Astm e 77-07 PDF
Astm e 77-07 PDF
Astm e 77-07 PDF
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 77 – 07
4.2 Thermometers that do not pass the visual and dimen- thickness of such gages should approximate the diameters of
sional inspection tests may give erroneously high or low the holes to minimize errors resulting from the axis of the
temperature readings, or may not fit into existing equipment thermometer stem being other than normal to the plane of the
used in ASTM methods. If the pigment in the scale etchings gage. When specified, diameters may also be checked with
washes out or fades, the thermometer will be difficult to read. conventional snap gages having plane parallel working faces.
Improper annealing of the bulb, as determined by the bulb 5.3 Comparators—Comparators are required for verifica-
stability test, will result in thermometer readings rapidly tion of scale accuracy of liquid-in-glass thermometers. Suitable
changing with time and use. For accurate temperature mea- types are described in Appendix X1.
surements the scale readings of the thermometer should be 5.4 Oven—The test for permanency of pigment may be
verified as described in this test method. conducted with any suitable oven, such as the type shown in
Fig. 1.
5. Apparatus 5.5 Metal Block Baths—The bulb stability test may be
5.1 Graduated Metal Scales or Templates—Maximum and conducted with a variety of devices. Metal block baths and the
minimum specified linear dimensions are measured with salt and tin comparator baths, described in Appendix X1, are
graduated metal sales and templates on which lines are ruled at examples of the type of equipment that has been found to be
suitable distances from reference points corresponding to the suitable for this purpose.
maximum and minimum values of the several specified dimen- 5.6 Primary Standard Thermometer—The primary standard
sions. thermometer in the range from −183 to 630 °C (−297 to 1166
5.2 Micrometers and Ring Gages—Specified diameters of °F) is the platinum-resistance thermometer. Temperatures are
ASTM thermometers are checked using micrometers, or more not measured directly with this instrument. Its electrical
conveniently with ring gages consisting of metal plates in resistance is determined by comparison with a standard resis-
which holes have been formed corresponding to the maximum tor, using a potentiometer, a Kelvin-type double bridge, or a
and minimum values of the several specified dimensions. The Wheatstone bridge, (preferably of the Mueller type) or an AC
E 77 – 07
resistance bridge. Temperatures may then be calculated using ASTM
suitable resistance-temperature equations. In order that it shall Ther-
mometer Length,
be satisfactory for such use, the thermometer should meet the Number Range
Divisions mm
requirement that the ratio of resistances at the steam and ice 70C 295 to 405°C 0.5°C 380
points shall be greater than 1.3925. More complete information ASTM
on the construction and use of primary standard thermometers Ther-
mometer Length,
may be obtained from NIST SP250-22.4 Number Range
Divisions mm
5.7 Secondary Standard Thermometers—Secondary stan-
62F −36 to +35°F 0.2°F 380
dard thermometers are more suitable for routine work, and may
63F 18 to 89°F 0.2°F 380
be of various types as described below. They are simpler to use 64F 77 to 131°F 0.2°F 380
than a primary standard thermometer with its accessory equip- 65F 122 to 176°F 0.2°F 380
66F 167 to 221°F 0.2°F 380
ment, the latter being capable of an order of precision and 67F 203 to 311°F 0.5°F 380
accuracy far in excess of that attainable with liquid-in-glass 68F 293 to 401°F 0.5°F 380
thermometers. The choice of a secondary standard will be 69F 383 to 581°F 1.0°F 380
70F 563 to 761°F 1.0°F 380
governed by various factors. The following criteria should, in
so far as possible, be satisfied: The standard should be a The foregoing set is calibrated for total immersion. With the
calibrated thermometer of equal or preferably higher sensitivity exception of the first two, each thermometer is provided with
than the thermometer to be verified, and it should be capable of an auxiliary scale including 0 °C (32 °F), thus providing means
giving results of an equal or preferably higher order of for checking at a fixed point, which should be done each time
accuracy and also of an equal or preferably higher order of the thermometer is used. The change in ice-point reading
reproducibility or precision. Scale corrections should always should then be applied to all readings. It is only necessary to
be applied in the use of these standards. Secondary standards have a liquid-in-glass thermometer completely calibrated one
may be of the following types. time. Recalibration is performed as described in 6.5.8.
5.7.1 Direct-Reading Resistance Thermometers—Direct- Partial-Immersion Thermometers—General purpose
reading resistance thermometers are available commercially, partial-immersion thermometers, as commonly listed in manu-
are very convenient to use, and have the advantage over the facturers’ catalogs according to their own specifications, are
primary type that temperature indications are given directly in normally bought and sold without specification of the tempera-
the instrument reading. They should be completely recalibrated tures of the emergent column for the various temperature
every 6 to 12 months, depending upon the temperatures of indications of the thermometers. In such cases, verification is
usage. Ice points should be taken every 3 months. usually carried out for the emergent column temperatures
5.7.2 Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers—Liquid-in-glass ther- prevailing with the verification equipment being employed.
mometers, when used as secondary standards, may be classi- Special Use Partial-Immersion Thermometers—
fied into two groups, those intended for testing general purpose Special use partial-immersion thermometers, such as those
total or partial-immersion thermometers, and those for testing covered in Specification E 1, have specified emergent mercury
special use partial-immersion thermometers. columns or stem temperatures. These thermometers can be Total-Immersion Thermometers—In the case of gen- used as standards to calibrate other thermometers similar in all
eral purpose total-immersion thermometers, the sensitivity of details of construction above the immersion point, but may
the thermometers to be tested will govern the choice of differ below the immersion point to the extent of including an
standard. For thermometers graduated in 1, 2, or 5° divisions, auxiliary ice point scale.
a set of well-made thermometers will be adequate when 5.8 Engraving Date on ASTM Thermometers—If a ther-
calibrated and used with applicable corrections. For fraction- mometer’s specification was changed, the year that it was
ally graduated thermometers a calibrated set of the following changed is engraved on the back of the thermometer after the
thermometers is recommended. Specifications for these ASTM ASTM designation. For example, “12C-98.”
Precision Thermometers appear in Specification E 1.
6. Procedure
mometer Length, 6.1 Visual Inspection:
Number Range Divisions mm
6.1.1 Gas Bubbles and Separations—Gas bubbles are
62C −38 to +2°C 0.1°C 380 readily detected and are more likely to occur in shipment than
63C −8 to +32°C 0.1°C 380 during service. No method has been discovered that will
64C 25 to 55°C 0.1°C 380
65C 50 to 80°C 0.1°C 380 entirely prevent such displacement of the gas. If bubbles are
66C 75 to 105°C 0.1°C 380 observed in the bulb, they can generally be removed by cooling
67C 95 to 155°C 0.2°C 380
68C 145 to 205°C 0.2°C 380
the bulb with dry ice or other convenient coolant until all the
69C 195 to 305°C 0.5°C 380 liquid is drawn into the bulb. Gentle tapping of the thermom-
eter while held upright will cause the bubbles to rise to the
surface. It is very important that, if the bulb is cooled in this
“Platinum Resistance Thermometer Calibrations,” NIST Special Publication
process below the freezing point of the liquid, care should be
250-22, Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washing- exercised to warm the stem sufficiently during the melting
ton, DC 20402-9325. process so that no solidification occurs in the stem; otherwise
E 77 – 07
the bulb may burst or the capillary may split internally because convenient to use a magnifying glass of low power for this
of the expansion forces generated in the bulb. examination. A magnifier of 103 is recommended for visual If a mercury separation is observed in the stem, examination. The most common types of foreign matter which
several different ways are suggested for joining the columns, should be cause for rejection are glass chips, particles of dirt or
depending on the construction of the thermometer and the type lint, oxide of mercury (either red, yellow, or black), products of
of separation. If a small portion of the liquid has separated at glass weathering commonly called white deposit, and stones or
the top of the column and the thermometer is provided with an iron spots traceable to faulty glass fabrication.
expansion chamber, the liquid usually can be joined by Where a specific gas is specified to be used as filling
carefully and slowly heating the bulb until the separated above the liquid, any other gas present may be treated as
portion is driven into the expansion chamber. Never heat the foreign matter. The most common example is the use of air
bulb in an open flame. When the column itself follows into the instead of nitrogen in mercury-in-glass thermometers, which
chamber, the separated portion usually will join onto the main may have been introduced by accident or in violation of the
column. A slight tapping of the thermometer against the palm specifications. The presence of air can readily be detected by
of the hand will facilitate this joining. This method should not exposing the gas-filled portion of the thermometer and a short
be employed for high-temperature thermometers (above 260 section of the liquid column to a temperature of 340 to 370 °C
°C or 500 °F), because the heating of the bulb, which is (644 to 698 °F), using an oven of the type illustrated in Fig. 1.
necessary to drive the liquid into the expansion chamber, may Under these conditions oxidation of the mercury will occur and
overheat the glass and either break the bulb, because of the will normally be evidenced by the production of crystals of red
pressure of the gas, or destroy the accuracy of the thermometer oxide of mercury after 10 to 12 h of exposure.
by expanding the bulb. Thermometers that have a contraction 6.1.4 Glass Faults—Glass faults may be of various types.
chamber below the lowest graduation are likely to develop Any stones or striae that distort the bore or its appearance
separations either in the chamber or above it. It is frequently should be cause for rejection. Strains in the glass as observed
possible to join such separations by cooling the thermometer so with a polarized light strain gage near enlargements in the stem
that the separated portion as well as the main column both or bore, or at the top of the thermometer, are detrimental. If so,
stand in the chamber. Tapping the tube against the hand or the severe fire cracks may later occur. Strains near the bulb are
bulb on a soft spongy material, such as a rubber stopper, indicative of incomplete glass stabilization and are particularly
usually will bring the liquid together. For more stubborn objectionable in thermometers for use above 150 °C (302 °F).
separations it may be necessary to cool the bulb in dry ice to a The test for bulb stability will normally serve to reject high
point low enough to bring all of the liquid into the bulb itself. range thermometers in which this defect is most significant.
By softly tapping on a soft spongy material or against the hand 6.2 Dimensional Inspection:
it usually is possible to bring the liquid together in the bulb. 6.2.1 Determine compliance with lineal dimensional speci-
The bulb should be allowed to warm up slowly. The liquid fications by comparison of the thermometer with the appropri-
should emerge into the bore with no separation. ate scale or template described in 5.1. In the case of diameter In organic-liquid-filled thermometers distillation measurements, the bulb or other portions of the thermometer
may occur, with subsequent condensation of the colorless being tested should not enter the smaller of the holes in the ring
parent liquid in the upper part of the thermometer. Such gage (see 5.2), or fail to enter the larger of the holes. In the case
thermometers should always be inspected for these separations, of ASTM thermometers, the diameter limits apply over the
which can be repaired by the procedures described above. If entire length of the section of the thermometer being tested.
the thermometer has an expansion chamber that is observed to 6.2.2 Inspect the thermometers for uniformity of graduation
be filled with liquid, the column can be reunited by very careful spacing. Normally, the effect of taper in the capillary or
heating of the chamber to drive the liquid into the bore where nonlinearity in the expansion characteristics of organic liquids
it can be rejoined to the main body as described above. is manifested by a gradual change in the spacing of the Organic liquids as used in thermometers, in contrast graduations. Discontinuities in the spacing are evidence of
to mercury, wet the glass. Sufficient time should always be faulty graduating. Inspection for uniformity of spacing can
allowed for drainage to occur, particularly when using or generally be accomplished by eye, but for greater accuracy a
verifying such thermometers below 0 °C (32 °F). It is fre- pair of dividers may be used to advantage. Adjust the dividers
quently a good practice to immerse only the bulb of the to extend over 10 or 20 graduations, and successive intervals
thermometer. This keeps the viscosity of the liquid in the can be intercompared rapidly. Where marked changes in
capillary low and aids in hastening drainage. spacing are noted, it is well to include in the verification
6.1.2 Globules of Liquid—Globules of liquid in the stem, several temperatures in that region.
which result from mechanical separation, can normally be 6.3 Permanency of Pigment:
rejoined by heating the bulb until the liquid column merges 6.3.1 The test for permanency of pigment is designed to
with the globules. If such globules appear to unite and then determine the ability of the pigment material to withstand the
reappear on cooling the bulb, they are indicative of oxidation exposure conditions encountered in use without being obliter-
of the mercury or the presence of obstructions in the bore, and ated.
should result in rejection of the thermometer. 6.3.2 Place any convenient portion of the scale section of
6.1.3 Foreign Matter—Foreign matter in the bore can some- the thermometer to be tested in an oven of the type shown in
times be detected with the unaided eye, but it is generally Fig. 1. Heat for 3 h at approximately 260 °C (500 °F). Allow
E 77 – 07
to cool slowly. Inspect the thermometer for differences in Allow the thermometer to cool as described in and then
appearance of the tested and untested sections of the scale repeat the procedures described in and It must
portion. Burning out, loosening, chalking, or fading of the be emphasized that to obtain meaningful results, the procedure
pigment shall be cause for rejection. adopted after the 168-h period of heating must be identical to
6.4 Bulb Stability: that used in the original calibration.
6.4.1 The test for bulb stability is designed to determine the 6.5 Verification of Scale Accuracy:
adequacy of the stabilizing heat treatment accorded the ther- 6.5.1 Reading Thermometers to Avoid Parallax—The error
mometer bulb during manufacture. An inadequately stabilized due to parallax may be eliminated by taking care that the
bulb will undergo shrinkage with time which may be signifi- reflection of the scale can be seen in the mercury thread, and by
cant particularly in higher temperatures. adjusting the line of sight so that the graduation of the scale Heat the thermometer for 5 min at the temperature nearest the meniscus exactly hides its own image; the line of
specified in 12.1 of Specification E 1 in a preheated bath which sight will then be normal to the stem at that point. In reading
may be of the type shown in Fig. 2. Immersion must be thermometers, account must be taken of the fact that the lines
sufficient that all of the thermometer bulb is at the specified are of appreciable width. The best practice is to consider the
temperature. Allow the thermometer to cool, either naturally in position of the lines as defined by their middle parts.
still air, or slowly in the test bath at a specified rate, to a span 6.5.2 Depth of Immersion for Total-Immersion
of 20° on the Celsius scale (36° on the Fahrenheit scale) above Thermometers—Although by definition total-immersion ther-
ambient temperature or to 50 °C (122 °F), whichever is the mometers should have the bulb and stem containing the
lower, and then determine the reading at some reference point, mercury immersed both in use and in verification, it is
such as the ice point. If natural cooling in still air is used, frequently inconvenient to do so. If any portion of the stem
determine the reference reading within 1 h. Return the ther- containing mercury is exposed, the emergent mercury column
mometer to the bath, preheated to the temperature of test, and correction should be determined. No correction need be ap-
heat for 24 h. Allow the thermometer to cool, at the same rate plied if it is found to be less than one fifth of the verification
as at the start of the test, to the temperature referred to above, error; otherwise, the proper correction should be applied. In
and redetermine the reference reading under the same condi- some instances total-immersion thermometers may be used
tions as before. The magnitude of any change in this reference under conditions of complete immersion. With thermometers
reading as a result of the 24-h heating period is a measure of such as the kinematic-viscosity thermometer 30F, a significant
the quality of the bulb glass and the adequacy of the previous error will be introduced unless the thermometer is verified
heat treatment accorded the thermometer in manufacture. under the same conditions as those in use. This is due to the
6.4.2 For kinematic viscosity thermometers used for mea- effect of increased gas pressure above the column producing a
suring temperatures at and above 50 °C (122 °F), the following distortion of the bulb.
bulb stability test is used. 6.5.3 Depth of Immersion for Partial-Immersion Heat the thermometer to the selected reference point Thermometers—Thermometers of this type shall be verified by
on the main scale, maintain the temperature for at least 15 min, one of the methods described in,, and
and determine the scale correction at this point. using the appropriate comparators. If the thermometer is of the Allow the thermometer to cool slowly in the test general-purpose type, it should be verified by immersion to the
bath (or naturally in still air) to at least a span of 20° on the specified depth and the readings compared with those of the
Celsius scale (36° on the Fahrenheit scale) above ambient or to secondary standard.
50 °C (122 °F), whichever is the lower, and then determine the 6.5.4 Verification at the Ice Point:
correction after at least 15 min at the ice point. If natural Select clear pieces of ice or ice made from distilled
cooling is used, the correction should be determined within 1 h. or pure water. Discard any cloudy or unsound portions. Rinse Heat the thermometer again to the selected reference the ice with distilled water and shave or crush into small
point on the main scale, keep it at this temperature for 168 h. pieces, avoiding direct contact with the hands or any chemi-
cally unclean objects. Fill the Dewar vessel with the crushed
ice and add sufficient distilled, preferably precooled, water to
form a slush, but not enough to float the ice. As the ice melts
it will be necessary to drain off some of the water and add more
crushed ice. Insert the thermometer, packing the ice gently
about the stem, to a depth approximately one scale division
below the 0 °C (32 °F) gradation. After at least 3 min have elapsed, tap the stem gently
and observe the reading. Successive readings taken at least 1
min apart should agree within one tenth of a division. It may be
necessary to repack the ice around the thermometer because of
FIG. 2 Air Bath for Bulb Stability Test 6.5.5 Verification at the Steam Point:
E 77 – 07 If the range of the thermometer is such that the ice thermal equilibrium. This is particularly important at test
point is not included, the steam point at 100 °C (212 °F) can be temperatures remote from room temperatures.
used. For a description of the equipment and techniques best 6.5.7 Verification of Partial-Immersion Thermometers With
suited to the purpose, reference may be made to NIST Specified Stem Temperatures:
SP250-23.2 Partial-immersion thermometers having specified
6.5.6 Verification of Total-Immersion and General Use stem temperatures, such as those in Specification E 1, can be
Partial-Immersion Thermometers at Temperatures Other Than verified in one of three ways.
Fixed Points: One method involves comparison of the thermom- Determine the ice point of the primary or secondary eters at total immersion with total-immersion standards. The
standard and the thermometer to be tested as described in 6.5.4. number of degrees of scale, which will be in the emergent
If the secondary standard is of the liquid-in-glass type, it column when in actual use, shall then be measured. From these
should be held at room temperature for at least 72 h before this data the corrections under the specified emergent column
determination unless the ice point was originally determined temperatures may then be calculated (7.2). In the case of
immediately after heating to a specified temperature. The organic liquid-filled thermometers such as ASTM Low Cloud
thermometer to be tested should be treated in similar manner. and Pour, 6 °C and 6 °F, the coefficient of expansion of the
liquid should be obtained by experiment or from the manufac- Insert the thermometer to be tested and the standard
turer in order to perform these computations. This method has
in the thermometer holder, and adjust the temperature of the
the advantage that the standard may be selected to have greater
comparator to a value approximately 5 °C (10 °F) below the
sensitivity than the thermometer being tested, thus increasing
verification temperature. It may be advantageous to use two the accuracy of measurement.
secondary standard liquid-in-glass thermometers, since obser- A second method, which is the one best suited to
vational errors of the standard may then be readily detected.
large-quantity testing, involves comparison of the thermom-
Apply sufficient heat to raise the temperature at a slow uniform
eters with standards similar in all details of construction above
rate. At the verification point the rate should not exceed one the immersion point, but may differ below the immersion point
scale division in 3 to 10 min. Fulfillment of this requirement to the extent of including an auxiliary ice-point scale. Such
will ensure that any exposed portion of the stem will have thermometers, when completely calibrated, as by the National
attained thermal equilibrium before readings are taken. Institute of Standards and Technology, may then be employed When the proper rate of temperature rise has been indefinitely for verification purposes if periodic ice-point
established, read the thermometers in the following order at checks are made. The particular field of application of this
equal time intervals: standard, thermometer or thermometers to second method is evidenced by the fact that many of the ASTM
be tested, standard, thermometers to be tested in reverse order, thermometers include the ice point in the specified range, but
standard. The average of the first and third readings of the the following fractionally graduated thermometers are not
standard should agree with the second. A comparison of provided with an ice-point scale:
differences in successive readings will also indicate if the rate Paraffin Wax Melting Point: 14C, 14F
of rise has been uniform. High Softening Point: 16C, 16F Calculate the average readings for all thermometers. Saybolt Viscosity: 17C, 17F, 18C, 18F, 19C, 19F, 20C, 20F,
Apply the appropriate corrections to the reading of the stan- 21C, 21F, 22C, 22F, 77F to 81F, 108F, 109F
dard. Calculate the corrections to be applied to the thermom- Engler Viscosity: 23C, 24C, 25C
eters under test. Stability Test of Soluble Nitrocellulose: 26C For verification purposes, one series of readings is Turpentine Distillation: 27C
usually sufficient. If the thermometer is being calibrated, check Aniline Point: 34C, 34F, 35C, 35F
determinations should be made. The results of each of at least Solvents Distillation: 38C, 39C, 40C, 41C, 42C, 102C,
three series should agree with the mean of the series within 103C, 104C, 105C, 106C, 107C
plus or minus one tenth of a division. Stormer Viscosity: 49C Unless otherwise specified, tests should be made not Gas Calorimeter Inlet: 50F
less than 40 nor more than 100 divisions apart throughout the Gas Calorimeter Outlet: 51F
range of the thermometer. Congealing Point: 54F Comparisons may be made at constant temperature Petrolatum Melting Point: 61C, 61F
in preference to the use of slowly rising temperatures. Such a Antifreeze Freezing Point: 76F
procedure is satisfactory if the bath temperature does not vary Solidification Point: 91C to 96C, 100C, 101C
more than the precision of reading and if the thermometer is Tar Acids Distillation: 111C
jarred, as by tapping, before taking a reading in order to Brookfield 122C, 123C, 124C, 125C
overcome any sticking of the mercury to the glass. Such The ice point was omitted from the above listed thermom-
tapping is particularly important with thermometers having a eters as a matter of necessity. In order to supply an ice point,
capillary diameter of the order of 0.1 mm or less and may be when not included in the range of the thermometer, it is
employed to advantage in the rising temperature method of test necessary to blow an enlargement or contraction chamber
as well. Sufficient time should elapse before taking readings to below the first graduation to take care of the volume of
ensure that all portions of the thermometer have attained mercury between the ice point and this first graduation. This
E 77 – 07
contraction chamber may introduce an error in the readings When the thermometers are first received, make a
unless it is entirely immersed in or is at the same temperature monthly check of the ice point: later these time intervals may
as the medium the temperature of which is to be measured. be lengthened if the changes are found to be insignificant.
This immersion requirement may be difficult if not impossible High-quality liquid-in-glass thermometers require
to attain in the apparatus in which the thermometers are used. only one complete calibration in their lifetime, and it is
Such limitations of space prevented the inclusion of ice points possible to avoid the usual requirement for complete recalibra-
in the above group of thermometers. However, by increasing tion of the instrument by the recalibration of a single previ-
the lengths of the thermometers, ice-point scales can be ously calibrated temperature. The need for recalibration of
incorporated in the thermometers to be used as standards. For properly manufactured liquid-in-lass thermometers is due to
those in the group that are partial immersion, the dimensions the gradual relaxation of residual mechanical strains in the
above the immersion point should be as prescribed in the glass that have a significant effect on the volume of the bulb.
specifications for the corresponding ASTM thermometer. For The recalibration of a single point provides a reliable indication
the total-immersion thermometers this requirement may be of the effect of this change in volume and provides a means for
waived. the accurate adjustment of the remainder of the scale.5 A third method uses total-immersion standards,
measuring stem temperature of the emergent liquid column in 7. Treatment of Data
the partial-immersion thermometer with a Faden thermometer
7.1 From the corrections at the ice point and the other
or small auxiliary thermometers. With this data, stem tempera-
verification temperatures, a table of corrections can be pre-
ture adjustments can be made. See NIST SP250-232 for
pared for each thermometer. If the thermometer is to be used
additional details.
frequently at temperatures other than those of calibration, a
6.5.8 Recalibrate by Checking Changes in Bulb Volume: correction curve will be found more convenient than interpo- The verification procedure described above can be lation from a table. In such a curve the corrections are plotted
used to obtain corrections for the calibration of thermometers. against the temperature readings. Small changes in the volume of the thermometer 7.2 Where corrections are to be calculated for emergent
bulb during use, especially significant for large bulb and columns, the following equation shall be used:
relatively short range thermometers graduated in fractional Emergent stem correction 5 kn ~T 2 t! (1)
degrees, may occur, even though the thermometer has been
carefully annealed or aged, and will result in changes in the where:
indications as well as the corrections. Usually the bulb con- k = differential expansion coefficient of the liquid and the
tracts slowly, and, as a result, the thermometer will read higher glass of which the thermometer is made; for Celsius
after it has been placed in service. Less frequently the bulb mercury-in-glass thermometers the value of k is
expands and the thermometer will read lower after use. 0.00016, for Fahrenheit mercury-in-glass thermom- Two procedures are followed for using the ice point eters it is 0.00009, for Celsius organic liquid-in-glass
to determine the change in bulb volume and to recalibrate a thermometers it is 0.001, and for Fahrenheit organic
liquid-in-glass thermometer. One method requires that the liquid-in-glass thermometers it is 0.0006.
thermometer remain at approximately room temperature for 72 n = number of degrees emergent from the bath,
T = temperature of the bath, and
h before the ice point is taken. The other method stipulates that
t = average temperature of the liquid column of n degrees.
the ice point reading be taken immediately or within a
definitely stated short period of time after heating to the test
temperature. Changes in the corrections of the thermometer 7.2.1 The use of more accurate values of k is not justified,
may be observed by determining the changes in the ice point by because of the uncertainty of the true average temperature of
either method. the liquid thread not exposed to the temperature being mea-
sured. Record the ice-point reading and compare it with the
previous reading. If the ice-point reading is found to be higher 7.2.2 For emergent columns of partial-immersion thermom-
or lower than the ice-point reading of the previous calibration, eters, where the column temperature is other than specified in
readings at all other temperatures will be correspondingly Table 2 of Specification E 1, calculate the correction to the
increased or decreased. If the method involving the taking of observed reading as follows:
the ice point immediately after heating to a specified tempera- Emergent stem correction 5 kn ~ts 2 to! (2)
ture is used, such as with most kinematic viscosity thermom-
eters, a note should appear in the table of corrections for the where:
k = same as in 7.2,
thermometer as follows:
NOTE 2—The tabulated corrections apply for the condition of immer-
sion indicated, provided the ice-point reading taken after heating to __ for
not fewer than 3 min is __. If the ice-point reading (taken in not fewer than 5
Wise, Jacquelyn, “A Procedure for the Effective Recalibration of Liquid-in-
2 min and not more than 1 h after removal of the thermometer from the Glass Thermometers,” NIST Special Publication 819, 1991. Available from Super-
heated bath) is found to be higher (or lower) than stated, all other readings intendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC
will be higher (or lower) to the same extent. 20402–9325.
E 77 – 07
n = the number of scale degrees from the immersion mark peratures below −56 °C (−69 °F), use an organic liquid. Unlike
to the top of the mercury column. The ungraduated mercury, the organic liquid will wet the wall of the capillary.
length between the immersion mark and the first Adequate time must be given for complete drainage to occur.
graduation on the scale shall be evaluated in terms of This can take up to 1 h and can have an influence on the
scale degrees and be included, precision of the measurement. Thermometers containing or-
ts = temperature specified in Table 2 of Specification E 1, ganic fluids are less accurate than those containing mercury or
to = observed average temperature of the liquid column of mercury thallium.
n degrees. 8.2.4 Thermometers are graduated in intervals of 0.01°,
7.3 The limit of precision to which the corrections at the 0.02°, 0.05°, 0.1°, 0.2°, 0.5°, 1.0°, 2.0°, and 5.0°. The ability to
calibration temperatures shall be recorded, to which correction read these thermometers will have an influence on the precision
tables or charts shall be made, or to which any temperature of the measurements. If the thermometers are read with a
measured by the thermometer shall be reported, is a measure of telescope, thermometers graduated in intervals of 0.01° or
the sensitivity of the thermometer and is generally described by 0.02° can be read to the nearest 0.001°; in 0.05° or 0.1° to the
the phrase, corrections stated to. nearest 0.005°; in 0.2° to the nearest 0.01°; in 0.5° or 1.0° to
7.4 The limit of reliability of any temperature measurement the nearest 0.05°; in 2.0° to the nearest 0.1°; and in 5.0° to the
made with a calibrated thermometer after all corrections, nearest 0.5°.
determined as carefully as possible, have been applied is 8.2.5 Each laboratory can determine the precision of the
termed the uncertainty in degree of the thermometer. verification of scale accuracy or the calibration of liquid-in-
7.5 For compliance with specifications, the errors in the glass thermometers using the above information as a guideline.
temperature indications of ASTM thermometers being verified A statistical analysis of data collected on the various types of
shall not exceed the scale errors as expressed in Table 1 of thermometers verified could be used to obtain a value for the
Specification E 1. Unless otherwise expressed, it is understood random error.
that such thermometers are to be used without application of 8.3 Bias
corrections. 8.3.1 Like precision, it is very difficult to determine a bias
statement for the verification of the scale accuracy because of
8. Precision and Bias the systematic error from the choice of standard used and the
8.1 No statement is made about either precision or bias of gradients in the comparators in each laboratory.
Test Method E 77 for visual and dimensional inspection, 8.3.2 If a standard platinum resistance thermometer is used
permanency of pigment, or bulb stability, since the results as the standard, it can be capable of reproducing temperatures
merely state whether there is conformance to the criteria for to approximately 0.001 to 0.003 °C. If total-immersion liquid-
success or failure specified in the procedure. in-glass thermometers, such as the ASTM set of 62 °C (62 °F)
8.2 Precision of Verification of Scale Accuracy through 70 °C (70 °F), are used as standards, the uncertainty at
8.2.1 It is not practicable to specify the precision of the the calibration points will range from 0.03 °C (0.05 °F) to 0.5
verification of the scale accuracy because of the wide variety of °C (1.0 °F). The uncertainty of partial-immersion thermom-
thermometers listed in Specification E 1. Of the 129 different eters will range from approximately 0.3 °C (0.5 °F) to 2.0 °C
kinds of liquid-in-glass thermometers, they are all either for (3.0 °F). This uncertainty will be less if special use partial-
use at total immersion or partial immersion. immersion thermometers are used as standards where the
8.2.2 The verification of total-immersion thermometers will readings are adjusted for a specified stem temperature. In all
produce more repeatable results because the temperature of the cases the average of two standard liquid-in-glass thermometers
stem containing the mercury is at the same temperature as the will give a more accurate value of the temperature of the
bulb, when the thermometer is immersed correctly. The tem- medium of the comparator.
perature of the emergent stem of partial-immersion thermom- 8.3.3 The error due to gradients in the comparators must be
eters can vary depending on the temperature of the environ- determined in each laboratory. These gradient errors will
ment and this will affect the repeatability of the data obtained. usually increase where comparisons are made in comparators
The method used for measuring the temperature of the emer- at higher temperatures.
gent mercury column, when stem-temperature measurements 8.3.4 The precision and bias for the verification of scale
are made, has an effect on the repeatability of the data. accuracy must be calculated for each laboratory. An example of
Generally, total-immersion thermometers have an uncertainty how this can be done is shown in NIST SP250-23.2
of approximately ten times better than partial-immersion ther-
mometers. 9. Keywords
8.2.3 Most thermometers contain mercury as the actuating 9.1 calibration; liquid-in-glass thermometers; mercury sepa-
liquid. Some thermometers, especially those for use at tem- ration; organic liquids; verification
E 77 – 07
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 An oven suitable for the test for foreign matter in the
bore (see and permanency of pigment (6.3) is illus-
trated in Fig. 1.
X1.2 An air bath suitable for the bulb stability test (6.4) is
illustrated in Fig. 2.
E 77 – 07
FIG. X1.3 Comparator for Temperature Range from −160 to −75 °C (−256 to 103 °F)
FIG. X1.4 Comparator for Temperature Range from −80 to +5 °C (−112 to +41 °F)
E 77 – 07
in. mm
2 50.8
4 101.6
18 457.2
the center of the block, with the holes overlapping slightly so X1.6.6 Vacuum Jar, silvered, without side arm, 80 mm in
that the final pattern resembles a cloverleaf. The holes shall be inside diameter by 350 mm in inside depth.
deep enough so that the liquid index of the thermometers under X1.6.7 Platinum Resistance Thermometer and accessories,
test may be completely immersed. This block rests on a or suitable liquid-in-glass secondary standard.
cushion of glass wool on the bottom of the test tube, the X1.6.8 Cardboard Cover:
cushion being of convenient height. (not shown) to fit over the top of the test tube.
X1.6.2 Test Tube, 33 mm in diameter by 235 mm in length X1.6.9 Glass Wool.
with a resistance coil (165 V) on the outside. This is an X1.6.10 Liquid Nitrogen.
ordinary test tube with a spiral of resistance wire wrapped X1.6.11 Isopentane.
around the outside. The wire may be held in place by glass X1.6.11.1 In use the apparatus is assembled as shown in
studs or by cellulose tape. The resistance shall be such that the Fig. X1.3. The evacuable flask is positioned in the larger
wire will not become dangerously hot if the full voltage of a container by three cork wedges strung on a wire. It must extend
variable transformer is accidentally sent through. The test tube above the nitrogen container enough so that nitrogen may be
is in turn supported in the evacuable jar by a cushion of glass added without spilling into the isopentane. The aluminum
wool. block is completely covered with isopentane and the space
X1.6.3 Vacuum Pump. between the two Dewar flasks filled with liquid nitrogen. A
X1.6.4 Evacuable Vacuum Jar, unsilvered, with attached loose fitting cardboard shield with proper holes is placed over
side arm containing a stopcock, 50 mm in inside diameter by the top to reduce condensation and convection. When the
300 mm in inside depth. An ordinary unsilvered Dewar flask is system has cooled to a few degrees above the desired tempera-
fitted with a side arm containing a tightly fitting stopcock. ture, the inner flask is evacuated by the pump to stabilize the
X1.6.5 Variable Transformer, 0.3 kVA. temperature equilibrium in the test tube. (When testing in the
E 77 – 07
FIG. X1.6 Alternative Designs of Comparators for Temperature Ranges from 300 to 538 °C (572 to 1000 °F) and from 5 to 315 °C (41 to
599 °F)
range of −157 °C (−251 °F), this evacuation is not necessary). X1. The heating coil should be attached to the
At the desired test temperature, heat transfer is exactly bal- variable transformer by means of thoroughly insulated leads.
anced by means of the heating coil. It will be necessary to
agitate the isopentane by raising and lowering the thermometer, X1.7 Comparators for the Range from −80 to +5 °C (−112
but any vigorous stirring at low temperatures will generate to +41 °F)—For temperature testing in this range, as indicated
enough heat to make difficult the maintaining of proper in Fig. X1.4, two baths are recommended: one for thermom-
equilibrium. eters requiring a long depth of immersion and the other for
X1.6.11.2 Certain safety precautions must be carefully ob- short immersion. In either case the bath shall consist of a
served. Some of the more important are as follows: Dewar-type vacuum flask, the walls of which may or may not
X1. Since liquid nitrogen has a lower absolute be silvered as required. Normally the unsilvered is preferred.
boiling point than liquid air, substantial quantities of liquid air Metal vacuum flasks may also be employed instead of the glass
or atmospheric moisture, or both, will condense within the type. The bath tops are not available commercially and must be
walls of the evacuable flask. Therefore, the flask should never made of some nonheat-conducting material such as phenolic
be warmed without being vented to the atmosphere or under plastic. The small holes should be approximately 9.0 mm in
vacuum and should always be vented through a drying tube. diameter. The thermometers under test may then be held in
X1. Liquid air or liquid oxygen, or a mixture of place by means of small sections cut from a length of rubber
them, should never be used as the refrigerant. tubing. It is important that the blades of the propeller shall give
X1. At all times the level of the pentane should be a downward thrust. If desired, the propeller may be mounted
slightly above the surface of the aluminum block. Whenever within a hollow tube so as to minimize swirling and improve
fresh chilled pentane is added, care must be taken not to spill the agitation of the bath liquid. The individual items needed are
any on the heating coil. as follows:
E 77 – 07
FIG. X1.7 Salt Bath Comparator for Temperature Range from 200 to 621 °C (392 to 1150 °F)
X1.7.1 Materials for Long Bath: 707 °F)—In the range from 5 to 200 °C (41 to 392 °F) a
X1.7.1.1 Vacuum insulated flask 12 in. (305 mm) in depth comparator as illustrated in Fig. X1.5, or its equivalent, may be
by used. It consists of a heavy wall borosilicate-glass jar suitably
X1.7.1.2 23⁄4 in. (70 mm) in inside diameter, supported and equipped with heaters, cooling coil, and stirring
X1.7.1.3 Phenolic plastic cover, as shown in Fig. X1.4, and equipment. A bath provided with controls to maintain constant
X1.7.1.4 Glass stirrer shaft with two propellers. or very slowly rising temperature throughout the testing range
X1.7.2 Materials for Short Bath: and with a top cover having a large opening is shown in Fig.
X1.7.2.1 Vacuum flask 73⁄4 in. (197 mm) in depth by 45⁄8 in. X1.5. For thermometer testing an insert equipped with two
X1.7.2.2 (117 mm) in inside diameter, rotary holders made as shown in Fig. X1.5 is provided. Each of
X1.7.2.3 Phenolic plastic cover, as shown in Fig. X1.4, and
these holders is simply a flat plate resting on a number of ball
X1.7.2.4 Glass stirrer with one propeller.
bearings so that the plate may easily be spun to bring any
X1.7.3 Accessories (for either bath):
X1.7.3.1 Stirring motor, particular thermometer into view. Positive heat distribution to
X1.7.3.2 Sections of rubber tubing, all parts of the bath and thorough circulation are obtained by a
X1.7.3.3 Solid CO2 and a means of crushing it finely, and unique assembly of cooling and heating coils in a cylindrical
X1.7.3.4 Bath medium. This may be either alcohol, light housing which also surrounds the stirring propeller. When
hydrocarbon, or other organic solvent. If a water-miscible testing in the range of 5 to 95 °C (41 to 203 °F), the bath should
solvent is used, the water content must be not more than 5 %. be filled with distilled water. When testing in the range of 90 to
X1.7.3.5 In use the proper bath is partly filled with the bath 200 °C (194 to 392 °F), the bath should be filled with a suitable
medium. Dry ice is added slowly to prevent bubbling over. At high-flash-point oil. The motor should then be mounted high
the same time another portion of the liquid, sufficient to fill the enough to protect it from the heat of the bath.
bath and an extra amount to serve as a precooling bath, is
X1.8.1 An alternative design is illustrated in Fig. X1.6(b).
similarly chilled in a second container. When the two are near
This type may be used with water or a series of oils of suitable
the proper temperature, the testing bath is filled and brought to
temperature. The thermometers to be tested and the standard characteristics in the range of 5 to 315 °C (41 to 599 °F). At the
may be precooled in the standby bath to approximately the higher temperatures great care must be taken to avoid danger-
desired temperature before testing. If large batches of ther- ous flash fires which may occur particularly on removal of
mometers are to be tested, this precooling will materially thermometers or thermometer holder. A solid cover plate to
shorten the time required. replace the thermometer holder, as well as adequate fire
protection equipment of the carbon-dioxide type, should be
X1.8 Comparators for the Range from 5 to 375 °C (41 to provided.
E 77 – 07
X1.9 Comparator for the Range from 200 to 621 °C (392 to heated up slowly at the start to avoid the formation of pockets
1150 °F): of molten salt which have a tendency to blow out the solid
X1.9.1 A satisfactory comparator for this range is a salt mass with disastrous results.
bath. One type is illustrated in Fig. X1.7. However, a suitable X1.9.3 At the lower temperatures the thermometers may be
apparatus may be assembled using a pressed-steel pot as the immersed directly in the salt, but at the higher temperatures
salt container which is provided with external heaters, insula- attack of the glass may occur. This can be avoided by using
tion, stirrer, and thermometer holder. Welded or riveted pots steel wells immersed in the molten salt into which the
should under no circumstances be used. External electrical thermometers are placed. Thin-walled steel tubes closed at one
heating is commonly practiced, although gas fired units have end are suitable for this purpose.
been used successfully. X1.9.4 Comparators with molten tin as the bath liquid, as
X1.9.2 Care should be exercised, particularly above 400 °C shown in Fig. X1.6(a), have been used successfully in this
(752 °F), to avoid bringing any organic matter or low-boiling temperature range. Details of design, construction, and use
liquid, such as water, in contact with the molten salt, since may be obtained from the National Institute of Standards and
dangerous fires or explosions may occur. The bath should be Technology.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website