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Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup

Teledyne PDS
Version 1.0.6

June 2015

Teledyne RESON B.V.

Stuttgartstraat 42- 44
3047 AS Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 (0)10 245 15 00
Amendment Record Sheet
Rev. Date Reason for Modifications
1.0.6 11/06/2015 Configuration: Timing text modified.
1.0.5 11/05/2015 Configuration: text modified.
1.0.4 28/04/2015 All chapters, text modified after review UBL.
1.0.3 10/04/2015 Configuration: text modified. TrueHeave.
1.0.2 28/09/2014 Added section ‘Offsets’.
Modified text POS MV CMR and RTCM input.
Modified text sound velocity input.
Added text ‘Heave’ input.
Added link PDS2000 instruction.
1.0.1 09/09/2014 Version after review.
1.0.0 22/08/2014 First version of the PDS2000 T20-P with POS MV setup Manual.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 T20-P with POS MV and Teledyne PDS Quick Setup ........................................... 1

2 Interfacing 3
2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Connections ............................................................................................................ 3
2.3 Computer requirements .......................................................................................... 5
2.4 Installation............................................................................................................... 6

3 Configuration 7
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Software installation ............................................................................................... 7
3.2.1 Teledyne PDS Installation............................................................................. 7
3.2.2 SeaBat User Interface (SUI) ......................................................................... 7
3.2.3 POSView ....................................................................................................... 7
3.3 TCP/IP Settings ...................................................................................................... 7
3.3.1 Configure computer TCP/IP Settings and Disable Firewall .......................... 8
3.3.2 Configure T20-P TCP/IP Settings ............................................................... 14
3.3.3 Configure POS MV TCP/IP Settings ........................................................... 17
3.4 SUI Configuration ................................................................................................. 19
3.4.1 Roll Stabilization ......................................................................................... 19
3.4.2 Time and PPS Setup .................................................................................. 20 Serial Time Message ......................................................................... 20 Ethernet Time Message .................................................................... 21 PPS ................................................................................................... 22
3.4.3 Sound Velocity ............................................................................................ 23
3.4.4 Other I/O Settings ....................................................................................... 24
3.5 POS MV Configuration ......................................................................................... 24
3.5.1 Connect with POS MV ................................................................................ 24
3.5.2 Installation settings ..................................................................................... 25
3.5.3 Timing ......................................................................................................... 27 Serial Time Message Output. ............................................................ 27 Ethernet Time Message .................................................................... 29
3.5.4 Motion ......................................................................................................... 31
3.5.5 Position ....................................................................................................... 32
3.5.6 Ethernet Output ........................................................................................... 32
3.5.7 RTCM / CMR input ...................................................................................... 33 COM 3 PORT input ........................................................................... 33 GNSS Port ......................................................................................... 34
3.5.8 Calibration ................................................................................................... 35
3.6 Teledyne PDS Configuration ................................................................................ 39
3.6.1 Equipment Selection ................................................................................... 39

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Contents  i RESON ............................................................................................. 39 POS MV ............................................................................................ 41
3.6.2 I/O Selection ............................................................................................... 44 RESON I/O ........................................................................................ 44 POSMV I/O ....................................................................................... 48
3.6.3 Timing ......................................................................................................... 51 Clock synchronization set-up ............................................................ 52 Timestamp Mode .............................................................................. 52
3.6.4 Offsets and Corrections .............................................................................. 53

4 Appendix Installing Teledyne PDS 57

4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 57
4.2 Install Teledyne PDS ............................................................................................ 57

5 Appendix Installing SeaBat User Interface (SUI) 61

5.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 61
5.2 Vessel Configuration ............................................................................................ 61

6 Appendix Installing POSView 65

6.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 65
6.2 Installing POSView............................................................................................... 65

ii  Contents Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Figure 2-1 Rear panel RESON T20-P .................................................................................................. 3
Figure 2-2 Rear panel Applanix POS MV ............................................................................................. 3
Figure 2-3 Schematic of interfacing RESON T20-P, Applanix POS MV and Teledyne PDS
computer .............................................................................................................................. 4
Figure 3-1 Firewall .............................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 3-2 Hardware pane with motion stabilization setting ............................................................... 20
Figure 3-3 I/O pane serial clock setting .............................................................................................. 21
Figure 3-4 Changing the serial protocol into network ......................................................................... 21
Figure 3-5 clock settings using the Ethernet. ...................................................................................... 22
Figure 3-6 Hardware pane PPS setting .............................................................................................. 23
Figure 3-7 PPS status LED ................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 3-8 I/O pane Sound Velocity (COM3) ...................................................................................... 24
Figure 3-9 Connect with POS MV ....................................................................................................... 25
Figure 3-10 Lever Arms & Mounting ..................................................................................................... 25
Figure 3-11 IMU reference point ........................................................................................................... 25
Figure 3-12 POS MV Lever arms convention ....................................................................................... 26
Figure 3-13 Lever Arm & Mounting Angles ........................................................................................... 26
Figure 3-14 Keep Ref. to Sensor 1 values zero .................................................................................... 27
Figure 3-15 Tags, Multipath & AutoStart .............................................................................................. 28
Figure 3-16 Time Tag UTC Time .......................................................................................................... 28
Figure 3-17 Input/Output Ports… .......................................................................................................... 28
Figure 3-18 Time Input/Output Ports Set-up......................................................................................... 29
Figure 3-19 Tags, Multipath & AutoStart .............................................................................................. 30
Figure 3-20 Time Tag UTC Time .......................................................................................................... 30
Figure 3-21 Ethernet Realtime .............................................................................................................. 30
Figure 3-22 PPS Data selection............................................................................................................ 31
Figure 3-23 Input/Output Ports… .......................................................................................................... 31
Figure 3-24 Motion Input/Output set-up ................................................................................................ 32
Figure 3-25 Ethernet Realtime .............................................................................................................. 32
Figure 3-26 Logging Groups ................................................................................................................. 33
Figure 3-27 Input/Output Ports Set-up .................................................................................................. 34
Figure 3-28 GNSS Receiver ................................................................................................................. 35
Figure 3-29 GNSS Receiver configuration ........................................................................................... 35
Figure 3-30 GAMS Param Setup… ...................................................................................................... 36
Figure 3-31 GAMS Parameter Setup .................................................................................................... 36
Figure 3-32 Navigation .......................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 3-33 GAMS Calibration Control ................................................................................................. 37
Figure 3-34 Heading accuracy .............................................................................................................. 38
Figure 3-35 GAMS status ..................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 3-36 Save Settings .................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 3-37 Equipment page ................................................................................................................ 39
Figure 3-38 RESON SeaBat 7K............................................................................................................ 40
Figure 3-39 RESON SeaBat 7K devices. ............................................................................................. 40

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Figures  iii
Figure 3-40 Positioning......................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 3-41 VRU ................................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 3-42 Compass ........................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 3-43 Heave ................................................................................................................................ 44
Figure 3-44 Timestamp mode 7K ......................................................................................................... 53
Figure 3-45 Offsets ............................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 4-1 Welcome page of the Teledyne PDS InstallShield Wizard ............................................... 57
Figure 4-2 Type of setup in the Teledyne PDS InstallShield Wizard ................................................. 58
Figure 4-3 Update C-Map SDK software ............................................................................................ 58

iv  Figures Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
1 Introduction

1.1 T20-P with POS MV and Teledyne PDS Quick Setup

The purpose of this manual is to act as a quick guide to setup a Teledyne
RESON Seabat T20-P combined with an Applanix POS MV and Teledyne
PDS. The manual will not describe the components in full detail. Refer to
the associated manuals for more information.
For other information about Teledyne PDS see the Teledyne PDS User
Manual (the file Teledyne PDS User Manual.pdf in the folder ‘Manuals’)
This manual is also available as a HTML Help file and can be opened with
F1 or with Help > Help Topics from the menu bar.
Teledyne PDS instruction movies are available at the Teledyne PDS
YouTube channel. Watch Teledyne PDS instruction movies.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Introduction  1
2 Interfacing

2.1 Introduction
In this section the basic setup of a RESON T20-P, a POS MV and the
Teledyne PDS computer with the connections are described.

2.2 Connections
Figure 2-1 shows the rear panel with the connectors of a T20-P.

Figure 2-1 Rear panel RESON T20-P

Figure 2-2 shows the rear panel with the connectors of a POS MV.

Figure 2-2 Rear panel Applanix POS MV

The Teledyne PDS software, the POS MV’s POSView software and the
SeaBat User Interface (SUI) are installed on a computer. The POS MV,
the RESON T20-P and the computer are linked to each other by an
Ethernet connection. (An Ethernet switch is used for this purpose.) The
T20-P need serial motion data for its roll stabilization feature. A PPS
signal with a timing message from the POS MV is needed for correct time
Schematically a setup is represented as:

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Interfacing  3
RESON T20-P Applanix POS MV





PPS in




6 12


5 10
1 2

3 9


4 8



Figure 2-3 Schematic of interfacing RESON T20-P, Applanix POS MV and

Teledyne PDS computer

The following table indicates the cabling. (A setup may be different

depending of the customer’s used configuration.)
Nr Function Type
1 Connect T20-P with projector Supplied by RESON
(pn 85002228)
2 Connect T20-P with receiver Supplied by RESON
(pn 1008775)
3 Connect T20-P with sound velocity Supplied by RESON
probe as delivered by RESON. (SVP-70 (pn 85002223) or
or SVP-71). Alternatively a Sound supplier of Sound
Velocity probe could be connected to Velocity probe.

4  Interfacing Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Nr Function Type
COM3 of the T20-P.
4 Connect T20-P LAN port with Ethernet Ethernet cable
5 Connect T20-P motion port with serial Serial cable.
port POS MV (Delivered with POS
6 Connect T20-P time port with serial port Serial cable (Delivered
POS MV. with POS MV)
Alternatively with latest versions of the
SUI I/O module the timing could also be
added by the Ethernet connection and
the correct selected (message 7) POS
MV time message. In this case the serial
connection is not needed.
7 ConnectT20-P PPS in port with POS MV Coax 75 ohm with
PPS out port BNC connectors
8 Connect T20-P LAN Ethernet port with Ethernet cable
9 Connect POS MV GNSS serial port with Serial cable
GPS correction source.
10 Connect POSMV with IMU Supplied by Applanix
(pn 10005142-25)
11 Connect POS MV with secondary GPS Coax 50 ohm as
antenna supplied by Applanix
12 Connect POS MV with primary GPS Coax 50 ohm as
antenna supplied by Applanix
13 Connect Ethernet switch with Teledyne Ethernet cable
PDS computer

2.3 Computer requirements

The minimum computer requirements for running Teledyne PDS are:
 CPU: modern Quad core Processor but preferred 8 core;
 Graphic card with OPENGL support and 1Gb of memory;
 4Gb internal memory;
 500Gb Hard disk;
 Multi serial I/O card when sensors are interfaced to the computer
 32 bits or 64 bits MS windows 7 or MS windows XP professional
service pack 3 or higher (Support ends from of 1 January 2015);
 DVD/CD Drive.
Refer to the Teledyne PDS user manual for more specifications.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Interfacing  5
2.4 Installation
Refer to the RESON T20-P Operator Manual and the POS MV User
Manual for a full description of installing the equipment.
Take special attention to the POS MV’s GPS antennas. The distance
between the primary and secondary antenna should be at least 2 meters
but may not exceed 5 meters.
The primary antenna (ANT1) is the antenna used for positioning.

6  Interfacing Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
3 Configuration

3.1 Introduction
The configuration of the system consists of:
 Installing the software packages;
 Set the devices TCP/IP settings;
 Setup the Sonar User Interface (SUI);
 Setup the POS MV;
 Setup Teledyne PDS.

3.2 Software installation

In this document it is assumed the Teledyne PDS software, the SeaBat
User Interface (SUI) software and the POS MV’s POSView software is
installed on the same computer.

3.2.1 Teledyne PDS Installation

Refer to appendix ‘Installing Teledyne PDS’ on page 57 for the procedure
to install Teledyne PDS on a computer.

3.2.2 SeaBat User Interface (SUI)

The SUI setup and controls the sonar.
Refer to appendix ‘Installing SeaBat User Interface (SUI)’ on page xx for
the procedure to install the SUI on a computer.

3.2.3 POSView
POSView setup and controls the POS MV.
Refer to appendix ‘Installing POSView’ on page xx for the procedure to
install the POSView software on the computer.

3.3 TCP/IP Settings

The T20-P, POS MV and computer must set in the same IP range.
The follow IP settings are recommended, but other may use:

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  7
In the next sections the TC/IP configuration for the computer, the T20-P
and the POS MV are described. It is recommended to disable a firewall as
it could block programs as Teledyne PDS or POSView.

3.3.1 Configure computer TCP/IP Settings and

Disable Firewall
The following table describes how to configure the computer IP address
for MS Windows7. For other Windows versions the procedure is almost

Step Action
1 Press the windows ‘Start’ button.

2 Select ‘Control Panel’.

8  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Step Action
3 Select ‘Network and sharing Center’.

4 Select ‘Change adapter settings’.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  9
Step Action
5 The available computer connections are listed. In this example
only one, but more are possible.

6 Right click at the LAN connection on which the sonar is

connected. A context menu opens. Select ‘Properties’.

7 In the next window select ‘Internet Protocol Version 4

(TCP/IPv4)’ and press ‘Properties’.

10  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Step Action
8 Check the ‘Use the following IP address’ button, and fill in the
required IP address. (E.g.
Set the subnet mask to

9 Press ‘OK’ to close the wizard.

When a firewall is enabled it possibly blocks Teledyne PDS or other

Figure 3-1 Firewall

It is recommended to disable the firewall.

The following table describes the procedure to disable a firewall for
windows 7. For other windows versions the procedure is almost similar.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  11
Step Action
1 Press the windows ‘Start’ button.

2 Select ‘Control Panel’.

12  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Step Action
3 Select ‘Windows Firewall’.

4 Press ‘Turn Windows Firewall on or off’.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  13
Step Action
5 Turn off the firewall in the dialog box and press ‘Ok’ to confirm.

6 The firewall is turned off

The computer is ready for use.

3.3.2 Configure T20-P TCP/IP Settings

The T20-P’s IP address is configured with the SeaBat User Interface
There are two options:
 Generate a IP address automatically;
 Use static IP address.
The T20-P has the follow default static IP addresses:

 The static IP range of the T20-P’s LAN2 port is between and On this way it is very easy to configure an IP number for the
T20-P processor as you now know the range of the port.

In case of generation an IP address automatically a DHCP server must

available. The processor will acquire an IP address from the DHCP

The following table describes the procedure to change the IP number of

the T20-P.

14  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Step Action
1 Set the computers IP number to with subnet
mask Refer to section ‘Configure computer
TCP/IP settings’ on page 8.
2 Connect the Ethernet cable from the computer to the LAN2
port of the T20-P processor.

3 Double-click the SUI shortcut on the desktop to start the SUI.

4 Press ‘Hardware’ to open the hardware pane.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  15
Step Action
5 Select the sonar from the hardware pane’s sonar address.
When clicked in the ‘sonar address’ field the sonar is
displayed by its current IP number and serial number.
Select the Sonar by selecting the associated IP address.

The Sonar is now connected with the SUI. A wedge will

appear in the wedge view of the SUI when the sonar

6 Press the application button.

16  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Step Action
7 Enter the required Static IP address and subnet mask of the
LAN1 port.

8 Connect the Ethernet cable from the processor’s LAN2 port

into the LAN1 port.

9 Configure the computer’s IP number with the correct number

and connect with the T20-P as described in step 4.

3.3.3 Configure POS MV TCP/IP Settings

It is possible to change the POS MV IP number with the POSView
software. However before it is possible to connect with POSView to the
POS MV, the computer must be in the IP range of the POS MV.
The default IP address of a new delivered POS MV is
In order to change the POS MV IP address, the computer IP address
should initially be changed in the same range as the current POS MV
number. For example
Refer to section ‘Configure computer TCP/IP settings’ on page 8 to
change the computer IP number.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  17

Be cautions with configuring the POS MV IP address. A wrong IP
address result in no connection with POSView. If the IP address is
unknown it is difficult to find out the configured IP address. When
the POS MV IP address is unknown it is possible to listen with a
terminal program at Com 4/5 (the highest Com available) at 9600Bd
during power up the IP address.
The following table describes the procedure to change the POS MV IP
Step Action
1 Double-click the shortcut on the desktop to start POSView.

2 See the following figure.

A Open menu Tools.

B Select Connect, to connect to the POS MV.

3 See the following figure.

A: The current IP address is displayed in the toolbar.

18  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Step Action
B: Open the menu ‘Settings’;
C: Select ‘Installation’;
D: Select ’POS IP Address…’.

4 Enter in the appeared dialog box the required IP address (E.g. and subnet mask (

Click ‘Apply’ when changed.

When the new IP address has a different range as the computer
the communication with the POS MV will be lost off course.

5 Change the computer’s IP range in the new range of the POS


3.4 SUI Configuration

This section only describes how to configure from the SUI:
 The roll stabilization feature;
 Timing;
 Sound velocity;
 And other I/O devices.
The configuration of above items is necessary for correct functionality of
the sonar.
Refer to the SeaBat User Interface manual for a full description of the

3.4.1 Roll Stabilization

The roll stabilization is a feature of the T20-P to correct the swath width
for Roll movements. Refer to the T20-P operate manual for more details.
See Figure 3-2. The roll stabilization is setup in the SUI’s Hardware pane.
Tick the checkbox and select the correct format, communication
parameters and sign definition.
These settings should match with the message as received from the
motion output device such as the POS MV. Normally the POS MV is set
to output a TSS1 message.

An update rate of 50Hz or higher for the motion data is needed for
correct roll stabilization functionality.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  19
Figure 3-2 Hardware pane with motion stabilization setting

3.4.2 Time and PPS Setup

The timing is setup from the SUI’s I/O pane’s clock tab.

It is essential to connect and define the timing and PPS signals

The time message could be interfaced to the T20-P by two methods:

 By a serial message from the POS MV
 Or by Ethernet message 7 from the POS MV Serial Time Message

When a serial message is used for timing:
1. Connect the serial cable from the POS MV COM1 to the T20-P
COM 1 timing port. Refer to section ‘Connections’ on page 3.
2. Connect the POSMV PPS port to the PPS in port of the T20-P. Refer
to section ‘Connections’ on page 3.
3. Open the SUI I/O pane and select the correct format with the correct
communication settings as received from the POS MV. For the POS
MV normally a NMEA ZDA message is used. COM1 is the time port.
See Figure 3-3.

20  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Figure 3-3 I/O pane serial clock setting

4. Set-up the POS MV to output a serial time ZDA message. Refer to

the POS MV configuration’s section ‘Serial time message output’ on
page 27. Ethernet Time Message

When a time message from the POS MV by Ethernet is used it is not
necessary to connect the serial cable to the T20-P COM1 timing port. The
PPS ports are still connected to each other.
Refer to section ‘Connections’ on page 3.

Perform the following steps:

1. Open the SUI I/O pane and select ‘Network’ as protocol. Settings are
changed by selecting the field and selecting the value from the drop
down list. See Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4 Changing the serial protocol into network

2. Setup the settings as indicated in Figure 3-5.

 Select port type Network and the POS MV Ethernet 7 message.
 Select as protocol UDP/IP with local port 5602. Set the host
address with the IP address of the POS MV. Tick the ‘Check host
address’ checkbox.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  21
Figure 3-5 clock settings using the Ethernet.

3. Setup the POS MV to output the Ethernet 7 message. Refer to POS

MV configuration section ‘Ethernet time message’ on page 29. PPS
For accurate time stamping the PPS signal is used. When a clock driver is
selected the IO module automatically detects to use the rising or falling
edge of the PPS pulse. The PPS edge control is grayed out (disabled) in
the SUI. When no clock device is selected it is possible to select a rising
or falling PPS pulse. See Figure 3-6.

22  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Figure 3-6 Hardware pane PPS setting

When the PPS pulse is received correctly, the status LED becomes green

Figure 3-7 PPS status LED

3.4.3 Sound Velocity

For correct beam forming the sound velocity from the sound velocity
probe is used.
Different Sound Velocity probes are used:
 The RESON SVP70 or SVP71 with the RESON supplied cable
(pn 85002223). This cable is connected to the T20-P’s ‘SVP
power’ socket.
 Or alternatively a SVP probe from an external supplier is used. In
this case a serial cable from the sensor is connected to COM3 of
the T20-P.
The sound velocity settings are defined in the SUI I/O pane sound velocity
tab. COM3 is the port used for the sound velocity. (Also when connected
to the T20-P’s SVP power socket.)

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  23
Figure 3-8 I/O pane Sound Velocity (COM3)

3.4.4 Other I/O Settings

Besides the above settings in the I/O pane also position, heading,
attitude, depth and pan and tilt sensors are defined. Define these sensors
when also log files (S7K files) from the SUI are created.

3.5 POS MV Configuration

This section briefly describes the setup of the POS MV. Refer to the POS
MV user manual for a full description with all details.

When distances or offsets are measured the highest possible
accuracy needs to be achieved for best performance. The best is to
use land survey methods. Refer to the POS MV user manual for
dimensions of the IMU and the phase center location of the GPS
Follow the following sections to set-up a POS MV.

3.5.1 Connect with POS MV

When the IP numbers are correctly defined as described in section
‘Configure POS MV TCP/IP settings’ on page 17, a connection is made
with POSView to the POS MV.
In POSView: See Figure 3-9
A. Check the correct IP number is listed in the toolbar;
B. Press the connect button.
C. To change settings it is necessary the POS MV is set in standby
mode. Press the Standby button.

24  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Figure 3-9 Connect with POS MV

3.5.2 Installation settings

Next step is to setup the installation parameters.
Select in POSView ‘Settings’ ‘Installation’ ‘Lever Arms & Mounting’

Figure 3-10 Lever Arms & Mounting

Choose a reference point on the vessel and measure the X,Y,Z offsets of
the IMU and Primary GPS (ANT1 on the POS MV) to this reference point.
The position as output by the POS MV is with respect to this chosen
reference point. It is easy to choose the IMU as reference point. The
reference point on the IMU is marked with a sticker on the IMU.

Figure 3-11 IMU reference point

INSTALLTION LEVER ARMS & MOUNTING. (Different convention is
used as used by Teledyne PDS).
See Figure 3-12 for the convention as used POS MV. (Right hand
orthogonal system.)

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  25




Figure 3-12 POS MV Lever arms convention

See Figure 3-13. In the Lever Arm & Mounting angle dialog box:
A. Enter the offset Ref. to IMU Target;
B. Enter the offset Ref to primary GPS lever Arm;
C. Enter the Roll/Pitch and heading offsets (C-O values) of IMU frame
with respect Reference frame.
Leave the other fields to 0,0,0 for a standard multibeam installation.

Figure 3-13 Lever Arm & Mounting Angles

26  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
The surveyor can measure the IMU roll/pitch and heading offsets in the

vessel frame. When the button is pressed the

measurement is converted to the IMU frame and filled in automatically in
the ‘IMU Frame w.r.t. Ref. frame’ box.( C )
The reference point of the POS MV Ethernet 102 output message
(containing position and motion data) is the defined ‘sensor 1’ offset of the
sensor mounting tab.

Leave the sensor 1 offset to zero (0)!! On this way the earlier chosen
reference point (usually the IMU) is the reference point for the 102
Ethernet output messages. In Teledyne PDS it is possible to use this
(IMU) also as reference point. (Otherwise the Sensor 1 reference
must be used as reference in Teledyne PDS)

Figure 3-14 Keep Ref. to Sensor 1 values zero

3.5.3 Timing
The POS MV must be configured to output a time message.
It is possible to output a time message by Ethernet connection or serially. Serial Time Message Output.

See Figure 3-15. Select from the POSView menu bar
Settings>Installation>Tags, Multipath & AutoStart..

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  27
Figure 3-15 Tags, Multipath & AutoStart

The lever Arms & mounting angles window opens. Select in the Tags,
AutoStart tab as Time Tag 1 ‘ UTC Time’.

Figure 3-16 Time Tag UTC Time

Select from the POSView menu bar Settings>Input/Output Ports…

Figure 3-17 Input/Output Ports…

The Input/Output window Ports Set-up window opens. Set all the
communication settings (Baud rate, parity, data bits etc.) See Figure 3-18.

28  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
The communication settings must be the same as set for the SUI time I/O
Select the NMEA output message as selected in the SUI I/O time

Figure 3-18 Time Input/Output Ports Set-up

The communication settings and messages as selected must also
set in the SUI. Refer to the SUI’s section ‘Time and PPS setup’ at
page 20.

Time message $INZDA with a rate of 1Hz is recommended. Ethernet Time Message

Select from the POSView menu bar Settings>Installation>Tags, Multipath
& AutoStart..
See Figure 3-19.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  29
Figure 3-19 Tags, Multipath & AutoStart

The lever Arms & mounting angles window opens. Select in the Tags,
AutoStart tab as Time Tag 1 ‘ UTC Time’.

Figure 3-20 Time Tag UTC Time

In POSView select ‘logging’, ‘Ethernet Realtime’.

Figure 3-21 Ethernet Realtime

Select output message ‘7 PPS Data’.

Leave or set the output rate to 50Hz. (This value does not apply for
message 7).

30  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Figure 3-22 PPS Data selection

Set also time message POS MV ethernet 7 in the SUI as described in

Beside message 7 other messages must be enabled. Refer to
section ‘Ethernet output’ on page 32.

3.5.4 Motion
The RESON T20 Series Sonar requires serial roll correction on port COM
2 for the roll stabilization feature.
The POS MV is set to output this message.
Select from the POSView menu bar Settings>Input/Output Ports…

Figure 3-23 Input/Output Ports…

The Input/Output window Ports Set-up window opens.

See Figure 3-24.
Select: COM 2, output ‘binary’, formula select ‘TSS1’ with an update rate
of 50Hz and a high baud rate (E.g. 115200).

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  31
Figure 3-24 Motion Input/Output set-up

The communication settings as set must also set in the SUI. Refer to
the SUI’s section ‘Roll Stabilization’ on page 19.

3.5.5 Position
It is recommended using the Ethernet connection to output position and
motion data to Teledyne PDS or the SUI instead as serial connections.
(When serial connections are used COM 3, COM 4 and COM 5 port are
configured to output these messages serially.)

3.5.6 Ethernet Output

To switch on the Ethernet output select from the POSView menu bar
Logging>Ethernet Realtime…

Figure 3-25 Ethernet Realtime

The following messages must be enabled:

3 - Primary GPS Data
10 - General Status and fault Detection
12 - Auxiliary 1 GPS Data
20 - In Solution status

32  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
102 - Sensor 1 navigation solution
104 - Sensor 1 navigation performance
111. - (True) Heave data
113 - Heave data quality control

Figure 3-26 Logging Groups

Set the output rate to 50Hz.

Press ‘OK’ when set.

In case of Ethernet communication between the POSMV and
Teledyne PDS; the Teledyne PDS Positioning system Geogs
‘3+10+12+20+102+104’ driver and optionally the heave driver ‘PosMV
Ethernet 111’ are used. See section

3.5.7 RTCM / CMR input

There are two methods available to apply RTCM or CMR correction data
to the POS MV:
 By COM 3 port input
 By GNSS port input COM 3 PORT input

This method is named the ‘tightly coupled mode’. Only GPS satellites are
used and the RTK fix will only available when the vessel is sailing and/or
GAMS is calibrated and online.
The formats RTCM v2.x and CMR/CMR+ are supported.
Select from the POSView menu bar Settings>Input/Output Ports.
In the opened Input/Output Ports Set-up dialog. (See Figure 3-27)
A. Set the correct communication parameters. (Depends of the
communication parameters of the RTCM/CMR correction source)

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  33
B. Set an output message when the RTCM/CMR correction source
needs information such as a GGA position string. Please note
sometimes the GGA message output by the POS MV is not
recognized as ‘valid’ due to a missing MSL field by some VRS. Use in
this case the GNSS port method as described in section
C. Set as input ‘Base 1 GPS’ and select the correct type of RTCM or
CMR input messages.

Figure 3-27 Input/Output Ports Set-up GNSS Port

This method is named the ‘closed coupled mode’. By using the POS MV
GNSS port the corrections are applied straight at the POS MV’s GNSS
The formats RTCM v2.x, RTCM v3.x, CMR/CMR+ and CMRx are
Both GPS and Glonass corrections are used. RTK fix is also available
when the vessel is moored.
See Figure 3-28.
Select from the POSView menu bar Settings>Installation>GNSS
Receiver’ to configure the port.

34  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Figure 3-28 GNSS Receiver

See Figure 3-29. The GNSS receiver configuration dialog opens. Set the
port baud rate to a value appropriate for the data stream coming from the
correction source such as the RTK modem.

Figure 3-29 GNSS Receiver configuration

The GNSS port senses automatically the RTCM/CMR correction format

and therefore doesn’t need to setup.
The GNSS port is configured (not user configurable) to output standard a
GGA and GST string to be used by a VRS. (Virtual reference station)
With latest versions POSMV firmware the tightly couple mode is linked to
the closely coupled mode (automatically switching between the two

3.5.8 Calibration
The POS MV GAMS is calibrated for correct performance.
Refer to the POS MV user manual for full details.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  35
First the GAMS parameters are set.
In POSView click ‘Settings’, ‘Installation’, ‘GAMS Param. Setup…’

Figure 3-30 GAMS Param Setup…

In the appeared dialog enter: (See Figure 3-31)

A. The separation between the two GPS antennas. The value will be
filled in by the POS MV after calibration automatically, but when
already a value is entered this routine will perform faster.
B. Set the heading threshold to 0.5 degrees.

Figure 3-31 GAMS Parameter Setup

Continue with initializing the calibration.

36  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Press from the POSView toolbar the ‘Navigation’ button.

Figure 3-32 Navigation

 Sail to an area where it is possible to sail eight shape curves and

straight lines.
Select from the POSView menu bar Settings>GAMS Calibration control.
Do not press ‘Start’ at this stage.

Figure 3-33 GAMS Calibration Control

 Sail S-shape or 8-shape figures each lasting approximately a

Contact Applanix or Teledyne Reson when it is not possible to
sail this figures due to the vessel characteristics. The calibration
must in this case achieve from other techniques such as the
Applanix POSPAC software application.
 Monitor the heading accuracy on the POSView Attitude pane and
continue sailing the figures until this accuracy is lower as the set
heading threshold of 0.5 degrees.
The calibration will not start until the threshold actually
reaches the 0.5 degrees (or whatever has been set). Until the
threshold is reached POSView main window will display “GAMS
Calib. Requested”.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  37
Figure 3-34 Heading accuracy

 Now press Start (See Figure 3-33) and sail straight out with a
fixed speed until the calibration is completed, GAMS status will
change to Online.

Figure 3-35 GAMS status

 Select from the POSView menu bar Settings>Save settings.

Figure 3-36 Save Settings

A successful calibration is indicated by continuous GAMS status
online and a high heading accuracy of 0.03 degrees in a low
multipath environment.

38  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
3.6 Teledyne PDS Configuration
This section describes briefly the equipment setup in Teledyne PDS:
 Equipment selection;
 I/O configuration;
 Timing.
Refer to the Teledyne PDS user manual for a full description of Teledyne

3.6.1 Equipment Selection

For this basic setup the RESON 7K Drivers as used by the T20 Series,
and the POS MV drivers are selected for positioning, heading and motion.
Driver selection is done during the new project configuration wizard or the
configurations equipment page. Refer to the Teledyne PDS user manual
for full details.

Figure 3-37 Equipment page RESON
Select from the equipment page ‘Multibeam all options’ group, the device ’
RESON SeaBat 7K’. See Figure 3-38.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  39
Figure 3-38 RESON SeaBat 7K

Press ‘Add>’ to add the device. A dialog box opens.

In this dialog the required devices are selected by ticking the

Figure 3-39 RESON SeaBat 7K devices.

 Multibeam: Bathy data.

 Sonar Image: Image data. The sonar wedge as also available in
the SUI is now available in Teledyne PDS Views.
 Device messages: Sonar messages are now available in
Teledyne PDS.
 Sonar configuration: This makes it possible to control the sonar
(Gain, power etc.) from Teledyne PDS.

40  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
 Snippets: Snippet data.
 Sidescan Sonar: Sidescan sonar data.
 Sonar bite: Make the sonar Bite information available in Teledyne
 Water column Data: The water column data. POS MV
Select if the Ethernet port of the POS MV is used to output data in
Teledyne PDS for:
Select ‘the’ PosMV all coupled modes – ethernet msg’ device, from the
‘Positioning system Geogs’ group .

Figure 3-40 Positioning

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  41
Select the ‘PosMV Ethernet 102’ device, from the group ‘VRU’.

Figure 3-41 VRU

42  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Select the ‘PosMV Ethernet 102’ device from the group ‘Compass’.

Figure 3-42 Compass

True heave is only used during post processing. It is a more accurate
heave then realtime heave. It might be used when RTK is not available
and you notice problems with your heave.
True heave has a delay of approximately 3 minutes. When PDS logging is
stopped the system continues to log the true heave device data for
approximate 3 minutes. A warning opens when disabling Realtime mode
during this time.
Select the ‘POSMV Ethernet 111’ device from the group ‘Heave’.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  43
Figure 3-43 Heave

3.6.2 I/O Selection

For the T20 Series sonar and the POSMV the proper I/O must be set up
and selected. RESON I/O

The following table describes the set-up of the I/O for the RESON
Step Action
1 Select in the equipment page the multibeam device. (Becomes
blue colored.)

44  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Step Action
2 Press the ‘I/O Port’ button.

3 Press ‘Add’

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  45
Step Action
4 Give a name and press ‘Ok’.

5 Enter as IP address the T20-P IP address and tick the TCP/IP

radio button.
Press ‘Ok’.

6 The port is now assigned to the multibeam driver.

46  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Step Action
7 Select other multibeam devices as for example the snippets
device. (Becomes blue colored.)

8 Press the ‘I/O Port’ button again.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  47
Step Action
9 Select the just made I/O port and press ‘Ok’.

10 The port is assigned to the driver.

Do this for all the multibeam devices.
When all multibeam device options were used the list looks
like:. POSMV I/O

The following table describes the set-up of the I/O for the POS MV

48  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Step Action
1 Select in the equipment list the appropriate POS MV device.
(Becomes blue colored.)

2 Press the ‘I/O Port’ button.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  49
Step Action
3 Press the ‘Add’ button.

4 Enter a name and press ‘OK.’

5 Enter as local port 5602 and select UDP/IP as protocol.

Press ‘OK’.

50  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Step Action
5 The port is assigned to the POS MV driver.

6 Repeat the procedure for other POS MV devices such as the

VRU and Compass.

3.6.3 Timing
It is not necessary for this configuration to set the clock synchronization in
Teledyne PDS to synchronize the computer clock. However doing so has
some advantages:
 Time delays are correctly indicated
 The log file names are corresponding with the synchronized date
and time.
 The computer clock is synchronized with the correct date and
time. A correct computer date and time is necessary when
importing tidal data into PDS.

It is essential the correct time stamp mode is selected for the

This section describes how to set-up clock synchronization and how to

select the correct time stamping for the devices.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  51 Clock synchronization set-up
The next table describes the setup of the clock synchronization in
Teledyne PDS.
Step Action
1 Press from the Teledyne PDS Control Center toolbar the
clock synchronization button.

2 Tick the ‘PDS2000 ClockSync module with remote RESON

7K IO module’ radio button.
Select the T20-P’s IP address.
Press ‘OK’. Timestamp Mode

When the T20-P is interfaced to the POS MV and the computer as
described in chapter ‘lnterfacing’ (see page 3) the time stamp mode is set
to ‘Time in message’ for all devices.

52  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
The ‘Timestamp mode’ is selected by opening the device properties
(double-click on the device) and setting the timestamp mode. See Figure

Figure 3-44 Timestamp mode 7K

Not for all drivers it is possible to set a timestamp. (E.g. sonar image
needs no timestamp.)

3.6.4 Offsets and Corrections

It is essential to set for each device the proper offset and
corrections (calibration values) when applicable.

The devices offsets with respect to a chosen vessel reference point

should be measured and specified in the Teledyne PDS Vessel
configuration – Geometry page. Refer to the Teledyne PDS user manual
for more details.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  53
Figure 3-45 Offsets

The corrections of each device (roll, pitch and heading calibration) should
also be measured prior to the survey and set.

It is essential these measurements are done as accurate as possible.
Land survey techniques are recommended to use.

For the POS MV the offsets and corrections are set in the POSView
Installation settings page. Refer to section ‘Installation Settings’ on
page 25.
The following table specifies the offset and correction needed for each
Refer to the section ‘Installation settings’ on page 25’ with a description of
the offsets and corrections as used in the POS MV.

Device Device offset and

Position system Geogs – POSMV all Device offset with respect to the
coupled modes Ethernet msg (in POSView) defined sensor 1
3+10+12+20+102+104 reference point. (usually the
VRU – POSMV Ethernet 102 Device offset with respect to the
(in POSView) defined sensor 1
reference point. (usually the
Corrections 0 (Defined already
in POSView)
Compass – POSMV Ethernet 102 Correction 0. (Defined already in
Heave – PosMV Ethernet 111 Device offset with respect to the
(in POSView) defined sensor 1

54  Configuration Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Device Device offset and
reference point. (usually the
Multibeam – RESON SeaBat 7K Device offset with respect to the
sonar acoustic center
Roll, Pitch and Heading
correction as determined during
the multibeam calibration.
Snippets None
Sidescan Sonar None
Sonar Image Device offset with respect to the
sonar acoustic center
Roll, Pitch and Heading
correction as determined during
the multibeam calibration.
Device Messages None
Sonar Configuration None
Sonar BITE None
Water Column Data None

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Configuration  55
4 Appendix Installing Teledyne

4.1 Introduction
This section is a copy from the Teledyne PDS user manual describing the
installation of the Teledyne PDS software package.

4.2 Install Teledyne PDS

The Teledyne PDS software is distributed on a CD-Rom or USB flash
A new version of Teledyne PDS is always available on the ftp-site of RESON. The
 address is with user name ‘pds2000’ and password
‘getlatestversion’. See also the Help menu of the Control Center.
a. Select in Windows Explorer the correct drive and select the file ‘setup.exe’ to start
the installation of Teledyne PDS. The welcome page of the Teledyne PDS
InstallShield Wizard will appear. Click on to continue.

Figure 4-1 Welcome page of the Teledyne PDS InstallShield Wizard

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Appendix Installing Teledyne PDS  57
b. Before the actual installation will start the user has to select the type of setup.

Figure 4-2 Type of setup in the Teledyne PDS InstallShield Wizard

Select ‘Full’.
After the selection of the setup type click on to continue.
c. The next page asks for a destination to install the program. The default directory is
‘C:\Program Files\TELEDYNE\PDS Vx.x.x.x’, where x.x.x.x is the version number.
With the option any directory name can be selected. Click on to
d. A window will pop up in which the ACL installer will make the Teledyne PDS
Project folder accessible for each user.
ACL also makes for MS Windows 7 the folder ‘C:\Program
Data\RESON\PDS2000’ and for MS Windows XP the folder ‘C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Application Data\RESON\PDS2000’ accessible.
e. If already an older Teledyne PDS version is/was installed with not the latest C-Map
software, then an Update C-Map SDK dialog will appear.

Figure 4-3 Update C-Map SDK software

From this new Teledyne PDS version onwards Teledyne PDS will only run with
the new version of the C-Map software. Click on to start with the
installation of the new C-Map software. If the user clicks on no C-Map
software will be installed and Teledyne PDS will not run with C-Map anymore.
Only when the user install later on the new C-Map software Teledyne PDS will
run again with C-Map.
f. Click on in the next page of the install wizard to start the Teledyne PDS
installation. Click on to finish the installation. Installing Teledyne PDS will

58  Appendix Installing Teledyne PDS Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
place the Teledyne PDS and the Dongle software on the hard disk of the
g. Click on on the desktop to start Teledyne PDS.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Appendix Installing Teledyne PDS  59
5 Appendix Installing SeaBat
User Interface (SUI)

5.1 Introduction
This is a copy from the SeaBat T-Series portable Quick Installation guide.
Refer to the SeaBat T-Series Portable Operator’s Manual for full details.

5.2 Vessel Configuration

SeaBat User Interface
The SeaBat User Interface software to
be run on the customer-furnished
laptop/PC is provided on the USB key
that’s delivered with your SeaBat
T-Series Portable system.


 Plug in the USB key, and select the USB in the Windows Explorer (if the system doesn’t
automatically open the USB folder).
 Double-click from the folder ‘software installers’ the SeaBat T-Series.exe to start
installation of the SeaBat UI software.
This will commence the InstallShield Wizard which will guide you through the installation
 Follow the instructions of the SeaBat T-Series – InstallShield Wizard, as shown here:

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Appendix Installing SeaBat User Interface
(SUI)  61
 Select SeaBat UI,
and click Next.

 Review settings,
and click Next, if
you want to

 Click Finish when

first part of the
installation is
 Follow the instructions of the SeaBat UI - InstallShield Wizard to install the SeaBat User
Interface, as shown here:

 Choose destination
location, and click

62  Appendix Installing SeaBat User Interface (SUI)Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick
 Click Install to begin
the installation.

 Click Finish to
complete the last
part of the
installation and exit
the InstallShield

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Appendix Installing SeaBat User Interface
(SUI)  63
6 Appendix Installing POSView

6.1 Introduction
This information is from the POS MV user guide. Refer to this guide for
full installation details.

6.2 Installing POSView

The table below indicates the procedure to install the MV POSView
software on the computer.
Step Action
1 Insert the CD containing POS MV software into the PC’s CD
2 Browse to the Cd folder with windows explorer if the CD doesn’t
startup automatically and click the file ‘Setup.exe’.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Appendix Installing POSView  65
Step Action
3 Click in the appeared dialog ‘Install MV POSView’.

4 Click ‘Next’ to start the installation wizard.

66  Appendix Installing POSView Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
Step Action
5 Follow the wizard.
Click ‘Next’.

6 Clcik ‘Next’.

7 Click ‘Install’.

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Appendix Installing POSView  67
Step Action
8 A dialog with a status bar appears during installation.

9 Click ‘Finish’.

10 A shortcut is created at the computer’s desktop.

68  Appendix Installing POSView Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup
static IP - 14

tightly coupled mode - 33

Index Timestamp - 52
timing - 20

clock synchronization - 51
closed coupled mode’ - 34
C-Map - 58
CMR - 33
computer requirements - 5
Computer requirements - 5

Dongle - 59

equipment - 39
Ethernet Output - 32
Ethernet time message - 21, 30

firewall - 11

I/O - 44, 48
installation parameters - 25
IP settings - 7

Motion - 31

PPS - 3, 22
primary antenna - 6

roll stabilization - 19
RTCM - 33

sound velocity - 23

Teledyne PDS - Teledyne PDS, T20-P and POS MV Quick Setup Index  69

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