Gillian Blackiston CV Current

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Gillian Blackiston

721 Woodhall Drive Willow Street PA 17584

7174715619, [email protected]

2018-2020 City University of London: MA Publishing
Modules include: Digitisation and Publishing, Publishing History and
Culture, Creating and Managing Intellectual Property and Business,
Marketing in Publishing, Digital Cultures, Innovations in Content,
Developing Creative Content and Libraries and Publishing
Graduated January 21, 2020

2012-2016 Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania: BA English Literature

Minors in Professional Writing and French
Studied Abroad at Plymouth Marjon University

Experience and Skills:

2019-2019 Sweet and Maxwell, London, UK
Work placement scheme working in the editorial department reporting
to the Head Editor
Key achievements:
 Copyedited manuscripts
 Proofread manuscripts
 Filed loose leaf books
 Compiled table of contents pages
2016-2018 Barnes and Noble Inc., Lancaster, Pa, USA
Bookseller in a medium-sized cafe store responsible for supplying
excellent customer service to customers reporting to the store
Key achievements:
● Provided customer service by placing the product in
customers’ hands
● Assisted customers with recommendations
● Stocked shelves in the morning with merchandise for the day
● Completed online orders for customer pickup in store
2017-2018 Barnes and Noble Inc., Lancaster, PA, USA
Cafe lead in a cafe supported bookstore responsible for helping the
Cafe Manager run the cafe by reporting any problems or concerns to
the manager.
Key achievements:
● Ordered supplies, food and drink makings every week
● Completed cafe inventory once a month to ensure that on-
hand numbers are correct
● Made customers’ drinks to order
● Delivered food alongside drink to customer

2017-2018 Stoner Bunting Advertising, Lancaster, PA, USA
Public Relations Assistant responsible for handling the reporting for
the Public Relations team answering to the Director of Public
Key achievements:
● Compiled clients’ media coverage into a quarterly report
● Pulled social media metrics from Sprout
● Created and collected information for a report to send to the
● Reached out to media representatives to request media kits or
editorial calendars
● Organized editorial calendars into a spreadsheet for quick and
easy access for fellow employees
● Submitted clients’ projects/products into award submissions
2015-2016 Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Bloomsburg, PA, USA
Student secretary responsible for the office management of the Drug
and Alcohol Wellness Network on campus answering to the Director of
the Office.
Key achievements:
● Managed office communication between all necessary parties
● Created, arranged and filed folders
● Organized schedules between clients and Director
● Conveyed updates to co-workers and other personal
● Aided clients with sign-ups for events
● Customized sign-in/up sheets for activities
2008-2018 Quarryville Library, Quarryville, PA, USA
Volunteer responsible for helping the staff of library behind the desk
and out in the library by answering to the library staff.
Key achievements:
● Communicated with patrons about accounts and services
● Informed patrons about upcoming events
● Resolved computer problems for patrons
● Catalogued books on the shelves and carts for greater

IT and other skills

I am skilled in the use of Microsoft Office (Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Excel) and have
experience in reporting programs: Coveragebooks and Sprout. I have experience using
online platforms: WordPress and Weebly. I frequently use Goodreads to mark the books that
I have read and to help manage my to be read pile.

I am an avid reader of young adult books. I enjoy sewing, knitting and crocheting. My
achievements in my sewing are various placed ribbons at local fairs, alongside some ribbons
for my knitting and crochet. I love to travel to new and foreign places like Fiji, New Zealand,
Australia, Spain, England, Ireland, Scotland, Italy, Canada and the Netherlands. In each new
place that I travel to, I like to collect a Harry Potter book in that language as a souvenir for

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