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FINALS - Mechanics

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Surigao del Sur State University

Lianga, Surigao del Sur

1st Semester, S.Y. 2016 – 2017
Final Examination in Mechanics
I. Multiple- choice. Read the following carefully. Write the letter of the best answer. Provide an answer if the
correct answer is not found in the choices.
1. What can be said of an object whose mass stays constant but a. If she has more mass.
its momentum is changing? b. If she has more momentum
a. There is force acting on it. c. If she has less stopping distance
b. Its velocity is changing. d. If she has less momentum
c. It is accelerating (or decelerating) e. All of the above
d. Both a and c 13. Which of the following DOES NOT happen in a perfectly
e. All of the above inelastic collision?
2. Which has a greater momentum, an airplane parked in a a. The objects involved move with a common velocity
hangar or a car down in a hill? after the collision.
a. An airplane parked in a hangar b. The objects involved are deformed to some degree.
b. A car going down a hill. c. A small amount of kinetic energy is lost after the
c. Both a and b collision.
d. None of them. d. The objects involved stick together after the collision.
e. All of the above 14. The product of the mass of an object and its velocity.
3. The momentum of an object changes if its velocity and /or a. Impulse
its mass changes. b. Momentum
a. False c. Collision
b. Never false d. Acceleration
c. Sometimes true e. All of the above
d. Sometimes false 15. Which collision conserves kinetic energy?
e. All of the above a. Elastic collision
4.6. A 2500- kg bus moves at 25 m/s to Makati. What is the b. Inelastic collision
momentum of the bus? (3 points) c. Perfectly collision
a. 65,500 kg m/s d. Momentum
b. 62,500 kg m/s e. All of the above
c. 500 kg m/s 16.18. Fernando Jose hits a 0.05-kg golf ball, giving it a speed of
d. 100 kg m/s 65m/s. What impulse does he impart to the ball? (3
e. All of the above points)
7. The word momentum is a Latin word and means a. 13.25 kg m/s d. 1,300 kg m/s
“movement” or moving power. The symbol for momentum b. 325 kg m/s e. all of the above
is “p” which stands for? c. 3.25 kg m/s
a. Process 19.21. A 0.25-kg arrow with a velocity of 15m/s to the east and
b. power pierces the bull’s eye of a 7.0-kg target. What is the final
c. progress velocity of the combined mass? (3 points)
d. push a. 0.25 m/s d. 0.52 m/s
e. All of the above b. 250 m/s e. all of the above
8. The law of conservation of momentum states that? c. 25 m/s
a. The total momentum of a system will change if there 22. It is any strong interaction between bodies that lasts a
are net external forces acting on it. relatively short time.
b. The total momentum of a system will change if there a. Momentum
are no net external forces acting on it. b. Impulse
c. The total momentum of a system will not change if c. Collision
there are net external forces acting on it. d. Glancing Collision
d. The total momentum of a system does not change if e. All of the above
there are no net external forces acting on it. 23. Which of the following is a vector quantity?
e. All of the above a. Momentum
9. Collision wherein two objects collide and then return to b. Impulse
their original shapes with no change in kinetic energy. c. Collision
a. Collision d. Glancing Collision
b. Elastic collision e. All of the above
c. Inelastic collision 24.26. A 20-kg boy is riding a 6-kg bicycle with a velocity of
d. Perfectly collision 4m/s to the north. What is the total momentum of the boy
e. All of the above and the bike together? (3 points)
10. A collision wherein two objects collide and then return to a. 80 kg m/s d. 104 kg m/s
their original shapes with no change in kinetic energy. b. 84 kg m/s e. all of the above
a. Collision c. 94 kg m/s
b. Elastic collision 27. What is the SI unit of impulse and momentum?
c. Inelastic collision a. K m/s
d. Perfectly collision b. Kg m/s2
e. All of the above c. Kg m/s
11. When two objects collide and move together as one mass d. m/s2
after collision, the collision is called______________. e. All of the above
a. Collision d. Perfectly collision 28. It is any strong interaction between bodies that lasts a
b. Elastic collision e. All of the above relatively short time.
c. Inelastic collision a. Momentum
12. Mona, a skater who is moving at high speed needs a certain b. Impulse
amount of force to stop her. When will more stopping force c. Collision
be needed? d. Glancing Collision
e. All of the above e. All of the above
29. It is a natural science that deals with the understanding of 41.43. A boy rides on a merry-go-round at a distance of 1.25m
nonliving things. from the center. If the boy moves through an arc length of
a. Biology 2.25 m, through what angular displacement does he move?
b. Chemistry a. 180 rad
c. Astronomy b. 18 rad
d. Botany c. 1.8 rad
e. All of the above d. 0.18 rad
30. The angle through which a body rotates while in rotational e. All of the above
motion is called _________________. 44-46. A compass draws a circle on a piece of paper 30 cm in
a. Angular displacement circumference. What was the distance of the needle to the pen of
b. Angular velocity the compass when the circle was drawn?
c. Angular acceleration a. 4.77cm
d. Angular momentum b. 47.7 cm
e. All of the above c. 477 cm
31. The change in the angular velocity of a rotating body with d. 4770 cm
time is called ______________. e. All of the above
a. Angular displacement 47-49. Refer to number 44-46, what is the diameter of the circle
b. Angular velocity drawn?
c. Angular acceleration a. 9540cm
d. Angular momentum b. 954 cm
e. All of the above c. 95.4 cm
32. The change in the angular displacement of a rotating body d. 9.54 cm
about the axis of rotation with time is called ___. e. All of the above
a. Angular displacement 50. Which of the following is CORRECT?
b. Angular velocity a. In uneven circular motion, angular velocity is directly
c. Angular acceleration proportional to the radius.
d. Angular momentum b. In uneven circular motion, angular velocity is not directly
e. All of the above proportional to the radius.
33. If the rotation of the body is counterclockwise and the c. In uniform circular motion, angular velocity is
angular displacement vector points upward. The direction is directly proportional to the radius.
__________. d. In uniform circular motion, angular velocity is not
a. Positive directly proportional to the radius.
b. Negative e. all of the above.
c. Zero 51. Which of the following is CORRECT?
d. Both a and b a. the farther the distance that the body is from the axis
e. All of the above of rotation, the greater is its linear velocity.
34. If the rotation of the body is clockwise and the angular b. the farther the distance that the body is from the axis of
displacement vector points downward. The direction is
rotation, the lesser is its linear velocity.
a. Positive c. the nearer the distance that the body is from the axis of
b. Negative rotation, the greater is its linear velocity.
c. Zero d. the farther the distance that the body is from the axis of
d. Both a and b rotation, the linear velocity will lost.
e. All of the above e. all of the above.
35. Which symbol used to represent the change in angular 52. a measure of frequency or number of cycles per unit time is
velocity? also called ___________?
a. Ω b. ω c. α d. θ e. all of the above a. Angular displacement
36. It is defined as the position of the body. b. Angular velocity
a. Mass c. Angular acceleration
b. Speed d. Angular momentum
c. Velocity e. All of the above
d. Displacement 53- 56. A child in a barber shop spins on a stool. If the child
e. All of the above
turns counter clockwise through 8.0π rad during an 8.0- s
37. Which of the following DOES NOT happen in a perfectly
inelastic collision? interval, what is the average angular velocity of the child’s
a. The objects involved move with a common velocity rotation?
after the collision. a. π rad/s
b. The objects involved are deformed to some degree. b. rad/s
c. A small amount of kinetic energy is lost after the c. 3 rad/s
collision. d. 3.14 π rad/s
d. The objects involved stick together after the collision. e. All of the above
e. All of the above 57. What is the radius of a circle if it has 18cm diameter?
38. Which symbol used to represent the change in angular a. 36 cm
acceleration? b. 30 cm
a. Ω b. ω c. α d. θ e. all of the above c. 18 cm
39. Which symbol used to represent the change in angular d. 9 cm
displacement? e. all of the above
a. Ω b. ω c. α d. θ e. all of the above 58-60. A wheel of radius 14.0 cm starts from rest and turns
40. Which of the following is a vector quantity? through 2.0 revolution in 3.0 s. what is its average angular
a. Momentum velocity?
b. Impulse a. 4.19 rad/s
c. Collision b. 41.9 rad/s
d. Glancing Collision c. 419.0 rad/s
d. 4190 rad/s 79-81. Determine the gravitational force between a 60-kg person
e. All of the above and a 70-kg person who are both standing 2.0m apart.
61. Which symbol used to represent the change in angular a. 10 x 10-8N
acceleration? b. 9.8 x 10-8N
a. Ω b. ω c. α d. θ e. all of the above c. 8.0 x 10-8N
62. Which of the following need NOT be possessed by an d. 7.0 x 10-8N
object swung in a circle? e. All of the above
a. angular displacement 82. He is an Englishman, who measured and determined the
b. angular velocity value of G.
c. angular acceleration a. Henry Cavendish
d. angular momentum b. Isaac Newton
e. angular force c. Thomas Alva Edison
f. centripetal acceleration d. Henry Ramos
63-65. Convert 36º to rad e. Galileo Galilie
83. G is a universal constant of Gravitation and has the value of
a. rad _______.
5 a. 9.68 x 10-11 N
b. 2 rad b. 8.60 x 10-11 N
c. Π rad c. 7.67 x 10-11 N
π d. 6.67 x 10-11 N
d. rad e. 5.67 x 10-11 N
84. Which statement is CORRECT?
e. All of the above
a. The force of gravity gets stronger as you go farther away
66-68. a Figure skater begins spinning counter clockwise at an
from Earth.
angular velocity of 5 π rad/s. She slowly pulls her arms inward b. The force of gravity gets weaker as you go farther away
and finally spins at 9.0 π rad/s for 3s. What is her average from Earth.
angular acceleration during this time interval? c. The force of gravity will lost as you go nearer to the Earth.
a. 419 rad/s2 d. The force of gravity cannot be determined as you go nearer
b. 419.9 rad/s2 to the Earth.
c. 41.9 rad/s2 e. all of the above
d. 4.19 rad/s2 85. Which statement is CORRECT?
e. All of the above a. The earth’s gravitational pull on an object depends on the
69. Motion moves such that the line between any two points object’s mass.
does not remain parallel to itself. b. the greater the mass of an object, the stronger is earth’s
a. rectilinear gravitational pull on it.
b. curvilinear c. Mass does not depend on location.
c. rotational d. the amount of material in an object remains the same
d. parallel whether it is located on Earth, on the moon or in outer space.
e. all of the above e. all of the above.
2π 86- 88. . A compass draws a circle on a piece of paper 30 cm in
70-72. Convert rad to degrees. circumference. What was the distance of the needle to the pen of
5 the compass when the circle was drawn?
a. 72º
a. 4.77cm
b. 82º
b. 47.7 cm
c. 55º
c. 477 cm
d. 15º
d. 4770 cm
e. All of the above
e. All of the above
73.75. What is the radius of a circle if it has 18cm diameter?
89. Why is mass more fundamental than weight?
a. 36 cm
a. Mass is dependent of location, weight depends on the local
b. 30 cm gravity.
c. 18 cm b. Weight is dependent of location, mass depends on the local
d. 9 cm gravity.
e. all of the above c. Mass is independent of location, weight depends on the
76. Why the objects fall? local gravity.
a. because of the moon d. Weight is independent of location, mass depends on the
b. because of the matter local gravity.
c. because of the gravity e. all of the above.
d. because its nature 90. Which of the following is correct?
e. all of the above a. the gravitational force is indirectly proportional to each
77. Which of the following is TRUE of the mass and weight of an mass.
astronaut on Mars, if compared with his mass and weight on b. the gravitational force is indirectly proportional to each
Earth? weight.
a. less mass and less weight c. the gravitational force is directly proportional to each mass.
b. less mass and more weight d. the gravitational force is directly proportional to each
c. the same mass and less weight weight.
d. the same weight and less mass e. all of the above.
e. all of the above
78. An object weighs 600 N on Earth. A second object weighs II. ANALOGY
100N on the moon. Which has a bigger mass?
a. the object on the earth 91-100. For each item in this section, determine the
b. the object on the moon relationship between the first and second words or the first
c. both objects have the same mass and the third words from among suggested answer, fill in the
d. cannot be determined blank that will complete the ANALOGY:
e. all of the above
91. Some Kinetic energy lost: Inelastic
Maximum Kinetic Energy lost: ________
92. Speed: Scalar
93. Force: Newton
________: Pascal
94. Energy in motion: Kinetic energy
Stored energy: _____________
95. Radians per second: Angular velocity
Radians per second squared: ___________
96. Angular velocity: rotational motion
Linear velocity: __________
97. 1 revolution: 6.28 radian
3600 : ________
98. ω : Rotational motion
v : ______________
99. Movement: Momentum
Elastic: ____________
100. Knowledge + attitude: Passed
Knowledge – attitude: ________

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