VRV Pre Commissioning Checklist - DXS
VRV Pre Commissioning Checklist - DXS
VRV Pre Commissioning Checklist - DXS
In an
an effort
effort to
to provide
provide the
the highest
highest level
level of
of service,
service, the
the following
following checklist
checklist is
is provided
provided to
to insure
insure that
that all
all necessary
installation items are completed prior to a scheduled assisted commissioning of Daikin systems. Please fill
items are completed prior to a scheduled assisted commissioning of Daikin systems. Please fill out the form
out the form
completely and email to [email protected]. For an assisted system commissioning, submit this
completely and email to [email protected] or fax to 972-245-1038. For an assisted system commissioning, form at least 48 hours
submitto this
the scheduled commissioning
form at least 48 hours priordate. Thescheduled
to the below listed installation related
commissioning date. The items must
below be completed
listed installationprior to our
related items
arrival. Failure to complete the items listed below may result in additional charges.
must be completed prior to our arrival. Failure to complete the items listed below may result in additional charges per
the Daikin AC Commissioning Policy.
Site Checklist
1. Refrigerant Piping: YES NO
(a) Has the refrigeration piping been installed in accordance with Daikin installation guidelines?
(b) Has the refrigeration piping been pressure tested and leaked checked?
If the system has been pressurized, what was the amount of pressure applied? PSI
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Site Checklist (cont.)
1. Refrigerant Piping (cont.): YES NO
If the change was calculated, what was the additional charge added? lbs. oz.
(h) Have both the liquid and suction lines been fully insulated?
2. Electrical Connections:
(a) Have all line voltage connections been made to Indoor/Outdoor units?
List what type wire was installed (stranded or non-stranded and gauge);
If yes, are condensate pump safety switch been connected to fan coil?
(e) Have Branch Selector boxes been wired for line voltage and control wiring been connected?
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Site Checklist (cont.)
4. Outdoor Units: YES NO
(c) Has the outdoor unit been installed with proper clearances?
(e) Has
If applicable, has local
the condensing unit snow
been level averages
elevated been taken
a minimum of 18"into consideration
above roof level in condenser location?
(b) What safety gear is need on site? Hard Hat Safety Glasses Steal Toe Boots Safety Vest
List any additional information needed regarding commissioning and or access to job site.
I hereby certify that all items on this list have been checked, and that all information is correct.
I further verify that the job is ready for commissioning. I realize that if upon arrival to the
commissioning the job is not ready for startup that I will be subject to additional fees as described in
the Daikin AC Commissioning Policy.
Name: Signature: Date:
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