Elain Tables
Elain Tables
Elain Tables
industry in Ilocos Sur. Specifically; it provides clear answers to the following questions:
1. What is the profile of tobacco farmers/ buyers in terms of: 1.1 age, 1.2 sex, 1.3 civil status,
1.4 educational attainment, 1.5 number of years planting tobacco, 1.6 income for the whole
season, 1.7 other source of income, and 1.8 Involvement in the industry?
2. What are the resources of the tobacco farmers along the following: 2.1 Land planted with
tobacco, 2.2 Area planted, 2.3 Approximate capital, 2.4 Source of capital, and 2.5 Number of
3. What are the practices of the tobacco farmers along the following: a. Production a.1. land
preparation; a.2. method of planting; a.3. fertilization; and a.4. harvesting? b. Processing b.1.
harvesting; b.2. curing? c. Marketing c.1. pricing; c.2. promotion; and c.3. place?
4. What is the output of the tobacco farmers in terms of: A. Quantity a.1. volume of output; a.2.
volume of sales; and a.3. estimated number of customers for the whole season? B. Quality b.1.
category; b.2. color?
5. What is the impact of the tobacco industry on the socio- economic status of the farmers in the
First District of Ilocos Sur?
7. What are the problems encountered by the respondents relative to their production and
marketing practices?
f %
1 380 100
Civil Status
1 8 2.1
2 366 96.3
3 6 1.6
Total 380 100
Educational Attainment
1 25 6.6
3 280 73.7
4 48 12.6
5 12 3.2
6 15 3.9
Total 380 100
Number of Years as Tobacco Grower
1 1 .3
2 23 6.1
3 300 78.9
4 56 14.7
Total 380 100
1 380 100
1 326 85.8
2 54 14.2
Total 380 100
Land Planted
1 278 73.2
2 90 23.7
3 12 3.2
Total 380 100
Area Planted
1 122 32.1
2 160 42.1
3 98 25.8
Total 380 100
1 32 8.4
2 289 76.1
3 59 15.5
Total 380 100
Source of Capital
1 157 41.4
2 178 46.8
3 45 11.8
Total 380 100
Number of Workers
1 177 46.6
2 203 53.4
Total 380 100
FP Land Preparation
1 380 100
1 300 78.9
2 80 21.1
Total 380 100
FP Fertilization
1 380 100
FP Harvest Leaves by
1 380 100
1 30 7.9
2 350 92.1
Total 380 100
1 65 17.1
2 315 82.9
Total 380 100
Number of Days
3 380 100
1 30 7.9
2 350 92.1
Total 380 100
0 380 100
Market Orice
1 366 96.3
2 14 3.7
Total 380 100
0 328 86.3
1 52 13.7
Total 380 100
1 12 3.2
2 80 21.0
3 288 75.8
Total 380 100
0 100 26.3
1 200 52.6
4 67 17.6
5 13 3.5
Total 380 100
2.0000 87 22.9
2.7704 1 .3
3.0000 292 76.8
Total 380 100
2.0000 365 96.1
2.0369 1 .3
3.0000 14 3.7
Total 380 100
1 380 100
2 355 93.4
3 25 6.6
Total 380 100
2 380 100
Mean DR
pp1 2.00
pp2 2.00
pp3 2.00
pp4 2.72
pp5 2.86
PP 2.32
fe1 3.00
fe2 3.23
fe3 3.21
fe 3.15
cap1 3.00
cap2 3.26
cap3 3.06
cap 3.10
qp 4.63
op1 2.24
op2 2.23
op3 3.40
op4 4.89
op5 5.00
op 3.55
dist1 3.40
dist2 2.63
dist3 4.28
dist4 2.25
Dist 3.15
price1 4.86
price2 4.00
price3 4.00
Pricw 4.28
promo1 4.86
promo2 4.28
promo3 4.83
promo4 2.63
Promo 4.15
Overall 3.39
There are no valid cases for models with dependent variable Quantity. Statistics cannot be
No valid cases found. Equation-building skipped.
For models with dependent variable Qualty, the following variables are constants or have
missing correlations: sex, Income, FP Land Preparation, FP Fertilization, FP Harvest
Leaves by, Number of Days, Pricing 2. They will be deleted from the analysis.
Variables Entered/Removed
Variables Variables
Model Entered Removed Method
1 Promotion, . Enter
Market Price, FP
MP, CS, Number
of Workers,
Pricing 1,
Area Planted,
CTL, Land
planted, Sourcee
of Capital, Educ,
Capital, Number
of Years as
Tobaco Growersa
a. Tolerance = .000 limits reached.
Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .889 .790 .782 .05688
a. Predictors: (Constant), Promotion, Market Price, FP MP, CS,
Number of Workers, Pricing 1, Involvement, Area Planted, CTL, Land
planted, Sourcee of Capital, Educ, Capital, Number of Years as Tobaco
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 4.442 14 .317 98.070 .000a
Residual 1.178 364 .003
Total 5.620 378
a. Predictors: (Constant), Promotion, Market Price, FP MP, CS, Number of Workers, Pricing 1,
Involvement, Area Planted, CTL, Land planted, Sourcee of Capital, Educ, Capital, Number of
Years as Tobaco Growers
b. Dependent Variable: Qualty
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig
1 (Constant) 2.216 .072 30.800 .00
CS .002 .020 .003 .110 .91
Educ .184 .012 1.386 15.347 .00
Number of Years as Tobaco -.204 .027 -.766 -7.519 .00
Involvement .205 .033 .588 6.189 .00
Land planted .007 .016 .032 .466 .64
Area Planted -.009 .011 -.056 -.823 .41
Capital .002 .022 .009 .106 .91
Sourcee of Capital .028 .013 .153 2.169 .03
Number of Workers -.018 .013 -.075 -1.446 .14
FP MP -.145 .020 -.485 -7.377 .00
CTL .000 .018 -.002 -.029 .97
Pricing 1 -.144 .032 -.315 -4.553 .00
Market Price .056 .031 .084 1.810 .07
Promotion .000 .020 .001 .015 .98
a. Dependent Variable: Qualty
Excluded Variablesb
Partial Statistics
Model Beta In t Sig. Correlation Tolerance
1 Transport . . . . .000
a. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), Promotion, Market Price, FP MP, CS, Number of
Workers, Pricing 1, Involvement, Area Planted, CTL, Land planted, Sourcee of Capital, Educ,
Capital, Number of Years as Tobaco Growers
b. Dependent Variable: Qualty