The document discusses Nokia's Morph technology concept, which aims to develop flexible and stretchable mobile devices using nanotechnology. The Morph was a joint project between Nokia Research Center and the University of Cambridge. It demonstrated how future mobile phones could be morphable to different shapes through the use of flexible, transparent, and self-cleaning materials enabled by nanotechnology. The technology remains in development but elements may be incorporated into Nokia devices within 7 years, and eventually lower costs as it matures.
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The document discusses Nokia's Morph technology concept, which aims to develop flexible and stretchable mobile devices using nanotechnology. The Morph was a joint project between Nokia Research Center and the University of Cambridge. It demonstrated how future mobile phones could be morphable to different shapes through the use of flexible, transparent, and self-cleaning materials enabled by nanotechnology. The technology remains in development but elements may be incorporated into Nokia devices within 7 years, and eventually lower costs as it matures.
The document discusses Nokia's Morph technology concept, which aims to develop flexible and stretchable mobile devices using nanotechnology. The Morph was a joint project between Nokia Research Center and the University of Cambridge. It demonstrated how future mobile phones could be morphable to different shapes through the use of flexible, transparent, and self-cleaning materials enabled by nanotechnology. The technology remains in development but elements may be incorporated into Nokia devices within 7 years, and eventually lower costs as it matures.
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The document discusses Nokia's Morph technology concept, which aims to develop flexible and stretchable mobile devices using nanotechnology. The Morph was a joint project between Nokia Research Center and the University of Cambridge. It demonstrated how future mobile phones could be morphable to different shapes through the use of flexible, transparent, and self-cleaning materials enabled by nanotechnology. The technology remains in development but elements may be incorporated into Nokia devices within 7 years, and eventually lower costs as it matures.
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Seminar on
SEMINAR REPORT ON “NOKIA MORPH TECHNOLOGY” BY SURESH KUMAR LALCHANDANI EXAM SEAT NO. T3444343 CLASS : T.E. COMPUTER ENGINEERING YEAR: 2009- 2010 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF PROF.SUSHAMA SHINDE CAYMET’S SIDDHANT COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING SUDUMBARE, MAVAL, PUNE-412109 C.A.Y.M.E.T’S SIDDHANT COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING SUDUMBARE ,MAVAL,PUNE(MAHARASHTRA)-412109 Department of Computer Engineering CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. SURESH KUMAR LALCHANDANI,T-3444343 has successfully completed seminar on “NOKIA MORPH TECHNOLOGY” as partial fulfillment of term work fo r Third year Computer Engineering in Semester-II for the academic year 2009-2010 . (Prof. Shinde Sushama.) Seminar Guide (Prof. Patole Mrunalini) Seminar Co-ordinatore (Prof. Kumbharkar P.B.) H.O.D. (Dr. Sontakke T.R.) Principal ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I take this humble opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to my semin ar guide Prof. SUSHAMA SHINDE, who in all respect helped me tangibly from the be ginning till the fulfillment of my seminar .His expert guidance and inspiration brought completion of the seminar. I would like to thank Prof.P.B.Kumbharkar, He ad of Computer Engineering Department, who gives me this opportunity. I would al so like to thank to all my teachers who directly or indirectly supports me time to time. Last but not least I would like to express a deep sense of gratitude fr om the bottom of my heart to my parents, without whom it was impossible for me t o reach at this stage. Thank you & Regards. SURESH KUMAR LALCHANDANI Contents Abstract 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.0.1 What is a morph? 1.1 History 1.2 About 1.2.1 Nokia Morph 1.2.2 NanoTechnology 1.2.3 Molecular Nanotechnology 1.2.4 Collaboration 1.2.5 Un ivaersity of cambridge 1.2.6 Nokia Research Center 2.0 THEORY 2.1 Concepts of no kia morph 2.2 Applied Technology 2.3 Various Nanotechnologies 2.3.1 Nano-enabled energy Enhanced enabled energy Density batteries Su percapacitors Solar Research NEMS structure 2.3.2 Sensing su rfaces Nanoscale Benefits Our Research Focus 2.3.3 Stretchable E lectronic 2.3.4 Functional Biomaterials 2.3.5 Nanoporous Hybrid Materia l 2.3.6 Device Architecture 17 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 25 26 27 12 12 12 13 14 15 9 9 10 3.0 FEATURES & CHARACTERSTICS 3.1 Flexiblity and changing Design 3.2 Self Cleani ng 3.3 Advance power Resources 3.4 Sensing the environment 4.0 WORKING AREA OF N OKIA MORPH 4.1 New trends are evolving 5.0 CONCLUSION REFRENCES 33 35 36 29 30 3 1 32 FIGURES INDEX Name of figures 1.1 Nano Flower 1.2 Nano Scince Center Page no 12 15 17 2.1 Phone mode snap 18 2.2 10 nm Anio & Cation 20 2.3 Solar cell capacitor 2.4 Circuit diagram for solar cell 2.5 Sensing surfaces and system 2.6 Nano wir es 2.7 ZnO Nanowires 2.8 Biological Effects 3.1 Various Shapes 3.2 NanoFlower Zo om Snap 3.3 Nano Grass 4.1 Various Tasking 4.2 Multifunctionality 32 29 22 21 1.3 Nokia research center 23 24 25 27 30 31 NOKIA MORPH TECHNOLOGY SURESH KUMAR LALCHANDANI Siddhant College of Engineering University of Pune E-mail:[email protected] ABSTRACT In business a product could have a shorter life if it can t win the hearts of pe ople and showcase new technology, so take the case of Nokia, who is coming up wi th the Nokia Morph flexible mobile phone which the company claims include nanote chnology and would immensely benefit its end-users. The main benefit of Nanotech nology is that its components are flexible, transparent and extremely strong. Th e company believes this latest technology would be a distinctive phone by 2015, but a few technical glitches remained to be solved, like the use of new battery materials etc. Nokia morph is a joint technology concept, developed by nokia res earch center (NRC) and the University of Cambridge (UK). The morph demonstrate h ow future mobile device might be stretchable and flexible, allowing the user to transform their mibile devices into radically different shaped . It demonstrate the ultimately that nanotechnology might be c apable of delivering: flexible mat erial, transparent electrononcs and selfcleaning surface. Nanotechnology enables materials and components that are flexible,stretchable, t ransparent and remarkably strong. Fibril proteins are woven into three dimension al mesh that reinforces thin elastic structures.Using the same principle behind spider silk, this elasticity enables the device to literally changes shapes and configure itself to adapt to the task at hand. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The Morph concept Launched alongside The Museum of Modern Art “Design and The Elastic Mind” exhibition , the Morph concept device is a bridge between highly advanced technologies and their potential benefits to end-users. This device concept showcases some revolu tionary leaps being explored by Nokia Research Center (NRC) in collaboration wit h the Cambridge Nanoscience Centre (United Kingdom) – nanoscale technologies that will potentially create a world of radically different devices that open up an e ntirely new spectrum of possibilities. Morph concept technologies might create f antastic opportunities for mobile devices: • Newly-enabled flexible and transparent materials blend more seamlessly with the way we live • • • Devices become self-cleaning and self-preserving Transparent electronics offerin g an entirely new aesthetic dimension Built- in solar absorption might charge a device, whilst batteries become smaller, longer lasting and faster to charge • Integrated sensors might allow us to learn more about the environment around us, empowering us to make better choices In addition to the advances above, the integrated electronics shown in the Morph concept could cost less and include more functionality in a much smaller space, even as interfaces are simplified and usability is enhanced. All of these new c apabilities will unleash new applications and services that will allow us to com municate and interact in unprecedented ways. 1.1 HISTORY I remember whe n the Apple iPhone came out. I had a deep sense that there was no way I’d buy a normal mobile phone ever again. I also started thinking: what comes next? Well it looks like I’ve found the answer over at Nokia HQ. In fact, if you a re in New York you can go along and see the future of mobile phones right now at The Museum of Modern Art. Nokia Research Centre and the University of .3.Cambri dge’s Nanoscience Centre have launched Morph, a joint nanotech concept. This devic e concept showcases some revolutionary leaps being explored by Nokia Research Ce nter (NRC) in collaboration with the Cambridge Nanoscience Centre (United Kingdo m) – Nanoscale technologies that will potentially create a world of radically diff erent devices that open up an entirely new spectrum of possibilities. • • • • Invitation to contribute to Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in April 2007 Brainstorming in Cam bridge in June 2007; Nokia Research Centre, Nokia Design and University of Cambr idge First concepts to MoMA in August 2007. MoMA exhibition in February 2008 1.2 ABOUT 1.2.1 Nokia Morph Morph is a concept that demonstrates how future mobile devices might be stretchable and flexible, allowing the user to transform their mobile device into radically different shapes. It demonstrates the ultimate functionali ty that nanotechnology might be capable of delivering: flexible materials, trans parent electronics and self-cleaning surfaces.The device, which is made using na notechnology, is intended to demonstrate how cell phones in the future could be stretched and bent into different shapes, allowing users to “morph” their devices in to whatever shape they want. Want to wear your cell phone as a bracelet? No prob lem, just bend it around your wrist. Even though Morph is still in early development, Nokia believes that certain ele ments of the device could be used in high-end Nokia devices within the next seve n years. And as the technology matures, nanotechnology could eventually be incor porated into Nokia’s entire line of products to help lower manufacturing costs. No kia Morph is truly an absolutely wonderful gadget with flexible bending and wear ing options and surely the best in the gadgets segment from the house of Nokia 1 .2.2 What is Nanotechnology? A basic definition: Nanotechnology is the engineeri ng of functional systems at the molecular scale. This covers both current work a nd concepts that are more advanced. In its original sense, nanotechnology refe rs to the projected ability to construct items from the bottom up, using techniq ues and tools being developed today to make complete, high performance products. Nanotechnology may one day lead to low cost manufacturing solutions, and offers the possibility of integrating complex functionality at a low price. Nanotechno logy also can be leveraged to create self-cleaning surfaces on mobile devices, u ltimately reducing corrosion, wear and improving longevity. Nanostructured surfa ces, such as “Nanoflowers” naturally repel water, dirt, and even fingerprints utilizing effects a lso seen in natural systems. Figure 1.1 A Nano Flower Elegant three-dimensional MoS2 nanoflowers were uniform ly formed via heating a MoO2 thin film in a vapor sulfur atmosphere. Tens to hun dreds of petals were self- assembled within a single nanoflower. Each petal, 100–300 nm wide and only several nanometers thick, exhibited a hexagonal structure. The number of petal layers g radually decreased towards the edges, resulting in uniquely thin edges, typicall y less than 3 nm. The MoS2 nanoflowers appeared to be excellent field emitters d isplaying a current density of 0.01 and 10? mA/cm2 at macroscopic fields of 4.5–5. 5 and 7.6–8.6 V/µm, respectively; the electron field emission was consistent with th e Fowler–Nordheim theory. 1.2.3 Molecular nanotechnology: Molecular nanotechnology , sometimes called molecular manufacturing, describes engineered nanosystems (na noscale machines) operating on the molecular scale. Molecular nanotechnology is especially associated with the molecular assembler, a machine that can produce a desired structure or device atom-by-atom using the principles of mechanosynthes is. Manufacturing in the context of productive nanosystems is not related to, an d should be clearly distinguished from, the conventional technologies used to ma nufacture nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes and nanoparticles. When the ter m "nanotechnology" was independently coined and popularized by Eric Drexler (who at the time was unaware of an earlier usage by Norio Taniguchi) it referred to a future manufacturing technology based on molecular machine systems. The premis e was that molecular scale biological analogies of traditional machine component s demonstrated molecular machines were possible: by the countless examples found in biology, it is known that sophisticated, stochastically optimised biological machines can be produced.. It is hoped that developments in nanotechnology will make possible their construction by some other means, perhaps using biomimetic principles. However, Drexler and other researchers[6] have proposed that advance d nanotechnology, although perhaps initially implemented by biomimetic means, ul timately could be based on mechanical engineering principles, namely, a manufact uring technology based on the mechanical functionality of these components (such as gears, bearings, motors, and structural members) that would enable programmable, positional assembly to atomic specification. [7] The physic s and engineering performance of exemplar designs were analyzed in Drexler s boo k Nanosystems. In general it is very difficult to assemble devices on the atomic scale, as all one has to position atoms are other atoms of comparable size and stickiness. Another view, put forth by Carlo Montemagno,[8] is that future nanos ystems will be hybrids of silicon technology and biological molecular machines. Yet another view, put forward by the late Richard Smalley, is that mechanosynthe sis is impossible due to the difficulties in mechanically manipulating individua l molecules. This led to an exchange of letters in the ACS publication Chemical & Engineering News in 2003.[9] Though biology clearly demonstrates that molecula r machine systems are possible, non-biological molecular machines are today only in their infancy. Leaders in research on non-biological molecular machines are Dr. Alex Zettl and his colleagues at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories and UC Berke ley. They have constructed at least three distinct molecular devices whose motio n is controlled from the desktop with changing voltage: a nanotube nanomotor, a molecular actuator,[10] and a nanoelectromechanical relaxation oscillator.[11] A n experiment indicating that positional molecular assembly is possible was perfo rmed by Ho and Lee at Cornell University in 1999. They used a scanning tunneling microscope to move an individual carbon monoxide molecule (CO) to an individual iron atom (Fe) sitting on a flat silver crystal, and chemically bound the CO to the Fe by applying a voltage. 1.2.4 Collaboration Between NRC and University of Cambridge The partnership between Nokia and the University of Cambridge was announced in M arch, 2007 - an agreement to work together on an extensive and long term program me of joint research projects. NRC has established a research facility at the Un iversity s West Cambridge site and collaborates with several departments - initi ally the Nanoscience Center and Electrical Division of the Engineering Department - on pr ojects that, to begin with, are centered on nanotechnology. With the ability of the phone to take on a variety of shapes and sizes, most people may not need to change phones so often as they currently have been doing so every 1.5 years on a verage. According to Nokia, it would take seven years before Morph phones are av ailable at consumer markets. The Morph concept technology carries numerous inter esting features for future mobile evices. 1. Newly-enabled flexible transparent materials blend more seamlessly with the way we live. 2. Devices become self-cle aning and self-preserving. 3. Transparent electronics offering an entirely new aesthetic dimension. 4. Built- in solar absorption might charge a device, whilst batteries become sma ller, longer lasting and faster to charge. 5. Integrated sensors might allow us to learn more about the environment around us, empowering us to make better choi ces. In addition to the advances above, the integrated electronics would cost less an d include more functionality in a much smaller space, even as interfaces are sim plified and usability is enhanced. Mobile phones like Nano Morph certainly depic t the upcoming Nano Technology and it will surely be a front-runner in the use o f various gadgets and technologies be it Computers, Air Conditioners, Robots, Ca rs or like this one viz Mobile phones and smartphones. 1.2.5 About University of Cambridge Nano Research Center In Nanoscience Centre is an 1800m² research facility completed in January 2003 and located at the north east corner of the University s West Cambridge Site. The C entre provides open access to over 300 researchers from a variety of University Departments to the nanofabrication and characterisation facilities housed in a c ombination of Clean Rooms and low noise laboratories. Office space is primarily home to the Departme nt of Engineering’s Nanoscience Group, technical and administrative staff and memb ers of other research groups who require long term access to facilities. Figure 1.2 The Nano Center The partnership between Nokia and the University of Cambridge was announced in M arch, 2007 - an agreement to work together on an extensive and long term program me of joint research projects. NRC has established a research facility at the Un iversity s West Cambridge site and collaborates with several departments - initi ally the Nanoscience Center and Electrical Division of the Engineering Departmen t - on projects that, to begin with, are centered on nanotechnology. 1.2.6 Nokia Research Center Nokia believes that effective research and development is vital to remaining competitive in the mobile computing and communications industry. A s of April 1, 2007, we had R&D centers in 11 countries and employed 14,500 peopl e in research and development, representing approximately 32% of Nokia’s total wor kforce. R&D expenses totaled EUR 3,9 billion in 2006, representing 9,5% of Nokia’s net sales. We invest a substantial portion of our resources in research and dev elopment activities within our principal business groups Mobile Phones, Multimed ia and Enterprise Solutions, Technology Platforms , and in the Nokia Research Ce nter (NRC). Nokia Research Center has a unique mission to lead Nokia into the fu ture: NRC will be the global leader of open innovation for human mobility system s of the fused physical and digital world, giving birth to the growth of busines ses for Nokia. Figure 1.3 The Nokia research center Nokia Research Center was founded in 1986 from the Nokia Electronics R&D unit, w ith the a headcount of 86 persons. Today, NRC employs roughly 800 researchers fr om 43 countires and a wide variety of fields. Representing just over 4% of Nokia’s R&D employees, NRC researchers produce about one half of Nokia’s essential patent s, and 34% of all Nokia invention reports (2006). NRC has a two- fold approach t o achieving its mandate. The work for core technology breakthroughs supporting N okia s existing businesses takes place in the Core Technology Centers, the CTC s . More visionary, exploratory systems research that goes well beyond any current business model is conducted at the many System Research Centers, the SRC s. CHAPTER 2 2.1 CONCEPT OF NOKIA MORPH Morph is a concept that demonstrates how future mobile devices might be stretcha ble and flexible, allowing the user to transform their mobile device into radica lly different shapes. It demonstrates the ultimate functionality that nanotechno logy might be capable of delivering: flexible materials, transparent electronics and self-cleaning surfaces. Dr. Bob Iannucci, Chief Technology Officer, Nokia, commented: "Nokia Research Center is looking at ways to reinvent the form and fu nction of mobile devices; the Morph concept shows what might be possible". Figure 2.1 Phone Mode Snap Professor Mark Welland, Head of the Department of Engineering s Nanoscience Grou p at the University of Cambridge and University Director of Nokia-Cambridge coll aboration added: "Developing the Morph concept with Nokia has provided us with a focus that is both artistically inspirational but, more importantly, sets the t echnology agenda for our joint nanoscience research that will stimulate our futu re work together." 2.2 APLLIED TECHNOLOGY USED NANOTECHNOLOGY Nanotechnology may one day lead to low cost manufacturing solutions, and offers the possibility of integrating complex functionality at a low price. Nanotechnol ogy also can be leveraged to create self-cleaning surfaces on mobile devices, ul timately reducing corrosion, wear and improving longevity. Nanostructured surfac es, such as “Nanoflowers” naturally repel water, dirt, and even fingerprints utilizing effects a lso seen in natural systems. Professor Mark Welland, Head of the Department of E ngineering s Nanoscience Group at the University of Cambridge and University Dir ector of Nokia-Cambridge collaboration added: "Developing the Morph concept with Nokia has provided us with a focus that is both artistically inspirational but, more importantly, sets the technology agenda for our joint nanoscience research that will stimulate our future work together." Nano Technology has evolved as a n all together different technology area in the mobile world. Mobile phones are advancing at a great and faster pace than never before and Nokia Morph is truly a mobile wonder. This phone has been developed by Nokia Research Center and the University of Cambridge. Mobile phones like Nano Morph certainly depict the upco ming Nano Technology and it will surely be a front-runner in the use of various gadgets and technologies be it Computers, Air Conditioners, Robots, Cars or like this one viz Mobile phones and smartphones. Nokia Morph is truly an absolutely wonderful gadget with flexible bending and wearing options and surely the best i n the gadgets segment from the house of Nokia. Wonder what will be next from Nok ia, World’s leader in the Communication segment. It would also feature self-cleani ng to prevent wear and tear based on nanostructures called ‘Nano flowers’ which do n ot absorb liquids or retain fingerprints. The Nokia Morph phone would also inclu de a detachable speaker that could clip onto the ear or connect to the phone as a speaker. In addition, the battery is solar powered with built in self-charging high density solar charging modules called Nano grass which are ca pable of recharging faster than any other battery solution. Morph phones would h ave Nanosensors to inform users of wireless environments and enable them to make choices on the available wireless networks. The phones would also be able to an alyze the pollution levels of the environment and monitor the user’s surroundings. 2..3 VARUIOUS NANOTECHNOLOGIES USED 2.3.1 NANO-ENABLED ENERGY Nanotechnology holds out the possibility that the surface of a device will becom e a natural source of energy via a covering of “Nanograss” structures that harvest s olar power. At the same time new high energy density storage materials allow bat teries to become smaller and thinner, while also quicker to recharge and able to endure more charging cycles. ENHANCED ENERGY HARVESTING AND STORAGE ENHANCED ENERGY DENSITY BATTERIES – Nanostructured electrodes for very low equivalent series R energy sources – New el ectrolyte solutions (ionic liquids) for safe and high power batteries. Deformabl e and bendable structures. Figure 2.2 10 nm Anion and Cation for battery SUPERCAPACITORS – Nanoenhanced dielectrics for separator and high power capacitors – Ultra thin flexible structures, for ultimately distributed energy sto rage, and integration with battery structures SOLAR CELL RESEARCH – Nanowire solar cells using nanowire networks – Silicon solar cell production for emerging markets as primary power Source Figure 2.31 Solar Cell Capacitor Architecture ENERGY HARVESTING FROM RF USING WIDEBAND ANTENNAS, AND USING NEMS STRUCTURES – Microwatt level energy harvesting from ‘waste’ energy in the air - Charging battery from ultra low power energysources, and power management for that Harvesting RF energy \ Figure 2.4 Circuit Diagram for Solar Cell 2.3.2 SENSING SURFACES Nanosensors would empower users to examine the environment around them in comple tely new ways, from analyzing air pollution, to gaining insight into bio-chemica l traces and processes. New capabilities might be as complex as helping us monit or evolving conditions in the quality of our surroundings, or as simple as knowi ng if the fruit we are about to enjoy should be washed before we eat it. Our abi lity to tune into our environment in these ways can help us make key decisions t hat guide our daily actions and ultimately can enhance our health Figure 2.51 Sensing surface and Graph Characteristics for sensor applications • Uniaxial piezoelectric response • Enabler of novel touch sensor concepts • n-type semiconductor behaviour • Candidate for phot ovo ltaics • Enables various low-cost applications NANOSCALE BENEFITS • • • The Huge Array of parallel sensors that can be either independently or collectively measured New sensor ssignal processing paradigm N ew materials that can be used to improve sensors characterstic Stability, resolu tion, reliability & response time. OUR RESEARCH FOCUS o Nanoresonator based optical sensors o ZnO nanowire base sta in sensors o New signal process method used for nano base computing SMART SURFACES HUGE NUMBER OF NANOSENSORS WITH ANALOGUE INFORMATION PROCESSING BY NANOCOMPUTING, FEEDING PROPERLY PRE PROCESSED DATA OUT . 2.3.3 STRETCHABLE ELECTRONICS Target: • Creation of stretchable devices – Embedded active electronics in elastic s tructures (sensors, actuators, circuitry) – Ordered nanoscale internal structures for controlling the elasticity – A pixellated, integrated system to withstand extr eme deformations – Minimal strain on rigid island platforms for sensitive components – Stretchable el ectronics structures to allow reconfigurable device form factors. – Flexible elect ronics structures (interconnects, circuits and substrates) that sustain >10% 2D strain – Figure 2.61 Nano woires ZnO Nanowires for flexible tactile arrays • Arrays of aligned zinc oxide nanowires grown hydrothermally from zinc salt precu rsor on the surface of substrates (at roughly 70 – 100 oC) • Economical and environm entally- friendly • Compatible with polymer substrates Figure 2.7 ZnO Nanowires Figure 2.8 Stretchable area Nanowire Lithography Silicon Nanowires for Stretchab le Electronics Combining top-down fabricatio n via SOI etching using masks made of nanowires grown by a bottom- up approach. Blue = Si; Grey = SiO2; Yellow = Me tal (Ni) Highly-conducting SiNW networks via nanowire lithography (NWL): A. Coll i, A. Fasoli, S. Pisana, Y. Fu, P. Beecher, W. I. Milne, A. C. Ferrari, Nano Let ters 8, 1358 (2008) Figure 2.9 Patterned Zno nanowire array for tactile sensing – U of C / NRC Cambrid ge UK 2.3.4 Functional Biomaterials There is a big demand for biomaterials to assist or replace organ functions and to improve patients’ quality of life. Materials options include metals, ceramics a nd polymers. Unfortunately, conventional materials are used that were not specif ically developed for biological applications.Interaction between biomaterials an d natural tissues is an important subject for biomaterial science Such informati on is essential to aid the design of new biocompatible biomaterials. Figure 2.10 Biological Effects The vision of ambient intelligence describes a ne twork of sensors connected to one or more computing devices. Sensors will be eve rywhere: in your pocket, in your faucet, in your refrigerator, at your front doo r, and in your running shoe. The device integrates data from your physical world , deduces patterns, identifies issues, consults with Internet services, and responds with intelligence—seeming to anticipate your every need—all a t the rapid pace of your daily life. • Computational Medicine and the Individual Start with inexpensive sensors that can be worn, implanted, or swallowed (as Fey nman suggested in 1959). Marry them with data reduction capabilities that comput e trends and interactions to build a holistic personal medical profile. Equipped with this information, the individual’s mobile device can relay the diagnosis to health care resources, dispatching an ambulance automatically. 2.3.5 Nanoporous Hybrid Materials Recently, the domain of nanoporous materials has been enlarged very much to the development of porous hybrid materials designated as metal-organic frameworks (M OF),1 porous coordination polymers2 or organic- inorganic hybrids3,4 which are t he most recently highlighted class of materials consisting of metal ions linked together by organic bridging ligands in the framework. The attraction of combini ng properties from both inorganic and organic components has led to a quest of r esearch toward new hybrid materials with potential applications including gas st orage, catalysis, separation, and molecular recognition.1-4 Very recently, Férey a nd co-workers have repoted a novel hybrid material,chromium trimesate (designate d as MIL-100), which has a hierarchical pore system (micro: 5-9 Å; mesoporous: 25- 30 Å) with a very high Langmuir surface area.5 Figure 2.8 Biological 2.3.6 Device Architectures The Nano Devices team collaborates closely with researchers at the University of Cambridge, focussing on nanoscience research and its appli cation to novel solutions in such diverse areas as sensing, energy storage/harve sting, novel computing architectures, communications technology and functional m aterials. Advances in all these fields will drive new device concepts and enable future ambient intelligence and wearable devices. As an example, the "Morph" de sign concept jointly developed by the University and NRC for the "Design and the Elastic Mind" exhibition at the New York Museum of Modern Art suggests how such nanotechnological developments may impact future mobile device form, function a nd use. • Connecting the Unconnected In developing nations, we see more basic (and potenti ally crucial) applications. The mobile device’s integrated sensors can monitor lev els of pollutants, bacteria, and other environmental or health risks and notify officials when thresholds are exceeded. Also critical are point-of-care diagnost ics and patient monitoring— empowering health care providers to deliver on-the-spot treatment, inf ormed by global Internet services and medical data banks. • New signal processing methods/devices The Nokia N900 is powered by a high-end OMAP 3430 ARM Cortex A8 which is a Syste m-on-a-chip made by Texas Instruments based on a 65-nanometer CMOS process. The OMAP 3430 is composed of three microprocessors; the Cortex A8 running at 600 MHz used to run the OS and applications, the PowerVR SGX 530 GPU made by Imaginatio n Technologies which supports OpenGL ES 2.0 and is capable of up to 14 MPolys/s and a TMS320C64x, the digital signal processors, running at 430 MHz used to run the image processing (camera), audio processing (telephony) and data transmissio n. The TMS320 C64x main purpose is to offload the Cortex A8 from having to proce ss audio and video signal. [29] The system has 256 MB of dedicated high performa nce RAM (Mobile DDR) paired with access to 768 MB swap space managed by the OS.[ 2] This provides a total of 1 GB of virtual memory CHAPTER 3 FEATURES AND CHARACTERSTICS 3.1 Flexible & Changing Design Nanotechnology enables materials and components t hat are flexible, stretchable, transparent and remarkably strong. Fibril protein s are woven into a three dimensional mesh that reinforces thin elastic structure s. Using the same principle behind spider silk, this elasticity enables the devi ce to literally ch ange shapes and configure itself to adapt to the task at hand . Figure 3.1 Various Shapes of Nokia Morph A folded design would fit easily in a pocket and could lend itself ergonomically to being used as a traditional handset. An unfolded larger design could display more detailed information, and incorporate input devices such as keyboards and touch pads. Even integrated electronics, from interconnects to sensors, could sh are these flexible properties. Further, utilization of biodegradable materials m ight make production and recycling of devices easier and ecologically friendly. 3.2 Self-Cleaning Nanotechnology also can be leveraged to create self-cleaning s urfaces on mobile devices, ultimately reducing corrosion, wear and improving lon gevity. Nanostructured surfaces, such as “Nanoflowers” naturally repel water, dirt, and even fingerprints utilizing effects also seen in natural systems. Figure 3.2 Nano flowers Zoom snap A nanoflower, in chemistry, refers to a compound of certain elements that result s in formations which in microscopic view resemble flowers or, in some cases, tr ees that are called nanobouquets or nanotrees.[1] These formations are nanometer s long and thick so they can only be observed using electron microscopy Nanoflow ers” naturally repel water, dirt, and even fingerprints utilizing effects also see n in natural systems. That is why it is used for self cleaning purpose. Zinc oxi de changes resistance when molecules of ethanol vapour stick onto it in a proces s called adsorption. The flower- like structures work at lower temperatures beca use their tiny size enhances adsorption. Each flower is made up of bundles of na norods 15nm wide. They were made by blasting a zinc-containing solution with ult rasound. 3.3 Advanced Power Sources Nanotechnology holds out the possibility that the surface of a device will becom e a natural source of energy via a covering of “Nanograss” structures that harvest s olar power. At the same time new high energy density storage materials allow bat teries to become smaller and thinner, while also quicker to recharge and able to endure more charging cycles. Figure 3.3 Nano Grass for solar cell 3.4 Sensing The Environment Nanosensors would empower users to examine the environment around them in comple tely new ways, from analyzing air pollution, to gaining insight into bio-chemica l traces and processes. New capabilities might be as complex as helping us monit or evolving conditions in the quality of our surroundings, or as simple as knowi ng if the fruit we are about to enjoy should be washed before we eat it. Our abi lity to tune into our environment in these ways can help us make key decisions t hat guide our daily actions and ultimately can enhance our health Sensing surfaces using piezoelectric nanowire arrays ZnO exhibits an unusual com bination of properties, including uniaxial piezoelectric response and n-type sem iconductor characteristics. Nokia is exploiting these qualities to achieve strai n-based electromechanical transducers—ideal for touch-sensitive (even direction-se nsitive) surfaces. Arrays of ZnO nanowires can be fabricated at low temperatures (roughly 70-100°C), providing compatibility with polymer substrates, such as poly ethylene terephtalate (PET). By coating a substrate (silicon, glass, or PET) wit h an array of these ZnO nanowires, the electrical signals on the surface can be activated by mechanical force. Since ZnO nanowires and nanoparticles are nearly transparent, this technique can be used to develop compliant, touch-sensitive, a ctive matrix arrays that sit on top of displays or other structural elements. CHAPTER 4 WORKING AREA OF NOKIA MORPH 4.1 NEW TRENDS ARE EVOLVING Flexible, stretchable, thin, transparent conformal devices - enabled by nanotech nology Context aware device: adapts and transforms its functionality according to the t asks Wearable device • Available always and everywhere • New intuitive user interfac e • Flexible, compliant and even stretchable structures are needed. • New power sour ce technologies • Functional coatings How can we… … fabricate and manufacture innovative mechanical structures that can be both transparent and compliant despite containing electronic and optical functi ons? … create a library of reliable and durable functional materials that enables a multitude of functions on the device surface, e.g., robust surfaces, EM shield ing, dirt/water repellence, antenna integration, optical effects, touch sensors, haptics? Figure 4.1 Various Works The morph DO Figure 4.2 Multi functional areas CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION According to the developers, using nanotechnology can lead to low cost manufactu ring solutions as well as adjustable, empowering devices, bringing us new, versa tile possibilities. These mobile devices will be flexible, stretchable and shape changing, so that they can be easily integrated in our everyday routines withou t special adjustments on our part. Unfortunately, it might take close to a decad e until the elements of Morph might be available for integration into handheld d evices. Nanosensors would raise the awareness of mobile devices users to the environmen t in a new way. When air pollution or bio-chemical traces and processes are righ t before our eyes, we will not be able to ignore them. It will also enhance our natural abilities and ease our daily decisions even on small matters such as whe ther or not to wash a certain fruit before eating it. REFRENCES Ø Books - Introduction to Nanotechnology, Charles P. Poole & F.J. Owens - Understanding Nanotechnology, Scientific American - Nanoscale Science and Tech nology, Robert Kelsall, Ian Hamley & Mark Geoghegan - Nanotechnology: Science, I nnovation, and Opportunity, Lynn E. Foster - Nanoelectronics and Information Tec hnology, Rainer Waser (ed) - Nanochemistry, Geoffrey A Ozin & Andre C. Arsenault - Coming in 2009 from Cambridge University Press: Nanotechnologies for Future M obile Devices, Olli Ikkala, Asta Kärkkäinen, Tapani Ryhänen, Mikko Uusitalo, Mark Well and (Eds.) Ø Websites - Cambridge Nanoscience Centre, University of Cambridge: - Foresight Nanotech Institute: Institute for Nanoelectronics an d Computing (INaC): - National Nanotechnology Initiative: Nature Nanotechnology: www.natu—Nanotechnology: Nokia Res earch Center—NanoSciences: - The Morph concept: