DO180 Exam

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The document discusses various tools for containerization like Docker, Kubernetes, Minishift and OpenShift. It also provides commands to run, manage, build and deploy containers.

Tools discussed include Docker, Minishift, OpenShift Client (OC), Kubernetes.

`docker run`, `docker stop`, `docker pull`, `docker push`, `docker commit`


[CHAPTER 1 - Quiz 1]


1. a, b

2. a, c

3. a, b

4. b, c, e

[CHAPTER 1 - Quiz 2]


1. a, c, d

2. b

3. a, c

4. b

[CHAPTER 1 - Quiz 3]


1. b, c, d

2. c, d

3. a, e

4. b

5. a

[CHAPTER 2 - Docker - Install]

Do you need the service of docker running to use the next tools. In that case check
if you have this package and service:

`$ rpm -q docker`

`$ systemctl status docker`

[CHAPTER 2 - Minishift]

Installation will require the VirtualBox:, more this packages to KVM:

`$ sudo dnf install libvirt qemu-kvm`


`$ sudo usermod -a -G libvirt <username>`

`$ newgrp libvirt`


After unpack into directory of minishift cli you can use:

`$ ./minishift start (start a minishift cluster locally)`

`$ ./minishift stop (stop the cluster)`

`$ ./minishift delete (delete the cluster)`

`$ ./minishift status (check the status of cluster)`


For install 'oc' tool do you need just run:

`$ oc (if not installed it will request)`

After installed you can use(like the Minishift):

`$ sudo oc cluster up`

`$ sudo oc cluster down`

`$ sudo oc cluster status`

[CHAPTER 2 & 3 - Docker]

`# docker search mysql (search on Docker Hub an image)`

`# docker pull mysql (download an image)`

`# docker images (list of local images)`

`# docker run --name my-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql:latest

(create a container using this image)`

`# docker stop my-mysql (stop the container)`

`# docker run -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -it --rm mysql:latest (execute a

container with interative mode)`

`# docker ps (check the process of your containers)`

`# docker rmi -f mysql:latest (delete local image)`

`# docker inspect fedora (list listing metadata about JSON)`

`# docker inspect -f '{{ .Created }}' fedora (date of created the container)`

`# docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -v

/var/dbfiles:/var/lib/mysql -d mysql:latest (run the container with the Reclaiming
`# docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' some-mysql (get the
IPAddress in use of this container)`

`# docker rmi $(docker images -q) (remove all images)`

[CHAPTER 4 - Quiz 1]


1. a, d

2. d

3. a, d

4. c

[CHAPTER 4 - Manipulating Container Images]

`# docker save -o mysql.tar

(save .tar file of the image mentioned)`

`# docker load -i mysql.tar (load the image from .tar file)`

Creating a new image based in pre existent image:

`# docker pull nginx (pull a image)`

`# docker run --name nginx-custom -d nginx:latest (create a new container based in

this image)`

`# docker stop nginx-custom (stop the container)`

`# docker diff nginx-custom (check the diff)`

`# docker commit nginx-custom nginx-newversion (save a new image based in container


`# docker tag nginx-newversion devops/nginx-newversion:0.0.1 (tag the new image)`

`# docker push`

[CHAPTER 5 - Create a custom container images]

`# dnf install -y source-to-image source-to-image-unit-test (install s2i tool)`

[CHAPTER 5 - Quiz 1]


1. b

2. b, c

3. a, b, c

`# docker build -t NAME:TAG DIR (docker build creating a new image)`

[CHAPTER 6 - Deploying]

1. c, e

2. b, d

3. c

[CHAPTER 7 - Quiz 1]


1. c

2. a, c, d

3. d

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