Diamond Known Issues

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Lattice Software Known Issues

September 2017
Copyright © 2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved. This
document may not, in whole or part, be reproduced, modified, distributed, or publicly
displayed without prior written consent from Lattice Semiconductor Corporation

All Lattice trademarks are as listed at www.latticesemi.com/legal. Synopsys and
Synplify Pro are trademarks of Synopsys, Inc. Aldec and Active-HDL are trademarks
of Aldec, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Lattice may make changes to these materials, specifications, or information, or to the

products described herein, at any time without notice. Lattice makes no commitment to
update this documentation. Lattice reserves the right to discontinue any product or
service without notice and assumes no obligation to correct any errors contained
herein or to advise any user of this document of any correction if such be made. Lattice
recommends its customers obtain the latest version of the relevant information to
establish that the information being relied upon is current and before ordering any

2 Lattice Software Known Issues

Type Conventions Used in This Document
Convention Meaning or Use

Bold Items in the user interface that you select or click. Text that you type
into the user interface.

<Italic> Variables in commands, code syntax, and path names.

Ctrl+L Press the two keys at the same time.

Courier Code examples. Messages, reports, and prompts from the software.

... Omitted material in a line of code.

. Omitted lines in code and report examples.

[ ] Optional items in syntax descriptions. In bus specifications, the

brackets are required.
( ) Grouped items in syntax descriptions.
{ } Repeatable items in syntax descriptions.

| A choice between items in syntax descriptions.

Lattice Software Known Issues 3

4 Lattice Software Known Issues

Chapter 1 Lattice Diamond 13

Design Entry 13
I/O Power or Total Power does not change with INBUF On or Off 13
FSM Gray encoding may cause issues with LSE Synthesis 14
CrossLink LVCMOS3.3 IO may report error that design does not meet
300Mhz requirement for pixel clock port 14
SG-DMA v3.1 and Tri-Speed Ethernet MAC v4.1 do not meet target
fMAX 14
Synplify replicates certain control signals for timing improvement, which
causes MAP failure (LatticeECP3) 15
IPs CPRI v5.2 (LatticeECP3) and Tri-Speed Ethernet MAC v4.1
(MachXP2) cause errors during synthesis 15
Lattice Synthesis Engine (LSE) may have lower fMAX on synthesis of
IPs 15
PERIOD constraint set by Lattice Synthesis Engine LPF may over-write
FREQUENCY constraint set by user LPF 15
Diamond Project Navigator does not stop process flow when SBX files
are set to a different synthesis tool 16
Global FSM Binary encoding does not work in Lattice Synthesis
Engine 16
Clock placed in Clarity generated without buffer 16
Clarity cannot reconfigure a module 17
Device Selector shows 8 EBR for MachXO3L 640 and 1300 17
LDC Editor may cause errors in SDC files 17
Platform Designer rejects multiple hot swap components on an ASC 18
PAR fails with missing ECLKBRIDGE in ECP5 18
Platform Designer displays Current Monitor trip points that are
inconsistent with the datasheet 18
Diamond erroneously issues TRACE report warning for PGROUP 19
Signal groups are not supported in the Platform Designer Generate
Stimulus dialog box 19
Cannot generate schematic symbol 19
Cannot shorten multiple wires by dragging in the Schematic Editor 20

Lattice Software Known Issues 5


Some bus attribute settings in Schematic Editor may cause an error or get
lost 20
Cannot select multiple areas of wires in Schematic Editor 20
Dragging wire end in the Schematic Editor does not change wire length or
direction 21
Schematic components are deselected after being dragged or
moved 21
Schematic Editor limitation on deselecting components 21
IPExpress 21
Missing feature in PMI FIFO modules for VHDL 21
Some CrossLink Soft IPs will fail during implementation if missing DCS
Initialization file 22
Some Intellectual Property (IP) modules may not meet targeted timing on
LatticeECP3 or LatticeXP2 devices 22
Median Filter IP cannot install 23
Some Intellectual Property (IP) modules may not meet targeted timing on
LatticeECP3 or LatticeXP2 devices 23
MULT module has lower bits tied low after programming LatticeECP3 23
PLL has Fractional-N Divider of 1 instead of 0 24
Process view is not cleared when a module is regenerated 24
Calculate button for PLL produces wrong values 25
Incorrect delay times for DDR modules for MachXO2 25
Simulation 25
Fails on missing GENERIC statement in OSCH 25
Simulation fails on incorrect PMI headers 25
Errors occur in ecp5um_serdes.ibs file at some pin declarations 26
The MachXO2 SEDFA simulation model does not contain timing
requirements for the signal SEDFRCERR 27
Active-HDL LEII allows only one design to be simulated at a time even
with a multi-seat license 27
Simulation Wizard ignores RTL file modifications that change the top-
level 28
VHDL package files are not sent to the simulator from Simulation Wizard
in some cases 28
Active-HDL 8.2 may issue compilation warnings after using Simulation
Wizard 28
Aldec Active-HDL may return error when .sdf file is located in simulation
project folder 29
Verilog front-end simulation module compilation fails using Aldec Active-
HDL 29
After upgrade, Active-HDL cannot open configuration 30
On Windows 7 when launching the Simulation Project File (SPF) in
Diamond, the Simulation Wizard’s Add Source page does not update
properly 31
Preference Views 32
Spreadsheet View takes a long time to open 32
There is no DRC check on the Clock Jitter value entered 32
Global preference sheet erroneously shows "DISABLE" for
PAR-assigned pins cannot be cross-probed from Spreadsheet View 33
Selected nets in NCD View do not get added to the Create New UGROUP
dialog box 33

6 Lattice Software Known Issues


Selected nets in Netlist View do not get added to the Create New
UGROUP dialog box 33
Regions and groups in Physical View are not displayed in the colors
assigned to them 34
Physical View does not match delay path colors or allow custom
colors 34
Synthesis 34
Lattice Synthesis Engine may have long run-times in certain designs 34
Synplify Pro can stop working in certain cases 34
LSE fails on IP for Platform Manager 2 35
LSE does not process input_delay and output_delay constraints
properly 35
Synthesis fails with schematic file on Windows 8 35
Design with DDR_GENERIC fails in synthesis 36
Defaults in Diamond strategies are different from Synplify Pro itself 36
LSE does not convert gated clocks driving distributed RAM primitives 36
Synplify Pro for Lattice fails to produce _prepass.srd file 36
After synthesis with Synplify Pro, port or net names are changed 37
Synthesis warns that EBR CSDECODE property should be binary 37
The last EDIF source in the source file list is automatically treated as the
top module 37
Implementation Flow 38
PAR TRACE Report does not include frequency tolerance 38
Diamond crashes during Translate Design after setting constraints with
Spreadsheet View 38
PAR report shows placement score values that vary greatly between
phases 39
PAR report shows placement score values that vary greatly between
phases 39
PAR report does not show placement results sorted by timing score 40
Preference semantic errors reported during design implementation 40
Implementation succeeds despite missing EDIF source file 40
PAR may fail to place PIO PGROUP if clock PIO driver is assigned to the
same bank 41
Map says to set SHAREDEBRINIT=ENABLE but it already is 41
If more than one EBR has the same INIT, data will be shared if at least
one EBR sets INIT_DATA to STATIC and others to
Map says WISHBONE clock frequency of EFB module can be up to 166
MHz 42
Map changes DEV_DENSITY incorrectly for U devices 42
IO Timing Report and Trace Report numbers do not match when using
MachXO2 design issues PAR warnings for PLL clocks that do not match
their divider settings 43
TRACE reports errant clock speed that exceeds target specifications for
GDDRX1 designs 43
Default PCICLAMP setting in Spreadsheet View produces illegal
combination error 44
Configuration data not fully loaded into EBR from UFM 44
Components within a wide LUT have different PGROUP settings 45
Map Design fails on Linux 64-bit Red Hat 4 machine 45

Lattice Software Known Issues 7


Design fails in Translate Design with errors about undefined modules or

cannot open file 46
Slave Chip Select pins of MachXO2 are not reserved 46
Map does not report an error condition for MULTICYCLE constraint
containing net with invalid name 46
“Invalid LPF_RESISTOR value” error from MAP process 47
CONFIG_SECURE attribute in VHDL gets ignored by PAR 47
Error message for MCCLK preference 48
Netlist Analyzer 48
Netlist Analyzer Will Not Display HDL Source Files When a Reveal
Module is Inserted in the Design 48
Timing Analysis 48
Unconstrained-path sequence causes cross-probing error in Timing
Analysis View 48
In Linux, a memory fault error occurs when exiting Diamond right after
closing Timing Analysis view 49
When cross-probing a timing path from the Timing Analysis view's Path
Table to a report, it fails to display the corresponding path 49
In Timing Analysis view, unnecessary PGROUP preferences found in the
TPF file result in warning messages 49
The Timing Analysis view does not display a path in the view that should
appear in the Path Table 50
Power Calculator 51
Power Calculator “Catch unknown exception” error causes Diamond to
hang 51
Power Calculator shows incorrect PLL information when TWR file is
used 51
Routed design with SERDES shows incorrect channels in Power
Calculator 51
Power Calculator underestimates power for some LVCMOS I/O 52
Power Calculator over-estimates power for MachXO2 52
Programming 53
External Memory non-Support for Advanced SPI Flash 53
Error message “FTD2XX.dll is missing” 53
Support for protecting golden image of STMicro SPI flash 53
Deployment Tool crashes when generating CrossLink Bitstream file 53
SPI Flash Programming issues when using RHEL 7.2 O/S 54
Quad SPI configuration does not function for LatticeECP5 using Spansion
Flash FL164KIF01 54
Programmer can take a long time to detect USB cable when using Linux
RedHat 7 OS 54
Programmer unable to program using I2C for USB 3.0 Pre Windows
8 54
STAPL file generation for POWR1014A has missing functions 55
Enhancement to STAPL file for multiple actions 55
Diamond programmer iCE missing CRC and WAKEUP in file Read and
Save 55
OTP (One Time Program) feature support for XO3L 55
Programmer GUI Enhancements 55
Cable Server issue detecting device in Reveal 56
“Slave SPI SEI Fast Program” programming operation fails 56
Generating .sea and .sed files for MachXO2 using Deployment Tool can
cause an error 56

8 Lattice Software Known Issues


Deployment Tool generates incorrect STAPL file for Erase,Program,Verify

operation 56
Deployment Tool displays an error when generating an application
specific BSDL file for ispMACH4KZE 57
Diamond Programmer MachXO2 erase times need to be changed 57
Issues with I2C Slave Address when using Security Program Feature
Rows 57
Diamond Programmer gives an error for MachXO3 BSDL files 58
XFLASH Erase,Program,Verify,Feature and TransFR operation has been
added for MachXO2 and MachXO3 devices 58
Diamond Programmer iCE40 Read and Save CRAM Block 3 may shift by
a bit 58
Data File Size of SPI Flash device resets to zero 59
Clicking Load from File resets verification file 59
Programing status is not updated when programming a chain of
devices 59
SVF-Flash Refresh option fails to generate the SVF File if the Rev-D
Standard was selected 59
Programmer does not save the file name in the XCF file when a different
JEDEC file is selected 59
Programmer changes the selected operation to the default operation 60
Model 300 reports an error when programming a LatticeXP2 with an
encrypted JEDEC file 60
Programmer reports an error message when creating an XCF file from
Diamond 60
Diamond Programmer incorrectly generates error message for XO3L-
4300C JEDEC file 60
Programmer fails to load USB driver for the HW-USB-2A USB cable on
Windows 8.1 61
Diamond Programmer command line reports “Cannot connect to X
Server” on Linux 61
Not able to program a chain of MachXO3L devices in Turbo mode 61
Embedded I2C files generated from Diamond Deployment Tool fails for
Verify CFG 61
Reveal Hardware Debug 62
Reveal Analyzer fails to open on Windows 8 62
Reveal Analyzer crashes when scanning devices 62
Reveal triggers wrong with 3 trigger units and Max Sequence Depth of
4 62
Reveal Inserter fails to link a signal 62
Recently used platforms do not appear in the Open Platform list 63
Other Topics 63
In Lattice Diamond Tutorial, User Needs to Manually Open Hierarchy
View 63
Hysteresis is not set for the LVTLL33 IO_TYPE 63
EPIC Help does not display in Firefox 64
VME file missing USERCODE verification opcode 64
Tutorials require “Diamond Free License - For Versa Kit Only” for users of
free Diamond software 64
EPIC DRC returns incorrect number of errors and warnings 65
Maximum number of MachXO2 user I/Os differs from the number shown
in Diamond 65
Process view not updated after changing source file list 65

Lattice Software Known Issues 9


Incremental Design Flow can fail if design exceeds unmatched

component threshold and contains XSIOLOGIC 66
ECO Editor signal probe displayed incorrectly 66
Incremental Design Flow may not recognize anchor and bounding
box 66
Error messages appear when memory is initialized to all 1s 67
Four ispLeverDSP blocks generate compare errors in Matlab/Simulink
7.5.0 (2007b) 67
The ispLeverDSP Viterbi Decoder 4.5 will not generate in Matlab/Simulink
7.5.0 (2007b) 68
Status icons in Reports view do not indicate when Tool Reports need
updating 68
VCS cannot find EFB module 68
Universal File Writer for Linux does not display all of the valid file
types 69
Help does not work in Google Chrome browser 69
Cannot change column widths in Hierarchy view 70
Generate Hierarchy does not expand all the files 70
Files modified by another application may not get saved in Diamond 70
Error running BKM check to validate VCD files 70
Predefined parameters set in the HDL Parameters section of the Project
Properties dialog cannot be handled when generating hierarchy 71
Download of a software update does not work 72
Wrong file extension shown in “Managing Project Sources” help topic 72
Double-clicking .ldf cannot invoke Diamond on some Windows
computers 72
HDL Diagram cannot display hierarchy correctly for some pure EDIF
designs 73
HDL Diagram cannot display hierarchy correctly for some VHDL/EDIF
designs 73
Removing an implementation from Diamond does not delete the result
files from the implementation directory 73
ispLeverDSP cannot work properly due to the missing search path 74

Chapter 2 Other Lattice Software 75

ispLEVER Classic 75
Timing simulation has potential race and hazard issue 75
UAC dialog will display with multiple schematic designs 76
Timing Analysis View display status is incorrect after reloading 76
Constraint Editor does not reload design changes automatically 76
Pullup on global reset does not work 76
IO power guide (PG) property wrongly set to Enable 77
Wrong device package information for ispGAL22V10av-75LN shown in
Fitter Report and Jedec File 77
Some signals in sub-modules cannot be viewed in the Active-HDL
waveform editor 77
Some mature products are not supported by ispLEVER Classic 78
Functional simulation result incorrect in Lattice Logic Simulator 79
ORCA Series 3 shows in the Device Selector Dialog by error 79
ModelSim fails to simulate due to obsolete simulation library 79
EPIC allows LUT editing in “No-Logic-Changes” mode 80
Constraint Editor fails intermittently on Unix/Linux 80

10 Lattice Software Known Issues


ispLEVER Classic requires read-write permission on the folder defined in

PAC-Designer 81
PAC-Designer USB driver is not up-to-date with Windows 81
VHDL designs using mixed-case characters can cause error
messages 81
Platform Manager designs with a timer in the VHDL netlist always show
an “X” during simulation 81
Windows 7 does not associate .pac files with PAC-Designer 82
PlatformManager_10-12107_I2C_Utility doesn't work 82
.ini file in c:/lsc_env cannot be written using Windows 7 or Windows Vista
OS 82
VID Demo fails to compile when using VHDL entry 83
PAC-Designer does not support device downloading on Windows 7 83
PAC-Designer crashes when compiling a LogiBuilder design 83
PAC-Designer fails to export Jedec after compiling a LogiBuilder design in
ABEL mode 84
Spaces in PAC-Designer project path are not allowed 84
A Clock Frequency Hz radio button does not work in PAC-Designer 84
LatticeMico System 85
In LatticeMico System, FTDI Cable Server Requires Two Minutes to Enter
Debug Mode 85
EFB not enabled with MachXO3LF when creating a LatticeMico System
Builder platform 85
Debug Configuration operation may time-out over a slow Linux
network 85
LatticeMico Mutli-Memory deployment does not work under certain
conditions 86
Running LatticeMico32 Flash Deployment in Diamond 32-bit for Windows
may cause error 87
LatticeMico System SPE/Debug printf to console does not display 88
In LatticeMico System, the platform.mk file must be modified to work on
Linux 88
LatticeMico installation “splash screens” appear small on some Linux
systems 88
Items may be missing from dialog boxes on systems running Windows 7
64-bit OS 89
Address locking does not function for components with multiple Wishbone
slave ports 90
Cannot launch TCP2JTAGVC2 from command-line shell in Lattice Mico
System 90
“Failed to Load USB Driver” error in MSB if Diamond 1.2 is
uninstalled 90
Unable to open IPexpress from Lattice Mico System Builder on Linux 91
ispVM Sysem 92
USB2 cables do not work using RedHat 32-bit Linux OS 92
ORCAstra 92
ORCAstra fails when setting up the JTAG Hub interface 92

Lattice Software Known Issues 11


12 Lattice Software Known Issues

Chapter 1

Lattice Diamond

This section lists the known issues and workarounds of the Diamond
software. Descriptions include the software versions and devices affected. If
you are looking for a workaround to a problem, search for related terms
including the tool name or a word from an error message, or scan the
Contents. If you want issues for a certain version, search for the version
number. This will find issues affecting that version and issues fixed in that
version of the software.

Design Entry
I/O Power or Total Power does not change with
INBUF On or Off
For I/Os configured as output-only mode (with tristate control), or as unused I/
Os, the input buffer can be drawing current from VCCIO if not disabled (with
the INBUF option to be ON) in the Diamond software. The amount of current
depends on the voltage on the pin. If the voltage on the pin (when the output
is tri-stated, or the pin is unused) is not pulled up to VCCIO, or is pulled down
to GND, this input buffer current can be observed on VCCIO. The Power
Calculator does not include this current, and is calculated based on the
assumption that these inputs are pulled to either VCCIO or GND.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.10

Devices affected: MachXO2, MachXO3L/LF, ECP5U/UM/5G

Lattice Software Known Issues 13


FSM Gray encoding may cause issues with LSE

When synthesizing gray encoding style with LSE synthesis tool, an incorrect
state may be transitioned. To work around the issue a user can change the
active strategy as follows:
1. In Diamond, choose Project > Active Strategy > LSE Settings.
2. In the Strategies dialog box, set FSM Encoding Style value to Binary.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.9

Devices affected: LatticeXP2

CrossLink LVCMOS3.3 IO may report error that

design does not meet 300Mhz requirement for pixel
clock port
The CrossLInk datasheet recently increased the LVCMOS33 IO’s fMAX from
250 Mhz to 300 Mhz. Diamond v3.9 timing models have not been updated to
support this increase. If the user has a timing constraint for a LVCMOS33 IO
running higher than 250 Mhz, a timing violation will be reported by the timing
analysis tool. This violation can be ignored because all of the internal timing
will still be closed correctly by the tool. This issue will be addressed in a future
Diamond release.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.9

Devices affected: CrossLink

SG-DMA v3.1 and Tri-Speed Ethernet MAC v4.1 do

not meet target fMAX
Due to the packaging of the IPs only running PAR with 1 seed in the
evaluation project, a user may need to run the evaluation project in some IPs
including the above with more than 1 seed before Diamond will meet the
desired target frequency.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.9

Devices affected: All

14 Lattice Software Known Issues


Synplify replicates certain control signals for

timing improvement, which causes MAP failure
A workaround is to put a syn_keep attribute on the CE (clock enable) signal.
This defect is acknowledged by the vendor Synopsys which will provide a fix
by the next release of Diamond.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.9

Devices affected: LatticeECP3

IPs CPRI v5.2 (LatticeECP3) and Tri-Speed Ethernet

MAC v4.1 (MachXP2) cause errors during synthesis
When synthesizing the above IPs with Synplify or LSE, a user may run into
semantic errors in some IPs including the above such as unqualified net
names which may causes preferences to not be called. Such semantics must
be manually fixed until an updated packaged version of the IP is released.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.9

Devices affected: LatticeECP3, MachXP2

Lattice Synthesis Engine (LSE) may have lower

fMAX on synthesis of IPs
Some IPs in Diamond are optimized for Synplify and hence the fMAX
performance with LSE may be lower. Use Synplify as workaround.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.9

Devices affected: All

PERIOD constraint set by Lattice Synthesis Engine

LPF may over-write FREQUENCY constraint set by
user LPF
LSE always generates a logical preference file (LPF). This LPF is named as
<project name>_<implementation name>.lpf. This LPF is passed into MAP if
the “Use LPF Created from SDC in Project” strategy setting is set to TRUE.

If you see a clock in PERIOD constraint that was set in the LSE LPF and a
FREQUENCY constraint for the same clock set from the user LPF, then the
tool may pick up the unwanted PERIOD constraint from LSE. The workaround
is to write the user LPF with PERIOD on the affected clock net.

Lattice Software Known Issues 15


Versions affected: Diamond 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8

Devices affected: All devices supported by LSE

Diamond Project Navigator does not stop process

flow when SBX files are set to a different synthesis
If your project’s synthesis tool is set to Lattice Synthesis Engine (LSE), but the
Clarity Designer .sbx file was generated using Synplify Pro, then when
opening the file you will receive a message stating that all components need
to be reconfigured.

If there is a Clarity Designer .sbx file in your Diamond project, and if you
changed synthesis tool in the Diamond software, double-click the .sbx file to
open Clarity Designer, reconfigure all the modules, and regenerate the

Versions affected: Diamond 3.5, 3.6, 3.7

Devices affected: ECP5U

Global FSM Binary encoding does not work in

Lattice Synthesis Engine
LSE infers a finite state machine (FSM) coded in Binary and encodes it to
One-Hot/Gray based on the user directive. But if the user codes the FSM in
One-Hot in the RTL, LSE does not re-target the FSM to Binary/Gray

Versions affected: Diamond 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8

Devices affected: All

Clock placed in Clarity generated without buffer

When generating a Clarity Designer module that includes a DDR interface,
you may get a warning message similar to the following:
WARNING - Clock input 'clkop' of interface 'eclk_group0' in component
'abc' is generated without any buffer. Planning for each interface needs
special attention. Consult document for more information.

This can happen if you use the Planner tab of Clarity to place the clock signal
of the DDR module. Clarity does not properly place the clock signal.

16 Lattice Software Known Issues


If you see this message, place the DDR clock without using Clarity. See
Applying Design Constraints in the online help.

Or, if you need a PLL in the design, drive the clock input from the PLL.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.3

Devices affected: ECP5

Clarity cannot reconfigure a module

When trying to reconfigure a module in Clarity Designer, you may see an error
message that says that the component “is not supported for reconfiguration in
this version of Diamond.”

If you see this message, contact Lattice support for a patch.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.2

Devices affected: ECP5

Device Selector shows 8 EBR for MachXO3L 640

and 1300
For MachXO3L 640 and 1300, the Device Selector dialog box shows 8 EBR
blocks. It should show 7.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.2

Devices affected: MachXO3L

LDC Editor may cause errors in SDC files

When editing SDC files using LDC Editor, the target may be incorrect after
synthesis and some uses won’t be supported.

As a workaround, write the .ldc file manually.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.2

Devices affected: All

Lattice Software Known Issues 17


Platform Designer rejects multiple hot swap

components on an ASC
When you run DRC, after creating two or more hot swap components with fast
shutdown enabled on the same ASC device, Platform Designer generates an
error message similar to the following:

ASC_NONE can’t be used in HotSwap1 and HotSwap2 at the same time.

There is no workaround for this issue.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.1

Devices affected: Platform Manager2

PAR fails with missing ECLKBRIDGE in ECP5

Place and route fails because an ECLKBRIDGE is missing. This can happen
if you used Clarity Designer to add two DDR modules using the same clock
but located on different sides of an ECP5. Clarity Designer does not
automatically add an ECLKBRIDGE and does not give an error message.

If you have this situation in your design, do not place these pins with Clarity
Designer. Instead, let the place-and-route function place them.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.4.1, 3.5. 3.5.1, 3.6, 3.7
Devices affected: ECP5

Platform Designer displays Current Monitor trip

points that are inconsistent with the datasheet
The trip points displayed in the Current Monitor Trip Point Selection menu
differ, depending on the Hysteresis option selected. When Enabled is
selected for Hysteresis, the trip points displayed are inconsistent with those in
the datasheet. The correct trip points are those displayed when Disabled is
selected, and the menus should be the same for both Enabled and Disabled

Versions affected: Diamond 3.0

Devices affected: Platform Manager 2

18 Lattice Software Known Issues


Diamond erroneously issues TRACE report

warning for PGROUP
During design implementation, Diamond sometimes issues a TRACE report
semantic error message that includes a list of PGROUP components that do
not exist.

This warning is the result of post-map component name checking done by the
preference parser, and it can be ignored.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.1, 2.2

Devices affected: LatticeECP3

Signal groups are not supported in the Platform

Designer Generate Stimulus dialog box
In the Diamond Platform Designer, signal groups do not appear in the
Generate Stimulus dialog box. To work around this issue, select individual
group members one by one.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.0

Devices affected: Platform Manager 2

Cannot generate schematic symbol

When you try to generate a schematic symbol for a module of a VHDL,
Verilog HDL, or mixed VHDL/Verilog HDL design in the HDL Diagram of
Diamond, you may encounter an error message such as “failed to generate
naf file”.

The error is caused by unrelated source files. When generating schematic

symbols from the hierarchy tree, to support generic map and parameter
values that are required from parent modules, all user design source files are
passed to the parser engine. However, the HDL Diagram cannot decide which
files related to the module are required before parsing. The parser error in any
file stops the process.

Lattice recommends you exclude the unrelated source files from the current
implementation of the project before generating a schematic symbol.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0, 1.1, 1.2


Device affected: All devices

CR52520, 52353

Lattice Software Known Issues 19


Cannot shorten multiple wires by dragging in the

Schematic Editor
In the Schematic Editor, you cannot shorten wires if you have selected too
many wires which are very close to each other. Shortening wires by dragging
requires enough space to avoid wire overlapping.

In such cases, you can shorten the wires one by one or adjust their positions
before shortening them.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0

Devices affected: All

Some bus attribute settings in Schematic Editor

may cause an error or get lost
Schematic Editor allows you to set different attribute values for each signal
inside a bus. However, the Synthesize Design process can only accept one
value for each bus attribute. If it is a VHDL design, the synthesizer will report a
syntax error. If it is a Verilog design, the synthesis process can pass but the
other attribute values you set for signals inside the bus will be ignored.

To avoid this problem, always set the same attribute value for all signals in a

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0. ispLEVER 8.1

Fixed_8.1SP1, Fixed_1.1
Devices affected: All

Cannot select multiple areas of wires in Schematic

When selecting wires in Schematic Editor, the area-selecting method
(drawing a rectangle area to enclose multiple wires) only allows you to select
one area. You cannot use the Shift key to select additional areas.

Select one area at a time.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0, 1.1

Devices affected: All

20 Lattice Software Known Issues


Dragging wire end in the Schematic Editor does not

change wire length or direction
In the Schematic Editor, if the node connected with the wire end that you drag
only has one linked connection, dragging the wire end moves the entire wire
instead of changing its length or direction.

Workaround: none.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0

Devices affected: All

Schematic components are deselected after being

dragged or moved
The selected components in the Schematic Editor will become deselected
after they are dragged or moved to another place.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0, 1.1

Devices affected: All

Schematic Editor limitation on deselecting

After selecting a component in the Schematic Editor, you cannot deselect it by
clicking it again or clicking it while holding down the Ctrl key.

To deselect components, click any empty space on the schematic sheet.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0

Devices affected: All

Missing feature in PMI FIFO modules for VHDL
An error occurs when using the VHDL version of the generated code.The
workaround is to is to use the Verilog version.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.10

Devices affected: All

Lattice Software Known Issues 21


Some CrossLink Soft IPs will fail during

implementation if missing DCS Initialization file
The following Crosslink Soft IPs require a user‐created DCS Initialization file 
during IP generation.  If the file does not exist at the location path entered by 
the user in the IP generation GUI, an empty DCS Initialization file will be 
automatically generated. Then the IP generation can still go through without 
issue.  However, this empty DCS Initialization file will cause issues when 
users try to run through the implementation flow later on. The following IPs 
are affected:
 CMOS to DPHY (in DSI mode)
 CSI-2/DSI D-PHY Transmitter (in DSI mode)
 DSI to DSI
 DSI to Dual DSI Bandwidth Reducer

It is also important to note that when generating the IP by loading the .sbx 
file, users need to make sure the valid DCS Initialization file still exists in the 
same location previously specified.

For information on how to create a DCS Initialization file, please refer to each 
Soft IP’s User Guide.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.10

Devices affected: CrossLink

Some Intellectual Property (IP) modules may not

meet targeted timing on LatticeECP3 or LatticeXP2
Some IP modules may not meet targeted fMAX when used with LatticeECP3
or LatticeXP2 devices. The following table lists the IP and affected devices:

IP LatticeECP3 LatticeXP2

2.5G Ethernet PCS 

JESD207 

PCI Master Target 66 

PCI Target 66 



DDR2 SDRAM Controller 

22 Lattice Software Known Issues


If you need assistance with this issue, contact Lattice Technical Support.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.10

Devices affected: LatticeECP3, LatticeXP2

Median Filter IP cannot install

This IP was supported in Diamond 1.3. It is currently not supported for 64-bit
platforms. Contact Lattice Technical Support if using this IP.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.10

Devices affected: All

Some Intellectual Property (IP) modules may not

meet targeted timing on LatticeECP3 or LatticeXP2
Some IP modules may not meet targeted fMAX when used with LatticeECP3
or LatticeXP2 devices. The following table lists the IP and affected devices:

IP LatticeECP3 LatticeXP2

2.5G Ethernet PCS 

JESD207 

PCI Master Target 66 

PCI Target 66 



DDR2 SDRAM Controller 

If you need assistance with this issue, contact Lattice Technical Support.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.9

Devices affected: LatticeECP3, LatticeXP2

MULT module has lower bits tied low after

programming LatticeECP3
A MULT module with two 36-bit inputs has a 72-bit output with the lower 18
bits tied low. This is only seen after programming a LatticeECP3 device. It
does not appear in simulation.

Lattice Software Known Issues 23


If you are using such a MULT module, after generating the module with
IPexpress, find the code for the ALU54A primitive named dsp_alu_1 and set
REG_OUTPUT1_CLK=CLK0. Then generate the bitstream.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.0.1, 2.1

Devices affected: LatticeECP3

PLL has Fractional-N Divider of 1 instead of 0

In IPexpress, for the MachXO2 PLL module, if you enable Fractional-N
Divider with a value of 0, the generated netlist actually has a value of 1

Instead, disable Fractional-N Divider. Disabling the divider is the same as

having it with a value of 0.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.2, 1.3

Devices affected: MachXO2

Process view is not cleared when a module is

After regenerating a module with IPexpress, the processes in the Process
view are not always cleared to indicate that they need to be rerun. This
happens if the module's .ipx file is not included in the project.

You can force the processes to run anyway. In the Diamond main window,
choose Process > Rerun All.

You can get the Process view to update correctly by adding the module's .ipx
file to the project:
1. In the File List view, right-click the implementation folder and choose Add
> Existing File.
2. Browse for the customized module's .ipx file, <file_name>.ipx, and select
3. Click Open.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2

Devices affected: All

24 Lattice Software Known Issues


Calculate button for PLL produces wrong values

In some cases, the Calculate button in the IPexpress configuration dialog box
for MachXO2 PLL modules produces the wrong values. If you use the
resulting module, the map process may fail.

If you see unreasonable numbers appearing in the dialog box after clicking
Calculate, contact Lattice Technical Support for assistance.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.1, ispLEVER 8.1SP1

Fixed_1.2, Fixed_8.2
Devices affected: MachXO2

Incorrect delay times for DDR modules for

The software has incorrect delay times for the DDR module for MachXO2.

Contact Lattice technical support for a software patch.

Versions affected: ispLEVER 8.1SP1, Diamond 1.1

Fixed_1.2, Fixed_8.2
Devices affected: MachXO2

Fails on missing GENERIC statement in OSCH
Simulation can fail because an OSCH oscillator primitive is missing the
required GENERIC statement. This can happen with the Post-Synthesis
generated VHDL (.vhm) files of Synplify Pro.

If you see this problem, open the .vhm file with a text editor and search for
“COMPONENT OSCH”. Manually insert the GENERIC statement. The OSCH
declaration should resemble Figure 1 on page 26.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.1, 3.4, 3.4.1, 3.5, 3.5.1, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8
Devices affected: MachXO2, MachXO3L, Platform Manager 2

Simulation fails on incorrect PMI headers

Simulation can fail because Synplify Pro’s Post-Synthesis generated VHDL
(.vhm) file has the PMI header incorrectly written as:
library pmi;
use pmi.pmi_components.all;

Lattice Software Known Issues 25


Figure 1: VHDL Declaration of OSCH with GENERIC Statement

-- synthesis translate_off
GENERIC (NOM_FREQ: string := "2.56");
-- synthesis translate_on
PORT (STDBY : IN std_logic;
OSC : OUT std_logic;
SEDSTDBY: OUT std_logic);

attribute NOM_FREQ : string;

attribute NOM_FREQ of OSCinst0 : label is "2.56";

-- synthesis translate_off
-- synthesis translate_on
PORT MAP (STDBY => stdby,
OSC => osc_int,
SEDSTDBY => stdby_sed

If you see this problem, open the .vhm file with a text editor and change the
two lines to:
library pmi_work;
use work.pmi_components.all;

Versions affected: Diamond 2.1, 3.4, 3.4.1, 3.5, 3.5.1, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8
Devices affected: All

Errors occur in ecp5um_serdes.ibs file at some pin

The ecp5um_serdes.ibs file contains some pin names that exceed the 5-
character maximum, and will therefore cause errors.

Pin strings “prvlp_t” and “prvln_t” are too long, and will be truncated to five
characters, causing errors.

As a workaround, rename the pins with names that are five characters or less
and that do not conflict with other pin names. For example, change “prvlp_t” to
“prp_t”, and change “prvln_t” to “prn_t”.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.2

Devices affected: All

26 Lattice Software Known Issues


The MachXO2 SEDFA simulation model does not

contain timing requirements for the signal
The MachXO2 SEDFA simulation model does not contain timing requirements
for the signal SEDFRCERR.

Refer to the latest version of Lattice Technical Note TN1206 for the correct
timing requirements.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.1, 2.2, 3.0

Device affected: MachXO2

Active-HDL LEII allows only one design to be

simulated at a time even with a multi-seat license
Only one instance of a Verilog design and one instance of a VHDL design can
be simulated (using asim/vsim or Initialize Simulation) when using Active-HDL
LEII (whether GUI-mode avhdl, or batch-mode vsimsa) on the same machine
with a multi-seat floating license.

If you attempt to simulate more than one Verilog design and one VHDL design
with Active-HDL LEII, you will receive the following error message:

# ELBREAD: Error: You do not have a valid license to simulate Verilog (or
VHDL) module <top_module_name>.
# Contact Aldec for ordering information - [email protected].
# ELBREAD: Error: Elaboration process completed with errors.

Also, Active-HDL LEII will not start if you open a third instance of Active-HDL
LEII (combined avhdl and/or vsimsa). If you attempt to start the tool with a
third instance of Active-HDL LEII, you will receive the following error

VSIM: Error: You do not have a valid license to run more than 2 instances of
Active-HDL (or VSimSA) simultaneously. Contact [email protected].

A software patch is available upon request.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.0

Devices affected: All

Lattice Software Known Issues 27


Simulation Wizard ignores RTL file modifications

that change the top-level
If you create a simulation project file (.spf) with the Simulation Wizard; and
you then run Active-HDL; and you then close Active-HDL; and you then
modify an RTL file that changes the top-level; and you then double-click the
.spf in the Diamond file list to re-start the Simulation Wizard, the Simulation
Wizard will not recognize the changed top-level, but will instead still show the
previous top-level.

You must refresh the Simulation Wizard to force it to recognize the changed
top-level by either creating a new .spf, or by clicking the “Back” button twice
and then clicking the “Next” button twice. This will cause the Simulation
Wizard to re-parse the files and select the correct top-level.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1

Devices affected: All

VHDL package files are not sent to the simulator

from Simulation Wizard in some cases
When running a gate-level or timing simulation from Simulation Wizard, any
VHDL package files need by simulation only files (such as test benches) are
not sent to the simulator. However, all package files are sent correctly for RTL

Versions affected: Diamond 1.4

Devices affected: All

Active-HDL 8.2 may issue compilation warnings

after using Simulation Wizard
The Aldec Active-HDL 8.2 OEM simulator may issue a compile warning in
designs exported from Diamond 1.3 Simulation Wizard.

The warning states that one or more files are out of date and need to be
compiled. The warning asks, “Would you like to compile them and restart the

If you click Yes, the Aldec simulator recompiles the indicated files. Depending
on the exact file compilation order, this warning may appear multiple times
requiring multiple compilations. However, since this is only a warning, you can
click No. The simulation will then initialize and run correctly.

To avoid this issue if it happens, in the Diamond File List view, you can
manually adjust the file list to reflect the correct compilation order. This will
then be passed to the simulator and avoid any warnings. Alternately, the file

28 Lattice Software Known Issues


order can be adjusted in the Simulation Wizard “Add and Reorder Source”

Versions affected: Diamond 1.3

Devices affected: All

Aldec Active-HDL may return error when .sdf file is

located in simulation project folder
If your simulation directory is the same as your Diamond project directory, and
you initialize and run a simulation in Adlec Active-HDL, the Aldec tool may
return an “SDF:Error” message.

This is a known issue with Aldec Active-HDL.

If this occurs, you can edit your <project_name>.adf file as follows:

1. Find the line that begins with “1=”. For example:
1=src\ecp3_ecp3_vo.sdf| /I2C, Maximal, Yes
2. Remove “src\” so that the line is changed to:
1=ecp3_ecp3_vo.sdf| /I2C, Maximal, Yes

Versions affected: Diamond 1.3, 1.4

Devices affected: All

Verilog front-end simulation module compilation

fails using Aldec Active-HDL
It was found in one case when compiling Verilog front-end simulation modules
for Active-HDL from RTL that a compilation failed due to a coding error. In rare
cases, you may experience this issue when using Active-HDL in the Diamond
1.2 environment for front-end simulation.

To avoid this issue, please observe the following two examples given below
that illustrate improper and proper Verilog code usage and adhere to its
guidelines so you can adjust your Verilog code accordingly.

Verilog Code Example #1

Please be aware that there is a restriction with the use of named generate
blocks. You cannot use the block name with an index that is a variable. It has
to be a literal integer. Observe the coding violation being employed in the
block below in the form of a variable:

genvar i;

generate for(i=0;i<8;i=i+1) begin : g1

Lattice Software Known Issues 29


reg [17:0] inpipe;

if(i==0) begin
always @(posedge clk) begin
inpipe <= in;
end else begin
always @(posedge clk) begin
inpipe <= g1[i-1].inpipe;

Verilog Code Example #2

The following code replaces the block above and works fine. You will notice in
the code expands the indexed block name (that is, it replaces the variable
with all its possible values).

genvar i;

generate for(i=0;i<8;i=i+1) begin : g1

reg [17:0] inpipe;

always @(posedge clk) begin

case (i)
0 : inpipe <= in;
1 : inpipe <= g1[0].inpipe;
2 : inpipe <= g1[1].inpipe;
3 : inpipe <= g1[2].inpipe;
4 : inpipe <= g1[3].inpipe;
5 : inpipe <= g1[4].inpipe;
6 : inpipe <= g1[5].inpipe;
7 : inpipe <= g1[6].inpipe;

Versions affected: Diamond 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

Devices affected: All

After upgrade, Active-HDL cannot open

After upgrading to Diamond 1.1 in Windows, designs fail to simulate with
Aldec Active-HDL Lattice Edition. The Active-HDL log shows:

?# Design: Error: Cannot open configuration: “”?

30 Lattice Software Known Issues


The problem is that the Registry key for Active-HDL is still pointing to
Diamond 1.0, which was deleted before installing the upgrade. The solution is
to edit the Registry.

Editing the Registry must be done carefully. It is possible to make an

unrepairable mistake. If you are not comfortable with editing the Registry,
please contact your information technology (IT) department for help.

To correct the Active-HDL Registry key:

1. Close Active-HDL.
2. In the Windows Start menu, click Run.
3. In the Run dialog box, enter regedit.
4. Click OK.
Registry Editor opens.
5. In the folder tree in the left pane, open
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Aldec, Inc.\Active-HDL 8.2.
Be sure that you are in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER folder. There is a
similar path under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, but changing it will corrupt
the Active-HDL installation, requiring that you re-install Diamond.
6. Under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Aldec, Inc.\Active-HDL 8.2,
select LatticeEditionII.
7. Press Delete.
8. Close Registry Editor.
9. Open Active-HDL Lattice Edition.

You should be able to run simulations now.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.1

Devices affected: All

On Windows 7 when launching the Simulation

Project File (SPF) in Diamond, the Simulation
Wizard’s Add Source page does not update
On Windows 7, when you double-click on the Simulation Project File (SPF) in
the File List's Script Files folder, the Simulation Wizard's Add Source page
does not update properly, still showing a list with no selected criteria for

In the Simulation Wizard, click the Back button to go to first page in the wizard
and then click Forward to the Add Source page to allow the program to

Lattice Software Known Issues 31

LATTICE DIAMOND : Preference Views

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0

Devices affected: All

Preference Views
Spreadsheet View takes a long time to open
For large projects, it might take a minute or longer for Spreadsheet View to
open. This is because of the time needed for real-time PIO design rule
checking as the design is loaded.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.0 and later

Devices affected: All

There is no DRC check on the Clock Jitter value

Currently there is no check on the jitter value entered. It can be more than the
given clock period but no error is generated.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.3, 1.4, 2.0., 2.1, 2.2

Devices affected: All

Global preference sheet erroneously shows

If your design includes both master and slave SPI configurations, the Global
preference sheet might show DISABLE as the default preference value for
MASTER_SPI_PORT. The correct default value should be EFB_USER. To
work around this issue, select either EFB_USER or ENABLE from the drop-
down menu.

Version affected: Diamond 1.2

Devices affect: MachXO2

32 Lattice Software Known Issues

LATTICE DIAMOND : Preference Views

PAR-assigned pins cannot be cross-probed from

Spreadsheet View
In Spreadsheet View, the “Show In” commands are not enabled for pins that
were assigned by the Place & Route process. Only ports assigned to pins by
LOCATE preferences can be cross-probed with the “Show In” command in
Spreadsheet View. The “Show In” commands are available, however, from
Package View for pins assigned by Place & Route.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0

Devices affected: All

Selected nets in NCD View do not get added to the

Create New UGROUP dialog box
When you right-click one or more selected nets from the Nets tree in NCD
View, you are able to access the “Set UGROUP Preference” command. The
selected nets in NCD View are used to identify the set of NCD components
into which the NGD components are packed. Only PFU, PFF, EBR, or DSP
types of NGD components can be included in a UGROUP. Based on the
selected net, any of these types of NGD components packed into NCD
components that are connected to the selected net will appear in the Selected
Instances list of the dialog box. If no appropriate instances for a UGROUP are
connected to the selected nets, the Selected Instances list will be empty. The
nets are never added to this list.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0

Devices affected: All

Selected nets in Netlist View do not get added to

the Create New UGROUP dialog box
When you right-click one or more selected nets from the Nets tree in Netlist
View, you are able to access the “Set UGROUP Preference” command. This
command opens the “Create New UGROUP” dialog box. Only PFU, PFF,
EBR, or DSP types of NGD components can be included in a UGROUP.
Based on the selected net, any of these types of NGD components that are
connected to the selected net will appear in the Selected Instances list of the
dialog box. If no appropriate instances for a UGROUP are connected to the
selected nets, the Selected Instances list will be empty. The nets are never
added to this list.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0

Devices affected: All

Lattice Software Known Issues 33


Regions and groups in Physical View are not

displayed in the colors assigned to them
Physical View displays only fixed colors for different elements such as
regions, groups, sites, and delay paths. It does not support customized color
settings. Therefore, the borders of all regions and groups are displayed in the
same default color on the layout. They are not displayed in the colors that
were assigned to them.

To view regions and groups in their assigned colors on the layout, open
Floorplan View.

Versions affected: All

Devices affected: All

Physical View does not match delay path colors or

allow custom colors
Physical View displays only fixed colors for different elements such as delay
paths, regions, groups, and sites. Therefore, when you cross-probe a delay
path from Timing Analysis View, Physical View highlights the path in the same
default color. It does not show the path color that is displayed in Timing
Analysis View or allow you to manually change the color. Currently there is no
way to distinguish the color of individual delay paths in Physical View.
However, if you cross-probe to Floorplan View from Timing Analysis View, you
will see the delay paths distinguished by color.

Versions affected: All

Devices affected: All
CR47031, CR49201

Lattice Synthesis Engine may have long run-times
in certain designs
Certain designs may create complicated FSM and mux-chain structures
causing Lattice Synthesis Engine (LSE) to have long run-times. This can be
avoided by setting the LSE Strategy Option “Resource Sharing” to False.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.7, 3.8

Devices affected: All
CR125870, CR125901,CR126154

Synplify Pro can stop working in certain cases

Synplify Pro can stop working when using certain designs. As a workaround,
add the following to your Verilog design file:

34 Lattice Software Known Issues


/* synthesis syn_preserve = 1 */;

Versions affected: Diamond 3.7

Devices affected: All

LSE fails on IP for Platform Manager 2

Synthesis with Lattice Synthesis Engine (LSE) fails on IP in the design. This
can happen when the IP is specifically for Platform Manager 2, such as
DualBoot, VID, and Fault Logger.

If you see this problem, try using the Synplify Pro synthesis tool.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.4, 3.4.1, 3.5, 3.5.1

Devices affected: Platform Manager 2

LSE does not process input_delay and

output_delay constraints properly
In some cases, when input_delay or output_delay SDC constraints are used
in Lattice Synthesis Engine (LSE), LSE crashes.

Do not use these constraints in SDC. Instead, use the equivalent LPF
constraints such as INPUT_SETUP and CLOCK_TO_OUT.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.1

Devices affected: All

Synthesis fails with schematic file on Windows 8

Diamond does not support the Windows 8 operating system. Synthesizing a
design with a schematic file fails with error code 1.

Run Diamond on a different operating system.

Versions affected: All

Devices affected: All

Lattice Software Known Issues 35


Design with DDR_GENERIC fails in synthesis

Designs using the DDR_GENERIC module from IPexpress may fail during
synthesis. This can happen if the module was generated with VHDL output
using 64-bit Lattice Diamond on Windows. If you look at the VHDL code for
the DDR_GENERIC module, you will see various attributes set to incorrect
characters, which is the cause of the synthesis failure.

If you see this problem, contact Lattice customer support for a patch.

Versions affected: Windows 64-bit Diamond 2.0

Devices affected: All

Defaults in Diamond strategies are different from

Synplify Pro itself
The default settings for Synplify Pro in the Diamond options are not always
the same as the default settings built into Synplify Pro itself. If you run Synplify
Pro in interactive mode (from the Diamond Tools menu) or by command line,
check that the settings are correct to ensure that the results do not differ. In
interactive mode, Synplify Pro does not use the Diamond strategy settings.
Instead you have full, direct use of the Synplify Pro controls.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.0, 2.0.1

Devices affected: All

LSE does not convert gated clocks driving

distributed RAM primitives
Lattice Synthesis Engine (LSE) does not perform gated clock conversion for
gated clocks driving distributed RAM primitives such as DPR16X4C and

Versions affected: Diamond 2.0, 2.0.1

Devices affected: MachXO, MachXO2, Platform Manager

Synplify Pro for Lattice fails to produce

_prepass.srd file
Sometimes Synplify Pro for Lattice fails with error code 2. The log shows that
a file with a long name ending in “_prepass.srd” does not exist.

36 Lattice Software Known Issues


The problem may be the length of the path names for the project's source
files. Windows has a limit on how long path names can be. Try reducing the
path names, especially the source file names.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 2.0,
2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2
Devices affected: All

After synthesis with Synplify Pro, port or net names

are changed
After synthesizing a design with Synplify Pro, you sometimes find that the
name of a port or net has changed unexpectedly.

This can happen if the syn_keep directive is mistakenly applied to a port. The
syn_keep directive can only be applied to nets but Synplify Pro does not issue
an error message if the directive is incorrectly used.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.2

Devices affected: All

Synthesis warns that EBR CSDECODE property

should be binary
The Synthesize Design process sometimes gives a warning such as this:

@W:BN283 : sdi_gamma_in_tbl_22.vhd(295) | Expect property csdecode_a

of instance sdi_gamma_in_tbl_22_0_0_0 to be binary, but 0b000 is seen.

The message says the property is not binary but shows that it is. This can
happen when using Synplify Pro for Lattice. There is actually no problem with
the design. This warning can be ignored.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

Devices affected: All
CR51814, CR53812

The last EDIF source in the source file list is

automatically treated as the top module
If you have a pure EDIF design, after processing the design, the last EDIF
source is automatically treated as the top module.

Before processing a pure EDIF design, you need to rearrange the source file
order to put the top EDIF module to the last of the source file list.

Lattice Software Known Issues 37

LATTICE DIAMOND : Implementation Flow

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0

Devices affected: All

Implementation Flow
PAR TRACE Report does not include frequency
The built-in oscillator of MachXO2 has a 5% frequency tolerance. But the
Place & Route TRACE Report is only calculated for the nominal value.

To be sure that the design will work with the frequency variation, use the next
higher available frequency in the FREQUENCY preference in the Lattice
preference file (.lpf). For the frequency, see TN1199, “MachXO2 sysCLOCK
PLL Design and Usage Guide,” Table 13-15, “OSCH Supported Frequency

For example, if the nominal frequency is 53.2 MHz, the preference should be:

FREQUENCY NET "osc_clk" 66.50 MHz ;

Versions affected: Diamond 3.2 and earlier

Devices affected: MachXO2

Diamond crashes during Translate Design after

setting constraints with Spreadsheet View
On Windows, Diamond sometimes crashes during the Translate Design stage
after setting constraints with Spreadsheet View. This can happen if you are
using a language setting, such as German, that uses commas ( , ) as decimal

To avoid this problem, change your operating system to use periods instead
of commas as decimal points. The following instructions are for Windows 7:
1. In the Windows Start menu, click Control Panel.
2. In the Control Panel, click Region and Language.
The Region and Language dialog box opens.
3. In the Format tab, click Additional settings.
The Customize Format dialog box opens.
4. Find “Decimal symbol” and choose “.” (period).
5. Click OK.
6. In the Region and Language dialog box, click OK.
7. Close the Control Panel.
8. Restart Diamond.

38 Lattice Software Known Issues

LATTICE DIAMOND : Implementation Flow

Versions affected: Diamond 2.1

Devices affected: All

PAR report shows placement score values that vary

greatly between phases
The EFB (Embedded Function Blocks) module for MachXO2 UHC devices
shows the wrong number of user flash memory (UFM) pages. So IPexpress
cannot access all of the pages in the device.

There is no workaround for this issue.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.2, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1
Devices affected: MachXO2 UHC

PAR report shows placement score values that vary

greatly between phases
In the place and route report (*.par), any LatticeECP3 placement will report a
different score value compared to previous releases. For example, the par file
might have the following message:

Starting Placer Phase 1.

Placer score = 42182813.
Finished Placer Phase 1. REAL time: 5 mins 29 secs

Starting Placer Phase 2.

Starting Placer Optimization. REAL time: 6 mins 16 secs
Placer score = 574428473
Finished Placer Phase 2. REAL time: 7 mins 9 secs

The score (574428473) after phase 2 is much bigger than the score
in phase 1. This is normal and does not mean that the score after phase 2
becomes worse. Because “Placer score” is a weighted combination of
different placement merits, the placer in Phase 2 uses a different weighted
formula than that used in phase 1.

Note: This only happens with LatticeECP3 devices. For other device families,
the scores in both phase 1 and 2 use the same weighted formula.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.1


Lattice Software Known Issues 39

LATTICE DIAMOND : Implementation Flow

Devices affected: LatticeECP3


PAR report does not show placement results sorted

by timing score
When “Generate TRACE report for each iteration” has been enabled in the
active strategy, the Place & Route report will show placement results sorted
by “Worst Slack,” even when the “Timing Score” option has been selected for
“Placement Sort Best Run.”

Versions affected: Diamond 2.1, 2.2, 3.0

Devices affected: All

Preference semantic errors reported during design

In the design implementation flow, preference parsing will sometimes
generate semantic error warnings for PGROUPs.

These warning messages can be ignored, since the preference is still

honored by Place & Route, and the implementation results are not impacted.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.1

Devices affected: All

Implementation succeeds despite missing EDIF

source file
If you remove or exclude an EDIF source file, implementation of the design
might still succeed despite the missing file. This can happen if you ran
implementation through the Map Design stage before removing or excluding
the EDIF file and did not make any other changes to the design. The project
still has the generated files to work with and does not recognize a need to
unlink the .ngo file just because the EDIF file has been removed or excluded.

If this is a problem for you, remove the .ngo file manually.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.1, 2.2

Devices affected: All

40 Lattice Software Known Issues

LATTICE DIAMOND : Implementation Flow

PAR may fail to place PIO PGROUP if clock PIO

driver is assigned to the same bank
For LatticeECP3 devices, if a design has:
 PIO driven primary or secondary clock;
 PIO PGROUP located to an I/O bank; and
 clock PIO driver that requires a different Vccio than that of the PIOs in the

then there's a chance PAR will fail to place the PIO PGROUP if the clock PIO
driver is assigned to the same bank as this PGROUP.

As a workaround, manually lock the clock PIO driver to a different I/O bank.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.3

Devices affected: LatticeECP3

Map says to set SHAREDEBRINIT=ENABLE but it

already is
The Map Design process recommends setting SHAREDEBRINIT=ENABLE
for the EBR INIT value sharing but it is already set to ENABLE. The message


preference in LPF file and map again to compress all unique EBR patterns.

You can ignore this message if the sharing INIT value for the EBRs is caused

Versions affected: Diamond 1.3

Devices affected: MachXO2

If more than one EBR has the same INIT, data will
be shared if at least one EBR sets INIT_DATA to
If more than one EBR has the same INIT, data will be shared if at least one

As a workaround, set INIT_DATA to DYNAMIC for all EBRs with same INIT
data. Don't mix STATIC and DYNAMIC for the INIT_DATA setting. This will
ensure that all EBRs with same INIT data will not be shared.

Lattice Software Known Issues 41

LATTICE DIAMOND : Implementation Flow

Versions affected: Diamond 1.3

Devices affected: MachXO2

Map says WISHBONE clock frequency of EFB

module can be up to 166 MHz
For the WISHBONE clock frequency of the EFB (Embedded Function Block)
module, the Map Design process allows frequencies of up to 166 MHz. This is
an error. Legal values are no more than 133 MHz.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.3

Devices affected: MachXO2

Map changes DEV_DENSITY incorrectly for U

The Map Design process issues a message such as the following while using
an UHC device:

WARNING - map: SED device density parameter '2000L' does not match that
of the selected device. Software has changed the DEV_DENSITY value to
'640L' to match the device that is used in this project.

However the new DEV_DENSITY value is for a non-UHC device.

This can happen with a design using the EFB (Embedded Function Block)

If this happens, use IPexpress to regenerate the EFB module.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.3, 1.4

Devices affected: MachXO2

IO Timing Report and Trace Report numbers do not

match when using SS on INPUT_SETUP
When using the “SS” key on INPUT_SETUP, Trace Report will ignore
CLOCK_JITTER and show setup and hold numbers without CLOCK_JITTER.
IO Timing Report currently does not read the “SS: key on the INPUT_SETUP
preference and hence will show setup and hold numbers that include the

Versions affected: Diamond 1.3, 1.4, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2


42 Lattice Software Known Issues

LATTICE DIAMOND : Implementation Flow

Devices affected: All


MachXO2 design issues PAR warnings for PLL

clocks that do not match their divider settings
In a MachXO2 design in the Diamond 1.1 release, a user created a design in
VHDL that used a PLL in the module “ricevitore”. In the PAR report there
appeared repeated warnings that the CLKOP and CLKOS frequencies did not
match divider settings for the PLL as shown in the example below:

WARNING - par: Output clock frequencies on pin CLKOP and

CLKOS do not match their divider settings for
WARNING - par: Output clock frequencies on pin CLKOP and
CLKOS do not match their divider settings for
WARNING - par: Output clock frequencies on pin CLKOP and
CLKOS do not match their divider settings for

The warnings were caused by an inconsistency in the CLKOS setting. The

design has a consistent frequency setting; however, when the LPF and
resulting PRF was changed to 14 MHz from 13.3 MHz, a condition for
triggering the warning was created.

Please be aware that this condition exists and the warning message now
includes the signals in the preference as shown below in the example for
troubleshooting. Also, the warning message will be issued only once per trace

WARNING - trce: The Preference FREQUENCY NET at signal

inst_ricevitore_clk_100_c (CLKOP) or signal
clk_received_c (CLKOS)
do not match their divider settings for

Versions affected: Diamond 1.1, 1.2

Devices affected: MachXO2

TRACE reports errant clock speed that exceeds

target specifications for GDDRX1 designs
Sometimes TRACE timing analysis reports that a MachXO2 design containing
a GDDRX1 interface could run at clock speeds approaching 285 MHz. But
device target specifications state that the maximum clock frequency is 150
MHz (FDDRX1). The report is not correct. Below is an example of the clock
speed issued in the TRACE report:

Lattice Software Known Issues 43

LATTICE DIAMOND : Implementation Flow

Preference | Constraint | Actual | Levels

FREQUENCY PORT "clk" 285.000000 MHz ; | 285.000 MHz|

284.091 MHz| 1 *

When using the DDR interfaces, refer to data sheets and other documentation
on the Lattice Web site to guide your target design constraints or contact
customer support. Hardware model timing data will be addressed to
accurately reflect these specifications.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.1, 1.2

Devices affected: MachXO2

Default PCICLAMP setting in Spreadsheet View

produces illegal combination error
In Spreadsheet View, default values are displayed in blue font when Show
Default Values has been selected from the View menu. For some IOBUF
attribute combinations, the default PCICLAMP setting of ON does not get
adopted properly. Consequently, the PIO DRC check reads the setting as
OFF and issues an illegal combination error. The design will then fail when
you run Place & Route.

To resolve this error, manually select ON in the PCICLAMP column for the
identified iobuffer. Spreadsheet View will then show the ON value in black
font, indicating a user setting, and it will add the setting to the IOBUF

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0, 1.1, 1.2

Devices affected: All

Configuration data not fully loaded into EBR from

With MachXO2-1200, you sometimes find that the configuration data has not
fully loaded into the Embedded Block RAM (EBR) from the User Flash
Memory (UFM). This is because the last page of the UFM cannot be used. If
configuration data is loaded to it, the EBR will not be fully initialized.

So only six unique initial patterns can be loaded into the EBR. The seventh
EBR cannot be used.

More generally, to avoid the last page of the UFM, reconfigure the EFB
module to use one extra page, forcing everything to load before the last page.
For example, suppose you have 100 pages of data. In the EFB configuration

44 Lattice Software Known Issues

LATTICE DIAMOND : Implementation Flow

dialog box of IPexpress, go to the UFM tab and enter 101. The data will then
start at page 411 instead of 412, leaving the last page empty.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.1.01, 1.2

Devices affected: MachXO2-1200

Components within a wide LUT have different

PGROUP settings
Sometimes during the Map Design process, you may get an error message
referring to L6MUX21 or PFUMX having a PGROUP setting different from
other components in a “wide LUT.” For example:

ERROR: One or more components in the wide LUT rooted at L6MUX21

lpc_peripheral_inst0/lpc_data_out_2_m0_d_d_0_d_3/GATE has a PGROUP
setting which differs from the PGROUP settings of other components within
the wide LUT. All components within a wide LUT must have the same
PGROUP settings.

This can be caused by the L6MUX21 and PFUMX primitives being in different
hierarchies, and both hierarchies having different UGROUP constraints.

If you see this problem, either change the UGROUP constraints to put both
hierarchies in the same group or put a “syn_hier=firm” directive on one or both
hierarchies in the synthesis constraints file.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 2.0, 2.0.1,
2.1, 2.2
Devices affected: All

Map Design fails on Linux 64-bit Red Hat 4 machine

The Map Design process sometimes reports “error waiting for process to exit”
on a Linux machine that runs Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS release 4 (Nahant
Update 2) with kernel release 2.6.9-22.EL. This is caused when the process-
wait API fails to get the return status.

Although you may be able to ignore this error safely and continue with the
flow, Lattice recommends that the best solution is to update the Redhat 4
kernel to a higher version.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.2, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1,
Devices affected: LatticeECP, LatticeECP2, LatticeECP2S, LatticeXP,
LatticeSC, LatticeSCM

Lattice Software Known Issues 45

LATTICE DIAMOND : Implementation Flow

Design fails in Translate Design with errors about

undefined modules or cannot open file
Sometimes, what seems to be a perfectly good design fails in the Translate
Design stage with errors about undefined modules or being unable to open
input files. This happens when you are using Synplify Pro for Lattice as the
synthesis tool.

Check the full pathname to the project's folder. Look for a space followed by a
dash, as in “/WI -P/demo.ldf”. If you see the space-dash combination, try
changing the pathname to eliminate the space or the dash character. For
example, “/WI-P/demo.ldf” or “/WI P/demo.ldf” should work.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

Devices affected: All
CR52036, CR52198

Slave Chip Select pins of MachXO2 are not

Software does not reserve two Slave Chip Select pins when you use the
Slave SPI port of the Embedded Functional Block (EFB) of MachXO2. The
two Slave Chip Select pins are used in the device for the following two
 Chip Select for Slave SPI Configuration
 Chip Select for the Hardened Slave SPI IP in the EFB module

If you have this situation, set aside the configuration Slave Chip Select pin
and do not use it as a general purpose I/O.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.1, ispLEVER 8.1SP1

Fixed_1.2, Fixed_8.2
Devices affected: MachXO2

Map does not report an error condition for

MULTICYCLE constraint containing net with invalid
In one case PAR and TRACE reported semantic errors when the LPF
preference file input into Map contained an invalid net name in a
FREQUENCY constraint. When the same net causing the error condition was
also used in a MULTICYCLE constraint in the same LPF file, it was not being

For example, in this case the constraints were as follows and the net in
question was called “tx_clk_187m_c”.

46 Lattice Software Known Issues

LATTICE DIAMOND : Implementation Flow

FREQUENCY NET "tx_clk_187m_c” 187.000000 MHz ;

“tx_clken_94m” TO CLKNET “tx_clk_187m_c” 2.000000 X ;

In this scenario, both preferences should have generated an error, not just the
FREQUENCY preference and it should have been detected and reported in
the Map stage, prior to PAR and TRACE. So, currently, the MULTICYCLE
preference containing an invalid net name will not be flagged as an error in
the user flow.

This type of case may be rare and not be encountered very often by a user. It
is typically caused when you re-synthesize your design and component name
changes take place and you presume your preference definitions are still

To avoid this issue, Lattice recommend that you check both the Map Report
and the TRACE report for the results you would expect to occur in your design
to validate your preference designations.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.2, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 2.0
Devices affected: All

“Invalid LPF_RESISTOR value” error from MAP

In some cases, a MachXO2 PLL module causes the map process to fail with
the following error:

EHXPLLJ '<instance_name>' has invalid LPF_RESISTOR value <number>.

Valid values are 0 to 63.

Contact Lattice Technical Support for assistance.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.1, ispLEVER 8.1SP1

Fixed_1.2, Fixed_8.2
Devices affected: MachXO2

CONFIG_SECURE attribute in VHDL gets ignored

by PAR
When you use the CONFIG_SECURE attribute in the VHDL source file
(CONFIG_SECURE=ON), the string gets converted to lower case by Synplify
Pro during synthesis. The lower-case version of this attribute is not
recognized by Place & Route, which causes it to be ignored.

To avoid this error, add the following preference to the logical preference file
before mapping:

Lattice Software Known Issues 47

LATTICE DIAMOND : Netlist Analyzer


The preference will override the attribute in the VHDL.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0, 1.1, 1.2; ispLEVER 8.1, 8.1 SP1
Devices affected: All

Error message for MCCLK preference

Spreadsheet View's Global preference sheet allows you to select an MCCLK
frequency of 33 MHz for LatticeECP3 devices. The LatticeECP3 master
configuration clock (MCCLK) frequency is limited in hardware to 33 MHz
maximum. However, the software erroneously produces an error for a
frequency selection equal to or greater than 30.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.1

Devices affected: LatticeECP3

Netlist Analyzer
Netlist Analyzer Will Not Display HDL Source Files
When a Reveal Module is Inserted in the Design
If you are running the design with Reveal flow enabled, the following Netlist
Analyzer operations will not work:
 Netlist Analyzer will not display the corresponding RTL source when you
double-click on an object.
 Netlist Analyzer will not display the corresponding RTL source when you
right-click an object and chose Jump to > Jump to HDL.

Devices affected: All

Versions affected: Diamond 3.6, 3.7

Timing Analysis
Unconstrained-path sequence causes cross-
probing error in Timing Analysis View
In Timing Analysis View, the unconstrained-path sequence might be different
from the sequence of the unconstrained paths in the timing report. This can
cause a problem when cross-probing a path from Timing Analysis View to the
timing report.

48 Lattice Software Known Issues

LATTICE DIAMOND : Timing Analysis

Versions affected: Diamond 2.0, 2.0.1

Devices affected: All

In Linux, a memory fault error occurs when exiting

Diamond right after closing Timing Analysis view
When you open the Diamond user interface, open Timing Analysis view, close
the view, and then exit the program, it produces a memory fault error.

There is no current workaround for this issue.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0

Devices affected: All

When cross-probing a timing path from the Timing

Analysis view's Path Table to a report, it fails to
display the corresponding path
In some cases where a user has selected a path in the Timing Analysis view
for cross probing the Report view, the path cross-probed in the report does
not match.

In the timing report, manually search for the correct path that corresponds to
the one in the Path Table. To search in the report, right-click in the report and
choose Find text. In the Find dialog enter some search criteria and click Find

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0

Devices affected: All

In Timing Analysis view, unnecessary PGROUP

preferences found in the TPF file result in warning
When a TPF file that is produced from a PRF file that contains grouping
preferences (such as PGROUP) is run in the Timing Analysis view, Diamond
may issue unwanted warning messages. When it finds these preferences the
Timing Analysis view generates warnings and then disables the preferences.

For example, you might encounter warnings in the Output pane's Warning tab
similar to the following test case:

Lattice Software Known Issues 49

LATTICE DIAMOND : Timing Analysis

WARNING - C:/bugs/50186/npt2/start2.tpf.prf (34): Error

in PGROUP “insideh” BBOX 7 8 DEVSIZE
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_4"
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_10"
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_11"
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_12"
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_13"
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_14"
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_15"
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_16"
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_17"
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_18"
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_19"
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_20"
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_21"
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_22"
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_23"
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_24"
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_25"
COMP "inside_inst/SLICE_26";
: This comp does not exist in the design: inside_inst/
SLICE_4.. Disabled this preference.
WARNING - C:/bugs/50186/npt2/start2.tpf.prf (35): Error
in LOCATE PGROUP "insideh" SITE "R14C2D" ;
: PGROUP "insideh" has not been defined.. Disabled this
WARNING - Preference parsing results: 2 semantic errors

These warnings can be safely ignored and will not affect output TPF files or
analysis since Timing Analysis view does not use them. They can be
regarded as “don't care” elements in the file.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0

Devices affected: All

The Timing Analysis view does not display a path in

the view that should appear in the Path Table
When the first critical fMAX path occurs at the minimum pulse width and there
is only one additional path, only the minimum pulse width path shows in the
Timing Analysis view's Path Table, even if the number of timing paths to show
is greater than two.

The missing path in the Path Table can be found in the timing report. Use the
Find dialog box by right-clicking in the report and choosing Find text.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0


50 Lattice Software Known Issues

LATTICE DIAMOND : Power Calculator

Devices affected: All


Power Calculator
Power Calculator “Catch unknown exception” error
causes Diamond to hang
When designing with the LatticeXP2-5E device and running Power Calculator,
you will receive the error message “Catch unknown exception: Remove
Power Calculator from Lattice Diamond.” After you click OK, the Diamond
software will freeze up.

When you get this error message, contact Lattice Technical Support.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.0, 2.0.1 Windows 32-bit, Linux Redhat/SUSE

Devices affected: LatticeXP2-5E

Power Calculator shows incorrect PLL information

when TWR file is used
When you use the Trace report file (TWR) to import frequency settings into
Power Calculator, the information shown for PLL might not be accurate. To
ensure that the frequency is set correctly for PLL clocks, enter the frequency
value manually in the “Input Freq (MHz)” column on the PLL page.

Versions affected: ispLEVER 8.1, 8.1SP1; Diamond 1.0, 1.1, 1.2

Fixed_1.3, Fixed_8.2
Devices affected: All

Routed design with SERDES shows incorrect

channels in Power Calculator
When your routed design contains SERDES, Power Calculator might not
extract the PCS settings if the PCS configuration files are not in the project
root directory.

In most cases, you can resolve this problem by manually copying your PCS
configuration files to the project root directory (the same directory as the .ldf
file) before you launch Power Calculator. In Diamond, these configuration files
are usually located in the project implementation directory. In some cases,
this might not resolve the issue, depending on whether the directories had
been changed. If copying the files does not work and you want to look at
SERDES power in more detail, enter the number of channels manually in
Power Calculator. This will take you out of calculation mode and into
estimation mode.

Lattice Software Known Issues 51

LATTICE DIAMOND : Power Calculator

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0, 1.1, 1.2

Devices affected: LatticeECP2M, LatticeECP2MS, LatticeECP3, LatticeSC,
CR52246, CR52708

Power Calculator underestimates power for some

For MachXO2 designs with the following combinations of LVCMOS types and
I/O bank VCCIO values, Power Calculator underestimates the I/O power:

LVCMOS18 Input/Bidi and VCCIO = 2.5 V

Typical static ICCIO reported: 0.0139 uA per I/O
Actual typical static ICCIO: 19.7 uA per I/O

LVCMOS18 Input/Bidi and VCCIO = 3.3 V

Typical static ICCIO reported: 0.0173 uA per I/O
Actual typical static ICCIO: 205.56 uA per I/O

LVCMOS25 Input/Bidi and VCCIO = 3.3 V

Typical static ICCIO reported: 0.0206 uA per I/O
Actual typical static ICCIO: 15.47 uA per I/O

The above values are for TJ = 25 C and inputs at logic high.

Version affected: Diamond 1.1, ispLEVER 8.1SP1

Fixed_1.2, Fixed_8.2
Devices affected: MachXO2

Power Calculator over-estimates power for

The Oscillator model in Power Calculator does not include all the capacitive
loads that exist in MachXO2 devices. The Oscillator power dissipation in
Power Calculator is lower than what is observed in these devices.

Contact Lattice Technical Support for detailed information.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.1, ispLEVER 8.1SP1

Fixed_1.2, Fixed_8.2
Devices affected: MachXO2
CR51904, CR51905

52 Lattice Software Known Issues


External Memory non-Support for Advanced SPI
External memory is not supported for MachXO2 devices but the operation
was completed successfully in the deployment tool. Such an operation is now

Versions affected: Diamond 3.7

Devices affected: MachXO2

Error message “FTD2XX.dll is missing”

When batch programming command was issued with USB cable type, above
error message was issued.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.7

Devices affected: All

Support for protecting golden image of STMicro

SPI flash
The Diamond programmer formerly did not support protecting/securing
golden pattern sectors for STMicro SPI flash SPI-M25P64.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.8

Devices affected: LatticeECP3

Deployment Tool crashes when generating

CrossLink Bitstream file
Generating a JED file causes a crash to the Deployment Tool.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.9

Devices affected: CrossLink

Lattice Software Known Issues 53


SPI Flash Programming issues when using RHEL

7.2 O/S
When programming the SPI Flash on a LatticeECP5 Versa board, the
operation is stuck in the verifying stage when using RHEL 7.2.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.9

Devices affected: LatticeECP5UM

Quad SPI configuration does not function for

LatticeECP5 using Spansion Flash FL164KIF01
The Quad I/O capable SPI flash from Spansion is a supported flash, but is not
configured by the Programmer for Quad I/O boot.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.9

Devices affected: LatticeECP5UM

Programmer can take a long time to detect USB

cable when using Linux RedHat 7 OS
If using Linux RedHat 7 operating system, if you scan a device or perform a
programming operation and then attempt to detect a cable, it can take a
minute or more for Diamond Programmer to detect the cable.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.7, 3.8

Devices affected: All

Programmer unable to program using I2C for USB

3.0 Pre Windows 8
USB 3.0 did not exist prior to Windows 8 and as such Microsoft did not have
driver support for UB 3.0 host controllers.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.8

Devices affected: All

54 Lattice Software Known Issues


STAPL file generation for POWR1014A has missing

All operations has been migrated from the former isUFW tool into the
deployment tool.

Devices affected: All


Enhancement to STAPL file for multiple actions

Previously only one action per STP file can be supported. Currently, multiple
ACTION per STP file can be embedded together.

i.e. <action name> [“<string>”] = <procname> [ OPTIONAL |


{,<procname>[ OPTIONAL | RECOMMENDED ] }

Devices affected: All


Diamond programmer iCE missing CRC and

WAKEUP in file Read and Save
The CRC and WAKEUP functions for the iCE40 devices have been added to

Devices affected: iCE40


OTP (One Time Program) feature support for XO3L

OTP (One Time Programmable) operation has been added for this device
which was not previously supported.

Devices affected: MachXO3L


Programmer GUI Enhancements

The data and time as shown next to each device is now updated as soon as
the programming file changes. Furthermore, when running an operation, the
operation date and time is not updated in the log file.

Lattice Software Known Issues 55


Devices affected: All


Cable Server issue detecting device in Reveal

There was an issue in detecting the FTDI cable for CPLD devices prior to this

Devices affected: MachXO2


“Slave SPI SEI Fast Program” programming

operation fails
The “Slave SPI SEI Fast Program” programming operation fails.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.6, 3.7

Devices affected: ECP5U/UM

Generating .sea and .sed files for MachXO2 using

Deployment Tool can cause an error
An error may occur when generating .sea and .sed files for MachXO2 devices
using Deployment Tool.

Devices affected: MachXO2

Versions affected: Diamond 3.5, Diamond 3.6

Deployment Tool generates incorrect STAPL file for

Erase,Program,Verify operation
Deployment Tool generates incorrect STAPL file for SRAM
Erase,Program,Verify operation for MachXO2 devices.

Devices affected: MachXO2

Versions affected: Diamond 3.6 and earlier

56 Lattice Software Known Issues


Deployment Tool displays an error when generating

an application specific BSDL file for ispMACH4KZE
Deployment Tool displays an error when generating an application specific
BSDL file for ispMACH4KZE devices

Devices affected: ispMACH4KZE

Versions affected: Diamond 3.6 and earlier

Diamond Programmer MachXO2 erase times need

to be changed
The Diamond Programmer Erase Times need to be changed or there is a
potential for failures over the life of the product. The following devices are
 MachXO2-256
 MachXO2-640
 MachXO2-1200
 MachXO2-2000
 MachXO2-4000
 MachXO2-7000

Erase times are as follows:

MachXO2- MachXO2- MachXO2- MachXO2- MachXO2- MachXO2-

256 640 1200 2000 4000 7000

ispVM v18.1 2 3 3.5 4 5 8

Diamond Programmer v3.0 2 3 3.5 10 30 30

Diamond Programmer v3.4 9 12 15 15 30 30

Devices affected:MachXO2
Versions affected: Diamond 3.4 and earlier

Issues with I2C Slave Address when using Security

Program Feature Rows
Diamond Programmer doesn't allow user to change I2C slave address by
Security Program Feature Rows. Also, when feature row is read by doing
Security Read Feature Rows operation in Diamond Programmer, the I2C

Lattice Software Known Issues 57


slave register mapping shows I2CSlaveaddress [7:0] but actually it is

I2CSlaveaddress [9:2] and last 2 bits are fixed (primary config, primary user,
and secondary user).

Devices affected: MachXO2, MachXO3L, MachXO3LF

Versions affected: Diamond 3.6

Diamond Programmer gives an error for MachXO3

BSDL files
When certain MachXO3 BSDL files are imported into Diamond Programmer,
you may receive an “Invalid BSDL File” error message.

Devices affected: MachXO3L, MachXO3LF

Versions affected: Diamond 3.6
CR125432, CR126340

XFLASH Erase,Program,Verify,Feature and

TransFR operation has been added for MachXO2
and MachXO3 devices
A new Flash Background Mode operation, “XFLASH
Erase,Program,Verify,Feature and TransFR,” has been added to eliminate a
"The FEATURE ROW Setting does not match the Setting in the Device.
Cannot continue" error message.

Devices affected: MachXO2, MachXO3LF

Versions affected: Diamond 3.5, 3.6

Diamond Programmer iCE40 Read and Save CRAM

Block 3 may shift by a bit
Diamond Programmer iCE40 Read and Save CRAM Block 3 may shift by a
bit. There should be 20 clocks instead of 21.

Devices affected: iCE40

Versions affected: Diamond 3.6

58 Lattice Software Known Issues


Data File Size of SPI Flash device resets to zero

When the Operation for an SPI Flash device is changed in an existing
Programmer project (.xcf file), the Data File Size occasionally resets to zero.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.4, 3.4.1

Devices affected: All

Clicking Load from File resets verification file

When the Verification file for an SPI Flash device is changed and the Load
from File button is clicked, the Verification file occasionally resets to the
original file.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.4, 3.4.1

Devices affected: All

Programing status is not updated when

programming a chain of devices
When programming a chain of devices with three or devices, the status
column for the third device, for example, shows NA until that row is selected.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.4, 3.4.1

Devices affected: All

SVF-Flash Refresh option fails to generate the SVF

File if the Rev-D Standard was selected
If the Flash Refresh operation and the Rev-D Standard option are selected,
the Deployment Tool fails to generate the SVF file.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.3, 3.4, 3.4.1

Devices affected: MachXO2

Programmer does not save the file name in the XCF

file when a different JEDEC file is selected
When selecting a different JEDEC file in an existing XCF file with the XFLASH
Verify Feature Rows operation, Programmer does not save the new JEDEC
file name in the XCF file.

Lattice Software Known Issues 59


Versions affected: Diamond 3.4, 3.4.1

Devices affected: MachXO2

Programmer changes the selected operation to the

default operation
When opening an existing XCF file with the XSRAM Bypass operation,
Programmer resets the operation to the default operation, SRAM Fast

Versions affected: Diamond 3.4, 3.4.1

Devices affected: MachXO2

Model 300 reports an error when programming a

LatticeXP2 with an encrypted JEDEC file
Model 300 reports an error message when trying to program a LatticeXP2
with an encrypted JEDEC file.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.4, 3.4.1

Devices affected: LatticeXP2

Programmer reports an error message when

creating an XCF file from Diamond
After generating a MachXO3LF JEDEC file using Diamond, if a new
Integrated Programmer XCF file is created, Programmer reports an error
message saying the XCF file was invalid.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.4.1

Devices affected: MachXO3LF

Diamond Programmer incorrectly generates error

message for XO3L-4300C JEDEC file
Programmer incorrectly reports an error message when the JEDEC file for the
LCMXO3L-4300C is selected.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.4, 3.4.1


60 Lattice Software Known Issues


Devices affected: MachXO3L


Programmer fails to load USB driver for the HW-

USB-2A USB cable on Windows 8.1
Diamond Programmer occasionally reports the error message “failed to load
usb driver” when using the HW-USB-2A USB cable on Windows 8.1.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.4, 3.4.1

Devices affected: All

Diamond Programmer command line reports

“Cannot connect to X Server” on Linux
Diamond Programmer reports “Cannot connect to X Server” error message
when running command line on Linux.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.3, 3.4, 3.4.1

Devices affected: All

Not able to program a chain of MachXO3L devices

in Turbo mode
Diamond Programmer crashes when programming the NVCM of a chain of
MachXO3L devices in Turbo mode.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.3, 3.4, 3.4.1

Devices affected: MachXO3L

Embedded I2C files generated from Diamond

Deployment Tool fails for Verify CFG
The Embedded I2C files generated for the MachXO2 family fails to program
and verify the Configuration memory block.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.4.1

Devices affected: MachXO2

Lattice Software Known Issues 61

LATTICE DIAMOND : Reveal Hardware Debug

Reveal Hardware Debug

Reveal Analyzer fails to open on Windows 8
Diamond does not support the Windows 8 operating system. Reveal Analyzer
fails to open.

Run Diamond on a different operating system.

Versions affected: All

Devices affected: All

Reveal Analyzer crashes when scanning devices

If pin 1 of the JTAG connector on the board is not connected to the VCC
signal of the USB (or Parallel) download cable, Reveal Analyzer crashes
when the Startup Wizard scans the devices.

VCC must be connected for Reveal Analyzer to work.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.0, 2.0.1

Devices affected: All

Reveal triggers wrong with 3 trigger units and Max

Sequence Depth of 4
Reveal Analyzer may not trigger correctly if there are three trigger units and a
maximum sequence depth of 4. If your Reveal module has three trigger units,
open Reveal Inserter and set Max Sequence Depth of the trigger expression
to 1, 2, 8, or 16 (not 4).

Versions affected: Diamond 1.3

Devices affected: All

Reveal Inserter fails to link a signal

In Reveal Inserter, if you try to trace multiple dimension array signals within a
VHDL design whose top entity is defined by the Configuration statement,
Reveal Inserter may issue a runtime error. After you select the Ignore button
of the dialog box, Reveal issues an error message in the Output view as

ERROR: Failed to link signal 'keysch/round0a/m_value_even'.

ERROR: Core Linker Failed.

62 Lattice Software Known Issues


To avoid this problem, choose Design > Generate Hierarchy in the Diamond
main window. Then launch Reveal Inserter to get the correct design tree.
Regenerate the Reveal project file.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0, 1.1, 1.2

Devices affected: All

Recently used platforms do not appear in the Open

Platform list
Reveal Inserter might not open with a large VHDL design that has many user-
defined data types. There's no error message. You see a message about
“loading design” but Reveal Inserter never opens.

The process was probably killed because it ran out of memory. You can work
around this problem by synthesizing the design to create an EDIF file. Then
create an EDIF design project and run Reveal Inserter.

Versions affected: ispLEVER 7.1SP1, 7.2, 7.2SP1, 7.2SP2, 8.0, 8.0SP1, 8.1,
8.1SP1; Diamond 1.0
Fixed_1.1, Fixed_8.2
Devices affected: All

Other Topics
In Lattice Diamond Tutorial, User Needs to
Manually Open Hierarchy View
When running the Lattice Diamond Tutorial, if the user closes Hierarchy View
before opening the Diamond project, the HDL parser will not detect the top
level module. The user needs to manually open Hierarchy View before
opening the Diamond project.

Versions affected: Diamond 3.8 and earlier

Devices affected: LatticeECP3
CR126649, 127177

Hysteresis is not set for the LVTLL33 IO_TYPE

Hysteresis bits are not set for the LVTLL33 IO_TYPE. Changing the
Hysteresis setting in the software will not have any effect if you select the
IO_TYPE to be LVTTL33.

Change the IO_TYPE to LVCMOS33 and then use the Hysteresis settings.
LVCMOS33 and LVTLL33 are exactly the same.

Lattice Software Known Issues 63


Versions affected: Diamond 3.3

Devices affected: MachXO2

EPIC Help does not display in Firefox

EPIC cannot open its online Help if Firefox is your default browser. Instead,
Firefox displays, “The address wasn’t understood.”

To work around this problem, do one of the following:

 Set a different browser, such as Chrome or Internet Explorer, as your
default browser. Then open the Help from EPIC.
 In Firefox, enter the path to the Help:
<Diamond directory>\ispfpga\webhelp\epichelp\index.htm

Versions affected: Diamond 3.1, 3.2, 3.3

Devices affected: All

VME file missing USERCODE verification opcode

Deployment Tool, with the Verify USERCODE option, does not include the
opcode for USERCODE Verification test (case VUES = 0x61) at the beginning
of the VME hex file.

Use ispVM System to generate the VME file instead.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.2, 3.0

Devices affected: All

Tutorials require “Diamond Free License - For

Versa Kit Only” for users of free Diamond software
Users of free Diamond software who wish to perform either the Diamond
Tutorial or the LatticeMico32 Tutorial should request the “Diamond Free
License - For Versa Kit Only.” This license enables the user to select the
LatticeECP3 LFE3-35EA device, which is required to perform the tutorials.

Many of the tasks in the tutorials can be performed without an actual

LatticeECP3 Versa Development Kit, but the low-cost LatticeECP3 Versa
Development Kit is recommended to perform all of the tasks in the tutorials.

To obtain a “Diamond Free License - For Versa Kit Only,” go to

www.latticesemi.com and chose Support > Licensing.

64 Lattice Software Known Issues


To purchase a low-cost LatticeECP3 Versa Development Kit, go to

www.latticesemi.com and chose Products > Development Hardware >
Development Boards and Kits.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.1, 2.2

Devices affected: LatticeECP3

EPIC DRC returns incorrect number of errors and

When you open a component for editing in EPIC's Logic Block View and run
DRC for one selected item on the schematic (such as a slice mode), EPIC
returns errors and warnings for the selected item. If you then select other
items and run DRC for each of them, or if you repeat the process with the
same item, EPIC DRC will not reset the numbering of warnings or errors with
each DRC run. Instead, it will report a cumulative total of errors and warnings
for all the DRC runs.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.2

Devices affected: All

Maximum number of MachXO2 user I/Os differs

from the number shown in Diamond
The MachXO2 family maximum number of user I/Os shown and reported in
the Diamond software should be reduced by 1 to account for the JTAGENB

Versions affected: Diamond 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1

Devices affected: MachXO2

Process view not updated after changing source

file list
Sometimes when you modify the list of source files for a design, Diamond
does not correctly reset the status in the Process view. This can happen when
you add, remove, include, or exclude a source file.

Regardless of the status showing in the Process view, if you modify the
source files, you need to rerun the implementation process from the

Versions affected: Diamond 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 2.0, 2.0.1


Lattice Software Known Issues 65


Devices affected: All


Incremental Design Flow can fail if design exceeds

unmatched component threshold and contains
In most cases when using Incremental Design Flow (IDF), if your design
exceeds 20 percent unmatched components, you will receive a warning
message, and IDF will automatically switch to normal design flow.

However, if your design contains an XSIOLOGIC element and also exceeds

the 20 percent unmatched components threshold, IDF will display the warning
message, but will then fail in normal design flow because it can't locate the
XSIOLOGIC location.

As a workaround, use the normal design flow.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.0, 2.0.1

Devices affected: LatticeECP2/M, LatticeECP3

ECO Editor signal probe displayed incorrectly

When you add a signal probe in the ECO Editor and then cross-probe to
Floorplan View or Physical View, sometimes the wrong connection is
displayed for the net.

To work around this issue, close Floorplan View or Physical View. Cross-
probe the selected signal again from the Signal Probes sheet of ECO Editor.
The correct connection will then be displayed.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.0, 2.0.1

Devices affected: All

Incremental Design Flow may not recognize anchor

and bounding box
In some isolated cases when using Incremental Design Flow, some user-
defined partitions may not recognize anchor and bounding boxes that are
either specified by the user or automatically assigned by the engine. This
symptom can be observed through the Partition Manager view.

If this happens, it is suggested that you run the normal design flow.

Versions affected: Diamond 2.0, 2.0.1


66 Lattice Software Known Issues


Devices affected: LatticeECP2/M, LatticeECP3


Error messages appear when memory is initialized

to all 1s
If you have EBR-based modules in a MachXO2 design, error messages will
be generated when you attempt to update initial memory to all 1s using the
ECO Editor. This occurs for RAM_DP, RAM_DP_TRUE, RAM_DQ, and ROM.
The error messages will appear when you try to save the .ncd file or when you
run DRC.

To work around this issue, provide a memory file (.mem) that contains the
initialization data.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.3, 1.4

Devices affected: MachXO2

Four ispLeverDSP blocks generate compare errors

in Matlab/Simulink 7.5.0 (2007b)
The following ispLeverDSP blocks generate compare errors when using
Matlab/Simulink 7.5.0 (2007b):
 Convolutional Encoder 3.4
 DA_FIR 2.1
 FIR 4.2
 NCO 2.5

This problem is due to a mismatch between Simulink blocks and the latest
Lattice IP. New Simulink blocks will be provided upon request through the hot
patch flow.

Note: ispLeverDSP is no longer supported starting with Diamond 2.2.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1

Devices affected: All

Lattice Software Known Issues 67


The ispLeverDSP Viterbi Decoder 4.5 will not

generate in Matlab/Simulink 7.5.0 (2007b)
The ispLeverDSP Viterbi Decoder module, version 4.5, will not generate in
Matlab/Simulink 7.5.0 (2007b). This problem is caused by a generation error
due to a problem with the mdl2vhd.exe file. A new Simulink block, which
updates the .mexw32 files for the blocks and the mdl2vhd.exe file, will be
provided upon request through the hot patch flow.

Note: ispLeverDSP is no longer supported starting with Diamond 2.2.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1

Devices affected: All

Status icons in Reports view do not indicate when

Tool Reports need updating
After changing the design or the strategy, the icons of the Tool Reports in the
Reports view do not change to the question mark form. It looks like the Tool
Reports are still up-to-date when they actually need to be rerun.

Either rerun the Tool Reports promptly after making changes or make a note
that they are out of date.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.4

Devices affected: All

VCS cannot find EFB module

The VCS black-box encrypted models for MachXO2 have the wrong module
content. The following files have to be replaced with a patch available from

For Verilog simulation:


For VHDL simulation (need VCS-MX


Please contack Lattice Semiconductor customer support.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.2, 1.3

Devices affected: MachXO2

68 Lattice Software Known Issues


Universal File Writer for Linux does not display all

of the valid file types
The Open Input Data File dialog box on Universal File Writer (UFW) for Linux
does not display all of the valid file types. For example, for generating an SVF
file, the valid input files are *.jed and *.isc. The Linux UFW only displays the
*.isc file. The dialog box does not offer an “All Files” as a workaround.

There are two workarounds:

 Type the file name into the File name box.
 Run UFW using the command line.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.3 for Linux

Devices affected: All

Help does not work in Google Chrome browser

When you try to open the help with Google Chrome, the browser displays an
empty window. If you get the help from a server it works fine, but if you get the
help from your local computer there's nothing.

This is because Google added a security feature in March 2010 that interfered
with the file:// protocol, which is at the heart of browser-based help that
Diamond and other Lattice software uses. (This affects the help of many other
companies' software too.)

Workarounds include:
 Open a different kind of browser (such as Internet Explorer) and browse to
the index.htm file of the software's help.
 Set a different kind of browser as your default browser.
 In Chrome, go to www.latticesemi.com and search on your topic there.
 Install the Lattice software on a server.
 Open Chrome from a command prompt with the following flag:
chrome --allow-file-access-from-files
Note: Doing this means that when you open any Web page that is
resident on your computer - not just Diamond Help - the page will
automatically run any active content that it has. While active content is
common and can be very useful, malicious content can damage your files.
Be sure you trust the software on your computer.

Versions affected: Diamond, Diamond 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.4, 1.4.1,
1.4.2, 2.0, 2.0.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2
Devices affected: All

Lattice Software Known Issues 69


Cannot change column widths in Hierarchy view

In the Hierarchy view, if you hover over a column divider, the cursor changes
to a resizing cursor, but clicking and dragging has no effect.

The columns are automatically sized, so manually changing them is not

available. Showing the resizing cursor is a mistake.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 2.0, 2.0.1
Devices affected: All

Generate Hierarchy does not expand all the files

Sometimes the Generate Hierarchy function fails to expand the Verilog files in
a mixed Verilog/VHDL design. This happens when the top module is in VHDL.

The workaround is to create a top module in Verilog.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 2.0,
2.0.1, 2.2
Devices affected: All

Files modified by another application may not get

saved in Diamond
When a file is opened in Diamond, if you modify it in another application and
switch back to Diamond, you will not be notified that the file is updated outside
until the file editor in Diamond is activated.

In such cases, the Save All command may not save the file changes you
made outside of Diamond. You may lose the changes without any notification.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

Devices affected: All

Error running BKM check to validate VCD files

When running BKM check to validate the existence and timestamp of VCD
files, you may get the following error message:

Running BKM Check

ERROR: (ST-1303) Error running 'Module' BKM command
'moduleVCDCheck' on 'Module 'count'.
-- Error Parsing command '[Module 'count' -
stnode_0bc5d9d0] addExternalFile d:/test_tasks/bali_test/

70 Lattice Software Known Issues


-- -- bad node command name "addExternalFile": must be -
help, getName, isVhdl, isVerilog, isEDIF, getTypeName,
getNodeType, getInstancePath, getTitle, getToolTipInfo,
getFileName, getLineNum, getColumn, getLineColInfo,
isValid, getStickyNotes, hasStickyNotes, runBKM, canDrop,
getDropText, addStickyNote, removeStickyNote,
addAttribute, setAttribute, getAttributes,
findAttributes, removeAttribute, getComments, addMessage,
getStatusText, getLineFileText, getStatus, getInstances,
getLibInstances, getAssignmentBlocks,
getAssignmentBlockCount, getLibrary, findInstance,
findNet, findPort, getNumLevels, getInstCount,
getDefiningModule, getDefiningDefinitionBlock,
getDefiningPrimaryBlock, getDefiningSecondaryBlock,
getFullName, getBaseName, getSignals, getClocks,
getWireorRegs, getWires, getRegisters, getChildren,
getOwner, getNets, getPortCount, getPorts, getInPorts,
getOutPorts, getIOPorts, getInstantiations, isBlackBox,
isDefined, isPrimitive, isLibCell, isRoot, prettyPrint,
getAlwaysBlocks, getInitialBlocks, or

BKM Check finished with (1) errors, and (0) warnings.

Clear Validate VCD from the Options dialog box (Tools > Options from the
Diamond main window), the HDL Diagram > BKM > Verification section, to
disable the check for VCD files.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0, 1.1, 1.2

Devices affected: All

Predefined parameters set in the HDL Parameters

section of the Project Properties dialog cannot be
handled when generating hierarchy
Predefined parameters set in the HDL Parameters section of the Project
properties dialog cannot be handled when generating hierarchy (Tools >
Generate Hierarchy from the Diamond main window). For example, the bus
width set in the HDL parameters section of the Project properties dialog
cannot be displayed in the Hierarchy view.

Define parameters within a source file and include the source file to the

Versions affected: Diamond 1.2

Devices affected: All devices

Lattice Software Known Issues 71


Download of a software update does not work

On Linux, in the UPDATE dialog box, the Download button does nothing.

To download an update without immediately installing it, open Diamond's

main window and choose Help > Check for Updates. In the Start Page there
is a frame that lists available updates. Find the desired update and click the
Download icon that is next to it. There are two icons. Download is the one on
the right. Hover over the icons to see labels.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.1 on Linux

Devices affected: All

Wrong file extension shown in “Managing Project

Sources” help topic
In the Diamond online Help, in the Managing Projects > Managing Project
Sources topic, there is a “Source Listed in the File List view” table. In this
table, the IP Module Config File extension should be .ipx, not .lpc.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0

Devices affected: All

Double-clicking .ldf cannot invoke Diamond on

some Windows computers
For some Windows computers, double-clicking the Diamond project file (.ldf)
cannot invoke the Diamond software. The Diamond installation cannot
associate the Diamond project file extension .ldf to Diamond, because some
Microsoft Applications lock this file extension for its use. An example is the
Microsoft SQL Server log file.

Instead, start Diamond from the Windows Start menu. Then open the .ldf file
by choosing File > Open > Project. In the Open Project dialog box, browse to
the .ldf file and click Open.

Version affected: Diamond 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.3.1, 1.4, 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 2.0, 2.0.1,
2.1, 2.2
Devices affected: All

72 Lattice Software Known Issues


HDL Diagram cannot display hierarchy correctly for

some pure EDIF designs
With a pure EDIF design including multiple EDIF files, after running the
Generate Hierarchy process, you may find the top module and sub-modules
are shown in the same level in the HDL Diagram.

Diamond HDL Diagram is designed to support a single EDIF file. If there are
multiple EDIF files in a pure EDIF design, all the EDIF files are treated as
separate single EDIF designs and the hierarchy will be displayed in HDL
Diagram in the same level.

To see the hierarchy, merge all the design units into one EDIF file.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0, 1.1, 1.2

Devices affected: All

HDL Diagram cannot display hierarchy correctly for

some VHDL/EDIF designs
If you have a mixed VHDL/EDIF design, the top of which is a VHDL file, and
run the Generate Hierarchy process in Diamond, you will find in HDL Diagram
that the top module is connected to empty submodules and the submodules
are shown as “not loaded”. Design units in EDIF files will be displayed in
separate hierarchy trees.

Workaround: none.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0

Devices affected: All

Removing an implementation from Diamond does

not delete the result files from the implementation
Removing an implementation from Diamond will not delete the result files
from the implementation directory.

Manually delete the files or the implementation directory if needed. If deleting

the implementation directory, be careful to make sure that there are no source
files in the implementation directory.

Versions affected: All

Devices affected: All

Lattice Software Known Issues 73


ispLeverDSP cannot work properly due to the

missing search path
The ispLeverDSP blocks in Diamond cannot be run correctly in MATLAB/
Simulink. This is caused by the missing search path.

To solve the problem, take the following procedures to set the search path in
both MATLAB and Windows System Environment Variables.
1. In the MATLAB startup window, choose File > Set Path to open the Set
Path dialog box. Add the following paths to the search path list:
2. Go to the Windows Control Panel. Choose System > Advanced >
Environment Variables > System Variables. Add the above two paths to
the search path list.

After adding the two search paths in MATLAB and the Windows Environment
Variables tab, re-run MATLAB/Simulink.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.0

Devices affected: All

74 Lattice Software Known Issues

Chapter 2

Other Lattice Software

This section lists the known issues and workarounds of other Lattice software
including ispLEVER Classic, PAC-Designer, LatticeMico System, ispVM
System, and ORCAstra. Descriptions include the software versions and
devices affected. If you are looking for a workaround to a problem, search for
related terms including the tool name or a word from an error message, or
scan the Contents. If you want issues for a certain version, search for the
version number. This will find issues affecting that version and issues fixed in
that version of the software.

ispLEVER Classic
Timing simulation has potential race and hazard
Timing simulation may have race and hazard issues for post-fit netlist when
the control logic level is longer on the register with both asynchronous reset
and asynchronous preset using Lattice Synthesis Engine (LSE) as the
synthesis tool.

There are two workarounds:

1. Open the *.b2_ file in current project working folder using a text editor,
revise the device name from lc4k to gdx2, and save the file. In Project
Navigator, click Fit Design to run the optimizer and fitter again. (Do not
use the Force Run process.)
2. Change synthesis tool from LSE to SynplifyPro and rerun the design.

Versions affected: ispLEVER Classic 2.0

Device affected: Mach4000/Mach4000Z/Mach4000ZE

Lattice Software Known Issues 75


UAC dialog will display with multiple schematic

On Windows 7 or Windows Vista, when the User Account Control (UAC) is
on, an Unknown Publisher dialog box displays when running multiple
schematic designs because of the engine updatesc.exe.

If you see this, click Yes to continue.

Versions affected: ispLEVER Classic, all versions

Devices affected: All

Timing Analysis View display status is incorrect

after reloading
While Timing Analysis View is opening, if you change a design and rerun it,
Timing Analysis View reloads but the fmax result is not cleared. After
switching to another timing analysis and back, you are not able to run to redo
the timing analysis.

If you see this, close and re-open Timing Analysis View.

Versions affected: ispLEVER Classic 1.5

Devices affected: All

Constraint Editor does not reload design changes

Constraint Editor does not reload design changes automatically. While
running Constraint Editor, if you change design signals or change the
properties of synthesis to assign different internal signals, and then rerun the
Constraint Editor process, the Constraint Editor will only reload the .lct file, but
the design changes will not automatically update.

After making the changes, close and re-open Constraint Editor.

Versions affected: ispLEVER Classic 1.4

Devices affected: All

Pullup on global reset does not work

Adding a pullup to the RST (global reset) pin of an ispLSI design does not
appear to have any effect in the JEDEC output.

76 Lattice Software Known Issues


In fact, ispLSI 1000 and 2000 do not support a pullup on the global reset pin.
So the JEDEC file is correct. If needed, the pullup should be added externally.

Versions affected: ispLEVER Classic 1.4 and earlier

Devices affected: ispLSI 1000, ispLSI 2000

IO power guide (PG) property wrongly set to Enable

When an I/O is used as BIDI in the combinational circuit, the IO Power Guard
(PG) property is wrongly set to Enable in the Jedec file after running the “Fit
Design” process.

Contact Lattice technical support to get a software patch.

Versions affected: ispLEVER Classic 1.4

Devices affected: ispMACH4000ZE

Wrong device package information for

ispGAL22V10av-75LN shown in Fitter Report and
Jedec File
If you select ispGAL22V10AV-75LN, after compilation, you will find “QP28”
shown in the fitter report and the Jedec file. The correct display for this
package should be “QP32”.

Contact Lattice technical support to get a software patch.

Versions affected: ispLEVER Classic 1.4

Devices affected: ispGAL22V10av-75LN

Some signals in sub-modules cannot be viewed in

the Active-HDL waveform editor
While doing simulation in Active-HDL, some signals in sub-module file cannot
be viewed in the Active HDL Waveform Editor.

Rerun the simulation in the Active-HDL console window using the following

vsim +access +r <testbench_module_name> -L <library_name>

Versions affected: ispLEVER Classic 1.2, 1.3, 1.4


Lattice Software Known Issues 77


Devices affected: All


Some mature products are not supported by

ispLEVER Classic
Some of the older, or “mature,” devices cannot be designed for using
ispLEVER Classic.

First of all, make sure the device is not supported by ispLEVER Classic. In the
Device Selector dialog box, select Show Obsolete Devices (bottom-right of
the dialog box) and check again for the device.

If you still don't see it, you need to use Lattice Semiconductor's
ispDesignEXPERT 8.x, an older form of Lattice's design software. (If you do
not have ispDesignEXPERT, contact Lattice Technical Support.) If you do not
see the device offered in ispDesignEXPERT, use the following procedure to
enable the mature devices.

The basic procedure is to replace the device's .sds file in ispDesignEXPERT

System and the .lst file in ispDesignEXPERT Compiler with the corresponding
.obs files.

To enable mature devices in ispDesignEXPERT:

1. Go to the <install dir>\ispsys\config\device folder and find the family parts
list for the device. The file name is based on the device family name, such
as plsi1k.obs or mach2.obs.
2. Copy this file to <install dir>\ispsys\config, one level up.
3. Rename the corresponding .sds file. For example, change plsi1k.sds to
4. Rename the .obs file that you found to match the original .sds file. For
example, change plsi1k.obs to plsi1k.sds.
5. If you are working on a MACH device, restart ispDesignEXPERT.
If you are working with an ispLSI device, continue with the following steps.
6. Go to the <install dir>\ispcomp\config\device folder and find the parts list,
7. Copy lscpart.obs to <install dir>\ispcomp\config, one level up.
8. Rename the lscpart.lst file. For example, change lscpart.lst to
9. Rename the lscpart.obs file that you found to lscpart.lst.
10. Restart ispDesignEXPERT.

The .obs files include both production and mature devices, so reverting back
to the original .sds and .lst files is not necessary.

78 Lattice Software Known Issues


Versions affected: ispLEVER Classic, all versions

Devices affected: ispLSI, MACH

Functional simulation result incorrect in Lattice

Logic Simulator
In some designs, if reset is used as both reset and general logic, the
functional simulation result might be incorrect in Lattice Logic Simulator.
However, the timing simulation works fine.

Change to simulating your design in Active-HDL.

Versions affected: ispLEVER Classic 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

Devices affected: ispMACH 4000

ORCA Series 3 shows in the Device Selector Dialog

by error
During installation, you do not select ORCA Series 3 devices, but after you
install the control pack, ORCA Series 3 appears in the Device Selector dialog

Do not select ORCA Series 3 from the Device Selector dialog box if you did
not choose ORCA Series 3 during installation.

Versions affected: ispLEVER Classic 1.0, 1.1

Devices affected: ORCA Series 3

ModelSim fails to simulate due to obsolete

simulation library
An error occurs if the simulation libraries were compiled with an older version
of ModelSim and are now being loaded into a newer version. For example, if
your design was compiled using ModelSim Lattice OEM 5.8c and is then
loaded using ModelSim Lattice OEM 6.2i, this error occurs.

To prevent this error, contact Lattice Support to get recompiled libraries for
latest version of ModelSim.

This problem can also be fixed by finding the obsolete library and right-
clicking that library from the left-hand window (library pane) of the newer
version ModelSim. When right-clicking the selected library, you will find that
one of the options is to refresh.

Lattice Software Known Issues 79


Click the refresh option. This should start library refreshing, and the error
should not occur.

To refresh the library, you need write permission to the folder where the library resides.

Versions affected: ispLEVER Classic, all versions

Devices affected: All

EPIC allows LUT editing in “No-Logic-Changes”

EPIC Device Editor allows LUT equation editing (editblock/properties) in "No-
Logic-Changes" mode for ORCA Series 2 devices. Users are not advised to
edit the equations in LUT of ORCA Series 2 devices in “no-logic-changes”
mode of EPIC Device Editor.

Versions affected: ispLEVER Classic, all versions

Devices affected: ORCA Series 2 Devices

Constraint Editor fails intermittently on Unix/Linux

The Constraint Editor fails intermittently on Linux and Solaris running on the
OpenLook environment.

Solaris users can use CDE (Common Desktop Environment) to avoid this
problem. If you use Linux or Solaris running on OpenLook, close the
Constraint Editor and re-open it until it works.

Versions affected: ispLEVER Classic 1.0, 1.1

Devices affected: ORCA Series 2, ORCA Series 3

ispLEVER Classic requires read-write permission

on the folder defined in $LSC_INI_PATH
If the ispLEVER software is installed on a Windows XP system with
administrator privilege and to be used by an account in the “Users” group,
Project Navigator may not function correctly. The cause is that users have no
read-write access to the folder where user settings are stored.

In such cases, make sure that the user account has read-write permission on
the folder defined in the $LSC_INI_PATH environment variable, so that the
user can create new configuration files and modify all the existing
configuration files in that folder. The default $LSC_INI_PATH value is
“<boot_drive>:\LSC_ENV” on Windows.

80 Lattice Software Known Issues


Version affected: ispLEVER Classic 1.0, 1.1

Devices affected: All

PAC-Designer USB driver is not up-to-date with
The PAC-Designer USB driver is not up-to-date with Windows Vista and later
operating systems. Consequently, devices cannot be programmed within the
PAC-Designer environment.

PAC-Designer USB driver is not up-to-date with Windows

After using PAC-Designer to generate the JEDEC file, use Diamond

Programmer to program the device.

Versions affected: PAC-Designer 6.2, 6.23, 6.24. 6.25, 6.26


VHDL designs using mixed-case characters can

cause error messages
Since VHDL is not sensitive to uppercase letters, error messages can occur
when using such declarations as “RESET_ALL”, “cltrim0”, “cltrim1” and

To avoid this, set the FPGA environment to Verilog.

Versions affected: PAC-Designer 6.1

Devices affected: Platform Manager

Platform Manager designs with a timer in the VHDL

netlist always show an “X” during simulation
In PAC-Designer, when running the PLD gate-level simulations with Platform
Manager VHDL designs, the signal timer_tc always shows an “X” during the
PLD simulation time. This is caused by clock edge and input data changes
occuring at the same time stamp.

Instead, export a Verilog netlist for the PLD simulation.

Versions affected: PAC-Designer 6.1


Lattice Software Known Issues 81


Devices affected: Platform Manager


Windows 7 does not associate .pac files with PAC-

Double-clicking on a .pac file in an Explorer window does not open the file.
Instead it brings up the Windows 7 Open With dialog box.

To open the file:

1. Click Browse and browse to where you installed PAC-Designer.
2. Select PACD##.exe and click Open.
3. In the Open With dialog box, select PAC-Designer.
4. Select Always use the selected program to open this kind of file.
5. Click OK.

PAC-Designer opens with the file. In the future, double-clicking a .pac file will
open PAC-Designer.

Versions affected: PAC-Designer 6.0.1, 6.1

Devices affected: All

PlatformManager_10-12107_I2C_Utility doesn't
The PlatformManager_10-12107_I2C_Utility doesn't work in PAC-Designer. A
connection cannot be established between the computer and the Platform
Manager board. “No device found” or “check Cable connection or device
address” error messages are displayed.

Versions affected: PAC-Designer 6.1

Devices affected: Platform Manager

.ini file in c:/lsc_env cannot be written using

Windows 7 or Windows Vista OS
After installing PAC-Designer on PCs running using Windows 7 or Windows
Vista operating systems, the .ini file in c:/lsc_env is created successfully, but it
cannot be written to by the software.

To make the .ini file writable:

1. Copy the .ini file to another location.

82 Lattice Software Known Issues


2. Delete the original .ini file.

3. Rename the copied .ini file to the original .ini file name.

Versions affected: PAC-Designer 6.1

Devices affected: Platform Manager

VID Demo fails to compile when using VHDL entry

The Platform Manager Develpment Kit Power Supply Voltage Control (VID)
Demo source files fail to compile when using VHDL entry. There are two
 Some of the port definitions require a semicolon to end.
 Signal D4 is an output type and is connected to both output and inout
ports. VHDL does not allow this.

To fix this, add a semicolon to the end of these signal definitions, and define
signal D4 as a buffer.

Versions affected: PAC-Designer 6.1

Devices affected: Platform Manager

PAC-Designer does not support device

downloading on Windows 7
If your operating system is Windows 7, you cannot download a design to a
device in PAC-Designer.

Instead, use ispVM System or Diamond Programmer to download the design.

Versions affected: PAC-Designer all versions

Devices affected: All

PAC-Designer crashes when compiling a

LogiBuilder design
Add an FPGA node in the Logic I/O Assignment dialog box, and open
LogiBuilder to assign the node in a supervisory logic equation. After that, if
you delete the node with the Logic I/O Assignment dialog box, the node name
will appear as “???” in the LogiBuilder window. Then, if you compile the
LogiBuilder design, the PAC-Designer software crashes.

To resolve the issue, after deleting the FPGA node in the Logic I/O
Assignment dialog box, also delete the node assignment from the LogiBuilder
Equation table. Then save the project and run compilation again.

Lattice Software Known Issues 83


Versions affected: PAC-Designer 6.0, 6.0.1

Devices affected: Platform Manager

PAC-Designer fails to export Jedec after compiling

a LogiBuilder design in ABEL mode
When CPLD LogiBuilder is in ABEL mode, if you use FPGA LogiBuilder to
compile the design, and then choose File > Export from the main window to
export a Jedec file, you will receive the error message, “Your design has
changed, so you will need to recompile the design before you download or

To avoid this issue, before exporting Jedec, save the ABEL file in CPLD
LogiBuilder and re-compile the design in FPGA LogiBuilder, or compile the
design in the ABEL Source View by choosing Tools > Compile Design.

Versions affected: PAC-Designer 6.0, 6.0.1

Devices affected: Platform Manager

Spaces in PAC-Designer project path are not

PAC-Designer does not allow you to create a project in a path that contains a
directory with spaces in its name.

Versions affected: PAC-Designer, all versions

Devices affected: Platform Manager

A Clock Frequency Hz radio button does not work

in PAC-Designer
In PAC-Designer, the Clock Frequency Hz radio button does not work in the
“Edit Clock and Simulation Time” dialog box. To enter a Hz value, select the
kHz radio button and divide the clock frequency by 1000.

Versions affected: PAC-Designer 5.0, 4.99a, 4.99, 4.98, 4.97, 4.96, 4.95, 4.9,
4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5, 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
Devices affected: ispPAC-POWR1220AT8, ispPAC-POWR1014/A, LA-
ispPAC-POWR1014/A, ispPAC-POWR6AT6, ispPAC-POWR1208P1,
ispPAC-POWR1208, ispPAC-POWR607, ispPAC-POWR604

84 Lattice Software Known Issues


LatticeMico System
In LatticeMico System, FTDI Cable Server Requires
Two Minutes to Enter Debug Mode
When using LatticeMico System software, you must wait minutes before
trying to scan another cable. After two minutes of idle the cable server will
shut down on it own.

Versions affected: LatticeMico System 3.6

Devices affected: All

EFB not enabled with MachXO3LF when creating a

LatticeMico System Builder platform
When creating a platform in LatticeMico System Builder for a MachXO3LF
design, if you choose MachXO3LF in the Platform Wizard, the EFB
component will not be enabled.

As a workaround, you can create a platform specifying a MachXO2 device

instead. This will enable the EFB component, and your MachXO3LF design
will work properly.

Versions affected: LatticeMico System 3.4.1

Devices affected: MachXO3LF

Debug Configuration operation may time-out over a

slow Linux network
When running the Linux version of LatticeMico System software remotely
over a slow Linux network connection, the Run > Debug Configuration
operation may hang or display an “Unknown Device” error message.

The workaround is to debug your design using the LatticeMico System

software installed on a local computer (PC or Linux), rather than running over
a Linux network.

Versions affected: All LatticeMico System software versions

Devices affected: All

Lattice Software Known Issues 85


LatticeMico Mutli-Memory deployment does not

work under certain conditions
LatticeMico Mutli-Memory deployment does not work under certain

This issue affects the LatticeMico8 Memory Deployment flow under the Tools
> Software Deployment tab in the LatticeMico SPE perspective. It happens
when you choose the same memory instance for the Program memory and
the Read/Write Data memory, but choose a different memory instance for the
Read-Only Data memory.

You can detect this issue by reading the log message in the console. A correct
Multi-Memory deployment flow generates multiple memory files that contain
the following five sections:


If any of these sections are missing, the memory initialization files were
incorrectly generated.

The workaround is to generate the memory files manually in the LatticeMico

System SDK shell:
1. You can find the memory segment information using the following

lm32-elf-readelf - l <elf_file>
2. Then you can deploy the memory segments into corresponding memory
files using the following two commands:

lm32-elf-objcopy [-j <section>] -O binary <elf_file> <application_bin>

bin_to_verilog --h --EB --width 4 <application_bin> <memory_file>

Elf file type is EXEC (Executable file)
* Entry point 0x2000000
* There are 3 program headers, starting at offset 52
* * Program Headers: * Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg
* LOAD 0x001000 0x02000000 0x02000000 0x01ffc 0x01ffc R E 0x1000
* LOAD 0x003000 0x04200000 0x02001ffc 0x0008c 0x0008c R 0x1000
* LOAD 0x003ffc 0x02001ffc 0x02002088 0x00078 0x002f0 RW 0x1000
* * Section to Segment mapping:
* Segment Sections...
* 00 .boot .text
* 01 .rodata

86 Lattice Software Known Issues


* 02 .data .bss
As shown in the above example, the lm32-elf-objcopy program header
and segment mapping help you determine that:
 The .boot, .text, .data, and .bss files go into one memory segment.
 The .rodata file goes into another memory segment.
3. Then run the following commands to generate multiple memory files:

lm32-elf-objcopy -j .boot -j .text -j .data -j . bss -O binary <elf_file>


<diamond_directory>/micosystem/utilities/bin_to_verilog --h --EB --

width 4 <application_bin> <memory_file>

lm32-elf- objcopy -j .rodata binary <elf_file> <application_bin>

<diamond_directory>/micosystem/utilities/bin_to_verilog --h --EB --

width 4 <application_bin> <memory_file>

For more details about the lm32 command, refer to the “Software
Development Utilities” chapter of the LatticeMico32 Software Developer User

Versions affected: LatticeMico System 2.1, 2.2

Devices affected: All

Running LatticeMico32 Flash Deployment in

Diamond 32-bit for Windows may cause error
When performing LatticeMico32 Flash Deployment using LatticeMico System
C/C++ perspective in Diamond 32-bit for Windows, you may receive the
following error:

/cygdrive/c/bug/57989/ecp2/spiflashprogrammer/Debug/.fgdbini:1: Error in
sourced command file:
localhost:1000: Connection refused.

If you see this error, start LatticeMico System SDK Shell by choosing Start >
Lattice Diamond > Accessories > LatticeMico System SDK Shell, and run
tcp2jtagvc2 before you perform LatticeMico32 Flash Deployment.

Versions affected: LatticeMico System 2.0, 2.0.1

Devices affected: All FPGAs

Lattice Software Known Issues 87


LatticeMico System SPE/Debug printf to console

does not display
On Linux operating systems only, the C printf to SPE/Debug console does not
display, giving an impression that there is an error.

This issue is seen on Red Hat Enterprises versions 4, 5, and 6. The Windows
operating system does not have this issue.

As a workaround on Linux operating systems, run the debugger from the

command-line. C printfs will then be seen correctly.

Versions affected: LatticeMico System 2.0

Devices affected: All

In LatticeMico System, the platform.mk file must be

modified to work on Linux
The platform.mk file located in:
will not work on Linux systems because the following line in the file is

The line should be modified so that the “D” in the word “Debug” is upper-case,
as follows:

Versions affected: LatticeMico System 2.0, 2.0.1

Devices affected: All

LatticeMico installation “splash screens” appear

small on some Linux systems
On some Linux systems, such as Red Hat RHEL 6-64, the “splash screens”
that display during installation can appear small--measuring approximately 1-
inch by 1-inch--rather than full-size.

This issue happens on RHEL 6-64 if the 32-bit library libz.so.1 is not installed
before gtk2-2.18.9-6.el6.i686.

The gtk2-2.18.9-6.el6.i686 file does not report the dependency for 32-bit
libz.so.1 library properly. If 32-bit libz.so.1 is not installed when you install
gtk2-2.18.9-6.el6.i686, you will receive a warning and an installation
“Complete!” message. The following is an example of a warning and a
“Complete!” message:

88 Lattice Software Known Issues


Non-fatal POSTIN scriptlet failure in rpm package gtk2-

/usr/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders-32: error while loading
shared libraries: libz.so.1: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-2.0-32: error while loading
shared libraries: libz.so.1: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory
warning: %post(gtk2-2.18.9-6.el6.i686) scriptlet failed,
exit status 127
duration: 105(ms)
Installed products updated.
gtk2.i686 0:2.18.9-6.el6

The small “spash screens” issue has no impact on the actual installation of
LatticeMico System software. The software will work. However, as a
workaround to avoid the small “splash screens” issue, install the 32-bit library
libz.so.1 before gtk2-2.18.9-6.el6.i686.

Versions affected: LatticeMico System 2.1

Devices affected: All

Items may be missing from dialog boxes on

systems running Windows 7 64-bit OS
On systems running Windows 7 64-bit operating systems, deployment icons
may be missing in the MSB Software Deployment Tools dialog box and in the
C/C++ Debug dialog box.

Workaround this problem by doing one of the following:

 Use a 32-bit Windows OS to run MSB
 Use a Linux OS to run MSB
 Use the MSB SDK Shell to execute the necessary commands manually:
/micosystem/gtools/lm8/bin/lm8-elf-objcopy -j .text -O
binary .elf prom_init.bin
/micosystem/utilities/bin_to_verilog --LM8 --h --EB --width
3 prom_init.bin prom_init.mem
/micosystem/gtools/lm8/bin/lm8-elf-objcopy -j .data -j
.irq_stack -O binary .elf scratchpad_init.bin
/micosystem/utilities/bin_to_verilog --LM8 --h --EB --width
1 scratchpad_init.bin scratchpad_init.mem

Versions affected: LatticeMico System 1.3, 1.4

Devices affected: All

Lattice Software Known Issues 89


Address locking does not function for components

with multiple Wishbone slave ports
Address locking does not function for components with multiple Wishbone
slave ports. The next time a platform is opened in MSB, it loses the address
lock for these components, even when the lock was explicitly set the prior
time it was opened in MSB.

Versions affected: LatticeMico System 1.3

Devices affected: All

Cannot launch TCP2JTAGVC2 from command-line

shell in Lattice Mico System
Command-line debugging of LatticeMico32 designs via the LatticeMico
System SDK Shell requires launching the TCP2JTAGVC2 process prior to
launching lm32-elf-gdb. The shell does not recognize the TCP2JTAGVC2

The fix is to set the PATH environment variable using the following syntax:

export PATH=/micosystem/gtools/bin:$PATH

Versions affected: LatticeMico System 1.2

Devices affected: All

“Failed to Load USB Driver” error in MSB if

Diamond 1.2 is uninstalled
If you install both Diamond 1.1 and Diamond 1.2, and then uninstall Diamond
1.2, the TCP2JTAGVC2 application that provides the communication channel
between the LatticeMico32 microprocessor debug module and lm32-elf-gdb
may not function properly when running Mico System Builder (MSB).

The following error message may be returned:

“Failed to Load USB Driver.”

This should only be a problem if running Diamond 1.1 MSB, as this has been
fixed in Diamond 1.2 MSB.

As a workaround, set the ISPVM_DIR system variable to the Diamond 1.1

ispvmsystem directory.

For example:

90 Lattice Software Known Issues


Variable name: ISPVM_DIR

Variable value: c:\lscc\diamond\1.1\ispvmsystem

Versions affected: LatticeMico System 1.1

Devices affected: All

Unable to open IPexpress from Lattice Mico System

Builder on Linux
On Linux, the LatticeMico32 System for Diamond does not allow you to open
IPexpress from within the Lattice Mico System Builder user interface (MSB).
To generate an IP, you must open IPexpress separately and generate the IP.
The work-around differs, depending on whether you want to generate a VHDL
NGO file or not. The following procedure shows how to generate an IP using
both options.
1. Create a Platform in Lattice MSB. In the Platform Wizard, select Create
VHDL Wrapper if desired.
Leave “Create VHDL NGO File” unselected. You will create the VHDL
NGO file in a final step if needed.
2. Open IPexpress and select the IP.
3. In the Project Path, select the Diamond project location where you will
implement the LatticeMico32 platform.
4. Generate the IP.
IPexpress creates some IP source files in the following directory:
where dev is your choice of device family.
5. Return to Lattice MSB and double-click the IP name to open the dialog
box and add the IP to the platform.
6. Browse to the Diamond project directory you used in Step 3 and select the
project .ldf file.
7. Browse to the location of the IP NGO file generated in Step 4, select the
<IP_name>.ngo file and click OK.
8. Run generator from MSB.
9. Copy all files from:
10. If you need to create the VHDL NGO file, add the following steps:
 Open the Properties dialog box in MSB and select Create VHDL Wrapper
and Create NGO File.
 Rerun the generator from MSB.

Lattice Software Known Issues 91


Versions affected: LatticeMico System 1.0

Devices affected: All

ispVM Sysem
USB2 cables do not work using RedHat 32-bit Linux
USB2 cables do not work in ispVM System using RedHat 32-bit Linux OS.

Instead, use USB or parallel cable for download.

Versions affected: ispVM 18.0.1

Devices affected: All

ORCAstra fails when setting up the JTAG Hub
ORCAstra gets random errors when attempting to set up the JTAG Hub
interface to a LatticeECP3 PCI Express Evaluation Board. ORCAstra reports
one of several errors:
 “ORCA-stra has encountered a problem and needs to close.”
 All ones were written, so ORCAstra reverts to demo mode.
 Corrupted data transmission, so ORCAstra reverts to demo mode.

If you see this problem, try restarting ORCAstra.

Versions affected: Diamond 1.1

Devices affected: LatticeECP3

92 Lattice Software Known Issues

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