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1. Modern Project Management Strategic Mngmnt: Requires every project to be 3.

Defining the Project

Definition: A complex, nonroutine, one-time clearly linked to strategy. Provides theme and Step 1/ Defining the Project Scope : A
effort limited by time, budget, resources, and focus of firm’s future direction. Responding to definition of the end result or mission of the
performance specifications designed to meet change. Allocating scarce resource. Requires project in specific, tangible, and measurable
customer needs. strong links among mission, goals, objectives, terms.
Characteristic: Has an established objective. Has strategy, and implementation. Project Scope: Project objective, Deliverables,
a defined life span with a beginning and an end. Process: Review and define the organizational Milestones, Technical requirements, Limits and
Requires across-the-organizational participation. mission. Set long-range goals and objectives. exclusions, Reviews with customer.
Involves doing something never been done Analyze and formulate strategies to reach Scope Statement of Work (SOW)
before. Has specific time, cost, and performance objectives. Implement strategies through projects Project Charter: A document authorizing the
requirements. Obj. Characteristic: Specific, Measurable, project manager to initiate and lead the project.
Program: A series of coordinated, related, Assignable, Realistic, Time Related (SMART). Scope Creep: The tendency for the project scope
multiple projects that continue over an extended Scenario Planning: to expand over time due to changing
time and are intended to achieve a goal. A higher- requirements, specifications, and priorities.
level group of projects targeted at a common goal. Step 2/ Establishing Project Priorities: Causes
Routine, Repetitive Work Vs. Project of Project Trade-offs (Budget–Cost, Schedule–
Project Life Cycle Time, Performance–Scope), Managing the
Priorities of Project Trade-offs.

Project Portfolio Management Problems: The

Implementation Gap, Organization Politics,
Resource Conflict & Multitasking.
Design of a project portfolio system:
Classification of a project : Compliance (must
Step 3/ Creating the Work Breakdown
do), strategic, operational.
Structure (WBS): An hierarchical outline (map)
Selection criteria depending upon
that identifies the products and work elements
classification: payback, net present value (NPV),
involved in a project.
internal rate of return (IRR), importance. Multi-
Project Manager: Manages temporary, non- Weighted Scoring Models.
repetitive activities and frequently acts Sources of proposals: Within the organization
independently. Marshals resources for the project. Request for proposal (RFP) from external sources
Is linked directly to the customer interface. (contractors and vendors).
Provides direction, coordination, and integration Evaluating proposals: Prioritizing requires
to the project team. Is responsible for discipline, accountability, responsibility,
performance and success of the project. Must constraints, reduced flexibility,
induce the right people at the right time. and loss of power.
Increase use Proj. Mngmnt: Compression of Managing the portfolio of projects: Senior
the product life cycle, Knowledge explosion, Triple management input, The Priority Team
bottom line (planet, people, profit), Corporate Responsibilities.
downsizing, Increased customer focus, Small
projects represent big problems.
+ Integrative Approach: An overview of all
project management activities, A big picture of
how organizational resources are used, A risk
assessment of their portfolio of projects, A rough
metric of the firm’s improvement in managing Helps manage plan, schedule, and budget.
projects relative to others in the industry, Work packages: lowest level of the WBS. Output
Linkages of senior management with actual oriented.
project execution management. Step 4/ Integrating the WBS with the
- Integrative Approach: Do not tie together the Organization: Organizational Breakdown
overall strategies of the firm. Fail to prioritize Structure (OBS), Depicts how the firm is organized
selection of projects by their importance of their to discharge its work responsibility for a project.
contribution to the firm. Are not integrated
throughout the project life cycle. Do not match 3. Organization Structure and Culture
project planning and controls with organizational +/- Functional Org: No Structural Change,
culture to make appropriate adjustments in Flexibility, In-Depth Expertise, Easy Post-Project
support of project endeavors. Transition. Lack of Focus, Poor Integration, Slow,
Lack of Ownership. (letaknya bagian tengah)
+/- Dedicated Team (tim khusus): Simple,
Fast, Cohesive, Cross-Functional Integration.
Expensive, Internal Strife, Limited Technological
Expertise, Difficult Post-Project Transition.
Projectized Organizational Structure (banyak
divisi project tapi sama).
Organizing Project – Matrix Structure: Hybrid
organizational structure (matrix) is overlaid on the
normal functional structure. Matrix structure
Function Portofolio Management: Oversee optimizes the use of resources. Weak (functional), Step 5/ Coding the WBS for the Information
project selection. Monitor aggregate resource Balanced, Strong (functional as sub-contractor). System: Defines: Levels and elements of the
levels and skills. Encourage use of best practices. +/- Matrix: Efficient, Strong Project Focus, Easier WBS, Organization elements, Work packages,
Balance projects in the portfolio in order to Post-Project Transition, Flexible. Dysfunctional Budget and cost information.
represent a risk level appropriate to the Conflict, Infighting, Stressful, Slow. Responsibility Matrices: Summarizes the tasks
organization. Improve communication among all Consideration: important, percentage of core to be accomplished and who is responsible for
stakeholders. Create a total organization work, resources. what on the project. (Responsibility/Support).
perspective that goes beyond silo thinking. Organization Culture: A system of shared Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and
Improve overall management of projects over norms, beliefs, values, and assumptions which Informed.
time. bind people together, thereby creating shared Communication Plan
ISO 9000: The ISO 9000 family of quality meanings. Organization Personality.
management systems (QMS) is a set of standards Identifying Cultural Characteristic: Study the
that helps organizations ensure they meet physical characteristics of an organization. Read
customers and other stakeholder needs within about the organization. Observe how people
statutory and regulatory requirements related to interact within the organization. Interpret stories
a product or service. and folklore surrounding the organization.
Implication: Challenges for Project Managers
2. Organization Strategy & Proj Selection in Navigating Organizational Cultures.
Why & Mistakes: Changes in the organization’s Methods: Formal statement of principle, Top
mission and strategy. Low strategic priority. management behavior, Reaction to the org crisis,
Focusing on the immediate customer. Allocation of reward and status, Rituals, stories,
Overemphasizing technology. Focusing on the and symbol.
20% with 80% of the value. Search for perfection. Network Org: several org for creating products.

Tri Ardiansa (02411840000033)- Notes Manajemen Proyek

Project RAB

Project Charter

Work Breakdown Structure

Scope of Work

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