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1.      Ani         : Have you finished reading my novel?

     Adi         : Not yet. Look, ........

a.      I still read it
b.      I will still read it
c.       I was still reading it
d.      I still have to read it
e.      I am still reading it
Jawaban: e
Present continuous tense

2.      Betty  : You look tried.

     Tini     : Yes, ........
a.      I work
b.      I am working
c.       I was working
d.      I had been working
e.      I have been working
Jawaban: d
Past perfect progressive

3.      Marsya  : I called you yesterday, but no one an-swered.

     Shella     : Oh, I .......... the garden, at that time.
a.      Weed
b.      Was weeding
c.       Weeeded
d.      Have weeded
e.      Am weeding
Jawaban: b
Past continuous tense

4.      I enjoyed the piano cocert last night. So did. I have .....
a.      Seen much better cocerts
b.      Seen that best concerts
c.       Never seen the best concert
d.      Never seen a better concert
e.      Seen good concert
Jawaban: d
Present perfet tense

5.      Mrs. Hendra has left Surabaya for Medan by GA 707 since 9.00 am. Surely she .......... there
a.      Arrive
b.      Arrived
c.       Was arriving
d.      Will arive
e.      Will have arried
Jawaban: d
Simpel future tense

6.      It was difficult to see the road clearly because it ......... very hard.
a.      Is raining
b.      Was
c.       Are rained
d.      Had been raining
e.      Rains
Jawaban: b
Past tense

7.      Sintya  : Can I meet you at 10.00 am tomorrow, Sir?

Mr.Yani : I am sory. I ............ at that time
a.      Will teach
b.      Teach
c.       Taught
d.      Would teach
e.      Will be teaching
Jawaban: e
Future continuous tense

8.      How long ....... past time?

For about eight months now.
a.      Had you worked
b.      Are you working
c.       Have you been working
d.      Were you working
e.      Will you be working
Jawaban: c
Present perfect tense

9.      Andha  : you look healthy now.

Aini      : yes, I  ......... from my illness
Andha  : I’m glad to hear that. So we can study together again.
a.      Have recovered
b.      Has recovered
c.       Will recover
d.      Was recovering
e.      Is recovering
Jawaban: a
Present perfect tense

10.  Mr. Boss : Where is thelast proposal? I’ll sign it and then have someone copy it.
Lia         : Sorry, Sir. I haven’t typed it yet. But I promise ............ typing it by lunch time.
a.      I finish
b.      I must finish
c.       I have finished
d.      I’ll be finishing
e.      I will have finished
Jawaban: e
Future perfect tense

11.  Riko     : ................................

Mita    : Yes, she has been cooking since 8 o’clock.
a.      Has Noni been cooking since 8 o’clock?
b.      Is Noni cooking since 8 o’clock?
c.       What has Noni been cooking since 8 o’clock?
d.      How long has Noni been cooking?
e.      Where has Noni been cooking since 8 o’clock?
Jawaban: a
Present perfect continuous tense

12.  The librarian suddenly heard a noise.

Librarian  : what was it?
Student   : I’m sorry. I dropped some books while I .......... them.
a.      Carry
b.      Carried
c.       Was carrying
d.      Am carrying
e.      Have carried
Jawaban: c
Past continuous tense

13.  Rifaldi  : I ........... the students exchange programme next year.

Rabbani : Thaat’s a good idea.
a.      Join
b.      Joined
c.       Will join
d.      Have joined
e.      Have been joining
Jawaban: c
Simpel future tense

14.  Dinda   : What should I wear for the party tommorrow, Mum?
Mother            : Don’t worry. I ............ a lovely evening dress for you.
Dinda   : Really?Why did’t you tell me?
Mother            : It will be a surprise, won’t it?
a.      Haven’t bought
b.      Have bought
c.       Isn’t buying
d.      Was buying
e.      Were buying
Jawaban: b
Present perfect tense

15.  Dea      : Jim, what about your english assignment?Have you handed it to Misss Anne?
Jim       : Not yet. But, I ........ it to her by next Tuesday.
a.      Would give
b.      Have given
c.       Am geiven
d.      Will have given
e.      Have been giving
Jawaban: d
Futureperfect tense

16.  Tuti      : what are you doing?

Ria       : finishing my report.
Tuti      : you ............... for five hours. Why don’t you take a break?
a.      Are working
b.      Were working
c.       Have been working
d.      Had been working
e.      Are going to work
Jawaban: c
Present perfect continuous tense

17.  Hendra            : Let’s go out tonight. I’ll show you the best restaurant in this city.
Lia       : All right, I have some work to do,but I ............... it by eight.
a.      Finish
b.      Finished
c.       Was a finishing
d.      Have to finish
e.      Will have finished
Jawaban: e
Future perfect tense

18.  The children was playing foot ball when we saw then.
           A                       B                            C         D
Jawaban: B, seharusnya were playing
Past continuous tense

19.  They has been to Japan many times.

    A     B     C                   D
Jawaban: B,  seharusnya have
Present perfect tense

20.  You shall spoken english well by the end of next year.
   A     B          C                          D
Jawaban: B, seharusnya will
Future perfect tense

21.  If I were you I would marry her.

A       B             C                  D
Jawaban: C, seharusnya should
Past future tense

22.  You would have meet a lot of friends if you had attended the party last.
            A              B      C                             D          E
Jawaban: B, seharusnya met
Past future perfect tense

23.  A men do not walk with his hands.

     A        B                   C      D
Jawaban: B, seharusnya does not or doesn’t
Simple present tense

24.  I will be coming to your hous by this time tomorrow.

         A        B            C                         D
Jawaban: A, seharusnya shall
Future continuous tense

25.  My younger brother have been enthusuastic to learn english since two week ago.
            A                      B                                  C                                  D
Jawaban: B, seharusnya has
Present perfect tense

MUST                              HAVE TO


                     Must and have to are used to express obligation or the need to do something

                     they can be used interchangeably however

 ---MUST:    (subjective obligation)  in general expresses what the speaker thinks  is


                 I must stop smoking  / We must go it's already midnight  /They must work

 __HAVE TO:   (objective obligation)  in general suggests that somebody else has imposed
the decision

                     In France you have to drive on the right / Tom has to wear a uniform at school


            1° have to can be used in all tenses:

                      Tom had to wear a uniform last year  /  Tom will have to wear a uniform next

                      Sonia is having to wait  / she may have to come back tomorrow

            2° must can be used to talk about the present or the future

                     Tom must call his mother tomorrow

                but it can't be used to talk about the past  ( you use have to)

----Interrogative form 

                       Do you have to leave now?    /   Must you leave right now?

----Negative form

                  The negative form of must and the negative form of have to are very different in

          1° must not / mustn't   is used to say that something is not allowed

                  Children mustn't play with fire   /   Passengers must not talk to the driver  / 
Visitors mustn't smoke 

                  'must not 'can't be used to talk about the past, you use another structure

                  example: we were not allowed to park near the museum

          2° don't have to  means that there is no obligation to do something, but you can do it
if you want

                  you don't have to drink alcohol, you can have a soft drink
                  she doesn't have to arrive before 9

                                                  when the lights are red you must stop

                                              you  have to stop

                                                                                       you mustn't go on 

English exercise "Must / Have to" created by lili73 with The test builder
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1. To drive a car you
possess a driving licence.

2. While you are driving you listen to the radio, it is not necessary.

3. You drive without wearing a seatbelt.Wear a seatbelt is compulsory for the

passengers too.

4. It is dangerous to talk on a cell-phone and drive at the same time. Drivers do that.
5. In some countries it is illegal to use a cell-phone in a car, in those countries drivers use phones in their cars.

6. Drivers be kind to other drivers

7. But they be kind to other drivers, it's a choice not the law.
8. In France you insure your car, it's the law of the country.
9. On the road you respect the speed limit even if there isn't any radar.

10. Cyclists wear a helmet but a cautious rider should have one.

English exercise "Past tense: a short story" created by lili73 with The test builder
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Yesterday evening I (be) at home, sleeping in front of the television,

when I (hear) a strange noise .

I (wake) up and (run) to the window.

Can you guess what I (see) in the garden? A flying-saucer!

I (think) I was dreaming so I (go) to the bathroom where I (have) a


and (forget) about the flying-saucer. Suddenly something (strike) the front door.

A bit afraid, I (take) a baseball bat , walked towards the door and opened

Two aliens were there, smiling and jumping. They (say): 'Could we have
a cup of tea, please?'

I (burst) into laughter and asked them to come into the house.

I (put) some water on the stove and (give) them some biscuits.

English exercise "Everyday life" created by anonyme with The test builder
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Click on letters between brackets to build correct words. Click on the box to start again.

1. (   
 ) (2 words - Space)

2. (   
 ) (3 words - Space)

3. (   
 ) (2 words - Space)

4. (   
 ) (3 words - Space)

5. (   
 ) (2 words - Space)

6. (   
 ) (3 words - Space)

7. (   
 ) (2 words - Space)

8. (   
 ) (2 words - Space)

Erratum: I brush my TEETH

n the morning in my bedroom

o get up
o stretch
o yawn
o be half asleep
o have a lie-in
o oversleep
o open the curtains
o open / to pull the blinds
o switch the light on
o make one's bed

To begin my day
To wash
To have a wash
To wash one's face
To wash one's hands
To brush / to clean one's teeth
To wash one's hair
To have a shower
To have a bath
To soap oneself down
To dry oneself
To dry one's hands
To shave
To go to the toilet
To get dressed
To do one's hair
To brush / to comb one's hair
To  make-up
To put on one's contact lenses / one's glasses

My day
o switch on the radio
o have breakfast
o feed the pets
o water the plants
o get ready
o go to work / to school
o go back from work / school
o come back home
o do one's homework
o have a rest
o have a nap
o have a cup of tea
o have dinner
o watch  television / a film / to read
o receive / to invite guests

In the evening
To lock the door
To draw the curtains
To close / pull down the blinds
To go to bed
To set the alarm clock
To fall asleep

English exercise "Daily routine" created by bridg with The test builder
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Peter! …..
please, your alarm clock rang! It's no time .

How was your night? You seem….. this morning.

Instead ….of the light you would better !....

You have to….. before having your breakfast.

Could you …..the cat? I am late and I need to help your brother…. in time.
Dad phoned me, he will …..from work with some guests, I hope you will
….before watching television.
I think you will have….. with your brother before us and you will ……earlier than yesterday.

English exercise "Everyday life" created by anonyme with The test builder
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Time : on - in - at

 This question isn't only a problem for beginners and I also saw it

discussed on English speaking forums. Even some native speakers
hesitate, in some sentences...This remark shouldn't comfort you (or
despair you!), but encourage you to solve this question which, after
all, is quite easy. 

1) ON TIME = at a specified time, not late.

 -                  The 10.00 train left on time and will arrive at 12.30.

-                  He hardly ever get to work on time.

      The antonym of  ON TIME is LATE (to be late = not to be on time)



2) IN TIME = early enough, early enough to do something = doing

something before a deadline, or doing it before it becomes unavailable.

 -          Will Dad be in time for the concert ?

 -          After 10 o'clock, you won't be in time to get that important

     : The antonym of  IN TIME  is :  too late.



3) AT  TIMES :  sometimes, occasionally.

 -    She's usually sweet and kind, but at times, she can be cruel and

   : The antonym of  AT TIMES is NEVER = not ever.

Synonyms are many: from time to time, now and then, every so often,
once in a while, on occasion(s), occasionally, off and on etc.


Well, well!   You must be ready now...   but be careful!   

English exercise "Time : on - in - at" created by here4u with The test builder
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1. I wanted to do a study-abroad program, but I didn't get my application done
. Hard luck!

2. Thanks to our work, the project was completed . Our boss will be happy.

3. Oh no Jo, don’t be late again… Try to be for once.

4. He feels so lonely,, that he would like someone to help him…

5. I hope we will make it to the theatre .The show starts at 8 p.m. and no one is admitted after the beginning.

6. Please, tell me you’ll arrive for the ultrason. I’d like you to be here to see our future baby together…

7. Oh no! It's already 9:55. Are we going to be able to make it ?

8. Promise me you’ll arrive to see me play…

9. He has very strange reactions … I can’t understand him…

10. Trains may arrive , but you can’t really tell with coaches… It depends on the traffic so much.

1. wash the car

2. cook

3. eat

4. have a bath

5. go shopping

6. go to bed

7. have a shower

8. do the washing up
9. go home

10. do my homework


5. I (stay / never) in London before. How expensive hotels are!

6. Did I tell you that when I saw you, I realised that we (meet / already) ?

7. James told me you (buy) the old vicarage two years before your son's birth.

8. I wish we (buy) it before.

End of the free exercise to learn English: Past perfect simple, past perfect continuous
A free English exercise to learn English.
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 English exercise "Clothing and accessories" created by shayla with The test builder
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 Click on letters between brackets to build correct words. Click on the box to start

1. My little sister's new (   

 E
 D
 S
 S
 R
  ) is blue.

2. My brother's (   
 E
 S
 R
 R
 T
 S
 U
 O
  ) are very fashionable. They are black.

3. This (   
 K
 R
 T
 S
 I
  ) is one of the ten that I have.

4. My father has bought a new brown (   

 A
 H
 T
  ) . He loves it.

5. I saw this yellow (   

 A
 B
 G
  ) in a shop. I am going to buy it tomorrow.

6. My uncle wears this white (   

 R
 H
 S
 T
 I
  ) to church.

7. Her boyfriend's new (   

 R
 T
 H
 T
 I
 S
 -
  ) is orange.

8. I like to wear my red (   

 C
 R
 F
 S
 A
  ) in the winter.

9. My sister likes to wear high-heeled (   

 E
 S
 S
 H
 O
  ) . She prefers the pink ones.

10. Your child has many beautiful (   

 K
 S
 S
 C
 O
  ) .

 1) Present simple, complete the sentences:

She (go) [No answer] goes to school by bus.

He (watch) [No answer] watches television in the evening.
They (play) [No answer] play football on Sundays.

2) Turn into the negative form, without any contracted form:

I like chocolate. => I [No answer] do not like chocolate.

He works hard. => He [No answer] does not work hard.
She is English. => She [No answer] is not English.

3) Past simple,complete the sentences without any contracted form:

She (go) [No answer] went to London.

They (play) [No answer] played tennis.
He (write) [No answer] wrote a letter.

4) Turn into the negative form, without any contracted form:

She went to the market. => She [No answer] did not go to the market.
They began running. => They [No answer] did not begin running.
He listened to the teacher. => He [No answer] did not listen to the teacher.

5) Complete with a relative pronoun except -that-:

He is the man [No answer] who came yesterday.

Do you know the book [No answer] which I read last Sunday?
The man, [No answer] who is in the car, is my uncle.

6) Complete with much or many:

We can see [No answer] many birds in the sky.

There is not [No answer] much butter left.
He drinks too [No answer] much alcohol.

7) Complete with for or since:

He has been waiting here [No answer] since two o’clock.

They have played football [No answer] for two hours.
They have been married [No answer] for a long time.

8)Complete with the adjective in the superlative.Don't forget the article. :

This book is interesting. => This book is [No answer] the most interesting.
The blue dress is cheap. => The blue dress is [No answer] the cheapest.
That exercise is easy. => That exercise is [No answer] the easiest.

9) Complete with the right preposition:

He went [No answer] to Australia last year.

He has been living [No answer] in London for ten years.
She arrived [No answer] at school late.

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Since and for

Notice: Since and for = depuis.

'FOR' is used for general periods of time. It’s to express duration.

- For three days,

- For a week,
- For several years,
- For two centuries.

'SINCE' is used for a starting point, a specific time.

- Since Monday,
- Since 1997,
- Since the last war.

- Since the day we met.

English exercise "Since and for" created by lucile83 with The test builder
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1. He has been here

a long period.
2. She has lived in New York six years.
3. They have worked 1995.
4. Linda has been on holidays six weeks.
5. He has been learning French eight months.
6. The weather has been awful the beginning of the year.
7. They have been married a long time.
8. I haven't seen her ages.
9. She has got that job March, 18th.
10. He has put on weight the end of last year.
11. I have been well paid I joined that firm.
12. Kevin has been playing two hours.
13. She has been singing ten o'clock.
14. I have been waiting for you ten minutes.
15. Mike has been hired a six month period.

During / For / Since / While

DURING      when we want to talk about something that happened:

                  My grandfather was killed during the war.

                  from the beginning to the end of a period of time:

                  During the summer she worked as a baby-sitter.

FOR            when we want to talk about  how long something lasts:

                  The season only lasts for some months.

                  It can be used with all tenses:

                  They study for two hours every day.

                  They are studying for two hours today.

                  I worked at the bank for five years.

                  I've worked at this company for ten years.

SINCE         when we want to show points to the beginning of a period of time:

                  He has been living in London since 1997.

                  We've known about it since June.

                  It is normally used with the Present Perfect:

                  He has been here since his childhood.

                  It can also be used in the structure:

                  It is a year since I saw her. 

WHILE         when we refer to certain actions:

                  While I was eating lunch, I read this book.

                  Please,don't drink alcohol while driving.

                  It is always followed by a subject and a verb:

                 ...while the man was riding his bicycle.

                ...while the children were singing.

                  Both SINCE and FOR also have other meanings, with no reference to time:

                  This is for you.

                  Since he didn't study, he didn't pass the exam.

English exercise "During / For / Since / While" created by greg100 with The test builder
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1. His grandparents died ….

the war.
2. Tom and his family lived in England…. three years.
3. My parents have played chess together every Saturday 5 years.
4. the summer, she worked as a waitress in England.
5. I have known about their problems April. I will help them.
6. He usually sings this old song taking a shower.
7. I haven't played football I left school.
8. I'll eat this lemon cake my break.
9. I have loved reading books I first went to the library.
10. His parents didn't usually call him the night.
11. He has worked at this big company ten years.
12. Many tourists have visited this old palace last year.
13. I can't use my cell phone my lessons. I'll call you later.
14. I can't use my cell phone I am learning.
15. Martin and Eva have been learning French two years.
16. his wife was talking on the phone, Martin was cooking dinner.
17. Tom and his family have lived here a very long time.
18. The telephone rang I was reading a newspaper.
1. His grandparents died for during the war.
2. Tom and his family lived in England since for three years.
3. My parents have played chess together every Saturday during for 5 years.
4. Since During the summer, she worked as a waitress in England.
5. I have known about their problems while since April. I will help them.
6. He usually sings this old song for while taking a shower.
7. I haven't played football while since I left school.
8. I'll eat this lemon cake during my break.
9. I have loved reading books during since I first went to the library.
10. His parents didn't usually call him while during the night.
11. He has worked at this big company for ten years.
12. Many tourists have visited this old palace since last year.
13. I can't use my cell phone for during my lessons. I'll call you later.
14. I can't use my cell phone while I am learning.
15. Martin and Eva have been learning French while for two years.
16. For While his wife was talking on the phone, Martin was cooking dinner.
17. Tom and his family have lived here since for a very long time.
18. The telephone rang while I was reading a newspaper.

My house
1 The bathroom 2 The garage
3 The bedroom 4 The kitchen
5 The living room 6 The alarm clock
7 The balcony 8 The work office
9 The table 10 The corridor
11 The hall 12 The cellar
13 The terrace 14 The toilet
15 Stairs 16 The dining room
17 The picture 18 The attic
19 The roof 20 The chimney

English exercise "ESL - My house" created by bridg with The test builder
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1. My car is in the

2. The bath is in the

3. My bed is in my

5. Under the roof we have the

6. Under the house we have a

7. In summer I can take a rest on my

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1. He (marry) per had married her two years before we met.

2. I (want / always) [No answer] had always wanted to travel. That's why I was delighted to go abroad with
3. She was no stranger to him. They (be introduced) [No answer] had been introduced to each other a few
days before.
4. We (stay) [No answer] had been staying there since 1980, you know.
5. I (stay / never) [No answer] had never stayed in London before. How expensive hotels are!
6. Did I tell you that when I saw you, I realised that we (meet / already) [No answer] had already met?
7. James told me you (buy) [No answer] had bought the old vicarage two years before your son's birth.
8. I wish we (buy) [No answer] had bought it before.

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