Newsletter1 3
Newsletter1 3
Newsletter1 3
My Contact Info:
[email protected]
Maling Address:
Rio De Janeiro 840, Dept. 4A
Capital Federal 1405
Buenos Aires, Argentina
I can’t believe I’ve already been here in Buenos Aires for three months!
November flew by, and I’m beginning to think that the remainder of my
time down here will go by quickly as well. Highlights for the month of
November include wrapping up campus ministry for 2010 due to the end of
classes, hosting an awesome Thanksgiving dinner which was well-attended
by Argentine friends and contacts, and helping to paint an elementary school
in the community of Tigre.
During November Vida had the opportunity to
take a group of people to the community of
Tigre to paint an elementary school there.
Tigre is a town located on the edge of a river
delta to which there are no roads. It is a The team that went to Tigre
maze of winding tributaries, which makes a
lot of islands and perfectly preserved
wilderness. The only way to access this town
is to board one of the shuttle boats that run
up and down the river about 6 times daily. I
thoroughly enjoyed this trip not only because
we were able to tangibly help the less
fortunate but also because I got to escape
the city for a short time and enjoy God’s
goodness in nature, which has been
something that I’ve missed since being here. Before After
To celebrate this holiday, we STINTers decided to
cook a typical North American Thanksgiving meal
and invite a lot of our Argentine friends and
contacts over to enjoy the feast with us. We
looked at this time together as a great ministry
opportunity and a chance to build our relationships
with them. What a success! All together, about 25
people came to enjoy the food and camaraderie.
We explained the origins of Thanksgiving;
expressed our thanks to God for all of the things he
has given us; and enjoyed the night with great
food, friends, and fellowship.
The following weekend our team went to La Plata, a
town about an hour south, to visit another STINT
team and celebrate with them as well. We cooked
Most of the Thanksgiving crew
yet again, watched all of the football games on
Saturday (which reminded me how thankful I am for
the internet), and had a wonderful time just sharing
stories of how God has been working in both of our
cities. Being with others from the U.S. during this
family-focused time of year was a true blessing for
our entire team.
Prayer Requests: Upcoming Events
The months of December and January are going to be extremely busy.
We will spend all of December planning for a camp in January. This prep-
STINTERS AND ARGENTINES work includes getting all finances together, buying bus tickets, reserving
rooms, making decorations, etc. On the night of the 25th (yes, Christmas
-RELATIONSHIPS AMONG THE night) we are traveling to Cordoba, where our camp will be held. From the
STINT TEAM 26th to the 31st, a staff retreat will be held, which will include all of the
Campus Crusade staff in Argentina. The camp our team has planned for
-OUR CAMP IN DECEMBER will then be held from January 3rd to the 10th and will include Campus
Crusade movements in Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil.
-OUR PROJECT WITH THE Upon completing this camp, we will go directly from Cordoba to our
MAPUCHE PEOPLE IN project in the south of Argentina with the Mapuche people. The Mapuche
JANUARY are a group of indigenous inhabitants that make up about 46 communities.
Twenty-eight of these communities do not have electricity and only one
-COLÉA HENDERSON, A has running water. They are a very poor people group, without proper
TEAMMATE SCHEDULED TO health care and sanitation; but even greater than the physical needs of
these people their spiritual needs. We will be bringing the gospel to them
as well as sharing Christ’s love through acts of service. After ministering
to the Mapuche from January 11th to the 22nd, we will head back to BA
for two weeks of much needed vacation! Because of my rural location
during that time, this may be my last newsletter until mid-January or early
February. Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!