Proper Wearing of New PNP Uniform
Proper Wearing of New PNP Uniform
Proper Wearing of New PNP Uniform
1. Reference: Memo from TDRD dated January 4, 2017 with subject Reiteration
on the Use of PNP Athletic uniform.
2. This pertains to the observation of no less than the City Director that some
personnel of this Office are not wearing yet the new PNP Precribed Athletic Uniform.
4. Furhter, all PNP personnel are reminded to strcitly ahdere to the provisions of
PNP “LOI Tamang Bihis” and otherexisting Policies particularly the use of PNP Athletic
Uniform during Physical Fitness Test (PFT), athletic days (Teusdays and Thursdays
from 8:00 AM to 12:00 Noon only) and othert related activites. Athletic Uniform should
not be worn in the afternoon. After the athletic time, all personnel should wear GOA “C”
Police Senior Inspector
Chief, Admin Unit