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Students perception towards social media – with special reference to Management Students of Bhopal Madhya Pradesh
taking help of social media for promotion of their products Figure 1 Description of how long social media used by
and this trend in increasing now a day. Male and Female Students
Roughly how long have you been using social
Need for the study/ Problem identification networking sites?
It is being observed by author that usage of social media has
played a pivotal role in people’s life. Gone are the days when 14 12
people tolerate misconduct against them whether politically, 11
12 10
socially and economically now things are different people 10 7 7 7
empowered by social media. People are more connected with 8 5
the people, making friends, informed, educated, alert, and 6 Male
aware even they have the urge to stand up against the system, Female
the reason behind all these changes is social media but there 0
are limitations associated with social media related to privacy, Less 1-6 1-2 6-12 2-4
wastage of time, more reliance on internet and loss of than a monthsyears
months years
emotional bonding in relations. Therefore there is a need to month
study the effect of social media on people’s social life and
how social media’s contribution towards social development
of people. Figure 1 describes the duration of using social media as
per the information given in the chart 23% respondents
Objectives of the study using social media since 2-4 years and 28% from 6-12
To design and standardize the measures to evaluate the months. 18% using since 1-2 year only 12% using since
effectiveness of social media amongst Management last month and 19% since 1-6 month. Therefore we can
students say that maximum part of population is using social
To study the difference of opinion among male and female media since many years. Chart shows there is no big
management students towards usage of social media. difference in the duration of usage of social media in
To study the difference of opinion between male and female male and female students.
Management students towards time duration on social
media. Table 1 Chi Square test
To study the difference different purposes for using social
O E (O-E)^2/E
5 6 0.16666667
Hypothesis of the study 7 9.5 0.65789474
31 www.ijeas.org
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-1, January 2015
Figure 2 Description of how many hours a week social Figure 3 the purpose of attraction towards social
media used by Male and Female Students networking sites
Roughly how many hours a week do you
spend on social networking sites?
20 17
15 11
10 8 77 Male
5 23 Female
0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-24
hours hours hours hours hours
Figure 2 describes the hours spend on social media in a Figure 3 describes the purpose of attraction towards
week , as per the information given in the chart 25% social networking sites, as per the information given in
respondents using social media 0-5 hours in a day and the figure 20% respondents using social media for
37% using 6-10 hours in a day, 19% using 11-19 hours a expanding their social circle, 21% using social media for
day only 14% using 16-20 hours a day and 5% using job searching, maximum 28% using social media for
21-24 hours. Therefore we can say that maximum part of chatting with friends, 25% using for gaming and other
population 62% is using social media 0-10 hours a day. entertainment purpose, very few only 6% using for
Chart shows that there is no big difference in the hours blogging. Therefore we can say that maximum attraction
spends in a day on social media in male and female point for male students is expending social circle, blogging
students. and gaming that is 11%, 5% and 13% and for female
students is Jobs, chatting with friends that is 12% and
Table 2 Chi square test 16%.
O E (O-E)^2/E
10 12.5 0.5 Table 3 Chi square test
O E (O-E)^2/E
20 18.5 0.12162162
11 10 0.1
11 9.5 0.23684211
9 10.5 0.21428571
7 7 0
5 3 1.33333333
2 2.5 0.1 12 14 0.28571429
15 12.5 0.5 13 12.5 0.02
17 18.5 0.12162162 9 10 0.1
8 9.5 0.23684211 12 10.5 0.21428571
7 7 0 1 3 1.33333333
3 2.5 0.1 16 14 0.28571429
12 12.5 0.02
TOTAL 1.91692745
TOTAL 3.90666667
From table 2 the calculated value of chi square at 5% From table 3 the calculated value of chi square at 5% significance
significance level and DF=4 is 1.916 and table value is level and DF=4 is 3.906 and table value is 9.488. the calculated
9.488. the calculated value comes under the acceptance value comes under the acceptance region of normality curve
region of normality curve therefore the null hypothesis therefore the null hypothesis that the Gender doesn’t has
that the Gender doesn’t has significant effect on hours significant effect on purpose states for using social media is
spend in a day on social media is accepted and alternate accepted and alternate hypothesis that the Gender has significant
effect on purpose states for using social media is not accepted. So
hypothesis that the Gender has significant effect on hours
there is no difference seen in male and female students for how
spend in a day on social media is not accepted. So there is many hours they spend on social media in a day. The descriptive
no difference seen in male and female students for how analysis in figure 3 shows there is difference in purpose of using
many hours they spend on social media in a day. The social media between male and female but statistical analysis
descriptive analysis in figure 2 shows there is difference proved that the difference is not significant. Hence both male and
in duration of using social media between male and female using social media for expending social circle, chatting with
female but statistical analysis proved that the difference is friends , Gaming, Jobs and blogging but maximum population
not significant. using social media for entertainment like chatting with friends and
gaming that is 28% and 25% only 20% and 21% using for
H3: Gender has significant effect on purpose of attraction expending social circle and jobs.
towards social media
32 www.ijeas.org
Students perception towards social media – with special reference to Management Students of Bhopal Madhya Pradesh
Table 4 Student’s response sheet information through social media is very fast only 15% were
R. Statements Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly not agreed and 5% don’t have any idea. 84% respondents
No Disagree Agree agree that sharing personal information is very risky only 4%
1 My personal 25 21 10 24 20
information were not agree with this statement and 12% respondents were
keep secure neutral about it. 57% respondents think that using social
while using
SNS media is wastage of time but 31% don’t think so. 62%
2 I find 12 15 15 22 36 respondents think that using social media lack physical
about various
interaction but 23% don’t think so.
social clubs
3 Flow of 5 10 5 24 56 II. CONCLUSION
information is
very fast The present study is based on the Management students of
through SNS
4 Sharing 0 4 12 26 58
Bhopal city. On the basis of primary data collection its being
personal proved that gender don’t have any effect on the duration of
on SNS is
using social media therefore both male and female students
risky using social media since long time. There is no difference
5 I feel 14 17 12 32 25 exist in male and female on time spend on social media both
through SNS the gender equally using social media the majority of
is wastage of respondents using social media (62% ) 5-10 hours in a day.
6 Lack of 8 15 15 26
Students were using social media for many purposes like
physical blogging, chatting, jobs, Expending social circle and Gaming
interaction purpose majority of respondents 53% was using for chatting
with people
due to SNS and gaming purpose chi square result shows that there is no
7 I feel irritated 10 17 24 24 25 difference exist between male and female students for purpose
of using social media very few students 20% was using social
using SNS media for expanding social circle. Table 4 describe the
8 I feel changes 15 20 14 25 26 opinion of students towards social media and shows that
in my
behavior from majority of respondents thought that social media will not
normal due to keep information secure (46%) so they don’t want to share
Social media
9 I am not able 10 12 15 25 38
personal information on social media. 56% respondents think
to spend more that social media is the best way to get attached with various
time with social club so we can use social media to develop social reach
family due to
SNS but 27% were disagree with the statement. 84% students were
10 Lack of trust 7 15 15 21 42 agree with the statement that sharing personal information is
on people
interacted risky on social media. 57% think that using social media is just
through SNS a wastage of time but 31% in favor of using social media. 61%
respondents agree that by using social media they couldn’t
Figure 4 Descriptive views of management students physically interact with the people but 23% disagree with the
towards social media statement and 16% cannot say anything therefore we can
conclude that social media is a fast medium to interact with
56 58 people and help to interact with the peoples in the society so it
will help the students to develop them socially in spite of that
50 42 students were thinking that using social media for a long
36 36 38
40 32 duration is just a wastage of time and it is not reliable for
25 24 26 25 26 242425 2526 25
30 22 24 sharing personal information on social media, It also proved
21 20
17 17
20 21 Hig
20 1515 1412 1515 1514 15 1515 from the study that the purpose of visiting social media is just
10 12 10 12 10 1012 hly
8 7
10 5 5 4 dis limited towards Chatting with friends and gaming so it is used
agr as entertainment medium not advisable to used as a job search
I feel changes in my behavior from normal due
I find information about various social clubs
My personal information keep secure while
due to SNS
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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-1, January 2015
Bhuvanesh Kumar Sharma Member of Editorial Board of Journal Club for Management
C/O Mr. Vinod Mishra Studies (JCMS) - An International Peer reviewed open Access
H. No 51C, Sec- E, Patel nagar, raisen road, Bhopal journal since September 2014.
Contact:+91-9329044051;7581051703 Seminar Convener for AICTE Approved upcoming seminar on
Date of Birth: 30th MAY 1986 “Evolving Management Strategies for India’s Economic
Growth” which will be held on 18th & 19th December 2014.
Workshop Coordinator of Two days Research methodology
ASPIRING ACADEMIC PROFESSIONAL workshop on “Statistical application for Research in
Keen to have a challenging and performance oriented career as an Assistant Management” at Oriental College of Management, Bhopal
Professor/Lecturer with an organization of distinction which recognizes my Resource person of Two days Research methodology workshop
true potential and provides me sufficient avenues for professional growth on “Statistical application for Research in Management” at
Oriental College of Management, Bhopal delivered lecture on
PROFILE SUMMARY Reliability and Validity by using SPSS 20.0 software.
Qualified PhD Entrance 2014 conducted by Jiwaji University Chairman of Seminar committee in Oriental College of
Gwalior Pursuing Course work under the Guidance of Dr. K.S. Management, Bhopal
Sharma, Professor Commerce, Vijayaraje Girls College Morar, Coordinator in “National seminar on FDI in Indian Retail
Gwalior on The topic of “ Effect of Social Networking Marketing on Sector” as repporteur and Head of News and Publicity committee
Customer Purchase intention-with respect to Sports Companies” in BVM College of Management Education, Gwalior
Competent and diligent individual completed MBA from Jiwaji Attended four days Research methodology workshop in Prestige
University, Gwalior (M.P.); possess zeal to make a mark in the industry Institute of Management, Gwalior
and to further organization’s objectives and goals within timelines. Attended one week workshop on research methodology on the
Possess knowledge of various subjects, sound understanding & skill title of “Data Analysis and Application of SPSS in
related to management of conducting classes as per curriculum Management research” in IPS College of Technology and
requirements. Management Gwalior.
Project guide in various projects for MBA students. Attended five days Faculty development programme (FDP) on
Member of the Registration Team during various online exams held on Demand chain Management at IIITM, Gwalior.
the center including CMAT/GPAT. Participated in National Level Seminar on “Talent acquisition
Self-motivated, hardworking and goal-oriented with a high degree of and knowledge Management in present economic trends” in
flexibility, creativity, resourcefulness, commitment and optimism. IIITM, Gwalior.
Participate in three days’ workshop on Developing
Employability Skills by UNICON CONSULTANT at IPS
College of Tech and Mgmt, Gwalior.
Since November, 2013 to till date with Oriental College of Management,
Attended one day workshop on application of SPSS in research at
Bhopal as a capacity of Assistant Professor
IPS College in May 2010
NCC “A” Certificate.
Sep, 2011 to November 2013 with BVM College of Management Head of Public Relation committee in BVM College, Gwalior.
Education, Gwalior as a Capacity of Assistant Professor. Coordinator of Management Classes and various Cultural and
Academic committees in BVM College, Gwalior.
Roles and responsibility in Academics Member of Training and Placement Department in BVM
Teaching Theory courses as assigned by the Principal/HOD of the College Gwalior.
College Chairman of Workshop committee
Evaluate student performance through quizzes, class tests, Member of Admission committee
examinations, supplementary examinations etc. Member of Discipline committee
Prepare question papers, grade answer scripts and invigilate during
examination time.
Guide student projects at UG and PG levels, help them with reports, EDUCATIONAL CREDENTIALS
review articles, research papers etc. 2010 : MBA (MARKETING) from IPS College of Technology and
Counsel students on their academic as well as non academic problems Management, Gwalior (77%)
Contribute in House Journal. Coordinate and participate in Industrial 2008 : B. Pharmacy from Jiwaji University, Gwalior (75%)
/field Visit for the students 2002 : First Class (84%) Senior Secondary from School of Excellence
Supervise summer internship and visit the companies/students during No-1 Morar, Gwalior, M.P.
the internship, if require 2000 : First Class (70%) Matriculation from School of Excellence No-1
Organize and supervise seminars for students
Morar, Gwalior, M.P.
Attend Short courses, seminars, conferences, workshop to improve
own skills and /or present papers
Organize conferences, workshops, short courses in areas of own TECHNICAL SKILLS
expertise Ms Office, SPSS 16.0, SPSS 20.0
Interact with industry, seek consultancy projects and undertake
consulting assignments
Assist Continuing education program by offering special lectures or
designing and conducting short courses etc PUBLICATIONS
Implement new policies, procedures etc. for improving academic 12 (9 National & 3 International)
Perform Academic Administration Jobs such as Program/Class
Coordinator, Course Coordinator, etc as and when assigned. PERSONAL DETAIL
Worked closely with student development and coordinate the projects of FATHER’S NAME : Shri R. P. Sharma
students that are the part of college curriculum. MOTHER’S NAME : Mrs. Badami Devi Sharma
Responsible for various promotional and publicity events. MARRITAL STATUS : Married
DOB : MAY 30, 1986
AREA OF INTEREST ADDRESS (P) : 135/86, Nitin Nagar near Kuber Ashram, Thatipur,
Research Methodology, Marketing Management, Business Environment,
Advertisement and sales management, strategic management and business
policy, Rural and Agricultural marketing, Total Quality Management, LANGUAGE KNOWN : Hindi, English
Managerial economics
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