Qi Men Dun Jia Art of War

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Qi Men Dun Jia has always been regarded as a very advanced topic in the


field of Chinese Metaphysics and Feng Shui. This system was developed in
ancient times with the aim to assist the Emperor in making calculated moves
to win the battles. Great military strategist like Zhuge Liang was renowned
for using it to calculate the opportune timing and direction to attack the
enemies. One of his famous historical highlights was the moments he used
Qi Men to predict the time of the arrival of the eastern wind to help him
defeat Emperor Cao Cao’s army at Red Cliff.

In the modern application of Qi Men Dun Jia, this ancient art of war can
be used to help you to accomplish your mission or a specific task with great
success. In this book, Jo Ching is going to reveal to you the techniques of
using Qi Men Dun Jia Energy-Building method to gain the upper hand. You,
too can approach your day-to-day activities like:

• Job interview
• School examinations
• Romance and courting
• Seeking medical treatment
• Sales-pitch to clients
• Business Negotiation
• Seeking Wealth

with added confidence that the outcome will be in your favor.

In today’s market, many Qi Men Dun Jia books have been written mostly on
the topic of using this ancient system as a divination tool. However, this will
be the first English book that aims to impart exclusive practical knowledge
of using Qi Men as a daily “art of war” tool to usher good luck and avoid
negative outcomes. In addition, it will cover interesting topics like:

• How to apply Qi Men as a date selection tool for Feng Shui purposes
• Why the need to witness phenomenon before you proceed with your
line of action
• An introduction on the 64 Hexagrams San Yuan Qi Men Dun Jia System

This book is specially catered to all Feng Shui, Chinese metaphysics

enthusiasts and especially those who seriously wish to have better control
of their destiny. It comes with many real life case studies and illustrations to
showcase how this ancient system is just as relevant in meeting challenges
in contemporary society.
Qi Men Dun Jia
The Ancient Art of War at
Your Fingertips


By Master Jo Ching

Qi Men Dun Jia i

Copyright © by Jo Ching, 2014

First Published 2014

Destiny Academy Pte Ltd

16, Arumugam Road, Lion Building D, #05-01 Singapore 409961


The publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative

information in regard to the subject matter covered. The publisher and
author expressly disclaim liability to any person for the consequences of
anything done or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance,
whether whole or partial upon any part of the contents of this publication.

ISBN: 978-981-09-0461-6

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in

any form or any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without written
permission from the publisher or the author.

Printed in Singapore

“Special thanks to my student and friend Siou-Foon Lee,
Founder of Feng Shui Innovations, who has selflessly helped
me to vet and edit my manuscript.”

ii Qi Men Dun Jia

My Taiwanese teacher imparted the entire technical knowhow
of the Qi Men Dun Jia systems to me in my endeavor
to master this traditional art form. Unlike many of the
practitioners, I started learning Qi Men Dun Jia that comes
in 64 Hexagrams format. This format has a major difference
from the conventional way of arranging the stems and stars in
9 Palaces. The systems are interlinked and yet independent
when it comes to applications. Nevertheless, the fundamentals
do not differ too much.

What originally motivated me to take on this ancient study

many years ago? I was intrigued by the ability of Qi Men Dun
Jia to predict weeks in advance the phenomenon appearing
on a specific day and time at a particular direction. Examples
of the predictive phenomenon can include rain, thunder,
people dressed in certain colours, a monk, music and even
yellow birds. More importantly, I have always read that Qi
Men Dun Jia phenomenon produced a “wow” effect when
these manifestations appear. It has become known as a luck-
changing catalyst for many end users.

How did our forefathers develop this ability? What is

the wisdom behind it? Can the order of universe be
predetermined? Can we predict who and what is going to
appear in front of us in the next moment? With so many
questions surfacing in my mind, I was determined in the early
days to master this powerful ancient art.

My Feng Shui and Bazi skills had reached a high level after
many years of training and practice but my passion to complete
my Chinese Metaphysical studies included the study of this
Qi Men Dun Jia. The study of this Chinese Metaphysics was

Qi Men Dun Jia iii

a subject that the ancient emperors banned people from
learning. The country’s rulers were fearful of being outwitted
and overthrown by dissidents should they learn this art.
The rulers knew about the effectiveness of Qi Men Dun Jia,
however, their subjects never had the chance to learn this art. 

Fortunately, this priceless knowledge has been retained and

passed down via the royal families and I am blessed to have
inherited from my teacher the complete set of information
including the rarely taught 64 Hexagrams Qi Men. My
mission now is to extend this invaluable authentic wisdom
to knowledge seekers to preserve this priceless heritage. My
passion is to fulfill a dream of imparting this traditional Qi
Men Dun Jia system to as many end users as possible.

iv Qi Men Dun Jia

Chapter 1 Introducing the Ancient Art of War 1

Chapter 2 Important Basics That Set The 13

QMDJ Stage

Chapter 3 Dissecting the Qi Men Dun Jia Chart 37

Chapter 4 Transforming Ancient Art of War 91

into Cutting Edge Strategies

Chapter 5 Important Qi Men Formations 105

Chapter 6 Qi Men Dun Jia at Our Finger Tips 117

Chapter 7 The Amazing Art of Qi Men Dun Jia 149


Chapter 8 The Importance of Feng Shui 165

Date Selection

Chapter 9 Early Heaven 64 Hexagrams 185

Qi Men Dun Jia

About Master Jo Ching 201

About Destiny Academy 205

Qi Men Dun Jia v

vi Qi Men Dun Jia
Chapter 1: Introducing the Ancient Art of War

Qi Men Dun Jia 1

Qi Men Dun Jia: The Ancient Art of War at Your Fingertips

Its Relevance in Today’s Society

Qi Men Dun Jia has been historically recognized as an ancient
art of war. A great Chinese military strategist named Zhuge
Liang used it to help him win battles in the ancient times.
He excelled in deciphering the best timing and direction to
send his soldiers to attack the enemy. The legacy left behind
by this effective comprehensive metaphysical model not only
accounts for universal time dimension but it also covers the
spatial arrangement of energies.

In contemporary society, the application of Qi Men Dun Jia

has evolved from mere military use to a wide array of day-
to-day business activities and domestic functions. According
to some ancient documentation, Qi Men Dun Jia had been
used as an unorthodox means to assist people to commit
murder and rape. Nevertheless, using this divine art for
unethical acts or to commit crime will only attract bad karma.
This is something that ethical knowledge seekers in search
of authentic traditional systems today, must remember and
uphold the legacy of assisting others for the greater good
of Man. So, let us now focus on how to use Qi Men Dun Jia
to create positive luck for ourselves, our loved ones and our
friends so that we can succeed in our endeavors.

Many of my students have already used it with great results

in their workplaces to deal with their bosses and clients,
helping their children to perform well in examinations, in job
interviews, in seeking help, in courtship, in building rapport
with people and in improving their wealth luck.

In the next section, before disclosing the techniques of

gathering positive energies for ourselves and before we
embark on the various endeavors, let us see how Qi Men Dun
Jia is applied.

2 Qi Men Dun Jia

Chapter 1: Introducing the Ancient Art of War

Qi Men Dun Jia Application - A Macro View

1. “Qi” and “Men”
The word “Qi” (奇) in Qi Men Dun Jia is different from the
word “qi” (气) or energy that we often refer to in Feng Shui,
another Chinese metaphysical study. “Qi” connotes oddity
or strangeness and “Men” refers to “Door” in Chinese but to
put things in context, “Men” actually implies a specific type
of energy including a direction.

2. 8 Types of “Men”
There are altogether 8 different types of Men or directions
based on the arrangement of Later Heaven Trigrams. Qi in
fact refers to the 3 auspicious heavenly stems namely,

• Yi wood (乙)
• Bing fire (丙)
• Ding fire (丁)

During its application, we would like to observe in which

sector or direction the correct pairing of Qi and Men present
themselves. The pairing of auspicious Qi and Men is to
leverage on carrying out a task or embarking on a mission
to help us to achieve a very favourable outcome. Besides
the Qi and Men, there are also other considering factors or
components within a Qi Men Dun Jia chart.

In applying this art, first, check beforehand that it is the

right timing to proceed in a specific direction to achieve the
outcome that we desire.

Qi Men Dun Jia 3

Qi Men Dun Jia: The Ancient Art of War at Your Fingertips

Second, it is important to assess

• the quality of the 9 Stars

• the auspiciousness of the 8 Deities
• the timely Hourly Purple White Star.

We need to check how they interact with the palaces too – in

tandem with Qi and Men.

The subsequent chapters will elaborate further on the functions

and attributes of all such components in the natal chart.

3. The Hourly Qi Men Dun Jia

The hourly Qi Men Dun Jia charts that are plotted have a
total of 1080 different permutations throughout the period of
1 year. The Qi Men calendar year basically starts in the winter
solstice and ends one day before the next winter solstice. It
comprises only 360 days in which 180 days will be assigned
as Yin Dun and the other 180 days, Yang Dun. So, Yang Dun
will begin on a winter solstice and ends one day before the
summer solstice. On the other hand, Yin Dun will start on
the summer solstice and will end one day before the winter
solstice. The meaning of Dun can be referred to as a phase
or cycle.

For both Yin and Yang Dun, each has 1 to 9 Ju. The word
Ju implies a set of hours. Each Ju contains 60 Chinese
hours. Therefore, within a Yang Dun, there are 540 different
permutations of Qi Men Dun Jia charts. If the Yin Dun is
included there is a total 1080 charts. One thing that I wish to
highlight is that, there are only 12 permutations of Qi Men
chart per day because there are only 12 Chinese hours in each
day under the study of this system.

4 Qi Men Dun Jia

Chapter 1: Introducing the Ancient Art of War

Hence, the notion of early and night rat hour is not subscribed
to in this system. Working on the basis of 13 Chinese hours
per day, there will be more than 1080 charts in a year, which
will be at odds with the entire ecosystem of Qi Men Dun Jia.

The framework that is relied on to plot the hourly charts is

based on the 9 Palaces and the 8 Trigrams arrangement. This
is by far the most commonly used framework to erect the
chart of Qi Men Dun Jia.

In our academy, the 64 Hexagrams Qi Men Dun Jia - which is

taught at our Mastery level - is mainly used as a Date Selection
system together with Xuan Kong Da Gua Feng Shui. Some
insights into this system will be shared towards the end of this

To sum it up, the Qi Men Dun Jia system is an excellent tool

that can, not only help us pick the best timing to deal with a
situation, it also helps us to analyse which is the best direction
to use to achieve success within that timing. It is a very lively
system that we can use during our day-to-day course of work
to control and create the outcome in our favor thus giving us
the upper hand.

An Eye Opener to the Wonders of Qi Men

Dun Jia – A Sign from Heaven
Mr Lee’s meeting was to be at 3.40 pm. This meeting was
important for his business. The place he was visiting was
located in one of the suburban condominiums. Mr Lee, my
client, was advised to arrive earlier at the condominium to
build energy before the negotiation so that he could have an
upper hand during the meeting he was going to attend.

Qi Men Dun Jia 5

Qi Men Dun Jia: The Ancient Art of War at Your Fingertips

One night before the event, I told him to position himself in

such a way that the home office he was going to attend the
meeting in - was to be in his east direction. He was to sit in
the vicinity within sight of the home office and keep it in his
vision. He was also told to witness the appearance of a child
in a red T-shirt holding a stick. No one would expect to see
much human traffic especially during the afternoon in that
vicinity. This phenomenon is what he will see before entering
the premise at 3.40 pm to begin the intended meeting.

Still at the site, Mr Lee called to tell me he had a shock of

his life when he was walking towards the home office of his
business associate for this negotiation. Earlier, when I first
mentioned what he would see over the phone, he sounded
a bit skeptical that I could actually predict that a child in red
would appear within a certain time frame. I believe in his heart
he must be thinking that this is one of the most absurd piece
of advice that he ever received. How could the future be
foretold in such details unless the order of universe is known?
Nevertheless, he did not probe further. He accepted what I
mentioned to him and later on did what he was supposed to
do on that day and time.

As advised, Mr Lee was sitting about 10 meters away from

the home office of his business associate. He waited faithfully
under the shade of a big tree. He looked at his watch and
noticed it was already 3.35 pm. He was getting a bit impatient
and thus, he decided to drop the idea of waiting and
proceeded to walk towards his eastern direction where the
negotiation would be held.

When he was about 3 meters away from the door-step, a

child, probably a primary school student, wearing a red T-shirt
and white shorts suddenly ran out from the common staircase

6 Qi Men Dun Jia

Chapter 1: Introducing the Ancient Art of War

located next to the elevator. This child was carrying a plastic

rod in his hand. He was at the same time chasing a ball. Once
he grabbed hold of the ball, the boy ran back up the staircase
and disappeared from view.

Mr Lee on the other hand, was totally stunned by what he saw.

He certainly did not expect to see a child do what he did at the
time predicted. What he did not know was seeing the child
in a red T-shirt holding a stick was “a sign from Heaven” that
he was in sync with the universal energy of the spatial space
he was in. This was the built up energy he was embraced with
before entering the home office of his business associate.

Through the means of Qi Men Dun Jia, my client was advised

on which direction he should stand and face in relation to the
premises that he was going to enter. Building energy in the
vicinity is offering him a very effective solution based on the
calculation of Qi Men Dun Jia. As part of the calculation, my
client would be able to know the point in time to start walking
towards his destination so that there is a synergy embracing
and blessing him with a positive outcome. The effective point
in time was the manifestation of this phenomenon signaling
his next move.

This leads us to the question: “How do we know when the

timing is right for us to start walking in a specific direction?”
The so-called “right timing” is usually reaffirmed by the
occurrence of a phenomenon. A sudden gust of wind, the
sound of birds chirping, a monk that crosses our path and in
Mr Lee’s case, a boy in red with a stick in his hand, are just a
few examples of Qi Men Dun Jia’s phenomenon. They are
messengers or signs from the heaven to notify us that this is
the right moment with the right energy to proceed with our
endeavors so as to achieve our desired outcome.

Qi Men Dun Jia 7

Qi Men Dun Jia: The Ancient Art of War at Your Fingertips

The Time Is Now

My client, Mr Lee, had achieved a win-win situation with his

business associate to iron out both their differences and also
to secure a long term partnership with his associate. This
eye opener to the wonders of Qi Men Dun Jia was Mr Lee’s
acceptance of a sign from Heaven that it was the appropriate
time for him to begin his negotiation.

8 Qi Men Dun Jia

Chapter 1: Introducing the Ancient Art of War

Types of Qi Men System in the Market

• Divination
In today’s market, the majority of people learning Qi Men Dun
Jia use it for divination purposes. When a client approaches
a practitioner for advice, the Qi Men practitioner will plot the
hourly chart, analyse it and then advise the client. The timing
used to plot the hourly Qi Men chart is usually based on the
time when the question is asked. The questions can come
from a walk-in client, an SMS, a telephone call or from an
email. For instance, a practitioner may receive a phone call
at 4pm from a client who is asking about whether she will be
successful in her interview. The practitioner can start to plot
the hourly chart based on the 申 Shen hour to give the client
the reading.

• Gaining the Upper Hand

Apart from using Qi Men for divination, the system can help
the end users to gain the upper hand during “battles” or
in a modern context - conflicts or confrontations. I call this
the Usher and Avoidance System. In Chinese, it is termed
as 趋吉避凶法Qu Ji Bi Xiong Fa, which means ushering the
auspiciousness and avoiding the bad outcome.

The military strategist Zhuge Liang - in ancient times - ensured

that his army troops marched towards the enemy campsite in
the most favourable and strategic direction at a calculated
timing. By doing so, he made sure that his soldiers were
embraced and blessed with the most positive energy field
which would eventually lead them to winning his battles.

Qi Men Dun Jia 9

Qi Men Dun Jia: The Ancient Art of War at Your Fingertips

Such Qi Men Dun Jia usage reveals that Qi Men itself is a

powerful time selection system. In modern applications I have
often used this technique to help my clients in interviews,
negotiations, examinations, court cases and even for dating

10 Qi Men Dun Jia

Chapter 1: Introducing the Ancient Art of War

• Assessing the Feng Shui of a House

Not many people realize that there is a dedicated system
invented for assessing the Feng Shui of a house. This is known
as 阳宅遁甲盘Yang Zhai Dun Jia Pan. It was purportedly
created by Liu Bo Wen, the great military strategist who
assisted Emperor Zhu Yuan Zhang during the Ming Dynasty.
This specialized system, which is purely meant for residences
or offices, has its own unique way of plotting the house natal
chart to analyse the Feng Shui of the house, albeit in the Qi
Men’s context and lingo. It is quite similar to how the flying
stars chart is plotted because one would require essential
information like:

• Construction completion date of the house

• Facing direction of the House
• Facing direction of the Door

The system also works on the basis of 3 Cycles and 9 Periods.

Once the natal chart of the house is established, we would
need to superimpose the entire chart onto the house layout
plan to examine whether the location of the bedrooms,
kitchen, study area do comply with the principles of Yang
House Dun Jia. Such a system can also be used during the
planning and designing stage so that the owner of the house
is able to enjoy good Feng Shui from day one itself.

Qi Men Dun Jia 11

Qi Men Dun Jia: The Ancient Art of War at Your Fingertips

12 Qi Men Dun Jia

Chapter 2: Important Basics That Set the QMDJ Stage

Qi Men Dun Jia 13

Chapter 2: Important Basics That Set the QMDJ Stage

What is Zheng Shou, Chao Shen, Jie Qi?

The major challenges and the mind-boggling part in learning
Qi Men Dun Jia lie in the plotting of charts as well as addressing
the differences in both the Qi Men and Lunisolar calendar

Without calculating it correctly at the onset, there will be

major repercussions on the use of Qi Men Dun Jia. The end
result is not achieving the result wished for.

In this study, there are certain rules of the game that has to be
adhered to, to be the winner. The ancient scholars invented
the Zhi Run method as discussed in the previous section for
a reason.

In the famous ancient Qi Men Dun Jia classic, Yan Bo Diao Sou
Ge (烟波钓叟歌), it mentions in one of the sections that only
when one manages to comprehend the process of Zhi Run,
one would then be deemed as having the real knowledge of
Qi Men.

I have extracted the relevant section for reference:

Let me now take another step further here to talk about certain
requirements in the calendar system that needs to be fulfilled
in mapping out the Qi Men Dun Jia chart.

Qi Men Dun Jia 29

Chapter 3: Dissecting the Qi Men Dun Jia Chart

Chapter 3
Back to Basics
Dissecting the Qi Men Dun Jia Chart

Qi Men Dun Jia 37

Qi Men Dun Jia Chart for Jasmine's 
Qi Men Dun Jia: The Ancient Art of War at Your Fingertips

Qi Men Dun Jia Chart for Jasmine’s Interview

d. Qi Men Phenomenon

For the Qi Men phenomenon, Jasmine is expected to see

a monk carrying an umbrella, a lady in red and a group of
birds flying past. I told her that she would experience a
strong gust of wind too. Once she saw the appearance of
all the phenomenon, she should immediately proceed to
head towards the office building in the west direction.

e. The Outcome

I received a call from Jasmine on the same evening telling

me that she had received a call from the Human Resource
Department 2 hours after the interview and was offered the
job – with a 10% increase in salary.

134 Qi Men Dun Jia

Qi Men Dun Jia: The Ancient Art of War at Your Fingertips

Case 6: Romance & Dating – 1 July 2011 @ 6 pm

When? Day Pillar Hour Pillar Ju Number Hour Chief

日柱 时柱 局数 符首
1 Jul 2011, Ding Si Ji You Yin 3 Ren
6 pm 丁巳 己酉 壬

a. Background information

I knew Roy for more than 20 years. After he broke off from
his ex-girlfriend 10 years ago, he has not had another
relationship. This could be largely due to his hectic work life
as a civil engineer with a MNC coupled with his introvert

Back in 2011, during a class gathering together with Roy,

he revealed to us that he was very interested in a lady whom
he has met through a friend. They have gone out together
albeit in a big group. It seemed that things were hitting off
quite well between them and he seriously hoped that he
could take their relationship to the next level.

b. Objective - To express his feelings for his date

Roy has asked the lady friend out on a Friday evening for a
dinner. He planned to express his true feelings for her in a
romantic setting of restaurant he picked.

Ultimately, he hoped that he could take his serious

friendship up to the next romantic level. Nevertheless,
he needed to overcome his nervousness and stress of a
possible rejection.

140 Qi Men Dun Jia

Qi Men Dun Jia: The Ancient Art of War at Your Fingertips

Using Qi Men Dun Jia for Weather Forecast

The Great Adviser, Zhuge Liang, was famous for his ability to
predict the arrival of the eastern wind and hence leveraged
on it to defeat the enemy during the battle with Chao Cao at
Red Cliff. The ingenious Zhu had made his prediction of the
eastern based occurrence on a Qi Men Dun Jia calculation. In
this chapter, we will be learning how to use Qi Men Dun Jia to
predict the weather condition.

Why do we need to predict the climate? You may be

wondering “what is the objective of equipping ourselves with
such knowledge?”

When we schedule a golf game with our friends, we hope that

the weather would be fine. The last thing we want is rain or a
thunder storm.

Or, we are asked to select an auspicious timing for a couple’s

wedding solemnization ceremony in an alfresco setting where
both of them will march into the garden, witnessed by their
friends and relatives. The couple wishes that during the event,
the sun will hopefully not be scorching and neither the rain to
fall to dampen their spirits. Well, it will be even better if the
place is breezy.

In such circumstances, Qi Men Dun Jia can actually come

in quite handy since it is embedded with such capability to
predict the weather. I would like to share with you that just by
looking at the BaZi of the day and the hour, one can already
perform a simple weather forecast. First and foremost, we can
categorise the 10 Heavenly Stems into the following climatic

154 Qi Men Dun Jia

Qi Men Dun Jia: The Ancient Art of War at Your Fingertips

Hailstorm in Singapore
On 25th June 2013 at about 3:15 pm, something rare actually
occurred in Singapore. That day was the first time that we had
rain after more than 2 weeks of a serious haze condition. In
fact, we had hailstones plummeting from the sky during the
rain on the western part of Singapore.

It was so unusual for Singapore to witness a hailstorm since

it is always hot and humid. Let us check out the BaZi and Qi
Men Dun Jia chart for that hour to find out the reasons.

The day stem was 壬 Ren water and this was one of the signs
that rain was highly likely to occur for this day. Let us proceed
to see what Qi Men Dun Jia says.

158 Qi Men Dun Jia

Qi Men Dun Jia: The Ancient Art of War at Your Fingertips

Some practitioners may further fine tune the time to create

the “Auspicious San Yuan San Sha Date Formation” for the
purpose of activating personal wealth.

Integrating 64 Hexagram Qi Men Dun Jia

with Xuan Kong Da Gua Date Selection
The 64 Hexagram Qi Men Dun Jia that I am discussing here is
hourly based. The entire concept is very similar to what I have
already discussed in the earlier chapters about the 9 Palace Qi
2 – own pic Men except that now we have to plot the chart in an entirely
different manner and transpose the information onto the 64
Hexagrams ring format shown on next page.

192 Qi Men Dun Jia

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