GEH-6721 Vol I

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Mark* VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems

Volume I: System Guide

Dec 2019

Public Information
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for every possible
contingency to be met during installation, operation, and maintenance. The information is supplied for informational
purposes only, and GE makes no warranty as to the accuracy of the information included herein. Changes, modifications,
and/or improvements to equipment and specifications are made periodically and these changes may or may not be reflected
herein. It is understood that GE may make changes, modifications, or improvements to the equipment referenced herein or to
the document itself at any time. This document is intended for trained personnel familiar with the GE products referenced
GE may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this
document does not provide any license whatsoever to any of these patents.
Public Information – This document contains non-sensitive information approved for public disclosure.
GE provides the following document and the information included therein as is and without warranty of any kind,
expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied statutory warranty of merchantability or fitness for
particular purpose.
For further assistance or technical information, contact the nearest GE Sales or Service Office, or an authorized GE Sales

Revised: Dec 2019

Issued: Jan 2004

© 2004 - 2019 General Electric Company.

* Indicates a trademark of General Electric Company and/or its subsidiaries.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

We would appreciate your feedback about our documentation.

Please send comments or suggestions to [email protected]

Public Information
Document Updates
Rev Location Description
Added the compatible terminal boards TVBAH1B and TVBAH2B for the
Turbine I/O Types
BN PVIBH1 I/O pack
Mark VIeS Safety I/O Types Added the compatible terminal board TVBAS2B for the YVIBS1 I/O pack
Signal Reference Structure Updated the last paragraph for clarification
BM Updated IS200TRLYH1C and 2C to include 5 X 20MM TIME-LAG in the table
Terminal Board Fuse Details
Power Distribution, Terminal Board Fuses
Corrected IS200JPDDG2A to 3A in the table Power Distribution, Terminal
Terminal Board Fuse Details
Board Fuses
BL Incorporated content from the removed section Approved IONet Switches
IONet Switches section into this section and added Approved IONet Switches as the table
heading for the list of approved IONet switches
New section that provides the logic of the GE serial number/barcode
Serial Number/Barcode Convention
BK Added the following terminal boards to the table Power Distribution, Terminal
Terminal Board Fuse Details Board Fuses: IS200JPDDG2A, IS200JPDDG3A, and IS200JPDDG4A; remove
+FU# from GE Part # column
Added Attention statement that users application may not be licensed to
access full system capability and I/O types described in this document
Changes made for clarification, including:
• Removed the note referencing GSM 3.0 documentation, which is not
related to Modbus
• Added a note below the Mark VIe Controller Modbus Communication
BJ Protocols diagrams in the section Controller Modbus to state that the
Modbus Protocol diagram is not meant to show how to connect Modbus to an application; it
is to give the reader a point of reference as to how Modbus is
• Controller was removed from the Mark VIe Controller Modbus
Communication Protocols diagram to limit confusion because it does not
add value; it was only a point of reference
BH Introduction Added content for the Universal I/O (UIO) Mark VIe control cabinet
IONet Switches Corrected the redundant input voltage range from 10–30 to 18–36 v dc
Approved IONet Switches Updated the list of approved IONet ESWx switches
Modbus Protocol Added Modbus Slave support for Mark VIeS Safety controller
Updated the EU directive number from 2004/108/EC to 2014/30/EU
BG Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC)
Added the Code and Description details in the table of fulfilled requirements for
EU directive EN/IEC 61326-1
Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU Updated the EU directive number from 2006/95/EC to 2014/35/EU
Humidity Removed EN50178 statement
Shipping and Storage Temperature Added a table providing equipment shipping and storage temperature range
BF Added content providing the alarm system requirements for maximum number
Alarm Types
of new alarms that can be processed
Removed mention of BPPC I/O Upgrade V05.01.xx or Later DVD and added
Mark VIe BPPC I/O Migration Guidelines note about Auto-Reconfiguration not available with the Mark VIeS Safety
BE Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) Added procedure for accessing Exida
Applications in Harsh Environments New section
Moved this content to ControlST Software Suite Installation, Upgrade, and
Software Tools
Compatibility Guide (GEI-100694)

System Guide GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN 3

Public Information
Rev Location Description
BPPC-based I/O Packs Migration Updates to installation guideslines
I/O Module Types Added PVIBH1B, YVIBH1B
BD Diagnostic Alarms Reset New section
Unit-specific Grounding Examples New section
I/O Types New PUAAH1A Universal Analog I/O Module
I/O Module Types Added SDIIH2A, YDIAS1B, and YAICS1B
Power and I/O Field Wiring New table for wire limitations
BPPC-based I/O Pack Migration
BC BPPC-based Mark VIeS Safety I/O Packs
Available Mark VIe BPPC-based I/O Packs New sections
Mark VIe BPPC I/O Migration Guidelines
Equip Mark VIe System for Migration
Communication Protocols Added PROFINET to the list of Fieldbus Network Protocols
Component Part Numbers New section
Troubleshooting Added some helpful tables and notes
Updated description to better explain differences between dual controllers and
Dual Controllers
dual I/O pack functions.
Functional Safety Updated table to include YSIL, SRSA, YDOAS1B, and STAIS3A
Localization - Translation to Native Languages New section
Updated information to include components with expanded ambient
bb Environment
temperature ratings
Controller Alarm Subsystem New section
Removed subsection on Wind Plant Architecture
Less specific switch definitions used, with reference to related document for
Ethernet Networks
Added the ESWA to the section Approved IONet Switches
I/O Packs Fixed the accuracy rating for temperature sensor
Terminal Board Fuse Details New section

4 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronym Definition Acronym Definition
AWG American Wire Gauge PDM Power Distribution Module

BoP Balance of Plant PE Protective Earth

CDH Control Data Highway PLC Programmable Logic Controller

CMOS Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor RLD Relay Ladder Diagram

CRC Cyclic Redundancy Code/Check RTD Resistance Temperature Device

DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter RTU Remote Terminal Unit

DCE Data Communication Equipment SDI System Data Interface Protocol

DCS Distributed Control System SIFT Software Implemented Fault Tolerance

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol TMR Triple Modular Redundancy

DMZ Demilitarized Zone TTL Transistor-transistor Logic

EGD Ethernet Global Data UDH Unit Data Highway

EMC Electromagnetic Capability UDP User Datagram Protocol

EMI Electromagnetic Interference UTC Coordinated Universal Time

ERA Electrical Riser Angle UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair (cabling)

FE Functional Earth VLAN Virtual Local Area Network

GPS Global Position System WAN Wide Area Network

GSM GE Standard Messaging

GTS Global Time Source

HMI Human-machine Interface
HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics

KP Keyphasor*

LAN Local Area Network

MPU Magnetic Pickup

MDH Monitoring Data Highway

MTBF Mean Time Between Failures

MTBFO Mean Time Between Forced Outage

MTTR Mean Time To Repair

NEMA® National Electrical Manufacturer’s

NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NTP Network Time Protocol
PDH Plant Data Highway

System Guide GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN 5

Public Information
Related Documents
GEH-6723 Mark VIeS Control Functional Safety Manual

GEH-6725 Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Equipment in Hazardous Locations (HazLoc)
Instruction Guide
GEH-6700 or GEH-6703 ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls Platform
GEH-6721_Vol_II Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume II: System Guide for General-purpose

GEH-6855_Vol_I Mark VIeS Functional Safety Systems for General Market Volume I: System Guide

GEH-6855_Vol_II Mark VIeS Functional Safety Systems for General Market Volume I: System Guide for
General-purpose Applications

GEH-6860 Mark VIeS Control General Market Functional Safety Manual

GEH-6861 Mark VIeS Functional Safety System Equipment in Hazardous Locations (HazLoc) Instruction
GEH-6741 Sequential Function Chart Application Guide

GEH-6742 Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Virtual Controller User Guide
GEH-6757 WorkstationST GSM 3.0 User Guide
GEH-6760 WorkstationST GSM 3.0 Application Guide

GEH-6761 Mark VIe Control FOUNDATION Fieldbus™ Interface Application Guide

GEH-6812 Mark Controllers Shared IONet User Guide

GEI-100679 Mark VIe Distributed Control System (DCS) Block Library

GEI-100682 Mark VIe Control Standard Block Library

GEI-100681 Mark VIe Control Legacy Block Library

GEI-100694 ControlST Software Suite Installation, Upgrade, and Compatibility Guide

GEI-100795 Trender Instruction Guide

GEI-100620 WorkstationST Alarm Viewer Instruction Guide

6 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information
Safety Symbol Legend

Indicates a procedure or condition that, if not strictly observed, could result in

personal injury or death.

Indicates a procedure or condition that, if not strictly observed, could result in damage
to or destruction of equipment.


Indicates a procedure or condition that should be strictly followed to improve these



GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 7

Public Information
Control System Warnings

To prevent personal injury or damage to equipment, follow all equipment safety

procedures, Lockout Tagout (LOTO), and site safety procedures as indicated by
Employee Health and Safety (EHS) guidelines.

This equipment contains a potential hazard of electric shock, burn, or death. Only
personnel who are adequately trained and thoroughly familiar with the equipment
and the instructions should install, operate, or maintain this equipment.

Isolation of test equipment from the equipment under test presents potential electrical
hazards. If the test equipment cannot be grounded to the equipment under test, the
test equipment’s case must be shielded to prevent contact by personnel.

To minimize hazard of electrical shock or burn, approved grounding practices and

Warning procedures must be strictly followed.

To prevent personal injury or equipment damage caused by equipment malfunction,

only adequately trained personnel should modify any programmable machine.

Always ensure that applicable standards and regulations are followed and only
properly certified equipment is used as a critical component of a safety system. Never
assume that the Human-machine Interface (HMI) or the operator will close a safety
critical control loop.

8 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information
1 Control System Overview............................................................................................................. 11
1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 11
1.2 Controllers ........................................................................................................................................... 15
1.3 IONet Switches ..................................................................................................................................... 16
1.4 Distributed I/O Modules.......................................................................................................................... 16
1.5 Power Distribution................................................................................................................................. 36
1.6 Redundancy Options .............................................................................................................................. 37
1.7 Reliability and Availability ...................................................................................................................... 49
1.8 Component Part Numbers and Serial Numbers/Barcodes ............................................................................... 57
2 Functional Safety............................................................................................................................ 67
2.1 Safety Instrumented System (SIF)............................................................................................................. 68
2.2 Risk Reduction...................................................................................................................................... 69
2.3 Safety System Redundancy Options .......................................................................................................... 70
3 Ethernet Networks.......................................................................................................................... 75
3.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 75
3.2 IONet Layer ......................................................................................................................................... 80
3.3 Unit Control Layer................................................................................................................................. 86
3.4 Supervisory Layer.................................................................................................................................. 91
3.5 Monitoring Layer................................................................................................................................... 92
3.6 Enterprise Layer .................................................................................................................................... 93
3.7 Ethernet Cabling for Monitoring, Supervisory, and Unit Control Layers ........................................................... 94
3.8 Third-party Communication Links ............................................................................................................ 98
4 Communication Protocols ........................................................................................................... 99
4.1 OPC Protocols .....................................................................................................................................101
4.2 WorkstationST GSM Protocol .................................................................................................................104
4.3 Modbus Protocol ..................................................................................................................................106
4.4 Ethernet Global Data (EGD) ...................................................................................................................109
4.5 System Data Interface (SDI) Protocol .......................................................................................................111
4.6 Network Time Protocol (NTP) ................................................................................................................112
4.7 Fieldbus Communications ......................................................................................................................115
5 Technical Regulations, Standards, and Environment ........................................................ 117
5.1 Safety Standards...................................................................................................................................117
5.2 Conditions for Compliance .....................................................................................................................118
5.3 Electrical.............................................................................................................................................119
5.4 Environment ........................................................................................................................................121
6 Installation Guidelines ................................................................................................................127
6.1 Installation Support ...............................................................................................................................127
6.2 Equipment Receiving and Handling .........................................................................................................130
6.3 Power Requirements .............................................................................................................................132
6.4 Installation Support Drawings .................................................................................................................134
6.5 Grounding ...........................................................................................................................................134
6.6 Cable Separation and Routing .................................................................................................................143
6.7 Power and I/O Field Wiring ....................................................................................................................149

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6.8 System Power Connection ......................................................................................................................152
6.9 Startup Checks .....................................................................................................................................153
6.10 BPPC-based I/O Pack Migration..............................................................................................................158
6.11 Available Mark VIe BPPC-based I/O Packs ...............................................................................................160
6.12 Mark VIe BPPC I/O Migration Guidelines.................................................................................................161
6.13 Equip Mark VIe System for Migration ......................................................................................................163
7 Alarm Overview.............................................................................................................................165
7.1 Alarm System Architecture.....................................................................................................................165
7.2 Alarm Types ........................................................................................................................................168
7.3 Controller Alarm Subsystem ...................................................................................................................168
7.4 Diagnostic Alarms ................................................................................................................................169
7.5 Process Alarms ....................................................................................................................................172
7.6 Alarm Communication Flow...................................................................................................................174
8 Troubleshooting ...........................................................................................................................175
8.1 Controller, I/O Pack, IONet Switch Not Powering On..................................................................................175
8.2 Unable to Download to Controller............................................................................................................178
8.3 Controller Not in Controlling State...........................................................................................................179
8.4 Unable to Download to I/O Modules ........................................................................................................184
8.5 Unable to Communicate with I/O Module .................................................................................................185
8.6 Unable to Download to Controller or I/O Module .......................................................................................186
8.7 Communication Loss Between Controller and I/O Module............................................................................187
8.8 Boot Log Collection ..............................................................................................................................188
8.9 I/O Module Replacement or Upgrade Issues...............................................................................................189
8.10 LED Indicators.....................................................................................................................................194
Glossary of Terms ..............................................................................................................................195

10 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information
1 Control System Overview
1.1 Introduction
The Mark* VIe control system is a flexible platform used in multiple applications. Its architecture enables unique engineered
solutions for a variety of large industrial applications. It features high-speed, networked input/output (I/O) for Simplex, Dual,
and Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) systems. Industry-standard Ethernet communications are used for I/O, controllers, and
supervisory interface to operator and maintenance stations, as well as third-party systems.
The Mark VIeS Safety controller and I/O can operate independently or integrated with the rest of the Mark VIe controllers for
safety-critical applications that conform to IEC® 61508.
The ControlST* Software Suite, which contains the ToolboxST* application software, is used or programming, configuration,
trending, and analyzing diagnostics for Mark controls and related systems. It provides quality, time-coherent data at controller
and plant level for effectively managing control system equipment. ControlST simplifies maintenance while retaining a
unique set of certified hardware and software blocks. ToolboxST provides a means to lock or unlock the Mark VIeS Safety
controller for configuration and Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) programming
The Universal I/O (UIO) control cabinet provides a platform for an independent, miniature version of the Mark VIe or Mark
VIeS Safety control. The PUAA module is the standard Mark VIe compatible module, while the YUAA module is the
companion module that is used in the Mark VIeS Safety control system. The UIO control cabinet is a lower cost, smaller
footprint alternative to the standard Mark control cabinet. The control cabinet is installed at sites when there are I/O, power,
and/or space limitations in the existing Mark VI, Mark VIe, or Mark VIeS control cabinet. This is especially required for
upgrades when there are space restrictions. This unit may also be used as an independent Mark VIe or Mark VIeS control
system, communicating directly with the Unit Data Highway (UDH) or Plant Data Highway (PDH), regardless of the existing
controller at the site. The UIO control system supports specific I/O. For a list of supported I/O, refer to the Mark VIe and
Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume II: System Guide for General-purpose Applications (GEH-6721_Vol_II). ToolboxST is
used to set up, configure, and download to the UIO Mark VIe controller.

The information in this document applies to the overall Mark* VIe control system or
Mark VIeS Functional Safety System control products; however, your application may
not be licensed to access full system capability and I/O packs as described in this
document. For example, the Mark VIeS Functional Safety System for General
Markets only utilizes the following I/O packs:

• Analog I/O (YAIC)

• Universal Analog (YUAA)

• Vibration Input Monitor (YVIB)

• Relay Output (YDOA)

• Discrete Contact Input (YDIA)

• Power Distribution System Diagnostics (PPDA)

• Serial Modbus Communication (PSCA)

• Mark VIeS Safety Controller (UCSCS2x)

• Mark VIe Controller for Gateway (UCSCH1x)

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 11

Public Information
Note All instructions in this manual also apply to the UIO control cabinet.

Typical Architecture for Large Industrial Control Systems

12 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information
The Mark VIe and Mark VIeS control systems are used in a wide range of process control and protection applications, including steam, gas, and wind turbines, power
generation balance of plant (BoP), deep sea drilling, desalinization, gas compression, and other facility-wide equipment management systems. The control system
primarily consists of three hardware components: controller(s), I/O network (IONet) switches, and I/O modules. The control system provides more options for redundancy,
better maintainability, and greater capability for locating I/O modules closer to the controlled equipment. It provides quality, time-coherent data at controller and plant
level for effectively managing control system equipment. ControlST, which include the ToolboxST and WorkstationST applications, is used for programming,
configuration, trending, and troubleshooting the Mark control product line. The following are two commonly used ToolboxST configuration screens.

Software Block Editor

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 13

Public Information
Component Hardware Editor

14 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information
1.2 Controllers
The Mark VIe controller is a stand-alone, single-board controller with scalable
processing power. It includes built-in power supplies and requires no batteries or
jumper settings. Controllers run the ControlST* Software Suite, providing a common
software environment for turbine and generator excitation controls in the power island
and balance of plant equipment to simplify operations and maintenance.

The Mark VIeS Safety controller is IEC 61508 certified to SIL 3.

Controllers are loaded with software specific to its application, such as steam, gas,
land-marine (LM), Balance of Plant (BoP), offshore drilling, desalination, CS, and
Wind Power Conversion. It can run Relay Ladder Diagrams (RLD) or blocks. The
IEEE® 1588 protocol is used through the R, S, and T I/O networks (IONet) to
synchronize the clock of the I/O modules and controllers to within ±100 microseconds.
Data is transferred to and from the control system database in the controller over the
I/O networks (IONet). IONet data includes process inputs/outputs to the I/O packs.

In a dual system, IONet data also includes:

• Internal state values and initialization information from the designated controller
• Status and synchronization information from both controllers
In a triple module redundant (TMR) system, IONet data also includes:

• Internal state values for voting and status and synchronization information from all
three controllers
• Initialization information from the designated controller

Note For more information on the Mark VIe controller, refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume II:
System Guide for General-purpose Applications (GEH-6721_Vol_II), the chapter Controllers. More more information on the
Mark VIeS Safety controller, refer to the Mark VIeS Control Functional Safety Manual (GEH-6723).

For a list of controllers that are available for each control system, including the supported and unsupported features the
controllers offer for that control system, refer to the ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls Platform (GEH-6700 or

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 15

Public Information
1.3 IONet Switches
GE’s Industrial Ethernet 10/100 switches (ESWA and ESWB) provide the performance and features needed in today’s
real-time industrial control systems. Use 8-port ESWA or 16-port ESWB Ethernet switches in all control system I/O networks
to maintain the reliability needed for I/O module reception of controller outputs.

Note For more information on the IONet switches, refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume II: System
Guide for General-purpose Applications (GEH-6721_Vol_II), the chapter Unmanaged Ethetnet Swtiches.

1.4 Distributed I/O Modules

The I/O modules contain three basic parts: terminal board, terminal block, and I/O pack.
The terminal board mounts to the cabinet and comes in two basic types: S and T. The I/O
pack mounts to the terminal board J-port connector. Both terminal board types provide the
following features:

• Terminal blocks for I/O wiring

• Mounting hardware
• Input isolation and protection
• I/O pack connectors
• Unique electronic ID

TMR I/O Module Simplex I/O Module

16 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information
1.4.1 I/O Packs
I/O packs have a common processor board and a data acquisition board that is unique
to the type of connected device. I/O packs on each terminal board digitize the I/O
variables, perform algorithms, and communicate with the controller.

The I/O pack provides fault detection through a combination of special circuitry in the
data acquisition board and software running in the Central Processing Unit (CPU)
board. The fault status is transmitted to and used by the controllers. The I/O pack
transmits inputs and receives outputs on both network interfaces if connected.

Each I/O pack also sends an identification message (ID packet) to the main controller
when requested. The packet contains, the hardware catalog number of the I/O board,
the hardware revision, the board barcode serial number, the firmware catalog number,
and the firmware version. The I/O packs have a temperature sensor that is accurate to
within ±2°C (±3.6 °F). Every I/O pack temperature is available in the database and can
be used to generate an alarm.

1.4.2 Terminal Boards

Signal flow begins with a sensor connected to a terminal block on a board. Wide and narrow terminal boards are arranged in
vertical columns of high and low-level wiring. An example of a wide board is a board that contains magnetic relays with
fused circuits for solenoid drivers. A shield strip is provided to the left of each terminal block. It can be connected to a metal
base for immediate grounding or floated to allow individual ground wires from each board to be wired to a centralized,
cabinet ground strip.

Simplex Terminal Board

TMR Terminal Board
Input Output Input Output
Screws Screws Screws Screws

I/O Pack I/O Pack

Connector Connector

Vote /
I/O Pack Select

I/O Pack

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 17

Public Information T-type
T-type terminal boards typically fan the sensor inputs to three separate I/O packs. Usually, the TMR board hardware votes the
outputs from the three I/O packs. T-type boards contain two, 24-point, barrier-type, removable, terminal blocks. Each point
can accept two 3.0 mm (0.12 in) (#12AWG) wires with 300 V insulation per point with either spade or ring-type lugs. In
addition, captive clamps are provided for terminating bare wires. Screw spacing is 9.53 mm (0.375 in) minimum and

Note Some application-specific TMR terminal boards do not fan inputs or vote the outputs.

Barrier-type Terminal Blocks

These terminal blocks have the following features:

• Black in color with white number labels

• Terminal rating is 300 V, 10 A
• UL recognized
• Recommended screw tightening torque is 7 lb-in (0.8 Nm).

18 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information S-type
S-type boards provide a single set of screws for each I/O point and allow a single I/O pack to condition and digitize the I/O.
They are half the size of T-type boards and are standard base mounted but can also be DIN-rail mounted. These boards can be
used for simplex, dual, or dedicated triple redundant sensors by using one, two, or three modules.
S-type boards have Euro-style, box type terminal blocks. Some boards are available as either removable or fixed terminal
block versions. S-type board terminal blocks accept one 2.05 mm (0.08 in) (#12 AWG) wire or two 1.63 mm (0.06 in) (#14
AWG) wires, each with 300 V insulation per point. Screw spacing is 5.08 mm (0.2 in) minimum and center-to-center.

Box-type Terminal Blocks

These terminal blocks have the following features:

• Green in color with number labels.

• Terminal rating is 300 V, 10 A
• UL and CSA recognized
• Recommended screw tightening torque is 5 lb-in (0.5 - 0.6 Nm)

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 19

Public Information
1.4.3 I/O Module Types General Purpose I/O Types

Discrete I/O Types
I/O Pack/ Board Discrete I/O Types Type Removable
# per Board

PDIAH1A/1, 2, 3 TBCIH1C 24 discrete inputs (DI) (125 V dc, group isolated) sequence of events (SOE) Barrier Yes
PDIAH1B/1, 2, 3

PDIAH1A/1, 2, 3 TBCIH2C 24 DI (24 V dc, group isolated) SOE Barrier Yes

PDIAH1B/1, 2, 3
PDIAH1A/1, 2, 3 TBCIH3C 24 DI (48 V dc, group isolated) SOE Barrier Yes
PDIAH1B/1, 2, 3
PDIAH1A/1, 2, 3 TBCIH4C 24 DI (24 V dc, group isolated) SOE Barrier Yes
PDIAH1B/1, 2, 3
PDIAH1A/, 2, 3 TICIH1A 24 DI (115/230 V ac, 125 V dc point isolated) SOE Barrier Yes
PDIAH1B/1, 2, 3
PDIAH1A/1, 2, 3 TICIH2A 24 DI (24 V dc, point isolated) SOE Barrier Yes
PDIAH1B/1, 2, 3
PDIAH1A/1 STCIH1A 24 DI (24 V dc, group isolated) SOE Box No
PDIAH1A/1 STCIH2A 24 DI (24 V dc, group isolated) SOE Box Yes
PDIAH1A/1 STCIH4A 24 DI (48 V dc, group isolated) SOE Box Yes
PDIAH1A/1 STCIH6A 24 DI (125 V dc, group isolated) SOE Box Yes
PDIAH1A/1 STCIH8A 24 DI (24 V dc, group isolated) SOE Box Yes
PDIIH1A/1 SDIIH1A 16 DI (24, 48, 125, 250 V dc, 115, 230 V ac point isolated, line-break detection) SOE Box Yes
PDIIH1B/1 SDIIH2A Same as H1A but is also enhanced to provide more vibration protection for use in some GE Drilling
applications. The purchase price is higher for this version, which includes RTV and stabilizer bar.
WDIIH1A Add 24 V dc, 115/230 V ac wetting voltage Daughter boards
WDIIH2A Add 48 V dc wetting voltage
WDIIH3A Add 125 V dc wetting voltage (group isolation)
PDIOH1A/1 TDBSH2A 24 DI and 12 type C mechanical relays (24 V dc group isolated) SOE Box Yes
PDIOH1B/1 (Refer to Option Boards Note 1, 2, and 3), SOE for relay outputs

20 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information
Discrete I/O Types (continued)
I/O Pack/ Board Discrete I/O Types Type Removable
# per Board

PDIOH1A/1 TDBSH4A 24 DI and 12 type C mechanical relays (48 V dc group isolated) SOE (Refer to Option Boards Note Box Yes
PDIOH1B/1 1, 2, and 3), SOE for relay outputs
PDIOH1A/1 TDBSH6A 24 DI and 12 type C mechanical relays (125 V dc group isolated) SOE (Refer to Option Boards Box Yes
PDIOH1B/1 Note 1, 2, and 3), SOE for relay outputs
PDIOH1A/3 TDBTH2A 24 DI and 12 type C mechanical relays (24 V dc group isolated) SOE (Refer to Option Boards Note Box Yes
PDIOH1B/3 1), SOE for relay outputs
PDIOH1A/3 TDBTH4A 24 DI and 12 type C mechanical relays (48 V dc group isolated) SOE (Refer to Option Boards Note Box Yes
PDIOH1B/3 1), SOE for relay outputs
PDIOH1A/3 TDBTH6A 24 DI and 12 type C mechanical relays (125 V dc group isolated) SOE (Refer to Option Boards Box Yes
PDIOH1B/3 Note 1), SOE for relay outputs
PDOAH1A/1, 3 TRLYH1B 12 type C mechanical relays with 6 solenoids, coil diagnostics (115/230 V ac, 24/48/125 V dc), SOE Barrier Yes
PDOAH1B/1, 3 for relay outputs
PDOAH1A/1, 3 TRLYH1C 12 type C mechanical relays with 6 solenoids, voltage diagnostics (115/230 V ac, 125 V dc), SOE Barrier Yes
PDOAH1B/1, 3 for relay outputs
PDOAH1A/1, 3 TRLYH2C 12 type C mechanical relays with 6 solenoids, voltage diagnostics (24 V dc), SOE for relay outputs Barrier Yes
PDOAH1B/1, 3
PDOAH1A/1, 3 TRLYH1D 6 type A mechanical relays for solenoids, solenoid impedance diagnostics (24/125 V dc), SOE for Barrier Yes
PDOAH1B/1, 3 relay outputs
PDOAH1A/1 SRLYH1A 12 type C mechanical relays (115/230 V ac, 24/48/125 V dc), SOE for relay outputs Box No
PDOAH1A/1 SRLYH2A 12 type C mechanical relays (115/230 V ac, 24/48/125 V dc) (Refer to Option Boards Note1, 2, and Box Yes
PDOAH1B/1 3), SOE for relay outputs
PDOAH1A/1, 3 TRLYH1E 12 type A solid-state relays (115/230 V ac), voltage diagnostics, SOE for relay outputs Barrier Yes
PDOAH1B/1, 3
PDOAH1A/1, 3 TRLYH2E 12 type A solid-state relays (125 V dc), voltage diagnostics, SOE for relay outputs Barrier Yes
PDOAH1B/1, 3
PDOAH1A/1, 3 TRLYH3E 12 type A solid-state relays (24 V dc), voltage diagnostics, SOE for relay outputs Barrier Yes
PDOAH1B/1, 3
PDOAH1A/3 TRLYH1F 36 mechanical relays, 12 voted type A normally open (NO) outputs (115 V ac, 24/48/125 V dc) Barrier Yes
PDOAH1B/3 (Refer to Option Boards Note 4 and 5), SOE for relay outputs
PDOAH1A/3 TRLYH2F 36 mechanical relays, 12 voted type B normally closed (NC) outputs (115 V ac, 24/48/125 V dc) Barrier Yes
PDOAH1B/3 (Refer to Option Boards Note 4 and 5), SOE for relay outputs

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 21

Public Information
Option Boards
WROBH1A Note 1: Add solenoid interface to first 6 relay circuits
WROFH1A Note 2: Add fuse in COM leg of all 12 relay circuits
WROGH1A Note 3: Add fuse power distribution in COM leg of all 12 relay circuits
WPDFH1A Note 4: Fuses for solenoid power in (+) and (-) legs
WPDFH2A Note 5: Fuses for field solenoid power in top side only for common neutral AC solenoids

Analog I/O Types

I/O Pack/ Board Analog I/O Types Type Removable
# per Board
PAICH1A/1, 3 TBAIH1C 10 analog inputs (AI) voltage over current (V/I) inputs, group isolated and 2 Barrier Yes
PAICH1B/1, 3 analog outputs (AO) (0-20 mA outputs, group isolated)
PAICH2A/1, 3 TBAIH1C 10 AI (V/I inputs, group isolated) and 2 AO (0-20/0-200 mA outputs, group Barrier Yes
PAICH2B/1, 3 isolated)
PAICH1A/1 STAIH1A 10 AI (V/I inputs, group isolated) and 2 AO (0-20 mA outputs, group Box No
PAICH1B/1 isolated)
PAICH2A/1 STAIH1A 10 AI (V/I inputs, group isolated) and 2 AO (0-20/0-200 mA outputs, group Box No
PAICH2B/1 isolated)
PAICH1A/1 STAIH2A 10 AI (V/I inputs, group isolated) and 2 AO (0-20 mA outputs, group Box Yes
PAICH1B/1 isolated)
PAICH2A/1 STAIH2A 10 AI (V/I inputs, group isolated) and 2 AO (0-20/0-200 mA outputs, group Box Yes
PAICH2B /1 isolated)
PAICH1A/1 SAIIH1A 10 AI (V/I inputs, point isolated) and 2 AO (0-20 mA outputs, group Box No
PAICH1B/1 isolated)
PAICH2A/1 SAIIH1A 10 AI (V/I inputs, point isolated) and 2 AO (0-20/0-200 mA outputs, group Box No
PAICH2B/1 isolated)
PAICH1A/1 SAIIH2A 10 AI (V/I inputs, point isolated) and 2 AO (0-20 mA outputs, group Box Yes
PAICH1B/1 isolated)
PAICH2A/1 SAIIH2A 10 AI (V/I inputs, point isolated) and 2 AO (0-20/0-200 mA outputs, group Box Yes
PAICH2B/1 isolated)
PAOCH1A/1, 2 TBAOH1C 16 AO (0-20 mA outputs) 8 per I/O pack Barrier Yes
PAOCH1B/1, 2
PAOCH1A/1 STAOH1A 8 AO (0-20 mA outputs) Box No
PAOCH1A/1 STAOH2A 8 AO (0-20 mA outputs) Box Yes
PHRAH1A/1 SHRAH1A 10 AI (V/I inputs) and 2 AO (0-20 mA outputs) with HART communications Box No
PHRAH1A/1 SHRAH2A 10 AI (V/I inputs) and 2 AO (0-20 mA outputs) with HART communications Box Yes

22 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information
Analog I/O Types (continued)
I/O Pack/ Board Analog I/O Types Type Removable
# per Board
PPDAH1A/1 JPDS Power Distribution System Feedback N/A NA
PTCCH1A/1, 2, 3 TBTCH1B 12 Thermocouples Barrier Yes
PTCCH1B/1, 2, 3
PTCCH2A/1, 2, 3 TBTCH1B 12 Thermocouples with extended range for EPRI compliance Barrier Yes
PTCCH2B/1, 2, 3
PTCCH1A/1, 2 TBTCH1C 24 Thermocouples (12 per I/O pack) Barrier Yes
PTCCH1B/1, 2
PTCCH2A/1, 2 TBTCH1C 24 Thermocouples (12 per I/O pack) with extended range for EPRI Barrier Yes
PTCCH2B/1, 2 compliance
PTCCH1A/1 STTCH1A 12 Thermocouples Box No
PTCCH2A/1 STTCH1A 12 Thermocouples with extended range for EPRI compliance Box No
PTCCH1A/1 STTCH2A 12 Thermocouples Box Yes
PTCCH2A/1 STTCH2A 12 Thermocouples with extended range for EPRI compliance Box Yes
PRTDH1A/1, 2 TRTDH1D 16 RTDs 3 wires /RTD (8 per I/O pack) Barrier Yes
PRTDH1B/1, 2
PRTDH1A/1, 2 TRTDH2D 16 RTDs 3 wires /RTD (8 per I/O pack) supports fast scan rate Barrier Yes
PRTDH1B/1, 2
PUAAH1A / 1 SUAAH1A The Universal Analog I/O Pack supports a variety of I/O types. Refer to Box Yes
GEH-6721_Vol_II for details.

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 23

Public Information Fieldbus I/O Types

I/O Pack/ Board Communications Types Type Removable

Qty per Board
PSCHHIA/1, 2 SSCAH1A 6 serial Box No
SSCAH2A 6 serial Box Yes
PSCAH1A/1 SSCAH1A 6 MODBUS Master serial or 1 Modbus Ethernet Box No
PSCAH1A/1 SSCAH2A 6 MODBUS Master serial or 1 Modbus Ethernet Box Yes
PCNOH1A/1 SPIDG1A CANopen Master Gateway N/A N/A
PPRFH1A/1 PROFIBUS - DP-V0, Class 1 Master Communications N/A N/A
PPRFH1B/1 PROFIBUS - DP-V1 Class 1 Master Communications
(PPRFH1B only)

PPNGH1A N/A PROFINET RT Version 2.2 I/O gateway module maps N/A N/A
I/O from PROFINET slave devices to the Mark VIe
controller on the IONet
PFFAH1A/1 N/A FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 TO HSE Linking Device N/A N/A

24 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information Turbine I/O Types
Turbine specific I/O modules provide direct interface to unique turbine field devices, which reduces or eliminates a substantial amount of interposing instrumentation. As a
result, many potential single-point failures are eliminated for improved running reliability and reduced long-term maintenance. Direct interface also enables the diagnostics
to directly monitor field devices. This provides more precise messages to minimize maintenance time.

Pack # packs Terminal Board Turbine Applications Terminal Block Type

Acoustic Monitor for MS 6, 7, 9 gas turbines: 18 inputs and buffered outputs
PAMCH1A 1 or 2 SAMBH1A Removable, Box
UCSA used as I/O pack to interface with BAPA for acoustic monitoring function

Core Analog I/O for aero-derivative turbines Removable, Box

Core Analog I/O for heavy duty gas turbines Removable, Box

PEFVH1A 1, 2, or 3 TEFVH1A Electric Fuel Valve Gateway to Woodward™ DVP N/A

Used for Power Load Unbalance (PLU) and has three 1-phase PTs, three V/I inputs. Analog inputs are box-type and
removable. Current transformer (CT) inputs are barrier-type and not removable.

PVIBH1A TVBAH2A Refer to GEH-6721_Vol_II for a complete listing of supported inputs.
1 or 3 Removable, Barrier
PVIBH1B TVBAH1B TVBAH2A and TBVAH2B include buffered outputs and BNC connectors.

PSVOH1A TSVCH1 Servos: 2 channels, 2-coil outputs, 8 LVDTs and excitation, 2 pulse rate inputs (heavy
1 or 3 Removable, Barrier
PSVOH1B TSVCH2A duty & Aero-derivative gas & steam)

SSVPH1A Steam servo applications: 2 channels, 2-coil outputs, 6 LVDTs and 2 excitation, 1 Removable, Barrier
SSVPH2A pulse rate input for speed feedback Removable, Box

1, 3 TTURH#C Removable, Barrier

PTURH1B Turbine Specific Primary Trip, 48 points
1 STURH#A Removable, Box
3 TRPAH#A Aeroderivative Turbine Primary Trip, 48 points Removable, Barrier

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 25

Public Information
Pack # packs Turbine Applications Terminal Block Type
PPRAS1A†† WREAS1A Aero-derivative Turbine Emergency Trip, 48 TREA_1A: Removable, Barrier
TREAH#A + points TREA_3A: Removable, Box

PPROS1B†† 3 TPROS#C Backup Turbine Protection, 48 points TPRO_1A: Removable, Barrier

3 TPROH#C TPRO_2A: Removable, Box

SPROH1A: Removable, Barrier

PPROS1B 1 SPROH#A Backup Turbine Protection, 24 points
SPROH2A: Removable, Box
Aero-derivative Turbine Emergency Trip, 48 H1A, H2A: Removable, Barrier
points H3A, H4A: Removable, Box
††These modules have IEC 61508 safety-certified functions

26 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information Migration I/O Types
The following table provides a list of I/O modules approved for use with Mark V, Mark V LM, and Mark VI migration to the Mark VIe control

Mark V, Mark V LM, and Mark VI Migration to Mark VIe Control

I/O Pack/Qty Terminal Interface

Migration I/O Types Type Removable
per Board Board Board
PIOAH1A/1 N/A JPDV Mark V ARCNET I/O (for excitation control) N/A N/A

TBQC No – H1A,
TBQF UCSA used as I/O pack controller to interface with Yes - H2A,
PMVE/1, 3 MVRB Box
TBQD dedicated Mark V turbine I/O application boards. No - G1A,
DTBA No – H1A,
DTBB 96 contact inputs, Yes – H2A,
PMVD/1, 3 TCRA Box
DTBC 60 relay contact outputs No –G1A,

2 magnetic p.u. speed inputs,
board TCEB
8 flame detector pulse inputs,
PTBAG1A and trip
PMVP/3 Trip solenoid interface relays, Barrier No
PTBAG2A boards TCTE,
Generator breaker synchronizing circuits

Any existing
board except
PCMI VRID Migration from Mark VI Master Interface N/A N/A
VPRO, or

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 27

Public Information Mark VIeS Safety I/O Types
The following table lists the Mark VIeS Safety specific I/O modules.

# of
I/O Pack Terminal Board Mark VIeS Safety I/O Types Connector Type Removable

1, 3 TBAIS1C Box Yes

YAICS1A 1 STAIS1A 10 analog inputs (voltage, 0-20 mA) Box No
YAICS1B 1 STAIS2A 2 analog outputs (0-20 mA) Box Yes
1 STAIS3A None No
1, 2, 3 TBCIS1 Yes
1, 2, 3 TBCIS2 Yes
1, 2, 3 TBCIS3 Yes
YDIAS1A 24 discrete inputs w/ group isolation
1 STCIS1A Box No
YDIAS1B (24 V dc, 48 V dc, or 125 V dc)
10 analog inputs (0-20 mA),
YHRAS1A 1 2 analog outputs (0-20 mA) Box
(All I/O HART enabled)

1,2 TBTCS1B Yes

1,2 TBTCS1C Yes
YTCCS1A 12 thermocouple inputs Box
YVIBS1A Refer to GEH-6721_Vol_II for a complete listing of supported inputs.
1, 3 TVBAS2A Box Yes
YVIBS1B TVBAS2A and TVBAS2B include buffered outputs and BNC connectors.
3 TREAS1A Barrier
3 TREAS2A Backup/emergency protection Barrier
3 TREAS3A 3 speed inputs Box
YPROS1A 3 TREAS4A 7 contact inputs Box Yes
3 TREGS1B 3 monitored trip relay outputs Box
3 TREGS2B 1 E-Stop Box
1 SPROS1A Barrier

TTURS1C Primary turbine protection

TRPAS1A 4 speed inputs
YTURS1A 3 TRPAS2A 8 flame inputs Box Yes
TRPGS1B 3 monitored trip relay outputs
TRPGS2B 1 E-Stop

28 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information
# of
I/O Pack Terminal Board Mark VIeS Safety I/O Types Connector Type Removable

YSILS1B 3 and three I/O types are detailed in GEH-6721_Vol_III for GE Industrial Applications (if available) Box Yes

YDOAS1A 12 type C mechanical relays with 6 solenoids, coil diagnostics (115/230 V ac, 24/48/125 V dc), SOE for
1, 3 TRLYS1B Barrier Yes
YDOAS1B relay outputs

YDOAS1A 6 type A mechanical relays for solenoids, solenoid impedance diagnostics (24/125 V dc), SOE for relay
1, 3 TRLYS1D Barrier Yes
YDOAS1B outputs

1, 3 SRLYS1A 12 type C mechanical relays (115/230 V ac, 24/48/125 V dc), SOE for relay outputs Box No

YDOAS1A 12 type C mechanical relays (115/230 V ac, 24/48/125 V dc) (Refer to Option Boards Note1, 2, and 3),
1 SRLYS2A Box Yes
YDOAS1B SOE for relay outputs


1 10 relay outputs

YDOAS1A 36 mechanical relays, 12 voted type A normally open (NO) outputs (115 V ac, 24/48/125 V dc) (Refer
3 TRLYS1F Barrier Yes
YDOAS1B to Option Boards Note 4 and 5), SOE for relay outputs

YDOAS1A 36 mechanical relays, 12 voted type B normally closed (NC) outputs (115 V ac, 24/48/125 V dc) (Refer
3 TRLYS2F Barrier Yes
YDOAS1B to Option Boards Note 4 and 5), SOE for relay outputs

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 29

Public Information Renewable Energy I/O Types
The following table lists the Renewable Energy I/O types.

Assembly Individual Boards Renewable I/O Types

BPPB Alternative Energy Pitch Axis, special-purpose in 1.5 MW wind pitch control: 8 analog inputs, 1 incremental encoder input, 1 absolute
AEPAH1A encoder input, 1 analog output, 20 discrete inputs, 1 discrete output, 8 relay outputs, 2 RS-485 interfaces, 1 brake control output
AEPCH1A Alternative Energy Pitch Center module in 20, 30, and 40 Newton Meters (Nm) wind pitch control: 1 24 V dc, 8 A power input, 1 RS-422
AEPCH1D BPPC interface
WEPAH1B BPPC Wind Energy Pitch Axis special-purpose in 30 and 40 Nm wind pitch control: 8 analog inputs, 1 incremental encoder input, 1 analog
WPCI output, 20 discrete inputs, 2 discrete outputs, 9 relay outputs, 2 RS-485 interfaces, 2 PWM control outputs
WETAH1A Wind Energy Top Box board A, special-purpose in 1.5 MW ESS turbine: 69 digital inputs; 8 are pulse-rate counter inputs, 18 analog PT100
temperature sensor inputs, 2 analog thermistor temperature sensor inputs, 12 analog 4 to 20 mA current inputs, 25 relay contact outputs
WETAH1B 19 solid-state relay outputs, 1 RS-485 interface
Wind Condition Top Box Monitor condition-based monitoring for wind turbines, measures vibration on main bearing, gearbox, and
generator bearings
BPPB Wind Energy Main converter control for ESS wind turbine: 27 digital inputs, 2 analog thermistor temperature sensor inputs, 9 relay contact
WEMA outputs, 3 solid-state relay outputs

30 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information
Assembly Individual Boards Renewable I/O Types
BPPB Wind Energy Main converter control for Brilliance Solar PV inverter: 27 digital inputs, 2 analog thermistor temperature sensor inputs, 9
WEMA relay contact outputs, 3 solid-state relay outputs
WECAH1A Wind power converter interface for the power converter: 27 digital inputs, 9 relay contact outputs, 3 solid-state relay outputs
SECAH1A Solar power converter interface for the solar inverter: 27 digital inputs, 9 relay contact outputs, 3 solid-state relay outputs

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 31

Public Information
1.4.4 Terminal Board Fuse Details
The following tables are provided to assist in inventory management of the replaceable fuses used on some terminal boards.

Discrete I/O, Terminal Board Fuses

Board Fuse Designator GE Part # Fuse Rating MFR #

FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5,
FUSE, 3.15A,
IS200TRLYH1B FU6, FU7, FU8, FU9, 64G5005-011 LITTELFUSE 04773.15MXP
FU10, FU11, FU12

FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5,

FUSE, 3.15A,
IS200TRLYS1B FU6, FU7, FU8, FU9, 64G5005-011 LITTELFUSE 04773.15MXP
FU10, FU11, FU12

FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5, FUSE, 3.15A,

IS200TRLYH1C FU6, FU7, FU8, FU9, 64G5005-011 500VAC/400VDC, 5 X LITTELFUSE 04773.15MXP
FU10, FU11, FU12 20MM TIME-LAG

FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5, FUSE, 3.15A,

IS200TRLYH2C FU6, FU7, FU8, FU9, 64G5005-011 500VAC/400VDC, 5 X LITTELFUSE 04773.15MXP
FU10, FU11, FU12 20MM TIME-LAG

FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5,

FUSE, 3.15A,
IS200TRLYH1D FU6, FU7, FU8, FU9, 64G5005-011 LITTELFUSE 04773.15MXP
FU10, FU11, FU12

FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5,

FUSE, 3.15A,
IS200TRLYS1D FU6, FU7, FU8, FU9, 64G5005-011 LITTELFUSE 04773.15MXP
FU10, FU11, FU12

FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5,

FUSE, 3.15A,
IS200WROBH1A FU6, FU7, FU8, FU9, 64G5005-011 LITTELFUSE 04773.15MXP
FU10, FU11, FU12

FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5,

FUSE, 3.15A,
IS200WROFH1A FU6, FU7, FU8, FU9, 64G5005-011 LITTELFUSE 04773.15MXP
FU10, FU11, FU12

FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5,

FUSE, 3.15A,
IS200WROGH1A FU6, FU7, FU8, FU9, 64G5005-011 LITTELFUSE 04773.15MXP
FU10, FU11, FU12

FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5,

FU6, FU7, FU8, FU9, FUSE 0.2A 250V TM LITTELFUSE 3720200041,
IS200WDIIH1A 342A4908AFP1
FU10, FU11, FU12, FU13, LAG TR5 37202000411
FU14, FU15, FU16

FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5,

FU6, FU7, FU8, FU9, FUSE 0.2A 250V TM LITTELFUSE 3720200041,
IS200WDIIH2A 342A4908AFP1
FU10, FU11, FU12, FU13, LAG TR5 37202000411
FU14, FU15, FU16

32 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information
Discrete I/O, Terminal Board Fuses (continued)

Board Fuse Designator GE Part # Fuse Rating MFR #

FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5,
FU6, FU7, FU8, FU9,
FU10, FU11, FU12, FU13, FUSE(SLO-B) 3.15A LITTELFUSE 218 3.15
IS200WPDFH1A 259A9266P16
FU14, FU15, FU16, FU17, 250V COOPER BUSSMANN GDC-3.15A
FU18, FU19, FU20, FU21,
FU22, FU23, FU24

FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5,

FU6, FU7, FU8, FU9,
FU10, FU11, FU12, FU13, FUSE(SLO-B) 3.15A LITTELFUSE 218 3.15
IS200WPDFH2A 259A9266P16
FU14, FU15, FU16, FU17, 250V COOPER BUSSMANN GDC-3.15A
FU18, FU19, FU20, FU21,
FU22, FU23, FU24

Power Distribution, Terminal Board Fuses

Board Fuse Designator GE Part # Fuse Rating MFR #

IS200JPDAG1A FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4 323A2396P96 FUSE 15A
FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5, FUSE 10A 250V LITTELFUSE 326010
IS200JPDBG1A 323A2396P250

FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5, FUSE 10A 250V LITTELFUSE 326010
IS200JPDBG2A 323A2396P250

FUSE, 10A,
FU71, FU72, FU73, FU74,
FU75, FU76,FU1R,FU1S, 64G5005-010 LITTELFUSE 0477010.MXP

IS200JPDCG1A FU81, FU82, FU83, FU84, FUSE, 3.15A,250V,

44A725207-011 LITTELFUSE 217 3.15

FUSE, 10A, 250V,

LITTELFUSE 218 010, 218010.
HXP, 218010H

IS200JPDDG1A 323A2396P96 FUSE 15A
FUSE 0.5A,
IS200JPDDG4A 323A2396P68 250VAC/125VDC,
FU11, FU12, FU21, FU22, LITTELFUSE 312007P
323A2396P20 FUSE 7 A
323A2396P96 FUSE 15A

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 33

Public Information
Power Distribution, Terminal Board Fuses (continued)

Board Fuse Designator GE Part # Fuse Rating MFR #


FU71, FU72, FU73, FU74, LITTELFUSE 314005

323A2396P94 FUSE 5A
FU12, FU13 323A2396P98 FUSE 3A 250V ABC
FU81, FU82, FU83, FU84 323A2396P91 FUSE 12A 250V ABC
FU71, FU72, FU73, FU74,
FU75, FU76, FU1R, FU1S, 323A2396P250


FU81, FU82, FU83, FU84 323A2396P91 FUSE 12A 250V ABC
FU12, FU13 323A2396P98 FUSE 3A 250V ABC
FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5, FUSE 10A 250V LITTELFUSE 326010

FU10, FU11, FU12, FU13,

FU14, FU15, FU16, FU17, FUSE 15A 3AB ABC LITTELFUSE 314015P
FU22, FU23

FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5, FUSE 10A 250V LITTELFUSE 326010

FU10, FU11, FU12, FU13,

FU14, FU15, FU16, FU17, FUSE 15A 3AB ABC LITTELFUSE 314015P
FU22, FU23

FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5,

IS200JPDMG1A FU6, FU7, FU8, FU9, 323A2396P250
FU10, FU11, FU12

FU1, FU2, FU3, FU4, FU5,
FUSE 10A 250V 326010HP
IS400JPDMG1A FU6, FU7, FU8, FU9, 64G5002-001
FU10, FU11, FU12

0.25 in) FUSES




0.25 in) FUSES

34 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information
Renewable Energy I/O, Terminal Board Fuses

Board Fuse Designator GE Part # Fuse Rating MFR #

AEPCH1A FU1, FU2, FU3 323A2396P59 FUSE 4A 250V SLOW BLOW
AEPCH1B FU1, FU2, FU3 323A2396P59 FUSE 4A 250V SLOW BLOW
FU2 259A9266P16
250V LITTELFUSE 218 3.15
LITTELFUSE 218 010, 218010.HXP,
FU3, FU4,FU7, FU8 342A4908ABP21 FUSE 10.0A 250V 5X20MM
FU5 64G5005-009


FU6 342A4908ABP24 FUSE 1.0A 250V 5X20MM LITTELFUSE 218001, 218001MXP,
LITTELFUSE 218.315, 218.315H,
FU1 342A4908ABP22 FUSE0.315A 250V 5X20MM
FU2, FU3 259A9266P16
FU6 342A4908ABP24 FUSE 1.0A 250V 5X20MM LITTELFUSE 218001, 218001MXP,
LITTELFUSE 218.315, 218.315H,
FU1 342A4908ABP22 FUSE0.315A 250V 5X20MM
FU2, FU3 259A9266P16
WEMAH2A 250V 218 3.15
FU6 342A4908ABP24 FUSE 1.0A 250V 5X20MM LITTELFUSE 218001, 218001MXP,

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 35

Public Information
1.5 Power Distribution
The Mark VIe and Mark VIeS control systems are designed to operate on a flexible, modular selection of power sources. The
power distribution modules (PDM) support 115/230 V ac, 24 and 125 V dc power sources in many redundant combinations.
The power applied is converted to 28 V dc for operation of the I/O packs, controllers, and switches.

Note Refer to For more information on the IONet switches, refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume
II: System Guide for General-purpose Applications (GEH-6721_Vol_II), the chapter PDM Power Distribution Modules. The
JPDS, JPDM, JPDG, or JPDC core power distribution board allows for the optional attachment of a PPDA I/O pack for
system feedback.

The PDM can be divided into two substantially different categories, the core distribution system, and the branch circuit
elements. They serve as the primary power management for a cabinet or series of cabinets. The branch circuit elements take
the core output and fan it into individual circuits for consumption in the cabinets. Branch circuits provide their own feedback
mechanisms, which are not part of the feedback provided by the PPDA I/O pack. The wide variety of power distribution
components available for use with the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS control systems allow for a flexible and scalable power
distribution solution.

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1.6 Redundancy Options
The Mark control platform provides scaleable levels of redundancy. The basic system is a single (simplex) controller with
simplex I/O and one network. The dual system has two controllers, singular or fanned TMR I/O and dual networks, which
provides added reliability and online repair options. The TMR system has three controllers, singular or fanned TMR I/O, three
networks, and state voting between controllers providing the maximum fault detection and availability.

1.6.1 Controller Redundancy

Controller redundancy consists of the following:

• Simplex controller
• Dual controllers
• Triple redundant controllers (TMR) Simplex Controller

The simplex control architecture contains one controller connected to an Ethernet interface through the Ethernet network
(IONet). No redundancy is provided and no online repair of critical functions is available. Online replacement of non-critical
I/O (that where the loss of the I/O does not stop the process) is possible.
Each I/O pack delivers an input packet at the beginning of the frame on its primary network. The controller sees the inputs
from the I/O modules, performs application code, and then delivers an output packet(s) for all I/O modules. The following
diagram displays typical simplex controller architecture.




I/O Modules

Simplex Mark VIe Control System

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 37

Public Information Dual Controllers
The dual control architecture contains two controllers, two IONets, and singular or fanned TMR I/O modules. The following
diagram displays a Mark VIe control system with a Dual redundancy configuration.




I/O Modules
IONet <R>
IONet <S>

Dual Mark VIe Control System

The dual control Mark VIe architecture reliability can be significantly better than the single controller. The network and
controller components are redundant and can be repaired online. The I/O reliability can be mixed and matched to meet
varying requirements.
In a dual Mark VIe control system, both controllers receive inputs from the I/O modules on both networks and transmit
outputs on their respective IONet continuously. When a controller or network component fails, the system continues
operating. I/O packs receive inputs from both controllers, but prefer the designated controller. If the only packet received is
from a non-designated controller, then the I/O pack will use that packet.

Note With dual controllers, the level of I/O reliability can be varied to meet the application needs because not all I/O has to
be dual redundant.

The Mark VIe controllers listen for the data on both networks at power on. The channel that delivers the first valid packet
becomes the preferred network. As long as the data arrives on that channel the controller uses this data. When the preferred
channel does not deliver the data in a frame, the other channel becomes the preferred channel as long as valid data is supplied.
This prevents a given controller from bouncing back and forth between two sources of data. This does mean that different
controllers may have separate preferred sources of data but this can also happen if any component fails.
The I/O modules listen for the data on both networks at power on. If the packet from the designated controller is received, that
one is the preferred network. When the designated controller packet does not arrive in a given frame, the other channel is used
as long as valid data is supplied.

38 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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In a dual control system, the application logic in each controller tries to produce the same results. After many iterations of
running the application, it is possible for the internal data values to differ due to mathematical round off, and different past
history (power-up). To converge this data, the internal data (state) variables are taken from the designated controller and
transmitted to the non-designated controller for its use. This is known as state exchange.
State variables are any internal variables not immediately derived from input or control constants. Any variable that is used
prior to being re-calculated is an internal state variable.
This principle can be displayed in the following two equations:
A = B+C
Assume B and D are inputs and A and C are intermediate values. Since C is used prior to being calculated, the value of C
during the previous scan retains some state information. Therefore, C is a state variable that must be updated in the
non-designated controller if both controllers are to remain synchronized.
In the Mark VIe controller, Boolean state variables are updated on every control frame. The analog state variable updates are
multiplexed. A subset of analog state variables is updated every control frame. The controller rolls through each subset until
all state variables are transmitted.

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 39

Public Information Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) Controllers
The TMR control architecture contains three controllers, three IONets, and singular or fanned TMR I/O Modules. Reliability
and availability are much better with TMR controllers than with dual controllers due to increased fault detection capability. In
addition to all of the dual redundant features, the TMR controller provides three independent outputs to all TMR I/O modules
and the state variables between controllers are voted.




IONet <R>
I/O Modules
IONet <S>
IONet <T>

TMR Mark VIe Control System

Note The level of I/O reliability can be varied to meet the application needs because I/O redundancy can be simplex, dual, or

In a TMR control system, all three controllers receive inputs from the I/O modules on all networks and transmit outputs on
their respective IONet continuously. If a controller or network component fails, the system does not require fault detection or
failover time to continue operating. All controllers transmit their copy of the state variables after the output packet has been
transmitted. Each controller takes the three sets of state variables and votes the data to get the values for the next run cycle.

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1.6.2 I/O Redundancy
There are various options available for single and multiple packs and single and dual networks for I/O redundancy. The
following are options for TMR I/O modules:

• Single Pack Dual Network I/O Module (SPDN)

• Two Single Pack, Single Network (2SPSN) I/O Modules
• Dual Pack, Dual Network (DPDN) I/O Module
• Triple Pack, Dual Network (TPDN) I/O Module
• Hot Backup I/O Module Single Pack Dual Network I/O Module (SPDN)

This configuration is typically used for non-critical single sensor I/O. A single sensor connects to a single set of acquisition
electronics which is then connected to two networks.

• Single data acquisition

• Redundant network
The I/O pack delivers input data on both networks at the beginning of the frame and receives output data from both
controllers at the end of the frame. Two Single Pack, Single Network (2SPSN) I/O Modules

This configuration is typically used for inputs where there are multiple sensors monitoring the same process points. Two
sensors are connected to two independent I/O modules.

• Redundant sensors
• Redundant data acquisition
• Redundant network
• Online repair
Each I/O pack delivers input data on a separate network at the beginning of the frame and receives output data from separate
controllers at the end of the frame. Dual Pack, Dual Network (DPDN) I/O Module

This is a special case for inputs only, using a dual pack, dual network module. A fanned input terminal board can be populated
with two packs providing redundant data acquisition for a set of inputs.

• Redundant data acquisition

• Redundant network
• Online repair
Each I/O pack delivers input data on a separate network at the beginning of the frame.

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 41

Public Information Triple Pack, Dual Network (TPDN) I/O Module
This is a special case mainly intended for outputs, but also applies to inputs. The special output voting/driving features of the
TMR I/O modules can be used in a dual control system. The inputs from these modules are voted in the controller.

• Redundant data acquisition

• Output voting in hardware
• Redundant network
• Online repair
Two of the I/O packs are connected to separate networks delivering input data and receiving output data from separate
controllers. The third I/O pack is connected to both networks. This pack delivers inputs on both networks and receives outputs
from both controllers. Hot Backup I/O Module

This is a special case mainly intended for a small set of I/O packs used as a gateway to another network. In this configuration,
there are dual I/O packs, dual network but only one I/O pack is communicating to the gateway network at one time, the other
I/O pack operates in a backup mode. The inputs from active module are used in the controller.

• Redundant data acquisition

• Redundant network
• Online repair
The two I/O packs are both connected to both networks, but only communicates to the controller and the gateway network. If
a failure occurs on the active I/O pack, the backup I/O pack becomes the active I/O pack, thus maintaining communication
with the connected devices. Triple Pack, Triple Network (TPTN) I/O Module

For medium integrity applications with medium to high reliability sensors, one sensor can be fanned to three I/O packs. The
special output voting/driving features of the TMR I/O modules can be used in a TMR control system. The inputs from these
modules are voted in the controllers. A fanned input terminal board can be populated with three packs providing redundant
data acquisition for a set of inputs.

• Redundant data acquisition

• Output voting in hardware
• Redundant networks, packs, and controllers
• Online repair
Each of the I/O packs are connected to separate networks delivering input data and receiving output data from separate

42 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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1.6.3 Input Processing
All inputs are available to all three controllers, but there are several ways that the input data is handled. For inputs existing in
only one I/O module, all three controllers use the same value as common input without voting, as displayed in the table
below. Inputs that appear in all three I/O channels may be voted to create a single input value. The triple inputs may come
from three independent sensors. They can also be created from a single sensor by hardware fanning at the terminal board.

Mark VIe Controller Redundancy Available IONet Topology

One I/O pack with one IONet
The number of IONets in a system equals the number of controllers.
One I/O pack with two IONets
Two I/O packs with one IONet per pack
Three I/O packs with <R> one IONet to controller <R>, <S> one IONet to controller
<S>, and <T> two IONets with one to controller <R> and one to controller <S>
Fanned – three packs, one IONet/pack with one terminal board
Dedicated – three packs, one IONet/pack with three separate S-type terminal boards

Simplex – One I/O pack, One IONet

Dual – One I/O pack, Two IONets

Dual – Two I/O Packs, One IONet

Dual – Three I/O Packs with 1, 1, 2 IONets

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 43

Public Information
TMR Fanned – Three I/O Packs with One IONet per I/O Pack

TMR Dedicated – Three simplex I/O modules with One IONet per I/O Pack
For any of the above input configurations, multiple inputs can be used to provide application redundancy. For example, three
Simplex inputs can be used and selected in application code to provide sensor redundancy.
The Mark VIe control provides configuration capability for input selection and voting using a simple, highly reliable and
efficient selection/voting/fault detection algorithm to reduce application configuration effort. This maximizes the reliability
options for a given set of sensor inputs and provides output voting hardware compatibility. All applicable subsets of reliability
options are available on a per terminal board basis for any given Mark VIe topology. For example, in a TMR controller, all
simplex and dual option capabilities are also provided.
While each IONet is associated with a specific controller that is responsible for transmitting outputs, all controllers see all
IONets. The result is that for a simplex input the data is not only seen by the output owner of the IONet, it is seen in parallel
by any other controllers. The benefit of this is that loss of a controller associated with a simplex input does NOT result in the
loss of that data. The simplex data continues to arrive at other controllers in the system.
A single input can be brought to the three controllers without any voting. This is used for non-critical, generic I/O, such as
monitoring 0-20 mA inputs, contacts, thermocouples, and resistance temperature devices (RTD). This interconnection can
also include the following gateway devices: CANbus, FOUNDATION Fieldbus®, Profibus, and Modbus.

Single Input to Three Controllers, Not Voted

One sensor can be fanned to three I/O boards as above for medium-integrity applications. This is used for sensors with
medium-to-high reliability. Three such circuits are needed for three sensors. Typical inputs are 0-20 mA inputs, contacts,
thermocouples, and RTDs.

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One Sensor with Fanned Input and Software Voting

Three independent sensors can be brought into the controllers without voting to provide the individual sensor values to the
application. Median values can be selected in the controller if required. This configuration, displayed in the following figure,
is used for special applications only.

Three Independent Sensors with Common Input, Not Voted

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 45

Public Information
The following figure displays three sensors, each one fanned and then software implemented fault tolerance (SIFT) voted.
This provides a high reliability system for current and contact inputs, and temperature sensors.

Three Sensors, Each One Fanned and Voted, for Medium-to-High Reliability Applications
Highly reliable speed input applications are brought in as dedicated inputs and SIFT voted. The following figure displays this
configuration. Inputs such as speed control and overspeed are not fanned so there is a complete separation of inputs with no
hardware cross coupling which could propagate a failure. RTDs, thermocouples, contact inputs, and 0-20 mA inputs can also
be configured this way.

Three Sensors with Dedicated Inputs, Software Voted for High Reliability Applications

46 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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1.6.4 Output Processing
The system outputs are the portion of the calculated data transferred to the external hardware interfaces and then to the
various actuators controlling the process. TMR outputs are voted in the output voting hardware. Any system can output
individual data through simplex hardware.
The three voting controllers calculate TMR system outputs independently. Each controller sends the output to its associated
I/O hardware (for example, the R controller sends output to the R I/O). The three independent outputs are then combined into
a single output by a voting mechanism. Different data types require different methods of establishing the voted value.
The outputs from the three controllers fall into three groups:

• Outputs are driven as single ended non-redundant outputs from individual I/O networks
• Outputs exist on all three I/O networks and are merged into a single output by the hardware
• Outputs exist on all three I/O networks and are output separately to the controlled process. This process may contain
external voting hardware.
For normal relays, the three outputs feed a voting relay driver, which operates a single relay per channel. For critical
protective signals, the three outputs drive three independent relays, with the relay contacts connected in the typical six-contact
voting configuration.

Relay Output Circuits for Protection

For servo outputs, the three independent currents drive a three-coil servo actuator, which adds them by magnetic flux
summation, as displayed in the following figure. Failure of a servo driver is sensed and a deactivating relay contact is closed
to short the servo coil.

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 47

Public Information
TMR Circuit to Combine Three Analog Currents into a Single Output
The following figure displays 0-20 mA outputs combined through a 2/3 current sharing circuit that allows the three outputs to
be voted to one. Failure of a 0-20 mA output is sensed and a deactivating relay contact is opened.

TMR Circuits for Voted 0-20 mA Outputs

48 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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1.7 Reliability and Availability
1.7.1 Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
MTBF is a basic measure of reliability for systems. It is the average failure free operating time, during a particular
measurement period under stated conditions. A failure may or may not result in a problem with the overall system depending
on any redundancy employed. MTBF is usually specified for each replaceable system component.
MTBF roll up of the system components gives the equipment owner the knowledge needed to determine how long the
equipment can be expected to operate without failure under given conditions. If it is essential that the equipment does not fail
during operation, the owner can use this data to schedule maintenance/replacement of the equipment prior to failure.
Alternately, redundant applications could be used preventing system problems when a failure occurs. MTBF data is also used
to determine the weak links in a system. The system engineer provides contingency options for those weak links to obtain
higher reliability.
Users can access the MTBF ratings for their Mark VIeS Safety control system from the Exida, exSilentia tool.

➢ To access Mark VIeS Safety Controls IEC 61508 certificates and assessment reports
1. Go to the Exida website at and select Safety Automation Equipment List from the top tool
2. Type vies in the Search field, and click Submit.
3. Select the company name, General Electric.
4. At the bottom of the page the user may select to view the following:

• IEC 61508 certificate

• Assessment Report

Note A customer can contact Exida to order a copy of the exSILentia Integrated Safety Lifecycle Tool – Standard version.
All versions of the Exida tool include the SILver module, Safety Integrity Level Verification, IEC 61508 compliant
calculation engine. The SIL verification phase tool, SILver, is an analysis tool that uses Markov model calculation technique
during all analyses. Purchasing the Exida tool gives the user access to the Exida Safety Equipment Reliability Handbook

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 49

Public Information
1.7.2 Mean Time Between Forced Outage (MTBFO)
MTBFO is a measure of system availability, which includes the effects of any fault tolerance that may exist. This average
time between failures causes the loss of system functions.
The engineer must be very aware of MTBF and MTBFO when designing a reliable continuous system. To maximize the
MTBFO, Mark VIe control systems undergo evaluation of all system component MTBF values. The effects of failures and
contingency operation are then analyzed to maximizing MTBFO.
To continue operation after a critical system component has failed, a control must have one or more backups in place
(redundancy) to improve the MTBFO significantly above that of a simplex control. The simplest method is adding a second
component that takes over the critical function when a fault is detected.
The redundancy in the system can be either active or standby. The Mark VIe control uses active redundancy and has all
components operating simultaneously. Standby redundancy activates backup systems after a failure is detected.
Realizing the full benefits of redundancy, a system failure must be detectable for the control to bypass it. In a dual control,
gross failures are readily detectable while subtle failures are more difficult to detect. TMR controls, using two out of three
voting, are always able to select a valid value when presented with any single failure.
Depending on the equipment, the time required to detect the fault and switch to the new component may be
hours/minutes/seconds/milliseconds. In the case of fuel-flow control to a turbine, this is required to be done in milliseconds.
When a redundant control bypasses a failure, it is required that the system annunciate the presence of the failure and that
repairs be completed in a timely fashion. The term, mean time to repair (MTTR), refers to the time it takes to identify and
repair a given failure. The Mark VIe control is designed to support a MTTR of four hours. This preserves the MTBFO
benefits of redundancy resulting in unequaled system reliability. A control is used to run the system as well as detect system
failures. In a dual control, configured for one out of two to run, it is often necessary to add dedicated tripping controls for
each critical trip system. This is done to yield running reliability while maintaining required tripping reliability.
A TMR control normally configures the control for two out of three selection. This yields high running and tripping reliability
from the primary control. Additional dedicated tripping controls can be used to achieve even higher tripping reliability, but
they must also be TMR to preserve running reliability.

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1.7.3 Fault Detection
A system offering redundancy can be less reliable than a non-redundant system. The system must be able to detect and
annunciate faults so it can be repaired before a forced outage occurs. Fault detection is needed to ensure a component or group
of components are operating properly. Fault detection is achieved through one or more of the following methods.

• Operator inspection of the process

• Operator inspection of the equipment.
• Special hardware circuits to monitor operation
• Hardware and software watchdogs
• Software logic
• Software heartbeats
Complex control systems have many potential failure points. This can be very costly and time consuming to create foolproof
fault detection. Failure to control the outputs of a system is the most damaging. Fault detection must be determined as close to
the output as possible to achieve the highest level of reliability. With the Mark VIe control configured using triple redundant
controllers and I/O modules, a high level of detection and fault masking is provided by voting the outputs of all three
controllers and monitoring discrepancies.
All Mark VIe control systems benefit from the fault detection design of the I/O packs. Every pack includes function-specific
fault detection methods attempting to confirm correct operation. This is made possible by the powerful local processing that is
present in each input and output pack. Some examples of this include:

• Analog to digital (A/D) converters are compared to a reference standard each conversion cycle. If the converted
calibration input falls outside of acceptable ranges, the pack declares bad health.
• Analog output 0-20 mA use a small current-sense resistor on the output terminal board. This output is read back through
a separate A/D converter and compared to the commanded value. A difference between the commanded and actual value
exceeding an acceptable level results in the output being declared in bad health.
• Discrete input opto-isolators are periodically forced to an on condition, then forced off. This is done independently of the
actual input and is fast enough not to interfere with the sequence of events (SOE) time capture. If any signal path is stuck
and does not respond to the test command, the signal is declared in bad health.

1.7.4 Online Repair

When a component failure is detected and healed in the control system on a critical path, a potential failure has been avoided.
Subsequent actions can include:
Option 1- Continue running until the backup component fails.
Option 2 - Continue running until the system is brought down in a controlled manner to replace the failed component.
Option 3 - Replace the component online.
Option 1 is not recommended. A redundant system, where the MTTR is infinite can have a lower total reliability than a
simplex system.
Option 2 is a valid procedure for some processes needing predictable mission times. Many controlled processes cannot be
easily scheduled for a shut down.

Note As MTTR increases from the expected four hours to infinite, the system reliability can decline from significantly
greater down to less than a simplex system reliability. Repair should be accomplished as soon as possible.

Option 3 is required to get the maximum benefit from redundant systems with long mission times. In dual or triple redundant
Mark VIe controller applications, the controllers and redundant I/O packs can be replaced online.

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 51

Public Information
To ensure online repair capability, control systems must have their redundancy tested after installation and after any system
modifications. Refer to the requisition specific system application documentation/control specification (if available) for
redundancy testing procedures.

Forced Outage Probability versus Time (Conventional TMR)

Forced Outage Probability versus Time (Mark VIe TMR)

52 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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1.7.5 Designated Controller
Although three controllers, R, S, and T, contain identical hardware and software, some of the functions performed are unique.
A single designated controller can perform the following functions:

• Supply initialization data to the other two controllers at start-up

• Keep the master time clock
• Supply variable state information to the other controllers if one fails
For the purposes of deciding which controller is to be the designated controller, each controller nominates itself on a
weighting algorithm. The nominating values are voted among the controllers and the majority value is used. If there is a tie, or
no majority, the priority is R, then S, and then T. If a designated controller is powered down and later powered up, the
designated controller will move and not come back if all controllers are equal. This ensures that a toggling designated
controller is not automatically reselected.
Designated controller selection is based on:

• Control state
• UDH connectivity
• IONet connectivity
• NVRAM health

1.7.6 Communication Loss

Each output pack monitors the IONet for valid commands from one or two controllers. In the event that a valid command is
not received within an expected time the pack declares the communication as being lost. Upon loss of communication the
pack action is configurable. The pack can continue to hold the last commanded value indefinitely or it can be commanded to
go to a specified output state. The default action is to go to a power-down state, the same as if the power were removed from
the pack.

Note Refer to specific I/O pack documentation in Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume II: System Guide for
General-purpose Applications (GEH-6721_Vol_II).

For critical loops, the default action is the only acceptable choice. The other options are provided for non-critical loops, where
running liability may be enhanced by an alternate output.

1.7.7 State Exchange

To keep multiple controllers in synchronization, the Mark VIe control efficiently exchanges the necessary state information
through the IONet. State information includes calculated values such as timers, counters, integrators, and logic signals such as
bi-stable relays, momentary logic with seal-in, and cross-linked relay circuits. State information is voted in TMR controllers
and follows the designated controller in dual or faulted TMR systems.

1.7.8 Voting
Voting in the Mark VIe control is separated into analog and logic voting. Additionally, fault detection mechanisms directly
choose owned inputs and designated states.

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 53

Public Information Median Value Analog Voting
The analog signals are converted to a floating-point format by the I/O pack. The voting operation occurs in each of the three
controller modules (R, S, and T). Each controller receives a copy of the data from the other two channels. For each voted data
point, the controller has three values including its own. The median value voter selects the middle value of the three as the
voter output. This is the most likely of the three values to be closest to the true value.

Median Value Voting Examples with Normal and Bad Inputs Two Out of Three Logic Voter

Each of the controllers has three copies of the data for the logic voter. Voting is a simple logic process, inputting the three
values and finding the two values that agree. Disagreement Detector

A disagreement detector continuously scans the input prevote input data sets and produces an alarm bit if a disagreement is
detected between the three values. Any disagreement between the prevote logical signals generates an alarm. Failure of one of
the three voted input circuits has no effect on the controlled process since the fault is masked by SIFT. Without a
disagreement detector, a failure could go unnoticed until a second failure occurs.
For analog signals, comparisons are made between the voted value and each of the three prevote values. The delta for each
value is compared with a user programmable limit value. The limit can be set as required to avoid nuisance alarms, but give
indication that one of the prevote values has moved out of normal range. Each controller is required to compare only its
prevote value with the voted value; for example, R compares only the R prevote value with the voted value. Nominal, analog
voting limits are set at a 5% adjustment range, but can be configured to any number for each analog input.

1.7.9 UDH Fault Tolerance — Command Action

Using IONet connectivity, the controller copies command traffic from the UDH across all controllers. This provides fault
tolerance for dual UDH networks.

54 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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1.7.10 Forced Variables
The controller has a feature called Forced Variables. This allows the maintenance technician using application software to set
analog or logical variables to forced values. Variables remain at the forced value until unforced. Both compute and input
processing respect forcing. Any applied forcing is preserved through power down or restart of the controller.

Logic Forcing is for offline software checkout and troubleshooting and should only be
used in conjunction with proper lockout/tag out procedures. Forcing of protective
functions is never permissible for an operating unit.

1.7.11 Peer I/O

In addition to the data from the I/O modules, there is a class of data coming from other controllers in other cabinets connected
through the UDH network. For integrated systems, this network provides a data path between multiple turbine controllers and
possibly the controls for the generator, the exciter, or the HRSG/boiler.
Selected signals from the controller database can be mapped into pages of peer outputs that are broadcast periodically on the
UDH I/O to peer controllers. For TMR systems, the UDH communicator performs this action using the data from its internal
database. In the event of a redundant UDH network failure, the controller will request data over the remaining network, the

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 55

Public Information
1.7.12 Rate of Response
Mark VIe and Mark VIeS controllers can run at a variety of frame rates to meet the application needs of the industrial control solution. Control systems are tuned
accordingly, based on a variety of factors including: complexity of controller application logic, processor type, and number of I/O and other interfaces used. The following
diagram provides an example of typical processes that occur during a single controller frame in sequence.

Fresh state of outputs

Start of frame applied to terminal block I/O packs sample inputs,
End of frame
screws, latency is latency is dependent on
Mark VIe Subsystem circuit type
dependent on circuit type

Transmission of
Transmission of
outputs from Synchronization of data between R, inputs from I/O
controllers to I/O S, and T controllers using IONet packs to
TMR Mark VIe controllers
Control I/O

Input and state variables copied into variable space in

prep for execution of control logic (application code)

Control Logic
Time to execute based on quantity and complexity of
TMR set of control blocks
Mark VIe Controllers


Note s
Assu mes a Triple Mo dular Re dun dant (T MR) confi gurati on, ve rsus dual, or si mpl ex

Su bsyste m a cti vities i dentifi ed with a gray rectangl e

Activiti es that sp an multi ple subsyste ms i dentifi ed with a d ashed brown rectangle

56 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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1.8 Component Part Numbers and Serial
1.8.1 Common Terminology
The following terms are used to identify Mark controls components:

Backward Compatible A part is backward compatible when it can directly replace an earlier version of the part in all
specified end-use applications without requiring any changes to the host system.

Base Part Number The part number that is used to uniquely identify a part as a component in a higher-level assembly or
to order a backward compatible replacement part. The base part number remains unchanged for all backward-compatible
versions of the part. An example of a base part number is IS220PDIAH1B.

Hardware Form The three characters following the module or board type in the part number that together with the Type
uniquely defines a module or board in the ToolboxST* configuration tool. An example hardware form is H1B.

Module or Board Type The four letter mnemonic taken from characters 6 – 9 of the full part number that is used to
identify the function of the part. An example of a board type is Pack Discrete Input A (PDIA).

Part Number The Part Number is the ANSI/EIA-649-A National Consensus Standard for Configuration Management,
Product Identifier, that represents a specific version of a printed wiring assembly (PWA) and consists of all applicable fields
specified in the table Product Identifier Fields Example. The Part Number identifies the baseline design of a product and is
changed each time the design is changed. An example part number is IS220PDIAH1BA.

Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) Indicates a single board.

Printed Wiring Assembly (PWA) The ANSI/EIA-649-A National Consensus Standard for Configuration Management,
Product Identifier, that indicates one or more PCBAs.

Printed Wiring Board (PWB) The PC-T-50 Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic
Circuits that indicates a circuit board without any parts added.

Serial Number/Barcode A unique number assigned to a component that indicates the date of manufacture and the supply

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1.8.2 Part Number Convention
A part number consists of up to nine fields of information defined in the following tables.

Product Identifier Fields Example

Part Number Fields
Part Number

Part Number Field Definitions

Field Field Name Code Definition
IS GE Energy Connections, Salem, Virginia, USA
I Issuing organization code
DS GE Drive Systems, Salem, Virginia, USA

2 Not RoHS [3] compliant

II Hazardous substance code
4 RoHS [3] Compliant


01 Coated PCBA [5]

05 PCBA designed as a component to be soldered into another PCBA

10 PCBA with an added manufacturing or assembly process step [6]

11 Coated PCBA with an added manufacturing or assembly process step [6]

III Assembly level code [4]
15 PCBA with added application firmware and/or daughter-board(s)

20 1 or more PCBAs in an enclosure

21 1 or more PCBAs in an enclosure and all PCBAs are coated [5]

30 One or more PWAs on a base

31 One or more PWAs on a base and all PCBAs are coated [5]

IV Board or Module Type 4 letter mnemonic that describes the function of the PWA

G Lead-through hole components only, no surface-mount technology

V Technology code H Contains surface-mount technology components

S Functional safety system component [7]

VI Assembly variant 1 numeric character, excluding 0

VII Backward compatibility version 1 alpha character, excluding: I, O, Q

Breadboard: BR + 1 numeric character, excluding 0

VIII PWA version Prototype: PR + 1 numeric character, excluding 0

Production: 1 alpha character, excluding: I, O, Q

Breadboard: Not used

Prototype: Not used

IX Optional character PWB version (assembly levels 00, 05 only): 1 alpha character, excluding: I, O,
Production Q

Marked for use in hazardous (classified) locations [8]: X

58 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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Part Number Field Definitions (continued)

Field Field Name Code Definition

[3] Directive 2011/65/EU Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment

[4] There are some legacy part numbers with assembly level code “020”. These identify assemblies of one or more PCBAs, and may
not follow the current version rules.

[5] Coated PWAs with assembly level codes 01, 21, and 31 are approved for use in environments where the overall corrosion
potential due to airborne contaminants does not exceed severity level G3, as defined in ANSI/ISA-71.04-2013 Environmental
Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems: Airborne Contaminants.

[6] Certain legacy boards: IS210AEAAH*B, IS210AEABH*A, IS210AEACH1A, IS210AEBIH*B, IS210AEDBH*A, IS210AEPSG1A,
IS210AEPSG*B were originally released as un-coated IS200 and coated IS210 parts, but the un-coated parts were never used in
the host product. As these designs evolve, the IS200 level parts are being abandoned and the IS210 level parts are being
maintained using the level 00 rules.

[7] Each functional safety system PWA is certified to meet IEC 61508 and is equivalent in form, fit, and function to any PWA with a
part number that differs only in the Technology Code (field 5). For example: IS400UCSBS1ABB is equivalent in form, fit, and
function to IS400UCSBH1ABB, but is also certified to meet IEC 61508 Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable
Electronic Safety-Related Systems.

[8] NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, Article 500 Hazardous (Classified) Locations

The following figures are examples of component labels identifying the part number.

Example IONet Switch Label

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 59

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UCPA part number

Example UCPA Controller Label

60 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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Example UCSx Controller Label

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 61

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On the replacement, the revision letter
will be the same or a higher letter.


Example I/O Pack Label

Internal GE employees and certain third-party parts suppliers can use the ENOVIA PLM tool to search for parts. The
following Power Generation PLM web portal is available to assist with account registration and training on how to use the
tool to search for parts:

62 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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1.8.3 Serial Number/Barcode Convention
The serial number/barcode consists of seven characters composed from the following 31 permitted characters:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 A C D E F G H J K L M N P R S T U V W X Y Z.
It is composed of five coded groups that represent the component’s supply vendor, date of manufacture, and component count
in the following format: VYMDS2S1S0. The following table describes what these group codes represent.

Group Code Description

Vendor code (one-character)
V Contact your GE representative or GE Technical Support for further information on vendors and
manufacturing locations.
Year code (one character)
Refer to the table Year Codes for permitted values.
Month code (one character)
Refer to the table Month Codes for permitted values.
Day-of-month code (one character)
Refer to the table Day-of-Month Codes for permitted values.
Serial number count code (three characters)
The total count of unique serial numbers generated for a component is reset to zero each day at 12:00 AM,
S2S1S0 and then incremented by one for each unique serial number generated thereafter. This code limits the
number of unique serial numbers to 313 (29,791) per day. Contact your GE representative or GE Technical
Support for more information on this code.

Serial Number

Example Serial Number/Barcode

Control System Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 63

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The following tables define the groups and characters in a serial number/barcode.

Year Codes
Year Code
2005 0
2006 1
2007 2
2008 3
2009 4
2010 5
2011 6
2012 7
2013 9
2014 A
2015 C
2016 D
2017 E
2018 F
2019 G
2020 H
2021 J
2022 K
2023 L
2024 M
2025 N
2026 P
2027 R
2028 S
2029 T
2030 U
2031 V
2032 W
2033 X
2034 Y
2035 Z

Month Codes
Month Code
January 0
February 1
March 2
April 3
May 4
June 5
July 6
August 7
September 9
October A
November C
December D

64 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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Day-of-Month Codes
Day-of-Month Code
1 0
2 1
3 2
4 3
5 4
6 5
7 6
8 7
9 9
10 A
11 C
12 D
13 E
14 F
15 G
16 H
17 J
18 K
19 L
20 M
21 N
22 P
23 R
24 S
25 T
26 U
27 V
28 W
29 X
30 Y
31 Z

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66 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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2 Functional Safety
This chapter provides an introduction to the Mark VIeS Safety control, which is used
for functional safety loops to achieve SIL 2 and 3 capabilities. The Mark VIeS Safety
control is used by operators knowledgeable in safety-instrumented system (SIS)
applications to reduce risk in critical safety functions. Safety controllers and distributed
I/O modules are programmed specifically for safety control use, and this specific
control hardware has been IEC 61508 certified.

Functional safety is concerned about the speed of the control system’s reaction to trip
the system (energize to trip) or to provide an emergency shut-down (de-energize to trip)
when a safety-critical event occurs. With this in mind, safety equipment is rated to meet
safety integrity levels (SIL), which are achieved by analyzing probability of failure on

The Mark VIeS Safety control is a differentiator in the market because of its significant
flexibility, easy of control logic development, and redundancy capabilities. Its safety
I/O is very flexible in application, for example both analog inputs and outputs are
available. The Mark VIeS Safety control is an engineered solution designed for the
customers that work on our systems to help simplify and reduce maintenance costs.

GE has engineered specific solutions for their internal turbine power plant applications,
meeting high standards for reliability of function, and continues to invest in new SIL
capabilities, for example GE Oil & Gas YSIL applications. The Mark VIeS control has
just recently been made available for integration into other safety-critical applications
outside of GE, for example emergency shutdown, burner management, and fire and
gas-critical control applications. This solution reflects the experience of three plus
decades, four generations, and over ten thousand installed triple-redundant digital
turbine controls.

Functional Safety GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 67

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2.1 Safety Instrumented System (SIF)
While the Safety controller performs the logic solving tasks for the system, it also interfaces with the ToolboxST application
for configuration, diagnostics, and changes to controller application logic (blocks). The ToolboxST application provides a
means to lock or unlock the Safety controller for configuration and safety-instrumented function (SIF) programming. This
allows the user to install a safety function, test it, and place the controller in Locked mode to perform safety control.

WorkstationST OPC Server


Locked/Unlocked mode

Safety Controller
Sensors Final Elements
Logic Solver

Safety Instrumented System

Interfaces to Mark VIeS Safety controller must be strictly regulated to avoid interference with the operation of the system.
Data exchange to the safety control must be restricted and only used when validated by the SIL application logic.
The Mark VIeS Safety control was designed and certified to meet functional safety standards according to IEC 61508 Parts 1
through 3. It is certified for use in both high-and low-demand applications, uses redundant architecture configurations, and a
hardware fault tolerance (HFT) of 1 to achieve safety integrity level (SIL) 3. The highest achievable SIL with an HFT of 0 is
SIL 2.
IEC 61508-4 definitions are as follows:

Safety Freedom from unacceptable risk.

Risk Combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the

severity of that harm.

Functional Safety Part of the overall safety relating to the equipment under control
(EUC) and the EUC control system that depends on the correct
functioning of the Electrical/electronic/programmable electronic
(E/E/PE) safety-related systems, other technology safety-related
systems, and external risk reduction facilities.

68 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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2.2 Risk Reduction
Functional safety relates to proper equipment operation, as well as other risk reduction facilities. Layers of protection (LOP)
concepts are as follows:

Plant Evacuation Procedures

Relief Valve

Mechanical Protection
Alarms with Operator Action
Safety Instrumented Systems
Process Alarms
Operator Supervision


Control and Monitoring

Plant Emergency Response

The LOP around a process can be used to introduce risk reduction. Failure to carefully analyze the available LOP and the
likelihood-consequence relationship of the risks involved with process control failure can lead to an expensive over-design of
the system. The goal is to reduce the risk to a level that is as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).

Residual Tolerable
Risk Risk
Risk Risk

Increasing Risk
Risk Reduction
Risk Reduction

Actual RiskReduction

To achieve functional safety, it is necessary to analyze the potential hazards to personnel and property, including any
environmental impact, that could occur when the control of equipment is lost.
Requirements for safety function and integrity must be met to achieve functional safety. Safety function requirements describe
what the safety function does and is derived from the hazard analysis. The safety integrity requirement is a quantitative
measure of the likelihood that a safety function will perform its assigned task adequately. For safety functions to be
effectively identified and implemented, the system as a whole must be considered.
A primary parameter used in determining the risk reduction in a safety controller is the Average Probability of Failure on
Demand (PFDavg). The inverse of the PFDavg is the Risk Reduction Factor (RRF).

RR- 1
F= PFDavg

Functional Safety GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 69

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2.2.1 Modes of Operation
A demand mode is a mode of operation in which the safety function is called upon only on demand. IEC 61508-4 clause
3.5.12 defines two demand modes of operation:

• Low demand mode

• High demand or continuous mode
Low demand describes the mode in which safety function demand occurs no greater than once per year. In high demand
mode, the frequency of demand is greater than once per year. Continuous mode is regarded as very high demand and is
associated with the safety function operating to keep the EUC within its normal safe state.
The mode of operation is relevant when determining the target failure measure of a safety function. Low demand mode relates
to the PFDavg whereas high demand or continuous demand mode relates to measuring the probability of failure per hour
(PFH) (there are approximately 104 hours in a year). IEC 61508 defines a scale of four distinct levels of risk reduction
referred to as the Safety Integrity Level (SIL).

SIL PFDavg Low Demand Mode PFH High Demand Mode RRF
1 ≥ 10-2 to < 10-1 ≥ 10-6 to < 10-5 > 10 to ≤ 100
2 ≥ 10-3 to < 10-2 ≥ 10-7 to < 10-6 > 100 to ≤ 1,000
3 ≥ 10-4 to < 10-3 ≥ 10-8 to < 10-7 > 1,000 to ≤ 10,000

The SIL applies to all elements in the safety loop (sensors, logic solver, and final element) and their architecture. The loop
must be considered in its entirety.

2.3 Safety System Redundancy Options

Redundancy is a key feature in safety control system design that can enable on-line repair without interrupting the process.
The unique Ethernet back-bone of the Mark VIeS Safety system enables several options for redundancy to achieve required
SIL. This provides the safety control engineer unparalleled flexibility to meet the safety SIL requirements for each application
in the most cost effective manner.

70 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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2.3.1 Triple Modular Redundant (TMR)
The Mark VIeS Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) Control Modes can provide:

• Two out of three (2oo3) voting

− SIL 3 high/low demand for de-energize-to-trip
− SIL 2 low demand for energize-to-trip
• Hardware fault tolerance (HFT): 1
• Degradation sequence: [2oo3] > [1oo2] > [Fail Safe]

TMR Controllers PC Based Gateway

Three Mark VIeS controllers work as a PC based communication interface, options :
set synchronizing data every frame - OPC-DA server
(sweep). Each controller receives inputs - OPC-UA server
on all 3 I/O networks, and sends output - Modbus master
commands on designated I/O network.

Third Party

Embedded Controller Gateway
Embedded controller for
TMR I/O Network communication interface,
Ethernet based TMR I/O network options:
supports both centralized and - OPC-UA server
distributed I/O modules. - Modbus slave

Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor

Actuator 2oo3 Voting in Actuator
A A1 A2 A3

TMR Fanned Input TMR Dedicated TMR Outputs Voted TMR Outputs Voted in
Single discrete/ Input on Terminal Board Actuator
analog sensor is Three redundant The three packs Three independent output
fanned through a discrete/analog receive output modules receive the output
common terminal sensors are wired to commands from their command from their
board to three three independent associated controller, associated controller, then
independent input input modules, 2oo3 the common terminal command the actuator, 2 oo3
packs, 2oo 3 voting voting is done in the board then performs voting performed in the
is done in the controller set. 2oo3 voting on the actuator.
controller set. outputs and controls
the discrete actuator.

Functional Safety GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 71

Public Information
2.3.2 Dual
The Mark VIeS Dual Control Modes can provide:

• One out of two (1oo2) voting, SIL 3 high/low demand for de-energize-to-trip
• Two out of two (2oo2) voting, SIL 2 low demand for energize and de-energize-to-trip
• Hardware fault tolerance (HFT): 1

Dual Controllers PC Based Gateway

Dual Mark VIeS controllers work as a PC based communication interface,
controller set synchronizing data every frame options:
(sweep). Each controller receives inputs on - OPC-DA server
both I/O networks, and sends output - OPC-UA server
commands on designated I/O network. - Modbus master

Third Party

Dual I/O Network Embedded Controller Gateway
Ethernet based dual I/O network Embedded controller for
supports both centralized and communication interface,
distributed I/O modules. options:
- OPC-UA server
- Modbus slave

Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Actuator Acutator

A A1 A2 A
Single Dual Sensor TMR Fanned TMR Outputs 1oo2 De-energize
Sensor Dual sensors Input Voted on Terminal to Trip in Output
Single sensor wired to Single sensor is Board Modules
wired to a independent fanned through a The three output Two independent
single input input modules common terminal packs receive an output modules
module with with independent board to three output command receive the output
dual I/O I/O networks to independent input from designated command from
network to controller set. packs, 2oo 3 controller, the designated
controller set. voting done in the common terminal controller,
controller set. board then combination of two
performs 2oo 3 creates 1 oo2 de -
voting and controls energize to trip
the actuator. function across the
two modules.

72 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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2.3.3 Simplex
The Mark VIeS Simplex Control Mode is used for one out of one (1oo1), SIL 2 low demand for de-energize to trip

PC Based Gateway
PC based communication interface,
- OPC-DA server
- OPC-UA server
Simplex Controller - Modbus master
Simplex Mark VIeS controller
receives inputs and sends
outputs on the one I/O network.
Third Party

I/O Network Embedded Controller Gateway
Ethernet based I/O network Embedded controller for
supports both centralized and communication interface,
distributed I/O modules. options:
- OPC-UA server
- Modbus slave

Sensor Sensor Sensor Actuator

A A1 A2

Single Sensor Dual Sensor Simplex Output

Single sensor Dual sensors One output pack
wired to a single wired to receives an output
input module independent input command from the
with a simplex I/ modules with a controller.
O network to simplex I/O
controller. network to

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74 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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3 Ethernet Networks
3.1 Introduction
The integrated control system is based on a hierarchy of Ethernet networks, used to interconnect individual nodes or zones.
These networks separate the different communication traffic into layers according to their individual functions. This hierarchy
extends from the I/O modules and controllers (providing real-time control of the process) to the HMIs, and out to
facility-wide monitoring and external networks (industrial internet).
Each network layer uses industry standard components and protocols to simplify integration between different platforms and
improve overall reliability and maintenance. These layers are designated as IONet, Unit Control, Supervisory, and Enterprise
in the following figure, which displays a simplified network hierarchy and is not representative of any specific installation.

Ethernet Networks GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 75

Public Information
Customer Network
Enterprise Layer

GE Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

Electronic Security Perimeter (ESP)

Monitoring Data Highway

Monitoring Layer
On-Site Monitor (OSM) Remote Services
Gateway (RSG)

Plant Data Highway (PDH)

Supervisory Layer

Printer SecurityST
Mark VIe Management
HMI Mark VIe

Unit Data Highway (UDH)

Unit Control Layer

Mark VIe Mark VIeS Mark VIe Mark VIe

Controller Controller Controller Controller
Mark VIe
Set (TMR)
Mark Stat SIL 3 LS2100e Static EX2100e
Wind Power Functional Starter Control Excitation
Converter Safety Control

IONet Layer

Simplex I/O Modules TMR I /O Modules

Simplified Network Hierarchy (switches not shown)

76 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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3.1.1 GE Large Industrial Plant Network Architecture
The current networking architecture for GE large industrial plants uses a mesh architecture design (also known as hub and
spoke) with redundant network switches. This design enables flexibility for implementation of cyber security offerings,
allowing secure access to unit control data from external customer and monitoring networks. Trunks from the root or hub
switches to the edge or spoke switches shall be single-mode fiber for all new site installations. These trunks are configured to
provide the UDH, PDH, Monitoring Data Highway (MDH), and can also provide other optional networks to further partition
network access to specified unit control equipment and data.
Network security can be implemented by adding an additional layer 3 security hardware infrastructure. Network traffic is then
regulated by an additional series of routers, switches, and firewalls. The SecurityST* appliance can be installed to allow for
tighter network security with or without the additional layer 3 security hardware by providing white listing and restricted
access to network devices. Various options for existing sites are available to improve network security without having to
relocate equipment or cable runs.
In the following figure, both cyber security offerings (the layer 3 hardware and the SecurityST server) are displayed as a
simplified example that is not representative of any specific installation. This industrial plant network architecture provides
flexibility to cost for sites with various security compliance requirements. A qualified GE networking engineer can determine
best fit options for particular customer facilities.

Ethernet Networks GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 77

Public Information
GE Wide Area Network (WAN ) Customer Enterprise Network
Outside Plant Facility

GE Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

Firewall To Remote Services Gateway (RSG),
Onsite Monitor (OSM), Bently , etc.

Electronic Security
Perimeter (ESP)

XDH Switch
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Catalyst 2960-S Seri es
SYST 1X 1 1X 13 X 23X B


2X 1 2X 14 X 24X
25 26 27 28

Router Router

Layer 3 Security

Root Switch
MODE Catalyst 3750-X Series
Catalyst 3750 -X Series

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

MODE Catalyst 3750-X Series
Catalyst 3750 -X Series

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

HMI (hardened) Legend

Edge Switch E dge Switch
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

11X 13X
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Catalyst 2960-S Ser ies
ControlS T SYST
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

11X 13X
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

C atalyst 2960-S Ser ies

Plant Data Highway (PDH)

2X 12X 14X 24X 2X 12X 14X 24X
25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28

Cable : Cat 5e
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Catalyst 2960-S Ser ies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
C atalyst 2960-S Ser ies
SYST 1X 11X 13X 23X B SYST 1X 11X 13X 23X B


2X 12X 14X 24X 2X 12X 14X 24X

25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28

Unit Data Highway ( UDH)

Cable : Cat 5e
WorkstationST HMI (hardened ) HMI (hardened)
Monitoring Data Highway
Historian (MDH )
Video Terminal
Cable : Cat 5e
NIDS Trunk
Cable: Single Mode Fiber
VH1 S witch Connector Cable
DC1 S ecurityST monitoring
Printer AP1
Cable: Cat 5e
Mark VIe TMR AP3 On-Site Monitor Remote Services To additional security HW
Controller Set (OSM) Gateway (RSG) Cable: Cat 6
SecurityS T Server

Simplified Industrial Plant Network Architecture

Note 1. Considerations for network upgrades are discussed the section, Network Retrofit Guidelines.
2. GE Wind Farms use a different network architecture.
3. GE M&C supplies the SecurityST appliance.

78 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information Mesh Architecture for UDH, PDH, MDH
The large industrial plant network architecture involves the use of root switches that communicate the Integrated Control
System (ICS) virtual local area networks (VLANs) over Single Mode Fiber (SMF) trunks to edge switches. For redundancy,
two or more identical switches are cabled together, enabling them to act as one switch with the port capacity of the combined
switches. These cables are connected through special ports or plug sockets in the rear of the switches.

Note Refer to NetworkST for Mark VIe Controls Application Guide (GEH-6840).

Redundant switch cabling offers the following advantages:

• Built-in failover and recovery (failback) in the event one of the switches fails.
• An unconfigured switch can be used to replace a failed switch in pair. It will automatically upload the running
configuration from the other switch in the group.
• Enhanced network storm control protection
• Network redundancy
• Gigabyte uplink speeds (with SMF)
• Enhanced Quality of Service (QoS) – ensures UDH (controller traffic) always has priority over PDH network traffic.
• Cisco switches are 802.1x compliant.
The current large industrial plant network topology uses pairs of edge switches and pairs of root switches to achieve
redundancy. Devices with redundant communications (HMIs, controllers) have a network connection to each of the two
switches in the pair. For Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) controllers, the R controller is connected to the first switch, and
the S and T controllers are connected to the second switch.

Root Switches
-XSer ies Cat3750
- al
st ies LE

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
-XSer ies Cat3750
- al
st ies

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Mark VIe
Edge S witches Edge Switches Set Edge Switches
12 34 56 78 910 1112 13141516 1718 19202122 2324 Cat al2960
yst- SSeries 12 34 56 78 910 1112 1314 1516 17181920 2122 2324 Cat al2960
yst-SSer ies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Catalyst 2960-S S eries
1 X 13
11X X
1 XX
1113 23
SYST 1X 11X 13X 23X B



2 XX
1214 24
2 X 14
12X X
2X 12X 14X 24X
MODE 25 26 27 28
25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28

12 34 56 78 910 1112 13141516 1718 19202122 2324 Cat al2960

yst- SSeries 12 34 56 78 910 1112 1314 1516 17181920 2122 2324 Cat al2960
yst-SSer ies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Catalyst 2960-S S eries
1 X 13
11X 23
1 XX
1113 23
B SYST 1X 11X 13X 23X


2 XX
1214 24
2 X 14
12X X
24 2X 12X 14X 24X

MODE 25 26 27 28
25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28


Trunk provides all VLANs Mark VIe HMIs,

Cable: Single Mode Fiber Historians

Plant Data Highway (PDH) Switch connector

Cable: Cat5e cable located rear

Unit Data Highway (UDH) Monitoring Data Highway (MDH)

Cable: Cat5e connects to an OSM or RSG
Cable: Cat5e

Mesh Root and Edges

The Root bridge switch is at the top of the network spanning tree. The edge switches (Ethernet connections) are then
connected below the root switch. The most important element to this spanning tree is the root bridge placement. It should be
the most centralized switch on the network (typically located in the control room). All data flow across the network is from
the perspective of this switch. Root switches are configured to provide the control system VLANs and other optional
networks over trunks to the edge switches.

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Note Root and edge switches are not interchangeable.

Each edge switch connects back to a corresponding root bridge switch through the trunks. There is only one root bridge
switch group in the system. Special configuration files define which switch acts as the root or edge. In addition, the edge
switch ports are specially configured to provide the PDH, UDH, or MDH. Typically, ports 1–10 are PDH, ports 11–22 are
UDH, and 23–24 are MDH (refer to the label on the switch itself for specific port details).
Depending on specific site network requirements, the Cisco 2960S can be supplied as a root bridge switch on jobs with up to
four units. Cisco 3750X switches serve as the root bridge at sites with more than four units.

3.2 IONet Layer

IONet communication is internal between the controller(s) and the I/O modules through an unmanaged IONet switch. IONet
redundancy can be one, two, or three networks, and is equal to the controller redundancy. The following cable color-coding
for RJ-45 hoods is used to reduce the chance for cross connecting:

Note On the UCSx controller from top to bottom, the networks are T, S, R.

• Blue for IONet 3 (T network)

• Black for IONet 2 (S network)
• Red for IONet 1 (R network)

Note Refer to the section Controller Redundancy for more information.

The IONet provides direct communication between controllers and I/O modules. IONet EGD protocol (which is different than
UDH EDG protocol) is used. The I/O modules send their inputs to the controllers and the controllers send their outputs to the
I/O modules each frame, as displayed in the section Rate of Response. Examples of IONet traffic are as follows:

• Status of control system input data from the I/O packs to the controller set
• Status of control system output data from the controller set to the I/O packs
• I/O pack configuration data from the ToolboxST application to the controller to the I/O packs
• I/O pack health status data from the packs to the controller
• Field device input data from the I/O pack to the controller

Note The ESWx switch is used for IONet communication.

The sharing of input data between two control sets (Shared IONet) on a single IONet is available for the following controllers:

• One Mark VIeS Safety controller set and one Mark VIe controller set
• One Mark Stat controller set and one Mark VIe controller set
• Two Mark VIe controller sets

Note A control set is the group of controllers (based on redundancy) with the set of owned I/O modules. From the
ToolboxST System Editor Summary View, a control set displays as a single controller.

80 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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3.2.1 IONet Specifications
IONets are IEEE 802.3 100 Megabits full duplex Ethernet networks. All traffic on each IONet is deterministic UDP/IP based
packets. Each network (red, blue, black) is an independent IP subnet. The IEEE 1588 standard for precision clock
synchronization protocol is used to synchronize frame and time between the controllers, and the I/O modules on the IONet.
This synchronization provides a high level of traffic flow control on the networks.
The following figure display maximum IONet cable lengths.

Cat 5 e (copper) Cat 5 e (copper)

100 m (328 ft) Cat 5e (copper ) 100 m (328 ft)
100 m (328 ft)
field wiring

Controller Copper or Fiber depending Field device

on distance required

100 FX Fiber
Multi mode (MMF): 2000 m (6600 ft)
Single mode (SMF): 15 km (9.32 miles)
IONet Maximum Distances

Item IONet Specification

IEEE specification 802.3u
Wire speed 100 Mbps
100Base-TX: UTP Cat 5e
Cable types
100Base-FX: MMF or SMF
Maximum taps per segment 2
Maximum packets per network 199
Maximum number of switches 5
Topology Star

For the control system IONet topologies, the following rules apply for deploying SMF systems:

• No more than five switches can be placed in series between controller and remote I/O module.
• The topology should be kept as flat and balanced as possible (star topology).

• Use the GE ESWA or ESWB switch with additional IR SFP single-mode transceiver for SFP1 and SFP2.
− GE part # 65G2100-009 for single-mode fiber distances up to 2 km
− GE part # 65G2100-008 for single-mode fiber distances up to 15 km

Use of any other switch in this application may cause miss operation and/or damage to
the associated equipment.


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3.2.2 IONet Switches
IONet switches are unmanaged, fully switched, and full-duplex to prevent collisions. They provide data buffering and flow
control during the critical input scan. Only industrial grade switches that meet the codes, standards, performance, and
environmental criteria for industrial applications are used for the IONet. GE industrial Ethernet 10/100 IONet switches
(ESWA and ESWB) have an operating temperature of -30 to 65°C (-22 to 149 °F), have provisions for redundant 18 to 36 V
dc power sources (200/400 mA), and can be DIN-rail mounted. The switches also provide LEDs to indicate the status of the
IONet link, speed, activity, and duplex.

16-port ESWB IONet Switch

Use only GE-approved Ethernet switches in all control system I/O networks.
Unsupported switches can prevent I/O modules from receiving controller outputs.

Approved IONet Switches
Part # Description
IS420ESWAH1A 8 ports 10/100BASE-TX + 1 port 100BASE-FX LC-type connection
IS420ESWAH2A 8 ports 10/100BASE-TX + 2 ports 100BASE-FX LC-type connection
IS420ESWAH3A 8 ports 10/100BASE-TX
IS420ESWAH4A 8 ports 10/100BASE-TX + 1 port 100BASE-LX10 LC-type connection
IS420ESWAH5A 8 ports 10/100BASE-TX + 2 ports 100BASE-LX10 LC-type connection
IS420ESWBH1A 16 ports 10/100BASE-TX + 1 port 100BASE-FX LC-type connection
IS420ESWBH2A 16 ports 10/100BASE-TX + 2 ports 100BASE-FX LC-type connection
IS420ESWBH3A 16 ports 10/100BASE-TX
IS420ESWBH4A 16 ports 10/100BASE-TX + 1 port 100BASE-LX10 LC-type connection
IS420ESWBH5A 16 ports 10/100BASE-TX + 2 ports 100BASE-LX10 LC-type connection

Part # Description
336A4940DNP508TX 8 copper ports
336A4940DNP516TX 16 copper ports
336A4940DNP509FX 8 copper ports and 1 fiber port
336A4940DNP517FX 16 copper ports and 1 fiber port
336A4940DNP508FXE2 6 copper ports and 2 fiber ports (single mode)
336A4940JEP001 Installed within the 1.x ESS wind turbine hub
336A4940JEP002 Installed within the 1.x wind turbine top box
336A4940JEP003 Installed within the 1.x wind turbine Down Tower Assembly (DTA)
336A4940JEP004 Installed within the 2.x and 1.x non-ESS wind turbine hub

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3.2.3 IONet Switch Guidelines
IONet is presently recommended to pass through a maximum of five switches in series when traveling from an I/O pack to a
main controller for the following reasons:

• IONet switches are not managed switches.

• Every Ethernet switch introduces latency into the transmission of Ethernet packets.
• Each controller frame allocates a period of time to service I/O data.

Mark VIe Controller


Communication path Communication path Communication path

between I /O packs between I /O packs between I /O packs
and controller, IONet and controller, IONet and controller, IONet
switches A-B switches A-B-C switches A-B-C-D

IONet Switch

Note: Maximum of 5 IONet

switches that Ethernet packets
pass through between I/O pack and

Communication path
between I /O packs
and controller, IONet
switches A-B-C-D-E

Five Maximum IONet Switches in Series Between Controller and I/O Pack

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3.2.4 I/O Pack Ethernet Addressing
On the IONet, I/O packs are assigned IP addresses through the DHCP servers in the controllers. The Host ID presented to the
DHCP server is based on the board type and serial number information stored on a serial EEPROM located on the terminal
board. Since the Host ID is part of the terminal board, the I/O pack can be replaced without having to update the ToolboxST
application or controller communication IDs.

Note When a terminal board is replaced, the user must associate the new Host ID to the configured device. The ToolboxST
application presents a list of unrecognized devices that have requested IP addresses to simplify this process.

IONets are Class C networks. Each is an independent network with different subnet addresses. The IONet IP host addresses
for the controllers are fixed. The IP addresses of the I/O packs are assigned by the ToolboxST application, and the controller
automatically distributes the addresses to the I/O packs through a standard Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
server in the controllers.

84 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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3.2.5 Shared IONet
The Shared IONet function (with ControlST* V04.06 or higher) enables the sharing of Mark VIeS Safety inputs or Mark Stat
Wind Converter inputs with another basic process Mark VIe controller set, saving the cost of redundant sensors and I/O.
Specific configurations supported include:

• One Mark VIeS Safety controller set and one Mark VIe controller set
• Two Mark VIe controller sets
• One Mark Stat Wind power conversion controller set and one Mark VIe controller set

Note The Mark VIe UCPA controller platform does not support Shared IONet.

Mark VIe Mark VIeS

controller set controller set
receives the owns the safety
inputs from safety One TMR I/O modules (for
I/O modules (data redundant IONet SIL rating,
from safety loop configuration,
field devices). and diagnostic

Safety Inputs

Basic process I/O modules Safety I/O modules

Field devices for

functional safety loop

Shared IONet Example

The owner controller allows for the configuration of the owned I/O modules, writes outputs, reads SOEs, and provides
diagnostic information. Owned I/O modules are attached to their owner controller that can configure and write to them, and
obtain their IP addresses from their owner controller. Outputs from controllers are received by their owned I/O modules (not
shared I/O modules).

Note Refer to Mark Controllers Shared IONet User Guide (GEH-6812) for more information.

A shared I/O module sends field device inputs to both its owner controller and to the consumer controller. The consumer
controller receives the field device inputs from the shared I/O modules that are owned by the other owner controller.
Configuration of the control sets is managed with the ToolboxST application. The computer with the ToolboxST application
communicates with the I/O devices through a software gateway function residing in the controllers.

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3.3 Unit Control Layer
The Unit Control layer or Unit Data Highway (UDH) provides the network connections that support continuous operation of
the process equipment, including controller sets (general-purpose, safety loops, turbine-specific, static starter, exciter) and
HMIs. The UDH is an Ethernet-based network that provides direct or broadcast peer-to-peer communications between a
controller set and an operator/maintenance interface. The controllers operate at a fundamental rate called the frame rate,
which is configurable, and is dependant on the controller processor type, the amount of application code being run, and other
Mark VIe controllers and HMIs use the EGD protocol to exchange real-time data, which on the UDH is based on UDP/IP (for
data exchange) and HTTP (for configuration of pages). In addition, SDI protocol is used by the ToolboxST application to
download to the controller over the UDH. Alarms and capture buffer uploads (that feed trip logs) are also through the SDI

Note Current controls systems network architecture has UDH, PDH, and MDH connections on a common set of network
switches and media trunks.

The UDH connections to the controllers and HMIs are unshielded twisted pair (UTP) Cat 5e from edge switches. This
redundant mesh architecture allows network connectivity even if one cable or switch is faulty. Redundant networks still
comprise one logical network.
The following figure displays the UDH network with connections to the controllers and HMIs.


Mark VIe Management
Mark VIe System

Unit Data Highway (UDH)

Mark VIe Mark VIeS Mark VIe Mark VIe

Controller Controller Controller Controller
Mark VIe
Mark Stat SIL 3 LS2100 e EX2100 e
Wind Power Functional Static Starter Excitation
Converter Safety Control Control

Unit Data Highway Example

86 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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3.3.1 UDH Communicator in a Redundant Controller Set
In dual or TMR Mark VIe controller sets, a single controller is designated to transmit real-time and alarm data for the set; this
is the UDH Communicator. This data includes both control signals (EGD) and alarms (SDI). Since each controller has an
independent, physical connection to the UDH, if a UDH network fault occurs where one controller becomes isolated from its
companion controllers, the isolated controllers assumes the role of UDH communicator for that network fragment. For this
reason, a controller set has only one designated controller, while there could be multiple UDH communicators. The
designated controller is always a UDH communicator.

Note UDH command data is replicated to redundant controllers by the UDH Communicator, allowing for synchronization
across the redundant controller set.

When a controller does not receive external EGD data from its UDH connection, it may request that the data be forwarded
across the IONet from another UDH communicator. One or more communicators supply the data, and the requesting
controller uses the last data set received. Only the external EGD data used in sequencing by the controllers is forwarded in
this manner.

3.3.2 UDH Network Specifications

Item Description
Type of Network Ethernet, full duplex, in a single or redundant star configuration

Media and Distance Ethernet 100Base-TX for switch to controller/device connections. The cable is 22 to 26 AWG
unshielded twisted pair; category 5e EIA/TIA 568 A/B. Distance is up to 100 m. Ethernet
100Base-FX with fiber-optic cable optional for distances up to 2 km (1.24 mi).

Number of Nodes At least 25 nodes, given a 25 Hz data rate. Other configurations may be available.

Type of Nodes Supported Controllers, PLCs, operator interfaces, and engineering workstations

Protocol EGD, based on UDP/IP

Message Integrity 32-bit CRC appended to each Ethernet packet plus integrity checks built into UDP and EGD

Time Sync. Methods Network time protocol (NTP), accuracy ±1 ms.

3.3.3 Control System Devices on the UDH Mark VIe Controllers

The Mark VIe controllers are applied in a wide variety of industrial control applications. The Mark VIeS Safety controller is
used for safety-critical SIL applications. The Mark VIe UCPA platform is a lower cost, smaller footprint controller with
integral I/O and limited expansion I/O capability. The same ToolboxST application is used for configuration of the Mark VIe
controller product line. For more information, refer to Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume II: System Guide for
General-purpose Applications (GEH-6721_Vol_II), the chapter Controllers.
The EX2100e excitation controller supplies dc power to the field of the synchronous generator, and controls the generator ac
terminal voltage and/or the reactive volt-amperes by means of the field current. The excitation control system is supplied in
NEMA 1 freestanding floor-mounted indoor type metal cabinets. The cabinet lineup consists of several cabinets bolted

Note Refer to EX2100e Excitation Control User Guide (GEH-6781) for further details.

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The LS2100e Static Starter controller is used to start a gas turbine by running the generator as a starting motor. The Static
Starter control, the Mark VIe control, and the excitation control system form an integrated static start system. The Mark VIe
control supplies the run, torque, and speed setpoint signals to the Static Starter control, which operates in a closed loop control
mode to supply variable frequency power to the generator stator. The excitation control system is controlled by the Static
Starter control to regulate the field current during startup.

Note The Static Starter control cabinet is a ventilated NEMA 1 freestanding enclosure made of 12-gauge sheet steel on a
rigid steel frame designed for indoor mounting.

The LS2100e Static Starter control is an adjustable speed ac drive system specifically designed to start a gas turbine generator
set. By operating the generator as a synchronous motor, the static starter accelerates the turbine set according to a specific
speed profile that provides optimum starting conditions for the gas turbine. The LS2100e control eliminates the need for
separate starting hardware, such as an electric motor or diesel engine, torque converters, and associated auxiliary equipment,
thus opening up critical space around the turbine base.

Note Refer to LS2100e Static Starter Control User Guide (GEH-6798).

The Mark Stat controller contains specialized firmware and application to control a GE multi-megawatt wind turbine power
conversion system. Human-machine Interface

The Human-machine Interface (HMI) is the main operator interface to the Mark VIe control system. Current Mark VIe HMIs
are desktop computers running the Windows® 7 operating system with multiple communication drivers for the redundant data
highways, WorkstationST* and ToolboxST applications, and the CIMPLICITY Advanced Viewer for the Graphical User
Interface (GUI). The operator initiates commands from the real-time graphic displays, and views real-time process data and
alarms. Detailed I/O diagnostics and system configuration is accomplished from the ToolboxST applications.

Note HMIs typically connect to both PDH and UDH networks.

The WorkstationST server is the hub of the system, channeling data between the UDH and the PDH, and providing data
support and system management. The server also has the responsibility for device communication for both internal and
external data interchanges. WorkstationST servers collect data on the UDH, and use the PDH to communicate with HMI
viewers. Configuration servers, Historian servers, and Alarm servers are used for large system scaling. Multiple servers can
be used to provide redundancy so that communication with the viewers continues even if one server fails.

Note The HMI can be configured as a server or viewer, containing tools and utility programs.

88 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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The Mark VIe Historian computer runs ControlST software including Historian reports, the WorkstationST application, and
Trender, and can be configured for PI or Proficy data exchange to an external database server. The Historian is a data archival
system based on client-server technology, used for data collection, storage, and display of process data. Flexible tools enable
the operator to quickly generate custom trends and reports from the archived process data. The Historian combines
high-resolution digital event data from the Mark VIe controllers with process analog data, creating a sophisticated tool for
investigating cause-effect relationships.
The Historian receives data from the controllers over the UDH. The HMIs and other operator interface devices communicate
to the Historian through the PDH. Network technology provided by the Windows operating system allows interaction from
network computers, including query and view capabilities, using the Historian Client Tool Set. The interface options include
the ability to export data into spreadsheet applications. Power Conversion Controllers

GE Brilliance* solar inverter and legacy wind power conversion controllers can reside on the integrated control system UDH,
and are configured with a common ToolboxST application.

3.3.4 Control Data Highway (CDH)

A second UDH or redundant Ethernet Communication known as the Control Data Highway (CDH) allows two separate
controllers to communicate with each other. The second CDH Ethernet can be added to a control system currently using the
other UDH Ethernet port. The following table displays requirements for hardware setup.

Note To configure a CDH, refer to ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls Platform (GEH-6700 or GEH-6703), the
section Networks.

CDH Hardware Setup

First Second Ethernet Connection
Controller Controller
Simplex Simplex Each controller connects though the second Ethernet port using a single cross-over
category 5 network cable.
Simplex Dual The simplex controller connects to the second Ethernet ports of both the <R> and <S>
controllers of the dual system using a category 5 network cable through a network
Simplex TMR The simplex controller connects to the second Ethernet ports of <R>, <S>, and <T>
controllers of the TMR system using a category 5 network cable through a network
Dual Dual The <R> and <S> controllers of each system connect using a category 5 network
cable through a network switch.
Dual TMR The <R> and <S> controllers of the dual system connect to the <R>, <S>, and <T>
controllers of the TMR system using a category 5 network cable through a network
TMR TMR The <R>, <S>, and <T> controllers of each system connect using a category 5
network cable through a network switch.
With the TMR and TMR configuration, the customer does not have to use the network
if all EGD exchanges run at frame rate.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
C atalyst 2 960-S Se rie s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
C atalys t2 96 0-S Serie s

S YS T 1X 11X 13X 23X SYS T 1X 11X 13X 23X


2X 12X 14X 24X 2X 12X 14X 24X

25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 C atalyst 2 960-S Se rie s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 C atalys t2 96 0-S Serie s

S YS T 1X 11X 13X 23X B
SYS T 1X 11X 13X 23X B


2X 12X 14X 24X 2X 12X 14X 24X

25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28

2960S 2960S
Switch Switch
Controller R Control Panel 2 Control Panel 1 Controller R




O u tp u t

Controller S Device
Controller S

In p u t Field

Controller T GE GE Controller T
Unmanaged Unmanaged
Switch Switch

ENET1 Control Data Highway (CDH) IONet

Cable: Cat 5e UTP Cable: SMF or MMF  ENET2
Unit Data Highway (UDH) IONet
Cable: Cat 5e UTP Cables : Cat 5e UTP

CDH Application Example

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3.4 Supervisory Layer
The Supervisory layer contains the Plant Data Highway (PDH), which connects to WorkstationST servers, Alarm Viewers,
printers, historians, and other HMIs. Additional cyber security management equipment can also reside on the PDH. The PDH
has no direct connection to the Mark VIe controllers, which communicate over the UDH.
The PDH network is used to further partition equipment and to restrict access or prevent disruptions to the Mark VIe
controllers (which are busy broadcasting data across the UDH). The PDH should be used to copy or transfer large files from
HMI to HMI (for example, CIMPLICITY projects).
PDH uses redundant cables to form one single logical network, and the mesh architecture is identical to the UDH. The
hardware consists of edge Ethernet switches with single-mode fiber-optic trunks connected to root switches, then standard Cat
5e outputs to HMIs and other devices. Redundant Ethernet switches and cables prevent complete network failure if a single
component fails. The PDH and the UDH are physically the same network of switches, but use different ports for the particular
data highway.


Plant Data Highway (PDH)

Mark VIe

HMI Mark VIe


Supervisory Layer Example

Ethernet Networks GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 91

Public Information
PDH Network Features
Feature Description
Type of Network IEEE 802.3 Ethernet in a mesh topology
Speed 100 megabit per second or with 1000 megabit per second trunks interconnecting switches
Ethernet 100Base-TX is used for switch to controller/device connections. Cable is CAT 5e
compliant. Distance is up to 100 m (328 ft). * Fiber-optic connections, Ethernet 100FX, 1000SX,
Media and Distance
1000 LX are used for distances of 2 km (1.24 mi), 550 m (1804.46 ft), and 5 km (3.11 mi),
Number of Nodes Up to 1024 nodes supported
Ethernet-compatible protocol, typically TCP/IP-based. Use GSM, OPC UA, or Modbus over
Ethernet for external communications.
32-bit cyclic redundancy code (CRC) appended to each Ethernet packet plus additional checks in
Message Integrity
protocol used.
External Interfaces Various third-party interfaces are available; GSM, OPC UA, and Modbus are the most common.
* Fiber-optic cable provides the best signal quality, completely free of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency
interference (RFI). Large point-to-point distances are possible, and since the cable does not carry electrical charges, ground
potential problems are eliminated.

3.5 Monitoring Layer

The monitoring data highway (MDH) is used to further partition the flow of data to individual assets, and can include
connection to GE Monitoring and Diagnostic (M&D) equipment: the On-Site Monitor (OSM) or Remote Services Gateway
(RSG). The data that is allowed to travel over the MDH is managed by two specially configured Cisco 2901 routers. The
same mesh architecture and trunks provide the MDH from the root to edge switches, then from special configured ports on the
edge switches to the OSM or RSG. Other devices may also be included on the MDH to meet customer requirements.
Connectivity to the RSG and OSM is designed during the plant requisition phase, so the MDH is not the only available
implementation of GE M&D equipment.

Note Refer to the figure Simplified Network Hierarchy.

92 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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3.6 Enterprise Layer
The Enterprise layer allows access to specific control system data or communication sources for facility-wide or group asset
management systems. The Enterprise layer can include the following features:

• Additional firewalls, routers, and security features

• Interface to customer network
• GE Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) for hosting GE assets to be accessed external from customer site facility
• Interface to other GE Wide Area Network (WAN), Atlanta Data Higway (ADH) for GE Monitoring and Diagnostics
(M&D) services
The Industrial Internet Gateway (IIG) option consists of a firewall appliance that is inserted as a barrier between the ICS
VLAN and any other external devices. The firewall establishes security regions, or zones, as defined in the IEC standard
62443 or ISA 99. Equipment is allocated to each zone based on their function and relative security risk to the Mark VIe
control system. For diagnostic or analysis purposes, access to specifically tagged control system data or communications can
be allowed from outside the plant. Since any outside communications represent a significant risk to the integrity and security
of the control system, establishing a DMZ that terminates the outside networks and then only allows specific authenticated
traffic to flow from the DMZ to specific hosts behind the DMZ is recommended.

GE Wide Area Network (WAN) to ADH Customer Enterprise Network

Outside Plant Facility


GE demilitarized zone (DMZ)

Virtual local area networks (VLANs)

Mark VIe Integrated Control System (ICS)
Enterprise Layer Example (does not represent an actual installation)
The IIG establishes four interfaces to connect from the firewall: Customer, ADH, DMZ, and ICS VLAN. The Customer
interface typically connects to an additional upstream router or firewall provided by the customer. The ADH is used by GE
M&D to provide remote services for the customer, for example analytics or troubleshooting. The DMZ has a rule set or policy
that is implemented by GE to enable remote access to key resources. These resources are able to collect specifically
configured control system data or perform specifically configured control system functions. The ICS VLAN connects from
the IIG firewall to a switch that terminates at two routers and then into the root switch and on to the edge switch. Refer to the
section Mesh Architecture for more information.

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3.7 Ethernet Cabling for Monitoring, Supervisory, and
Unit Control Layers
3.7.1 Single-mode Fiber

Note Trunks tie edge switches to the root switch.

For new sites, single-mode fiber-optic (SMF) cables are installed for all trunks. The main advantages of fiber-optic
transmission are as follows:

Note For more information, refer to Fiber-optic Cable and Patch Panel Selection (GHT-200001).

• Fiber segments can be longer than copper because the signal attenuation per foot is less.
• In high-lightning areas, copper cable can pick up currents, which can damage the communications electronics. Since the
glass fiber does not conduct electricity, the use of fiber-optic segments avoids pickup and reduces lightning-caused
• Grounding problems are avoided with optical cable. The ground potential can rise when there is a ground fault on
transmission lines, caused by currents coming back to the generator neutral point, or lightning.
• Optical cable can be routed through a switchyard or other electrically noisy area and not pick up any interference. This
can shorten the required runs and simplify the installation.
• Fiber-optic connections normally have higher signal levels and decreased chances of packet discard from noise
corruption. Typical differences in error rate is 10000 lower for fiber-optic cables.
• The cost per connection for fiber may now be less than copper cables. Large, multifiber trunk cables contain many fibers,
so cost per foot for each connection may actually cost less than multiple copper cables.
• Fiber-optic cable with proper jacket materials can be run buried in trays or in conduit.
• High-quality fiber-cable is light, tough, and easily pulled. With careful installation, it can last the life of the plant. SMF Specifications

• Single-mode fiber-optic cables are connected from the root switch group to the edge switch group, providing redundancy.
Refer to the figure, Mesh Root and Edges.
• SMF cable lengths are less than or equal to 15 km (9.32 mi).
• SMF cables must be terminated and/or spliced by a certified fiber-optic cable installer. SMF cables cannot be terminated
and/or spliced by requisition or field engineers.
• SMF cables are 8.3/125 µm Core/Cladding diameter with a numeric aperture of 0.13.

94 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information SMF and Trunks
Use the following rules for installing SMF cables:

• SMF cable lengths cannot exceed 15 km (9.32 mi).

• SMF cables must be terminated and/or spliced by a certified fiber-optic cable installer, not by installation engineers.
• SMF is used for new unit installations because the new network switches used have Gbit speeds. SMF has greater
distance capability than multi-mode fiber (MMF) in Gbit applications.

Note Refer to the section Mesh Architecture for more information.

The small form-factor pluggable (SFP) or Mini-GBIC is a compact, hot-pluggable transceiver used in network switch
applications. It interfaces the network switch to a fiber optic or copper networking cable. It is a popular industry format
supported by many network component vendors.

The switches used in the current Mark VIe LC Connectors SFP

control system networking design use SFPs
with LC Connectors to connect to single mode
fiber-optic cable for new installations.

Ethernet Networks GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 95

Public Information SMF Component Sources
The following are typical sources for single-mode fiber-optic cables and connectors.
Fiber-optic Cable:
Optical Cable Corporation
5290 Concourse Drive
Roanoke, VA 24019
Phone: +1-540-265-0690
Part Numbers (from OCC)
Each of these cables are SMF 8.3/125 um Core/Cladding diameter with a numeric aperture of 0.13.
OC041214-01 4 Fiber Zero Halogen Riser Rated Cable.
OC041214-02 4 Fiber Zero Halogen with CST Armor.
OC041214-03 4 Fiber with Flame Retardant Polyurethane.
OC041214-04 4 Fiber with Flame Retardant Polyurethane with CST Armor
Corning Cable Systems
PO Box 489
Hickory, NC 28603-0489
Phone: +1-800-743-2671
Fiber-optic Connectors:
3M® - Connectors and Installation kit
Thomas and Betts - Connectors and Assembly polishing kit
Amphenol - Connectors and Termination kit

3.7.2 Un-shielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Copper Cables Cat 5e Cables for PDH, UDH, MDH

These copper cables are used for data highways connections from edge switches to HMIs and controllers.

• High-quality, category 5e UTP cable, for 10/100Base-TX Ethernet

• Four pairs of twisted 22 AWG or 24 AWG wire
• Protective plastic jacket
• Impedance: 75 – 165 Ω
• Connector: RJ-45 UTP connector for solid wire Cat 6 Cables for Layer 3 Security Hardware

These copper cables are used for the additional layer 3 security offering, and provide connections from root switches to an
additional series of routers, switches, and firewalls.

• High-quality, category 6 UTP cable, for 10/100Base-TX Ethernet

• Four pairs of twisted 22 AWG or 24 AWG wire
• More stringent specifications for crosstalk and system noise
• Protective plastic jacket
• Connector: RJ-45 UTP connector for solid wire
• Backward compatible with the Category 5/5e cable standards

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3.7.3 Ethernet Installation
The data highways use a number of 100Base-TX segments and some fiber-optic segments. These guidelines comply with
IEEE 802.3 standards for Ethernet. For details on individual Ethernet LAN component installation, refer to the instructions
supplied by the manufacturer of that equipment. For more information, refer to the section Cable Separation and Routing.

Note If the connection within a building and the sites share a common ground, it is acceptable to use 100Base-TX
connections. If connecting between buildings, or there are differences in ground potential within a building, or distances
exceed 100 m (328 ft), then 100Base-FX fiber is required.

3.7.4 Network Retrofit Guidelines

Existing sites should upgrade from Allied Telesis to Cisco switches, and use single-mode fiber (SMF) for all ICS VLAN
trunks. These required Cisco network switches can use SFPs with LC connectors to connect to multi-mode fiber (MMF),
however this is not recommended because it downgrades them to only 100 Mb speed (with SMF, the switches function at Gb

Note GE recommends replacing MMF with SMF. If not, the network is downgraded to only run at 100 MB speed.

The GE requisition engineer needs to understand the ramifications if existing sites have MMF runs and the options for
retermination of Ethernet cables, changes to junction boxes, and so forth. Only a certified cable installer (not the GE field
engineer) can do any changes to MMF sites. Also, it is not recommended to use a converter from MMF SC connector to
single SMF LC connector as this can cause network latency or introduce an additional failure point.

Note Refer to the figure in the section SMF and Trunks that displays the LC connector and SFP.

The options for supporting the new network switch architecture are as follows:

• Re-terminate existing MMF with LC connectors to connect to the SFPs. This downgrades to 100 Mb speed, and requires
a certified cable technician.
• Use SC to LC conversion part (323A4747CSP1G). This is not recommended as it can introduce network latency and
another possible point of failure. In addition, it still downgrades network to 100 Mb speed.
• Run new SMF cables and use new Cisco switches to full capabilities of Gbit speeds (preferred solution). MMF Cable, Outdoor Use (Data Highways)

Never look directly into a fiber because some longer links use lasers, which can cause
permanent eye damage. Most fiber links use LEDs, which cannot damage the eyes.
The following MMF cables are approved for use:

• Multi-mode fiber, 62.5/125 µ core/cladding, 850 nm infrared light

• Four sub-cables with elastomeric jackets and aramid strength members, and plastic outer jacket
• Cable construction: flame retardant pressure extruded polyurethane. Cable diameter: 8.0 mm (0.31 in). Cable weight: 65
• Optical Cable Corporation part number: RK920929-A
The following sections provide more details on existing site MMF cabling specifications.

Ethernet Networks GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 97

Public Information MMF Cable, Heavy Duty Outdoor Use
• Multi-mode fiber, 62.5/125 µ core/cladding, 850 nm infrared light
• Four sub-cables with elastomeric jackets and aramid strength members, and armored outer jacket
• Cable construction: flame retardant pressure extruded polyurethane. Armored with 0.155 mm (0.01 in) steel tape, wound
with 2 mm (0.08 in) overlap, and covered with polyethylene outer jacket, 1 to 1.5 mm (0.04 to 0.06 in) thick. Cable
diameter: 13 mm (0.51 in). Cable weight: 174 Kg/km
• Optical Cable Corporation part number: RK920929-A-CST MMF Cable, Indoor Use (Data Highways)

• Multi-mode fiber, 62.5/125 µ core/cladding, 850 nm infrared light
• Twin plastic jacketed cables (Zipcord) for indoor use
• Cable construction: tight-buffered fibers surrounded by aramid strength members with a flexible flame retardant jacket.
Cable dimensions: 2.9 mm (0.11 in) diameter x 5.8 mm (0.23 in) width. Cable weight: 15 Kg/km
• Corning Cable Systems part number: 002K58-31141–24

3.8 Third-party Communication Links

External communication links are available to interface with third-party plant controls or devices. This allows operators to
have access to real-time data, and provides for discrete and analog commands to be passed to the Mark VIe controller. The
Mark VIe control system can be linked to third-parties in several different ways:

• OPC UA direct from the Mark VIe controller (UCSC)

• OPC UA, DA, AE from the WorkstationST server
• Serial or Ethernet Modbus® Slave link from the WorkstationST server
• Ethernet Modbus Slave direct from the Mark VIe controller to the third-party device (Ethernet to serial converter device
may be used)
• GSM from the WorkstationST server to the DCS.
GEDS Standard Messages (GSM) is a proprietary 100 mbps Ethernet link using TCP/IP. It supports turbine control
commands, Mark VIe control data and alarms, the alarm silence function, logical events, and contact input sequence of events
records with 1 ms resolution. Ethernet GSM has the advantage of tighter system integration.

When connecting to third-party devices, the security of the networks and the overall
network architecture need to be considered and engineered accordingly. Third-party
links are best connected through a firewall where one is available. Consideration must
be given to redundancy and availability of communication paths.

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4 Communication Protocols
The Mark VIe control system uses a variety of communication protocols to interface both internally between control system
equipment and out to specialized field devices and other third-party equipment. This allows some protocols to be sent directly
to the Mark VIe controllers, while others must first communicate with the I/O module that then interfaces with the controller.
Other protocols use an HMI with WorkstationST application as a gateway.

Communication Protocol Across Mark VIe Controls Networks

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External Interface Protocols
External interface protocols support transmitting and receiving data with third-party control, monitoring, and supervisory
systems through the Plant Data Highway (PDH). Communication is important but normally not critical to control and
equipment protection. The protocol types include:

• Variable feedback and commands to and from a third-party Distributed Control System (DCS)
• Alarm annunciation and management interface with third-party systems
• Interface with third-party industrial protocol gateways

Equipment Control and Configuration Protocols

The Unit Data Highway (UDH) and IONet networks use several different protocols for equipment control and configuration,
as described in the following table.

Equipment Control and Configuration

• Feedback and commands between HMI and Mark VIe controllers on UDH
• Control data between Mark VIe controllers on UDH
Ethernet Global Data (EGD)
• Real time data between I/O modules and Mark VIe controllers on IONet
• Redundant controller data synchronization
Clock synchronization between Mark VIe controllers, I/O packs, WorkstationST
Network Time Protocol (NTP) PCs, and a master time source. NTP operates on both the UDH and IONet
• ToolboxST configuration and monitoring with controllers, I/O packs, and
WorkstationST PCs
System Data Interface (SDI) • Real time alarm annunciation and management between controllers and
WorkstationST Alarm Server
• Transmission of trip log data from controllers to WorkstationST Alarm
OPC-UA Server Mark VIe controller interfaces with OPC-UA client functions on UDH network
IEEE 1588 is designed for local systems requiring high precision that cannot
Precision Time Protocol IEEE 1588 afford the a GPS receiver at each node. The standards describe a hierarchical
master-slave architecture for clock distribution.
Mark VIe implementation of HSE is used to couple the controller with the linking
device (gateway between IONet and H1).

Fieldbus Network Protocols

Fieldbus protocols network field devices (sensor and actuators) with the control system, enabling diagnostic and configuration
functions along with traditional real time control. The Mark VIe system supports the following protocols:

• HART communications
• CANopen communications
• Modbus Master RS-232, 422, 485
• Modbus Master Ethernet

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4.1 OPC Protocols
The Object Linking and Embedding for Process Control (OPC) protocols are widely-adopted standards for communication
between vendors across different industries. The OPC Foundation provides the specification for the standards, as well as
programming proxy stubs. Supported OPC protocols include:

• OPC Data Access (DA) communicates real-time data

• OPC Alarms and Events (AE) for alarm and event messaging and management
• OPC Unified Architecture (UA) that integrates OCP-DA and OPC-AE into a common framework
Refer to the following documents for additional information:

• WorkstationST OPC DA Server Instruction Guide (GEI-100621)

• WorkstationST OPC AE Server Instruction Guide (GEI-100624)
• WorkstationST OPC UA Server Instruction Guide (GEI-100828)
• ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls Platform (GEH-6703) for OPC UA configuration from the Mark VIe controller
and Mark VIe for OPC DA, AE, HDA, and UA configuration from the WorkstationST server
• ControlST Software Suite How-to Guides (GEH-6808), chapters How to Interface to Third Parties Using and How to
Configure OPC AE Capability

4.1.1 WorkstationST OPC DA Server

OPC Data Access (DA) is designed for real-time data flow between industrial controllers and supervisory functions, such as
HMIs and data historians. The WorkstationST-based OPC DA server includes an EGD server and SDI interface for non-EGD
variables. In Mark controls applications, the OPC DA server is commonly used to interface with the CIMPLICITY Advanced
Viewer and Proficy historian.

WorkstationST OPC DA Server Example

Communication Protocols GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 101

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4.1.2 Mark VIe Controller OPC UA Server
An OPC UA server enables the real-time exchange of variables with an OPC UA client. Beginning with ControlST V05.01, it
is available in the Mark VIe UCSB/UCSC controller (not available with the UCPA or for the Mark VIeS UCSBS1A).

Mark VIe Control OPC UA Server Example

4.1.3 WorkstationST OPC AE

OPC Alarm and Event (AE) protocol enables third-party OPC AE clients to obtain live alarm and event notifications. The
server complies with the OPC AE 1.1 specification and has an internal client that can be configured to receive external alarm
and event data from external OPC AE servers. The following figure illustrates the data flow for a common application.

WorkstationST OPC AE Server Example

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4.1.4 WorkstationST OPC UA Server
The OPC UA specification combines OPC Data Access (DA), OPC Alarms and Events (AE), and OPC Historical Data
Access (HDA), into one interface. The WorkstationST OPC UA server supports:

• OPC Data Access (DA)

• Historical Alarm and Event access (HDA)
In large systems, there are multiple historians that are logging the same variable at different frequencies. And depending on
the situation, an OPC HDA client will prefer one historian versus another. The HDA server-client is designed to support this
The following figure illustrates the data flow for an example system around the WorkstationST OPC UA supported functions.

WorkstationST OPC UA Server Example

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4.2 WorkstationST GSM Protocol
The WorkstationST-based GSM Server (GE Standard Messaging) is typically used for the exchange of unit-level control and
alarm data between Mark Controls equipment and a plant-level Distributed Control System (DCS).
The WorkstationST OPC DA server provides the GSM server with the following:

• Periodic reading of variables from Mark controllers

• Writing of variables to Mark controllers
The WorkstationST Alarm server provides the GSM server with the following:

• Alarm and event data from Mark controllers with time resolution equal to the controller frame rate
• Path for alarm commands from DCS to Mark controllers

GSM Server Example

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There are four types of GSM messages:

• Administrative
• Event-driven data
• Periodic data
• Command
Administration Messages are not associated with given Mark controller. These requests are messages from the DCS to the
GSM server to interrogate its capabilities.
Event Driven Messages are sent from the GSM server to the DCS in reaction to a system alarm or event occurring or clearing.
Event driven messages include:

• Process alarm is initiated or clears

• Internal control diagnostic alarm is initiated or clears
• Process event occurs
• Sequence of Event (SOE) contact input opens or closes
Periodic Data consists of variable sets transmitted from the GSM server to DCS either once or periodically (rates up to once
per second). This data is typically used to refresh DCS process display screens.
Command Requests fall into two classes:

• Process alarm command requests

• Process command requests, either a momentary contact push-button or a variable write command

Note For additional information, refer to the WorkstationST GSM 3.0 User Guide (GEH-6757) and the WorkstationST GSM
3.0 Application Guide (GEH-6760).

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4.3 Modbus Protocol
Modbus is a Request-Response protocol typically used for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) interface,
either as the Master for data acquisition by the SCADA or a Slave to transmit data to the SCADA. The application data unit
(ADU) layer offers three methods of implementation:

The Request-Response protocol is straight forward to implement; however, it has an inherent latency in the Request-Response
cycle between the two computers instead of the Event Driven messages (exception reporting) available with OPC and GSM.
Additionally, it does not support individual high-resolution time stamps for each alarm and event, but rather a single time
stamp for a set of data transmitted from the Slave to the Master upon request.
In the Mark control systems, Modbus is supported in both the controllers and WorkstationST. For the Mark VIeS Safety
controller, only Ethernet Modbus and the Modbus Read command from the Modbus Master is supported (Serial Modbus and
the Write command is not supported).

Note Modbus protocol does not provide security against unauthorized commands or interception of data. A separate Modbus
gateway should be considered rather than a shared resource.

4.3.1 WorkstationST Modbus

Modbus in the WorkstationST has full support, as follows:

• One or multiple Modbus masters running simultaneously

• One or multiple Modbus slaves running simultaneously
• Ethernet or serial communication running simultaneously
• Each Modbus page is configured with ToolboxST, enabling virtually any variable in the system to be mapped to a page

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4.3.2 Controller Modbus
The Mark VIe and Mark VIeS controllers directly support the Ethernet Modbus Slave interface. The Ethernet Modbus
protocol is layered on top of the TCP/IP stream sockets.

Note A subset of the Modbus function codes are supported.

Mark VIe Controller Modbus Communication Protocols

Note These diagrams are for informational purposes only to illustrate where Modbus is implemented. They do not illustrate
how to connect Modbus to your application.

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Mark VIeS Safety Controller Modbus Communication Protocols

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4.4 Ethernet Global Data (EGD)
The EGD protocol on the UDH is used for Mark VIe controller to Mark VIe HMI (running WorkstationST application), or for
Controller to Controller communications, and is configured using the ToolboxST application for the Mark VIe controller and
the WorkstationST application. Controller data configured for transmission over EGD is separated into groups called
exchanges. Multiple exchanges make up pages. Pages can be configured either to a specific address (unicast), if supported, or
to multiple consumers at the same time (broadcast or multicast), if supported.

Note IONet EGD transmissions occur between controller and I/O packs. IONet EGD communication is transparent to the
user, requiring no specific configuration by the user. An IONet EGD report can be generated in ToolboxST to provide
network status values for all IONet communication displayed in the current component and reflects totals of the controller
exchange. For further details, refer to the ToolboxST User Guide for Mark Controls Platform (GEH-6700), the section IONet
EGD Report.

Each page is identified by the combination of a Producer ID and an Exchange ID. The consumer recognizes the data and
knows where to store it. EGD allows one controller component, referred to as the producer of the data, to simultaneously send
information at a fixed periodic rate (frame rate) to any number of peer controller components, known as the consumers. This
network supports a large number of controller components capable of both producing and consuming information.
The exchange contains a configuration signature, which displays the revision number of the exchange configuration. If the
consumer receives data with an unknown configuration signature, it makes that data unhealthy. If a transmission is
interrupted, the receiver waits three periods for the EGD message, after which it times out and the data is considered

EGD Communications Features

Feature Description
Example types of Supervisory data is transmitted periodically at either 480 or 960 ms.
communication Controller data is transmitted to the HMI at frame rate.
Controller to Controller data is transmitted at 40 ms.
Message Type Broadcast – a message sent to all stations on a subnet
Unicast – a directed message to one station
Multicast – a message sent to a group of destinations simultaneously in a single transmission
Redundancy Refer to the section Controller Redundancy to Prevent Loss of Communication.
Sizes Each exchange can contain a maximum of 1400 bytes of data (or payload). Pages can contain
multiple exchanges. The number of exchanges within a page and the number of pages within an
EGD node are limited by each EGD device type. The Mark VIe controller does not limit the
number of, exchanges, or pages.
Message Integrity Ethernet supports a 32-bit CRC appended to each Ethernet packet.
Reception timeout is determined by EGD device type. The exchange times out after an
exchange update had not occurred within four times the exchange period, using Sequence ID.
Missing/out of order packet detection
UDP and IP header checksums
Configuration signature (data layout revision control)
Exchange size validation
Function Codes EGD allows each controller to send a block of information to, or receive a block from, other
controllers in the system.

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Public Information
4.4.1 Controller Redundancy to Prevent Loss of Communication
In a TMR controller set, each controller receives UDH EGD data independently from a direct Ethernet connection. If the
connection is broken, a controller can request the missing data from the second or third controller through the IONet. One
controller in a TMR configuration is automatically selected to transmit the EGD data onto the UDH. If the UDH fractures,
causing the controllers to be isolated from each other onto different physical network segments, multiple controllers are
enabled for transmission. These controllers provide data to each of the segments. These features adds a level of Ethernet fault
tolerance to the control system.

Note There are many features that make the Mark VIe control system fault tolerant, including the network configuration.

Unit Data Highway EGD TMR Configuration

Similarly, with dual redundant controllers, each controller receives UDH EGD data independently from a direct Ethernet
connection. If the connection is broken, a controller may request the missing data from the second through the IONet. One
controller in a dual controller set is automatically selected to transmit the EGD data onto the UDH. If the UDH fractures
causing the controllers to be isolated from each other onto different physical network segments, each controller is enabled for
transmission, providing data to both segments.

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4.5 System Data Interface (SDI) Protocol
The SDI protocol is a configuration protocol layered upon TCP/IP. SDI is used primarily between the ToolboxST application
and the other control system devices on the UDH (controllers, HMIs, and Historians). SDI commands support configuration
downloads, file transfers, debugging, live data access, and a variety of other activities. The SDI connection between the
ToolboxST application and the controllers is secured when the SecurityST server is deployed. SDI is also used by the
WorkstationST application to monitor controller status, upload trip logs, transport alarms from the devices to the
WorkstationST Alarm Server, and to transmit alarm commands to the controllers.

Note The Mark VIe control systems can support up to a maximum of 10 supervisory PCs with individual alarm server
connections to a unit controller (not including OSM and Historian).

The total number of SDI connections to any particular controller must be limited to prevent overburdening controller
resources, so attention must be paid to the overall system architecture during the application engineering design phase. For
example, supporting a large number of WorkstationST Alarm Viewers is best accomplished by deploying a centralized alarm
server with a single SDI connection to the controller rather than having each HMI run its own alarm server and therefore a
separate SDI connection from the controller to each HMI. In addition, sites with multiple HMIs should limit requests for
controller trip logs to be made from only a few HMIs as to not overburden the Mark VIe controller.
Because EGD does not create a connection per HMI, EGD is typically used for live data transfer and to fan data out from
controllers to a large number of HMIs. SDI is used for live data in cases such as ExperTune® support, where a large number
of variables must be made available but only a few variables will be accessed at any one time.
An SDI server runs on the Mark VIe controller to provides a communication mechanism between the controller and the HMI.
The server on the controller waits for the ToolboxST and WorkstationST applications to establish connections. It allows the
HMI to retrieve data from the controller and for the ToolboxST and WorkstationST applications to run commands in the
SDI is a communication scheme that is built on top of TCP/IP, which provides a reliable delivery mechanism between two
communicating parties. Data that is sent from one to the other is guaranteed to be delivered, and delivered in the correct order.
When a segment of data is sent by TCP/IP, the sender will wait for an acknowledgement of the segment. If the
acknowledgment is not received, the data will be resent. Also, if data is not delivered in the correct order, TCP/IP will
reorganize it in the correct order. TCP/IP will also discard any duplicate packets.

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4.6 Network Time Protocol (NTP)
4.6.1 Control System Time Synchronization
The control time synchronization option synchronizes all controllers and HMIs on the UDH to a Global Time Source (GTS)
or master time source. Typical GTS systems are Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) receivers such as the StarTime GPS Clock
or similar time processing hardware.

Note Refer to GEH-6808, the section How to Configure Time Synchronization in the ToolboxST Application.

GE recommends using a dedicated NTP box that is not part of the HMI, but a time/frequency processor board can be placed
in the HMI as an alternative. This NTP box or board acquires time from the master time source with a high degree of
accuracy. When the HMI receives the time signal, it makes the time information available to the turbine and generator
controls on the network by way of NTP. The HMI server provides time to client devices either by broadcasting time, or by
responding to NTP time queries, or both methods.
Supplying a time/frequency processor board in another HMI server as a backup can provide redundant time synchronization.
Normally, the primary HMI server on the UDH is the time master for the UDH, and other computers without the
time/frequency board are time slaves. The time slave computes the difference between the returned time and the recorded
time of request and adjusts its internal time. Each time slave can be configured to respond to a time master through unicast
mode or broadcast mode.
Local time is used for display of real time data by adding a local time correction to UTC. A node’s internal time clock is
normally UTC rather than local. This is done because UTC time steadily increases at a constant rate while corrections are
allowed to local time. Historical data is stored with global time to minimize discontinuities.

4.6.2 Clock Stratum

Note This stratum is different from the clock strata used in telecommunication systems.

The term Stratum defines the levels in the hierarchy of clocks that makeup NTP. Each level is assigned a layer number
starting with zero at the top. The stratum level defines its distance from the reference clock and prevents cyclical
dependencies in the hierarchy.

Note Stratum is not an indication of the quality or reliability, it is common to fine Stratum 3 time sources that are higher
quality than other Stratum 2 time sources.

Stratum 0 are devices such as atomic (cesium, rubidium) clocks, GPS clocks, or other radio clocks. Stratum 0 devices are
usually not attached to the network. Instead, they are locally connected to computers (for example, through an RS-232
connection using a pulse per second signal).

Stratum 1 are computers attached to Stratum 0 devices. Normally they act as servers for timing requests from Stratum 2
servers through NTP. These computers are also referred to as time servers.

Stratum 2 are computers that send NTP requests to Stratum 1 servers. Normally a Stratum 2 computer will reference a
number of Stratum 1 servers and use the NTP algorithm to gather the best data sample, dropping any Stratum 1 servers that
are wrong. Stratum 2 computers are grouped with other Stratum 2 computers to provide more stable and robust time for all
devices in the peer group. Stratum 2 computers normally operate as servers for Stratum 3 NTP requests.

Stratum 3 are computers that use exactly the same NTP functions of peering and data sampling as Stratum 2, and can be
used as servers for lower strata. NTP support up to 256 strata, depending on the version of NTP protocol in use.

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4.6.3 NTP Timestamps
The 64-bit timestamps used by NTP consist of a 32-bit seconds part and a 32-bit fractional second part, giving NTP a time
scale of 232 seconds (136 years) and a theoretical resolution of 2-32 seconds (233 picoseconds). The timescale wraps around
every 232 seconds (136 years). NTP uses an epoch of January 1, 1900. The first rollover will occur in 2036.

Note The current NTPv4 format supports Era Number and Era Offset, which corrects date rollover issues.

Implementations should disambiguate NTP time using a knowledge of the approximate time from other sources. Since NTP
only works with the differences between timestamps and never their absolute values, the wraparound is invisible as long as
the timestamps are within 68 years of each other. This means that the rollover will be invisible for most running systems,
since they will have the correct time to within a very small tolerance. However, systems that are starting up need to know the
date within no more than 68 years. The Mark VIe control uses a battery powered hardware clock to avoid this problem.

4.6.4 Clock Synchronization Algorithm

To synchronize its clock with a remote server, the NTP client must compute the round-trip delay time. The round-trip delay =
(t3 - t0) - (t2- t1).
The time of the request packet transmission is t0, the time of the packet reception is t1, the time of the response packet
transmission is t2, and the time of the response packet reception is t3. The elapsed time on the client side between the emission
of the request packet and the reception of the response packet is t3 - t0. The time the server waited before sending the answer
is t2 - t1.
The offset = ((t1 - t0) + (t2- t3)) / 2.
The NTP synchronization is correct when both the incoming and outgoing routes between the client and the server have a
symmetrical nominal delay. If the routes do not have a common nominal delay, the synchronization has a systematic bias of
half the difference between the forward and backward travel time.

4.6.5 Clients and Servers

The relationship between NTP servers and clients can be configured to operate in several ways. Computers using NTP can
operate in different modes with respect to different machines. For example, a single machine could be a client of a machine
with a lower stratum number, while being a peer to a machine on the same stratum, and a broadcast server to a number of
clients at higher stratum numbers.

Servers provide time to clients. Clients send requests to the server and the server sends back a time stamped response,
along with information such as accuracy and stratum.

Clients get time responses from a NTP server or servers, and uses the information to calibrate its clock. This consists of the
client determining how far its clock is off and adjusting its time to match that of the server. The maximum error is determined
based on the round-trip delay time for the packet to be received.

Peers are members of a group of NTP servers that are tightly coupled. In a group of two peers, at any given time, the most
accurate peer is acting as a server and the other peers are acting as clients. The result is that peer groups will have closely
synchronized times without requiring a single server to be specified.

Communication Protocols GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 113

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Broadcast or Multicast Mode
The NTP server can operate in either broadcast or multicast mode. Broadcast servers send periodic time updates to a
broadcast address, while multicast servers send periodic updates to a multicast address. Using broadcast packets can greatly
reduce the NTP traffic on a network, especially for a network with many NTP clients.
The NTP broadcast or multicast client listens for NTP packets on a broadcast or multicast address. When the first packet is
received, it attempts to quantify the delay to the server to better quantify the correct time from later broadcasts. This is
accomplished by a series of brief interchanges where the client and server function as a regular (non-broadcast) NTP client
and server. Once these interchanges occur, the client has an idea of the network delay and can estimate the time based only on
broadcast packets. If this interchange is not desirable, it can be disabled using NTP’s access control features.

4.6.6 Accuracy and Resolution

NTP may take several minutes or even hours to adjust a system's time to the ultimate degree of accuracy. There are several
reasons for this. NTP averages the results of several time exchanges to reduce the effects of variable latency, so it may take
several minutes for NTP to even reach consensus on what the average latency is. Generally this happens in about five
minutes. In addition, it often takes several adjustments for NTP to reach synchronization. Users should not expect NTP to
immediately synchronize two clocks.
To allow clocks to quickly achieve high accuracy, yet avoid overshooting the time with large time adjustments, NTP uses a
system where large adjustments occur quickly and small adjustments occur over time. For small time differences (less than
128 ms), NTP uses a gradual adjustment. This is called slewing. For larger time differences, the adjustment is immediate. This
is called stepping. If the accuracy of the clock becomes too insufficient (off by more than 17 minutes), NTP aborts the NTP
daemon, with the assumption that something is wrong with either the server or client. To accurately synchronize with a server,
the client needs to avoid step adjustments.
The degree of synchronization to a server is dependent primarily on network latency. Because NTP uses UDP packets, traffic
congestion could temporarily prevent synchronization, but the client can still self-adjust, based on its historic drift. Under
good conditions on a LAN without too many routers or other sources of network delay, synchronization to within a few
milliseconds is normal. Anything that adds latency, such as hubs, switches, routers, or network traffic, will reduce this
If even more synchronization accuracy is required, use the following options:

• Connecting directly to a reference clock. Then, accuracy is limited only by the accuracy of the reference clock and the
hardware and software latencies involved in these connections.
• Clocks can use pulse per second (PPS) radio receivers, which receive on-the-second radio pulses from a national
standards organization. If the time is within a fraction of a second, the PPS pulses can be used to precisely synchronize to
the tick of the second. The method achieves accuracies in the tens of microsecond range.

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4.7 Fieldbus Communications
Refer to the following table for the available Fieldbus communications types, and refer to the listed documentation for further

Hazardous Safety
Fieldbus Location Version Related Documentation
Approval? Available?
GEH-6721 Vol II, Mark VIe Control PROFIBUS Master Gateway
Yes No (PPRF)
Master Gateway
GEH-6823, Mark VIe PROFIBUS Interface Application Guide
GEH-6721 Vol II, Mark VIe Control FF Linking Device (PFFA)
FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 to GEH-6761, Mark VIe Control FF Interface Application Guide
Yes No
HSE Linking Device GEI-100758, Mark VIe Control FF Block Library Instruction
GEH-6721 Vol II, Mark VIe Control CANopen Master Gateway
CANopen Master Gateway Yes No
GEH-6721 Vol II, Mark VIe HART Enabled Analog Input/Output
GEI-100662, HART Message Server
HART Enabled Analog I/O Yes Yes
GEH-6821, Device Manager User Guide
GEI-100757, WorkstationST Device Manager Gateway
Instruction Guide
Serial Communications:
• Honeywell pressure
transducers interface
GEH-6721 Vol II, Mark VIe Control Serial Communication
• Kollmorgen electric drive Yes No
• Modbus master serial
• Modbus master Ethernet
GEH-6721 Vol II, PPNG PROFINET Gateway Module and
Embedded PPNG Gateway Module

Communication Protocols GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 115

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5 Technical Regulations, Standards,
and Environment
This chapter describes the technical regulations, standards, and environmental guidelines used for the design of all printed
circuit boards, modules, core components, panels, and cabinet line-ups in the control system.

5.1 Safety Standards

EN61010-1:2010 (3rd Edition) Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and
Laboratory Use, Part 1: General Requirements
CAN/CSA® 22.2 No. 61010-1-12 Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and
Laboratory Use, Part 1: General Requirements
UL 61010-1 (3rd Edition) Safety Standard for Electrical and Electronic Test, Measuring, Controlling, and
Related Equipment – General Requirements
IEC® 60529 Intrusion Protection Codes IP20 minimum (NEMA 1)

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5.2 Conditions for Compliance
If the following conditions for compliance are not met or if unapproved third-party equipment is included in the Mark VIe
control cabinet, then the user is responsible for obtaining the appropriate Low Voltage Safety and EMC certifications for the
assembled Mark VIe control & IO based cabinets.

• Mark VIe control equipment must be mounted inside a grounded steel enclosure, with doors that require a tool or key to
open, and 0.86 mm minimum steel thickness. The enclosure must provide a minimum Intrusion Protection of IP 20 and
an internal micro-environment of not more than Pollution Degree 2.
• PE and FE connections must be clearly marked. Customer must connect PE/FE to suitable building ground system
through minimum 120 mm2 (4/0 AWG) gauge wire. Refer to the chapter Installation Guidelines, the section Grounding
for more information.
• Use only Mark VIe family of controllers, IO, switches, and power supplies.
• Customer power supply mains connection terminal boards must be clearly marked with L (Line) and N (Neutral) for each
AC supply feed connection and Hi (+) and Lo (-) for each DC supply feed connection.
• A Power Requirements nameplate with supply source designations, voltage, and rated current shall be located on the
front door of the cabinet with the customer supply mains connections. Refer to the chapter Installation Guidelines, the
section Power Requirements for details and nameplate examples.
• The customer shall provide an easily accessible external disconnect device for each of the mains supplies near the control
cabinet. The customer shall provide external 30 A two-pole circuit breaker protection for each 120 V ac and 125 V dc
mains and 15 A two-pole circuit breaker protection for each 240 V ac and 220 V dc mains. Circuit breaker can serve as
the Disconnect Device if mounted accessible to the control cabinet.
• Any accessory outlet / socket must be labeled near the outlet with the max rated current.
• All AC and DC power supply mains must connect thru a Mark VIe Overvoltage Transient Protection and EMI Filter
circuit. These OV and EMI filter circuits are built-in to the JPDB and JPDF Power Distribution Modules. If JPDB/JPDF
are not used to distribute AC and DC power supply mains to the Mark VIe control, then a separate GE Filter Module
246B8279Gx should be used to filter the mains. Refer to GEH-6721 Volume II, the chapter PDM Power Distribution
Modules for more information.
• Elevation shall not exceed 2000 m for compliance to 61010-1.
• Appropriate Warning nameplates shall be applied to the front door of each cabinet and shall include appropriate warning
symbols per IEC 61010-1 per Table 1. See examples below. Warning nameplates shall highlight the presence of electrical
circuits that must be disconnected before opening the enclosure for servicing, electrical shock or burn hazard, Qualified
Personnel Only, and include symbols 12 and 14 from IEC 61010-1 Table 1.

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5.3 Electrical
5.3.1 Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC) 2014/30/EU
Equipment is not approved for use in a residential, commercial or light industrial
environment and should not be connected to a residential electric power network. For
EMC Directive compliance, Mark VIe components shipped loose from the factory
must be installed in an enclosure with a minimum steel thickness of 0.86 mm and have
Attention a minimum Intrusion Protection (IP) of 20.

The Mark VIe control fulfils the requirements listed in the following table.

Code Description
EN 55011:2009 + A1:2010 ISM equipment - Electromagnetic disturbance characteristics
EN 61000-6-2: 2005 Generic Immunity Industrial Environment
EN/IEC 61326-1 Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use – EMC requirements
IEC 61000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharge Susceptibility
IEC 61000-4-3 Radiated RF Immunity
IEC 61000-4-4 Electrical Fast Transient Susceptibility
IEC 61000-4-5 Surge Immunity
IEC 61000-4-6 Conducted RF Immunity
IEC 61000-4-11 Voltage Variation, Dips and Interruptions

5.3.2 Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU

Under the conditions specified in this document, the Mark VIe control fulfils the requirements of CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.
61010-1-12, UL Std. No. 61010-1 (3rd Edition), and EN 61010-1 (3rd edition) Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment
for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use, Part 1: General Requirements.

The protection provided by this equipment may be impaired if it is used in a manner

that is not specified by the manufacturer.

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5.3.3 Supply Voltage Line Variations

Mark VIe control equipment meets the requirements for Overvoltage Category II equipment (IEC 60664-1:2007) under the
Conditions for Compliance specified in this document.
Ac Supplies – Operating line variations of ±10%
IEEE STD 141-1993 defines the Equipment Terminal Voltage – Utilization voltage.
The above meets IEC 60204-1 2005, and exceeds IEEE STD 141-1993, and ANSI C84.1-1989.
Dc Supplies – Operating line variations of -30%, 10% or 140 V dc. This meets IEC 60204-1 2005. Voltage Unbalance

Less than 2% of positive sequence component for negative sequence component
Less than 2% of positive sequence component for zero sequence components
This meets IEC 60204-1 2005 and IEEE STD 141-1993. Harmonic Distortion Voltage Unbalance

Voltage: Less than 10% of total rms voltages between live conductors for 2nd through 5th harmonic
Additional 2% of total rms voltages between live conductors for sum of 6th through 30th harmonic
This meets IEC 60204-1 2005.
Current: The system specification is not per individual equipment
Less than 15% of maximum demand load current for harmonics less than 11
Less than 7% of maximum demand load current for harmonics between 11 and 17
Less than 6% of maximum demand load current for harmonics between 17 and 23
Less than 2.5% of maximum demand load current for harmonics between 23 and 35
The above meets IEEE STD 519 1992. Frequency Variations

Frequency variation of ±5% when operating from ac supplies (20 Hz/sec slew rate)
This exceeds IEC 60204-1 2005. Surge
Withstand 2 kV common mode, 1 kV differential mode
This meets IEC 61000-4-5 (ENV50142), and ANSI C62.41 (combination wave).

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5.4 Environment
5.4.1 Temperature Considerations
Mark VIe and Mark VIeS control electronics can be packaged in a variety of different configurations and designed for
different environmental conditions. Proper thermal considerations for active electronics with heat sensitive components must
be considered for electronics packaging.

Note Refer to the table, Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Equipment with Restrictive Ambient Ratings.

For internal enclose design considerations, components have an ambient temperature rating. The allowable temperature
change without condensation is ±15°C (59 °F) per hour. It is recommended that the environment be maintained at levels less
than the maximum rating of the equipment to maximize life expectancy. Packaging the equipment and selecting an
appropriate enclosure to maintain the desired temperature is a function of the following:

• Internal heat dissipation from the assemblies

• Outside ambient temperature
• Cooling system (if used)

5.4.2 Enclosures
It is recommended that enclosures not be placed in direct sunlight, and locations near heat generating equipment need to be
evaluated. Since the internal temperature increases from the bottom to the top of the enclosure, limiting the temperature at the
top is a key design objective.

Temperature Considerations in Packaging Electronics

When selecting an enclosure system for Mark VIe hardware, it is the responsibility of the system designer to select an
enclosure which will ensure reliable operation of the enclosed equipment. The designer must ensure that the local
temperatures inside the enclosure do not exceed the rating of the equipment. For solid door and vented free convection
cooling designs, enclosure level analyses which predict overall temperature rises are typically insufficient. It is instead
necessary to consider the localized hot spots generated by the distributed heat sources inside the enclosure and verify that
those heated zones do not exceed the temperature rating of equipment located in the hot spot.

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For all types of enclosure systems, it is important to highlight the potential effect of changes from the original design. GE
designed enclosure systems are engineered to maintain the Mark VIe system components within their specified temperature
ratings. Modifying the enclosure or adding additional equipment to the enclosure could potentially compromise the thermal
While effective enclosure cooling can be accomplished in many ways, including active cooling like air conditioners,
thermoelectric coolers, or vortex coolers, most enclosures are air cooled using one of the following cooling systems. The
following are key points to consider when selecting one of these systems and are not intended to take the place of proper
enclosure thermal analyses. Solid Door

Solid door enclosures are an occasional necessity where environmental conditions outside the enclosure are potentially
harmful to the enclosed equipment. Great care should be used in applying fully enclosed cabinets without supplemental
cooling, however, as relatively low power can result in significant internal temperature rises. For this reason, and because the
enclosure can also be susceptible to temperature rise due to unanticipated heat sources outside the enclosure, this type of
architecture is only recommended where additional analysis validates that thermal design requirements are met. Free Convection Cooled

Free convection cooled ventilated enclosures are commonly used for control equipment and are suitable in many cases for
providing sufficient cooling air to internal equipment. The application of filters to the air vents is also a common practice and
can provide similar Ingress Protection (IP) rating to a solid door. It should be noted, however, that a filtered cabinet with
clogged filters will function like a solid door enclosure and can result in over-temperature conditions. For this reason, it is
recommended that the use of filters be limited to cases where the additional IP rating is required. In those cases, the filters
must be regularly maintained to ensure proper operation of the cooling system. Fan Cooled

Fan cooled ventilated enclosures are typically used on enclosures where greater thermal margin is desired or where the
ambient temperature outside the enclosure is close to the operating temperature of the internal equipment. The fan cooled
enclosures can also be provided with filters to improve the IP rating of the enclosure. Again the filters should be regularly
maintained to ensure that the cooled system operates to its required capability. While fan cooled systems can ideally maintain
internal enclosure temperatures within a few degrees of the external temperature, care must still be used when applying these
systems to ensure that all components receive adequate cooling air. It is possible in forced cooling systems to have
components which experience greater temperature rises than they would in free convection if the component is located in an
area of poor circulation or recirculation.

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5.4.3 Temperature of Components
The equipment can be applied as a distributed system, with multiple enclosures
mounted in remote locations. Temperature sensors and diagnostics are built into the
equipment for continuous monitoring. Each I/O pack’s local processor board contains a
temperature sensor. This sensor is located in close proximity to the main processor on
the I/O pack processor board and is thus positioned to report the approximate
temperature of the main processor itself.
Because this sensor is detecting the internal component temperature, reported
temperatures (which are above the ambient temperature rating of the component for the
Temp. enclosure design) are normal and should not be cause for concern. These temperatures
Sensor are continuously available in the database and from the ToolboxST application.
Detection of an excessive temperature generates a diagnostic alarm, so if there are no
temperature alarms, then the equipment is within acceptable range for normal
operations. Even if alarms are present, the components themselves should continue to
operate well above the alarm limit. Excessive temperatures can however, limit the life
of the equipment. With the latest version of BPPC-based processor firmware, the
diagnostic alarm for excessive heating is set at 90 °C.

The equipment should be arranged by following normal wiring practices for separation
of high and low levels, but in a few cases, heat should be considered. Some components
dissipate more heat than others. If there is a significant temperature rise from the bottom
of the enclosure to the top, then electronics with significant heat dissipation should be
Enclosure Example mounted lower in the enclosure.

For internal enclosure design considerations, many Mark VIe components have an ambient temperature rating of -40 to 70°C
(-40 to 158 °F). The following table lists only the components with more restrictive ambient ratings.

Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Equipment with Restrictive Ambient Ratings
Equipment Operating Temperature
UCCA controller 0 to 60°C (32 to 140 °F)
UCCC controller 0 to 50°C (32 to 122 °F)
UCSA controller (also PMVE and PAMC) 0 to 65°C (32 to 149 °F)
UCSBH3A controller
PCNO, PPRF -20 to 55°C (-4 to 131 °F)
PFFA 0 to 55°C (32 to 131 °F)
YSIL, YDOA -30 to 65°C (-22 to 149 °F)
All BPPB-based I/O packs -30 to 65°C (-22 to 149 °F)

Note All ATEX applications shall remain rated for -30 to 65°C (-22 to 149 °F).

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5.4.4 Shipping and Storage Temperature
Temperature range during equipment shipping and storage is listed in the following table.

Equipment Temperature Range

Mark VIe I/O pack, modules, and controllers –40 to 85°C (-40 to 185 °F)
Control Server –40 to 65°C (-40 to 149 °F)
–40 to 85°C (-40 to 185 °F)
Cisco network switches
Refer to for more detailed product information.

5.4.5 Control Room Operating Environment

To ensure proper performance and normal operational life, the control room environment should be maintained as follows:

Note Higher ambient temperature decreases the life expectancy of any electronic component. Keeping ambient air in the
preferred (cooler) range should extend component life.

Ambient temperature (preferred): 20 to 30°C (68 to 86 °F)

Relative humidity: 5 to 95%, non-condensing
Environments that include excessive amounts of any of the following elements reduce cabinet performance and life:

• Dust, dirt, or foreign matter

• Vibration or shock
• Moisture or vapors
• Rapid temperature changes
• Acid or caustic fumes
• Power line fluctuations
• EMI or noise introduced by:
− Radio frequency signals, typically from nearby portable transmitters
− Stray high voltage or high-frequency signals, typically produced by arc welders, unsuppressed relays, contactors, or
brake coils operating near control circuits

Note Enclosures can be custom engineered for other locations if desired.

The preferred location for the control system cabinet would be in an environmentally controlled room or in the control room
itself. The cabinet should be mounted where the floor surface allows for attachment in one plane (a flat, level, and continuous
surface). The customer provides the mounting hardware. Lifting lugs are provided and if used, the lifting cables must not
exceed 45° from the vertical plane. Finally, the cabinet is equipped with a door handle, which can be locked for security.
Interconnecting cables can be brought into the cabinet through removable access plates. Convection cooling of the cabinet
requires that conduits be sealed to the access plates. In addition, air passing through the conduit must be within the acceptable
temperature range as listed previously.

5.4.6 Humidity
The ambient humidity range is 5 to 95% non-condensing.

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5.4.7 Elevation

Note † Elevation shall not exceed 2000 m for compliance to 61010-1.

Equipment elevation is related to the equivalent ambient air pressure:

• Normal operation: 0 to 1000 m (0 to 3280.8 ft) at 101.3 to 89.8 kPa

• Extended operation: 1000 to 3000 m† (3280.8 to 6561.7 ft) at 89.8 to 69.7 kPa
The extended operation and shipping specifications exceed EN50178.
• Shipping: 4600 m (15091.8 ft) at 57.2 kPa max

Note For extended altitude operation, the maximum ambient temperature rating of the equipment should be reduced by 1°C
(3.4 °F) for each additional 410 m (1345 ft) above 1000 m (3280.83 ft). Therefore, an I/O pack rated for 65°C (149 °F) at
1000 m (3280.8 ft) will be rated for 62.6°C (144.7 °F) at 2000 m (6562 ft).

5.4.8 Contaminants
The control equipment withstands the following concentrations of corrosive gases at 50% relative humidity and 40°C (104 °

Note This meets EN50178 Section A.6.1.4 Table A.2 (m).

Corrosive Gas Concentration

Sulfur dioxide (SO2) 30 ppb
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) 10 ppb
Nitrous fumes (NO) 30 ppb
Chlorine (Cl2) 10 ppb
Hydrogen fluoride (HF) 10 ppb
Ammonia (NH3) 500 ppb
Ozone (O3) 5 ppb

5.4.9 Vibration Seismic
Universal Building Code (UBC) - Seismic Code section 2312 Zone 4 (Optional) Operating/Installed at Site

Vibration of 1.0 G Horizontal, 0.5 G Vertical at 15 to 120 Hz
Refer to Seismic UBC for frequencies lower than 15 Hz.

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5.4.10 Applications in Hazardous Locations (HazLoc)
Certain controllers, I/O packs, terminal boards, option boards, trip boards, power distribution boards, and IONet switches are
designed to operate in hazardous locations (Class 1, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D; Class I, Zone 2; and ATEX II 3 G).
Refer to Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Equipment in Hazardous Locations (HazLoc) Instruction Guide
(GEH-6725) and Mark VIeS Functional Safety System Equipment in Hazardous Locations (HazLoc) Instruction Guide
(GEH-6861) for more information.

Note ATEX applications are rated only for operation within an enclosure with ambient temperatures from -30 to 65 °C (-22
to 158 °F). With the latest version of firmware, the excessive heat diagnostic alarm for BPPC-based I/O packs is set at 90°C
(194 °F).

5.4.11 Applications in Harsh Environments

The Mark VIe control product line is suitable for use in G3 harsh environments, as defined in ANSI/ISA-71.04-2013
Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control Systems: Airborne Contaminants.

Note For Mark VIe control products, G3 compatibility does not depend on conformal coating, however conformal coating
is available for certain Mark VIe products.

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6 Installation Guidelines
This chapter defines installation requirements for the control system. Specific topics include GE installation support, wiring
practices, grounding, typical equipment weights and dimensions, and power dissipation and heat loss.

This equipment contains a potential hazard of electric shock or burn. Only personnel
who are adequately trained and thoroughly familiar with the equipment and the
instructions should install, operate, or maintain this equipment.

6.1 Installation Support

GE’s system warranty provisions require both quality installation and that a qualified service engineer be present at the initial
equipment startup. To assist the customer, GE offers both standard and optional installation support. Standard support consists
of documents that define and detail installation requirements. Optional support is typically the advisory services that the
customer may purchase.

6.1.1 Early Planning

To help ensure a fast and accurate exchange of data, a planning meeting with the customer is recommended early in the
project. This meeting should include the customer’s project management and construction engineering representatives. It
should accomplish the following:

• Familiarize the customer and construction engineers with the equipment

• Set up a direct communication path between GE and the party making the customer’s installation drawings
• Determine a drawing distribution schedule that meets construction and installation needs
• Establish working procedures and lines of communication for drawing distribution

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6.1.2 GE Installation Documents
Installation documents consist of both general and requisition-specific information. The cycle time and the project size
determine the quantity and level of documentation provided to the customer.
General information, such as this document, provides product-specific guidelines for the equipment. They are intended as
supplements to the requisition-specific information.
Requisition documents, such as outline drawings and elementary diagrams provide data specific to a custom application.
Therefore, they reflect the customer’s specific installation needs and should be used as the primary data source.
As-Shipped drawings consist primarily of elementary diagrams revised to incorporate any revisions or changes made during
manufacture and test. These are issued when the equipment is ready to ship. Revisions made after the equipment ships, but
before start of installation, are sent as Field Changes, with the changes circled and dated.

6.1.3 Technical Advisory Options

To assist the customer, GE offers the optional technical advisory services of field engineers for:

• Review of customer’s installation plan

• Installation support
These services are not normally included as installation support or in basic startup and commissioning services displayed
below. GE presents installation support options to the customer during the contract negotiation phase.

Startup and Commissioning Services Cycle

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6.1.4 Installation Plan and Support
It is recommended that a GE field representative review all installation/construction drawings and the cable and conduit
schedule when completed. This optional review service ensures that the drawings meet installation requirements and are
Optional installation support is offered: planning, practices, equipment placement, and onsite interpretation of construction
and equipment drawings. Engineering services are also offered to develop transition and implementation plans to install and
commission new equipment in both new and existing (revamp) facilities.

6.1.5 Customer’s Conduit and Cable Schedule

The customer’s finished conduit and cable schedule should include:

• Interconnection wire list (optional)

• Level definitions
• Shield terminations
The cable and conduit schedule should define signal levels and classes of wiring (refer to the section, Cable Separation and
Routing). This information should be listed in a separate column to help prevent installation errors.
The cable and conduit schedule should include the signal level definitions in the instructions. This provides all level
restriction and practice information needed before installing cables.
The conduit and cable schedule should indicate shield terminal practice for each shielded cable (refer to the section,
Connecting the System).

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6.2 Equipment Receiving and Handling
GE inspects and packs all equipment before shipping it from the factory. A packing list, itemizing the contents of each
package, is attached to the side of each case.

Only personnel who are adequately trained and thoroughly familiar with the
equipment and instructions should install, operate, or maintain the equipment. To
prevent damage to the equipment, personnel injury, or death, safe equipment lifting
practices must be followed. For example, use adequate tie-off, load-spreading
mechanisms, precise lifting control, managed acceleration, the correct forklift/crane
Warning rated for equipment tonnage, and so forth.

Upon receipt, carefully examine the contents of each shipment and check them with the packing list. Immediately report any
shortage, damage, or visual indication of rough handling to the carrier. Then notify both the transportation company and GE.
Be sure to include the serial number, part (model) number, GE requisition number, and case number when identifying the
missing or damaged part.

Immediately upon receiving the system, place it under adequate cover to protect it
from adverse conditions. Packing cases are not suitable for outdoor or unprotected
storage. Shock caused by rough handling can damage electrical equipment. To prevent
such damage when moving the equipment, observe normal precautions along with all
Attention handling instructions printed on the case.

If technical assistance is required beyond the instructions provided in the documentation, contact the nearest GE Sales or
Service Office or an authorized GE Sales Representative.

Junction boxes can weigh well over 45.36 Kg (100 lb). Installation should be planned
to protect both the box and the personnel. The use of an overhead crane may be
required. Consult the site specific shipping and junction box documents. Follow all
standard safety practices.

Warning Only personnel who are adequately trained and thoroughly familiar with the
equipment and the instructions should install, operate, or maintain this equipment.

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6.2.1 Storage
If the system is not installed immediately upon receipt, it must be stored properly to prevent corrosion and deterioration. Since
packing cases do not protect the equipment for outdoor storage, the customer must provide a clean, dry place, free of
temperature variations, high humidity, and dust.
Use the following guidelines when storing the equipment:

• Place the equipment under adequate cover with the following requirements:
− Keep the equipment clean and dry, protected from precipitation and flooding.
− Use only breathable (canvas type) covering material – do not use plastic.
• Unpack the equipment as described, and label it.
• Maintain the following environment in the storage enclosure:
− Recommended ambient storage temperature limits for the Mark VIe controller are from -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185 °F).
− Surrounding air free of dust and corrosive elements, such as salt spray or chemical and electrically conductive
− Ambient relative humidity from 5 to 95% with provisions to prevent condensation
− No rodents, snakes, birds or insects
− No temperature variations that cause moisture condensation

Moisture on certain internal parts can cause electrical failure.

Condensation occurs with temperature drops of 15°C (59 °F) at 50% humidity over a four-hour period, and with smaller
temperature variations at higher humidity.
If the storage room temperature varies in such a way, install a reliable heating system that keeps the equipment temperature
slightly above that of the ambient air. This can include space heaters or cabinet space heaters (when supplied) inside each
enclosure. A 100 W lamp can sometimes serve as a substitute source of heat.

To prevent fire hazard, remove all cartons and other such flammable materials packed
inside units before energizing any heaters.


Installation Guidelines GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 131

Public Information
428 Rev A Released 10/3/2013 Page 2 of 10

6.3 Power Requirements DWG Number 109T7428 Rev A Released 10/3/2013 Page 6 of 10

The control cabinet can accept power from multiple power sources. Each power input source (30 A / 120 V ac, 15 A / 240 V
ac, or 30 A / 125 V dc) should feed through its own external, two-pole, thermal, magnetic circuit breaker before entering the


control system enclosure. The breaker should be supplied in accordance with required site codes. The circuit breaker must be
included in the installation. If used as the panel disconnect, it must be suitably located and easily reachable. The circuit
breaker must be marked as the disconnecting device and suitably located near the equipment for servicing.
Mark VIe control systems may use up to three mains supplies; two for redundant control power (ac and / or dc) and one

auxiliary ac supply for accessories such as cabinet lights and fans. The following are example mains power supply rating
(100 [3.94])
labels used on the front cabinet door where the panel main power is to be connected. (100 [3.94])


(75 [2.95]) (75 [2.95])

Referencing the designators from the rating label, AC1 and optional AC2 may be 120 VP0006
ac or 240 V ac, 50/60 Hz. DC1 and
optional DC2 are 220 V dc supplies that may be used instead of AC1 and AC2. DC is an optional floating source 125 V dc
supply, usually a battery. AUXAC is used only to supply internal auxiliary appliances, such as fans, heaters, lights, or socket
outlets. The AC1, AC2, DC, DC1, or DC2 mains supplies may feed one or more Switch Mode Power Supplies to provide 28
V dc control power, or 24 or 48 V dc wetting for contact I/O circuits.
AC1 and AC2 may also feed one or two optional DACA Line Rectified Power Supplies. Each DACA is factory-set for either
120 or 240 V ac input, and provides a floating 107 V dc output. The DACA DC output may be connected through an internal
diode with the DC optional 125 V dc supply to provide diode OR’d dc redundancy to feed Switch Mode Power Supplies,
external loads such as solenoids, and /or©COPYRIGHT
wetting 2013forGEcontact I/O circuits.
All rights reserved. The information contained
ved. The information contained herein is GE Energy C & PE COE Proprietary
Technical Information thatELECTRIC COMPANY
belongs to the General SALEM, VA.
nergy C & PE COE Proprietary
mation that belongs to the General
Note To comply with LowEnergy
Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU, all ac and dc power GE
Electric Company, GE Energy (USA),Energy
LLC and/or
mains must connect through a Mark
any, GE Energy (USA), LLC and/or
which has been provided solely for
GE their affiliates, which has been provided solely for
the express reason of restricted private use. All
VIe Overvoltage Transient Protection and EMI Filter circuit. These OV and EMI filter circuits are built-in to the JPDB and
ason of restricted private use. All persons, firms, or corporations who receive such
or corporations who receive such information shall be deemed by the act of their
receiving the same to have agreed to make no
JPDF Power Distribution
all be deemed by the act of their
ame to have agreed to make no
not used to distribute ac and dc power supply mains
duplication, or other disclosure, or use whatsoever
for any, or all such information except as expressly
to the Mark
other disclosure, or use whatsoever
control, then a separate
uch information except as expressly MARKshould
GE Filter Module 246B8279Gx VI LINE
be used to filter
CAGE the
CODEmains. Refer
authorized in writing by the General Electric to Mark VIe and Mark VIeS
Company, GE Energy (USA), LLC and/or its
riting by the General Electric
Control Systems
Energy (USA), LLC and/or its SIZEVolume II: System Guide for General-purpose Applications
CAGE CODE DWGaffiliates.
A (GEH-6721
REV Volume II), the109T7428
chapter PDM Power A
Distribution Modules. 109T7428 A

GE Proprietary Information - Class II (Internal) US EAR - NLR

GE Proprietary Information - Class II (Internal) US EAR - NLR

132 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information
Power requirements for a typical large, four-cabinet turbine control containing controllers, I/O, and terminal boards are
displayed in the following table. The total cabinet current ratings must include the current supplied to external loads, such as
solenoids and ignition transformers as described in the notes below the table. Heat dissipation in a typical TMR turbine
control is about 1600 watts. However, power supply mains and heat dissipation requirements must be calculated for each
Mark VIe cabinet application based on the number and mix of controllers, I/O modules, IONet switches, power supplies, and
external loading.

Power Requirements for Control Cabinets

Cabinet Voltage Frequency Current Requirements
Large, 125 V dc ± 10% N/A N/A 15.0 A dc (Note 1)
four-cabinet 120 V ac ± 10% 50/60 Hz ±3 Hz 20.0 A rms (Notes 2, 4)
turbine control 240 V ac ± 10% 50/60 Hz ±3 Hz 10.0 A rms (Notes 3, 4)

1. Add 0.5 A dc † continuous for each 125 V dc external solenoid powered.

2. Add 6.0 A rms † for a continuously powered ignition transformer (2 maximum).

3. Add 3.5 A rms † for a continuously powered ignition transformer (2 maximum).

4. Add 2.0 A rms † continuous for each 120 V ac external solenoid powered (inrush 10 A).

Note † These are external and do not create cabinet heat load.

Installation Guidelines GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 133

Public Information
6.4 Installation Support Drawings
GE supplies the customer with site-specific documentation that can include a variety of drawings to display the equipment
installed at site. Drawings are typically B-size AutoCAD®, and can include the following:

• System Topology (4108)

• Cabinet Outline
• Cabinet Layout
• Circuit Diagram

Note An I/O Report can be generated from the ToolboxST application.

6.5 Grounding
This section defines grounding and signal-referencing practices for the control system. This can be used to check for proper
grounding and signal reference structure (SRS) after the equipment is installed. If checking the equipment after the power
cable has been connected or after power has been applied to the cabling, be sure to follow all safety precautions for working
around high voltages.

To prevent electric shock, make sure that all power supplies to the equipment are
turned off. Then discharge and ground the equipment before performing any act
requiring physical contact with the electrical components or wiring. If test equipment
cannot be grounded to the equipment under test, the test equipment's case must be
shielded to prevent contact by personnel. Be sure to follow the site LOTO and safety
Warning practices.

6.5.1 Equipment Grounding

Equipment grounding and signal referencing have two distinct purposes:

• Equipment grounding protects personnel from risk of serious or fatal electrical shock, burn, fire, and/or other damage to
equipment caused by ground faults or lightning.
• Signal referencing helps protect equipment from the effects of internal and external electrical noise, such as lightning or
switching surges.
Installation practices must simultaneously comply with all codes in effect at the time and place of installation, and with all
practices that improve the immunity of the installation. Code requirements for safety of personnel and equipment must take
precedence in the case of any conflict with noise control practices.

Note In addition to technical regulations, guidance from IEEE Std 142-2007 IEEE Recommended Practice for Grounding of
Industrial and Commercial Power Systems, and IEEE Std 1100-2005 IEEE Recommended Practice for Powering and
Grounding Electronic Equipment are provided by the design and implementation of the system.

134 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information
The control system has no special or non-standard installation requirements, if installed in compliance with all of the

• The NEC or local codes

• With SRS designed to meet IEEE Std 1100
• Interconnected with signal/power-level separation as defined later
This section provides equipment grounding and bonding guidelines for control and I/O cabinets. These guidelines also apply
to motors, transformers, brakes, and reactors. Each of these devices should have its own grounding conductor going directly
to the building ground grid.

• Ground each cabinet or cabinet lineup to the equipment ground at the source of power feeding it.
− See NEC Article 250 for sizing and other requirements for the equipment-grounding conductor.
− For dc circuits only, the NEC allows the equipment-grounding conductor to be run separate from the circuit
• With certain restrictions, the NEC allows the metallic raceways or cable trays containing the circuit conductors to serve
as the equipment grounding conductor:
− This use requires that they form a continuous, low-impedance path capable of conducting anticipated fault current.
− This use requires bonding across loose-fitting joints and discontinuities. See NEC Article 250 for specific bonding
requirements. This chapter includes recommendations for high-frequency bonding methods.
− If metallic raceways or cable trays are not used as the primary equipment- grounding conductor, they should be used
as a supplementary equipment grounding conductor. This enhances the safety of the installation and improves the
performance of the SRS.
• The equipment-grounding connection for the control cabinets is plated copper bus or stub bus. This connection is bonded
to the cabinet enclosure using bolting that keeps the conducting path’s resistance at 1 ohm or less.
• There should be a bonding jumper across the ground bus or floor sill between all shipping splits. The jumper may be a
plated metal plate.
• The non-current carrying metal parts of the equipment covered by this section should be bonded to the metallic support
structure or building structure supporting this equipment. The equipment mounting method may satisfy this requirement.
If supplementary bonding conductors are required, size them the same as equipment-grounding conductors.

6.5.2 Building Grounding System

This section provides guidelines for the building grounding system requirements. For specific requirements, refer to NEC
article 250 under the heading Grounding Electrode System.
The guidelines below are for metal-framed buildings. For non-metal framed buildings, consult the GE factory.
The ground electrode system should be composed of steel reinforcing bars in building column piers bonded to the major
building columns.

• A buried ground ring should encircle the building. This ring should be interconnected with the bonding conductor
running between the steel reinforcing bars and the building columns.
• All underground, metal water piping should be bonded to the building system at the point where the piping crosses the
ground ring.
• NEC Article 250 requires that separately derived systems (transformers) be grounded to the nearest effectively grounded
metal building structural member.
• Braze or exothermically weld all electrical joints and connections to the building structure, where practical. This type of
connection keeps the required good electrical and mechanical properties from deteriorating over time.

Installation Guidelines GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 135

Public Information
6.5.3 Signal Reference Structure
On modern equipment communicating at high bandwidths, signals are typically differential and/or isolated electrically or
optically. The modern Signal Reference Structure (SRS) system replaces the older single-point grounding system with a much
more robust system. The SRS system is also easier to install and maintain.

Note The provisions covered in this document may not apply to all installations.

The goal of the SRS is to hold the electronics at or near case potential to prevent unwanted signals from disturbing operation.
The following conditions must all be met by an SRS:

• Bonding connections to the SRS must be less than 1/20 wavelength of the highest frequency to which the equipment is
susceptible. This prevents standing waves. In modern equipment using high-frequency digital electronics, frequencies as
high as 500 MHz should be considered. This translates to about 30 mm (1 in).
• SRS must be a good high-frequency conductor. (Impedance at high frequencies consists primarily of distributed
inductance and capacitance.) Surface area is more important than cross-sectional area because of skin effect.
Conductivity is less important (steel with large surface area is better than copper with less surface area).
• SRS must consist of multiple paths. This lowers the impedance and the probability of wave reflections and resonance
In general, a good signal referencing system can be obtained with readily available components in an industrial site. All of the
items listed below can be included in an SRS:

• Metal building structural members

• Galvanized steel floor decking under concrete floors
• Woven wire steel reinforcing mesh in concrete floors
• Steel floors in pulpits and power control rooms
• Bolted grid stringers for cellular raised floors
• Steel floor decking or grating on line-mounted equipment
• Galvanized steel culvert stock
• Ferrous metallic cable tray systems
• Raceway (cableway) and raceway support systems
• Embedded steel floor channels
Connection of the Protective Earth (PE) terminal to the installation ground system must first comply with code requirements
and second provide a low-impedance path for high-frequency currents, including lightning surge currents. This grounding
conductor must not provide, either intentionally or inadvertently, a path for load current. The system should be designed so
that there is no way possible for the control system to be an attractive path for induced currents from any source. This is best
accomplished by providing a ground plane that is large and low impedance, so that the entire system remains at the same
potential. A metallic system (grid) will accomplish this much better than a system that relies upon earth for connection. At the
same time all metallic structures in the system should be effectively bonded both to the grid and to each other, so that bonding
conductors rather than control equipment become the path of choice for noise currents of all types.
In the control cabinet, the base is insulated from the chassis and bonded at one point. The grounding recommendations call for
the equipment grounding conductor to be 120 mm2 (4/0 AWG) gauge wire of shortest possible length connected to the nearest
point of building ground system. PE plated copper bus to Earth pit/connection point resistance should be 1 Ohm or less. The
Functional Earth (FE) is bonded at one point to the PE ground using two 25 mm2 (6 AWG or larger) green/yellow bonding
jumpers. These grounding recommendations are illustrated in the following figure.

136 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information
Grounding Recommendations for Single Control Cabinet

Note If acceptable by local codes, the bonding jumpers may be removed and a 4/0 AWG identified insulated wire run from
FE to the nearest accessible point on the building ground system, or to another ground point as required by the local code.

The grounding method for a larger system is displayed in the following figure. The FE is still connected to the control
electronics section, but the equipment-grounding conductor is connected to the center cabinet chassis. Individual control and
I/O bases are connected with bolted plates.
For armored cables, the armor is an additional current carrying braid that surrounds the internal conductors. This type cable
can be used to carry control signals between buildings. The armor carries secondary lightning-induced earth currents,
bypassing the control wiring, thus avoiding damage or disturbance to the control system. At the cable ends and at any
strategic places between, the armor is grounded to the building ground through the structure of the building with a 360°
mechanical and electrical fitting. The armor is normally terminated at the entry point to a metal building or machine.
Attention to detail in installing armored cables can significantly reduce induced lightning surges in control wiring.

Installation Guidelines GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 137

Public Information
Grounding Recommendations for Control Cabinet Lineup

138 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information Grounding Notes
Bonding to building structure - The cable tray support system typically provides many bonding connections to building
structural steel. If this is not the case, supplemental bonding connections must be made at frequent intervals from the cable
tray system to building steel.
Connected equipment - Cable tray installations for connected equipment should pay special attention to good
high-frequency bonding between the cable tray and the equipment.
Cable spacing - Maintain cable spacing between signal levels in cable drops, as recommended in the section Cable
Separation and Routing.
Conduit sleeves - Where conduit sleeves are used for bottom-entry cables, the sleeves should be bonded to the floor decking
and equipment enclosure with short bonding jumpers.
Embedded conduits - Bond all embedded conduits to the enclosure with multiple bonding jumper connections following the
shortest possible path.
Galvanized steel sheet floor decking - Floor decking can serve as a high-frequency signal reference plane for equipment
located on upper floors. With typical building construction, there will be a large number of structural connections between the
floor decking and building steel. If this is not the case, then an electrical bonding connection must be added between the floor
decking and building steel. The added connections need to be as short as possible and of sufficient surface area to be low
impedance at high frequencies.
High-frequency bonding jumpers - Jumpers must be short, less than 500 mm (20 in) and good high-frequency conductors.
Thin, wide metal strips are best with length not more than three times width for best performance. Jumpers can be copper,
aluminum, or steel. Steel has the advantage of not creating galvanic half-cells when bonded to other steel parts.
Jumpers must make good electrical contact with both the enclosure and the signal reference structure. Welding is best. If a
mechanical connection is used, each end should be fastened with two bolts or screws with star washers backed up by large
diameter flat washers.
Each enclosure must have two bonding jumpers of short, random lengths. Random lengths are used so that parallel bonding
paths are of different quarter wavelength multiples. Do not fold bonding jumpers or make sharp bends.
Metallic cable tray - System must be installed per NEC Article 318 with signal level spacing per the section, Cable
Separation and Routing. This serves as a signal reference structure between remotely connected pieces of equipment. The
large surface area of cable trays provides a low impedance path at high frequencies.
Metal framing channel - Metal framing channel cable support systems also serve as parts of the SRS. Make certain that
channels are well bonded to the equipment enclosure, cable tray, and each other, with large surface area connections to
provide low impedance at high frequencies.
Noise-sensitive cables - Try to run noise-sensitive cables tight against a vertical support to allow this support to serve as a
reference plane. Cables that are extremely susceptible to noise should be run in a metallic conduit, preferably ferrous. Keep
these cables tight against the inside walls of the metallic enclosure, and well away from higher-level cables.
Power cables - Keep single-conductor power cables from the same circuit tightly bundled together to minimize interference
with nearby signal cables. Keep 3-phase ac cables in a tight triangular configuration.
Woven wire mesh - Woven wire mesh can serve as a high-frequency signal reference grid for enclosures located on floors not
accessible from below. Each adjoining section of mesh must be welded together at intervals not exceeding 500 mm (20 in) to
create a continuous reference grid. The woven wire mesh must be bonded at frequent intervals to building structural members
along the floor perimeter.
Conduit terminal at cable trays - To provide the best shielding, conduits containing level L cables (see Leveling channels)
should be terminated to the tray's side rails (steel solid bottom) with two locknuts and a bushing. Conduit should be
terminated to ladder tray side rails with approved clamps.
Where it is not possible to connect conduit directly to tray (such as with large conduit banks), conduit must be terminated with
bonding bushings and bonded to tray with short bonding jumpers.

Installation Guidelines GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 139

Public Information
Leveling channels - If the enclosure is mounted on leveling channels, bond the channels to the woven wire mesh with
solid-steel wire jumpers of approximately the same gauge as the woven wire mesh. Bolt the enclosure to leveling channel,
front and rear.
Signal and power levels - Refer to section, Cable Separation and Routing, for guidelines.
Solid-bottom tray - Use steel solid bottom cable trays with steel covers for low-level signals most susceptible to noise.

Enclosure and Cable Tray Installation Guidelines

140 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information Unit-specific Grounding Examples
The Mark VIe control system is applied in a variety of situations, using enclosures that are tailored for the end customer. Field
installers need to be well versed in best practices for grounding their equipment for the end customer. Various local guidelines
should be followed, as well as the site-specific installation drawings to determine the exact procedures for grounding the unit
With this in mind, it is not possible to provide specific procedures for all variations of field installations of the Mark VIe
control system. Properly trained field installers must perform this evaluation, verifying that the frame ground and power
ground only connect at one location prior to wiring the cabinet. When multiple installed cabinets are connected together with
base grounding plates (as displayed in the figure Grounding Recommendations for Control Cabinet Lineup ), this could result
in each cabinet bottom providing a separate parallel path for grounding. This may require opening ground path jumpers on the
power distribution boards and disconnecting wiring at the bottom of the adjacent cabinets. By temporarily opening the
connection from Functional Earth (FE) to the building grounding system, the installer can confirm if adjacent cabinet
connections to ground still exist. Once testing is completed, only one connection to FE per bonded set of cabinets is allowed.
If during inspection of the cabinet (prior to wiring the field devices) there are identified places where jumpers on the power
distribution system have ground connections, then pulling those jumpers could be a potential task. Normally, the grounding
systems connect to each other at only one location. The following figures provide an example where actions were taken to
disconnect wires and remove jumpers.

F o r th is fie ld in s ta lla tio n e x a m p le , th e s e tw o w ire s

w e re d is c o n n e c te d fro m th e F E g ro u n d in g b ra c k e t .

Unit-specific Grounding Example (1 of 2)

Installation Guidelines GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 141

Public Information
In the first
cabinet, this
jumper was
removed from
both of the
JPDF power
boards .

Unit-specific Grounding Example (2 of 2)

142 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information
6.6 Cable Separation and Routing
This section provides recommended cabling practices to reduce electrical noise. These practices include signal/power level
separation and cable routing guidelines.

Note Electrical noise from cabling of various voltage levels can interfere with microprocessor-based control systems,
causing a malfunction. If a situation at the installation site is not covered in this document, or if these guidelines cannot be
met, please contact GE before installing the cable.

Early planning enables the customer’s representatives to design adequate separation of embedded conduit. On new
installations, sufficient space should be allowed to efficiently arrange mechanical and electrical equipment. On revamps, level
rules should be considered during the planning stages to help ensure correct application and a more trouble-free installation.

6.6.1 Signal and Power Level Definitions

Signal and power carrying cables are categorized into four defining levels; low, medium, high, and power. Each level can
include classes. Low-level Signals (Level L)

Low-level signals are designated as level L. In general these consist of:

• Analog signals 0 through ±50 V dc, < 60 mA

• Digital (logic-level) signals less than 28 V dc
• 4 to 20 mA current loops
• Ac signals less than 24 V ac
The following are specific examples of level L signals used in the control cabling:

Note Signal input to analog and digital blocks or to programmable logic control (PLC)-related devices should be run as
shielded twisted-pair (for example, input from RTDs).

• All analog and digital signals including LVDTs, Servos, RTDs, Analog Inputs and Outputs, and Pyrometer signals
• Thermocouples are in a special category (Level LS) because they generate millivolt signals with very low current.
• Network communication bus signals: Ethernet, IONet, UDH, PDH, RS-232C, and RS-422
• Phone circuits

Installation Guidelines GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 143

Public Information Medium-level Signals (Level M)
Medium-level signals are designated as level M. MPU signals are examples of level M signals used in the controller. These
signals consist of:

• Analog signals less than 50 V dc with less than 28 V ac ripple and less than 0.6 A current
• 28 V dc light and switching circuits
• 24 V dc switching circuits
• Analog pulse rate circuits

Note Level M and level L signals may be run together only inside the control cabinet. High-level Signals (Level H)

High-level signals are designated as level H. These signals consist of:

• Dc switching signals greater than 28 V dc

• Analog signals greater than 50 V dc with greater than 28 V ac ripple
• Ac feeders less than 20 A, without motor loads
The following are specific examples of level H signals used in cabling:

• Contact inputs
• Relay outputs
• Solenoid outputs
• Potential transformer (PT) and current transformer (CT) circuits

Note Flame detector (GM) type signals, 335 V dc, and Ultraviolet detectors are a special category (Level HS). Special low
capacitance twisted shielded pair wiring is required. Power (Level P)

Power wiring is designated as level P. This consists of ac and dc buses 0 – 600 V with currents 20 A – 800 A. The following
are specific examples of level P signals used in plant cabling:

• Motor armature loops

• Generator armature loops
• Ac power input and dc outputs
• Primary and secondary wiring of transformers above 5 kVA
• SCR field exciter ac power input and dc output
• Static exciters (regulated and unregulated) ac power and dc output
• 250 V shop bus
• Machine fields

144 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information Class Codes
Certain conditions can require that specific wires within a level be grouped in the same cable. This is indicated by class codes,
defined as follows:
S Special handling of specified levels can require special spacing of conduit and trays. Check dimension chart for levels.
These wires include:

• Signals from COMM field and line resistors

• Signals from line shunts to regulators
U High voltage potential unfused wires over 600 V dc
PS Power greater than 600 V dc and/or greater than 800 A
If there is no class code, there are no grouping restrictions within designated levels Marking Cables to Identify Levels

Mark the cableway cables, conduit, and trays in a way that clearly identify their signal/power levels. This helps ensure correct
level separation for proper installation. It can also be useful during equipment maintenance.
Cables can be marked by any means that makes the level easy to recognize (for example, coding or numbering). Conduit and
trays should be marked at junction points or at periodic intervals.

6.6.2 Cableway Spacing Guidelines

Spacing (or clearance) between cableways (trays and conduit) depends on the level of the wiring inside them. For correct
level separation when installing cable, the customer should apply the general practices along with the specific spacing values
for tray/tray, conduit/tray, conduit/conduit, cable/conduit, and cable/cable distances as discussed below.

Installation Guidelines GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 145

Public Information General Practices
The following general practices should be used for all levels of cabling:

• All cables of like signal levels and power levels must be grouped together in like cableways.
• In general, different levels must run in separate cableways, as defined in the different levels. Intermixing cannot be
allowed, except as noted by exception.
• Interconnecting wire runs should carry a level designation.
• If wires are the same level and same type signal, group those wires from one cabinet to any one specific location together
in multiconductor cables.
• When unlike signals must cross in trays or conduit, cross them in 90° angles at maximum spacing. Where it is not
possible to maintain spacing, place a grounded steel barrier between unlike levels at the crossover point.
• When entering terminal equipment where it is difficult to maintain the specific spacing guidelines displayed in the
following tables, keep parallel runs to a minimum, not to exceed 1.5 m (5 ft) in the overall run.
• Where the tables display tray or conduit spacing as 0, the levels can be run together. Spacing for other levels must be
based on the worst condition.
• Trays for all levels should be solidly grounded with good ground continuity. Conduit should provide shielding.
The following general practices should be used for specific levels of cabling:

• When separate trays are impractical, levels L and M can be combined in a common tray if a grounded steel barrier
separates levels. This practice is not as effective as tray separation, and may require some rerouting at system startup. If
levels L and M are run side-by-side, a 50 mm (1.97 in) minimum spacing is recommended.
• Locate levels L and M trays and conduit closest to the control cabinets.
• Trays containing level L and level M wiring should have solid galvanized steel bottoms and sides and be covered to
provide complete shielding. There must be positive and continuous cover contact to side rails to avoid high-reluctance air
gaps, which impair shielding.
• Trays containing levels other than L and M wiring can have ventilation slots or louvers.
• Trays and conduit containing levels L, M, and H(S) should not be routed parallel to high power equipment enclosures of
100 kV and larger at a spacing of less than 1.5 m (5 ft) for trays, and 750 mm (2.5 ft) for conduit.
• Level H and H(S) can be combined in the same tray or conduit but cannot be combined in the same cable.
• Level H(S) is listed only for information since many customers want to isolate unfused high voltage potential wires.
• Do not run levels H and H(S) in the same conduit as level P.
• Where practical for level P and/or P(S) wiring, route the complete power circuit between equipment in the same tray or
conduit. This minimizes the possibility of power and control circuits encircling each other.

146 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information Tray and Conduit Spacing
The following tables display the recommended distances between metal trays and metal conduit carrying cables with various
signal levels, and the cable-to cable distance of conduit and trays.

Cable, Tray, and Conduit Spacing

Installation Guidelines GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 147

Public Information
6.6.3 Cable Routing Guidelines Pullboxes and Junction Boxes

Keep signal and power levels separate inside pullboxes and junction boxes. Use grounded steel barriers to maintain level
spacing. Tray-to-conduit transition spacing and separation are a potential source of noise. Be sure to cross unlike levels at
right angles and maintain required separation. Use level spacing. Protect transition areas according to the level spacing
recommendations. Transitional Areas

When entering or leaving conduit or trays, ensure cables of unlike levels are not mixed. If the installation needs parallel runs
over 1.5 m (5 ft), grounded steel barriers may be needed for proper level separation. Cabling for Retrofits

Reducing electrical noise on retrofits requires careful planning. Lower and higher levels should never encircle each other or
run parallel for long distances. It is practical to use existing conduit or trays as long as the level spacing can be maintained for
the full length of the run. Existing cables are generally of high voltage potential and noise producing. Therefore, route levels
L and M in a path apart from existing cables when possible. Use barriers in existing pullboxes and junction boxes for level L
wiring to minimize noise potential. Do not loop level L signals around high control or level P conduit or trays. Conduit Around and Through Machinery Housing

Care should be taken to plan level spacing on both embedded and exposed conduit in and around machinery. Runs containing
mixed levels should be minimized to 1.5 m (5 ft) or less overall. Conduit running through and attached to machinery housing
should follow level spacing recommendations. This should be discussed with the contractor early in the project.
Trunnions entering floor mounted operator station cabinets should be kept as short as possible when used as cableways. This
helps minimize parallel runs of unlike levels to a maximum of 1.5 m (5 ft) before entering the equipment. Where different
signal/power levels are running together for short distances, each level should be connected by cord ties, barriers, or some
logical method to prevent intermixing. RF Interference
To prevent radio frequency (RF) interference, take care when routing power cables near radio-controlled devices (for
example, cranes) and audio/visual systems (public address and closed-circuit television systems). Suppression
Unless specifically noted otherwise, suppression (for example, a snubber) is required on all inductive devices controlled by an
output. This suppression minimizes noise and prevents damage caused by electrical surges. Standard relay and solenoid
output boards have adequate suppression.

148 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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6.7 Power and I/O Field Wiring
6.7.1 General Requirements
• Maximum length (unless specified) 300 m (984.25 ft)
• Individual minimum stated wire size is for electrical needs
• Clamp-type terminals accept two 14 AWG wires or one 12 AWG wire
• Terminal blocks accept two 12 AWG wires
• PTs and CTs use 10 AWG stranded wire

Note Wires with appropriate temperature ratings must be used, especially in applications where the internal cabinet ambient
temperature can exceed 60°C (140 °F).

It is standard practice to use shielded cable with control equipment. Shielding provides the following benefits:

• Generally, shielding protects a wire or combination of wires from its environment.

• Low-level signals may require shielding to prevent signal interference due to the capacitive coupling effect between two
sources of potential energy.

6.7.2 I/O Field Wiring Restrictions

Board Limitation
TBAI 15 Ω maximum two-way cable resistance, cable length up to 300 m (984 ft)
STAI 15 Ω maximum two-way cable resistance, cable length up to 300 m (984 ft)
SAII 15 Ω maximum two-way cable resistance, cable length up to 300 m (984 ft)
TBAO Driven devices should not exceed a resistance of 900 Ω and can be located up to 300 m (984 ft) from the control cabinet
STAO Driven devices should not exceed a resistance of 900 Ω and can be located up to 300 m (984 ft) from the control cabinet
PCNO CANopen cable limits are defined by the standard. GEH-6721_Vol_II provides and a table with baud rate to maximum distances
PFFA Foundation Fieldbus standards for cabling apply
SHRA 15 Ω maximum two-way cable resistance, cable length up to 300 m (984 ft)
PPRF GEH-6721_Vol_II provides a summary of Profibus cable requirements including a bus length vs. data rate table
The eight RTDs can be located up to 300 meters (984 feet) from the distributed I/O cabinet with a maximum two-way cable
resistance of 15 Ω
PSCA GEH-6721_Vol_II lists cable distance and maximum baud rate for the three supported communication standards
Thermocouples can be located up to 300 meters (984 feet) from the turbine I/O panel with a maximum two-way cable resistance of
450 Ω
PVIB Often sensors used with this input module impose their own cabling requirements
PAMC Often sensors used with this input module impose their own cabling requirements
For thermocouples- 450 Ω maximum two-way cable resistance, cable length up to 300 m (984 ft)
PCLA For analog inputs- 15 Ω maximum two-way cable resistance, cable length up to 300 m (984 ft)
Other signals do not list a cable specification so the product level requirement applies
PPRA RS232 and RS485 standards are invoked for speed repeater output signals
PPRO V3 383 TPRO and 388 SPRO for voltage sensing limits cable length up to 1,000 ft. of 18 AWG wiring
PSCH GEH-6721_Vol_II provides cable distance and maximum baud rate for the three supported communication standards

Installation Guidelines GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 149

Public Information
6.7.3 Wire Sizes
The recommended current carrying capacity for flexible wires up to 1,000 V, PVC insulated, based on DIN VDE 0298 Part 4,
is displayed in following table. Cross section references of mm2 versus AWG are based on EN 60204 Part 1, VDE 0113 Part
1. NFPA 70 (NEC) may require larger wire sizes based on the type of wire used.

Recommended Wire Sizes

Wire Area (mm2) Wire Area (Circular mils) Max Current (Approx. Wire Size AWG No.
0.75 1,480 15
0.82 1,618 16 18
1 1,974 19
1.31 2,585 22 16
1.5 2,960 24
2.08 4,105 29 14
2.5 4,934 32
3.31 6,532 37 12
4 7,894 42
5.26 10,381 50 10
6 11,841 54
8.36 16,499 65 8
10 19,735 73
13.3 26,248 87 6
16 31,576 98
21.15 41,740 116 4
25 49,338 129
33.6 66,310 154 2
35 69,073 158
42.4 83,677 178 1
50 98,676 198
53.5 105,584 206 1/0
67.4 133,016 239 2/0
70 138,147 245
85 167,750 273 3/0
95 187,485 292
107 211,167 317 4/0
120 236,823 344
127 250,000 354 250 MCM
150 296,029 391
185 365,102 448
240 473,646 528
253 500,000 546 500 MCM
300 592,058 608
400 789,410 726

150 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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6.7.4 Low-voltage Shielded Power Cables
This section defines the minimum requirements for low-voltage shielded cable. These guidelines should be used along with
the level practices and routing guidelines provided previously.

Note The specifications listed are for sensitive computer-based controls. Cabling for less sensitive controls should be
considered on an individual basis. Single-conductor Shielded Cable, Rated 300 V

• 18 AWG minimum, stranded single-conductor insulated with minimum 85% to 100% coverage shield
• Protective insulating cover for shield
• Wire rating: 300 V minimum
• Maximum capacitance between conductor and shield: 492 pF/m (150 pF/ft) Multi-conductor Shielded Cable, Rated 300 V

• 18 AWG minimum, stranded conductors individually insulated per cable with minimum 85 to 100% coverage shield
• Protective insulating cover for shield
• Wire rating: 300 V minimum
• Mutual capacitance between conductors with shield grounded: 394 pF/m (120 pF/ft) maximum
• Capacitance between one conductor and all other conductors and grounded shield: 213 pF/m (65 pF/ft) Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) Cable, Rated 300 V

• Two 18 AWG minimum, stranded conductors individually insulated with minimum 85 to 100% coverage shield
• Protective insulating cover for shield
• Wire rating: 300 V minimum
• Mutual capacitance between conductors with shield grounded: 394 pF/m (120 pF/ft) maximum
• Capacitance between one conductor and the other conductor and grounded shield: 213 pF/m (65 pF/ft) maximum Instrument Cable, 4 – 20 mA

• With Tefzel® insulation and jacket: Belden® catalog number. 85231 or equivalent
• With plastic jacket: Belden catalog number 9316 or equivalent

Installation Guidelines GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 151

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6.8 System Power Connection
Control cabinets are shipped with complete internal cabling. Power cables from the power distribution module to the control
modules, interface modules, and terminal boards are secured by plastic cable cleats located behind the riser brackets. The
mounting brackets and plates cover most of this cabling.

6.8.1 I/O Wiring

I/O connections are made to terminal blocks on the control system terminal boards. Shielding connections to the shield bar
located to the left of the terminal board are displayed in the following figure.

I/O Wiring Shielding Connections to Ground Bar at Terminal Board

The grounded shield bars provide an equipotential ground plane to which all cable shield drain wires should be connected,
with as short a pigtail as practical. The length should not exceed 5 cm (2 in) to reduce the high-frequency impedance of the
shield ground. Reducing the length of the pigtail should take precedence over reducing the length of exposed wire within the
cabinet. Pigtails should not be connected except at the grounding bars provided, to avoid loops and maintain a radial
grounding system. Shields should be insulated up to the pigtail. In most instances, shields should not be connected at the far
end of the cable, to avoid circulating power-frequency currents induced by pickup.
A small capacitor can be used to ground the far end of the shield, producing a hybrid ground system, improving noise
immunity. Shields must continue across junction boxes between the control and the turbine, and should match up with the
signal they are shielding. Avoid hard grounding the shield at the junction boxes, but small capacitors to ground at junction
boxes may improve immunity.

152 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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6.9 Startup Checks
All control system panels have cables pre-installed and factory-tested before shipment. However, final checks should be made
after installation and before starting the equipment.

This equipment contains a potential hazard of electrical shock or burn. Power is

provided by the control system to various input and output devices. External sources
of power may be present in the control system that are NOT switched by the control
power circuit breaker(s). Before handling or connecting any conductors to the
Warning equipment, use proper safety precautions to ensure all power is turned off.

Inspect the cabinet components for any damage possibly occurring during shipping. Check for loose cables, wires,
connections, or loose components, such as relays or retainer clips. Report all damage that occurred during shipping to GE
Product Service.

Deposits containing ionic contaminants such as salt are difficult to remove completely,
and may combine with moisture to cause irreparable damage to the boards.


Installation Guidelines GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 153

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6.9.1 Power Wiring and Circuit Checks
The 125 V dc supply must be installed and maintained so that it meets requirements of IEC 61010-1 cl. 6.3.1 to be considered
Not Hazardous Live. The BJS berg jumper must be installed in the JPDF to provide the monitored ground reference for the
125 V dc. If there are multiple JPDFs connected to the dc mains, only one should have the Berg jumper installed. The dc
mains must be floated (isolated from ground) if they are connected to a 125 V dc supply (battery).

Note The IS220JPDF module must provide the single, monitored, ground reference point for the 125 V dc system.

This equipment contains a potential hazard of electric shock or burn. Only personnel
who are adequately trained and thoroughly familiar with the equipment and the
instructions should install, operate, or maintain this equipment.
The following steps should be completed to check the cabinet wiring and circuits.

➢ To check the power wiring

1. Ensure that all incoming power wiring agrees with the electrical drawings, supplied with the cabinet, and is complete and
2. Ensure that the incoming power wiring conforms to approved wiring practices as described previously.
3. Ensure that all electrical terminal connections are tight.
4. Ensure that no wiring has been damaged or frayed during installation. Replace if necessary.
5. Check that incoming power (125 V dc, 115 V ac, 230 V ac) is the correct voltage and frequency, and is clean and free of
noise. Make sure the DACA converters, if used, are set to the correct voltage by selecting the JTX1 (115 V ac) or JTX2
(230 V ac) jumper positions on the top of the converter.
6. If the installation includes more than one JPDF on an interconnected 125 V dc system, the BJS jumper must be installed
in one and only one JPDF. This is because the parallel connection of more than one ground reference circuit will reduce
the impedance to the point where the 125 V dc no longer meets the not hazardous live requirement.
Verifying that the 125 V dc is properly grounded. A qualified person using appropriate safety procedures and equipment
should make tests. Measure the current from first the P125 V dc, and then the N125 V dc, using a 2000 Ω, 10 W resistor to
the protective conductor terminal of the Mark VIe control in series with a dc ammeter. The measured current should be 1.7 to
2.0 mA, (the tolerance will depend on the test resistor and the JPDF tolerances). If the measured current exceeds 2.0 mA, the
system must be cleared of the extra ground(s). A test current of about 65 mA, usually indicates one or more hard grounds on
the system, while currents in multiples of 1 mA usually indicate more than one BJS jumper is installed.

Note At this point the system is ready for initial application of power.

154 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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6.9.2 Mark VIe Control Cabinet Hardware Checks
Before and after applying power to a Mark VIe control cabinet as supplied by GE Intelligent Platforms, the user is advised to
perform the following hardware components checks. Refer to Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume II: System
Guide for General-purpose Applications (GEH-6721_Vol_II), the chapter PDM Power Distribution Modules for more
information on architecture and components.

Note The Mark VIe control should be in a dust-free environment (controllers, I/O packs and IONet switches are sensitive to

This equipment contains a potential hazard of electric shock or burn. Only personnel
who are adequately trained and thoroughly familiar with the equipment and the
instructions should install, operate, or maintain this equipment.

➢ To check the Mark VIe control hardware prior to initial power on

1. Follow all site safety practices as defined by EHS, including LOTO.
2. Put the cabinet in a safe state and verify that power has been removed from the Mark VIe PDM.
3. From within the enclosure, verify that all the Mark VIe control equipment 28 V dc power connectors are connected or
disconnected as expected.
4. Verify that any of the J-type boards with switches (JPDB for example) have them in the ON or OFF positions as
5. Verify that the control power supplies are properly configured.
6. If present, verify that the DACA is properly configured. Check that the power connector is attached for the correct input
voltage level.
7. Verify that Cat 5e cables for IONet are connected properly from switches ESWA or ESWB to the controllers, I/O packs,
and PPDA (if present).
8. Verify that the Cat 5e cables for UDH or other networks are properly connected to the Mark VIe controllers.
9. Check every field wire coming into the enclosure to the specified terminal board screw using GE supplied site-specific
wiring diagrams.

➢ To check the Mark VIe control hardware after initial power on

1. Use the GE supplied site-specific wiring diagram for the cabinet to verify that the expected component’s power is on.
(Refer to the chapter Troubleshooting for troubleshooting assistance.)
2. From the ToolboxST Component Editor Hardware tab, verify that the I/O packs and controllers have been properly
configured and then complete the procedures to setup, download, and go online with the system. (Refer to the ControlST
Software Suite How-to Guides(GEH-6808) (if available) for detailed procedures.)
3. Visually inspect the indicator LEDs of the components as follows. (Refer to Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems
Volume II: System Guide for General-purpose Applications, GEH-6721_Vol_II, for specific component LED

Installation Guidelines GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 155

Public Information
• IONet switches display network activity only if the incoming network cable has network traffic.

• I/O pack’s ATTN LED is on when beginning to boot. Once booted, the pack will begin to show other indicators.

I/O Packs

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• Controller’s Boot LED indicates if the Network IP address has been properly configured.

Boot LED

Installation Guidelines GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 157

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6.10 BPPC-based I/O Pack Migration
As part of the ongoing support for the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS control platforms, many I/O packs have migrated from a
BPPB to a BPPC processor board. This is because the components for BPPB-based processors are end of life, and BPPC
processors can offer enhanced capabilities. In most instances, the hardware form of the I/O pack that contains the newer
BPPC processor ends with an H1B (Mark VIe) or S1B (Mark VIeS).
There are several differences between BPPC-based Mark VIe I/O packs (such as PAICH1B) and Mark VIeS Safety I/O packs
(such as YAICS1B) as defined in the following table.

Differences Between BPPC-based Safety and Non-Safety

Mark VIe I/O Packs Mark VIeS Safety Packs
Requires ControlST V6.01 or later
Requires Minimum ControlST V04.04 and the BPPC I/O Upgrade Safety packs are not supported in the stand-alone BPPC I/O Upgrade
V05.01 Package. A site outage is required to upgrade to minimum ControlST
V6.01 or later.
All I/O packs must be the same hardware form on the same terminal
Can mix BPPB and BPPC-based I/O packs on the same TMR or
board. It is recommended to purchase adequate BPPC-based spare I/O
Dual terminal board (although this is not recommended)
packs to have on hand during the migration process.
Auto-reconfiguration can be used for swapping of a BPPB P-Pack
with a BPPC P-Pack, once system is equipped (exception for Auto-reconfiguration is not supported with Mark VIeS Safety I/O packs
BPPB-based safety packs are not supported in firmware version 5.00 or
later. Firmware versions 5.00 and later are only supporting the
Currently, BPPB-based I/O packs continue to have firmware
BPPC-based safety packs. Do NOT upgrade BPPB-based safety I/O
updates and can be upgraded to the latest version
packs beyond their compatible firmware versions as listed in GEH-6721
Volumes II and III.

6.10.1 BPPC-based Mark VIeS Safety I/O Packs

Because the Mark VIeS is applied to safety-critical applications, there are fewer options with respect to migration from BPPB
to BPPC based I/O packs. Having fewer options makes it more straight forward to migrate, with less potential conflicts
between configurations and supported hardware. Safety I/O packs typically have a part number that ends with ‘S1B’. Refer to
the table in the section Mark VIeS Safety I/O Types as a single location for all available safety I/O packs.
Refer to the following guidelines with respect to migration from BPPB to BPPC based Safety Packs:

• It is important to backup the ToolboxST system prior to upgrade.

• Reference the above table, Differences Between BPPC-based Safety and Non-Safety.
• Reference GEH-6721_Vol_II or GEH-6721_Vol_III (if available) for the section pertaining to the specific I/O pack being
migrated, and the section Compatibility for this I/O pack.
• Reference the section Replace Mark VIeS Safety I/O Packs with Upgraded Hardware Form in GEH-6721_Vol_II.
• YVIBS1B requires additional steps to be performed in the ToolboxST application. This procedure is available in

158 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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6.10.2 BPPC-based Mark VIe I/O Packs
Mark VIe I/O packs typically have a part number that ends with 'H1B'. Refer to the section, I/O Types for a complete listing of
available components. There are several guidelines to keep in mind when BPPB-based I/O packs are migrated to BPPC-based
I/O packs.

Mark VIe System at ControlST V04.04 or Later

The ControlST software suite includes Windows®-based
configuration and monitoring tools coupled with firmware
for all Mark VIe controllers and I/O packs. A sample of
tools and components follows.

• ToolboxST application
• WorkstationST* features
• WorkstationST Alarm Viewer
• Mark VIe controller firmware
• PDIA I/O pack firmware
• PDOA I/O pack firmware
Note A Mark VIe system requires ControlST V04.04 or
later to introduce a BPPC-based I/O pack. Refer to the
ControlST Software Suite Upgrade Instruction Guide
(GEI-100694) for detailed instructions on the system
upgrade procedure.

The minimum firmware for a particular BPPC-based I/O pack is listed in GEH-6721_Vol_II or volume III in that particular
component chapter, subsection, Compatibility. Firmware can be installed from the ControlST DVD onto the HMI without
upgrading the system (with minimum ControlST V04.04).

Installation Guidelines GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 159

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6.11 Available Mark VIe BPPC-based I/O Packs
Mark VIe I/O packs that are available in a BPPC form are as follows.

BPPC-based I/O Packs

BPPB I/O Packs BPPC I/O Packs Firmware Included in BPPC I/O
(IS220-) (IS220-) Upgrade V05.01.xxC
PDIAH1A PDIAH1B V04.07.00C Discrete Input
PDIIH1A PDIIH1B V04.06.05C Isolated Discrete Input
PDIOH1A PDIOH1B V04.06.05C Discrete I/O
PDOAH1A PDOAH1B V04.08.00C Discrete Output
PAICH1A PAICH1B V04.06.04C Analog I/O
PAICH2A PAICH2B V04.06.04C Analog I/O
PAOCH1A PAOCH1B V04.07.00C Analog Output
PPDAH1A PPDAH1B V04.07.02C Power Distribution System Feedback
PTCCH1A PTCCH1B V04.06.05C Thermocouple Input
PTCCH2A PTCCH2B V04.06.05C Thermocouple Input
PRTDH1A PRTDH1B V04.06.04C RTD Input
PSCAH1A PSCAH1B V04.07.00C Serial Communication
PCNOH1A PCNOH1B V04.06.04C CANopen® Master Gateway
PPRFH1A PPRFH1B V04.07.01C PROFIBUS Master Gateway
PHRAH1A PHRAH1B V04.07.00C HART® Analog I/O
PCAAH1A †† PCAAH1B †† V04.07.01C Core Analog I/O
PCLAH1A PCLAH1B V04.06.04C Core Analog I/O - Aero
PSVOH1A PSVOH1B V04.09.01C Servo Control
PTURH1A PTURH1B V04.07.03C Turbine Specific Primary Trip
PPRAH1A PPRAS1B † V04.09.02C Emergency Turbine Protection
PPRAS1A PPRAS1B V04.09.02C Emergency Turbine Protection
PPROH1A PPROS1B † V04.09.02C Backup Turbine Protection
† The automated form of migration from BPPB to BPPC using the Mark VIe Auto-Reconfiguration function is not supported. You must manually
perform a Download of the new firmware and configuration using the ToolboxST application.

160 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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6.12 Mark VIe BPPC I/O Migration Guidelines
There are several guidelines to keep in mind when BPPB-based I/O packs are migrated to BPPC-based I/O packs.

Mark VIe System at ControlST V04.04 or Later

The ControlST software suite includes Windows®-based
configuration and monitoring tools coupled with firmware
for all Mark VIe controllers and I/O packs. A sample of
tools and components follows.

• ToolboxST application
• WorkstationST* features
• WorkstationST Alarm Viewer
• Mark VIe controller firmware
• PDIA I/O pack firmware
• PDOA I/O pack firmware
Note A Mark VIe system requires ControlST V04.04 or
later to introduce a BPPC-based I/O pack. Refer to the
ControlST Software Suite Upgrade Instruction Guide
(GEI-100694) for detailed instructions on the system
upgrade procedure.

TMR I/O Module Guidelines

In a Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) Mark VIe I/O

module, a combination of BPPB and BPPC-based I/O packs
is allowed.
BPPB-based I/O packs
The I/O packs must
be configured with
the same firmware
BPPC-based I/O pack Attention

Installation Guidelines GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 161

Public Information
Auto-Reconfiguration for BPPB to BPPC Migration
In a Mark VIe controller, the Auto-Reconfiguration feature
allows replacement of I/O packs without any manual
configuration. Auto-Reconfiguration is not available with
the Mark VIeS Safety controller. When
Auto-reconfiguration is used during the migration of Mark
VIe BPPB to BPPC-based I/O packs, the following items
are required:

• ControlST V04.04 or later must be installed across the

Mark VIe system
• The correct BPPC-based I/O pack firmware must be
BPPB-based I /O packs installed on the HMI
• Auto-Reconfiguration feature must be enabled on each
Mark VIe controller with associated I/O packs
Note There are three Mark VIe BPPB-BPPC migrations not
supported by Auto-Reconfiguration. The following modules
must be manually configured:

BPPC-based I/O pack • PPROH1A to PPROS1B


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6.13 Equip Mark VIe System for Migration
Two procedures are necessary for a BPPB-to-BPPC migration:

• Equip the system to accept BPPC-based I/O packs (refer to the following diagram).
• Physically replace the BPPB-based with the BPPC-based I/O pack

The upgrade must be performed during a plant outage, since all controllers and I/O
will be offline for a period of time.


Equip system for

BPPB-to-BPPC I/O pack migration

Is system No Upgrade ControlST

ControlST version at version across system to ControlST upgrade includes:
V04.04 or later? V04.04 or later - Mark VIe controller firmware
- ToolboxST application
- WorkstationST application

Yes Refer to ControlST UpgradeInstruction Guide (GEI-100694)

Has BPPC I/O No Install BPPC I/O upgrade

upgrade – V05.01.xx Brings Mark VIe I/O pack firmware to a level
V05.01.x across system
been installed? across system to support BPPC I/O packs

Refer to the section

Installing BPPC I/O Upgrade V05.01.xx

Upgrade I/O firmware

Refer to the section
packs across the system Upgrade I/O Pack Firmware Throughout System

System is equipped for

BPPB-to-BPPC I/O pack migration

Equip System to Accept BPPC-based I/O Packs

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7 Alarm Overview
Alarm management is a vital component to operating and maintaining equipment in power generation or other industrial
plants. Reporting of abnormal conditions and trips (with accurate descriptions and high-resolution time tags to identify the
origin) are vital to minimizing mean-time-to-repair (MTTR). The Mark VIe control with the ControlST software suite
provides solutions for alarm management, prioritization, classification, measurement, and reporting.

7.1 Alarm System Architecture

Each Mark VIe unit control (such as a turbine control) has its own embedded alarm detection and management system to
ensure the integrity of its data. Alarm logic is embedded in the overall unit control logic, and runs at the same frame rate,
synchronous with the control logic. Therefore, any trip emanating from the control due to a condition such as low lube oil
pressure will have a first-out alarm time tag assigned during the same data frame as the trip command. Since trips are
significant events, they are initiated locally from sensor inputs and internal algorithms. The unit alarm management system is
immune to failures of peripheral networks and supervisory equipment. Should a network malfunction occur, local alarm logic,
time tags, and messages are retained in the local controller and are available to operator stations upon restoration of the
In normal operation, each unit control communicates its alarm messages and local high-resolution time tags to operator
stations where they are combined into the overall plant alarm management system. The integrity of the time stamps that the
operator sees depends on the system time synchronization, which consists of time coherence and time accuracy. Within a unit
control, there is ±1 ms time coherence between time stamps in controllers due to the distributed nature of its I/O. Time
synchronization on the I/O networks is implemented with IEEE-1588 Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol. In addition,
there is ±2 ms time coherence between any two units on the control network (UDH), which is implemented with Network
Time Protocol (NTP).
A time-server is normally provided for plant-wide time synchronization. The server communicates on the control network
(UDH) and information network (PDH) with ±1ms accuracy between a plant data point and a time source such as a global
positioning satellite (GPS). IRIG-B is a commonly used synchronization protocol.

Alarm Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 165

Public Information
ToolboxST Trender CIMPLICITY User Interface

Live Alarms
Live Alarms
Alarm Viewer Displays Live Alarms
Alarm Server
Alarm Queue,
constructed from Live Alarms
alarm state

Alarm State Alarms

Control Network (UDH)

Application Code Mark VIe Alarm Viewer Displays Historical Alarm Statistics
Creates Alarms Controllers
In Alarm Queue (also
MarkStat )
and I/O
Switch Switch
Queue I/O Pack I/O Pack
I/O Net I/O Pack I/O Pack Foundation
(Ethernet ) Fieldbus I/O
FF Linking
FF Device
Alarm Horn Device
FF Device

Example of the Alarm System Showing Multiple Alarm Display Mechanisms

166 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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Plant operators need to prioritize alarms, filter data, lockout nuisance alarms, analyze data, and more effectively apply the
available data to plant operation. To meet this need, the Mark VIe control with ControlST Toolset is based on ANSI/ISA-18.2,
Management of Alarm Systems for the Process Industries to assist in improving the safety, quality, and productivity of the
facility. HMIs running WorkstationST and ToolboxST applications provide a user-friendly environment for visualization,
navigation, change management, and analysis of alarm and event conditions with a common, time-coherent data set for the
The comprehensive plant alarm system provided by the ControlST software suite allows operator stations to see alarms from
both GE controls and third-party components, using OPC to integrate alarm messages and time stamps from third-party
servers with native Mark VIe alarm data. The OPC Alarm and Events (AE) has typically been used for this purpose, but now
with ControlST V05.03 or later, the newer OPC Unified Architecture (UA) protocol can be used. OPC UA combines the
features of OPC DA, AE, and HDA with the flexibility to include some or all of these features.
An operator needs to be able to see and react to alarms and events from any of the equipment within his jurisdiction. The
WorkstationST Alarm Server gathers alarms from the controllers or other sources and makes them available to alarm clients
such as WorkstationST Alarm Viewer displays. Alarms are also recorded and made available to the WorkstationST Alarm
Viewer for historical viewing and statistical analysis. The WorkstationST Alarm Viewer may run on the same computer as the
WorkstationST Alarm Server or on a separate computer. Refer to GEI-100626, WorkstationST Alarm Server Instruction

Alarm Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 167

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7.2 Alarm Types
Standards for alarming define five types that occur in the Mark VIe control system as follows:

• Process alarms are created to annunciate abnormal conditions in the plant equipment that the operator needs to be
aware of or take action on. The focus of the alarm management system is based on capturing, filtering, visualizing, and
analyzing these process alarm messages. Typically, the word alarm is used to mean a process alarm, since that type is
most commonly used and experienced in the field.
• Hold list alarms advise the operator that an automatic sequence is on hold. Then, the operator can choose to override
the hold if permitted by the protective logic. Holds are typically used in steam turbine controls. An example hold list
alarm is the notification used with controlling the thermal expansion in steam turbines.
• Diagnostic alarms alert the operator to fault conditions in the control equipment (such as a power supply failure) or an
interruption in network communications (issue with cabling or switches).
• Events are important normal occurrences in the operation of a plant such as the closure of the generator breaker.
• Sequence of Events (SOE) provide a ±1 ms time stamped message whenever a field contact opens or closes. This
precision is particularly useful in determining the root cause of trips in a power plant that is subject to trips from
electrical equipment and grid dynamics. To be effective, time synchronized sequence-of-events reporting is needed
throughout the plant. In general, ±1 ms resolution is available on native Mark VIe and Mark VIeS discrete input modules
for dc contacts and available with less resolution for ac contacts. Time resolution for third-party I/O on fieldbus networks
is application-specific.
The maximum number of new alarms that can be processed are as follows:

• A burst load of 400 alarm transitions are supported in a single frame without missing a transition in the internal queue.
• A constant load of 100 alarm transitions per second are supported without missing a transition in the internal queue.

7.3 Controller Alarm Subsystem

The Mark VIe and VIeS controllers contain an embedded alarm subsystem that can handle the following data types:

• Boolean Alarms
• Analog Alarms (not available with Mark VIeS controller)
• Boolean Events
• Boolean Holds
Beginning with ControlST V04.04, the following limits to the number of data types are enforced by the ToolboxST
application during the build operation of the Mark VIe, EX2100e, and LS2100e controller:

• There can be a maximum of 4096 Boolean Alarms, Analog Alarms, and Holds, but this includes a limit of 512 Holds
• Boolean Events are limited to 2048
The state information of each alarm, including the Hold state and the Acknowledged state, is stored in the alarm queue of the
controller. There are several benefits to having the persistent alarm state information stored in the controller itself rather than
in the HMI:

• If an HMI fails, the alarms are still in the controller. Another HMI can obtain the information from the controller making
all the alarms and their state available for viewing. Neither alarms nor their state are lost.
• Multiple HMIs may be used to view alarms simultaneously since each HMI only needs to get information directly from
the controller.
• Each alarm has a timestamp of when it became active. If an alarm transitions to inactive and then back to active, the latest
time stamp of when the alarm became active is retained.
• In a redundant controller set, the alarm queue is synchronized so that if one controller fails the other(s) have the alarms.
During normal operation, the designated controller sends the alarm states to the HMI and to the other controllers to keep
them in sync. If a controller fails and is replaced, the new controller will initialize its state from the designated controller.
Therefore, alarms are not lost if one of the controllers in a redundant set reboots.

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7.4 Diagnostic Alarms
Controllers and I/O packs generate diagnostic alarms to indicate potential issues with control system equipment or the
connections to it (power, networks, and so forth). I/O pack firmware checks raw inputs from hardware and creates alarm bits
at frame rate, queueing any resulting alarms.

• Each type of I/O pack has hardware limit checking based on high and low levels set near the ends of the operating range.
When the limit is exceeded, a logic signal is set. (ATTN_xxxx).
• In TMR systems, a limit alarm called TMR Diff Limt is created if any of the three inputs differ from the voted value by
more than a preset amount. This limit value is configured by the user creating a voting alarm indicating a problem exists
with a specific input.
• If any one of the hardware limits is set, a pack composite diagnostic alarm, L3DIAG_xxxx, where xxxx is created in the
board name. This signal can be used to trigger a process alarm.
• The diagnostic signals can be individually latched, and then reset with the RESET_DIA signal from the HMI.
In addition to inputs, each board has its own diagnostics. The I/O boards have a processor stall timer, which generates the
signal, SYSFAIL. This signal lights the red LED on the front panel and queues and alarm. The watchdog timers are set at 150
ms. If an I/O board times out, the outputs go to a fail-safe condition which is zero (or open contacts) and the input data is put
in the default condition, which is zero.

7.4.1 Controller Diagnostic View

The Controller Diagnostics View in the ToolboxST application displays errors or warnings that occur in the hardware
component and could cause the component to function improperly. Retrieving these messages should be the first step in
diagnosing any hardware or communication issues.

➢ To open Controller Diagnostics view: from the View menu, select Diagnostics and Controller Diagnostics.

Click Reset Select to display

Diagnostics to Click Refresh messages with one
clear messages List to manually status. Clear to
with 0 status retrieve messages display all messages
In a duplex or TMR
configuration, use
this drop-down list
to select the
component to
retrieve messages

time stamp

fault code



Alarm Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 169

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7.4.2 Diagnostic Alarm Reset
There are three ways to reset a diagnostic alarm:

• from the ToolboxST Application (as displayed in the figure on the previous page of the document)
• from the Alarm Viewer (right-click the alarm and select Reset) — refer to GEI-100620
• using a SYS_OUTPUTS block and the RSTDIAG input pin — refer to GEI-100682

Note Application engineers often program a CIMPLICITY push button to allow for a diagnostic reset using the RSTDIAG
input pin.

7.4.3 Time Stamping

The time stamp applied to an I/O pack diagnostic alarm is the time when that diagnostic originated. When a diagnostic has
been reset, a subsequent occurrence of the same diagnostic then creates a new time stamp. If a diagnostic alarm occurs several
times without being reset by the operator, it retains the original time stamp.
The WorkstationST* Alarm Viewer Live View displays the diagnostic time when each transition to the active state occurs. If a
diagnostic alarm occurs several times, a new time stamp is applied by the WorkstationST Alarm Server for display in the
WorkstationST Alarm Viewer. However, if the Alarm Server is restarted, or if the connection to the I/O pack's owning
controller is lost, then the Alarm Server must get an updated dump of the current state of all I/O pack diagnostics from the
controller. Since the I/O pack only retains the original time when the diagnostic first occurred, the Alarm Server and Alarm
Viewer would then show the original time after the restart and reconnect. Refer to GEI-100620, WorkstationST Alarm Viewer.
The ToolboxST application has an I/O Diagnostic Viewer for displaying the I/O pack's current diagnostics alarm status. It
displays the I/O pack's known time stamp, which is the time of the first occurrence of the diagnostic. Each time the user
refreshes the viewer, the pack's time stamp is obtained. Refer to GEH-6700, ToolboxST User Guide for Mark VIe Control, the
section, I/O Diagnostic Viewer.

7.4.4 Voter Disagreement Diagnostics Detection (VDDD)

Each I/O pack produces diagnostic alarms when it is configured as TMR and any of its inputs disagree with the voted value of
that input by more than a configured amount. This feature allows the user to find and fix potential problems that would
otherwise be masked by the redundancy of the control system. The user can view these diagnostics the same way one views
other diagnostic alarms. The designated controller triggers these diagnostic alarms when an individual input disagrees with
the voted value for a number of consecutive frames. The diagnostic clears when the disagreement clears for a number of
The user configures voter disagreement diagnostics for each variable. Boolean variables are all enabled or disabled by setting
the DiagVoteEnab signal to enable under the configuration section for each input. Analog variables are configured using the
TMR_DiffLimit setting under configuration for each point. This difference limit is defined in one of two ways. It is
implemented as a fixed engineering units (EU) value for certain inputs and as a percent of configured span for other variables.
For example, if a point is configured as a 4-20 mA input scaled as 0-40 EU, its TMR_DiffLimit is defined as a percent of
(40-0). The type of limit checking used is spelled out in the dialog box for the TMR_DiffLimit for each board type. The
following table provides some examples of TMR limit checking.

170 GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
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TMR Limit Checking Types
I/O Processor Board Type of I/O Delta Method
PAIC Analogs % of Configured Span
Pulse rates % of Configured Span
Analogs Engineering Units
Analogs % of Configured Span
PCLA Thermocouples Engineering Units
RTD Engineering Units
Voting Disagreement
PDIA Contact Input
Diagnostic Enable/Disable
Voting Disagreement
PDIO Relay feedback
Diagnostic Enable/Disable
Relay feedback Voting Disagreement
Fuse feedback Diagnostic Enable/Disable
Analogs % of Configured Span
PT,PT CTCT Engineering Units
PPRA Pulse rates Engineering Units
Pulse rates Engineering Units
Thermocouples Engineering Units
Analogs % of Configured Span
PT,PT CTCT Engineering Units
mA % of Configured Span
Gap Engineering Units
Pulse rates Engineering Units
PSVO POS Engineering Units
mA % of Configured Span
PTCC Thermocouples Engineering Units
Pulse rates Engineering Units
PT Engineering Units
Flame Engineering Units
Shaft monitor Engineering Units
PVIB Vibration Inputs Engineering Units

Note All unused variables will have the voter disagreement checking disabled to prevent nuisance diagnostics.

Alarm Overview GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 171

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7.5 Process Alarms
Process alarms are generated by the transition of Boolean or analog variables configured by the ToolboxST application with
the alarm attribute. The variables are driven by sequencing or tied to input points to map values directly from I/O boards.
Process alarm variables are scanned during each frame after the sequencing is run. In TMR systems, process alarm variables
are voted and the resulting composite is present in each controller.
Process alarms are time stamped and stored in a local queue in the controller. Changes representing alarms are time stamped
and sent to the alarm queue. Reports containing alarm information are assembled and sent over the UDH to the HMIs. Here
the alarms are again queued and prepared for operator display by the alarm viewer.
Operator commands from the HMI, such as alarm Acknowledge, Reset, Lock, and Unlock, are sent back over the UDH to the
alarm queue where they change the status of the appropriate alarm. An alarm entry is removed from the controller queue
when it has returned to normal and has been acknowledged by an operator. The operator or the controller can take action
based on the process alarms setup.
Process alarms can also be created by having the WorkstationST application scan variables and create alarms. This is useful
when alarms need to be created from data coming from third-party equipment.

7.5.1 Process Alarm States and Controller Alarm Queue

Once alarms are generated by the controller (the alarm source), they are placed and maintained in a queue in the controller.
The controller maintains the active alarms with controller state (Active, HI, Low, and so forth) and with the command given
from the operator (acknowledged, silenced, and so forth). The queue structure holds the alarm state, process value, priority,
and shelved, inhibited, silenced, locked, and acknowledged states as well as a timestamp. For a simple Boolean alarm, the
controller alarm state indicates if the process value is beyond alarm limits. Because analog alarms are configured with more
detailed threshold information, analog alarms also have additional information attached to the alarm state relating to those
threshold limits, such as if the process value is below the LO threshold or above the HI threshold.

7.5.2 Process Alarm Development

Process Alarms are typically developed in the Mark VIe controller by using the ToolboxST application. An application
engineer creates Mark VIe application code in Relay Ladder Diagram (RLD) or Function Block language. Alarms are
configured using individual variables in the controller. An Alarm Class, defined at a system level, can be created and
referenced by each alarmed variable to control aspects of the alarm such as priority and color indications. Refer to GEH-6808,
the section How to Configure Alarm Capability in the ToolboxST Application.
Every Boolean variable used in the controller application code has a set of properties including an alarmed property. An
application engineer can set the alarmed property of a Boolean variable so that the variable will cause an alarm anytime its
value transitions to True. For example, if the application code has a Boolean variable called OVERSPD, the user need only
set the Alarm property of OVERSPD to cause an alarm to be generated any time OVERSPD transitions to True.
Analog variables such as integers and floating point REAL values can also be configured for alarming. An application
designer can set High, Low, and other threshold limits of an Analog variable (such as an Integer or REAL) so that an alarm is
generated whenever those thresholds are crossed. This configuration creates child variables in the control logic, and those
variables can be accessed and modified by application code created by the user. For example, if an integer PRES02 variable
exists and the user enables the High threshold limit, a PRES02.H variable is created in application code. The user can write
other application code to change the value of the PRES02.H threshold limit dynamically as the controller is running, and can
use the PRES02.H to drive other control logic. This supports alarm rationalization techniques advocated by ISA 18.2 to
reduce the number of false positive alarms.

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The application designer can use as much Relay Ladder or Function Block Diagram logic as is needed to condition the
Boolean or Analog variable such that alarms are not triggered unless conditions truly warrant creation of an alarm. This
ability to use arbitrary control logic to condition alarm generation in real-time at fast sample rates is a very powerful
capability afforded by creating alarms in the controller itself. Alarm detection happens as part of the Mark VIe controller
frame (part of the outputs phase of processing and synchronous to the control logic). Because of this, timestamps of alarms
are very accurate, and can easily be compared to other data collected from the controller since that data is time stamped with
exactly the same time as the alarm. Specialized alarm blocks are also available, effectively capturing many design patterns for
pre-alarm signal conditioning in a reusable library form.
The alarm system collects exactly what the controller logic detects so there are no losses in resolution and there is no
resampling. The Mark VIe controller can run frames as fast as once every 10 milliseconds, and uses POSIX timestamps with
nanosecond resolution and sub millisecond accuracy. Comparison of timestamps from alarms that originate from different
controllers devices is possible since the controllers and HMIs are all time synchronized with NTP.
When an alarm Boolean first transitions to True, the controller creates a new instance of an alarm record structure and places
it in the alarm queue of the controller. Later, the Boolean might transition to False, but unless the operator takes action, the
alarm queue entry remains. If the Boolean again transitions to True, the alarm queue entry is updated. The alarm queue entry
will not be deleted unless the alarm is set for Auto Acknowledge. The operator can acknowledge the alarm, the alarmed
Boolean can change to False, and the operator can reset the alarm. The acknowledge and reset may be accomplished in single
keystroke if the auto-acknowledge feature is enabled.
Events and Holds can be created in a fashion that is very similar to that of process alarms. Sequence of Events (SOEs) are
created by setting a similar property on an IO Point. Diagnostic Alarms can also be created in the controller by transmission
from other subsystems such as from FOUNDATION Fieldbus devices. Diagnostic Alarms are created by firmware itself, not by
the application engineer. Intrinsic Variables and Totalizers

Intrinsic variables allow alarm manager commands to be generated when a variable changes state. Totalizers are timers and
counters that store critical data such as number of trips, number of starts, and number of fired hours. The controller provides a
special block, Totalizer, which maintains up to 64 values in a protected section of non-volatile RAM (NVRAM). This
Totalizer block should be placed in a protected macro to prevent the logic driving its counters from being modified. Users can
set and clear Totalizer counter values from the ToolboxST application. The standard block library instruction guide
(GEI-100682) provides more details on using the Totalizer block. Refer to GEH-6700 ToolboxST User Guide for Mark VIe
Control, the section, Intrinsic Variables. External Process Alarms

Process alarms may also enter the alarm system through the WorkstationST application rather than through the Mark VIe
controller. The WorkstationST appliation can scan Boolean variables and create alarms in a manner similar to the Mark VIe
controller. Additionally, the WorkstationST application can import alarms from other systems using OPC AE or OPC UA.

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7.6 Alarm Communication Flow
One goal of the alarm system communications infrastructure is to replicate each alarm queue at the point of visualization.
Each Mark VIe controller has an alarm queue and each Alarm Viewer must have a copy of those alarm queue entries in order
to display them. The Alarm Viewers get their information from one or more Alarm Servers, which in turn get queue entries
from the source of the alarms. Each system has at least one Alarm Server. Many systems have a pair of Alarm Server for
redundancy, and these Alarm Servers communicate to synchronize their state machines. The Mark VIe control systems can
support up to a maximum of 10 supervisory PCs with individual alarm server connections to a unit controller (not including
OSM and Historian if present).
A custom TCP/IP based protocol named SDI is used to transfer alarms from the Mark VIe controller to the Alarm Server.
Other custom protocols are used to communicate between the Alarm Server and alarm clients such as the Alarm Viewer. A
change based communication mechanism is used by these protocols, so a client must connect to a server and request an alarm
dump to get the current state of all the alarms maintained by the server. Subsequent changes to that state are communicated to
the client by transition messages. If the connection is lost or if there is any question that the client has the correct state, the
process must be repeated. This is the nature of all change detect protocols, including those used by OPC; the client must first
learn the current state before change of state notifications are useful.
Configuration information about variables, including alarmed variables, is preloaded into the WorkstationST device by using
the ToolboxST application, and is updated automatically by a WorkstatonST service that monitors the controller and uploads
configuration information. This mechanism provides WorkstationST devices and their clients with metadata like variable data
types, descriptions, units, display limits, and all of the other attributes of variables and objects that hold variables. Such
metadata is displayed in the CIMPLICITY and Alarm Viewer screens. Keeping this metadata accurate even as the controllers
and other parts of the system are modified is aided by the unidirectional data flow afforded by having the controllers own the
variables and alarms and their generation. Each HMI can have the same view of the alarm information because each HMI gets
the data and metadata from an alarm server which in turn gets the information from the alarm source, typically the Mark VIe
controller. Synchronization issue with alarm state that can be caused by having multiple alarm sources for the same alarm are
thereby eliminated.

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8 Troubleshooting
The following sections are provided to aid in common troubleshooting of control system equipment.

8.1 Controller, I/O Pack, IONet Switch Not Powering On

The following figure provides a decision making flow to aid in troubleshooting power loss to controllers, I/O packs, or IONet

Follow all site safety requirements and precautions, including PPE to diagnose the
issue while maintaining power to the enclosure.

Troubleshooting GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 175

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Controller, IONet switch, or I/O pack
power LED is not lit.

Trace the cable

back to the Is there voltage
distribution board at the cable Replace the
No feeding power to Yes
(for example JPDL, pack, Ethernet
JPDC, JPDH for the I/O pack, switch, or
packs, also JPDP Ethernet switch, controller.
for switches). or controller?

Replace the power

cable that connects
between both
Replace the cable power distribution
between power boards .
Is there power at Yes distribution board
the board and I/O pack, Yes Replace the
connector to the Ethernet switch, or fuse.
cable? controller. Yes
Replace the power distribution Is there
board that is directly connected power at the
No Are there
No to the I /O pack, Ethernet switch, prior
any blown
or controller. distribution
board output fuses?

Is the power Is there input

distribution board Yes power from the Does the
fed incoming power cable leading distribution
from another power Yes board have
to prior
distribution board? distribution Turn switch any switches
board? to ON. in the OFF

No No

Is there
No incoming
Is the power power at the
distribution input cable?
Yes board fed
incoming power
from a power
Replace the
Is there power board
at the output Yes 
connector on
the power
Replace the
Replace the
power supply

Is there power Continue to trace power back

Yes No to cabinet power entry (check
at the input to
the power circuit breakers, disconnects,
supply? contactors, and so forth).

Troubleshooting Power Loss to Controllers, I/O Packs, or IONet Switches

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8.1.1 I/O Pack Power LED Not Lit
I/O Pack Power Troubleshooting

Condition Potential Problem

All other I/O packs on same terminal board have power I/O pack power connector
lights lit I/O pack failure

Some other I/O packs on same terminal board have power I/O pack power connector
LED lit (or simplex board) I/O pack failure
Terminal board failure
No other I/O packs on same terminal board have power Terminal board power
LEDs lit Terminal board failure

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8.2 Unable to Download to Controller

Note Before downloading, the controller IP address must be setup. Refer to GEH-6808 for more information.

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8.3 Controller Not in Controlling State
Pre-requisites for attaining a controlling state include:

• The controller should have the base load, firmware, and application code downloaded.
• All controllers (in dual or TMR) should communicate with each other over the IONet.
• All I/O modules (if configured as required) should be able to communicate with the controllers.

Note The Mark VIe control system may not reach a controlling state due to faults in either the I/O module, the IONet switch
or the controller itself. A single faulty controller can prevent the other two controllers from reaching a controlling state.

Perform the following procedures if the controller is not attaining a controlling state.

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8.3.1 Controller States
The controller states are:

• Power On
Perform the following procedures if the controller is stalled at Master Installation state.

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Perform the following procedures if the controller is stalled at DC determination state.

Troubleshooting GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 181

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Perform the following procedures if the controller is stalled at Input Enabled state.

The following diagram displays the possible causes if the controller is not reaching the controlling state.

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Perform the following troubleshooting steps if needed:

• It is not possible to connect to the designated controller if the controllers are set in the dc determination state. Going
online with each individual controllers is required.
• The ToolboxST application may not display any information in the Status tab for the faulty Mark VIe control if it is set
in the Power on/d0-MASTER_INITIALIZATION state. The other two controllers are suspended at d1-State Designated
Controller Determination state.

• If the controller halts before d0-MASTER_INITIALIZATION (at power on state), the problem could be with the
controller. If the controller halts at d0-MASTER_INITIALIZATION state, the controller may have lost its IP address.
• If the controllers halt at the d1-dc_DETERMINATION state, one of the controllers may be unable to communicate to
either IONet 1, 2, or 3 port.
• If all the controllers halt at the d3-INPUTS_ENABLED state, at least one of the I/O modules configured as a required
module may not be communicating with the controllers.

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8.4 Unable to Download to I/O Modules
Perform the following procedures if you are unable to download to I/O packs.

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8.5 Unable to Communicate with I/O Module
In the ToolboxST application, Component Editor, Hardware tab, a red X symbol on an I/O module indicates that the
controller is unable to communicate with that I/O module. If multiple modules have red X symbols, the problem may be with
the IONet switch or the I/O module power supply.

➢ To view I/O communication failures between an I/O pack and the controller diagnostic
1. From the ToolboxST application, open the Mark VIe control .tcw file.
2. From the Component Editor, select the Hardware tab and right-click on the I/O pack with a red X.
3. Select View Diagnostics.

Note In TMR I/O modules, the diagnostic displays for the faulty module only.

I/O Pack Communication Troubleshooting

Condition Potential Problem

Other I/O packs on same IONet switch still communicating I/O pack power
Ethernet cable from I/O pack
Incomplete downloads to pack or controller
Improper ToolboxST configuration
Bad IONet switch port
I/O pack failure

No other I/O packs on same IONet switch are communicating Switch power
Switch communication
Improper switch configuration
Switch failure

Troubleshooting GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 185

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8.6 Unable to Download to Controller or I/O Module
If intermittent communication loss occurs between the HMI and the controllers, the downloading process could be interrupted
at intermediate stages. It is recommended that the download be carried out for base load, firmware, and
application/parameters individually to the controllers and the I/O packs. Firmware download to the controllers could be
interrupted due to issues related to incorrect library references.
The Model Predictive Control (MPC) block libraries are not supported by the UCSA/UCSB/UCSC controller. Therefore, if
the application is configured for the UCSA/UCSB/UCSC controller and the MPCBlockLib is used as a reference library, the
firmware download is interrupted.

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8.7 Communication Loss Between Controller and I/O
➢ To resolve communication loss between the controller and I/O module
1. If there are diagnostic alarms on an I/O module related to .xml files, download the base load, firmware, and parameters to
the module.

2. If an I/O module is unable to go online with the controller when powering on a Mark VIe control, cycle power to the
3. If there are diagnostic alarms on an I/O module related to configuration files, download the base load, firmware, and
parameters to the module.

Communication Troubleshooting

Condition Potential Problem

No other I/O packs on same IONet switch are losing I/O pack power
communication I/O pack communication diagnostic
Incomplete downloads
Improper ToolboxST configuration
I/O pack failure

Some other I/O packs on same IONet switch are losing I/O pack power
communication I/O pack communication diagnostic
Incomplete downloads
Improper ToolboxST configuration
Improper IONet switch configuration
I/O pack failure

All other I/O packs on same IONet switch are losing IONet switch power
communications IONet switch communication
Improper IONet switch configuration
IONet switch failure

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8.8 Boot Log Collection
➢ To collect a boot log
1. From the Windows® Start menu, select Programs, Accessories, Communications, and HyperTerminal.

Note HyperTerminal is not included in Windows 7.

Note The serial cable between the computer COM port and the controller COM port must be connected.

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2. Reboot the controller and save the boot log collected in the HyperTerminal session.

8.9 I/O Module Replacement or Upgrade Issues

After upgrading or replacing an I/O module, the following conditions require additional troubleshooting to resolve:

• Communication Errors
• Download Errors
• Active Diagnostics
• Mismatched Revision

Note If one I/O pack has different diagnostics than the other two in a TMR set, it is typically due to an incomplete download
or mismatched revision. If neither of these issues can be resolved, try replacing the I/O pack with a new one of the same
hardware form as the other two in the TMR set.

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8.9.1 Communication Errors
When firmware and application is downloaded to an I/O module, it can take several minutes to install, restart, and re-establish
communication to the Mark VIe controller. If the ATTN LED is red and flashing at 2 Hz 50%, the IP address has not been
received from the controller. For information on ATTN LED flash codes, refer to the Help file for the specific I/O module and
the section Diagnostics.

• Verify that the terminal board bar code configured in the ToolboxST configuration matches the actual hardware.
• Verify that the terminal board type, including HW Form, in the ToolboxST configuration matches the terminal board in
the actual I/O module.
• Verify that the network cables and switches to the I/O module are plugged in correctly, and that the Link and Activity
LEDs are active.

➢ To view more troubleshooting information: from the Diagnostics tab, select each diagnostic alarm and press F1.

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8.9.2 Download Errors
Download errors are typically caused by a mismatch between the I/O module hardware form in the ToolboxST configuration
and the hardware form of the actual I/O module.

➢ To correct a hardware form mismatch between the I/O module and the ToolboxST configuration
1. From the Mark VIe Component Editor Hardware tab, right-click the affected I/O module and select Modify.

Troubleshooting GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN System Guide 191

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2. From the ToolboxST application, perform a manual Download of the firmware.

Note If the Download is not successful, manually restart the I/O module and perform the Download again.

3. If an I/O module displays during the download, complete the following:

• Check the Component InfoView Log tab for errors. If there is a mismatch between the I/O module configured in the
ToolboxST application and the actual hardware, the I/O module configuration must be updated to match the hardware.
• If there is still an issue with the download and the hardware configuration has been verified, restart the I/O module, wait
one minute, and perform the download again.
• When the download has completed successfully, open the Download wizard and verify that all I/O modules are equal
(display green). Check the InfoView log and resolve any Communication Errors.

8.9.3 Active Diagnostics

If the Warning symbol displays on an I/O module:

• I/O module has active diagnostic alarms

• Firmware and/or application revisions in the I/O module do not match the ToolboxST configuration

➢ To clear active diagnostics

1. From the Component Editor Hardware tab, select the Diagnostics tab.
2. Select the diagnostic alarm with the red icon and press F1 to display the Help file.
3. Use the possible causes and solutions provided for the specific alarm number to correct the problem.

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8.9.4 Mismatched Revision
A revision mismatch is indicated by a ≠ icon on the I/O module Status tab.

➢ To resolve a revision mismatch

1. From the Component Editor Device menu, select Download and Download Wizard.
2. From the wizard page, select Next and scan the I/O module to verify that all unequal items are selected for download.
3. Perform a Download to the I/O module. When the Download is complete, wait for the I/O module to go online and verify
that all revisions are equal.

If the configuration being downloaded contains I/O modules with different module IDs
than the configuration currently running, the download may install incorrect
firmware to some I/O modules. If this occurs, make sure the controller is running the
new configuration, restart the entire system, then start the ToolboxST Download
Attention Wizard again.

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8.10 LED Indicators
Controller status LED indicators are located on the front panel of the controller. Refer to the LED section for the specific
controller platform in the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume II: System Guide for General-purpose
Applications (GEH-6721_Vol_II), the chapter Controllers.
The Boot LED is continuously lit during the boot process unless an error is detected. If an error is detected, the LED flashes at
a 1-Hz frequency. The LED, when flashing, is on for 500 ms and off for 500 ms. The number of flashes indicates the failed
state. After the flash section, the LED turns off for three seconds. Boot LED flash codes are as follows:

• 1: Failed Serial Presence Detect (SPD) EEPROM

• 2: Failed to initialize DRAM or DRAM tests failed
• 3: Failed NOR flash file system verification
• 4: Failed to load FPGA or PCI failed
• 5: CompactFlash device not found
• 6: Failed to start IDE driver
• 7: CompactFlash image not valid
If the CompactFlash image is valid but the runtime firmware has not been loaded, the Boot LED flashes continuously at a
1-Hz frequency. When the firmware is loaded, the Boot LED turns off.
I/O pack and Processor status LEDs are as follows:

• Green LED labeled PWR indicates the presence of control power.

• Green LED labeled LINK is provided for each Ethernet port to indicate that a valid Ethernet connection is present.
• Yellow LED labeled TxRx is provided for each Ethernet port to indicate when the pack is transmitting or receiving data
over the port.
• Red LED labeled ATTN indicates pack status, with the following conditions.
− LED off - no detectable problems with the pack
− LED solid on - a critical fault is present that prevents the pack from operating. Critical faults include detected
hardware failures on the processor or acquisition boards, or no application code is loaded.
− LED flashing quickly (¼ cycle) - an alarm condition is present in the pack (for example, the wrong pack on the
terminal board), or there is no terminal board, or there were errors loading the application code.
− LED flashing at medium speed (¾ cycle) - the I/O pack is not online.
− LED flashing slowly (2 cycle) - the I/O pack has received a request to flash the LED indicating that the pack is used
during factory test, or as an aid to confirm the physical location against the ToolboxST application settings.
For further details on BPPx Processor LEDs, refer to the Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume II: System Guide
for General-purpose Applications (GEH-6721_Vol_II), the Common I/O Module Functionality section BPPx Processor

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Glossary of Terms
Application code Software that controls the machines or processes, specific to the application.

Balance of Plant (BOP) Plant equipment other than the turbine that needs to be controlled.

Baud A unit of data transmission. Baud rate is the number of bits per second transmitted.

Bit Binary Digit. The smallest unit of memory used to store only one piece of information with two states, such as
One/Zero or On/Off. Data requiring more than two states, such as numerical values 000 to 999, requires multiple bits (see

Block Instruction blocks contain basic control functions, which are connected together during configuration to form the
required machine or process control. Blocks can perform math computations, sequencing, or continuous control. The toolbox
receives a description of the blocks from the block libraries.

Board Printed wiring board.

Boolean Digital statement that expresses a condition that is either True or False. In the ToolboxST application, it is a data
type for a logical variable.

Broadcast In computer networking broadcast is traffic that is simultaneously addressed to all computers connected to the

Bus An electrical path for transmitting and receiving data.

Byte A group of binary digits (bits); a measure of data flow when bytes per second.

CIMPLICITY Operator interface software configurable for a wide variety of control applications.

Configure To select specific options, either by setting the location of hardware jumpers or loading software parameters
into memory.

Control Data Highway (CDH) Redundant Ethernet communication network allows two separate controllers to
communicate with each other.

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Detects errors in Ethernet and other transmissions.

Data server A computer that gathers control data from input networks and makes the data available to computers on
output networks.

Device A configurable component of a process control system.

Distributed Control System (DCS) Control system, usually applied to control of boilers and other process equipment.

Ethernet LAN with a 10/100 M baud collision avoidance/collision detection system used to link one or more computers
together. Basis for TCP/IP and I/O services layers that conform to the IEEE 802.3 standard, developed by Xerox®, DEC®, and

Ethernet Global Data (EGD) Control network and protocol for the controller. Devices share data through EGD
exchanges (pages).

EX2100e Excitation Control Latest version of GE generator exciter control; regulates the generator field current to
control the generator output voltage.

Fanned input An input to the terminal board that is connected to all three TMR I/O boards.

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Firmware The set of executable software that is stored in memory chips that hold their content without electrical power,
such as EEPROM.

Flash A non-volatile programmable memory device.

Forcing Setting a live variable to a particular value, regardless of the value blockware or I/O is writing to that variable.

Frame rate Basic scheduling period of the controller encompassing one complete input-compute-output cycle for the
controller. It is the system-dependent scan rate.

Function The highest level of the blockware hierarchy, and the entity that corresponds to a single .tre file.

Gateway A device that connects two dissimilar LANs or connects a LAN to a wide-area network (WAN), computer, or a
mainframe. A gateway can perform protocol and bandwidth conversion.

I/O device Input/output hardware device that allows the flow of data.

I/O drivers Interface the controller with input/output devices, such as sensors, solenoid valves, and drives, using a choice
of communication networks.

IONet The Mark VIe I/O Ethernet communication network.

IP Address The address assigned to a device on an Ethernet communication network.

Logical A statement of a true sense, such as a Boolean.

LS2100e Static Starter control GE’s current state-of-the-art control for static starter control systems, used to bring a gas
turbine up to starting speed.

Macro A group of instruction blocks (and other macros) used to perform part of an application program. Macros can be
saved and reused.

Modbus A serial communication protocol developed by Modicon for use between PLCs and other computers.

Module A collection of tasks that have a defined scheduling period in the controller.

Multicast The delivery of a message or Information to a group of destination computers simultaneously in a single
transmission from the source.

Online Online mode provides full CPU communications, allowing data to be both read and written. It is the state of the
toolbox when it is communicating with the system for which it holds the configuration. Online is also, a download mode
where the device is not stopped and then restarted.

Period The time between execution scans for a Module or Task. Also a property of a Module that is the base period of all
of the Tasks in the Module.

Pin Block, macro, or module parameter that creates a variable used to make interconnections.

Plant Data Highway (PDH) Ethernet communication network between the HMI Servers and the HMI Viewers and

Potential Transformer (PT) Measures voltage in a power cable.

Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Designed for discrete (logic) control of machinery. It also computes math
(analog) function and performs regulatory control.

QNX A real time operating system used in the controller.

Relay Ladder Diagram (RLD) A ladder diagram that represents a relay circuit. Power is considered to flow from the left
rail through contacts to the coil connected at the right.

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Sequence of Events (SOE) A high-speed record of contact transitions taken during a plant upset to allow detailed
analysis of the event.

Server A computer that gathers data over the Ethernet from plant devices, and makes the data available to computer-based
operator interfaces known as viewers.

Simplex Operation that requires only one set of control and I/O, and generally uses only one channel. The entire Mark VIe
control system can operate in simplex mode.

Simulation Running a system without all of the configured I/O devices by modeling the behavior of the machine and the
devices in software.

Software Implemented Fault Tolerance (SIFT) A technique for voting the three incoming I/O data sets to find and
inhibit errors. Note that control also uses output hardware voting.

TCP/IP Communication protocols developed to inter-network dissimilar systems. It is a de facto UNIX standard, but is
supported on almost all systems. TCP controls data transfer and IP provides the routing for functions, such as file transfer and

ToolboxST A Windows-based software package used to configure the control systems, exciters, and drives.

Trend A time-based plot to show the history of values, similar to a recorder, available with the ControlST Historian and the
ToolboxST application.

Triple Module Redundancy (TMR) An operation that uses three identical sets of control and I/O (channels R, S, and T)
and votes the results.

Unit Data Highway (UDH) Connects the controllers, static starter control system, excitation control system, PLCs, and
other GE provided equipment to the HMI Servers.

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Index Grounding 134

Notes 139
System 135
A Cableway Spacing 145
Acronyms and Abbreviations 5
alarms H
process 172
Applications 13 Harmonic Distortion 120
Historian 89
Human-machine Interface (HMI) 88
cable I
fiber-optic 94
Instrument 151 I/O
Routing Guidelines 148 Peer 55
Separation and Routing 143 Wiring 152
shielded 149, 151 Installation 127
SMF 94 Support Drawings 134
UTP 96
Command Action 54
Communication L
Loss 53
Component Sources 96 Line Variations 120
Contaminants 125 Low Voltage Directive 119
Control Data Highway (CDH) 89
overview 15 M
ControlST software Median Value Analog 54
Historian 89 MTBF 49

Data Highway NEMA 87
Plant 91 network
Directive layers 75
Electromagnetic Compatibility 119
Disagreement Detector 54
Dual Controller 38 P
Power Requirements 132
E Power Sources 36, 132
Process Alarms 172
Electrical 119 Processing
Electromagnetic Compatibility Input 43
Directive (EMC) 119 Output 47
Elevation 125
Environment 119
Operating 124 R
Global Data (EGD) 109 Rate of Response 56
Redundancy Options 37

Forcing 55
Frequency Variations 120 Safety Standards 117
Simplex Controller 37
State Exchange 53
Storage 131

GEH-6721_Vol_I_BN Index 199

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Supply Voltage 120

Terminal Board 17
Two Out of Three Logic 54

Vibration 125
Voltage Unbalance 120
Voting 53

Wire Sizes 150

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