Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness
• By Dr. Albert Jo
• Rapha Valley
• Don Salvador Benedicto, Negros Occ,
1. Introduction
2. Healthiest People in the Planet
3. Factors that Destroy the Power of Food We Eat
4. What is Conventional Farming?
5. Harmful Effects of Pesticides and Insecticides to Human Health
6. Harmful Effects of Growth Promotants, Growth Hormones and
Antibiotics to Human Health
7. Harmful Effects of Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
to Human Health
8. Facts About the Food we Eat
9. Cancer Causing Foods
10. What is Organic Farming and its Benefits
11.Eat What God Has Created for Food Consuming
(Biblical Foods and Diet That Heals)
12. Healthiest Food on the Planet - Superfoods
13. Anti-Oxidants (Healing Nutrients from Foods)
14. Indigenous Veggies, Fruits and Herbs (Local Version)
15. Healthy Alternatives (Natural Juices that Cleans and Heals
our Body)
16. Detoxification – Cleanse our Body with Supportive Foods
17. Requirements to Health and Longevity
18. References
19. Acknowledgement
Health Secret of Hunza
How would you like to
live in a land where
cancer has not yet been
A land where an
optometrist discovers to
his amazement that
everyone has perfect
20-20 vision?
The food produced from conventional
agriculture is harmful to human health
because they contain residues of
chemicals and in-organic fertilizers.
According to the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA)
90%-95% of all pesticides residues are
found in meat and dairy products.
Top 12 Foods that Contain the
Highest Amount of Pesticides
• They contain 54 known • It contains 55 known
pesticide residues found by pesticide residues found by
the USDA Pesticide Data the USDA Pesticide Data
Program. Out of the 54 Program. Out of the 55
pesticide residues, there pesticide residues, there are
are 9 known carcinogens, 24 9 known carcinogens, 27
suspected hormone suspected hormone
disruptors,11 neurotoxins, disruptors, 10 neurotoxins,
12 developmental or 10 developmental or
reproductive toxins, and 19 reproductive toxins, and 23
honeybee toxins. honeybee toxins.
findings which showed
that men whose jobs
gave them a high
exposure to pesticides
had significantly lower
sperm counts.
• Couple of years
earlier, a Danish
study found that a
sample of organic
farmers had sperm
counts 50% higher
than the national
• The Economic and
Social Research
Council, USDA,
published a report in
April 2000 saying
that a combination32 of
• High yielding rice
and wheat, the so
called “green
revolution crops”
are now named as
one of the causes
of brain damage
especially impaired
intellect in poor or
third world
• These crops, produced under
modern agriculture techniques using
large doses of pesticides,
herbicides, and fertilizers are being
blamed for intelligence problems
because they do not contain
essential brain nutrients such as
iodine, iron and vitamin A.
Modern agriculture or
Chemical farming has
damaged our
environment by
contaminating our
rivers, lakes, drinking
water and clouds
forming rain.
These poisonous chemicals
has killed not only insects
but also fish, birds, useful
small animals,
microorganisms and some
31 Percent Of U.S. Honey
Bees Were Wiped Out This
Year – Who Will Pollinate
Our Crops?
Honeybees have become
widespread across North
America and are bred
commercially for their abilities
to produce honey and pollinate
crops—90 different farm-
grown foods, including many
fruits and nuts, depend on
Harmful Effect of Growth Hormones,
Growth Promotants and Anti biotics
to Human Health
• Livestock like chicken, pigs and cattle,
grown in chemical-industrial animal
farming systems are also sources of
chemicals harmful to health.
• The animals grown like
sardines in unhealthy
animal farms are fed and
injected with synthetic
chemicals to force them
to grow fast and survive
the pathogenic micro
organisms that abounds.
• Hormone residues in beef have been
implicated in the early onset of puberty in
girls, which could put them at greater risk of
developing breast and other forms of cancer.
Hormone residues in the meat of "growth
enhanced" animals and can disrupt human
hormone balance.
• recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) is
said to be responsible for a number of
health issues ranging from premature
puberty in children, causing developmental
problems, and even leading to the
development of breast, prostate or colon
cancer due to the increased antibiotic.
• These regular meat-eaters live shorter lives.
In a worldwide study, it has found that the
Eskimos, Greenlanders and the Russian Kurgi
tribes had the highest intake of flesh foods.
• These groups had a lowest life expectancies -
in some cases averaging as low as 30 years.
• In comparison, population such as
the Pakistan Hunzas, East Indian
Todas, Russian Caucasians and the
Yucatan Indians live under harsh
conditions and eat little or no
animal flesh.
• These populations have the highest
life expectancies, as high as 90 to
100 years.
• The Hunzas eat almost no animal
products, living a vigorous life into
their 80's and beyond retirement
to unknown, and many pass their
one 100th birthday.
• According to Dr. Lorraine
Day: we are not designed to
eat meat because we have
rounded molar; our intestine
is around 30 feet long w/
crevices, and took us 3-5
days to expel.
Harmful Effects of Genetically
Modified Organism (GMO) to Human
Health and Environment
• Currently about 75% of all processed food in the USA has
GMO ingredients. The USA is currently the only country
that does NOT require labels for GMO foods. GMOs cause
cancer, sterility, farmer suicides, and many other
• The European Union, Japan, China, Korea, Australia, New
Zealand and many other nations now require mandatory
GMO labeling.
• 10% of the worlds’ crops were GMO in 2010
• 29 countries worldwide grew GMO crops in 2011
• Over 50% of the GMO crops were grown in developing
countries in 2011
• In 2011 United States, Brazil, Argentina, India, Canada,
China, Paraguay, Pakistan, South Africa, Uruguay, Bolivia,
Australia, Philippines, Myanmar, Burkino Faso, Mexico
and Spain all grew GMO crops.
According to Dr.Albert Jo
(a medical doctor turned alternative/
integrated practitioner and
organic farmer)
- 42 percent higher
leukemia risk in men and
women (pooled analysis)
- 102 percent higher
multiple myeloma risk (in
men only)
More mineral loss,
the greater the risk
for osteoporosis,
coronary artery
diseases, high blood
pressure and long list
of degenerative
disease associated
with premature
Facts About Refined Sugars
• Animals reared on
organic farms are
treated properly
with room to behave
like animals and are
fed healthy food
sources not laden
with drugs and other
• Organic agriculture is healthy for
the farmers who produces our foods
to the environment because it
avoids poisonous chemicals for
consumers, who eat the organic 162
Health Benefits of
Organic Farming
Better Health
• Since organic food is not prepared using
chemical fertilizers and pesticides, it
does not contain any traces of these
strong chemicals that might not affect
the human body.
Better Taste
• People strongly believe that organic food
tastes better than non organic food. The
prominent reason for this belief is that it is
produced using organic means of production.
Further organic food is often sold locally
resulting in availability of fresh produce in
the market.
Environment Safety
• As harmful chemicals are not used in organic
farming, there is minimal soil, air and water
pollution; thus ensuring a safe world for
future generations to live in.
Animal Welfare
• Animal welfare is an important aspect of
producing organic milk, organic meat, organic
poultry, and organic fish.
• People feel happy that the animals are not
confined to a miserable caged life while
eating organic animal products.
Animal Welfare
• Animal welfare is an important aspect of
producing organic milk, organic meat, organic
poultry, and organic fish.
• People feel happy that the animals are not
confined to a miserable caged life while
eating organic animal products.
Higher nutrient content and concentration
• Organically grown fruits and vegetables contain higher
nutritional content than commercially farmed produce.
Different studies have shown organic produce to have
nutritional concentrations ranging from 30% more to 3
times as much as their commercially grown counterparts.
• Organic plant-based foods (fruits, vegetables,
grains) contain higher levels of eight of 11
nutrients studied, including significantly greater
concentrations of health-promoting polyphenols and
• Organic food contains phenolic compounds, which
protects our heart from cardiovascular diseases
and reduces the risk of cancer.
• Because of this, the food produced are now
called “Power Charged” foods.
• Organic foods contain more phytochemicals
that are called “Medicinal Foods.”
Father of Medicine, 431 B.C.
Genesis 1:29
What are Antioxidants?
• Antioxidants are substances that help with
protecting the body against free radicals.
They are compounds that help delay or slow
the oxidative damage to cells and tissue of
the body.
• Free radicals are created when the body
breaks down food and are damaging to body
Organic “An Organic Apple Each day,
Apples Drives the Doctors Away”
• A Superfood that protects the body
from nuclear fallout, kills a wide
range of cancers, and keeps the
arteries unclogged. Studies shows
that apples reduce cancer risk such
• Liver Cancer: Apple juice, apple
pectin and apple peel has been
experimentally confirmed to kill liver
• Breast Cancer: Apples have been
found to both prevent and to
suppress mammary cancers in the
animal model.[v]
Organic • Multi-Drug Resistant Cancer:
Apples carotenoids extracted from apple
have been studied for its ability to
directly induce programmed cell
death within stomach cancer cells.[ix]
• Esophageal Cancer: An apple-derived
procyanidin has been found to
suppress esophageal cancer. [vii]
• Stomach Cancer: One of the ways in
which apple constituents prevent
stomach cancer is through their
inhibition of Helicobacter pylori, one
of the main infectious agents linked
to both ulcer and gastric cancer.[viii]
Guava (Bayabas)
• It is a rich source of fiber, iron, potassium,
folic acid, phosphorous, nicotinic acid,
vitamins A & B, and of course, vitamin C.
• Studies show its vitamin C content which is
found in the skin is five times more than that
of oranges.
Guava (Bayabas)
• The medicinal uses of guava is
extensively documented. Studies have
shown that the extracts from the
seeds, peel, and pulp of the guava have
anti-cancer effects as these parts
contain antioxidant compounds.
• Compared to other vegetables, guava
leaves are said to have higher amounts
of phenolic compounds.
Guava (Bayabas)
• These compounds can protect the body
from cancers and heart diseases. Diabetes
is another illness that can be treated with
the aqueous extracts of guava.
• The high amounts of potassium and soluble
fibers in guavas were said to be the reason
behind the reduced blood pressure,
reduced cholesterol levels, and increase in
Apple Compared to Guava
According to : Dr. Sanjoy Satpathy
Apple Guava
• One medium apple with • One cup of fresh guava
skin contains 0.47 grams contains 4.21 grams of
of protein, 95 calories, protein, 112 calories
and 4.4 grams of dietary and 8.9 grams of
fiber. dietary fiber.
Apple Compared to Guava
Apple Guava
• Potassium - 195 mg • Potassium - 688 mg
Calcium - 11 mg Phosphorus - 66 mg
Phosphorus - 20 mg Magnesium - 36 mg
Magnesium - 9 mg Calcium - 30 mg
Manganese - 0.064 mg Sodium - 3 mg
Iron - 0.22 mg Iron - 0.43 mg
Sodium - 2 mg Selenium 1 mcg
Copper - 0.049 mg Manganese - 0.247 mg
Zinc - 0.07 mg Copper - 0.38 mg
Also contains a trace amount Zinc - 0.38 mg
of other minerals.
Apple Guava
• Vitamin A - 98 IU • Vitamin A - 1030 IU
• Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.111 mg
• Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.031
mg. • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.066
• Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.047 • Niacin - 1.789 mg
mg • Folate - 81 mcg
• Niacin - 0.166 mg • Pantothenic Acid - 0.744 mg
• Folate - 5 mcg • Vitamin B6 - 0.181 mg
• Pantothenic Acid - 0.111 mg • Vitamin C - 376.7 mg
• Vitamin B6 - 0.075 mg • Vitamin E - 1.2 mg
• Vitamin C - 8.4 mg • Vitamin K - 4.3 mcg
• Vitamin E - 0.33 mg • Contains some other vitamins in
small amounts.
Vitamin K - 4 mcg
• Contains some other vitamins in
small amounts.
The Power:
Oleic Acid, helps lower overall cholesterol and raise
levels and 2x potassium than banana plus a good dose
of fiber.
The Power:
• Ellagic Acid: which
helps stall cancer-
cell growth. These
berries also packed
with Vitamin C and
are high in fiber
which prevent high
cholesterol and heart
Raspberries (Duhat)
The Power:
Duhat, The Local
Version of Black
The fruit is known to
be a remedy for
diabetes mellitus
Raspberries (Duhat)
The Power:
Scientists have found that a natural and
delicious substance could help prevent the
malignancy and kill cancer cells in the
The Natural medicine found in black
raspberries known as Anthrocyanins found to
effectively kill leukemia cells.
The Power:
Rich in Vitamin C.
This antioxidant helps
prevent arthritis and
boost wound healing and
your immune system
Mangoes boast more
than 8,000 IU of
Vitamin A
The Power:
1. Prevents Cancer:
Research has shown antioxidant compounds in mango fruit
have been found to protect against colon, breast, leukemia
and prostate cancers. These compounds include quercetin,
isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat,
as well as the abundant enzymes.
2. Lowers Cholesterol:
The high levels of fiber, pectin and vitamin C help to lower
serum cholesterol levels, specifically Low-Density Lipoprotein
The Power:
3. Eye Health:
One cup of sliced mangoes supplies 25 percent of
the needed daily value of vitamin A, which
promotes good eyesight and prevents night
blindness and dry eyes.
4. Alkalizes the Whole Body:
The tartaric acid, malic acid, and a trace of citric
acid found in the fruit help to maintain the alkali
reserve of the body.
Amaranth (Kulitis)
The Power:
Lutein and Zeaxanthin,
Carotenoids: helps mend off
macular degeneration, a
major cause of blindness in
older people.
• It is rich in flavonoids
including Quercetin,
Caffeoylquinic acid and
Carrots The Power : (Better
than Wonder Drug)
Carrots cleans our
Rich in alkaline elements
that purify and revitalize
Improve memo abilities
and relieve nervous
Good for allergies,
anemia rheumatism, tonic
for nervous system
Carrots The Power : (Better than
Wonder Drug)
• Rich in antioxidant,
Phytochemical and
• Contain Calcium,
Potassium, Vitamin A,B,
C,E, Manganese,
Manganese, Sulfur,
Turnips The Power :
an estrogen metabolite that
promotes tumor growth,
particularly in breast cells.
Sulforaphane: A type of
isothiocyanate that's been
found to increase the liver's
ability to detoxify carcinogenic
compounds and free radicals
Promote colon health (including lowering the risk of
colon cancer) Fight against atherosclerosis
•Promote lung health and Provide relief from rheumatoid
Squash The Power:
• Winter squash has
huge amounts of
Vitamins C and
• Beta-carotene,
which may help
protect against
endometrial cancer
• Some scientific studies
Pumpkin Seeds have shown that the
components of pumpkin
seeds may stop the
triggering of cancerous
behavior in male prostate
• Pumpkin seeds are high in
a form of antioxidant
known as carotenoids, a
special plant derivative
that enhances immune
activity and disease
fighting capacities.
Pumpkin • These seeds are also high
in omega-3 fatty acids and
Seeds zinc, two important
nutrients that may play a
role in warding off
inflammation, arthritis and
• Finally, pumpkin seed are
high in phytosterols, plant
components that aid in
keeping stable levels of
cholesterol, enhanced
immune response, as well as
cancer-fighting attributes
• Mangosteen -The Forbidden
Mangosteen Fruit (The Queen of Fruits)
because of its elegant
look. Mangosteen, contains a
wholesome food nutrients of
vitamins and antioxidants,
including vitamin A, C, D and
• The white soft flesh pulp is in
segments just like orange.
According to research,
Mangosteen fresh fruit and
its own juice is very helpful in
preventing diseases such as:
heart disease, Alzheimer
disease, diabetes, cancer,
diarrhea, eczema and other
health problems.
• Help to combat pain (anti-
Mangosteen inflammatory property which may
decrease inflammation, pain and
joint damage linked with
• Decrease free radical damage
and inflammatory build up -
help to maintain the blood vessel
health, cholesterol level, protect
heart muscle, lower high blood
• Help to combat free radical
damage that resulting in cell
mutations (cancer and tumor
• *Protect brain and nerve health
- help to combat Parkinson,
Alzheimer disease
Ginger The Power:
• Gingerrois may help reduce
nausea and may help ward
off migrains and arthritis
pain by blocking inflammation
• Sesquiterpenes are
compounds which deliver
oxygene molecules to cell,
keeping them healthy.
• The University of Michigan
Comprehensive Cancer
Center found out through
their research that ginger
can also destroy ovarian
cancer cells.
Ginger The Power:
Ovarian Cancer Treatment
• Ginger may be powerful
weapon in the treatment of
ovarian cancer. A study
conducted at the University of
Michigan Comprehensive Cancer
Center found that ginger
powder induces cell death in all
ovarian cancer cells to which it
was applied.
Colon Cancer Prevention
• A study at the University of
Minnesota found that ginger
may slow the growth of
5 Powerful Healing
Properties of Garlic
1. Boosting Immunity to Fight
2. Garlic Naturally Reduces
Your Blood Pressure
3. It Beats Antibiotics in
Fighting Common Illnesses
4. It Effectively Combats
5. It Can Detoxify Your Body
Anti-Inflammatory: Most polyphenols have anti-
inflammatory properties.
Materials needed:
• a. one 8 oz. cup of shredded
fresh or air dried guyabano leaves
b. one liter water
Use mature (but not too old)
leaves. These may be fresh or
dried. However, air dried or
shadow dried leaves are better
than fresh because the drying
concentrates the medicinal
properties of the plant, therefore
more effective.
1. Boil 1 Liter water
in a claypot or
stainless pot
2. As soon as it boils,
add the 7 guyabano
leaves and turn
down the heat to
3. Simmer the leaves
for 20 minutes.
After the illness has cleared, don’t
stop taking the g-tea abruptly.
• Rich in Vitamins:
- Folates - Calcium
- Niacin - Copper
- Riboflavin - Iron
- Thiamin - Magnesium
- Vitamin A, C, E, K
- Minerals - Manganese
- Sodium - Zinc
- Potassium
Aloe Vera
• The aloe vera miracle:
A natural medicine for
cancer, cholesterol,
diabetes, inflammation,
IBS, and other health
• There is nothing on this
planet that offers the
amazing variety of
healing benefits granted
by aloe vera. In a
single plant, aloe vera
Health Benefits of Aloe Vera
• Aloe Vera boosts immune function and
destroys cancer tumors
• Aloe Vera halts inflammation
• Aloe Vera enhances skin health
• Aloe Vera stabilizes blood sugar in
• Aloe Vera lowers cholesterol and
• Aloe Vera relieves joint and muscle pain
• Aloe Vera amplifies the antioxidant
effects of vitamins
Health Benefits of Aloe Vera
• Aloe Vera cures ulcers, IBS, Crohn's
disease and Celiac disease
• Aloe Vera contains acemannan, a natural
immune booster
• Aloe Vera extends lifespan
• Aloe Vera heals radiation burns from
radiation cancer treatments
• Aloe Vera ends acid reflux disease
• Aloe Vera heals burns, cuts and scrapes
• Lectucarium -sedative
effect like opium
Minerals and Vitamins
- Moisture -93.4%
- Calcium -50 mg
- Protein -2.1%
- Phosphorus -28 mg
- Fat -0.3%
-Iron -2.4 mg
• Vitamin C -10 mg
• Fibre -0.5%
Benefits of Camote Tops
• Camote tops have the
highest content of total
polyphenolics which may
protect the human body
from oxidative stress that is
associated with many
diseases including cancer and
cardiovascular diseases.
• Contain protein, dietary
fiber, lipid, and essential
minerals and nutrients such
Benefits of Eggplant
• The antioxidant, nasunin,
is found in the skin of
eggplants. In 2005, a
study published in a
scientific journal reports
that the nasunin in
eggplant skins has
antiangiogenic properties.
• The antiangiogenic
properties of nasunin
prevent angiogenesis from
Benefits of Eggplant
Rich in Vitamins, Minerals,
and Dietary Fiber
• Eggplant contains C, folate,
B vitamins, and vitamin A.
These vitamins improve the
body's overall health, boost
the immune system, and
improve resistance to various
• Eggplant also contains a
large quantity of minerals
such as phosphorous,
calcium, magnesium, and
Benefits of Eggplant
Rich in Vitamins, Minerals,
and Dietary Fiber
• Eggplant is also a great
source of dietary fiber.
Dietary fiber protects
against colon cancer, keeps
the digestive system working
properly, and keeps the
stomach feeling full after a
Gabi Health Benefits
• This carbohydrate
component is mostly starch.
This starch is suitable for
infants with allergies as
well as the elderly with
digestion problems because
the grains of the taro are
small and can be digested
• It also contains protein and
essential amino acids. The
taro leaves are rich sources
of protein, calcium,
phosphorous, iron, vitamin C,
niacin, riboflavin, and
• Bamboo shoots are low in
Bamboo Shoots
fat and calories, also a
good source of fiber and
potassium (heart-healthy
mineral that helps to
maintain normal blood
pressure and a steady
heart beat).
• Bamboo fiber helps
keeping cholesterol levels
in check and should help
in preventing colon
cancer, they help
moreover to maintain
blood pressure and a
Health Benefits of Saluyot
* Leukemia
* Multiple Myleoma
* Colon Cancer
* Prostate Cancer
* Breast Cancer
* Lung Cancer
* Pancreatic Cancer
* Lung Cancer
Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper
• A powerful anti-inflammatory,
• Cayenne pepper has been used for a variety of
ailments including heartburn, delirium, tremors, gout,
paralysis, fever, dyspepsia, flatulence, sore throat,
atonic dyspepsia, hemorrhoids, menorrhagia in women,
nausea, tonsillitis, scarlet fever and diphtheria.
Cayene Pepper
1. Strengthens the heart, even stops
attacks in progress
2. Increases blood flow and cleans arterial
wall plaque while rebuilding red blood
3. Aids digestion, even helps eliminate
4. Stimulates the liver and helps heal the
5. Kills prostate cancer cells and shrinks
6. Anti inflammatory eases arthritis and
7. Topical application on open wounds stops
Chili Pepper
Rich in Vitamin C
Prevent Arteriosclerosis
Reduce blood Cholesterol
and Triglyceride (anti
Reduce Platelets
aggregation and increase
fibronolytic activity or
prevent stroke (Anti
Coconut Oil
• Coconut water, coconut
flesh, and coconut oil all
possess unique nutritional
profiles that make them
superior healing foods.
Coconut oil can stop
dementia and
Alzheimer's disease
• Eating coconut oil can
improve memory and
Health Benefits of
Coconut Oil
1) Energy, weight loss in
the form of ketones.
2) Saturated fat for
healthy brain function
3) Protection against high
cholesterol, heart
4) Antioxidants for
protection against
Health Benefits of
Coconut Oil
• The only other natural
source of lauric acid
besides breast milk,
coconut oil possesses a
unique ability to treat all
sorts of infections
stemming from bacterial,
viral, and even fungal
• Coconut oil is also a
powerful immune booster,
aiding the body in natural
Turmeric • One of the most impressive
of the top health benefits of
turmeric, research has
repeatedly shown that
turmeric is a powerful cancer
fighter. Researchers at UCLA
have even found that
curcumin is able to block
cancer growth.
• Curcumin is a naturally
powerful anticancer compound
found in turmeric that has
been shown to decrease brain
tumor size in animals by 81
Turmeric Turmeric can be used to naturally
detoxify the liver. The spice is
also natural painkiller.
• Epidemiological studies
show that levels of
neurological diseases like
Alzheimer’s are very low
in elderly Indian
populations, where
turmeric is a common
Alternative for Arthritis
Mix all the herbs in 10 Glass
of Water and Boil for 15
minutes. Consume in 1 day
Corn Hair
Medicinal Uses:
• Diuretic: Take decoction of hairs or cobs
as tea.
• Kidney stones: Infusion of corn hair in hot
water, 3x daily.
Nutritional Uses:
Good source of carbohydrates, B vitamins
(riboflavin and thiamine), vitamin A and C,
potassium and zinc.
Corn Hair
• The most common use of cornsilk today may be
for its anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect
on the urinary tract, which allows your bladder
to relieve itself with less discomfort.
• Banaba (Lagerstroemia speciosa
Linn.) has long been popular in
treating urinary tract infections
and even diabetes, edema, fever,
jaundice, and dizziness.
• Renal Health: It is known to
stimulate the filtration rate of
the kidneys, resulting in diuresis
or an increase in the amount of
fluids excreted from the body
through urine. Thus, this herb is
popular among individuals
having kidney troubles.
Banaba is also used for other folkloric herbal
medicine for the treatment of the following:
• blood pressure control ,
• kidney disorders,
• urinary dysfunctions (helps ease urination) ,
• controls the cholesterol levels,
• treatment of diarrhea,
• facilitates bowel movement
• treatment of fevers and others.
• Lagundi (Vitex negundo L.)
also a DOH-endorsed herbal
medicine that is used for
curing colds, flu, bronchial
asthma, chronic bronchitis
and pharyngitis.
• blood pressure control ,
• kidney disorders,
• urinary dysfunctions (helps ease
urination) ,
• controls the cholesterol levels,
• treatment of diarrhea,
• facilitates bowel movement
• treatment of fevers and others.
• Relief of asthma & pharyngitis
• Recommended relief of
rheumatism, dyspepsia, boils, diarrhea
• Treatment of cough, colds, fever and
flu and other bronchopulmonary
• Alleviate symptoms of Chicken Pox
• Removal of worms, and boils
Medicinal Uses:
• Pounded fresh material is applied as a poultice
for a variety of conditions: Sprains, eczema,
infections, burns; carbuncle and erysipelas.
Usually not taken internally.
• For boils, the whole leaf is pressed by hand, to
and fro, until it becomes moist with the leaf
extract. A small opening is made in the middle
of the leaf which is then placed on the boil
with hole over the pointing of the abscess.
Health Benefits of Mayana
• Bruises and sprains
• Headaches
• Mild bleeding of wounds
• Sinusitis
• Healing wounds
• Weak lungs
Health Benefits of Mayana
• Rich in Omega 3
• 600 mg of Omega 3
found in Alusiman
Gynura Procumbens
“Also known as Longevity Spinach."
• Cholesterol: Lower lipid, serum,
triglyceride levels,
• Lowers blood sugar (diabetes)
• Anti-cancer: Inhibition effect on growth
of cancer cells.
• Topical inflammation: rheumatism, diarrhea,
kidneys functions, dysentery, febrifuges,
viral ailments, hypertension, urinary tract
infection, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic.
Gynura Procumbens
“Also known as Longevity Spinach."
This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT
course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or
other health care provider.
Tawa tawa Tea Making Procedures
•Take 5 to 6 full whole Tawa Tawa plants
•Cut off the roots, wash and clean
•Fill a boiling pot with clean water and
Boil the Tawa Tawa for one minute in
a slow rolling boil
•Allow the Tawa Tawa Juice Cool down
•Let the dengue fever victim drink only
the Tawa Tawa water for 24 hours
•Sip 1 to 1.5 glasses of Tawa Tawa
water every hour
• The internal hemorrhaging will stop and
the dengue fever will be cured within 24
Why Cleanse Our Body?
• Cleanse your
body, protect it
from disease, and
enhance your
health system by
detoxing with
these supportive
How to Keep Your
Colon Clean and Healthy
The Colon is
Where Health
• Every
Why day we are
exposed to poison and
chemicals from the
environment. We breathe
it, drink it and eat it.
• Many experience late
lunch and dinners. We
are more prone to eating
processed foods, fast
foods and other
unhealthy foods.
• Many have no time to
exercise and prepare a
What is detoxification?
• Detoxification is the
removal of toxins from the
body specifically in the
• “Detoxification is just one
of the ways for health
and wellness. We need to
clean our intestines to give
way for proper assimilation
of fats.
• Our body acquires fats
because of abnormal
absorption. If our colons
Toxins are poisonous Top 10 Toxic Foods
substances produced by living
cells or organisms. Lead, • Alcohol
pesticides, mercury and • Caffeine
disinfectants are just some of
• White Bread
the examples that greatly harm
a person’s health. • White Sugar
• Dairy Products
These toxins hamper the (cheese and ice
normal functions of bodily cream)
organs if they will not be • Fast Food
removed. • Junk Food
• GMO Corn
Toxins are also found in the • GMO Soy
food we eat – fatty oily foods,
• White Rice
junk, processed, overstaying
• Monosodium
meat in the refrigerators, and
Glutamate (MSG)
processed foods.
Blood Supportive Foods
What does it do? • Blood building and
circulatory supporting
• The blood is a foods include dark green
specialized bodily fluid leafy vegetables such as
that supplies substances dandelion greens, kale,
and nutrients, such as collard greens, spinach,
sugar, oxygen, and arugula and broccoli;
hormones to our cells. also garlic, fresh ginger
• It carries waste away root, cayenne pepper,
from the cells and and protein-rich foods,
contains clotting agents. apricots, beans, wheat
It is the circulatory germ, and tofu.
system that holds the
high-speed highways of
the blood for transport.
Lymph Supportive Foods
What does it do? • Foods that support
lymph node function
• As a part of the include clean proteins
immune system, lymph such as wild-caught fish
nodes are located and grass-fed beef,
throughout the body citrus fruits, crimini
and hold precious cells mushrooms, turnip
of the immune system. greens, spinach, and
kale, garlic, parsley,
• It’s important to keep carrots, asparagus,
your lymph nodes strawberries, and
healthy to reduce the tomatoes.
risk of colds and
Liver Supportive Foods
What does it do? • There are two main
detoxification pathways of
• Besides being the the liver—eat foods that
second-largest organ in nurture those systems,
the body (second to our and you’ll receive support
skin), the liver in return. Foods include
processes virtually every beets, leafy greens,
transaction in the body broccoli, Brussels sprouts,
– sorting, packaging, olive oil, flax seed oil,
storing and using
citrus fruits, garlic,
nutrients, vitamins, and
minerals. cabbage, green tea,
avocadoes, and
• This is one organ you’ll artichokes.
definitely want to
Gallbladder Supportive Foods
What does it do? • Specific nutrients help to
maintain the quality and
• The gallbladder’s main integrity of the bile for
function is to act as a digestion – without them,
place of safe-keeping the bile become thick,
sluggish, and coagulated,
for bile, the green causing gall stones. Foods
substance the liver which help maintain
produces. integrity include beets,
apples, cucumber, Swiss
• When signaled to do chard, dandelion greens,
so, the gallbladder lemon, flax seed oil, and
releases bile to digest sweet potato.
fats and cholesterols.
Pancreas Supportive Foods
What does it do? • Foods that support the
pancreas include anti-
• The pancreas inflammatory foods and
manufactures and foods that help maintain
healthy blood sugar,
secretes the enzymes including blueberries,
necessary for cherries, broccoli,
digestion, including garlic, grapes, spinach,
those that help digest kale, collard greens,
proteins, fats, and Swiss chard, sweet
carbohydrates. potatoes, tomatoes and
Kidney Supportive Foods
What do they do? • Foods that support
kidney health include
• The main function of anti-inflammatory foods
the kidneys is to filter and foods which support
and clean the blood. mineral balance,
including parsley, bell
• They also regulate peppers, cabbage,
blood pressure, minerals cauliflower, apples,
(including potassium, garlic, onions,
sodium, chloride, cranberries,
calcium, and
strawberries, cherries,
phosphorous), and grapes, fish and olive
acidity levels within the oil.
Intestines Supportive Foods
What do they do? • Healthy intestines require a
healthy balance of good
• Both the small and bacteria and proper
elimination, enabling this
large intestines work system to do its job.
with the absorption and Supportive foods include
elimination processes insoluble and soluble fibers
of our food and its such as flax seeds, beans,
nutrients. green leafy vegetables,
oats, whole grains, fresh
• Keeping our digestive fruits and vegetables, and
system healthy also more. Probiotic rich foods
such as yogurt, kefir,
keeps other systems kombucha and other
healthy, such as our fermented foods are also
lymph and blood. extremely useful.
Healthy Alternatives
(Green Tea Concoctions - DETOX)
• Coconut Water
Colon Cleansing (Vegetable Cocktail)
• Malunggay – 1Paklang
• Camote Tops – 5 Leaves
• Chile Leaves – 5 Leaves
• Carrots – 1 Slice
• Pineapple Slice –
regulate the taste of
• 8 oz water
Osteorize all the
Colon Cleansing (Vegetable Coctail)
• Tanglad – 1 Bugkos
• Camote Tops – 20 Leaves
• Luya – Thumb Size
• Calamansi – 10-15 pcs.
• Water – 1 Liter
• Honey (or Brown Sugar,
Mascuvado or Brown Sugar)
Boil the Tanglad Leaves, Camote Tops and Luya. Simmer
for 5-10 minutes. Strain and squeeze 10-15 pcs of
Calamansi in 1 Liter of Water. Add Honey or Brown or
Mascuvado Sugar. (Cook in Clay Pots or in Stainless Pots)
How to Cleanse the Liver
• Olive Oil – 2 tbsp.
• Calamansi – 2 tbsp.
• Honey or Mascuvado
Sugar – 1 tbsp
• Take Mixture 2 times daily
• 11:00 am and before bedtime
(Dr. Gerson Therapy from Mexico)
2. Banaba Leaves
(Lagerstroemia Speciosa)
3. Corn Silk
4. Coconut Water
How to Cleanse the Liver
1.Squeeze one cup of fresh citrus juice (lemon
and/or lime; grapefruit juice can be blended to
Ingredien help with taste).
ts 2. Mix the juice of one or two cloves of garlic and
raw ginger juice into the citrus juice.
3. Add one tablespoon of high quality, organic olive oil.
• Lemons A small amount of spring water can be added but the
more sour the mix, the more helpful it will be for
or yourliver.
• Ginger
• Olive
Lemon Juice Tonic
Effective and Natural
Medicines That Can Treat
Kidney Disorders
1. Makahiya or Tickle Me or
Sensitive Plant (Mimosa
2. Banaba Leaves
(Lagerstroemia Speciosa)
3. Corn Silk
4. Coconut Water
Hippocrates Soup Recipe
This is a
delicious and
highly nutritious
soup which was
designed for the
cleansing and
nourishing of
What you need?
Use a non-aluminium 4-quart/liter pot and fill
with the following cubed vegetables:
• 1 medium celery root/celeriac
If not available, substitute with 3-4 ribs celery
• 1 medium parsley root, if available
• Small amount of parsley stalks and leaves
• 2 small or one large leek
• 2 medium onions
• Few cloves of garlic or to taste
• 1-1.5 pounds of tomatoes (or more if desired)
• 1 pound potatoes with brushed skin
• A pinch of sea salt for taste (cancer patients to skip salt)
• Organic plant-based foods (fruits,
vegetables, grains) contain higher levels
of eight of 11 nutrients studied,
including significantly greater
concentrations of health-promoting
polyphenols and antioxidants.
• Organic food contains phenolic
compounds, which protects our heart
from cardiovascular diseases and
reduces the risk of cancer.
• Because of this, the food produced are
now called “Power Charged” foods.
• Organic foods contain more
“phytochemicals” that are called
“Medicinal Foods.”
to Health and Longevity
Health and longevity is a result of proper nutrition,
temperance, pure air and water, exercise, sunshine,
rest and positive thinking
• Mrs. Larkins says the secret to her beauty lies in the
raw vegan diet, consisting of organic vegetables, fruits,
seeds and nuts grown in her own garden.
• She encourage dark, green leafy vegetables are
alkalizing and should be consumed on a regular basis in
order to maintain balance in the body.
111-year-old Valley man says
5 foods helped him live long life
Healthy, safe and nutritious food and fiber for
every Daonhon and the general public.
“Ensure food security and safe nutritious food
and fiber among household of every Daonhon
through adoption of ecologically sound and
sustainable agricultural practices.”
Program Goal:
Increase agricultural productivity and income of
farmers and ensure food security in the locality
through adoption of sustainable agricultural
“Organikong Sakahan: Dala ay Masaganang Ani,
Ligtas na Pagkain at Malusog na Pamayanan”
Participating Agencies:
Researched and Compiled by: Researched by: Researched and Compiled by: Farmers’ Information And Technology
Services (FITS) Center and the Office of
Ma. Susan F. Dordas MA. SUSAN F. DORDAS the Municipal Agriculturist
MA. SUSAN F. DORDAS FITS Center Manager Local Government of Dao, Capiz
Farmers’ Information And Technology Farmers Information and Technology
SWO III – FITS Center Manager
Services (FITS) Center Service (FITS) Center
Focal Person – Organic Agriculture Local Government of Dao, Capiz Local Government of Dao, Capiz
Farmers Information and Technology
Services (FITS) Center
Local Government of Dao, Capiz