Sa 05-44
Sa 05-44
Sa 05-44
ALERT 05 –
During a recent Nippling Down and repositioning of the 21 ¼ BOP from the wellhead to the stump the BOP
Winch Line (the overhead crane) parted allowing the top of the BOP to fall towards the broken line direction.
Fortunately the BOP had not been lifted high and the bottom of the BOP lodged in the ground preventing it
from flipping over. The other overhead crane cable was unaffected and a safety sling was fitted to this unit as
an extra precaution while it was taking all the weight. There was no injury to personnel. There was however
damage to flexible control hose from the HCR to the choke manifold requiring the hose to be replaced.
The Corrective Actions stated in this alert are one company’s attempts to address the incident,
and do not necessarily reflect the position of IADC or the IADC HSE Committee.
This material is presented for information purposes only. Managers & Supervisors should
evaluate this information to determine if it can be applied to their own situations and
Copyright © 2005 International Association of Drilling Contractors All rights reserved.
Issued December 2005
Safety Alert
From the International Association of Drilling Contractors
The Corrective Actions stated in this alert are one company’s attempts to address the incident,
and do not necessarily reflect the position of IADC or the IADC HSE Committee.
This material is presented for information purposes only. Managers & Supervisors should
evaluate this information to determine if it can be applied to their own situations and
Copyright © 2005 International Association of Drilling Contractors All rights reserved.
Issued December 2005