3GPP TS 23.218
3GPP TS 23.218
3GPP TS 23.218
(Release 6)
The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.
The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organizational Partners and shall not be implemented.
This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organizational Partners accept no liability for any use of this
Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organizational Partners' Publications Offices.
Release 6 2 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
UMTS, GSM, IP, Multimedia, OSA, CAMEL, network
Postal address
Copyright Notification
© 2004, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, CCSA, ETSI, T1, TTA, TTC).
All rights reserved.
Release 6 3 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
1 Scope......................................................................................................................................................6
2 References..............................................................................................................................................6
3 Definitions and abbreviations.................................................................................................................7
3.1 Definitions...........................................................................................................................................................7
3.2 Abbreviations.......................................................................................................................................................8
4 Architecture and information flows for IM multimedia session.............................................................9
4.1 Architecture for a mobile originated IP multimedia session...............................................................................9
4.2 Architecture for a mobile terminated IP multimedia session..............................................................................9
4.3 Information flow for a mobile originated IP multimedia session......................................................................10
4.4 Information flow for retrieval of routeing information for mobile terminated IP multimedia session.............10
4.5 Information flow for a mobile terminated IP multimedia session.....................................................................10
5 Functional requirements of network entities.........................................................................................10
5.1 Architecture for service provision for IP multimedia subsystem......................................................................10
5.2 Service interaction with IP multimedia subsystem............................................................................................11
6 Functional requirements of serving CSCF............................................................................................14
6.1 Modes of operation of the S-CSCF...................................................................................................................14
6.1.1 General overview of functional models and modes of operation of the S-CSCF........................................14
6.2 Interfaces defined for S-CSCF..........................................................................................................................15
6.2.1 S-CSCF – CSCF (Mw) interface.................................................................................................................15
6.2.2 S-CSCF – Application Server (ISC) interface.............................................................................................15
6.2.3 S-CSCF – HSS (Cx) interface......................................................................................................................15
6.3 Handling of SIP registration..............................................................................................................................15
6.4 Handling of mobile originating requests...........................................................................................................16
6.5 Handling of mobile terminating requests..........................................................................................................17
6.5.1 Handling of mobile terminating requests, registered user...........................................................................17
6.5.2 Handling of mobile terminating requests, unregistered user.......................................................................17
6.6 Handling of IP multimedia session release requests..........................................................................................17
6.6.1 S-CSCF proxying release request................................................................................................................18
6.6.2 S-CSCF initiating release request................................................................................................................18
6.7 Handling of subscription and notification.........................................................................................................18
6.8 S-CSCF handling IMS charging........................................................................................................................19
6.9 Description of subscriber data...........................................................................................................................19
6.9.1 Application Server subscription information...............................................................................................19
6.9.2 Filter Criteria................................................................................................................................................19 Application Server address.....................................................................................................................20 Default handling.....................................................................................................................................20 Trigger point...........................................................................................................................................20 iFC Priority.............................................................................................................................................20 Service Information................................................................................................................................20
6.9.3 Authentication data......................................................................................................................................20
7 Functional requirements of HSS...........................................................................................................20
7.1 Subscriber data related storage requirements for HSS......................................................................................20
7.2 Interfaces defined for HSS................................................................................................................................21
7.2.1 HSS – CSCF (Cx) interface.........................................................................................................................21
7.2.2 HSS - Application Server (Sh) interface......................................................................................................21
7.2.3 HSS – CSE interface....................................................................................................................................21
7.2.4 HSS – IM-SSF Application Server (Si) interface........................................................................................21
7.3 Procedures during IP multimedia registration...................................................................................................21
7.4 Procedures during IP multimedia sessions........................................................................................................21
8 Functional requirements of the MRFC.................................................................................................22
8.1 Functionality of the MRFC................................................................................................................................22
Release 6 4 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Release 6 5 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal
TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an
identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:
Version x.y.z
y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
updates, etc.
z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.
Release 6 6 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
1 Scope
The present document specifies the IP Multimedia (IM) Call Model for handling of an IP multimedia session
origination and termination for an IP Multimedia subscriber.
The present document includes interactions between an Application Server and IP multimedia sessions.
The IP Multimedia (IM) Subsystem stage 2 is specified in 3GPP TS 23.228 [3] and the signalling flows for the IP
multimedia call control based on SIP and SDP are specified in 3GPP TS 24.228 [4].
2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present
References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or
For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including
a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
[1] Void.
[4] 3GPP TS 24.228: "Signalling flows for the IP multimedia call control based on SIP and SDP;
stage 3".
[5] 3GPP TS 24.229: "IP multimedia call control protocol based on SIP and SDP; stage 3".
[7] 3GPP TR 29.998-4-4: "Open Service Access (OSA); Application Programming Interface (API)
Mapping for Open Service Access (OSA); Part 4: Call Control Service Mapping; Subpart 4:
Multiparty Call Control SIP".
[8] 3GPP TS 29.228: "IP Multimedia (IM) Subsystem Cx Interface; Signalling flows and message
[9] 3GPP TS 23.278: "Customised Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic (CAMEL); IP
Multimedia System (IMS) interworking; Stage 2".
[12] 3GPP TS 29.198: "Open Service Access (OSA); Application programming Interface (API)".
[13] IETF RFC 3265: "Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Event Notification".
[14] 3GPP TS 29.078: "Customised Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic (CAMEL) Phase
3; CAMEL Application Part (CAP) specification".
[15] IETF RFC 3264: "An Offer/Answer Model with Session Description Protocol".
Release 6 7 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
[18] 3GPP TS 29.328: "IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Sh Interface; Signalling flows and message
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [2] and the following
Application Server Incoming Leg Control Model (AS-ILCM): models AS behaviour for handling SIP information
for an incoming leg.
Application Server information (AS-info): AS-info contains individualized information concerning one particular
Application Server entry.
This information contains e.g. Application Server Address ( and it's corresponding Default IP Multimedia
Handling information (
Application Server Outgoing Leg Control Model (AS-OLCM): models AS behaviour for handling SIP information
for an outgoing leg.
Combined ILSM OLSM – Incoming/outgoing Leg State Model: models the behaviour of an S-CSCF for handling
SIP messages on an incoming and outgoing session leg.
Filter Criteria (FC): the information which the S-CSCF receives from the HSS or the AS that defines the relevant
SPTs for a particular application.
They define the subset of SIP requests received by the S-CSCF that should be sent or proxied to a particular application.
Incoming Leg Control Model (ILCM): models the behaviour of an S-CSCF for handling SIP information sent to and
received from an AS for an incoming session leg.
Initial Filter Criteria (iFC): filter criteria that are stored in the HSS as part of the user profile and are downloaded to
the S-CSCF upon user registration.
They represent a provisioned subscription of a user to an application.
Initial Request: a SIP request that either initiates the creation of a new dialog or is part of a standalone transaction.
IP Multimedia Service Switching Function (IM-SSF): functional entity that interfaces SIP to CAP.
IP Multimedia CAMEL Subscription Information (IM-CSI): identifies the subscriber as having IP Multimedia
CAMEL services.
IP Multimedia session: IP Multimedia session and IP Multimedia call are treated as equivalent in the present
Originating IP Multimedia CAMEL Subscription Information (O-IM-CSI): identifies the subscriber as having
originating IP Multimedia CAMEL services.
Release 6 8 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Outgoing Leg Control Model (OLCM): models the behaviour of an S-CSCF for handling SIP information received
from and sent to an AS for an outgoing session leg.
Private User Identity: a unique global identity defined by the Home Network Operator, as defined in
3GPP TS 23.228 [3].
Public User Identity: the public user identity/identities are used by any user for requesting communications to other
users and are in the form of a SIP URL or TEL URL as defined in 3GPP TS 23.228[3].
Service Key: the Service Key identifies to the Application Server the service logic that shall apply.
The Service Key is administered by the HPLMN. For CAMEL services, the Service Key is an element of the CAMEL
Subscription Information (CSI).
Service Point Trigger (SPT): the points in the SIP signalling that may cause the S-CSCF to send/proxy the SIP
message to an SIP AS/OSA SCS/IM-SSF.
The subset of all possible SPTs which are relevant to a particular application are defined by means of Filter Criteria.
Service Platform Trigger Points (STP): the points in the SIP signalling that instruct the SIP AS, OSA SCS and IM-
SSF to trigger the service logic.
For the IM-SSF the IP Multimedia Camel Subscriber Information (IM-CSI) defines them.
Subsequent Filter Criteria (sFC): filter criteria that are signalled from the SIP AS/OSA SCS/IM-SSF to the S-CSCF.
They allow for dynamic definition of the relevant SPTs at application execution time.
Subsequent Request: a SIP request which is part of an existing dialog. This also includes target refresh requests as
defined in RFC 3261 [6].
Standalone Transaction: a SIP transaction that is not part of an existing dialog and does not initiate the creation of a
new dialog.
Terminating IP Multimedia CAMEL Subscription Information (T-IM-CSI): identifies the subscriber as having
terminating IP Multimedia CAMEL services.
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:
Release 6 9 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Clauses 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 show the information flows for handling a basic MO multimedia session and a basic MT
multimedia session.
Release 6 10 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
service OSA
S-CSCF capability
server application
(SCS) server
NOTE: Not all interfaces shown are within the scope of this document.
Figure 5.1.1: Functional architecture for support of service provision for IP multimedia subsystem
Figure 5.1.1 illustrates the architecture with the S-CSCF communicating to Application Servers via the IP multimedia
service control (ISC) interface. The Application Servers can be:
- SIP Application Servers - which may host and execute services. It is intended to allow the SIP Application
Server to influence and impact the SIP session on behalf of the services;
- the IM-SSF - which is a particular type of application server the purpose of which is to host the CAMEL
network features (i.e. trigger detection points, CAMEL Service Switching Finite State Machine, etc) and to
interface to CAP as specified in 3GPP TS 29.078 [14];
Release 6 11 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
- the OSA service capability server (OSA SCS) which interfaces to the OSA framework Application Server and
which provides a standardized way for third party secure access to the IM subsystem. The OSA reference
architecture defines an OSA Application Server as an entity that provides the service logic execution
environment for client applications using the OSA API as specified in 3GPP TS 29.198 [12]. This definition of
Application Server differs from the definition of Application Server in the context of service provisioning for the
IM subsystem, i.e. the entity communicating to the S-CSCF via the ISC interface;
- in addition a specialized type of SIP Application Server, the service capability interaction manager (SCIM)
which performs the role of interaction management between other application servers.
All the Application Servers, (including the IM-SSF and the OSA SCS) behave as SIP application servers on the ISC
In addition the Application Servers can also interact with the MRFC via the S-CSCF (ISC and Mr interfaces) in order to
control Multimedia Resource Function processing.
- any initial known or unknown SIP method (e.g. REGISTER, INVITE, SUBSCRIBE, MESSAGE);
- registration type – indicates if the REGISTER request is initial registration, re-registration, or de-registration;
- direction of the request with respect to the served user – either mobile originated (MO) or mobile terminated
(MT) to registered user; or mobile terminated to unregistered user; see 3GPP TS 29.228 [8] for the details of the
direction information in service point trigger;
NOTE 1: REGISTER is considered part of the Mobile Origination. See 3GPP TS 24.229[5] for further information
about how to determine MO or MT.
NOTE 2: The S-CSCF shall verify if the end user is barred before checking if any trigger applies for that end user.
A Filter Criteria triggers one or more SPTs in order to send the related request to one specific application server. The set
of Filter Criteria that is stored for a service profile of a specific user is called "Application Server Subscription
Information". In order to allow the S-CSCF to handle the different Filter Criteria in the right sequence, a priority shall
be assigned to each of them. If the S-CSCF can not reach the Application Server, the S-CSCF shall apply the default
handling associated with the trigger. This default handling shall be :
- to abandon verification of matching of the triggers of lower priority in the list; and to release the dialogue.
- priority of the Filter Criteria providing the sequence in which the criteria shall be applied;
- Trigger Point composed by 1 to n instances of the Service Point Triggers (SPTs). The SPTs may be linked by
means of logical expressions (AND, OR, NOT, etc.);
- optional Service Information that shall be added to the message body before it is sent to the Application Server
(as an example this may include the IMSI for the IM-SSF).
The same priority shall not be assigned to more than one initial Filter Criteria for a given end user.
Release 6 12 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
The S-CSCF shall request from the HSS the relevant set of iFCs that applies to the end user (i.e., registered,
unregistered, or both). If the S-CSCF has a set of iFCs that is deemed valid (e.g., from a previous request), the S-CSCF
need not request a new set.
In the case that multiple Filter Criteria are sent from the HSS to the S-CSCF, the S-CSCF shall check the filter criteria
one by one according to their indicated priority when the S-CSCF receives a message via the Mw interface.
On reception of a REGISTER request, the S-CSCF shall send a third-party REGISTER request to each Application
Server that matches the Filter Criteria sent from the HSS for the REGISTER event.
1. set up the list of filter criteria for that request according to their priority – the sequence of the filter criteria shall
not be changed until the request finally leaves the S-CSCF via the Mw interface again;
2. parse the received request in order to find out the Service Point Triggers (SPTs) that are included in it;
3. check whether the trigger points of the filter criteria with the next highest priority are matched by the SPTs of the
request and
a) if it does not match the S-CSCF shall immediately proceed with step 4;
i) add an indication to the request which will allow the S-CSCF to identify the message on the incoming
side, even if its dialog identification has been changed e.g. due to the Application Server performing third
party call control;
ii) forward the request via the ISC interface to the Application Server indicated in the current filter criteria.
The Application Server then performs the service logic, may modify the request and may send the request
back to the S-CSCF via the ISC interface;
iii) proceed with step 4 if the request was received again from the Application Server via the ISC interface;
4. repeat the above steps 2 and 3 for every filter criteria which was initially set up (in step 1) until the last filter
criteria has been checked;
If an Application Server decides to locally terminate a request and sends back a final response for that request via the
ISC interface to the S-CSCF, the S-CSCF shall abandon verification of the matching of the triggers of lower priority in
the list. The final response shall include the indicator defined in step 3 b) i) above, so that the S-CSCF can correlate the
Release 6 13 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Application Server
Service Logic
Service Platform Trigger Points
SIP Interface
SIP Filter Criteria SIP
Each invoked Application Server/service logic may decide not to be engaged with the invoked session by indicating that
during the very first SIP transaction when the Record-Route/Route is generated for subsequent SIP requests. The denial
shall mean that subsequent requests shall not be routed to such Application Servers/service logic any more during the
lifetime of that session. Any Application Server, which has determined that it will not receive subsequent requests for a
session cannot revoke this determination by means of Initial Filter Criteria (iFC).
NOTE: Care should be taken in design of the Initial Filter Criteria when designing services to avoid unintended
loops being setup, where requests from an Application Server may be sent back to the same Application
Server. This does not imply that it is not allowed for requests to be sent back to the same Application
Server when that is intended behaviour as part of the design of the service and the Application Server is
able to handle this correctly. Special care should be taken for the case when an Application Server may
act as an originating UA or B2BUA and may originate an initial request causing evaluation of Initial
Filter Criteria.
Release 6 14 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Registrar and
Call Records
Figure S-CSCF functional model with incoming leg control and outgoing leg control
NOTE: These components are defined only as a model of the expected behaviour of the S-CSCF and are not
intended to define or constrain the actual implementation.
The components include the Combined I/OLSM, the ILCM and OLCM and the Registrar and Notifier. There is a single
Combined I/OLSM, which shall be able to store session state information. It may act on each leg independently, acting
as a SIP Proxy, Redirect Server or User Agent dependant on the information received in the SIP request, the filter
conditions specified or the state of the session.
It shall be possible to split the application handling on each leg and treat each endpoint differently.
Release 6 15 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
The Registrar and Notifier component handles registration and subscription to and notification of registration events.
The protocol used between the S-CSCF and HSS (Cx Interface) is specified in 3GPP TS 29.228 [8].
The initial filter criteria (subset of the profile) is stored locally at the S-CSCF, as specified in 3GPP TS 24.229 [5].
The S-CSCF shall verify if the triggers match, from the highest to the lowest priority (see subclause 5.2).
After a successfully authenticated registration, the S-CSCF shall download from the HSS all the implicitly registered
public user identities associated with the registered public user identity. The S-CSCF shall then verify, in their order of
priority, if the triggers downloaded from the HSS match. If the registration request from the user matches a trigger, the
S-CSCF performs a third party registration to the application servers which are interested to be informed about the user
registration event of these public user identities. This may trigger services to be executed by an Application Server.
The important information carried in the third party REGISTER request is the public user identity, the S-CSCF address
and the expiration time. It shall be possible based on operator configuration to use one of the implicitly registered
public user identities as the public user identity in the To header of the third party REGISTER request sent to the
Application Server. Additional application server specific data, which is associated with the Filter Criteria and obtained
from the HSS, is added to the REGISTER request body. This data should include the IMSI for an Application Server
that supports CAMEL services or the private user identity for other Application Servers as received from the HSS.
This third party registration will include an expiration time that is equal to the expiration time sent to the UE by the S-
CSCF in the 200 OK response to the incoming REGISTER request
On receiving a failure response to one of the REGISTER requests, the S-CSCF shall apply the "default handling"
related with the initial Filter Criteria’s trigger used (see subclauses 5.2,
Release 6 16 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Application Servers can in addition subscribe to the S-CSCF Registration Event Package. This provides a mechanism
for the Application Server to discover all the implicitly registered public user identities without requiring multiple
Register requests to be sent to the Application Server and to obtain the current capabilities of the UE as well as be
notified about refresh registrations and de-registrations. The S-CSCF will send NOTIFY requests to the Application
Server that has subscribed to the registration event package for the registered public user identity.
NOTE: When the Application Server maintains a persistent subscription to the reg-event package it is not
necessary for the Application Server to receive third party registration requests from the S-CSCF in
response to refresh and de-registration events as these are communicated to the Application Server in the
Registration event notifications.
The S-CSCF only looks for initial filter criteria when receiving an initial request.
The initial filter criteria (subset of the profile) has already been downloaded from the HSS and is stored locally at the S-
CSCF, as specified in 3GPP TS 24.228 [4], and 3GPP TS 24.229 [5].
When such a session request comes in, the S-CSCF shall first check whether this is an originating request or a
terminating request in order to perform the matching procedure with SPTs within initial filter criteria. This clause
describes the requirements for the S-CSCF when this request is a mobile originating request. So, if this request is a
mobile originating request, the S-CSCF shall:
- check whether this request matches the initial filter criteria with the highest priority for that user by checking the
service profile against the public user identity, which was used to place this request;
- if this request matches the initial filter criteria, the S-CSCF shall forward this request to that application server,
then check for matching of the next following filter criteria of lower priority, and apply the filter criteria on the
SIP method received from the previously contacted application server;
- if this request does not match the highest priority initial filter criteria, check for matching of the following filter
criteria priorities until one applies;
- if no more (or none) of the initial filter criteria apply, the S-CSCF shall forward this request downstream based
on the route decision;
- in any instance, if the contact of the application server fails, the S-CSCF shall use the "default handling"
associated with the initial Filter Criteria to determine if it shall either terminate the call or let the call continue
based on the information in the filter criteria; if the filter criteria does not contain instruction to the S-CSCF
regarding the failure of the contact to the application server, the S-CSCF shall let the call continue as the default
Release 6 17 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
The S-CSCF only looks for initial filter criteria when receiving an initial request. A terminating initial request may also
originate from an Application Server via the ISC interface. Terminating Initial requests from an Application Server via
the ISC interface also cause the S-CSCF to look for initial filter criteria.
When such a request comes in, the S-CSCF shall first check whether this is an originating request or a terminating
request. For terminating initial requests the S-CSCF shall first perform any routing of the request to Application Server
based on matching of initial Filter Criteria before performing other routing procedures towards the terminating UE, (e.g.
forking, caller preferences etc). This clause describes the requirements for the S-CSCF when this request is a
terminating request. So, if this request is a terminating request, the S-CSCF shall:
- if unavailable, download the relevant subscriber profile including the initial filter criteria from the HSS;
- use the initial Filter Criteria for the Mobile Terminating request to registered user;
- in case the Request-URI changes when visiting an Application Server, terminate the checking of filter criterias,
route the request based on the changed value of the Request-URI and do not execute the subsequent steps;
- the subsequent requirements for the S-CSCF are the same as those for handling originating requests.
It may be possible that originating UE and terminating UE shares the same S-CSCF and Application Server, therefore
the shared application server may interact with the S-CSCF twice in one transaction but in originating and terminating
procedures respectively.
The S-CSCF only looks for initial filter criteria when receiving an initial request. A terminating initial request may
also originate from an Application Server via the ISC interface. Terminating Initial requests from an Application Server
via the ISC interface also cause the S-CSCF to look for initial filter criteria.
When such a request comes in, the S-CSCF shall first check this is an originating request or a terminating request. This
clause describes the requirements for the S-CSCF when this request is a terminating request. So, if this request is a
terminating request, the S-CSCF shall:
- if unavailable, download the relevant subscriber profile including the initial filter criteria from the HSS;
- use the initial Filter Criteria for the Mobile Terminating request to unregistered user;
- in case the Request-URI changes when visiting an Application Server, terminate the checking of filter criterias,
route the request based on the changed value of the Request-URI and do not execute the subsequent steps;
- the subsequent requirements for the S-CSCF are the same as those for handling originating requests.
It may be possible that originating UE and terminating UE shares the same S-CSCF and Application Server, therefore
the shared application server may interact with the S-CSCF twice in one transaction but in originating and terminating
procedures respectively.
Release 6 18 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
From: X
To: Y
SIP Dialog #1 NOTIFY
SIP Dialog #1
From: X
To: Y
Call-ID: Z
Release 6 19 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
During a session, the S-CSCF shall generate the CDR for charging purposes.
In a session originating case, when receiving an incoming initial request, this request will carry the ICID generated by
the upstream P-CSCF, which is serving the originating user; the S-CSCF shall store the ICID for this session and handle
this request based on filter criteria. After processing this request the S-CSCF shall include the ICID and the charging
function addresses received from the HSS in the outgoing message. The charging function addresses identify on-line,
and off-line charging entities in the home network. It is implementation dependent how IMS related entities such as P-
CSCF in the visited network get the local CCF addresses in the case that the P-CSCF is located in the visited network.
Charging function addresses may be allocated as locally preconfigured addresses. If this message is sent outside the mobile
network, S-CSCF shall include Inter Operator Identifier (IOI) that identifies the home network into the message. IOI is globally
unique identifier for using inter operator accounting purposes. The response to the outgoing message may contain a separate IOI that
identifies the home network of the called party. The S-CSCF shall retain either IOI in the message when contacting the Application
Servers. The S-CSCF will receive GPRS charging information from subsequent requests and responses, the S-CSCF
shall store these parameters and shall remove them from the outgoing message if this message is sent to the terminating
UE's home network or the originating UE's visited network. The GPRS charging information may be sent to application
In a session terminating case, when receiving an incoming initial request, this request will carry the ICID generated by
the originating UE's P-CSCF; the S-CSCF shall store the ICID for this session and handle this request based on filter
criteria. After processing this request the S-CSCF shall include the ICID and the charging function addresses received
from the HSS in the outgoing message. The charging function addresses identify on-line and off-line charging entities
in the home network. IOI may be received from another network or is inserted by the MGCF to identify the originating
PSTN/PLMN. If IOI is received at the S-CSCF, the S-CSCF shall store the IOI value for the network that sent the request. The
response to the incoming message may contain a separate IOI that identifies the home network of the S-CSCF. The S-CSCF shall
retain either IOI in the message when contacting the Application Servers. Afterwards, the S-CSCF shall remove the IOI of the
requesting network from the message before sending the message further within the network. The S-CSCF will receive GPRS
charging information from subsequent requests and responses, the S-CSCF shall store these parameters and removes
them from the outgoing message if this message is sent to the terminating UE's visited network or the originating UE's
home network. The GPRS charging information may be sent to application servers.
For detailed information on transporting charging parameters between IMS entities using SIP, see 3GPP TS 24.229 [5].
The S-CSCF shall apply filter criteria to determine the need to forward SIP requests to Application Servers. These filter
criteria will be downloaded from the HSS.
Initial Filter Criteria (iFC) are stored in the HSS as part of the user profile and are downloaded to the S-CSCF upon user
registration, or upon a terminating initial request for an unregistered user if unavailable. They represent a provisioned
subscription of a user to an application. After downloading the User Profile from the HSS, the S-CSCF assesses the
Release 6 20 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
filter criteria. Initial Filter Criteria are valid throughout the registration lifetime of a user or until the User Profile is
Subsequent Filter Criteria (sFC) are not used in this version of this specification.
Use of the default handling procedure by the AS is not supported in this version of this specification.
For definition of authentication data see specification 3GPP TS 23.008 [10]. For the handling of authentication data, see
3GPP TS 33.203 [11].
- S-CSCFs (downloaded via Cx interface). Data model and abstract syntax notation are described in
TS 29.228 [8];
Release 6 21 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
The service related data shall be transparent to HSS, this requires the HSS has some means to differentiate the source of
the request for the data, therefore, the HSS can respond with the data the request asks for.
The protocol used between the HSS and CSCF (Cx Interface) is specified in 3GPP TS 29.228 [8] and
3GPP TS 29.229 [17].
The protocol used between the HSS and AS (Sh Interface) is specified in 3GPP TS 29.328 [18] and
3GPP TS 29.329 [19].
The protocol used between the HSS and IM-SSF (Si Interface) is specified in 3GPP TS 23.278 [9] and
3GPP TS 29.002 [16].
Release 6 22 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
MRFC addresses are made known via peer-to-peer arrangements within the IM CN subsystem.
Figure describes the relationship of the Application Server with the S-CSCF and MRFC.
Figure Relationship of MRFC and MRFP with S-CSCF, and Application Servers
The MRFC accepts INVITE requests sent from an Application Server, via the S-CSCF, for the purpose of applying
tones and announcements. The INVITE sent to the MRFC will contain sufficient information to play the appropriate
tone or announcement.
The MRFC shall support both the offer/answer as defined in IETF RFC 3264 [15] and the offer/answer with
preconditions models for SDP negotiation with the AS. However, the offer/answer model for SDP negotiation between
the AS/S-CSCF and the MRFC is sufficient for applying tones and announcements. The MRFC should always grant the
requests from the AS (unless there is a resource problem). The receipt of the ACK at the MRFC triggers the playing of
the tone or announcement.
The tone or announcement should end when a BYE is received. Alternatively, an expiration time may have been
specified from the AS within the SDP of the INVITE request. In this case, the MRFC may terminate the media on its
own and generate and BYE request towards the AS. A tone or announcement may also have a pre-determined play time
(e.g., confirmation tone), and so there may not be a need for the AS to send a request to stop it or to include the play
time in the request.
See annex B for a call flow example of playing an announcement for a mobile originated call.
Release 6 23 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
The MRFC accepts INVITE requests sent from an Application Server, via the S-CSCF, for the purpose of managing ad
hoc conferences. The INVITE sent to the MRFC shall contain sufficient information to initiate, add and remove parties
from the conference. Re-INVITE requests can also be sent for managing floor control and for parties to leave and rejoin
the media path.
The MRFC shall support both the offer/answer as defined in IETF RFC 3264 [15] and the offer/answer with
preconditions models for SDP negotiation with the AS. However, the offer/answer model for SDP negotiation between
the AS/S-CSCF and the MRFC is sufficient for managing ad hoc conferences. The MRFC should always grant the
requests from the AS (unless there is a resource problem). The MRFC will reserve the requested local resources and
return the appropriate resource identifiers in the 200 response.
See annex B for a call flow example of an Ad Hoc Conference (Multiparty Call).
8.1.4 Transcoding
An Application Server can control a transcoding session and is aware of MRFC capabilities.
The MRFC accepts INVITE requests sent from an Application Server, via the S-CSCF, for the purpose of transcoding.
The INVITE sent to the MRFC shall contain sufficient information to associate the two sessions that require
The MRFC shall support both the offer/answer as defined in IETF RFC 3264 [15] and the offer/answer with
preconditions models for SDP negotiation with the AS. Either may be necessary for SDP negotiation between the AS/S-
CSCF and the MRFC. The MRFC should always grant the requests from the AS (unless there is a resource problem).
For the offer/answer model, the MRFC responds to the INVITE request with a 200 response indicating the selected
media in the SDP. The MRFC will also reserve the requested local resources at that time and return the appropriate
resource identifiers in the 200 response.
For the offer/answer with preconditions model, the MRFC responds to the INVITE request with a 183 response
indicating the list of codecs supported by the MRFC. When the PRACK is received indicating the selected media in the
SDP, the MRFC will reserve the requested local resources at that time and return the appropriate resource identifiers in
the 200 response.
Release 6 24 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
9.1 Architecture
This clause describes the functional architecture needed to support interactions between the S-CSCF in the IP
Multimedia Subsystem and the Application Server(s). This clause relates to the generic behaviour of SIP Application
Servers, which since SIP is the ISC interface protocol shall be considered to apply to all application servers, (which also
includes the SIP behaviour of the OSA SCS and IM-SSF). The detailed models for service provision are described in
the clauses below. These models shall apply to the SIP behaviour of the OSA SCS and IM-SSF and all the Application
Application Server
HSS Application Logic
NOTE: These components are defined only as a model of the expected behaviour of the AS on the ISC interface
and are not intended to define or constrain the actual implementation.
The components include the AS-ILCM, the AS-OLCM and the Application Logic. The AS-ILCM shall store
transaction state, and may optionally store session state depending on the specific service being executed. The AS-
ILCM interfaces to the S-CSCF (ILCM) for an incoming leg.
The AS-OLCM shall store transaction state, and may optionally store session state depending on the specific service
being executed. The AS-OLCM interfaces to the S-CSCF (OLCM) for an outgoing leg.
Release 6 25 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
The Application Logic provides the service(s) and interacts between the AS-ILCM and AS-OLCM.
The Application Server can access the HSS via the Sh or Si interface to access subscriber related data specific to the
service or application including the address of the S-CSCF.
SIP dialog
From: X #1
To: Y
Call-ID: Z
In this mode of operation the incoming SIP Request is proxied by the S-CSCF to the Application Server, which then
acts as either a UA or Redirect Server as specified in IETF RFC 3261 [6].
From: X
SIP dialog To: Y
#1 Call-ID: Z
In this mode of operation the Application Server acts as a UA as specified in IETF RFC 3261 [6] and generates a SIP
Request which it sends to the S-CSCF which then proxies it towards the destination.
Release 6 26 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
In this mode of operation the incoming SIP Request is proxied by the S-CSCF to the Application Server which then acts
as a proxy as specified in IETF RFC 3261 [6] proxying the request back to the S-CSCF which then proxies it towards
the destination. During the proxy operation the Application Server can add, remove or modify the header contents
contained in the SIP request according to the Proxy rules specified in IETF RFC 3261 [6]. Application Server performing third party call control/ B2BUA mode
The AS performing 3rd party call control acts as a B2BUA. There are several kinds of 3rd party call control, for
- Routeing B2BUA: an AS receives a request from the S-CSCF, terminates it and generates a new request, which
is based on the received request.
From: P
SIP dialog SIP dialog To: Q
From: X #1 #2 Call-ID: R
To: Y
Call-ID: Z
Figure Application Server performing third party call control acting as a routeing B2BUA
In this mode of operation the incoming SIP Request is proxied by the S-CSCF to the Application Server which
then generates a new SIP request for a different SIP dialog which it sends to the S-CSCF which then proxies it
towards the destination. In this mode the Application Server behaves as a B2BUA for the multiple SIP dialogs as
specified in IETF RFC 3261 [6].
- Initiating B2BUA: an AS initiates two requests, which are logically connected together at the AS.
Release 6 27 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
From: P
From: X SIP dialog
SIP dialog To: Q
To: Y #1 #2 Call-ID: R
Call-ID: Z
Figure Application Server performing third party call control acting as an initiating B2BUA
In this mode of operation the Application Server initiates two requests with different SIP dialogs. The
Application Server is responsible for corelating the two dialogs. These requests are proxied through the S-CSCF
which then proxies them towards the destination. In this mode the Application Server behaves as a B2BUA for
the multiple SIP dialogs as specified in IETF RFC 3261 [6].
Figure A SIP leg is passed through the S-CSCF without Application Server involvement
In this mode of operation the Application Server was either never involved in the SIP session signalling or has
determined to be no longer involved. The incoming SIP Request is proxied by the S-CSCF towards the destination. The
Application Server can maintain itself in the SIP session signalling path by inserting itself in a Record-Route Header as
specified in IETF RFC 3261 [6]. If the Application Server does not insert itself in a Record Route header then this mode
of operation shall be used for all subsequent requests related to this SIP dialog.
Release 6 28 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
NOTE: Java is the trade name of a product supplied by Sun Microsystems. This information is given for the
convenience of users of the present document and does not constitute an endorsement by 3GPP of the
product named. Equivalent products may be used if they can be shown to lead to the same results.
For an originating request, the AS-ILCM may interact with the application logic reporting call state information.
Depending on the service that is being provided, the application logic may instruct the AS-OLCM to modify the request
if needed (e g. by inserting itself in the Record-Route etc). After processing the request the AS-OLCM may send this
request back to the S-CSCF.
When the AS acts as a B2BUA, the application server shall maintain and correlate the multiple dialogues that it creates.
It shall be responsible for correlating the dialogue identifiers and shall decide when to translate a message from one
dialog to the other, or when to perform other functions based on the instruction from the application logic.
Release 6 29 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
The application server may, depending on the Filter Criteria receive REGISTER requests indicating reregistration or
deregistration events from the S-CSCF, so that the application server can update or release user's registration
The important information carried in the third party registration request are, the public user identity, the S-CSCF
address, and the expiration time.
The application server can also extract user specific data from the REGISTER request, e.g. the IMSI for an Application
Server that supports CAMEL services.
Application Servers can also subscribe to the S-CSCF Registration Event Package after receiving the third party
registration request. After subscribing to the event package with the S-CSCF, the application will expect to receive the
notifications from the S-CSCF, which may carry the user's implicitly registered public user identities, the user’s
terminal current capabilities and the user's registration event information.
The application server can also obtain the user's implicitly registered public identities by accessing the HSS via Sh or Si
An application server will require knowledge of a user's IMS subscription information if they are to correctly apply
services. This information can be provided to the application server in two ways, either:
Application Server
SIP 200 OK
Release 6 30 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Application Server
In an originating case, when processing an incoming initial request carrying the ICID, IOI, GPRS charging information
and charging function addresses for this session, the application server shall pass these parameters in the outgoing
message and may store the parameters for charging purposes.
In a terminating case, when processing an incoming initial request carrying the ICID, IOI, GPRS charging information
and charging function addresses for this session, the application server shall pass these parameters in the outgoing
message and may store the parameters for charging purposes.
When the application server is acting as an originating user agent as described in clause and initiates a session or
a standalone transaction, it shall generate ICID itself. Charging function addresses may be allocated as locally
preconfigured addresses. The application server may retrieve the charging addresses on Sh interface.
Release 6 31 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
When the conflict occurs between the charging function address(es) received over the ISC interface and those received
over the Sh interface, the address(es) received over the ISC interface should take precedence.
NOTE: The use of the Sh interface to retrieve charging function addresses is not intended as a general-purpose
alternative to receiving charging function addresses from the ISC interfaces. Rather, it is meant to address
a special case where the AS needs to interact with the charging system before initiating a request to a user
when the AS has not received the third party REGISTER for that user.
For detailed information on transporting charging parameters between IMS entities using SIP, see 3GPP TS 24.229 [5].
The detailed CAMEL procedures for IM-SSF Application Server are specified in 3GPP TS 23.278 [9].
The detailed OSA-SCS procedures for IMS Application Server are specified in 3GPP TR 29.998 [7].
The detailed procedures for Charging Server are specified in 3GPP TS 32.240 [20] and 3GPP TS 32.260 [21].
Release 6 32 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Annex A (informative):
Scalability and deployment considerations for IP multimedia
service provision
This Annex is intended to guide the reader in deployment and real life issues.
This specification has provided a set of tools for the application developer and the application integrator to utilize in
order to develop and deploy applications and provide services for the IP multimedia core network subsystem. However,
practical deployments will need to consider certain scalability issues with the use or misuse of some of the tools
specified in this specification.
The architecture allows for any number of Application Servers to be connected to any number of S-CSCFs and any
number of Application Servers to be involved in the initiation of a multimedia session. A scalability issue may arise if
there are a large number of S-CSCF and AS in a network.
Consideration should be given to the signalling propagation delays introduced when many Application Servers add
themselves to the route to provide originating and terminating services for the calling and called parties.
A SIP Application Server may act as gateway function by forwarding an incoming request to external ASs beyond the
IM CN subsytem. An external ASs will also send responses to IM CN subsytem via a SIP AS gateway. These other
Application Servers can be located externally to the home network, and use the SIP Application Server as a gateway to
the ISC interface. The interface between the SIP Application Server acting as a gateway, and other Application Servers
is outside the scope of the present document.
There is another case where the external AS is connected with S-CSCF (or I-CSCF) via public ISP networks depending
on the operators desire for network configuration hiding. S-CSCF or entities outside the S-CSCF may perform the
interworking function.
Care must also be taken to the priority and order of contact of multiple Application Servers during a session in order to
account for feature interaction issues.
Other AS 6
Other AS 5
Other AS 4
ISC Not specified
Figure A.1 depicts a possible solution that shows how a S-CSCF (S-CSCF1 S-CSCF3) could be connected to a single
AS (SIP AS1), while another (S-CSCF2) could be connected to more than one, in this case it is two (SIP AS1, SIP
AS2). All S-CSCF will be connected to the HSS via Cx. A SIP AS may be connected to the HSS via Sh. SIP ASs may
be connected to the IP network, which could allow them to contact Application Servers (e.g., either SIP ASs, or Other
Release 6 33 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Care should be taken to the transaction delays resulting of a high number of S-CSCF and ASs on the session signalling
While some applications need to discover the registration of a user on an event driven basis, many applications do not.
For many applications an access to the HSS or other database to obtain the address of the S-CSCF that serves a user is
sufficient to contact and initiate a session to that user, and others (such as basic call feature servers) do not require to be
informed of the registration state or necessarily even need to know the identity of the user. It is therefore possible that
the filter criteria are set in such a way that S-CSCF3 does not forward or notify SIP AS 3 of REGISTER requests. SIP
AS3 would then need to determine registration status via other means (i.e. via IP network) not specified.
The number of Application Servers receiving REGISTER requests (i.e., SIP AS3) from an individual S-CSCF should be
Other AS 6
Other AS 5
Other AS 4
ISC Not specified
Release 6 34 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Annex B (informative):
Information flows for example services
This annex contains some informative example information flows that show the possible flow of information for some
example services. These examples are intended only to help aid the understanding of the behaviour of the S-CSCF,
MRFC and Application Servers for service provision for the IM CN subsystem and are not intended to recommend or
specify how to create such services, (indeed the examples given may not even be a good idea for a practical
- Application Server in Third Party Call Control/B2BUA mode Clauses B.2.1, B.2.2, and B.2.3;
As shown in figure B.1.1.1, the Application Server may be a SIP AS, or an OSA AS or a CAMEL CSE. The latter two
Application Servers interface the S-CSCF via the OSA SCS and IM SSF gateways, respectively.
Release 6 35 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Application Servers
Application Servers
Application Servers I-CSCF
Home Network
Home Network
Home Network
In this configuration, the originating UE1 and the terminating UE3 are assumed to be in their respective home network.
The UE2, not shown in figure B.1.1.1, may be either at its home network or roaming in a visited network.
The CF feature is invoked based on the detection of the originating party's CLI "pre-activated" for call forwarding.
Upon invocation of the CFonCLI feature, the call will be forwarded to a pre-specified destination. These two steps and
a few underlying assumptions are briefly described below:
Release 6 36 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
B.1.2 Assumptions
For the CFonCLI service invocation and service control procedure, the following are assumed to hold:
- Subscriber data of all three UE1, UE2 and UE3 are stored in their respective HSS;
- All call/session control for the UE1, UE2, and UE3 is done in their respective home network S-CSCF;
- The UE2 has already subscribed to the CFonCLI service with a service provider operating an Application Server
where the service control logic resides;
- The pre-selected numbers (e.g., UE3) to which the originated calls are forwarded, are stored by the CFonCLI
service control logic upon activation of the feature by the UE2.
Application performs
number translation
(based on CLI)
7. 302 Moved Temporarily
8. ACK
Redirect Mode 9. 302 Moved Temporarily
10. 302 Moved Temporarily
11. ACK
12. ACK
13. 302 Moved Temporarily
14. ACK
Figure B.1.3.1 presents the information flow diagram for the invocation and control of the CFonCLI service based on
the configuration of figure B.1.1.1.
The UE1 initiates a call to UE2. The CFonCLI service logic is invoked in the Application Server when the S-CSCF for
UE2 detects that service invocation is required. The call is forwarded to the UE3 by the UE1 according to the "Session
Redirection initiated by UE" procedure. The UE3 accepts the (forwarded) call. A detailed description for each flow is
given below:
Release 6 37 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
2) The I-CSCF of the UE2 receives a SIP INVITE request form the S-CSCF of the originating user, UE1. UE1's
CLI is included in this INVITE request.
3) The I-CSCF of the UE2 queries the HSS to obtain the S-CSCF of the UE2.
6) Based on the information obtained from the UE2 Service Profile (during registration), the S-CSCF of the UE2
detects that the criteria for certain pre-defined triggers are met. The INVITE request is forwarded to the
Application Server. The service logic is invoked in the Application Server.
7) Based on the outcome of the execution of the service logic, the Application Server instructs the S-SCSF to
REDIRECT the session to UE3. The behaviour of the Application Server follows the description of a 'redirect
server'. It sends the 302 Move Temporary response with UE3 as the redirect address to UE1. The Application
Server plays no further part in the session establishment.
8) S-CSCF of UE2 sends ACK back to the Application Server to acknowledge the receiving of the 302 response.
9) S-CSCF of UE2 forwards the 302 Move Temporary to the I-CSCF of UE2.
10)The I-CSCF of UE2 forwards the 302 Move Temporary to the S-CSCF of UE1.
11)The S-CSCF of UE1 sends ACK to acknowledge the receiving of the 302 Move Temporary.
13)The S-CSCF of UE1 forwards the 302 Move Temporary response to the next downstream hop.
14)The S-CSCF of UE1 receives the ACK for that 302 response from the downstream hop.
16)The originating S-CSCF redirects the SIP INVITE request to the UE3's home network.
17)Bearer establishment & call setup between from the UE1 to the UE3 is performed following the procedure
described in the basic call flow sections for originating, inter-network and terminating segments.
Release 6 38 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
10. Locate UE3
11. S-CSCF UE3
12b. INVITE No AS involvement
13a. 183 Session Progress)
13b. 183 Session Progress
13c. 183 Session Progress
13d. 183 Session Progress
13e. 183 Session Progress
The UE1 (located in the originating visited network) makes a call to UE2. The CFonCLI is invoked and the CFonCLI
service logic is executed by an application residing in the Application Server.
The call is forwarded to the UE3 by the S-CSCF of UE2 according to the "Session Redirection" instructed by the
Application Server. The S-CSCF sends a SIP 181Call Is Being Forwarded to UE1 and a SIP Invite request to UE3. The
UE3 accepts the (forwarded) call. A detailed description for each flow is given below:
1) - 6) are identical to flows by the same number in the UE Redirect example provided in B.1.3.
(7a, 7b, 7c and 7d) The Application Server notifies the UE1 that the call is being forwarded, by sending a 181 Call
Is Being Forwarded response.
8) The service logic forwards the INVITE request back to S-CSCF modifies the destination address by inserting the
identity of the UE3. The Application Server is in SIP proxy mode.
9) The S-CSCF of UE2 forwards the modified INVITE request it received from the Application Server to the I-
CSCF of UE3.
10)The I-CSCF of the UE3 queries the HSS to obtain the S-CSCF of the UE3.
(12a and 12b) The I-CSCF forwards the SIP INVITE request the UE3 via its S-CSCF.
(13a, 13b, 13c, 13d, 13e, 13f, 13g, 13h and 13g) The UE3 accepts the incoming call and sends an 183 Session
Progress back to UE1.
14)Bearer establishment & call setup between from the UE1 to the UE3 is performed following the procedure
described in the basic call flow clauses for originating, inter-network and terminating segments.
Release 6 39 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
The "[x]" notation in the diagram is an indicator of a unique SIP dialog. The "dot" notation on the AS line indicates
B2BUA actions are taking place along with AS service logic. The 100 Trying responses are not shown in the diagram,
but it is assumed that 100 Trying is sent in response to each INVITE request.
The B2BUA AS interacts with the UE as usual to establish the dialog. The B2BUA AS interacts with the MRFC using a
third party control model to establish the dialog. The B2BUA AS manages the interactions between the two dialogs.
The offer/answer model as defined in IETF RFC 3264 [15] is used for SDP negotiation between the AS/S-CSCF and
the MRFC. The MRFC should always grant the requests from the AS (unless there is a resource problem). The MRFC
responds to the INVITE request with a 200 response indicating the selected codec in the SDP. The MRFC will also
reserve the requested local resources at that time. The selected codec is included by the B2BUA AS in the 183 response
to the UE. The receipt of the ACK at the MRFC triggers the playing of the tone or announcement.
Release 6 40 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
1. INVITE (UE SDP) [1]
5. Session Failure
7. ACK [2]
8. Service Logic
4) New INVITE request is sent towards destination, via the S-CSCF, to establish a new dialog [Call-ID 2].
5) S-CSCF experiences a failure, such as not being able to determine the next hop for the SIP URL.
Release 6 41 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
9) New INVITE request is sent to the MRFC, via the S-CSCF, to establish a new dialog for playing an
announcement [Call-ID 3]. Sufficient information is included to specify the details for the announcement.
11)The MRFC allocates the requested resource and returns 200 OK, with SDP-A indicating selected media.
13 - 30) The B2BUA AS manages the dialog for Call-ID 1 as normal, with the SDP-A supplied from the MRFC.
The MRFC is instructed to play the announcement using the ACK request at flow 26 for Call-ID 3.
The "[x]" notation in the diagram is an indicator of a unique SIP dialog. The "dot" notation on the AS line indicates
B2BUA actions are taking place along with AS service logic. The 100 Trying responses are not shown in the diagram,
but it is assumed that 100 Trying is sent in response to each INVITE request.
The Application Server is in control of the ad hoc conference, is aware of the MRFC capabilities and is also operating
as a B2BUA performing third party call control.
An INVITE request is generated from UE-1 indicating a desire to start a multiparty call (ad hoc conference) by taking
the existing sessions, between UE-1 to UE-2 and UE-1 to UE-3, and bringing them together. The AS uses third party
call control to request the conference facilities from the MRFC. A separate dialog is established from the AS to the
MRFC for each of the three parties (UE-1, UE-2, UE-3). New dialogs are also established between the AS and each of
the UE endpoints. The media from each UE is connected at the conferencing resource at the MRFP. The first INVITE
request to the MRFC should receive a response that includes the conference identifier. The same conference identifier
will be used for subsequent INVITE requests to add or drop parties to the conference.
The offer/answer model as defined in IETF RFC 3264 [15] is used for SDP negotiation between the AS/S-CSCF and
the MRFC. The MRFC should always grant the requests from the AS (unless there is a resource problem). The MRFC
responds to the INVITE request with a 200 response indicating the selected media in the SDP. The MRFC will also
reserve the requested local resources at that time and return the appropriate resource identifiers in the 200 response.
Release 6 42 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Sessions exist between UE-1 and UE-2, and between UE-1 and UE-3 .
Request is to put all parties together for an Ad-hoc conference (multi-party
call). 1. INVITE (MPTY)[1]
1) INVITE request received at S-CSCF from UE-1 indicating desire to start ad hoc conference (multiparty call) for
the existing sessions between UE-1 to UE-2 and UE-1 to UE-3.
5 - 8) New INVITE request sent to MRFC to initiate multiparty call, get conference identifier and prepare dialog
for UE-2 [Call-ID 2].
9 - 13) Re-INVITE sent to UE-2 to establish dialog between AS and UE-2 [Call-ID 3].
Release 6 43 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
18 - 21) New INVITE request sent to MRFC using the same conference identifier and prepare dialog for UE-3
[Call-ID 4].
22 - 26) Re-INVITE sent to UE-3 to establish dialog between AS and UE-3 [Call-ID 5].
31 - 34) New INVITE request sent to MRFC using the same conference identifier and prepare dialog for UE-1
[Call-ID 6].
The "[x]" notation in the diagram is an indicator of a unique SIP dialog. The "dot" notation on the AS line indicates
B2BUA actions are taking place along with AS service logic. The 100 Trying responses are not shown in the diagram,
but it is assumed that 100 Trying is sent in response to each INVITE request.
The B2BUA AS interacts with the originating UE as usual to establish the dialog. The B2BUA AS interacts with the
MRFC using a third party control model to establish the dialog with the called party after receiving the initial failure
indication. The B2BUA AS manages the interactions between the two dialogs.
An INVITE request is generated from a UE. A 606 "Not Acceptable" response is received from the called party. The
AS uses third party call control to request transcoding facilities from the MRFC. A separate dialog is established from
the AS to the MRFC for each of the two parties. New dialogs are also established between the AS and each of the UE
endpoints. The media from each UE is connected at the transcoding resource at the MRFP.
In the first figure B.2.3.1 below, the called party returns an indication of an acceptable codec. For this case, the request
to the MRFC will include the appropriate codec for the called party and the offer/answer model as defined in IETF RFC
3264 [15] with the MRFC is used. In figure B.2.3.2 below, the called party does not indicate any SDP, which means
that more steps will be required on the subsequent INVITE request to set up transcoding with the MRFC. An INVITE
without SDP is sent to the MRFC to get the list of codecs it supports. The AS then sends that list of codecs in the new
INVITE that it sends to the called party. The B2BUA function of the AS matches up the responses.
The offer/answer model is used for SDP negotiation between the AS/S-CSCF and the MRFC. The MRFC should
always grant the requests from the AS (unless there is a resource problem). The MRFC responds to the INVITE request
with a 200 response indicating the selected codec in the SDP. The MRFC will also reserve the requested local resources
at that time. The selected codec is included by the B2BUA AS in the 183 response to the UE. The receipt of the ACK at
the MRFC triggers the playing of the tone or announcement.
Release 6 44 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
2. 100 (Trying)
25. 200 OK (UA SDP) [4] 24. 200 OK (UA SDP) [4]
Release 6 45 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
5) New INVITE request is sent towards destination, via the S-CSCF, to establish a new dialog [Call-ID 2].
7) Called UA returns 606 Not Acceptable in response to the INVITE request. Included in the response is an
indicator that the offered codec is not acceptable plus information on what codec would be acceptable.
10)AS service logic determines that there is an MRFC that can perform the transcoding.
12 - 17) New INVITE request sent to MRFC to establish transcoding for called UA [Call-ID 3].
18 - 25) New INVITE request sent to called UA to establish session between UA and MRF [Call-ID 4].
26 - 29) New INVITE request sent to MRFC to establish transcoding for calling UE [Call-ID 5].
30 - 53) Normal call establishment procedures from here on, with B2BUA AS performing the appropriate
signalling translations between the associated dialogs.
Release 6 46 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
25. 200 OK (UA SDP) [3] 24. 200 OK (UA SDP) [3]
Continue the same as prev ious scenario (UA SDP returned in 606 response)
5) New INVITE request is sent towards destination, via the S-CSCF, to establish a new dialog [Call-ID 2].
7) Called UA returns 606 Not Acceptable in response to the INVITE request. Included in the response is an
indicator that the offered codec is not acceptable but there is no information on what codec would be acceptable
(no SDP).
10)AS service logic determines that there is an MRFC that can perform the transcoding.
Release 6 47 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
12 - 15) New INVITE request sent to MRFC to establish transcoding for called UA and to get the list codecs
supported by the MRF [Call-ID 3].
16 - 19) New INVITE request sent to called UA with SDP for all codecs supported by the MRF to establish
session between UA and MRF [Call-ID 4]. UA returns SDP with acceptable codecs.
20 - 23) A new offer with the codecs provided by the UA is sent in PRACK and the 200 OK response indicates
the selected codec.
Call establishment procedures from here on are common with the previous transcoding call flow.
A S-CSCF is forwarded the initial INVITE destined for a UE that is not currently IMS registered. The Default Filter
Criteria in the S-CSCF indicates that for the case of an unregistered user the INVITE should be forwarded to the
Voicemail and Announcement Server.
Upon receiving the INVITE request the Voicemail and Announcement Server determines that the destination UE has
subscribed to the Voicemail Service (possibly by downloading some subscriber profile information via the Sh
interface). The Voicemail and Announcement Server therefore in addition to playing an announcement to inform the
caller that the called party is either powered off or out of coverage also informs the caller that he may leave a message
for the called party.
The calling party leaves a message for the called party and then hangs up the call by sending a BYE.
Release 6 48 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
AS (Voicemail
Server) S-CSCF
7. 200 OK
8. 200 OK
12. 200 OK
13. 200 OK
14. 200 OK
15. 200 OK
16. ACK
17. ACK
20. BYE
21. BYE
22. 200 OK
23. 200 OK
NOTE: For simplicity the 100 Trying response returned or received by the S-CSCF in reponse to requests is
omitted from figure B.3.1.1.
2) Based on trigger point of the initial Filter Criteria S-CSCF proxies the INVITE request to the AS (Voicemail
3 - 4) The AS starts the voicemail application and responds with a 183 Session Progress containing SDP which is
proxied back to the caller by the S-CSCF.
5 - 8) The caller responds with a PRACK containing SDP, which the S-CSCF proxies to the AS and the AS
responds with a 200 OK containing SDP which the S-CSCF proxies back to the caller.
10 - 13) After completing resource reservation the caller sends a UPDATE containing SDP which is proxied by
the S-CSCF to the AS which responds with a 200 OK containing SDP which is proxied back to the caller by the
Release 6 49 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
14 - 15) The AS then sends a 200 OK to the initial INVITE which the S-CSCF proxies to the caller.
18)The AS plays an announcement using the session established indicating that the caller is powered off but that the
caller may leave a message.
20 - 21) The caller hangs up by sending a BYE which the S-CSCF proxies to the AS.
22 - 23) The AS responds with a 200 OK, which the S-CSCF proxies back to the caller.
B.3.2 User IMS registers voice mail service plays back messages
Figure B.3.2.1 shows the scenario when the UE that has subscribed to a voicemail service with a feature enabled that
contacts the user upon registration informing him of any recorded messages.
The Filter Criteria downloaded by the S-CSCF indicates that a third party REGISTER request should be sent to the
Voicemail Server. Upon receiving the third party registration of the UE, the Voicemail Server acting as an originating
UA contacts the UE by sending an INVITE request to inform him that he has voicemail messages recorded while he
was not registered.
The user listens to the messages played back by the voicemail server, (only streaming class QOS is required for this
session) and then terminates the session with a BYE.
Release 6 50 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
AS (Voicemail
Server) S-CSCF
2. 401 Unauthorized
4. 200 OK
6. 200 OK
9. 183 Session Progress
10. 183 Session Progress
13. 200 OK
14. 200 OK
18. 200 OK
19. 200 OK
24. 200 OK
25. 200 OK
26. 200 OK
27. 200 OK
28. ACK
29. ACK
31. BYE
32. BYE
33. 200 OK
34. 200 OK
NOTE: For simplicity the 100 Trying response returned or received by the S-CSCF in reponse to requests is
omitted from figure B.3.2.1.
Release 6 51 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
1 - 4) The UE sends a REGISTER request to the S-CSCF which authenticates with a 401 Unauthorized response
challenge with the authentication response being supplied in a second REGISTER request. The registration
completes with a 200 OK from the S-CSCF to the UE.
5 - 6) The S-CSCF downloads Filter Criteria for the UE from the HSS which indicates the S-CSCF should send a
third party REGISTER request on behalf of the UE to an AS that performs a voicemail service. The AS responds
to the REGISTER request with a 200 OK.
7 - 8) The AS downloads subscriber data for the subscriber (possibly from the HSS via the Sh interface) that
indicates that the subscriber has enabled a feature that has the voicemail application contact the subscriber upon
registration to deliver recorded messages. The AS sends an INVITE request containing SDP for the UE to the S-
CSCF which proxies it to the UE.
9 - 10) The UE responds with 183 Session Progress containing SDP which the S-CSCF proxies to the AS.
11 - 14) The AS sends a PRACK, which the S-CSCF proxies to the UE and the UE respond with a 200 OK which
the S-CSCF proxies to the AS.
16 - 19) The AS sends an UPDATE, which the S-CSCF proxies to the UE and the UE responds with a 200 OK
which the S-CSCF proxies to the AS.
20 - 21) The UE sends a 180 Ringing indicating that it is alerting the user which the S-CSCF proxies to the AS.
22 - 25) The AS to indicate receipt of the 180 response sends a PRACK which the S-CSCF proxies to the UE and
the UE responds with a 200 OK which the S-CSCF proxies to the AS.
26 - 27) When the subscriber answers the UE sends a 200 OK to the initial INVITE which the S-CSCF proxies to
the AS.
28 - 29) The AS acknowledges the 200 OK with an ACK which the S-CSCF proxies to the UE.
30)The AS plays an announcement indicating the number of messages stored and then plays back the messages to
the UE using the session established.
31 - 32) The UE hangs up by sending a BYE, which the S-CSCF proxies to the AS.
33 - 34) The AS responds with a 200 OK, which the S-CSCF proxies back to the UE.
Release 6 52 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Annex C (informative):
Example for Initial filter criteria triggering
This example applies both for call originating and terminating procedure. But we assume this is a call originating
procedure. User has registered with the network. Its filter criteria and addresses of the assigned application servers have
been downloaded to its S-CSCF during registration via Cx interface. Also, the application server specific data may have
been downloaded via the Sh interface to the application server during registration.
Sh Sh
AS 1 Cx
AS 2
3 SIP message possibly
4.a ISC 5a SIP message possibly
2 with modification by AS1 with modification by AS2
Incoming Call leg S INVITE Match Initial Filter Criteria Outgoing Call leg
Filter Criteria XAS1
Filter Criteria YAS2
SIP message forwarded by
SIP message forwarded by S-CSCF
In this example, two application servers are assigned to provide additional services to a subscriber and they are showed
as AS1 and AS2 in this example.
1. User initiates a SIP session by sending a SIP initial request to its S-CSCF.
2. On receiving this request, the S-CSCF evaluates the SPTs and checks if they match the initial filter criteria X for
AS1. If they match, the S-CSCF forwards this request to AS1.
3. The AS1 performs any needed service logic based on the Service Key and sends the SIP request possibly with
service related modification back to the S-CSCF.
4.a On receiving the request from the AS, the S-CSCF evaluates the SPTs and checks if they match the initial filter
criteria Y for AS2. If they match the S-CSCF forwards the request to the associated Application Server AS2.
4.b If the request doesn't match any further filter criteria, the S-CSCF forwards this request to the next hop based on
the route decision.
5.a The AS2 performs any needed service logic based on the Service Key and sends the SIP request possibly with
service related modification back to the S-CSCF.
Release 6 53 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
6.a The S-CSCF checks the request sent by AS2 and finds that no initial criteria is matched, then the S-CSCF
forwards this request to next hop based on the route decision.
Release 6 54 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Annex D (informative):
Change history
Release 6 55 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
Change history
Date TSG # TSG Doc. CR Rev Subject/Comment Old New WG doc
Nov N1- First draft created. Presented to CN1meeting #14.
2000 001300
21/11/00 N1- V 0.1.0 created based on discussion in CN1#14.
001352 Additional clause on OSA API added.
22/11/00 N1- V 0.2.0 created based on discussion in CN1#14.
001386 The clause on scope modified.
28/11/00 N1- V 0.3.0 created based on discussion in CN1/SA2
001448 joint meeting. The title modified.
Jan N1- V0.3.1 created. Specification number TS 23.218
2001 010069 allocated to TS 23.cde.
16/1/01 NJ- V0.4.0 created. Clause 8 on OSA API updated to
010106 include the proposal in NJ-010104 agreed at joint
CN1/2/4 meeting on 23.218.
March N1- V0.5.0 created. Clause 6.5 updated to include the
2001 010762 proposal in NJ-010117 agreed at the joint
CN1/2/3/4 Feb meeting in Sophia. Reference to
Visited Network updated.
June N1- V0.5.1 created. Informative Annex B created
2001 010981 containing N1-010749 agreed at Joint CN1/2/3/4
meeting in Puerto Rico.
August N1- V0.5.2 created. Section 5 updated to include the
2001 011090 proposals in N1-010982, N1-011013 and N1-
011043; Section 6 updated to include the proposals
in N1-011044 and N1-011045, agreed at CN1#18
and joint CN1/2/3/4 meetings in Dresden.
Septem N1- V0.6.0 created. Document layout reorganized and
ber 011365 content updated to conform to proposal in N1-
2001 011277; Section 6 and Section 9 updated to include
the proposals in N1-011342, agreed at CN1#19
meeting in Helsinki.
October N1- V.0.7.0 created. Appendix B.1 added based on N1-
2001 011522 011423 agreed at CN1#19bis meeting in Sophia
October N1- V.0.8.0 created using Tdocs: 0.7.0 0.8.0
2001 011707 N1-011596, N1-011597, N1-011599, N1-011600
Nov N1- V.0.9.0 created using Tdocs: 0.8.0 0.9.0
2001 011867 N1-011751, N1-011778
Dec NP- V.1.0.0 created using Tdocs: 0.9.0 1.0.0
2001 010640 N1-011999, N1-012051 agreed at CN#21 in
N1- Cancun. To be presented for information at CN#14
Jan N1- V.1.1.0 created using Tdocs: 1.0.0 1.1.0
2002 020343 N1-020035, N1-020036, N1-020069, N1-020071
N1-020072, N1-020107, N1-020109, N1-020110,
N1-020114, N1-020115 N1-020116, N1-020119
N1-020137, N1-020153, N1-020156, N1-020164
agreed at CN1 SIP Adhoc 0102 in Phoenix.
Februar N1- V.1.2.0 created using Tdocs: 1.1.0 1.2.0
y 2002 020552 N1-020231, N1-020385, N1-020387, N1-020392,
N1-020393, N1-020448, N1-020450, N1-020451,
N1-020452, N1-020453 agreed at CN1#22 in
Sophia Antipolis, and corrected implementation
error of N1-020156.
Februar V.2.0.0 created using Tdocs: 1.2.0 2.0.0
y 2002 N1-020607, N1-020620, N1-020633, N1-020634,
N1-020637, N1-020653, N1-020661, N1-020662,
N1-020667 agreed at CN1#22 bis in Oulu.
March Editorial clean-up by ETSI/MCC. 2.0.0 2.0.1
11. TSG NP- The draft was approved and decided to be ‘frozen’, 2.0.1 5.0.0
March CN#15 020047 and 3GPP TS 23.218 was then to be issued in Rel-
2002 5 with the needed new RFC numbers allocated in
NP-020134 incorporated.
Release 6 56 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
June NP-16 NP- 002 3 HSS providing to the S-CSCF the subset of the 5.0.0 5.1.0 N1-
2002 020226 relevant end user profile 020972
June NP-16 NP- 003 10 Clarification on SPI related text 5.0.0 5.1.0 N1-
2002 020226 021405
June NP-16 NP- 004 4 Passing charging correlation information 5.0.0 5.1.0 N1-
2002 020226 021423
June NP-16 NP- 006 1 Correction of terminology in 23.218 regarding Offer- 5.0.0 5.1.0 N1-
2002 020226 counter offer answer 020951
June NP-16 NP- 012 5 Update of the S-CSCF AS relationship, for 5.0.0 5.1.0 N1-
2002 020226 REGISTER 021425
June NP-16 NP- 014 1 User profile filter criteria updates 5.0.0 5.1.0 N1-
2002 020226 021384
June NP-16 NP- 015 1 Add references for Sh and Si interfaces 5.0.0 5.1.0 N1-
2002 020226 021385
June NP-16 NP- 016 1 SIP Application Server acting as a Gatewas to an 5.0.0 5.1.0 N1-
2002 020226 external Application Server; and OSA API usage. 021404
June NP-16 NP- 017 1 Clarification to Handling of IP multimedia 5.0.0 5.1.0 N1-
2002 020226 registration for barred public user identities 021424
June NP-16 NP- 019 Correction of COMET to UPDATE in 23.218 5.0.0 5.1.0 N1-
2002 020226 021252
Sept. NP-17 NP- 021 1 Service profiles and implicitly registered public user 5.1.0 5.2.0 N1-
2002 020373 identities 021828
Sept. NP-17 NP- 022 2 Clarification on specialized charging server 5.1.0 5.2.0 N1-
2002 020373 021859
Sept. NP-17 NP- 025 1 Clarification on location information for IMS 5.1.0 5.2.0 N1-
2002 020373 021829
Sept. NP-17 NP- 026 1 Proposed change of term SPI to SPT 5.1.0 5.2.0 N1-
2002 020373 021830
Sept. NP-17 NP- 027 1 Support of originating requests from Application 5.1.0 5.2.0 N1-
2002 020373 Servers 021831
Dec. NP-18 NP- 029 1 Clarification on CCF/ECF addresses 5.2.0 5.3.0 N1-
2002 020552 022142
Dec. NP-18 NP- 030 3 Clarification on MRFP reference point 5.2.0 5.3.0 N1-
2002 020553 022468
Dec. NP-18 NP- 031 1 Support of originating requests from Application 5.2.0 5.3.0 N1-
2002 020552 Servers 022144
Dec. NP-18 NP- 033 Addition of Request-URI as SPT 5.2.0 5.3.0 N1-
2002 020552 022297
Dec. NP-18 NP- 034 1 Clarifications on Annex C (Informative) 5.2.0 5.3.0 N1-
2002 020552 022469
Dec. NP-18 NP- 038 1 Clarification to use of Service Information 5.2.0 5.3.0 N1-
2002 020552 022475
March NP-19 NP- 040 2 Clarification on Sh interface for charging purposes 5.3.0 5.4.0 N1-
2003 030045 030309
March NP-19 NP- 042 Correction related to implicit public user identities in 5.3.0 5.4.0 N1-
2003 030046 third party REGISTER 030197
June NP-20 NP- 043 5 Correction on Handling of MO request 5.4.0 5.5.0 N1-
2003 030272 030943
June NP-20 NP- 044 1 Corrections regarding SPTs and Filter Criteria 5.4.0 5.5.0 N1-
2003 030272 handling on REGISTER request 030516
June NP-20 NP- 046 1 Clarifications on SPT. 5.4.0 5.5.0 N1-
2003 030272 030517
June NP-20 NP- 048 Service Key Clarification 5.4.0 5.5.0 N1-
2003 030272 030663
June NP-20 NP- 051 1 S-CSCF behavior correction to enable call 5.4.0 5.5.0 N1-
2003 030272 forwarding 030855
June NP-20 NP- 055 1 Filtering of unknown header fields and header 5.4.0 5.5.0 N1-
2003 030272 parameters 030924
Sept NP-21 NP- 057 Removal of Incorrect Information 5.5.0 5.6.0 N1-
2003 030411 031070
Dec NP-22 NP- 053 3 Flow number corrections in Annex B 5.6.0 5.7.0 N1-
2003 030475 031630
Dec NP-22 NP- 059 Corrections on charging specification number 5.7.0 6.0.0 N1-
2003 030482 031468
March NP-23 NP- 064 1 Dh interface 6.0.0 6.1.0 N1-
2004 040032 040158
Release 6 57 3GPP TS 23.218 V6.2.0 (2004-09)
March NP-23 NP- 066 2 Initiating Back to Back User Agent 6.0.0 6.1.0 N1-
2004 040032 040472
Sep NP-25 NP- 6.1.0 6.2.0 N1-
2004 040384 69 IFC process termination at R-URI change 041440
Sep NP-25 NP- 6.1.0 6.2.0 N1-
2004 040384 70 1 Third party registration optimization 041562