Earth Atmosphere
Earth Atmosphere
Earth Atmosphere
Earth’s Atmosphere
The atmosphere consists of 78.1% nitrogen, 20.9% oxygen, 0.9% argon, 350 ppm
carbon dioxide, and other components. The table below shows the major components in
the atmosphere and their relative ..concentrations
The presence of oxygen and carbon dioxide permits life on Earth. Carbon dioxide is
used by photosynthetic organisms, such as plants and algae, to convert the energy from
the sun to usable energy through the process of photosynthesis. The oxygen makes it
livable for living organisms including humans for respiration and for our cells to function.
Earth’s atmosphere also protects us from the sun’s radiation. Thirty percent of the
radiation is reflected away by the atmosphere, clouds, and the earth's surface. Another
25% is absorbed by the atmosphere and clouds, and the remaining 45% is absorbed by
the earth’s surface. Ozone or O3 is composed of three oxygen atoms. In the
stratosphere, O3 is abundant in the form of the ozone layer. This layer absorbs the
ultraviolet wavelengths, and the absorption of this radiation heats up the air
Soil and Vegetation
The soil is a mixture of minerals, water, air, organic matter, and organisms. It is a living
medium—a medium for growth of all kinds of vegetation. The soil promotes growth for
plants by providing nutrients, water, and as a substrate for anchorage of roots. In return,
vegetation produces trees and forests cover, ensures the water and nutrient cycle, and
prevents soil and wind erosion. This mutual relationship of the soil and vegetation
makes our planet livable.
Earth’s Hydrosphere
The hydrosphere contains all the water on our planet including ice and vapor. Nearly
three-quarters of the earth’s surface is the sea and the ocean. The ocean houses many
species of marine life and diverse mineral resources. Other forms of water include river,
streams, and lakes. Other than being a water reservoir, these forms of water are all
sources of fish and shellfish that we consume. They also serve as thermostat and heat
reservoir, especially the ocean. They also serve as ways for transportation.
Imagine that you have a garden. Get one plant that could fit in a pot but do not put soil
when you transfer it. Put the plant inside a box and leave it for one week. What do you
think will happen to the plant? How would you relate this scenario with the different
characteristics of the Earth?
Are the characteristics of the earth interrelated with one another? If yes, how do they
affect each other?
The atmosphere consists of 78.1% nitrogen, 20.9% oxygen, 0.9% argon, 350
ppm carbon dioxide, and other components.
The presence of oxygen and carbon dioxide makes Earth habitable.
Earth’s atmosphere also protects us from the sun’s radiation.
The soil is a living medium—a medium for growth of all kinds of vegetation.
The hydrosphere serves as a water reservoir, a source of fish and shellfish that
we consume, a thermostat and heat reservoir, and a way for transportation..