43 Instabbility Concept in Cervical Spine.

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Instability concept

Guillem Saló Bru, MD, Phd AOSpine Principles

Orthopaedic Depatment. Spine Unit. Symposium- Cervical Spine
Hospital del Mar. Barcelona.
Associated Professor UAB Barcelona, February 2014
Disclosure information

I have no financial relationships with commercial entities that produce

health-care related products.
Case problem.

• 51 years –old man.

• Occipital trauma due car
• Cervical pain.
• Normal neurological
• X-ray:
Case Problem.

• Soft collar.
• Persistence of neck pain.
• Deformity in flexion.
• Re-consulting two weeks later...
Case problem.
Case problem.


Case Problem.

Dynamic X-ray
Case Problem.

Case Problem.

1 year
• “loss of ability of the spine under physiologic loads to maintain relationships in
such a way that there is neither damage nor subsequent irritation to the spinal
cord or nerve roots and, in addition, there is no development of incapacitating
deformity or pain”
A White, MM Panjabi, Clinical Biomechanics of the Spine. , 1990.

Under physiologic loads.Potential for:

• Inceased deformity (first degree instability)
• Neurologic Damage (second degree instability).
• Pain / Disability

• Basic elements of Systematic Analysis of Instability in cervical

• Anatomic elements of stability.
• Biomechanics of normal cervical spine
• Instability criteria of cervical spine.
Anatomic Considerations: cervical vertebras

45º 0º
Trabecular Anatomy
• Important transition point for forces
within the c-spine
• Important anatomical points
• Superior and inferior articular
processes are “offset” in the AP
direction- due to different
functions at each articulation
• Pars interarticularis- due to this
transition is a frequent fracture
• Odontoid process- the “pivot”
for rotation

The trabecular anatomy of the axis Authors:Heggeness,M.H.

; Doherty,B.J.Source:Spine, 1993, 18, 14, 1945-1949,
Anatomic Considerations: Atlanto-Axial Anatomy
Tranverse Ligament
• Allow for the wide range of
motion of upper C-spine Occiput
while maintaining stability
• Classified according to C1-C2 joint

location with respect to C1

vertebral canal
1. Internal ligaments: C2
• Tectorial membrane Alar Ligament

• Cruciate ligament –
including transverse
• Alar and apical
Anatomic Considerations: Atlanto-Axial Anatomy
2. External ligaments:
• Anterior and posterior atlanto-occipital membranes
• Anterior and posterior atlanto-axial membranes
• Articular capsules
• Ligamentum nuchae
Tectorial Membrane
Anatomic Considerations: Lower C- Spine

1. Anterior: anterior
longitudinal ligament.

2. Posterior complex:
•Ligamentum nuchae
•Ligamentum interspinous.
•Ligamentum flavum.
•Capsule of facet joints
Biomechanics of cervical spine.

Cervical mobility

White y Pandjabi, Clinical Biomechanics of the spine. JP Lippincott , Philadelphia 2ª ed 1990

Biomechanics of cervical spine.

Total Flexion-extension 130º Total Lateral Bending 45º Total Rotation 80º
C2-C7 flexion exension:100º C0-C1 lateral bending 8º C1-C2 rotation 24º
C1-C2 flexion exension: 20- 30º C2-C7 lateral bending 37º C2-C7 rotation 56º

Kapandji IA, cuadernos de fisiologia articular, Masson 1991

Biomechanics of cervical spine.

Instantaneus centers of rotation of lower cervical spine (White y Pandjabi, Clinical Biomechanics of
the spine. JP Lippincott , Philadelphia 2ª ed 1990).
Biomechanics of cervical spine.

The displacement of instantaneous centers of rotation involves Cervical coupling in combined


White y Pandjabi, Clinical Biomechanics of the spine. JP Lippincott , Philadelphia 2ª ed 1990

Biomechanics of cervical spine.
Body T2
resistence to
axial load T11
(Newtons). T12

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000

White y Pandjabi, Clinical Biomechanics of the spine. JP Lippincott , Philadelphia 2ª ed 1990

Instability criteria of cervical spine (C0-C2).

White y Pandjabi, Clinical Biomechanics of the spine. JP Lippincott , Philadelphia 2ª ed 1990

Instability criteria of cervical spine (C0-C2).

Instability criteria of cervical spine

Overhang C1-C2
• Open Mouth view.
• Lateral displacement of C1 Laterral masses.
• Instability > 7 mm
• Implies rupture of transverse ligament

Spence, JBJS, 1970

Instability criteria of cervical spine(C0-C2).
Instability criteria of cervical spine (C0-C2).
Instability criteria of cervical spine (C0-C2).

Powers’ Ratio
• >1 considered abnormal
• Limited Usefulness
• Positive only in Anterior Translational injuries
• False Negative with pure distraction

Powers et al, Neurosurg, 1979

Instability criteria of cervical spine (C0-C2).

Swischuk’s line: pathologic > 2mm.

Only indicates regional kyphosis.

Swischuk LE. The cervical spine in childhood. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol. 1984 Sep-Oct;13(5):1-26.
Instability criteria of cervical

Pavlov’s ratio (A/B) ≥0.8

White AA III, Panjabi MM. The problem of clinical instability in the human spine. A systematic approach. Clinical
biomechanics of the spine, 2nd ed. JB Lippincott 1990, 277–378.
Instability criteria of cervical spine (C2-C7).

TOTAL: 10 points
Instability criteria of cervical spine (C2-C7).

TOTAL: 7 points
Instability criteria of cervical spine (C2-C7).
White et al. (1975) found that cervical spines with intact anterior structures plus one posterior element,
or spines with intact posterior structures plus one anterior structure remain biomechanically stable
under physiological loads.

Three-column concept of cervical spine stability: Stabilizing structures divided into three columns.
Insufficiency of two or three columns indicates instability, whereas injuries of one column may be stable.
Denis F. The three column spine and its significance in the classification of acute thoracolumbar spinal injuries. Spine 1983; 8:817–831
White AA III, Johnson RM, Panjabi MM, Southwick WO. Biomechanical analysis of clinical stability in the cervical spine. Clin Orthop 1975;
Instability criteria of cervical spine (C2-C7).

The classification system is based on morphologic descriptions

and, secondly, by stability based on a quantifiable value. Four
column model

• Severity score of 0 to 20, =>7 surgery

• In patiens with multiple levels of injury, only the most
severe level is scored
Instability criteria of cervical spine (C2-C7).

right left

• Ant = 5
• R pilar = 5
• L pilar = 5
• Post =5
TOTAL = 20
Instability criteria of cervical spine (C2-C7).

• Ant = 2.5
• R pilar = 1
• L pilar = 3
• Post =4
TOTAL = 10.5
Instability criteria of cervical spine (C2-C7)

Interobservor ICC:0.83
Intraobservor ICC:0.97

Excellent reliability

Alllow more acurate

determination of stability and
dictate treatement.
Radiologic considerations.

• Rx-rays, CT scan: Both are esential to identify and typify the cervical injury.
• MRI: the better tool to asses the cervical soft tissues injury and ligament instability.
• Increased Signal Intensity in :• Joints
• Capsular
• Spinal Cord
• Ligaments
• Pre-vertebral soft tissues

Dickman et al, J Neurosurg, 1991

Warner et al, Emerg Radiol, 1996
Conclusions. Take at home message.

• Its important to know the structures at risk in cervical

spine trauma.
• Understand the patogenesis of cervical injuries
• Assesement of cervical instability is esential to plain the
treatment of fractures.
• Is necessary to identificate unstable cervical injuries in
order to administrate the appropiate treatment.
• Underestimated lesions could lead to a catastrofic results.
Excellence in Spine

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