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Saint Thomas Development Academy of Bulacan Inc.

Km 37 Pulong Buhangin , Sta. Maria, Bulacan


Name: _____________________________________ Date:________________________

Grade and Section: ______________
Prepared By: Ms. Elle Cruz Score:_______________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Shade the circle that corresponds to the letter of your answer.
Answer Questions no. 1-3 using the diagram below.

1. Focus is where slip initiated during an earthquake. Using the diagram, where can you locate the focus
of an earthquake?
A. Point A B. Point B C. Point C D. Point A to C
2. At what point is the epicenter of an earthquake located?
A. Point A B. Point B C. Point C D. Point A to C
3. Which of the following statements describes Point C?
A. It is the point where the fault begins to slip.
B. It is the point where the waves are attracted.
C. It is spot directly above the origin of the earthquake.
D. It is break in the Earth’s crust where significant movement has taken place.

4. Which type of fault is illustrated in the diagram on the right?

A. Normal C. Stick ‘n’ slip
B. Reverse or thrust D. Strike-slip

5. Which of the following statements does NOT explain the difference of earthquake’s magnitude and intensity?
A. Magnitude measures the energy released while intensity measures the severity of shaking.
B. Intensity documents earthquake damage while magnitude measures size or strength
C. Magnitude is expressed using Roman numerals while intensity is expressed using Hindu-Arabic
D. Magnitude is expressed in Hindu-Arabic numerals while intensity is measured in Roman numerals.

6. According to PHIVOLCS, there is an earthquake originated 10 km near East Zambales Fault.

What is most likely to happen?
A. Cebu will be greatly affected because it is the epicenter of the earthquake.
B. Zambales will not experience severe damage because it is away from the epicenter.
C. Pangasinan will experience severe damage because it is near the epicenter.
D. Manila will experience greater magnitude because it is where the focus of the earthquake.

7. Based from the records of PHIVOLCS, Marikina East and West Valley Fault affecting various areas of
Metro Manila and neighboring provinces move last 1658 and can possible cause earthquake anytime.
Marikina East and West Valley Fault is a type of __________ ?
A. Active fault B. Dominant fault C. Inactive FaultD. Normal Fault

8. How do scientists find out if a fault is either active or inactive ?

A. Scientists use meteorological observation and astronomical data.
B. Scientists gather information from fossils and other ancient rocks.
C. Scientists are studying the vibrations, past and present that come from faults.
D. Scientists check the country’s historical records about destructive events such as typhoons.
9. Fault movements at the bottom of the sea generate tsunamis. If you are to illustrate the following
movement of fault, which of the following shows the occurrence of tsunami?


A. I and II B. III and IV C. I, II, III D. I, II, III, IV

11. How does earthquake generate tsunamis?

A. There is a sudden pull from underwater fault.
B. The fault moves horizontal directions or sideways.
C. The fault moves then a strong wind push the water upward.
D. The sea floor abruptly deforms and vertically displaces the overlying water. 

12. Which of the following statements explains about seismic waves? Seismic waves ____________.
A. slows down in the earth’s crust.
B. slows down as they pass through the earth’s core
C. s-wave can travel through liquids or in the outer core
D. s-wave cannot travel through liquids or in the outer core

13. Why earthquake waves are very important to the scientist?

A. It gives the idea on how tsunamis are created.
B. It gives information about the classification of rocks.
C. It provides information about the layers of the earth.
D. It helps them to make a tool on how to avoid the occurrence of earthquake.

II. Fill in the blanks. Choose the correct word inside the given box below
Protective Earthquake Injuries Cover
Alarm Evacuate Rescues Area
Stops Structures Drop Headcount


1st, listen to the _________________. 2nd, seek ______________ cover. 3rd, do the three basic position; the ________, 4th is to
cover and 5th is to hold.
6th, wait until the ________________ stops; 7th _______________ the area, 8th the _______________, 9th is to check for possible
___________________ and last is go to the safest _____________ without other __________________ and wait for
III.Classify the following precautionary measures should be done before, during and after earthquake and volcanic eruption.
Write B if it should be done before typhoon, D if during and A for after earthquake and volcanic eruption.

___1. Keep a list of emergency numbers to call for rescue purposes

___2. Stay inside your house. Postpone any appointments or travel schedule
___3. Contact a knowledgeable person to check the electrical wirings before using
___4. Follow the authorities should they ask you to evacuate the area
___5. Check the nearby electric posts to prevent accidents
___6. Avoid driving in heavy ashfall
___7. Keep car or truck engine off
___8. Avoid areas downwind and river valleys downstream of the volcano
___9. Be aware of what your local disaster sirens sounds like
___10. Listen to a battery operated radio for latest emergency information
II. Choose the correct answers inside the box provided below. Write the letter on the line before the number. STRICLY NO
Disaster Magnitude Hazard Seismogram
Intensity Earthquake Lava Volcanic Eruption
Risk Volcano Valley Fault System
Seismologist Magma Fissures

___________________1. Is a situation result from an environmental phenomena that produce stress, injury and damages.
2. _______________ is anything that may pose a danger while 3.____________________ is something negative will happen
___________________4. A weak to violent shaking of the ground produced by sudden movement of rock materials below the Earth’s
5._______________ are the scientist who studies seismic waves produced by the earthquake. The instrument that measures and
records the details of the earthquake is called __________________6. while the paper produced by the instrument is called
________________8. Is the energy released during earthquake while ___________________9. Is the strength felt at the surface of the
________________10. Is a vent or chimney that connects molten rock from within the Earth’s crust to the Earth’s surface

Direction: Answer the questions below briefly and correctly.

1-5. If you are going to prepare an emergency kit in preparation for disasters such as typhoons and
earthquakes, what are four (4) things will you include in your emergency kit and why?
Rubrics –Can complete 5 with reasons = 5 points – Incorrect answer = 1 point
–Can give 4-3 with reasons = 3 points – No answer = No point
–Can give 2 with reasons = 2 points






6-10. In relation to disaster preparedness, how can you ensure that there will be low or no casualties
or death during earthquake or volcanic eruption?
Rubrics – Can cite 5 corrects answers ( 5 points)
– Can cite 3 corrects answers ( 3 points)
– One correct answer = 1 point
– No answer/or incorrect = No point

11-15 Enumerate the different Earthquake Hazards 16-20 Enumerate the different Volcanic Hazards
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