Lesson 2 Bar None Equations Unit

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Bar None

Solving One-Step Addition Equations



Determine each sum • Reason about addition equations.
or difference. • Use bar models to represent one-step
addition equations.
1. 5.67 1 8.73 • Use inverse operations to solve one-step
addition equations.
2. 8.73 2 5.67 • Solve one-step addition equations.

3 1 __
3. __ 4
• bar model
20 2 ___
4. ___ 15
3 4 • one-step equation
• inverse operations

Throughout this course, you have used a variety of tools to solve mathematical problems,
including area models, pictures, tables, tape diagrams, double number lines, graphs, and
expressions. What tools might help you in solving equations?

LESSON 2: Bar None • M3-107

Getting Started

Form of 0
Consider the number 0. What comes to mind?

1. Write five different numeric expressions for the number 0.

Be creative!
Use different
types of
numbers and
in your

Share your numeric expressions with your classmates.

2. Did you and your classmates use common strategies to write

your expressions? How many possible numeric expressions
could you write for this number?

M3-108 • TOPIC 2: Equations

Reasoning About Addition
2.1 Equations

Reasoning about equations and determining solutions with bar

Remember, a solution
models provides a visual representation of the structure of the
to an equation
equations. A bar model uses rectangular bars to represent known
is a value for the
and unknown quantities.
variable that makes
the equation a true

Consider the addition equation x 1 10 5 15.

x 1 10

This equation states that for some value of x, 15 Because the

the expression x 1 10 is equal to 15. This can be
expressions x 1 10
represented using a bar model.
and 15 are equal,
their bars are of
Just like with area models, bar models can x 10
equal length. Even
be decomposed. The expression x 1 10 can be
x 1 10 after the bars are
decomposed into a part representing x and a
decomposed, the
part representing 10. The number 15 can be
15 lengths maintain their
decomposed in a similar way: 15 5 5 1 10.
5 10
The bar model demonstrates that these two
You are dealing with
equations are equivalent.
unknowns. Do not
worry if the lengths
x 1 10 5 15
of the parts are not
x 1 10 5 5 1 10 accurate.

By examining the structure of the second equation, you can see

that 5 is the value for x that makes this equation true.

LESSON 2: Bar None • M3-109

1. Why is the number 15 decomposed into the numeric
expression 5 1 10?

2. Describe how the model in the worked example would be

different for each equation. Complete the bar model for each.
Notice how
the bars a. x 1 10 5 17 b. x 1 6 5 15
maintain the
same length x 10 x
the entire x 1 10 x16
model. 17 15

3. Consider the equation 14 1 x 5 32.

a. Complete the bar model.

14 1 x


b. Write the equation represented by the

decomposed expressions in the bar model.

c. Which value for x makes the equation a true statement?

M3-110 • TOPIC 2: Equations

4. Consider the equation 90 5 x 1 64.

a. Complete the bar model.


b. Write the expression represented by the decomposed

expressions in the bar model.

c. Which value for x makes the equation a true statement?

5. In each bar model, how did you determine how to decompose

the given expressions?

LESSON 2: Bar None • M3-111


2.2 Solving Addition Equations

In Activity 2.1, Reasoning About Equations, you used bar models to

solve one-step equations. A one-step equation is an equation that
can be solved using only one operation. How can you use what you
The Additive learned from creating bar models to solve any equation?
Property Now that you understand the bar model, you can write equivalent
states that for equations with the same structure. While you can use reasoning to
any number m, determine the value for the variable that makes an equation true,
m 1 0 5 m. you can also use the properties and inverse operations to isolate
In other words, the variable. Inverse operations are pairs of operations that reverse
when you add 0 the effects of each other. For example, subtraction and addition are
to any number, inverse operations.
it stays the
same. It keeps WORKED EXAMPLE
its identity!
Solve the equation h 1 6 5 19.

Write equivalent expressions that

h 1 6 5 13 1 6
mirror structure.
Use inverse operations to reverse
h 1 6 2 6 5 13 1 6 2 6
the addition of 6 to h.
Combine like terms and apply the
h 1 0 5 13 1 0
Additive Identity Property.

h 5 13

1. Examine the worked example.

a. What is the solution to h 1 6 5 19?

b. Are there other solutions to the equation? How do you know?

M3-112 • TOPIC 2: Equations

2. Use the same strategy to solve each equation.

a. 35 5 12 1 m b. t 1 24 5 85

3. Analyze Kaniah's strategy to solve the equation 11 5 m 1 7.

When solving the addition equation 11 = m + 7, I can
simply subtract 7 from both sides without first writing
an equivalent equation.

11 = m + 7
11 - 7 = m + 7 - 7

The value for m that makes this equation true is 4.

a. What Property of Equality is Kaniah using in her strategy?

b. How could Kaniah check that her solution is correct?

LESSON 2: Bar None • M3-113

4. Use Kaniah’s strategy to solve each equation. Check to see that
your solution makes the original equation a true statement.

a. 120 1 y 5 315 3 5 x 1 4__

b. 5__ 1
4 2

c. b 1 5.67 5 12.89 d. 2356 5 a 1 1699

7 5 g 1 __
e. ___ 1 f. w 1 3.14 5 27
12 4

g. 13 ___ 3
7 5 c 1 9 __ h. 19 1 p 5 105
8 4

M3-114 • TOPIC 2: Equations

Reasoning About More
2.3 Interesting Addition Equations

1. Braeden thinks that he can use decomposition to reason about

more complicated equations, such as 4x 5 20 1 3x.

Is Braeden correct? Show your work.

2. Think about each algebraic equation. Use reasoning to

describe a relationship between c and d that makes the
mathematical sentence true.

a. c 1 23 5 d 1 14 b. 45 1 c 5 66 1 d

c. c 1 3d 5 2c d. 4c 1 d 1 10 5 8c 1 2d

LESSON 2: Bar None • M3-115


It All Adds Up

1. What does it mean to solve an equation?

2. Describe how to solve any one-step addition equation.

How do you check to see if a value is the solution to
an equation?

3. Write two different one-step equations for each

solution provided.

a. m 5 12 b. 5 5 x

c. 5.6 5 h 4
d. j 5 6 __

M3-116 • TOPIC 2: Equations


Write Remember
Write a definition for each term A solution to an equation is the value or values for the variable that
in your own words. makes the equation true. To solve a one-step addition equation,
isolate the variable using number sense or the Subtraction
• one-step equation
Property of Equality.
• solution
• inverse operations

Use a bar model to solve each equation.

1. x 1 7 5 15 2. 19 5 x 1 13

3. 14.5 5 6 1 y 4. a 1 __ 3
1 5 4 __
2 4

Solve each equation. Check each solution.

5. 34 5 x 1 17 6. a 1 25 5 92

7. 7 __ 3
3 1 b 5 10 __ 1 5 t 1 5 __
8. 24 __ 1
5 4 2 4
9. r 1 3.4 5 13.1 10. 4.21 5 2.98 1 s

Solve each equation. Check each solution.

1. 34 5 x 2 17 2. a 2 25 5 92
3. r 2 3.4 5 13.1 1 5 t 2 5__
4. 24__ 1
2 4

Use the Properties of Equality to write 2 equations that have the given solution. Identify which property of
equality was used.

1. j 5 3 2. 8 5 m

Define variables and write an algebraic expression to represent each situation.

3. Terrance has one fewer sibling than Casey. Kolbie has three more siblings than Terrance.
4. Connor has half as many comic books as Devyn. Isaac has 4 more comic books than Connor.

Rewrite each expression.

2 x 1 __
5. __
6. __( )
1 __
3 5

LESSON 2: Bar None • M3-117

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