CIDAM 1st Sem

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Grade: 11 Semester: First Semester

Applied Subject Title: Research in Daily Life 1 No. of Hours/ Semester: 80 hours/ semester
Prepared by: Emelita P. Elcana Pre-requisite: None

Core Subject Description: This course develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills through qualitative research.

CULMINATING PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learners shall be able to present the study conducted both orally and in writing through a public presentation or defense, and
submission of a complete technical report or scientific paper.


Goal: Present a research as solution to a problem.

Role: You are the director of the Research department in the establishment you are currently connected with.

Audience: President/manager of the establishment you are connected, Secretaries of the different departments connected to your work (DOH, DSWD,
DepED, etc.)

Situation: You are the director of the Research department in the company/establishment you are working. With the different problems that the department
encounters, you are to solve the top issue by conducting a research.

Product: You are going to design a plan how to gather and organize data, analyze results and findings, and give conclusions in a research report

Standard: Your research report should be relevant, comprehensive, organized, insightful, and ICT-integrated.
Highest Enabling Strategy to Use
Performance in Developing the Highest
Standards Learning Competencies SCHOOL Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Thinking Skill to Assess
IDEALS/IFL/CORE RBT LEVEL Assessment Enabling Teaching
Contents Content Standards VALUES Technique General Strategy
KUD W QA P Strategy
Classification W C
Nature of The learners demonstrate The learners shall be 1) Shares experiences K Remembering WS MCQ Representing WORD
Inquiry and an understanding of: able to… and knowledge Why is it important ANAGRAM
Research 1. the importance use appropriate kinds 2) Explains the U to inquire? Understandin WS MCQ Representing VEIN DIAGRAM
Qualitative of research of research in making importance of g
Research in daily life decisions. research in daily life Why is it important
and Its 2. the 3) Describes K to find answers, to Remembering WS MCQ Representation WORKSHEETS
Importance characteristics, characteristics, find solutions?
in Daily Life processes, and processes, and ethics
ethics of of research JESUS IS THE
research ANSWER
4) Differentiates K Remembering Representation
3. quantitative GOD: THE
quantitative from
and qualitative ULTIMATE PROBLEM
qualitative research
research SOLVER
4. the kinds of 5) Provide examples of K Understandin Connection
research across research in areas of Isaiah 55:6 g
fields interest (arts, Seek the LORD
humanities, sports, while He may be
science, business, found
agriculture and
fisheries, information
and communication
technology, and
social inquiry)
Identifying The learner demonstrates The learner is able to: The learner: U Understandin Representation
the understanding of: 1) designs a research g
Inquiry and 1. the range of research formulate clearly project related to daily
Stating topics in the area of statement of life
the Problem inquiry research problem 2) writes a research title D Applying Connection
2. the value of research in
3) describes the K Remembering Representation
the area of interest
justifications/reasons for
3. the specificity and
conducting the
feasibility of the problem
4) states research K Remembering Representation
5) indicates scope and K Understandin Representation
delimitation of research g
6) cites benefits and K Understandin Representation
beneficiaries of g
7) presents written D Creating Reasoning &
statement of the Proof
Highest Enabling Strategy to Use
Performance in Developing the Highest
Standards Learning Competencies SCHOOL Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Thinking Skill to Assess
IDEALS/IFL/CORE RBT LEVEL Assessment Enabling Teaching
Contents Content Standards VALUES Technique General Strategy
KUD W QA P Strategy
Classification W C
Learning The learner demonstrates The learner is able to: 1) synthesizes information U Analyzing Reasoning &
from Others understanding of: 1. select, cite, and from relevant literature Proof
and 1. the criteria in selecting, synthesize properly
2) writes coherent review D Creating Problem
Reviewing citing, and synthesizing related literature
of literature Solving
the related literature 2. use sources
Literature 2. ethical standards in according to ethical 3) follows ethical K Remembering Representation
writing related literature standards standards in writing
3. present written related literature
review 4) presents written review D Creating Problem
of related literature of literature Solving
Understandi The learner demonstrates The learner is able to: 1) chooses appropriate U Analyzing Reasoning &
ng Data understanding of: 1. describe qualitative research Proof
and Ways 1. qualitative research qualitative design
To designs research designs, 2) describes sampling K Understandin Representation
Systematical 2. the description of sample, procedure and sample g
ly Collect sample and data collection
Data 3. data collection and and
3) plans data collection K Understandin Representation
analysis analysis procedures g
and analysis
procedures such as 2. apply
survey, imaginatively
interview, and art/design principles 4) presents written D Creating Problem
observation to research methodology Solving
4. the application of create artwork
creative 5) utilizes materials and U Evaluating Reasoning &
design principles for techniques to produce Proof
execution creative work
Finding The learner demonstrates gather relevant 1) collects data through D Creating Problem
Answers understanding of: information observation and Solving
through with intellectual interviews
Data observation and interview honesty
Collection procedures and skills
Analyzing drawing out patterns and analyze and draw 1) infers and explain U Applying Connection
the themes from data out patterns patterns and themes
Meaning and themes with from data
of the Data intellectual
2) relates the findings U Applying Connection
and honesty
with pertinent literature
Reporting The learner demonstrates The learner is able to: The learner: U Analyzing Reasoning &
and Sharing understanding of: 1. form logical 1. draws conclusions from Proof
the Findings 1. guidelines in making conclusions patterns and themes
conclusions and
Highest Enabling Strategy to Use
Performance in Developing the Highest
Standards Learning Competencies SCHOOL Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Thinking Skill to Assess
IDEALS/IFL/CORE RBT LEVEL Assessment Enabling Teaching
Contents Content Standards VALUES Technique General Strategy
KUD W QA P Strategy
Classification W C
recommendations 2. make 2. formulates D Creating Problem
2. techniques in listing recommendations recommendations Solving
references based on based on D Creating Problem
3. the process of report conclusions conclusions Solving
writing 3. write and present 3. lists references
D Creating Problem
4. selection criteria and a clear report 4. presents a written
process of 4. execute best research report
best design design 5. finalizes and present D Creating Problem
best design Solving
6. writes short description
and present best


Nature of Inquiry and Research 12 HOURS
Qualitative Research and Its
Importance in Daily Life
Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the 12 HOURS
Learning from Others and Reviewing 20 HOURS
the Literature
Understanding Data and Ways To 20 HOURS
Systematically Collect Data
Finding Answers through Data 12 HOURS
Collection & Analyzing the Meaning
of the Data and Drawing Conclusions
Reporting and Sharing the Findings 16 HOURS


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