Health and Wellness

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Health and Wellness

• By Dr. Albert Jo
• Rapha Valley
• Don Salvador Benedicto, Negros Occ,

1. Introduction
2. Healthiest People in the Planet
3. Factors that Destroy the Power of Food We Eat
4. What is Conventional Farming?
5. Harmful Effects of Pesticides and Insecticides to Human Health
6. Harmful Effects of Growth Promotants, Growth Hormones and
Antibiotics to Human Health
7. Harmful Effects of Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
to Human Health
8. Facts About the Food we Eat
9. Cancer Causing Foods
10. What is Organic Farming and its Benefits
11.Eat What God Has Created for Food Consuming
(Biblical Foods and Diet That Heals)
12. Healthiest Food on the Planet - Superfoods
13. Anti-Oxidants (Healing Nutrients from Foods)
14. Indigenous Veggies, Fruits and Herbs (Local Version)
15. Healthy Alternatives (Natural Juices that Cleans and Heals
our Body)
16. Detoxification – Cleanse our Body with Supportive Foods
17. Requirements to Health and Longevity
18. References
19. Acknowledgement
Health Secret of Hunza
How would you like to
live in a land where
cancer has not yet been
A land where an
optometrist discovers to
his amazement that
everyone has perfect
20-20 vision?

A land where cardiologists cannot find a single

trace of coronary heart disease?
How would you like to
live in a land where no
one ever gets ulcers,
appendicitis or gout?
A land where men of
80 and 90 father
children, and there's
nothing unusual about
men and women
enjoying vigorous life
at the age of 100 or
Land of Hunza • Hunza Valley is
located at 7,999' in
northern Pakistan and
is the home of the
longest lived people on
the planet.
• Northern Pakistan is
blessed with the
greatest mass of high
mountains on earth
where the Himalaya,
Karakoram, Pamir's,
and Hindukush all
• When a medical team
led by Dr. Robert
Garrison studied the
Hunzas, the
physicians did not
find a single case of
cancer, ulcer,
appendicitis and

•Heart disease and hypertension were

unknown among them.
Dr. Hoffman • The people of Hunza
writes: Land live without the
ailment of cancer, heart
high blood pressure,
arthritis, diabetes,
mental illness and many
other disease that
plague the world

Of what do the people die?

They die of old age.
The Hunza People are
uniquely healthy and
free of disease.

Many studies have been

done and it is believed
that their simple
healthy diet of carefully
grown organic food and
the glacial, living water
is their secret to health
and long life.
Hunza food is
completely natural,
containing no chemical
additives whatsoever.

The Hunza story is

only one of the more
dramatic examples of
the miraculous health
produced by a diet of
fresh, natural,
unprocessed and
unadulterated food.
Factors that Destroy the
Natural Power of Food We Eat
Commercial Farming An over reliance on
methods resulting in pesticides.
mineral deficient soil.
Antibiotics and Growth
Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
Harmful Effects of
Conventional Farming to Human
What is conventional/
modern agriculture?
Modern agriculture uses
pesticides, herbicides,
fungicides, rodenticides and
harmful chemicals to produce
the food we eat.

The food produced from conventional
agriculture is harmful to human health
because they contain residues of
chemicals and in-organic fertilizers.
According to the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA)
90%-95% of all pesticides residues are
found in meat and dairy products.
Top 12 Foods that Contain the
Highest Amount of Pesticides

(According to: USDA Pesticide Data Program)

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) found that up to 98 percent of all
conventional produce, and particularly the type found on its "dirty" fruits list, is
contaminated with cancer-causing pesticides (
• They contain 42 known • They contain 42 known
pesticide residues found pesticide residues found
by the USDA Pesticide by the USDA Pesticide
Data Program. Out of the Data Program. Out of
42 pesticide residues, the 42 pesticide
there are 7 known residues, 7 known or
carcinogens, 19 suspected probable carcinogens, 22
hormone disruptors, 10 suspected hormone
neurotoxins, 6 disruptors, 7
developmental or neurotoxins, 8
reproductive toxins, and development or
17 honeybee toxins. reproductive toxins, and
18 honeybee toxins.
• They contain 44 known • They contain 46 known
pesticide residues found by pesticide residues found
the USDA Pesticide Data by the USDA Pesticide
Program. Out of the 44 Data Program. Out of the
pesticide residues, there 46 pesticide residues,
are 8 known carcinogens, there are 9 known
22 suspected hormone carcinogens, 25 suspected
disruptors, 11 neurotoxins, hormone disruptors, 10
8 developmental or neurotoxins, 8
reproductive toxins, and 18 developmental or
honeybee toxins. reproductive toxins, and
25 honeybee toxins.
 It contains 48 known • They contain 49 known
pesticide residues found by pesticide residues found
the USDA Pesticide Data by the USDA Pesticide
Program. Out of the 48 Data Program. Out of the
pesticide residues, there are 49 pesticide residues,
8 known carcinogens, there are 11 known
 25 suspected hormone carcinogens, 26 suspected
disruptors, 8 neurotoxins, hormone disruptors, 13
 6 developmental or neurotoxins, 10
reproductive toxins, and developmental or
 23 honeybee toxins. reproductive toxins, and
19 honeybee toxins.


• It contains 51 known • They contain 52 known
pesticide residues found by pesticide residues found by
the USDA Pesticide Data the USDA Pesticide Data
Program. Out of the 51 Program. Out of the 52
pesticide residues, there are pesticide residues, there
12 known carcinogens, 29 are 8 known carcinogens, 24
suspected hormone suspected hormone
disruptors, 9 neurotoxins, 10 disruptors, 14 neurotoxins,
developmental or 7 developmental or
reproductive toxins, and 21 reproductive toxins, and 21
honeybee toxins. honeybee toxins.

• They contain 54 known • It contains 55 known
pesticide residues found by pesticide residues found by
the USDA Pesticide Data the USDA Pesticide Data
Program. Out of the 54 Program. Out of the 55
pesticide residues, there pesticide residues, there are
are 9 known carcinogens, 24 9 known carcinogens, 27
suspected hormone suspected hormone
disruptors,11 neurotoxins, disruptors, 10 neurotoxins,
12 developmental or 10 developmental or
reproductive toxins, and 19 reproductive toxins, and 23
honeybee toxins. honeybee toxins.


• They contain 62 known  It contains the most at 64
pesticide residues found by known pesticide residues
the USDA Pesticide Data found by the USDA Pesticide
Program. Out of the 62 Data Program. Out of the 64
pesticide residues, there are pesticide residues, there are
10 known carcinogens, 29 13 known carcinogens, 31
suspected hormone suspected hormone
disruptors, 12 neurotoxins, disruptors, 12 neurotoxins,
11 developmental or 14 developmental or
reproductive toxins, and 25 reproductive toxins, and 20
honeybee toxins. honeybee toxins.


What are the harmful effects of chemical
fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides,
rodenticides to human health?
Carcinogenic Effects
• Toxins that imitate
estrogen are called
xenoestrogens and may
be linked to high rates
of breast cancer,
endometriosis and
other reproductive
problems in women and
decreased sperm
counts, prostate and
testicular cancer in
Reproductive Effect
• Worldwide sperm count
decline by
approximately 50%
since the1930s.

 The onset of puberty in

girls, shifting the mean
from 11.2 years to 8.9
years for African
Americans and 10.0
years for Caucasian
Neurological EFFECT
• Neurodevelopment -
Scientists believe
that neurological
disorders observed
in children, such as
ADHD and autism,
may be related to
the prenatal
chemical disruption
of the thyroid
In August 2000, a
research team in
Holland published

findings which showed
that men whose jobs
gave them a high
exposure to pesticides

had significantly lower
sperm counts.

• Couple of years
earlier, a Danish
study found that a
sample of organic
farmers had sperm
counts 50% higher
than the national
• The Economic and
Social Research
Council, USDA,
published a report in
April 2000 saying
that a combination32 of
• High yielding rice
and wheat, the so
called “green
revolution crops”
are now named as
one of the causes
of brain damage
especially impaired
intellect in poor or
third world
• These crops, produced under
modern agriculture techniques using
large doses of pesticides,
herbicides, and fertilizers are being
blamed for intelligence problems
because they do not contain
essential brain nutrients such as
iodine, iron and vitamin A.
Modern agriculture or
Chemical farming has
damaged our
environment by
contaminating our
rivers, lakes, drinking
water and clouds
forming rain.

These poisonous chemicals
has killed not only insects
but also fish, birds, useful
small animals,
microorganisms and some

31 Percent Of U.S. Honey
Bees Were Wiped Out This
Year – Who Will Pollinate
Our Crops?
 Honeybees have become
widespread across North
America and are bred
commercially for their abilities
to produce honey and pollinate
crops—90 different farm-
grown foods, including many
fruits and nuts, depend on
Harmful Effect of Growth Hormones,
Growth Promotants and Anti biotics
to Human Health
• Livestock like chicken, pigs and cattle,
grown in chemical-industrial animal
farming systems are also sources of
chemicals harmful to health.

• The animals grown like
sardines in unhealthy
animal farms are fed and
injected with synthetic
chemicals to force them
to grow fast and survive
the pathogenic micro
organisms that abounds.

• These are antibiotics,

growth hormones,
steroids, synthetic
vitamins and minerals.
• When humans eat
these animals, they
also ingest these
synthetic chemicals
and whatever disease
these animals have.

• Hormone residues in beef have been
implicated in the early onset of puberty in
girls, which could put them at greater risk of
developing breast and other forms of cancer.
Hormone residues in the meat of "growth
enhanced" animals and can disrupt human
hormone balance.
• recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) is
said to be responsible for a number of
health issues ranging from premature
puberty in children, causing developmental
problems, and even leading to the
development of breast, prostate or colon
cancer due to the increased antibiotic.
• These regular meat-eaters live shorter lives.
In a worldwide study, it has found that the
Eskimos, Greenlanders and the Russian Kurgi
tribes had the highest intake of flesh foods.
• These groups had a lowest life expectancies -
in some cases averaging as low as 30 years.
• In comparison, population such as
the Pakistan Hunzas, East Indian
Todas, Russian Caucasians and the
Yucatan Indians live under harsh
conditions and eat little or no
animal flesh.
• These populations have the highest
life expectancies, as high as 90 to
100 years.
• The Hunzas eat almost no animal
products, living a vigorous life into
their 80's and beyond retirement
to unknown, and many pass their
one 100th birthday.
• According to Dr. Lorraine
Day: we are not designed to
eat meat because we have
rounded molar; our intestine
is around 30 feet long w/
crevices, and took us 3-5
days to expel.

• Unlike the cat or tiger

w/c is around 12 feet or
less and straight; and
took 3 hours to expel.
Tiger has 20x more HCL
in stomach.
According to Dr. Lorraine Day:
• Because we change from plant based diet, mainly
eating from fruits, grains and vegetables as our
ancestors did in 1900, now people are just going on
animal products and we have all sorts of disease,
including cancer.
• World Cancer Research Fund declared that
consumers should stop buying and eating all
processed meat products for the rest of their lives.
• "Beef” It's what's rotting in your colon."
Today, Oncologists from the
Harvard Medical School
recommend to cancer patients
• Change lifestyle
• Become vegetarians
or avoid red meat
• Eat lots of organic
• Avoid eating at

Harmful Effects of Genetically
Modified Organism (GMO) to Human
Health and Environment
• Currently about 75% of all processed food in the USA has
GMO ingredients. The USA is currently the only country
that does NOT require labels for GMO foods. GMOs cause
cancer, sterility, farmer suicides, and many other
• The European Union, Japan, China, Korea, Australia, New
Zealand and many other nations now require mandatory
GMO labeling.
• 10% of the worlds’ crops were GMO in 2010
• 29 countries worldwide grew GMO crops in 2011
• Over 50% of the GMO crops were grown in developing
countries in 2011
• In 2011 United States, Brazil, Argentina, India, Canada,
China, Paraguay, Pakistan, South Africa, Uruguay, Bolivia,
Australia, Philippines, Myanmar, Burkino Faso, Mexico
and Spain all grew GMO crops.
According to Dr.Albert Jo
(a medical doctor turned alternative/
integrated practitioner and
organic farmer)

• Seven (7) Metric Tons of GMO Corn that Japan and

Korea rejected were alledgely dump into the
Philippines, which the Filipinos are now eating. He
contintued by saying that when test were done on
the corn hair, it killed worms.
1. What are GMOs?
• The DNA from other plants,
viruses, animals and bacteria
are injected into the cells of
existing species.
• This is supposed to make them
more resistant to the rain,
drought, pests, etc.
What's a GMO? • A GMO (genetically
modified organism) is
the result of a
laboratory process of
taking genes from one
species and inserting
them into another in
an attempt to obtain
a desired trait or
characteristic, hence
they are also known
as transgenic
Some of the Harmful Effects
of Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)
Cancer and Degenerative Disease:

• GH is a protein hormone which, when injected into cows

stimulates the pituitary gland in a way that the
produces more milk, thus making milk production more
profitable for the large dairy corporations.

• IGF-1 is a very potent chemical hormone that has been

linked to a 2 1/2 to 4 times higher risk of human
colorectal and breast cancer
• The photo released by
the French research
team, showing large
cancer tumors growing
at a strongly
heightened risk in rats
fed a "lifetime" of
GM corn, is shown
• According to that
study, 70% of females
died premature and
showed significant
damage to their liver,
What is Artificial Growth Hormone?
• Bovine somatotropin or BST, and
bovine growth hormone, or BGH,
are hormones that naturally occur
in cattle..The artificial growth
hormones are then injected into
cows to increase milk production.
• All 27 countries of the European
Union, Canada, New Zealand, and
Australia have banned artificial
growth hormone’s use in milk for
human consumption. The U.S. and
Brazil are the only two countries
that allow its use.
• The rBGH cows get udder
infections (mastitis) and pus
also gets in the milk; yes, all
that stuff is STILL in the
milk in the grocer (3%-19%

• Breast cancer is considered

the “rich woman’s disease”
because only rich women, who
can afford to eat a western
diet high in red meat and
dairy, get breast cancer.
Why Men in Rural China
Why Women in Rural China
Do Not Get Prostate
Do Not Get Breast Cancer
(Rich Women’s Disease)
(Rich Man’s Disease)
Incidence of Breast Cancer :
• 1:13 - Philippines Incidence of Prostate
• 1:12 – United Kingdom Cancer :
• 1:10 – United States  0.5 : 100,000 – China
• 68.8 : 100,000 75% higher in England,
England/Wales Scotland and Wales
• 1:10,000 – Rural China
• 11.2 :100,000 – Rural China
• 1.6: 100,000 – Sri Lanka
Because dairy is not included in their diet. They do not drink cows
milk and eat dairy products that contains rBGH growth factors and
hormones that promotes breast cancer in women and prostate
cancer in men.
Survey (BGS) from 2000 to 2005
“Any lactating mammal excretes
toxins through her milk.

This includes antibiotics,

pesticides, chemicals and
hormones. Also, all cows’ milk
contains blood! … the USDA allows
milk to contain from one to one
and a half million white blood cells
per millilitre. … another way to
describe white cells where they
don’t belong would be to call them
pus cells.”
Birth Defects and
Shorter Life Spans
• When GM soy was fed to
female rats, most of their
babies died within three
• When male rats were fed
GM soy, their testicles
actually changed color—from
the normal pink to dark
blue. Mice fed GM soy had
altered young sperm.
Interior Toxins:
• "Pesticidal foods" have genes that produce a toxic
pesticide inside the food's cells.

• The food is engineered to produce their

own built in pesticide in every cell
which produces a poison that splits open
a bug's stomach and kills them when the
bug tries to eat the plant.
Toxicity to Soil:
• The majority of GM
agricultural products
are developed
specifically for toxin-
resistance - namely for
higher doses of
herbicides/ pesticides
sold by the largest
producer companies
• - According to an article by
R.J. Goldburg scientists
Soil Sterility and Pollution
• Scientists found GM bacterium meant to break down
wood chips, corn stalks and lumber wastes to produce
ethanol which rendered the soil sterile.

• It killed essential soil nutrients, robbing the soil of

nitrogen and killed nitrogen capturing fungi.

• The pollution was found to last up to 8 months with

depressed microbial activity.
• Genetically modified foods affect the human
physiology. A study of people in the Philippines
reported that their bodies developed antibodies to Bt
• What this means is that, the human body processed
these engineered traits into their guts and reacted to
• These same consumers of the GMO corn in the
Philippines also developed a resistance to the
antibiotic ampicillin.
Extinction of Seed Varieties:
• A few years ago Time Magazine referred to
the massive trend by large corporations to
buy up small seed companies, destroying any
competing stock, and replacing it with their
patented or controlled brands.
Animal Bio-invasions:
• Fish and marine life are threatened by accidental
release of GM fish currently under development in
several countries - trout, carp, and salmon several
times the normal size and growing up to 6x times as
fast. . One such accident has already occurred in
the Philippines - threatening local fish supplies.
Killing Beneficial Insects:
• Studies have shown that GM products can kill
beneficial insects -Swiss government researchers
found Bt crops killed lacewings that ate the cotton
worms which the Bt targeted.
• A study reported in 1997 by New Scientist indicates
honeybees may be harmed by feeding on proteins
found in GM canola flowers
Terminator Technology:
• Plants are being genetically produced with no annual
replenishing of perennial seeds so farmers will become
wholly dependent on the seed provider.

• In the past Monsanto had farmers sign agreements

that they would not collect seeds.
Lower Yields and More Pesticides
Used With GM Seeds:

• Contrary to claims, a Rodale study

shows that the best of organic farming
techniques - using rich natural compost
- can produce higher drought resistance
as well as higher yielding plants than
with current technological attempts.
The Horror Story of Conventional
Agriculturural Industry
 Has robs our daily food of over 60
natural and crucial vital trace elements
without which we sicken and die.
 Conventional agriculture add poison to
our daily food, to the air we breath, to
the water we drink, and to the soil
which we grow our crops.
The Horror Story of
Commercial Animal Husbandry
• Which laces our daily food with powerful
growth and female hormones.
• Hormones which accelerated growth-
including cancer, push young girls and
boys into puberty, and feminize males.
• This powerful antibiotics fed routinly to
livestock, have made many strains of
deadly bacteria immune to these deadly
The Horror Story of Genetically
Modiefied Organism (GMO) in our Food

• Using Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)

in food production is harmful to human
health and environment.
• GMO causes seizures, brain lesions,
cancers, organ failure, sterility, stillborn,
miscarriages, birth defects, 50% infant
mortality rates, and even death!
• When severe deficiency or
lack of 60 crucial elements in
our daily food is by far the
largest cause of most
• When the plants are difficent
themselves, the human body is
difficent itself, it’s then
attacked by diseases. The
foods we have to eat must
have both mineral and
Facts About the Food we Eat
“You Are What You Eat”
Facts about Commercial
Chicken and Egg
Roxarsone – an Arsenic based additive used in
Chicken Feed could pose health risk to human.

Arsenic has been linked to bladder, lung,

skin, kidney and colon cancer and could lead
to partial paralysis and diabetes.
Facts about Commercial
Chicken and Egg
 Arsenic – acts as a growth stimulant in
chickens-develops the meat faster.

Arsenic can also lead to prostate cancers,

cause neurological,cardiovascular,
gastrointestinal and immune system
Health Implications of Arsenic
• Arsenic-based drug, known
as roxarsone, which was
commonly mixed with poultry
• Such life-threatening
conditions as type 2
diabetes, bladder, lung and
skin cancer, as well as heart
disease and cognitive
deficiencies have been linked
to the dangerous compound.
Arsenic, caffeine,
banned antibiotics,
pharmaceuticals and
more found in chickens
 chickens are regularly
given roxarsone, what
amounts to arsenic, in
an attempt to both fight
parasites and increase
the growth rate of
chickens while making
the flesh of the chicken
that certain “appetizing”
shade of pink.
Studies show that arsenic
is a more potent cancer
promoter than first
believed. It has to do with
its effect on blood
The reason that arsenic
makes white meat pinker is
that it increases the
growth of blood vessels in
the meat. The more blood,
the pinker the color.
• “Chicken are GENETICALLY
MODIFIED with hormones, carcinogens, GMOs,
corn pills, arsenic and drugs so they
become LARGER FASTER and as a result they
often CRIPPLE under their own weights”

• “These chickens or turkeys suffer

with ammonia, bronchitis, weakened immune
system, failed organs or respiratory
problems during their short lives s until they
get slaughtered”
• “One out of three kids born after the
year 2000 is OBESE. Consuming all these
hormones, drugs, antibiotics, GMOs and
carcinogens have caused chronic diseases
including obesity, cancer, cardiovascular
disease and diabetes”.

• Now our children at the age of 10 are

diagnosed with diabetes, plaque buildup in
their arteries and many other chronic diseases.
Facts about
Free Range Eggs

• Recent tests conducted

by Mother Earth
News magazine have
shown once again that
eggs from chickens that
range freely on pasture
provide clear nutritional
benefits over eggs from
confinement operations.
Eggs from pastured hens
are far richer in vitamin D
• Eggs from hens raised
outdoors on pasture have
from three to six times
more vitamin D than eggs
from hens raised in
confinement. Pastured hens
are exposed to direct
sunlight, which their bodies
convert to vitamin D and
then pass on to the eggs.
Organic Eggs
• This latest good news
about eggs comes from a
study just released
by Mother Earth News, a
magazine that plays a
leading role in promoting
health-enhancing, natural
foods. The editors found
that eating just two eggs
will give you from 63-
126% of the
recommended daily intake
of vitamin D.
October/November 2007
issue of Mother Earth News
• Results showed the
pastured eggs contained an
• 1/3 less cholesterol than
commercial eggs
• 1/4 less saturated fat
• 2/3 more vitamin A
• 2 times more omega-3
fatty acids
• 7 times more beta carotene
British Study in 1974

• Eggs from free-range

hens are higher in folic
acid and vitamin B12
Pastured Poultry Get a Bounty
of Vitamin E from Grass

• An egg from a pastured

hen has 30 percent more
vitamin E than the kind you
buy in the supermarket.
• . Vitamin E deficiencies
have been linked with
diabetes, immune
disorders, AIDS,
muscle damage in
exercise, Parkinson's
disease, eye diseases,
and lung and liver
Egg yolks are the richest
known source of lutein and
zeaxanthin, essential vitamins
not found in your multi-vitamin
• Eggs are gaining new respect from
nutritionists, partly for their
abundance of two carotenes ---
lutein and zeaxanthin.
• These antioxidant vitamins are
essential for the protection of the
macula, an area of the retina that
provides our best central vision.
Eggs are the richest known source.
"Macular degeneration,"
Egg yolks are the richest
known source of lutein and
zeaxanthin, essential
vitamins not found in your
multi-vitamin tablet
• According to a recent study,
"Of all the carotenoids
investigated, only lutein and
zeaxanthin showed a
protective effect against
colon cancer, with an
enhanced effect in younger
Facts about the Meat we Eat

• Meat and dairy products from

grass-fed ruminants are the
richest known source of another
type of good fat called
"conjugated linoleic acid" or CLA.
(Potent Cancer Fighter)

• When ruminants are raised

on fresh pasture alone,
their products contain from
than three to five times
more CLA products from
animals fed conventional
Facts about the
Meat we Eat
These animals hardly chew their
food when it is first swallowed.
But they have four stomachs
that digest and regurgitate food
through a special process that
allows complete digestion.
The major ruminants are cows,
sheep and goats.
Facts about the
Meat we Eat
A cow takes 24 hours to digest
what's eaten, and it is able to
get rid of excess toxins during
the digestive process.

The pig's digestive system

doesn't allow for this, and the
toxins are carried into the fat
cells and organs of the pig
Facts about
Grass Feed Meat
A Extra Omega-3s. Meat from
grass-fed animals has two to
four times more omega-3 fatty
acids than meat from grain- fed
Omega-3s are called "good fats"
because they play a vital role in
every cell and system in your
body. For example, of all the
fats, they are the most heart-
When cattle are taken off omega-3
rich grass and shipped to a feedlot to
be fattened on omega-3 poor grain,
they begin losing their store of this
beneficial fat.
Facts about Fish
• Studies indicate that
eating fish once or
twice each week may
help reduce blood
cholesterol levels,
leading cause of
(hardening of the
arteries), major factor
in the development of
heart disease.
Facts About
• Fish with scales and fins
are equipped with
digestive system that
prevents the absorption
of poisons and toxins
into their flesh.
• Fish without scales and
fins are designed to
absorb toxins from the
Facts About
• Fresh wild fish, fresh
water/ocean caught fish
is best
• Farm raised fish are
usually given
inappropriate feed, such
as soy pellets contain
pesticides residues.
• Makes sure the fish have
fins and scales
Facts About
• Farm raised fish were feed
with mercury and PCB’s
(Polychlorinated Bipheyls)
“probable human
carcinogen”, according to
• Farm raised fish are held in
containment cells, which
don’t allow adequate space
for swimming.
• They are prone to disease,
requiring antibiotics, which
we consume when we eat
Facts About Shells
Avoid shellfish,
clams, oyster,
mussels, scallops,
snails, shrimps,
lobster, crabs.
They are “bottom
feeders” and
scavengers and
studies shown them
to be filters and
retainers of toxins.
Dr Namin: 1.5-2 liters of water
is filtered through oysters daily
White Rice • White rice is made by
removing the outer
shells, or hulls, from
brown rice.
• The hull contains all of
the fiber, and is a rich
source of antioxidants,
B vitamins, minerals,
and phytonutrients.
• The hull is what gives
the rice its time-
release properties,
White Rice
• A team of researchers
led by Qi Sun, MD, at
the Harvard School of
Public Health in Boston,
found eating white rice
on daily basis could boost
high risk for developing
type 2 diabetes and
also causing obesity.
• White rice has a lower
content of nutrients
Health Alert on Sugar
• When you eat polished
white rice, white bread
cookies, donuts – you are
eating a high starch (High
sugar) food alike.
Nutritionally Deficient
• During the refining
process of wheat the
germ and the bran is
removed so that all that
is left is flour. This
means that the most
nutritious part of the
grain including fiber,
vitamins and minerals is
Health Alert on Sugar
• Bleached- it has to be
bleached to retain its
whiteness that is lost during
the milling process.
• The starches in bread get
broken down quickly in the
digestive tract and enter the
bloodstream as glucose. This
causes a rapid spike in blood
sugar and insulin levels.
• Even whole wheat bread
spikes blood sugar faster
than many candy bars.
• Sugar Content of
Softdrinks (1.2 tbsp of
sugar per ounce)
• 8 oz. = 9.6 tbs.
• 12 oz = 14.4 tbs
• 500 ml = 20 tbs.
• 1000 ml = 40 tbs.
• 1 can of soda has about 10
tbsp sugar, 150 calories, 30
to 55 mg of caffeine, loaded
with artificial food colors
• 30 tsps of sugar = no
immune system for 24
• Studies have
shown that heavy
drinkers of
softdrinks spill
huge amounts of
magnesium and
other trace
minerals into the
One diet soda a day increases leukemia,
multiple myeloma and non-Hodgkin lymphomas

• The combined results of

this new study showed
that just one 12-fl oz. can
(355 ml) of diet soda daily
leads to:

- 42 percent higher
leukemia risk in men and
women (pooled analysis)
- 102 percent higher
multiple myeloma risk (in
men only)
More mineral loss,
the greater the risk
for osteoporosis,
coronary artery
diseases, high blood
pressure and long list
of degenerative
disease associated
with premature
Facts About Refined Sugars

• Sugar is a cancer cell's

favorite food. Even
without having cancer, we
all have a few cancer cells
floating around.
• Research shows that
sugar is a perfect fuel
for cancer cells.
• The same goes for
refined sugars, which
Refined sugars

• Refined Sugar - The

bleached, nutritionally-
deficient byproduct of
cane processing.
• During sugar cane
processing, nearly all the
minerals and vitamins
end up in the blackstrap
molasses that's usually
fed to farm animals.
143 Ways that Sugar can Ruin our Health
By Nancy Appleton, PhD -- Author of Lick the Sugar Habit

1. Sugar can suppress the immune system.

2. Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in the body.
3. Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and
crankiness in children.
4. Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.
5. Sugar contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection
(infectious diseases).
6. Sugar causes a loss of tissue elasticity and function, the more sugar
you eat the more elasticity and function you loose.
7. Sugar reduces high density lipoproteins.
8. Sugar leads to chromium deficiency.
9. Sugar leads to cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, and rectum.
10.Sugar can increase fasting levels of glucose.
11.Sugar causes copper deficiency.
12. Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
13.Sugar can weaken eyesight.
14.Sugar raises the level of neurotransmitters: dopamine, serotonin, and
15.Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.
Monosodium Glutamate

Studies have indicated

that MSG can cause
severe allergies and
even brain damage.

It also linked to eye

damage, headaches,
fatigue, migraine,
disorientation and
Dr. Blaylock says:
MSG may only be
a contributing
factor in starting
brain diseases, but
can make major
afflictions worse:
Multiple Sclerosis,
Parkinsons Disease
and Stroke.
Some of the serious side effects associated
with free glutamate include:

• brain damage • heart disease

• allergic reactions • fertility problems in
• migraines both men and women
• cancer • seizures
• damage to unborn child • swelling of the brain
• Alzheimers disease • weight gain
• free radical damage • memory loss
that can lead to heart • facial swelling
attacks or strokes • Type 2 diabetes
• asthma attacks • and more….
Caffeine – A Legal Drug that Hurts

Softdrinks - habitual Energy Drinks - avoid energy

Coffee - Caffeine also intake of soft drink
interferes with the drinks due to the high caffeine.
can lead to kidney worsen the inflammation in
kidney's function of stones formation.
reabsorbing calcium; kidneys and increase the Kidney
increase the Kidney Cysts in size and in number
effectively, this promotes Cysts in size and in
kidney stones number

Chocolates - has been

Tea - Iced tea contains associated with kidney
massive amounts of calcium Pain Reliever - Taking too
stones, the kidneys
oxalates, which also serve many painkillers can damage
are unable to flush
as the prime constituent some people's kidneys
them out of the
of kidney stones. permanently, scientists claim.
Caffeine Content Of Popular Drinks
Soft drinks (12-ounce) caffeine Coffee and tea (8-ounce) caffeine
(mg) (mg)
Red Bull (8.2 oz) 80.0 Coffee, Brewed 80-135
Coffee, Espresso (2
Mountain Dew 55.5 100
Diet Coke 45.6 Coffee, Instant 65-100
RC Cola 43.0 Tea, iced 47
Sunkist Orange 40.0 Hot cocoa 14
Pepsi-Cola 37.5 Coffee, Decaf, brewed 3-4
Diet Pepsi 36.0 Coffee, Decaf, instant 2-3
Coca-Cola Classic 34.0 Dark chocolate (1 oz) 20 mg
Nestea Sweet Iced Tea 26.5
Sprite 0
7-Up 0
Facts About Water
Water sustain life.
70%-80% of our
body is water.
Water adjusts the
body's temperature
and assist in
Water removes
toxins from the
body and also
makes necessary
body fluids.
Pure Water
• Distilled water is an active
absorber and when it contacts
with the air, it absorbs carbon
dioxide, making it acidic.
• The more distilled water a
person drinks, the higher the
body acidity becomes.
• The longer one drinks distilled
water, the more likely the
development of mineral
deficiencies and an acidic state
which is very good for cancer
No disease or bacteria can exist or live in an
Alkaline environment
An over acidic body causes kidney
stones and gall stones.

Distilled water is neutral, dead

water, and has no minerals or

We are aging too fast because

we are acidic and dehydrated!

Cancer tumors cannot live in

alkaline water. All cancer
patients should be on alkaline
No disease or bacteria can exist or live
in an Alkaline environment

How to Check Our Drinking

Water if Alkaline or Acidic
Blue litmus paper
turns red under acidic conditions
and red litmus paper
turns blue under basic (i.e.
alkaline) conditions, the color
change occurring over
the pH range 4.5-8.3 (at
25°C). Neutral litmus paper is
purple in color.
What is Junk Foods?
• Any food that has List of Junk Food Items
poor nutritional value
1. Fast food
is considered 2. Snacks &, Desserts:
unhealthy and may be 3. French Fries, Potato Chips
called a junk food. 4. Carbonated Beverages
5. Burgers
• A food that is high in 6. Ice Creams
fat- especially trans 7. Pizzas
fat, sodium and sugar 8. Drinks & Soft drinks
is known as a junk containing sugar:
9. Cakes:
10.Sugary Cereals
Junk Foods and Obesity
Fast-Foods low to no Nutritional Value

Acrylamide is a dangerous chemical present in foods such as

french fries, potato chips, breakfast cereals, cookies and crackers.
Facts about Harmful Effects Of Junk Foods
Junk Foods Lack of Energy: Junk foods do not contain any
nutrients that are beneficial to the human
Poor Concentration - When a person consumes
junk food in excess, a major portion of blood
in the body is diverted to the intestine. As a
result, the person feels drowsy and suffers
with reduced concentration.
Heart Diseases: Another harmful factor
present in junk foods is excess concentration
of sugars and salt. Excessive concentration of
sodium ions causes an increased heart blood
Liver Failure: Even liver gets damaged due to
presence of ingredients such as fat,
cholesterol and salt inside the junk foods.
Diabetes: Junk foods also cause damage to
the pancreas resulting in insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitus (IDDM).
Cancer Causing Foods

Most popular and widespread food products that are

least healthy items you put into your mouth.
• Cancer is the second leading cause of
death for Americans. According to the
American Cancer Society, a total of
1,529,560 new cancer cases and 569,490
deaths from cancer were estimated to
have occurred in the United States in
• Among men, the top three cancer
diagnoses are prostate cancer, lung
cancer, and colorectal cancer. The leading
types of cancer among women are breast
cancer, lung cancer, and colorectal cancer.
Alarming Rise of Cancer Incidence
 In 1900 Cancer to
was: OECD Health Data :2010
 In 1982 187.3 cases
practically unheard  In 1993 : 220 cases
 In 1950 : 150 cases in  In 2000 : it has
every 100,000. climbed to 321 cases
 In 1970: 162 cases of Cancer per
 In 1971, President Nixon 100 ,000
declares Wars on Cancer  Today, 1 in every 3
put billion of dollar per population have a chance
year to conduct research of getting Cancer if or
to fight cancer lifestyle is not change
1. Hot Dogs
• Because they are high in Sodium Nitrates,
the Cancer Prevention Coalition advises that
children eat no more than 12 hot dogs a
• During the digestion process, sodium nitrite
is converted into nitrosamine which is
carcinogenic. This is where the cancer
Hot Dogs
• The latest research done at the University
of California at Irvine, showed that children
who eat only as many as 12 hot dogs a
month, only three a week had 10 to 12 times
higher incidence of leukemia and brain
2. Processed Meats and
• Also high in the same sodium
nitrates found in hot dogs,
bacon, and other processed
meats raise. Sodium nitrite
increases the risk of leukemia,
pancreatic cancer, colon
cancer, brain tumors and more.
3. Doughnuts and Cakes
• Doughnuts are cancer-causing double
trouble. First, they are made with white
flour, sugar, and hydrogenated oils, then
fried at high temperatures. Doughnuts,
may be the worst food you can possibly
eat to raise your risk of cancer.
4. French Fries
• Like doughnuts, French fries are made with
hydrogenated oils and then fried at high

• They also contain cancer- causing acryl amides which

occur during the frying process.

 They should be called cancer fries, not French fries

5. Chips, crackers, and
• All are usually made with white flour
and sugar… Even the ones whose labels
claim to be free of trans-fats
generally contain small amounts of
6. Pickled Vegetables

• Makes vulnerable to tumor in

esophagus (esophageal adenocarcinoma)
7. Smoked Foods
• Can cause tumors in the stomach (cancer
in the stomach) because of carcinogen
substance called: “Polycyclic Aromatic
Hydrocarbons (PAHs) that form in the
surface of the food during the smoking
8.Grilled or charcoal meat,
barbecued meat/ charred
• Is found to be one of the unhealthy
foods because they produce chemicals
called “Hetrocyclic Amines” or HCAs
9. White Bread, Pasta

• Anything that is white is unhealthy

because white is equal to processed.
White bread and pasta come from
bleached flour.
10. Sodas / softdrinks
• Loaded with calories, sugar and
artificial ingredients and has no
nutritional benefit. Double softdrinks
risk of pancreatic cancer.
11. Artificial Sweeteners such as:
Aspartame, Saccharine Sucralose
• Aspartame is around 200 times sweeter than sugar. There
are also a wide range of side effects from ingesting
Aspartame including headaches, joint pain, rashes, heart
palpitations, hives, weight gain, fatigue, tinnitus and
• Aspartame has been linked to obesity, chronic memory and
Alzheimer’s disease. Ingesting one diet coke a day has
been shown to cause an increased chance of developing
lymphoma or leukemia.
12. Farmed fish
• Fish farms produce supermarket protein with high concentrations
of antibiotics, pesticides and lower levels of healthy nutrients.
Another study, conducted at the University of New York at
Albany found that dioxin levels in farm-raised salmon are 11
times higher than those in wild salmon.
• Dioxins are one of the “dirty dozen,” says the World Health
Organization (WHO) because they are highly toxic and are stored
for a long time in the body: their half life in fat cells is 7 to 11
• Dioxins impair the endocrine, immune, nervous and reproductive
systems and are carcinogens.
13. Artificial Colors and
• Found in diet sodas,
gum, and many other
“sugar free” foods,
artificial sweeteners
can be incredibly
damaging to your
• Aspartame is known to
convert to
formaldehyde – the
same chemical used to
preserve dead bodies –
when consumed, it
leads to further
14. Excessive Alcohol
GMO Products
• Genetically modified
organisms are an open
invitation to disease,
cancer, and infertility.
What a person consumes
is what they become.
• Eating nutrient-void,
formaldehyde-laden GMO
corn is beckoning a
disease-ridden population.
• There is enough evidence
GMO Milk and Diary’s
 Some dairy products
such as whole milk,
cheese have high
saturated fat
 Commercially
produced milk may
contain concomitants
such as pesticides,
which have
carcinogenic potential
and growth factor
such as Insulin Like
Growth Factor (IGF)-
1, which have shown
• When oil are heated in the presence of
hydrogen and metal catalyst this makes them
hydrogenated. This process helps prolong shelf
life but simultaneously creates trans fats.
• Trans fats promotes heart disease interrupt
metabolic processes and cause belly fat that
crowd the organs and strain the heart.
• Increase In the level Of LDLs - these ‘monstrous’
cholesterol can result in the congestion of blood vessels
as they form deposits on the arterial walls. The result –
the increase in the risks associated with the onset of
stroke, heart attack and coronary artery disorders.
• Inflammation towards injuries
• Cardiac Diseases ( heart attack and stroke)
• Cancer (breast and prostate cancer)
• Diabetes Type II (developing insulin dependent diabetes)
Health effects caused by hydrogenated oils

• Directly promotes heart disease

• Promotes cancers: breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon
• Raises LDL (bad) cholesterol and lower HDL (good)
• Raises blood sugar levels and promotes weight gain
• Impairs brain function and damages brain cells
• Accelerates tumor growth
• Accelerates the progress of type-2 diabetes
Health effects caused by hydrogenated oils

• Promotes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

• Causes gallbladder disease
• Causes liver disease
• Clogs blood, makes blood cells stick together
• Clogs artery walls and promotes atherosclerosis
• Causes high blood pressure
Acrylamides Factor
• Acrylamides are not added into food, they are
created during the frying process. When starch food
are subjected to high heat, Acrylamides form.
• A Swedish study found that Acrylamides cause
Cancer in rats and more studies conform that
Acrylamides also cause cancer in humans.
• Acrylamide is the
powerful carcinogen
that gets formed when
carbohydrates and
proteins are cooked
together at high
temperature, as in
dark toast, French
fries, and potato
• Canada recently added
acrylamide to its list
of toxic
substances. The
European Union has
just listed it as
hazardous chemical a
Benefits of Organic
Agriculture to Human Health
What is Organic Farming?
• Organic
farming is the
production of
crops and
without the
use of
chemicals and
fertilizers. 160
• It focuses on using
fertile soil along
with a variety of
crops to maintain
healthy growing
conditions which
produce a food with
more nutrients.

• Animals reared on
organic farms are
treated properly
with room to behave
like animals and are
fed healthy food
sources not laden
with drugs and other
• Organic agriculture is healthy for
the farmers who produces our foods
to the environment because it
avoids poisonous chemicals for
consumers, who eat the organic 162
Health Benefits of
Organic Farming
Better Health
• Since organic food is not prepared using
chemical fertilizers and pesticides, it
does not contain any traces of these
strong chemicals that might not affect
the human body.
Better Taste
• People strongly believe that organic food
tastes better than non organic food. The
prominent reason for this belief is that it is
produced using organic means of production.
Further organic food is often sold locally
resulting in availability of fresh produce in
the market.
Environment Safety
• As harmful chemicals are not used in organic
farming, there is minimal soil, air and water
pollution; thus ensuring a safe world for
future generations to live in.
Animal Welfare
• Animal welfare is an important aspect of
producing organic milk, organic meat, organic
poultry, and organic fish.
• People feel happy that the animals are not
confined to a miserable caged life while
eating organic animal products.
Animal Welfare
• Animal welfare is an important aspect of
producing organic milk, organic meat, organic
poultry, and organic fish.
• People feel happy that the animals are not
confined to a miserable caged life while
eating organic animal products.
Higher nutrient content and concentration
• Organically grown fruits and vegetables contain higher
nutritional content than commercially farmed produce.
Different studies have shown organic produce to have
nutritional concentrations ranging from 30% more to 3
times as much as their commercially grown counterparts.
• Organic plant-based foods (fruits, vegetables,
grains) contain higher levels of eight of 11
nutrients studied, including significantly greater
concentrations of health-promoting polyphenols and
• Organic food contains phenolic compounds, which
protects our heart from cardiovascular diseases
and reduces the risk of cancer.
• Because of this, the food produced are now
called “Power Charged” foods.
• Organic foods contain more phytochemicals
that are called “Medicinal Foods.”

“Let food be thy medicine and

Medicine be thy food”
Father of Medicine, 431 B.C.
The Healthiest Food
on the Planet - Superfoods
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”

Father of Medicine, 431 B.C.
Genesis 1:29

• Then God said, “I have

given you every seed-
bearing plant on the face
of the whole earth and
every tree that has fruit
with seed in it. They will
be yours for food”.
Father of Medicine, 431 B.C.

Hippocrates was a Greek

Nutritionist, Physician and
Surgeon who lived from
approximately 460 B.C. until
around 370 B.C. He is
considered “The Father of
Medicine” and is credited as
being the first physician who
believed that diseases were
not caused by superstition or
gods, but rather that
diseases had natural causes.
• Last August 2012, archaeologists
discovered a wooden box full of
medicine in a 2,000 year-old sunken
ship off the coast of Tuscany.
• The ship was believed to have sank
around 130 B.C., well over 2,000 years
ago. It was transporting wine,
glassware, lams, and ceramics. Inside a
wooden box, preserved deep under the
sea, was a collection of pills.
• “It’s a spectacular find. They were very
well sealed. The plants and vegetables were
probably crushed with a mortar and pestle
– we could still see the fibres in the
tablets. They also contained clay, which
even today is used to treat gastrointestinal
problems,” said Dr Alain Touwaide, from
the Smithsonian Conservation Biology
Institute in Washington DC.
• To this day, many of the components found
within these ancient pills are still used to
treat modern ailments—including clay for
upset stomachs, celery for rheumatism, and
onion for infections.
• The pills contained all natural plants and
materials including crushed celery,
onions, carrots, cabbage, alfalfa,
chestnuts, radish, yarrow, parsley,
nasturtium, hibiscus, and clay.
• . The finding marks the oldest known
remains of ancient medicines that herbs
are not considered as an “alternative
medicine”, that nature have been
providing millennia and can be trusted
to provide it today.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
Father of Medicine, 431 B.C.

What are Antioxidants?
• Antioxidants are substances that help with
protecting the body against free radicals.
They are compounds that help delay or slow
the oxidative damage to cells and tissue of
the body.
• Free radicals are created when the body
breaks down food and are damaging to body
Organic “An Organic Apple Each day,
Apples Drives the Doctors Away”
• A Superfood that protects the body
from nuclear fallout, kills a wide
range of cancers, and keeps the
arteries unclogged. Studies shows
that apples reduce cancer risk such
• Liver Cancer: Apple juice, apple
pectin and apple peel has been
experimentally confirmed to kill liver
• Breast Cancer: Apples have been
found to both prevent and to
suppress mammary cancers in the
animal model.[v]
Organic • Multi-Drug Resistant Cancer:
Apples carotenoids extracted from apple
have been studied for its ability to
directly induce programmed cell
death within stomach cancer cells.[ix]
• Esophageal Cancer: An apple-derived
procyanidin has been found to
suppress esophageal cancer. [vii]
• Stomach Cancer: One of the ways in
which apple constituents prevent
stomach cancer is through their
inhibition of Helicobacter pylori, one
of the main infectious agents linked
to both ulcer and gastric cancer.[viii]
Guava (Bayabas)
• It is a rich source of fiber, iron, potassium,
folic acid, phosphorous, nicotinic acid,
vitamins A & B, and of course, vitamin C.
• Studies show its vitamin C content which is
found in the skin is five times more than that
of oranges.
Guava (Bayabas)
• The medicinal uses of guava is
extensively documented. Studies have
shown that the extracts from the
seeds, peel, and pulp of the guava have
anti-cancer effects as these parts
contain antioxidant compounds.
• Compared to other vegetables, guava
leaves are said to have higher amounts
of phenolic compounds.
Guava (Bayabas)
• These compounds can protect the body
from cancers and heart diseases. Diabetes
is another illness that can be treated with
the aqueous extracts of guava.
• The high amounts of potassium and soluble
fibers in guavas were said to be the reason
behind the reduced blood pressure,
reduced cholesterol levels, and increase in
Apple Compared to Guava
According to : Dr. Sanjoy Satpathy

Apple Guava
• One medium apple with • One cup of fresh guava
skin contains 0.47 grams contains 4.21 grams of
of protein, 95 calories, protein, 112 calories
and 4.4 grams of dietary and 8.9 grams of
fiber. dietary fiber.
Apple Compared to Guava
Apple Guava
• Potassium - 195 mg • Potassium - 688 mg
Calcium - 11 mg Phosphorus - 66 mg
Phosphorus - 20 mg Magnesium - 36 mg
Magnesium - 9 mg Calcium - 30 mg
Manganese - 0.064 mg Sodium - 3 mg
Iron - 0.22 mg Iron - 0.43 mg
Sodium - 2 mg Selenium 1 mcg
Copper - 0.049 mg Manganese - 0.247 mg
Zinc - 0.07 mg Copper - 0.38 mg
Also contains a trace amount Zinc - 0.38 mg
of other minerals.
Apple Guava
• Vitamin A - 98 IU • Vitamin A - 1030 IU
• Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.111 mg
• Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.031
mg. • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.066
• Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.047 • Niacin - 1.789 mg
mg • Folate - 81 mcg
• Niacin - 0.166 mg • Pantothenic Acid - 0.744 mg
• Folate - 5 mcg • Vitamin B6 - 0.181 mg
• Pantothenic Acid - 0.111 mg • Vitamin C - 376.7 mg
• Vitamin B6 - 0.075 mg • Vitamin E - 1.2 mg
• Vitamin C - 8.4 mg • Vitamin K - 4.3 mcg
• Vitamin E - 0.33 mg • Contains some other vitamins in
small amounts.
Vitamin K - 4 mcg
• Contains some other vitamins in
small amounts.
The Power:
Oleic Acid, helps lower overall cholesterol and raise
levels and 2x potassium than banana plus a good dose
of fiber.

 Foods naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as

avocados, are widely acknowledged as the secret to
a healthy heart, a brilliant brain and eagle eyes.
The Power:
 it has also been found to contribute to the prevention
and control of Alzheimer’s, cancer, heart disease,
diabetes and other health conditions.
 It is a high-fiber, sodium- and cholesterol-free food that
provides nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, is rich in
healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (such as
omega-3 fatty acids), vitamins A, C, D, E, K and the B vitamins
(thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B-
6, vitamin B-12 and folate)
Raspberries (Bugnay, Duhat)

The Power:
• Ellagic Acid: which
helps stall cancer-
cell growth. These
berries also packed
with Vitamin C and
are high in fiber
which prevent high
cholesterol and heart
Raspberries (Duhat)

The Power:
 Duhat, The Local
Version of Black
 The fruit is known to
be a remedy for
diabetes mellitus
Raspberries (Duhat)
The Power:
 Scientists have found that a natural and
delicious substance could help prevent the
malignancy and kill cancer cells in the
 The Natural medicine found in black
raspberries known as Anthrocyanins found to
effectively kill leukemia cells.
The Power:
Rich in Vitamin C.
This antioxidant helps
prevent arthritis and
boost wound healing and
your immune system
Mangoes boast more
than 8,000 IU of
Vitamin A
The Power:
1. Prevents Cancer:
Research has shown antioxidant compounds in mango fruit
have been found to protect against colon, breast, leukemia
and prostate cancers. These compounds include quercetin,
isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin, gallic acid and methylgallat,
as well as the abundant enzymes.
2. Lowers Cholesterol:
The high levels of fiber, pectin and vitamin C help to lower
serum cholesterol levels, specifically Low-Density Lipoprotein
The Power:
3. Eye Health:
One cup of sliced mangoes supplies 25 percent of
the needed daily value of vitamin A, which
promotes good eyesight and prevents night
blindness and dry eyes.
4. Alkalizes the Whole Body:
The tartaric acid, malic acid, and a trace of citric
acid found in the fruit help to maintain the alkali
reserve of the body.
Amaranth (Kulitis)
The Power:
Lutein and Zeaxanthin,
Carotenoids: helps mend off
macular degeneration, a
major cause of blindness in
older people.

Studies shows it may help

reverse some aging signs.
The Power:
Vitamin C and Beta
Both powerful
antioxidants that helps
protect cells from
free-radical damage.
Helps lower blood
• This melon qualifies as
a “beauty fruit.” The
orange flesh is packed
with beta-carotene,
which converts to
vitamin A in the body
and helps promote
clear skin by thinning
the outer layer of
dead skin cells that
can clog pores and
blemishes [1] [2].
• It’s low in sugar, and high
in vitamins A and C, as
well as the amino acid
citrulline, which help the
body produce another
amino acid, arginine.
• Arginine can help lower
blood pressure and reduce
the risk of cardiovascular
• This melon’s also a great
source of lycopene, the
super-healthy essential
carotenoid found in
1. Heart
• Watermelon is rich in Lycopene. To
maintain a healthy heart needs to follow a
diet lows in fat, cholesterol, and rich in
antioxidants such as (lycopene), which
works to fight free radical compounds.
Thereby protecting the vessels and
arteries from hardening.
2. Cancer
• , Watermelon is rich in antioxidants such as
lycopene which contains twice the amount
found in tomatoes. Watermelon also contains
vitamin C, A.
• These compounds play an active role in the
fight several cancers such as breast cancer,
prostate cancer, uterine cancer, lung cancer,
colorectal cancer by protecting cells from
free radicals. Chinese study showed in 2009
that the compounds found in watermelon,
working to increase the programmed death in
breast cancer cells.
3. Sexual Activity
• Natural Viagra by this name describes
the researchers watermelon red, because
it is a rich source of amino acid citrulline,
which works to farther expand the blood
vessels, thus allowing the passage of more
blood vessels to the penis leading to
erection. Dr. Patel from the University
of Texas turns acid citrulline to acid
The Power:
One of the strongest
Carotenoids, act as an
Research shows that
tomatoes may cut the
risk of bladder,
stomach and cancer if
half is eaten daily.
Beans, Peas and Lentils
• Beans and Peas
especially high in folic
acid include pinto
beans, lima beans,
green peas, black-eyed
peas and kidney beans.
• A small bowl of any
type of lentils will give
you the majority of
your recommended daily
amounts of folate.
Cruciferous Vegetables
• Commonly consumed
cruciferous vegetables
includes: broccoli, Brussels
sprouts, cabbage,
cauliflower, collard greens,
kale, kohlrabi, mustard,
rutabaga, turnips, bok choy,
and Chinese cabbage,
Arugula, horseradish,
radish, wasabi, and
watercress are also
cruciferous vegetables.
• Reduce Risk of Lung
Cancer by Up to 50
• Cruciferous Vegetables
Proven to Prevent Breast
Cancer and Lung Cancer
• Raw Cruciferous
Vegetables Defend
Against Bladder Cancer
and Colorectal cancer
The Power:
Indole-3-carbinol and
Sulforaphane, which help
protect against breast
cancer and prostate and
bladder cancer.

It has 220% RDA of

vitamin C and Beta-
Boc Choy (Chinese Cabbage)
The Power:
Brassinin, which some
research suggest may
help prevent breast
tumors, plus indoles and
isothiocynates which
lower level of estrogen
which prevent breast
cancer and also prostate
and bladder cancer.
Sweet Potato / Kamote
The Power:
Rich in Vitamin A
(Betacarotene), Vitamin C =
powerful antioxidants that
remove free radical, a
chemical that damage cells.
Good for stomach ulcer and
lower blood pressure, helpful
for hemorrhoids due to high
fiber content,
high in vitamins and minerals,
prevent cancer in glands and
Sweet Potato / Kamote
The Power:
 Good for diabetics. It helps
stabilize blood sugar levels
by increasing adiponectin, an
important factor of insulin
metabolism. It has
moderate glycemic index of
 Deep colored yellow camote
contains lutein and beta
carotene. Antioxidants to
prevent rapid aging and
maintain good eyesight. Eat
yellow camote instead of
taking eye supplement.
Sweet Potato / Kamote
The Power:
 Have lots of essential
minerals and vitamins.
Manganese, copper,
potassium, iron, Vitamin –
E, C, B6, B2, and A.
 An effective detoxifying
agent. It adsorb heavy
metals and take it out of
the system. Metals such
as lead, arsenic and
mercury accumulate in our
body due to consumption
of commercially processed
Health Benefits of Yam (Ubi)
• Cardiovascular Benefits
Yams are a good source of vitamin B6, a
nutrient needed by the body to break
down homocysteine, an amino acid which
can directly damage blood vessel walls.
• Victims of heart attack with normal or
even low cholesterol levels are commonly
discovered to have high levels of
Health Benefits of Yam (Ubi)
• Cancer Prevention
The presence of the antioxidant vitamin C in
yams helps protect the body from free
radicals that cause oxidative stress.
• Oxidative stress, or "cellular rust," is
associated with many different types of
cancer, including lung, mouth, throat, colon,
stomach and esophagus. Vitamin C also aids in
the generation of vitamin E (another useful
Health Benefits of Yam (Ubi)
• Blood Sugar Regulation
Yams' complex carbohydrates are broken down
into sugars, released and absorbed into the
bloodstream at a gradual rate. This prevents
blood sugar levels from spiking too high too
quickly and dipping too low.
Brown Rice
The Power :
Carbohydrates, rich in
fibers, helps control
blood sugar
Helps control
cholesterol, beneficial
for stomach and
intestinal ulcers
Its mineral content
supplies important
nutrient for hair, teeth,
nails, muscles and bones.
Black Rice – New Superfood
The Power :
 In Chinese herbal medicine, black rice is
often recommended as a tonic. It is believed
to strengthen health and promote longevity,
which explained its other alias: “longevity
rice,” and “tribute rice” and it was reserved
exclusively for emperors.
Black Rice – New Superfood
The Power :
 its deep purple color when cooked. Its deep hue
is due to a powerful group of antioxidants,
called anthocyanins.
 Anthocyanins protect against damaging free
radicals that give rise to cancer, aging and
cardiovascular diseases
Black Rice – New Superfood
The Power:
 According to Zhimin Xu, an associate professor
at the Department of Food Science at Louisiana
State University, “Just a spoonful of black
rice bran (or 10 spoons of cooked black rice)
contains more health promoting anthocyanin
antioxidants than are found in a spoonful of
blueberries, but with less sugar, and more
fiber and vitamin E antioxidants.”
Malunggay The Power:
• 1 Cup of Cooked Malunggay
Leaves contains:
- Protienn - Fiber
- Calcium - Phosphorous
- Iron - B-Carotene
- Thiamin - Riboflavin
- Niacin - Vitamin C
• 1/8 Cup = equivalent to:
- 4 x Calcium as Milk
- 3 x K+ as banana
- 7 x Vitamins C Orange
- 4 x Vitamin A Carrots
• Malunggay, Known as the
“Tree of Life”, Moringa
Oleifera is one of nature’s
most wholesome foods.

• Moringa leaf powder

contains more than 90
nutrients and 46
antioxidants, as well as all
8 essential amino acids.

• It is rich in flavonoids
including Quercetin,
Caffeoylquinic acid and
Carrots The Power : (Better
than Wonder Drug)
Carrots cleans our
Rich in alkaline elements
that purify and revitalize
Improve memo abilities
and relieve nervous
Good for allergies,
anemia rheumatism, tonic
for nervous system
Carrots The Power : (Better than
Wonder Drug)

• Rich in antioxidant,
Phytochemical and
• Contain Calcium,
Potassium, Vitamin A,B,
C,E, Manganese,
Manganese, Sulfur,
Turnips The Power :
an estrogen metabolite that
promotes tumor growth,
particularly in breast cells.

Sulforaphane: A type of
isothiocyanate that's been
found to increase the liver's
ability to detoxify carcinogenic
compounds and free radicals
Promote colon health (including lowering the risk of
colon cancer) Fight against atherosclerosis
•Promote lung health and Provide relief from rheumatoid
Squash The Power:
• Winter squash has
huge amounts of
Vitamins C and

• Beta-carotene,
which may help
protect against
endometrial cancer
• Some scientific studies
Pumpkin Seeds have shown that the
components of pumpkin
seeds may stop the
triggering of cancerous
behavior in male prostate
• Pumpkin seeds are high in
a form of antioxidant
known as carotenoids, a
special plant derivative
that enhances immune
activity and disease
fighting capacities.
Pumpkin • These seeds are also high
in omega-3 fatty acids and
Seeds zinc, two important
nutrients that may play a
role in warding off
inflammation, arthritis and
• Finally, pumpkin seed are
high in phytosterols, plant
components that aid in
keeping stable levels of
cholesterol, enhanced
immune response, as well as
cancer-fighting attributes
• Mangosteen -The Forbidden
Mangosteen Fruit (The Queen of Fruits)
because of its elegant
look. Mangosteen, contains a
wholesome food nutrients of
vitamins and antioxidants,
including vitamin A, C, D and
• The white soft flesh pulp is in
segments just like orange.
According to research,
Mangosteen fresh fruit and
its own juice is very helpful in
preventing diseases such as:
heart disease, Alzheimer
disease, diabetes, cancer,
diarrhea, eczema and other
health problems.
• Help to combat pain (anti-
Mangosteen inflammatory property which may
decrease inflammation, pain and
joint damage linked with
• Decrease free radical damage
and inflammatory build up -
help to maintain the blood vessel
health, cholesterol level, protect
heart muscle, lower high blood
• Help to combat free radical
damage that resulting in cell
mutations (cancer and tumor
• *Protect brain and nerve health
- help to combat Parkinson,
Alzheimer disease
Ginger The Power:
• Gingerrois may help reduce
nausea and may help ward
off migrains and arthritis
pain by blocking inflammation
• Sesquiterpenes are
compounds which deliver
oxygene molecules to cell,
keeping them healthy.
• The University of Michigan
Comprehensive Cancer
Center found out through
their research that ginger
can also destroy ovarian
cancer cells.
Ginger The Power:
Ovarian Cancer Treatment
• Ginger may be powerful
weapon in the treatment of
ovarian cancer. A study
conducted at the University of
Michigan Comprehensive Cancer
Center found that ginger
powder induces cell death in all
ovarian cancer cells to which it
was applied.
Colon Cancer Prevention
• A study at the University of
Minnesota found that ginger
may slow the growth of
5 Powerful Healing
Properties of Garlic
1. Boosting Immunity to Fight
2. Garlic Naturally Reduces
Your Blood Pressure
3. It Beats Antibiotics in
Fighting Common Illnesses
4. It Effectively Combats
5. It Can Detoxify Your Body
Anti-Inflammatory: Most polyphenols have anti-
inflammatory properties.

Heart Health: Consuming these types of foods can have

great benefits on the cardiovascular system, and can
actually help to improve heart health.

Prevent Cancer: Many studies have shown that

polyphenols contain anti-tumor and anti carcinogenic
Prevent Heart Disease: There have been many
studies that show that polyphenols in
red wine can help to keep heart disease at bay.
Anti-Aging: The science is still out, but many
experts believe that polyphenols, even applied
topically, can reduce the effects of aging.
Pineapple The Power:
Rich in anti-oxidant like
Vitamin C.
Excellent source of
Manganese, Thiamin and
Regulates gland (in cases of
Dyspepsia (chronic digestive
High Blood Pressure
Research: Pineapple Enzyme Kills
Cancer Without Killing You
• Published in 2007 in
the Journal Planta Medica,
researchers found that an
enzyme extracted from
pineapple stems known as
bromelain was superior to
the chemo-agent 5-
fluorauracil in treating
cancer in the animal model.
The researchers stated:
• "This antitumoral
effect [bromelain] was
superior to that of 5-FU
[5-fluorouracil], whose
The Power :
Protects against Cancer
Along with Vitamin C, Jack-fruit is usually rich in
phytonutrients such as isoflavones, lignans and saponins
who contains anti-cancer & anti-aging qualities.
These phytonutrients could help eliminate free radicals
from your body that is the main cause for cancer. It also
slows your degeneration of cells that could possibly lead to
degenerative disorders.
The Power :
Jackfruit 1. Strengthen the immune system
2. Regulates blood sugar level
3. Prevents bone loss
4. Keep thyroid healthy
5. Helps regulate blood pressure
6. Supports bowel regularity
7. Helps prevent night blindness
8. Lower risk of heart disease
9. Aid in blood clotting
10. Helps prevent anemia
The Power :
Strengthen Immune System
Jackfruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, a
powerful nutrient which helps protect against viral and
bacterial infections.
Vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system
function by supporting the white blood cells function.
One cup of jackfruit can supply the body a very good
amount of this powerful antioxidant.
The Power :
Lower High Blood Pressure
Potassium contain in Jackfruit has been found to
be helpful in the lowering of blood pressure and
thus reducing the risk of heart attack as well
as stroke.
Maintain a Healthy Thyroid
Copper plays an important role in the thyroid
metabolism, especially in hormone production and
absorption and Jackfruit is loaded with this
important micromineral.
Banana The Power :
(Cardaba)  For the Brain: According to
research in The New England
Journal of Medicine, eating
bananas as part of a regular
diet can cut the risk of death
by stroke as much as 40%.
Researchers say that banana
eaters came out top on the
stroke prevention scale.
 For the Heart: Bananas has a
high potassium content that is
good for the heart. Potassium
is an essential mineral needed
to regulate water balance,
acidity level and blood
Guyabano The Power :
Effectively target and kill
malignant cells in 12 types
of Cancer, including colon,
breast, prostate, lung and
pancreatic cancer.
The compound proved to
be up to 10,000 times
stronger in slowing the
growth of cancer cells than
Adriamysin, a commonly
used chemotherapeutic
Unlike chemotherapy, the
compound extracted from the
Guyabano tree selectively
hunts down and kills only
cancer cells. It does not
harm healthy cells.

A study at Purdue University

recently found that leaves
from the Graviola tree killed
cancer cells among six human
cell lines and were especially
effective against prostate,
pancreatic and lung cancers.
Leaves - remove toxins in
the body, clean the liver and
Fruits - The fruit is recently
discovered as a cure for
cancer that is 10,000 times
stronger than
There is a substance in the
fruit that is proven to hunt
cancer cell without harming
the normal cells.
The luscious white creamy
flesh is rich in Vitamin C,
thus helping to prevent
UTI, a very good anti-
oxidant and a broad
spectrum antimicrobial

From top to bottom (leaves

to roots) soursoup contain
chemical that prevents
cancer and help cleanse
the body.


Materials needed:
• a. one 8 oz. cup of shredded
fresh or air dried guyabano leaves
b. one liter water
Use mature (but not too old)
leaves. These may be fresh or
dried. However, air dried or
shadow dried leaves are better
than fresh because the drying
concentrates the medicinal
properties of the plant, therefore
more effective.

1. Boil 1 Liter water
in a claypot or
stainless pot
2. As soon as it boils,
add the 7 guyabano
leaves and turn
down the heat to
3. Simmer the leaves
for 20 minutes.


 This treatment requires

drinking the tea 3 times a
day, one 8 oz. glass of
tea, 30 minutes before
every meal.
 ( The tea is absorbed
more easily in an empty
stomach. Taken before

 The g-tea, drank 3x a

day, 30 minutes before
meals, is taken for 30
consecutive days only.
More than that, it will
affect your gut flora.

 The tea, despite its

potency, targets only the
sick cells in the body,
leaving the good cells
unharmed. However, after

 After the 30-day

treatment, have yourself
checked up by a doctor to
see if the disease is still
 However, if the symptoms
are still there after the
30-day treatment, REST
YOUR BODY (specifically
your kidneys) FOR 10

After the illness has cleared, don’t
stop taking the g-tea abruptly.

 The maintenance dose is one glass of

g-tea a day, 30 minutes before
meals, taken for 5 consecutive days
during the week, resting the body
for 2 days.

 For easy remembering, drink the g-

tea from Monday to Friday, rest on
Saturday and Sunday.
Health Benefits of Coconut
Coconut Water – The coconut is a
natural water filter. It takes
almost 9 months for a coconut to
filter every quart of water stored
within its shell.
 This makes the resulting coconut
water completely pure and sterile,
which is one reason why it can be
used for blood transfusions.
• Another benefit of coconut water
is the fact that it has the highest
concentration of electrolytes than
anything else found in nature. This
makes it an excellent source of
Health Benefits of Coconut
The Lauric Acid in Coconut Oil
Can Kill Bacteria, Viruses and
Fungi, Helping to Stave Off
• Almost 50% of the fatty acids in
coconut oil is the 12-
carbon Lauric Acid.
• When coconut oil is
enzymatically digested, it also
forms a monoglyceride called
• Both lauric acid and monolaurin
Health Benefits of Coconut Water
 Coconut water promotes health as
it is rich in potassium and it also
helps to reduce the risk of
hypertension and strokes.
 Due to the minerals, potassium and
magnesium, present in coconut
water, the risk of kidney stones is
greatly reduced.
 Coconut water was used as a
"universal donor", making it
identical to human blood plasma.
It was used in the Pacific War to
save thousands of lives through
Coconut IVs, and emergency
Health Benefits of Coconut
• Because of its strong antioxidant
properties and health benefits,
the coconuts can be used to:
• • Lower cholesterol
• Improve digestion
• Ward off wrinkles
• Stabilize glucose levels
• Fight off viruses
• Build cells
• Regulate hormones
• Increase thyroid production
• Lose weight
• Increase metabolism
• Fight infections
• Stave off memory loss
• Kill bacteria
Health Benefits of Chico (Sapodilla)
• The fruit itself can serve as a
mucolytic agent that can improve
one’s breathing and remove all
the phlegm that is blocking the
• Chico’s are also used to treat
asthma, a chronic airway
inflammatory disease.
• Chico’s seed is now being used as
a diuretic. It helps in frequent
urination in that way it helps in
the removing the unwanted toxins
inside our body.
Caimito (Star Apple )
• Star apples may have
particular benefits for
diabetics. Research published
in the September 2009
edition of the "African
Journal of Pharmacy and
Pharmacology" indicates that
the leaves of this fruit may
reduce glucose levels in
diabetic rabbits, the same
function that insulin serves.
Balimbing (Star Fruit)
• Abundant
in antioxidants, Balimbing is an
anti-Cancer fruit
• Vitamin C-rich, a boost to our
immune system
• The vital nutrients like Balimbing
fruits, considered a progressive
immune booster because of the
abundant antioxidants preventing
anti cancer.
• The fruit is rich vitamin C, no
substance of cholesterol and good
Health Benefits of Sampalok
• Tamarind lowers cholesterol.
• Tamarind promotes a healthy
• Tamarind is used as a remedy
for bilious disorders, jaundice
and catarrh.
• Tamarind is a good source of
antioxidants that fight against
• This food is an excellent source
of vitamin B, vitamin C,
potassium, magnesium, iron,
thiamine, phosphorus, riboflavin,
Health Benefits of Aratiles
• One surprising study on
Aratilis is on its anti-cancer
properties with the finding
of new cytotoxic flavonoids
in Aratiles roots.
• Twelve new flavonoids were
isolated and most of the
isolates have demonstrated
cytotoxic activity with some
exhibiting selective
activities when evaluated
with a number of human
Health Benefits of Aratiles
• Studies were conducted in order to
identify the beneficial effects of
• One is the in-vitro anti- bacterial
activity of Aratiles extracts.
Results show that it possesses a
potential anti-bacterial property
that is comparable to the standard
antibiotics being used.
• Another study claimed that aratilis
leaves possess antinociceptive
(reducing sensitivity to pain), anti-
inflammatory and antipyretic
properties, justifying the Peruvian
folkloric medicinal use.
Health Benefits of Atis (Sugar Apple)
1. Helps prevent asthma (Vitamin C –
2. Helps control sugar levels (Fiber –
3. Keeps the heart healthy (Vitamin B6
– 25%)
4. Lowers blood pressure levels
(Potassium – 18%)
5. Helps the body produce energy
(Thiamin – 18%)
6. Maintains supply of other B vitamins
in the body (Riboflavin -17%)
7. Keeps bones strong (Magnesium –
8. Helps lower cholesterol levels (Niacin
– 11%)
9. Helps maintain thyroid health (Copper
Health Benefits of Calamansi
Health benefits of kalamansi includes the following.
• Anti-inflammatory properties
• Relief for constipation
• Acne cure
• Cough and phlegm remedy
• Cure colds and fever
• Strengthens immune system
• Treatment for insect bites
• Skin and hair benefits
• Good for respiratory illnesses like asthma
• Strengthens teeth and bones
Health Benefits of Calamansi
Calamansi is a great source of Vitamin C.
Thus, it mainly:
• boosts and strengthens your immune system
• protects your body from cancer and heart
• heals wounds
• produces collagen which holds your cells
Health Benefits of Calamansi
• It helps, detoxify the liver
• Promotes weight loss!
• Flush out the remaining residue from
intestine(especially those from our unhealthy
• Prevents diabetes
• Also helps better blood circulation
• Gives and leave to our body the alkaline effect
(not acid) that's why its good for those who have
Health Benefits of Rambutan

• The edible part of rambutan has a high

amount of phosphorus which helps filter out
waste from the kidneys and is also responsible
for growth, maintenance and repair of tissues
and cells.
• The functions of calcium and phosphorus work
hand in hand to strengthen bones and teeth.
Health Benefits of Rambutan
 Used as a treatment by the Malaysia and
Indonesia for hundreds of years to treat
fevers, diabetes, hypertensions and various
aliments. This fruit has healing power
 It contains potassium, iron, zinc, beta
carotene, Vitamin A, little calcium,
magnesium, sodium, niacin, fiber, and protein.
Health Benefits of Rambutan
 Researchers at the Chiang Mai University in
Thailand found out the Rambutan's pulp, seeds and
skin have strong, plant based antioxidants called
flavonoids (flavonoids is an organic compound
found in the skin.
 It is called “Gallic acid”. The acid acts like a free
radical that protects oxidative damage in our body.
The acid is so strong that battles against
Kabugao (Pomelo)
Vitamin C
• Citrus fruit burgeon with vitamin C, and the pomelo is
no exception. Pomelo provides 193% DV of Vitamin C.
Recent studies have shown Vitamin C strengthens
your immune system when it weakens due to stress
• Most notable, pomelos are loaded with antioxidants
that are believed to help slow down the aging process
and protect against some diseases – including heart
disease and cancer – as they help rid the body of
free radicals.
Kabugao (Pomelo)
• While due to its low calorie intake, the Grapefruit
Diet is unhealthy, the principle behind eating
grapefruits is a sound one. Pomelos, like grapefruits
have a fiber content of 8% daily value or DV.
Cancer Fighter
• The Chinese use the pomelo rind in many dishes. The
skin of the fruit is very rich in bioflavonoids. This
property is helpful in reducing pancreatic, intestinal
and breast cancer. In fact, it stops cancerous cells
from spreading further.
Health Benefits of Lanzones
• The fruit is very rich in vitamins B such as
Riboflavin, thiamine, B2 and B1. Thiamine helps in
breaking down of sugar in the body.
• Riboflavin promotes the production of energy from
your daily carbohydrate intake.
• It also promotes red blood cell production most
especially for those who have low red blood cell
Health Benefits of Lanzones
• Carotene is one of the most powerful
antioxidants, which is also found in Lanzones.

• It keeps your body cells healthy preventing

deadly diseases from occurring such as cancer
and other serious illnesses.
Health Benefits of Lanzones
• Drying the peel of Lanzones and burn them
after is a good natural substitute for insect
• The bark on the other hand is used mainly on
scorpion stings which are found effective in
traditional medicines.
Health Benefits of Papaya
• Papaya contains papain enzyme which
facilitates protein digestion.
• Papain is obtained from the green fruits only
and is used in removing skin blemishes,
treating stomach ulcers, diphtheria and even
Health Benefits of Papaya
• The ripe fruits have digestive and medicinal
properties and is given during stomach, liver
and spleen disorders.
• Papaya juice is used as immune system
stimulation and for kidney failure patients.
Health Benefits of Papaya
• Its fruit that is rich in fiber it lowers blood
cholesterol levels. It contains enzymes that
help prevent oxidization of cholesterol, which in
return helps to prevent heart-attacks.
• Papaya helps in preventing constipation and aids
in digestion. The enzyme papain is a digestive
enzyme that helps in natural digestion.
Health Benefits of Papaya
• Its juice helps in curing infections of the
colon by clearing the pus and mucus from it. You
need to take it regularly to heal quickly.
• It contains anti-inflammatory enzymes that help
in relieving pain for those who are suffering
from arthritis, edema and osteoporosis, and it
also possesses anti-cancerous properties that
can help prevent cancer.
Health Benefits of Papaya
• Its juice helps in curing infections of the
colon by clearing the pus and mucus from it. You
need to take it regularly to heal quickly.
• It contains anti-inflammatory enzymes that help
in relieving pain for those who are suffering
from arthritis, edema and osteoporosis, and it
also possesses anti-cancerous properties that
can help prevent cancer.
Health Benefits of Santol
• Santol contains vitamins and minerals that
boost our body’s immunity.
• It is rich in vitamins B and C, which,
respectively, promotes proper cell metabolism,
and strengthens and protects the immune
system against cardiovascular diseases
Health Benefits of Santol
• It also contains fair amounts of
carbohydrates, iron, fiber, and phosphorus.
• The pulp of the santol fruit is rich in
bryonolic and sandorinic acids which are
known to have anti-allergy properties.
Health Benefits of Marang

• Marang is filled with beneficial nutrients.

• It contains ash, ascorbic acid, beta-carotene,
calcium, carbohydrates, crude fiber, fat, iron,
niacin, phosphorus, protein, retinol, riboflavin,
thiamine, and vitamin A.
Health Benefit of Tiesa
• An analysis for nutritional properties has
shown that tTesa is an excellent source of
carotene (provitamin A) which is needed
for healthy eyesight.
• It also has fair levels of carbohydrates,
niacin, ascorbic acid, iron, protein,
calcium, phosphorus, thiamin, and
• Aside from those mentioned, tiesa is also
found to be a fruit containing high
antioxidant properties.
Health Benefit of Tiesa
• In a study titled, “Functional components,
alkaloid and saponin contents and
antioxidant activity of Philippine grown
fruits”, tiesa showed relatively high
amounts of total phenols and antioxidants.
• These are nutritionally beneficial
compounds that naturally occur in fruits
and vegetables that act as the body’s
shield and armor against illnesses and
diseases, thus strengthening the body’s
immune system and keeping us healthy and
Benefits Of Periwinkle
• Some of the 70
known alkaloids
produced by the
Periwinkle plant are
used by the
industry for the
treatment of
childhood leukemia,
Hodgkin’s disease,
testicular cancer and
cancerous tumors.
Pink Periwinkle (Apat Apat)
The Power :
The anti-Cancer drugs,
Vincristine and Vinblastine are
derived from alkaloids of
Vinca alkaloids are used to treat
malignant Lymphomas are made
from Perewinkle
(According to Molecular Cancer
January 1, 2008 (7-152-161)
Pink Periwinkle (Apat Apat)
The Power :
Plant chemicals have been utilised in
the fight against human cancers for
many years.
Vincristine, (also called Leurocristine)
which is an alkaloid derived from a
very specific Madagascan type of
periwinkle plant is well established as
a treatment for lung and breast
It acts by inhibiting the spread of
cancer cells to the rest of the body.
Pink Periwinkle
(Apat Apat)
• Actually there was a
published report that our
local Tsitsirika are
imported, by a large foreign
pharmaceutical company in
Germany to be processed
into herbal medicine for the
treatment of leukemia or
cancer of the blood, a crude
leaf extract provides relief
in cancer.
Oregano The Power :
Best sources of Anti-oxidants
with 42 times more antioxidant
activity than Apples
3-20 times higher anti-oxidants
than other herbs
30 times higher anti-oxidants
than potatoes,
12 times higher than oranges
4 times more than blue berries
and carrots
26 times more active anti-septic
than Phenol ( powerful
Young Living’s Oregano essential oil is
4 times more powerful than penicillin
• According to 2008
Design Study,
Oregano Oil, has a
compound called:
“Carvacrol” which
has anti viral
properties. This
compound has
antiseptic, anti-
Oil of oregano 26 times stronger, more effective
than conventional antiseptics like phenol
• Tests have also shown that
oil of oregano beats out
conventional antiseptics like
phenol, which is commonly
used in commercial
antimicrobial products like
Lysol, Pinesol and
Cloraseptic, by a factor of
26 to one. This means that
oil of oregano is 26 times
more effective at targeting
and destroying harmful
pathogens than even the
The powerful healing properties of
P73 oil of oregano
• Its concentrated levels
of phenols make it a
powerful infection-
fighter, typically
destroying fungi
instantly. In fact, "P73"
stands for "polyphenol
73 percent. Additionally,
it has nearly 50 times
more antioxidant
activity than apples, is
Lemon Grass The Power :
• Contains Lemonine,
Furocoumarins and
Vitamin C, all of which
prevent Cancer

• A Wedge has 2 calories,

0 Fat and 0 Fiber
• Considered as Anti-Septic,
rich in Alkaline Salt

• Lower Blood Pressure

Basil The Power:

• Rich in Vitamins:
- Folates - Calcium
- Niacin - Copper
- Riboflavin - Iron
- Thiamin - Magnesium
- Vitamin A, C, E, K
- Minerals - Manganese
- Sodium - Zinc
- Potassium
Aloe Vera
• The aloe vera miracle:
A natural medicine for
cancer, cholesterol,
diabetes, inflammation,
IBS, and other health
• There is nothing on this
planet that offers the
amazing variety of
healing benefits granted
by aloe vera. In a
single plant, aloe vera
Health Benefits of Aloe Vera
• Aloe Vera boosts immune function and
destroys cancer tumors
• Aloe Vera halts inflammation
• Aloe Vera enhances skin health
• Aloe Vera stabilizes blood sugar in
• Aloe Vera lowers cholesterol and
• Aloe Vera relieves joint and muscle pain
• Aloe Vera amplifies the antioxidant
effects of vitamins
Health Benefits of Aloe Vera
• Aloe Vera cures ulcers, IBS, Crohn's
disease and Celiac disease
• Aloe Vera contains acemannan, a natural
immune booster
• Aloe Vera extends lifespan
• Aloe Vera heals radiation burns from
radiation cancer treatments
• Aloe Vera ends acid reflux disease
• Aloe Vera heals burns, cuts and scrapes
• Lectucarium -sedative
effect like opium
Minerals and Vitamins
- Moisture -93.4%
- Calcium -50 mg
- Protein -2.1%
- Phosphorus -28 mg
- Fat -0.3%
-Iron -2.4 mg
• Vitamin C -10 mg
• Fibre -0.5%
Benefits of Camote Tops
• Camote tops have the
highest content of total
polyphenolics which may
protect the human body
from oxidative stress that is
associated with many
diseases including cancer and
cardiovascular diseases.
• Contain protein, dietary
fiber, lipid, and essential
minerals and nutrients such
Benefits of Eggplant
• The antioxidant, nasunin,
is found in the skin of
eggplants. In 2005, a
study published in a
scientific journal reports
that the nasunin in
eggplant skins has
antiangiogenic properties.
• The antiangiogenic
properties of nasunin
prevent angiogenesis from
Benefits of Eggplant
Rich in Vitamins, Minerals,
and Dietary Fiber
• Eggplant contains C, folate,
B vitamins, and vitamin A.
These vitamins improve the
body's overall health, boost
the immune system, and
improve resistance to various
• Eggplant also contains a
large quantity of minerals
such as phosphorous,
calcium, magnesium, and
Benefits of Eggplant
Rich in Vitamins, Minerals,
and Dietary Fiber
• Eggplant is also a great
source of dietary fiber.
Dietary fiber protects
against colon cancer, keeps
the digestive system working
properly, and keeps the
stomach feeling full after a
Gabi Health Benefits
• This carbohydrate
component is mostly starch.
This starch is suitable for
infants with allergies as
well as the elderly with
digestion problems because
the grains of the taro are
small and can be digested
• It also contains protein and
essential amino acids. The
taro leaves are rich sources
of protein, calcium,
phosphorous, iron, vitamin C,
niacin, riboflavin, and
• Bamboo shoots are low in
Bamboo Shoots
fat and calories, also a
good source of fiber and
potassium (heart-healthy
mineral that helps to
maintain normal blood
pressure and a steady
heart beat).
• Bamboo fiber helps
keeping cholesterol levels
in check and should help
in preventing colon
cancer, they help
moreover to maintain
blood pressure and a
Health Benefits of Saluyot

• Prevents colon cancer

• Cleanses and regulates bowel movement
• Anti-oxidant, anti-aging in the form of
Vitamin E
• The leaves are very nutritious, rich in
iron, protein, calcium, thiamin,
riboflavin, niacin, folate, and dietary
Patola • Fruit is vegetable with plenty
of health benefits like: unripe
fruit is a good source
of calcium, iron
and phosphorus. Patola
fruit considered a fair source
of vitamin B.
In some countries, patola leaf
is used to cure amenorhea and
hemorrhoids. The leaves
extracts is also believed to be
a cure for animal bites.
• Some also believe that
patola seeds when eaten can
expel intestinal worms, and also
leaf extract can be applied to
eczema. There are studies that
patola seeds can be used as
Yacon: The Power:
• The tuber contain fructose that
leave the human body
• Does not raise blood sugar.
Contains antioxidant.
• Fights cancers.
• High in fibers and probiotics.
• Contains essential nutrients:
iron, calcium, sodium,
potassium, carotene, magnesium,
Vitamin A, Vitamins B1,
Medicinal properties of this
food-medicine: Sesame
1. Diabetes
2. High Blood Pressure
3. Cancer: Sesame contains a fat-
soluble lignin with phytoestrogenic
properties known as sesamin, and
which has been studied for inhibiting
the proliferation of a wide range of
cancer cells, including:

* Leukemia
* Multiple Myleoma
* Colon Cancer
* Prostate Cancer
* Breast Cancer
* Lung Cancer
* Pancreatic Cancer
* Lung Cancer
Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper
• A powerful anti-inflammatory,
• Cayenne pepper has been used for a variety of
ailments including heartburn, delirium, tremors, gout,
paralysis, fever, dyspepsia, flatulence, sore throat,
atonic dyspepsia, hemorrhoids, menorrhagia in women,
nausea, tonsillitis, scarlet fever and diphtheria.
Cayene Pepper
1. Strengthens the heart, even stops
attacks in progress
2. Increases blood flow and cleans arterial
wall plaque while rebuilding red blood
3. Aids digestion, even helps eliminate
4. Stimulates the liver and helps heal the
5. Kills prostate cancer cells and shrinks
6. Anti inflammatory eases arthritis and
7. Topical application on open wounds stops
Chili Pepper
 Rich in Vitamin C
 Prevent Arteriosclerosis
 Reduce blood Cholesterol
and Triglyceride (anti
 Reduce Platelets
aggregation and increase
fibronolytic activity or
prevent stroke (Anti
Coconut Oil
• Coconut water, coconut
flesh, and coconut oil all
possess unique nutritional
profiles that make them
superior healing foods.
Coconut oil can stop
dementia and
Alzheimer's disease
• Eating coconut oil can
improve memory and
Health Benefits of
Coconut Oil
1) Energy, weight loss in
the form of ketones.
2) Saturated fat for
healthy brain function
3) Protection against high
cholesterol, heart
4) Antioxidants for
protection against
Health Benefits of
Coconut Oil
• The only other natural
source of lauric acid
besides breast milk,
coconut oil possesses a
unique ability to treat all
sorts of infections
stemming from bacterial,
viral, and even fungal
• Coconut oil is also a
powerful immune booster,
aiding the body in natural
Turmeric • One of the most impressive
of the top health benefits of
turmeric, research has
repeatedly shown that
turmeric is a powerful cancer
fighter. Researchers at UCLA
have even found that
curcumin is able to block
cancer growth.
• Curcumin is a naturally
powerful anticancer compound
found in turmeric that has
been shown to decrease brain
tumor size in animals by 81
Turmeric Turmeric can be used to naturally
detoxify the liver. The spice is
also natural painkiller.

Turmeric also acts as a multi

purpose body cleanser, promoting
and protecting kidney
function while also enhancing your
blood flow.

Curcumin has been found

to possess properties that reduce
the expression of deadly molecules
within cancer cells, and can
potentially slow the spread of
breast cancer.
• Turmeric may be effective
Turmeric at protecting against
diseases such as
Alzheimer’s disease.

• Epidemiological studies
show that levels of
neurological diseases like
Alzheimer’s are very low
in elderly Indian
populations, where
turmeric is a common
Alternative for Arthritis

Pure Turmeric Juice

30 ml – 1 shot
3 x a day

It reduces inflammation. Since some

clinical trials in the 1970s, various
studies has shown that curcumin is a
safe and just as effective
alternative to non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs, used
for rheumatism, arthritis and similar
(Momordica charantia)
• Common names include "bitter melon " or
"bitter gourd " in English. This Philippine
herbal medicine has been found to be
effective in the treatment of diabetes
(diabetes mellitus), hemmorhoids, coughs,
burns and scalds, and being studied for anti-
cancer properties.
Bitter melon juice.
• The Ancient Asian
Remedy that Prevents
• A specific juice may
be the life-saving
answer to the 45,220
people expected to
develop pancreatic
cancer this year
Health Benefits of Pipino
• Fight cancers - Cucumber are known to contain
lariciresinol, pinoresinol, and secoisolariciresinol. These
three lignans have a strong history of research in
connection with reduced risk of several cancer types,
including breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer
and prostate cancer.
• Cures diabetes, reduces cholesterol and controls blood
pressure - Cucumber juice contains a hormone which is
needed by the cells of the pancreas for producing insulin
which has been found to be beneficial to diabetic
Health Benefits of Pipino
• Promotes joint health, relieves gout and
arthritis pain -Cucumber is an excellent
source of silica, which is known to help
promotes joint health by strengthening
the connective tissues.
• . Rehydrates body and replenishes daily
vitamins - Cucumbers are 95 percent
water, keeping the body hydrated while
helping the body eliminate toxins.
• Watercress: Great for
reducing breast &
prostate cancer, one
daily dose of watercress
can decrease your white
blood cell DNA damage!
• Watercress is a good
source of carotenoids,
maintaining eye & skin
health. Also, rich in
vitamin A, C & E, folate,
• UK scientists say
watercress is the new
super food, able to
prevent certain types of
• According to a study
published in The British
Journal of Nutrition, the
consumption of 90g of
watercress reduced the
presence of a key tumor
• The study was conducted by the
Cancer Research Centre at the
School of Medicine, Southhampton
General Hospital in the United
Kingdom (UK) & concluded watercress
is as therapeutic as traditional drug
treatments with tamoxifen &
herceptin, commonly used
chemotherapy drugs.

• The study also stated that through

regular consumption, watercress “has
the potential to confer valuable
protection against cancer in general.
Health Benefits of Alugbati
• The plant is rich in saponin, iron and
Vitamins A (510 IU per cup of alugbati),
B and C and is a rich source of soluble
fiber, which helps digestion.

• Saponins act as phytochemicals, which can

fight off cancer. The red variety of
alugbati is a good source of xanthones, an
Health Benefits of Saluyot

• Prevents colon cancer

• Cleanses and regulates bowel movement
• Anti-oxidant, anti-aging in the form of
Vitamin E
• The leaves are very nutritious, rich in
iron, protein, calcium, thiamin,
riboflavin, niacin, folate, and dietary
• The Human Nutrition Research
Center on Aging found that
consuming hibiscus tea resulted in
lower blood pressure in
hypertensive and pre-hypertensive
• A study published in “Fitoterapia”
summarizes several studies
indicating that roselle extracts
lowers blood pressure as
effectively as some commercial
Rabanos (Radish)
Jaundice: Radishes are very good for the liver and stomach,
and it acts as a powerful detoxifier too. That means that it
purifies the blood and eliminating toxins and waste.
It is extremely useful in treating jaundice because it
removes bilirubin and also keeps its production at a
stable level.
It also reduces the destruction of red blood cells that
happens to people suffering from jaundice by increasing the
supply of fresh oxygen to the blood.
Rabanos (Radish)
Urinary Disorders: Radishes are diurectic in nature,
which means that they increase the production of urine.
Juice from radishes also cures inflammation and a
burning feeling during urination.

It also cleans out the kidneys and inhibits infections in

the kidneys and urinary system, and treatment of
various urinary conditions that are exacerbated by
excess toxins in the system.
Rabanos (Radish)
Cancer: Since radishes are detoxifiers and are rich
in vitamin-C, folic and anthocyanins, they have
been connected to treating many types of cancer,
particularly colon, kidney, intestinal, stomach and
oral cancer.
Blood Pressure: Radishes are a very good source of
potassium, has been positively connected
to reducing blood pressure.
Rabanos (Radish)
Kidney Disorders: As a diurectic, cleanser, and
disinfectant, radishes help in the treatment of many
kidney disorders.
• Its diuretic properties help wash away the toxins
accumulated in the kidneys and they decrease the
accumulation of toxins in the blood, thereby decreasing
their concentration in the kidneys. Its disinfectant
properties protect the kidneys from any infections as
Rabanos (Radish)
Liver & Gallbladder: Radishes are
especially beneficial for liver and
gallbladder functions.
Regular consumption of radishes
protects your liver and gallbladder
from infections and ulcers.
Native Corn
• Provides Necessary Minerals: Corn contains
abundant phosphorus apart from
magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron and
• It also contains trace minerals like
Selenium. Phosphorus is essential for
maintenance of normal growth, bone health
and normal kidney functioning. Magnesium
is necessary for maintaining normal heart
rate and for bone strength.
Native Corn
• Antioxidant
Phytonutrients in Corn
• anthocyanins
• beta-carotene
• caffeic acid
• coumaric acid
• ferulic acid
• lutein
• syringic acid
• vanillic acid
Native Corn
• Rich Source of
Vitamins: Corn is rich in
vitamin B constituents,
especially Thiamin and
Niacin. Thiamin is
essential for maintaining
nerve health and cognitive
• Niacin deficiency leads to
Pellagra; a disease
characterized by
Native Corn

Rich Source of Vitamins:

• Yellow corn is a rich source of beta-
carotene which forms vitamin A in the
body, essential for maintenance of good
vision and skin. The kernels of corn are
rich in vitamin E, a natural antioxidant
essential for growth.
Native Corn
• Protection against Diabetes and
Hypertension: Consumption of corn
kernels assists the management of non-
insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
(NIDDM) and is effective against
hypertension due to the presence of
phenolic phytochemicals in whole corn.
Native Corn
• Prevention of Haemorrhoids and
Colorectal Cancer: The fibre content of
one cup of corn amounts 18.4% of the
daily recommended amount. This aids in
alleviating digestive problems such as
constipation and haemorrhoids, as well as
lowering the risk of colon cancer.
Native Corn
• Antioxidant Properties of
Corn: According to studies
carried out at Cornell
University, corn is a rich source
of antioxidants which fight the
cancer causing free radicals.
• Corn is a rich source of a
phenolic compound ferulic acid,
an anti-cancer agent which has
been shown to be effective in
fighting tumours in breast
cancer and liver cancer.
Kamoteng – Kahoy (Cassava)
• The low incidence of
cancer in the
Southern Philippines
and in other rural
areas is due to the
continual ingestion of
the vitamin B-17
(laetrile) in cassava
and other foods rich
in that vitamin.
Mani (Peanuts)
1.Helps Promote Fertility
• Peanuts contain a good amount
of folate. Repeated studies
have shown that women who
had a daily intake of 400
micrograms of folic acid
before and during early
pregnancy reduced their risk
of having a baby born with a
serious neural tube defect by
up to 70%.
2. Aids in Blood Sugar
• One fourth cup of peanuts
Mani (Peanuts)
3. Helps Prevent Gallstones
• It may come as a surprise that
peanuts can help prevent
gallstones. But 20 years of
studies have shown that eating 1
ounce of nuts, peanuts or
peanut butter a week lowers the
risk of developing gallstones by
4. Lowers Risk of Heart Disease
• Numerous studies have shown
that regular nuts consumption is
linked to reduced risk of heart
disease. Peanuts are rich in
heart-friendly monounsaturated
fats and antioxidants such as
Mani (Peanuts)
5. Boosts Memory Power
• Do you know what can be found in
peanuts that gave them the
“brain food” tag? This is due to
their vitamin B3 or niacin
content whose many health
benefits include normal brain
functioning and boosting memory
6. Cancer Protection
• A form of phytosterol called
beta-sitoserol (SIT) is found in
high concentrations in some plant
oils, seeds, and legumes including
peanuts. Phytosterols not only
protects against cardiovascular
Tubo (Sugarcane)
• Sugarcane, being low on
glycmic index, helps keep the
body fit and healthy.
• Being alkaline in nature,
sugarcane juice helps the
body in fighting against cancer,
especially prostate and breast
• Sugarcane provides glucose to
the body, which is stored as
glycogen and burned by the
muscles, whenever they
require energy. Therefore, it
Tubo (Sugarcane)
• Sugarcane is believed to
strengthen stomach, kidneys,
heart, eyes, brain, and sex
• Sugarcane clears the urinary
flow and also helps the
kidney to perform its
functions smoothly.
• Sugarcane is beneficial for
micturation, caused due to
high acidity, along with
gonorrhea, enlarged
prostate, cyctitis and
Atsuete (Annato)
• Atsuete or annatto is commercially used as
food coloring and may be found as the yellow
coloring for butter, margarine, chorizo,
cheese, smoked fish and other food products.
Anti-Inflammatory Activity Of Atsuete
• The study concluded that the aqueous extract
of Atsuete inhibited the histamine-
induced paw edema as compared to a control
group. These results confirmed the validity of
the use of Atsuete extract in the treatment
of inflammatory disorders.
Atsuete (Annato)
Antigonorrhoeal Activity Of Atsuete
• In a study published in the Journal of
Ethnopharmacology of October 1995, the
Faculty of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy in
Guatemala found that the bark of Bixa orella
(Atsuete, annatto) has the ability to inhibit
the development of five strains of N.
gonorrhoea through the process of standard
bacteriological procedures.
• This study supports the traditional herbal use
of Atsuete in the treatment of gonorrhoea, a
sexually transmitted disease.
Health Benefits of Acapulco

Akapulko is used as herbal

medicine for the following skin
diseases. This is equivalent to
Canestene Ointment.
• Tinea infections,
• insect bites,
• ringworms,
• eczema,
• scabies and
• itchiness.
Dusol Kamoteng – Kahoy (Cassava)
• Its powdered • The low incidence of
cancer in the Southern
rhizomes provide Philippines and in other
relief in early rural areas is due to the
stages of continual ingestion of the
cancer. vitamin B-17 (laetrile) in
cassava and other foods
rich in that vitamin.
Ulasimang Bato

• Pansit-pansitan is used as an herbal medicine

for the treatment of:
• Arthritis
 Headache
• Gout
• Abdominal pains
• Skin boils, abscesses,
• kidney problems
Health Benefits of Horsetail
• Good for Kidney Stones
According to the
UMMC, research shows
that because of the
action of horsetail, it is
advantageous for
individuals with kidney
• Especially the uric acid
kidney stones that are
generally associated
Health Benefits of Cat Whiskers
Balbas Pusa is used as a
treatment for the following
• renal inflammation,
kidney stones and
• liver and bladder
problems including
bladder stones,
• urinary tract infection,
• diuretic or stimulates
urine production
• The Philippine Department of Health
(DOH) has been promoting Sambong
herbal tea and tablets as a diuretic and
for the dissolution of kidney stones.
• Sambong herbal tea incites the body to
urinate thereby removing excess body
fluids and sodium.
Kidney Flushing
• Cat Whiskers – 1 Cut
• Horse Tail – 1/3
• Sambong – 1/3
• 10 Glass Water

Mix all the herbs in 10 Glass
of Water and Boil for 15
minutes. Consume in 1 day
Corn Hair
Medicinal Uses:
• Diuretic: Take decoction of hairs or cobs
as tea.
• Kidney stones: Infusion of corn hair in hot
water, 3x daily.
Nutritional Uses:
Good source of carbohydrates, B vitamins
(riboflavin and thiamine), vitamin A and C,
potassium and zinc.
Corn Hair
• The most common use of cornsilk today may be
for its anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect
on the urinary tract, which allows your bladder
to relieve itself with less discomfort.
• Banaba (Lagerstroemia speciosa
Linn.) has long been popular in
treating urinary tract infections
and even diabetes, edema, fever,
jaundice, and dizziness.
• Renal Health: It is known to
stimulate the filtration rate of
the kidneys, resulting in diuresis
or an increase in the amount of
fluids excreted from the body
through urine. Thus, this herb is
popular among individuals
having kidney troubles.
Banaba is also used for other folkloric herbal
medicine for the treatment of the following:
• blood pressure control ,
• kidney disorders,
• urinary dysfunctions (helps ease urination) ,
• controls the cholesterol levels,
• treatment of diarrhea,
• facilitates bowel movement
• treatment of fevers and others.
• Lagundi (Vitex negundo L.)
also a DOH-endorsed herbal
medicine that is used for
curing colds, flu, bronchial
asthma, chronic bronchitis
and pharyngitis.
• blood pressure control ,
• kidney disorders,
• urinary dysfunctions (helps ease
urination) ,
• controls the cholesterol levels,
• treatment of diarrhea,
• facilitates bowel movement
• treatment of fevers and others.
• Relief of asthma & pharyngitis
• Recommended relief of
rheumatism, dyspepsia, boils, diarrhea
• Treatment of cough, colds, fever and
flu and other bronchopulmonary
• Alleviate symptoms of Chicken Pox
• Removal of worms, and boils
Medicinal Uses:
• Pounded fresh material is applied as a poultice
for a variety of conditions: Sprains, eczema,
infections, burns; carbuncle and erysipelas.
Usually not taken internally.
• For boils, the whole leaf is pressed by hand, to
and fro, until it becomes moist with the leaf
extract. A small opening is made in the middle
of the leaf which is then placed on the boil
with hole over the pointing of the abscess.
Health Benefits of Mayana
• Bruises and sprains
• Headaches
• Mild bleeding of wounds
• Sinusitis
• Healing wounds
• Weak lungs
Health Benefits of Mayana

• Also used as eyedrops for

eye inflammation, sore
eyes, cataract and glaucoma
natural cure/prevention.
Goto Kola Leaf
Food for the Brain,
good for memory,
prevent Alzeimers
Dosage :
Chew 5 Leaves a day
Alusiman –
(Good for the Heart)

• Rich in Omega 3
• 600 mg of Omega 3
found in Alusiman
Gynura Procumbens
“Also known as Longevity Spinach."
• Cholesterol: Lower lipid, serum,
triglyceride levels,
• Lowers blood sugar (diabetes)
• Anti-cancer: Inhibition effect on growth
of cancer cells.
• Topical inflammation: rheumatism, diarrhea,
kidneys functions, dysentery, febrifuges,
viral ailments, hypertension, urinary tract
infection, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic.
Gynura Procumbens
“Also known as Longevity Spinach."

• Contains Asparaginase: This is very

important to make the cancer cells will
stop growing and die.
• Poultice: general body-pains and relieves
• Topical anti-inflammatory: anti allergic
agents and was reported to be effective
against Herpes Simplex Virus.
Buyo (Beetle)
• Scanty or Obstructed Urination: The
juice from the leaf is known to have
diuretic properties and assists urination
when taken with diluted milk.
• Anti-Oxidant: The extract of betel
leaves was, upon research, found to
have free-radical scavenging properties
that were greater than that of BHT
(butylated hydroxyl toluene).
Buyo (Beetle)
• Inflammation: Arthritis and orchitis
(inflammation of the testes) are treated
by local application of betel leaves. A
warm betel leaf coated with a layer of
castor oil is spread over boils to rupture
them and drain them of pus. The leaf must
be replaced every few hours.
• Lumbago: A mixture of a hot poultice of
the leaves or their juice with any oil (such
as refined coconut oil) applied to the loins
yields favourable results in lumbago (lower
back pain).
Buyo (Beetle)
• Respiratory Disorders: Cough and
difficulty in breathing are helped by
applying betel leaves, that have been
soaked in mustard oil and warmed, to
the chest. Crushed betel fruit or berry
mixed with honey relieves irritating
• Diabetes: Studies on the betel leaf show
that it has anti-diabetic properties and
helps in its treatment.
Buyo (Beetle)
• Lumbago: A mixture of a hot poultice of
the leaves or their juice with any oil
(such as refined coconut oil) applied to
the loins yields favourable results in
lumbago (lower back pain).
• Headaches: The analgesic and cooling
attributes of betel leaves help it relieve
powerful headaches when applied
Yerba Buena

• Yerba Buena (Mentha cordifolia Opiz ),

one of the 10 herbs endorsed by the
Department of Health (DOH), is an
effective alternative medicine for
headaches, toothaches and joint pains.
Yerba Buena
• Yerba Buena poultice used for Rheumatism,
arthritis and headache – crush the fresh
leaves squeeze sap. Massage sap on painful
parts with eucalyptus.
• Yerba Buena tea for cough and colds –.
Drink as tea. Acts as an expectorant.
Yerba Buena

• Yerba Buena minty scent for nausea

and fainting – crush leaves and apply at
nostrils of patients.
• Yerba Buena leaves for Insect bites –
crush leaves and apply juice on affected
part or pound leaves until paste-like. Then
rub this on affected part.
Proverbs 24:13
“My son eat honey for it
is good”
 Honey is mankind
oldest sweetener
 Alternative to honey is
: Mascuvado Sugar
Backstrap Molasses
• Antioxidant  Good Source of
Protection Potassium
 Good Source of Calcium
• Energy  Good Source of Selenium
Production  Good Source of Vitamin B6
 Improved Sleep
• Bone Health  Gray Hair Reversal
• Heart Health
• Colon Health
• High In Iron
2 Tbsp. of Backstrap Molasses Contains:
Health Benefits of Blackstrap Molasses
Cancer Prevention Antioxidant Protection
The high calcium Blackstrap molasses is an
content of excellent source of the
blackstrap suggests antioxidant manganese.
Manganese helps the body
that it may be fight free radical damage
useful in preventing to cells and DNA.
and treating colon
cancer. It has also
been associated with
shrinking cancerous
Energy Production Bone Health
Blackstrap molasses
Blackstrap molasses provides many of the daily
can offer a nutrients needed to help
temporary energy keep the bones healthy and
boost by providing strong, including iron,
calcium, potassium,
carbohydrates that magnesium, manganese and
are quickly copper which greatly
converted into reduce the risk of
energy in the body. osteoporosis and other
diseases of the bone.
Blackstrap molasses
also provides
vitamin B6, which
plays a key role in
energy production.
Heart Health Colon Health
Blackstrap molasses Blackstrap molasses is a
very good source of
provides many of calcium, which helps
the vitamins and cleanse the colon of
minerals needed to toxins. Calcium is often
maintain good heart associated with a
reduced risk of colon
health and reduce cancer.
the risk of heart
attack, stroke and
• High In Iron Very Good Source of
Just one Potassium
tablespoon of One tablespoon of blackstrap
molasses provides about
blackstrap 14.5% the DV of potassium.
molasses provides Potassium is essential to
nearly 20% of maintaining good
the DV of iron. cardiovascular health and
It also helps the improving bone density.
Potassium deficiency is also
body fight off associated with an increased
infections, risk of arthritis.
supports brain
and muscle
function and help
• Very Good Source Good Source of Selenium
of Calcium Blackstrap molasses is a
Calcium is not only good source of selenium,
essential to providing about 5% of the
maintaining healthy DV per tablespoon.
bones and teeth, Selenium plays a key role in
but plays a vital thyroid function,
role in colon health, antioxidant protection,
heart health, blood cancer prevention,
clotting, brain cardiovascular health and
nerve activity and inflammatory diseases like
muscle function. rheumatoid arthritis.
Just one tablespoon
will provide over
17% the DV of
• Good Source of Skin Health
Vitamin B6 Blackstrap molasses is
One tablespoon of great for skin health and
blackstrap molasses may help to cure eczema,
provides 7.5% the psoriasis, acne and other
DV of vitamin B6. skin conditions. It contains
Vitamin B6 is powerful antioxidants,
needed for the which are believed to
immunity, the contribute to good skin
nervous system, cell health and lower the risk
formation, blood of lines, wrinkles and
health and energy other skin conditions.
production. It is
also believed to
have anti-
inflammatory and
Gray Hair Reversal
• While there is no scientific research to back
this up, many people take one to two
tablespoons of blackstrap molasses everyday
as a cure for gray hair. The theory is that
the high copper levels in the molasses help to
stimulate melanin production and re-pigment
the hair. Success has been reported in as
little as two to three weeks after beginning
the regimen.
Activated Charcoal
• Carbon, or it's more common name,
Activated charcoal is a carbon based
substance that has been used for health
and healing purposes for over 3000 years.
. It was even used by Hippocrates.
• Charcoal is most often made from burning
wood or coconut husk in very high heat
without the presence of oxygen. This
property makes activated charcoala
powerful resource to seize and eliminate
toxins from the air, water and from within
the human body when used correctly.
Benefits of Activated Charcoal
1. Rid Your Body of Toxins in Emergency Situations
• According to a study published in the journal Medical
Toxicology and Adverse Drug Experience, activated
charcoal prevents the gastrointestinal absorption of a wide
variety of drugs and toxins in emergency situations, and
also increases their elimination even after they’ve been
absorbed by the body. This includes an overdose of:
- Pharmaceutical drugs such as acetaminophen or aspirin,
opium, cocaine, and morphine
- Toxins from pesticides (including DDT)
- Mercury, lead, and other chemicals
Activated Charcoal
2. Reduce Acne and Improve Skin Health
• Because activated charcoal removes
toxins, it can help reduce the instances
of acne
3. Whiten Teeth
• While you might not think that a black
powder could actually whiten teeth, you’d
be surprised – all you have to do is
sprinkle charcoal onto a toothpaste-
ladened toothbrush, and brush away other
skin impurities you might suffer from.
Activated Charcoal
4. Reduce or Eliminate Gas
• Activated charcoal can be effective for
reducing gas, especially after eating
foods, such as beans, that commonly
create excess gas. It can also relieve an
upset stomach or nausea
5. Body Detox
• Since charcoal does such an amazing job
ridding your body of toxins, some people
also use it to rid their body of built-up
Activated Charcoal
• Activated charcoal detoxifies the body in several
1. Purifies the 6-8 liters of digestive
fluids that are secreted daily which in
turn helps remove foreign substances from
the blood.
2. Absorbs the intoxicant substance and
its metabolites that are excreted into the
small intestine from the biliary (bile)
tract, preventing their reabsorption.
3. Absorbs drugs that diffuse back into
the stomach and intestines.
4. Decreases the detoxification work load
of the liver.
Activated Charcoal
• Activated charcoal has been used by
physicians since the last century to
treat various intestinal complaints.
• Abdominal distension (bloating) and
flatulence respond favorably to
treatment with activated charcoal.
Diarrhea caused by food poisoning,
bacteria, nervousness and other factors
is usually alleviated by taking activated
For Diabetes:
1.Slice 5 pcs. Of Okra and soak in 1 cup of
water overnight.
2.Strain and drink the water
What is the Most Alkaline
Food on Earth?
1. Spinach • spinach – spinach is the
most alkaline food.
2. Cucumber
3. Broccoli
4. Kale
5. Pepper
6. Avocado
7. Celery
1. Turmeric
FOODS THAT • Curcumin, possibly the most
INHIBIT TUMORS powerful antioxidant known from the
popular Indian spice Turmeric
2. Grapes and Resveratrol
• Resveratrol is a phenolic compound
that contributes to the antioxidant
potential of red grapes
3. Green Tea
• The health benefits of green tea
are due to the presence of a group
of plant flavonoids called catechins
4. Tomatoes
• Regular consumption of tomato and
its products is being consistently
associated with lower risk of several
types of cancer
5. Raw Fruits and Veggies
• Any fruits or vegetables (preferably
dark colored) which are a good
source of indole-3-carbinol, a
chemical that boosts DNA repair in
cells, blocks the growth of cancer
Natural Remedies for Dengue Fever

Tawatawa Camote Tops Papaya Leaves

Holy Basil Coconut Juice Fruit Juice Water

This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT
course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or
other health care provider.
Tawa tawa Tea Making Procedures
•Take 5 to 6 full whole Tawa Tawa plants
•Cut off the roots, wash and clean
•Fill a boiling pot with clean water and
Boil the Tawa Tawa for one minute in
a slow rolling boil
•Allow the Tawa Tawa Juice Cool down
•Let the dengue fever victim drink only
the Tawa Tawa water for 24 hours
•Sip 1 to 1.5 glasses of Tawa Tawa
water every hour
• The internal hemorrhaging will stop and
the dengue fever will be cured within 24
Why Cleanse Our Body?
• Cleanse your
body, protect it
from disease, and
enhance your
health system by
detoxing with
these supportive
How to Keep Your
Colon Clean and Healthy
The Colon is
Where Health
• Every
Why day we are
exposed to poison and
chemicals from the
environment. We breathe
it, drink it and eat it.
• Many experience late
lunch and dinners. We
are more prone to eating
processed foods, fast
foods and other
unhealthy foods.
• Many have no time to
exercise and prepare a
What is detoxification?

• Detoxification is the
removal of toxins from the
body specifically in the
• “Detoxification is just one
of the ways for health
and wellness. We need to
clean our intestines to give
way for proper assimilation
of fats.
• Our body acquires fats
because of abnormal
absorption. If our colons
 Toxins are poisonous Top 10 Toxic Foods
substances produced by living
cells or organisms. Lead, • Alcohol
pesticides, mercury and • Caffeine
disinfectants are just some of
• White Bread
the examples that greatly harm
a person’s health. • White Sugar
• Dairy Products
These toxins hamper the (cheese and ice
normal functions of bodily cream)
organs if they will not be • Fast Food
removed. • Junk Food
• GMO Corn
Toxins are also found in the • GMO Soy
food we eat – fatty oily foods,
• White Rice
junk, processed, overstaying
• Monosodium
meat in the refrigerators, and
Glutamate (MSG)
processed foods.
Blood Supportive Foods
What does it do? • Blood building and
circulatory supporting
• The blood is a foods include dark green
specialized bodily fluid leafy vegetables such as
that supplies substances dandelion greens, kale,
and nutrients, such as collard greens, spinach,
sugar, oxygen, and arugula and broccoli;
hormones to our cells. also garlic, fresh ginger
• It carries waste away root, cayenne pepper,
from the cells and and protein-rich foods,
contains clotting agents. apricots, beans, wheat
It is the circulatory germ, and tofu.
system that holds the
high-speed highways of
the blood for transport.
Lymph Supportive Foods
What does it do? • Foods that support
lymph node function
• As a part of the include clean proteins
immune system, lymph such as wild-caught fish
nodes are located and grass-fed beef,
throughout the body citrus fruits, crimini
and hold precious cells mushrooms, turnip
of the immune system. greens, spinach, and
kale, garlic, parsley,
• It’s important to keep carrots, asparagus,
your lymph nodes strawberries, and
healthy to reduce the tomatoes.
risk of colds and
Liver Supportive Foods
What does it do? • There are two main
detoxification pathways of
• Besides being the the liver—eat foods that
second-largest organ in nurture those systems,
the body (second to our and you’ll receive support
skin), the liver in return. Foods include
processes virtually every beets, leafy greens,
transaction in the body broccoli, Brussels sprouts,
– sorting, packaging, olive oil, flax seed oil,
storing and using
citrus fruits, garlic,
nutrients, vitamins, and
minerals. cabbage, green tea,
avocadoes, and
• This is one organ you’ll artichokes.
definitely want to
Gallbladder Supportive Foods
What does it do? • Specific nutrients help to
maintain the quality and
• The gallbladder’s main integrity of the bile for
function is to act as a digestion – without them,
place of safe-keeping the bile become thick,
sluggish, and coagulated,
for bile, the green causing gall stones. Foods
substance the liver which help maintain
produces. integrity include beets,
apples, cucumber, Swiss
• When signaled to do chard, dandelion greens,
so, the gallbladder lemon, flax seed oil, and
releases bile to digest sweet potato.
fats and cholesterols.
Pancreas Supportive Foods
What does it do? • Foods that support the
pancreas include anti-
• The pancreas inflammatory foods and
manufactures and foods that help maintain
healthy blood sugar,
secretes the enzymes including blueberries,
necessary for cherries, broccoli,
digestion, including garlic, grapes, spinach,
those that help digest kale, collard greens,
proteins, fats, and Swiss chard, sweet
carbohydrates. potatoes, tomatoes and
Kidney Supportive Foods
What do they do? • Foods that support
kidney health include
• The main function of anti-inflammatory foods
the kidneys is to filter and foods which support
and clean the blood. mineral balance,
including parsley, bell
• They also regulate peppers, cabbage,
blood pressure, minerals cauliflower, apples,
(including potassium, garlic, onions,
sodium, chloride, cranberries,
calcium, and
strawberries, cherries,
phosphorous), and grapes, fish and olive
acidity levels within the oil.
Intestines Supportive Foods
What do they do? • Healthy intestines require a
healthy balance of good
• Both the small and bacteria and proper
elimination, enabling this
large intestines work system to do its job.
with the absorption and Supportive foods include
elimination processes insoluble and soluble fibers
of our food and its such as flax seeds, beans,
nutrients. green leafy vegetables,
oats, whole grains, fresh
• Keeping our digestive fruits and vegetables, and
system healthy also more. Probiotic rich foods
such as yogurt, kefir,
keeps other systems kombucha and other
healthy, such as our fermented foods are also
lymph and blood. extremely useful.
Healthy Alternatives
(Green Tea Concoctions - DETOX)

• Lemon Grass (Tanglad)- Procedure :

3 stems
• Turmeric (Dulaw) 1. Seamer for 20 minutes so
that enzymes will not be
(1 Thumsize) eliminated
• Ginger (Luya)
(1 Thumbsize) 2. Keep for 2 days in
• Cinnamon Bark – refrigerator
(2 Stick) (Save More) 3. Serves as Ice Tea
• Water (1 Gallon)
Alternative to Cranberry Juice
(Kidney Cleanser)
• Helps fight bladder infections

• Prevent harmful bacteria from


• Coconut Water
Colon Cleansing (Vegetable Cocktail)
• Malunggay – 1Paklang
• Camote Tops – 5 Leaves
• Chile Leaves – 5 Leaves
• Carrots – 1 Slice
• Pineapple Slice –
regulate the taste of
• 8 oz water
Osteorize all the
Colon Cleansing (Vegetable Coctail)
• Tanglad – 1 Bugkos
• Camote Tops – 20 Leaves
• Luya – Thumb Size
• Calamansi – 10-15 pcs.
• Water – 1 Liter
• Honey (or Brown Sugar,
Mascuvado or Brown Sugar)
Boil the Tanglad Leaves, Camote Tops and Luya. Simmer
for 5-10 minutes. Strain and squeeze 10-15 pcs of
Calamansi in 1 Liter of Water. Add Honey or Brown or
Mascuvado Sugar. (Cook in Clay Pots or in Stainless Pots)
How to Cleanse the Liver
• Olive Oil – 2 tbsp.
• Calamansi – 2 tbsp.
• Honey or Mascuvado
Sugar – 1 tbsp

• Take Mixture 2 times daily
• 11:00 am and before bedtime
(Dr. Gerson Therapy from Mexico)

1. Mix all the ingredients in 1

20 pcs. Liter of water

2. Add: 4 Liters of Water

2 tbsp.
Backstrap  Consider this as complete meal
Molasses  Cayenne will breakdown the fats
 Toxin will be released from your body
1/8 tbsp  Avoid Exercise
Cayene Pepper
 Do this in 3 days with out food
(Have your Cholesterol and Uric Acid
Check Before and After Detoxifying to
1 Liter
see the Effect)
Power Puncher for the
Immune System

• Buko Juice Blended

with Oregano Leaves
Holy Juice an
Alternative Health Drink
• Cut lemon, lime and orange into 3-4 slices
• Cut 4 pieces of calamansi into halves
• Put sliced fruits in a pitcher of water
•Pound 2 sticks of lemon grass stalk to
infuse flavor and substances and add to
the pitcher
•Pour it in a glass and add a teaspoon (or as
desired) of honey/mascuvado sugar to
sweeten the taste
Holy Juice • Benefits of Holy Juice
an Alternative
• High potassium content which
Health Drink helps balance the acid and
water of the body.
• Rich in electrolytes which
are good for nerve impulses.
• Helps normalize blood
• Rich in Vitamin C, Ascorbic
acid for tissue formation.
• Cleanses the body and
detoxifies liver .
Holy Juice
• Prevention Potential
an Alternative
Health Drink of Citrus Juice
• CardiovascularDiseas
• Heart Disease
• Hypertension
• Stroke
• Cancer
• Neural Tube Defects
• Anemia
Effective and Natural
Medicines That Can Treat
Kidney Disorders
1. Makahiya or Tickle Me or
Sensitive Plant (Mimosa

2. Banaba Leaves
(Lagerstroemia Speciosa)
3. Corn Silk
4. Coconut Water
How to Cleanse the Liver
1.Squeeze one cup of fresh citrus juice (lemon
and/or lime; grapefruit juice can be blended to
Ingredien help with taste).
ts 2. Mix the juice of one or two cloves of garlic and
raw ginger juice into the citrus juice.
3. Add one tablespoon of high quality, organic olive oil.
• Lemons A small amount of spring water can be added but the
more sour the mix, the more helpful it will be for
or yourliver.

limes 4. Do this for 10 days followed by three days off and

then another 10 days for two cycles (will total 20 days
• Garlic of cleansing total)

• Ginger
• Olive
Lemon Juice Tonic
Effective and Natural
Medicines That Can Treat
Kidney Disorders
1. Makahiya or Tickle Me or
Sensitive Plant (Mimosa

2. Banaba Leaves
(Lagerstroemia Speciosa)
3. Corn Silk
4. Coconut Water
Hippocrates Soup Recipe
This is a
delicious and
highly nutritious
soup which was
designed for the
cleansing and
nourishing of
What you need?
Use a non-aluminium 4-quart/liter pot and fill
with the following cubed vegetables:
• 1 medium celery root/celeriac
If not available, substitute with 3-4 ribs celery
• 1 medium parsley root, if available
• Small amount of parsley stalks and leaves
• 2 small or one large leek
• 2 medium onions
• Few cloves of garlic or to taste
• 1-1.5 pounds of tomatoes (or more if desired)
• 1 pound potatoes with brushed skin
• A pinch of sea salt for taste (cancer patients to skip salt)
• Organic plant-based foods (fruits,
vegetables, grains) contain higher levels
of eight of 11 nutrients studied,
including significantly greater
concentrations of health-promoting
polyphenols and antioxidants.
• Organic food contains phenolic
compounds, which protects our heart
from cardiovascular diseases and
reduces the risk of cancer.
• Because of this, the food produced are
now called “Power Charged” foods.
• Organic foods contain more
“phytochemicals” that are called
“Medicinal Foods.”
to Health and Longevity
Health and longevity is a result of proper nutrition,
temperance, pure air and water, exercise, sunshine,
rest and positive thinking
• Mrs. Larkins says the secret to her beauty lies in the
raw vegan diet, consisting of organic vegetables, fruits,
seeds and nuts grown in her own garden.
• She encourage dark, green leafy vegetables are
alkalizing and should be consumed on a regular basis in
order to maintain balance in the body.
111-year-old Valley man says
5 foods helped him live long life

• Bernando LaPallo is one of the

oldest, healthiest, happiest well
known centegenarians in the
world. He was born in August
17th, 1901.

• He has lived a mostly vegetarian

lifestyle and swears by his
beloved “Superfood,” and a diet
that emphasizes raw fruits, raw
vegetables, raw juices and
• One of the primary reasons why so many people
are getting sick with "modern-day" diseases
like heart disease, cancer, obesity and
diabetes is because they're relying on
processed food as their primary form of
• He avoided the senior years "ABCD's" diseases
such Alzheimer's, brittle bones, cancer and/or
Bernando LaPallo is 111 • His secret ingredient
years old. He is
is SuperFood, a 100
currently strong, hale,
hearty, healthy and fit, percent organic and
and is filled with wild harvested
vibrant energy and good vitamin and mineral
herbal concentrate
• LaPallo eats only
organic fruits and
vegetables, fish and
a homemade juice he
makes fresh
His daily diet consists of:
• High quality, organic, cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil: use on
the skin as lotion; use as salad dressing; known to lessen risks of
colon cancer and heart disease.

• Dark, organic chocolate: reduces stress; helps with depression;

lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

• Organic garlic: helps fight coughs and colds; considered

nature's antibiotic; helps with digestion and intestinal problems.

• Organic cinnamon: antibacterial and antifungal; reduces

proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.

• Organic honey: helps you lose weight; nature's energy booster;

has antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

• Juice organic raw vegetables:

1. Proper and Good Nutrition
Genesis 1:29 –
Then God said, “I have given you
every seed-bearing plant on the
face of the whole earth and every
tree that has fruit with seed in it.
They will be yours for food.”

 Food with high Calories, vitamins and

minerals and protein
 Low Fat Diet, Fat were taken from
 Foods with high in Fiber
Proper and Good Nutrition

• Eat nutritious organic

foods and vegetables (no
herbicides, no pesticides, no
antibiotics and growth

• Commercially grown fruits

and vegetables contains
pesticides residue which
is carcinogenic, hormone
disruption and
reproductive and
neurotoxin residues.
• Organic Agriculture do not use pesticides.
Because of this, the food produced are
now called “Power Charged” foods.
• Organic foods contain more
“phytochemicals” that are called
“Medicinal Foods.”
2. Temperance
• Elimination of all unclean food
(harmful foods) such as:
- Processed Foods - Soda
- Junk Foods - MSG
- Aspartame - Caffeine
- Red Meat - Sea
- Alcoholic Drinks
- Fish high in Uric Acid
- Artificial flavoring
- Fruits and Vegetable
3. Sunshine
• Sunlight is given by God for
good health. Vitamin D
deficiency is the leading cause
of Breast Cancer

• Sunlight stimulates production

of hormones that would trigger
the liver and kidney to make
Vitamin D3, a hormone that
improve the immune system
function and reduces 77% the
risk of breast, colon, prostate
cancer and other cancer.
Ecclesiastes 11:7
“The light is pleasant, and it is good for the
eyes to see the sun”
• Vitamin D3 - The Free Miracle Vitamin
• An extraordinary product created inside our bodies as a result
of sunlight exposure is vitamin D. Through a somewhat
complicated process, vitamin D is created by exposure of our
skin to sunlight. The vitamin D is then carried to our liver where
it becomes activated to be useful to our bodies.
• According to World Health
• 70% of all cancers are
easily preventable through
dietary and lifestyle

 The latest research shows

that sunlight and low cost
calcium supplement can
slash cancer risk by 77%
in women
Sunshine • Vitamin D is the single most
effective medicine against
cancer, far out spacing the
benefit of any cancer drugs
known to modern science.
• It reveals a way to prevent
Cancer for Free by seeking
natural sunlight exposure and
letting our skin manufacture
our own anti-cancer medicine
Vitamin D3.
• According to the : The Healing
Sun” by Richard Hubday
The best source of vitamin D is the sun, but the amount of vitamin
D produced from sun exposure can vary greatly. Getting sun
exposure in the summer when the rays are very strong can produce
a lot of vitamin D – as much as 10,000 IU’s in just 20-30 minutes
(a bit longer for dark skin).

One last thing to remember is to avoid using sunscreen if possible.

Not only does research show that sunscreen causes cancer, but
lathering on sunscreen also compromises your body’s ability to
produce vitamin D from UV rays.
4. Pure Water
• Drink large amount of
mineralized water
• 8-10 glasses of water a
day to detoxify toxins,
metals and aluminum from
our body.
• No colas, sodas and
alcoholic beverages, coffee
• Caffeine is a drug and a
central nervous system
Pure Water
• Distilled water is an active
absorber and when it contacts
with the air, it absorbs carbon
dioxide, making it acidic.
• The more distilled water a
person drinks, the higher the
body acidity becomes.
• The longer one drinks distilled
water, the more likely the
development of mineral
deficiencies and an acidic state
which is very good for cancer
5. Exercise
• Exercise and physically active
lifestyle is a significant
factor in health and longevity.
• It reduces 66% of breast
5. Exercise
• Exercise is so powerful because it actually
lowers your insulin levels significantly. Having
control over your insulin levels is a very
impressive tool in reducing your cancer risk as
a whole.
• In addition, physical activity enhances
circulation of immune cells in your body, which
helps to get rid of precancerous cells before
they become a threat.
6. Rest
Adequate rest and sleep are
factors to robust health and
It is during our restful hours
of sleep that the body rebuilds
its tissues and alkalinizes itself
(acid being excreted via the
10PM –2AM is the best sleep
you can get because at this
time that the highest cell
repair is attained. This where
Deep, restful sleep is an important
part of an effective healing
During sleep our bodies undergo
the processes of rebuilding,
detoxifying and healing. the delta
level, The liver works during the
deepest level of sleep,to break
down and eliminate carcinogens.
 Sleeping in complete darkness
contributes to healthy levels of
melatonin, a hormone secreted by
the pineal gland that promotes
restful sleep.
7. Positive Thinking
 (Proverbs 17:22)―
“A cheerful heart is a good
medicine, but a crushed spirit
dries up the bones”

Anger suppress immune system and produces

adrenalin and cortison that gives irregular heart

Bitterness and resentment make diseases

getting worse.
• If you are harboring anger
and you have grudges that
you're holding against
people, you cannot get well.
• You have to learn to forgive
everyone who has ever
wronged you.

And so when you are under a lot of stress or

when you are angry, the body pours out the
hormones, actually, that suppress your immune
system, and so you cannot fight disease.
8. Trust in God and the Lord Jesus
Christ, who is the only true Healer

• Attitude of gratitude - learn to Trust in

God. You need to change your lifestyle;
have complete faith in God.
• Do what is good and right not only to
yourselves but to others.
It’s GOD’s will for HIS people to
live in this world healthy

3 John 1:2(NKJV) Beloved, I pray that

you may prosper in all things and be in
health, just as your soul prospers.
Hosea 4:6

“My People are Destroyed

From Lack of Knowledge”
Genesis 1:29

• Then God said, “I have

given you every seed-
bearing plant on the face
of the whole earth and
every tree that has fruit
with seed in it. They will
be yours for food”.
Ezekiel 47:12
“Fruit trees of all kinds will
grow on both banks of the
river. Their leaves will not
wither, nor will their fruit
fail. Every month they will
bear fruit, because the water
from the sanctuary flows to
them. Their fruit will serve
for food and their leaves for
Father of Medicine, 431 B.C.

“Let food be thy medicine

and medicine be thy food”
Charles E. Kelogg
• “Essentially, all life
depends upon the soil …
There can be no life
without soil and no soil
without life; they have
evolved together.”
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
• “The nation that
destroys its soil,
destroys itself.”
Thank You!
Lets Go Organic!
1. The Holy Bible – KJV, NIV, Good News
2. Living Life to the Fullest - Lecture

Dr. Alberto Jo – Organic Farming Practitioner

3. Organic Farming: Producing Healthy, Safe, Quality Foods

Dr. Rafael S. Barroso, Executive Director

Organic Producers Trade Association

3. Food that Contain the Highest Amount of Pesticides

GreeMEDInfo.Com. Jordan & Kyla Miller
Posted March 25, 2012

4. Health & Environmental Impact of Round Up Pesticides

Organic Consumers Associations
Bio-Organic Products
Natural Farming can be a powerful
tool for the third world farmers
who cannot afford to buy
expensive imported farming inputs.

Indigenous Fermented Plant Fermented Fermented Fish

Juice (FPJ) Fruit Amino Acid (FAA)
Organism Juice (FFJ)

Calcium Oriental Herbal 4 n 1 Concentrates

Phosphate Nutrients (OHN) with Herbal
(CalPhos) Nutrients
I am exceedingly grateful for the men and women who
generously given their assistance in making this booklet happen.
I would like to acknowledge the support of the Local Government
of Dao, through Hon. Mayor Joselito Y. Escutin, Hon. Vice
Mayor Loreto Eslaban, the staff of Office of the Municipal
Agriculturist and CAPSU Techno Gabay Program who
magnanimously shared their technology, services and resources
in coming up with this booklet on Health and Wellness.
Specifically, I’m very grateful to my long time friend,
Manang Gene Estialbo, my mentor in Natural Farming and woman
full of wisdon who inspired me to “Go Organic” . How I wish we
have more time working together as advocates of Organic
Agriculture and to Nang Daday Ledesma, for being a good
listener when I learned new things about “superfoods” and a
strong advocates of good nutrition through organic food and
To the Department of Agriculture RFU VI and Agricultural
Training Institute (ATI) RTC VI, whom benevolently shared
information and technologies in Sustainable Organic Agriculture,
who inspired me to design the Dao Organic Agriculture Program
as sustainable farming system in the municipality of Dao, Capiz.
And most of all, honor and glory were given back to our
Almighty God, for giving me the wisdom to discern that Healing
Foods and Herbs were abundantly provided by our Maker on the
face of the whole earth for all mankind to enjoy. (Genesis 1:29)
Proper and Good Nutrition

• Eat nutritious organic

foods and vegetables (no
herbicides, no pesticides, no
antibiotics and growth

• Commercially grown fruits

and vegetables contains
pesticides residue which
is carcinogenic, hormone
disruption and
reproductive and
neurotoxin residues.
Dao Organic Agriculture Program
“A Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security Initiative of
the Local Government of Dao, Capiz”

Healthy, safe and nutritious food and fiber for
every Daonhon and the general public.

“Ensure food security and safe nutritious food
and fiber among household of every Daonhon
through adoption of ecologically sound and
sustainable agricultural practices.”

Program Goal:
Increase agricultural productivity and income of
farmers and ensure food security in the locality
through adoption of sustainable agricultural
“Organikong Sakahan: Dala ay Masaganang Ani,
Ligtas na Pagkain at Malusog na Pamayanan”

Dao Organic Agriculture Program

“A Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security Initiative
of the Local Government of Dao,

Participating Agencies:

Dept. of Agriculture Agricultural Training

(DA) RFU VI National Organic
Institute (ATI) RTC 6 Agriculture Board

Capiz State University Provincial Government Department of Education

Techno Gabay Program of Capiz Dao District
Programs / Services:

Demo Farm Organic Vegetable

Dao Bio Organic Industry (Organic Rice) Production

MLTC in Organic FITS Center (Research

Gulayan sa Paaralan Agriculture in Organic Agriculture

Farmers Class in Learning Site in Integrated and Diversified

Organic Agriculture Organic Farming System (IDOFS)
Legislative Support to
Organic Agriculture
Full support and Full support and An Ordinance Creating
implementation of implementation of the Municipal technical
Municipal Ordinance No: Municipal Ordinance Committee on Organic
“An Ordinance Adpting No: “An Ordinance Agriculture Program and
RA 10068 known as: known as: Environmental Designating Focal Person
Organic Agriculture Act Code of the for Organic Agriculture
of 2010” Municipality of Dao” and other Purposes

A Resolution Adopting Executive Order 2012

the Dao Organic “An Ordinance Creating
Agriculture Program as
a Strategy in
Institutionalize Dao Municipal Technical
Committee on Organic
Addressing Concerns Farmers Day Yearly Agriculture Program and
on Food Security, Celebration Designating a Focal
Environment, Health, person for Organic
Wellness and Poverty. Agriculture Program”
Advocacy in Organic Agriculture

Bio Organic Fertilizer and

Health and Wellness through Natural and Bio Organic Pesticides
Organic Food Production Preparation

Researched and Compiled by: Researched by: Researched and Compiled by: Farmers’ Information And Technology
Services (FITS) Center and the Office of
Ma. Susan F. Dordas MA. SUSAN F. DORDAS the Municipal Agriculturist
MA. SUSAN F. DORDAS FITS Center Manager Local Government of Dao, Capiz
Farmers’ Information And Technology Farmers Information and Technology
SWO III – FITS Center Manager
Services (FITS) Center Service (FITS) Center
Focal Person – Organic Agriculture Local Government of Dao, Capiz Local Government of Dao, Capiz
Farmers Information and Technology
Services (FITS) Center
Local Government of Dao, Capiz

Dao Organic Agriculture Program

Municipality of Dao Integrating
Province of Capiz
Climate Change and Palay Check System in
Techno Demo on the Preparation of Bio- Global Warming Natural and Organic Sustainable Agriculture
Organic Fertilizer and Bio Pesticides Impact in Philippine Rice Farming (Exerpt from V. Nabor Lecture)
Dept. of Agriculture RFU VI)
Agriculture Industry
Researched by : Prepared by:
Researched and Compiled by:
Farmers Information and Technology Services (FITS)
Ma. Susan F. Dordas Center and Office of Municipal Agriculture FITS Center Manager
SWO III-FITS Center Manager Farmers Information and Technology Local Government of Dao, Capiz Farmers Information and
Focal Person- Organic Agriculture Services (FITS) Center Technology Services (FITS) Center
Farmers Information
Local Government of Dao, Capiz Local Government of Dao
Local Government of Dao, Capiz
Province of Capiz
For inquiries please contact:


FITS Center Manager
Mobile No. 0918-635-8160
Farmers Information and Technology
Service (FITS) Center
Local Government of Dao, Capiz
Thank You!
Lets Go Organic!

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