Human Behavior in Organization - True or False

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Human Behavior in Organization

II- Modified True or False

1. People exhibit certain behavior in and out of organizations.

2. The goals of OB are people, structure, technology, and environment.

3. The elements of OB are to explain, predict, and control behavior.

4. OB is not an instant invention of man.

5. OB is a product of several stages of inquiry into how people behave and how they
can be managed to be more productive.

6. The development of OB has stopped, however, and the process isn’t going.

7. If the organization is expected to survive, its actions, must be in consonance with

ethical behavior.

8. Employee performance is a very important concern for people running


9. The only requirements of performance is motivation.

10. Workers may be motivated through any of the following methods and programs:
job design, OB modification, recognition and pride, and financial incentives.

11. The key elements of motivation are intensity, direction, and persistence.

12. Content theory are as follows; expectancy theory, equity theory, and goal setting

13. Process theory are as follows; expectancy theory, equity theory, and goal setting

14. Content theories are those that focus on analyzing the wants and needs of an

15. Process theories explain how people act in response to he wants and needs that
they have.
16. Every person is significantly different from the moment of conception.

17. Not every person is dynamic.

18. Behavior can be predicted 100%.

19. Human being adapt.

20. Stimuli forces which impac the five sensory.

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