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Volume - 5, Issue- 8, August 2017 IC Value : 56.

46 e-ISSN : 2347 - 9671| p- ISSN : 2349 - 0187

EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review SJIF Impact Factor(2016) : 6.484
ISI Impact Factor (2013): 1.259(Dubai)

Research Paper



Associate Professor in Sociology, P.G. Government College for Girls,
Dr.Ranjay Vardhan1 Sector 42, Chandigarh-160036, India


T here has been a change in the media landscape over the past decade with social media
outlets such as blogs, online discussion forums, and online communities now
supplementing traditional media outlets such as newspapers, magazines, and television programs.
Social media is becoming an agent of change. It is changing the way information is communicated
to and from people around the world. Its use is increasing day by day with high rate in all over the
world. Social media has proven potential for mobilising attention and accountability to women’s
rights, and challenging discrimination and stereotypes. It has proved to be a powerful vehicle for
bringing women’s rights issues to the attention of a wider public, galvanising action on the streets of
cities around the world and encouraging policy makers to step up commitments to gender equality.
The paper is an attempt to study how social media is contributing to women empowerment based on
secondary data. The paper likes to conclude that though social media is contributing to women
empowerment but there is virtual gender gap due to lack of literacy, cybercrime, cyberbullying, etc.
and women are not able to fully utilize the new space.

KEYWORDS: Social Media, Empowerment, Women Empowerment, Cybercrime, New Media

INTRODUCTION proved to be a powerful vehicle for bringing women’s

Over the past decade, the media landscape has rights issues to the attention of a wider public,
dramatically changed with social media outlets such as galvanising action on the streets of cities around the
blogs, online discussion forums, and online world and encouraging policy makers to step up
communities now supplementing traditional media commitments to gender equality. The explosion of social
outlets such as newspapers, magazines, and television media, Cyberfeminism and unprecedented use by women
programs. Social media are new information network and of new technologies represents important opportunities
information technology using a form of communication to bring gender equality and women’s rights issues to
utilizing interactive and user-produced content, and the forefront of both policy making and media attention.
interpersonal relationships are created and maintained. India ranks second in usage of Facebook and third in
Social media is becoming an agent of change. It is Twitter. These social networking sites not only pave a
changing the way information is communicated to and way for communicating across the globe but they have
from people around the world. Its use is increasing day played a major role in empowering women, encouraging
by day with high rate in all over the world. Social media the civic participation among women in Western,
has proven potential for mobilising attention and Middle East and Asian countries. The paper is an
accountability to women’s rights, and attempt to study how social media is contributing to
challengingdiscrimination and stereotypes. It has women empowerment based on secondary data.
www.eprawisdom.com Volume - 5, Issue- 8, August 2017 117
EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review| SJIF Impact Factor(2016) : 6.484
Social Media human agency and the social structure within the
The word media is defined as ‘one of the means limitations and possibilities in which this human agency
or channels of communication, information, or exists and reacts.
entertainment in society’ as newspapers, radio, Empowerment theory wants to make a place
televisions and social networking sites etc. Media for itself among those new social theories that are
technology has made communication increasingly easier attempting to connect the personal and the social, the
as time has passed throughout history. Today, children individual and society, the micro and the macro.
are encouraged to use media tool in school and expected Connecting the individual and the collective in a way
to have a general understanding of various media which is not organic-biological or systemic-mechanical
technologies available. The media technology shapes is the great challenge of Sociology in recent years. An
the advance modern society. In the contemporary period, empowerment theory requires a convincing integration
social media is the most popular among all other means of the micro and macro levels in order to make clear the
of communication and information. 30 percent of interrelations among individual, community, and
World’s population is active social media users whereas professional empowerment. The concept social
in India the active social media users are 15 percent of individuality makes the feminist dialectics explicit. The
the population which is a sizeable proportion. Usage of woman is an individual within the social reality in which
social media is on increase and it is estimated that such she grows up and develops with the contradictions
percentage will increase every year by 10 percent. between her and society. The powerlessness of one
Moreover, 60 percent of social media users are youth woman, which changes by means of her activism in
who are prone to cyber crimes and problems. For many collaboration with others in her situation, is a process
connected users in India, access to the Internet is that empowers the entire community of women.
primarily for accessing social media networks. The most In India, 1.2 billion people live today with
popular activities on social media include maintaining around 50% of women population. The status of women
one’s own virtual profile on the likes of Facebook and has improved over a time with respect to education,
Twitter, posting and sharing an update as well as work, rights due to the efforts of social reformers and
replying to something a friend has posted. work of government. Since independence, women in
Empowerment India have occupied high offices, including the positions
Empowerment is a construct that links of The President, Prime Minister, Speaker of Lok Sabha,
individual strengths, competencies, natural helping Top Management Positions, etc. India as a nation is
systems and proactive behaviour to social policy and moving forward with great success, and can’t afford to
social change. Empowerment theory and research link ignore women empowerment. In the contemporary
individual well being with the larger social and political period, technology directly impacts women’s
environment. Empowerment suggests that individual development and has enabled their voice to reach out
with others to achieve goals, efforts to gain access to and be viewed globally. In a recent report published by
resources and some critical understanding of the socio- Google, it is clear that Internet is empowering Indian
political environment as basic components of the women with easy access to information and helping them
construct. Empowerment is a process of transition from to make more informed decisions in their day-to-day
a state of powerlessness to a state of relative control life. According to a report released in June 2013, titled
over one’s life, destiny and a critical understanding of “Women and Web Study”, out of total 150 million
their environment. This transition can manifest itself in Internet users in India, more than 60 million women use
an improvement not only in the perceived ability to Internet to manage their day to day life. Furthermore,
control but also in the actual ability to control. Thus, the smart phone affordability has further allowed
empowerment is a transition from the passive situation women an easy access to Internet and Social Media.
to a more active situation of control. It is part of the SOCIAL MEDIA- A SOCIOLOGICAL
realization of one’s humanity, as a person who is ANALYSIS
powerless with regard to one’s life and environment is In sociological context, if we try to understand
not realizing one’s innate human potential. Since the the social media, then what is important for a sociologist
sources of powerlessness are rooted in social processes is edition of the ‘social’ term with media. New
that disempowered entire populations. Thus, the technological advancements have divided media into
empowerment process aims to influence the oppressed two parts; one is which now we call traditional/mass
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e-ISSN : 2347 - 9671, p- ISSN : 2349 - 0187 Dr.Ranjay Vardhan
media and other is contemporary media that is social/ ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN
new media. Both types of media are present in EMPOWERING WOMEN
contemporary society; both are social in nature as both Social media is emerging as an alternative media
are produced by the society, circulate information or as a platform to share and raise the voice of women
knowledge about the society, to the people of society. when their voice is restricted. People are joining Cyber-
Having said that, contemporary media or it can be said
hands to help women and share their voices in each and
‘new media’ is more social in nature than the traditional
every protest. The subject of empowering women is now
media. Simply it is because of monologues nature of
being linked to social media as it is emerging as a
traditional media and dialogues nature of social media.
powerful tool for awareness and action. Empowerment
To understand sociologically social media,
of women is necessary for a bright future of the women,
primarily we must know the meaning of ‘social’. It means
family, society and country so as to make them take
living in company of others, group life, commonness,
their own decisions for personal growth. For a long time
sharing, cooperation, opinion-knowledge-services-
voice of women is restricted and it can be made loud by
goods-ideas-information exchange, positive social
way of social media. Social media is the latest
learning (functional perspective); on the other hand,
technological tool for Economic Empowerment of
conflict of ideas, opinions, and abuse of power (power
Women. The concept of entrepreneurship has helped
to write anything, using this fast communication medium
women to get rid of the tag of being a burden on others
for anti-human, anti-nationalist, anti-religious,
economically. Online presence in social media is
activities), to create fear among people (Videos posted
providing women with new freedom, independence and
by terrorists on YouTube, Tweets on Tweeter etc),
control, liberty, and empowerment like never before. It
abuse of available information (Fake profile, misuse of
helps them to try things that were impossible in the real
photos), negative social learning etc (conflict
scenario. Social networking offers more of an
perspective). Society has everything; it is ever-changing
opportunity to network and get to know people and
complex web of relationships.
places. Women can no more be lost. Nor does she have
Media become social media when internet
to depend on others to carry out her requirements. Social
technology is combined with computers, tabs and smart
Media is posing questions and answering questions
phones these days. These two technologies have
that could raise and suggests solutions for every search
connected the whole world irrespective of time and
of hers. It can really turnout to be a friend indeed that
space. Internet based all platforms are like ‘online
gives her both intellectual and emotional company
society’ or we might call it ‘cyber society’ as it has all
without having to lose her identity. The more women
the features, functions and dysfunction similar to actual
use social media, the more she will benefit from it as
society. Internet provides different kinds of platforms
well. Social media helps women to master with friends,
for communication like actual society provide different
followers and connections all over the country or even
kinds of communication; online office like actual office,
the world. She may start to like, tweet, share, follow be
online buying and selling like actual buying and selling,
linked to a new sort of Technological empowerment and
online relations with known and with strangers
sometimes with actual feeling, sentiments and sometimes
just time pass, exchange of knowledge, experience, ideas, BENEFITS OF SOCIAL MEDIA
socialization, like actual society provide knowledge Social media is comparatively less expensive
through schools, colleges, by elders etc, online and easy for training, recruitment, and organization than
teachings of disciplines, cooking, dancing, games etc traditional methods. Various studies have shown that
like we take in real society lessons of cooking, dancing, people who are active online are likely to be active in
play games with friends and sometimes with unknowns, group activities such as creating an online group for
in online society personal communication is possible any cause, sharing their voices. It enables individuals
through e-mails, personal face-to-face communication to share them with friends, to see how many others share
is possible through Viber like it happens in actual society, their perspective and to coordinate activity and get the
along with private chats online society has public chats word out about protests, social issues.
also like on tweeter, group chat similar to public spheres Social Media and Internet Impact as
of real society, in online society people cheat others, seen for Women Empowerment:
misuse of information, conflicts of opinion, ideas, misuse After the infamous 16th December Delhi gang
of power takes place similar to actual society. rape incident, within two days Facebook group “Delhi
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EPRA International Journal of Economic and Business Review| SJIF Impact Factor(2016) : 6.484
for Women’s Safety’ was created which received 1.75 owned businesses is growing along with increase in
lakh likes and many other such groups were created. their standard of living, motivation, attitude and self-
Such groups on social media attracted public attention confidence, and ensures independence - a liberty of new
and created platform both for women justice and women form. Social media is becoming a women’s info guide
empowerment at global level. Social Media has become and empowering tool.
so powerful today that in the face of such incidents Internet along with Social Media has come up
social media becomes the voice of people. Everyone as a new form of media which has expanded dramatically
starts sharing, tweeting, #hashtaging their views, rage over the past decade in India. There are websites that
and demand for justice on social media; in order to do focus on women empowerment, covering diverse
so they often even change their profile pictures with spheres such as health, knowledge, lifestyle, education
campaign picture to show their absolute support, as in and more. With such power of Social Media, today it is
the Delhi Gang Rape case, a simple black dot with a easily possible to find any information related to women
white background was seen as a profile picture empowerment. When any incident happens, social media
throughout social media and also on Whatsapp. This becomes a faster media that helps people from round
Incident got so much social media attention, that the world to participate and show their concern and
Government of India was forced to take strict actions sympathy towards such incidents. Governments across
against the culprits, passing a more powerful law to the world had to take action against such incidents
prevent such incident in future. Social media has proven when everywhere people condemned such happenings.
potential for mobilising attention and accountability to Awareness and outburst such as this could only occur
women’s rights, and challenging discrimination and with the existence of both Internet and Social Media.
stereotypes. Social media has proved to be a powerful Women are now also getting more knowledge about
vehicle for bringing women’s rights issues to the their rights and powers that every woman in a society
attention of a wider public, galvanising action on the holds, with equal rights as men in every respect. All
streets of cities around the world and encouraging policy these positive changes are now triggered to only
makers to step up commitments to gender equality. The increase their pace with time due to Internet and Social
explosion of social media and unprecedented use by Media. However, cybercrime is creating hurdles in
women of new technologies represents important women empowerment and they are not able to fully utilize
opportunities to bring gender equality and women’s the benefits of IT revolution.
rights issues to the forefront of both policy making and Cyber crime
media attention. Cyber crime is a global phenomenon. With the
Celestine Lugaye Ukpere and Andre D. advent of technology, cyber crime and victimization of
Slabbert (2014) found that Social Media has taken over women are on the high and it poses as a major threat to
the dwindling circulation of traditional media such as the security of a person as a whole. Even though India
television, radio, newspapers and magazines. The is one of the very few countries to enact IT Act 2000 to
practice of surfing the web 2.0 to obtain real time combat cyber crimes, issues regarding women still
information instantly, has led to the rise of an ever more remain untouched in this Act. The said Act has termed
connected infrastructure atmosphere globally. E certain offences as hacking, publishing of obscene
commerce is flourishing with the help of digital materials in the net, tampering the data as punishable
marketing. The study of Social Media Platforms and their offences. But the grave threat to the security of women
impact in unlocking the financial success of the women in general is not covered fully by this Act. Amongst the
entrepreneurs globally has been widely observed and various cyber-crimes committed against individuals and
quite vital to the new generation of gender based society at large, crimes that are specifically targeting
ventures that are digitally driven through the use of women are such as Cyber-stalking, Harassment via e-
technology. This is leading to a new revolution of women mails, Cyber Bullying, Morphing, Email spoofing and
job seekers becoming job creators and curators. Uma Cyber Defamation. While Cyber Stalking affects both
Rani and Sripriya (2013) stated that Entrepreneurship men and women, women are disproportionately targets,
has changed the way of commerce by adding creativity. especially of age group of 16-35, who are stalked by
Social Media plays the significant role in creating such men. It is believed that Over 75% of the victims are female.
opportunities. The study of women entrepreneurs in An astonishing one in twelve women and one in forty-
Kancheepuram District showed that the growth of female five men will be stalked in their lifetimes. Cyber bullying
www.eprawisdom.com Volume - 5, Issue- 8, August 2017 120
e-ISSN : 2347 - 9671, p- ISSN : 2349 - 0187 Dr.Ranjay Vardhan
is a typical type of online harassment, which can be for social transformation favourable to empowerment of
defined as hurling harsh, rude, insulting, teasing remarks women. Likewise, alternative media and other positive
through the message box or in open forums targeting approaches need to harness to bridge the age old gender
one’s body shape and structure, educational divide issues in India to achieve the rightful share of
qualifications, professional qualifications, family, gender women and their empowerments in most optimal way.
orientation, personal habits and outlook. Harassment The paper likes to conclude that though social media is
through e-mails is not a new concept. It is very similar contributing to women empowerment but there is virtual
to harassing through letters. Harassment includes gender gap due to lack of literacy, cybercrime, cyber-
blackmailing, threatening, bullying, and even cheating bullying, etc. and women are not able to fully utilize the
via email. E-harassments are similar to the letter new space. The paper recommends that there is need to
harassment but creates problem quite often when posted train women to make greater use of information
from fake ids. Cyber pornography is the other threat to technology for communication and the media and
the women which include pornographic websites; ensuring equal access to and use of new technologies
pornographic magazines produced using computers (to is critical for maximising social media’s advocacy role
publish and print the material) and the Internet (to for women empowerment.
download and transmit pornographic pictures, photos, REFERENCES
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