered in more detail in
Chapter 3.
Management errors
Failure to act responsibly in the face of obvious visual loss or deterioration, or to
examine eyes correctly and miss important pathology, thereby denying a
patient timely treatment, are the important errors of omission that do occur in
the management of ophthalmic problems. Failure to carry out appropriate
investigations leading to delays in treatment is another example of an error of
This type of error occurs as a result of performing inappropriate invasive
procedures or the misapplication of correct therapy, eg laser burns to the
macular retina in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy.
Ocular Pathological Processes
Bacteria are widely dispersed in nature. They are single-cell organisms that
reproduce simply by division into two. Some are round-bodied, some rod-like
and some corkscrew-shaped (spirochaetes).
One method of classification of bacteria rather than shape is their reaction to
laboratory dyes, the best known of which is the gram stain. Organisms identify
either as gram-positive or gram-negative, a feature which is of clinical significance
as gram-negative bacteria are less harmful than gram-positive.
The resistance of bacteria to destruction is very variable. Some have a
precarious existence and are easily destroyed by sunlight and air, while others
are resistant and can survive for hours or days, even in the absence of air
(anaerobic bacteria). Some bacteria produce a resistant form as microcysts, which
can survive some months or years before reactivating the process of replication,
and hence problems for the host tissue.
There are thousands of bacterial types which share a common feature when
infecting tissue, namely the production of pus. Some produce enzymes that
destroy tissue, the range of effects being from mild nuisance (blepharitis) to fatal
eye infections (endophthalmitis) (see Chapter 14), In general they are counteracted
by the human immune system, with white blood cells being the chief defensive
agent. Antibiotic therapy may be general or specific; resistant mutations seem to
occur quite readily, requiring the pharmacological industry to try and keep at
least one step ahead.
These are intracellular bacterial organisms of the bacterial type. Like bacteria
they reproduce by division into two and are sensitive to antibiotic therapy. In
other respects, however, they have more in common with viruses in that they
require living tissue to reproduce. The three known species of chlamydia are
Chlamydia trachomatous, Chlamydia pneumoniae and Chlamydia psittacosis. The
first two are frequent ocular pathogens causing ocular infections. When
Chlamydia trachomatous reproduces in an infected cell, it produces a distinctive
micro-colony of the organisms, called an inclusion body. Infection due to
Chlamydia trachomatous is a major, sexually-transmitted disease and is also
responsible for many ocular infections, including neo-natal conjunctivitis,
inclusion conjunctivitis, lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) and trachoma, a
Fungi are multi-cellular micro-organisms that differ from bacteria in being more
complex in structure. They are able to reproduce themselves both by sexual and
asexual means. There are two groups of fungi—yeasts and moulds. Yeasts
produce creamy or pasty colonies whereas moulds produce woolly, fluffy or
powdery growths. Mild, fungal infections may follow treatment of an eye with
antibiotics or topical cortico-steroids, but when ocular tissue is weakened by
trauma then a fungal infection may be added to a primary bacterial infection. A
common fungal eye infection is the yeast Candida albicans. There are anti-fungal
medications available to treat fungal infections.
Ocular Pathological Processes
Protozoa are large, single-cell micro-organisms found in fresh water, salt water,
soil, plants, insects and animals including humans. Ocular protozone infections
include some important eye-infective agents. For example, acanthamoeba, a
species living in soil and fresh water, hot tubs and swimming pools and home-
made, contact lens salt solutions, can cause irreparable damage to the cornea by
acanthamoeba keratitis. In contrast the retina can be infected by Toxoplasma
gondii protozoa which infects humans through the eating of under-cooked meat
containing cysts of the protozoa. Cysts can also exists in cat and dog faeces and
poor hygiene can result in infection, particularly in children.
Another form of choroido-retinitis, infection of choroid and retina often
involving the macula with destructive effects on central vision, is the worm
parasite Toxocara canis which is excreted by dogs and also found in the soil. The
eating of contaminated or unwashed vegetables may allow the parasite entry
into the host, which burrows through the intestinal wall, enters the blood stream
and lodges in the choroid, causing the choroid or retinopathy.
gas sterilisation is slow and expensive and the gas itself is toxic, which is why
the facilities are limited.
Disease classification for the eye based on pathological processes has the
following form (which is not exhaustive).
Congenital disorders
Acquired disorders
(a) Degenerative (eg macular degeneration)
(b) Infective (eg conjunctivitis)
(c) Inflammatory (eg uveitis)
(d) Metabolic (eg diabetic eye disease)
(e) Tumours (eg malignant melanoma)
(f) Trauma – physical
Ocular Pathological Processes
A cataract is an opacity in the lens which impairs vision (Figure 27). It is the
major cause of blindness worldwide. Cataract surgery has been in existence for
more than 5,000 years, though in an extremely crude manner until very recent
times. It is less than 20 years since extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE)
treatment was developed with the insertion of a posterior-chamber, intra-ocular
lens, which is now the treatment of choice, at least in the highly-industrialised
countries of the world. This approach preserves the intact, posterior capsule of
the crystalline lens, whose opacification forms the cataract (the Greek word
kaetorakt means waterfall, the Latin word means portcullis or obstruction) vastly
reducing the potential for post-operative complications. Posterior capsule
opacification (PCO) develops in up to 50% of eyes between two months and five
years after the initial ECCE surgery, the major cause of which is the
proliferation, migration and metaplasia (change in character of lens, epithelial
cells left behind) after the initial surgery which largely removes the lens
contents, but not all the cellular material.
Cell proliferation causes opacification on the capsule to form a secondary
cataract, causing a decrease in visual acuity. Restoration of vision is readily
achieved by removing the central portion of the posterior lens capsule by
neodymium:yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser ablation.
Cataracts and their management are of interest in the area of litigation because
of the potential for many varieties of trauma to initiate the cataractous process.
This is of relevance in personal injury cases and because of the complications
that can ensue, both during the operation for removal of a cataract and post-
operatively when issues of medical negligence can arise.
Taken in its widest context, cataract is the major cause of blindness
worldwide. It is the primary cause of blindness in 116 countries covered by the
blindness data bank (Hyman L, ‘Epidemiology of Eye Disease in the Elderly’
(1987) Eye 1, pp 330–41) and (Harding J, Cataract Biochemistry Epidemiology and
Pharmacology (1991) Chapman and Hall, London). The medical and economic
significance of cataract is increasing due to its prevalence in the ageing
population. Age-related cataract constitutes the main surgical work load of
ophthalmic services and the bulk of ophthalmic surgical waiting lists in the
UK and elsewhere.
In sheer numerical terms there are 42 million blind people worldwide,
about 40% of whom it is estimated are blind due to the presence of cataract. Of
these, some 30 million live in developing countries but 4 million in developed
countries. The problem in developing countries is partly gross lack of
ophthalmic services, but also a higher incidence of advanced cataract, an
earlier age of onset and adverse environmental conditions. Wherever cataracts
exist in the world the need for surgery based on modern standards far
outstrips the resources available. The difference between the need and the
demand for surgery in developed countries is changing as the population
becomes more educated about the rapidity of rehabilitation with modern
surgical methods, making the age-old adage of waiting for cataracts to ripen
before they are removed completely obsolete.
The crystalline lens is about 10mm in diameter and 3–5mm thick, dependant
upon age. It is sited immediately behind the pupil of the iris diaphragm where it
is suspended through the 360° of its equator from the annular ciliary muscle by
the strands of the zonule which are attached to the capsular coat of the lens.
Within the lens capsule the lens substance consists of fibres which are generated
continuously throughout life, the older fibres being compressed towards the
centre of the lens by successive generations of new fibres. Opacification of the
lens in part or whole causes impairment of its function, which then becomes
known as a cataractous lens or cataract.
Precipitation of proteins within the constituent lens fibres results in defective
light transmission. Why do proteins precipitate? The answers are complex,
The symptoms of a cataract are:
Opacities in the periphery of the lens are known as cortical cataracts, are
usually wedge-shaped, and progress slowly. Unlike centrally-located opacities
they impair vision to a much lower degree, especially if not associated with
central lenticular problems. In cortical cataracts the lens cells become large and
round and are known as balloon cells. The lens fibres in the cortex become fused
into discreet masses, and round droplets or globules occupy the spaces within
the clefts which form between the groups of fibres. If this cataractous process is
allowed to continue long enough the whole of the cortex of the lens becomes a
milky, liquid mass. Under those circumstances the nucleus, lacking its peripheral
support, may move from its natural, central position under the influence of
gravity and the surrounding milky fluid, a special situation known as a
Morgagnian cataract.
When the opacities within the lens are underneath the lens capsule, which
occurs much more commonly at the back of the lens than the front, the opacities
are known as posterior sub-capsular cataracts. Their central location, and the
importance of the rear of the crystalline lens in the focussing of images on the
retina, means that even small posterior sub-capsular opacities can be visually
disabling, especially when the pupil contracts to limit the passage of light through
more peripheral parts of the lens. In other words, as this is on the optic axis of
the eye, a small opacity may cause a disproportionate decrease in visual
performance. Posterior sub-capsular cataracts occur because the germinal cells
of the lens, those cells in the equator of the lens which develop into lens fibres,
migrate towards the posterior pole of the crystalline lens. When these cells swell
as a result of absorbing proteinaceous fluid derived from liquefied cortical fibres,
they become known as bladder or Wedl cells.
Anterior capsular cataracts are caused by a fibrous change in the anterior-
lens, epithelial cells, so called fibrous metaplasia. This cataract is most often the
result of irritation or disruption of the anterior lens as occurs in trauma or
inflammation in the eye (uveitis). In modern cataract surgery where some
anterior-lens capsule remains after surgery, unless the epithelial cells are removed
from its underside they will undergo fibrous metaplasia with consequential
It is rare for cataracts to be simple. Mixed cataracts involving combinations
of all the above categories are common, though cortical cataracts often remain
relatively simple.
The Italian-American Cataract Study Group in 1994 showed that the three
year accumulative incidence for people aged 65–74 years, which was the largest
age group, was 18% and 6% for cortical, nuclear and posterior sub-capsular
cataracts respectively. Progression was much higher in the incidence for each
type of opacity. Although some general risk factors have been commented on
above, different types of cataract have different risk factors.
There are potentially three ways in which the problem of blindness due to
cataract may be approached. The first is the surgical removal of cataract; the
second is the reduction of the incidence by eliminating the risk factors; and
finally there is the possibility of development of anti-cataract drugs.
Cataract surgery
Modern cataract surgery is dramatically successful. However, health-care
providers face the twin problems of an ever-increasing, elderly population and
surgical innovation, with a dramatic improvement in benefit/risk ratio
providing much broader indications for surgical intervention. In developed
countries cataract surgery today is no longer concerned with the relief of
blindness, but with the reduction of visual disability even in its less dramatic
Modern, cataract, surgical techniques (ie very small incision into the eye to
perform the surgery and the introduction of a foldable lens implant through
Figure 28. A cataract after extraction is replaced by an intra-ocular lens implant, here
seen encased in the crystalline-lens, capsular bag which is left in situ at surgery to
sequester the implant from other ocular tissues.
that small incision, Figure 28) have a very high success rate indeed—of the
order of more than 98% in healthy eyes, ie no coincident morbidity. Thus,
when an eye is visually disabled because a person is unable to read small print
or road signs, or is intolerant to bright light and glare, surgical intervention
may be indicated. In developed countries it is increasingly rare for cataracts to
be allowed to progress to the point where they cause blindness. There are
sophisticated tests for assaying the degree of cataract, the rate of progression
and its visual effects, but in essence the indication for surgery is the patient’s
own subjective response to visual difficulties. A further indication for surgical
intervention in the modern context is the coincident occurrence of significant,
refractive errors. When a cataract is removed the focus or refractive power of
the eye may be adjusted, both by changing the power of the lens implant and
by reshaping of the cornea. Thus, the combined existence of developing
cataract and a significant refractive error may provide an extra incentive for
the patient to undergo surgical correction.
Special investigations
The following are performed by ultrasonography.
Natural history
In the light of the above remarks, a patient with early manifestation of cataract
should be referred for a surgical opinion to an ophthalmologist with a special
interest in cataract and refractive surgery.
Though cataract surgery dates back at least 5,000 years, spectacle correction for
post-surgical eyes have only been available since the 14th century. The necessity
for this is the loss of approximately one third of the focussing power, which has
to be replaced. When it is done in the form of a thick, spectacle lens the
consequent distortion of vision is considerable. The provision of cataract
spectacles in elderly patients may be contributory to the shortening of life, not
least because of the disabling effects of the distortion causing patients to trip or
fall downstairs and fracture limbs.
In the modern era, since the pioneering work of Harold Ridley of St Thomas’
Hospital in London in 1949, replacement of the focussing power of the crystalline
lens when it becomes cataractous and is removed, and the use of a replacement
lens has become the treatment of choice. Indeed to remove a cataract without
replacing its focussing power with an intra-ocular lens is only performing half
the required task. Though contact lenses can provide some sort of solution in
older patients, the ability to handle contact lenses diminishes. A contact lens on
the front of the eye changes the magnification factor in the eye and makes the
patient intolerant from a condition known as anisokonia (difference in
magnification of the image of the two eyes). Cataract surgery not only improves
visual acuity to the degree that the eye allows, according to the health and
integrity of its other components, but also allows the focus of the eye to be changed
and should therefore provide an improvement.
This procedure involves removal of the whole cataractous lens. The lens is first
loosened using an enzyme, alpha-chymotrypsin, which dissolves the zonular,
suspensory ligament enabling the lens to be removed without traction on
other intra-ocular structures. Lens implantation is limited to the placement of
an anterior-chamber lens, which superseded the previous, pupil-supported
lens which was the traditional attempt at locating and fixing an intra-ocular
Intracapsular cataract extraction is linked with some specific complications
because of the removal of the barrier between the face of the vitreous humour
and the aqueous humour, allowing transmission of inflammatory agents from
the surgically-traumatised anterior segment to the central retina and optic nerve
in particular. Further, the removal of the barrier allows anterior displacement of
the vitreous body, which may lead to a much higher incidence of vitreo-retinal
complications such as retinal breaks and retinal detachment.
In ECCE a large incision is still required into the eye (7–12mm) because the
hard nucleus of the lens is removed, either by expressing it through pressure on
the posterior part of the eye or by placing an instrument underneath it and
scooping it out of the eye. The residual lens material, the cortex of the lens which
is soft, is then removed with an irrigating, aspirating instrument, a cannular,
allowing the remnant capsular bag to be clear and polished. The new lens is
implanted into this capsular bag. When a large incision is made into the eye,
either for ICCE or ECCE, the aqueous humour naturally drains out of the eye
and the anterior segment tends to collapse. This makes surgery difficult because
of the lack of space and makes many tissues vulnerable to surgical trauma, in
particular the corneal endothelium and the iris diaphragm.
Since 1980 a way round this problem has been achieved by the introduction
of a visco-elastic material, of which the original was called Healon. This is a
pure solution of sodium hyaluronate, a naturally occurring substance in many
sites of the body, particularly in the umbilical cord and as a lubricating material
in joints. In nature it occurs in concentration in the comb of a cockerel, from
which the material is extracted, purified and concentrated to allow its use in
ophthalmic surgery. It has virtually no side effects provided the material is
removed at the end of surgery. Failure to remove it may cause transient rise in
intra-ocular pressure.
The complications of extracapsular surgery arise because of surgical trauma
inflicted on the cornea, iris diaphragm or lens capsule. If the lens capsule is not
secure the intra-ocular lens implant may migrate and cause chronic inflammatory
changes in the eye. Capsular tears (ie in the posterior lens capsule during surgery)
will also create a significant increase in the incidence of post-operative
complications through anterior movement of the vitreous body and the
transmission of inflammatory agents from the anterior segment of the eyes to the
posterior segment. Particular complications include retinal detachment, cystoid
macular oedema (fluid engorgement of the macula retina), corneal decompensation,
plus the general but low risk of post-operative infection (endophthalmitis).
This technique represents an improvement over ECCE as the surgery can be
performed through a very small incision. The incision may be performed in the
sclera, the corneal scleral junction or the cornea. It has several advantages over
(d) vision is restored within minutes of completion of the surgery and tends to
be stable thereafter, thus dramatically altering the need for post-operative
supervision leading to the virtually immediate resumption of normal
activities by the patient. Owing to the dramatic improvement in outcomes
and marked reduction in complications, bilateral, simultaneous cataract
surgery is more relevant because it avoids the imbalance that occur when
different refractive errors exists in a pair of eyes because only one has
undergone surgery.
Outcome expectations
With modern methods poor results should be rare. However, even in the
absence of surgical problems, some eyes develop retinal problems that may or
may not permanently affect vision. These complications are generally a result of
low-grade inflammation as a consequence of the surgery, but most of these
problems do respond to treatment. A satisfactory, planned, refractive outcome
of the surgery is to be expected today.
Complications of cataract surgery during the surgical process occur because of
faulty technique or intrinsic pathological features within the eye. Before surgery
has commenced, anaesthesia administration carries its own complication rate.
Whilst it is beyond the scope of this book to discuss complications of general
anaesthesia, injected local anaesthesia has significant potential complications,
(a) retrobulbar haemorrhage—caused by blood vessel penetration by the needle
which is inserted (blind!) into the eye socket or orbit; techniques in use include
retrobulbar injection aiming for the extra-ocular muscle cone, or peribulbar
injection wherein the needle tip is placed in the outer orbit from where
anaesthetic solution diffusion effects the desired anaesthesia and akinesia
(paralysis of eye movement);
(b) perforation of the eye globe—which occurs because the injection needle is
misdirected; the larger the eye globe (myopia) the higher the risk. Perforation
of the globe will lead to intra-ocular haemorrhage and, possibly, subsequent
retinal detachment;
(c) injection of anaesthetic solution into the cerebrospinal fluid—causes
respiratory distress, loss of consciousness or paralysis; though rare, such
incidents are reported in the literature, eg needle penetration of the meningeal
coat of the optic nerve in a retrobulbar injection; and
(d) injection of anaesthetic solution into an extra-ocular muscle—with
intramuscular distension and/or haemorrhage, causing muscle paralysis
which may be transient or permanent with consequential diplopia.
Surgical trauma may cause post-operative problems for an eye. Per-operative
problems include:
(a) trauma to the corneal endothelium resulting in death of irreplaceable corneal-
endothelial cells which will result in early or late clouding of the cornea as it
becomes oedematous (waterlogged), with failure of the water-transport
function of the endothelial cells;
(b) trauma to the iris diaphragm, which will enhance post-operative
inflammation (uveitis) with its potentially-destructive effects on visual
(c) trauma to the suspensory ligament of the cataract (lens) with consequential
prolapse of vitreous gel into the anterior segment of the eye, limitation of
support for an intra-ocular lens in the posterior chamber of the eye and
increased risk of subsequent retinal detachment;
(d) perforation of the posterior lens capsule with consequential prolapse of
vitreous gel into the anterior segment of the eye, limitation of support for an
intra-ocular lens in the posterior chamber of the eye and increased risk of
subsequent retinal detachment; and
(e) loss of the lens nucleus or fragments into the vitreous gel with probability of
severe, post-operative inflammation and increased risk of subsequent retinal
detachment. A second operation is required to remove all cataractous material
by a vitrectomy if the debris is not removed at the initial, surgical event.
Endopthalmitis following intra-ocular surgery, particularly cataract surgery,
has a prevalence of approximately 0.1%, ie one per thousand surgical cases. It is
generally regarded that the source of infection in most cases is bacteria lingering
on the patient’s own eyelids and eyelashes. It is very difficult to isolate the eye in
a surgical field though every attempt is made to do so. Nevertheless the flora
that naturally exist on eyelids and eyelashes may contaminate the wound and
enter the eye. In cataract surgery it is possible for bacteria to adhere
electrostatically to the intra-ocular lens if it brushes the eyelashes on its route
into the eye, emphasising the importance of isolation of the lids and lashes from
the operating site, sterilisation of the area as far as possible and a proper aseptic
The commonest pathogens which may be carried into the eye under these
circumstances are Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococci such
as Staphylococcus epidermidis and Propionibacterium acnes. Staphylococcus aureus in
particular causes a devastating infection within days of surgery which usually
results in loss of vision and even the eye. Other bacteria which can cause even
more serious effects include the streptococci of the beta-haemolytic variety as
well as Streptococcus pyogenes. The coagulase-negative staphylococci, ie of low
virulence, and Propionibacterium acnes cause a lowgrade infection with
considerable morbidity as far as the patient is concerned. Because
endophthalmitis is fortunately a rare event, exact data on its prevalence is not
available. It is currently the subject of a long-term, multi-centre study in both the
US and Europe. In the meantime, the infection has to be prevented as far as
possible and treated if it occurs (see also Chapter 13).
Various stratagems are adopted with the best of intentions but, as noted above,
hard data is not available. The regimes include:
(a) sterile, ultra-clean air delivered in a down draft operating theatre; and
(b) short courses of high-dose, intravenous, antibiotic prophylaxis with
bactericidal drugs commencing at the time of surgery; or
(c) combinations of both.
As noted above, the infection rate is extremely low in cataract surgery which
accounts for the bulk of intra-operative procedures in the field of ophthalmic
surgery. Nevertheless, the eye is so vulnerable that any infection has to be
prevented if at all possible.
In the absence of hard evidence, good clinical practice dictates that, in cataract
surgery, all patients should receive topical iodine as a prophylaxis immediately
before surgery and topical anti-biotic drops for 48 hours post-operation. A further
procedure might include the inclusion of a bactericidal antibiotic, eg a
cephalosporin, added to the anterior chamber irrigation during the surgical
Cystoid maculopathy
Post-operative inflammation or uveitis may cause changes at the macula,
especially in patients with pre-operative uveitis or who are diabetic. Although
this may be a transient phenomenon if it lingers, it may induce cystic
degeneration of the macula with serious visual consequences (Figure 29).
Informed consent
It is most helpful to provide patients with a written description of the procedure
they are about to undergo in order to allay their inevitable anxiety and to
engender confidence in the procedure and the surgeon.
(a) About 30% of congenital cataracts are of the inherited variety, most with
variable expression. That is to say that asymptomatic family members may
still show signs of lenticular abnormality. Where parental consanguinity
occurs, autosomal recessive and ex-linked recessive patterns can also
(b) Associated with other ocular disorders including persistent hyperplasic
primary vitreous (the persistence of a developmental stage of the vitreous
gel as it changes from a vascular, building core for the eye to a clear gel
during life). Microphthalmos (small eye), anophthalmos (absence of the iris),
The retina, the light-sensitive, multilayered structure in the posterior segment of
the eye, has an inner and an outer layer. The junction between the two lies
between the neurosensory layer (rods and cones) and its supporting, retinal-
pigment epithelium or layer. The relationship between these structures is one of
adjacent tissue without any firm binding. Thus a potential space exists between
them which, if occupied by fluid, blood or other substances, will cause the
anterior layer to peel away from its pigment layer. Such an occurrence is known
as retinal detachment. It happens for two reasons:
(a) due to a hole in the inner retina causing fluid to detach the retina
(rhegmatogenous detachment, Figure 30, page 100); and
(b) due to the presence of solid material, eg tumour tissue, fluid from
inflammatory causes or blood (non-rhegmatogenous detachment).
Presenting symptoms
Retinal detachment causes loss of vision, which takes the form of a shadow or
curtain spreading across the field of vision. The size of the visual loss varies
according to the degree of detachment. The area of lost vision is inverted in
relationship to the detaching retina, thus an inferior retinal detachment will present
as a curtain descending from the top of the field of vision, whereas a superior
retinal detachment will present as a curtain rising from the bottom of the field of
vision. The initial symptoms may be missed by a patient; these include a sudden
flash of light and a cloud of floating spots, often called ‘black rain’ if they are profuse.
The spots are caused by a cascade of blood cells emanating from a torn blood vessel
in relation to a retinal tear. If the retinal detachment involves the macula or central
retina then the visual loss will be extreme. As inferior retinal detachments tend to
progress slowly, symptoms may be disregarded by the patient until the central
vision is affected as the macula detaches.
The symptoms of a flash of light and a shower of black spots may precede
visual-field defects by days, weeks or months. They are due to a retinal tear
occurring generally as a response to a vitreo-retinal adhesion causing the retina
to tear at a site of previous retinal degeneration. The retina only detaches when
fluid seeps through the tear into the potential space between the neuro-sensory
layer of the retina and the underlying pigment epithelium layer to cause a peeling
Figure 30. A fluorescein angiogram of a detached retina lower aspect. The in-focus,
out-of-focus aspect of the retinal blood vessels indicate that the retina is elevated by
sub-retinal fluid. In the lower part of the picture four retinal holes are demonstrated
by the absence of any blood vessels. It is through these holes that fluid percolates from
the vitreous humour underneath the retina to cause the physical detachment. The
initiating event is the formation of holes in the retina, usually secondary to retinal
degeneration which is more common in myopic (large) eyes.
Clinical signs
Clinical signs include loss of visual field, loss of visual acuity and loss of the red-
reflex when the reflection from the retina is observed with an ophthalmoscope
through the pupil. A detached retina, when viewed ophthalmoscopically, is
darker in colour than the normal retina due to the fluid separating the retina
from the underlying tissues. A superior detachment may appear as a balloon
half obscuring the fundus of the eye. A retinal detachment associated with a
superior, giant-retinal tear may reveal the retina having peeled back on itself, so
Retinal Detachment
that the ophthalmoscopic view shows the bare choroid and sclera above and the
folded retina below.
The only worthwhile investigation is careful ophthalmoscopic observation of
the retina to ascertain where the break or breaks exist; the principle of surgical
treatment is to close the retinal breaks, and in order to do so they have to be
identified. Some retinal detachments occur as a result of a small break or hole in
the retina, others as a result of multiple breaks. The principal investigation is to
examine the retina thoroughly to ascertain the location of break or breaks so that
surgical treatment can be planned. In the event of a haemorrhagic consequence
of a retinal tear and a retinal detachment, if the vitreous compartment is
obscured for any other reason, if the crystalline lens is cataractous or if the
cornea is not transparent, then the diagnosis and morphology of retinal
detachment can be ascertained by B-scan ultrasound.
Natural history
As noted above, the natural history or progression of the pathology will depend
on the location of the retinal tear, its size and form and the consequential
morphology of the retinal detachment. The slowest progressive retinal
detachments are those due to an inferior retinal break, but an inferior retinal
detachment may be a consequence of a superior retinal break where fluid seeps
through the tear and, under the influence of gravity, travels inferiorly to peel the
retina slowly from below.
Treatment options
The only treatment option for retinal detachment or retinal holes or tears is
surgical. Retinal holes or tears may be secured before a detachment has
occurred if they are diagnosed. They are closed by the application of any process
that will induce inflammation and resultant scarring between the retina and
underlying choroidal tissue. The modality applied in such circumstances is
primarily argon-laser therapy to the edges of the tear; cryotherapy is equally
potent but not as convenient to apply. If the retina is detached, a full surgical
procedure is required wherein the area of the retinal tear or tears is identified,
the area being treated from the external eye aspect through the scleral wall by
application of cryotherapy to induce an inflammatory response. That area of
sclera and overlying choroid is then buckled in towards the area of the retinal
hole or tears to allow adhesion to take place.
If this process is capable of being effected without drainage of the sub-
retinal fluid, then it avoids the potential complications of bleeding, both under
and through the retina. The situation is dependent upon the compressibility of
the eye by the external application of silicone rubber materials which create
the bulge in the wall of the eye that brings the ‘sticky’ choroidal tissue into
contact with the area of the tear. The process may be done in reverse by putting
pressure on the retina to push it back towards the area treated by cryotherapy
using a gas bubble of air or expanding gas (CF6) and by suitable posturing of
the patient so that the gas bubble lifts the retina back into apposition with the
surgically-inflamed area. Once the retinal hole is sealed, the gas is absorbed
after the retina becomes re-attached. The major urgency in the surgical
treatment of retinal detachment is the status of the macula, as it should be re-
attached as soon as possible in order to try and restore continuing visual
function. The longer the macula is detached, the less the chance of restoration
of central vision.
Outcome expectations
Retinal Detachment
long-standing, retinal detachments, but can also occur rapidly within days or
weeks, especially in younger patients.
Management errors
Errors which can result in retinal detachment are delay in referral, diagnostic
failure, and failure to find retinal breaks (at least 10% of retinal detachments do
not reveal a break on full clinical evaluation prior to surgical intervention). The
percentage is reduced by further investigation during the surgical process when
small holes or breaks may be highlighted much more easily than preoperatively.
In the final analysis, if no hole or break is discovered then a general surgical
procedure to take account of invisible breaks can be performed.
Recovery of visual acuity after a retinal detachment involving the macula was
investigated by Thomas C Burton MD (Transactions of the American
Ophthalmological Society (1982) vol 90), who reported that:
He concludes:
The functional failure of the central retinal area (macula) due to age-related or
inherited conditions that cause premature failure of the tissue with resultant,
clinically-visible scarring and consequential poor, central-visual acuity.
During the course of life the retina is a very active tissue, necessarily achieving
a high metabolic rate. The light receptors, the rods and cones, are constantly
undergoing repair and regeneration and the waste products of their activity
are dealt with by the underlying retinal-pigment epithelium and its
supporting structures in the choroid layer. As part of the ageing process, the
continuum of this activity causes accumulation of waste products that reduce
the efficiency of the scavenging processes required to support and maintain
vital cells. Ultimately these effects may lead to a degeneration that results in
reduction of vision.
The phenomenon of age-related (formerly and inappropriately called
senile), macular degeneration is an inevitable consequence of the ageing
process, depending on one’s inheritance and, to a lesser extent, environmental
conditions. The macula is the most susceptible part of the retina in
degenerative terms and, if a person lives long enough, the macula will
degenerate and the quality of vision will be disturbed. The macula may
simply atrophy or decline in its cell population with loss of function.
Alternatively, the natural healing processes may come into play with
production of new vessel membranes which seem to develop in response to
the degenerative processes and reduction of oxygen supply that follows. The
presence of a sub-retinal, sub-macular, neovascular membrane may
precipitate dramatic loss of vision and consequential scarring with permanent
loss of central vision (Figures 31–33, pages 106–07).
Macular degeneration in general is not amenable to treatment. The retina is not
capable of replacement and has only a limited capacity to repair itself. When a
sub-retinal, neovascular response occurs this can precipitate dramatic loss of
vision, but depending on the pathological anatomy that situation may, to some
Macular Degeneration
Macular Degeneration
Vulnerable populations
Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is a problem mainly affecting
patients over 60 years, but is much more common over 70 years. The older the
patient, the greater the chance of it occurring. However, there are inherited,
degenerative diseases of the macula that can affect young people in their 20s,
30s and 40s. Those problems are usually bilateral, fairly symmetrical in onset,
appearance and effect, and there is often a family history of similar problems.
Such syndromes include Best’s disease and Stargardt’s disease.
Glaucoma is a term used as a general reference for many syndromes which have
in common the loss of nerve fibre tissue at the optic nerve head (ONH). The
visual effects are progressive loss of visual field and acuity leading to eventual
blindness in untreated cases. The concept is that raised pressure within the eye
(intra-ocular pressure—IOP) damages the nerve fibres either by direct action or
indirectly by compromising their blood supply, as raised IOP limits perfusion of
blood in the sensitive region of the ONH.
The problem originates in the anterior segment of the eye where aqueous
humour is produced to be subsequently drained away. It is the imbalance between
production and drainage that causes the IOP to elevate in the closed system
within the wall of the eye (Figure 11, page 22). However, the effects of raised IOP
are realised in the posterior segment of the eye at the ONH. The exception to this
general rule within the glaucoma syndromes is that cluster of conditions
characterised as normal or low-tension glaucomas, wherein the ONH seems
sensitive to other (unidentified) factors, resulting in its decay. The clinical
syndrome is the same as other glaucomas, namely that progressive visual field
loss and acuity may lead to blindness.
(See Chapter 3 for the anatomy of glaucoma.)
There are many glaucoma syndromes. The condition may arise as a congenital
or inborn problem or be acquired later in life. The acquired varieties may be
either acute in onset with a dramatic threat to vision in the affected eye (acute
closed-angle glaucoma) or of insidious onset but chronic in nature (chronic
open-angle glaucoma) or secondary to other intra-ocular disorders (secondary
All the glaucoma syndromes have a common, final, fatal, visual effect—loss
of nerve tissue in the retina as a specific result of damage effected at the optic
nerve head at the point where retinal nerve fibres leave the eye through the optic
nerve to the brain. With the exception of one variant known as low-tension
glaucoma, all the other types present with varying degrees of raised intra-ocular
pressure. This is a consequence of the relative failure of the drainage mechanism
for aqueous humour located in the anterior segment of the eye.
Aqueous humour, the physiological fluid that bathes the internal aspects of
the front portion of the eye, is continually produced by the ciliary gland which
is annular in form, lying immediately behind the crystalline lens. The lens is
suspended by the zonular fibres to the muscular part of the ciliary body, the
glandular portion being known as the ciliary processes. The aqueous humour
so produced enters the narrow chamber formed by the crystalline lens
posteriorly and the posterior aspect of the iris diaphragm. Thereafter it
circulates through the pupil into the anterior chamber of the eye and drains
out through the angle of the anterior chamber formed by the root of the iris
diaphragm and the posterior periphery of the cornea. Within the angle is a
drain known as the trabecular meshwork, through which the aqueous fluid
percolates to rejoin the systemic blood circulation from which it was originally
As the eye is a closed system, if there is disparity between the production of
aqueous humour and its drainage, then more fluid is pumped into the eye than
can be drained. It follows, therefore, that the pressure in the eye increases. In
acute glaucoma it increases rapidly, whereas in chronic and secondary glaucomas
it usually increases slowly. Sustained, raised, intra-ocular pressure has a
damaging effect on the ONH. There are many theories as to why this damage
occurs, but the fact is that the ONH is extremely susceptible to raised pressure
and the damage that follows is irreversible.
The mean intra-ocular pressure in a normal population is 15mm of mercury
(Hg). It is accepted that two standard deviations above the norm, ie about
21mmHg, is the upper limit of normality. Beyond that, pressure must be
considered as a risk factor in the causation of glaucoma. However, raised
pressure alone is not sufficient to cause glaucoma; there must be a
predisposition within the eye to suffer the damage to the nerves. Some eyes
suffer from a condition known as ocular hypertension where the normal
pressure for that eye is above 21 but usually below 30mmHg. Other risk
factors for chronic glaucoma include a family history of glaucoma in near
relatives, diabetes and myopia.
Congenital glaucoma
In this form of glaucoma, which is diagnosed in infancy, the sclero-corneal wall
of the eye is still soft and malleable so that, if there is a disparity between
production and drainage of aqueous humour which results in raised pressure,
the eye globe becomes distended and permanently enlarged. Hence the term
buphthalmos or ‘ox-eye’. Damage to the optic nerve follows a persistent
pressure elevation, in spite of the globe enlargement, with consequential visual
defects. The affected eyes inevitably become myopic or short-sighted because of
the expanded size of the globe.
The condition is usually asymptomatic until its later stages at which point
decreased peripheral and or central vision may be noted. It is the insidious
nature of COAG that encourages screening programmes to detect
asymptomatic sufferers. There are risk factors which may expose an individual
to a higher probability of contracting the disorder, such as a family history of
glaucoma, coincident diabetes or hypertension, myopia, age and race, it being
more common in Negro populations.
Clinical signs
(a) A large or increasing cup:disc ratio, often with asymmetry between eyes.
(b) Visual field defects, commonly nasal, paracentral or extending with arcuate
distribution from the blind spot.
(c) Elevated intra-ocular pressure (the upper limit of normal is recognised at
about 21mmHg), ie two standard deviations above the mean in a normal
population. Intra-ocular pressure fluctuates in a diurnal pattern, generally
being higher in the morning and lower in the evening. This pattern is
exaggerated in glaucomatous eyes.
(d) The drainage angle of the anterior chamber between the root of the iris and
the periphery of the cornea is usually visible through 360° on microscopic
(e) The optic nerve head may be surrounded by a halo due to loss of retinal
tissue. The optic cup may be elongated more vertically than horizontally.
The retinal nerve fibre lawyer may be seen to be thinned. Differential
diagnosis includes:
(i) low-tension glaucoma;
(ii) chronic-angle, closure glaucoma, a condition in which there are
adhesions between the peripheral iris and the periphery of the cornea
limiting access of the aqueous humour to the drainage system of the
anterior segment of the eye;
(iii) secondary, open-angle glaucoma due to inflammatory debris, pigment
drugs, trauma, external eye conditions, eg Sturge-Weber syndrome,
carotid-cavernous fistular intra-ocular tumours; and
(iv) other causes of optic atrophy, ischaemia, retinal vascular disease,
chiasmal tumours and drug-related, optic neuropathy.
Clinical management
(a) History
(i) previous ocular history;
(ii) family history of glaucoma;
(iii) history of trauma;
(iv) history of local or systemic drug use in particular steroids;
(v) history of diabetes, hypertension, asthma or congestive heart disease.
(b) Examination
(i) intra-ocular pressure;
(ii) gonioscopic evaluation of the anterior chamber angle;
(iii) assessment of the optic nerve head and surrounding retinal nerve
fibre layer, including photographs for serial study.
(c) Visual field examination—automated or Goldmann field.
The goal of treatment is to prevent visual-field loss by further degradation of the
ONH, the main stratagem being to lower intra-ocular pressure. The primary
treatment is by medication in the form of eye drops or topical medication with
which a patient can comply, ie a maximum of twice daily or a 12-hourly
application. Drug therapy is based on improving the drainage of fluid out of the
angle of the anterior chamber of the eye or reducing inflow of aqueous humour
by drug effects on the ciliary gland epithelium. Newer drugs have achieved
alternative methods of lowering intra-ocular pressure by improving uvea-
scleral outflow of fluid from the eye, ie through the wall of the eye.
If medical methods fail to control the disorder, as demonstrated by
persistently raised intra-ocular pressure and progressive visual-field loss, then
surgical intervention is indicated. The principle of surgical intervention is to
create a fistula or valve in the wall of the eye to allow a balance to be achieved
between the inflow of aqueous humour and its drainage. The operation that is
usually performed is known as a trabeculectomy. In eyes in which the surgery
has not succeeded the first time or in eyes which have a higher risk of surgical
failure, enhancement of the trabeculectomy by local use of anti-inflammatory
agents and anti-metabolise agents, to prevent closure of the fistula by fibrosis,
may be indicated.
It is essential that patients with glaucoma are regularly monitored to ensure
that the condition is properly controlled.
of other drugs that are rarely used as a primary treatment, not unusually
causes redness and irritation of the eyes.
(d) Prostaglandin eye drops; eg Latanoprost (Xalatan Pharmacia & Upjohn).
This is now the commercially available preparation, a new approach to
glaucoma therapy inducing outflow of fluid from the eye through the uveal
tract and the sclera. This is a promising new approach to medication.
(e) Systemic medication—eg oral carbonic and anhydrase inhibitors,
acetazolamide (Diamox) in sustained-release form 250mg once or twice daily.
Diamox and similar agents are mild diurectics and are extremely useful for
short-term usage. However, longer-term usage may cause potassium
deficiency, and monitoring of blood electrolytes is required.
A large or enlarging cup to disc ratio often with asymmetry between the two
eyes, with paracentral, nasal or extending arcuate visual field defects. These
conditions manifest all the symptoms and signs of chronic open-angle
glaucoma despite ‘normal’ or even lower intra-ocular pressures. These patients
may also have low systemic blood pressure suggesting, that blood perfusion of
the posterior segment of the eye is compromised by the low perfusion pressure,
ie the difference between intra-arterial blood pressure entering the eye and the
intra-ocular pressure.
The differential diagnosis includes:
The post-diagnosis management and treatment is identical to that of chronic
open-angle glaucoma or primary, open-angle glaucoma, with the emphasis on
reducing the intra-ocular pressure to the lowest possible level.
Secondary glaucomas
(a) Any condition that produces inflammation within the eye will produce
inflammatory debris which can obstruct the outflow of aqueous humour
from the eye. Anterior uveitis, posterior uveitis, pan-uveitis and kerato-uveitis
are examples of inflammatory disorders.
(b) Steroid response glaucoma—ophthalmic inflammatory disorders require
treatment, usually by steroidal anti-inflammatory agents which themselves
may cause raised intra-ocular pressure and the damage that follows
Symptoms—usually has insidious onset and, unless detected by a clinician,
the first awareness a patient may have is with visual loss.
Significant signs—increased intra-ocular pressure, usually within a
few weeks of starting. Steroid-containing eye drops, eyelid skin creams
or injections around the eye to treat inflammatory disorders may cause
a rise in intra-ocular pressure; this may be immediate or delayed. It is
typical of the condition that the intra-ocular pressure will revert to normal
levels after discontinuing the drug.
Treatment—discontinuing steroid therapy, reduction of dosage or
concentration of steroid therapy, alternative use of non-steroidal, anti-
inflammatory agents such as 0.1% Diclofenac, or glaucoma therapy as
for chronic or primary, open-angle glaucoma.
Neo-vascular glaucoma
This is a form of glaucoma that occurs as a result of aberrant growth of vascular
tissue in the region of the drainage of aqueous humour, ie on the surface of the
iris diaphragm and invading and thereby obstructing the drainage angle
between the root of the iris and the corneal periphery. Neovascular glaucoma
may occur as a consequence of ischaemic (poor blood supply) problems in the
eye such as diabetic retinopathy, central retinal vein occlusion, central retinal
artery occlusion, and ocular ischaemic syndrome associated with carotid
occlusive disease, and other retinal, vascular disorders such as branch retinal
vein occlusion, radiation retinopathy and chronic detachment of the retina.
These are usually associated with pain, redness of the eye, photophobia and
decrease of vision. It may be a complication that occurs in a blind eye as a result
of retinal ischaemia.
Clinical signs
Stage 1—abnormal, engorged, new blood vessels along the pupillary margin,
the peripheral iris and the trabecular meshwork, but with normal intra-ocular
Stage 2—stage 1 plus increased intra-ocular pressure.
Stage 3—partial or complete angle-closure glaucoma caused by a fibro-vascular
membrane covering the trabecular meshwork. Often associated with
inflammatory signs in the aqueous humour, hyphaema or bleeding into the
anterior chamber. Eversion of the pupillary margin allowing visualisation
of the iris pigment (ectropion uvea). Optic nerve atrophic cupping and visual
field loss.
Stage 4—a painful blind eye often requiring enucleation as the only means of
pain relief.
This comprises early reduction of intra-ocular pressure by use of pressure-reducing
agents administered topically or systemically coupled with anti-inflammatory
agents such as steroids. The problem is essentially due to stasis of aqueous humour
in the eye, which can be ameliorated by creating a surgical drainage fistula, ie
trabeculectomy. This can often produce dramatic resolution of the neovascular
tissue produced as the eye’s response to the formation of vaso-proliferative
substances, the common ocular response to ischaemic conditions.
Pain, blurred vision, coloured haloes around lights, frontal headaches, nausea
and vomiting. The symptoms may occur in isolation or in combined form.
Vomiting may cause the unwary physician to suspect an abdominal rather than
an eye problem.
Clinical signs
Closed drainage angle (observed using the gonioscopy contact lens) with acute
elevation of intra-ocular pressure often 40 or 50mmHg or higher. Severe corneal
oedema, redness of the eye, and the pupil may be semi-dilated and
unresponsive to light or other stimuli.
This will depend on severity and duration of the attack. Systemic agents such as
acetazolamide (Diamox) will reduce intra-ocular pressure, and medication
including topical beta-blockers (Timolol 0.5%) and topical steroids every 15
minutes will reduce inflammation; osmotic agents such as mannitol 1-2g/kg
should be given intravenously over 45 minutes. Once the eye’s pressure is
under control, the immediate need is to recreate a flow of fluid from behind the
iris through the pupil to gain access to the angle of the anterior chamber. This is
achieved by creating an additional opening in the peripheral iris by an
iridectomy or iridotomy carried out by surgical or laser methods. Where it is
seen that the problem is due to enlargement of the crystalline lens in a small eye,
removal of the lens and replacement with a lens implant is the procedure of
Malignant glaucoma
If the aqueous humour was to leak behind the crystalline lens rather than
circulate naturally into the anterior chamber of the eye, it would cause the lens-
iris diaphragm to be pushed forwards. Under these rare but drastic conditions
there is a dramatic loss of vision accompanied by unremitting pain in and
around the eye. This is a rare form of acute glaucoma.
becomes paler and depressed in relation to the level of the retina, as intra-
ocular pressure seems to force the tissue back down the stalk of the optic
nerve to give rise to the description ‘cupping of the optic nerve head’.
Enlargement of the physiological or normal optic cup occurs, which usually
occupies less than 0.3 of the diameter of the optic disc, both vertically and
horizontally. The vertical diameter is usually longer than the horizontal
diameter. The ratio between the diameter of the central cup and the overall
diameter of the nerve head or optic disc is used as a descriptive ratio to
indicate the clinical impression of the status of the ONH. Thus, a cup to disc
ratio (C/D) of 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, etc, would indicate advanced or advancing degrees
of glaucomatous damage. There are various stereoscopic, photographic and
scanning devices which can document the status of the ONH, providing a
factual ratio rather than an estimate. Such images taken in sequential fashion
document stability or degradation of the tissue at the nerve head, but these
instruments are not in common usage. Ophthalmologists generally rely on
their ophthalmoscopic examination of the nerve head and the above notation.
(d) Gonioscopy—The use of a contact lens containing a mirror allowing the
observer to evaluate the status of the drainage angle of the anterior chamber
of the eye through a bio-microscope. This examination provides more
accurate diagnostic information, allowing glaucoma sub-types (eg
pigmentary glaucoma and chronic closed angle glaucoma) to be accurately
(e) Visual field estimation—Early signs of glaucomatous visual defect would
be an increase in the size of the blind spot followed by radiating arches of
visual loss (upper and lower arcuate scotomata), and then by coalescence of
these arches of visual loss and the general narrowing of the visual field as
the visual loss spreads out to the retinal periphery. As glaucoma progresses,
so the visual field of view narrows, and in end-stage glaucoma there would
remain a tunnel field of vision, prior to loss of all light perception
Congenital glaucoma
The treatment of congenital glaucoma is primarily by surgical intervention. Its
purpose is to provide the plane of cleavage between the peripheral iris and the
cornea which is missing in these eyes due to the failure of that cleavage to occur
during development of the eye. A needle is placed between the iris and cornea
internally and physical separation of the layers is achieved. The operation is
known as goniotomy. It may require one or more interventions to achieve the
appropriate balance between aqueous humour production and drainage which
would stabilise the position.
Sympathomimetic agents
These are a new class of drugs delivered as eye drops, and have a similar action
which may also enhance the effects of other drugs used in glaucoma
Cholinesterase inhibitors
These enhance the effects of endogenous acetylcholine by inactivation of the
enzyme cholinesterase, hence they are also known as anticholinesterase drugs.
This type of drug has numerous disadvantages, and though they were the
mainstay of glaucoma management in earlier years, the small pupil (miosis)
and paralysis of accommodation (no focus for near vision) plus their required
frequency of administration (compliance problems) make their continued use
generally unacceptable except in very difficult cases.
Table 1. The five groups of drugs used in the medical management of glaucoma.
Hyperosmotic agents
These, including orally-administered glycerol and intravenously-administered
mannitol, act in emergency situations to reduce acutely-raised, intra-ocular
pressure—usually acute closed-angle glaucoma. They act by deturgessing the
eye by osmotic attraction of fluid into the hyperosmotic blood stream, which
attracts fluid to dilute its higher concentration.
As science began to understand the cell biology of wound healing in the early
1970s, it became increasingly apparent that properly-performed, filtering
surgery, ie formation of a valve in the wall of the eye to allow aqueous humour
to drain out of obstructed trabecular systems, may fail because of an exuberant
healing response that causes conjunctival scarring and closure of the filtration
valve. With this insight into the causes of surgical failure anti-metabolite drugs
were introduced to control the healing response in eyes undergoing filtration
Injected sub-conjunctivally, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) has been shown to be an
effective anti-metabolite in this application. Therefore, eyes considered to be at
high risk of failure of filtering surgery, including those that have undergone
previous eye surgery or in which the fellow eye has undergone filtering
surgery and failed because of an exuberant scar and response, are candidates
for application of this treatment. However, the question of whether anti-
metabolites should be used in all patients undergoing filtering surgery
remains controversial.
Mitomycin-C is a more potent anti-metabolite than 5-FU and has come into
increasing use in filtration surgery because it can be applied intra-operatively,
avoiding the necessity for post-operative, sub-conjunctival injections. Those
filtering valves created with support of mitomycin-C appear to result in a lower
intra-ocular pressure, but the effects of the drug are impossible to titrate in the
post-operative period and persistent wound leaks and profound hypotony (soft
eyes) have been described as complications of its use. However, mitomycin-C
has proven extremely useful in the management of glaucoma in children where
post-operative injections are not possible.
There remains the longer-term concern of the use of any anti-metabolite with
regard to the risk of devastating ocular infection from a breakdown of the filtration
site and admission of pathogens into the eye. Thus, the filtration valves that
develop after use of anti-metabolites are thinner and lack the cellular support of
the regular filtration valves, and they undoubtedly present a more tenuous barrier
to the entry of pathogenic organisms.
In those cases where the trabeculectomy operation fails persistently, for it can be
repeated at different locations around the anterior scleral area, then a
mechanical valve may have to be inserted.
Such procedures, using Maltino implants and derivatives, have gained
increasing acceptance in the management of very complicated glaucomas,
especially those which have failed to respond to conventional filtering valve
surgery. In all complicated eyes, a small-calibre, silicone tube is introduced
into the anterior chamber. The tube drains to an external reservoir system that
maintains an area of filtration often quite far-posterior on the wall of the globe.
Filtration occurs through the surface of the capsule that develops over the
reservoir. Success rates have been reported to be as high as 80%, but they are
not without high complication rates in all series which have been reported.
However, they are being performed in very-high-risk eyes in which other
forms of glaucoma surgery have a poor prognosis, and thus the risk/benefit
ratio is in favour of surgery. The conditions which may benefit from such
intervention include neovascular glaucoma, epithelial in-growth glaucoma
and cases in which conventional filtering valve surgery or the use of anti-
metabolites has failed, congenital and juvenile glaucomas in which numerous
conventional procedures have failed, and situations where, for whatever
reason, the conjunctiva and epi-scleral tissues are so severely scarred it is
unlikely that the surgeon can successfully create a filtration site using
conventional techniques.
Other methods used to treat intractable conditions include the inhibition of
the production of aqueous humour by freezing the ciliary gland (cyclo-
cryotherapy), or laser application to the gland through the wall of the eye or
delivered through an endoscope (see page 128).
It is now realised that early and aggressive intervention is of value in this group
of blinding eye disorders. Early detection of glaucoma has advanced
significantly because computer technology and electronic imaging are being
used to detect, follow and manage the condition. These advanced detection
techniques, combined with the clinician’s increasing ability to lower intra-
ocular pressure profoundly without adverse side effects, has improved the
outlook for patients suffering from glaucoma.
This varies dramatically between races and populations. In the UK type-1
diabetes has an overall prevalence of about 0.25% with a peak onset at the ages
of 11–13 years. Type-2 diabetes is much more common than type-1 and is a
condition suffered by at least half a million people in the UK. Its prevalence
varies from 1% in a Caucasian population to 5% in an Asian community.
Diabetic retinopathy is the most serious ocular complication of diabetes and is a
very common cause of blindness and visual disability in younger people. As an
approximation, 1,000 new, blind registrations occur each year in the UK. The
probability of a diabetic patient going blind is 10–20 times greater than that of a
non-diabetic person.
Diabetic retinopathy is a problem of small blood vessels. The primary
problem is believed to occur in the capillaries of the retina where specific cells
known as pericytes undergo degeneration; this is associated with a thickening
of the basement membrane of the capillary and distortions of their contours
with a ballooning effect known as a microaneurysm. This variation in the structure
of retinal capillaries is also associated with changes in the blood flowing through
them. These patients demonstrate an abnormal form of haemoglobin and the
flow characteristics (rheology) are also changed. The consequence of all these
effects is that blood vessels become occluded. When retinal arterioles become
occluded, the supply of blood to the dependent retina is denied (ischaemia).
Retinal capillaries also become abnormally permeable allowing fluid to leak into
the retina.
Unlike other body tissues, the retina does not have a lymphatic system and
fluid escaping into its substance tends to linger and cause structural damage.
The lipid or fatty content of blood leaks into the retina to become crystallised
into the form of hard retinal exudates which have a glistening, yellowish
appearance. The lipid material accumulates in scavenger cells or macrophages
which remain clustered in the retina to give one of the characteristic features of
a diabetic retinopathy. The presence of excess fluid in the retina is known as
retinal oedema and is a particular problem when the central retina or macula is
Diabetic Eye Disease
Diabetic maculopathy
A major constituent of a background retinopathy is that which affects the
macula because of its potential deleterious effects upon the patient’s vision. Any
abnormalities that occur close to the fovea, at the centre of the macula, are sight
Pre-proliferative retinopathy
Proliferative retinopathy
A proliferative or neovascular response indicates the development of new
retinal and pre-retinal vessels, the retina’s response to loss of blood supply
(ischaemia) and subsequent reduction in oxygen supply (hypoxia). If the new
blood vessels arise from the optic nerve head they are known as new vessels
from the disc (NVD). Those that arise elsewhere in the retina are known as new
vessels from elsewhere (NVE). (See Figure 34, page 136, and Figure 35, page
It is agreed that the primary stimulus for the neo-vascular response in diabetic
retinopathy is depletion of oxygen supplies to the retina (retinal hypoxia). NVD
consists of fine, spindly blood vessels on the surface and edge of the optic nerve
head which grow progressively outward, pushing the vitreous gel forward or
entering into its substance to form fan-like clusters of retinal vessels often seen
following the path of the major, normal, retinal vessels, namely nasal, temporal,
superior and inferior.
NVE is usually associated with large retinal veins and generally arise from
areas of the retina where the perfusion of blood is extremely poor.
End-stage retinopathy
This includes the blinding complications such as traction retinal detachment,
neovascular glaucoma and uveitis which often cause blind eyes to become
Diabetic Eye Disease
Figure 35. Fluorescein angiogram of the area seen in Figure 34 after focal destruction of
the new vessels (neo-vascularisation) by argon-laser therapy. Neo-vascularisation occurs
because of damage by the diabetic process to existing retinal blood vessels. Note the
area adjacent the laser-treated area where closure of retinal capillaries and distortion
of arteries and veins is apparent. These areas were obliterated by further laser therapy
to stabilise the retinopathy.
its nature is contractile and because of its adhesion on the retina, the ultimate
consequence of proliferative diabetic retinopathy is traction on the retina, with
traction retinal detachment, bleeding from the new blood vessels into the
vitreous gel and consequential blindness.
Natural history
Diabetic retinopathy may selectively affect different parts of the retina, eg the
macula, in which case vision is seriously compromised, or the peripheral retina,
where the macula is unaffected leaving visual performance normal or near
normal. Some retinopathies are characterised by the presence of oedema in the
retina and the macula, others by prominent bleeding and/or by a more
aggressive response to ischaemia with retinal infarction and new vessel
Diabetic retinopathy may be completely asymptomatic, especially in its early
stages, although this may also be the case when it is in an advanced stage. Its
detection is simple, and when diagnosed in its early stages effective treatment is
available. If an optometrist or a general medical practitioner were to see signs of
retinopathy of any sort, especially those associated with diabetes, the patient
Diabetic Eye Disease
Community screening of diabetic patients is still controversial. There are special
cameras available for photographing and therefore documenting the fundus of
the eye that are effective without the use of pupil-dilating drops. They can
therefore be used by unskilled personnel, but any group trained in
ophthalmoscopy is capable of producing an effective screening service.
Laser photocoagulation
A prospective, multi-centre, clinical trial, the diabetic retinopathy study (DRS),
showed that extensive coagulation by light (photocoagulation) of the retina,
using a light coagulator initially but latterly lasers, is effective in arresting the
progress of a retinopathy. When the technique is applied to all quadrants of the
peripheral retina the treatment is called pan-retinal photocoagulation (PRP). If
the treatment is applied selectively to localised areas of pathology, it is
described as focal photocoagulation. In advanced or progressive disease pan-
retinal photocoagulation is invariably indicated and should be applied until the
pathological processes are arrested. This means the conversion of large areas of
the retina into scar tissue. Surprisingly, peripheral vision may remain largely
intact but inevitably it will be compromised with heavier degrees of treatment.
Another study, the early-treatment diabetic retinopathy study (ETDRS),
demonstrated that laser photocoagulation can usefully be applied to eyes with
clinically-significant, macular oedema.
It goes without saying that beyond the eye, control of the diabetes, the blood
pressure and the condition of the blood are vital factors in patient management.
Surgical treatment
In advanced cases of proliferative retinopathy, when the vitreous compartment
is obscured by fresh or old blood, surgical clearance of the vitreous
compartment (vitrectomy) may be indicated. This problem is often associated
with retinal tractional problems, in which case retinal detachment surgery will
need to be applied by the vitreo-retinal specialist.
Outcome expectations
The earlier the disease is diagnosed and the earlier treatment applied, the better
the expectation for maintenance of a patient’s vision. However, the pattern of
retinopathy, ie whether the macula is affected or not, will have a profound effect
on the visual outcome. Early expert advice is of paramount consideration in the
management of patients with diabetic eye disease. There is no excuse for
watching a retinopathy deteriorate or allowing it to get out of control.
Management errors
One of the earliest decisions an ophthalmologist has to make is how frequently
the eye should be monitored. It is better to observe them more frequently
initially to assess the progress or stability of the retinopathy, so that
consultations can be further spaced apart in appropriate cases.
True diabetic cataracts are rare and are characterised by sudden development
with dramatic loss of vision. Cataract formation in diabetic patients may occur
earlier when compared to a matched population, but their management today is
exactly the same. Namely, cataracts should be removed by the least-surgically-
traumatic process, ie small incision cataract extraction, with incorporation of a
replacement lens implant. The refractive aspects of cataract surgery should be
attended to (see Chapter 9) with special consideration being given to the needs
of the diabetic patient. For example, a patient who needs to manage insulin
injections might preferentially require the focus of the operated eye to be for
near vision, whilst wearing glasses for distance vision. This is the opposite effect
generally required, ie good uncorrected distance vision and the provision of
glasses for near vision.
Diabetic Eye Disease
Another consideration is the need for clear access to the posterior segment
of the eye—the retina and vitreous humour. This aspect of cataract management
is important for the treatment, by laser or surgery, of advanced or progressive
retinopathy. Accordingly, every surgical effort should be made to ensure that
the lens implant and its supporting crystalline lens capsule are as clear as possible
to enable easy visualisation of peripheral as well as central retina.
Eyes normally appear ‘white’, ie the white scleral wall of the eye is visible
through the transparent conjunctival covering. The conjunctiva and the
intermediate layer between it and the scleral wall—the episclera—does contain
intrinsic blood vessels, normally almost invisible. Furthermore, the wall of the
eye surrounding the clear cornea contains blood vessels that supply the front
portion of the eye. In any situation where the eye becomes subject to
inflammatory disorders, blood vessels dilate and may haemorrhage. Against
the normal white background of the sclera, dilated blood vessels give an eye a
pink or red appearance graded according to severity of the inflammation.
Red eyes indicate a pathological problem, the nature and severity of which
is initially categorised by other symptoms, principally the effect on vision. This
occurs if the optical system is compromised by the inflammation, ie cornea
involvement, the ocular fluids (aqueous and vitreous humours) and the
crystalline lens, or if the inflammation affects the central retina (visual acuity) or
peripheral retina (visual field). Visual problems indicate a more serious diagnosis
in a red eye situation. Whilst it is the role of an ophthalmology textbook to discuss
all the potential causes of red eye in detail, the purpose here is to provide an
outline of the possibilities to guide the reader into placing a particular client
problem into a general context.
This is inflammation of the eyelids, especially the marginal tissues. It can be
caused by: infection (staphylococcus); infection and cyst formation in the
meibomian glands within the eyelids (chalazion or internal stye or hordoleum);
infection in the root of the eyelashes (stye or external hordoleum); or fluid
retention with swelling of eyelid tissues (lid oedema).
Red Eyes
Acanthamoeba keratitis
This is a parasitic, corneal infection associated predominately with soft contact
lens wear, wherein the superficial layers and the deeper layers of the cornea are
involved in the infective process.
Acanthamoeba is a free-living protozoon found in soil and water. The amoeba
may lie dormant as a cyst or become active as a trophozoite. The cyst is resistant
to chemical, thermal and pH changes and is difficult to eradicate. It is also resistant
to various contact lens solutions including thiomersal edetate and potassium
sorbate. The parasite appears to invade the stroma of the cornea through an
epithelial defect caused by over wear of a contact lens. The parasite destroys the
active cells in the cornea (keratosites) causing inflammation and death or necrosis
of corneal/stromal tissue. The amoeba is mobile and may deposit cysts
throughout the cornea.
Rosacea keratitis
Acne rosacea is a facial skin disorder which may spread to the cornea with a
tendency to cause bilateral keratitis. It progresses through intermittent attacks
involving serious pain and disability which, unless responding to treatment,
brings the patient nearer to visual incapacity. Intervals between episodes may
last several years.
Initially, rosacea keratitis causes a marginal vascular infiltration, an extension
of the conjunctival inflammation caused by an initial spread from skin to
conjunctiva (rosacea conjunctivitis). Blood vessels feeding the peripheral cornea
(the perilimbal plexus) become dilated and advance superficially into the
peripheral cornea. The sharply delimited, infiltrated area may extend all round
the peripheral cornea but is more usual in the lower quadrant. This characteristic
picture almost invariably presents in all types of rosacea keratitis to yield a
valuable, diagnostic feature.
Other associations include punctate damage to the corneal epithelium
(punctate epithelial keratopathy—PEK), sub-epithelial infiltrates causing the
Red Eyes
epithelium eventually to become eroded, uneven and stippled and form ulcers
in the margin or central region of the cornea. The chalky-white ulcers are
resistant to treatment and vascularise. Healing is often followed by
breakdown, with each attack causing the infiltration to migrate towards the
centre with a resulting serious impairment of vision or deep ulceration
causing eventual perforation.
The treatment of ocular rosacea is useless unless combined with treatment
of the associated lesions of the face. The most important part of the treatment is
general, not local, and no matter what topical measures to the eye are adopted,
relapses will continue to occur and the vision will progressively deteriorate unless
the tendency to rosacea is kept in check. It is expected that the condition will not
be curable but may fade away with advancing age; treatment and supervision
must be long term.
Local ocular treatment is mainly palliative, the mainstay being steroid therapy
(topical prednisolone drops or ointment) being most effective. Secondary infection
should be resisted by use of topical antibiotics.
Corneal replacement (corneal graft—keratoplasty) is required, especially in
progressive cases resistant to medical treatment. Relapses are less prone to occur
after keratoplasty which is best performed at a reasonably early stage of the
disease before perforation is likely.
Combined disorders
These include keratoconjunctivitis, blepharoconjunctivitis and blepharo-
keratoconjunctivitis, ie inflammation of the ocular surface, of which the most
renowned is trachoma.
Red Eyes
It can occur:
(a) as a complication of intra-ocular surgery;
(b) as a consequence of extra-ocular surgery with accidental perforation of the
globe eg by a suture needle;
(c) as a complication of orbital cellulitis; and
(d) by endogenous spread of infection, ie from an infected area elsewhere within
the body or from septicaemia—infection within the blood stream.
Infectious agents
The agents can be bacterial (including low grade bacteria such as Staphylococcus
epidermidis and Proprionobacterium acnes, and virulent bacteria such as
pneumococci, streptococci and Staphylococcus aureus); and fungal.
The commonest pathogens that may be carried into the eye under these
circumstances are Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative Staphylococcus
epidermidis, Propionobacterium acnes, non-spore-forming, gram-positive
corynebacterium species amongst others (Doyle A, Beigi B, Early A, Blake A,
Eustace P and Hone R, ‘Adherence of bacteria to intra-ocular lenses: a prospective
study’, Br J Ophthalmol (1995) 79(4) pp 347–49; Ariyasu RG, Kumar S, LaBrie LD,
Wagner DG and Smith RE, ‘Micro-organisms cultured from the anterior chamber
of ruptured globes at the time of repair’, Am J Ophthalmol (1995) 119(2) pp
181–88). Staphylococcus aureus in particular causes a devastating infection within
days of surgery, usually resulting in loss of vision and even the eye. Other bacteria
which can cause even more serious effects include the streptococci of the beta-
haemolytic variety and Streptococcus pyogenes, whilst fungal infection, though
rare, may also be catastrophic. While low-virulence, coagulase-negative
staphylococci and Propionobacterium acnes cause low-grade infections, as far as
the patient is concerned they cause considerable unexpected morbidity.
Most ophthalmic surgeons adopt preventative regimes which include:
(a) povidone iodine application to the conjunctival fornices, cornea, eyelids and
surrounding skin immediately before surgery, which will reduce or at best
eliminate bacterial populations;
(b) careful draping of the eyelid to isolate the eye as far as possible from the
eyelids and eyelashes;
(c) pre-operative, broad-spectrum, topical, antibiotic applications prior to
(d) addition of antibiotics to the irrigation fluids to nullify contaminating
(e) immediate, post-operative injection of a sub-conjunctival solution of high
dose antibiotic;
(f) in cataract and lens implant surgery, the isolation of the intra-ocular lens
during transfer from package to lens capsular bag to prevent bacterial
adsorption onto its surface.
The latter condition has not received the attention it deserves, for the only
reliable method of isolating implants is to ‘inject’ them through the nozzle of a
cartridge, the loading of which is remote from the eye, thus abolishing any
possibility of contamination from the operating field. Implants handled by
forceps for insertion are readily, if inadvertently, exposed to adulteration and
the possibility of intra-ocular inoculation with pathogenic flora.
Although the aetiology of endophthalmitis is multifactorial in cataract
surgery in particular (65% of all eye surgery by volume) utilising the advantages
of the smallest possible incision for cataract extraction and lens implantation by
implant ‘injection’, one potential source of intra-ocular contamination may be
eliminated whilst preserving the concept of minimally-invasive surgery and
trauma (Corbett MC, Hingorani N, Boulton JE and Schilling JS, ‘Difficulty of
Red Eyes
(a) Diagnostic
(i) Swabs from eye externally to culture for microscopic examination,
bacterial growth and antibiotic sensitivities.
(ii) Aqueous humour (anterior chamber) tap to culture for microscopic
examination, bacterial growth and antibiotic sensitivities.
(iii) Samples from vitreous humour to culture for microscopic examination,
bacterial growth and antibiotic sensitivities.
(b) Therapeutic
(i) Medical—hospitalisation, intensive topical antibiotic drop therapy,
systemic antibiotic therapy, analgesic medication, sedative medication.
(ii) Surgical—vitrectomy and anterior chamber clearance of infected and
destroyed ocular tissues, injection of antibiotic and antifungal drug
The eye globe, being a soft tissue structure, is vulnerable to devastating damage
by chemical and physical trauma. The latter may take the form of blunt or
perforating injury. However, eye protection is significant in that each globe is
protected on five aspects by the walls of the bony eye socket or orbit, and on its
frontal aspect to a much lesser extent by the substance of the eyelids which
contain the semi-rigid tarsal plate. The action of blinking means that the front of
the eye only has intermittent protection consistent with its function to provide
vision. Serious trauma to the eye socket may well compromise the survival of
the eye globe and its delicate nerve support.
Treatment of eye injuries is a staged process occurring initially on-site, and
is often crude in nature. Once access has been gained to a medical or ophthalmic
unit, careful diagnosis and primary treatment or repair of the damage follows.
As the effects of the primary repair are assessable over the next days or weeks, a
secondary repair of damaged structures may restore some or all of the visual
The optical and neurological structures of the eye are easily damaged and
the processes of repair may leave scars which permanently compromise visual
function. Such visual loss is inevitably accompanied by easily-defined clinical
signs on ocular examination. It is not so unusual, however, for a disparity to
exist between a patient’s symptoms and detectable clinical signs. Accordingly,
objective methods of assessment of the visual process are required to distinguish
fact from fiction.
Sympathetic ophthalmitis
The phenomenon of sympathetic ophthalmitis should be highlighted in any
discussion of ocular trauma as it can lead to rapid blindness. While sympathetic
ophthalmia was not unusual a generation ago, it is a rarer phenomenon today
because the processes which cause it to occur are now better understood.
Sympathetic ophthalmitis is an inflammatory condition characterised by severe,
anterior and posterior uveitis. It occurs as an autoimmune process consequent
upon exposure of the pigmented uveal tissue in an eye to the body’s immune
system due to trauma. The system becomes sensitised to ocular tissue which
anatomically is separated from exposure. A perforating injury of the globe involving
prolapse of uveal tissue (iris, ciliary body and choroid) is the initiating event.
The process of sensitisation takes about 10 days. Therefore if the injured eye
is removed before the end of that period the condition will be prevented. In
the case of serious eye injuries where survival of any sight is questionable, the
prospects for initiating sympathetic ophthalmitis is a major factor in the
decision as to whether or not the eye is allowed to remain in situ or be
enucleated. Suppression of inflammation by use of cortico-steroids and non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory agents in eyes which have suffered uveal prolapse
may also be factors in the reduction of the risk of developing sympathetic
ophthalmitis. If the process does occur, it may not be immediate. Latent
periods of up to 40 years have been recorded, making compensation
settlements more problematical.
Corneal abrasion
A corneal abrasion causes symptoms of pain, foreign body sensation, light
sensitivity (photophobia) and watering of the eye (epiphoria).
Microscopic examination reveals epithelium defect, particularly demonstrated
by the dye fluorescein. The eyes are invariably red with swelling of the
conjunctiva (chemosis).
Antibiotic drops or ointment are used. The occasional use of steroid drops or
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents, eg Voltarol, enhances healing and
ameliorates discomfort.
Exposure injuries
The front surface of the eye is normally protected by the tear film and the
eyelids. If these systems fail through exposure of the eye resulting from trauma
(or head injuries, oculo-plastic surgery, brain surgery, etc), the eye, in particular
the cornea, deteriorates within minutes. Initially the cornea and exposed ocular
surface dries. Then the surface cells become incompetent, thus exposing the
underlying tissues which lack the cellular characteristics which effect
replacement and repair. Infection is admitted, and ulceration with corneal
melting and intra-ocular inflammation and/or infection rapidly destroys the
eye. Therefore it is imperative for eyes to be protected by lid closure if the
patient is unable to achieve this through any other mechanism.
This is when blood in the anterior chamber varies from a few red blood cells,
which will blur vision, to a total blood clot in the anterior chamber.
Blurring or loss of vision dependent upon degree of haemorrhage. Pain if
associated with a corneal abrasion or secondary pressure rise (glaucoma).
This is based upon clinical examination of the eye utilising the slit-lamp bio-
Laboratory evaluation
This includes a complete blood count, clotting studies, platelet count and liver
function test to eliminate the possibility of an associated bleeding disorder.
(a) Hospital admission—young children and elderly patients should be
hospitalised. All patients should be examined daily for five days to anticipate
the possibility of re-bleeds.
(b) Bed rest—young children especially, with elevation of the head.
(c) Sedation as required.
(d) Avoidance of straining including constipation.
(e) Reduced ocular activity by minimisation of visual tasks.
(f) Cycloplegia recommended (paralysis of iris and ciliary muscles), use of 1%
atropine two or three times daily.
(g) Topical steroids—prednisolone eye drops three to four times daily if a
fibrinous reaction or other evidence of inflammation occurs in the anterior
The pupil reactions fail as a consequence of trauma. In these circumstances the
pupil becomes dilated and fixed.
There is a history of trauma and a failure of pupil responses to reflex
stimulation, eg light, and to drugs, eg miotics, to effect pupillary constriction
such as pilocarpine.
Blurring of vision occurs due to spherical and chromatic aberration or
associated trauma to other ocular structures, eg the cornea, lens or retina.
The condition is not responsive to medical therapy. Surgical reduction of the
pupil is possible and desirable if the traumatised pupil is excessively large
Commotio retinae
Bruising of the retina as a result of blunt trauma.
This depends on the location of the defect. If it is central then there will be a
significant drop in visual acuity. If it is peripheral the condition may be
asymptomatic but would correspond to a visual field defect.
Clinical signs
A confluent area of whitening of the retina in its acute phase gives way to a
mottled appearance of the retina due to pigment migration and clumping the
retinal-pigment epithelial layer, associated with destruction of neuro-sensory
elements—rods and cones—the cause of visual defect.
There is no specific therapy. The condition will heal spontaneously, but
invariably with a corresponding visual defect.
Choroidal rupture
This is a rupture of the sub-retinal vascular layer, the choroid being associated
with trauma.
Variable loss of central vision (absolute or relative, central or paracentral
scotoma) occurs.
Clinical signs
A yellow or white, crescent-shaped, sub-retinal streak is seen, which is generally
concentric with the optic nerve head; single or multiple lesions may be manifest.
In the acute phase the rupture may be obscured by sub-retinal accumulation of
blood, but when this clears a characteristic crescent-shaped scar with central
whitening, peripheral pigmentation is obvious. It is usually associated with
visual defect, particularly if the rupture occurs between the optic nerve head
and the macula.
There is no specific treatment; associated haemorrhage will absorb spontaneously.
If a complicating, sub-retinal, neo-vascular membrane develops and threatens
residual central vision, its ablation by laser therapy may be indicated.
Fracture of the floor or medial wall of the orbit occurs as a result of blunt trauma
to the globe or orbital rim.
Pressure on the globe and orbital contents as a result of a blow to the eye and
orbital rim can result in permanent depression of the eye backwards into the
socket (enophthalmos), prominence of the eye (proptosis) and restriction of
extra-ocular muscle movement (consequential diplopia).
Pain, double vision, loss of skin sensation below the orbit, altered appearance of
the eye in relation to its socket and the fellow eye, and bruising.
Clinical signs
Peri-orbital bruising (haematoma), enophthalmos, restricted ocular
movements, surgical emphysema (air in the tissues around the eye and orbit).
X-ray examination of the sinuses will show opacification of the fluid level in the
maxillary sinus or a tear drop sign in the presence of a fracture of the floor.
Computed tomography will lineate the fracture and identify its prolapse of
orbital contents. Ocular motility can be documented using ocular-deviation
prism measurements, serial Hess charts and binocular field of single vision.
When this condition is suspected it should be referred to a department of
ophthalmology, and therein to an orbital specialist.
Medical treatment is invoked initially, allowing the swelling and bruising
(haemorrhage) to settle and local nerve damage to recover, with continued
assessment of eye movement and the status of double vision (diplopia). Surgical
treatment may be indicated with an enophthalmos of more than 3mm,
persistent double vision at one to two weeks after injury, especially double
vision in the primary position (looking straight ahead) and pain on attempted
up-gaze, and evidence of muscle entrapment usually affecting the inferior
rectus muscle but possibly the medial rectus in case of a medial wall blow-out.
The timing of surgery is generally agreed to be 10–14 days after the injury,
allowing post-traumatic assessment and, at the same time, resolution of traumatic
haemorrhage and oedema. Surgical management involves exposure of the
fractured wall of the orbit, usually the floor, lifting of the trapped orbital contents
back into the socket and replacement of a prosthesis over the fracture site to
prevent further complications.
Outcome expectations
Surgery is no guarantee of abolition of double vision or of diplopia. Further
intervention may be required to free adhesions or make muscle adjustments to
combat the double vision.
Infection of the prosthesis or extrusion of the prosthesis.
Primary repair will ensure that the intra-ocular contents are protected while
medication will prevent or combat infection. Dependent on circumstances,
secondary repair may be necessary weeks or months later to resurrect the visual
and optical function of the eye. Eyes with no visual prospects should be removed
within 10 days of injury to abort the possibility of sympathetic ophthalmitis.
Chemical injuries
Of all chemical injuries to the eye, those resulting from exposure to alkaline
material are potentially the most serious. This is because alkaline substances
penetrate the eye rapidly as well as damaging the ocular surface. Thus, the
clarity of the cornea is at risk and the structures within the anterior segment of
the eye will be exposed to violent inflammation. A further problem with
alkaline substances is that there is continuous damage even after the initial
injury has been promptly treated.
The management of alkali injuries begins with the prompt and profuse
washing of the eye, usually with water. The use of acidic solutions such as salt
solutions is more ideal, but generally does not apply for obvious reasons. The
primary injury then needs to be assessed in an accident and emergency situation,
with careful documentation because of the claims that inevitably result from
such damage. Thus, at the time of the injury, the chemicals involved and the
immediate action taken should be noted. Of all the noxious substances (generally
cleaning agents used in industry), sodium hydroxide and ammonia compounds
have very rapid corneal penetration. While solid alkali materials such as lime
(calcium hydroxide) are less penetrative than liquid alkaline materials, granules
of the contaminating compound may linger in the fornices of the conjunctiva
and compound the problem.
Damage caused by alkaline substances with access to the eye, in industrial or
domestic environments.
Alkaline substances penetrate the eye rapidly as well as severely, damaging the
ocular surface, the cornea, its supporting endothelial layer and the intra-ocular
structures. In particular, alkaline substances destroy the epithelial layer on the
surface of the eye, something which is easily demonstrated by fluorescein-
staining of those areas. Particularly vulnerable are the limbal stem cells, those
cells from which the new epithelial layer will be derived. Failure will follow if
the damage is severe.
Behind the epithelial layer, the corneal opacification and inflammatory
activity in the anterior chamber will occur. The peri-orbita, that area surrounding
the eye, may also be affected, with the potential for later complications such as
lid shrinkage and irregularity as a consequence of scarring. After the initial insult,
the repair processes may go on to damage other structures within the eye even if
only superficial injuries occurred initially.
Severe pain, blurring of vision, loss of vision, redness of the eye.
Clinical signs
Corneal and conjunctival epithelial loss, corneal opacification, aqueous-
humour-inflammatory signs, cataract.
Natural history
If untreated the condition not only leads to painful blindness but also exposure
problems, as the rear surface of the eyelids adhere to the globe preventing the
ocular protection of normal eyelids. Keratinisation or skin-like changes can
occur in the ocular surface. The adhesions between the eyelid and globe are
known are symblepharon.
Wherever the accident takes place, immediate washing of the eye is essential
with a dilute salt solution (mildly acidic to neutralise the alkaline effect) and
emergency transfer to an ophthalmic accident and emergency department.
(See above for first aid treatment.) On arrival in the accident and emergency
department, a detailed assessment and the history of the circumstance of the
injury should be noted, including the timing, the chemicals involved and the
first aid given.
Of the alkaline substances, ammonia and sodium hydroxide (caustic soda)
give rapid corneal penetration, while lime (calcium hydroxide) gives less-rapid
corneal penetration, but particulate matter which may lodge in the fornices of
the conjunctiva may give persistent damage due to its continuing presence.
It is necessary to note the extent of epithelial loss at both the cornea and
conjunctiva, as well as the all-important, limbal, stem-cell tissue. The amount of
extra-ocular damage, ie to the skin and peri-orbital region, should also be noted.
Classification of chemical injuries relates both to the clinical findings and the
The following treatment pattern should be used, with speed being essential:
Later management
Outcome expectations
Grade 1 injury—corneal epithelial damage only, no limbal ischaemia; prognosis
very good.
Grade 2 injury—corneal epithelial damage plus minimal corneal haze, allowing
details of the anterior segment (iris) to be visualised, and less than one third
limbal ischaemia; prognosis still good.
Grade 3 injury—total corneal epithelial loss plus severe corneal haze obscuring
intra-ocular details, plus between one-third and one-half of limbal ischaemia;
prognosis is for severe corneal scarring with the probability of visual acuity
being less than 10%.
Grade 4 injury—all the above, but more than one half of the limbus affected,
ie stem cells; the prognosis is poor and corneal melting or perforation is
Management errors
Children’s eyes are subject to the same disease processes as adult eyes, ie
susceptibility to infection, inflammation, trauma, glaucoma (see Chapter 12 on
congenital glaucoma), cataract, retinal detachment, inherited retinal
degenerations. They suffer from binocular problems not only in intrinsic or
inherited forms of strabismus but acquired or paralytic strabismus. Children’s
eyes will manifest the symptoms and signs of systemic disease including intra-
cerebral pathology and vascular haematological pathology. There are some
syndromes, eg juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, that have specific ocular
associations such as inflammation (uveitis), corneal degeneration (band
keratopathy) and cataract.
Paediatric and Developmental Problems
succumb to disease or trauma, and it is the healthy eye that is affected. Under
these circumstances, in later life it is accepted as a general rule that the vision of
the ‘lazy’ amblyopic eye will not improve beyond that level to which it developed.
There seems to be no doubt that an amblyopic eye may appear to deteriorate
from the time of diagnosis in childhood to mid-life or later. If it is then called
upon to act because of loss of a fellow eye, it may seem to improve, but the
accepted reasoning is that it will not improve beyond its original, best
performance, even if that has deteriorated mildly with disuse.
Figure 36. Pseudostrabismus, the appearance in this case of a convergent squint when
observing the white of the eyes. But note the corneal reflections which are equal and
central, indicating that the squint is an illusion, or pseudostrabismus caused by the
fold of skin obscuring the white of the eye at its inner aspect (epicanthus).
may be described as ipsilateral (same eye) agonists and antagonists, eg the medial
and lateral rectus muscles working in concert with the contralateral (fellow eye),
medial and lateral rectus muscles in a synergistic action controlled by a nerve
centre in the brain which effects muscular action by transmission through the
third and sixth cranial nerves.
Evaluation of ocular motility disorders is undertaken by orthoptists who
are specially-trained, paramedical personnel with expertise in paediatric and
adult strabismic disorders. They participate in diagnosis and treatment whilst
working in concert with ophthalmic specialists.
Surgical intervention takes the form of removing part of a muscle to shorten
it and strengthen its action, or moving the muscle insertion back on the wall of
the eye to make its leveraged traction less effective. Because intra-ocular blood
supply is carried to some extent through the extra-ocular muscles, it is unwise to
remove and reattach more than two muscles at any one time in order to avoid
ocular ischaemia (reduced blood supply). There are many variations on this
theme, including moving muscle insertion locations and utilising adjustable
sutures so that exact alignment can be effected after the anaesthetic has worn
off. An alternative to surgery in selected cases is to use the neuromuscular
botulinum toxin, which causes temporary paralysis of muscles which require a
weakening procedure. If effective, the injections, which are given under the
control of electrodes temporarily placed in the muscle, can be repeated (see
glossary for botulinum toxin).
One danger of extra-ocular muscle surgery is the possibility of perforation
of the eye wall or sclera during the passage of suture needles during the
reattachment of muscles. If this does occurs, then intra-ocular examination and
prophylactic therapy is required to avoid bleeding and infection.
Paediatric and Developmental Problems
It is not unusual for parents or health care workers to diagnose a convergent
squint in infants when none is present. The situation arises because, in some
children, the folds of skin at the inner aspect of the eyelids known as
epicanthus covers part of the white of the eye to give an appearance of a
convergent squint. When the reflections from light in front of the eyes is
observed from the cornea, and the reflections are seen to be parallel, the
function of the eyes in terms of alignment is assured and the diagnosis is
pseudostrabismus (Figure 36).
Retinopathy of prematurity (also known as retrolental fibroplasia) is a condition
that affects premature babies, whose survival is dependent upon being exposed
to high oxygen saturation in the incubator in which they are nursed from birth.
The retinal development at that stage in the neonate is incomplete, and when
the baby is removed from the incubator into normal, atmospheric oxygen the
retina suffers a relative deprivation of oxygen and responds by undergoing a
dramatic proliferation of blood vessels, particularly at the periphery of the
developing retina. The condition has different grades of severity but, at its
worst, causes traction detachment of the retina and blindness.
Screening is therefore recommended for all babies at risk of severe retinopathy
of prematurity (ROP), particularly those of birth weight less than l,500g or less
than 31 weeks gestational age. The aim of screening is to identify severe ROP,
ie stage 3 which may require treatment, or to identify the potential to reach
that degree of severity. Accordingly, the first examination should be at six to
seven weeks post-natal age, with subsequent examinations until retinal blood
vessel development has progressed to the stage where the severe ROP has
passed. It is recommended that the examination should be undertaken every
two weeks.
It is important that parents are advised about the risk to their infant, and
they should be appraised of the risks of ROP developing, the need for immediate
or later treatment and of the potential visual consequences.
Stage 1—demarcation line, comprising a thin white line lying within the plane
of the retina which separates the avascular from the vascular retinal regions.
Stage 2—formation of a ridge, wherein the line of stage 1 has increased in volume
to extend out of the plane of the retina. In this stage, isolated vascular tuffs
may be seen posterior to the ridge.
Paediatric and Developmental Problems
In summary, all babies with birth weights under l,500g or who have been born
nine weeks or more premature, should have their eyes examined routinely at
least once to assess the risk of ROP. The main cause of ROP is prematurity,
therefore the more premature the birth the greater the risk. The amount of
oxygen treatment and the baby’s general condition may also influence the
development of ROP and its severity. Some premature babies who have no
serious illness may nevertheless develop ROP, whilst others who have had
difficult survivals do not develop the condition.
ROP affects developing blood vessels of the retina. Mild degrees of ROP are
very common and, in these babies, recovery is complete without treatment. The
purpose of screening is to discover those babies who develop severe ROP so that
they can receive effective treatment. Examination should be conducted a few
weeks after birth and certainly before the baby is discharged. Further
examinations may be necessary. In general, ROP is common in premature babies,
but it is mild, resolves without treatment and therefore does not affect vision.
Those babies who do require treatment generally develop normal vision. The
treatment of severe forms of ROP is by cryo or laser therapy to the retina with
the same end result.
Normal vision
The ability of an eye to focus near and far objects without the aid of corrective
lenses is described as normal vision (Figure 37, page 174). People under the age
of 40 have the ability to accommodate, ie to shift the focus from near to far
objects in an automatic sense. Usually, over the age of 40 (but with some
individual variation), the ability of the eye to see near objects becomes
compromised as the crystalline lens becomes thicker and less elastic. This
condition is known as presbyopia. In normal vision, otherwise known as
emmetropia, the image is focused onto the fovea, the most sensitive part of the
central retina, able to discriminate fine detail. If the lens inside the eye becomes
opacified, the condition is known as a cataract, which causes blurring and
darkening of vision and fading of colours. It is a matter of degree, the more
opaque the lens the more these phenomena become apparent.
Refractive errors
Refractive Surgery
In myopia, as a general rule the eyeball is too long for the focussing system of
the eye. Myopic eyes may extend up to 30–35mm in length; alternatively, the
focusing system at the front of the eye, principally the cornea, bends rays of light
excessively, causing the focussed image to fall short of the retina. A nearsighted
or myopic eye has a far point of clear vision which is very close to the eye,
depending on the degree of myopia. One dioptre (1D) of myopia would give an
eye a far point of 1m, while 10D would give a far point of just 10cm—in other
words, beyond 10cm all the image is blurred.
Myopia or short-sightedness is sub-classified into two groups. In
physiological myopia the axial length of the eye, as well as the cornea and the
lens power, are within normal limits for the population but are mis-matched, so
the image focus is anterior to the fovea; its onset is usually during the early
years of development, progresses between five to 15 years and is usually stable
from 20 years onwards.
Pathological myopia is a more serious form; it is degenerative and progressive
and therefore a sight-threatening process. The degree of myopia is generally
accepted to be more than 6D and the axial length of the eyeball more than 26.5mm.
This is a congenital or neonatal problem. The eyeball may be enlarged but, as its
contents do not grow, they are stretched, creating the typical, myopic, fundus
appearance characterised by very thin retina and a degenerate vitreous gel. A
progressive problem may develop at 12 to 50 years.
In high-refractive errors, particularly high myopia, the edge thickness of
high-minus spectacle lenses are not only cosmetically unsatisfactory but the image
quality is reduced by minification and optical aberrations. For example, there is
a ring scotoma (blank area) emanating from the periphery of the lens and the
spectacle frame. The visual freedom that beckons with refractive surgical
procedures is very appealing to patients who are not only visually disabled with
their refractive correction, but are legally blind without it.
American psychologists Schapero and Hirsch [Schapero M and Hirsch M,
‘The relationship of refractive errors and Guilford-Martin temperament test
scores’ (1952) American Journal of Optometry 29–32] reported personality studies
on patients with ametropia, relating refractive errors and temperament. They
carried out various tests in their 1952 study. They generalised, and found that
patients who are myopic or short-sighted tended to have an inhibited disposition,
are studious and tend towards an over-controlling nature.
Hyperopia, in contrast to myopia, is a condition wherein the image is focussed
behind the eye; in effect the eyeball is too short for the optical system either due
to a small eyeball, usually 21mm or less, or a cornea that is too flat and is unable
Figure 38. Diagram showing the principle of astigmatism within the cornea. Regular
astigmatism shows two principle meridia measured by keratometry or corneal
topography: one steep and one flat meridian. Diagrammatically this gives the cornea
the shape of a rugby ball, seen here lying on its side. Its effect is to magnify the image
in the vertical plane and reduce its size in the horizontal plane. By equalising the radii
of curvature of the principal meridia, the cornea appears spherical when the image
magnification is equalised to give the observer normally-proportioned images.
to bend the rays of light sufficiently to focus on the fovea or centre of the
macular retina. In hyperopia or farsightedness, contrary to popular belief, all
images are blurred. Distance vision is blurred by a degree according to the
degree of hyperopia, but no part of the image is strictly clear. For a hyperope, the
near point in particular is distant. The 1D hyperope would not be able to see at
all clearly up to a near point of 1m, and a 10D hyperope would have a near point
of 10m. In their studies, Schapero and Hirsch described hyperopes, in contrast
to myopes, as happy-go-lucky, carefree and not particularly studious.
Astigmatism refers to a condition of the focussing system of the eye wherein the
principle focus lies in more than one plane. In other words, there is no principle
focus (known as astigmatic); it is physiological, usually of a small degree and
has little effect on the vision. The image formed within the eye may have two
general points of focus between which the image is often reasonably sharp,
depending on the degree of astigmatism. Both images may come to a focus short
of the retina or behind it, one may be on the retina, and one may be in front and
one behind, giving rise to terms such as compound hyperopic, compound
myopic or mixed astigmatism.
Refractive Surgery
The human, crystalline lens matures throughout life, gaining 100% in weight
over a 90 year life span. It doubles in thickness and inevitably becomes
cataractous. The continuous generation of lens fibres by the equatorial,
germinal epithelium causes increasing compression of the older fibres towards
the centre of the lens. This creates the lens nucleus, divisible into aged stages,
ie embryonic, infantile and adult, each with a definable presence identified by
a zone of optical discontinuity with an oblique, bright-light beam utilised in
ophthalmic microscopes. In the fifth decade of life the accumulated changes in
lens anatomy reaches a critical level in relation to near focusing and causes a
loss of elasticity—the arms become too short! The loss of accommodation is
known as presbyopia. Myopic eyes without their correction can of course
bring close objects into focus at a distance dependent upon the level of
correction. Lay persons often confuse presbyopia with shortsightedness, when
in fact it is a variant of hyperopia.
The incidence of ametropia in a general population was studied by Stromberg
and reported in Acta Ophthalmologica in 1936. His studies showed that, in a
Western population, 80% had a refraction of 0–0.75D; 15% were hyperopic with
a refraction of 1–3D; and 10–11% were myopic with a refraction of-0.25 to-4.0D.
The very high myopes, above 4D, comprise 3–4% of the population. The same
incidence applies to the high hyperopes of more than 4D.
Is ametropia an affliction, a disease or even a cosmetic problem? To make an
analogy with hearing, deafness would never be described as a cosmetic problem;
Refractive Surgery
Evolution in surgery
Informed consent
Once a technique has passed into clinical use, the patient needs to be informed
about the risks and benefits of the process, and its effectiveness, safety and
stability. They should also be informed about the time-scale of the process
because some techniques involve months or even years of healing before the
effects can be achieved. Surgeons must always be aware of the patient’s
psychology, his motivation for surgery and the aspects of his character that may
make acceptance of problems, minor or major, a bar to embarking on the
surgery (see Chapter 18).
The refractive surgery landmarks on the cornea are illustrated in Figure 39.
The options for the lens are:
Established techniques for the cornea include the incisional methods of radial
keratotomy (Figures 40 and 41, page 182) and/or astigmatic keratotomy
(arcuate or transverse keratotomy) (Figures 42–44, pages 183–184).
Refractive Surgery
Figure 39. Refractive surgery landmarks on the cornea. Note that the geometric centre
of the cornea does not correspond with the visual axis; the optical zone of the cornea is
the important zone whose clarity is to be preserved in cataract surgery whilst influencing
a change of shape (refraction).
Figure 41. Computer-derived plan for the incisions in radial keratotomy (usually four or eight equally-spaced incisions). Note the
clear, central, optical zone, ie the eye is not looking through the operated area; of PRK.
Refractive Surgery
Figure 43. Operation plan for combined radial and arcuate keratotomy to neutralise a refractive error of myopic astigmatism.
Refractive Surgery
Figure 45.
keratectomy (PRK)
is effected by
ablating the optical
zone of the cornea.
Any opacification
or irregularity will
result in
degradation of
Radial keratotomy
In 1939 a Japanese ophthalmologist named Sato performed radial keratotomy.
He was aware that making incisions into the cornea would change its shape and
refractive power, but what he failed to appreciate was that incisions performed
on the back of the cornea would violate the corneal endothelium, an
irreplaceable and vital life support system for the cornea. His operation,
therefore, rapidly fell into disrepute as the operated corneas succumbed to
Refractive Surgery
Corneal Lenticular
Figure 38 (page 176) shows a schematic, astigmatic cornea, indicating the two
principal meridia with different radii of curvature. The objective in the process
of arcuate keratotomy is to flatten the steeper meridian, which also has the effect
of steepening the meridian at 90° (known as the coupling effect). Flattening of a
meridian is effected by a deep, arcuate incision (usually paired) well away from
the optical zone (usually at a diameter of 7mm). The longer the arcs, the greater
the effect (Figures 42–44, pages 183–84).
Photorefractive keratectomy
This technique is performed by an excimer laser utilising a UV wavelength of
193nm. A calculated dose of laser energy is delivered to the central, corneal
stroma after removal of the surface epithelium (an iatrogenic, corneal abrasion).
The laser energy disrupts the bonds between the molecules of the corneal,
stromal, collagenous tissue. An expanding-diaphragm optical system in the
laser performs a smooth ablation in the form of a concave lens, thus providing
the optical solution for the myopic eye. However, a problem exists in the degree
Refractive Surgery
Intrastromal, photorefractive keratectomy has the advantage of avoiding the
variable surface healing properties of the cornea which may blight the outcome
of PRK. The cross-sectional diagram in Figure 46 (page 185) shows the internal
ablation under a 160µ, 8mm corneal flap which is cut surgically using an
automated microkeratome. The ‘flap’ adheres back onto the cornea without the
aid of sutures, and within a few hours it is difficult to detect the surgical site.
Unlike PRK, the effect is almost painless, and if the laser dose is calculated
correctly the effect is attained within hours of surgery, making this procedure
preferable to the surface ablation of PRK.
The natural or crystalline lens may be replaced or supplemented, be it
cataractous or clear, with an implant which achieves the desired focus of the
eye. Supplementary lenses are placed in the anterior chamber of the eye for the
treatment of myopia or by placement in the posterior chamber—a contact lens
for the crystalline lens (ICL)—to treat both myopia and hyperopia. Finally, there
are combinations of lenticular and corneal methods where control of the corneal
incision can be used to adjust astigmatism. Incisions into the cornea can also be
used in conjunction with the lenticular methods described above in order to
fine-tune the result.
Cataract-refractive surgery
Cataract surgery of the modern micro-incisional type is the most widely-
practised form of refractive surgery, for not only is replacement of the clouded
It is vital that all aspects of the eye are understood before refractive surgery is
undertaken. A critical test that can be performed today is corneal mapping or
corneal topography, a computerised method of assessing the shape of the
cornea, the most significant area in terms of refraction of the eye (Figure 47, page
186). In their paper on screening for corneal topographic abnormalities before
refractive surgery (Wilson R and Klyce S, ‘Screening patients about to undergo
refractive surgery’ (1994) Ophthalmology 101, 1–147), Wilson and Klyce noted
that 33% of patients had abnormal topography, ie a variation from the normal.
These included warpage of the cornea by contact lens wear, irregular
astigmatism and a 5.7% incidence of keratoconus (see page 267) compared with
0.05% previously reported in the general population.
Before surgery is undertaken the patient needs to go through a careful
diagnostic routine, being given information about what benefits they might
achieve and what risk they might undertake.
The major complication of all refractive, surgical procedures is a failure to achieve
the desired refractive outcome. In this context complications are relative. Serious,
ie lasting, problems with loss of visual acuity or even blindness are extremely
rare but, as in any surgical procedure, serious problems such as infection can be
disastrous. If procedures are considered on a weighted basis relative to the numbers
in which they are performed, PRK, with hundreds of thousands of applications
worldwide each year, must generate most complications. Though cataract surgery
is a refractive procedure, it is not always practised in this fashion and therefore
its methodology and respective complications are outside the scope of this
discussion. Radial keratotomy is performed in volume in the US but not the UK,
where a few hundred at most would be performed annually. The newer procedures
such as Lasik are just developing.
PRK can cause manifold problems as Table 3 shows.
Retreatments may compound rather than solve the problems. In a recent
survey, only 63% of treated patients expressed satisfaction. Of the remainder,
17% were frankly dissatisfied.
Refractive Surgery
There are sufficient techniques available today and applicable to cornea and
lens to offer a refractive, surgical solution for virtually any refractive problem.
Patients inclined to investigate these possibilities should seek advice from those
who practice a wide range of solutions, but not from clinics which only offer one
modality of treatment. Investment in expensive lasers demands a pay-back, and
the pressure to find patients for therapy by making exaggerated and therefore
insupportable claims about the efficacy of treatment must be resisted. Refractive
surgery is a real and important speciality which, by its nature, is generally
practised in the private sector. This should not preclude an academic approach
to the subject, so that knowledge, based upon accurate experience, can be
passed on for the collective good.
Successful refractive surgery engenders the most appreciative group of
patients in ophthalmic practice, substituting the ecstasy of visual freedom for
the significant anxieties they experience when contemplating and undergoing
refractive surgical procedures. That ecstasy is shared by the refractive surgeon
who requires confidence and courage to practice this speciality.
lymphoma, cancer of the lymph tissues. There are some coloured deposits
in the cornea due to deposition of copper in Wilson’s disease (Kayser-
Fleischer rings), and iron deposits, which can be normal in the form of the
Hudson-Stahli line which occurs in older eyes and deposits, may occur as
remnants of foreign bodies in the cornea.
(g) Degenerations of the cornea of which the most common is arcus senilis, a
peripheral, circumferential opacification of the cornea separated from the
limbus by a thin line of clear cornea; band degeneration of the cornea
represents a calcium deposition in the layer beneath the corneal epithelium
(Bowman’s layer). Other degenerations are nodular (Salzmann’s) and may
follow chronic inflammatory disease such as trachoma.
(h) Oedema of the cornea causes visually-disabling opacification. Causes include:
(i) Fuch’s endothelial corneal dystrophy due to an inherent failure of the
cells of the corneal endothelium to last a life span; and
(ii) failure of corneal grafts giving rise both to stromal opacification and
epithelial irregularities, including micro-cysts or bullae, which in its
more advanced forms gives rise to severe discomfort of bullous
(i) Growth of tissue—a pterygium is an abnormal growth of the conjunctival
tissue onto and into the cornea. In its extreme forms it can reach the central
cornea and cause obvious visual disability. It is a condition more commonly
seen in eyes of people living in warm climates, where there clearly is an
exposure factor in its causation. Surgical removal of a pterygium before it
has optical effects is imperative.
When people suffer from headaches they automatically think they should get
their eyes tested. In fact, probably less than 1% of all headaches have any
relationship to the eyes, their function or malfunction. Eye-induced headaches
fall into two categories: those induced by pathology within the eye; and those
that occur as a malfunction of the co-ordination of the two eyes.
With regard to the first group, eye pain which may radiate into the region of
the eye and into the head occurs when an eye is inflamed, when the pressure
inside the eye is raised, when the surface of the eye is damaged and/or when an
eye is injured. The clinical signs, if not obvious, are easily diagnosed on
ophthalmic examination. As noted, the headaches are likely to be localised and
varying in severity according to the ocular pathology. In acute, closed-angle
glaucoma, for example, a headache can be severe (it may be non-existent but the
patient may be nauseated and vomit). In cases of injury to the ocular surface the
overwhelming symptom is one of irritation (a foreign body sensation), but severe
abrasion will give rise to radiating pain.
Miscellaneous Ophthalmic Disorders of Occasional Medico-legal Interest
The second group of conditions occurs as a result of true eye strain, ie effort
of concentration to maintain alignment of two eyes where there is a defect in
their motility. Such headaches are characterised by being associated with visual
effort, particularly sustained, visual effort, eg reading. The characteristic of the
headache is a tension pain in the forehead over the eyes.
Another condition in which the eye is involved is temporal arteritis and
cranial arterial or giant-cell arteritis. This is a single condition with multiple
manifestations which include intermittent pain in the region of the eye and in
the temporal region resulting from inflammation of the arteries. The ocular
implication is that sudden loss of vision may occur due to inflammation of the
central retinal artery, therefore this sort of history in a patient over 60 years of
age warrants immediate investigation and treatment to prevent a catastrophic,
sudden loss of vision.
The migranous syndromes are common complaints that appear before the
ophthalmologist. Though the eyes are rarely implicated, there may be visual
stimuli which trigger the event. The headache is characteristically hemi-cranial,
throbbing and intense in nature. Ophthalmic migraine is a well-recognised
phenomenon which may not involve headache, but there are characteristic visual
effects such as transient loss of vision or loss of half or a quarter of the vision for
up to a few minutes. Classical migraine has visual warning signs such as zigzag
flashes in front of the eyes or other visual hallucinations or photopsia.
The syndrome of herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO), a virus infection
affecting the first branch, ie the ophthalmic division of the fifth cranial nerve
(the trigeminal nerve), may be associated with severe and persistent pains even
after the skin and ocular manifestations of the disorder have healed. That
condition is known as post-herpetic neuralgia and can be a very debilitating
condition requiring anti-depressant therapy as well as analgesics.
Headaches behind the eyes that occur on a periodic nature, typically in the
early hours of the morning, are characterised as the syndromes of periodic
migranous neuralgia. Patients automatically feel there is an ocular problem
because of the pain within the region of the eye, but the symptoms are
characteristic and abnormal eye signs are absent.
If a patient suffers from systemic hypertension, associated headaches are
common and systemic hypertension can cause ocular pathology. Systemic
hypertension is a condition which, if severe, can be diagnosed by simply taking
an ophthalmoscopic view of the fundus, wherein the retinal vessels may be
attenuated and irregular. Retinal haemorrhages and small retinal infarcts
(localised death of tissue) may also be present as well as swelling of the optic
nerve head (papilloedema).
Should a patient be suffering from an intracranial, space-occupying lesion
such as a tumour or a cyst, or inflammation of the coverings of the brain
(meninges), then this will be expressed in the posterior segment of the eye by
swelling of the optic nerve head. Headache is an obvious companion of such
events and other signs may be a change of personality and change of habits. It is
a cluster of signs of which one has to be particularly wary in children who
complain of headaches.
Finally, the eye is the region where pain my be referred from pathology
elsewhere, particularly from the paranasal sinuses but even from teeth. In
summary it is unusual to find headaches that have any ocular contributions in
the absence of ophthalmic clinical signs.
(a) was the visual loss transient (seconds to minutes) or sustained (persistent)?
(b) were there any associated symptoms or signs such as pain, flashing lights,
watering of the eye, redness of the eye, prominence of the eye (proptosis) or 7
reduction of the motility of the eye?
(c) was the visual loss in one eye or both (unilateral or bilateral)?
Miscellaneous Ophthalmic Disorders of Occasional Medico-legal Interest
51, page 198). Raised intracranial pressure may be caused by raised blood pressure
(systemic hypertension) (Figure 52, page 199), space-occupying lesions within
the cranium including tumours and cysts, and inflammatory conditions such as
meningitis. Cerebro-vascular disease, particularly of the main arteries at the back
of the skull supplying the occipital cortex (the visual cortex), namely the vertebro-
basilar arterial system, may suffer from the syndrome known as vertebro-basilar
artery insufficiency caused by atherosclerosis leading to intermittent failure of
blood supply. Cardiac arrhythmias may cause a vasomotor collapse (blood vessels
in the body dilate) with loss of consciousness, but before that happens bilateral
visual loss may occur. Classical migraine causes visual hallucinations as well as
transient bilateral visual loss such as prodromal phenomena. Transient ischaemic
attacks (TIAs), due to the scatter of micro-emboli from major arteries including
the carotid arteries, may coincidentally affect both eyes.
Sudden permanent loss of vision in one eye (unilateral sudden loss of vision)
occurs due to:
(a) sudden clouding of the optical system of the eye due to traumatic cataract
or sudden haemorrhage into the anterior chamber (hyphaema) or posterior
chamber (vitreous haemorrhage);
(b) vascular, retinal abnormalities (occlusion of the retinal artery or vein or severe
intraretinal haemorrhage);
(c) abnormalities in the position of the retina (retinal detachment);
(d) abnormalities in the optic nerve (ischaemic optic neuropathy due to temporal
arteritis or cranial arteritis);
(e) systemic disorders (diabetes, migraine, herpes zoster ophthalmocus); or
(f) physical causes (exposure to radiation and sudden compression of the optic
nerve in trauma).
(a) an incomplete retinal, arterial event or a haemorrhage into the more sensitive
part of the retina, the macula; or
(b) functional or hysterical blindness. In such cases there are no abnormal
physical signs, indeed on objective testing by electrodiagnosis there are no
abnormalities when the patient claims they are unable to see. There are
clinical methods of disproving the assertion by a patient that he is blind, but
in the face of constant denials it is difficult to confirm that situation, and one
conclusion is that a psychiatric disorder has to be added to the list of optical,
mechanical and neurological disorders causing visual disability or
Miscellaneous Ophthalmic Disorders of Occasional Medico-legal Interest
Figure 52 (below). Papilloedema and a secondary cancer of the breast which has lodged
in the choroid of this eye (white area, lower left). This patient has papilloedema
(swelling of the optic nerve head) as a consequence of an intracranial, space-occupying
lesion, another metastasis from the breast carcinoma. This is a terminal situation.
This list of potential causes of transient and permanent visual loss is far from
exhaustive. The purpose of this brief discussion is to indicate the scope of the
The use of intense or high-powered light beams to treat retinal disorders dates
back some 40 years, when Prof Gerd Myer-Schwickerath, the German inventor
of the light coagulator which utilised a xenon, high-intensity-light source, applied
the principle well known to small boys, that the sun’s light can be focussed by a
magnifying glass onto a piece of paper and cause it to heat up and ignite. By refining
this principle and directing a finely-focussed, intense beam of light onto the retina,
unwanted tissues can be destroyed. So the light coagulator was born, a huge
machine that was then found to be effective in treating diabetic retinopathy in
particular. The intense light beam was easily absorbed by the haemoglobin in the
blood vessels of the fundus of the eye and the pigment therein to cause a conversion
of light into heat energy and thereby coagulation of the target tissues. This was a
crude process but it was effective in destroying disease tissue in the peripheral
retina in order to preserve the more vital central areas.
Miscellaneous Ophthalmic Disorders of Occasional Medico-legal Interest
Principles of application
Laser specifications
(a) Argon blue 488nm.
(b) Argon blue-green 514nm.
(c) Krypton 530, 568 or 647nm.
(d) Carbon dioxide 960 or 1060nm.
Solid state lasers include the Ruby laser and the Nd-YAG laser which utilises
yttrium-aluminium and garnet surrounding a core molecule of neodymium,
holmium or erbium.
The variable-centre molecule influences the wavelength of the infrared
spectrum, the neodymium-YAG being 1064nm, the holmium-YAG 2010nm and
the erbium-YAG 24900nm. In the excimer laser, an inert gas is combined with an
The cornea
The excimer laser is used for photorefractive keratectomy and phototherapeutic
keratectomy, the former being a process to alter the refraction of the eye, the
latter to remove superficial opacities from the cornea.
The retina and sub-retinal tissues are treated with gas lasers such as argon green
or argon blue/green in the management of vascular retinopathies, particularly
diabetic retinopathy, in the treatment of other causes of retinal ischaemia (poor
blood supply) and in the treatment of sub-retinal, neovascular tissue in
degenerative, retinal disorders.
When patients have eye problems, they almost always seek advice from an
optometrist. Optometrists in the UK number about 7,000 and are therefore
accessible and generally well informed. As noted below, if an optometrist
discovers a visual problem that cannot be rectified by provision of spectacles or
contact lenses, or if they discover ophthalmic pathology whether
comprehended or not, it is their duty to refer the patient for a medical opinion.
The patient’s GP is informed by the optometrist of the problem on form GOS 19,
and it is then up to the GP either to make a diagnosis and offer treatment or refer
the patient to an ophthalmologist by letter or direct contact, with some
indication of the problem and the degree of urgency with which the referral
should be treated.
GPs generally receive little exposure to ophthalmology in their training and,
whilst there are many exceptions, it is the ophthalmologist’s role, in tandem
with the GP, to provide an appropriate standard of care for the patient. Hospital
ophthalmologists inundated with requests for appointments, and with resources
that invite prioritisation of referrals, require as much information as possible
both to direct the patient to the appropriate ophthalmic service and to arrange
the time-scale for the consultation. Some ophthalmic problems are not urgent,
whereas others involving a risk to sight should be seen quickly. (Thus, a patient
who is complaining of recent loss of vision in one eye with suspicion of a retinal
detachment should be seen urgently and not given a thrice-delayed appointment
for a strabismus clinic.)
Optometrists may sometimes bypass the GP in favour of a direct referral to
an ophthalmologist who in turn, as a matter of courtesy, will keep both the GP
and optometrist informed of the outcome. This pattern of referral is in the patient’s
interest in saving treatment time, and this should be regarded as a good standard
of care.
Ophthalmologists who discover on consultation that the patient’s problem
would be better dealt with by a colleague with specialist knowledge in that field
(an increasingly-common situation as ophthalmic sub-specialisation leaps
forward) should make a tertiary referral. Though there are cost and bureaucratic
consequences of such referrals, both in the NHS and private sector, it is clearly
in a patient’s interest to receive the most expert advice.
Self-referral of patients to an ophthalmologist is increasingly common and
not inappropriate in certain circumstances. In the new specialty of refractive
surgery (see Chapter 17) involvement of the GP may be impractical. However,
as in all medical situations, communication by correspondence is both polite
and desirable from a patient-record point of view.
Appendix 1
2 (a) In these rules, ‘the Act’ means the Opticians Act 1958, and the phrases
‘registered optician’ and ‘testing sight’ have the meaning given them by s 30
of the Act.
(b) The Interpretation Act 1889 (b) shall apply for the interpretation of these rules
as it applies for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.
3 Where it appears to a registered optician that a person consulting him is suffering
from an injury or disease of the eye the registered optician shall, subject to rules 6
and 7 below, refer that person to a registered medical practitioner, unless he is
acting on the advice of instructions of a registered medical practitioner (other
than a medical recommendation for a sight test), in testing the sight of such a
person or in fitting and supplying such a person with an optical appliance, but in
such case the optician shall forthwith report to that practitioner any findings of
injury or disease of the eye of which the practitioner may be unaware.
4 In referring a person to a registered medical practitioner, a registered optician
shall take the following steps:
(a) he shall advise the person to consult such a practitioner, and
(b) he shall wherever practicable furnish a registered medical practitioner named
by the person with a written report on his findings indicating his grounds for
thinking the person may be suffering from injury or disease of the eye, and
where action appears urgent he shall also take such measures as are open to
him to inform a registered medical practitioner immediately.
5 If a person who appears to a registered optician to be suffering from injury or
disease of the eye is unwilling, on conscientious or other grounds, to consult a
registered medical practitioner, the optician shall record that fact and the
grounds which the person gives for his unwillingness to consult a registered
medical practitioner.
6 Nothing in these rules shall operate to prevent a registered optician from rendering
in an emergency whatever services are, having regard to the circumstances, in the
best interest of a person consulting him, or from giving treatment in accordance
with rules made under paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of s 25 of the Act.
7 These rules shall comes into operation on 1 January 1961.
Currently, NHS regulations are the same, both being covered by the Opticians
Previously, the conditions under the GOC rules were stricter than the NHS
with respect to the interpretation of how the patient’s GP was ‘informed’ about
an ocular abnormality. Now, the GOC regulations apply in either case. The only
time there are differences is when a patient who is diabetic or has glaucoma (or
a family history of it) has an NHS test, then a letter is sent to the GP regarding
the results. There is a standard NHS form for this purpose.
Appendix 1
thought rejects it, adopting a different approach to treatment, and whether there
are justifiable exceptions to its application.
The relationship between clinical guidelines and medical negligence cases
remains ill defined and ever developing, but it is apparent that compliance
with clinical guidelines will not in all cases protect medical practitioners from
liability. As in many litigation matters, and especially medical negligence, this
issue has been investigated and considered to a greater degree in the US. They
have been looking at what clinical guidelines can be put in place that will be
recognised by the courts, thus ensuring that doctors who complied with such
guidelines would receive protection from liability in negligence cases.
Recently a trial scheme was set up in Maine. In that state, legally-recognised
clinical guidelines have been created under which a doctor, who can show
compliance with these guidelines, will be provided with a complete defence in
negligence claims. It remains to be seen whether a similar situation will
develop in the UK.
Informed consent
While being a US case, a common principle of informed consent was usefully
described by Cardozo J in Schloendorff v Society of New York Hospital (211NY 25,
25, 105, NE 92, 93 (1914)) who said:
‘Every human being of adult years and sound mind has a right to determine
what should be done with his or her body.’
Appendix 1
those who fall below the following revised standards. All outstanding cases
should be referred to the Naval Ophthalmic Consultant Adviser for
assessment and referral to MBOS for determination of permanent medical
category if required.
Radial keratotomy and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)
4 Personnel are to be informed that these procedures are not available from
service sources, and, if carried out privately, could have an adverse effect on
their future service career by rendering them unfit for duty.
5 Service personnel who have had corneal surgery carried out are to be referred
to the Service Consultant Ophthalmologist for assessment. The highest
medical category awarded will normally be P3. In selected cases a higher
category may be appropriate.
6 Full details are contained in BR 1750A article 0510 and DCI 269/93 (until
incorporated into BR 1750A).
Eyesight and colour perception standards
7 The table at annex A defines the visual acuity and colour perception required
for service in the designated specialisations.
Revised visual acuity (VA) standards
8 Revised VA standards are given in annex B. It should be noted that these are
entry standards. The methods of testing and recording VA are given in BR
175A articles 0503 and 0504.
Colour perception (CP) standards
9 The standards, methods of testing and recording of CP have not been revised
and remain as given in BR 175A articles 0506, 0507 and 0508. However it
should be noted that the Martin lantern is no longer used.
Spectacles and contact lenses
10 There is in general no restriction on the wearing of spectacles or contact lenses
to improve visual efficiency provided that the required corrected standards
of visual acuity are met. Defence spectacles are provided from public funds if
required for the efficient performance of duties but contact lenses are not
currently provided from public funds. Those who choose to wear contact
lenses must also have a pair of Defence spectacles to wear as an alternative.
Instructions for the use of contact lenses are at annex C.
Deterioration of eyesight in service
11 Officers with bridge watch-keeping responsibilities are required to remain
within VA standard II (corrected) and should be tested annually to ensure
that this standard is maintained. Officers in any of the following categories
must be referred to the Consultant Adviser in Ophthalmology and thence to
the Medical Board of Survey to determine permanent medical category:
(a) those whose VA cannot be corrected to VA II;
(b) those who require greater than 6.0 dioptres correction to achieve VA II;
(c) those whose uncorrected vision is worse than 6/60 in either eye.
12 Aircrew who are found for the first time to require corrective lenses are to be
refracted and then referred to the Central Air Medical Board (CAMB) for
assessment of their flying medical category.
Appendix 2
Annex A
Annex B
The three standards of visual acuity are:
Standard I
Annex C
Instructions for the use of contact lenses
1 Contact lenses may well provide visual advantages over spectacles
enhancing peripheral vision and reducing reflection and aberration. They
are also more compatible than spectacles with specialist equipment such as
night-vision goggles. Gas-permeable hard contact lenses cannot be
recommended for military use as they cannot be worn on an extended wear
basis should the need arise. Tinted lenses are also not permissible. The
decision whether or not to wear contact lenses must remain with the
individual. The individual must also be responsible for ensuring proper care
of contact lenses. The vast majority of complications and ocular pathology
arising from contact lens wear are associated with inadequate care of contact
Appendix 2
lenses. Lenses must be of a soft type and are to be used on a daily wear basis
but to have the facility for extended wear if required. That is to say that in
normal working they should be inserted at the start of the working day and
removed before any periods of sleep but could be left in for an extended
period should the operational need arise. This extended period should not
be for more than seven days.
2 In addition submariners are allowed to wear contact lenses.
3 At all times a pair of spectacles of up-to-date prescription must be available
to the individual. If either eye becomes red or painful the individual must
remove the lens.
The Army
Near vision
Able to read N5 type with each eye separately at the appropriate distance for age,
with spectacles if applicable, as determined from the accepted Duane scale or
RAF binocular gauge test. This does not mean with ageing aircrew that spectacles
should enable the examinee to achieve this standard in practice. The spectacles
prescribed for use should enable the examinee to achieve an adequate standard
of near vision for the aircraft he operates.
Ocular muscle balance
(a) Pilot
Distance Maddox Rod Eso 6⌬ to Exo 8⌬
Not more than 1⌬ vertical deviation
Near Maddox Rod Eso 6⌬ to Exo 16⌬
Not more than 1⌬ vertical deviation
Convergence 10cm or better objectively
Any manifest strabismus disqualified.
Appendix 2
(b) Navigator
As for pilot except that an alternating strabismus which is cosmetically
satisfactory and does not affect the vision may be accepted.
(c) Other aircrew
No standard required unless diplopia or other symptoms of ocular muscle
imbalance are present. A unilateral manifest strabismus will disqualify as the
deviating eye will be amblyopic, but an alternating strabismus which is
cosmetically acceptable, or which has been corrected surgically, and which
does not affect visual acuity, may be accepted if required.
(d) No candidate for piloting duties with a symptomless heterophoria outside
the limits recommended should be rejected without full orthoptic examination.
Such symptomless candidates may be accepted if the range of fusion is within
acceptable limits.
(e) Cases of convergence insufficiency may be re-assessed after a course of
orthoptic training.
Media and fundi
(a) Any active pathological condition or a congenital or static condition interfering
with vision disqualifies.
(b) Small, healed unilateral lesions in the retinal periphery may be accepted
subject to consultant adviser opinion.
Colour perception—CP2 or CP3
Definitions of colour perception:
CP2 No errors are made using Ishihara plates in daylight or artificial light of
equivalent quality. Tests carried out under normal tungsten or fluorescent
lighting are not acceptable except where the Adlake lamp is used.
CP3 Although errors are made using Ishihara plates the candidate is readily
able to recognise the colours used in aviation. At present the Holmes-
Wright lantern is the only recognised test.
CP4 Unable to pass standard 3
Non-flying personnel
The minimum uncorrected acuity for entry for most non-flying personnel may be
less than 6/60, 6/60, provided that it is correctable to 6/9, 6/9, and:
(a) the fundi are normal;
(b) no other ophthalmic pathological condition is present; and
(c) considering each eye separately, the spherical correction lies between the
range of–8 and–7 dioptres, and the astigmatic correction is not greater than 5
dioptres. Candidates with one amblyopic eye may, under certain
circumstances, be accepted.
Visual acuity
Correctable to 6/9, 6/9, is acceptable for the majority of ground branches.
Colour perception
CP4 with the following exceptions:
• engineer, photographic interpreter—CP2 (engineer applicants who are CFP4
may be appointed but will be required to accept certain limitations in
employment); and
• physical education (including parachute instructor), aircraft control, fighter
Other ranks
Visual acuity
Correctable to 6/9, 6/9, is acceptable for the majority of ground grades.
Colour perception
CP with the following exceptions:
• electrical, radio, most aircraft engineering trades, electronic engineering (air
and ground), some general engineering trades, aerospace systems operators,
safety and surface trades, photographic trades, some marine trades, some
supply and movements personnel, air stewards—CP2; and
• physical training instructors, air traffic controllers, RAF regiment firemen,
MT drivers, police, most movements personnel, air stewards—CP3.
Personnel licensing
Note 1—Guidance material to assist licensing authorities and medical examiners
is published separately in the current edition of the ICAO Manual of Civil
Aviation Medicine (doc 8984).
Note 2—The standards and recommended practices established in this chapter
cannot, on their own, be sufficiently detailed to cover all possible individual
situations. Of necessity many decisions relating to the evaluation of medical
Appendix 2
Appendix 2
Appendix 2
requirement is met only by the use of correcting lenses, the applicant may
be assessed as fit provided that such lenses are available for immediate use
when exercising the privileges of the licence. No more than one pair of
correcting lenses shall be used in demonstrating compliance with this
visual requirement. vision. Single vision near correction shall not be
Note 1—Single vision near correction (full lenses of one power only,
appropriate to reading) significantly reduces distant visual acuity.
Note 2—Whenever there is a requirement to obtain or renew correcting lenses,
an applicant is expected to advise the refractionist of the reading distances
for the visual flight deck tasks relevant to the types of aircraft in which
the applicant is likely to function.
Class 3 medical assessment
Assessment issue and renewal—An applicant for an air traffic controller licence
shall undergo an initial medical examination for the issue of a class 3 medical
Except where otherwise stated in this section, holders of air traffic controller
licences shall have their class 3 medical assessments renewed at intervals not
exceeding those specified in
When the licensing authority is satisfied that the requirements of this section
and the general provisions of the above have been met, a class 3 medical
assessment shall be issued to the applicant.
Visual requirements—The medical examination shall be based on the following
The function of the eyes and their adnexae shall be normal. There shall be no
active pathological condition, acute or chronic, of either eye or adnexae which
is likely to interfere with its proper function to an extent that would interfere
with the safe exercise of the applicant’s licence privileges.
The applicant shall be required to have normal fields of vision.
The applicant shall be required to have a distant visual acuity of not less than
6/9 (20/30, 0.7) in each eye separately, with or without the use of correcting
lenses. Where this standard of visual acuity can be obtained only with
correcting lenses the applicant may be assessed as fit provided that:
(a) the applicant possesses a visual acuity without correction in each eye
separately, not less than 6/60 (20/200, 0.1) or the refractive error falls
within the range of ±3 dioptres (equivalent spherical error);
(b) such correcting lenses are worn when exercising the privileges of the
licence or rating applied for or held; and
(c) a spare set of suitable correcting lenses is readily available when
exercising the privileges of the applicant’s licence.
Note—An applicant accepted as meeting these provisions above which refer
to refractive error is deemed to continue to do so unless there is reason
to suspect otherwise, in which case refraction is repeated at the
discretion of the licensing authority. The uncorrected visual acuity is
Appendix 2
Merchant Navy
These entrant visual standards will also apply to general purpose ratings where
look-out duties are required.
M1144 has been superseded by notice M1331 issued 1988 (see following page).
Section III
1 A fee (plus VAT at the standard rate, except when the sight test is taken
in conjunction with the examination for a statutory marine qualification at
an inclusive fee), payable to the Superintendent of a Marine Office, is
charged for conducting a sight test at one of the Department of Transport offices.
2 Candidates other than new entrants who have previously failed to pass the
sight test either locally or at a special appeal test conducted by the Principal
Examiner of Masters and Mates or his Deputy may, provided aids to vision
have not been worn at any of these previous tests, apply to take the test again
locally with aids on payment of a further fee plus VAT.
3 Candidates who have taken a previous test without aids and have failed in
the letter test but did not proceed to the lantern (or having proceeded to the
lantern, passed the lantern test) may be re-examined locally, without aids,
after a period of one month.
4 Candidates who have taken a previous test with aids and have failed in the
letter test but did not proceed to the lantern (or having proceeded to the
lantern, passed the lantern test) may be re-examined locally, with aids, after a
period of not less than one month.
Appendix 2
5 A list showing the ports where sight tests are held is shown below.
Applications for appointments should be made to the sight test examiner at
the Department of Transport Marine Office at the port concerned.
6 Unless other indicated sight tests are conducted between 9.30am and 12.30pm
on the listed days. A candidate who lives a distance from the port and cannot
attend during the hours at which sight tests are normally conducted at the
port should apply in writing to the Examiner at the sight test centre for a
special appointment. Sight tests are not held on Saturdays, Sundays or public
Aberdeen Every Friday by appointment
Belfast Every Monday. Other days by appointment
Cardiff Every Monday
Glasgow Every Wednesday (9.30am-12noon).
Other days by appointment
Great Yarmouth By appointment
Grimsby By appointment
Hull Every Friday
Leith Every Tuesday (9.00am-l 1.30am)
Liverpool Every Thursday and Friday
London Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays by appointment
Newcastle Every Friday
Plymouth Every Monday
Southampton Every Friday
Stornoway (Custom House) By appointment
Motor drivers
Regulations governing eyesight
The 1988 Road Traffic Act places an obligation on all British driving licence holders
to notify the Licensing Centre at Swansea as soon as they become aware that they
are suffering from any condition which might affect safe driving either now or in
the future. This requirement is printed on every British driving licence together
with the address to which the notification has to be sent. Failure to notify a disability
can have important motor insurance consequences.
Visual acuity
All British driving licence holders must meet a standard equating to the number
plate test whenever they are driving. Failure to meet that standard at any time
when driving is an offence (s 96 of the Road Traffic Act 1988). The number plate
test equates approximately to 6/10 Snellen (Drasdo and Haggerty 1977).
In precise terms a person is barred from holding a driving licence if she is unable
to read, in good daylight (with the aid of glasses if worn), a registration mark
fitted to a motor vehicle and containing letters and Figures 79.4mm high at a
distance of 20.5m.
In the matter of advising patients on their visual fitness to drive a private vehicle,
the College of Ophthalmologists recommends (faculty of ophthalmology of the
Royal College of Surgeons of England Annual Report 1977) that the form of
wording used in ophthalmic reports on the examination of patients’ vision for
driving should avoid actual certification of visual fitness to drive. It is better to
adhere in the report to the actual findings and, if appropriate, to add a comment
that the visual findings are thought either to meet or not to meet present legal
Visual fields
The College of Ophthalmologists has now advised that the minimum visual field
for safe driving should be at least 12° on the horizontal measured by the Goldmann
perimeter using the 114e settings, or equivalent perimetry. In addition there should
be no significant field defect in the binocular field which encroaches within 20° of
fixation, either above or below the horizontal meridian. By these means
homonymous or bi-temporal defects which come close to fixation whether
hemianopic or quadrantonopic are not accepted as safe for driving. Isolated
scotomata represented in the binocular field near to central fixation may also be
inconsistent with safe driving.
Colour vision
There are no restrictions on driving in relation to defective colour vision.
Night vision defects
The more marked degrees of night vision defect occurring in diseases such as
retinitis pigmentosa and advanced choroidal retinitis are normally regarded as a
bar to driving and must be notified to the Licensing Centre.
Facsimile of number plates reduced so as to be equivalent to a full size plate at
20.5m [22.9m (75ft) for characters of 88.9mm (3.5in)] may underestimate the visual
acuity required to meet the number plate in good daylight.
Visual disorders
The law states that: a licence holder or applicant is suffering a prescribed disability
if unable to meet the eyesight requirements, ie to read in good daylight (with the
aid of glasses or contact lenses if worn) a registration mark fixed to a motor vehicle
and containing letters and figures 79.4mm high at a distance of 20.5m. If unable to
meet this standard, the licence must be refused or revoked, and the driver must
not drive.
Appendix 2
Appendix 2
for advice. The address to write is Drivers Medical Branch, Oldway Centre,
Orchard Street, Swansea, SA99 1TU, tel 01792–304000.
‘Grandfather rights’
Currently, because of the wording of the second EC directive, if correction is used
the uncorrected visual acuity in one eye only must be at least 3/60. In January
1997 this will be changed to comply with the second EC Directive and the 3/60
must be achieved in each eye. Those who can satisfy the current standards, but
who will not be able to satisfy the new standards in January, will be permitted to
retain their licences. However there are a number of people who were taken into
the system at varying times, some prior to 1983, who were required only to achieve
6/12, 6/36, and there was no uncorrected visual acuity standard. Some time later
an uncorrected visual acuity of 6/60 was introduced and then in 1991 the new
regulations. All these people will be permitted to continue to drive but they will
be required to produce evidence that they have driven regularly for a minimum
of six months and that, if they have been involved in an accident, they must produce
a certificate to indicate that this was unlikely to have been due to eyesight problems.
These new conditions will begin to operate from January 1997, and how exactly
they will operate is at the moment unclear. So the regulations from 1 January 1997
will be 6/9, 6/12, 3/60 in each eye, that is a corrected visual acuity of 6/9 in one
eye, 6/12 in the other eye and 3/60 in each eye uncorrected. ‘Grandfather rights’
will be permitted providing there has been no deterioration in the eyesight since
the licence was issued and the licence holder can provide that he or she has been
driving regularly over the previous six months.
Civil Service
Candidates for appointment—Except for a few special posts where specific
visual standards are required, prospective candidates with visual problems are
assessed on an individual basis with regard to the requirements of the proposed
appointment and the appropriateness of wearing corrective spectacles or using
aids to vision.
Employees who have driving duties are expected to meet the current
standards laid down by the appropriate licensing authority.
Appendix 2
British Railways
1 Traincrew
Train (wo)men, Drivers, Conductors and Senior Conductors
On entry as Train (wo)man—No pathological condition of the eyes to be
present. 6/9, 6/12 or better with or without glasses. If glasses are worn,
unaided vision not to be worse than 6/12, 6/18 (Train (wo)men D) or 6/60,
6/60 (other Traincrew). Bifocal glasses permitted. Near vision to be N8 or
better with or without correction. Tinted or photochromatic prescription lenses
not acceptable for the purpose of meeting this standard. Contact lenses
prohibited. Normal colour vision tested by Ishihara plates required.
Appendix 2
Serving staff (except Traincrews operating the Eurostar (UK) Ltd’s Eurostar
trains)—6/9, 6/12 or better with or without glasses. Near vision to be N8 or
better with or without correction. Normal colour vision on Ishihara test. No
pathological condition of the eyes should be present.
Drivers are provided with standard sunglasses to British Rail colour
transmission specification.
Traincrew needing glasses to meet the standards must provide one pair of
glasses at their own expense to be carried as a spare pair and are provided
with standard British Rail glasses for duty purposes. British Rail standard
glasses are ordered by the Board’s Medical Officers through local opticians
using a British Rail official order form.
Visual standards for Traincrews operating the European Passenger Services’
Eurostar Trains through the Channel Tunnel—(a) 6/6, 6/9 distance and N8
near vision, or better, with spectacles if worn; (b) if spectacles are worn,
unaided vision not to be worse than 6/12, 6/18 for Drivers and 6/60, 6/60
for Train Managers; (c) no pathological condition of the eyes to be present;
(d) history of surgical correction of short sight, eg laser excimetry, excludes
acceptance; (e) bifocal spectacles permitted; (f) contact lenses prohibited; (g)
tinted and photochromic prescription lenses prohibited. (These are examined
Colour vision—colour vision must be normal, as assessed by the Ishihara
plates test;
2 Other operational staff
On entry—No pathological condition of the eyes to be present. 6/9, 6/12 or
better with or without glasses. If glasses worn, unaided vision not to be worse
than 6/60, 6/60. Bifocal glasses permitted. Tinted or photochromic
prescription lenses not acceptable for the purpose of meeting the standard.
Contact lenses prohibited. Normal colour vision on Ishihara test required,
when accurate colour perception is a requirement of the post.
Serving staff—Operational staff working on running lines are examined
periodically and the above standard is required to be met excluding the
minimum unaided vision clause.
3 Professional, technical staff, working on running lines
As in section 2 above but contact lenses permitted.
4 Clerical and non-operational staff
On entry—6/12, 6/36 or better without glasses (discretion may be exercised
bearing in mind the nature of the task to be performed). Near vision N5 or
better. Bifocal glasses permitted. Contact lenses permitted. Normal colour
vision not required.
Serving staff—There are no arrangements for periodic examinations of this
category of staff.
The police
Entry requirements vary between forces, but all demand a high standard of
eyesight. Applicants are required to produce a certificate from a registered
optician issued within the preceding 12 months (6 months in Cheshire). No
force can accept candidates with only one eye, those unable to distinguish the
principal colours, or those who suffer from squint or other morbid conditions of
the eyes or the lids of either eye which is liable to the risk of aggravation or
The normal standard of vision requirements and the higher standards
required by some police forces are set out below. It is intended as a general guide
only and further information can be obtained from the chief officers of the local
Cheshire—An unaided distant vision of not less than 6/18 in each eye. The distant
vision should be correctable with approved vision aids to a standard 6/6 in
one eye, 6/12 in the other and 6/6 binocularly.
Dorset, Merseyside, Wiltshire and Sussex—An unaided distant vision of not less
than 6/6 in one eye and 6/12 in the other and 6/6 binocularly.
Gwent—An unaided distant vision of not less than 6/18 in each eye correctable
with approved vision aids to 6/6 in one eye, 6/12 in the other and 6/6
binocularly. Candidates should also be able to distinguish the principle colours.
Norfolk, Hampshire and Northamptonshire—An unaided distant vision of 6/6
in each eye.
North Yorkshire—An unaided distant vision of not less than 6/24. Aided vision
6/6 in one eye and 6/12 in the other and 6/6 binocularly. The above force
should be contacted, re colour vision acceptance.
Derbyshire—An unaided distant vision of not less than 6/18 in each eye (Snellen’s
test), which should be correctable with vision aids to a standard 6/6 in one
eye, 6/12 in the other and 6/6 binocularly. Candidates with only one eye and
those who suffer from a squint or other morbid conditions of the eye or lids of
either eye liable to the risk of aggravation or recurrence will not be accepted.
Appendix 2
Staffordshire—An unaided distant vision of not less than 6/18 in one eye, 6/60
in the other correctable with approved vision aids to a standard of not less
than 6/6 in one eye, 6/12 in the other and 6/6 binocularly.
West Yorkshire—An unaided distant vision of not less than 6/6 in one eye, 6/12
in the other and 6/6 binocularly and unaided of at least 6/18 in each eye.
Candidates should be able to distinguish the principal colours.
West Midlands—An unaided distant vision of not less than 6/18 in one eye, 6/
60 in the other and 6/60 binocularly.
Cleveland—Applicants should have unaided vision of not less than 6/18 in each
eye (Snellen’s test); the distant vision should be correctable with approved
aids (spectacles or contact lenses) to a standard of 6/6 in one eye, 6/12 in the
other and 6/6 binocularly.
The test for near vision with approved vision aids should be in accordance
with the standards set out by the College of Ophthalmologists. The following
will not be accepted: candidates who are unable to distinguish principle colours.
Those who only have one eye or those who suffer from squint or other morbid
conditions of the eyes or the lids of either eye liable to the risk of aggravation or
Most, but not all, forces accept applicants who wear contact lenses or glasses.
The exceptions are as follows:
• The following forces accept contact lenses but not glasses—Durham, Gwent
and West Mercia.
• The following forces accept glasses but not contact lenses—South Yorkshire
and Bedfordshire.
• The following forces do not accept glasses or contact lenses—Dorset,
Lancashire, Northamptonshire and Sussex.
• The following forces accept contact lenses and glasses only in special
circumstances—Greater Manchester, Merseyside, North Yorkshire, West
Midlands, Lincolnshire and West Yorkshire.
Prison officers
1 Visual acuity of 6/24 (Snellen) in each eye without glasses as long as they
eyes correct to 6/12 or better with contact lenses or glasses; or
2 Normal sight in one eye and up to 6/36 in the other corrected to 6/12 or
better with glasses or contact lenses.
Appendix 2
Teaching profession
Visual standards for candidates for the teaching profession.
Impaired hearing and impaired eyesight
Neither a severe hearing loss nor a severe visual impairment is, of itself, a bar to
teaching. It is, however, a relevant factor in considering a candidate’s capacity to
give effective service as a teacher in the maintained system as a whole for a
reasonable period into the future. This includes the ability to participate fully in
school activities, including the supervision of practical work. A severe visual or
hearing impairment is likely to be a particularly important consideration in the
admission of candidates intending to teach physical education or other subjects
such as science and craft, design and technology (CDT) where physical hazards
are present and pupils are particularly mobile.
The final decision whether or not to admit a candidate with impaired hearing or
eyesight rests with the training institution. In considering the capacity of such a
candidate to give effective service as a teacher, an institution might wish to arrange
for the candidate to spend a day or two in a school as part of the selection procedure,
and to obtain advice from the school on whether or not the impairment is likely to
prove a serious obstacle to a successful teaching career. The candidate too might
fine it helpful to obtain advice from the school, particularly if considering
specialising in a highly practical subject, The secretary of state’s criteria for the
approval of initial teacher training courses require that schoolteachers are involved
in the selection of students.
When doubt arises about the capacity of a candidate with impaired hearing to
understand speech satisfactorily, or the visual capacity of a candidate with
impaired eyesight, the medical examiner or adviser may wish to obtain a
specialist’s report. For example, on the basis of an educational specialist’s advice
the medical adviser might explore with the candidate ways in which he or she can
respond competently in an educational setting and overcome any difficulties which
may arise in the teaching situation.
In the case of a candidate with impaired hearing, if ordinary conversational speech
cannot be understood at about 6m, even with an individual hearing aid, the medical
examiner or adviser may wish to obtain the opinion of an otologist who should
include a series of audiograms among the information provided on the candidate.
Wherever possible, due weight should be given to the results of any operative
treatment, eg for ostosclerosis.
In the case of a candidate whose best corrected vision does not attain 6/12 Snellen
in at least one eye, the medical examiner or adviser may wish to obtain from a
consultant ophthalmologist an opinion on the nature and extent of the impairment
and the prognosis. A specialist’s report will be particularly important where a
candidate intends to teach subjects such as physical education, science or CDT, or
where he or she has a colour vision abnormality and intends to specialise in
teaching art.
This guidance does not constitute an authoritative legal interpretation of the
provisions of the Education Acts or other enactments and regulations; that is
exclusively a matter for the courts (DFE circular 13/93).
The introduction of VDUs into offices and the home is increasing considerably,
and people are spending more time looking at VDU screens.
There is evidence to indicate that prolonged use of VDUs can cause symptoms
such as eye strain, blurred vision and headaches, in addition to postural problems
such as neck and backache as well as other pains.
There is little or no evidence that operators who have worked on VDUs for
many years show any permanent damage to their eyes. The evidence, however,
suggests that the use of VDUs leads to problems of discomfort rather than
problems of health. Many different studies have shown that VDU operators have
reported the following symptoms of eye strain or eye fatigue: loss of visual
sharpness; difficulty in focusing; seeing colour fringes; double vision; grittiness;
dryness; burning; redness; watering; and aching.
The use of a VDU for any length of time may present all the difficulties
associated with close work. It is important to recognise that the screen is likely
to be situated at a distance which differs from a normal working distance and
will certainly be higher than the normal reading position. Care is, therefore,
required in decisions about the type of lenses advised and clearly types of multi-
focal lenses will not be suitable.
Glare from the VDU screens is reported as a common problem and this is
particularly so with older VDUs. Anti glare filters may be of value but advice
about the brightness of the screen should be provided. External lighting is critical
since reflections from the screen can be very disturbing. Advice about the position
of lighting is important.
The Health and Safety Display Screen Regulations give employees a right
to a normal sight test as defined in the Opticians Act 1989 and related
regulations. The sight test, referred to from now on as an eye examination, will
reveal whether there is any defect of sight which may adversely affect the
employee’s ability to carry out work at the VDU. If, in the course of the
examination, a defect of sight is discovered which requires correction for
purposes other than VDU use, but which might also include VDU use, the law
does not require the employer to pay for any spectacles prescribed. The
intention of the regulations is not the free supply of spectacles to all VDU
users, rather that people with special needs related to their use of a VDU as
part of their employment should receive the necessary appliance at no cost to
themselves. The experience of large companies, with work forces ranging
across all age groups, shows that there are likely to be 5–10% of employees
who will require a correction specifically for VDU work.
Appendix 2
Good practice
When an employee takes up her entitlement under the regulations, perhaps as a
result of visual problems when using VDU, it is necessary for the
ophthalmologist or optometrist to carry out a full eye examination to determine
the cause and to give appropriate advice. As part of the examination, the
employee should be asked to describe the work station and its environment.
On completion of the eye examination, the ophthalmologist or optometrist
is required by law to hand over to every patient a prescription or a written
statement saying that no prescription is needed. He is also required by law to
refer for medical advice those patients in whom he has discovered any sign of
abnormality or disease. These obligations remain unchanged whether or not the
eye examination is being carried out under the terms of the Health and Safety
Regulations, and the prescription or written statement is the property of the
For the purpose of these regulations, a report should also be made to the
employer, with a copy to the employee, which should state clearly whether or
not the employee needs a corrective appliance specifically for her work at the
VDU. The prescription for the corrective appliance for VDU work, if prescribed,
may be included in the report provided that the employee’s consent has been
obtained. The report should also contain a recommendation as to when the
employee should be re-examined under the terms of these regulations. Not only
should advice be given in relation to spectacles but also in relation to aspects of
the work station which might be affecting the employee’s vision at the screen.
This information should be passed to the employer by the optometrist as part of
his report.
Confidentiality of clinical information about the employee must be
maintained at all times and clinical information should only be divulged to an
employer if it is relevant to the employee’s work at the VDU, and only with the
patient’s consent.
The workers shall be provided with special glasses tested for the work
concerned if an ophthalmological or optometric examination shows that
they are required, and that glasses intended for normal purposes cannot be
The following standards are generally recommended for VDU operators:
If there are any deficiencies in muscle balance, near and intermediate acuity,
accommodation, central visual field, or convergence it is likely that patients using
VDUs will suffer symptoms as it will highlight these weaknesses; continued use
of the VDU will not of course cause them to weaken.
The new regulations will place an obligation on employers to evaluate safety
and health risks to employees, and to take appropriate measures to eliminate
the risks found.
Brussels had planned to delay imposition of minimum safety requirements
for two years after the introduction on 1 January 1993 of the new legislation, but
has now accepted the view of Euro-MPs that the rules should apply immediately
to new work stations brought into service. Employers have two years to bring
existing work stations up to standard.
The legislation lays down that workers will receive adequate training, not
only before beginning work at a VDU, but also whenever the organisation of the
work station is substantially modified. Employers will also be obliged to give
workers information about ‘possible effects on their eyes and physical or mental
problems’ and give workers or their representatives a say in deciding how daily
working time on VDUs should be divided up.
Appendix 2
Meds—current medications
Mot—ocular motility (eye movements)
OD—oculus dexter (right eye)
ONH—optic nerve head
oRAPD—no relative afferent pupillary defect
OS—oculus sinister (left eye)
OU—oculi uterque (both eyes)
PC—present complaint
Perla—pupils’ equal reaction to light and accommodation
PMH—past medical history
POH—past ocular history
PP—posterior pole of the fundus
RAPD—relative afferent pupillary defect
ROS—review of systems
Sens—drug sensitivities
S/L—slit-lamp microscope
V— vitreous
VA—visual acuity
VF—visual field
Appendix 3
Eye measurements
ACD—anterior chamber depth
AT—applanation tonometry (intra-ocular pressure measurement)
Axl—axial length of the eyeball
Biom—biometry (eyeball-dimension measurements)
Appendix 3
Appendix 3
HIV—human immunodeficiency virus
ICE—iridocorneal endothelial syndrome
INO—internuclear ophthalmoplegia
IOP—intra-ocular pressure
IRMA—intraretinal microvascular anomaly
JCA—juvenile chronic arthritis
KCS—keratoconjunctivitis sicca
Laser—light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
LTG—low-tension glaucoma
MG—myasthenia gravis
MRI—magnetic resonance imaging
MS—multiple sclerosis
(N)IDDM—(non-)insulin-dependent diabetes melitus
NSAIDs—non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
NVD—new vessels at the optic disc
NVE—new vessels elsewhere
OA—optic atrophy
od—once daily
OHT—ocular hypertension
OIS—ocular ischaemic syndrome
PAS—peripheral anterior synechiae
PDR—proliferative diabetic retinopathy
PI—peripheral iridotomy, peripheral iridectomy
POAG—primary open-angle glaucoma
PRK—photorefractive keratectomy
PRP—pan-retinal photocoagulation
PVD—posterior vitreous detachment
because of alignment problems, the brain suppresses the image from one eye,
the squinting eye or the one with the more significant refractive error. In a
psycho-optical and neurological sense the development of vision relies on the
registration of data from each eye in the visual cortex, the occipital cortex of
the brain. Unless the sharp image is transmitted during the developmental
period, data registration fails and the eye becomes permanently defective in
visual acuity terms. To illustrate the process most graphically, if an eye were
to be artificially covered from birth for experimental purposes (theoretically)
or naturally by a congenital cataract, then failure of visual development will
be absolute. That eye would be for ever blind.
Amiodarone—see corneal opacification.
Angioid streaks—and ocular manifestation of pseudo-xanthoma elasticum—a
systemic disorder of elastic tissue associated with vascular disease (arterial
blood vessels contain elastic tissue) and gastric haemorrhage and skin
abnormalities due to shrinkage of elastic tissue in the skin. Other ocular
manifestations include, macular degeneration and sub-retinal haemorrhage
with serious visual consequences. Angioid streaks are seen in a number of
other ocular disorders including Paget’s disease.
Angle of anterior chamber—the angle form between the periphery of the cornea
internally and the periphery of the iris diaphragm, through 360° of the
anterior chamber of the eye, is the location of drainage of the aqueous humour
out of the eye. Within the angle there is a fine sieve-like trabecular meshwork
which filters the aqueous humour back into the blood circulation for
Anisocoria—a disparity in size between the pupil in each eye under normal
lighting conditions or any variation thereof.
Anisometropia—a difference in refractive error between the two eyes. This may
be any combination of refractive error, myopia (short sight), hyperopic (far
sight), astigmatism or any combination of refractive errors that produces a
different focus between the two eyes.
Anophthalmos—no eye; usually congenital absence of the eye globe.
Anterior chamber—that space within the eye bounded in front by the posterior
surface of the cornea and behind by the iris diaphragm and the pupil.
Anticholinergic—a class of drugs which opposes the action of cholinergic
compounds. They dilate the pupil and paralyse the ciliary muscle which
effects accommodation (atropine-like drugs).
Applanation tonometer—an instrument which measures intra-ocular pressure
by applanation or touch on the surface of the cornea. The cornea is flexible
and, if the intra-ocular pressure is high, the force required to applanate a
specific area on the surface of the cornea by the contact prism is measurably
higher than if the intra-ocular pressure was low. Intra-ocular pressure is
measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg). The applanation tonometer is
calibrated so that the force required to flatten a tiny area on the cornea is
interpreted in mmHg intra-ocular pressure.
A-scan—a form of ultrasonographic tracing of the echoes from the eye using
ultrasonic signals. A-scan is a time amplitude display that is a one-
dimensional display, where echoes occur as vertical deflections from a base-
line on the screen of an ultrasound instrument.
Astigmatism—the refractive power of the eye is not the same in all meridians.
There are two forms of astigmatism. Regular astigmatism means the eye has
two points of focus and is correctable by a sphero-cylindrical combination
in the refracting lens, eg in spectacle lenses. Conceptually it is best envisaged
that the surface of the cornea, rather than being spherical like a football,
would be shaped more like the side of a barrel or rugby ball. In one meridian
the radius of curvature is steep while at right angles to that meridian the
radius of curvature is flatter. Thus, if a rugby ball is placed in a vertical fashion
as when it is placed for a goal kick, its flat meridian extends from the point
at the top to the point in the ground and its steep meridian is at right angles
to it (see Figure 38, page 176).
B-scan—a form of ultrasound scanning of the eye to provide a two-dimensional
display where echoes occur as dots on the screen of an ultrasound instrument.
It provides a brightness-intensity-modulated display.
Band keratopathy, band degeneration of the cornea—see corneal opacification.
This refers to an anterior plaque on the cornea stretching across the mid-
cornea in the area of the palpebral fissure (between the eyelids). Holes are
often present in the plaque which will contain calcium, commonly giving it
a Swiss-cheese appearance. Usually begins at the 3 and 9 o’clock positions
adjacent the limbus, and extends across the cornea.
Behcet’s disease—a chronic multi-system disorder first described by Hulusi
Behcet in 1937. It involved a clinical triad of ocular involvement—uveitis
with oral and genital ulceration. It is a relapsing, inflammatory process of
unknown cause. Ocular manifestations include an anterior uveitis with a
recurrent heavy cell accumulation in the aqueous humour (hypopyon). This
may lead to cataract, retinal oedema, retinal vasculitis, retinal new-blood-
vessel formation, secondary glaucoma and blindness. The systemic disease
may cause involvement to the extra-ocular muscles through involvement of
the supply in cranial nerves. It is estimated that 70% of patients suffering
from Behcet’s disease have some ocular involvement. Treatment, from the
ocular point of view, includes a combination of topical and systemic
cortico-steroid therapy given in conjunction with other agents including
cyclosporin and azathioprine.
Blepharitis—indicates infection of the margin of the eyelids, usually deep seated
in the roots of the eyelashes.
Blepharoconjunctivitis—inflammation of the ocular surface (eyelid and
sitting in its pouch at the side of the nose connecting with the naso-lacrimal
duct through to the nasal cavity.
Carotid occlusive disease—is relevant to ophthalmic interests as the carotid
artery is the main arterial route to the eye. Carotid artery occlusive disease
may result in ocular ischaemia or transient ischaemic attacks (TIA) with
obscurations of vision. The disease itself is part of the hardening-of-the-
arteries syndrome, otherwise known as atherosclerosis or arteriosclerosis.
TIAs occur when fragments of debris from the sclerosing wall of the carotid
artery (plaques of cholesterol material) lodge in the end-arterial system of
the retina. While most body tissues have alternative blood supply options in
the event of obstruction to one source, the retina has a single system rendering
it vulnerable to occlusion of its small calibre vessels; see central retinal artery
Cataract—refers to opacification within the crystalline lens and includes localised
change of refractive power, eg due to a nuclear or oil-drop cataract (see section
on cataracts).
Central retinal artery occlusion—a unilateral, painless, acute loss of vision as a
result of embolic, thrombotic or other causes of obstruction to the flow of
blood through the central retinal artery.
Central retinal vein occlusion—a painless, usually unilateral loss of vision
characterised by diffuse superficial retinal haemorrhages (flame shaped) in
all quadrants of the retina with dilated tortuous retinal veins. A condition
seen in association with raised systemic blood pressure (hypertension),
systemic conditions that affect the walls of blood vessels with inflammation
(vasculitis), or due to compression of the central retinal vein by thickening
of hardening of an adjacent central retinal artery because of their anatomical
Central serous chorioretinopathy—condition in which the retinal-pigment
epithelial layer, which lies between the choroid on its outer aspect and the
retinal light receptors on its inner aspect, loses its fluid barrier effect. As a
consequence, fluid leaks underneath the retina causing a localised, serous
detachment of the retina (a micro-blister) with consequential blurring of
vision characterised by localised darkening and micropsia (minification of
the image).
Chalazion—also known as hordeolum. It is a cystic nodule within the eyelid,
the consequence of a blocked meibomian gland orifice. It causes localised
eyelid tenderness and, if infected, may be associated with a swollen regional
lymph gland (pre-auricular node in front of the ear). It is also known as an
internal stye and it requires surgical incision from the internal aspect of the
eyelid to release its contents.
Chemosis—oedema or water logging of the conjunctiva.
Chloroquine—a drug used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and malaria.
near objects. Cycloplegic drugs are used both for diagnosis and treatment.
They dilate the pupil as well as paralysing the ciliary muscle, enabling the
posterior segment of the eye to be examined. They are also used to relax or
rest the ciliary muscle.
Cystoid macular oedema—an accumulation of fluid within the macular region
of the retina due to abnormal permeability of the retinal capillaries in that
region, associated with many disorders and causing either transient or
permanent blurring of vision.
Dacryo-adenitis—inflammation of the lacrimal gland, the tear-producing gland
of the eye.
Dacryops—cyst of the lacrimal gland.
Dark adaptation—the change in retinal sensitivity to improve the vision of an
eye in dim light.
Delayed hypersensitivity reaction—may result as a response to infection by
Staphylococcus tuberculosis (TB) or other infectious agents elsewhere in the
body (very rare).
Dellen—corneal thinning in the peripheral cornea near to the limbus; ellipsoid
in shape and accompanied by focal conjunctival or corneal elevation
occurring as a response to stasis of the tear film status.
Demyelination—loss of the myelin nerve sheath in the eye and only refers to
the optic nerve retrobulbar portion. Occurs in multiple sclerosis or can be an
isolated event of unknown cause.
Dendritic ulcer—the branching or dendriform ulceration on the cornea in herpes
simplex keratitis.
Dermoid cyst—a congenital, benign tumour usually occurring under the bulbar
conjunctiva on the globe of the eye, usually on its temporal aspect.
Descemet’s membrane—one of the inner posterior layers of the cornea.
Descemetocele—the cyst-like bulging of the inner corneal layers through
deficient outer layers.
Diplopia—double vision.
Disciform—a pathological response to inflammation of the cornea (disciform
keratitis) or a healing response to central retinal/macular degeneration
(disciform macular degeneration).
Distichiasis—abnormal extra row of eyelashes.
Double vision—(diplopia) awareness of two images. The result of either
binocular defect (the eyes are not aligned) or monocular defect (a defect or
opacity in the anterior ocular media that causes image splitting in the optical
Drusen—the amorphous collection of colloid material into smaller or larger white
spots under the retina which can occur centrally and peripherally. Spots
may become calcified and have a crystalline or refractile appearance. Can
occur naturally (familial) or as a response to the ageing process.
Dry eye syndrome—to be distinguished from eyes feeling dry. The syndrome
requires loss of some or all of the components of tears with corresponding
clinical signs, essentially dryness and roughness of the ocular surface.
Echogram—the returning echo displayed on the screen of an ultrasound
instrument; also known as a scan or sonogram.
Enophthalmos—a measurable depression of the globe within the bony eye socket
or orbit.
Ectropion iridis/ectropion uvea—eversion of the iris at the pupillary rim so that
the pigmented posterior aspect of the iris can be seen.
Electro-diagnostic tests—see electroretinography, electro-oculography and
visually evoked response.
Electro-oculography (EOG)—computer-assisted tomography. A difference in
electrical potential occurs between the cornea and the posterior part of the
eye which is known as the corneo-retinal potential or resting potential.
Though it is difficult to measure the actual resting potential, the problem is
resolved by placing electrodes on the skin on either side of the eye at the
medial and lateral canthi. The patient then makes horizontal eye movements
of a constant size. These rotations of the eye induce a change in the resting
potential which is picked up by the electrodes and revealed as the electro-
oculogram, the changes in potential related to the resting potential if the eye
movements are constant. The EOG is affected by the state of light or dark
adaptation of the eye. With light adaptation there is a progressive rise in
amplitude of the waves whereas with dark adaptation there is a fall. Thus,
the ratio between the maximum amplitude achieved in light adaptation (the
light peak) and the minimum of amplitude achieved in dark adaptation (dark
trough) is determined to evaluate the response. Normal patients have EOG
ratios of 1:60 or greater. It is believed that the EOG largely reflects the
metabolic activity of the retinal-pigment epithelium, and thus the technique
can be used to provide an evaluation of some aspects of the condition of the
retina. The technique can also be used to monitor eye movements such as in
nystagmus, lazy eye conditions (amblyopia) and with abnormal fixation of
objects by the retina (eccentric fixation).
As a test for retinal function the EOG compliments the ERG, and together
they provide some information about a portion of the ocular apparatus. While
pathological processes in the eye that cause alteration in one response also
cause similar responses in the other technique, there are some exceptions.
For example, in juvenile macular disease, Best’s disease or vitelliform macular
dystrophy, the EOG ratio is abnormal, not only at an early stage in those
affected by the disorder but also in those who carry the gene for the disorder.
In these patients the ERG is normal. In retinitis pigmentosa in its later stages
the EOG and the ERG tend to parallel each other, but there are variations in
some of the specific forms of the disease.
Electro-retinography—the normal retina creates electrical changes when exposed
to light. The measurement of the changes in the electrical potential in the
retina under the influence of light is known as the electro-retinography and
the output is known as an electro-retinogram. The ERG indicates the
difference in electrical potential between an electrode in a corneal contact
lens and a electrode on the forehead. The ERG is a waveform response with
multiple elements which result from several superimposed events. There
are four principle waves:
A-wave—the initial negative response after a latent period following the
light stimulus; it originates in the photoreceptor cell layer (rods and cones);
B-wave—the quality of deflection emanating from electrical changes in the
bipolar cell layer, ie the layer of the neural or the nerve layer of the retina
that connects the light-sensitive elements, rods and cones to the retinal nerve
fibres; this is followed by
C-wave—a slight positive deflection in the wave; and finally
D-wave—(the effect of removing the light) producing a positive potential.
The value of electroretinography is in the valuation of retinal function in
eyes where the optical media are obscured or where there is no clinical
evidence to support the patient’s contention that the eye cannot see. Recent
developments in the technique of electroretinography allow discreet areas
of the retina, eg the macula, to be targeted to elucidate further their function.
Endophthalmitis—infection within the eye (see Chapter 14).
Enophthalmos—a measurable depression of the globe within the bony eye socket
or orbit.
Enucleation—removal of an eye.
Epicanthus—a fold of skin at the inner aspect of the eyelids which may conceal
part of the white of the eye to create an illusion that a child is suffering from
a convergent squint. It generally disappears with facial growth.
Episcleritis—inflammation of the external surface of the sclera beneath the
Esophoria—the same as above, but the non-fixating eye is turned inwards.
Esotropia—ocular misalignment in which the non-fixing eye is turned inwards
(convergent squint).
Excimer-laser photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)—a process to ablate and
therefore change the shape of the central cornea. Used principally to effect
reduction of myopia (short-sight). New generation lasers have the capability
of treating hyperopia and astigmatism. Complications of therapy include
loss of best-corrected acuity, corneal haze and irregularity (see Chapter 17).
through the eye onto the retina is used to estimate the refractive error of the
eye in conjunction with convex or concave lenses.
Retinitis—inflammation of the retina; relative afferent pupillary defect. A
decreased pupillary constriction to light in one eye as compared to the other
eye using the swinging/flash light test (see Chapter 6).
Retinal vascular disorders—any syndrome which involves pathological changes
in the retinal circulation. Used as a general term to cover disorders including
retinal artery and vein occlusive disorders, diabetic and hypertensive
retinopathies, etc.
Retrobulbar—inflammation of the optic nerve behind the eye, eg retrobulbar
Rosacea keratitis—acne rosacea is a skin disorder which may spread to the cornea
to cause inflammation and destructive changes. It has a tendency to become
bilateral and to progress in intermittent attacks, with intermissions lasting
several years. Each attack involves much pain and disability and every attack
brings the patient nearer to visual incapacity (see Chapter 18).
Rubeosis iridis—new vessel formation on the iris diaphragm, a sign of ocular
ischaemia or deprivation of blood supply to the anterior or posterior
segments of the eye, especially retinal ischaemia. The condition is usually
accompanied by secondary glaucoma.
Schiotz tonometer—an indentation contact tonometer which uses weights to
determine intra-ocular pressure. It was used in the detection of glaucoma
before more sophisticated devices such as applanation tonometer and non-
contact tonometers were devised.
Schirmer test—uses strips of filter paper to measure a patient’s tear output. It is
used in the diagnosis of dry eye conditions. The irritating effect of the filter
paper stimulates the production of tears, and the soaking of the strip in a
five minute period is measured to give an objective evaluation of the state of
the watering component of tear production.
Schlemm’s canal—a structure that drains the aqueous humour from the anterior
chamber after it has flowed through the trabecular meshwork. The sclera is
the white tissue surrounding the cornea and forming the wall of the eye to
protect the intra-ocular contents.
Sclera—wall of the eye consisting of white collagenous tissue.
Scleral buckle—a surgical procedure for correcting retinal detachment, which
involves placing a block of silicone or other material on the wall of the eye
to indent the structure and bring the torn element of the retina into apposition
with the underlying choroid, which is usually treated by freezing or
cryotherapy, to provide a sticky medium that will cause a healing scar.
Scleritis—inflammation of the sclera.
Scotoma—an area within the visual field where vision is reduced (relative
scotoma or absent absolute scotoma).
Current literature