Ijrar Issue 20542862 PDF
Ijrar Issue 20542862 PDF
Ijrar Issue 20542862 PDF
Key Words:
Today’s market has been turned from the seller’s market to buyer’s market. Success or failure of
modern business now depends on how effectively, the marketers and advertiser are able to attract the
buyer. Marketing has become a pervasive force capable of guiding and even controlling production. In fact, it
is the market potential and not production resources that guide a business today.Cadbury India Limited is
the biggest chocolate importer and manufacturer in India since 1948 (Cadbury, 2007), launching series of
chocolates for the various segments and strata of people in India’s large and diverse population.Chocolate is
one of the most famous foods forever. Chocolates in India are slowly and steadily substituting the traditional
Indian sweets. Due to increase in level of social consciousness people prefer gifting well wrapped chocolate
packets rather than sweets on occasions and festivals.
The preference of the customers towards a Cadbury chocolate depends on the price, quantity,
quality, taste, brand image. So, analyzing the taste and preference of the consumer is always a challenge. In
the competitive world each and every day the consumer attitude may change to prefer the product. It
depends on taste, quality, brand, image, competitive products, attractiveness and varieties etc. Many times
the consumer cannot specify the preference due to the problems of price change, competitive products,
quality of product and purchasing behavior of products.
To identify the customer preference towards Cadbury chocolates.
To analyze the factors influencing the customers to buy a Cadbury chocolates.
The study was undertaken in Coimbatore city. The study has been conducted from the month of
September 2017 to March 2018,Primary data has been collected through self constructed
questionnaire considering the objective of the study. Secondary data was collected from journals,
magazines, reports, research studies, websites,Data has been collected from 200 respondents.
Convenience sampling technique has been used in the study, Null hypothesis is employed in the
RajaRajeswari, Kirthika(2016)conducted a study to find out the consumer behavior towards
Nestle products with special reference to Coimbatore city. The objective of the study to analyze the
Research Paper IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 719
[ VOLUME 6 I ISSUE 1 I JAN.– MARCH 2019] E ISSN 2348 –1269, PRINT ISSN 2349-5138
consumer behavior and satisfaction and factors influencing buyer decision and determine the level of
effectiveness. The sample size was 120 respondents in Coimbatore city. Tools used for the study were
percentage analysis and chi-square. The researcher after conducting a study on consumer behavior towards
the products of nestle had came to conclusion that nestle received a pivotal position in the market for their
Gopalakrishnan, Karthikeyan(2013)conducted a study to find out the consumer satisfaction
towards dairy milk chocolate with special reference to Uthamapalayam city. The main objective was to
study the satisfaction level of customers towards dairy milk. The sample size is 100 in Uthamapalayam city.
Tools used for the study is chi-square, percentage analysis. The study mainly concentrated on general price
level, quality and consumer expectation overall satisfaction about Cadbury dairy milk chocolate, general
awareness and consumer preference of Cadbury dairy milk.
Patnaik, Pradeep Kumar Sahoo(2012) conducted a empirical study on consumer behavior
towards Cadbury’s India LTD and Nestle India LTD. The objective of the study was to analyze the
consumption pattern, examine the purchase behavior and also the consumer behavior towards these
industries. The sample size was 120 respondents in Bhubaneswar of Odisha. The marketers has to
understand the real need, wants, beliefs, attitudes of a consumer towards product and services. The growth
of Indian chocolate industry in the past has been hampered, because there was a stiff excise duties on
chocolates and the non availability of cocoa in the country. In India chocolate market is transforming and
new players were enter into the maret. So it might resulted in low per capita consumption chocolate, the
future of the company seems upbeat
AdeoluB.Ayanwale, TaiwoAliminiand Matthew A.Ayanbimipe(2005)has examined a study on
the influence of advertising on consumer brand preference. The objective of the study has to examine the
influence on consumer buying behavior, determine the influence of age on advertising and make
recommendation for improvement in advertising and brand management. The study was based on the
survey of 315 randomly selected consumers. The tools used to analyze the data will be chi-square and
percentage analysis. The study has to find out the advertising has a major influence on consumer preference.
The study was concluded by the advertising does not varying impact on age group.
Dairy milk
5 star
Table 1
Ageof the Respondents
Age Frequency Percent
Below 20 years 86 43.0
Between 20-40 years 96 48.0
Above 40 years 18 9.0
Total 200 100
Source: Primary data
This table depicts the 43 per cent of the respondents are below 20 years, 48per cent of the
respondents are between the age group of 20-40 and 9per cent of the respondents belongs to the age group
720 IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Research Paper
[VOLUME 6 I ISSUE 1 I JAN. – MARCH 2019] e ISSN 2348 –1269, Print ISSN 2349-5138
http://ijrar.com/ Cosmos Impact Factor 4.236
of above 40 years. The age group of 20-40 preferred chocolate more, because they need increase their sugar
Therefore, it reveals that 48per cent of the respondents belongs to the age group of 20-40 years.
Table 2
Genderof the Respondents
Gender Frequency Percent
Male 84 42.0
Female 116 58.0
Total 200 100
Source: Primary data
This table is inferred that 42per cent of the respondents are male and 58per cent of the
respondents are female. Female can eat more chocolate because they are mostly attracted by the chocolates
compared to male respondents.
Hence, it reveals that majority 58per cent of the respondents are female.
Table 3
Place of Buying chocolates
Place of Buying Frequency Percent
Departmental stores 44 22.0
Super market 116 58.0
Retail shop 35 17.5
Others 5 2.5
Total 200 100
Source: Primary data
The above table observed that 22per cent of the respondents buy a Cadbury chocolate from
departmental stores, 58per cent of the respondents buy from super market, 17.5per cent of the respondents
buy from retail shops and 2.5per cent of the respondents buy a chocolate from others. Most of the
respondents can buy a chocolate from super market, they can give very least preference to other stores, In
super markets they are ready provide more offers to their customers compared to other stores.
Hence it reveals that 58per cent majority of the respondents buy a chocolate from super market.
Table 4
Offers Prefer by Respondents
Offers Frequency Percent
Free gifts 20 10.0
Price offer 92 46.0
Buy1 get1 68 34.0
Size offer 20 10.0
Total 200 100
Source: Primary data
From the table it clears that 10per cent of the respondents are attracted by free gift offers, 46 per
cent the respondents are attracted by price offers, 34per cent of the respondents are attracted by buy one
and get one offer and 10per cent of the respondents are attracted by size offers. In this most of the
respondents are attracted by the price offer compared to other offers if the price of the chocolate reduced
most of the respondents can ready to buy a chocolate.
Hence it reveals that 46per cent majority are attracted by price offers.
Research Paper IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 721
[ VOLUME 6 I ISSUE 1 I JAN.– MARCH 2019] E ISSN 2348 –1269, PRINT ISSN 2349-5138
Table 5
Pack Prefer by Respondent
Pack Frequency Percent
Small 37 18.5
Big 75 37.5
Family pack 88 44.0
Total 200 100
Source: Primary data
In this table it is observed that 18.5per cent of the respondents are purchase small pack, 37.5per
centof the respondents are purchase big pack and 44per cent of the respondents preferred to buy family
pack. Compared to small and big pack respondents are mostly prefer to buy family pack because they can
able to share with many persons at a minimum cost.
Hence,It reveals that 44per cent majority of the respondents purchase family pack.
Relationship Between Demographic Factors and Pack Prefer by the Respondents – Chi Square
H0: There is no significant relationship between the demographic factors and the pack.
Chi-Square Analysis
Demographic Factors and Pack Prefer by Respondents
Groups Small Big Family pack Total Chi- Sig. S/
square NS
No % No % No % No % value
Gender Male 46.5 100
18 21.4 27 32.1 39 84
1.974 .373 NS
Female 19 16.4 48 41.4 49 42.2 116 100
Marital Single 20 16.7 47 38.2 53 44.1 120 100
status Married 43.75 100 .769 .681 NS
17 21.25 28 35 35 80
Family Below 47.8 100
Monthly Rs. 20000 11 23.9 13 28.3 22 46
income Rs. 20001- 3.517 .475 NS
40000 17 15.32 47 42.34 47 42.34 111 100
Rs. 40000 9 20.9 15 34.9 19 44.2 43 100
Total 37 18.5 75 37.5 88 44 200 100
The average mean score for customer preference towards Cadbury chocolate and demographic factors. The
respondents whose age is above 40 yearsare found to be lowest mean score of 2.4841. The respondents
whose gender is male are found to be the lowest mean score of 2.6276. Respondents whose status is
Businessare found to be alowest mean score of 2.5204. The respondents whose family monthly income is
Below Rs. 20000 are found to have alowest mean score of 2.5280. The mean score 2.6405 has been low for
respondents who are single. In this the lowest mean score represents the highest preference of Cadbury
ANOVA results indicate that there is significant difference in mean score of customer preference
towards Cadbury chocolate in respect of age. Hence null hypothesis rejected. However in case of status
and family monthly income there is ano significant difference in the mean score of customer preference
towards Cadbury chocolate. Hence null hypothesis is accepted.
The paired t-test result shows that there is no significant difference in the mean score of customer
preference towards Cadbury chocolate in respect of gender and marital status. Hence null hypothesis
There is a significant difference in the age and customer preference towards Cadbury chocolate.
There is no significant difference in the demographic factors like gender, marital status, status and family
monthly income and factors influencing the customers to buy a Cadbury chocolate. Hence, it is concluded
that the age play a predominant role in the customer preference towards Cadbury chocolate, whereas the
other demographic factors namely gender, marital status, status and family monthly income does not play a
role in customer preference towards Cadbury chocolate.
Factors Influencing The Customers To Buy a Cadbury Chocolate - DescriptiveStatistics
Descriptive statistics has been used to find the mean scores of factors influencing the customers to
buy a Cadbury chocolates. The factors influencing the customers are measured by summing up the ratings
given by the respondents for 17 statements at five point scale. The mean ratings have been assigned as 1 for
‘highly influenced’, 2 for ‘influenced’, 3 for ‘neutral’, 4 for ‘not influenced’, 5 for ‘highly not influenced’. High
score indicates factor that will mostly influenced the customers to buy a Cadbury chocolates.
Table 9
Descriptive Statistics
Factors Influencing the Customers to Buy a Cadbury Chocolate
Statements No. Maximum Minimum Mean Standard deviation
Flavor/taste 200 1 5 1.85 1.189
Price 200 1 5 2.26 1.212
Quality 200 1 5 2.35 1.189
Packaging 200 1 5 2.61 1.193
Nature 200 1 5 2.69 1.350
Brand image 200 1 5 2.80 1.257
Freshness 200 1 5 2.62 1.451
Color 200 1 5 2.47 1.314
Shape 200 1 5 2.19 1.145
Offers 200 1 5 2.69 1.444
Availability 200 1 5 2.69 1.372
Quantity 200 1 5 2.55 1.168
Size 200 1 5 2.59 1.261
Advertisement 200 1 5 2.55 1.177
724 IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Research Paper
[VOLUME 6 I ISSUE 1 I JAN. – MARCH 2019] e ISSN 2348 –1269, Print ISSN 2349-5138
http://ijrar.com/ Cosmos Impact Factor 4.236
Suggestions from friends 200 1 5 2.53 1.299
Attractive display 200 1 5 2.57 1.321
Ingredients 200 1 5 2.63 1.436
Total 200 17 85 42.64 21.778
Source: Primary data
The total mean rating of factors influencing the customers to buy a Cadbury chocolate is 42.64. The
highest mean score has been found 2.80 for brand image with the standard deviation of1.257, the highest
mean score represents the highly not influenced and the lowest mean score1.85 has been found for
flavor/taste with the standard deviation of1.189, the lowest mean score represents the highly influenced.
The respondents are highly influenced by flavor/taste and they are highly not influenced by brand image.
Most of the respondents can buy a chocolate because they are attracted by the flavor/taste of the chocolate.
Most of the respondents suggested that more varieties to be introduced in chocolates. The company
need to introduce more flavors in dairy milk, 5 star, perk, celebrations, temptation, gems and éclair s,The
company should maintain awareness among the Cadbury chocolates,The price of the chocolates to be
reduces and quantity of the chocolate to be increase.
The study concludes that all the chocolates brand of Cadbury should take necessary promotional
activities to increase their demand by introducing new flavors in small pack. The cost of the product should
be reasonable to purchase, the producer can with stand the chocolates market in the Coimbatore city. The
different varieties of advertisements through television media will increase the marketability of Cadbury
chocolate. Quality is the main motivational factor for the consumers to buy the chocolates of Cadbury.
AdeoluB.Ayanwale, TaiwoAlimi and Matthew A.Ayanbimipe (2005) “The influence of advertising on consumer
brand preference”. J. Soc. Sci., 10(1) pp9-16.
Gopalakrishnan, Karthikeyan “A study on consumer satisfaction toards dairy milk chocolate with special
reference to Uthamapalayam city ”. e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668 PP 54-57.
Patnaik, Pradeep Kumar Sahoo(2013) “An empirical study on consumer behaviour towards Cadbury’s India ltd
and Nestle India ltd (A case study of male and female of Cuttack and Bhubaneshwar of Odisha)”. Volume:1|
Issue:1| September 2012 ISSN (online) pp 1-11.
Raja rajeswari, Kirthika (2016) “A study on consumer behaviour towards nestle products with special
reference to Coimbatore city”. Volume:6| Issue:3| March 2016 ISSN-2249-555X| IF 3.919| IC value 74.50.
Research Paper IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 725