Swim The Fly by Don Calame - Q&A With Author
Swim The Fly by Don Calame - Q&A With Author
Swim The Fly by Don Calame - Q&A With Author
author of
Q. Is there any backstory to your writing of this book, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned after
being married to her for the last six years, it’s to
never discount her strong feelings about things.
A. It started out as a short piece (a page-and-a-half So after the thirty-eighth time my wife brought it
scrawl, really) that I wrote in a workshop around up, I finally caved and started writing the book.
six years ago. It was the true story of how my swim
Q. Which character did you most enjoy writing? So I guess the answer to your question is no, but
also yes.
A. I had a great time writing and getting to know
all of the characters. It was a fun book to write
from start to finish. Much of the time, I’d just be Q. What do you most want readers to take
sitting there writing and making myself laugh. It away from this novel?
sounds odd, but it’s true. It’s the most fun I’ve had
writing anything.
A. Mostly I’d like my readers to have a good time
with the characters and the story — to laugh a
And I got just as much enjoyment writing the whole lot, to be entertained. If people have half
female characters as the male ones. A lot of times as much fun reading it as I did writing it, then I
the girls in the book would surprise me by what think I’ve done my job. Other than that, maybe
they’d say or what they’d do, which was exciting. if readers can see themselves or their friends in
these characters — to see their vulnerabilities. If
Readers have their own favorite characters,
they can say, “Yeah, that’s how it really is,” then
though. From the feedback I’ve gotten so far, a lot
that would make me feel good too.
of people seem to love Coop, who’s probably the
crudest of the boys and also the one who comes
up with most of the schemes and plans. I guess
there’s this feeling of, “What is Coop going to do or
say next?” Ulf (the militaristic lifesaving instruc-
tor) seems to be another favorite, mostly because
of his mangled idioms.