SME 633 Curriculum Development and Implementation
SME 633 Curriculum Development and Implementation
SME 633 Curriculum Development and Implementation
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4.1 Review of curriculum reforms in Pakistan in line with national education policies
4.2 Review of curriculum change process in Pakistan
4.3 Issues of curriculum change in Pakistan
4.4 Curriculum development process in Pakistan and its
Suggested Readings
Curriculum Development & Implementation, By S.M. Shahid, Published by Majeed Book Depot
Littledyke, M. and Huxford, L. (Eds) (1998). Teaching the Primary Curriculum for Constructive Learning,
London: David Fulton Publishers.
Marsh, C. (1997). Perspectives: Key Concepts for Understanding Curriculum-1 Revised edition, London:
the falmer Press.
Marsh, C. (1997). Planning Management and Ideology: Key Concepts for Understanding Curriculum-II,
London: the Falmer Press.
Ornstein A. and Hunkins, F. (1998). Curriculum: Foundations, Principles and Issues, 3rd Edt. Londion:
Allyn and Bacon.
Pinar, W. Reynolds, W., Slattery, P., and Taubman, P. (1995). Understanding Curriculum: An Introduction
To The study of Historical and Contemporary Curriculum Discourses. New York: Peter Lang.
Pollard, A., Thessen, D. and Filer, A. (1997) Children and Their Curriculum: The Perspectives of Primary
Elementary School Children, London: The Falmer Press.
Quicke, J. (1999). Curriculum For Life: School For a Democratic Learning society Buckingham; Open
University press.
Rehman, Mehmuda (1999). Curriculum Development. Peshawar; Ijaz printers.
Wiles, J. and Bondi. New York Maxwell Macmillan.