RDSO 2013 CG-06 - Final Draft

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Ref:CG-WI-4.2.1-1 ver.1.0 Page 1 of 11 Date of Issue:May-2014 Spec No.





Month/Year of Revision / Reason for Amendment

SN Page No.
issue Amendment

1. May- 2014 - - First issue

Issued By:

Research Designs and Standards Organization

Manak Nagar, Lucknow - 226011.


Name & Prepared By:- Shyam Shankar Checked By:-Rakesh Kumar Approved By:-Mahesh Kumar
Designation JE/SS/Carriage Dy. Dir/SS/Carriage Director/SS/Carriage
Ref:CG-WI-4.2.1-1 ver.1.0 Page 2 of 11 Date of Issue:May-2014 Spec No. RDSO/2013/CG-06




1. Introduction 3

2. Scope 3

3. Functional requirements 3

4. Design Requirements 5

5. Interface with the Carbody 08

6. System Description 08

7. System Components 09

8. Mechanical Strength requirements 09

9. Warranty 10

10. Documents to be submitted by Supplier for prototype 10


11. Testing of prototype & regular production Assemblies 10

12. Up-gradation of Design 10


Name & Prepared By:- Shyam Shankar Checked By:-Rakesh Kumar Approved By:-Mahesh Kumar
Designation JE/SS/Carriage Dy. Dir/SS/Carriage Director/SS/Carriage
Ref:CG-WI-4.2.1-1 ver.1.0 Page 3 of 11 Date of Issue:May-2014 Spec No. RDSO/2013/CG-06

1. Introduction:

Generator-cum-Brake Van and Pantry Car of IR Coaches (AC and Non-AC) of

both ICF &LHB Design shall be equipped with a fire extinguishing system. The
fire extinguishing equipment for the Generator-cum-Brake Van and Pantry Cars
shall be based on use of water mist with fog to fight fire. In case of a fire the
extinguishing equipment shall be automatically/manually operated. This fire
extinguishing equipment shall be provided to fulfill the stipulations of para 4.5 of
UIC 564-2 OR and system shall be designed to protect the Generator-cum-Brake
Van and Pantry Cars.
The installed fire extinguishing system shall be a high pressure water mist with
fog cylinder system. The fire suppression effect of water mist fog shall be due to
the large total surface area of the droplets and the high rate of speed at which
they shall turn to water mist, thus absorbing the energy of fire. The average
droplet of a fog system, yield a total surface area at least 100 times greater than
conventional sprinkler droplets for the same volume of water. Therefore much
smaller amount of water shall be required by fog system to absorb the equivalent
amount of energy from the fire. The water shall have to be forced at high velocity
through specially developed nozzles arranged on spray heads. This may be
achieved by using a high storage pressure.

2. Scope:

This specification covers the general and technical requirements of interior high
pressure water mist type fire extinguishing arrangement and mountings in
Generator-cum-Brake Van and Pantry Cars. The general arrangement mountings
and scope of supply shall be as per the latest alterations of the drawings of
Generator-cum-Brake Van and Pantry Cars and shall also include its installation
in IR coaches.
The supplier may ensure that the supplied system fully meets with the system
components, system description and functional requirements indicated in
following paragraphs.

3. Functional Requirements:

The system supplied should work satisfactorily under the following operating
conditions of IR coaches:


Name & Prepared By:- Shyam Shankar Checked By:-Rakesh Kumar Approved By:-Mahesh Kumar
Designation JE/SS/Carriage Dy. Dir/SS/Carriage Director/SS/Carriage
Ref:CG-WI-4.2.1-1 ver.1.0 Page 4 of 11 Date of Issue:May-2014 Spec No. RDSO/2013/CG-06

3.1 Coach Dynamics:

Equipment shall withstand satisfactorily the vibrations and shocks normally

encountered in service as indicated below:

i) Maximum vertical acceleration 1.0 g

ii) Maximum longitudinal acceleration 3.0 g
iii) Maximum transverse acceleration 2.0 g
The vibrations are of sine wave form and the frequency vibration is between 1 Hz
to 50 Hz.

The amplitude „a‟ expressed in millimeters is given as a function of f, by


a = 25/f for values from 1 Hz to 10 Hz.

a = 250/f 2 for values exceeding 10 Hz and up to 50 Hz.

3.2 In the direction corresponding to the longitudinal movement of the vehicle, the
equipment is subjected for 2 min. to 50 Hz. Vibrations of such a value that the
maximum acceleration is equal to 3g.

3.3 Coach-body displacement encountered under dynamic conditions:

i) Vertically- ±100 mm
ii) Laterally - ±55 mm
iii) Longitudinally- ±10 mm
iv) Bogie rotation about center pivot- ±40
3.4 Ambient Conditions:
(i) Ambient temperature : 1 C to 50 C
Altitude : Sea level to 2500m
Max. temperature under Sun : 70 C
Relative humidity : 40 to 95
(ii) The rainfall is fairly heavy.
(iii) During dry weather, the atmosphere is likely to be dusty.
(iv) Temperature variations can be quite high in the same journey or short
period of time.


Name & Prepared By:- Shyam Shankar Checked By:-Rakesh Kumar Approved By:-Mahesh Kumar
Designation JE/SS/Carriage Dy. Dir/SS/Carriage Director/SS/Carriage
Ref:CG-WI-4.2.1-1 ver.1.0 Page 5 of 11 Date of Issue:May-2014 Spec No. RDSO/2013/CG-06

(v) Coaches operate in coastal areas with continued exposure to salt laden
3.5 Coach Inside Condition:
Inside condition of the coach may be considered as under:
i) The ambient conditions may be similar as mentioned under para 3.4 above,
as there is no control in temperature for non-AC Pantry Cars/Generator-
cum-Brake Van. However in summers the value of upperrange of the
temperature may go up to 700C near the roof ceiling above the cooking
Hobs in Pantry Cars. There may be remarkable variation in temperature
inside of the coach from floor to roof level in both these types of coaches.
ii) Wind flow speed nearby the window portion may be considered more than
the specified speed of the non-AC Pantry Cars/Generator-cum-Brake Van,
as windows may remain opened. The specified speed of the non-AC Pantry
Car/Generator-cum-Brake Van is 110 kmph and 130 kmph in AC EOG.
iii) Both non-AC and AC Pantry Cars/Generator-cum-Brake Van have cooking
and escorting staff area, the meals and snacks are prepared on electrical
heaters/LPG Hobs and escorting staff in Generator-cum-Brake Van.
iv) The coach length over coupler is approximately 24 meter for LHB coaches
and 22.96 meters in ICF type coaches.
v) Area to be covered by the system for fire suppression is cooking area in
pantry car & DG set area in Generator Car which are having approx.
dimensions tabulated as under:

Coach Type ICF Design LHB Design

Length Width Height Lengt Width Heigh
h t
Pantry Car 8034 3045 2400 10740 3045 2400
Generator 7440 3045 2400 10230 3045 2400
cum Brake
Necessary detailed layout drawing indicating the areas to be covered are
enclosed at Annexure -I.
3.6 Power, Supply:

110±30% Volt DC supply with 15% ripple content is available from the coach
circuits. For main source of supply to The System the vendor/supplier shall
convert the voltage from coach circuit as per their requirements. For standby


Name & Prepared By:- Shyam Shankar Checked By:-Rakesh Kumar Approved By:-Mahesh Kumar
Designation JE/SS/Carriage Dy. Dir/SS/Carriage Director/SS/Carriage
Ref:CG-WI-4.2.1-1 ver.1.0 Page 6 of 11 Date of Issue:May-2014 Spec No. RDSO/2013/CG-06

source of supply, battery and battery charger or other means of standby source
of supply to The System shall be used. The standby source of supply to the
System shall comply with the EN 54-4 “Fire detection and alarm systems power
supply equipment.”


4.1 The System designed shall be a proven and established technology/system on

National/ International Railway systems. Documentary evidence along with proof
of supply and satisfactory performance certificate from user Railway(s)/Rlooing
Stock manufacturer shall be provided by the firm/collaborator.
4.2 All The System equipment/(s) designed, shall be tested, and comply according to
the following Standards/Guidelines:

Standard Title
ARGE Directive “Fire Evaluation of fire suppression systems
Fighting in Railway
Vehicles”, Version
ARGE Directive “Fire Evaluation of fire detection system
Detection in Rolling
Stock”, Version 3.0
EN 12 663 Railway applications - Structural requirements of railway
vehicle bodies
EN 50 121-3-2 2007 Railway applications – Electromagnetic compatibility –
Rolling stock – Apparatus
EN 50 125-1 2000 Railway applications – Environmental conditions for
equipment – Equipment on board rolling stock
EN 50 126 2000 Railway applications – The specification and
demonstration of reliability, availability, maintainability
and safety (RAMS);
EN 50 128 2001 Railway applications – Communications, signalling and
processing systems – Software for railway control and
protection systems;
EN 50 129 2003 Railway applications – Communications, signalling and
processing systems – Safety related electronic systems
for signalling;


Name & Prepared By:- Shyam Shankar Checked By:-Rakesh Kumar Approved By:-Mahesh Kumar
Designation JE/SS/Carriage Dy. Dir/SS/Carriage Director/SS/Carriage
Ref:CG-WI-4.2.1-1 ver.1.0 Page 7 of 11 Date of Issue:May-2014 Spec No. RDSO/2013/CG-06

EN 50 153 1996 Railway applications - Rolling stock – Protective

provisions relating to electrical hazards
EN 50 155 2004 Railway applications - Electronic equipment used on
rolling stock
EN 50159-1 2001 Railway applications - Communication, signalling and
processing systems - Part 1: Safety-related
communication in closed transmission systems;
TS 45545-6: 2009 Railway applications - Fire protection on railway vehicles
– Part 6: Fire control and management systems
DIN 5510-2: 2003 Railway applications - Preventive fire protection in railway
vehicles - Part 2: Fire behaviour and fire side effects of
materials and parts - Classification, requirements and test
NFPA 750 Standard on Water Mist Fire Protection Systems

The equipment supplier/collaborator should be a member of ARGE/NFPA and

preferably should have an IRIS certification.
4.3 The System shall be designed for very early suppression of fire incidence. The
design should incorporate any suitable principle for higher sensitivity to detect all
possible size of smoke particles and/or elevated heat and very early suppression
of fire incidence.
4.4 The System shall be designed to very early suppression of all type of fires and
shall be capable to protect Kitchen area in pantry car and Generator Room area
of Generator-cum-Brake Van. The system shall be compact, lightweight and
highly reliable & robust in design.

The main functions of the fire extinguishing system shall be as per para 4.5.2 of
the UIC 564-2 OR, “Fire Protection Regulations and Fire Fighting for International
Passenger Cars or Coaches” which is reproduced below:

“Rooms with combustion engines are to be provided with fire

extinguishing system allowing a manual remote control”.

The functioning of the fire extinguishing equipment shall be as follows:

4.4.1 The water shall be stored in the extinguishing agent reservoirs under a pressure
of 200 bars (in case of pressure is different from the specified value, the supplier
have to demonstrate the efficacy of the system) and therefore, the reservoirs
shall be filled not only with water but also with nitrogen to generate the requisite
pressure. Water fog as fire-fighting agent shall be insensitive enough against the
influences of air coming into the Pantry Cars/Generator-cum-Brake Van through


Name & Prepared By:- Shyam Shankar Checked By:-Rakesh Kumar Approved By:-Mahesh Kumar
Designation JE/SS/Carriage Dy. Dir/SS/Carriage Director/SS/Carriage
Ref:CG-WI-4.2.1-1 ver.1.0 Page 8 of 11 Date of Issue:May-2014 Spec No. RDSO/2013/CG-06

the windows/doors. Alternatively, the system may also have two cylinders one
filled with water & other one with Nitrogen, so just one pressurized cylinder needs
to be fitted in the car.
4.4.2 The fire extinguishing equipment shall be manually released by applying the lever
valves fixed to the reservoirs. The pressure on the reservoir shall push the water
from the reservoirs through the hoses, the manifold and the fire extinguishing
pipes to the nozzles. The nozzles shall produce fine water fog of 0.01 mm to
0.1mm diameter. The arrangement should ensure that the droplets of fog have a
huge reaction surface compared to the volume of water (approx. 200 m2/litre of
water) and absorb large amounts of energy from the fire which shall lead to an
immediate drop in temperature in the surroundings. Due to the rapid
transformation of the droplets into stream, large quantities of energy should be
additionally absorbed. The volume of the water should increase by evaporation
1640-fold and reduce the amount of oxygen at the source of the fire.
4.4.3 For monitoring of the readiness for working, the reservoirs shall be provided with
the pressure gauges.
4.4.4 For the detection of a fire in the Pantry Cars/Generator-cum-Brake Van, the
detectors for smoke and heat should be provided.

4.4.5 In case of response of one of these sensors, an acoustic signal shall be

generated by a buzzer located on the appropriate position such as managers
room/escorting staff cabin. The staff in the manager‟s room/cabin will then check
whether there is a fire in the Pantry Car/Generator-cum-Brake Van.
4.4.6 If there is a fire in the Pantry Car/Generator-cum-Brake Van, then, at first, the DG
sets & Electrical supply shall be switched off by applying emergency stop. After
that, the fire extinguishing equipment shall be released by applying the lever
valves by its manual remote control.
4.4.7 The capacity of fire extinguishing system in the Pantry Car/Generator-cum-Brake
Van should be such that the fire occurring in these coaches can be extinguished.
The discharge time calculation should be tested and proven according to ARGE
Guidelines. The fire load should be minimum 1.8 MW. The firms who wish to
supply against the specification will be required to prove the efficacy of their
system according to ARGE Guidelines during proto type approval.
4.4.8 It may be noted that apart from other reasons, fire may occur in the Pantry
Car/Generator-cum-Brake Van on account of following:
 Combustion engines due to combustible liquids (Diesel, motor oil etc.)
 Electrical components,
 Cables& cable ducts,
 Control cabinets&
 Batteries in plastic casings


Name & Prepared By:- Shyam Shankar Checked By:-Rakesh Kumar Approved By:-Mahesh Kumar
Designation JE/SS/Carriage Dy. Dir/SS/Carriage Director/SS/Carriage
Ref:CG-WI-4.2.1-1 ver.1.0 Page 9 of 11 Date of Issue:May-2014 Spec No. RDSO/2013/CG-06

4.4.9 The fire extinguishing system shall be suitable for the use in railway vehicles, i.e.
a safe functioning should be ensured for all operating conditions. It shall be
ensured that the operating/running conditions of railway coaches do not result in
unintentional release of the fire extinguishing system i.e. system shall be
operative only on pressing the lever.

4.4.10 The refilling of used extinguishing agent shall be easy and simple. Sources and
method of filling should be clearly indicated. The water cylinders should have
special plastic lining/coating from inside the cylinder to avoiding corrosion

4.4.11 The fire extinguishing system shall have an easy manual control and release.
The operating mechanism shall be easily accessible. Operating instructions given
by the supplier in the form of information boards or inscriptions shall be easily
understandable to everyone. These information boards or inscriptions shall be
made in the form of pictographs. Written instructions shall be provided by the
supplier in a bilingual version, i.e. Hindi and English.

4.4.12 The operating mechanism shall be provided with suitable sealing in order to
protect the fire extinguishing system against unauthorized use and to ensure
proper level control of the extinguishing agent.

4.4.13 The weight of the fire extinguishing system to be supplied should be as low as

5.0 Interface with the Car-body:

5.1 The approved vendor will be required to submit the general layout drawing
including the fixing dimensions, tolerances and mounting arrangement of fire

6.0 System Description:

6.1 The 50 litre cylinders shall be filled with 33 litres of water (drinking water quality)
and adequately pressurized with Nitrogen. Alternatively, the system may also
have two cylinders one filled with water & other one with Nitrogen, so just
one pressurized cylinder needs to be fitted in the car.

The release of the extinguishing system shall be purely manual. Both cylinders
shall be equipped with a valve with manual release lever.


Name & Prepared By:- Shyam Shankar Checked By:-Rakesh Kumar Approved By:-Mahesh Kumar
Designation JE/SS/Carriage Dy. Dir/SS/Carriage Director/SS/Carriage
Ref:CG-WI-4.2.1-1 ver.1.0 Page 10 of 11 Date of Issue:May-2014 Spec No. RDSO/2013/CG-06

Pressure switches at the manifold shall initiate an electric alarm.

The distribution pipe system shall be made of stainless steel pipes to DIN-2462
of 12 OD x 1.5 mm thick. The pipes shall be fixed to the roof construction.
The nozzle should be made of Stainless Steel AISI 316 or better grade.
The firm shall provide a droplet spectrum for the selected nozzle verify that it
confirm to NFPS 750 for high pressure water mist system

7.0 Mechanical strength requirements:

i) Fire extinguishers shall meets the mechanical strength requirements as

the Pantry Cars/Generator-cum-Brake Van running on Indian Railways are
designed for a service life of 30 years. The fire extinguishers are to be
developed and assembled accordingly.

ii) Resistance to vermin:

Selection of the materials (insulation, sealant, rubber, etc.) should be done

with due consideration to their resistance to vermin (e.g. termites).

iii) Climatic conditions:

During normal operation, the generator room is forced-ventilated so the

temperature reaches>65°C. However, temperatures up to >90°C may
temporarily occur in the generator room when the vehicle stops because
of compressive heat. Furthermore, temperatures of >90°C may occur at
unfavourable places (especially due to closing of the exhaust system of
the diesel engine).
During normal operation, the kitchen area is used for cooking food etc. so
the temperature reaches >70°C.

8.0 Warranty:

Fire extinguishing system shall be of proven design and the supplier shall give
warranty for the complete or part of fire extinguisher, for failing or proving
unsatisfactory in service due to defective design, material or workmanship within
36 months from the date of regular supply or 30 months from the date of
installation whichever is longer and shall replace the same at his own cost and
risk. The supplier shall fix metallic stickers on each fire extinguisher mentioning
name of the supplier and month of supply of fire extinguishers to Indian Railways.


Name & Prepared By:- Shyam Shankar Checked By:-Rakesh Kumar Approved By:-Mahesh Kumar
Designation JE/SS/Carriage Dy. Dir/SS/Carriage Director/SS/Carriage
Ref:CG-WI-4.2.1-1 ver.1.0 Page 11 of 11 Date of Issue:May-2014 Spec No. RDSO/2013/CG-06

9.0 Documents to be submitted by Supplier for Prototype Approval with each


The following documentation for the assembly of the fire extinguishers is to be

prepared by the supplier for submission along with the prototype assembly:
i) A set of drawings consisting of drawings and parts lists.
ii) Clearly organized instructions for mounting and adjusting the fire
extinguishers, changing the fire extinguisher and wearing parts
iii) Maintenance and repair instructions
iv) Technical description of the fire extinguisher
v) Commissioning instructions
vi) One set of information board/inscription (for each set)

10.0 Testing of Prototype & Regular Production Assemblies:

The supplier shall supply one set of system components of fire extinguishers
along with the documents indicated above for approval before commencing bulk
supply. The prototypes and drawings shall be examined and tested from all view
points and these shall be fitted on the coach for checking the proper
fitment/functioning of the fire extinguishers for which one time full working of the
system be demonstrated in order to ascertain the functioning & adequacy of the
system. Supplier shall incorporate changes suggested by RCF in the prototype
as well as bulk supply. The bulk manufacturing shall be undertaken only after the
approval of prototype.
This clause is applicable for first supply of a supplier. However, RDSO/Indian
Railways shall have the right to repeat prototype approval process in subsequent
order also. In this regard RDSO decision shall be final.

11.0 Up-gradation of Design:

Supplier may offer alternate design of Fire Suppression System for all the above
or any of the above clauses with a view to upgrade the design. Clause wise
justification shall be given by the supplier in such case. Fire Suppression System
having lower weight shall be preferred. Specification details may be deviated
from those specified above, if sufficient technical justification is available.
However, RDSO decision on all such matters shall be final.


Name & Prepared By:- Shyam Shankar Checked By:-Rakesh Kumar Approved By:-Mahesh Kumar
Designation JE/SS/Carriage Dy. Dir/SS/Carriage Director/SS/Carriage

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