Eee L-1, T-2 (2017-2018) PDF
Eee L-1, T-2 (2017-2018) PDF
Eee L-1, T-2 (2017-2018) PDF
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
(a) Scale formation in boiler pipe is nothing but the consequence of solubility of C02
gas in water in the presence of Ca2+ ions-Justify the statement. (8)
(b) Illustrate the molecular view of the solution process and explain that the energy and
entropy both are involved in the process of solution. (8)
(c) The fizzing is a physical change that involves the release of gaseous bubbles and
makes a hissing sound. Which one has the better fizzing; cold or warm carbonated
drinks? Explain. (6)
(d) Show that the freezing point depression is a colligative property. Decide the mass
of ethylene glycol (C2H602), the main component of antifreeze, must be added to 10L
water to produce a solution for use in a car's radiator that freezes at -IO.O°F? Assume
the density of water is Ig/mL. [the freezing point depression constant is
0.51 °C.kglmol. (7+6=13)
2. (a) Define the term 'boiling point of solution't' Elevation of boiling point IS a
consequence of vapor pressure loweringij~stify. (2+6=8)
(b) Apply the concept of osmosis and draw a diagram of the water desalination system
with the operational principle. (8)
(c) At room temperatvrie th~rw~ter is liquid but C02 is gas. Explain with the help of
phasediagram." ' .' , , '" (10)
(d) Draw the phase diagrarnOf sulfur and show (i) formation of metastable equilibrium
without the existence ofinonoclinic sulfur (ii) four phase equilibrium is not possible in
the~ultur system; (6+3=9)
3. (a) ShiJ~that for a first-order reaction the half-life is independent of the initial
concentration but for a zero order reaction it is somehow dependent on the
concentration of the reactants.' (12)
(b) For the following reactiprt;' what will be your approach to determine the rate
"constants!or thelJral1ches? Ifkl>' k2, draw the re~ction profile. (10)
Contd P/2
CHEM 101
Contd ... O. NO.3
(c) The higher order reactions are improbable-justifY with your concept of collision
theory of reaction rate. (7)
(d) For a reaction, the energy of activation is zero. What is the value of the rate
constant at 300 K if k = 1.6 x 106 S-1 at 280 K? (6)
4. (a) What is the scope of thermochemistry? Define the following terms (8)
(i) intensive property (ii) isolated system (iii) state function
(b) Derive an expression showing the temperature dependence of enthalpy of reaction. (11)
(c) Using the first law of thermodynamics proves that change in internal energy is
associated with a constant volume process and change in enthalpy is associated with a
constant pressure process. (8)
(d) Two pollutants that form in the auto exhaust are CO and NO. An environmental
engineer must convert these pollutants to less harmful gases through the following: (8)
CO(g)+ NO(g)--+ CO,(g)+ Y,N2(g)
Calculate the ilH for the reaction from the following information.
Equation A: CO(g)+ Y,O,(g)--+ CO2 (g) ilH = -283.0 kJ
EquationB: N,(g)+02(g)--+2NO(g) ilH=180.6 kJ
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
6. (a) (i) For a given value of the principle quantum number, n, how do the energies of the
S, p and d sub levels vary for (I) Hydrogen (2) Phosphorous.
(ii) Which of the following species has the most unpaired electrons? S+, S, or So.
Explain how you arrive at your answer. (4+3)
Contd P/3
, ,
CHEM 101
Coutd ... Q. No.6
(b) Sketch the outline of the periodic table and show group and period trends in the
first acidity of oxides, metallic character and atomic size of the elements. (10)
(c) Using the Na (Z = II) atom as an example, describe the effect of shielding on the
151 ionization energy. What types of elements have the highest ionization energies and
the lowest ionization energies? (4+2)
(d) What is lattice energy and what role does it play in the stability of ionic
compounds? Explain how the lattice energy of KCI can be determined using the Bom-
Haber cycle. On what law is this procedure based. (4+7+ 1)
7. (a) Why does hydrogen gas consist of Hz molecules and not separate H atoms? (6)
(b) In AB4E arrangement (A is the central atom and E represents lone pair), why does
the lone pair occupy an equatorial position rather than axial position? Sketch the bond
moments and resultant dipole moments for the following molecules: H20, PCIs, NH3,
(c) Find out the Hybridization, geometry and shape of the following ions/molecules by
8. (a) Methoxide ion, CH30-, and amide ion, NH;: are very strong bases that are
"leveled" by water, explain. What feature must a molecule or ion have in order to act as
a Lewis base and as a Lewis acid? (4+2)
(b) The pH of a bicarbonate-carbonic acid buffer is 8.00. Calculate the ratio of the
concentration of carbonic acid to that of the bicarbonate ion. Given that, (6)
H2C03(aq)~ HCO~(aq)+ W(aq) K" = 4.2x 10-
(c) The galvanic cell represented below consists of a hydrogen half-cell and a
magnesium half-cell at standard conditions. The reading on the voltmeter is 2.36 V. (4x4=16)
-=--- ---- ._.
V \
H2(g) Mg
, ,
, ,
PI ,, ,, H'(aq) Mg2'(aq)
Contd P/4
CHEM 101
Contd ... Q. No. 8(c)
(i) Label all the components of this cell. What are the conditions needed for the
hydrogen half-cell to function at standard conditions?
(ii) Write down the cell notation/diagram for this cell. Give the balanced NET
(overall) cell reaction that takes place in this cell.
(iii) Calculate the standard reduction potential of the magnesium half- cell.
(iv) Comment on the spontaneity of the cell reaction based on the standard free
energy change. ( F= 96,484 C mol-I)
(d) The concentration of K+ion in the interior and exterior of a nerve cell are 400 mM
and 15 mM, respectively. Find the electrical potential across the membrane.
[K+ +e- = K; P = -2.92V]. Which direction the K+ movement will be spontaneous? (5+2)
L-lff-2/EEE Date: 06/04/2019
L-I/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2017-2018
Sub: PHY 165 (Electricity and Magnetism, Modem Physics and Mechanics)
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
I. (a) Distinguish between inertial and non-inertial frames of references. Give one
example of each. Is earth an inertial frame? Give reasons. (8)
(b) Derive Lorentz transformation equations for space and time coordinates and show
that these equations become the Galilean equations at very low speed. (22)
(c) Calculate the speed of a 2-MeV electron. (5)
2. (a) What are Planck's quantum hypothesis and photoelectric effect? (5)
(b) (i) Discuss photoelectric effect by drawing a schematic diagram of the apparatus. (18+5=23)
(ii) Discuss how classical electromagnetic theory of light fails to explain the basic facts
of photoelectricity.
(c) A proton and a deuteron have the same kinetic energy. Find which has a longer
wavelength. (7)
3. (a) Show with arguments that proton can exist in the nucleus. (6)
(b) (i) What do you mean by mass defect and binding energy of a nucleus? Draw the
curve of binding energy per nucleon versus mass number and explain it. (15+9)
(ii) Define mean life of a radioactive nuclide. Derive a relation between mean life time
and disintegration constant.
(c) Calculate the activity of 0.1 mg sample of 90Sr at time t = 9s if the half life of 90Sr
is 28 years. (Avogadro's number = 6.023 x 1023 per gm atom). (5)
4. (a) State and explain Gauss's law in electro statics. What are electric flux ~E, magnetic
flux ~B and the gravitational flux ~G? Write down Gauss's law relating them. (10)
(b) Derive Coulomb's law from Gauss's law and hence show that the two laws are
equivalent. (15)
(c) Fig. 4c shows portions of two large parallel, non-conducting sheets, each with fixed
uniform charge. on one side. The magnitude of surface charge densities are
a(+) = 6.8 flc/m2 for the positively charged sheet and a(.) = 4.3 flc/m2 for the negativity
charged sheet. Find the electric field E (i) to the half of the sheets, (ii) between the
sheets, and (iii) to the right of the sheets. (10)
Contd P/2
PHY 165
Contd ... O. NO.4 (c)
-~y- + - I
.' + -
-- -----! ,
+ !
, ---+ ~
,--- -+
..- -I
~ ,
I ~
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
5. (a) Define electric potential. How is the electric potential related to electric field E? (10)
(b) (15)
--- ----'1
Fig 5b shows a distant point P in the field of a dipole located at the origin of an xy-axis
system. Derive an expression for the electric potential V and hence calculate E as a
function of position.
(c) Two thin insulated concentric conducting spheres of radii RI And R2 carry charges
ql And q2. Derive expressions for E(r) and V(r), where r is the distance from the center
of the spheres. Plot E(r) and V(r) from r = 0 to r = 4.0 meters for RI = 0.50 meter,
R2 = 1.0 meter, ql = + 2.0 x 10-6 coul, and q2 = + 1.0 x 10-6 coul. (10 )
Contd P/3
PHY 165
6. (a) Discuss Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. What are magnetic damping
and Eddy current? Give an example of magnetic damping. (10)
(b) What is time varying magnetic field? Discuss what happens when a conducting
loop is placed in a time-varying field? In Fig 6b below, let B be increasing at the rate
dB . Let R be the radius of the cylindrical region in which the magnetic field is
assumed to exist. What is the magnitude of the electric filed E at any radius r? Assume
that dB = 0.10 weber/m2-sec and R = 10 cm (i) calculate flux ~B for r < R (ii) calculate
flux ~B for r > R through the loop. Plot the magnitude of E(r) for the numerical values
given. (15)
. ,
(c) A 100 turns of insulated copper wire are wrapped around an iron cylinder of cross-
sectional area 0.00 I m2 and are connected to a resistor. The total resistance in the
circuit is 10 ohms. If the longitudinal magnetic induction in the iron changes from I
weber/m2 in one direction to I weber/m2 in the opposite direction, how much charge
flows through the circuit? (10)
7. (a) What do you mean by quantum mechanical operators? Briefly explain the role of an
operator in quantum mechanics. (5)
(b) Derive an expression for the momentum operator from the expectation value of
position. Hence show how the operators corresponding to different physical quantities
can be obtained from the position operator and momentum operator. (15)
(c) At any time t, a particle is represented by the wavefunction (15)
(V(x,t)= Ae-Alxle-i'"
where /..and ware real position constants.
(i) Normalize (V(x,t) (ii) Determine the expectation value of position and momentum.
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
2. (a) What do you understand by social inequality? Discuss various systems of social
stratification. (20)
(b) Discuss Karl Marx's theory of class differences. (15)
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
5. (a) Define global warming. What are the negative impacts of global warming? (10)
(b) Explain the significance and role of physical environment in social development. (15)
(c) Briefly discuss the 4R's with examples. (10)
Contd P/2
HUM 127
6. (a) Discuss the characteristics of pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial societies. (10)
(b) How do you define deindustrialization and industrialization? What impacts did the
7. (a) What is the main difference between urbanization and urbanism? (8)
(b) Write down the factors that have: led to the growth of cities. (15)
(c) Critically discuss how the technological developments have changed our social and
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
(c) How would you derive the market demand curve of a commodity? Explain graphically. (10)
(d) What are the determinants of supply? (10)
2. (a) What are the determinants of price elasticity of demand? ShJ~, that any straight line
supply curve which passes through the origin has a unitary elasticity of supply. (10)
(b) What is the relation between price elasticity of demand and total revenue? There are
two parallel straight line demand curves. Show that the curve which is nearer to the origin
has a higher price elasticity of demand at any point. Explain graphically. (15)
(c) From the following table, calculate elasticity of demand if you move from point A to'
C and explain what you understand from the result. (10)
A 500 120
B 600 150
C 700 180
3. (a) Explain consumer's equilibrium with the help of budget line and indifference curve. (l0)
(b) Make a hypothetical indifference schedule and plot the curve. Explain the properties
, of an indifference curve. (15)
(c) From the following budget line and the utility function, calculate the amount of two
commodities that maximizes satisfaction. What is the maximum amount of satisfaction? (10)
3000 = 25X + 35Y
U = 1500 XO.6yO.7
4.; (a) In case of calculating GD!', what is the treatment of Inventories and Used goods?
Explain all possible cases. (10)
(b) What is GDP? Differentiate between Real GD!' and Nominal GD!'; GD!' and GNP. (15)
(c) Demonstrate the relationship between Money Supply and Price Level with the help of
the Quantity Theory of Money. (10)
Contd 1'/2
HUM 277 (EEE)
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
5. (a) Define total, average and marginal cost. Why does marginal cost increase as output
increase? (5)
(b) Fill the gaps on the table below (15)
Quantity Total Variable Fixed Average Average Average Marginal
(q) Cost Cost Cost Total Fixed Variable Cost
Cost Cost Cost
5 6 10
6 85
7 15
8 5 25
9 120
[Hint: marginal cost of q(6) = total cost of q(6) -total cost of q(5)]
(c) Draw average cost (AC) and marginal cost (MC) from above table (in question b) and
discuss the relationship between the AC and MC. (15)
6. (a) Discuss the characteristics and explain profit maximization of a perfectly competitive
firm graphically. What type of pro fit will sustain in this market in long-run and why? (15)
(b) Why monopoly arises in the market? Show the equilibrium of monopoly market
graphically and explain. (15)
(c) Explain deadweight loss ofmonop~ly market. (5)
7. (a) What is National Income Accounts Identity? Briefly describe the components of
aggregate expenditure; (10)
(b) Derive IS curve using the Keynesian Cross and the Investment Function. How does IS
Curve shift in response to an increase in government purchase? (12.5)
(c) Derive LM curve from the Theory of Liquidity Preference. What will be the change in
interest rate and output/income if the Central Bank takes a Contractionary Monetary
Policy? Show the scenario diagrammatically. (12.5)
8. (a) How demand for factors is determined in a classical economy? Explain the concept
using demand for labor. (15)
(b) "In the Solow Model, the steady state represents the long-run equilibrium of the
economy" justify the statement. (10)
(c) What is the Golden Rule level of capital? Explain with the help of a diagram. (10)
L-l/T -2/EEE Date: 25/03/2019
L-IIT-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2017-2018
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
I. (a) Find the differential equation by eliminating arbitrary constants A, B from the
equation xy = Aex + Be-x + x' . (11)
4. (a) Apply the method of variation of parameter to solve 4 d';, +36y = cosec3x. (12)
dx "
(b) Use the method of factorization of operators to solve the equation
d'y dy dy (12)
dx' dx dx
(c) Solve: x-{+x (d)'
2 d
-2=0. (11)
dx dx dx
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
5. (a) Find the series solution of the following differential equation by using the method
of Frobenius: (25)
d'y ( )dy
2x(1- x ) dx' + 1- x dx + 3y = 0.
Contd P/2
MATH 257
Coutd ... Q. No.5
(b) Form a partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary function t/J from
(b) Find the complete and singular integrals of the following partial differential
equation q = (z + px y. (11)
8. (a) Solve the following higher order partial differential equation: (15)
(Xl D; - 2xyDxDy -3/ D; +xDx -3yDy)z = xly sin(logx').
(b) The vibrations of an elastic string of length i are governed by the following wave
equation (20)
1 a'u
all axl
under the condition: u(O,I) = 0, u(i,I)= 0
L-lff-2/EEE Date: 14/03/2019
L-I/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2017-2018
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
I. (a) Determine the input impedance Zin in the circuit for Q.I a. (15)
(b) Assuming that the circuit of Figure for Q. I b is in steady state before switching,
Find v(l) for I > O. (20)
2. (a) Analyze the circuit of Figure for Q. 2a to determine whether a value of Xc can be
found such that the output voltage is equal to twice the input voltage. (17)
(b) In the circuit of Figure for Q. 2b, the switch closes at I = O. If R, = R2 = 10 n,
C = 250 IlF, Vs = 100"2 sin(c.ot+ <p)and j=60 Hz. Find current in R3 after switching.
Assume that at the instant of switching Vs = 0 and its derivative is positive. (18)
3. (a) Determine the generalized form of expression of the steady-state voltage vo(l) and
from there calculate the first three terms for the circuit shown in Figure for Q. 3a if (20)
I ro I
U(/)=-+ L-(cosl17r-l)sinnIV
2 n.' n7T
4. (a) The cast-iron core of Figure for Q. 4a is symmetrical. Determine current I. Use the
BH curve attached with the question. (13)
(b) A cast steel magnetic circuit with N = 2500 turns, I = 200 rnA, and a cross-sectional
area of 0.02 m2 has an air gap of 0.00254 m. Assuming 90% of the mmf appears across
the gap, estimate the flux in the air gap. Use the BH curve attached with the question. (18)
(c) Define power factor for a non linear load. (4)
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
5. (a) Design a low-Q series R-L-C resonance circuit such that the half-power frequencies
become 4 kHz and 9 kHz. Also determine the resonance frequency and the quality
factor of the circuit. How the quality factor of the circuit can be improved to 10
keeping the same resonance frequency and what would be the values of the bandwidth
and the half-power frequencies? (17)
Contd P/2
EEE 105
Contd ... Q. NO.5
(b) Explain the effect of the variations of resistances Rs and Rc on the resonance
frequency for the resonance circuit shown in Fig. for Q. 5(b). Determine the resonance
frequency and the power supply from the source if V m = 200V, Rs = 4 n, Rc = IOn,
6. (a) Derive the expressions of characteristics impedance and transmission constant for
7. (a) Show that for transmission of the same amount of power from one place to another
place, the required amount of copper cable in single phase system is 33.33% higher
8: (a) The unbalanced load shown in Fig. for Q. 8(a) is connected to a 440 V, 50 Hz
power supply with a-b-c phase sequence. Determine the line currents and the real
----- --~-~
10 ..'40
-j20 -j10 30
t = 0
L R1 i(t)
24V + +
Vc(o) C Rz V(t)
. ,
Figure for Q. 1b
- - -- ----
10 j20
· 11fi8 1 +
8 .
Figure for Q. 2a
Figure for Q. 2b
--- ----'------ --~---- .
10 i(t) 1H
vet) 1F 10
Figure for.Q. 3a
-------------_. -'-
--- .... -. --------------
<Pz = 30 fJ., Wb
fclb = ~c = led = 4 em
Gap: Ig = 0.5 em
lek = 3 em
Core dimensions: I em X I em .
Figure forQ. 4a
;g = ~'Y = 0.001 m
!cilx' = O.I 4 m
~'da = 0.16 m
!cIX= t.:,y = 0.039 m
A = 4 cm2 everywhere
; .
Figure for Q. 4b
- /-
b - J g-.12-
, I
r=if k~: <6'l ~ ..
<: :[. ~ ,~ : ~~ ~: : ~ ~ ~: ;: ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~~ : :. ", ~ ~ ~' .• -.' ~. ~ :~ :. :~ ~ ~ ~ :; 3t~5i;-~{9.~!K~i
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.~;. f'" ~.'; '?;; ,.:,> ',~ ..f:" ... ~ ;." 'i' ~":: .:.."
,r _",' .~ :' ,,' ,.;:,' : ." ,~; ,J:; ;. ";.:;', ~ '-' '. '.1 ~. " ~ .":) ~ '"' :~ <-: :. ;;: ".,;; '" ~~'.~ "i ., '!.f., .~,.:;. '.' t ,;;c;':;. ~
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J .~".ry~~~~~~~~~~*~~m~~~~"~~!~'~e~~~~~p~R~~~~O~5i~~~;~~~6~~~~~~~~~~~¥~5~~~~
~~~~~8~~=~~~~~~~K~2~~,f~; ~~~5~~~e~~~n~~~~~t=~~~.~~n~~~~.~~~~:!~~J.~~~f~~C~
o 300 600 900 1200 1500 isoo 2100 2400 2700 3000 3300 3600 3900 .4200 4500
. 0.7
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
I. (a) A function is defined as f(x)= x2 sin.!., for x>'0, f(O) = 0 . Discuss the
continuity and differentiability of f(x) at x = 0 . Also sketch the graph of f(x). (15)
(b) On a sunny day, a 50 ft flagpole casts a shadow that changes with the angle of
elevation of the Sun. Let s be the length of the shadow and fJ the angle of elevation of
the Sun. Find the rate at which the length of the shadow is changing with respect to fJ
2. (a) Write Mean Value theorem. In which case, this theorem is modified into Rolle's
theorem? Suppose that two runners in a 100 m dash finish in a tie. Check whether they
had the same velocity at least once during the race or not. Justify your answer. (15)
(b) Expand the function (1+x)m in Maclaurin's infinite power series stating the
condition under which the expansion is valid. (10)
(c) An electrical circuit consisting of an electromotive force that produces a voltage V,
a resistor with resistance R, and an inductor with inductance 1. It is shown in electrical
circuit theory that if the voltage is first applied at time I = 0, then the current I flowing
through the circuit at time I is given by 1= V(1_e,RI/L)/R. What is the effect on the
current at a fixed time I if the resistance approaches 0 (i.e., R~O+)? (10)
3. (a) Write the necessary condition for which a function has maximum or a minimum
values. How do you determine them? Find the altitude of the right cone of maximum
volume that can be inscribed in a sphere of radius a. (18)
(b) State Euler's theorem of homogeneous function and prove it. If
x + i +z2 -2xyz = I then find the value of
(is h is].
4. (a) Write the condition of determining tangents at the ongm. If the tangent
at (Xl, YI) to the curve x +S
l = as meets the curve again in (X2, Y2), then find the
(b) Find the evolute of the curve xYJ + yYJ = aYJ. (10)
(c) Find all the asymptotes of rn sinnB = an, where n > I. (10)
Contd P/2
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
(a) f 1-2COs:+3sinx dx
6. (a) Find a reduction formula for In = f (sin-I x r dx and hence obtain f (sin-I x) dx . (13)
Lim [n n
Y2 n
Y2 n ]
Y2 Y2
n~oo n% + (n+5)% + (n+IO)% +.....+{n+5(n-I)}% .
(c) Find the value of: f (x-
(x- ~
2 3
dx. (12)
7. (a) Evaluate:
1+cos x
(c) (i) Establish a relation between gamma and beta function. (8)
(ii) Show that 1(n + 1) = nin . (5)
8. (a) Determine the area between the ellipse x2 + 2/ = a2 and 2x2 + y2 = a2 . (15)
(b) Find the common area between the curves r = cos 8 and r = sin 8. (10)
(c) Find the surface area of the solid generated by revolving the cardioid