1st Quarter Exam

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Problem Classification of Variables Measurement MINDANAO MISSION ACADEMY

research scales Manticao, Misamis Oriental LONG QUIZ

(Nominal, The School That Offers Something Better Grade 11 Research in Daily Life
Interval, Ratio)
Refer to the
variables on the Name: _______________________________________ Section: _____________________
left and identify
the I. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Put a check in the space provided before the letter if the
measurement statement is true. If false, underline the statement/word that makes the sentence
scales false and write the word/phrase on the space to make the statement true.
You are investigating on Inquiry: Independent
the effects of coaching Variable/s: ________________ 1. Control group is implemented so that the true influence of the
on the academic independent variable is on the dependent variable can be determined.
performance (grades) of Purpose:
Grade XI students in the ________________ 2. Moderating variable show the effects of the independent variable on
subject Mathematics. the dependent variable.
Level of Investigation:
________________ 3. If you are doing a case study, you must have a lot of respondents to
represent the whole population in order to get a conclusion.
Statistical content: Dependent
________________ 4. Research requires no step by step procedure for as long as results are
Research Design:
________________ 5. Phenomenological study involves the collection and analysis of the
data about culture groups and minorities.
You investigating on the Inquiry: Variable: ________________ 6. The purpose of historical study is to describe and examine events of the
feasibility of coconut
sawdust as alternative past to understand the present and anticipate the potential further effects.
aggregates for concrete Purpose: ________________ 7. Causal comparative is a mixed method of correlational and
experimental designs.
Level of Investigation: ________________ 8. A fewer number of respondents is needed in a study to minimize the
Statistical content: ________________ 9. The experimental group is the group which received no treatment.
________________ 10. Correlational study investigates the effect of one variable to another
Research Design: and comparing how different groups are affected by the same circumstance.

II. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
Write the letter on the space provided.

________ 1. Hannah assigns children to different teaching method groups and tests their math
performance after six weeks. This is an example of what type of research?
“The Lord is near to all who call upon Him sincerely.” A. Descriptive B. Historical C. Experimental D. Developmental
Psalm 145:18
________ 2. Which of the following is an example of ordinal measurement? 9. A film critic lists the top 50 greatest movies of all time.
A. Male and female choices indicating biological sex 10.
B. A scale from 1 to 4 measuring life satisfaction
C. A list of six different religious affiliations IV. You are a researcher currently investigating on the study below. You need to
D. A whole number indication of a person’s age in years
evaluate the problem to decide what correct aspects in your research will you
_____ 3. Samantha is interested in studying the relationship between gender differences and undertake to make your research successful.
verbal ability. This is an example of what type of research?
A. Descriptive
B. Experimental
C. Correlational
D. Gender evaluation

_____ 4. Identify in which of the following examples would the use of qualitative research be
most likely useful:
A. After a discovery of ancient remains that provides sociology and archaeology with a
unique new opportunity
B. When we are trying to predict the future value of stock indexes using various variables
such as inflation, economic growth and the exchange rate
C. After detecting a rise of greenhouse gas emission, prompting the need to identify
which factors caused it and how influential they were
D. When we are trying to detect problems in the world economy by understanding the
relationship between the relevant variables

_____ 5. Which of the following research titles/topics is considered a developmental research?

A. Mount Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompie
B. Eucalyptus Oil, Lemon, and Black Pepper against lice
C. The effects of pomelo skin extract in repelling mosquitos
D. Rice straw and pine bark: A source of Paper

_____ 6. A researcher studies three groups of students who vary in level of self-confidence. She
finds that students with higher self-confidence are more popular among their peers. What type
of research will the researcher likely used?
a. Experimental b. Causal comparative c. Correlational* d. Cross-sectional

III. A. Identify what type of measurement scale is used in the following variables. Write
before the item number N for nominal, O for ordinal, I for interval, and R for ratio.
1. Religious affiliation
2. ZIP code
3. Distance from home to school
4. Number of hours devoted by parents in providing tutorial support
5. The roster of a basketball team lists the jersey numbers for each of the players.
6. A local animal shelter keeps track of the breeds of dogs that come in.
7. Number of carnapping incidents compared each month in one year
8. Sugar count of diabetic patients every 5 hours

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