SME 633 Curriculum Development and Implementation

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Rev No 0 Dated: 14.03.08 Course Outline - SUIT SME633 Cr.Hr.

3-0 Page 1 of 2

Curriculum Development and Implementation - SME633

After completion of the course, the learner will be able to:
 Conceptualize the curriculum and their scope and its importance in education in Pakistan;
 Analyze critically the existing practices of curriculum reforms and explore alternatives for
improving the curriculum reforms in Pakistan;
 Understand contemporary ideological and pragmatic curricular, pedagogical and assessment issues
related to elementary and secondary education in Pakistan;
 Demonstrate understanding of the curriculum development process in Pakistan and its implications
for improving the quality of education in Pakistan;
 Apply skills and knowledge to translate intended curriculum into practice and further enrich it for
achieving the educational goals; and
 Perform role as curriculum planners and developers to meet the challenges and demands of the 21st
Outline of Contents
Unit 1 Re-conceptualization of Curriculum.

1.1 Traditional and progressive concepts of curriculum.

1.2 Elements of curriculum-objectives, contents, teaching methods and evaluation
1.3 Commonplaces of curriculum – subject matter, teacher, learner and milieu.
1.4 Role of hidden curriculum in education.
1.5 Role of educational ideologies in curriculum development
1.6 Role of school leadership including teacher in curriculum development
1.7 Role of information technology in curriculum.

Unit 2 Foundations of curriculum Development

2.1 Philosophical/Ideological Foundations.

2.2 Historical Foundations
2.3 Psychological Foundations
2.4 Socio-cultural Foundations
2.5 Economic Foundations.

Unit 3 Curriculum Theories and Practices

3.1 Objective model

3.2 Contents model
3.3 Process model
3.4 Integrated vs. differentiated curriculum
3.5 Teacher vs. student curriculum
3.6 Teacher vs. bottom-up curriculum practices
3.7 Contemporary issues of curriculum theorization and practices.
Unit 4 Curriculum Reforms in Pakistan
Rev No 0 Dated: 14.03.08 Course Outline - SUIT SME633 Cr.Hr. 3-0 Page 2 of 2

4.1 Review of curriculum reforms in Pakistan in line with national education policies
4.2 Review of curriculum change process in Pakistan
4.3 Issues of curriculum change in Pakistan
4.4 Curriculum development process in Pakistan and its

Unit 5 Current Trend in Assessment

5.1 Traditional and progressive notion of assessment

5.2 Relationship between curriculum instruction, and assessment
5.3 Authentic assessment and implications
5.4 Performance based assessment and implications
5.5 Criterion referenced assessment and implications
5.6 Norms referenced assessment and implications
5.7 Portfolio assessment

Unit 6 Curriculum Monitoring and Evaluation.

6.1 Traditional and progressive notion of curriculum monitoring and evaluation

6.2 Relationship between monitoring and evaluation.
6.3 Forms of curriculum evaluation-formative and summative.
6.4 Role of evaluation in curriculum improvement.
6.5 Processes and practices of curriculum evaluation.
6.6 Curriculum evaluation in Pakistan and implication.
6.7 Contemporary issues of curriculum evaluation.

Suggested Readings

 Curriculum Development & Implementation, By S.M. Shahid, Published by Majeed Book Depot
 Littledyke, M. and Huxford, L. (Eds) (1998). Teaching the Primary Curriculum for Constructive Learning,
London: David Fulton Publishers.
 Marsh, C. (1997). Perspectives: Key Concepts for Understanding Curriculum-1 Revised edition, London:
the falmer Press.
 Marsh, C. (1997). Planning Management and Ideology: Key Concepts for Understanding Curriculum-II,
London: the Falmer Press.
 Ornstein A. and Hunkins, F. (1998). Curriculum: Foundations, Principles and Issues, 3rd Edt. Londion:
Allyn and Bacon.
 Pinar, W. Reynolds, W., Slattery, P., and Taubman, P. (1995). Understanding Curriculum: An Introduction
To The study of Historical and Contemporary Curriculum Discourses. New York: Peter Lang.
 Pollard, A., Thessen, D. and Filer, A. (1997) Children and Their Curriculum: The Perspectives of Primary
Elementary School Children, London: The Falmer Press.
 Quicke, J. (1999). Curriculum For Life: School For a Democratic Learning society Buckingham; Open
University press.
 Rehman, Mehmuda (1999). Curriculum Development. Peshawar; Ijaz printers.
 Wiles, J. and Bondi. New York Maxwell Macmillan.

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