World Cancer Report 2020 PDF
World Cancer Report 2020 PDF
World Cancer Report 2020 PDF
Cancer research
for cancer prevention
LYON, 2020
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
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Wild CP, Weiderpass E, Stewart BW, editors (2020). World Cancer Report: Cancer Research for Cancer Prevention. Lyon,
France: International Agency for Research on Cancer. Available from: Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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Cover images, from top to bottom: Photomicrograph of retinoblastoma (Credit: Ralph C. Eagle, Jr, MD, Department of Pathology,
Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA). A woman undergoes a computed tomography scan (Credit: T2 Images/
Getty Images). A waiter in a hoteli (tearoom) pours scalding hot milky tea for customers in Nyaru, a settlement at the edge of the
Rift Valley in Kenya; IARC and Moi University are investigating the high rates of oesophageal cancer in Kenya and have found
that consumption of hot tea is implicated (Credit: Daniel Middleton/IARC). Storage of biological samples in the IARC Biobank
(Credit: Morena Sarzo/IARC). A girl receives a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination; in Pune district in Maharashtra, India,
IARC is working closely with national institutions to evaluate the efficacy of fewer than three doses of HPV vaccine in protect-
ing women against cervical cancer (Credit: Morena Sarzo/IARC). Background image: The Blue Marble: Next Generation is a
mosaic of satellite data taken mostly from a NASA sensor called the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)
that flies aboard NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites (Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/Reto Stöckli).
Names: Wild, Christopher P., editor. | Weiderpass, Elisabete, editor. | Stewart, Bernard W., editor.
Title: World cancer report: cancer research for cancer prevention / edited by Christopher P. Wild, Elisabete Weiderpass, Bernard
W. Stewart.
Other titles: World cancer report 2020.
Description: Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2020. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: ISBN 978-92-832-0447-3 (pbk.) | ISBN 978-92-832-0448-0 (ebook)
Subjects: MESH: Neoplasms. | Neoplastic Processes. | Global Health.
Classification: NLM QZ 220
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Christian C. Abnet Christopher Bullen Ronny Drapkin
Clement A. Adebamowo Gloria M. Calaf Eric J. Duell
Demetrius Albanes Karen Canfell Karin Ekström Smedby
Laia Alemany Vilches Bochen Cao A. Heather Eliassen
Maribel Almonte Franco Cavalli Steffen Emmert
Devasena Anantharaman Stephen J. Chanock Karen M. Emmons
Annie S. Anderson Isabelle Chemin Carolina Espina
Benjamin O. Anderson Chien-Jen Chen Jessica N. Everett
Bruce K. Armstrong Wanqing Chen Veronika Fedirko
Patricia Ashton-Prolla Zhengming Chen Ian S. Fentiman
Dagfinn Aune Zvavahera Mike Chirenje Jacques Ferlay
Anssi Auvinen Vincent J. Cogliano Pietro Ferrari
Anna Babayan Aaron J. Cohen Miranda M. Fidler-Benaoudia
Chunxue Bai Graham A. Colditz James Flanagan
Rosamonde E. Banks Pietro Comba Silvia Franceschi
Partha Basu David I. Conway David O. Francis
Linda Bauld Ian A. Cree Neal D. Freedman
Iacopo Baussano Jack Cuzick Christine M. Friedenreich
Laura E. Beane Freeman Luigino Dal Maso Peter P. Fu
Sonja I. Berndt Diona L. Damian Koraljka Gall Trošelj
Margherita Bignami Robert D. Daniels Judy E. Garber
Maria Blettner George Davey Smith Gail Garvey
Ron Borland Louise Davies Gemma Gatta
Freddie Bray Sanford M. Dawsey Cindy L. Gauvreau
Paul Brennan Harry J. de Koning Adi F. Gazdar (deceased)
Louise A. Brinton Catherine de Martel Ophira Ginsburg
Jennifer D. Brooks Lynette Denny Edward L. Giovannucci
Julia Brotherton Carol E. DeSantis Rüdiger Greinert
Karen Brown Joanna Didkowska John D. Groopman
Laia Bruni Eugenia Dogliotti Giuseppe Grosso
Nele Brusselaers Laure Dossus Marc Gunter
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Foreword ix 3 Biological processes in cancer 147
Preface x development
Introduction xii 3.1 Sporadic cancer 148
Tumorigenesis in the absence of an established
or avoidable cause
1 The global cancer burden 15
1.1 The burden and prevention of premature 16 3.2 Genomics 154
Susceptibility and somatic patterns
deaths from noncommunicable diseases,
including cancer: a global perspective 3.3 Gene–environment interactions 164
1.2 Global trends in cancer incidence 23 The preventive implications are still not clear
and mortality 3.4 DNA repair and genetic instability 170
1.3 Transitions in human development 34 Endogenous and exogenous sources of damage
and the global cancer burden and hereditary syndromes
Cancer is the second most common cause of death globally, accounting for an estimated 9.6 million deaths in 2018.
At the United Nations General Assembly in 2018, world leaders agreed to take responsibility for preventing and
treating cancer and other noncommunicable diseases, including fiscal measures to protect people from cancer-
causing products, to promote evidence-based treatment, and to work towards universal health coverage.
We have no time to lose. The cancer burden is rising globally – but not equally. The greatest impact of cancer and
the fastest increase in the cancer burden over the coming decades is projected to be in low- and middle-income
countries, many of which already face difficulties coping with the current burden. There are massive social in-
equalities in cancer, with large variations in incidence, survival, and mortality between social groups.
We have learned that many cancer cases can be prevented, and even when prevention is not possible, early
diagnosis saves lives. By using evidence-based and feasible interventions and adapting them to low- and middle-
income countries where most new cancer cases will occur, a large proportion of those cases can be prevented.
There is much that can be done to reduce social inequalities in cancer globally.
Robust, independent scientific evidence is critical, focused on the scale and patterns of cancer and its causes, pre-
vention, and early detection. The high-quality research produced by the International Agency for Research on Cancer
(IARC), working with researchers around the world, is essential for the development of evidence-based guidelines
and policy by WHO, and for regulatory decisions by national institutions to protect the health of their populations.
This new IARC World Cancer Report presents the most comprehensive, up-to-date science on cancer preven-
tion, including statistics, causes, and mechanisms, and how this can be used to implement effective, resource-
appropriate strategies for cancer prevention and early detection. It also includes examples of successful preven-
tion strategies. This book is a useful reference for researchers, cancer professionals, public health workers, and
The 2017 World Health Assembly requested WHO, in collaboration with IARC, to provide a global perspective
on all measures that are recognized to limit the burden of cancer. The outcome of this charge – the WHO Report
on Cancer: Setting priorities, investing wisely and providing care for all – complements the IARC World Cancer
Report by synthesizing evidence to translate the latest knowledge into actionable policies to support govern-
ments. These two publications provide a solid foundation for effective cancer policies, and bring us closer to our
goal of changing the trajectory of cancer for communities around the world.
World Health Organization
The objective of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is to promote international collaboration
in cancer research. The Agency is interdisciplinary, bringing together skills in epidemiology, laboratory sciences,
and biostatistics to identify the causes of cancer so that preventive measures may be adopted and the burden of
disease and associated suffering reduced. A significant feature of IARC is its expertise in coordinating research
across countries and organizations; its independent role as an international organization facilitates this activity.
As part of its wide dissemination of information about cancer, the Agency produces World Cancer Report.
The previous World Cancer Report, published in 2014, identified a foreseeable increase in the global burden of
cancer, with a particularly heavy burden projected to fall on low- and middle-income countries. This new World
Cancer Report is focused on the only consideration that will credibly decrease that burden: prevention. This vol-
ume addresses cancer research for cancer prevention.
IARC routinely coordinates specialist assessments in which multiple individual research studies – typically
hundreds or thousands of articles – are assessed by international groups of expert scientists. The results are
published as volumes of publications series, and each series is widely recognized as providing authoritative
determinations. These series include the IARC Monographs on the Identification of Carcinogenic Hazards to
Humans, which address the causes of cancer; the volumes of Cancer Incidence in Five Continents, which present
population-based data on cancer occurrence; the IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention, which evaluate cancer
prevention strategies; and the WHO Classification of Tumours series (also known as the WHO Blue Books), for
the histological and genetic classification of human tumours. Typically, a particular volume in each of these series
is focused on some aspect of cancer causation, prevention, pathology, and so on. This approach is not amenable
to the provision of broad perspectives.
For broad perspectives, World Cancer Report is the relevant publication. World Cancer Report is not a digest
of assessments made by IARC or any other authority. World Cancer Report is based on purpose-made assess-
ments, prepared by recognized investigators worldwide and published after undergoing peer review.
A broad perspective – and, where possible, a “bottom line” – is crucial in several respects. First, it ensures that all
relevant findings are taken into account. For example, for ultraviolet radiation in sunlight, evidence of tissue injury
from low-level exposure must be considered together with known biological benefits, including production of vita-
min D. Second, although knowledge of biological mechanisms provides valuable insights, it may not necessarily
account for human circumstances. For example, in preventing exposures to known human carcinogens, inequal-
ities between populations may contribute to marked variations in health outcomes. Third, although investigative
design may be constrained to parameters that can be readily determined, human behaviour is never restricted in
such a way. For example, the incidence of obesity-related cancers is critically affected by dietary composition,
physical activity, and sedentary practices, because these vary between communities. Finally, factors that influ-
ence cancer causation and prevention may have markedly different outcomes when implemented across com-
munities or countries that differ environmentally, sociologically, climatically, and economically.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
IARC is uniquely placed to encompass a broad spectrum of knowledge while presenting the results in manage-
able terms. The production of World Cancer Report is achieved by engaging the Agency’s scientific staff to col-
laborate in the development of the publication at every level. This includes ensuring that the planned contents
address all relevant knowledge; identifying distinguished authors and reviewers from across the globe; ensuring
that differing perspectives are offered in a balanced, evidence-based manner; and considering circumstances
that my restrict implementation of cancer-preventive interventions.
Cancer can be prevented by avoiding exposure to a known carcinogen. However, this fundamental concept can-
not always encompass why different tumour types are particularly prevalent in some populations and not others,
or how genomics and related technologies may reveal individual susceptibility and new methods of early diagno-
sis. Nor can a simplistic understanding of cancer prevention explain why health service-related and other inequal-
ities differentially determine the degree of success of preventive initiatives in different communities. Smoking
cessation remains the most widely established means of cancer prevention, and new insights are offered in this
World Cancer Report. However, efforts to reduce the burden of cancer cover a broad range, from contending
with tumour types that essentially have no known causative agents all the way through to the prospect of cervical
cancer being eliminated by the use of vaccines, which have been developed because of research on particular
cancer-causing viruses.
Accordingly, this new World Cancer Report provides investigators with detailed information across a multidisci-
plinary spectrum. Equally, World Cancer Report provides people in the wider community, no matter where they
are located worldwide, with insights into how the cancer types that have for so long affected their communities
may now have a lesser impact than was previously thought.
Dr Elisabete Weiderpass
International Agency for Research on Cancer
World Cancer Report is an initiative of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and is published
about every 5 years. Since the inception of World Cancer Report, in 2003, the editorial policy has been to provide
a concise, multidisciplinary assessment of current research, made as accessible as possible through a high il-
lustrative content and a minimum of scientific jargon. For every chapter included, authority is achieved in the first
instance by engaging experts worldwide, who then face the challenge of presenting information covering broad
fields in a few thousand words. All chapters are subject to peer review.
As explained in the Preface, this World Cancer Report is focused on cancer research for cancer prevention. This
focus has necessitated the inclusion of a new section, so that the scope of available research can be adequately
recognized: a section on inequalities that affect cancer prevention. This section has not appeared in any previous
World Cancer Report.
Section 4, on inequalities that affect cancer prevention, is the antithesis of, for example, Section 3, on biological
processes in cancer development. The chapters in Section 3 concern human biology, largely without reference
to geography or community, whereas the chapters that discuss inequalities must involve references to particular
communities and their circumstances. The need to address what is particular to various communities also under-
pins the content of Section 1, about the global cancer burden.
Another first for this World Cancer Report is the inclusion of a chapter on sporadic cancer. On the basis of current
research, an attainable reduction in the incidence of cancer worldwide depends primarily on reducing exposure
to known carcinogens. However, currently available research on several cancer types, including prostate cancer,
brain cancer, and leukaemias, does not allow a clear proportion of these malignancies to be attributed to particu-
lar exogenous factors. So, in such cases, is the development of sporadic cancer due to “bad luck”, and is preven-
tion no longer a consideration? Not at all! Indeed, in such situations particularly, genomics and other technologies
are key to further investigations of etiology and to delivering new or improved procedures for early diagnosis and
screening; these matters are covered in Section 6.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
As cancer research scientists, we, the editors of this World Cancer Report, readily acknowledge the need to pro-
vide information about cancer causes and prevention to the wider community with as few barriers as are compat-
ible with an accurate understanding. In the past, such a commitment to immediate comprehension has involved
providing explanations for technical terms and/or including a glossary. We have not adopted such options, for
several reasons: to avoid interrupting the flow of information, because most of the text is immediately accessible,
and considering that search engines are available to provide access to specifics.
In providing insight to those who are not necessarily undertaking research in a particular field, some background
information must be specified. This is an important but secondary consideration. Indeed, this World Cancer Report
is not intended to be a textbook that provides a comprehensive overview of well-established key knowledge.
Therefore, given the overall constraints on length, the authors of each chapter have provided a separate set of state-
ments covering the Fundamentals (presented in a shaded sidebar). The information provided in the Fundamentals
is axiomatic to the field of research covered in the chapter, but, unlike the points given in the chapter’s Summary, is
not necessarily addressed in the main text of the chapter.
To meet the immediate needs of professionals for contemporary data, the authors of each chapter were asked
to focus on research results achieved during the past 5 years. This determinant of content is not the same as
summarizing current knowledge. For example, the chapters in Section 2, on the causes of cancer, are not neces-
sarily comprehensive. Tobacco smoking continues to be the major preventable cause of death from cancer, and
indeed from multiple other diseases, but this long-held knowledge does not, in our view, require reiteration at the
expense of describing the latest research findings, including the latest approaches to smoking cessation.
A feature of this volume, as in all previous World Cancer Reports, is that the largest single section (Section 5) is
that devoted to particular cancer types: 20 chapters. In numerical terms, 20 is small compared with the hundreds
of tumour types as documented in the WHO Classification of Tumours series (also known as the WHO Blue
Books; However, the 20 types of cancer that are covered here, when taken together,
account for the overwhelming majority of cancer cases worldwide and, of greater importance, account for almost
all initiatives aimed at cancer prevention.
The volumes of Cancer Incidence in Five Continents ( and the associated GLOBOCAN data-
base document data on incidence, prevalence, mortality, and trends for multiple cancer types across hundreds
of communities. These findings are summarized and made readily accessible online through the IARC Global
Cancer Observatory ( Therefore, the epidemiological information in chapters in Section 5 is
not documented systematically. Rather, authors were invited to give priority to recent epidemiological findings
that have contributed to an increased understanding of etiology or, in some rare cases, prevention. As a result,
there are marked differences between the chapters with respect to the amount of epidemiological data presented.
Similarly, information about exogenous causes or population-based screening varies markedly between cancer
types, from comprehensive data to nothing relevant, and such circumstances account in large part for differences
between chapters in Section 5.
There is no generally operative procedure that determines the transition from cancer research findings to cancer
prevention policies. When such a pathway is charted for a particular innovation, the ease of its implementation will
be determined by many factors as they operate in particular countries or communities. In this context, World Cancer
Report is not designed as a vehicle for advocacy: research needs are not listed as such, nor are priorities specified.
The key role of cancer research in cancer prevention, as a record of achievement, is clear and unequivocal on
a global scale. Since the publication of World Cancer Report 2014, the burden of cancer attributable to obesity
and – separately – to pollution has been made clearer than ever before. More immediately in terms of the ultimate
goal of prevention, there is global progress in reducing tobacco-attributable cancers, at least in some countries.
And where once there was the goal of increased screening for cervical cancer, there is now, through vaccination,
the prospect of eliminating cervical cancer as a public health concern.
In short, “cancer research for cancer prevention” is not simply a way to describe a particular field of investigation.
Far more importantly, these words identify a pathway that may materially reduce the acknowledged burden of
cancer faced by humanity. There is, in fact, no other way.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
1 The global
cancer burden
As far as we know, cancer has always afflicted to high-income countries, has long been rec-
humans, although for centuries its relative im- ognized as a global scourge. Previously, low-
pact was overshadowed by early death from income countries primarily had a relatively
infectious diseases. Until recently, informa- high incidence of stomach, liver, and cervical
tion on the global distribution of cancer was cancer, but changes in incidence over time
limited for certain communities and countries. for these and other cancer types illustrate
We now have a reasonable basis for estimat- variation between countries. Finally, there are
ing the global cancer burden. For several tu- marked differences between countries or re-
mour types – colorectal, prostate, and breast gions in cancer mortality, with an increasing
cancer – high incidence rates were once re- burden in low- and middle-income countries,
stricted to North America, western Europe, attributable both to less-than-optimal imple-
and Australia, but now incidence rates are ris- mentation of preventive measures and to di-
ing in many other countries. Lung cancer, for agnosis at a later stage, rather than an early
which high incidence was initially restricted stage, of cancer development.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
replaced with one in which chronic tional 45 countries (Fig. 1.1.2) [1]. thetic changes to the physical envi-
or degenerative diseases, such as Specifically, cancer is currently the ronment, including structural condi-
NCDs, predominate. Within this leading cause of premature death tions that have impacts on mobility
diverse group of NCDs, the rela- in most of the countries with high and recreation, diet, and exposure
tive contribution to overall deaths or very high HDI, including Canada to environmental pollutants). The
has evolved with trends in mortality and the USA in North America, inherent disparities and widening
rates. For example, there have been Argentina and Chile in South gaps between and within countries
greater reductions in mortality rates America, most countries in Europe in levels of medical practice and
for cardiovascular diseases than in (including France, Germany, and health infrastructure also influence
those for cancer in many popula- the United Kingdom), Australia the diverging patterns and trends in
tions with medium or high HDI, and and New Zealand in Oceania, and cancer mortality [5–10].
the absolute and relative reductions Japan, the Republic of Korea, and In most countries with high HDI,
in cancer mortality rates have been Singapore in Asia. Cancer also cancer mortality rates are declining,
considerably larger in populations ranks first in Thailand and Viet primarily as a result of recent suc-
with very high HDI (Fig. 1.1.1) [3,4]. Nam. Cancer is the second lead- cesses in combating common can-
ing cause of premature death, after cer types through effective interven-
cardiovascular diseases, in Brazil, tions for prevention, early detection,
Cancer as a leading and treatment. In contrast, in coun-
China, and many countries in east-
cause of death ern Europe (including the Russian tries in transition, mortality rates are
worldwide Federation and Ukraine), as well as still increasing, or at best stabilizing,
In the past 60 years, better sanita- Algeria and Egypt. In most coun- for many cancer types, including
tion and the development of vac- tries in sub-Saharan Africa, cancer breast cancer, prostate cancer, and
cines and antibiotics have brought ranks third or fourth, and there are colorectal cancer [5,9,10].
about dramatic declines in mortal- only a few countries in this region in
ity from infectious diseases. With which cancer ranks fifth or sixth [1]. The Sustainable Develop-
improving primary and secondary Cancer is a complex disease, ment Goals target for
prevention for cardiovascular dis- for which the patterns and trends combating noncommuni-
eases, changing demographic and in mortality vary markedly between
risk factors have led to today’s ob- countries and across specific can-
cable diseases
servation that cancer is the first or cer types. These variations are due In response to the major threat that
second leading cause of premature to differences in changing lifestyles NCDs pose to sustainable human
death (i.e. at ages 30–69 years) and in local exposures to known or development, and to curb the rapid
in 134 of 183 countries, and it putative determinants, as well as an rise in NCDs worldwide, the United
ranks third or fourth in an addi- altering built environment (e.g. syn- Nations, within the Sustainable De
velopment Goals agenda, has set
an overarching target (Target 3.4)
to reduce the total premature mor-
Fig. 1.1.1. Changes between 1981–1985 and 2006–2010 in age-standardized mortal-
ity rates per 100 000 people, for ages 40–84 years in men and women combined, in tality from NCDs by one third by
populations with very high Human Development Index (HDI) and medium or high HDI. 2030 [11,12]. For the successful
realization of Target 3.4, a set of
health targets have been proposed
to reduce the exposure to risk fac-
tors for NCDs and to improve the
prevention and treatment of NCDs.
A subsequent reduction in prema-
ture deaths from NCDs would have
a profound effect on population lon-
gevity and an economic impact (see
Chapter 6.9).
If the goal of a reduction by one
third in premature mortality from the
four major types of NCDs is attained
in 2015–2030, the average expected
years lived in the target age group
(30–69 years) could potentially in-
crease by 0.64 years worldwide [13].
This figure ranges from 0.44 years in
countries with very high HDI to about
Chapter 1.1 • The burden and prevention of premature deaths from noncommunicable diseases, including cancer: a global perspective 17
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
0.70 years in countries with low or of the 20th century: 2.5–3.7 years deed meet this target. Using the his-
medium HDI (Fig. 1.1.3). Extending in countries with very high HDI and torical trends in premature mortality
the one third reduction in premature 1.1–1.4 years in countries with me- from the four major types of NCDs
mortality to all NCDs would lead to dium or high HDI. in the 15-year period between 2000
a further gain of 20% in average ex- Although attaining Target 3.4 of and 2015 as a reference, one ob-
pected years lived [13]. These are the Sustainable Development Goals serves that higher-income coun-
significant gains when considered in is a promising prospect for popula- tries are well on track to meeting
light of the increases in life expec- tion longevity in the long run, it is the target between 2015 and 2030,
tancy over the last three decades debatable whether countries will in- whereas lower-income countries
Fig. 1.1.2. Global map of cancer as a leading cause of premature death (i.e. at ages 30–69 years), indicating the rankings, with the
numbers of countries in parentheses.
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever Data source: GHE 2016
on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, Map production: CSU
or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted and dashed lines on maps represent approximate border lines World Health Organization
for which there may not yet be full agreement. © WHO 2018. All rights reserved
Fig. 1.1.3. Global map of estimated gains in average expected years lived (LE) between ages 30 years and 69 years if the Sustain
able Development Goals target of a reduction by one third in premature mortality from the four major types of noncommunicable
diseases is attained in 2015–2030.
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever Data source: IARC
on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, Map production: CSU
or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted and dashed lines on maps represent approximate border lines World Health Organization
for which there may not yet be full agreement. © WHO 2018. All rights reserved
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
still face considerable challenges. for cardiovascular diseases. There and other countries in central and
A similar picture is seen for can- is a clear need to prioritize preven- eastern Europe [12,15–17], leading
cer. In higher-income countries, tion strategies at the national level to high rates of premature mortality
a large part of the targeted reduc- and to structure health systems ac- from NCDs, including cancer.
tion has generally been attained. cordingly to manage the imminent However, lower-income coun-
In contrast, in low- and middle-in- epidemic of NCDs worldwide. tries face the additional burden
come countries the achievements A key and effective measure in of poverty-related NCDs, such as
are more limited (Fig. 1.1.4) [13]. the prevention of cancer and other infection-related cancers (including
It should be noted that the lack of NCDs is to reduce the exposure stomach cancer [see Chapter 5.4],
progress in lower-income countries to modifiable causes of NCDs, in- liver cancer [see Chapter 5.6], and
in 2000–2015 does not necessarily cluding several risk factors that cervical cancer [see Chapter 5.10]),
predict future failings in attaining contribute significantly to the oc- cardiovascular diseases due to fetal
the target in such populations in the currence of these diseases, such and childhood malnutrition, and res-
longer term, given that many NCDs as behavioural factors (e.g. tobacco piratory diseases that are correlated
can still be successfully prevented, use [see Chapter 2.1], harmful al- with a poor living environment [18,19].
treated, and managed. cohol consumption [see Chapter As countries progress societally and
The distinct patterns of causes 2.3], unhealthy diet, and physical economically, and epidemiological
of death help to prioritize approach- inactivity [see Chapter 2.7]), meta- transitions continue, the reduction
es to reduce mortality from specific bolic factors (e.g. high blood pres- in NCDs linked to poverty-related
major causes in a given country. sure, overweight and obesity, and factors is expected to be offset by
Specifically, cancer has surpassed high cholesterol level), and envi- increasing exposure to many behav-
cardiovascular diseases as the ronmental factors (e.g. air pollution ioural, environmental, and occupa-
leading cause of death in countries [see Chapter 2.9]), [12,14]. In many tional risk factors linked with indus-
with high or very high HDI. In con- middle-income countries, risk fac- trialized settings, including tobacco
trast, cardiovascular diseases re- tors for NCDs continue to prevail. use, harmful alcohol consumption,
main the leading cause of death in For example, the highest levels of and physical inactivity [20–26]. The
lower-income countries, largely be- smoking prevalence, harmful alco- path towards attaining Target 3.4 of
cause of inadequate and ineffective hol consumption, and high blood the Sustainable Development Goals
implementation of the available pre- pressure globally are observed in will be particularly challenging for
vention and treatment modalities countries of the former Soviet Union resource-constrained countries if
Fig. 1.1.4. Changes between 2000 and 2015 in the risk of dying from cancer at ages 30–69 years, for selected countries with low
or medium Human Development Index (HDI) and high or very high HDI.
14 13.9 14
12 -16% 12
Change in Risk of dying (%),30-69 years old
10 10
9.2 9.3
-17% -23%
8 7.9 8
7.6 7.6 -21%
-16% 7.2
-16% 7.1
6.7 6.8
6.4 -23%
6 6
5.7 -3%
5.5 -1% 5.5
4 4
2 2
0 0
India Morocco Philippines South Uganda Sweden Brazil USA China Russian
Africa Federation
Chapter 1.1 • The burden and prevention of premature deaths from noncommunicable diseases, including cancer: a global perspective 19
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 1.1.5. Dancers in Ayquina, Chile, illustrate the diversity of communities affected to the pace in higher-resource coun-
by cancer. In Chile, the incidence rates of cancer of the gall bladder are among the tries (Fig. 1.1.4) highlights the need
highest in the world. for accelerated actions to achieve
the Sustainable Development Goals
target in these countries. However,
inadequate access to affordable
primary care, early detection, and
treatment continues to be a bar-
rier to effective prevention and treat-
ment in these settings, leading to
poorer survival outcomes in patients
[12,17]. For example, whereas can-
cer surgery services are available in
95% of high-income countries, the
equivalent rate is only about 25%
in low-income countries [32], lead-
ing to substantially higher cancer
case fatality in lower-income coun-
tries (70%) than in higher-income
countries (45%) [33]. As part of the
Sustainable Development Goals tar-
gets, achieving universal health cov-
erage, including access to essential
health-care services and access to
their adoption of unhealthy lifestyles expected to contribute substantially effective and affordable essential
and activities with high environmen- to a reduction in premature deaths medicines and vaccines for NCDs
tal impact is not halted. Therefore, in from NCDs by 2030 [30,31]. Finally, for all, is crucial to ensure a narrow-
the coming decades it will be increas- establishing high-quality surveil- ing of the inequity gap and a reduc-
ingly critical to mitigate the rise in lance systems for cancer and oth- tion in mortality from NCDs globally.
NCDs in lower-income countries by er NCDs is imperative to plan and The potential for health improve-
preventing the adoption of unhealthy evaluate national responses to the ment is particularly striking in low-
behaviours (see Chapter 6.1) and en- Sustainable Development Goals tar- and middle-income countries, if the
suring that environmental actions are get [29]. prompt adoption of “best buys” in-
sustainable [27,28]. The slow pace of progress in re- terventions leads to the Sustainable
To curb the rising burden of source-limited countries that are un- Development Goals target being
NCDs, WHO proposed a “best dergoing major transitions, relative met, because in these countries
buys” package to facilitate inter-
ventions that are feasible, afford-
Fig. 1.1.6. The disparities that are evident within many countries are illustrated in this
able, and cost-effective [12,29]. An
view of Manila, Philippines.
extended list of options to reduce
the prevalence of tobacco smok-
ing, harmful alcohol consumption,
unhealthy diet, and physical in-
activity as well as environmental
action, for example to reduce air
pollution, are essential elements
to control NCDs, including cancer.
Furthermore, measures proposed
by the WHO “best buys” and by the
“essential package” of interventions
presented in the third edition of
Disease Control Priorities – includ-
ing implementing vaccination pro-
grammes, extending the preventive
and early detection measures for
cancer at the primary care level,
and improving access to services
for cancer and other NCDs – are
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
NCDs commonly rank higher as a comes, the additional societal and hence increasing workplace produc-
cause of death. A parallel impact economic potential of these interven- tivity and reducing costs of health
across the four major types of NCDs tions for NCDs is large, because the care and social care. Ultimately,
is expected, with a marked reduc- targeted decline in mortality would these potential benefits provide fur-
tion in cancer mortality rates, many bring about a substantial increase ther arguments for implementing ac-
of which have stagnated nationally. in the number of person-years lived tions aimed at reducing the global
In addition to improved health out- in the most productive age groups, burden of NCDs.
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Chapter 1.1 • The burden and prevention of premature deaths from noncommunicable diseases, including cancer: a global perspective 21
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
or territories worldwide on the Cancer lowed by Australia, New Zealand, Development Index (HDI), trends in
Today subsite of the Global Cancer and Canada), were also the first rates are largely stable over time,
Observatory ( countries in which the prevalence of reflecting either that smoking is not
smoking decreased, followed about being taken up or that the smoking
20–30 years later by a decline in epidemic is at too early a stage to
Lung cancer
lung cancer incidence and mortali- be visible in the lung cancer trends.
Lung cancer is the most common ty rates (Fig. 1.2.1). In world regions The trends by histological sub-
cancer type worldwide in terms of where lung cancer rates have his- type present a somewhat different
both incidence (2.1 million new cas- torically been low (e.g. Costa Rica, picture. Incidence rates of squa-
es in 2018) and mortality (1.8 million Ecuador, and India) or intermedi- mous cell carcinoma of the lung
deaths in 2018). The key cause of ate (e.g. Japan and Turkey), lung are currently decreasing (at least
lung cancer is tobacco smoking (see cancer incidence in men appears in men), whereas rates of adeno-
Chapter 2.1), which is responsible for to have recently stabilized or in- carcinoma of the lung are rising in
63% of overall global deaths from creased (e.g. Thailand). some populations (particularly in
lung cancer and for more than 90% In women, the tobacco smok- women) [2]. In men, squamous cell
of lung cancer deaths in countries ing habit has commonly been ac- carcinoma was previously the most
where smoking is prevalent in both quired more recently, or – in some common lung cancer subtype, but
sexes [1]. Therefore, trends in lung countries – not at all. Therefore, by the end of the 1990s a shift had
cancer incidence and mortality are the most common trend is of ris- occurred and adenocarcinoma was
determined largely by past exposure ing lung cancer rates, as observed the most common subtype. In wom-
to tobacco smoking, reflecting the dif- in Australia, Japan, the United en, this effect is delayed, meaning
ferential evolution of the smoking epi- Kingdom, and the USA, with a peak that in many countries with high
demic by sex in individual countries. and a recent decline that are most HDI, incidence rates of adenocarci-
In men, the countries where the evident in the United Kingdom and noma of the lung are now decreas-
smoking epidemic first began (the the USA (Fig. 1.2.2). In many coun- ing in men and are still increasing in
United Kingdom and the USA, fol- tries with lower levels of the Human women (see Chapter 5.1).
Fig. 1.2.1. Age-standardized (World) (a) incidence rates and (b) mortality rates per 100 000 person-years by calendar year in
selected countries for lung cancer in men, circa 1975–2012. Asterisks indicate regional registries (other registries are national).
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 1.2.2. Age-standardized (World) (a) incidence rates and (b) mortality rates per 100 000 person-years by calendar year in
selected countries for lung cancer in women, circa 1975–2012. Asterisks indicate regional registries (other registries are national).
Lung cancer survival remains low reduce the prevalence of tobacco several countries in Asia (e.g. India,
globally. The fact that lung cancer is smoking remains a key pillar in dis- Japan, Thailand, and Turkey) and in
the leading cause of cancer death ease control. Latin America (e.g. Costa Rica and
has motivated the assessment of Ecuador) (Fig. 1.2.3a).
the benefits of lung cancer screen- Artefactual factors may inflate
Breast cancer
ing, i.e. low-dose computed tomog- incidence. Breast cancer screening
raphy (CT), among heavy smokers. Breast cancer is the most com- captures prevalent cases for a few
A 16% reduction in lung cancer mor- monly diagnosed cancer in women years after implementation of screen-
tality among those screened in a (2.1 million new cases in 2018) and ing, and the reported increases in in-
large trial in the USA [3] has led to the leading cause of cancer death cidence in Brazil and Mexico of 2.9%
the recommendation of lung cancer in women globally (627 000 deaths and 5.9% per year, respectively, were
screening in the USA, followed by in 2018) (see Chapter 5.9) [5]. greatest among women aged 55–
similar recommendations in Europe The rising incidence rates ob- 64 years, the targeted screening age
[4]. However, controversy still exists, served in many higher-income group [6]. In contrast, in countries
because the current short-term tri- countries during the past five de- with high HDI (e.g. Australia, Canada,
als have not shown any beneficial cades – and in lower-income the United Kingdom, and the USA),
impact on deaths [3]; further re- countries more recently – can be incidence rates have stabilized after
sults and a complete assessment attributed partly to the changing a marked decline in incidence start-
of the long-term costs, benefits, and prevalence and distribution of sev- ing in about 2000, which is consid-
harms are needed before the imple- eral reproductive and hormonal ered to result from the publication of
mentation of national programmes factors (see Chapter 3.6), includ- two landmark studies that reported
(see Chapter 6.6). ing a trend towards earlier ages at on the harmful effects of menopau-
Given that tobacco smoking is menarche, later ages at first birth, sal hormone replacement therapy
a major contributor to the burden of and lower parity [6]. These changes on breast cancer risk (see Chapter
multiple cancer types and chronic may partly explain the rapid rises 2.11) [7]. Dietary factors (including
diseases, primary prevention to in breast cancer incidence rates in an increasing prevalence of alcohol
Fig. 1.2.3. Age-standardized (World) (a) incidence rates and (b) mortality rates per 100 000 person-years by calendar year in
selected countries for breast cancer in women, circa 1975–2012. Asterisks indicate regional registries (other registries are national).
consumption in women), obesity, and the earlier detection of breast cancer part explain these favourable trends,
physical inactivity (see Chapter 2.7) through earlier diagnosis and effec- the marked decline of rates in non-
cannot be ruled out as potential con- tive screening programmes may in screened age groups indicates the
tributors to the previous rising trends
in these countries with high HDI, be-
Fig. 1.2.4. Women in Peru wearing traditional dress. In Peru and in many other
cause rates also increased in women countries in transition, breast cancer mortality trends have tended to parallel the
outside of the targeted screening age increasing incidence trends.
group [6].
In countries in transition towards
higher HDI levels, breast cancer
mortality trends have tended to par-
allel the increasing incidence trends;
rising mortality rates have consis-
tently been observed in countries in
Asia and Latin America (Fig. 1.2.3b)
[8], for all age groups and also for
women in the targeted screening age
group (which suggests an absence
of effective screening programmes).
In contrast, a steady decline in
breast cancer mortality has been ob-
served in numerous countries with
high HDI [8,9], including Australia,
Canada, and the USA, where breast
cancer mortality rates declined by
18–22% from 2002 to 2012. Although
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
importance of multiple improvements the United Kingdom, and the USA (characterized by low consumption
in the management and treatment of are observed predominantly in older of fruits, vegetables, and fibre and
the disease. age groups (55 years and older); high consumption of red meat and
these populations are subject to ear- processed meat [see Chapter 2.6]),
ly detection programmes that detect
Colorectal cancer a lack of physical activity, and an in-
and remove precancerous colorectal creasing prevalence of overweight
Colorectal cancer is the third most polyps, leading to a decline in malig- and obesity (see Chapter 2.7).
common cancer in both sexes world- nancies [11]. Other factors may have Consistent with the declines in
wide (1.8 million new cases in 2018). contributed, including the adoption incidence, colorectal cancer mor-
It ranks second in terms of mortality of preventive therapies such as reg-
(880 000 deaths in 2018). The fact tality rates have decreased in coun-
ular use of aspirin, postmenopausal tries with high HDI (e.g. Australia,
that mortality is considerably lower estrogen therapy, or – as a matter of
than incidence reflects the relatively Canada, the United Kingdom, and
greater speculation – an increasing
good prognosis for cases on aver- the USA) in both sexes (Fig. 1.2.5b
intake of vitamin D [12].
age (see Chapter 5.5). and Fig. 1.2.6b). These decreases
However, marked increases in
In general, in countries in transi- can be linked partly to improving
incidence in younger age groups
tion, where overall risk of colorectal have been observed in countries survival through the adoption of
cancer has typically been low, inci- with higher HDI and are now also best practices in cancer treatment
dence rates have increased, whereas observed in recent birth cohorts in and management, in addition to ear-
in countries with high HDI, where risk Asia (e.g. in Japan, Thailand, and lier detection of colorectal cancer in
of colorectal cancer tends to be rela- Turkey) and in Latin America (e.g. in these countries [10]. The contrasting
tively high, incidence rates have either Costa Rica and Ecuador). The ris- increases in mortality rates in several
stabilized or decreased in both sexes ing risk is seen in successive gen- countries in Asia and Latin America
(Fig. 1.2.5a and Fig. 1.2.6a) [10]. erations, implying the importance of may reflect the limited health infra-
As an example, the declining in- changing risk factors; these are still structure and poorer access to early
cidence trends in Australia, Canada, ill-defined but may include poor diet detection and treatment [10].
Fig. 1.2.5. Age-standardized (World) (a) incidence rates and (b) mortality rates per 100 000 person-years by calendar year in
selected countries for colorectal cancer in men, circa 1975–2012. Asterisks indicate regional registries (other registries are national).
Fig. 1.2.6. Age-standardized (World) (a) incidence rates and (b) mortality rates per 100 000 person-years by calendar year in selected
countries for colorectal cancer in women, circa 1975–2012. Asterisks indicate regional registries (other registries are national).
Cancer survival is highly depen- ing for 360 000 deaths (6.7% of the publication of the results of two
dent on the stage of cancer at diag- cancer deaths in men) in 2018 (see large randomized trials [16,17] and
nosis, and the unfavourable stage Chapter 5.13). a broad consensus to cease the
distribution of colorectal cancer Until the mid-1990s, prostate testing of men older than 75 years.
partly explains the higher excess cancer incidence rates in the USA Where increases in incidence rates
mortality from this cancer in a given were increasing substantially, which have been observed, competing
region [13]. Furthermore, the com- was largely attributed to the intro- explanations may include greater
plexity of treatment, which requires duction of prostate-specific antigen population awareness of the dis-
a combination of chemotherapy and (PSA) testing as a diagnostic test ease, the diagnosis of small and
radiotherapy (for rectal cancers) for asymptomatic prostate cancers latent cancers through PSA test-
after major surgery, can further [14]. This increase was followed by ing, or a genuine increase in the
complicate adequate management a peak and a subsequent decline incidence rates of invasive pros-
of colorectal cancer. In the future, by 2000. Similar time trends were tate cancer. A changing lifestyle
improved access to earlier cancer observed in Australia and Canada, has been proposed as one of the
detection and treatment may de- with a later decline in incidence drivers of trends, including an in-
crease the evident inequalities in rates (Fig. 1.2.7a). Similar trends of creased prevalence of obesity and
colorectal cancer survival globally. incidence rates that increased sub- increased consumption of dairy
stantially and then stabilized were products and calcium, but these
Prostate cancer observed in several countries in Asia factors confer only a small or mini-
Prostate cancer is now the second (e.g. Turkey) and Latin America (e.g. mal increase in risk [14]. Prostate
most common cancer in men world- Costa Rica and Ecuador) [14,15]. cancer incidence rates are much
wide, with an estimated 1.3 million Where incidence rates have de- higher in Black populations, which
new cases in 2018, accounting for creased or stabilized, these trends points to a role of genetic factors,
13.5% of new cancer cases in men. may have resulted partly from a although it is unlikely that such fac-
It is a somewhat less important decline in PSA testing in general tors explain much of the time trends
cause of cancer mortality, account- practice and among urologists after observed in different populations.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 1.2.7. Age-standardized (World) (a) incidence rates and (b) mortality rates per 100 000 person-years by calendar year in
selected countries for prostate cancer, circa 1975–2012. Asterisks indicate regional registries (other registries are national).
In contrast to incidence rates, cancer mortality rates. A better un- (Fig. 1.2.8). Trends in women (not
prostate cancer mortality rates derstanding of the causes and fac- shown) are similar to those in men,
have largely been declining in most tors that affect incidence is urgently but the rates are generally lower.
countries, with the exception of needed to inform future prevention The risk of non-cardia stomach
Thailand, where rates have consis- strategies. cancer is closely related to infection
tently been low (Fig. 1.2.7b). The with Helicobacter pylori; 75–90% of
two main factors causing the ob- Stomach cancer all stomach cancer cases can be
served decline in mortality rates are attributed to infection with this bac-
In the first systematic collation of
probably a stage shift in prostate terium (see Chapter 2.2) [20]. H.
global high-quality cancer incidence
cancer related to PSA testing (i.e. pylori infection is generally acquired
data, in the 1960s, stomach cancer
more cancers are detected at an was the most common cancer type at a young age. The risk of infection
earlier stage) and better manage- worldwide [19]. Stomach cancer is is increased by overcrowding, and
ment of patients diagnosed with the now the fifth most common cancer therefore stomach cancer is strongly
disease [18]. The rather short lead type globally, with an estimated 1 mil- associated with low socioeconomic
time from the observed decline in lion new cases in 2018 (5.7% of new status. The declining rates of stom-
incidence and mortality has brought cancer cases), but because survival ach cancer have been attributed
considerable controversy with re- is poor, stomach cancer ranks third in partly to improved living conditions,
gard to the beneficial impact of PSA terms of mortality (783 000 deaths in in particular among young cohorts.
testing on prostate cancer mortal- 2018) (see Chapter 5.4) [5]. Furthermore, improved food pres-
ity. The causes of the decline are A key epidemiological finding is ervation practices and better nutri-
probably manifold, including earlier the steady decline in incidence and tion, including refrigeration for the
detection and improved treatment; mortality rates of stomach cancer transportation and storage of food,
also, greater specificity and less (predominantly the non-cardia type have been suggested as leading to a
misclassification of earlier deaths of stomach cancer) that has consis- declining trend (see Chapter 2.8) [7].
from prostate cancer may have tently been observed over more than In Japan and the Republic of
led to a slight downturn in prostate five decades across all world regions Korea – countries that have some of
Fig. 1.2.8. Age-standardized (World) (a) incidence rates and (b) mortality rates per 100 000 person-years by calendar year in
selected countries for stomach cancer in men, circa 1975–2012. Asterisks indicate regional registries (other registries are national).
the highest stomach cancer rates – Within the next decade, results from an increasing incidence of cardia
part of the decline has been linked to these randomized trials may provide stomach cancer (which accounted
the national screening programmes further insights to decrease the cur- for 27% of all stomach cancer cases
that have been implemented over the rent uncertainties about H. pylori in 2012 [22]) in several populations
past few decades [21]. Randomized screening and treatment. [23]. This increase has been linked to
trials are under way to assess the In contrast to the overall de- the increased prevalence of Barrett
impact of H. pylori eradication on cline in rates of non-cardia stom- oesophagus and adenocarcinoma
non-cardia stomach cancer [21]. ach cancer, studies have indicated of the lower third of the oesophagus,
which are strongly associated with
Fig. 1.2.9. Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo, Japan. Although incidence rates of stomach overweight and obesity. This double
cancer are declining in almost all countries worldwide, Japan has one of the highest burden of infection-related and obe-
recorded rates. sity-related stomach cancer calls
for targeted public health actions
that tackle the emerging divergence
in the burden and trends observed
across the world.
Cervical cancer
Cervical cancer is the fourth most
common cancer type in women
worldwide in terms of both incidence
and mortality, with an estimated
570 000 new cases and 311 000
deaths in 2018 [5]. Infection with hu-
man papillomavirus (HPV) — nota-
bly HPV types 16, 18, 31, and 45 —
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 1.2.10. Age-standardized (World) (a) incidence rates and (b) mortality rates per 100 000 person-years by calendar year in
selected countries for cervical cancer, circa 1975–2012. Asterisks indicate regional registries (other registries are national).
is an established cause of the dis- applies to the Baltic countries, parts Conclusions
ease and is estimated to cause of eastern Europe and western Asia
This brief overview of global inci-
all cases of cervical cancer (see [29], and Japan, where the effect
dence and mortality trends for six
Chapter 5.10) [24]. has been occurring for an extended major cancer types in a subset of
Incidence and mortality rates of period [30], in the absence of effec- countries is based on the availabil-
cervical cancer have consistently de- tive screening programmes. Other ity of recent data from national or
clined in most countries in the past determinants have contributed to the subnational population-based can-
few decades (Fig. 1.2.10) [25,26], declines in cervical cancer rates in cer registries and/or national vital
and rates appear to have stabilized countries without effective screen- registration systems. Local high-
in many countries with high HDI ing programmes, including improved quality cancer surveillance systems
(e.g. Australia, Canada, the United genital hygiene and the impact of co- are needed to gain a reasonably
Kingdom, and the USA), where de- factors linked to progression of HPV accurate picture of how the cancer
clines have been ascribed to the infection to cervical cancer: parity, burden and risk are changing with
success of cytology-based screen- age at first birth, use of oral contra- time in different communities. The
ing programmes [26]. However, sev- ceptives, and tobacco use. focus on rates for all ages has pre-
eral studies have shown that, within A recent WHO call to action cluded a more detailed exposition
the overall decline in incidence and seeks to overcome the multiple chal- of trends by age and birth cohort,
mortality rates, increases have been lenges to global cervical cancer pre- which is needed to fully understand
observed in the younger generations vention by scaling up HPV vaccina- the underlying factors responsible
of women in some countries, such tion (see Chapter 6.3) and screening for these time trends.
as Finland [27] and the Netherlands programmes in countries to eliminate Evidently there are increasing
[28]. The general consensus is that cervical cancer as a public health global inequalities in cancer control
these trends relate to changes in concern during this century (https:// planning and outcomes. Although
sexual behaviour and increased there have been many triumphs in
transmission of persistent HPV in- cervical-cancer-public-health-con the prevention, early diagnosis, and
fection among birth cohorts. This cern/en/). management of these major cancer
types in recent decades, those ben- from cancer becomes a reality in all action plan 2013–2020, in which in-
efits have occurred predominantly countries of the world within the first terventions are rated with reference
in countries with higher HDI, where half of this century, it is paramount to “best buys” – are implemented
health systems infrastructure and that the existing evidence-based and their success evaluated equita-
capacity are already in place. To en- and cost-effective interventions – bly in lower-resource settings.
sure that the potential for prevention, such as those listed in the updated
cure, and alleviation of suffering Appendix 3 [31] of the WHO global
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
resolution on cancer prevention and the expected escalating numbers of reflect any inequalities in human de-
control, which was adopted unani- cancer patients in coming decades. velopment within countries.
mously by WHO Member States in The global map of countries ac-
May 2017 [5]. The Human Development cording to the HDI tiers is shown in
Fig. 1.3.1. The low HDI tier includes
Although cancer was once con- Index countries that are largely concen-
sidered to be a disease of rich peo-
Human development focuses on trated in sub-Saharan Africa, al-
ple and of the highest-income coun-
two core dimensions: (i) directly though several countries in this
tries, it is now a global problem that enhancing human abilities, and region have now transitioned to the
affects all countries. The increasing (ii) creating conditions for human medium HDI level. The countries
magnitude of the cancer burden is in development [6]. Like the previous in the high and very high HDI tiers
part a consequence of declining fer- two chapters, this chapter uses the are geographically diverse, span-
tility and increasing life expectancy, Human Development Index (HDI), ning across continents, although
but it is also the result of societal, a summary measure developed by the very high HDI tier remains clos-
economic, and lifestyle changes as- the United Nations Development est to the traditional view of “devel-
sociated with globalization. Programme. HDI is an indicator of oped” countries in that it includes
In this chapter, the impact of national achievement in attaining Europe and North America, Japan,
transitions in human development a long and healthy life (based on and Australia and New Zealand.
on cancer occurrence worldwide is life expectancy at birth), acquiring The very high HDI tier also includes
illustrated by the profound effects knowledge (based on average and several countries in Asia, the
on the patterns and trends of cancer expected years of schooling), and Eastern Mediterranean region, and
incidence, mortality, and prevalence achieving a decent standard of living South America. Most the world’s
at the national, regional, and global (based on gross national income per population live in countries in the
capita) [7]. HDI values range from 0 medium (36.2%) and high (32.3%)
levels. The predicted increases in
to 1; lower values indicate the least HDI tiers, followed by the very high
the cancer burden will be propor-
developed countries in terms of hu- (18.0%) and low (13.5%) HDI tiers.
tionately greatest in countries in
man development, and higher values
transition towards higher levels of indicate the most developed coun-
human development. Such findings tries. Values are commonly present- Cancer burden by HDI
have major implications for pub- ed, as in this chapter, according to level in 2018
lic health and cancer control plan- four tiers of HDI (low, medium, high, When the cancer burden in 2018 was
ning, and therefore should alert the and very high HDI), using the pre- assessed by the four-tier HDI, a step-
global community to the growing defined cut-off points of the United wise increase in the number of new
cancer burden and the need for ac- Nations Development Programme. cancer cases and in the age-stan-
tion, particularly in countries that are Because HDI is a composite indica- dardized incidence rates was evi-
currently ill-equipped to deal with tor of national averages, it does not dent with each increase in HDI level
Fig. 1.3.1. Global map of the development levels of individual countries according to the four-tier Human Development Index (HDI),
in 2015.
Chapter 1.3 • Transitions in human development and the global cancer burden 35
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
(Fig. 1.3.2). In 2018, 45% of the es- standardized incidence rates indicate cancer types in 2018 for each sex
timated new cancer cases occurred a slightly different pattern, in which are shown in Fig. 1.3.3, which com-
in countries with very high HDI, countries in the low and medium HDI pares the burden in countries with
compared with 36%, 16%, and 4% tiers have comparable burdens, al- high or very high HDI with that in
in countries with high, medium, and though the burden is slightly higher countries with low or medium HDI.
low HDI, respectively. In contrast, the in the low HDI tier. For age-standard- With the exception of rates of a few
greatest number of cancer deaths ized mortality rates, no correlation cancer types, the incidence rates
occurred in countries with high HDI, with HDI level is observed. were generally greater in coun-
driven by the 2.9 million cancer The age-standardized incidence tries with higher HDI; the age-stan-
deaths that occurred in China. Age- and mortality rates for the top 15 dardized incidence rates in many
of these countries were 2–3 times
those in countries in transition to-
Fig. 1.3.2. The total burden of new cancer cases and cancer deaths (above) and the wards higher HDI levels.
corresponding age-standardized (World) incidence and mortality rates per 100 000 In contrast, the mortality rates
person-years (below) for each Human Development Index (HDI) tier, in 2018. were broadly comparable between
the two groups of countries. For
some cancer types, such as breast
cancer and ovarian cancer, the mor-
tality burden was greater in countries
with low or medium HDI, although the
incidence rates in those countries
were lower than the rates in coun-
tries with high or very high HDI. The
proportionately higher case fatalities
in countries with low or medium HDI
relates to the poorer survival pros-
pects after diagnosis on average, for
reasons that include a lack of access
to timely diagnosis and treatment.
For example, when the mortality-to-
incidence ratio is used as a proxy of
survival, the case fatality for breast
cancer is 48% in countries with low
or medium HDI, 4 times that in coun-
tries with high or very high HDI.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 1.3.3. Bar charts of age-standardized (World) incidence and mortality rates per 100 000 person-years for the top 15 cancer
types in 2018 in countries with high or very high Human Development Index (HDI) compared with countries with low or medium
HDI, in women (top) and men (bottom).
Chapter 1.3 • Transitions in human development and the global cancer burden 37
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 1.3.4. The five leading cancer types in terms of incidence, mortality, and 5-year prevalence for each Human Development Index
(HDI) tier in women in 2018.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 1.3.5. The five leading cancer types in terms of incidence, mortality, and 5-year prevalence for each Human Development Index
(HDI) tier in men in 2018.
Chapter 1.3 • Transitions in human development and the global cancer burden 39
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
in these tiers. In contrast, in both the Future cancer burden by of carcinogenic hazards, including
high and very high HDI tiers, infec- HDI level tobacco use and alcohol consump-
tion-related cancers (see Chapter tion [9,10], infectious agents [11],
The predicted global cancer burden
2.2) have been displaced by lung obesity [12], diet [13–15], radiation
is expected to exceed 27 million
cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal [16], solar radiation [17,18], and air
new cancer cases per year by 2040,
cancer; these cancer types, which pollution [19,20]. Of these, obesity
a 50% increase on the estimated
are associated with behaviours and and infectious agents are particu-
18.1 million new cancer cases in
lifestyles that are more typical of in- larly interesting to examine accord-
2018. Although the predicted can-
dustrialized societies, have become ing to HDI, because of their relative
cer incidence burden is highest in
the leading causes of cancer mortali- importance in the cancer burden in
countries with high and very high
ty in the high and very high HDI tiers. countries with higher HDI (obesity)
HDI, the predicted increases will be
In women, the 5-year prevalence and lower HDI (infectious agents).
proportionately greatest in countries
burden in each HDI tier generally
with low and medium HDI: the esti- Obesity
had a similar profile of cancer types
mated increase from 2018 to 2040
to that observed for incidence. Excess body fatness (see Chapter
using demographic changes alone
In 2018, the cancer profile by 2.7) is considered to cause the fol-
is 100% for the low HDI tier and 75%
HDI level varied more substantially lowing cancer types: cancers of the
for the medium HDI tier (Fig. 1.3.6).
in men than in women. In men, the oesophagus (adenocarcinoma), gas-
Because countries with low and
top five cancer types were different tric cardia, colon and rectum, liver,
medium HDI levels are currently
in each HDI tier (Fig. 1.3.5). In terms gall bladder, pancreas, breast (in
the least equipped to deal with the
of incidence, lung cancer was the postmenopausal women), endome-
impending increase in the cancer
most common type in the medium trium, ovary, kidney (renal cell carci-
burden, these findings underscore
and high HDI tiers, whereas prostate noma), and thyroid, and meningioma
the necessity for investment in
cancer was the most common type and multiple myeloma [12]. When the
targeted, resource-dependent, ef-
in the low and very high HDI tiers; relationship between excess weight
fective, and cost-effective interven-
this pattern may relate to ethnic and – or obesity – and cancer was as-
tions that can reduce the burden of
underlying genetic predispositions sessed by HDI, the attributable frac-
the disease [5,8].
in the low HDI tier and to prostate- tions in countries with very high and
specific antigen (PSA)-related diag- high HDI (~5% each) were 2–3 times
nosis of latent cancers in the very Cancer risk factors by those in countries with medium HDI
high HDI tier. Although the burden HDI level (1.6%) or low HDI (1.0%) [21]. When
of infection-related cancers, such Despite the broad associations be- the relationship was assessed by
as liver cancer and Kaposi sarcoma, tween cancer and HDI described sex, the number of cancer cases at-
is higher in countries in transition, above, there remain a large number tributable to obesity was observed to
there remains a large burden of liver
cancer in the high HDI tier; this is
due to the nearly 393 000 new cases Fig. 1.3.6. The estimated number of new cancer cases in 2018 and the predicted
in China in 2018, which accounted increase in the number of new cancer cases from 2018 to 2040, assuming only a
for 84% of the liver cancer cases in demographic effect, by Human Development Index (HDI) tier.
the high HDI tier.
Prostate cancer was the lead-
ing cause of cancer mortality in the
low HDI tier, whereas lung cancer
was the leading cause in the me-
dium, high, and very high HDI tiers.
Liver cancer and colorectal cancer
were also among the most com-
mon causes of cancer mortality in
all four HDI tiers. The cancer types
contributing to the remaining mor-
tality burden varied by HDI level.
In men, the 5-year prevalence
burden in each HDI tier had a simi-
lar profile of cancer types to that
observed for incidence, except that
the ranking was higher for cancer
types associated with better surviv-
al prospects after diagnosis.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 1.3.7. The number of cancer cases attributable to high body mass index (BMI) and the number of preventable cancers if BMI
scores remained the same in 2012 as in 1982, by sex and Human Development Index (HDI) tier.
increase with HDI level in both men portion of infection-related cancers Soerjomataram et al. assessed
and women (Fig. 1.3.7). attributable to HPV decreased with DALYs globally by the four-tier HDI
When the number of preventable increasing HDI [22]. In contrast, in- and found the total DALYs to be
cancers was assessed, the number fection with Helicobacter pylori con- similar across HDI tiers (Fig. 1.3.8)
increased with HDI level in men. tributed substantially to the cancer [23]. However, the contribution of
This relationship was less consis- burden in countries in the high and YLL and YLD to the total DALYs
tent in women; the number of pre- very high HDI tiers [22]. varied substantially by HDI tier: in
ventable cancers was greatest in the Because two thirds of infection- general, the number of years lived
very high and medium HDI tiers [21]. attributable cancer cases occurred with disability (YLD) was greater in
Therefore, although prevention pro- in less-developed countries, effec- countries with higher HDI levels,
grammes that seek to control weight tive population-based vaccination and the burden of premature mor-
gain are clearly needed in the most and screen-and-treat programmes tality (YLL) was greater in countries
developed countries, these find- should be prioritized and imple- with lower HDI levels.
ings also emphasize the need for a mented in a cost-effective manner The relationship between DALYs
global effort to reduce the number of to combat the disproportionately and HDI level varied depending on
people with high body mass index, high burden in these countries. the cancer site being assessed. In
because the continuation of current particular, for cancer types more
patterns of population weight gain commonly attributable to obesity
will increase the future cancer bur-
Cancer outcomes by HDI (e.g. breast cancer and colorectal
den across all HDI tiers [21]. level cancer), DALYs were greater in coun-
Given that cancer contributes sub- tries with higher HDI levels, whereas
Infections stantially to morbidity and mortality for infection-related cancer types
In 2012, approximately 15% of new globally, it is important to assess the (e.g. cervical cancer and liver can-
cancer cases worldwide were attri- implications of cancer and the extent cer), DALYs were greater in countries
butable to infections (see Chapter of cancer-related sequelae. To deter- with lower HDI levels [23]. YLL was
2.2) [22]. When the proportion of mine the impact of fatal and non-fatal consistently the main contributor to
cancers attributable to infections cancer outcomes, disability-adjusted DALYs across HDI tiers, but the frac-
was assessed by HDI tier, a gradient life years (DALYs) are often used as a tion of DALYs due to YLL in the low-
was observed: the attributable frac- measure. DALYs combine the degree est HDI tier was generally the same
tions were 25%, 22%, 13%, and 8%, of illness and disability in patients and as or larger than the fraction in the
respectively, in the low, medium, long-term survivors (years of healthy highest HDI tier, reflecting the poorer
high, and very high HDI tiers [22]. life lost due to disability [YLD]) and average prognosis of patients with
Infection with human papilloma- the burden of cancer mortality (years cancer in low-resource settings.
virus (HPV) caused approximately of life lost due to premature mortal- In another study, the impact of
half of all infection-attributable can- ity [YLL]), to quantify the number of cancer on changes (increases or
cers in the low HDI tier, and the pro- years of healthy life lost. decreases) in life expectancy was
Chapter 1.3 • Transitions in human development and the global cancer burden 41
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 1.3.8. Age-adjusted disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) per 100 000 population by Human Development Index (HDI) tier for
all cancer sites combined and selected cancer sites. YLD, years of healthy life lost due to disability; YLL, years of life lost due to
premature mortality.
assessed worldwide for the period and 1.5 years for women [24]. These ing prevalence and distribution of
1981–2010 [24]. The findings sug- results provide evidence of dispro- specific reproductive, dietary, and
gested that countries with very high portionate improvements in cancer metabolic factors.
HDI had larger gains in life expec- outcomes according to HDI level, Using the four-tier HDI to de-
tancy compared with countries with leading to widening gaps in life ex- scribe transitions has limitations,
medium or high HDI. In particular, pectancy between more-developed given that it de-emphasizes the
declines in cancer mortality were and less-developed countries. diversity of cancer occurrence
responsible for the increases in life worldwide and the extent to which
expectancy for individuals aged 40– it varies between and within coun-
Evidence of diversity
84 years by 0.8 years for men and tries. Although attention has been
0.5 years for women in countries with
within HDI levels drawn to broad patterns of cancer
very high HDI, whereas the corre- Evidently, the marked differences in incidence according to human de-
sponding gains were less in countries the scale and profile of cancer inci- velopment level, there are clear
with medium or high HDI: 0.2 years dence and mortality by HDI level re- examples of national and regional
for both men and women [24]. sult from a myriad of factors, which diversity of cancer occurrence that
Similar inequalities in life ex- will dictate whether, in the longer depart from this model.
pectancy gains were observed for term, gains in societal and econom- For example, although there
the hypothetical situation of elimi- ic development will reduce the wid- have been systematic declines in
nating all deaths from cancer. The ening gap between countries with cervical cancer incidence rates in
resulting increase in life expectancy low versus very high HDI in the risk countries with medium or high HDI,
for individuals aged 40–84 years of developing or dying from cancers the 40-year trends in incidence
for the period 2006–2010 was that are preventable or treatable. rates indicate recent increases in
2.5 years for men and 1.9 years for Some of the determinants are sys- countries with high or very high HDI
women in countries with very high tems-related, including the extent (e.g. Belarus and Japan) (Fig. 1.3.9).
HDI, whereas the increases were to which cancer control initiatives Such increases are likely to be due
only modest in countries with me- are implemented, and others link to changes in sexual behaviour that,
dium or high HDI: 1.6 years for men to risk directly, such as the chang- in the absence of effective screening
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
programmes, have led to an increas- Fig. 1.3.9. Age-standardized (World) incidence rates per 100 000 person-years for
ing risk of persistent infection with cervical cancer by calendar year in selected countries with high and very high Human
Development Index (HDI) levels, circa 1975–2012. Asterisks indicate regional registries
high-risk HPV subtypes and subse-
(other registries are national).
quent increases in the occurrence of
cervical cancer (see Chapter 1.2).
Despite inherent diversity in the can-
cer burden within a given HDI level,
HDI provides a useful framework
to map out continuing transitions in
cancer incidence, risk factors, and
outcomes. In particular, HDI serves
as an exploratory tool to monitor
shifts in the profile of cancer types,
as clearly demonstrated by the dis-
placement of infection-related can-
cers by cancers associated with be-
haviours and lifestyles that are more
typical of industrialized societies,
and with increasing societal and
economic development.
Although the cancer incidence
burden is currently highest in coun-
tries with very high HDI, the pre-
dicted increases in the cancer bur-
den will have the greatest impacts
on countries with low and medium
HDI. Because cancer outcomes
are already poorer in countries in
transition, appropriate scaling up
of resources for effective strategies
in primary and secondary preven-
tion in these countries is critical to
effectively control the prevalence
of adverse lifestyle factors, to ulti-
mately reduce the cancer burden.
Chapter 1.3 • Transitions in human development and the global cancer burden 43
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
1. Omran AR (1971). The epidemiologic 10. IARC (2004). Tobacco smoke and in- 18. Hrushesky WJM, Sothern RB, Rietveld
transition. A theory of the epidemiolo- voluntary smoking. IARC Monogr WJ, Du Quiton J, Boon ME (2005). Season,
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Agents classified as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1) by the IARC Monographs programme (IARC Monographs
on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Volumes 1–125), listed by organ site with sufficient evidence.
Organ site Agent
Bone Plutonium
Radium-224 and its decay products
Radium-226 and its decay products
Radium-228 and its decay products
X-radiation, γ-radiation
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Nasal cavity and paranasal sinus Isopropyl alcohol manufacture using strong acids
Leather dust
Nickel compounds
Radium-226 and its decay products
Radium-228 and its decay products
Tobacco smoking
Wood dust
Group 1 agents with less than sufficient evidence in humans: 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran; polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxin-like, with a Toxicity
Equivalency Factor (TEF) according to the World Health Organization (WHO); 4,4′-methylenebis(2-chloroaniline) (MOCA); α- and β-particle emitters;
areca nut; aristolochic acid; benzidine, dyes metabolized to; benzo[a]pyrene; ethanol in alcoholic beverages; ethylene oxide; etoposide; ionizing radiation
(all types); neutron radiation; N′-nitrosonornicotine (NNN) and 4-(N-nitroso-methylamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK); ultraviolet radiation.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
2 Causes of cancer,
including hazardous
At the community or national level, causes are types most common in low-income countries
established for a proportion of all cancers – were those caused by human papillomavirus
a proportion that differs markedly between (HPV) infection or mediated by chronic inflam-
tumour types. Tobacco smoking was once matory diseases caused by infectious agents.
prevalent mostly among men in high-income These patterns are changing, particularly with
countries but is now much more prevalent, in-
industrialization. The highest exposures are
volving women in many countries, and tobac-
co use is highest in Asia, Africa, and South often those of workers near industrial sources
America. Cancers attributable to unhealthy of pollution. Emissions from factories and ve-
diet and lack of exercise are often correlated hicles contribute to air pollution, a cause of
with the increasing prevalence of overweight lung cancer. Identifying the causes of cancer
and obesity worldwide. Previously, the cancer indicates a potential means of prevention.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Tobacco products
Massive and still growing causes
of cancer worldwide
Neal D. Freedman David H. Phillips (reviewer)
Michael J. Thun Catherine Sauvaget (reviewer)
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Smoked/combustible products
• Cigarettes (manufactured and hand-rolled) ■■ Tobacco use is the leading
preventable cause of cancer
The most commonly used tobacco product worldwide
worldwide. Cigarettes are
• Cigars (large and small) the predominant form and
Tobacco that is wrapped in tobacco leaf have been determined to
cause at least 20 different
• Pipes types or subtypes of cancer.
Other forms of tobacco use
The oldest tobacco product, in which tobacco is placed in a bowl and
smoked through a stem are of growing importance
worldwide, but they have been
• Bidis less studied than cigarettes.
Hand-rolled tobacco made of shredded tobacco leaves wrapped in ■■ Although the prevalence of
dried temburni leaf and tied with a string smoking has decreased in
• Kreteks most regions of the world,
an estimated 1.3 billion
Clove- and coca-flavoured small cigarettes, used particularly in people use tobacco products
Indonesia worldwide, and an estimated
• Water pipes (hookah, shisha) 2.4 million tobacco-related
cancer deaths occur per year.
Users draw smoke through a water chamber by use of a long hose
■■ Reductions in smoking preva-
Other nicotine and tobacco products lence in high-income countries
• Smokeless tobacco have substantially reduced the
incidence rates of lung cancer
Used in many forms worldwide (see Fig. 2.1.2) and laryngeal cancer in men
• E-cigarettes and other electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) and younger women.
An emerging product in which a nicotine-containing solution is heat- ■■ However, about 80% of
ed to produce an aerosol the world’s smokers live in
low- and middle-income
• Heated tobacco products countries, where the disease
An emerging product in which tobacco sticks are heated to produce burden from tobacco use
an aerosol continues to increase as a
result of population growth
and the ageing of long-term,
continuing smokers. Even if
or hand-rolled cigarettes but also as of shredded tobacco leaves wrapped the age-specific death rates
cigars, pipes, water pipes, kreteks, in dried temburni leaf and tied with a from tobacco-attributable
cancers remain the same, the
and bidis [6,7]. In high-income string. Kreteks are clove- and coca-
number of people affected by
countries, manufactured cigarettes flavoured small cigarettes, which are these cancers will increase
displaced other forms of tobacco by manufactured and used particularly dramatically because of these
the mid-20th century. Since then, in Indonesia. Both bidis and kreteks demographic changes.
products that were not previously are now marketed worldwide. ■■ The WHO Framework
of concern, such as ENDS [8] and Water pipes (also called hookah Convention on Tobacco
water pipes [9,10], have been intro- or shisha) were traditionally smoked Control is a public health
duced or more intensively marketed in the Middle East but are now also treaty that has been signed by
in high-income countries, and man- marketed worldwide [10]. Users draw 181 countries to protect their
ufactured cigarettes have gained smoke through a water chamber by populations from the dangers
market share in low- and middle- use of a long hose. The introduction of tobacco use. WHO Member
income countries. of mu‘assel (a molasses-soaked to- States have also pledged to
meet the target of a 30% rela-
Cigars, which consist of tobacco bacco mix) and fruit flavourings in
tive reduction in the preva-
that is wrapped in tobacco leaf, are the early 1990s increased the ap- lence of tobacco use by 2025.
available in many shapes and sizes, peal of water pipe smoking to youn-
■■ Without accelerated
including small, filtered cigars, which ger people [10]. progress, tobacco products
often appear indistinguishable from Cigars, pipes, and smokeless are projected to cause
cigarettes. Bidis, which are tradition- tobacco have all been determined 1 billion deaths this century,
ally smoked in India and Pakistan, are to cause cancer [1,2]. Tobacco many from cancer.
a form of hand-rolled tobacco made products other than cigarettes have
Fig. 2.1.2. Examples of smokeless tobacco products, by country or region: South-East half of the ENDS market in the USA
Asia: kiwam, zarda, gutka; USA: moist snuff, dry snuff, moist snuff (caffeinated), plug, (Fig. 2.1.3). Heated tobacco prod-
twist tobaccos, dissolvables (orbs, strips, sticks, tobacco-coated toothpicks); Sweden: ucts, which heat tobacco [13] rather
snus (pouch); Venezuela: chimó; Uzbekistan: nasway; Sudan: toombak; India: red
toothpowder, mawa; Saudi Arabia: shammah; Brazil: rapé.
than a nicotine solution, are avail-
able in selected countries [14].
The eventual impact of e-ciga-
rettes and other putative harm-re-
duction products on health is not yet
known, but there are substantial con-
cerns. Although these products gen-
erally produce lower exposures to
toxic and carcinogenic compounds
than combusted tobacco does, us-
ers of these products may become
addicted to nicotine and transition
to more traditional forms of tobacco
use, including cigarettes and other
combustible products [15–18].
Biological impact of
tobacco products
Cigarette smoke contains more
than 8000 compounds, includ-
ing more than 70 carcinogens [19].
Certain carcinogens are thought to
be particularly important, includ-
ing tobacco-specific nitrosamines,
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,
and aromatic amines. The molecu-
lar mechanisms linking cigarettes to
cancer have been comprehensively
reviewed [2,19,20]. Nevertheless,
knowledge about the physiological
generally been much less studied the tobacco market in Europe, North and pathogenic consequences of
than cigarettes, despite their grow- America, and elsewhere. ENDS cigarette smoking continues to ex-
ing importance. heat a solution of nicotine without pand (see Chapter 3.11). For exam-
producing smoke [8]. ENDS were ple, over the past 5 years cigarette
Other nicotine and tobacco first sold by a pharmacist in China smoking has been linked to altered
products in 2003 and have been marketed patterns of circulating inflammatory
Other tobacco products also come in the USA since 2007. Although markers [21], altered DNA meth-
in many forms (Fig. 2.1.2) [11]. Some ENDS are supposedly marketed to ylation patterns [22], altered airway
traditional forms of smokeless to- adults, they often include flavours gene expression patterns [23], an al-
bacco include only tobacco, where- (such as strawberry and gummy tered oral microbiome [24], specific
as others include flavours and other bear) that are attractive to younger mutational signatures [25], and Y
constituents. In South-East Asia, people. ENDS products are diverse chromosome loss [26]. It is plausible
smokeless tobacco is widely used and are rapidly evolving. For exam- that non-cigarette tobacco products
with areca nut, lime, wood, and ash. ple, the Juul e-cigarette is a highly also cause many of these changes,
Another form of smokeless tobacco, engineered product that delivers a but fewer molecular studies on the
naswar, is commonly used in central high dose of nicotine and is a small, biological effects of these products
Asia. Naswar is frequently prepared discreet device. Its use was uncom- have been published.
by mixing lime and ground, pow- mon a few years ago, but as a result
dered tobacco. of marketing campaigns through Other combustible tobacco
During the past decade, novel social media [12] and the absence products
and emerging nicotine and tobacco of regulatory policies or under- Smokers of other combustible prod-
products have rapidly transformed regulation, it now makes up about ucts, including bidis, cigars, and
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
ENDS devices generally heat to a
the air in the lungs with smoke, in The IARC Monographs [1] and the
lower temperature and have lower
contrast to the smaller puffs of ciga- United States Surgeon General [2]
rette smoke [9]. The charcoal used levels of most carcinogens than
designate causal relationships with
to ignite the tobacco in water pipe combusted cigarettes [29]. ENDS
at least 20 types of cancer, includ-
smoking seems to expose users to products also contain numerous
ing cancers of the lung, oral cav-
even higher levels of carbon mon- different flavourings, such as fruit
ity, nasal cavity and accessory si-
oxide and benzene compared with or caramel.
nuses, nasopharynx, oropharynx,
cigarette smokers [28]. hypopharynx, larynx, oesophagus
Heated tobacco products
(adenocarcinoma and squamous
Smokeless tobacco Heated tobacco products use a cell carcinoma), stomach, pancreas,
Smokeless tobacco is available in similar ignition system but use to- colorectum, liver, kidney (body and
many forms throughout the world [11]. bacco instead of a liquid [13,14]. pelvis), ureter, bladder, cervix, and
The levels of specific carcinogens Because of the rapidly changing ovary (mucinous), and acute mye-
vary across the different products, nature of these products [12–14], it loid leukaemia (Table 2.1.1). This list
but smokeless tobacco has been is important that their composition is conservative, because it does not
shown to contain at least 30 carcino- and carcinogen content be moni- include breast cancer or advanced
gens [11] and to release high levels of tored regularly by researchers inde- prostate cancer, two sites for which
tobacco-specific nitrosamines. pendent of the industry. the evidence for causality has been
Fig. 2.1.3. Sales (in millions of United States dollars) of e-cigarettes in Nielsen-tracked retail channels in the USA in 2011–2017,
by brand.
$ Millions
Total sales dollar
2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
IMPERIAL TOBACCO (Blu) JAPAN Tobacco (LOGIC) ALTRIA (Markten & Green smoke) BAT (Vuse) Others NJOY JUUL
Cancer site or type Year formally classified by Year formally classified by Relative risk for current
the United States Surgeon the IARC Monographs versus never smoking
Men Women
Lip, oral cavity, pharynx 1964/1971a 1986 5.7 5.6
Oesophagus 1982 1986 3.9 5.1
Stomach 2004 2004 1.9 1.7
Colorectum 2014 2012 1.4 1.6
Liver 2014 2004 2.3 1.8
Pancreas 1982 1986 1.6 1.9
Larynx 1964 1986 13.9 103.8
Trachea, lung, bronchus 1964/1968 b
1986 25.3 22.9
Cervix 2004 2004 – 3.5
Bladder 1979 1986 3.9 3.9
Kidney, other urinary tract 1982 2004 1.8 1.2
Acute myeloid leukaemia 2004 2004 1.9 1.1
Lip cancer was classified as causal in 1964, and other oropharyngeal cancers in 1971.
Lung cancer was classified as causal in men in 1964 and in women in 1968.
labelled suggestive but not conclu- cally collected data on the preva- lion people (nearly two thirds of the
sive. Recent meta-analyses and lence and determinants of tobacco world’s population) [34].
pooled analyses have supported use. These data were largely limited
possible associations with these to smoked tobacco products. Since Patterns and trends in
sites [30,31]. then, population-based surveillance tobacco use
of tobacco use and tobacco control Descriptive studies of tobacco use
Non-cigarette tobacco has become a critical component of have often grouped all smoked to-
products and second-hand global tobacco control [34]. Several bacco products together and fo-
smoke multirisk-factor health surveys pro- cused on daily smoking, the most
The IARC Monographs have also vide nationally representative data common pattern [32,36,37]. In 2015,
concluded that cigar smoking and on schoolchildren and adults from an estimated 1.3 billion people
pipe smoking are strongly related an increasing number of countries; worldwide used tobacco products
to cancers of the lung and upper examples are the WHO STEPwise [3] and 1.1 billion people smoked, of
aerodigestive tract, including the approach to Surveillance (STEPS), which more than 80% smoked daily
oral cavity, oropharynx, hypophar- the Global Youth Tobacco Survey [7]. The prevalence of smoking is
ynx, larynx, and oesophagus [20]. (launched in 1999), and the Global higher in men than in women. About
Smokeless tobacco has been de- Adult Tobacco Survey (begun in 25% of men in the world are daily
termined to be causally related to 2007) [32]. smokers, compared with about 5%
cancers of the oesophagus, oral Six evidence-based measures of women [37]. Geographical pat-
cavity, and pancreas [1]. Exposure in line with the WHO Framework terns of smoking prevalence also
to second-hand smoke has been Convention on Tobacco Control differ by sex (Fig. 2.1.4). Among
determined to cause lung cancer have been identified or defined in men, the prevalence of daily smok-
[1,2]; associations with other can- the WHO MPOWER package for to- ing is highest in central and east-
cer types are less clear. bacco control [35]. These are moni- ern Europe and South-East Asia;
toring tobacco use and prevention among women, the prevalence is
policies (M), protecting people from highest in selected countries in east-
Surveillance of tobacco tobacco smoke (P), offering help to ern and western Europe (see the
use and tobacco control quit tobacco use (O), warning peo- interactive maps at the WHO Global
Population-based surveillance of to- ple about the harms of tobacco (W), Health Observatory; http://gamap
bacco use and tobacco control mea- enforcing bans on tobacco adver-
sures has expanded greatly in the tising, promotion, and sponsorship tobacco/use/atlas.html).
past decade [32]. When the WHO (E), and raising taxes on tobacco Overall, the age-standardized
Framework Convention on Tobacco (R). Since 2007, the number of peo- prevalence of daily smoking de-
Control [33] first entered into force ple protected by at least one best- creased from 1990 to 2015 in both
in 2005, only a few predominantly practice measure has more than men and women. An analysis of
high-income countries systemati- quadrupled, from 1 billion to 5 bil- 195 countries and territories by the
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 2.1.4. Age-standardized prevalence of daily smoking for men (A) and women (B), in 2015.
Global Burden of Disease collabo- Global Burden of Disease project number of smokers in 2015, the larg-
ration estimated reductions of 28% had significant declines in the preva- est reduction in smoking prevalence
in men and 34% in women since lence of smoking in men, and 32 occurred in Brazil, where the preva-
1990 [37]. Similar reductions in had significant declines in the preva- lence dropped by more than half be-
smoking prevalence have been re- lence in women [37]. The reductions tween 1990 and 2015 [37]. Pakistan,
ported in other studies [32,36]. were largest in high-income coun- Panama, and India are also notable
From 2005 to 2015, 53 of 195 tries and in Latin America [37]. Of for implementing numerous tobacco
countries and territories in the the 10 countries with the greatest control policies during the period
from 2005 to 2015 and having large 30% reduction in tobacco use in levels in the USA. According to the
declines in daily smoking prevalence men and women by 2025 [32]. National Youth Tobacco Survey, the
since 2005 [37]. Analyses of daily tobacco prevalence of any tobacco use in
Despite this encouraging prog smoking also have limitations. high school students fell from 24.2%
ress, the prevalence of tobacco use Combustible products other than in 2011 to 19.6% in 2017, and the
remains high worldwide, and prog cigarettes (pipes, cigars, bidis, etc.) prevalence of cigarette smoking fell
ress has been uneven. Indonesia predominate in some countries [38], from 15.8% in 2011 to 7.6% in 2017
has the highest recorded prevalence and nearly 20% of smokers world- (Fig. 2.1.5) [40]. However, the prev-
of smoking in men (46.7%) [37]. It is wide report occasional (non-daily) alence of smoking in adolescents
also the only country in South-East smoking [7], a pattern of exposure remains high in other countries, in-
Asia that has not signed the WHO to tobacco that itself appears to cluding in Europe. In 2015, 22 coun-
cause disease [39]. The need for tries had a smoking prevalence
Framework Convention on Tobacco
surveillance of dual use and use of above 15% in young women, and
Control. Four countries had signifi-
novel and emerging nicotine and to- 24 countries had a smoking preva-
cant increases in smoking preva-
bacco products (especially ENDS) lence above 20% in young men.
lence from 2005 to 2015: Congo and
is discussed below. Most of the countries with a high
Azerbaijan for men, and Kuwait and
prevalence in young women are in
Timor-Leste for women [37]. Smoking prevalence among Europe, whereas the countries with
There is concern about the fu- young people a high prevalence in young men are
ture impact of tobacco use in Africa. Current trends in smoking preva- in many world regions [37].
Although the prevalence of tobacco lence among young people are en-
smoking is currently relatively low in couraging. In the Global Burden of Number of smokers
most African countries, the impact Disease analysis, the prevalence Although there have been clear de-
of tobacco use is projected to rise of daily smoking among those clines in smoking prevalence world-
as a result of population growth, in- aged 15–19 years decreased be- wide, population growth has meant
creasing affluence, relatively weak tween 1990 and 2015, from 16.1% that trends in the absolute num-
tobacco control measures, and to 10.6% in males and from 4.8% ber of smokers worldwide are less
greater tobacco marketing [37]. to 3.0% in females [37]. The preva- clear. Conclusions about whether
Only one region, the Americas, is lence of cigarette smoking among the number of smokers is increas-
predicted to reach the target of a young people is at historically low ing, decreasing, or staying the same
Fig. 2.1.5. Estimated percentage of high school students who currently use any tobacco product, any combustible tobacco product,
two or more tobacco products, and selected tobacco products, from the National Youth Tobacco Survey, USA, in 2011–2017.
30 2014
Percentage of students
Any Any ≥2 types E-cigarettes Cigarettes Cigars Smokeless Hookah Pipe Bidis
combustible tobacco tobacco
Type of tobacco product
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
worldwide have differed in different less tobacco is more common in which accounts for almost 60% of
reports. A Global Burden of Disease men (237 million) than in women smokeless tobacco use in this age
analysis published in 2014 conclud- (129 million). Use of smokeless group worldwide [32].
ed that despite a decline in smoking tobacco was estimated to cause
prevalence from 1980 to 2012, the more than 101 000 cancer deaths Use of other nicotine and
number of daily smokers increased per year [41]. The Global Burden of tobacco products
from 721 million to 967 million [36]. Disease project published a com- Longitudinal information on the use
In contrast, the WHO global re- parable estimate, of 76 000 cancer of other nicotine and tobacco prod-
port on the prevalence of tobacco deaths per year from use of smoke- ucts is still limited. The available
use in 2000–2025, which included less tobacco [4]. Use of smokeless data indicate that water pipe smok-
both daily and occasional smoking, tobacco is common in every WHO ing is more common than cigarette
concluded that there was a modest region, each of which has at least smoking in many parts of the Middle
decrease in the number of smokers, 8 million users of smokeless to- East [10]; the highest reported prev-
from 1.14 billion in 2000 to 1.11 bil- bacco [32]. An estimated 82% of alence (almost 40%) is in adoles-
lion in 2015 [32]. users (301 million users) are in the
cent boys in Lebanon. Water pipe
WHO South-East Asia Region. The
use has also become commonplace
Tobacco smoking in low- and disease burden from smokeless to-
middle-income countries among young people worldwide. In
bacco use is substantial in that re-
the Eurobarometer survey, the prev-
About 80% of the world’s smok- gion. For example, it has been es-
alence of current water pipe smok-
ers live in low- and middle-income timated that 87% of cancer deaths
ing was 5% or higher in 11 European
countries. In addition, 64% of the from smokeless tobacco occur in
countries; the highest reported prev-
world’s daily smokers live in only 10 the South-East Asia Region [41].
Oral cancer is of particular concern alence (11.5%) was in Latvia [38].
countries [37], and more than 50%
in that region, reflecting the high Use of ENDS products has in-
of the world’s male smokers live in
prevalence of use of both smoke- creased rapidly over the past de
three countries: China, India, and
less tobacco and smoked tobacco cade in many countries, although
Indonesia [37]. Despite decreases
(cigarettes and bidis) [42]. surveillance data are largely re-
in smoking prevalence, the disease
In much of the world, children use stricted to high-income countries.
burden from tobacco use continues
to increase rapidly in low- and mid- smokeless tobacco. In every WHO In the USA, ENDS products have
dle-income countries, because of region except the European Region, become more popular than ciga-
the size and the growth of popula- there are at least 1 million young rettes among high school students
tions and the ageing of long-term, people aged 13–15 years who use aged 14–18 years: in 2017, 11.7%
continuing smokers [7]. smokeless tobacco [32]. The highest used ENDS and 7.6% used ciga-
prevalence in this age group is in the rettes (Fig. 2.1.5) [40]. It remains
Involuntary smoking South-East Asia Region (7.3% over- to be seen whether this pattern will
Involuntary smoking is the inhala- all; 9.5% in boys and 4.8% in girls), emerge in other countries. Rapid
tion of second-hand smoke by non-
smokers. In most countries, an es-
timated 15–50% of the population Fig. 2.1.6. Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) and the practice of vaping have
is exposed to second-hand smoke emerged only during the past decade.
(also called “environmental” tobacco
smoke); in some countries, expo-
sure to second-hand smoke affects
as much as 70% of the population
[7]. In China alone, an estimated
717 million people are exposed to
second-hand smoke at home [6].
Exposure to second-hand smoke
is estimated to cause more than
1.2 million deaths per year, of which
114 000 are deaths from cancer [4].
changes in the design, flavours, us- ing increased from 1.5 million per public health impact. For example,
age patterns, and names of these year in 1990 to 2.4 million per year a 50% increase in cigarette prices
products challenge surveillance in 2017 [4]. Nevertheless, effective in 13 middle-income countries in
efforts, particularly among young tobacco control could potentially Asia and Latin America with a to-
people [8,12]. To date, a range of prevent hundreds of millions of pre- tal of 2 billion men (500 million
regulatory approaches to these mature deaths [40]. male smokers) in their populations
products have been used in differ- As mentioned above, the ulti- would result in 450 million years of
ent countries [43]. mate impact of the shift towards life gained from smoking cessation
ENDS and other emerging products [48], with the largest gains among
Dual use and poly-use and dual use on cancer remains to lower-income individuals.
A growing proportion of tobacco be determined. Laboratory studies
users worldwide use more than can currently measure the carcino- Conclusions
one product. For example, in gen yield of novel products and bio-
Bangladesh, 22.5% of men who markers of exposure among users Tobacco products are well-estab-
use tobacco use both cigarettes [29] but cannot yet determine the lished causes of multiple types of
and smokeless tobacco. In India, potential long-term effects of these cancer. Tobacco control is, rightly,
19.4% of men who use tobacco are products on cancer risk or on the a poster child for public health inter-
dual users [6]. In a 2014 study in- use of more traditional tobacco ventions that use policy measures
cluding data from the 2008 to 2012 products. For example, cigarette and education to motivate behaviour
Global Adult Tobacco Survey and smokers may become dual users change. However, despite progress,
the Eurobarometer survey, at least of cigarettes and ENDS rather than the global health and economic bur-
20% of current smokers also used quitting smoking. Young people den of tobacco use remains enor-
another tobacco product in 28 of who become addicted to nicotine mous and is increasingly borne by
the 44 countries examined [38]. via ENDS may switch to cigarettes. low- and middle-income countries.
Among high school students in The United States Food and Drug Unfortunately, most countries are
the USA, dual use (9.2%) is now Administration Center for Tobacco not on track to achieve the global
more common than the use of ciga- Products is currently considering target of a 30% reduction in the
rettes alone (7.6%) (Fig. 2.1.5) [40]. reducing the nicotine content in cig- prevalence of tobacco use by 2025,
Among adults in the USA, most arettes, to encourage users to quit agreed to by WHO Member States.
ENDS users also use cigarettes cigarette smoking [46]. Such a pol- Furthermore, emerging tobacco
[44]. Determining the long-term icy would be expected to increase products challenge regulatory ap-
implications of these behavioural cessation of cigarette smoking but proaches to tobacco control and
changes on the burden of cancer would also be likely to encourage may undermine progress. Future
and other diseases is a critical re- users to switch to other products. research is needed to determine the
search and public health question. Global surveillance of the entire disease risks of emerging tobacco
range of tobacco products is critical products and to understand their ef-
Impact of continued smoking for understanding the future cancer fects on the use of established, and
on cancer burden and and public health impact of emerg- very harmful, traditional products.
smoking-attributable disease ing tobacco products. Continued tobacco and cancer sur-
Without dramatic global reductions veillance will also be needed to track
in cigarette use, the burden of to- the impact of public health interven-
bacco-related cancer and other dis-
Current and potential tions and to chart cancer rates.
eases will be substantially higher impact of tobacco control Without dramatic reductions in
in the future than it is now. In the Tobacco control policies have been tobacco use, the number of cancer
USA and other high-income coun- demonstrated to save lives. It has deaths per year caused by tobacco,
tries, declines in smoking preva- been estimated that tobacco con- which is already very large, is pro-
lence have resulted in substantial trol resulted in 8 million fewer jected to increase further, reflecting
decreases in incidence rates of premature deaths in 1964–2012 demographic factors and the global
lung cancer and laryngeal cancer in the USA [45]. Similarly, an esti- maturation of the tobacco epidemic,
[2,45]. Elsewhere, and especially in mated 22 million deaths were pre- and to cause 1 billion deaths world-
low- and middle-income countries, vented in 2007–2014 in 88 coun- wide this century [49]. Accelerated
the cancer burden from smoking tries that adopted at least one progress in tobacco control is ur-
continues to increase as a result of highest-level MPOWER policy [47]. gently needed. Monitoring of trends
population growth and the ageing Nevertheless, MPOWER and other in age-specific incidence or death
of smokers [37]. The Global Burden tobacco control interventions are rates from lung cancer at younger
of Disease collaboration has es- underutilized [7]. Accelerated im- ages can be especially informative
timated that the number of cancer plementation of tobacco control in this regard.
deaths caused by tobacco smok- measures would have an enormous
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Infectious agents
Missed opportunities for prevention
Catherine de Martel You-Lin Qiao (reviewer)
Table 2.2.1. Estimated numbers of new cancer cases in 2018 attributable to infec-
tious agents
Infectious agent Cancer types for which there is Number of new
sufficient evidence of causality cancer cases ■■ Eleven infectious agents, or groups
of related agents, are established
Helicobacter pylori Non-cardia gastric carcinoma, low- 810 000
grade B-cell mucosa-associated
human carcinogens, including
lymphoid tissue (MALT) gastric one bacterium, seven viruses, and
lymphoma three macroparasites.
Human papillomavirus Carcinomas of the cervix, vulva, vagina, 6 90 000 ■■ About 13% of cancers worldwide,
penis, anus, oral cavity, oropharynx, or 2.2 million cases per year, are
and tonsil caused by chronic infections. This
Hepatitis B virus Hepatocellular carcinoma 3 60 000 proportion varies by geographical
(chronic infection) region and World Bank income
group; it is highest in the lowest-
Hepatitis C virus Hepatocellular carcinoma, non-Hodgkin 160 000 income regions, especially for
cervical cancers caused by
Epstein–Barr virus Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Burkitt 160 000 human papillomaviruses. In sub-
lymphoma, immunosuppression-related Saharan Africa, at least one third
non-Hodgkin lymphoma, extranodal of cancer cases are of infectious
NK/T-cell lymphoma (nasal type),
Hodgkin lymphoma
origin, and the proportion may
be significantly underestimated,
Kaposi sarcoma- Kaposi sarcoma, primary effusion 42 000 because there is limited cancer
associated herpesvirus lymphoma registration in many countries in
Human T-cell Adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma 3 600
this region.
lymphotropic virus type 1
■■ Four agents – Helicobacter pylori,
HIV-1 Kaposi sarcoma, non-Hodgkin – a human papillomaviruses, hepatitis
lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, cervical B virus, and hepatitis C virus –
cancer, anal cancer, conjunctival cancer contribute most to the burden
of cancer caused by infections
Schistosoma Bladder cancer 6 000
haematobium globally. Several carcinogenic
infectious agents, including H.
Opisthorchis viverrini Cholangiocarcinoma 3 600 pylori, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis
Clonorchis sinensis C virus, Epstein–Barr virus, HIV,
Cancers attributable to HIV are included with the underlying causal infections. and macroparasites, also cause
substantial morbidity and mortality
from non-malignant diseases.
and gastric ulcer diseases are diag- H. pylori infection has been declin-
■■ Some cancer-causing infections,
nosed each year globally, although ing in tandem with the occurrence of
such as infections with
the proportion attributable to H. py- the diseases it causes, and is now macroparasites, contribute little
lori is unclear (see Chapter 5.4) [5]. rare in children and young adults. to the global cancer burden but
H. pylori is a highly adapted bac- However, gastric cancer tends to oc- are significant causes of cancer
terium that is able to live in the acidic cur at an advanced age (≥ 65 years) in endemic populations.
environment of the human gastric compared with other infection-relat-
■■ Human papillomavirus and
mucosa, where it causes chronic in- ed cancers. Because of global pop-
hepatitis B virus infections are
flammation, which may slowly lead to ulation growth and ageing, the total
amenable to primary prevention
fibrosis, atrophy, and ultimately can- number of H. pylori-related gastric through vaccination. Infections
cer in a small proportion of infected cancer cases is not expected to de- with hepatitis C virus, H. pylori,
individuals, usually after several de- crease for decades. and the macroparasites are
cades. Infection often occurs during The treatment for H. pylori in- curable. For HIV and hepatitis
childhood, and in the absence of fection comprises a combination of B virus, infections can be
treatment by an effective combina- antimicrobial drugs and a proton- controlled by antiviral treatment
tion of three or four antimicrobial pump inhibitor and is used widely to reduce the risk of cancer and
drugs, the infection is lifelong. in symptomatic individuals. Mass of transmission to others.
H. pylori transmission occurs via treatment provides a means of ■■ If existing strategies for prevention
oral–oral and faecal–oral routes cancer prevention, although stud- were more widely applied and
within the family and is considerably ies are bedevilled by the need for new infection control strategies
more frequent among people with large numbers and lengthy follow- developed, the global cancer
low socioeconomic status. In high- up; there may also be deleterious burden could be greatly reduced.
income countries, the prevalence of consequences in terms of drug
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
resistance and the unknown im- sexes in low- and lower-middle- disease, has resulted in substantial
pact of changes to the microbi- income countries, where screening declines in cervical cancer mortal-
ome. However, the evidence from for early cervical disease is limited ity in high-income countries but is
seven published studies (reviewed and where the prevalence of HPV often unavailable in low- and lower-
in [4] and [6], with an additional infection and of risk factors such as middle-income countries.
study published more recently [7]) early age at first sexual intercourse Over the past 10–15 years, safe
indicates that H. pylori eradication and co-infection with HIV is high. and effective HPV vaccination, in-
programmes can be effective. The The risk of cancer associated cluding bivalent, quadrivalent, and
adoption of further screen-and-treat with HPV can be reduced with a nonavalent vaccines, has been in-
strategies has been recommended, combination of factors that limit ei- troduced in more than 80 countries.
together with trials of screening for ther risk of infection or risk of dis- However, most of these are high-
early disease using non-invasive ease: using safe sexual practices and upper-middle-income countries
pepsinogen testing. The recently (including delayed start of sexual rather than low- and lower-middle-
initiated GISTAR study aims to test activity), male circumcision, and income countries, which have the
the impact of the combination of H. reduction in tobacco use, which is highest burden of HPV-associated
pylori eradication and screening for an important co-factor for cervical disease [10]. About 20 of these coun-
early disease on the gastric cancer cancer and oropharyngeal can- tries either already vaccinate boys
burden, and has a 15-year follow- cers in particular. Cervical cancer in addition to girls or plan to do so.
up period [8]. screening, for detection of early National vaccination programmes
An effective prophylactic or ther-
apeutic vaccine against H. pylori
would provide a cheaper and more Fig. 2.2.1. A woman and her baby daughter in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Like many other
effective way to reduce disease low- and middle-income countries, Bolivia has a high mortality rate for cervical cancer,
which is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Cervical cancer screening,
risk, particularly in low- and lower-
which has resulted in substantial declines in mortality in high-income countries, is often
middle-income countries, which unavailable in low- and lower-middle-income countries.
have limited health infrastructure.
Vaccine-related activities are sum-
marized in [9]; all of the vaccines
currently under development are at
an early stage, and there appears
to be little, if any, investment from
large pharmaceutical companies,
without which progress is likely to
be limited.
Human papillomaviruses
Thirteen sexually transmitted mu-
cosal HPV subtypes have been clas-
sified as carcinogenic to humans.
Together, they are responsible for
all cervical cancer cases globally
(570 000 cases) and a variable pro-
portion of cases of other anogenital
and oropharyngeal cancers (totalling
120 000 cases) [2]. The most affect-
ed region of the world is sub-Saha-
ran Africa, where about 60% of all in-
fection-associated cancer cases are
caused by HPV (see Chapter 5.10).
In every world region, two sub-
types, HPV16 and HPV18, are re-
sponsible for about 70% of cervical
cancer cases. HPVs are responsi-
ble for more than half of all infec-
tion-associated cancers in women
worldwide and for about half of all
infection-associated cancers in both
with more than 50% coverage of Fig. 2.2.2. A girl in Zambia receives a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination. Safe
two- or three-dose schedules have and effective HPV vaccination has been introduced in more than 80 countries.
been shown to have a big impact
in decreasing HPV prevalence and
persistence and rates of cervical in-
traepithelial neoplasia (a precursor
of cervical cancer) [11]. The quad-
rivalent and nonavalent vaccines are
also highly effective at preventing
anogenital warts, caused by HPV6
and HPV11.
Although there has been con-
siderable progress in the deploy-
ment of HPV vaccination, many
years will need to go by before the
impact on cancer will be fully evi-
dent (see Chapter 6.3). Therefore,
cervical screening programmes, in
particular using HPV-based point-
of-care testing where available, will
need to be maintained for the fore-
seeable future, to protect cohorts of
unvaccinated women.
The barriers to HPV vaccination
are greatest in those countries with
the weakest health systems and the occur in Asia and in sub-Saharan of liver damage, a daily dose of anti-
highest burden of HPV-associated Africa, reflecting the prevalence of viral therapy, using widely available
disease. To maintain HPV vacci- the virus and the age at which infec- drugs, is effective in most people at
nation as a key element of cancer tion commonly occurs. reducing complications and trans-
control programmes globally, and The predominant modes of trans- mission to others, although treat-
to introduce it in other settings, will mission of HBV infection are peri- ment needs to be maintained for
require major international commit- natal, parenteral, and sexual. The life. Prevention of mother-to-child
ment and funding. If current efforts risk of chronic carriage, and hence transmission can be improved via
to establish the efficacy of single- of cancer, is related to the age at a combination of routine antenatal
dose vaccination prove viable, this screening, antiviral drugs during
infection. The risk is highest among
would remove some of the barriers pregnancy, and HBV vaccination
people infected as infants, of whom
to wider deployment in low- and of the baby at birth; administration
about 90% become chronic carri-
lower-middle-income countries. of HBV immunoglobulin can further
ers; this is the predominant mode
of transmission in Asia. The risk is reduce the risk of vertical transmis-
Hepatitis B virus intermediate among those infected sion. Coverage of the birth dose of
during childhood, of whom 30–50% HBV vaccine is thought to be about
Globally, more than 260 million peo-
become chronic carriers; this is the 39% globally. However, with a laten-
ple are estimated to be chronic carri-
predominant mode of transmission cy period from infection to cancer
ers of HBV, of whom 1–2% per year
in sub-Saharan Africa. The risk is of 30–40 years, it will be decades
will progress to liver disease; more
lowest among those infected as before the impacts of prevention ef-
than 90% are unaware of their status
forts are felt, highlighting the need
(see Chapter 5.6) [4]. Chronic HBV adults, of whom less than 5% be-
for screen-and-treat strategies in
infection resulted in about 360 000 come chronic carriers; this mode of
high-risk populations in the interim.
cases of hepatocellular carcinoma in transmission occurs mainly in high-
2018, amounting to about 55% of all income countries.
cases of hepatocellular carcinoma. Safe and effective preventive Hepatitis C virus
In addition, there is substantial mor- vaccines against HBV have been Approximately 200 million people
tality from non-malignant manifesta- available since 1982. Global cover- worldwide are estimated to be in-
tions of infection, with about 890 000 age is thought to be about 84%, al- fected with HCV. Chronic HCV infec-
HBV-related deaths, including those though there is evidence from rural tion resulted in about 160 000 new
from cancer, per year [12]. The larg- sub-Saharan Africa that this may cancer cases in 2018, predominant-
est proportion of HBV-associated be an overestimate [13]. For adults ly cases of hepatocellular carcino-
cases of hepatocellular carcinoma with chronic infection and evidence ma but also about 16 000 cases of
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 2.2.3. A patient with liver cancer at the National Cancer Center of Mongolia, in middle-income countries, the peak
Ulaanbaatar. Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus resulted in about 360 000 cases prevalence of infection is within the
of hepatocellular carcinoma in 2018. first years of life, but in high-income
countries, only about 45–50% of
people are infected as infants.
Transmission is mainly via saliva,
although it can also occur via blood
In 2007, a vaccine against the
EBV gp350 antigen was shown
in a phase 2 trial to prevent infec-
tious mononucleosis, although it
did not prevent infection with EBV
(reviewed in [15]). However, since
then, further work both on that vac-
cine candidate and on others has
stalled, and currently no trials are
under way. A vaccine to prevent
EBV-related post-transplant lym-
phoma would provide an important
proof of principle for the prevention
of EBV-associated cancer. Trials to
reduce the incidence of other EBV-
associated cancers would be chal-
lenging, but feasible.
non-Hodgkin lymphoma [2]. In low- antiviral agents in 2014 has resulted Kaposi sarcoma-
and middle-income countries, the in cure rates of greater than 90% in associated herpesvirus
predominant cause of hepatocel- treated individuals, with minimal side-
KSHV is a necessary but not suf-
lular carcinoma is HBV, but in high- effects. However, the complexity of
ficient cause of Kaposi sarcoma,
income countries, 40% of cases are testing for HCV and the high cost of
primary effusion lymphoma, and
caused by HCV; in Japan, the pro- treatment mean that treatment is cur-
probably also multicentric Castleman
portion is up to 60% [1,2]. About 75– rently unavailable to most of the peo-
disease. KSHV caused about 42 000
85% of infections become chronic, ple who would benefit, even in high-
cancer cases in 2018, predominantly
and in the absence of treatment ap- income countries [14].
in HIV-infected people, in whom the
proximately half of the chronic carri- resulting immunosuppression facili-
ers will die of liver disease. Epstein–Barr virus tates the development of cancer [1,2].
The prevalence of HCV infec- In 2018, EBV was estimated to have KSHV is unique among the her-
tion varies widely; it is highest in caused 160 000 new cancer cases pesviruses in that it is not ubiquitous
Egypt, Pakistan, and Mongolia (up [2], including cases of African en- in human populations, but rather
to 20%), intermediate in parts of demic Burkitt lymphoma, which is shows marked geographical varia-
Italy and China (10%), and relatively also associated with exposure to tion in prevalence; the prevalence
lower elsewhere, except in high-risk malaria, as well as nasopharyn- of KSHV is highest in sub-Saharan
groups, such as intravenous drug geal cancer, Hodgkin lymphoma, Africa (50–95%), intermediate in
users and people who received a some non-Hodgkin lymphomas, Mediterranean countries (10%), and
transfusion before widespread HCV especially in immunocompromised generally low in other parts of the
testing of blood donors was imple- people, and a still ill-defined frac- world [1,16]. This distribution broad-
mented. Transmission is mainly tion of gastric cancer cases. EBV ly reflects that of Kaposi sarcoma,
parenteral, although it can occur is also the primary cause of infec- even before the HIV epidemic.
via sex and from mother to child, tious mononucleosis, which affects Transmission of KSHV is via sa-
although rarely; many infected peo- about half of people in whom EBV liva in both high-risk and low-risk
ple have no clear risk factors. infection occurs in adult life and has populations; in areas where the prev-
HCV is highly variable, with many been implicated as a cause of mul- alence is high, such as sub-Saharan
different genotypes. This significantly tiple sclerosis. Africa, infection occurs throughout
complicates vaccine development, EBV infection is extremely com- childhood and into adult life [4,16]. No
and currently no vaccines are avail- mon worldwide and affects about vaccines or treatments for KSHV are
able. The introduction of direct-acting 90% of the population. In low- and available, but management of HIV
greatly reduces the risk of develop- suppression, thereby facilitating the The liver flukes Opisthorchis
ing Kaposi sarcoma. Identification development of cancers caused by viverrini and Clonorchis sinensis af-
of the factors that sustain the high other infections. The cancers asso- fect up to 45 million people, primar-
transmission in sub-Saharan Africa ciated with HIV have been attributed ily in South-East Asia. In endemic
may provide opportunities for reduc- to those underlying infections men- areas, they are an important cause
ing the burden of associated cancer. tioned above. These include Kaposi of cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct
sarcoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, cancer), causing about 3600 cas-
Human T-cell lympho Hodgkin lymphoma, cervical cancer, es in 2018, although this number,
tropic virus type 1 anal cancer, and conjunctival cancer which is based on imperfect sta-
[1]. Perhaps of more relevance is the tistics, is probably a gross under-
HTLV-1 caused about 3600 cases
total morbidity and mortality associ- estimation [2]. Infection occurs via
of adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma
ated with HIV: in 2017, 36.9 million consumption of raw or undercooked
in 2018 [2]. It also causes progres-
people globally were living with HIV, contaminated fish, providing a key
sive myelopathy and other inflam-
21.7 million people were accessing target for prevention.
matory conditions [1]. Globally, an
antiretroviral therapy, and 940 000
estimated 10–20 million people
people died from AIDS-related ill- Conclusions
are infected, and 3–8 million of
nesses, despite the success of
them are in sub-Saharan Africa. Infections are an important cause
Although data from many parts of antiretroviral therapy in treating the
disease [17]. No vaccine is available, of cancer, especially in Asia and
the world are sparse, the preva- sub-Saharan Africa. In 2018, more
lence of infection appears to be but several are under development.
than one third of infection-related
highest in parts of Japan, Africa, cancer cases occurred in China,
the Caribbean, Central and South Macroparasites where 42% of all H. pylori-related
America, and northern Australasia. An estimated 200 million people cancers and 69% of all HBV-related
More than 90% of infections will re- worldwide are infected with one of cancers occurred. Adequate infec-
main asymptomatic. six species of Schistosoma, which tion control strategies, encompass-
The predominant route of trans- are prevalent to varying extents ing cheap and reliable point-of-care
mission of HTLV-1 is via breast- in tropical regions. All cause sig- diagnostic assays for particular in-
feeding, and interventions that limit nificant pathology and have been fectious agents for use in screen-
the duration of breastfeeding have
linked to several cancer types, but ing, effective treatments, and ther-
prevented up to 90% of mother-to-
only for Schistosoma haemato- apeutic and preventive vaccines,
child transmissions, in parts of the
bium in relation to bladder cancer should all play a more widespread
world where alternative feeding op-
is the evidence sufficiently robust; role in cancer control programmes.
tions are available. Surveillance of
S. haematobium infection caused Substantial international investment
the blood supply has also reduced
about 6000 cancer cases in 2018 is required to realize these aspira-
transfusion-related infections [4]. No
[2]. Infections occur after exposure tions. Further work is also justified
vaccines or treatments are available.
to contaminated freshwater and are to identify additional cancers with
treatable. However, evidence that an underlying infectious cause.
HIV large-scale pharmacological inter-
Although HIV is not directly carcino- ventions reduce the burden of can-
genic, HIV infection causes immuno- cer remains limited [1].
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
1. IARC (2012). Biological agents. IARC 7. Pan KF, Zhang L, Gerhard M, Ma JL, Liu 13. Asiki G, Newton R, Marions L, Seeley J,
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Group Reports, No. 8). Available from: 11(10):e0005842. journal.pntd.0005842 PMID:28981505
Alcohol consumption
A leading risk factor for cancer
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
[4,5]. The risk relationships depend the lung, pancreas, and skin (bas- hol consumption and the
mainly on the level of lifetime expo- al cell carcinoma and malignant development of cancer was
sure to alcohol [5,6]. However, for melanoma) [2]. However, alcohol first suggested by Lamy in
female breast cancer, in addition consumption is associated with 1910, when he noted that a
to the dose–response relationship other risk factors, including diet and high proportion of patients
between level of exposure and can- smoking, and therefore confound- with either cancer of the
cer incidence, patterns of alcohol ing may explain these associations. oesophagus or cancer of the
consumption, especially episodic Furthermore, there are inconsistent cardiac region of the stomach
heavy drinking, may play an impor- epidemiological findings for a rela- were alcohol misusers.
tant role [7]. tionship between alcohol consump-
The risk relationships have been tion and the development of cancers ■■ The IARC Monographs
shown to differ by population. For of the gall bladder and prostate [4]. and the Continuous Update
example, Mendelian randomization In addition, there is no evidence that Project have identified the
studies have found genetic variations alcohol consumption affects breast contribution of alcohol to
that affect the metabolism of acetal- cancer survival or recurrence [2]. carcinogenesis at numerous
dehyde in humans (see Chapter 3.3). The WCRF/AICR Continuous Up cancer sites. Alcohol con-
In particular, people with at least one date Project concluded that there sumption has been found to
copy of the aldehyde dehydrogenase is probable evidence that alcohol be causally associated with
ALDH2*2 allele (with the Glu487Lys consumption is associated with a the development of cancers
polymorphism), a variant that is prev- decreased risk of kidney cancer; of the oral cavity, oropharynx,
alent in eastern Asian populations, this may be due to improved insu- hypopharynx, oesophagus
have a higher risk of cancers of the lin sensitivity, improved blood lip (squamous cell carcinoma),
upper aerodigestive tract and of colo- id profiles, and higher adiponectin colon, rectum, liver and intra-
rectal cancer [8]. Variations in the levels among people with light and hepatic bile duct, larynx, and
alcohol dehydrogenase 1B (ADH1B) moderate alcohol consumption [2]. female breast.
and 1C (ADH1C), cytochrome P450 Resveratrol (a substance found in
2E1, and methylenetetrahydrofolate red wine) has received attention
reductase (MTHFR) genes are also for its hypothesized anticarcino- on the empirical evidence, for every
hypothesized to modify the relation- genic properties; however, based cancer case that the resveratrol in
wine might prevent, 100 000 cancer
cases are caused by ethanol [5].
Fig. 2.3.2. Young women in Japan drinking beer at a barbecue. Inconsistent inverse associations
between alcohol consumption and
the development of thyroid can-
cer, Hodgkin lymphoma, and non-
Hodgkin lymphoma also have been
found in epidemiological studies,
but there is currently not sufficient
evidence to determine the causality
of these relationships [1,2].
As a result of its effects on the
propensity to engage in unpro-
tected sex and its weakening of
the immune system, alcohol also
may indirectly increase the risk of
infection with sexually transmit-
ted viruses that potentially cause
cancer (including Kaposi sarcoma- 19.3%, respectively, of all alcohol- ents of the dose–response curves –
associated herpesvirus and hu- attributable cancer deaths. between levels of alcohol consump-
man papillomavirus) and of HIV-1; Among all cancers types, al- tion and cancers of the upper aero
the immunosuppression caused by cohol consumption had the larg- digestive tract compared with can-
HIV-1 is thought to increase the car- est impact on cancers of the upper cers of the colorectum, liver, and
cinogenic effect of other infectious aerodigestive tract. Alcohol was re- breast [11].
agents [5]. However, more research sponsible for 26.4% of all cancers Like with cancer deaths, in 2016
is needed to further establish and of the lip and oral cavity, 30.5% of the largest contributors to the alco-
quantify any indirect effect of alco- all other pharyngeal cancers (ex- hol-attributable cancer DALYs lost
hol on an increased risk of cancers cluding nasopharyngeal cancers), were cancers of the liver, colorec-
caused by infectious diseases. 21.6% of all laryngeal cancers, and tum, and oesophagus, responsible
16.9% of all oesophageal cancers. for 22.5%, 20.6%, and 18.5%, re-
The global cancer burden These findings reflect the stronger spectively, of all alcohol-attributa-
due to alcohol associations – i.e. the higher gradi- ble cancer DALYs lost.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Table 2.3.1. Alcohol-attributable cancer deaths in 2016, by sex and cancer site
Lip and oral C00–08 38.9 5.2 44.0 34.7 9.4 26.4 11.7
cavity (30.4–46.0) (3.8–7.3) (35.3–52.3) (27.1–41.0) (7.0–13.3) (21.2–31.4)
Other pharynx C09–10, 31.7 2.1 33.8 35.3 9.9 30.5 9.0
C12–14 (24.9–37.7) (1.5–3.0) (27.0–39.9) (27.8–42.1) (7.3–14.2) (24.4–36.1)
ICD-10, International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision.
Table 2.3.2. Alcohol-attributable cancer disability-adjusted life-years lost in 2016, by sex and cancer site
Outcome and ICD-10 Number of alcohol-attributable DALYs Percentage of DALYs lost attributable to Percentage
cancer site code lost/100 000 alcohol consumption of the total
(95% uncertainty interval) (95% uncertainty interval) alcohol-
Men Women Both sexes Men Women Both sexes cancer
DALYs lost
Lip and oral C00–08 12.2 1.4 13.6 33.2 8.6 25.7 13.3
cavity (9.2–14.7) (1.0–2.0) (10.6–16.5) (25.0–40.0) (6.3–12.2) (19.9–31.0)
Other pharynx C09–10, 9.7 0.6 10.3 35.5 9.3 30.6 10.1
C12–14 (7.6–11.6) (0.4–0.9) (8.2–12.3) (27.6–42.5) (6.8–13.4) (24.1–36.5)
DALYs, disability-adjusted life years; ICD-10, International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision.
Similarly, alcohol consumption 80–84 years. At younger ages, can- complex; however, the proportion of
had the largest contributory impact cers of the liver, breast, and colorec- alcohol-attributable cancers among
on DALYs lost due to cancers of the tum were the leading contributors to this age group is hypothesized to be
upper aerodigestive tract. Alcohol the alcohol-attributable cancer bur- relatively small [15].
was responsible for 25.7% of all den, responsible for 32.2%, 19.4%, In 2016, there were large vari-
lip and oral cavity cancer DALYs and 18.4%, respectively, of all al- ations between countries and geo-
lost, 30.6% of all other pharyngeal cohol-attributable cancer deaths graphical regions in the ASRs of
cancer DALYs lost (excluding naso- among people aged 30–34 years. alcohol-attributable cancer deaths
pharyngeal cancers), 21.8% of all At older ages, cancers of the colo- (Fig. 2.3.4) and cancer DALYs lost
laryngeal cancer DALYs lost, and rectum, liver, and oesophagus were (Fig. 2.3.5). Based on the regions
17.5% of all oesophageal cancer the leading contributors to the al- as defined by the Institute for Health
DALYs lost. cohol-attributable cancer burden, Metrics and Evaluation’s Global
Based on different consumption responsible for 39.1%, 20.1%, and Burden of Disease study, the bur-
levels by age [14], the impact of alco- 14.9%, respectively, of all alcohol- den of alcohol-attributable cancers
hol consumption on cancer in 2016 attributable cancer deaths among was lowest in North Africa and the
varied by age group (Fig. 2.3.3); the people aged 80 years and older. Middle East (ASRs of 0.8 cancer
proportion of cancer deaths attribu The impact of alcohol on cancer deaths and 24.2 cancer DALYs lost
table to alcohol consumption ranged deaths and DALYs lost among peo- per 100 000 people) and highest in
from 13.9% of cancer deaths among ple aged 29 years and younger is eastern Europe (ASRs of 12.0 can-
people aged 30–34 years to 2.7% of unknown, because data are lacking cer deaths and 360.4 cancer DALYs
cancer deaths among people aged and the etiology of these cancers is lost per 100 000 people).
Fig. 2.3.4. Global burden of cancer deaths caused by alcohol consumption in 2016: (top) age-standardized cancer deaths
attributable to alcohol consumption per 100 000 people; (bottom) percentage of cancer deaths attributable to alcohol.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 2.3.5. Global burden of cancer disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost caused by alcohol consumption in 2016: (top) age-
standardized cancer DALYs lost attributable to alcohol consumption per 100 000 people; (bottom) percentage of cancer DALYs lost
attributable to alcohol.
Similarly, the proportion of alco- with high or very high levels of the HDI and countries with high HDI, and
hol-attributable cancer deaths and Human Development Index (HDI). cancers of the lip and oral cavity in
cancer DALYs lost also varied be- Both the consumption of alcohol countries with medium HDI.
tween countries and regions. The and the burden of cancer increase The alcohol-attributable cancer
proportions were lowest in North as countries develop [11,16]. In 2016, deaths and cancer DALYs lost dis-
Africa and the Middle East (0.8% of the ASRs of the alcohol-attributable cussed above include only cancer
cancer deaths and 0.8% of cancer cancer burden were highest for coun- sites for which sufficient causal evi-
DALYs lost) and highest in eastern tries with very high HDI (7.3 cancer dence exists, as determined by the
Europe (8.1% of cancer deaths and deaths and 203.8 cancer DALYs lost IARC Monographs, and do not in-
8.6% of cancer DALYs lost). per 100 000 people) and lowest for clude cancer sites for which there
The burden of cancer by site also countries with medium HDI (2.5 can- was insufficient evidence of carcino-
varied across geographical regions cer deaths and 78.8 cancer DALYs genicity in humans [1]. However, an
(Fig. 2.3.6). In particular, alcohol-at- lost per 100 000 people) (Fig. 2.3.7). analysis conducted for France in 2015
tributable cancers of the colorectum The site-specific alcohol-attributable found that the proportion of cancer
(see Chapter 5.5) were prominent cancer burden also varied by HDI. incidence due to alcohol increased
in southern Latin America, high-in- The largest contributors to the ASRs from 7.9% when limited to cancers for
come North America, high-income of alcohol-attributable cancer deaths which sufficient causal evidence ex-
Asia Pacific, Australasia, and cen- were colorectal cancer in countries ists to 8.4% when including cancers
tral, eastern, and western Europe; with very high HDI, liver cancer (see for which at least limited evidence of a
all of these regions have countries Chapter 5.6) in countries with low causal association exists [17].
Country- and region-specific ana leading risk factor for cancer devel- study [22] and in an analysis of 13
lyses of the relative contributions opment and cancer death. In some risk factors for France in 2015 [15].
of risk factors to the cancer burden analyses and countries, alcohol is
in the USA [18], France [15], the the second most important risk fac- Trends in the cancer
United Kingdom [19], Australia [20], tor for cancer development and can-
and the Nordic countries (Denmark, cer death after tobacco, for example
burden due to alcohol
Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, in an analysis of nine behavioural
from 2010 to 2016
the Faroe Islands, and Greenland) and environmental risk factors for Trends in the alcohol-attributable
[21] have shown that alcohol is a the Global Burden of Disease 2000 cancer burden depend on changes
in alcohol consumption as well as
in cancer incidence, treatment, and
Fig. 2.3.6. Age-standardized alcohol-attributable cancer deaths per 100 000 people mortality. As a result of population
(top) and alcohol-attributable cancer disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost per growth and ageing and the eco-
100 000 people (bottom) in 2016, by geographical region. nomic development of countries,
the total number of cancer deaths
worldwide increased from 8.1 mil-
lion in 2010 to 9.0 million in 2016
[11]. However, the ASR of cancer
mortality decreased by 6.0% (from
122.4 per 100 000 in 2010 to 115.0
per 100 000 in 2016), less than the
9.0% decrease in the ASR of overall
mortality (from 791.3 per 100 000 in
2010 to 720.1 per 100 000 in 2016).
The ASRs of alcohol-attributable
mortality decreased less than over-
all cancer mortality rates in gen-
eral (by 4.8%, from 5.1 deaths per
100 000 in 2010 to 4.8 deaths per
100 000 in 2016), resulting in an in-
crease of 1.5% in the proportion of
cancer deaths attributable to alcohol
consumption (from 4.1% in 2010 to
4.2% in 2016). Thus, the relative im-
pact of alcohol on cancer mortality
increased slightly from 2010 to 2016.
Trends in the ASRs of alcohol-
attributable cancer mortality and in
the proportion of cancers attributa-
ble to alcohol consumption showed
heterogeneous patterns by cancer
site. In particular, the ASR of mortal-
ity due to cancers of the lip and oral
cavity was the only ASR to increase
(from 2.1 deaths per 100 000 in 2010
to 2.2 deaths per 100 000 in 2016),
and the ASR of mortality due to oe-
sophageal cancer (see Chapter 5.3)
decreased the most (from 6.2 deaths
per 100 000 in 2010 to 5.5 deaths per
100 000 in 2016).
In the long term, increases in the
economic wealth of countries are
likely to lead to further increases in
life expectancies, resulting in higher
incidence of and mortality from can-
cer and a concomitant higher rela-
tive importance of cancer as a cause
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 2.3.7. Age-standardized alcohol-attributable cancer deaths per 100 000 people large, and this burden is expected
(top) and alcohol-attributable disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost per 100 000 to increase in the future. Therefore,
people (bottom) in 2016, by level of Human Development Index (HDI). programmes designed to reduce
alcohol consumption in the general
population are an effective and cost-
effective means of targeting and im-
proving cancer control (see Chapter
6.1). The observed differences be-
tween countries and regions in alco-
hol-attributable fractions of cancer
deaths and cancer DALYs lost pro-
vide an evidence base for how to re-
duce this burden through individual-
level and societal-level programmes
that reduce alcohol consumption,
such as the WHO intervention strat-
egies known as alcohol policy “best
buys”, which include increasing
excise taxation of alcoholic bever-
ages, restricting access to retailed
alcoholic beverages, and limiting
advertising and promotion of alco-
holic products [24].
Furthermore, the burden of alco-
hol-attributable cancers could be re-
duced through measures that target
those risk factors that interact with
alcohol consumption to increase the
risk of cancer or that directly affect the
risk of alcohol-related cancers, such
as tobacco smoking (see “Tobacco
cessation: the WHO perspective”).
In addition, early recognition of the
signs and symptoms of cancer, as
well as prompt diagnosis of precan-
cerous lesions and tumours, are in
many cases vital to patient survival,
and therefore screening for colorec-
tal cancer and breast cancer may
also reduce the burden of alcohol-
attributable cancers [25].
Finally, despite the evidence
of death ( of the causal relationship between
results/country-profiles), as well as Accordingly, whereas in high-in- alcohol consumption and the devel-
to higher per capita alcohol con- come countries alcohol consump- opment of cancer, the majority of
sumption [11,14]. Furthermore, be- tion, cancer mortality rates, and the general population is unaware
cause the median latency between alcohol-attributable cancer mortality of this causal link [26]. Warning
mean alcohol consumption and the rates have declined, and may con- labels can be used to raise aware-
diagnosis of cancer is 10 years [23], tinue to decline, the overall global ness of the link between alcohol
it is expected that alcohol-attributa- burden of alcohol-attributable can- and cancer; however, the effective-
ble cancer mortality will continue to cers is not expected to decrease, ness of these labels to reduce al-
increase in the countries that have and may increase in the long term. cohol consumption is currently un-
had the most pronounced increases known [11]. In addition, explaining
in alcohol consumption over the past the causal link between alcohol and
few years. Examples of such coun-
The cancer burden due cancer could be part of brief inter-
tries are China and India, countries to alcohol is preventable ventions by medical professionals
in which life expectancies have also The current burden of cancers in primary care, to reduce alcohol
increased ([11]; caused by alcohol consumption is consumption [27].
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Nagarajan Rajendra Prasad (reviewer)
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 2.4.3. Incidence of skin cancers in Japan in 1975–2010 in different age groups. Epidemiology of skin
The incidence of both melanoma
and non-melanoma skin cancers
is increasing worldwide, not only
in White populations [5] but also in
Asian populations. In addition, there
is marked variation in incidence by
geographical location between and
within countries. Epidemiological
studies have demonstrated a nega-
tive correlation between the latitude
of residence and the incidence and
mortality rates of melanoma and non-
melanoma skin cancers in homoge-
neous populations.
According to statistics from
the Ministry of Health, Labour and
Welfare of Japan, the incidence of
skin cancers in Japan has increased
dramatically over the past decades,
especially in people older than
65 years (Fig. 2.4.3). A longer life ex-
pectancy contributes to this increase
in risk, because non-melanoma skin
cancer is more common in older
narrow-band UVB sources that emit in the air and is reflected by buildings people. Furthermore, the incidence
specifically radiation of wavelength and land surfaces. The reflection of of non-melanoma skin cancer in men
311 nm are widely used, to reduce solar UV radiation varies depending is strikingly higher than that in women
exposure to wavelengths shorter than on the condition of the land surface. in Japan as well as in Australasia,
305 nm, which are most harmful in Snow, sand, and other surfaces reflect Europe, and North America, probably
relation to developing skin cancer. UV radiation to varying degrees: new because the effects of lifestyle fac-
During the welding process, UV snow reflects 80%, a sandy beach tors are similar in different countries.
radiation is emitted, and therefore reflects 10–25%, concrete or asphalt The IARC Monographs classi-
welders should use personal protec- reflects 10%, the surface of water re- fied UV-emitting tanning devices
tive equipment in the course of their flects 10–20%, and a lawn or grassy (sunlamps and sunbeds) as carcino-
work (see Chapter 2.10). plain reflects 10%. The intensity of so- genic to humans (Group 1). Although
The ozone layer in the strato- lar UV radiation depends on the height commercial use of tanning devices
sphere absorbs solar UV radiation of the sun in the sky; it is strongest is prohibited in some states of the
of wavelengths shorter than 300 nm. at solar noon and during the summer USA, in almost all states and territo-
Therefore, only UVA radiation and months. ries of Australia, and in some other
UVB with wavelengths longer than Some weather services provide countries, many people continue to
300 nm reach the Earth’s surface. daily forecasts of the intensity of solar use them. The association of sunbed
The radiation reaching the Earth’s UV radiation. Such information may exposure with predicted increased
surface is largely composed of UVA be helpful as a rough indication, but risk of induction of squamous cell
(95%), with a small UVB component caution should be exercised, be- carcinoma has been confirmed [6],
(5%). cause the intensity of solar UV radia- and people should be aware of the
The level of solar UV exposure at tion differs greatly between locations risk associated with use of tanning
the Earth’s surface varies with latitude, where relevant measurements are devices.
altitude, time of day and time of year, conducted. Although several UV do-
cloud cover, other atmospheric fac- simetry instruments are commercially
tors (specifically including pollution), available, not all of the equipment is Ultraviolet-induced DNA
and reflection from nearby surfaces. accurate and reliable. The best way photolesions
UV radiation is stronger at high alti- to protect oneself from the sun is to The photon energy of UV radiation is
tudes than at ground level, because adopt multiple personal measures, not capable of causing ionization but
the thinner atmosphere blocks less such as wearing protective clothing, results only in excitation at the atomic
UV radiation. About 80% of solar UVB wearing a hat, applying sunscreen, level. Therefore, all the biological
penetrates thin cloud. UVB scatters and using shade. consequences of UV radiation are
attributable to excited chemical reac- mental models is maximal within nucleus, and that the response may
tions in the molecules of the skin. DNA the UVB range, with the peak at be elicited by oxidative stress caused
directly absorbs more energy from 293 nm [11]. Formation of dipyrimi- by UV radiation [14]. There is plenty of
UVB photons than from UVA photons. dine photoproducts can lead to UV evidence that various antioxidants at-
UVB specifically acts on DNA by di- signature mutations in DNA. UV tenuate erythema or oedema induced
rectly exciting the nucleobases, result- signature mutations are associ- by UVB radiation [15]. Low levels of
ing in the instant formation of dimeric ated with transition-type mutations oxidants can modify cell signalling
photoproducts at dipyrimidine sites. In such as C:G → T:A at dipyrimidine via redox regulation, and these signal
contrast, UVA and visible light primar- sequences, where a transition is de- modifications have functional conse-
ily exert a biological impact directly by fined as a change from one pyrimi- quences [16].
participating in the formation of reac- dine (cytosine or thymine) or purine UV radiation triggers sequential
tive oxygen species in the presence (guanine or adenine) to the other. molecular responses, thereby acti-
of photosensitizers, and indirectly The molecular changes observed vating cell-surface growth factors and
produce oxidative DNA lesions. UVB in skin cancers have been analysed pro-inflammatory cytokine receptors.
produces dipyrimidine photoproducts in many studies. In White people, Mice deficient in tumour necrosis
by direct excitation, and also gener- TP53 mutations are present at much factor α (TNF-α), a pro-inflammatory
ates oxidative DNA lesions. higher frequencies (~50–90%) in cytokine, are resistant to skin carcino-
Studies have suggested that dipy- non-melanoma skin cancers than genesis, although both deficient and
rimidine photoproducts are the most they are in internal malignancies [1]. wild-type mice exhibited the same
important UV-induced DNA photole- These mutations are predominantly c-Ha-ras mutations after treatment
sions, because they are involved in C:G → T:A at dipyrimidine sites, the with 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene
cytotoxicity and mutagenesis [7]. UV signature mutations. [17]. In animal photocarcinogenesis
Reactive oxygen species cause vari- In Asian people, the UV signa- studies, some antioxidant nutrition that
ous biological effects via the redox ture mutations are significantly more suppresses UV-induced inflammation
signalling pathway and produce oxi- frequent in skin cancers at sun-ex- has been shown to suppress cancer
dative DNA lesions, which also play posed body sites than in those at development.
a role in carcinogenesis [8]. Among non-sun-exposed sites [12], sug- Earlier, it was reported that in this
oxidative DNA lesions, 8-hydroxyde- gesting that UV radiation is also mouse photocarcinogenesis model,
oxyguanosine (8-OHdG) has been closely involved in the development the accumulation of 8-oxoG, an oxida-
established as a sensitive marker of of non-melanoma skin cancer in tive DNA photolesion, increases the
oxidative DNA damage. The guanine Asian people. Several other reports development of skin cancers; this re-
base in genomic DNA is highly sus- have demonstrated that the types of sult is attributable to the upregulation
ceptible to oxidative stress, because mutations that are not considered of genes related to the inflammatory
guanine has the lowest oxidation po- to be caused by dipyrimidine pho- response pathway, such as Cxcl1 and
tential of all the bases. toproducts are frequently observed Il-6, but not to the mutations caused
Recent work has shown that in human skin cancers at sun-ex- by oxidative DNA lesions [8]. Rodier
cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers are posed body sites [13], thereby sug- et al. reported that large doses of UV
produced at higher yields than 8-hy- gesting that oxidative DNA lesions radiation, which cause irreparable
droxyguanine (8-oxoG) after expo- may also play a role to some extent damage to cells, induce DNA double-
sure to UVA in human skin cells and in photocarcinogenesis. strand breaks and increase secretion
human skin in vivo [9]. The diuretic of IL-6 [18].
medication hydrochlorothiazide sig- Inflammation caused
nificantly increases the production by sunburn promotes Melanoma and ultraviolet-
of thymine dimers by UVA, indepen- carcinogenesis, and
dent of the presence of oxygen [10].
induced inflammation
This indicates that excited hydro-
particular DNA lesions Recently, much attention has been
chlorothiazide molecules function
are implicated paid to melanoma formation and
as UVA-absorbing chromophores, The sunburn process is dependent UV-induced inflammation. It is gen-
which transfer energy to adjacent on several factors, including UV dose, erally accepted that chronic inflam-
pyrimidines, thereby resulting in the UV wavelength, and photoskin type. mation increases the risk of cancer;
formation of thymine dimers. After cellular molecules absorb UV this is consistent with the finding that
radiation, photochemical reactions excessive intense, intermittent sun
occur, and these processes are re- exposure is one of the most important
Ultraviolet-induced DNA sponsible for biological changes that risk factors for melanoma.
lesions and mutations in culminate in sunburn. The findings In hepatocyte growth factor/scat-
skin cancers of Devary et al. suggested that the ter factor transgenic mice, a single
The action spectrum for UV-induced UV response is initiated at or near dose of burning UV radiation to neo-
carcinogenesis in animal experi- the cell membrane rather than in the nates, but not to adults, is necessary
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 2.4.4. Crowds at Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia. A relatively high incidence of tion spectrum for photocarcinogenesis
melanoma and other skin cancers is attributable to exposure of fair-skinned populations in a mouse model revealed that UVA
to intense ultraviolet radiation in countries such as Australia. The incidence of both is partly responsible for photocarcino-
melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers is also increasing in Asian populations,
specifically including those in Japan.
genesis [11].
UVA seems to cause cancer-
promoting biological changes apart
from DNA lesions that result in ge-
nomic mutations. Many of the carci-
nogenic functions of UVA have been
attributed to the production of reac-
tive oxygen species and the subse-
quent induction of the inflammatory
signalling pathway. Reactive oxygen
species generated by UV radiation
upregulate the expression of many
signalling molecules, including in-
ducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS),
nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-
enhancer of activated B cells (NF-
κB), activator protein 1 (AP-1), signal
transducer and activator of transcrip-
tion (STAT), and cyclooxygenase 2
(COX-2), resulting in inflammation,
which is followed, in turn, by gen-
eration of reactive oxygen species,
and sufficient to induce melanoma Role of UVA in depending on the strength of the
with a high incidence [19]. This pro- photocarcinogenesis
vides an experimental basis for the Until recently, studies on carcino-
epidemiological evidence that child- genesis induced by UV radiation Ultraviolet-induced
hood sunburn is a major risk factor for have focused on UVB-induced DNA immunosuppression
the development of melanoma [20]. mutations. However, the role of UVA The immune system plays an impor-
Whether UVA or UVB radiation is in photocarcinogenesis is now re- tant role in UV-induced carcinogen-
more dangerous for the development ceiving much more attention. One esis by contributing to host resis-
of melanoma is still controversial. reason for this is increasing aware- tance to skin cancer development.
Both non-melanocytic skin cancers ness of the involvement of UVA- However, UV radiation may circum-
and melanomas are induced by so- induced reactive oxygen species vent immunosurveillance against skin
lar UV radiation, but there are some in the development of melanoma. cancers by modulating the immune
differences. Melanocytes show re- Another reason is that many studies response in a way that favours tu-
sistance to UVB-induced apoptosis. have revealed that UVA generates mour development.
Consequently, melanocytes survive not only reactive oxygen species but Skin cancers induced by UV ra-
after acute sunburn, while harbouring also cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers diation are highly antigenic, and can
high levels of DNA lesions, whereas in vivo. therefore be recognized by the im-
keratinocytes tend to undergo apopto- Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers mune system. This is evident from UV-
are now known to be produced at induced murine skin cancers, many
sis after large doses of UV radiation.
higher yields than 8-oxoG after UVA of which are immunologically rejected
The most frequent body sites for the
irradiation in rodent and human skin upon transplantation into normal syn-
development of superficial spreading
cells [9], prompting a paradigm shift in geneic mice [3]. The exceptionally
melanoma, which is the most com-
the theory of photocarcinogenesis. A high incidence of skin cancers, par-
mon type of malignant melanoma in recent series of studies demonstrating ticularly squamous cell carcinoma, in
the White population, are the trunk that UVA induces thymine dimers at the sun-exposed skin of immunosup-
and thigh; these anatomical regions much higher levels than other types pressed renal transplant recipients or
are often particularly exposed to the of pyrimidine dimers, and that UVA patients who received phototherapy
sun when sunbathing. Eumelanin does not induce (6–4) photoproducts together with an immunosuppressant
protects the skin against UV-induced [9], explains the mutation spectrum of [21] suggests that UV-induced human
damage, whereas pheomelanin acts the relevant genes in cancers at sun- skin cancers are also highly antigenic.
as a photosensitizer and causes oxi- exposed areas of the skin in humans However, despite the potential for
dative DNA damage in melanocytes. [2]. An in vivo study analysing the ac- immunological control, skin cancers
occur with a high frequency in sus- Fig. 2.4.5. Sun protection during play. Avoiding unnecessary sun exposure is critical to
ceptible, sun-exposed populations. avoiding sunburn and the associated risk of skin cancer.
Earlier studies, mainly those using
mouse models, have provided an
explanation for this paradox by dem-
onstrating that UV radiation not only
transforms cells by inducing muta-
tions but also interferes with host
immunity against the developing
skin tumours. These studies dem-
onstrated that UV irradiation of the
skin produces both local immunosup-
pression, which inhibits immune func-
tions within the irradiated skin, and
systemic immunosuppression against
antigens introduced at a critical time
after exposure to UV radiation.
Modulation of immune responses
initiated at non-irradiated sites is now
known to involve soluble mediators.
Among such soluble mediators, IL-10
is crucial in the photocarcinogenesis
pathway [22]. IL-10 polymorphisms wearing protective clothing, wearing exposed areas from early childhood,
and susceptibility to squamous cell a hat, applying sunscreen, and us- because of deficiency in the repair of
carcinoma have been reported in ing shade. Minimizing the time spent DNA photolesions [2].
several studies in humans. outdoors between the hours of 9:00 Recently, accelerated photoage-
Failure of immunosurveillance is a.m. and 3:00 p.m. – the period when ing and development of skin cancer
closely related in photocarcinogen- the intensity of sunlight is the strong- have been reported in patients who
esis, and in this context, the use of est – markedly reduces the risk of sun developed severe photosensitivity
a Toll-like receptor agonist recently damage. disorders after being treated with
emerged as a new strategy for cancer Members of the public should be voriconazole, an antifungal agent
treatment. Imiquimod, an agonist for advised that the strength of UV radia- [23]. Use of the diuretic antihyperten-
Toll-like receptor 7, is now clinically tion does not correlate with the tem- sive medication hydrochlorothiazide
used worldwide for the therapy of perature. For example, in March in the was associated with increased risk
actinic keratosis, a precancerous le- Northern Hemisphere, the intensity of of non-melanoma skin cancer in a
sion caused by sun damage that has UV radiation is strong even though nationwide case–control study in
the potential to progress to squamous temperatures may be low. Even on Denmark [24]. This epidemiological
cell carcinoma. cloudy days, about 80% of the solar result is consistent with the finding
UV radiation reaches ground level. that hydrochlorothiazide significantly
About 10% of solar UVB radiation increased the production of thymine
Prevention of damage passes through glass windows. dimers after exposure to radiation in
from solar ultraviolet In relation to photocarcinogene- the UVA range [10]. Taking account of
radiation sis, the heritable disease xeroderma these data and results from studies in
The most effective way to reduce pigmentosum should be kept in mind. animals and in humans, increased at-
skin cancer incidence is to avoid un- Xeroderma pigmentosum is charac- tention should be paid to any severe
necessary sun exposure and adopt terized by an extreme sensitivity to inflammatory lesions that are subject
personal preventive measures for sunlight and a greatly increased risk to UV radiation.
protection from sunlight, such as of developing skin cancers at sun-
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
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γ-radiation) and energetic subatom- and construction, and this can lead
SUMMARY ic particles (neutrons, β-particles, to environmental, occupational, or
and α-particles). This type of radia- medical exposures. Environmental
●● Epidemiological studies involv- tion carries enough energy to liber- exposures include fallout from weap-
ing people exposed to low lev- ate electrons from atoms and thus ons testing, nuclear power plant ac-
els of ionizing radiation from is able to break chemical bonds. cidents (such as those at Chernobyl
the environment (natural and Biological effects of ionizing radi- and Fukushima), and routine re-
artificial sources), occupations, ation are determined by the amount leases from nuclear installations.
or medical diagnostic proce- of energy absorbed by the exposed Exposures to medical radiation pro-
dures demonstrate that the risk organ or tissue. Low doses are gen- vide a direct benefit to the exposed
of leukaemia and other cancers erally defined as effective doses be- individuals. These exposures arise
increases with radiation dose. low 100 millisieverts (mSv). from some diagnostic procedures,
●● The latency between exposure such as radiography, nuclear medi-
to ionizing radiation and occur-
Sources and exposures cine, and computed tomography
rence of an excess risk of cancer Humans have always been exposed (CT), or as a consequence of treat-
varies from several years to sev- to ionizing radiation from natural ment, most commonly radiotherapy
eral decades. In addition, host sources. Natural radiation exposure for cancer. Medical uses of radia-
factors such as age at exposure, comes from four main sources: cos- tion have increased rapidly as tech-
attained age, and sex modify the mic radiation, terrestrial radiation, niques have been developed and
dose–risk relationship. ingestion of radionuclides present widely disseminated.
in the soil and ground, and inhala- The contributions of the main
●● Most of the epidemiological tion of radon. Exposure to cosmic components of average population
research does not support an radiation is higher at high altitudes. exposure are detailed in Fig. 2.5.1.
association between mobile Exposure to natural radionuclides The worldwide average annual ef-
phone use and tumours occur- varies considerably from place to fective dose is about 3 mSv, and
ring in the head, which is the place according to geology. Radon individual doses vary from tenths of
body part with the highest ex- is a gas that is formed during the millisieverts to several tens of mil-
posure to radiofrequency elec- decay of natural uranium in the soil. lisieverts, according to place of resi-
tromagnetic fields. In studies Exposure to indoor radon varies dence and behaviour [1].
reporting positive associations, depending on the geology, build-
it is difficult to exclude various ing construction, and household Cancer causation
forms of bias, such as recall lifestyle. Worldwide, inhalation of Ionizing radiation is one of the most
bias in retrospective exposure radon accounts for about half of the intensely studied carcinogens [2].
assessment. average exposure to natural radia- The mechanisms by which radiation
tion sources [1]. may produce carcinogenic changes
In addition, artificial sources of include mutations, alterations in the
Ionizing radiation exposure have developed over the structure of genes or chromosomes
Ionizing radiation is made up of past century. Today, ionizing radia- (see Chapter 3.11), and changes in
electromagnetic waves on the tion is encountered in a wide variety gene expression. Radiobiological
high-energy end of the electromag- of fields, such as medicine, nuclear research in recent decades has
netic spectrum (X-radiation and power, research, manufacturing, shown the biological complexity of
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 2.5.1. Average annual doses of ionizing radiation by source. The worldwide average
annual effective dose is about 3 millisieverts (mSv). Natural sources (2.4 mSv; 80%) are
shown in green, and artificial sources (0.6 mSv; 20%) are shown in pink. Environmental FUNDAMENTALS
artificial sources include atmospheric nuclear testing (0.2%), releases from the Chernobyl
accident (0.1%), and routine releases from the nuclear fuel cycle (0.01%). ■■ The electromagnetic spectrum
is divided into non-ionizing and
Occupational Environmental ionizing radiation.
exposure artificial sources
(0.01%) (0.3%) ■■ On average, natural sources
contribute 80% to the
average total dose of ionizing
Medical diagnosis Inhalation radiation in the population.
(not therapy) of radon gas
(20%) (41%)
The remaining 20% originates
from artificial sources, such as
medical diagnostic procedures,
Ingestion External terrestrial atmospheric nuclear testing,
(10%) (16%)
and nuclear power plant
accidents. Inhalation of radon
Cosmic radiation is the single highest source
(13%) of exposure.
■■ Ionizing radiation is able to
produce carcinogenic changes
the carcinogenic impact of radiation, cludes more than 86 000 people of by mutations, alterations in
and many uncertainties still remain, both sexes and all ages, with acute the structure of genes or
especially at low doses. external radiation exposure. The chromosomes, and changes
Evidence that ionizing radia- range of doses was 0–4 Sv, but in gene expression. Although
tion can cause cancer in humans about 80% of the survivors received considerable uncertainty still
comes from epidemiological stud- less than 100 mSv. Recent results exists about the form of the
ies, especially from studies of pa- confirmed the existence of a dose– dose–response relationship
tients irradiated for therapeutic risk relationship for a large variety in the low-dose range,
reasons and from the follow-up of of cancer types, such as leukaemia an increasing number of
Japanese atomic bomb survivors. and cancer of the bladder, breast, epidemiological studies
In recent decades, other studies colon, liver, lung, skin, stomach, indicate the carcinogenicity of
have provided complementary re- and thyroid, and improved the es- ionizing radiation at relatively
sults in populations exposed to low- timation of how the risk varies with low dose levels.
er doses, from environmental (e.g. age at exposure and attained age.
■■ Most of the exposure
natural exposure, consequences A statistically significant dose–re-
to radiofrequency
of nuclear accidents), occupational sponse relationship was observed
electromagnetic fields arises
(e.g. miners, nuclear workers), or for incidence of solid cancers in the
from people’s own mobile
medical (e.g. diagnostic proce- 0–100 mSv dose range [3].
phone calls, and thus the head
dures) situations. Patients is the most exposed body part.
The latency between exposure
CT is a highly informative medi- ■■ Despite considerable research
to ionizing radiation and occur-
cal imaging technique, but it leads efforts, no mechanism
rence of an excess risk of cancer
to much higher doses than con- relevant for carcinogenesis
varies from several years to several
ventional radiology. Therefore, of radiofrequency
decades. In addition, host factors
the increasing use of CT scans in electromagnetic fields has
such as age at exposure, attained
paediatric populations raised the been consistently identified
age, and sex modify the dose–risk
question of a possible health impact to date. Also, most of the
of radiation exposure. epidemiological research does
Recent epidemiological Cohort studies in Australia and not indicate carcinogenicity of
results the United Kingdom showed a sta-
radiofrequency electromagnetic
tistically significant dose–response
Atomic bomb survivors fields. This implies that any
relationship between the dose to
potentially undetected risk is
The follow-up of cancer mortality the red bone marrow due to CT ex-
expected to be small from an
and incidence in the cohort of atom- aminations and the risk of leukae-
individual perspective.
ic bomb survivors exceeds 60 years mia, and between the dose to the
after exposure. This large cohort in- brain and the risk of brain tumours.
Fig. 2.5.2. A man undergoes a computed tomography (CT) scan, which involves ex- sation). More recent studies tried
posure to ionizing radiation. to address these issues, and they
suggest that these potential biases
should be small [4]. The European
EPI-CT project, which includes
more than 1 million children, will
provide new results on cancer
risks associated with paediatric CT
scans [5].
More information about thy-
roid cancer risks at low doses was
provided by a pooled analysis of
nine cohorts of more than 100 000
children (eight medical cohorts of
children treated for benign and ma-
lignant diseases and the cohort of
atomic bomb survivors). It showed
a statistically significant linear
dose–response relationship for thy-
roid doses of 0–100 mSv [6].
Nuclear industry workers are ex-
posed to protracted low-dose radia-
tion and are individually monitored
for their occupational exposure.
Several studies were published in re-
cent years in France, Japan, Taiwan
These results raised controversies linked to underlying medical con- (China), the United Kingdom, and
about the impact of uncertainties ditions (e.g. higher prevalence of the USA, including results from the
in dosimetry and potential bias predisposing factors, inverse cau- INWORKS project (see “INWORKS:
The International Nuclear Workers Analyses demonstrated a sig- for the protection of adults from
Study (INWORKS) is a multina- nificant association between the low-dose, low-dose-rate exposures
tional research project coordi- dose to the red bone marrow and to ionizing radiation.
nated by IARC. It evaluated the the risk of leukaemia (excluding
exposures of more than 300 000 chronic lymphoblastic leukae- References
workers in the nuclear industry in mia), and between the dose to 1. Leuraud K, Richardson DB, Cardis E,
Daniels RD, Gillies M, O’Hagan JA, et al.
France, the United Kingdom, and the colon and the risk of solid
(2015). Ionising radiation and risk of death
the USA, with detailed individual cancers [1,2]. These associations from leukaemia and lymphoma in radi-
monitoring data for external expo- were significant even when the ation-monitored workers (INWORKS):
an international cohort study. Lancet
sure to ionizing radiation. analyses were restricted to a low- Haematol. 2(7):e276–81. https://doi.
Over an average follow-up dose range of 0–300 mSv. The org/10.1016/S2352-3026(15)00094- 0
duration of 27 years, there were estimated dose–risk coefficients PMID:26436129
17 957 deaths due to solid can- were very consistent with those 2. Richardson DB, Cardis E, Daniels RD,
cers and 1791 deaths due to hae- derived from the cohort of atomic Gillies M, O’Hagan JA, Hamra GB, et
al. (2015). Risk of cancer from occu-
matological cancers. The average bomb survivors, which form the pational exposure to ionising radiation:
individual cumulative external main basis for the system of ra- retrospective cohort study of workers
dose over the period 1945–2005 diological protection. in France, the United Kingdom, and
the United States (INWORKS). BMJ.
was 21 mSv to the colon and INWORKS is contributing to 351:h5359.
16 mSv to the red bone marrow. strengthening the scientific basis h5359 PMID:26487649
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
a pooled analysis of cancer risks Fig. 2.5.3. Debris from the upper levels of unit 4 at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant
associated with ionizing radiation in December 2012, 21 months after the nuclear accident.
among nuclear workers”). These re-
sults strengthen the quantification of
risks associated with external expo-
sures to ionizing radiation at a low
dose rate.
Other studies quantified a dose
relationship for specific internal ex-
posures. A recent analysis of co-
horts of uranium miners confirmed
the association between radon
exposure and risk of lung cancer,
even among miners with low levels
of exposure [7]; the results were
consistent with those from studies
of indoor radon. Also, an analy-
sis of the cohort of workers from
the Mayak nuclear facility in the
Russian Federation confirmed the
existence of a relationship between
lung dose due to plutonium and
lung cancer risk, compatible with a
linear model without threshold [8].
Nuclear accidents
The largest nuclear accident in the in much lower thyroid doses to the children in Switzerland, including
world occurred on 26 April 1986 resident populations than after the 530 leukaemia cases and 1252
at the Chernobyl nuclear plant in Chernobyl accident. The estimated cases of other childhood cancers,
Ukraine. This accident resulted in doses are low and are limited to a suggested a positive relationship
a large release of radionuclides, small population, and no observ- between exposure to background
which were deposited over a very able radiation-induced excess risk radiation and both leukaemia risk
wide area; the greatest deposits of cancer is expected. and cancer risk, at the limit of sta-
were in Belarus, the western part A large project has been tistical significance [13].
of the Russian Federation, and launched, called the Fukushima
Ukraine. Recent results confirmed Health Management Survey, which Prevention
the excess risk of thyroid cancer includes systematic thyroid exami- A comprehensive system of pro-
associated with exposure to io- nations of children and adolescents. tection against ionizing radiation
dine-131 among people exposed A large number of thyroid cancer has been developed, based espe-
during childhood, and demonstrat- cases have been recorded [10], but cially on recommendations from
ed the persistence of this excess these are mostly attributable to the the International Commission on
risk among people who are now implementation of screening, which Radiological Protection. Recent
adults (see Chapter 5.18). About led to the detection of small, indolent studies have improved our knowl-
25% of thyroid cancer cases in the cancers and to overdiagnosis [11]. edge of radiation-induced risks at
contaminated area among people low doses, down to a few hundreds
who were children or adolescents Other environmental exposures of millisieverts for solid cancers
at the time of the accident have A case–control study in Great [14] and a few tens of millisie-
been attributed to this exposure [9]. Britain that included more than verts for childhood leukaemia [15];
The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear 9000 cases of leukaemia and these results have contributed to
accident occurred on 11 March 18 000 cases of other childhood the strengthening of the radiation
2011 in Japan. Compared with the cancers observed a statistically sig- protection system. In the medical
Chernobyl accident, this accident nificant dose–response relationship field, the benefits of radiation appli-
resulted in a much lower release of between leukaemia and the cumu- cations for medical diagnostic pro-
radionuclides, which were essen- lative dose to the red bone marrow cedures are undeniable, but recent
tially deposited over some parts of due to background radiation expo- results from epidemiology and the
Fukushima Prefecture. Furthermore, sure, but found no clear evidence increasing use of CT scans high-
preventive measures, such as evac- of a relationship for other childhood light the need to enhance aware-
uation and food restrictions, resulted cancers [12]. A cohort of 2 million ness among medical practitioners
and to reinforce prevention, through Fig. 2.5.4. Contribution of various sources that emit radiofrequency electromagnetic
the use of dose optimization and fields (RF-EMF) to the average daily dose to grey matter in the brain in a cohort of
procedure justification. adolescents in Switzerland. The total average RF-EMF dose was 900 millijoules per
kilogram (mJ/kg) per day. Mobile phone calls and data traffic contributed 85%. Far-
field sources (6%) included mobile phone base stations (3.4%), other people’s mobile
Radiofrequency phones (2.0%), access points in wireless local area networks (0.2%), broadcasting
electromagnetic fields (0.2%), and cordless phone base stations (< 0.1%).
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
and 1105 acoustic neuroma cases, have used a mobile phone for a few topographic or morphological sub-
no indication of higher risk was hundred hours, and simple calcula- types of brain cancer. However, in
observed for cumulative use up to tions demonstrate that some of the the same studies, a decrease in the
1640 hours [25]. Thus, there is con- reported excess risks for brain tu- incidence of other subtypes of brain
cern that some studies are affected mours would have been noticed by cancer was seen, suggesting that
by recall bias, because cases may now. For instance, the populations these time trends may be explained
overestimate their previous mobile of the Nordic countries were among by changes in cancer coding prac-
phone use as a potential cause of the first to use mobile phones regu- tices over time.
their disease. larly, and in Europe a 50% pen- Research on exposures from
A recent study followed up 806 etration rate was achieved in 2000. transmitters has not progressed
glioma cases previously enrolled Thus, substantially more than 50% much in the past 5 years, and the
in a collaborative population-based of the population in European coun- evidence base has not expanded.
case–control study in Denmark, tries are now long-term mobile Several reported clusters of child-
Finland, and Sweden for survival and phone users, and reported excess hood cancer in the vicinity of in-
found no evidence of reduced sur- risks on the order of 60–70% for dividual transmitters could not
vival in relation to mobile phone use long-term users would produce an be confirmed in large population-
[26]. Strikingly, this study found some increase in the incidence of gli- based studies on childhood cancer
indications that prodromal symptoms oma of at least 30%, which is not in relation to RF-EMF emissions
of the tumour may prevent cases the case in people younger than from broadcast transmitters and
from starting to regularly use mobile 70 years [22]. mobile phone base stations [32].
phones, which may explain some of In addition, a very comprehen- For adults, even fewer studies have
the seemingly protective effects of sive analysis of global trends of tu- been conducted. However, RF-
mobile phone use observed previ- mours of the brain and central ner- EMF from transmitters will rarely
ously in the Interphone study [25]. vous system, which included data be a relevant exposure source for
In summary, such kinds of re- from 1993–2007 from 96 registries adults who at least occasionally use
verse causality, recall bias, and se- in 39 countries, did not find a pat- wireless communication devices.
lection bias are potential issues in a tern supporting the hypothesis of in-
case–control study. The continuing creasing incidence rates following, Prevention
prospective COSMOS study, which with some latency, the time period The large amount of research on
is using operator-recorded data for of mobile phone uptake in different RF-EMF suggests that any poten-
mobile phone use, is less vulner- populations [28]. This analysis is in tially undetected risk is expected
able to such kinds of recall bias and line with the results of several other to be small from an individual per-
exposure misclassification [27]. time trend studies [29], although spective. To address such small
Nowadays it is common for a a few studies [30,31] reported in- risks needs high-quality research
large proportion of the population to creases in the incidence of specific with accurate exposure assess-
ment, taking into account that the
duration of mobile phone calls
Fig. 2.5.5. Women using mobile phones in Kolkata, India. alone is not expected to adequately
reflect the RF-EMF exposure of the
brain. In the meantime, for tumours
of the head with few other risk fac-
tors, monitoring of incidence rates
is a suitable approach to detect rel-
evant changes in incidence rates
possibly related to the use of wire-
less phones.
Given the research uncertain-
ties, precautionary measures might
be taken. Because mobile phones
are the most relevant exposure
source and because the strength
of RF-EMF decreases rapidly with
distance from the source, the sim-
plest and most effective precaution-
ary measure is to hold the mobile
phone away from the body during
transmission; this will result in a
substantial reduction in exposure.
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probable the evidence that con- Dietary fat the diagnosis of cancer
sumption of dietary fibre, which is From the 1980s until recently, die- can influence cancer risk,
found in plant foods including whole tary fat intake was widely believed to various types of studies are
grains, fruits and vegetables, nuts, be the most important cause of can- needed, including long-term
and seeds, is associated with lower cers of the breast, colorectum, and epidemiological studies,
risk of colorectal cancer, weight prostate and some other common randomized trials, and shorter-
gain, overweight, and obesity [1]. cancer types in developed coun- term studies with cancer risk
tries. This belief was based largely factors as the outcome.
Red meat and processed meat on correlations between national per ■■ The available dietary assess-
In 2015, IARC classified consump- capita fat intake and rates of these ment methods complemented
tion of processed meat as carcino- cancer types, which were potentially by biomarkers of diet have
genic to humans (Group 1), based confounded by many aspects of diet proven value for the study of
on sufficient evidence in humans for and lifestyle. In subsequent large diet and cancer.
colorectal cancer, and consumption cohort studies with long follow-up,
of red meat as probably carcino- dietary fat has not been associated ■■ Overweight and obesity are
genic to humans (Group 2A), based with risk of these cancer types [6], major risk factors for many
on evidence for colorectal cancer, and in two large randomized trials, cancer types and account for
with strong mechanistic support [5]. women assigned to low-fat diets did much of the impact of diet.
Similarly, WCRF/AICR concluded not have lower risks of breast can-
■■ Studies of specific nutrients
that the evidence was convincing cer or other cancer types [7,8]. Also,
and foods provide important
that consumption of processed meat the type of fat, whether assessed
insights on diet and cancer,
increases risk of colorectal cancer by diet or biomarkers, has not been
but studies of overall dietary
[1], whereas the evidence for con- clearly associated with risk of breast
patterns may provide the most
sumption of unprocessed red meat cancer, but more research is need-
useful guidance for individuals
was classified as probable [1]. ed. Although excess body fatness,
and policies.
Processed meat is defined as most commonly assessed as body
meat that has been transformed mass index, increases risk of many ■■ A dietary pattern that
through salting, smoking, curing, cancer types (see Chapter 2.7), a emphasizes abundant intake
and/or fermentation to enhance higher percentage of energy intake of fruits and vegetables,
flavour or for preservation (exam- from dietary fat is not a major fac- whole grains rather than
ples are frankfurters, bacon, sa- tor in weight control; in randomized refined grains, and low intake
lami, deli meats, and similar prod- trials with balanced intensity of in- of red meat and processed
ucts), whereas red meat refers to tervention, weight loss is somewhat meat, sugar-sweetened
unprocessed mammalian muscle greater in diets with higher fat intake beverages, and salt will
meat (e.g. beef, veal, lamb, pork, and lower carbohydrate intake [9]. reduce risk of cancer, as well
and goat) [5]. For each 50 grams However, higher overall diet qual- as of cardiovascular disease,
of processed meat consumed per ity, including higher intakes of fruits, diabetes, and overall mortality.
day, the risk of colorectal cancer vegetables, nuts, and whole grains
increases by approximately 16%, and lower intakes of red meat and ■■ Although research on the
and for each 100 grams of red meat refined starch, is associated with relationship between diet after
consumed per day, it increases by less overall weight gain [10]. the diagnosis of cancer and
about 12% [1]. For colon cancer, survival is still limited, recent
these estimates are 23% and 22%, Dairy products and calcium evidence supports a benefit
respectively [1]. The effects of intake of dairy prod- on survival from the same
Potential biological mecha- ucts and calcium on cancer risk are dietary pattern recommended
nisms underlying these associa- complex. Intake of dairy products has to lower risk, for at least some
tions include oxidative damage re- been associated with increased risk cancer types.
sulting from endogenous formation of prostate cancer in many studies,
Most cancers, especially adult-on- the extent that dietary factors influ- use lowers risk of sporadic colo-
set cancers, represent a multistage ence cancer risk, similar tempo- rectal cancer, but only after about a
process that occurs over decades. ral associations exist. Importantly, decade from onset of use. Notably,
Several well-established non-die- emerging data suggest that early intake of micronutrients such as
tary risk factors demonstrate spe- dietary exposures, particularly dur- folate and calcium appears to be
cific temporal associations with ing adolescence, may influence related to lower risk of colorectal
cancer. For example, breast tissue risk of breast cancer (Fig. B2.6.1). cancer only after latency periods
may be particularly susceptible Some factors may act on early of more than a decade [1,2]. A ran-
to carcinogenic exposures during stages of carcinogenesis, so a domized trial of multivitamin use
childhood, adolescence, and early time lag (latency period) may be re- with up to 14 years of follow-up did
adult life, as observed in women quired to elicit an effect on cancer. not show a significant reduction in
exposed to ionizing radiation. It For example, from randomized tri- the incidence of colorectal cancer,
is reasonable to anticipate that to als and observational data, aspirin but intriguingly did suggest a pos-
sible decrease in risk after about a
decade of use [3], consistent with
Fig. B2.6.1. Dietary protein sources during adolescence in relation to risk of observational studies.
premenopausal breast cancer. The graph shows the hazard ratios (HR; circles)
and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI; bars) for breast cancer in premenopausal References
women associated with replacement of adolescent intake of one serving per day of
1. Lee JE, Willett WC, Fuchs CS, Smith-
total red meat with other sources of dietary protein.
Warner SA, Wu K, Ma J, et al. (2011).
Folate intake and risk of colorectal
cancer and adenoma: modification by
time. Am J Clin Nutr. 93(4):817–25.
Legumes for total
red meat
Nuts for total
red meat 2. Zhang X, Keum N, Wu K, Smith-Warner
SA, Ogino S, Chan AT, et al. (2016).
Poultry for total Calcium intake and colorectal cancer risk:
red meat results from the Nurses’ Health Study and
Health Professionals Follow-up Study. Int
Fish for total
red meat J Cancer. 139(10):2232–42. https://doi.
org/10.1002/ijc.30293 PMID:27466215
Eggs for total
red meat 3. Gaziano JM, Sesso HD, Christen WG,
Bubes V, Smith JP, MacFadyen J, et
Total legumes, nuts,
poultry, and fish al. (2012). Multivitamins in the preven-
for total red meat tion of cancer in men: the Physicians’
Health Study II randomized controlled
trial. JAMA. 308(18):1871–80. https://
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
d o i . o r g / 10 .10 0 1/ j a m a . 2 0 12 .14 6 41
HR (95% CI)
including in a recent meta-analysis, in the intestinal lumen. In addition, Vitamins and minerals
possibly through increases in levels intraluminal calcium binds to the Vitamin D
of insulin-like growth factor 1 [11]. calcium-sensing receptor, a cell
Whether this association is attribu- surface receptor that is expressed The potential role of vitamin D in
table to the calcium in dairy products on colonocytes and increases ex- lowering risk of cancer, particularly
is unclear on the basis of the existing pression of E-cadherin, p21, and of colorectal cancer, is of great in-
evidence. p27, which have anticancer effects. terest. An international consortium
WCRF/AICR categorized as The lower risk of colorectal cancer of 21 prospective cohorts (stud-
probable the evidence that higher appears to be related specifically ies of breast cancer and colorectal
intake of calcium and dairy prod- to calcium intake, because intakes cancer) reported that higher pre-di-
ucts decreases risk of colorectal of supplemental calcium and non- agnostic levels of circulating 25-hy-
cancer [1]. Calcium binds to po- dairy dietary sources of calcium are droxyvitamin D (25(OH)D), the ac-
tentially toxic secondary bile acids also related to lower risk [12]. cepted measure of vitamin D status,
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
were associated with lower risk of those with deficient 25(OH)D con- risk [13]. Mendelian randomization
colorectal cancer [13]. Compared centrations (< 30 nmol/L) had a 31% using four single-nucleotide poly-
with men and women with suffi- higher risk of colorectal cancer, morphisms associated with vitamin
cient 25(OH)D concentrations (50– whereas those with concentrations D to predict a 25 nmol/L increase in
< 62.5 nanomoles per litre [nmol/L]), of 75–100 nmol/L had a 22% lower 25(OH)D concentrations in relation
Cancer survivors
In recent decades, because of in- a lower risk of mortality from out- disease-free survival. Consuming
creases in the size of the popula- comes other than breast cancer, five or more servings per day of
tion, ageing of the population, and such as death from cardiovascular vegetables and fruits and choosing
enhanced use of screening tech- disease [1]. whole grains over refined grains
niques, the number of cancer sur- Emerging evidence suggests were associated with a 35–40%
vivors has skyrocketed. The role of potential benefits for cancer-spe- lower mortality [2].
dietary factors in the prognosis of cific mortality. A recent study of Among men with prostate can-
cancer is just beginning to be stud- stage III colon cancer examined cer, replacing animal fat or car-
ied. The specific role of diet is likely adherence to the American Cancer bohydrates with vegetable fat in
to differ by cancer type. Society guidelines on nutrition and the post-diagnostic period was
For cancer types with high physical activity, which include associated with a reduced risk of
long-term survival rates (e.g. ear- maintaining a healthy body weight, all-cause mortality and possibly
ly-stage colorectal, breast, and being physically active, and eating prostate cancer-specific mortality
prostate cancer), deaths from a diet that includes ample amounts [3]. Fig. B2.6.2 illustrates the as-
other chronic diseases, such as of vegetables, fruits, and whole sociation of higher intake of veg-
cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, grains, in relation to survival over a etable fat (replacing animal fat and
and second cancers, exceed those median follow-up period of 7 years, trans fat) with prostate cancer-spe-
from the cancer itself. Therefore, during which the majority of deaths cific and all-cause mortality among
general dietary guidelines for over- were cancer-related. Compared prostate cancer survivors [3].
all health (including cancer pre- with those who did not adhere to
vention) are likely to be most ben- the guidelines, those who adhered References
eficial for the patient. For example, to the combined guidelines had a 1. George SM, Ballard-Barbash R, Shikany
breast cancer survivors who fol- 42% lower risk of death during the JM, Caan BJ, Freudenheim JL, Kroenke
CH, et al. (2014). Better postdiagnosis
low healthy dietary patterns have study period and a 31% improved
diet quality is associated with reduced
risk of death among postmenopausal
women with invasive breast cancer in
Fig. B2.6.2. Relationship of higher intake of vegetable fat with prostate cancer- the Women’s Health Initiative. Cancer
specific and overall survival among 4577 men with prostate cancer. Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 23(4):575–
EPI-13-1162 PMID:24493629
Prostate-cancer specific mortality
2. Van Blarigan EL, Fuchs CS, Niedzwiecki
P trend=.06
D, Zhang S, Saltz LB, Mayer RJ, et al.
(2018). Association of survival with ad-
herence to the American Cancer Society
Relative Risk
1. Richman EL, Kenfield SA, Chavarro JE, Stampfer MJ, Giovannucci EL,
Willett WC, Chan M: Fat intake after diagnosis and risk of lethal
prostate cancer and all-cause mortality Chapter 2.6 • Diet and nutrition 95
JAMA Intern Med 2013, 173:1318-1326.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
to colorectal cancer risk was non- enhance carcinogenesis in rapidly high doses have mostly shown no
significant (relative risk, 0.92; 95% growing tumours that are reliant on benefit, and some have shown the
confidence interval, 0.76–1.10) [14] DNA synthesis. potential for harm [1] (see Chapter
but overlapped with (and was con- Epidemiological data have tend- 6.4). In contrast, multivitamin trials
sistent with) estimates from the ed to support that higher folate in- of multiple nutrients at recommend-
consortium (relative risk, 0.87; 95% take is associated with a lower risk ed dietary amounts have not shown
confidence interval, 0.82–0.92 per of colorectal cancer [16]. An analy- harm, and some have shown ben-
25 nmol/L increase). In contrast, sis examining timing of folate intake efit in men [19]. Currently, cancer
preliminary findings from the same in relation to risk found a protective organizations recommend against
pooling project showed no asso- association, but only after a latency taking supplements for cancer pre-
ciation of pre-diagnostic 25(OH) period of at least 12–16 years [16]. vention, and recommend obtaining
D levels with risk of breast cancer Despite proven benefits of folic acid nutrients from food whenever pos-
across a wide range of concentra- supplementation on incidence of sible [1,20].
tions (< 20 nmol/L to > 125 nmol/L) neural tube defects and strokes, fol-
(unpublished data). Although ran- ic acid fortification efforts have been Processed foods
domized trials would be desirable to hindered in some countries because Processing modifies food from
confirm a protective effect of taking of concerns of higher cancer risk. its natural state for safety, conve-
vitamin D for prevention of colorectal Yet, reassuringly, no evidence of an nience, palatability, or taste [21].
cancer, supplementation trials usu- increased risk of colorectal cancer However, the term “processed
ally cannot achieve this wide range or other cancer types was observed foods” reflects a wide range of al-
of 25(OH)D levels, and tend to in- in an analysis of individual partici- terations, from washing, cutting,
clude smaller numbers of cases fol- pant data of 50 000 subjects from all and freezing fresh produce to form-
lowed up for limited time periods. placebo-controlled trials of folic acid ing new products that do not exist
Vitamin D can be obtained by for prevention of cardiovascular dis- in nature, such as sugar-sweetened
exposure to sunlight or consump- ease or colorectal adenoma, with a beverages, chicken nuggets, and
tion of fatty fish, fortified foods, mean follow-up of 5.5 years [17], or cheese puffs, items termed ultra-
and supplements [15]. However, in a study of time trends and colo- processed foods [22] or highly pro-
excessive exposure to ultraviolet rectal cancer incidence and death cessed foods [23]. Moreover, fast
radiation is a strong risk factor for rates in the USA [18]. foods are readily available conve-
skin cancer (see Chapter 5.8) and nience foods that tend to have a
should therefore be limited. Vitamin Vitamin supplementation high energy density and be seduc-
D intakes above 4000 international Cancer prevention trials of vitamin tively flavoured, affordable, easy
units per day are not recommend- and/or mineral supplementation at to access, aggressively marketed,
ed, because of potential adverse ef-
fects [15]. People at risk of vitamin
D inadequacy include those living Fig. 2.6.1. Women eating together in Chhattisgarh, India. In many countries, the
at high latitudes or in areas without proportion of highly processed foods consumed has risen markedly as large numbers
vitamin D fortification, the elderly, of people move from rural to urban areas, often with a transition from traditional diets
obese individuals, those with dark to global industrial diets.
skin, and those who cover most of
their skin for cultural, religious, or
other reasons.
Folate, which is found primarily
in plant foods and is added to the
food supply in certain countries as
folic acid, is essential as a carrier
of single-carbon units; as such, it
is critical for DNA methylation and
DNA biosynthesis and repair. It
has been proposed that folate has
a dual role in cancer, particularly
colorectal cancer. Folate deficien-
cy, particularly early in carcinogen-
esis, may increase risk, whereas at
a late stage, excess folate (particu-
larly in the form of folic acid) may
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
and consumed in large portions. Fig. 2.6.2. Traditional diets, such as those in India (left), tend to be rich in whole
Both fast foods and sugar-sweet- grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. In contrast, dietary patterns typical of industrialized
ened beverages are considered a countries, particularly in the context of fast foods (right), tend to be high in meat, refined
grains, fried potatoes, and sugar, and low in fruits and vegetables.
cause of weight gain, overweight,
and obesity [1]. Processed meats
and foods preserved by salting (e.g.
pickled vegetables and dried fish)
increase the risk of gastrointestinal
cancers [1,5].
In a large study in France, com-
pared with men and women with
less than 12% of energy intake
from ultra-processed foods, those
with more than 25% of energy in-
take from ultra-processed foods
had a 23% higher risk of any can-
cer, a 23% higher risk of colorec-
tal cancer, and a 38% higher risk
of postmenopausal breast cancer
[22]. Although it is unknown which
aspects may be related to cancer
risk, possible factors include ex-
cess sugar and energy, low dietary studies [25,26]. Such diets tend to was due to the Mediterranean diet,
fibre and micronutrients, added pre- be rich in whole grains, fruits, veg- the olive oil intervention, or chance,
servatives and other ingredients, etables, nuts, and unsaturated fats given the small number of breast
carcinogens formed during pro- (e.g. monounsaturated and/or poly- cancer cases (n = 35).
cessing, and/or lifestyle correlates unsaturated fat) and contain lower
of highly processed foods, such as amounts of processed meat, red
sedentary behaviours. Coffee
meat, sugar, and saturated and/
Over the past century, the global or trans fats [25,26]. In contrast, Studies conducted in the 1970s
food system has shifted dramatical- a dietary pattern typical of indus- concluded that coffee consumption
ly from that of consumption of local trialized countries, high in meat, may increase risk of cancer, par-
staple foods and home cooking to refined grains, fried potatoes, and ticularly of bladder cancer and pan-
increasing intake of ready-to-con- sugar and low in fruits and vegeta- creatic cancer. It is now thought that
sume, processed, and packaged bles, is associated with increased these early retrospective case–
foods, available globally. In 2012, risk of colorectal cancer [27]. The control studies had been largely
highly processed foods comprised Alternate Healthy Eating Index rep- confounded by tobacco use among
about 60% of per capita daily ener- resents an overall healthy dietary coffee drinkers or other sources of
gy consumption in North America, pattern (see “Distribution of global bias. More recent research sug-
and this percentage has remained diet quality”). gests that coffee consumption may
stable since 2000 [23], whereas In the Prevención con Dieta lower the risk of liver cancer and
the proportion of food intake made Mediterránea (PREDIMED) trial in endometrial cancer [1], and possi-
up of highly processed foods has Spain [28], women were assigned bly other cancer types [29,30].
risen markedly since 2000 in sev- to follow a Mediterranean diet sup- In a pooling project of nine co-
eral countries that are undergoing plemented with either extra virgin horts in the USA including more
a transition from traditional diets to olive oil or nuts, or were advised than 1 million people, compared
global industrial diets [23,24]. to follow a low-fat diet (control with not drinking coffee, drinking
group). Compared with controls, a 3 cups of coffee per day was as-
Dietary patterns 68% lower risk of invasive breast sociated with a 27% lower risk
The study of overall dietary pat- cancer was seen in women on the of hepatocellular carcinoma [31].
terns and cancer risk has grown Mediterranean diet supplemented Biologically active compounds in
markedly in recent decades. Diet with olive oil, and a non-significant coffee, including chlorogenic acid,
scores reflecting greater concor- 41% lower risk was seen in the kahweol, and N-methylpyridinium,
dance with hypothesized healthy group on the Mediterranean diet have been found to induce apopto-
eating patterns, and with traditional supplemented with nuts [28]. It is sis, improve insulin sensitivity, and
and regional dietary patterns, are unclear whether the lower risk of inhibit inflammation and angiogen-
associated with lower cancer risk breast cancer among women in the esis, among other potential antican-
and mortality in many prospective arm with olive oil supplementation cer mechanisms [32].
Diet has many components that plant-sourced proteins, fruits, and and some parts of Africa and
ultimately need to be combined vegetables. Europe in part reflect low intakes
in an overall eating pattern. The high scores in some of fruits and vegetables and high in-
Fig. B2.6.3 shows the global dis- Mediterranean countries are con- takes of red meat, processed meat,
tribution of scores in 2017 for the sistent with the well-documented sugars, and refined grains; in some
Alternate Healthy Eating Index health benefits of the traditional of these countries, intake of indus-
[1], a measure of diet quality that diets of this region, although the trial trans fat remains high.
has predicted lower risks of weight region has generally experienced Although scores vary widely
gain and major chronic disease in declines in dietary quality over across the globe, even those
many populations. Higher scores time. The relatively high scores of countries with the highest scores
are given to lower amounts of red countries in some parts of Africa re-
(60–65) have considerable room
meat, sugar-sweetened bever- flect the positive aspects of many
for improvement, because the ideal
ages, salt, and trans fat, and traditional diets and are consistent
diet would score 100. Many coun-
higher amounts of fruits, vegeta- with low rates of chronic disease.
tries lacked current representative
bles, whole grains, nuts and le- However, in many of these same
dietary surveys, requiring imputa-
gumes, omega-3 fatty acids, and areas childhood mortality remains
tion of national food intakes and
omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty ac- high, in part because of inadequate
ids (alcohol is not included). food availability and unmet nutrition emphasizing the need for improved
Countries in the Mediterranean needs of growing children. These dietary surveillance.
region, South-East Asia (e.g. Viet countries are undergoing rapid eco-
Nam), the Caribbean, and some nomic and nutrition transitions, and
parts of Africa tend to have rela- it will be important to retain healthful 1. Wang DD, Li Y, Afshin A, Springmann M,
Mozaffarian D, Stampfer MJ, et al. (2019).
tively high scores, as do Brazil, aspects of traditional diets, because Global improvement in dietary quality
the Islamic Republic of Iran, and these are often lost with growing af- could lead to substantial reduction in
Japan. These scores reflect rela- fluence and the industrialization of premature death. J Nutr. 149(6):1065–74.
tively low consumption of red meat, food systems. The low scores for h t t p s : / / d o i . o r g / 10 .10 9 3 / j n / n x z 0 10
sugar-sweetened beverages, and Afghanistan, Argentina, Finland,
trans fat, and higher intakes of Mongolia, Pakistan, Turkmenistan,
Fig. B2.6.3. Geographical distribution of scores for the Alternate Healthy Eating Index (AHEI) in men and women aged 25
years and older in 190 countries or territories in 2017. The AHEI scores range from 0 (worst) to 100 (best). White areas
indicate that dietary data were not available.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Mechanisms the literature for each risk factor and cluded that 9.2% of cancer cases
cancer, and estimating a population are attributable to diet [34]. The
Many pathways are thought to un-
prevalence of each risk factor from higher estimate is mostly a result
derlie a role of diet in carcinogen-
the available data. Then, the percent- of a greater weight given to intake
esis, including those involved in
age of cases of the cancer that are of fruits and vegetables, for which
cell-cycle regulation, growth factors
accounted for by that factor can be the estimates have trended down-
(e.g. insulin and insulin-like growth
estimated. As science evolves and wards in recent years.
factors), inflammation, immunity,
dietary exposures change, these fig- The range of estimates for
and angiogenesis. Potential, but
as yet unproven, effects of the mi- ures will be updated. population attributable fraction is
crobiome are currently a topic of For example, a recent analysis approximately 5–10%. These es-
great interest [33]. Contemporary from the American Cancer Society timates do not account for syner-
research on diet and cancer, using relied on findings from WCRF/ gies among dietary factors, or for
tumour molecular pathology and AICR to estimate the total numbers the important indirect effect of diet
–omics research, including genet- of cancer cases and deaths attribu on obesity. Also, these estimates
ics (see Chapter 3.2), metabo- table to diet (independent of obesi- do not account for errors in mea-
lomics (see Chapter 3.7), and the ty) in the USA [34]. The risk factors suring diet or the potential effect of
microbiome (see Chapter 3.10), will identified included consumption diet during childhood or early adult
continue to elucidate the role of diet of red meat, consumption of pro- life. Continued research on dietary
in cancer etiology. cessed meat, and low intake of assessment measures, uniform as-
fruits and vegetables, dietary fibre, sessment of dietary patterns, and
and dietary calcium. These factors contemporary dietary exposures,
Population attributable were estimated to account for ap- as well as large harmonized pooled
fractions proximately 5.1% of cancer deaths analyses, randomized trials (where
Estimating the population attributable in the USA. The largest proportion feasible), and research across the
fraction for diet and cancer involves of these cancer deaths was from lifespan, will continue to contribute
identifying relevant dietary factors, colorectal cancer. A previous anal- information on the impact of diet on
deriving a relative risk estimate from ysis for the United Kingdom con- cancer risk.
1. WCRF/AICR (2018). Diet, nutrition, physi- 4. Singh RK, Chang HW, Yan D, Lee KM, 7. Martin LJ, Li Q, Melnichouk O, Greenberg
cal activity and cancer: a global perspec- Ucmak D, Wong K, et al. (2017). Influence C, Minkin S, Hislop G, et al. (2011). A ran-
tive. Continuous Update Project Expert of diet on the gut microbiome and impli- domized trial of dietary intervention for
Report 2018. World Cancer Research cations for human health. J Transl Med. breast cancer prevention. Cancer Res.
Fund/American Institute for Cancer 15(1):73. 71(1):123–33.
Research. Available from: https://www. 017-1175-y PMID:28388917 5472.CAN-10-1436 PMID:21199800
5. Bouvard V, Loomis D, Guyton KZ, Grosse 8. Prentice RL, Caan B, Chlebowski RT,
2. Eliassen AH, Liao X, Rosner B, Tamimi Y, Ghissassi FE, Benbrahim-Tallaa L, et Patterson R, Kuller LH, Ockene JK, et al.
RM, Tworoger SS, Hankinson SE (2015). al.; International Agency for Research (2006). Low-fat dietary pattern and risk of
Plasma carotenoids and risk of breast can- on Cancer Monograph Working Group invasive breast cancer: the Women’s Health
cer over 20 y of follow-up. Am J Clin Nutr. (2015). Carcinogenicity of consumption of Initiative Randomized Controlled Dietary
101(6):1197–205. red and processed meat. Lancet Oncol. Modification Trial. JAMA. 295(6):629–42.
ajcn.114.105080 PMID:25877493 16(16):1599–600.
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3. Bakker MF, Peeters PH, Klaasen VM,
Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Jansen EH, Ros 6. Smith-Warner SA, Spiegelman D, Adami 9. Tobias DK, Chen M, Manson JE, Ludwig
MM, et al. (2016). Plasma carotenoids, HO, Beeson WL, van den Brandt PA, DS, Willett W, Hu FB (2015). Effect of
vitamin C, tocopherols, and retinol and Folsom AR, et al. (2001). Types of dietary low-fat diet interventions versus other
the risk of breast cancer in the European fat and breast cancer: a pooled analysis diet interventions on long-term weight
Prospective Investigation into Cancer of cohort studies. Int J Cancer. 92(5): change in adults: a systematic review
and Nutrition cohort. Am J Clin Nutr. 767–74. and meta-analysis. Lancet Diabetes
103(2):454–64. (20010601)92:5<767::AID-IJC1247>3.0. Endocrinol. 3(12):968–79. https://doi.
ajcn.114.101659 PMID:26791185 CO;2-0 PMID:11340585 org /10.1016/S2 213 - 8 5 87(15) 0 03 67- 8
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Christine M. Friedenreich Steven C. Moore (reviewer)
Michael Leitzmann Leandro Fórnias Machado de Rezende (reviewer)
site (see Chapter 5.1). The evidence women for cancers of the colon
is classified as limited for a protec- and kidney, and there is limited
tive effect of physical activity against evidence that effect modification FUNDAMENTALS
cancers of the ovary, pancreas, by sex may exist for other cancers,
■■ Research on the association
prostate, and mouth, pharynx, and such as those of the bladder, gas-
larynx. There is limited evidence of tric cardia, lung, oesophagus, and between physical activity and
no effect of physical activity on risk pancreas. There is insufficient evi- cancer risk began to emerge
of cancers of the thyroid and rectum. dence to determine whether the as- in the mid to late 1980s; early
The magnitude of the risk re- sociation between physical activity studies focused on athletes
duction is approximately 10–20% and cancer incidence varies by age and their risk of cancer over a
for most of these cancer sites, with or socioeconomic status, and some lifetime, as determined through
stronger reductions of about 25% limited information suggests that long-term follow-up.
for lung cancer, when the highest the benefits of physical activity ap-
■■ During the past 30–40 years,
versus the lowest levels of physi- pear to be equal for all racial and
cal activity are compared. There is ethnic groups. more than 450 observational
evidence for a dose–response rela- There are several hypothesized epidemiological studies have
tionship between increasing levels biological mechanisms involved in been published that have
of physical activity and decreasing the association between physical examined some aspect of
cancer risk. However, the methods activity and cancer risk, including an physical activity – however
used to measure and categorize effect on adiposity, endogenous sex that is defined – and the risk of
physical activity have been incon- and metabolic hormones, chronic developing cancer.
sistent across studies. Therefore, it inflammation, oxidative stress, and
is currently impossible to determine ■■ In the past 10–15 years,
genomic instability [4]. Randomized
the exact levels of physical activity controlled trials have been inves- there has been a focus on
that are needed to provide benefits tigating how these mechanisms how sedentary behaviour,
in reduced cancer incidence for any are changed with year-long exer- independent of physical activity,
particular cancer site. cise interventions and have dem- is associated with cancer risk,
Currently, limited information is onstrated direct effects on several and evidence is now emerging
available on how the association mechanisms (see “Randomized ex- on these associations for a few
between physical activity and can- ercise intervention trials of biologi- cancer sites.
cer varies by cancer subtype. There cal mechanisms between physical
is evidence that physical activity activity and cancer risk”). Not only ■■ Some randomized controlled
is equally beneficial for men and were these trials able to demonstrate trials of exercise interventions
have been conducted to
investigate how physical
Fig. 2.7.1. Potential biological mechanisms linking increased physical activity and activity influences several
decreased sedentary behaviour to reduced risk of cancer. (Inter-relationships between hypothesized biological
mechanisms are not shown.) CRP, C-reactive protein; IGF-1, insulin-like growth factor mechanisms involved in
1; IGFBP, insulin-like growth factor-binding protein; IL-6, interleukin 6; SHBG, sex
the association between
hormone-binding globulin; TNF-α, tumour necrosis factor α.
physical activity and cancer
risk, and these studies are
demonstrating an impact on
adiposity, endogenous sex
hormones, metabolic factors,
insulin resistance, and chronic
■■ Research on the association
between obesity and cancer
risk has accumulated over
the past 40 years, and there
is now strong evidence for an
association between obesity
and increased risk for several
cancer sites.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Randomized controlled trials of represents the widely recommend- Taken together, these trials
exercise interventions [1–3] have ed level of physical activity for gen- have provided some evidence that
been conducted using healthy eral health that is often prescribed regular aerobic activity at a mod-
populations to address the ques- by public health agencies world- erate to vigorous intensity level for
tion of how aerobic exercise influ- wide. The high-volume arm was at least 150 minutes per week has
ences biomarkers hypothesized chosen because larger volumes of beneficial effects on biomarkers
to be associated with cancer risk, activity may provide more benefit associated with cancer risk.
with the main focus on breast can- for cancer prevention.
cer and colon cancer. These year- In BETA, participants in the References
long randomized controlled trials high-volume arm had statistically
1. Friedenreich CM, Woolcott CG,
have demonstrated that increased significantly greater decreases McTiernan A, Terry T, Brant R, Ballard-
levels of aerobic activity do de- in adiposity compared with the Barbash R, et al. (2011). Adiposity
crease the levels of endogenous moderate-volume arm for all mea- changes after a 1-year aerobic exercise
sex hormones, insulin, glucose, sures of body fat that were taken intervention among postmenopaus-
al women: a randomized controlled
insulin resistance as assessed by [4]. For the remaining biomark-
trial. Int J Obes (Lond). 35(3):427–35.
homeostatic model assessment ers, there were similar decreases ht tps:// 2010.147
of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), in both arms of the trial, but there PMID:20820172
inflammatory markers, and sev- was evidence for greater de-
2. Irwin ML, Yasui Y, Ulrich CM, Bowen
eral measures of body fat. The creases in insulin resistance and D, Rudolph RE, Schwartz RS, et al.
exercise interventions have used in inflammatory markers for those (2003). Effect of exercise on total and
varying volumes of aerobic activ- participants who had the highest intra-abdominal body fat in postmen-
ity, ranging from 150 minutes to exercise adherence and spent a opausal women: a randomized con-
300 minutes per week of a combi- greater amount of their prescribed trolled trial. JAMA. 289(3):323–30.
nation of supervised and unsuper- exercise in their heart rate zone,
vised activity. i.e. exercising at a higher intensity.
The most recent of these tri- These studies have focused 3. Monninkhof EM, Velthuis MJ, Peeters
als was the Breast Cancer and PH, Twisk JW, Schuit AJ (2009). Effect
on aerobic exercise, and there re-
of exercise on postmenopausal sex hor-
Exercise Trial in Alberta (BETA) mains a need to understand how mone levels and role of body fat: a ran-
[4], which specifically examined resistance exercise influences domized controlled trial. J Clin Oncol.
the question of the optimal dose of these biomarkers. Additional po- 27(27):4492–9.
activity needed for the most ben- tential pathways have been ex- JCO.2008.19.7459 PMID:19687339
eficial effect on these biomarkers. amined, with a focus on chronic 4. Friedenreich CM, Neilson HK, O’Reilly
In BETA, 400 healthy postmeno- stress, oxidative stress, genomic R, Duha A, Yasui Y, Morielli AR, et al.
pausal women were randomized instability as assessed by DNA (2015). Effects of a high vs moderate
to a year-long intervention of either methylation, and leukocyte telo- volume of aerobic exercise on adiposity
outcomes in postmenopausal women: a
150 minutes per week (moderate mere length. The evidence for a
randomized clinical trial. JAMA Oncol.
volume) or 300 minutes per week direct effect of aerobic exercise 1(6):766–76.
(high volume). The moderate-vol- on these additional pathways has jamaoncol.2015.2239 PMID:26181634
ume arm was selected because it been inconsistent to date.
the efficacy of the exercise interven- monly expressed in metabolic equiva- mended that this target for weekly
tions in increasing physical activity lents (METs); 1 MET is the amount of physical activity should be the
levels in the study participants, but energy expended at rest. Moderate minimum that is done for cancer
they also clearly found that these activity is defined as any activity of prevention [2]. Physical inactivity
interventions resulted in beneficial 3–6 METs, and vigorous activity is is defined as an activity level that
changes in these biological mecha- 6 or more METs. The most recent is insufficient to meet the current
nisms. Hence, biological plausibility WHO public health recommenda- recommendations [5].
for the association between physical tions for physical activity are to Globally, the prevalence of
activity and cancer risk exists from achieve 150 minutes per week of physical inactivity is high, with an
efficacy trials. moderate activity or 75 minutes estimated median prevalence of
In epidemiological studies, the per week of vigorous activity. The 24% (range, 4.1–65.0%) world-
intensity of physical activity is com- WCRF/AICR committee recom- wide [6]. Estimates of the median
Fig. 2.7.2. Sedentary behaviour in the household includes sitting while watching television. population attributable fractions for
physical inactivity for cancers of the
breast, colon, and endometrium
range from 12% to 19% worldwide,
and the highest estimates are more
than 25% [7]. Hence, the global
burden of cancer that could be pre-
vented by regular physical activity
is considerable (see Chapter 6.2).
Sedentary behaviour
Sedentary behaviour is defined as
“any waking behaviour character-
ized by an energy expenditure less
than or equal to 1.5 METs while in
a sitting or reclining posture” [8].
Sedentary behaviour comprises sit-
ting in the workplace, during leisure
time, while commuting, and in the
Prolonged sedentary behaviour Further progress in measurement behaviour in isolation, but activity
plays a potentially important role technology has recently enabled behaviours do not occur indepen-
in cancer etiology. Despite con- advanced activity monitoring that dently of one another. Rather, time
siderable research progress in this distinguishes between sitting, ly- spent in one behaviour ultimately
area over the past years, the epi- ing down, and standing. Integrating replaces time spent in another be-
demiology of sedentary behaviour this new generation of thigh-worn haviour. Therefore, sophisticated
and cancer is still in its infancy. sensors or combinations of sensor statistical approaches such as
Numerous uncertainties and limi- placements on the thigh and the isotemporal substitution modelling
tations persist [1], in part because hip or lower back into new and con- and compositional data analysis
of concerns that self-reported tinuing prospective epidemiological are required to appropriately handle
questionnaires and traditional ac- studies represents a major step for- the interdependent elements of dai-
celerometers measure sedentary ward in validly quantifying the vol- ly energy expenditure within the 24-
behaviour with too much error. ume and patterns of accumulation hour continuum to identify optimal
Early investigations used ques- of daily sedentary time. combinations of sitting, standing,
tionnaires, which proved useful for Ideally, such technology should light activity, moderate to vigorous
large-scale observational studies be combined with self-reports to activity, and sleep. The joint capac-
but may have introduced a cer- gather relevant information about ity of these approaches will help to
tain degree of measurement error the social and environmental con- further develop the epidemiological
due to reporting bias. Subsequent texts in which sedentary behaviour evidence base that is needed to ad-
investigations helped overcome takes place (e.g. location and pur- vance what is known about seden-
some of the limitations of self- pose). In addition, measurements tary behaviour and cancer.
report assessments by deploying should not be limited to a single time
objective measures of sedentary point – at study baseline – but should Reference
behaviour in epidemiological stud- be performed repeatedly during fol- 1. Schmid D, Jochem C, Leitzmann MF
ies. However, those studies mainly low-up to capture information about (2018). Limitations in sedentary behav-
used waist-worn accelerometers, changes in sedentary behaviour iour research and future research needs.
which are unable to determine pos- over time and to identify potential In: Leitzmann MF, Jochem C, Schmid D,
ture and thus produce output that time-sensitive effects of sedentary editors. Sedentary behaviour epidemi-
ology. Springer Series on Epidemiology
does not represent sedentary be- behaviour on cancer incidence. and Public Health. Springer International
haviour itself but rather lack of am- Also, most of the available Publishing; pp. 629–38.
bulatory movement. studies have examined sedentary 10.1007/978-3-319-61552-3_28
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
household. Examples of sedentary analysis reported that sedentary duced partly inconsistent findings.
behaviour include computer use, behaviour is related to an increased Nevertheless, several experimen-
television viewing, reading, and sit- risk of breast cancer [13]. There is tal studies have demonstrated that
ting while commuting by car, bus, insufficient evidence to determine interrupting prolonged bouts of sit-
train, and airplane. whether the relationship of seden- ting by standing or stepping has
Data on sedentary behaviour tary behaviour to cancer risk varies a beneficial impact on circulating
in relation to risk of cancer are according to age, sex, race and eth- levels of insulin and glucose [15],
far less abundant than those on nicity, or other factors. supporting a link between seden-
physical activity and cancer risk. Very little is known about wheth- tary behaviour and type 2 diabe-
However, a growing body of evi- er prolonged sedentary behaviour tes, which is itself a risk factor for
dence demonstrates that prolonged affects biological pathways of can- numerous cancer types.
sedentary behaviour is associated cer risk. One possible etiological Quantifying the global burden
with increased cancer risk, inde- mechanism involves obesity, which of cancer due to sedentary behav-
pendent of physical activity level. may contribute to cancer risk direct- iour is challenging, because global
Specifically, a meta-analysis of 14 ly, or indirectly through enhanced surveillance programmes for sed-
observational studies showed that circulating concentrations of sex entary behaviour have not yet been
high versus low levels of time spent and metabolic hormones and of adi- established. However, a study that
sitting are related to a 24% higher pokines, and chronic inflammation estimated the population attributa-
risk of cancer incidence after ad- (see Chapter 3.5). Time spent in sed- ble fractions for sitting-related over-
justment for physical activity [9]. entary behaviour typically replaces all mortality from all causes (not
Another meta-analysis of prospec- time spent in light-intensity activ- cancer mortality specifically) for 54
tive studies reported a 2% increase ity, which is associated with greater countries found that time spent sit-
in risk of cancer mortality for each energy expenditure. However, data ting accounted for 4% of mortality
additional hour per day of television showing that sedentary behaviour from all causes [16].
viewing when adjusted for physical leads to weight gain are inconsis- The volume and patterns of ac-
activity [10]. A recent meta-analysis tent, and the relationship of seden- cumulation of daily sedentary be-
showed that physical activity modi- tary behaviour to weight gain is po- haviour related to the risk of cancer
fies the relationship of sedentary tentially bidirectional [14]. have not been determined. In ad-
behaviour to cancer mortality: in- Studies examining prolonged dition, it remains unclear whether
creased risk associated with longer sedentary behaviour in relation there are specific periods across
time spent sitting was noted only to putative molecular markers of the life-course during which an in-
among individuals with low levels of cancer risk have been restricted dividual may be particularly sus-
physical activity, and no increased
to cross-sectional study designs ceptible to the adverse effects of
risk of cancer mortality with pro-
or small-scale interventions in se- prolonged sedentary behaviour. To
longed sedentary behaviour was
lected populations and have pro- date, there is inadequate evidence
noted in individuals with higher lev-
els of physical activity [11].
Like for the above-mentioned
Fig. 2.7.3. Most office work is characterized by prolonged sedentary time.
data on total cancer risk, epidemi-
ological evidence is sparse about
the relationship of sedentary be-
haviour to risk of cancer at individu-
al sites. The strongest evidence has
been reported for cancers of the
breast, colon, and endometrium.
Weaker evidence has been found
for lung cancer, a site for which as-
sociations are particularly prone to
confounding by smoking. A meta-
analysis of observational studies
reported that each increment of
2 hours per day in time spent sitting
was associated with an increase of
8% in risk of colon cancer, an in-
crease of 10% in risk of endometrial
cancer, and a borderline statistical-
ly significant increase of 6% in risk
of lung cancer [12]. Another meta-
Overweight and obesity are general-
ly assessed through various anthro-
pometric measures. In population
studies of cancer, the predominant
measures used are body mass index
(BMI), which is obtained by dividing
the body weight (in kilograms) by
the square of the height (in metres),
and waist circumference. There is
now considerable epidemiological
evidence supporting an association The associations between obesi- are observed in the never-smoker
between overweight and obesity ty and cancer risk differ within sub- category. Among ever users of hor-
and cancer risk (Table 2.7.1). This groups of the population: stronger mone replacement therapy, there
evidence has been systematically effects are observed for some can- are no associations between BMI
reviewed in dozens of meta-analy- cers for women than men, and for and postmenopausal breast cancer
ses based on hundreds of studies older versus younger populations. and ovarian cancer, and there is an
conducted worldwide, including by There is also some evidence that attenuated association with endo-
WCRF/AICR [2]. the effect of obesity on cancer risk metrial cancer. However, for nev-
There is currently convincing differs by race and ethnicity. For er-users of hormone replacement
evidence that being overweight or example, a stronger adverse effect therapy, there are clearly increased
obese in adulthood is associated of obesity on breast cancer risk risks associated with elevated BMI
with increased risks of cancers of the was found for women of Asian eth- for these three cancer sites [20].
postmenopausal breast, colorectum, nicity than for women of Hispanic, There are several plausible
endometrium, kidney, liver, oesopha- African, or non-Hispanic White an- biological mechanisms that could
gus, and pancreas, and probable cestry [19]. The observed ethnici- explain the association between
evidence for an association with can- ty-associated variation in cancer obesity and cancer risk. The main
cers of the gall bladder, gastric car- risk at similar levels of adiposity ones are an increase in endog-
dia, mouth, pharynx, larynx, ovary, is thought to be, in part, related to enous sex hormones (see Chapter
and prostate (advanced), and limited differences in distribution of body 3.6), insulin and insulin-like growth
suggestive evidence for an asso- fat. Larger waist circumference, factors, circulating adipokines,
ciation with cervical cancer [2]. For as a measure of central adiposity, and systemic inflammation [21].
breast cancer, being overweight or is now a recognized risk factor for WCRF/AICR reported that world-
obese as an adult before menopause several cancer sites independent wide in 2016, 1.97 billion adults and
decreases the risk of premenopausal of body size [2,18]. more than 338 million children and
breast cancer risk, but greater weight Other cancer risk factors are also adolescents were classified as over-
gain in adulthood increases the risk being recognized as important effect weight or obese [2]. Furthermore,
of postmenopausal breast cancer. modifiers of the association between the increase in the prevalence of
The IARC Handbooks volume obesity and cancer; the most impor- obesity is being observed in both
that reviewed the evidence on obe- tant ones are smoking (see Chapter high-income countries and low- and
sity and cancer in 2016 concluded 2.1) and use of hormone replace- middle-income countries, given the
that there was sufficient evidence ment therapy (see Chapter 2.11). increased industrialization and the
for an association between obesity Meta-analyses have generally dem- decrease in active occupations and
and 13 cancer sites, and included onstrated an inverse association be- active transport (e.g. walking and
thyroid cancer, multiple myeloma, tween obesity and smoking-related cycling) that have occurred glob-
and meningioma in this category cancers (e.g. lung cancer and oe- ally. Over the next two decades,
along with the sites previously listed sophageal cancer), which can be the largest proportional increase in
by WCRF/AICR [18]. explained by null associations that overweight and obesity is projected
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Table 2.7.1. Evidence on the relationships of physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and obesity to risk of cancer
Colorectum Strong evidence for decreased risk Limited evidence for increased risk Strong evidence for increased risk
(colon) (colon)
Endometrium Strong evidence for decreased risk Limited evidence for increased risk Strong evidence for increased risk
Breast (postmenopausal) Strong evidence for decreased risk Limited evidence for increased risk Strong evidence for increased risk
Breast (premenopausal) Strong evidence for decreased risk Limited evidence for increased risk
Oesophageal adenocarcinoma Strong evidence for decreased risk Strong evidence for increased risk
Kidney Strong evidence for decreased risk Strong evidence for increased risk
Gastric cardia Strong evidence for decreased risk Strong evidence for increased risk
Lung Limited evidence for decreased risk Limited evidence for increased risk
Prostate Limited evidence for decreased risk Strong evidence for increased risk
Ovary Limited evidence for decreased risk Strong evidence for increased risk
Pancreas Limited evidence for decreased risk Strong evidence for increased risk
to occur in low- and middle-income population attributable fractions are the food environment, food systems,
countries [22]. Countries that are generally similar for men and wom- and the built environment. WCRF/
undergoing an economic transition en, although variations by sex do AICR has provided some recommen-
are particularly relevant to investi- occur, depending on the prevalence dations on how these policy changes
gate, because the impact of rapid of obesity in those populations and can be made at a governmental and
weight gain on cancer risk can be the risks associated with obesity for societal level [2].
evaluated. These trends in the prev- specific cancer sites. At a global lev- The recommendations of the
alence rates of obesity are expect- el, obesity is ranked the third most WCRF/AICR report [2] for healthy
ed to result in a substantial increase important risk factor for cancer, with weight are to keep weight within
in cancer incidence worldwide. respect to attributable fractions, af- the healthy range of BMI for adults,
Globally, the median fraction of ter smoking and infections [20]. which is 18.5–24.9 kg/m2, and to
cancers that are attributable to over- The determinants of overweight avoid weight gain in adult life. To
weight and obesity, as measured by and obesity are complex and mul- achieve this overall recommenda-
BMI, has recently been estimated tifactorial, and it is now increasingly tion, three goals were provided:
to range from less than 1% to 9.5%, recognized that a multilevel approach (i) to ensure that body weight dur-
depending on the cancer site and is necessary to decrease the preva- ing childhood and adolescence pro-
the country [23]. The highest frac- lence of obesity globally. Several ini- jects towards the lower end of the
tions are found in North America, tiatives are needed that target behav- healthy adult BMI range; (ii) to keep
the Middle East, and Europe, and iour change not only at the individual weight as low as possible within the
lower fractions are observed in sub- level but also at the societal level. healthy range throughout life; and
Saharan Africa and Asia, which Policies are required that enable (iii) to avoid weight gain, measured
corresponds to the prevalence of populations to achieve and maintain as body weight or waist circumfer-
obesity in those regions. These a healthy weight and that consider ence, throughout adulthood.
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Dietary carcinogens
A continuing concern in various contexts
Koraljka Gall Trošelj (reviewer)
J. David Miller (reviewer)
Fig. 2.8.1. Harvested groundnuts lying on the ground are susceptible to fungal and
mould growth and hence, among other things, aflatoxin contamination.
■■ For nearly 50 years, naturally
occurring, cooking-derived,
and complex constituents of
the diet have been determined
to be risk factors for a wide
variety of cancer types
occurring at different organ
sites in humans.
■■ Assessing dietary exposures
and their roles in the
development of cancer in
humans has been a daunting
task, because exposure
assessment has proven to be
challenging. The development
of chemically specific and
mechanistically justified
biomarkers has been shown
to be very important in the
of action based on single com- Naturally occurring identification of several potent
pounds and animal models that use dietary carcinogens human carcinogens that
balanced nutrition and growth man- contaminate dietary staples.
The potency of various naturally
agement. Over the past 30 years,
occurring dietary carcinogens has ■■ The translation of basic
the average energy intake has been
spurred many investigations, be- science and mechanistic
rising rapidly in many economically
cause these contaminants pose studies has proven to be
developing countries. This trend is
a hazard across the lifespan. essential for the development
dramatically changing the physiol-
Examples of this category of agents of risk models from dietary
ogy, across the lifespan, of people
are aflatoxin, aristolochic acid, and exposures.
who are chronically exposed to di-
etary carcinogenic agents. For ex- fumonisins. These chemicals have ■■ Knowledge gleaned from
ample, by 2020 400 million people in common the range of expo- epidemiological studies of
across all continents will have been sures from major staple grains and dietary exposures has been
diagnosed with type 2 diabetes [5]. foodstuffs consumed worldwide. successfully used in cancer
This disease will contribute to an Therefore, prevention strategies prevention, particularly with
increase in the incidence of liver will have to include source mitiga- respect to aflatoxin and liver
cancer (see Chapter 5.6) and is a tion, primary and secondary pre- cancer development.
sentinel for chronic disease result- vention, and appropriate regulatory
levels in commerce and trade. ■■ The most challenging problem
ing from the obesity pandemic. in the analysis of dietary
From a regulatory and policy carcinogens as risk factors
perspective, the current experi-
remains the difficulty involved
mental models do not necessarily Since the early 1970s, aflatoxin
in exposure assessment,
provide the data to judge whether has been repeatedly examined
particularly across the lifespan.
carcinogenic risk from specific di- as a human carcinogen, eventu-
etary carcinogens will be potenti- ally resulting in its classification as
ated or antagonized by chronic carcinogenic to humans (Group 1)
diseases such as type 2 diabetes. in Monographs Volume 56 [6].
Fortunately, when specific carcino- Recently, an IARC Working Group which is important in liver cancer
gens or risk factors are identified, Report summarized exposures and development in Africa and Asia [8].
prevention can be successfully im- health consequences from afla- More recently, as a result of the
plemented. The targeted prevention toxin in low- and middle-income availability of aflatoxin-specific bio-
programmes that have reduced the countries [7]. Classic investigations markers, new investigations have
burden of lung cancer by decreas- have documented the greater-than- been conducted to explore expo-
ing the use of tobacco are a model multiplicative interaction between sures in populations that consume
for the future. aflatoxin and hepatitis B virus, very high levels of maize and maize
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
products. Some populations, par- the universal vaccination of new- carcinogen are herbal medicines
ticularly those in Central America, born babies against hepatitis B vi- that have been demonstrated to
consume up to 500 grams of maize rus. Median levels of the aflatoxin be contaminated with this group
per day, and even low concentra- biomarker decreased by more than of compounds.
tions of aflatoxin in this food source 95% from 1989 to 2009. A popula- During the past 25 years, suf-
can lead to substantial exposures tion attributable benefit of 65% for ficient evidence has accrued for
on a daily basis. reduced liver cancer mortality was aristolochic acid to be classified as
A study in Guatemala that estimated from a government-facil- carcinogenic to humans (Group 1),
used the aflatoxin-specific serum itated switch of dietary staple from as summarized in Monographs
albumin biomarkers found levels maize to rice [12]. Thus, economic Volume 100A [15]. The specific
comparable to those detected dur- growth is leading to market basket mutational signature found in the
ing the 1980s in high-risk coun- diversity, which will help to reduce TP53 tumour suppressor gene that
tries in Africa and Asia [9,10]. exposure to aflatoxin from a single is a result of aristolochic acid–ad-
Remarkably, Guatemala has the source that is susceptible to high enine adducts has formed a basis
highest liver cancer incidence rate levels of contamination. for biomarkers to explore this car-
in the Western Hemisphere [11], cinogen as a risk factor in many
but preliminary studies have found Aristolochic acid populations [14].
low levels of hepatitis B virus and A coalescence of epidemiological A recent population-based
hepatitis C virus infection. Thus, the research – focused on the etiology case–control study involving near-
availability of sensitive and specific of Balkan endemic nephropathy, ly 6000 cases and about 23 000
biomarkers is expanding the under- an investigation of rare urothelial controls investigated the linkage
standing of at-risk populations and cancers in people who participated between history of prescription of
communities in previously underin- in certain weight-reduction inter- medicines containing Aristolochia,
vestigated regions of the world. ventions, and a unique mutational cumulative consumption of aris-
In eastern China, the availabili- signature in TP53 in tumours – led tolochic acid, and renal cell carcino-
ty of serum samples collected over to the discovery of the role of aris- ma in Taiwan, China. The presence
a 20-year period has enabled the tolochic acids in human cancer and level of mutagenic aristolochic
measurement of changing aflatoxin [13,14]. Aristolochic acid emerged acid-derived DNA adducts were
exposure patterns by using the bio- as a dietary carcinogen as a re- determined. Cumulative ingestion
sult of inadvertent contamination of more than 250 milligrams of aris-
marker strategy described above.
of staple grains as they grow in the tolochic acid increased the risk of
The population-based cancer regis-
field, because Aristolochia plants renal cell carcinoma, with an odds
try in Qidong, China, documented a
ratio of 1.25. Furthermore, the dis-
reduction of more than 50% in mor- encroach on the fields. During har-
tinctive mutational signature de-
tality rates from primary liver cancer vest, the Aristolochia plant is har-
scribed above was evident in 6 of
across birth cohorts from the 1960s vested together with the foodstuff
10 sequenced renal cell carcinoma
to the 1980s for people younger (such as wheat). Other widespread
exomes [16]. This study and others
than 35 years; all were born before sources of human exposure to this
provide strong evidence implicat-
ing aristolochic acid in a significant
fraction of renal cell carcinoma
Fig. 2.8.2. An Aristolochia plant. These plants encroach on fields where staple grains
in Taiwan, China, and thus aris-
are growing, and hence cause contamination of the grains during harvesting.
tolochic acid may contribute more
broadly to this cancer type in many
other settings.
The initial reports implicating fu-
monisins in human cancer were in
association with high rates of oe-
sophageal cancer in residents of
Transkei, South Africa, in 1988 [8].
Mechanistically, fumonisin causes
toxic effects through inhibition of
ceramide synthase, an enzyme
needed for sphingolipid metabolism.
Elevated levels of fumonisin
in animal feed cause diseases
such as leukoencephalomalacia
Fig. 2.8.3. Maize contaminated with fu- This evaluation reviewed numerous multiple chronic diseases contribut-
monisin. Studies have supported a role cohort, case–control, and other ing to the development of cancers.
for fumonisins in the development of a observational studies across many It is clear that consumption of
variety of human cancer types.
different populations. Consumption red meat and processed meat plays
of red meat was classified as a role in the development of cancers
probably carcinogenic to humans of the colorectum, pancreas, and
(Group 2A), and consumption of prostate. These findings suggest
processed meat was classified as opportunities for prevention, par-
carcinogenic to humans (Group 1). ticularly for colorectal cancer and
Similarly to other Monographs prostate cancer, for which screen-
evaluations that reviewed complex ing methods exist and for which
mixtures and culminated in the iden- the incidence is rising as countries
tification of carcinogenic hazards to transition to higher levels of eco-
humans, such as the evaluation of nomic development. Furthermore,
outdoor air pollution (Monographs because pancreatic cancer is a
Volume 109) [23], this evaluation major contributor to overall cancer
of red meat and processed meat mortality, these findings provide
transcends traditional compound- further justification for the develop-
by-compound approaches to haz- ment of biomarkers in early detec-
ard assessments. From a policy tion strategies for this cancer, which
and regulatory perspective, this is nearly always fatal [24,25].
has enormous implications for the Although it has been revealed
translation of these findings in both in numerous epidemiological in-
individual and population public vestigations that consumption of
health prevention. red meat and processed meat
Collectively, the findings in contributes to the development of
Monographs Volume 114 point to- cancer in humans, the proportion-
wards major lifestyle factors that ate roles of individual agents or
clearly underlie the development classes of chemical carcinogens in
in horses and pulmonary oedema, of many cancers that will be diag- these products remain unresolved.
reduced weight gain, and liver dam- nosed throughout the rest of this Since the early 1970s, N-nitroso
age in swine. Fumonisin has also century. Diets high in meat con- compounds have been evaluated
been shown to cause liver cancer sumption also have impacts on for their carcinogenic hazard to hu-
and kidney cancer in rats and liver the development of other chronic mans. Controversy has surrounded
cancer in mice, as summarized in diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, the role that nitrates and nitrites play
World Cancer Report 2014 [17]. further illustrating the complexity of in a balance between preservation
Collectively, studies in China and
South Africa have supported a role
for fumonisins in the development Fig. 2.8.4. Frankfurters and other processed meats. Numerous epidemiological
of a variety of human cancer types, investigations have revealed that consumption of processed meat contributes to the
development of cancer in humans.
and because of its widespread con-
tamination of maize, this agent may
also interact with other mycotoxins,
amplifying their effect in the initia-
tion of cancer [18,19].
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
of foods, bacteriological resis- to the formation of these chemical analytical strategies for eventual
tance, and general organolep- agents and the biological safety of translation to prevention and inter-
tic presentation, given that many the cooked product. This remains an ventions. The enormous variation
specific N-nitroso compounds are unresolved issue that needs to be on a day-to-day basis due to cook-
potent experimental carcinogens. addressed in future research. ing practices and sources of these
Biomarkers have been developed foods contributes to major uncer-
to attempt to evaluate internal and Future insights and tainty in exposure assessment for
biological effective dose from ex- strategies the compounds present or formed
posures to these agents. However, in different food components.
Over the past several decades,
many different chemical com- New technologies that use deep
there has been tremendous prog-
pounds form identical adducts, and sequencing methods may reveal
ress in the identification of single
this has confounded the ability to unique mutational signatures that
chemical carcinogens in the diet
obtain precise measurements of can be used as integrative metrics
that are associated with – and, in
exposure or dose. for cancer risk assessment be-
some cases, causally linked to –
Various compounds are chemi- the development of cancer in hu- fore a tumour diagnosis. Advances
cally formed during the cooking of mans. Recent findings have shown achieved with these new deep se-
red meat. These include acrylamide, that a reduction in exposure to afla- quencing technologies and their at-
many heterocyclic aromatic amines, toxin, as documented by biomarker tendant biostatistical approaches
and many different polycyclic aro- measurements, has produced a have shown mutational fingerprints
matic hydrocarbons. Each group reduction in the incidence of liver for specific carcinogens, such as
or class of these compounds has cancer in a high-risk population. aflatoxin and aristolochic acid, and
deleterious biological potency in ex- This reduction is similar in trajec- the patterns are also suggestive for
perimental models, and the hetero- tory over time to the decrease in oxidative damage [27,28]. Use of the
cyclic aromatic amines have been the risk of lung cancer seen in in- accumulated damage that survives
demonstrated to cause cancers of dividuals who quit tobacco smoking to a tumour diagnosis as a metric of
the breast, colon, and prostate in [26]. These data provide a roadmap the area under the curve for long-
experimental models. Collectively, for translation to other agents that term dosages of carcinogens is an
these agents represent intriguing have been identified as being po- exciting prospect for future work.
hypotheses for their contribution to tent human carcinogens. However, It will be a challenge to the cancer
the development of cancer in hu- recent analyses indicate that com- prevention community not only to
mans. Similarly to the issue with ni- plex dietary situations, such as that develop these analytical strategies
trates and nitrites, there is a balance found with red meat and processed but also to validate them in investi-
between the processes that lead meat, pose particularly challenging gations in human populations.
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Ivano Iavarone Kathryn Z. Guyton (reviewer)
Manolis Kogevinas Josiah Ochieng (reviewer)
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Table 2.9.1. Environmental pollutants evaluated in terms of carcinogenic hazard to humans, the main associated cancer sites or
types, and the level of evidence (IARC Monographs classification)
Indoor air pollution
Drinking-water contaminants
Endocrine disrupters
Food, cosmetics, and other productsc Breast, testis Specific Group 1 carcinogens (e.g.
dioxin) are endocrine disrupters
Tanning devices that emit ultraviolet radiation Cutaneous malignant melanoma, Group 1
ocular melanoma
Non-ionizing radiation
Fig. 2.9.1. Global map comparing concentrations of outdoor fine particulate matter (with particles of aerodynamic diameter less than
2.5 µm [PM2.5]) in 2017 with the WHO air quality guideline and Interim Target levels.
for outdoor PM2.5; 82% lived in ar- deaths worldwide, including those DALYs per 100 000 people in 2017
eas that exceeded Interim Target 3 from lung cancer [15]. (Fig. 2.9.2).
(15 µg/m3), 67% lived in areas that Ambient PM2.5 is the second It should be noted that the burden
exceeded Interim Target 2 (25 µg/m3), leading cause of lung cancer deaths of disease estimates for air pollution
and 54% lived in areas that exceeded (265 267 deaths and 5.9 million and lung cancer and other causes of
Interim Target 1 (35 µg/m3) (Fig. 2.9.1). DALYs globally), after smoking (see death have considerable uncertainty.
Among the world’s most populous This is because they are estimated
Chapter 2.1). The global burden of
countries, wide disparities exist in the by extrapolating the results of stud-
lung cancer deaths due to outdoor
changes in air quality from 1990 to ies in high-income countries with low
PM2.5 increased from 53 DALYs
2017. The largest improvements in PM2.5 concentrations to the high lev-
per 100 000 people in 1990 to 77 els of exposure measured in China
PM2.5 levels occurred in only a few
countries (Brazil, Japan, the Russian DALYs per 100 000 people in 2017; and other low- and middle-income
Federation, the USA, and countries in this increase was more rapid in Asia countries, using an integrated ex-
the European Union), whereas large and particularly in China, where the posure–response function for PM2.5.
percentages of the populations of burden increased from 75 DALYs This approach may underestimate
Bangladesh, China, India, Nigeria, per 100 000 people in 1990 to 220 the actual burden of lung cancer and
and Pakistan continue to live in ar-
eas with PM2.5 levels that still exceed
the less stringent WHO Interim Target Fig. 2.9.2. Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs, rate per 100 000 people) due to lung
cancer attributable to outdoor fine particulate matter (with particles of aerodynamic
1 (35 µg/m3).
diameter less than 2.5 µm [PM2.5]) in China, in Asia, and globally from 1990 to 2017,
Outdoor PM2.5 was the eighth for both sexes and all ages.
highest cause of death among the 84
risk factors in the Global Burden of
Disease Study 2017, responsible for
an overall burden of 2.9 million deaths
and 83.0 million DALYs. Large propor-
tions of the global burden of disease
due to outdoor PM2.5 occurred in
China (851 660 deaths and 19.8 mil-
lion DALYs) and India (673 129 deaths
and 21.3 million DALYs) [7].
More recent assessments of the
disease burden of outdoor PM2.5,
incorporating new evidence from
studies in countries with high levels
of pollution, produced much higher
estimates ranging up to 8.9 million
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
other causes of death in low- and is household air pollution caused by Although the global situation has
middle-income countries. Numerous the incomplete combustion of solid improved recently, in 2017 household
exposome studies have examined fuels for cooking and heating [19]. air pollution from the combustion of
personal measurements of air pol- Indoor emissions from the house- solid fuels still contributed to 1.6 mil-
lution using sensors or have used hold combustion of coal have been lion deaths (almost 3% of all deaths
other advanced models for ex- classified as carcinogenic to humans globally) and 59.5 million DALYs. Of
posure assessment in relation to (Group 1), and indoor emissions those deaths, almost one half (46%)
different –omics data, such as DNA from the household combustion of occurred in China and India, and
methylation, and provide new evi- biomass fuel are currently classified about one quarter (24%) occurred
dence on biological pathways that as- as probably carcinogenic to humans in sub-Saharan Africa – the parts of
sociate air pollution with disease [16]. (Group 2A) (Table 2.9.1). the world in which use of solid fuel is
New research on noncommuni- Trials that are currently under way most prevalent.
cable diseases has examined the have shown benefits from the use of Other important contributors
influence of urban environments in an advanced combustion cookstove to indoor air pollution, from non-
a wider perspective than examining that reduces indoor air pollutants and combustion sources, are radon and
only air pollution. Features of the thus the associated health effects, construction and building materials
built environment and green spaces including lung cancer [20]. (glues, formaldehyde, lead in paint or
have been associated with improve- Globally, the proportion of house- pipes, and asbestos). Second-hand
ments in various health outcomes, holds that rely on solid fuels for cook- tobacco smoke also contributes to
including psychological well-being, ing decreased from about 57% in indoor air pollution, and although
birth outcomes, cardiovascular dis- 2005 to 47% in 2017. Although this progress in combating tobacco smok-
eases, cancer, and overall mortality. proportion is decreasing in many ing has resulted in global declines,
Results from a large cohort study of countries, the number of people who the most recent estimates from the
women in the USA indicated that sur- are potentially exposed to household Global Burden of Disease Study
rounding greenness (vegetation) at air pollution may remain the same or 2017 showed that the burden of lung
the place of residence is associated even increase as populations con- cancer attributable to second-hand
with reduced cancer mortality [17]; tinue to grow. In 2017, the numbers tobacco smoke was still increasing:
this effect was mediated only to a and proportions of people exposed from 77 635 deaths and 1.8 million
small extent by physical activity. In a to household air pollution from the DALYs in 2007 to 99 579 deaths and
study in Spain, residential proximity combustion of solid fuels for cooking 2.2 million DALYs in 2017 [7]. Most of
to green spaces was found to be re- were as follows: in India, 846 million the above-mentioned contributors to
lated to a reduced risk of breast can- people (60% of the population); in indoor air pollution have been clas-
cer; physical activity did not seem to China, 452 million people (32% of the sified by the IARC Monographs as
mediate these results [18]. population); in Bangladesh, 124 mil- carcinogenic to humans (Table 2.9.1).
lion people (79% of the population),
Indoor air pollution and in the Democratic Republic of the Asbestos and other fibres
At a global level, by far the most im- Congo, 78 million people (96% of the The majority of mesothelioma cases
portant contributor to indoor pollution population) (Fig. 2.9.3). worldwide are due to occupational
Fig. 2.9.3. Global map comparing the proportion of the population exposed to household air pollution from the combustion of solid
fuels for cooking in 2017.
exposure to asbestos. In addition, taminants and risk of cancer is for Exposure to low levels of arsenic
an etiological role of environmental arsenic in drinking-water. Numerous is widespread. Evidence on risk of
exposure is well assessed with re- studies have associated exposure bladder cancer at low to moderate
spect to occurrence of asbestos in to water disinfection by-products levels of exposure to arsenic comes
the home or the presence of asbestos with risk of bladder cancer. The epi- mostly from studies in Europe and
industrial facilities in the vicinity [21]. demiological evidence is limited or the USA, and the findings are less
Although a few cases of mesothelio- inconsistent for other water contami- consistent. The excess incidence of
ma have been reported in individu- nants, including nitrates, perfluori- bladder cancer in the New England
als who had indoor asbestos expo- nated alkylated substances, metals, region of the USA has been attribut-
sure, the available evidence on risk and radionuclides. The United States ed, in part, to the high arsenic content
for inhabitants of asbestos-roofed Environmental Protection Agency pro- of well water [28].
houses is inadequate to assess risk vides a list of drinking-water contami-
of cancer. nants, which identifies various car- Water disinfection
The available estimates of the cinogens ( by-products
proportion of mesothelioma cases production/files/2016-06/documents/ Chlorination by-products in drinking-
caused by environmental asbestos npwdr_complete_table.pdf). water have been consistently as-
exposure range from 4% to 20% [22]. Use of water is also associated sociated with risk of bladder cancer
Naturally occurring asbestos or as- with risk of cancer through the trans- [29,30]. Chlorination of drinking-water
bestiform fibres in soils have been mission of infectious agents, for ex- is used for disinfection. During chlo-
reported in different geographical ample squamous cell carcinoma of rination, chlorine reacts with organic
areas. Erionite has been shown to the bladder in relation to infection matter in water to produce a mixture
cause mesothelioma in studies in by Schistosoma haematobium (see of by-products, including trihalometh-
Turkey, and these findings have re- Chapter 2.2). anes, haloacetic acids, and hundreds
cently been confirmed in a study in of other compounds. Several of these
Mexico [23]. The most recent find- Arsenic in drinking-water compounds are mutagenic to bacteria,
ings concern fluoro-edenite, an am- Evidence linking arsenic in drinking- and some are carcinogenic to animals.
phibolic fibre. Fluoro-edenite is found water with risk of lung cancer, skin A pooled analysis of case–con-
in Sicily, Italy, in a volcanic area near cancer, and bladder cancer comes trol studies identified a 50% higher
Mount Etna. It was classified by the mainly from populations in areas risk of bladder cancer among indi-
IARC Monographs as carcinogenic with naturally occurring very high ar- viduals with long-term exposure to
to humans (Group 1) [24]. senic content, including Argentina, trihalomethanes in tap water at con-
The evidence that asbestos is Bangladesh, northern Chile, West centrations of about 50 mg/L [31];
carcinogenic to humans is over- Bengal in India, and Taiwan, China such levels are currently observed
whelming, and bans on the produc- [26]. The average exposure to arse- in many high- and middle-income
tion and use of asbestos have been nic varies, and in areas of high ar- countries. Exposure to chlorina-
adopted by many countries, including senic content the concentrations are tion by-products in water through
former asbestos producers such as typically above 100 µg/L. inhalation and dermal absorption
Brazil and Canada. However, the ma- Blackfoot disease is a severe form contributes to the total exposure to
jority of the world’s population lives in of peripheral vascular disease that is trihalomethanes more than expo-
countries where the use of asbestos linked to arsenic exposure from drink- sure through ingestion does, and
is still legal [25]. An asbestos ban ing-water and is endemic in areas of one study identified increased risks
alone, in the absence of thorough Taiwan, China, where well water with of bladder cancer for exposure in
environmental remediation, does not a high concentration of arsenic has showers and baths and for swim-
ensure the prevention of asbestos- been used for many years. Ecological, ming in pools [29]. Recent studies
related disease. Therefore, the long- case–control, and cohort studies of the water exposome examined
lasting legacy of the carcinogenicity have been conducted in those areas, metabolomics, transcriptomics, and
of asbestos is likely to affect countries and excess risks of bladder cancer, proteomics in subjects exposed to
where environmental health preven- lung cancer, skin cancer, and other disinfection by-products and identi-
tive interventions are less stringent. cancer types have been consistent- fied novel biological pathways and
ly found in both sexes, with an expo- genomic responses indicative of in-
sure–response relationship by years creased risk of cancer [32,33].
Water contaminants of consumption and by concentration
Drinking-water, or water used for of arsenic in well water. In an area of Nitrates, perfluorinated
agricultural or recreational activities, high arsenic exposure in southwest- alkylated substances, and
can be polluted by naturally occurring ern Taiwan, China, a progressive other water contaminants
carcinogenic contaminants or by an- decrease in bladder cancer mortality Nitrate is a widespread contaminant
thropogenic pollutants. The strongest was observed after the installation of in drinking-water. Nitrate levels above
evidence on exposure to water con- a tap-water supply system [27]. the WHO guideline concentration of
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
50 mg/L as nitrate are observed in (cadmium, nickel, and lead), radio- contamination, routes of exposure,
several countries, mainly in ground- nuclides, and tetrachloroethylene, and mortality and morbidity data.
water sources from agricultural areas in relation to risk of bladder cancer. The Superfund Research Program,
where use of nitrogen-containing The evaluation of new contaminants, coordinated by the United States
fertilizers is common. The evaluation such as pharmaceuticals and micro- National Institute for Environmental
of ingested nitrate and nitrite is com- plastics, and of mixtures of agents Health Sciences [39], has provided
plex, because there is an active en- is limited. clues to understanding the health
dogenous nitrogen cycle in humans impact of hazardous waste dumping
that under certain conditions gener- sites, including mechanisms through
ates N-nitroso compounds, a class of which environmental chemicals may
genotoxic compounds of which many Contamination of the soil may be a contribute to cancer.
are carcinogenic to animals. risk factor for cancer, because car- Estimates of cancer risk for popu-
Exposure to nitrates in drinking- cinogenic agents present in the soil, lations living near contaminated sites
water has been examined in case– either naturally or as a result of hu- are available in a few countries. An
control and cohort studies in relation man activities, may be inhaled (as in example is in Italy, where an epide-
to several cancer types, includ- the case of asbestos or other min- miological surveillance project of 44
ing stomach cancer, oesophageal eral fibres, as previously discussed), sites designated as national priority
cancer, brain cancer, lymphomas, accidentally ingested (especially by contaminated sites has specifically
bladder cancer, colorectal cancer, children playing in direct contact with considered 23 sites served by can-
and breast cancer. Several studies the ground), or absorbed through the cer registries (Fig. 2.9.4). For each
have identified positive associations food chain, as a consequence of their contaminated site, the incidence of
with estimates of nitrate uptake from release from soil into both groundwa- all cancers combined and of 35 can-
water, particularly for stomach can- ter and surface water. cer sites was analysed for the period
cer, but the evidence, overall, is not According to a report by the 1995–2005. In both sexes, an excess
consistent. The IARC Monographs European Joint Research Centre was observed for overall cancer inci-
concluded that there is inadequate [38], there are estimated to be dence (9% in men and 7% in women)
evidence in humans for the carcino- 342 000 sites in European Union as well as for specific cancer sites
genicity of nitrate in drinking-water countries with soil contamination, and [40]. An excess of mesothelioma has
but that ingested nitrate or nitrite only 15% of those sites have been been subsequently demonstrated,
under conditions that result in en- subject to remediation interventions. with an ascertained role of environ-
dogenous nitrosation is probably Industrial activities, including indus- mental, non-occupational exposure
carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A) trial waste disposal and treatment, to asbestos at three sites and to
[34]. A subsequent study suggested are responsible for about two thirds of fluoro-edenite at one site [41,24].
a positive association between wa- the overall contamination. The main Both in the USA and in Europe,
terborne ingested nitrates and risk of contaminants are heavy metals, min- a large proportion of contaminated
colorectal cancer [35]. eral oils, and aromatic hydrocarbons. sites, including those designated as
Perfluorinated alkylated sub- The United States Environmental national priority contaminated sites,
stances are chemicals that are widely Protection Agency has developed are characterized by the presence
used as surfactants and are classi- tools for risk assessment in indus- of hazardous waste, which has
fied as persistent organic pollutants. trially contaminated sites (https:// been dumped, burned, or otherwise
Evidence on perfluorinated alkylated improperly managed. Hazardous
substances in water and risk of can- assessment). waste may be defined, in general
cer is available for perfluorooctanoic A comprehensive public health terms, as non-household waste that
acid, after widespread exposure of assessment encompassing health includes hazardous chemicals (see
residents in the Mid-Ohio Valley, outcome data, including cancer oc- “Hazardous waste and cancer”).
USA, through drinking-water con- currence in affected communities,
taminated by chemical plant emis- is provided by the United States
sions. In this population, increased Agency for Toxic Substances and Food
risks were found for kidney cancer Disease Registry in the Public Health Contaminants can enter the food
and testicular cancer [36]. The IARC Assessment Guidance Manual (www. chain at various stages: during pri-
Monographs classified perfluoroocta- mary production, transformation, and
noic acid as possibly carcinogenic to toc.html). The Agency for Toxic distribution. Therefore, control is re-
humans (Group 2B) after evaluating Substances and Disease Registry quired at each of these stages. In this
the carcinogenicity of perfluoroocta- investigates the occurrence of a wide context, a priority is prevention of the
noic acid in animals and humans [37]. range of chemical agents in a large occurrence of endocrine disrupters
Few ecological or case–control number of affected communities, and in food.
studies have examined other wa- conducts health assessments con- Endocrine disrupters interfere with
ter contaminants, such as metals sidering the available information on the production, release, metabolic
Fig. 2.9.4. Air pollution at the industrial area of Priolo, in eastern Sicily, Italy, which has the only ascertained environmental
been designated a contaminated site of national priority for remediation. carcinogen (see Chapter 2.5).
For many agents, such as ben-
zene, arsenic, and dioxins, the evi-
dence of carcinogenicity is well es-
tablished in adults but only limited in
children. Nevertheless, many can-
cers in children, like in adults, are
thought to be activated by somatic
mutations. In adults, this is associ-
ated with ageing and long-term expo-
sure to carcinogens; in children, the
rarity of cancers and the difficulties in
evaluating what children might have
been exposed to early in life make it
difficult to establish a causal role of
the environment (https://www.cancer.
Compared with adults, children
are more vulnerable to environmental
agents, because of their unique activ-
ity patterns, behaviour, and physiol-
action, and elimination of hormones northern Italy living near a plant that ogy, as well as the immaturity of their
and may act at low doses, with no de- produced polychlorinated biphenyls, organs; in addition, many children –
tectable threshold [42,43]. Endocrine which had contaminated the soil, the especially those living in low-income
disrupters that are present in the en- surface water, and the food chain; af- regions of the world – are involved in
vironment and are involved in cancer ter public health measures were im- hazardous work, such as that involv-
causation include dioxins, furans, plemented, serum concentrations of ing contact with pesticides, and are
polychlorinated biphenyls, various polychlorinated biphenyls decreased exposed to emerging threats such as
solvents, heavy metals, pesticides, significantly [45]. toxic components of electronic waste
cosmetics, plastics, and numerous In the absence of preventive in- (e-waste) [48,49].
chemicals in consumer products. terventions and appropriate commu- Cancer types in children are dif-
Human exposure to persistent nication strategies, vulnerable popu- ferent from those in adults; in children,
organic pollutants and heavy metals lations may experience hazardous the most common cancer types are
occurs mainly from foods of animal exposures (see Chapter 6.8). For leukaemia, lymphoma, and tumours
origin, because of bioaccumulation example, Arctic Indigenous popula- of the central nervous system. This
and biomagnification. Despite the tions, whose traditional diet is based pattern should be further explored,
numerous positive effects of breast- on consumption of the meat of marine with investigation of specific mutation
feeding, which should be promoted, mammals, are thus exposed to po- profiles that are possibly related to
maternal milk can be a carrier of a lybrominated diphenyl ethers, which environmental carcinogens. Several
wide range of toxic chemicals, in- may disrupt thyroid homeostasis [46]. large-scale studies, for example
cluding polychlorinated biphenyls, The main cancer sites for which the International Childhood Cancer
4,4′-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane an etiological role of environmental Cohort Consortium, are currently ad-
(DDT) and its metabolites, dioxins, endocrine disrupters has been sug- dressing the issues of carcinogenic
and dibenzofurans. gested are the thyroid, together with risk in children associated with ex-
Plants can also absorb and ac- the breast, testis, and prostate. posure to chemical contaminants and
cumulate carcinogenic chemicals, electromagnetic fields.
such as arsenic, from contaminated
soils (for more details, see [44]). The
Cancer and environment
contribution of pesticides to cancer in children Conclusions
risk deserves special attention (see Cancer is a major cause of death in Environmental exposure to car-
“Pesticides and cancer”). children, and the incidence of child- cinogens is a well-defined and pre-
Public health interventions enforc- hood cancers is increasing worldwide ventable contributor to the global
ing prohibition of consumption of food in both high- and low-income regions cancer burden. The most important
produced at contaminated sites have [47]. However, the causes of childhood environmental cancer risk is from
been shown to be effective in reduc- neoplasms are largely unknown; only breathing polluted air that con-
ing absorption of toxic chemicals. An about 5% of tumours are of heredi- tains known human carcinogens.
example is a study of a community in tary origin, and ionizing radiation is Contamination of water and of
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
The potential adverse health ef- the IARC Monographs approach), to cause adverse health effects in
fects associated with waste man- essentially indicating a decreasing populations living in areas where
agement practices have been ex- gradient of confidence in a causal the waste was dumped, burned,
tensively investigated [1], although link (for more details, see [2]). or not suitably processed. Despite
firm conclusions have not been Limited evidence of an associa- a growing awareness of these is-
reached with respect to cancer risk tion was detected for cancer of the sues, illegal trafficking of hazard-
in terms of causal link or burden of liver, breast, testis, and bladder, and ous waste still occurs, especially
disease. However, the specific is- for non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Among towards low- and middle-income
sue of hazardous waste has been the chemical agents reported in the countries where environmental
the subject of a large body of stud- studies that showed excesses of regulation is still absent or is poorly
ies, and the findings of those stud- bladder cancer were heavy metals, enforced [1].
ies are summarized here. β-hexachlorocyclohexane, benzyl
A systematic review of the chloride, organic sulfur compounds, References
scientific literature on the health chlorobenzenes, sodium sulfide/
1. WHO (2016). Waste and human health:
impact of exposure to hazardous sulfhydrates, and dioxins. The evidence and needs. WHO Meeting
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ed association, and concordance terized by the presence of endo- of breast, prostate, testicular, and thy-
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
The need for continuing vigilance
Lesley Rushton Mary K. Schubauer-Berigan (reviewer) Elizabeth A. Whelan (reviewer)
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 2.10.2. Workers in Kolkata, India, tend a furnace in the course of producing at-risk occupational circumstances
fertilizer and fish feed. “Dirty” workplaces are still the norm in many countries. (food frying and shift work). Most
of the agents listed in Table 2.10.2
are carcinogenic in experimental
animals, with little or no epidemio-
logical evidence to confirm or con-
tradict the evidence in animals. For
a few of the agents, including night
shift work, lead compounds, and
creosotes, there is a reasonable
body of epidemiological evidence.
However, the studies in humans and
in experimental animals, taken to-
gether, provide limited evidence of
carcinogenicity to humans by IARC
Monographs criteria. The relevant
epidemiological evidence is not suf-
ficient, because bias, confounding,
or chance cannot be excluded as
contributing to the association that is
evident, or because different studies
provide conflicting results.
The family of polycyclic aro-
matic hydrocarbons poses a par-
ticular challenge. This class of
chemicals includes several potent
experimental carcinogens, such as
benzo[a]pyrene. However, humans
2019. Table 2.10.1 lists 50 occupa- clude ionizing radiation and asbes- are always exposed to mixtures of
tional agents, occupations, and in- tos, which are each associated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons;
dustries that have been classified as multiple target organs. several sources of such mixtures
carcinogenic to humans (Group 1). are indicated in Tables 2.10.1 and
Among the high-risk occupa-
2.10.2, including coal tars, soot, and
The table explicitly distinguishes tions and industries shown in the
creosotes. Because of the difficulty
between 38 chemical or physical second part of Table 2.10.1, most
of isolating the impact of specific
agents and 12 occupations and in- are industries in which the number
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
dustries that involve an increased of workers is quite small, at least in
in exposure assessment, it is diffi-
risk of cancer but for which the re- high-income countries. However,
cult to evaluate human cancer risks
sponsible agent has not been speci- one occupational group – painters –
associated with individual members
fied. The table also indicates which stands out as an occupation that
of this family. Only for benzo[a]py
agents have been added to the list of is very prevalent. The excess risk rene has the evidence warranted
Group 1 agents since 2014. of bladder cancer among painters an evaluation of carcinogenic to hu-
Some of the carcinogens listed may be due to aromatic amines in mans (Group 1), based on mecha-
occur naturally (e.g. wood dust, so- paints, and the excess risk of lung nistic data taken together with other
lar radiation), whereas some are cancer may be due to exposures to available evidence, but there are
anthropogenic (e.g. 1,3-butadiene, asbestos or silica in the construc- probably more individual polycyclic
vinyl chloride). Some are single tion industry. aromatic hydrocarbons that are car-
chemical compounds (e.g. ben- Table 2.10.2 lists occupational cinogenic to humans.
zene, trichloroethylene). Others are agents, occupations, and indus- Loomis et al. [3] recently un-
families of compounds that include tries that have been classified as dertook a similar effort to list oc-
some carcinogens, and still oth- probably carcinogenic to humans cupational carcinogens. They used
ers are mixtures of varying chemi- (Group 2A). The table explicitly slightly different criteria for defining
cal composition (e.g. diesel engine distinguishes between 41 chemi- an agent as occupational, and their
exhaust, mineral oils). Most known cal or physical agents and 4 oc- resulting list is slightly different.
human carcinogens have been es- cupations and industries that have Even when the criteria are identical,
tablished to induce only one type been found to present a probable implementing them requires judge-
of cancer or a few different types risk but for which a causative agent ment, and this can legitimately vary
of cancer; notable exceptions in- has not been identified, and 2 other between experts.
Table 2.10.1. Occupational exposures, occupations, industries, and occupational circumstances classified as carcinogenic to humans
(Group 1) by the IARC Monographs, Volumes 1–125
Agent, occupation, or industry Cancer site or type Where exposure occurs (industry, occupation, or use)
Acid mists, strong inorganic Larynx, lung Pickling operations, steel and petrochemical industries,
manufacturing of phosphate fertilizer
Arsenic and inorganic arsenic Lung, skin, bladder Glass, metals, pesticides
Benzene Leukaemia (acute non- Starter and intermediate in chemical production, solvent
lymphocytic leukaemia, acute
myeloid leukaemia)
Benzo[a]pyrene Uncertain Coal liquefaction and gasification, coke production, coke ovens,
coal-tar distillation, roofing, paving, aluminium production, and
1,2-Dichloropropane a
Biliary tract Production of chlorinated chemicals
Ionizing radiation (including Thyroid, leukaemia, salivary Radiology, nuclear industry, underground mining
radon-222 progeny) gland, lung, bone, oesophagus,
stomach, colon, rectum, skin,
breast, kidney, bladder, brain
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Table 2.10.1. Occupational exposures, occupations, industries, and occupational circumstances classified as carcinogenic to humans
(Group 1) by the IARC Monographs, Volumes 1–125 (continued)
Agent, occupation, or industry Cancer site or type Where exposure occurs (industry, occupation, or use)
Vinyl chloride Liver Plastics
Challenges and Because of the long latency be- tion on potential confounding vari-
trends in establishing tween exposure to carcinogens and ables, such as smoking. It would
and understanding onset of cancer, it is necessary to help if physicians or government
be able to ascertain occupational agencies such as cancer registries
lists of occupational circumstances many years before routinely recorded the occupations
carcinogens the onset of cancer. The documen- of patients, but this does not often
Although the lists of occupational tation to enable this to be done is occur. Although epidemiological
carcinogens and associated expo- often fragmentary, unreliable, or and toxicological studies are best
sures shown in Tables 2.10.1 and non-existent. Although large com- suited to the investigation of single
2.10.2 are long, they are not com- panies may have industrial hygiene agents, the occupational environ-
plete. There are likely to be many data for their workforce, these data ment is complex and shifting and
more occupational carcinogens are often of dubious representa- comprises many agents; this poses
that have not yet been discovered tiveness. Small companies rarely significant difficulties in assessing
or properly documented. For most have any such data. Companies in risks. The statistical power of epi-
occupational circumstances, there low- and middle-income countries demiological studies is often limited
is no relevant epidemiological evi- are even less likely to have and by the size of various workforces;
dence about carcinogenic risk. One maintain such data over long pe- this limitation could sometimes be
of the foremost challenges in occu- riods. Even if long-term exposure overcome by collaborative pooling
pational epidemiology is to reveal data can be obtained, there are of data among investigators.
as-yet-unrecognized carcinogens significant challenges in the statis- In the past, epidemiological re-
and carcinogenic risks. tical modelling of such time-related search on occupational risk factors
There are many obstacles to information. In many occupational has focused largely on occupation-
the discovery and characteriza- cancer studies, it is difficult or im- al exposures associated with “dirty”
tion of occupational carcinogens. possible to obtain reliable informa- industrial environments.
Table 2.10.2. Occupational exposures, occupations, industries, and occupational circumstances classified as probably carcinogenic
to humans (Group 2A) by the IARC Monographs, Volumes 1–125
Agent, occupation, or industry Cancer site or type Where exposure occurs (industry, occupation, or use)
Acrylamide – Plastics
Captafol – Fungicide
Diazinona – Insecticide
4,4′-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloro – Biocide
ethane (DDT) a
Dimethylformamide a
– Solvent in production of acrylic fibres, plastics, pharmaceuticals,
pesticides, adhesives, synthetic leathers, and surface coatings
Epichlorohydrin – Plastics
Glyphosate a
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Herbicide, agriculture
2-Mercaptobenzothiazole a
– Sulfur vulcanization of rubber
1-Nitropyrene a
– Transportation, vehicle mechanic
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Table 2.10.2. Occupational exposures, occupations, industries, and occupational circumstances classified as probably carcinogenic
to humans (Group 2A) by the IARC Monographs, Volumes 1–125 (continued)
Agent, occupation, or industry Cancer site or type Where exposure occurs (industry, occupation, or use)
Tetrabromobisphenol A a
– Fire retardant
Tetrachloroethylene – Solvent
Tetrafluoroethylenea – Alkylating agent used in production of polymers, non-stick
coatings, resistant tubing
Petroleum refining – –
Night shift work Breast, prostate, colon, rectum Health care, transportation, services
Added to the list of Group 2A agents since 2014.
environments (which we do not), Fig. 2.10.4. Hazmat suits (hazardous materials suits) are an example of personal pro-
continuing to monitor cancer risks in tective equipment, an option to be used to control workplace exposures to occupa-
occupational settings would remain tional carcinogens.
an important activity, because oc-
cupational exposure circumstances
change over time and novel exposure
circumstances may be introduced;
recent examples include video dis-
play terminals and nanoparticles.
Estimates of the
fraction of cancer
that is attributable to
occupational exposures
Estimates have been made in
various countries, using various
methodologies, of the fraction of
cancer that may be attributable to
occupational exposures, and that
could potentially be prevented if
those hazards were eliminated.
In general, it has been estimated
that the fraction of cancer attri
butable to occupational exposures
crease over time). The main cancer 660 000 deaths, and asbestos is
is between 2% and 8% in high-in-
types attributable to occupational the exposure that contributes the
come countries [5]. The estimates
carcinogens were mesothelioma, largest proportion.
vary considerably among different
lung cancer, bladder cancer, breast The WHO Global Burden of
types of cancer.
cancer, non-melanoma skin cancer, Disease Study 2017 estimated
The estimates of occupation-
and sinonasal cancer. Among the that in 2017, about 334 000 cancer
al burden of cancer vary among
main occupational exposures con- deaths were due to occupational
countries, depending on the in-
tributing to this burden were asbes- exposures, and the major contribu-
dustrial profiles of the countries,
tos, shift work (night work), mineral tors were asbestos, silica, and die-
and will change over time as new
oils, solar radiation, silica, diesel sel engine exhaust [9].
occupational carcinogens are dis-
engine exhaust, and the follow- Studies on occupational cancer
covered or the impact of old ones
ing industries: construction, metal burden are influencing the prioriti-
diminishes. The estimates also
working, service industries, mining, zation and development of strate-
vary with the methodology used,
and several manufacturing sectors. gies for risk reduction, galvanizing
including whether the estimates
The total annual economic cost of campaigns to raise awareness of
are based only on established car-
new cases of work-related cancer issues related to occupational can-
cinogens or on both established
in Great Britain in 2010 was esti- cer [10], and encouraging the intro-
and probable carcinogens.
mated to be £12.3 billion, of which duction or reduction of occupational
The most detailed and inten-
98% was due to “human” costs – a limit values. In Europe, a socioeco-
sive effort to date to estimate oc-
monetary value on the effects of nomic health and environmental
cupational burden of cancer was
cancer on quality of life, or loss of impact assessment has already led
conducted in Great Britain [6]. The
to binding occupational exposure
study, which took into account can- life for fatal cancers [7].
limits being set for all 28 European
cer latency, workforce turnover, and The International Labour Orga
Union Member States. Such stud-
changing employment trends and nization and WHO have estimated
ies have also drawn attention to the
life expectancy over time, estimat- that 5–7% of global deaths are at-
inequalities of occupational cancer
ed that 5.3% of all cancers (8.2% tributable to work-related illnesses
burden between different sectors of
in men, 2.3% in women) were attri and occupational injuries, corre-
society [11].
butable to past exposure to occu- sponding to 2.3 million occupation-
pational carcinogens, correspond- related deaths per year, of which the
ing to about 13 600 new cancers majority, 2.0 million, are due to oc- Prevention
per year and about 8000 deaths cupational diseases [8,9]. Overall, The designation of an agent as carci-
per year in Great Britain in 2004 cancer makes up the largest com- nogenic is an important public health
(the numbers are expected to in- ponent (~32%), corresponding to statement, as well as a scientific one.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Such a designation, together with Fig. 2.10.5. In this scrapyard associated with “ship breaking”, located north of Chittagong
findings from occupational research, in Bangladesh, workers have no protection from toxic agents they may encounter.
has implications for engineering
and/or industrial hygiene measures
to reduce or eliminate occupational
exposure to the agent.
Approaches to preventing work-
place exposures to occupational
carcinogens and reduction of oc-
cupational cancer include eliminat-
ing the production or use of car-
cinogens and controlling exposure
to below a minimal risk exposure
level, for example an occupational
exposure limit (Table 2.10.3).
Even though older, “dirty” indus-
tries are declining in importance as
a source of employment in high-
income countries, it remains true –
and will for the foreseeable future –
that small companies in all coun-
tries may continue to operate with
older and dirtier technologies and come countries. Furthermore, the Concurrent exposure to mul-
processes without appropriate pre- rapid growth of industry in low- and tiple carcinogens is of concern,
ventive measures. For high-income middle-income countries is often and in some situations a concerted
countries and rapidly industrializing unregulated and has inadequate industry-focused strategy may be
countries, risk reduction strategies, occupational hygiene. needed. Protection measures for a
such as improvement of compliance Effective regulation and control single carcinogen may also simul-
with current occupational exposure measures need to be appropriately taneously reduce exposure from
limits (e.g. for silica exposure) and adapted to different circumstances. others (e.g. measures to reduce
targeting small- and medium-sized For some agents, reduction of ex- general dust); measures to protect
industries, have been demonstrat- posure levels is feasible and ap- against carcinogens will also poten-
ed to be effective (see Chapter propriate; for others, more extreme tially reduce the incidence of non-
6.8) [12]. The problem is more measures, such as banning use, malignant occupational disease,
acute in low- and middle-income may be appropriate. Large numbers such as respiratory ill health.
countries. Some particularly dirty of workers continue to be exposed Monitoring of the workplace can
and dangerous industrial work, to low levels of occupational carcin- rely on various types of approach-
like removing asbestos from ships ogens; some of these workers may es, from industrial hygiene to bio-
that have been decommissioned, well develop cancers as a result of monitoring. Technical advances in
is now being performed in low-in- these exposures. these areas should be encouraged.
Elimination Remove the hazard from the workplace, for example change a process so that the chemicals,
materials, or equipment are no longer required.
Engineering controls Redesign the equipment or process so that the hazard is controlled at its source, for example through
a physical barrier.
Worker education Provide information and training on all workplace carcinogens and the use of appropriate control
Use information media (e.g. posters, leaflets, data sheets) imaginatively and strategically.
Administrative controls Design and operate effective and reliable processes and activities to minimize exposure.
Provide safe storage, handling, and transportation, and disposal facilities.
Personal protective equipment Use suitable personal protective equipment, for example gloves, coveralls, respirators, hard hats,
safety glasses, high-visibility clothing, and safety footwear.
All stakeholders, including regu- able, or are not available in a form Conclusions
lators, employers, and employees, that facilitates intervention. In addi- Prevention of cancer depends on
should be encouraged to work to- tion, reliable reporting systems for the identification and management
gether on prevention and to develop occupational disease are scarce, of cancer-causing circumstances.
effective policies and procedures. particularly for cancers with long la- The workplace remains an important
Unfortunately, precise and reliable tency. Increased efforts are needed locus for research to identify carcin-
data on the magnitude of risks as- to push for more education on oc- ogens and for mitigating or eliminat-
sociated with different agents, and cupationally related ill health, for ing the impact of carcinogens.
on the nature of dose–response example in medical training and
relationships, are not always avail- more generally.
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Pharmaceutical drugs
A current focus on hormones
Michael E. Jones (reviewer)
Both the health benefits (often im- ceptives were classified as possibly
SUMMARY mediate) and the risks of adverse carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B)
outcomes (often associated with (Table 2.11.1).
●● Evaluating any possible cancer dose and duration of treatment, and Most of the evidence about
effects of pharmaceutical drugs experienced at a later time) of using hormonal contraceptives relates
is problematic, even if a drug is pharmaceutical drugs need to be to combined estrogen–progesto-
used by many people, given fully considered by health profes- gen products, and in particular oral
the long surveillance period re- sionals and patients [1]. Evaluating contraceptives (Fig. 2.11.1). Current
quired for any cancer risks or or recent users of combined oral
any possible cancer effects of phar-
benefits to emerge. contraceptives have an increased
maceutical drugs is problematic, risk of breast cancer and cervical
●● Hormonal contraceptives are even if a drug is used by many peo- cancer and, in regions at low risk
often used for prolonged peri- ple, given the long surveillance pe- of hepatitis B virus infection, an in-
ods; the very long-term cancer riod required for any cancer risks or creased risk of liver cancer. Users
effects of combined oral con- benefits to emerge. of combined oral contraceptives
traceptives can now be inves- Over decades, causation of have a reduced risk of ovarian can-
tigated, because the women cancer by pharmaceutical drugs cer; this protective effect increases
who were the first users of has been discovered in a variety with duration of use and persists
these products, in the 1960s, of circumstances. This chapter fo- for many years after stopping use.
are now entering later life. cuses on research during the past Combined oral contraceptives may
also be associated with a reduced
●● Evidence is starting to emerge 5 years, and the central issue has
risk of colorectal cancer, although
about the cancer risks associ- been hormonal agents. no consistent relationship has been
ated with contemporary hor- demonstrated with duration or re-
monal contraceptives, includ- Hormonal contraceptives cency of use.
ing new routes of delivery, new In 2015, an individual participant
Hormonal contraceptives are used,
progestogens, and progesto- meta-analysis of 27 276 women with
often for prolonged periods, to endometrial cancer (see Chapter
gen-only contraceptives.
prevent pregnancy, not as a treat- 5.11) found that use of oral contra-
●● The relationship between meno- ment for a disease. Hormonal con- ceptives for 10–15 years halves
pausal hormone therapy and the traceptives are commonly used – the risk of endometrial cancer, and
risk of cancer of the ovary and every day, at least 100 million that a significant protective effect
colorectum has been examined. women worldwide are using hor- remains more than 30 years after
monal contraception [2]. The IARC stopping use [5]. These effects var-
●● Fertility drugs are being used by
Monographs programme has evalu- ied by histological type: ever use of
increasing numbers of women; oral contraceptives was strongly as-
studies examining the risk of ated the carcinogenic hazards as-
sociated with combined estrogen– sociated with a reduced risk of type
cancer of the breast, ovary, and I and type II endometrial cancer but
endometrium have many meth- progestogen contraceptives [3] and
was not associated with a reduced
odological challenges, particu- progestogen-only contraceptives [4] risk of uterine sarcoma, which is
larly because subfertile women and concluded that there was suffi- a much rarer type. During the 50-
have an inherently increased cient evidence for combined hormo- year period from 1965 to 2014, an
cancer risk independent of any nal contraceptives to be classified as estimated 400 000 cases of en-
fertility treatments. carcinogenic to humans (Group 1), dometrial cancer in women youn-
whereas progestogen-only contra- ger than 75 years were avoided in
Fig. 2.11.1. Most of the evidence about the cancer risks and benefits of hormonal
contraception relates to combined estrogen–progestogen products, and mainly oral
products, such as the contraceptive pills shown here. FUNDAMENTALS
■■ Over decades, a range of
pharmaceutical drugs has been
recognized as causing particu-
lar cancers among the people
using them. Cytotoxic drugs,
either alone or in combination,
may cause second cancers, and
their use must take into account
these and other adverse effects.
■■ Some drugs, for example
diethylstilbestrol and phenace-
tin, have been withdrawn from
widespread use as a result of
cancer causation.
■■ The IARC Monographs pro-
gramme concluded that there
high-income countries as a result of Study in the United Kingdom fol- was sufficient evidence for com-
use of oral contraceptives. bined hormonal contraceptives
lowed up an initial cohort of 46 022
to be classified as carcinogenic
women for up to 44 years and in-
Long-term cancer effects to humans (Group 1), whereas
cluded more than 1.2 million per- progestogen-only contraceptives
The very long-term cancer risks or son-years of observation. It found were classified as possibly carci-
benefits of combined oral contra- that an increased risk of incident nogenic to humans (Group 2B).
ceptives can now be investigated, breast cancer and cervical can-
■■ Most of the evidence about hor-
because the women who were the cer seen in current and recent us- monal contraceptives relates to
first users of these products, in the ers of oral contraception was lost combined estrogen–progesto-
1960s, are now entering the later within approximately 5 years of gen products, and in particular
stages of their lives. stopping use, with no evidence of oral contraceptives.
The most recent findings from an increased risk of either cancer ■■ Current or recent users of
the Nurses’ Health Study in the type in ever users later in life [7]. combined oral contraceptives
USA, after 36 years and 3.6 mil- When risks were stratified by time have an increased risk of breast
lion person-years of follow-up, since last use, ever users had a cancer, cervical cancer, and (in
were that overall ever use of oral reduced risk of endometrial can- regions at low risk of hepatitis B
contraceptives was not associated cer 25–35 years after stopping use virus infection) liver cancer.
with risk of death from cancer of the (incidence rate ratio, 0.58; 99% ■■ Users of combined oral contra-
breast, cervix, uterus/endometrium, CI, 0.38–0.88). The risk of ovarian ceptives have a reduced risk of
or large bowel and rectum [6]. A re- cancer (incidence rate ratio, 0.50; ovarian cancer; this protective
duced risk of death from ovarian 99% CI, 0.29–0.84) and colorectal effect increases with duration
cancer was of borderline statisti- cancer (incidence rate ratio, 0.67; of use and persists for many
cal significance (hazard ratio [HR], 99% CI, 0.49–0.91) was reduced years after stopping use. The
0.86; 95% confidence interval [CI], 35 years or more since last use. risk of colorectal cancer may be
0.74–1.00). However, use of oral If it is assumed that the incidence reduced, although no consis-
contraceptives for 5 years or more rate ratios represent a causal rela- tent relationship has been found
was associated with an increased tionship, approximately one third of with duration or recency of use.
risk of death from breast cancer endometrial cancers and ovarian ■■ The IARC Monographs pro-
(P trend < 0.0001) and a decreased cancers and one fifth of colorectal gramme concluded that estro-
risk of death from ovarian cancer cancers among ever users in this gen-only menopausal hormone
(P trend = 0.002). The increased risk study might have been prevented therapy is associated with cancer
of death from breast cancer dimin- by the use of oral contraceptives. of the endometrium, ovary,
and breast, and that combined
ished with time since last use, with Importantly, the study found no evi-
estrogen–progestogen hormone
no increased risk 10 years or more dence of new cancer risks appear-
therapy is associated with cancer
after stopping use. For risk of death ing later in life among ever users, of the breast and endometrium
from ovarian cancer, no trends were providing strong evidence that most and is unlikely to increase the risk
found by time since last use. women do not expose themselves of colorectal cancer or alter the
The Royal College of General to long-term cancer harm if they risk of ovarian cancer.
Practitioners’ Oral Contraception use oral contraceptives.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Table 2.11.1. Summary of hormonal contraceptives, hormone therapy, and fertility drugs and cancer risks
Liver b Increased in current or recent users
Breast Increased
Fertility drugs (can include Not assessed Breast No association, but possible concerns raised
clomiphene citratec, gonadotropins, about clomiphene citrate. Lack of good-
gonadotropin-releasing hormone quality evidence
agonists and antagonists, and
human chorionic gonadotropin) Ovary No evidence of an association; possible
increased risk of borderline tumours. Lack of
good-quality evidence
Hormonal contraceptives available on the market during 1995–2014.
In regions at low risk of hepatitis B virus infection.
IARC Monographs evaluation: not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3).
The National Institutes of Health- The relative risk of breast can- Fig. 2.11.2. Evidence is starting to emerge
AARP Diet and Health Study of cer among current or recent users about the cancer risks associated with
196 536 mostly postmenopaus- of combined oral contraceptives contemporary hormonal contraceptives,
including new routes of delivery, new pro-
al women at recruitment reported was 1.19 (95% CI, 1.13–1.26). The gestogens, and progestogen-only contra-
reductions in the risk of incident strength of the association increased ceptives such as the levonorgestrel-re
ovarian cancer (HR, 0.74; 95% with duration of use. The relative risk leasing intrauterine system, shown here.
CI, 0.65–0.84), endometrial can- estimate was similar to that previ-
cer (HR, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.70–0.86), ously reported [11] but, importantly,
and any cancer (HR, 0.97; 95% CI, was based on contraceptive prod-
0.95–0.99) among users of oral ucts available since 1995, whereas
contraceptives [8]. For longer dura- the earlier estimate was based on
tions of use, the risk reductions were products prescribed in the 1980s or
stronger for both ovarian cancer and earlier. There were no major differ-
endometrial cancer. The effects of ences between the risk associated
time since last use (recency) were with combined oral contraceptives
not examined. An increased risk of containing different progestogens.
breast cancer was of borderline sta- The same study also examined
tistical significance (HR, 1.04; 95% progestogen-only contraceptives
CI, 1.00–1.09) and was not associ- and found that both the levonor-
ated with duration of use. gestrel-only pill and the levonor-
A study that combined data gestrel-releasing intrauterine sys-
from 310 290 women who were tem (LNG-IUS) (Fig. 2.11.2) were
participants in three large cohorts associated with an increased risk
in the USA (the National Institutes of breast cancer. The absolute in-
of Health-AARP Diet and Health crease in the risk of breast cancer in
Study, the California Teachers current and recent users was small:
Study, and the Women’s Health 13 (95% CI, 10–16) per 100 000
Initiative) found that the reduction in person-years, or 1 extra breast
the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer cancer for every 7690 women using in 1995–2014 investigated use of
per 5 years of oral contraceptive use hormonal contraception for 1 year. contemporary combined hormonal
did not wane with age (50–64 years: The results of the study in contraceptives and risk of ovarian
HR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.80–0.98; 65– Denmark concurred with those of a cancer [15]. Both current or recent
74 years: HR, 0.82; 95% CI, 0.74– study of women with menorrhagia use (relative risk [RR], 0.58; 95%
0.91; ≥ 75 years: HR, 0.85; 95% CI, aged 30–49 years, which investigat- CI, 0.49–0.68) and former use (RR,
0.71–1.02; Pinteraction = 0.79) [9]. ed the cancer risks of the LNG-IUS 0.77; 95% CI, 0.66–0.91) of hor-
In all of these studies [6–9], the using national registries in Finland monal contraceptives was associ-
combined oral contraceptives as- [12]. The study in Finland found a ated with a reduced risk of ovarian
sessed usually contained a higher higher-than-expected incidence of cancer; this effect was directly as-
dose of estrogen combined with an breast cancer (standardized inci- sociated with duration of use and
older progestogen compared with dence ratio, 1.19; 95% CI, 1.13–1.25) persisted for several years after
the products that are currently avail- among users of the LNG-IUS. The stopping use. There was little evi-
able. Evidence is starting to emerge users had an increased risk of both dence of major differences in risk
about the cancer risks associated ductal and lobular breast cancer, estimates by the progestogen con-
with contemporary hormonal con- and the risk estimates were high- tent of combined oral contracep-
traceptives, including new routes est in women who had purchased tives or by tumour type. There was
of delivery, new progestogens, and the contraceptive at least twice [13]. no evidence of a protective effect
progestogen-only contraceptives. These results contradict those of for ovarian cancer associated with
the Norwegian Women and Cancer use of progestogen-only contracep-
Contemporary hormonal Study, which did not find an in- tives, although the evidence was
contraceptives creased risk of breast cancer in ever limited because few women were
A study of 1 797 932 women living or current users of the LNG-IUS, al- exclusive users of progestogen-
in Denmark and aged 15–49 years though few participants in that study only products.
in 1995–2012 examined the risk of were younger than 46 years and the Both the Finnish study [12,13]
breast cancer associated with cur- mean time since stopping use was and the Norwegian study [14]
rently available hormonal contra- 7.5 years [14]. found a decreased risk of ovar-
ceptives [10]. During 19.6 million Another recent study of more ian cancer and endometrial cancer
person-years of follow-up, 11 517 than 1.8 million women living in among ever users of the LNG-IUS.
incident breast cancers occurred. Denmark and aged 15–49 years Although the studies adjusted for
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
some possible confounding factors, ovarian cancer (RR, 1.37; 95% CI, occurred [18]. Current users of any
neither was able to calculate risks 1.27–1.48). systemic hormones (all types of
among exclusive users of this pro- The risk was highest among hormone therapy) had a decreased
gestogen-only product. Therefore, women last recorded as current us- risk of colon cancer (RR, 0.84; 95%
it is possible that the findings were ers (RR, 1.41; 95% CI, 1.32–1.50). CI, 0.78–0.90) and of rectal cancer
due to a persisting protective ef- Even relatively short duration of use (RR, 0.87; 95% CI, 0.79–0.95) com-
fect from previous use of combined (< 5 years of current use) was asso- pared with never users. A stronger
oral contraceptives. Such limitations ciated with an increased risk (RR, reduction in the risk of colon can-
highlight the need for more studies 1.43; 95% CI, 1.31–1.56). The risk cer was found in long-term current
of the possible cancer effects of appeared to decline with time since users with 10 years or more of use
progestogen-only contraceptives. stopping use of hormone therapy, (RR, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.61–0.85). Use
although there was the suggestion of tibolone, vaginal estrogen, and
of a small increased risk remaining transdermal combined preparations
Menopausal hormone
in past users who had used hor- was not associated with colorectal
therapy mone therapy for at least 5 years cancer. There was little evidence
Hormone therapy to manage meno- and who had stopped use 5 years for differences in risk for different
pausal symptoms such as vasomo- or more ago. progestogen doses or progestogen
tor hot flushes, night sweats, and The risk of ovarian cancer was types. Risk estimates were gener-
vaginal atrophy includes estrogen- increased in both users of estrogen- ally lower among current users of
only therapy (which is prescribed only therapy and users of combined transdermal estrogen-only therapy
mainly to women who have had a estrogen–progestogen therapy. Risk compared with oral estrogen. The
hysterectomy) and combined estro- estimates were similar regardless benefits of hormone therapy ap-
gen–progestogen preparations. of the age when hormone therapy peared to be stronger for advanced
The IARC Monographs pro- started. There were differences in re- stage 4 colorectal cancer.
gramme has evaluated these drugs sults by tumour type, with increased Over the 4-year period from
[3] and concluded that estrogen- risks found only for serous or en- 2004 to 2008, 3799 colorectal
only hormone therapy is associ- dometrioid tumours (see Chapter cancers occurred in a cohort of
ated with cancer of the endome- 5.12). The Collaborative Group esti- 466 822 women aged 55–79 years
trium, ovary, and breast, and that mated that use of hormone therapy who were born in Norway and
combined estrogen–progestogen for 5 years from about age 50 years were living in Norway in 2004 [19].
hormone therapy is associated results in 1 additional ovarian cancer Current, but not past, use of hor-
with cancer of the breast and en- per 1000 users and 1 additional ovar- mone therapy was associated with
dometrium (the risk of endometrial ian cancer death per 1700 users. a reduced risk of colorectal cancer
cancer is reduced proportionally by Critics of the findings of the (RR, 0.88; 95% CI, 0.80–0.98). The
the number of days per month that Collaborative Group have high- short follow-up period of the study
progestogens are added to the regi- lighted the absence of a relationship meant that the influence of duration
men). The IARC Monographs also with duration of use, the potential for of use could not be examined.
concluded that combined hormone diagnostic bias, the smaller risk es- Risk estimates were similar for
therapy is unlikely to increase the timates from retrospective studies, estrogen-only therapy and com-
risk of colorectal cancer or alter the and inadequate adjustment for some bined estrogen–progestogen thera-
risk of ovarian cancer. important confounders; therefore, py and for colon cancer and rectal
Since the IARC Monographs causality could not be established cancer. Similarly to the findings of
evaluation, the Collaborative Group [17]. Nevertheless, the work of the the Danish study, use of hormone
on Epidemiological Studies of Ovar- Collaborative Group is the most therapy was associated with a re-
ian Cancer [16] analysed data from comprehensive so far and forms the duction in the risk of regionally
52 observational studies involving basis for many current clinical guide- advanced tumours (by 19%) and
21 488 women with ovarian can- lines for the prescribing of menopau- of metastatic colorectal cancer (by
cer; more than half of the cancers sal hormone therapy. 21%) but not of localized tumours.
(12 110) occurred in prospective Two recent large observational Although the association was not
studies. In the prospective studies, studies have both linked national statistically significant, in current
ever users of hormone therapy had registries to investigate use of hor- users the risk of colorectal cancer
an increased risk of ovarian cancer mone therapy and risk of colorectal tended to decrease with higher
(RR, 1.20; 95% CI, 1.15–1.26) com- cancer [18,19]. doses of oral estrogen, but not
pared with never users, and the risk A cohort of 1 006 219 wom- of progestogen.
was strongly associated with re- en living in Denmark and aged Both of the recent studies ac-
cency of use. Current use or recent 50–79 years was followed up from counted for several confounders but
use (within the past 5 years) was 1995 to 2009; 8377 incident colon were unable to adjust for previous
associated with an increased risk of cancers and 4742 rectal cancers use of oral contraceptives and for
some colorectal cancer risk factors, initiated worldwide, in addition to risk of endometrial cancer when
including body mass index, physical an unknown number of ovulation used at high doses or when used
activity, and smoking (see Chapter induction cycles. Concerns have for more than seven cycles, but the
5.5). Therefore, the evidence about been raised about the long-term effect of clomiphene citrate could
menopausal hormone therapy and effects of fertility drugs on the risk not be separated from the underly-
a possible reduced risk of colorec- of cancers of the breast, ovary, and ing clinical reasons for such usage
tal cancer remains inconclusive. endometrium [23]. patterns. Accordingly, the review
The Collaborative Group on A systematic review and meta- reported that because of very low-
Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer analysis of 20 cohort studies in- quality evidence, robust conclu-
recently published an individual par- cluding 207 914 women who had sions could not be reached.
ticipant meta-analysis of the world- hormonal treatments for infertil- These systematic reviews [21,
wide epidemiological evidence on ity concluded overall that there 24,25] highlight several methodo-
the type and timing of menopausal was no association with risk of logical limitations of research to
hormone therapy and risk of breast breast cancer (summary RR, 1.05; date. Many studies have a relatively
cancer in 143 887 women with breast 95% CI, 0.96–1.14) [24]. However, short follow-up period, are limited
cancer and 424 972 controls [20]. All there was significant heterogene- by risk estimates based on small
types of menopausal hormone ther- ity among the studies (I 2 = 58.5%; event numbers, lack adjustment
apy, except vaginal estrogens, were P = 0.001). Subgroup analysis for confounders, could be prone to
associated with an increased risk of found an increased risk of breast detection or surveillance bias, and
breast cancer, which increased with cancer in three studies of women do not provide details of the fertil-
duration of use. Risks were larger who were treated before 1980 and ity drugs used (including regimens,
for combined estrogen–progesto- therefore did not have in vitro fer- doses, and number of cycles). The
gen therapy than for estrogen-only tilization (summary RR, 1.26; 95%
choice of comparator varies be-
therapy, especially with daily rather CI, 1.06–1.50). This finding raised
tween studies; the comparator can
than intermittent progestogen. After concerns about the association of
be the general population, subfer-
cessation of use, an increased risk clomiphene citrate treatment with
tile women, or both groups. It is also
of breast cancer remained for more breast cancer risk, although it was
important to note that women who
than 10 years, which was depen- noted that during the time period
take fertility drugs are a heteroge-
dent on duration of prior use. Risks before in vitro fertilization, use of
neous group, and for many of them
were similar regardless of whether this agent was not limited to anovu-
the underlying reasons for subfer-
women were aged 40–44, 45–49, latory women.
tility are risk factors for cancers of
50–54, or 55–59 years when start- A systematic review of 14 co-
the breast, ovary, or endometrium
ing menopausal hormone therapy. hort studies and 11 case–control
studies (including a total of 182 972 independent of any fertility treat-
It was estimated that approximately ments. Such limitations mean that
1 million of the 20 million breast women) was conducted to evaluate
the risk of ovarian cancer in women it is challenging to interpret the find-
cancers diagnosed in high-income ings of studies of the association
countries since 1990 would have treated with ovary-stimulating drugs
[25]. Because of the heterogeneity between use of fertility drugs and
been caused by use of menopausal
among the studies, meta-analysis risk of cancer.
hormone therapy [20].
was not performed. The review Based on the evidence to date,
concluded that there was no con- the Practice Committee of the
Fertility drugs vincing evidence of an increased American Society for Reproductive
Treatment for subfertility typically risk of invasive ovarian cancer and Medicine has concluded that there
involves the use of ovary-stimu- that there may be an increased risk does not appear to be a meaning-
lating agents, including selective of borderline ovarian tumours with ful increase in the risk of breast
estrogen-receptor modulators such use of fertility drugs. cancer, invasive ovarian cancer,
as clomiphene citrate, gonadotro- The association between use of or endometrial cancer associated
pins, gonadotropin-releasing hor- ovary-stimulating drugs and risk of with the use of fertility drugs, and
mone agonists and antagonists, endometrial cancer has been ex- that although there may be an in-
and human chorionic gonadotropin amined in a systematic review of creased risk of borderline ovarian
[21]. Use of these drugs is becom- 19 studies (16 retrospective cohort tumours, any absolute risk is small
ing increasingly common. During studies and 3 case–control stud- [23]. Given the growing numbers of
2011, more than 1.5 million assist- ies) including 1 937 880 women women using fertility drugs, good-
ed reproductive technology cycles [21]. Clomiphene citrate appeared quality evidence about their possi-
[22] were estimated to have been to be associated with an increased ble cancer effects is required.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
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Martin J. Wiseman
The global network of World and cancer, and in translating the The WCRF/AICR recommenda-
Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) findings into recommendations for tions developed by the independent
International comprises registered cancer prevention for use by health expert panel based on the system-
charities in the United Kingdom professionals, individuals, and gov- atic evidence reviews now consti-
and the Netherlands as well as ernments worldwide. tute the most authoritative state-
the American Institute for Cancer The first WCRF/AICR Expert ment of the opportunity to prevent
Research (AICR) in the USA. AICR Report, Food, Nutrition, Physical cancer through food, nutrition, and
was established in 1982 after the re- Activity, and the Prevention of physical activity, highlighting the
view by the United States National Cancer: a Global Perspective, was importance of maintaining a healthy
Academy of Sciences in that year, published in 1997. This synthesis of body weight through appropriate
which drew attention to the increas- mostly epidemiological research on levels of physical activity and a bal-
ing epidemiological evidence of nutrition and cancer laid the foun- anced diet, predominantly based on
links between food and nutrition and dations for the following decades of plant foods, with no more than mod-
several cancer types, as well as the scientific interest in this area. est amounts of meat and dairy, and
growing understanding of the influ- An initially sceptical scientific limiting the amounts of processed
ence of nutritional factors on the pro- community has been persuaded meat, salt, and alcohol, as well as
cess of carcinogenesis. However, not only by the now large number of high-energy foods with high lev-
even then, scientific research into the of studies of increasingly high qual- els of fat, sugar, and salt (so-called
link between diet and cancer was in ity but also by a series of state-of- fast foods).
its infancy. The WCRF International the-art reviews conducted by WCRF The same rigorous approach to
network was the first organization and AICR. In particular, the second the evidence underpinned the next
to focus exclusively on the links WCRF/AICR Expert Report, pub- phase of development, the WCRF/
between cancer and nutrition, and lished in 2007, explored the epide- AICR Continuous Update Project,
more recently physical activity. The miology of the links between food, in which the database of information
WCRF International network has nutrition (in particular adiposity), and extracted for the articles identified
a vision to live in a world where no physical activity and cancers as well by systematic review is maintained
one develops a preventable cancer, as the potential mechanistic under- on a continuous basis. The past de-
and over the past decades WCRF pinning of those links; that created cade of research was summarized
International has funded millions a step change in the perception of in 2018 in the third WCRF/AICR
of dollars in cancer prevention re- the importance of these exposures Expert Report. The revised rec-
search and awareness-raising for the global distribution, and bur- ommendations were not strikingly
programmes. Through its Expert den, of cancer, second only to that different from those in the previous
Reports and now the Continuous of smoking. The importance of the reports, but there was a shift in em-
Update Project, WCRF International 2007 Expert Report lay in the rig- phasis away from individual foods
has set the standard for the syn- orous systematic methods used to and nutrients and towards an over-
thesis and analysis of published review the evidence, as well as the all package, with healthy patterns
research on the links between diet, care taken in developing criteria to of food and beverage consumption
body weight, and physical activity evaluate the evidence. and physical activity, and with an
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
additional emphasis on the impor- identified that, although cancer immune surveillance, is likely to pro-
tance of body weight. appears clinically mostly after the vide important insights in the future.
The 2018 Expert Report also age of 50 years, events that occur The WCRF/AICR series of
identified some areas where more early in life (marked by, for example, Expert Reports and the Continuous
work would help to derive bet- birth weight or adult attained height) Update Project are recognized as
ter recommendations. First, there seem to be important in determin- the most authoritative summary
remains a dearth of high-quality ing cancer susceptibility in later life. statement of the links between diet,
studies to inform nutritional guid- Finally, new research on nutritional nutrition, and physical activity and
ance to people living with and be- influences in developing areas such the risk and progression of cancer.
yond cancer. Second, the report as the colonic microbiome, and in
World Cancer Research Fund International/American Institute for Cancer Research 145
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
3 Biological
processes in cancer
Knowledge of how normal cells become can- that is categorized as sporadic, for which no
cerous – the process of malignant transfor- such exposure is evident. Cancer development
mation – may underpin cancer prevention. after exposure includes the induction of carcin-
Changes evident in premalignant tissues or at ogen-related mutations; critical mutations may
the earliest stage of tumour development are also occur spontaneously. DNA repair may be
key to improve screening and to monitor peo- protective, epigenetic events may be as impor-
ple with an increased risk of cancer because of tant as mutations, and chronic inflammation
their genetic makeup, and also have implica- plays a key role. Malignant transformation is
tions for cancer treatment. Two scenarios are marked by metabolic, immunological, and hor-
covered: cancer that develops after exposure to monal changes. Knowledge of such biological
carcinogens, including hazardous chemicals, processes has contributed to reducing cancer
radiation, or infectious organisms, and cancer incidence and mortality.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Sporadic cancer
Tumorigenesis in the absence of an
established or avoidable cause
David Schottenfeld Paul Brennan (reviewer)
George Davey Smith (reviewer)
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Increasing age is a major predic- strand breaks or telomere dysfunc-
■■ Epigenetic events are
tor of adult-onset cancer incidence. tion caused by oxidative stress may
stochastic, discrete, and
A logarithmic pattern of overall can- induce a senescent response.
heritable, may confer the
cer incidence and age (i.e. the inci-
Telomeres propensity for aberrant
dence of cancer increases approxi- growth, and are influenced
mately exponentially as a function Human telomeres, which are special-
by environmental
of age) has suggested a multistep ized structures at the ends of chromo-
oncogenic agents.
biological mechanism in human somes, consist of tandem repetitive
carcinogenesis [2,3]. In industrial- arrays of the hexameric sequence ■■ The terminology “sporadic
ized countries, the overall cancer TTAGGG. Functional telomeres are cancer” reflects a currently
incidence rates more than doubled required to protect chromosome dynamic but incomplete
with each increase of 10 years in at- ends, provide chromosome stability, knowledge of the etiology and
tained age. In an analysis of adults and ensure, upon cell division, the pathogenesis of a biologically
in the USA in 2012–2014 [4], the fidelity of segregation of genetic ma- and morphologically
terial into daughter cells. Telomeric heterogeneous class
probability (as a percentage) of
dysfunction has consequences for of diseases.
developing invasive cancer at at-
ageing and carcinogenesis [7,8].
tained ages 50–59 years was 6%,
The mechanisms that govern ex-
as contrasted with 26% in women
posure of cells to metabolic stress
and 32% in men at ages 70 years
or crisis involve the cell genome, ing expression of the telomerase
and older.
and more specifically the telo- polymerase, a ribonucleoprotein
Cellular senescence meres. The ends of the telomeric enzyme, which restores and main-
DNA are not copied completely dur- tains telomeric DNA length [10].
Cellular senescence refers to ir- ing each cycle of DNA replication, The enzyme telomerase consists
reversible arrest of cell prolifer- because of an intrinsic limitation in of a subunit that has reverse tran-
ation. Although senescent cells are the DNA polymerases responsible scriptase activity, an RNA element
not dividing, they remain metaboli- for DNA replication. In addition, the that is the template on which DNA
cally active, secreting factors that ends of telomeric DNA are suscep- is synthesized, and the protein
may stimulate or inhibit the growth tible to the action of exonucleases, dyskerin, which has the ability to
of tumours. In vitro, senescent which contribute to erosion of telo- bind to and stabilize the RNA ele-
cells display an enlarged and flat- meric DNA length [9]. As a con- ment [11]. Upregulated telomerase
tened morphology, have elevated sequence, the telomeres shorten expression is a characteristic of
β-galactosidase activity, and ex- progressively as cell lineages pass pluripotent stem cells. Telomerase
press markers consistent with ac- through repeated division cycles activity is detectable in most human
tivation of tumour suppressor path- and ultimately senescence. tumours as a result of induction of
ways, cell-cycle arrest, and DNA The immortalization of cancer expression by a complex array of
damage response signalling [5]. cells may occur through activat- trans-activating oncoproteins.
Fig. 3.1.2. Senescent cells secrete multiple factors that can have effects on the tis- Cancer stem cells and
sue microenvironment. progenitor cells
TUMOR-SUPPRESSIVE ROLE Cancer stem cells are a selective
clonal subset of tumour cells that
Immune system (NK cells,,
pro-inflammatory macrophages, T cells) have avoided various cell regula-
tory mechanisms, including ter-
Reinforcement of minal differentiation, and yet have
senescence surveillance, killing retained the self-renewal properties
arrest (autocrine) and removal of
senescent cells and proliferative potential of adult
Senescent cell stem cells. Most tumours are main-
tained by a subpopulation of clonal
stem cells.
protease As defined by the American
secretion Association for Cancer Research
Bystander [14], a cancer stem cell is “a cell
senescence Extracellular within a tumor that possesses the
(paracrine) matrix remodeling
capacity to self-renew and to cause
the heterogeneous lineages of can-
cer cells that comprise the tumor”.
By maintaining at least some of the
properties of their tissue of origin,
cancer stem cells give rise to tu-
mours that phenotypically share in
Chronic their morphological features and pat-
pro-inflammatory inflammation
terns of expression of tissue-specific
growth factor
genes. Progenitor cells are progeny
Tumor cell secretion
proliferation of tissue-specific stem cells with lim-
ited potential for self-renewal.
Senescent cell
Two models of carcinogenesis
growth factor have been proposed. A stochas-
secretion tic model proposes that neoplasia
evolves potentially in any somatic
cell through a sequence of muta-
Epithelial tional and epigenetic events that
mesenchymal Angiogenesis
transition are amplified by selective clonal
increased growth. In contrast to the stochastic
invasiveness model, the cancer stem cell model
hypothesizes that the cellular origin
of cancer resides in tissue-specific
Somatic stem cells and sion results when a stem cell divides stem cells or progenitor cells that
human carcinogenesis into one daughter cell that replicates possess or acquire the property of
a stem cell, while the other daughter self-renewal [15]. The development
Stem cells cell proceeds along some differen- of biomarkers to identify cancer
Adult stem cells are observed in tiating pathway (Fig. 3.1.3). The ho- stem cells has facilitated the iso-
close association with differentiated meostatic balance between self-re- lation and characterization of cells
cells of a given tissue. They are usu- newal and differentiation is essential from human tumours. The neoplas-
ally located within specialized tis- for physiological maintenance of the tic evolution from normal tissue cells
sue microenvironments or stem cell architecture and functioning of adult is signalled by the loss of homeo-
“niches” composed of stromal cells organs and tissues [13]. static mechanisms that regulate mi-
and paracrine signalling factors [12]. Although adult somatic stem totic activity and differentiation.
Stem cells exhibit properties of cells have the potential to proliferate A contemporary view would
self-renewal and asymmetric divi- actively, they are relatively dormant tend to combine biological features
sion. Self-renewal signifies that in in their microenvironment. Stem cell advanced by both experimental
mitotic activity of stem cells there quiescence may be viewed as an models. Cancer stem cells are
is resistance to genetic and epige- evolutionarily conserved mechanism regulated by and interact with the
netic mechanisms that trigger se- that modulates stochastic events of tumour microenvironment. Cells
nescence or a permanent state of cell replication and the acquisition of recruited to the microenvironment
cell-cycle arrest. Asymmetric divi- tumorigenic mutations. include growth factors, cytokine
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
monoclonal antibodies) and on the lineage
they generate following transplantation.
4 Differentiated
Three typical examples are the stem
cells are nonmitotic
cells of bone marrow, intestine, and testes.
with a finite life span.
networks, and immunomodulatory thyl group to the 5-carbon position confer the propensity for aber-
T cells and macrophages. The no- of cytosine in a CpG dinucleotide. rant growth, and are influenced
tion of interaction between a stem Methylated cytosine residues have by environmental factors, namely
cell (the “seed”) and the tumour a tendency to deaminate spon- physical and chemical carcinogens
microenvironment (the “soil”) has taneously, causing C → T transi- and oncogenic infectious agents.
relevance to understanding tumour tions. Histone proteins are sub- Abnormal epigenetic programmes
metastasis and resistance to anti- ject to diverse post-translational may silence large groups of
cancer therapy. modifications, such as acetylation, genes, causing genomic instability.
methylation, phosphorylation, and Epigenetic post-translational modi-
ubiquitination [17]. fications of core histone patterns
Epigenetic mechanisms Epigenetic mechanisms are and DNA methylation may influence
in tumour development essential for normal functioning or accompany the ageing process.
Epigenetic events are composed of and development of human cells Feinberg et al. [18] proposed an
potentially heritable alterations in and tissues, as well as for mainte- epigenetic progenitor cell or epige-
gene expression that do not entail a nance of gene expression patterns. netic mediator model as a strategic
structural change in DNA sequenc- Epigenetic events are intimately as- step in human carcinogenesis. The
ing. Epigenetic events are associ- sociated with fetal organ develop- proposed tumorigenic event is a
ated with patterns of DNA methyla- ment, pathological events associat- polyclonal epigenetic disruption of
tion and histone modification that ed with ageing, biochemical effects stem/progenitor cells mediated by
serve to modulate the expression of of micronutrients, and the tumori- aberrant regulation of tumour pro-
proto-oncogenes and tumour sup- genic effects of cytokine mediators genitor genes. The authors’ pro-
pressor genes [16]. of chronic inflammation. posed terminology of “epigenetic
The methylation of DNA refers Epigenetic events are stochas- mediators” underscores functions
to the covalent addition of a me- tic, discrete, and heritable, may that affect the emergence and
maintenance of cancer stem cells, fraction) is generally interpreted as cer deaths in the 1970s could have
and the facilitation of cancer initiation the proportion of cases, or excess been avoided [22]. A review by Parkin
and progression (see Chapter 3.8). number of cases, that – based on et al. estimated that for the United
current knowledge – could be elimi- Kingdom in 2010, 14 lifestyle and
nated if the exposed people were to environmental risk factors (tobacco
Population attributable
experience the same risks as the smoke, ethanol consumption, obesi-
risks of sporadic cancers unexposed people [21]. The popu- ty and overweight, physical inactivity,
The terminology “sporadic cancers” lation attributable fraction reflects dietary factors including consump-
reflects a currently dynamic but the magnitude of the relative risk tion of red meat and processed meat,
incomplete knowledge of the etiol- of the association of the exposure cancer-causing infectious agents,
ogy and pathogenesis of a biologi- and the disease outcome, and the occupational exposures, ionizing and
cally and morphologically heteroge- prevalence of the exposure in the solar radiation, and exogenous hor-
neous class of diseases. The sub- population. This assumes that the mones) were associated with 45%
text of the terminology, namely the estimation of population attributa- of cancer cases in men and 40% in
absence of a demonstrable cause, ble fraction is unbiased, that the women [23]. Colditz and Wei, in their
underscores the view of assigning exposure is causal, and that elimi- review of biological agents, lifestyle
“bad luck” in the affected populace. nation of the risk factor has no ef- behavioural patterns, and physical
Tomasetti and Vogelstein have hy- fect on the distribution of other risk environmental factors, concluded
pothesized that the patterns of can- factors. It is important to establish that 50–60% of cancer deaths and
cer incidence in various cells and that the measure of the prevalence more than 60% of cancer cases in
tissues are highly correlated with of the exposure in the population the USA were potentially avoidable
the estimated lifetime number of matches as closely as possible the [24]. The World Cancer Research
stem cell divisions [19,20]. Each so- population source for deriving the Fund/American Institute for Cancer
matic stem cell division entails a risk measure of relative risk. Research report in 2015 estimated
of random mutations. The variable Is there a consensus on the pop- that 20–22% of all incident cancers
number of divisions appears to be ulation cancer burden that may be at- in the United Kingdom and the USA
a major determinant of differences tributable to lifestyle behavioural and were due to the combined risk fac-
in cancer risks in different organs. environmental risk factors that would tors of diet, physical inactivity, and
The authors reviewed the risks of be interactive with stem cell replica- overweight or obesity [25]. Specific
17 types of cancers in 69 countries. tion activity? In the 1981 publication aspects of dietary factors included
The median correlation coefficient by Doll and Peto on the avoidable high consumption of red meat and
between the lifetime risk of cancer risks of cancer in the USA, the au- processed meat and low consump-
in each tissue and the reported life- thors concluded that 75–80% of can- tion of folate (see Chapter 2.6).
time number of stem cell divisions
within that tissue was r = 0.80 (95%
confidence interval, 0.67–0.84). Fig. 3.1.4. In the absence of a demonstrable cause, the view of assigning “bad luck”
The linearity of the positive corre- to cancer development arose from the proposal that the patterns of cancer incidence
lations was observed consistently in various cells and tissues are highly correlated with the estimated lifetime number of
stem cell divisions within those cells or tissues. Each somatic stem cell division entails
among the countries studied.
a risk of random mutations.
The estimated proportion of to-
tal variation in cancer incidence ex-
plained by the number of stem cell
divisions may be estimated by r 2
or 0.64 (95% confidence interval,
0.45–0.71). The authors concluded
that approximately two thirds of
global cancer incidence may be at-
tributed to random replication errors,
with a confidence boundary as low
as 45% and as high as 71%. Would
this be a measure of the global bur-
den of “sporadic cancers”?
A counterpoint epidemiologi-
cal perspective on the stem cell
hypothesis in human carcinogen-
esis will now be summarized. The
attributable fraction in the popula-
tion at risk (population attributable
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Tomasetti and Vogelstein have hypothesis must be viewed in the dress the complexity of interactions
described a biological mechanism context of diverse and contrasting already established in epidemiologi-
of tissue-specific stem cell replica- global trends and patterns of types cal and experimental studies that
tion patterns that are positively cor- and “causes” of cancers that are describe the burden of cancers that
related with, and universally applica- closely linked with economic devel- may be attributable to avoidable or
ble in comprehending the diversity opment and cultural lifestyle prac- remediable risk factors.
of, organ-specific cancer incidence tices. The terminology “sporadic
patterns. The unifying nature of their cancer” does not adequately ad-
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Susceptibility and somatic patterns
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
set of common variants can be com-
pathways. The relationship
lele frequency. In turn, these differ- bined to generate a polygenic model between germline
ences have become attractive for for cancer susceptibility [8]. susceptibility alleles and
investigating differences in incidence
somatic alterations may
for distinct cancer types, by either
population or exposure.
The search for regions of uncover new pathways and
Cancer susceptibility alleles can the genome that confer targets for therapeutic and
be discovered by different approach- susceptibility to cancer preventive measures.
es, including linkage, association, ■■ Understanding the underlying
and now next-generation sequencing Cancer predisposition genes genetic architecture of
analyses. Not all alleles have com- For decades, cancer geneticists common and rare cancer
parable estimated effects. Linkage have investigated families or spe- types provides a foundation
analyses in family studies are used to cial populations in which multiple for developing effective
approaches towards precision
prevention in oncology.
Fig. 3.2.1. Distribution of susceptibility alleles by frequency and strength of genetic effect,
illustrating the distribution of susceptibility alleles as well as the feasibility of identifying ■■ One of the hallmarks of
variants through genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and sequence analysis. cancer is an altered genome,
which features mutations that
Effect size
drive abnormal growth and
can lead to cancer-related
deaths. The disruption of
Rare alleles Few examples of
causing high-effect normal functions by cancer
Mendelian common variants mutations can also generate
3.0 disease influencing many passenger mutations.
common disease
Intermediate Low-frequency
variants with ■■ Globally, major differences
intermediate in the patterns of mutations
1.5 for distinct types and subtypes
Common of cancer correlate with
Rare variants of
Modest variants distinct exposure and
small effect very
implicated in
hard to identify
common population diversity, providing
by genetic means
disease by etiological clues that could
be used to develop new
0.001 0.005 0.05 prevention, detection, and
Very rare Rare Low-frequency Common
treatment strategies.
Allele frequency
members developed the same type genetic variants in a cancer predis- Common susceptibility alleles
or types of cancer. Most of the early position gene confer risk; this un- in cancer
studies were based on collections derscores the importance of careful The advent of genome-wide as-
of families with similar cancers, annotation of variants in particular sociation studies (GWAS) has
and these, in turn, provided an op- genes, with the data ideally shared substantially accelerated the pace
portunity to identify rare mutations publicly. Large consortium efforts of discovery of common genetic
that confer a high risk of cancer in are under way to publicly annotate susceptibility variants for a wide
other family members. The concept and classify iconic and rare can- range of human diseases and traits
of penetrance – i.e. the likelihood cer predisposition genes, such as (Box 3.2.1). The previous decades
that other family members carrying BRCA1 and BRCA2, based on the of candidate gene studies yielded
the same variant will develop can- accumulation of data from many re- very few results that have withstood
cer – has been intensely studied sources [11]. the rigours of multiple testing. After
in families, yielding estimates in a Until recently, the field was domi- a draft human genome sequence
small subset of genes that genetic nated by reports of families with high and its annotation were available,
counsellors and health-care provid- cancer burdens, not always due to advances in microarray technolo-
ers use to guide patients and family a particular cancer type. In 1969, gies, together with new analytical
members to consider early detec- Li and Fraumeni reported multiple tools and standards, enabled re-
tion or prevention strategies [9]. cancers in families who were later searchers to interrogate hundreds
Many of these genes are now tested determined to harbour loss-of-func- of thousands of SNPs in parallel.
in clinical settings, but the number tion mutations in TP53 [12]. Somatic The resultant success of GWAS
of variants identified has exceeded mutations in TP53 are common in has been based on an agnostic
the threshold for adequate inter- many adult cancers and constitute approach to the discovery of mark-
pretation [10]. Consequently, many the most common set of drivers [13]. ers, based primarily on statistical
variants are known as variants of For the set of more than 120 known grounds [4]. Rarely does a GWAS
unknown significance, and further cancer predisposition genes, it is es- initially find the causal or functional
work is required before classifica- timated that more than 50% are also variant [17]. This is because SNP
tion can be determined – as either somatically altered in cancers, serv- microarrays have been designed
a pathogenic mutation or a benign ing as key drivers of carcinogenesis to provide varying degrees of cov-
mutation [10]. These two categories [2]. Population and clinic-based se- erage of the blocks of haplotypes
are key for clinicians to recommend quencing (targeted to cancer genes, across the genome with optimal
next steps when encountering exomes, and whole genomes) has genetic surrogate markers, which
these variants in families or genetic shown that the prevalence of cancer usually do not include the functional
testing venues (see Chapter 6.5). gene mutations could be higher than variant or variants.
The advent of next-generation anticipated, suggesting that not all In GWAS, many statistical tests
sequencing has accelerated the mutations alone confer cancer risk are conducted, raising the spectre of
pace of discovery of new genes in [14,15]. Even highly penetrant muta- false positives. The community has
which one or more mutations can tions are complex and are modified embraced a threshold of genome-
confer an increased risk of can- by environmental factors and other wide significance for reporting
cer. More than 120 such genes genetic factors, which are not yet GWAS results, defined as a trend
have already been identified, and well explained. In some settings, the association test with P ≤ 5 × 10 −8
the expectation is that more will presence of pathogenic mutations is after adjustment as per the GWAS
be discovered [2]. However, not all much higher than expected [16]. study design [18]. Follow-up studies
1. Discovery of new regions in 2. Clues for mechanistic insights 3. Challenge of genetic markers
the genome associated with into the contribution of com- for risk prediction for individ-
diseases or traits mon genetic variation to can- ual or public health decisions
• New candidate genes and cer biology • Common variants represent
regions • Etiology a fraction of the genetic con-
• Gene–environment/lifestyle tribution to risk
interactions • Polygenic risk models
• Outcomes and
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
or large meta-analyses are required or newly generated next-generation odds ratios of 1.1–1.3; in paediatric
to establish a conclusive finding. sequencing of populations [20]. cancers, estimates of 1.6–1.8 are
Independent replication guards not unusual – this may be related
against the pursuit of false posi- Discoveries from cancer GWAS to their rapid development but could
tives; this is particularly important Cancer GWAS are scalable with also be due to the homogeneity of
because mapping and laboratory respect to discovery. Large inter- the tumours studied [23]. In tes-
investigation are expensive with national collaborative efforts have ticular cancer, a disease that has a
respect to time and resources. The yielded the discovery of more than very high heritability but is relatively
actual functional marker does not 1000 independent loci (specific rare, the per-allele effect estimate
have to be tested; instead, a sur- regions harbouring one or more is greater than 2.5 for KITLG on
rogate in linkage disequilibrium can functional variants) in at least 30 chromosome 12 [24].
be replicated in subsequent studies different cancer types. The larger More than 85% of the loci
(Fig. 3.2.2). Occasionally, a com- consortia for breast cancer and identified in cancer GWAS have
mon genetic marker may point to- prostate cancer, two of the most been discovered in individuals of
wards a less common variant with a common cancer types, have es- European ancestry, with approxi-
stronger effect, known as a synthet- tablished more than 180 distinct mately 10% in Asian ancestry and
ic association [19]. Because GWAS regions in each of these cancer less than 5% in African ancestry
genotyping has been performed types, and each region harbours an [4]. This is not surprising, because
with different commercial and cus- allele with a small effect [21,22]. most studies to date have been
tom SNP microarrays, techniques Cancer GWAS have discovered conducted in cases and controls
for imputation of data have been common susceptibility alleles. To of European ancestry. Because
developed to combine data sets. date, nearly all markers discov- the population genetics of differ-
Imputation programs successfully ered by cancer GWAS have a mi- ent continental ancestry can yield
infer untested and highly correlated nor allele frequency greater than different allele frequencies, which
SNPs based on reference data sets, 10%, with a handful in the 5–10% are key for discovery, a small frac-
such as the International HapMap range. The per-allele estimated ef- tion appear to be specific to distinct
Project, the 1000 Genomes Project, fect sizes are small, with estimated populations. However, with further
fine-mapping, it is likely that most
signals from GWAS will yield one or
more SNPs in distinct populations.
Fig. 3.2.2. Genetic analysis of a genome-wide association study. Multiple steps
are conducted, including the choice of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) With rare exceptions, the etiolog-
across the genome (usually included on a commercial SNP microarray) based on ical markers are not associated with
linkage disequilibrium in a region, enabling the selection of a surrogate to test for clinical outcomes, including meta-
the region. Association analysis is conducted in a case–control setting, examining static disease or survival. Several
all SNPs in a Manhattan plot, followed by replication analyses that pinpoint markers of the markers for neuroblastoma
on chromosomes, which are fine-mapped and investigated in the laboratory. MAF, appear to discriminate between ag-
minor allele frequency.
gressive and milder disease [25].
Of the more than 180 independent
loci identified for prostate cancer,
not one accurately discriminates be-
tween aggressive and non-aggres-
sive prostate cancer [22].
GWAS, based on correlated mark- Consortium (ICGC) and the Cancer py, such as human leukocyte anti-
ers. Moreover, most variants map to Genome Atlas (TCGA), have laid gen (HLA) alleles or neo-antigens.
non-coding sequences, and in the the foundation for understanding Landscape analyses of events
more than 40 susceptibility alleles the scope and complexity of cancer across entire cancer genomes have
that have been well investigated, genomes and have already identi- revealed several key points: a wide
the vast majority confer effect by fied many driver mutations (defined range of types of genetic events
altering the regulation of expression as mutations that initiate or perpetu- (from single base mutations to the
or function of one or more genes ate carcinogenesis). Building on the shattering of entire chromosomes),
nearby [26]. Only a handful of vari- many involving driver genes, and
success of these consortia, investi-
ants appear to map to actual coding even more mutations that appear
gators worldwide are continuing to
changes, resulting in non-synony- to be passengers, arising as a con-
search for distinct characteristics
mous base changes, which lead to sequence of the sloppy proliferative
an alteration of an amino acid. In this in rare and common cancer types
process of cancer genomes [13,28].
regard, one of the major themes of that can shed light on the etiology
Moreover, characterization of can-
cancer GWAS is the appreciation of of cancer, lead to the discovery of
cer genomes has revealed that
the accumulation of many small reg- new targets, and provide a deeper
the origins of cancer are complex.
ulatory changes in cancer etiology, understanding of clinical successes
Although the hallmark processes
unlike the strong effects of highly and failures with known anticancer
of driver genes frequently become
penetrant mutations, which often agents based on genetic mutations dysregulated through somatic alter-
co-occur in known oncogenes or tu- [13]. Accordingly, substantial efforts ations in the genome, many differ-
mour suppressor genes. have been focused on the princi- ent events can occur. Accordingly,
Risk stratification based on ple of precision oncology, i.e. the the list of recurrently mutated can-
many GWAS susceptibility alleles matching of drugs tailored to indi- cer genes is relatively short, but
holds great promise for improving viduals based on specific tumour there are many rarely mutated
screening and prevention strate- mutations [27]. The use of geno- genes (Fig. 3.2.3) [28].
gies, especially for common can- mics to guide therapy has emerged There is substantial heterogene-
cer types with substantial absolute as a major effort in oncology, wheth- ity of cancer mutations across the
risks, such as breast cancer and
er it is defining specific targets for globe, reflecting distinct geographi-
prostate cancer. Recent studies
new drugs or identifying the predic- cal exposures and differences in
have demonstrated the value of
tors of success with immunothera- underlying population ancestry. The
combining data sets of the common
GWAS variants in a polygenic risk
score [8]. The proof of principle has
been established with goodness- Fig. 3.2.3. Mutation rates across cancer types. The frequency of point mutations can
vary by 4 orders of magnitude; the lowest frequencies are found in haematological
of-fit tests in breast cancer, showing and paediatric tumours and the highest in tumours induced by carcinogens such as
that the polygenic risk score can be tobacco smoke and ultraviolet radiation. The patterns and signatures of the distribution
calibrated and predicts risk accu- of base changes are highly variable and can reflect distinct environmental or genetic
rately in the tails of the highest and mechanisms (e.g. homologous recombination deficiency of the APOBEC family of
lowest risk distribution. It is likely cytidine deaminases).
that the polygenic risk score, com-
bined with classic epidemiological
risk factors, will drive major advanc-
es in early detection and prevention
strategies during the next decade.
The landscape of
mutational changes in
cancer genomes
The application of next-genera-
tion sequencing technology to the
analysis of somatic mutations in
cancer genomes has transformed
the understanding of cancer, be-
ginning with the identification of
key drivers of tumorigenesis. Large
international consortia, such as
the International Cancer Genome
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
identification of a more comprehen- genome) (Table 3.2.1). There is an ways or that, in some cases, sets of
sive set of cancer genes has set extensive “dark matter” space out- genes can contribute to cancer [29].
in motion the process of mapping side the protein-coding regions that Because cancer is a disease
them against different cancer types has emerged from landscape analy- that alters the genome, mutational
and subtypes. Distinct environmen- ses but cannot be easily interpreted. events can range in size from a sin-
tal exposures (e.g. chemical expo- Widely available data sharing within gle nucleotide to an entire chromo-
sures, dietary and lifestyle factors, the research community, albeit with- some [30]. Although gains and loss-
and infections) as well as different in controlled circumstances, is criti- es of entire chromosomes occur in
population genetic backgrounds cal to better understand what has many cancers, it is daunting to sep-
can partially explain the geographi- already been generated, because arate the driver gene events from
cal and biological differences. new algorithms and perspectives those that result from alterations
Mapping genomic features against regularly uncover novel biological in genome structure. Previously, a
different environmental exposures processes underlying carcinogen- handful of driver fusion genes had
should lead to new discoveries and esis, especially with respect to can- been identified in elegant molecu-
eventually generate new approach- cers across the globe [29]. lar genetics studies. An example
es to early detection or prevention. By definition, somatic alterations is the Philadelphia translocation in
A multitude of international ar- arise as a postzygotic event. When chronic myeloid leukaemia cells, in
ticles on landscape analyses have cancer develops, it is because of a which the ABL1 gene on chromo-
detailed the mutational events disruption of one or more key cellu- some 9 is juxtaposed onto the BCR
across a wide range of cancer types lar functions that confer a selective gene on chromosome 22 to yield a
and have begun to reveal important advantage for tumour growth [30] tyrosine kinase signal that is per-
patterns that overlap between dif- (Fig. 3.2.4). Some mutations inacti- petually “on”. Fusion genes have
ferent types of cancer (but not all vate genes that protect the cell from been identified in a wide range of
cancer types); these are known as abnormal growth, known as tumour cancer types. For instance, a sub-
pan-cancer analyses [13]. Major ef- suppressor genes, whereas other stantial fraction of papillary thyroid
forts are under way to catalogue and mutations activate genes that ac- cancer is driven by fusion genes
understand the underlying biology celerate abnormal growth, known as involving the RAS pathway [31].
for the hundreds of cancer genes oncogenes. More recently, studies Concatenation of somatically al-
that have been identified, but to have shown that mutations can also tered regions (either within a chro-
date, most studies have reported on disrupt pathways of expression or mosome or between chromosomes)
protein-coding regions (~2% of the epigenetic regulators of gene path- can occur in most cancer types
International Cancer Genome The ICGC Data Portal provides access to cancer
Consortium (ICGC) genome data and project data from ICGC members.
The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) The TCGA Data Portal provides a platform for
nci/organization/ccg/research/ researchers to search, download, and analyse cancer
structural-genomics/tcga genome data sets generated by institutions in the USA
contributing to TCGA.
Genomic Data Commons (GDC), The GDC Data Portal includes data from TCGA and
National Cancer Institute, USA other cancer genome sequencing projects supported
by the National Cancer Institute, as well as analytical
Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in COSMIC stores and displays curated somatic mutation
Cancer (COSMIC) data and other information related to human cancer.
Pan-Cancer Analytical Framework The Pan-Cancer Atlas resource includes many linked
consortium/pancanceratlas/pancani3/ articles detailing analyses across cancer types using
index.html TCGA and ICGC, known as pan-cancer analyses.
Broad Institute Integrative Genomics IGV is a visualization tool for interactive exploration of
Viewer (IGV) large, integrated genomic data sets.
University of California Santa Cruz The UCSC Cancer Genomics Browser is a suite of
(UCSC) Cancer Genomics Browser web-based tools to visualize, integrate, and analyse
cancer genomics and associated clinical data.
Fig. 3.2.4. Figurative depiction of somatic mutations present in a cancer cell in the adenocarcinoma) and the Sherlock-
small cell lung cancer cell line NCI-H2171. Individual chromosomes are depicted on lung study (of lung adenocarcino-
the outer circle. Concentric circles show point mutations, copy number events, and ma in never-smokers) are conduct-
rearrangements. Arrows indicate distinct types of somatic mutational events.
ing landscape genomic analyses in
common cancer types with distinct
geographical patterns and linking
the epidemiological factors with
signatures of carcinogenesis to un-
derstand geographical differences
in cancer incidence and subtypes.
It is plausible to identify signatures
that point towards an environmental
or lifestyle risk factor that could be
avoided or controlled. Similarly, sig-
natures could be used to determine
driver events that could be targeted
with specific therapeutic strategies,
including immunotherapy.
The pattern of distribution of mu-
tations in the DNA binding region of
TP53, an iconic tumour suppressor
gene, has led to new insights into its
role in responding to cellular stress
and approximating genomic stabil-
ity. The distribution of TP53 muta-
tions varies widely by cancer types,
including by age and by geographi-
cal distribution, which suggests key
opportunities to investigate the role
of environmental triggers in car-
but to varying degrees of density. ultraviolet radiation and melanoma) cinogenesis [35].
Distinct types of structural variants and paediatric cancers (e.g. Ewing
can occur. Chromosomal shat- sarcoma and retinoblastoma) [28]. Future use of genomics
tering, known as chromothripsis, The patterns of specific mutations
can result in thousands of rear- can leave mutational signatures –
in cancer research
rangements that occur in a sin- or footprints – based on the specific In the process of characterizing
gle crisis due to imperfect DNA types of mutations and their adja- cancer genomes as well as cancer
repair mechanisms (see Chapter cent base pair context [32]. Some of susceptibility alleles, it has become
3.4). Similarly, hypermutation of a the signatures have been correlated apparent that as cells divide, they ac-
region can result in kataegis, of- with tobacco use (see Chapter 2.1), cumulate somatic mutations. Recent
ten due to the APOBEC family of exposure to potent mutagens such analyses of normal tissues have
genes. Major shifts in the balance as aflatoxins or aristolochic acid (see shown that mutations can accumu-
between regulators of genes – Chapter 2.8), or host defence sys- late in healthy individuals with age,
i.e. epigenetic mechanisms – have tems (e.g. APOBEC3 genes, which particularly in response to strong en-
emerged as an important driver protect against small pathogens) vironmental mutagens (e.g. ultravio-
in some cancer types, either with [33,34]. New efforts are under way let radiation and the skin, nutritional
overactive methylation (which usu- to search for mutational signatures elements and the oesophagus, and
ally silences a genetic fragment) that could point to novel risk factors inhalants like tobacco smoke and
or with low levels of methylation for specific cancer types by looking the lung) [36,37]. Surprisingly, even
(known as hypomethylation). for epidemiological factors associ- if the mutations are known cancer
Mutational rates vary greatly by ated with specific signatures. The drivers (e.g. in TP53 and NOTCH1),
type of cancer. So far, the density of Mutographs project (which results cancer may not have developed yet;
single-nucleotide mutations across a from a Cancer Research UK Grand this clearly signals that additional
genome differs by nearly 4 orders of Challenge grant and is analysing local tumour microenvironmental
magnitude (> 10 000-fold) between five cancer types: colorectal cancer, and immune interactions contrib-
cancer types with strong environ- kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer, ute to malignant transformation
mental factors (e.g. tobacco use and and both oesophageal squamous [38]. The assessment of genomic
lung adenocarcinoma or exposure to cell carcinoma and oesophageal changes in precancerous states has
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 3.2.5. Mosaicism and ageing. Distribution and types of postzygotic somatic events leading to clonal mosaicism, from single
point events to large chromosomal events, always in a subset of cells. Mosaic events can vary by tissue of origin and can be driven
by new mutations that achieve selective advantage balanced by effective or ineffective surveillance repair mechanisms.
tremendous potential for early de- cancer and other complex adult dis- tumour DNA or tumour cells. Early
tection and prevention. eases (e.g. cardiovascular disease, studies suggest that it is possible to
Genetic mosaicism (defined diabetic diseases, or neurodegen- detect circulating DNA in advanced
as the presence of a subpopula- erative diseases) [40,41]. For hae- cases, but major questions remain
tion of cells with an alternative ge- matological cancers, it is possible about the sensitivity and timing of
notype) has been well established to detect a subset of mutations well such diagnostic tools, especially be-
across the spectrum of mutational before the diagnosis of cancer. This cause genetic mosaicism could be
events, generally accumulating is known as clonal haematopoiesis, more common than previously ap-
with age (Fig. 3.2.5) [39]. Whether and it has been shown to be an im- preciated. Large studies will be re-
large structural events increase portant risk factor for subsequent quired to define the utility of a liquid
with age or single base pair muta- leukaemia [42]. biopsy in cancer diagnosis and care.
tions emerge, current research is The technology of next-genera-
focused on how detection of these tion sequencing holds the promise
events could be a biomarker for of detecting either free circulating
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Gene–environment interactions
The preventive implications are
still not clear
Paolo Vineis Anja Rudolph (reviewer)
Ghislaine Scelo (reviewer)
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
environment interaction studies, review was published by IARC in
■■ The gene–environment
genotyping was not available, and 1999 [2], but much more evidence is
interactions investigated most
evidence came from a phenotypic currently available. To synthesize the
characterization of susceptibility. evidence, a set of criteria – known as frequently have included
People were known to react differ- the Venice criteria because they were environmental factors
ently to drugs, including with re- proposed by the Human Genome categorized as energy
spect to adverse effects, because Epidemiology (HuGE) Network at a balance (e.g. indicated by
of more or less rapid metabolism, meeting in Venice – is used [3]. The body mass index, diet),
usually related to enzymes of criteria assess the quality of the evi-
exogenous hormonal factors
the cytochrome P450 (CYP) sys- dence based on three general cate-
(e.g. oral contraceptives),
tem, often identified as members gories: amount of evidence, degree of
of the CYP family. Some pheno- replication, and protection from bias. endogenous hormonal factors
(e.g. indicated by menopausal
status), particular chemical
Table 3.3.1. Key characteristics of carcinogens and examples of genes with low-pene- exposures (e.g. consumption
trance variants (single-nucleotide polymorphisms) that may modulate the mechanism of grilled meats), and lifestyle
of action
factors (e.g. smoking, alcohol
Key characteristic Examples of genes consumption).
1. Is electrophilic or can be Phase I (CYP) or phase II (NAT2, GSTM1) ■■ The magnitudes of the
metabolically activated to metabolizing genes
interactions reported were
usually modest, with risks
2. Is genotoxic DNA repair genes (e.g. XRCC1)
increased or decreased by
3. Alters DNA repair or causes DNA repair genes
genomic instability 20–50%.
4. Induces epigenetic alterations Genes involved in DNA methylation or histone ■■ There are very few examples
of actionable gene–environ-
5. Induces oxidative stress OGG1 ment interactions prompting
6. Induces chronic inflammation Interleukin-1 gene family specific prevention strategies,
7. Is immunosuppressive Several genes involved in immunosuppression partly because a large number
8. Modulates receptor-mediated effects AHRR of people at a small risk
9. Causes immortalization Genes involved in senescence (e.g. pRB and
may give rise to more cases
p53 cell-cycle control pathways) of disease than the small
10. Alters cell proliferation, cell death, NOTCH1 number who are at a high risk.
or nutrient supply
ADH and ALDH, aero Fig. 3.3.2. Smoke from tobacco cigarettes is a major source of human exposure to
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Through gene–environment interaction studies,
digestive cancers, and some phenotypes were discovered that predisposed individuals to the action of
Mendelian randomization carcinogens, including the modulation of outcomes from exposure to polycyclic
One example that has been stud- aromatic hydrocarbons due to CYP1A1 variants.
ied extensively and belongs to the
highest categories according to the
Venice criteria is the different ability
that individuals have to metabolize
ethanol to acetaldehyde. Alcohol
consumption has been associated
with the risk of cancer at different
organ sites (see Chapter 2.3), and
acetaldehyde is believed to be the
active agent.
Individuals have different sus-
ceptibilities to the acute effects of
ethanol (notably, some people of
Asian descent are particularly sus-
ceptible), and this has been related
to common variants as indicated by
SNPs of the alcohol dehydrogenase
(ADH) and aldehyde dehydroge-
nase (ALDH) genes. Such variants
are also associated with greater sus- ining, as an example, the association Fig. 3.3.3. People in Turbo, a small town
ceptibility to the carcinogenic effects between the ALDH2 polymorphisms in Kenya, brew a traditional alcoholic
of ethanol, for example for laryngeal and oesophageal cancer. beverage called changaa. Individuals
cancer and oesophageal cancer. have different susceptibilities to the acute
The ALDH2*2 allele produces an
In one study, six ADH gene vari- effects of ethanol, and this has been
inactive protein, which is unable to related to common variants as indicated
ants were investigated in more than metabolize acetaldehyde. An indi- by SNPs of the ADH and ALDH genes.
3800 people with aerodigestive vidual’s genotype at this locus may
cancer and 5200 controls [4]. The influence their risk of developing
gene variants rs1229984 (ADH1B) oesophageal cancer via two mecha-
and rs1573496 (ADH7) were signifi- nisms: by influencing alcohol intake,
cantly protective against aerodiges- and by influencing acetaldehyde
tive cancers. These effects became levels. In a meta-analysis of studies
more apparent with increasing alco- investigating the ALDH2 genotype
hol consumption. The gene effects and oesophageal cancer, the risk
were independent of each other, im- was reduced among *2*2 homozy-
plying that multiple ADH genes may gotes (odds ratio, 0.36; 95% confi-
be involved in the etiology of upper dence interval, 0.16–0.80) and in-
aerodigestive cancers. creased among heterozygotes (odds
ADH gene variants have been ratio, 3.19; 95% confidence interval,
included in studies on alcoholism 1.86–5.47) relative to *1*1 homozy-
based on a Mendelian randomiza- gotes. This provides evidence that
tion design (e.g. [5]). In turn, ALDH acetaldehyde plays a carcinogenic
variants have been successfully in- role in oesophageal cancer [6].
vestigated in relation to aerodigestive Mendelian randomization can
cancers with Mendelian randomiza- also be used to clarify dose–re-
tion. In brief, gene variants are trans- sponse relationships. For example,
mitted randomly from parents to their the relationship between alcohol
offspring, because of random assort- consumption (using a variant in the
ment in meiosis. Therefore, they are ADH1B gene as an instrumental vari-
expected not to be affected by con- able) and risk of cardiovascular dis-
founding in epidemiological studies ease was investigated. Alcohol con-
and are used as instrumental vari- sumption was found to increase risk
ables to assess causality between of cardiovascular disease, with no
environmental exposures and can- evidence of a cardioprotective effect
cer. Here, this is illustrated by exam- at moderate consumption levels [7].
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
A review of the literature of Colorectal Cancer Consortium sociated with dietary habits. Larger
(GECCO). An example is a study on sample sizes are probably needed
Many gene variants that interact
the gene–environment interaction to elucidate modest or weak inter-
with environmental agents have
for use of aspirin and non-steroidal action in GWAS of gene–diet inter-
been identified. However, the as-
anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of action [11]. Potential chemopreven-
sessment of causal evidence is of-
colorectal cancer [10]. tion of colorectal cancer mediated
ten uncertain, because of the very
For colon cancer, several stud- by aspirin and related drugs is not
large sample sizes required to in-
ies have evaluated the role of necessarily an exception, because
vestigate interactions. For each of
gene–diet interactions. Results in this case (in spite of very low P
the key characteristics of carcino- values), the relative risks are about
gens, genes with inherited variants from candidate gene studies were
inconsistent, with little replication 0.66–0.69 for gene variants [10,12].
can be found (Table 3.3.1), but the
real impact of these variants in mod- across studies. In recent years,
ulating the effect of environmental GWAS have identified several colo- Functional interpretation
exposures is largely unknown. rectal cancer susceptibility loci, but The underlying biological mecha-
Simonds et al. [8] performed a limited evidence was provided that nism contributing to disease risk is
systematic review of published litera- these loci may modify the risk as- known for only a small proportion of
ture from two databases of genetic
association studies: the HuGE litera-
ture finder and the Cancer Genome- Fig. 3.3.4. Distribution of the number of gene–environment interactions examined
Wide Association and Meta Analy- by environmental exposure category in (A) primary and (B) supplemental literature
searches. A total of 3526 interactions were examined in the primary search, and 1370
ses Database (Cancer GAMAdb). Of
interactions were examined in the supplemental search from relevant publications.
3019 articles identified in the search-
es, only 272 articles met the inclusion A 1600
criteria. In both searches, the majority 1457 (41%)
Number of Interactions Examined
of the publications examined gene–
environment interactions in cancers 1200
none of the studies were genome-
400 379 (28%)
wide interaction studies (i.e. studies
based on genome-wide association 291 (21%)
studies [GWAS]). The magnitudes
250 221 (16%)
of the interactions reported were
modest, as is usually the case in
the literature on gene–environment
interactions in cancer: the risks in-
50 22 (2%)
creased or decreased by 20–50% 1 (<1%)
in carriers of the minor allele com- t
es le es ce en ion
pared with wild-type individuals for on esty on lan tm at
rm Lif rm Ba ea m
o r m
the same exposure [9] (some exam- Ho sH
s/T la
ug inf
ples are given below). More recent- ou nou E r nd
gen ge D
ly, GWAS gene–environment inter- Ex
o do tio
En fec
action studies have been published In
by the Genetics and Epidemiology Environmental Exposure Category
the loci identified through GWAS (see particular in relation to screening or therefore the motivation to do so is
Chapter 3.2). More research is need- surveillance for chronic diseases. enhanced. Also, the “high-risk” ap-
ed to functionally characterize risk Also for primary prevention, fo- proach generally offers a more cost-
loci. This includes: using functional cusing on individuals who are at effective use of limited resources,
annotations for discovery and valida- higher risk (e.g. because of their and it has a more favourable ratio of
tion; studying molecular phenotypes, genetic background) has been re- the benefits to the risks. (If an inter-
including epigenetics or gene expres- peatedly proposed. A typical exam- vention has some adverse effects,
sion, to improve gene–environment ple is screening for phenylketonuria then the ratio of the benefits to the
interaction discovery; and leveraging at birth, where the detection of a risks will be more favourable if the
in vitro and in vivo models for these particular set of mutations enables benefits are greater.) However, the
studies [13]. Large public databases, the identification of individuals who “high-risk” strategy has drawbacks.
such as the Encyclopedia of DNA will benefit enormously from simple The first disadvantage is related to
Elements (ENCODE), the Epigeno- preventive actions, such as avoiding the difficulties and costs of screen-
mics Roadmap, and Genotype-Tissue phenylalanine in the diet. In this ex- ing individuals to identify those who
Expression (GTEx), enable functional ample, the screening test has high are most susceptible, even with the
annotation and interpretation of many sensitivity and specificity and the more refined measures of suscepti-
genomic regions; this can be used to preventive action is highly effective; bility that result from the improved
prioritize candidate gene–environ- hence, precision prevention is high- molecular understanding of cancer.
ment interaction markers [14]. ly attractive for phenylketonuria. The second disadvantage is that
it is a temporary solution and not
Can genetic susceptibility Sick individuals and sick a definitive – or what Rose called
be used to select high- populations “radical” – solution: with a popula-
tion-based approach the risk fac-
risk populations? The strategic problems of the popu-
lation science of primary prevention tor can in principle be eradicated,
The concept of precision medi- whereas with the “high-risk” strat-
cine has recently attracted signifi- were already addressed in 2001 by
Rose in an article titled “Sick indi- egy it is not. The main problem that
cant attention [15]. As is stated on Rose identified with this approach,
the website of the United States viduals and sick populations” [18].
Rose compared the advantages which is also the case for the con-
National Institutes of Health [16], cept of precision prevention, is that
“Precision medicine is an emerg- and disadvantages of an approach
to prevention that is focused on “a large number of people at a small
ing approach for disease treatment risk may give rise to more cases of
and prevention that takes into ac- high-risk individuals or subgroups –
which today would be termed strati- disease than the small number who
count individual variability in genes, are at a high risk” [18].
environment, and lifestyle for each fied or personalized or precision
prevention – and of the population- Hence, the preference is for pop-
person. While significant advances
based approach. ulation-based approaches, which
in precision medicine have been
The first advantage of the “high- have multiple advantages. They are
made for selected cancers, the
risk” strategy is that it produces definitive, because they attempt to
practice is not currently applied to
interventions that are appropriate remove the underlying causes of
most diseases. Many efforts are
for the particular individuals who disease, and they may lead to large
under way to help make precision
are advised to follow them, and dividends, because they target the
medicine the norm rather than the
exception.” Prevention is mentioned
side by side with treatment, and the
potential impact of environment and Fig. 3.3.5. Blood from the heel of a newborn baby is applied to a card for a phenylke-
tonuria test. If a particular set of mutations is detected, precision prevention can be
lifestyle is also cited.
implemented by avoiding phenylalanine in the diet.
According to Collins and Varmus
[17], “The concept of precision
medicine – prevention and treat-
ment strategies that take individual
variability into account – is not new;
blood typing, for instance, has been
used to guide blood transfusions for
more than a century.” The concept
of taking inter-individual variation
into account – which seems key to
the definition of precision preven-
tion – is indeed an old one: focus-
ing on more susceptible subgroups
has been discussed for decades, in
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
whole population instead of a rela- backs. In particular, it offers only a less susceptible to prostate cancer
tively small fraction of it. Rose used small benefit to each individual, be- or breast cancer, but the risk still re-
data from the Framingham Heart cause most of the treated individuals mains in the residual portion of the
Study to calculate that a lowering of will not develop the disease anyway. population. Second, an intervention
the blood pressure distribution of the This leads to the so-called preven- may be potentially targetable to a
population as a whole by 10 millime- tion paradox: “a preventive measure subgroup in a population but may
tres of mercury would correspond to which brings much benefit to the not be easily applicable in such a se-
a reduction of about 30% in the to- population offers little to each par- lective manner. Therefore, for prag-
tal attributable mortality [18]. Today, ticipating individual” [18]. matic reasons of service delivery, to
the evidence indicates that elimina- achieve effectiveness in a national
tion of certain risk factors such as programme one may have to trade
smoking, and hence a reduction of Conclusions off the precision against the practi-
exposure to the main carcinogenic In general, the literature on gene– calities of the intervention and aim
agents in tobacco smoke, might pre- environment interactions in cancer at everyone. The practicalities of
vent 40–50% of cancers, a goal that contains few convincing and repli- implementation are where the theo-
is not achievable by selecting only cated examples that can be trans- retical strategies of prevention often
high-risk populations [19]. However, ferred into practice. First, risks are fail, even among susceptible sub-
the population-based approach to not all or nothing. One can identify groups, as exemplified by strategies
prevention does have some draw- people who are more susceptible or to encourage smokers to quit [15].
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 3.4.1. Types of endogenous DNA damage and estimated frequency (per cell per
day) in human cells. The frequencies shown for an abasic site refer to depurination and
depyrimidination events, respectively. 8-oxoG, 8-hydroxyguanine; DSB, double-strand
break, SSB, single-strand break.
■■ Many chemical carcinogens
Damage SSB Abasic site 8-oxoG cause tumours as a result of
being metabolized to reactive
intermediates, which may
become covalently bound to
Estimated DNA and give rise to mutation.
frequency 55 000 12 000/600 2800 Carcinogen adducts may be
eliminated from DNA in vivo via
a range of enzyme-mediated
Damage Deamination DSB Mismatch DNA repair processes.
■■ Human skin cancers that
are attributable to exposure
to ultraviolet radiation occur
frequency 192 25 n.d. at a markedly increased
(/cell/day) rate in individuals with the
autosomal recessive disease
xeroderma pigmentosum, a
Base excision repair removes more very extensive, activation of death
condition arising from defects
subtly damaged DNA bases by ei- pathways occurs. In the context of
in a particular DNA repair
ther short-patch or long-patch base cancer avoidance, both the DNA
damage response and DNA repair pathway. This was the first
excision repair [5,6]. Homologous
recombination and non-homologous play major roles in the maintenance example to indicate the role
end joining repair double-strand of genome stability and in cancer of DNA repair in preventing
breaks [7]. Mismatch repair corrects avoidance [10]. cancer development.
DNA replication errors [8]. ■■ The enzymes that mediate
Homologous recombination, non- DNA repair disorders and DNA repair, and their genes,
homologous end joining, and mis- cancer have been characterized and
match repair contribute to replica- are specific for particular
The formal proof of the underlying
tion fidelity and to the recovery from
role of DNA damage repair in can- categories of DNA damage.
replication fork stalling or collapse.
cer development is the presence of
In the case of lesions that are com- ■■ DNA damage may also occur
germline mutations in specific DNA
plete blocks for DNA replication, spontaneously as a result of
repair or DNA damage response
such as interstrand and intrastrand various biological processes,
genes in cancer-prone hereditary
cross-links, repair is achieved by syndromes (Table 3.4.1). including the production of
subpathways that contain compo- The autosomal recessive dis- reactive oxygen species.
nents of both homologous recom- ease xeroderma pigmentosum was
bination and nucleotide excision re- ■■ Failure of effective DNA repair,
the first example that linked defec-
pair [9]. Direct reversal of damage as exemplified by a range of
tive DNA repair to cancer develop-
is provided by O 6 -methylguanine- heritable syndromes, may
ment. Defects in the global genome
DNA methyltransferase, which trans- contribute to increased mutation
nucleotide excision repair subpath-
fers a methyl group from a pro- way in individuals with xeroderma rates and related chromosomal
mutagenic DNA base to itself, pigmentosum increase sun sensi- structural changes, leading to
and by AlkB human homologues, tivity and skin cancer risk more than tumour development.
which perform dealkylation re- 1000-fold [11]. Defects in transcrip- ■■ Malignant cells have a high
pair of N1-methyladenine and N3- tion-coupled nucleotide excision mutation rate and manifest
methylcytosine [5]. repair are associated with several
chromosomal instability, which
DNA repair is part of a wider pathologies, including ultraviolet-
DNA damage response in which facilitates the development of
sensitive syndrome and severe
DNA damage triggers signalling to drug-resistant cell populations
premature ageing conditions such
a checkpoint response that arrests as Cockayne syndrome and tri- and leads to the failure, in the
cell-cycle progression, inhibits tran- chothiodystrophy. However, these longer term, of some cancer
scription and translation, and initi- syndromes do not exhibit increased therapies.
ates DNA repair. If DNA damage is cancer predisposition.
Fig. 3.4.2. The main DNA repair pathways. (A) Nucleotide excision repair with its two subpathways, global genome nucleotide
excision repair (GG-NER) and transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair (TC-NER). (B) Base excision repair takes place
by short-patch or long-patch repair. (C) Pathways of double-strand break (DSB) repair: homologous recombination (HR) and non-
homologous end joining (NHEJ). (D) Mismatch repair.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Defects in mismatch repair are pair destabilizes repetitive DNA se- from mechanistic studies in bacteria
associated with both familial and quences that are prone to replication to human cancer”). MUTYH, a base
sporadic colon cancer (see Chapter errors. Frameshift mutations and excision repair DNA glycosylase,
5.5). Colorectal cancer in autoso- microsatellite instability are the hall- participates in the removal of DNA
mal dominant Lynch syndrome (also marks of HNPCC. A milder type of 8-hydroxyguanine, a pre-mutagenic
called hereditary non-polyposis colo- colon cancer predisposition in some lesion. Homozygosity for mutations
rectal cancer [HNPCC]) is caused by cases of familial adenomatous pol- in NTHL1, which encodes a DNA
a germline mutation in a mismatch yposis is associated with mutations glycosylase involved in the base ex-
repair gene (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, or in the MUTYH gene (see “The 8-hy- cision repair of oxidized pyrimidines,
PMS2) [12]. Defective mismatch re- droxyguanine mutational signature: also causes adenomatous polyposis
Table 3.4.1. Inherited mutations in DNA repair and DNA damage response genes and cancer risk
Syndrome Genes Pathway Tumours Neurological Immunological
abnormalities defects
non-polyposis colorectal MSH6, of the stomach, endometrium,
cancer [HNPCC]) MLH1, biliary and pancreatic
PMS2 system, urinary tract
Seckel syndrome type 1 ATR, ATRIP DDR, RFR Acute myeloid leukaemia Yes Yes
Fanconi anaemia 19 genes ICLR, RFR Acute myeloid leukaemia, Yes/No Yes
(FANCA to squamous cell carcinoma
Hereditary breast and BRCA2, ICLR, RFR Breast cancer and ovarian No No
ovarian cancer BRCA1 cancer
BER, base excision repair; DDR, DNA damage response; HR, homologous recombination; ICLR, interstrand cross-link repair; MMR, mismatch repair;
NER, nucleotide excision repair; NHEJ, non-homologous end joining; RFR, replication fork repair.
Fig. 3.4.3. Extreme measures taken to protect French children diagnosed with xero The link between
derma pigmentosum from sunlight. This autosomal recessive disease provided the
first evidence that linked defective DNA repair to cancer development.
DNA damage repair,
mutagenesis, and
In vitro and in vivo models
Work in Ames’s laboratory con-
firmed the functional link between
carcinogenicity and mutagenicity
[20] and led to the incorporation
of mutagenicity tests into regula-
tory and industrial decision-making.
Knowledge of the importance of
DNA repair in counteracting mu-
tagenesis informed the design of
DNA repair-defective Salmonella
tester strains with increased sen-
sitivity to chemical mutagenesis.
Assays based on cultured mammal
ian cells were developed in parallel.
The bacterial reversion (Ames) as-
say together with the mammalian
and colorectal cancer [13]. Germline erozygous for dominant missense chromosomal aberration, gene mu-
mutations in DNA polymerase δ or ε ATM mutations have a higher risk tation, and micronucleus tests com-
have also been shown to be respon- of breast cancer, colorectal can- prise the standard battery of assays
sible for some types of early-onset cer, and stomach cancer. Somatic of in vitro genotoxicity. These are
colon cancer and endometrial can- ATM mutations or deletions are currently an essential component of
cer characterized by a massive mu- also commonly found in lymphoid the safety assessment of chemicals.
tational burden [14]. Defective repair malignancies and a variety of solid In vitro bacterial or mammalian
of interstrand and intrastrand cross- tumours. Inherited mutations af- cell systems have also been used
links and of double-strand breaks fecting the MRE11–NBS1–RAD50 to determine the relative biologi-
characterizes Fanconi anaemia. complex cause disorders that pres- cal importance of DNA lesions by
Patients with mutations in genes of ent similar clinical and cellular fea- transfecting into host cells plasmid
the Fanconi anaemia pathway have tures to those seen in patients with or viral vectors either globally modi-
growth retardation, infertility, bone ataxia–telangiectasia, although the fied by a DNA-damaging agent or
marrow failure, and a susceptibility to features do not fully overlap. These engineered to contain a single DNA
leukaemia and various solid tumours lesion [21]. Mutational analysis of
disorders include Nijmegen break-
[9]. Inherited mutations significantly chromosomal reporter genes (lacI,
age syndrome and ataxia–telangi-
influence risk of breast cancer and HPRT) also enabled the identifica-
ectasia-like disorder. Patients with
ovarian cancer. Most familial breast tion of specific mutational spectra
Nijmegen breakage syndrome are
and ovarian cancers can be ascribed generated by exposures to DNA-
highly cancer-prone; in ataxia–
to highly penetrant germline muta- damaging agents. The use of cells
telangiectasia-like disorder, the
tions in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 ho- defective in a specific DNA repair
mologous recombination genes [15]. cancer predisposition is somewhat enzyme or expressing a special-
The ATM protein is a major regu- milder [17]. ized DNA polymerase has defined
lator of the DNA damage response. In addition to cancer, defective the roles of specific enzymes as
The importance of the DNA dam- DNA repair is often associated with protectors from damage or inducers
age response in cancer prevention pleiotropic phenotypes including of damage. These basic studies of
is emphasized by the clinical profile immunodeficiency, neurodegenera- mutagenesis have been instrumen-
of individuals with ataxia–telangiec- tion, and developmental abnormali- tal for the decoding of cancer mu-
tasia who carry homozygous ATM ties. This is not surprising, because tational signatures and associated
mutations. In addition to hypersen- several DNA repair proteins con- clinical developments (see below).
sitivity to ionizing radiation, patients tribute to immune development and Animal models provide an alter-
with ataxia–telangiectasia exhibit a tight control of genome stability is native means to explore the con-
chromosomal instability and cancer required for the function of the ner tribution of DNA repair to genome
predisposition, particularly to lym- vous system and the development stability and tumour suppression.
phoid tumours [16]. Individuals het- of the whole organism [18,19]. Nucleotide excision repair-defective
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
animal models have been largely sponsible for the increased risk of cutaneous tumours (see Chapter
used to understand the molecular colorectal cancer. 2.4). The C → A transversion mu-
mechanisms underlying the asso- tations that are characteristic of
ciation between DNA repair defect Mutational signatures in DNA adducts formed by benzo[a]
and cancer risk. However, remark- human cancer pyrene, the major carcinogen in
able differences in these animal Sequencing of human cancer ge- tobacco smoke, comprise the main
models in clinical phenotype and/ nomes revealed a great variation in signature in smoking-associated
or DNA repair abilities weaken their the mutational load among cancer cancers of the lung and larynx. This
use as models of human disease types: the number of mutations per signature is absent in tumours from
[3]. Cancer in patients with HNPCC tumour ranged from 500 in acute never-smokers [29].
is due to heterozygous germline mu- myeloid leukaemia to 100 000 in Examples of mutational signa-
tations, predominantly in MSH2 or melanoma [22,23]. More than 40 tures associated with exposure to
MLH1, and the subsequent somatic years ago, it was hypothesized that genotoxic natural products include
inactivation of the remaining wild- human cancers express a mutator those of aflatoxin B1 and aristolo-
type allele in the colonic epithelium. phenotype, because of the antici- chic acid (see Chapter 2.8). Various
HNPCC mouse models in which in- pated impact of mutations in DNA experimental systems indicate that
activation of mismatch repair genes polymerases and/or repair genes, aflatoxin B1 induces a mutational
is targeted to the intestinal epithe- and as a result of the progressive spectrum dominated by G → T
lium exhibit a high frequency of in- accumulation of large numbers of transversions. This signature has
testinal adenocarcinomas within mutations during tumour progres- been found in hepatocellular carci-
the first year of life. It is currently sion [24]. This hypothesis has been nomas from regions with possible
unclear why HNPCC mouse models controversial for many years, and exposure to this mycotoxin. Some
develop tumours in the small intes- recently an argument was advanced hepatocellular carcinomas harbour
tine rather than the colorectal can- that the number of stem cell divisions the TP53 R249S G → T transver-
cers that are associated with Lynch alone is sufficient to generate the sion, which occurs in about half of
syndrome in humans. large number of mutations found in the hepatocellular carcinomas of
The effects of mutational in- human tumours, and that increased aflatoxin B1-exposed people with
activation of enzymes in the base mutation rates are not required [25]. hepatitis B virus infection. The vari-
excision repair pathway are more The relative contributions of environ- able prevalence of this mutation
complex. Mice with targeted disrup- mental factors, heredity, and chance is probably due to different levels
tions of DNA glycosylases often ex- (random mutations during DNA rep- of aflatoxin B1 exposure [30]. The
hibit moderately increased mutation lication) are currently a matter of de- mutational signature of aristolochic
frequencies without overt disease. bate (see Chapter 3.1). acid, characterized by A → T trans-
The limited effect of inactivation of Although the origin of mutations versions, was initially associated
single DNA glycosylases is prob- in tumours remains to be firmly es- with upper tract urothelial carcino-
ably due to redundancy in repair tablished, the spectra of mutations mas [31] and, more recently, was
pathways. As a consequence, the in many tumours provide some widely implicated in liver cancer
phenotypes are enhanced in dou- clues. Mutational analysis of indi- (see “The aristolochic acid muta-
ble-knockout mice, affecting back- vidual cancer genes, in particular tional signature in many tumours:
up functions. Therefore, a cancer- TP53, provided the first evidence a warning”). The DNA lesions re-
prone phenotype is observed only that carcinogenic insults leave mu- sponsible for these mutations are
in double-knockout mice deficient tational fingerprints on tumour DNA all substrates for nucleotide exci-
in NTHL1 and NEIL1, two enzymes [26]. A compilation of mutant DNA sion repair, and mutational strand
that repair oxidized pyrimidines and sequences from specific tumour bias is consistent with incomplete
ring-opened purines, with some types has identified mutational sig- repair by this pathway.
overlapping substrate specificities. natures. These define both the type A similar example of overloading
Similarly, only double inactivation and the sequence context of muta- of DNA repair is provided by analy-
of two DNA glycosylases involved tions [23] and provide a record of sis of the genomic landscape of
in the removal of 8-hydroxyguanine the multiple mutagenic processes recurrent glioma in patients treated
from the genome, i.e. OGG1 and that have been operative over the with the chemotherapeutic alkylat-
MUTYH, leads to a cancer-prone lifetime of an individual. ing temozolomide. In this case, loss
phenotype and a shortened life Some mutational signatures re- of expression of the repair enzyme
span (see “The 8-hydroxyguanine flect environmental exposures [27,28]. O 6 -methylguanine-DNA methyl-
mutational signature: from mecha- For example, the distinctive dipy- transferase, which reverses poten-
nistic studies in bacteria to human rimidine mutations known to be as- tially mutagenic DNA methylation
cancer”). However, in humans, sociated with ultraviolet radiation- damage induced by temozolomide,
single germline mutations in the induced DNA lesions comprise the is associated with a characteristic
MUTYH or NTHL1 genes are re- predominant mutational class in G → A mutational signature [32].
Fig. B3.4.1. Top panel: The three-tier system for removal of 8-hydroxyguanine (8-oxoG). Oxidative stress can introduce
oxidized lesions in DNA. 8-oxoG can be removed by OGG1, and subsequent base excision repair restores the normal G:C
base pairing. In the case of unrepaired 8-oxoG, adenine (A) is misincorporated opposite the 8-oxoG (G*) as a consequence
of inaccurate replication. A removal by MUTYH is followed by resynthesis via long-patch base excision repair by a much less
error-prone DNA polymerase (Polλ). This results in a C:8-oxoG pair, again a substrate for OGG1. Inset: Oxidative damage can
also produce an oxidized pool of dNTPs. MTH1 hydrolyses 8-oxo-dGTP to 8-oxo-dGMP, effectively preventing its incorpora-
tion into DNA. Bottom panel: The mutational signature in MUTYH-associated polyposis tumours identifies the location at which
mutations arise because of unrepaired 8-oxoG:A mispairs by a defective MutY DNA glycosylase. In the bar graphs, the triplets
where the mutation is located (including the 5′ and 3′ bases) are shown on the horizontal axes and the mutation type probability
is shown on the vertical axes. CRC, colorectal cancer.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
blastoma and at lower levels in 4. Alexandrov LB, Kim J, Haradhvala
with a predisposition to colorec- NJ, Huang MN, Ng AWT, Wu Y, et al.;
tal cancer. Colorectal cancer in pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, PCAWG Mutational Signatures Working
patients with MAP bears distinc- and gastric cancer. Therefore, it is Group and the ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer
possible that oxidative DNA dam- Analysis of Whole Genomes Network
tive somatic G:C → T:A transver-
(2020). The repertoire of mutational sig-
sions in the APC gene [2]. Thus, age also contributes to cancer eti- natures in human cancer. Nature. https://
whole-exome DNA sequencing ology in these organ sites. (forthcoming)
Disruption of DNA repair path- tumour evolution in a single catas from mechanistic studies in bacte-
ways acting on endogenous lesions trophic event known as chro mo ria to human cancer”).
also leaves a molecular mark on thripsis [34]. These signatures might
the genome and results in specific originate from sporadic bursts of Therapeutic approaches
mutational signatures. The muta- massive endogenous or oncogenic
tional signature associated with
that target DNA repair
stress [2], leading to a temporary
inactive mismatch repair in both Current cancer therapy is based
saturation of the DNA repair capac-
HNPCC and sporadic gastrointes- largely on DNA damage and sat-
ity or to activation of an error-prone
tinal cancers involves the expect- uration of DNA repair in highly
DNA repair pathway or pathways.
ed increase in base substitution proliferative tumour cells. These
Several different mutational sig-
mutations as well as insertions or treatments frequently result in side-
natures can be linked to modifica-
deletions at repetitive sequences. effects, such as secondary tumours
tion of DNA bases occurring spon- and drug resistance. Precision ther-
Similarly, the homologous recombi-
taneously. Specific signatures have apies targeted to cancer-specific
nation pathway was altered in near-
been ascribed to deamination of a DNA repair defects, either by syn-
ly 40% of cancers, for example in
canonical cytosine or 5-methylcyt thetic lethality or by immunothera-
BRCA1/2-mutated ovarian cancers
osine in DNA. In the deamination py, aim to reduce collateral damage
and triple-negative breast cancers
[33]. Because of the central role of of a canonical cytosine, overactiv- to normal cells.
DNA repair and DNA damage re- ity of members of the AID/APOBEC
sponse genes in cell survival after family of cytidine deaminases has Synthetic lethal interaction
DNA damage, mutations in these been implicated [23]. As an exam- In 2005, a description was published
genes, which have been observed ple of endogenous DNA oxidation, of the synthetic lethal interaction
in several tumour types, provide a tumours in which repair by the between mutations in the homolo-
predictive marker of likely therapeu- MUTYH DNA glycosylase was ge- gous recombination genes BRCA1
tic response and clinical outcome. netically impaired bear a signature and BRCA2 and inhibitors of poly-
In some tumours, the majority associated with unrepaired DNA (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1).
of genomic rearrangements appear 8-hydroxyguanine (see “The 8-hy- PARP1 acts as a sensor of DNA
to be acquired at an early stage of droxyguanine mutational signature: single-strand breaks and prevents
Fig. B3.4.2. Left panel: Mechanisms of mutagenesis of aristolochic acid (AA). AA is derived from plants of the genus Aristo
lochia. AAI is shown. The metabolic activation to aristolactam nitrenium ions is followed by DNA binding preferentially to
adenosine and production of specific A:T → T:A transversion mutations. Right panel: Proportion of hepatocellular carcinomas
with the AA signature in various geographical regions. The percentage for South-East Asia comprises data from several
countries, including Viet Nam.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
carcinoma. In particular, the anal- compounds. Moreover, the hepa- 2. Poon SL, Pang ST, McPherson JR, Yu
tocellular carcinomas from Taiwan, W, Huang KK, Guan P, et al. (2013).
ysis of the role of AA in hepato-
Genome-wide mutational signatures
cellular carcinomas [3] revealed China, that present heavy burdens
of aristolochic acid and its application
that countries in Asia, especially of AA signature mutations may as a screening tool. Sci Transl Med.
Taiwan, China, are highly affect- be good candidates for immune 5(197):197ra101.
ed, and almost half of the hepa- checkpoint inhibitors. scitranslmed.3006086 PMID:23926199
tocellular carcinomas from China 3. Ng AWT, Poon SL, Huang MN, Lim
showed the AA signature, consis- JQ, Boot A, Yu W, et al. (2017).
1. Hoang ML, Chen CH, Sidorenko VS, He
tent with exposure through herbal J, Dickman KG, Yun BH, et al. (2013).
Aristolochic acids and their derivatives
are widely implicated in liver cancers
medicines. Because exposure to Mutational signature of aristolochic
acid exposure as revealed by whole- in Taiwan and throughout Asia. Sci
AA seems to be widespread, ad- Transl Med. 9(412):eaan6446. https://
exome sequencing. Sci Transl Med.
ditional measures should be taken 5(197):197ra102.
to avoid exposure to these harmful scitranslmed.3006200 PMID:23926200 PMID:29046434
their conversion into double-strand not expressed in normal cells (neo- [38]. Indeed, the clinical benefit of
breaks, which are selectively lethal antigens). This renders the tumour anti-PD-1 immune checkpoint in-
in homologous recombination-defec- cells more immunogenic and prone hibitors is correlated with tumour
tive cells [35]. Clinical trials clearly to recognition by cytotoxic T cells. somatic mutation frequency. The
showed that PARP inhibitors, such The burden of neo-antigens is par- efficacy of this approach is not con-
as olaparib, are effective therapy for ticularly high in mismatch repair-de- fined to mismatch repair-defective
BRCA1/2-mutated cancers. Although ficient tumours with a tendency to tumours. Any tumour with a high
tumour resistance developed in the frameshift mutation. Consistent with somatic mutation burden (these
overwhelming majority of patients, this phenotype, mismatch repair- include mutagen-induced cancers
PARP inhibitor combination regi- defective colorectal cancers re- such as cutaneous cancers and
mens provide promising alternative spond well to the anti-programmed smoking-related non-small cell lung
therapeutic approaches [36]. cell death 1 (PD-1) immune check- tumours) is likely to respond to im-
point inhibitor pembrolizumab [37]. munotherapy, and this approach
Immunotherapy response and Responsiveness is independent of offers considerable promise in the
DNA repair deficiencies the tumour histology and is driven treatment of a significant subgroup
Hypermutated tumours express only by the mutator phenotype as of human cancers.
numerous mutant peptides that are defined by microsatellite instability
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Playing a pivotal role in cancer
Muthu K. Shanmugam Massimo Tommasino (reviewer)
Alan Prem Kumar Ioannis P. Trougakos (reviewer)
Gautam Sethi
interest, and increasing evi- cells as a result of environmental ex- functional cell death mechanisms,
dence suggests that constitu- posures or changes in immunity are and dysregulation of cell-cycle
tive activation of pro-inflamma-
also important contributors to onco- molecules. Chronic inflammation
tory transcription factors can
genesis [6]. is associated with the production
mediate carcinogenesis.
Through the immune response to of pro-inflammatory cytokines and
●● An inflammatory condition often acute inflammation, activated cells, chemokines, which constitutively ac-
precedes the development of including macrophages, monocytes, tivate pro-survival transcription fac-
cancer, and pro-inflammatory lymphocytes, neutrophils, and leu- tors that may act as key regulators
transcription factors such as NF- kocytes, are attracted to the injured of carcinogenesis [6].
κB and STAT3 are constitutively site and reduce the inflammation There are some exceptions; for
active in various cancer types. (see Chapter 3.9). However, in cases example, chronic inflammation of the
●● Chemotherapeutic agents and of severe inflammation, these cells joint or muscle may not lead to the
gamma irradiation can activate contribute to excessive production of development of cancer. Nonetheless,
NF-κB and/or STAT3, which pro-inflammatory molecules, such as tumour-associated persistent infec-
can lead to chemoresistance the cytokine tumour necrosis factor tion and inflammation are associ-
and radioresistance. α (TNF-α), interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and ated with 15–20% of cancer deaths
IL-6, the chemokine receptor CXCR4 worldwide (see Chapter 2.2), and
●● Suppression of NF-κB and and its ligand CXCL12, cyclooxy- obesity-associated inflammation is
STAT3 may inhibit the prolif- genase 2 (COX-2), prostaglandins, likely to contribute further to cancer-
eration and invasion of cancer nitric oxide, and leukotrienes, which related deaths (see Chapter 2.7) [8].
cells, and most chemopreven- dysregulate signal transduction path- Tumour-caused inflammation, such
tive agents mediate their effects ways, thereby contributing to the de- as necrotic death of cancer cells,
through inhibition of the NF-κB velopment of cancer [6]. insufficient blood supply, and viral
and STAT3 activation pathways.
Inflammation is a tightly regu- infections in the tumour bed, con-
●● Modulation of these pro-inflam- lated process that can be very ef- tributes to malignant progression of
matory pathways may provide fectively turned on or off under organ-specific cancers such as liver
opportunities for both prevention normal physiological conditions [7]. cancer (see Chapter 5.6) and colon
and treatment of chronic diseas- Acute inflammation is mainly a self- cancer (see Chapter 5.5) [9]. In addi-
es, including cancer. limiting process and can be treated tion, in patients who are undergoing
therapeutically; however, prolonged chemotherapy or radiotherapy, in-
chronic inflammation is mostly det- duced tumour necrosis is often asso-
Virchow (in the 19th century) and rimental [6]. Factors linking chronic ciated with an increase in tumour-as-
others (in the early 20th century) inflammation and cancer are of sociated inflammation, leading to the
proposed an association between great interest, and several lines of development of resistance to therapy
inflammation and cancer [1–4]. evidence suggest that constitutive and/or the induction of anti-tumour
Worldwide, about 15% of all cancer activation of pro-inflammatory tran- immunity. Therefore, inflammation is
an important factor driving tumour ogy domain of about 300 amino ac-
growth in most solid and haemato- ids that plays a critical role in their FUNDAMENTALS
poietic malignancies [10]. functions, such as dimerization and
The molecular mechanisms that DNA binding via the N-terminal part ■■ Historically, inflammation was
connect chronic inflammation to of the Rel homology domain, and described in Latin by four
cancer development have become a heterodimerization interaction with major signs: rubor (redness),
major area of research. This chapter inhibitory κBs (IκBs) involving the tumor (swelling), calor (heat),
focuses on the role of the transcrip- C-terminal part of the Rel homology
and dolor (pain).
tion factor nuclear factor kappa-light- domain, both of which are intracel-
chain-enhancer of activated B cells lular inhibitors of NF-κB [12]. NF-κB ■■ In 1858, the German physician
(NF-κB). Other notable transcription family members can also form di- Virchow postulated that
factors that are implicated in inflam- verse homodimers or heterodimers, micro-inflammation that results
mation and tumorigenesis are also and the subunits RelA, c-Rel, and from irritation may lead to the
discussed, i.e. the signal transducer RelB contain a C-terminal transcrip-
development of cancer.
and activator of transcription (STAT) tional activation domain (absent in
family as well as the mitogen-acti- p50 and p52), which enables them ■■ Inflammation is typically
vated protein kinase (MAPK) family. to dimerize and physically bind designated by adding the
Finally, opportunities for the preven- via promoter/enhancer molecules suffix “–itis”. Such conditions,
tion and treatment of inflammation- to specific DNA sequences in κB for example colitis and
driven cancers are described. sites: 5′-GGGRNYYYCC-3′, where
pancreatitis, often predispose
R is a purine, Y is a pyrimidine, and
to cancer.
N is any nucleotide [15].
NF-κB signalling in In resting cells, most NF-κB ■■ Alcohol consumption, smoking,
inflammation and cancer subunit complexes are primarily cy- chronic infections, obesity,
The first evidence for the link be- toplasmic and exist as homodimers exposure to environmental
tween chronic inflammation and or heterodimers bound to IκBs and
pollutants, radiation exposure,
cancer involved a proposed relation- present in an inactive form. This is
ship between NF-κB and cancer de- a high energy intake, and other
because their binding to IκB pro-
velopment. This hypothesis gained teins prevents DNA binding and, as factors have been recognized
prominence from the similarities in a consequence, prevents nuclear ac- as risk factors for most chronic
structure between the v-Rel protein cumulation [6]. The IκB family of pro- diseases, including cancer.
and the NF-κB c-Rel protein [11]. teins is composed of the typical IκBs All of these risk factors may
Cancer development in the presence (IκBα, IκBβ, and IκBε), the atypical be linked to cancer through
of chronic inflammation involves the IκBs (Bcl-3 and IκBζ), and the pre- the process of chronic
constant presence of activated on- cursor IκBs (p100 and p105). They inflammation.
cogenes and major transcription fac- have been characterized, and con-
tors, such as NF-κB and STAT3. tain in their C terminus up to seven ■■ Inflammation may be caused
The NF-κB family, which was 33-amino acid consensus ankyrin re- by a range of diseases due to
discovered in 1986 by Baltimore peats, which regulate protein–protein infectious organisms that are
and Sen [12], plays a pivotal role in interaction and bind to Rel proteins, recognized to cause cancer.
wide-ranging processes, including thereby masking their nuclear locali- These include hepatitis
immunity, inflammation, apoptosis, zation signal. The IκB kinase (IKK) from hepatitis B virus and
learning, and memory [13]. These complex is composed of two catalytic hepatitis C virus, gastritis
proteins have a key role in innate and kinases (IKKα and IKKβ) and one
from Helicobacter pylori,
adaptive immune functions that can non-catalytic subunit, called IKKγ or
and cervicitis from human
regulate proliferation and survival NF-κB essential modulator (NEMO).
and stimulate angiogenesis, inva- Upon activation, IKK can phosphor- papillomavirus.
sion, and migration, thereby leading ylate IκB and abrogate the suppres- ■■ The major defence response
to metastasis [14]. sive effect of IκBs on NF-κB dimers initiated by the human body
[6]. This effectively releases NF-κB upon injury or infection is
Structural components and for subsequent phosphorylation and
organization of the NF-κB the activation of the immune
acetylation, and promotes nuclear
pathway system via active recruitment
translocation (Fig. 3.5.1).
The mammalian NF-κB family of of diverse cells such as
transcription factors is composed NF-κB signalling pathways macrophages, monocytes,
of RelA (p65), c-Rel, RelB, NF-κB1 Activation of NF-κB is fairly rapid, lymphocytes, neutrophils,
(p50), and NF-κB2 (p52). They all and it can be activated by expo- and leukocytes.
contain a conserved Rel homol- sure to diverse stimuli. There are
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Several published studies have cytokines and chemokines, and STAT3 dimerization, increase DNA
indicated the pivotal role of the the oncogenic signalling pathway. binding and transcriptional activa-
signal transducer and activator of Binding of a ligand, for example IL- tion, and mediate cancer progres-
transcription (STAT) family as pro- 6, to its specific receptor subunit sion [3].
inflammatory transcription factors can induce dimerization of glyco-
that are found to be constitutively protein 130 and activation of non- References
activated in several cancer types. receptor tyrosine kinases called 1. Wegenka UM, Buschmann J, Lütticken
STAT3 was first discovered as an Janus kinases (JAKs). This, in C, Heinrich PC, Horn F (1993). Acute-
phase response factor, a nuclear fac-
acute-phase response protein, turn, can phosphorylate STAT3 at tor binding to acute-phase response
thereby indicating its causal link to tyrosine 705, and activated STAT elements, is rapidly activated by in-
inflammation [1]. The STAT family dimers can translocate to the nu- terleukin-6 at the posttranslational
level. Mol Cell Biol. 13(1):276–88.
of transcription factors was discov- cleus, bind to specific elements,
ered in 1994 during the evaluation and regulate gene transcription. PMID:7678052
of the molecular pathways involved In addition, it has been report-
2. Darnell JE Jr, Kerr IM, Stark GR (1994).
in interferon-triggered gene regu- ed that STAT3 may directly inter- Jak-STAT pathways and transcriptional
lation [2]. A total of seven STAT act with the NF-κB family member activation in response to IFNs and
proteins (STAT1, STAT2, STAT3, RelA, thereby increasing the pro- other extracellular signaling proteins.
Science. 264(5164):1415–21. https://
STAT4, STAT5a, STAT5b, and duction of pro-inflammatory mole- d o i . o r g / 1 0 .112 6 / s c i e n c e . 819 74 5 5
STAT6) have been identified to cules such as IL-6, TNF, and growth PMID:8197455
date in mammalian cells [3]. factors, which in turn act in and can 3. Zhong Z, Wen Z, Darnell JE Jr (1994).
Among the STAT family of pro- sustain a chronic inflammatory mi- Stat3: a STAT family member activated
teins, STAT3 is the most active. croenvironment in tumours. STAT3 by tyrosine phosphorylation in re-
can also be acetylated at lysine sponse to epidermal growth factor and
STAT3 plays a critical role in the
interleukin-6. Science. 264(5155):95–8.
regulation of intracellular signalling, K685 by lysine acetyltransferase
the synthesis of pro-inflammatory p300/CBP, which may upregulate PMID:8140422
Fig. 3.5.1. The structure of the mammalian NF-κB family of transcription factors. ANK, ankyrin repeats; ATD, amino terminal
domain; DD, death domain; DMD, dimerization domain; G, glycine-rich region; L, 10-amino acid polypeptide linker to nuclear
localization signal; LZ, leucine zipper; TAD, transcriptional activation domain.
1 579
1 447/899
p52/p100 S99, 108, 115, 123
(NF- B2)
1 433/969
p50/p105 S337, 903, 907, 927, 932
(NF- B1)
ATDmajor types
– amino of NF-κB
terminal signalling be activated by upstream trans-
domain known as the non-canonical path-
DMD – dimerization domain path- forming growth factor β-activated
pathways [6]. The classical way) leads to the formation of the
way (also
L – 10 known polypeptide
aminoacid as the canonical kinase localization
linker to nuclear (TAK) upon induction by
signal RelB–NF-κB2 (p52/p100) complex.
TAD - transcription
pathway) leads to activation domain pro-inflammatory cytokines such as
the generation Activation of this pathway is medi-
LZ the
of - leucine-Zipper
active RelA–NF-κB1 (p50/ TNF-α, IL-1β, and lipopolysaccha- ated through the catalytic activity of
G – glycine
p105) rich region
complex. This pathway can ride. The alternative pathway (also NF-κB-inducing kinase (NIK), and
ANK – ankyrin repeats
DD - death domain
Chapter 3.5 • Inflammation 183
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
can be initiated by lymphotoxin, miR-301a) that target messenger thereby modulate inflammation, tu-
receptor activator of NF-κB ligand RNAs regulating NF-κB subunits, mour progression, and metastasis
(RANKL), CD40 ligand, and B cell- IκBs, and IKKs; in turn, NF-κB can [17] (Fig. 3.5.3).
activating factor of the TNF family regulate microRNA expression [6].
(BAFF) [6,16] (Fig. 3.5.2). Therefore, NF-κB may have a key Epigenetic modifications in
Upon activation of the classi- role in the inflammatory responses NF-κB
cal pathway, NF-κB can transcribe in normal cells coordinating both Chronic inflammation, which is
various genes encoding the pro-in- acute inflammation and chronic in- often driven by inflammatory re-
flammatory enzyme COX-2, induc- flammation, and any dysregulation sponse mediated through NF-κB
ible nitric oxide synthase, cytokines of this signalling pathway can lead activation, is associated with epi-
such as TNF-α, IL-1, and IL-6, to diverse malignancies. genetic modifications such as ly-
chemokines, growth factors, matrix sine acetylation and methylation
metalloproteinases, cell-cycle pro- Role of NF-κB in the tumour and arginine methylation [18]. The
teins, anti-apoptotic proteins such microenvironment major modification is lysine acety-
as Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, and FLIP, vascu- Tumorigenesis is often associ- lation, which has been reported to
lar endothelial growth factor, adhe- ated with the presence of tumour- be an important regulator of expres-
sion molecules such as ICAM-1 and associated macrophages, mast sion of pro-inflammatory genes.
VCAM-1, and inhibitors of NF-κB cells, neutrophils, dendritic cells, Acetylation of distinct lysine resi-
signalling, including IκBs and A20. myeloid-derived suppressor cells, dues of RelA at K218, K221, and
Recent studies have also in- T cells, B cells, natural killer cells, K310 by lysine acetyltransferase
dicated that NF-κB can be posi- natural killer T cells, endothelial p300/CBP can regulate NF-κB tran-
tively or negatively regulated by cells, and cancer-associated fibro- scriptional activation, DNA binding
microRNAs (such as miR-21, blasts. NF-κB signalling can regu- affinity, IκBα assembly, and sub-
miR-146, miR-155, miR-181b, and late recruitment of these cells and cellular localization [19]. However,
Fig. 3.5.2. The canonical (or classical) and non-canonical (or alternative) NF-κB signalling pathways. BAFF, B cell-activating
factor of the TNF family; CD40L, CD40 ligand; IκB, inhibitor of NF-κB; IKK, inhibitory κB (IκB) kinase; IL-1β, interleukin-1β; LPS,
lipopolysaccharide; LT-β, lymphotoxin β; NEMO, NF-κB essential modulator; NIK, NF-κB-inducing kinase; RANKL, receptor
activator of NF-κB ligand; TAK, transforming growth factor β-activated kinase; TNF-α, tumour necrosis factor α.
I B- P I B-
degradation P
RelA, (NF B1) p100 p100 P
(p50/p105) degradation
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 3.5.3. The role of NF-κB in the tumour microenvironment. Different types of cells in the tumour microenvironment, including
tumour-associated macrophages, mast cells, neutrophils, dendritic cells, myeloid-derived suppressor cells, T cells, B cells, natural killer
cells, natural killer T cells, endothelial cells, and cancer-associated fibroblasts, can augment NF-κB activation, modulate inflammation,
and lead to sustained tumorigenesis and metastasis. IFN-γ, interferon γ; IL-1, interleukin-1; TNF-α, tumour necrosis factor α.
Tumour cells
(tobacco smoke, Chemokines
viral infections)
or intrinsic Activated transcription factors
(genetic mutations
and epigenetic
Matrix metalloproteases
alterations) Angiogenic factors
factors of
NF-κB activation
Cells of the tumour microenvironment
Metastatic tumour cells
acetylation of RelA at K122 and to prevent the development of can- Infection with the Gram-negative
K123 by p300/CBP was found to re- cer can work, because of the long bacterium Helicobacter pylori is a
duce DNA binding and increase IκB time frame required for the cancer major risk factor for gastritis, gastric
binding to RelA, thereby indicating to progress from a benign state to a ulcers, and stomach cancer (see
negative regulation of inflammation. malignant phenotype. Chapter 5.4). A significant decline
Another NF-κB family member, in the incidence of stomach cancer
p50 (NF-κB1), can be acetylated at Preventable risk factors has been observed as a result of im-
K431, K440, and K441, which may for cancer initiation and proved sanitation, refrigeration, and
also upregulate transcriptional ac- progression food preservation as well as the use
tivation, thereby indicating positive Primary prevention is aimed at pre- of antibiotics to effectively eradicate
regulation of inflammation [18,19]. venting the development of cancer H. pylori infection [20].
Acetylation of histone H3 is often in the first place by reducing the Lifestyle factors such as obe-
found in cytokine-mediated inflam- exposures of individuals to risk fac- sity, unhealthy diet, and physical
mation and NF-κB activation, and tors, through strategies such as inactivity have also been identified
thus histone-modifying enzymes smoking cessation; abstaining from as potential risk factors for cancer
can have critical functions in tu- chronic alcohol consumption; vac- (see Chapter 2.6). All of these risk
mour progression. cination against oncogenic viruses; factors are linked to cancer through
reducing or eliminating environ- the process of chronic inflammation.
mental, occupational, or behaviour- In addition, consumption of fruits,
Opportunities for al exposures to carcinogens; the legumes, and green leafy vegeta-
prevention and treatment use of novel screening methods; bles has been found to considerably
Early detection or screening for and the possibility of delaying age- reduce the risk of cancer develop-
pre-symptomatic cancers or cancer ing, thereby preventing or delaying ment, potentially through an anti-
precursors as a potential strategy the development of cancer. oxidant activity. Skin cancer can be
Mitogen-activated protein kinases In the MAPK signalling pathway, phosphorylated and active in the in-
(MAPKs) are a family of serine/ MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK) flamed intestinal mucosa of patients
threonine-specific protein kinas- phosphorylates and activates MAPK with inflammatory bowel disease [2].
es. MAPKs regulate cellular pro- kinase (MAPKK), which in turn can
phosphorylate and activate vari- References
cesses such as cell proliferation,
differentiation, cell survival, and ous MAPKs during the inflamma- 1. Dhillon AS, Hagan S, Rath O, Kolch W
(2007). MAP kinase signalling pathways
apoptosis in response to a variety tory response. Dysregulated p38 in cancer. Oncogene. 26(22):3279–90.
MAPK signalling is highly active in
of external stimuli, including mito-
different cancer types, favouring PMID:17496922
gens, heat shock, osmotic stress,
tumour growth. p38 MAPKs are 2. Docena G, Rovedatti L, Kruidenier L,
and inflammatory cytokines, and central to inflammatory processes Fanning A, Leakey NA, Knowles CH, et al.
MAPKs are often found to be and to the production of pro-inflam- (2010). Down-regulation of p38 mitogen-
activated protein kinase activation and
dysregulated in cancer cells. The matory molecules that contribute to proinflammatory cytokine production by
mammalian MAPKs comprise ex- colitis-associated colorectal cancer mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibi-
tracellular signal-regulated kinase pathogenesis. p38α can also me- tors in inflammatory bowel disease. Clin
Exp Immunol. 162(1):108–15. https://doi.
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nases (JNKs), and p38 MAPK [1]. bowel disease and is substantially PMID:20731675
prevented by reducing exposure to processed meat has been associ- Avoiding chronic alcohol con-
ultraviolet radiation from sunlight or ated with a decreased risk of colo- sumption has been found to lower the
artificial sources (see Chapter 2.4). rectal cancer [22]. risk of liver cancer by reducing inflam-
The role of inflammation as a Microbial pathogens can also mation and cirrhosis of the liver (see
crucial mediator of colorectal cancer drive tumorigenesis in 15–20% of Chapter 2.3). The success of can-
is also well established, and the use cancer cases. The gut microbiota cer prevention strategies will require
of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory has been shown to alter cancer comprehensive planning and the in-
drugs such as aspirin and ibupro- susceptibility and progression by corporation of diverse approaches,
fen has been found to significantly modulating inflammation and by including public policy, education,
reduce the risk of colorectal cancer producing metabolites that may and research, to identify acceptable
in some patient populations (see be involved in either oncogen- and effective ways to modify people’s
Chapter 6.4) [21]. In addition, re- esis or tumour suppression (see behaviour over long periods of time.
duced consumption of red meat and Chapter 3.10). For example, in the Ageing is also closely asso-
colon Clostridium scindens bac- ciated with the development of
teria can produce toxic secondary chronic inflammation, which forms
Fig. 3.5.4. Potential cancer risk factors in- bile acids in response to dietary the basis for the development of
clude obesity, unhealthy diet, and physi- fat. Furthermore, diets high in fats various age-related disorders (see
cal inactivity. Such factors may mediate induce blooms of Bilophila wads Chapter 3.1). Epidemiological data
cancer risk by provoking inflammatory worthia, a sulfite-reducing bacterium clearly indicate that elevated levels
change in relevant tissues.
that has been found to be associat- of IL-6 and C-reactive protein in the
ed with increased risk of inflamma- blood may lead to multiple cellular
tory bowel disease and malignan- changes. Compared with younger
cies. However, there are examples people, those aged 64–102 years
of whole foods and dietary compo- were found to have higher levels of
nents, such as soy-based products, inflammatory biomarkers, including
cruciferous vegetables containing IL-6, TNF-α, IL-8, and C-reactive
sulforaphane and isothiocyanates, protein [24], which may contribute
and berries containing ellagic acid, to tumour development by forming
that can inhibit COX-2 production a pro-tumorigenic inflammatory en-
and subsequent development of vironment and by recruiting various
cancer. The diet may also dictate immune cells that can promote tu-
whether the gut microbiota can pro- mour progression by both autocrine
duce active metabolites that may and paracrine mechanisms.
aggravate or ameliorate tumour de- Chronic inflammation is a low-
velopment and progression [23]. grade sustained process driven by
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 3.5.5. Histological section from a cirrhotic liver. Avoiding chronic alcohol consump tory cascade may aid in the develop-
tion has been found to lower the risk of liver cancer by reducing inflammation and ment of novel anti-cancer treatment
cirrhosis of the liver. strategies [25].
catechin gallate [26].
The link between inflammation
and cancer is well established, and
strategies to prevent chronic cancer
continuous activation of various tran- such as diabetes, obesity, and can- inflammation include (i) reducing
scription factors, such as NF-κB and cer. Long-term administration of non- the recruitment of inflammatory re-
STAT3, leading to oncogenesis. The steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs has sponse elements to the tumour site
bacterial population in the gut micro- been shown to reduce the risk of de- and (ii) blocking pro-tumorigenic in-
biota has been found to have an im- velopment of various inflammation- flammatory elements or redirecting
portant function in the development driven ailments. Therefore, a better inflammation with properties that
of inflammatory bowel disease and understanding of the diverse molecu- are anti-tumour, immunostimula-
in increased risk of chronic diseases lar players involved in the inflamma- tory, or both.
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
sociations for different subtypes parity may be further enhanced if a
of cancers in women, including woman breastfeeds. However, the
those defined by either histology It is now well recognized that repro- protection appears to be dependent
or hormone receptor status. ductive and hormonal factors play on longer periods of breastfeeding;
●● Use of oral contraceptives is a major role in the etiology of many therefore, in most high-income coun-
related to substantial reduc- cancer types in women. This is par- tries, in which numbers of births are
ticularly true for breast cancer, endo- limited and each child is breastfed for
tions in the risk of endometrial
metrial cancer, and ovarian cancer, a relatively short period, there is little
cancer and ovarian cancer, and
in which such factors are likely to ex- evidence of a relationship of risk with
the reduction in risk persists for
plain large proportions of disease oc- breastfeeding. The most conclusive
extended durations after dis-
currence. A few cancer types in men findings on the protective effects of
continuation of use. Use of oral
may also be influenced by hormonal breastfeeding derive from studies of
contraceptives appears to be
factors, although the relationships women who have given birth to multi-
related to an increased risk of
are less well defined. ple children and have breastfed them
cervical cancer, consistent with
growing evidence for a possible for long periods (e.g. 2 years or more
role of hormonal factors in cer- Female breast cancer per child), leading to long durations of
vical carcinogenesis. The role of parity in the etiology of cumulative breastfeeding.
breast cancer is well established. In contrast to the other estab-
●● Obese women are at increased lished reproductive risk factors,
Parous women have approximately
risk of postmenopausal breast half the risk of nulliparous women, use of oral contraceptives is not
cancer and endometrial cancer, and multiparous women have even generally associated with risk of
presumably through hormonal lower risk. Women with early age at breast cancer, although there may
mechanisms; further support for first birth also have a reduced risk, be some increased risk in younger
this derives from findings that and risk rises steadily with later ages women as well as in those who
obesity can affect risks associ- at first birth. Women with a first birth have either used oral contracep-
ated with use of menopausal at age 30 years or older are generally tives recently or used them before a
hormone therapy. at higher risk than nulliparous women, first birth (see Chapter 2.11).
presumably because of promotional Menstrual factors are also pre-
●● Studies are beginning to empha-
effects of pregnancy on previously dictive of risk. Early age at menarche
size the role of reproductive and
initiated cells in older mothers. These and late age at natural menopause
hormonal factors in the etiology
relationships are generally strong- are associated with the highest
of some cancer types in men, al-
est for hormone receptor-positive risks, presumably reflecting in part
though further studies are need-
tumours, and less conclusive effects an influence of ovulatory activity
ed to clarify risk relationships.
have been found for other breast (Fig. 3.6.1) [2]. These relationships
●● Recent advances in measuring cancer subtypes [1]. Pregnancy has appear to be consistent across risk
endogenous hormones support an effect on breast cancer risk only subgroups, including those defined
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Reproductive and menstrual fac- risk, and conversion of androgens to being increasing recognized. Pooling
tors are major risk factors and can be estrogens in adipose tissue appears efforts have provided evidence that
used to estimate individual risks via to influence the increased risk. estrogens and androgens are direct-
the Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Menopausal hormone use has ly related to both hormone receptor-
Tool ( been associated with increased positive and hormone receptor-nega-
tool/) and other risk prediction mod- breast cancer risk in post men o tive breast cancers [4], and additional
els. Despite the well-recognized role paus al women, and the highest analyses that use more precise hor-
of reproductive and menstrual fac- risks have been observed in thin mone measurement techniques may
tors in breast cancer etiology, stud- women. The type of hormones provide further clarity about relation-
ies have been unable to relate these used is also a major predictor of ships. Mass spectrometry–liquid
factors to specific underlying biologi- risk; higher risks are observed for chromatography assays that enable
cal mechanisms. It is generally as- use of estrogen plus progestin than measurements of 15 individual es-
sumed that changes in endogenous for use of unopposed estrogen ther- trogen metabolites have shown an
hormonal profiles are involved, but apy. This has been hypothesized as important etiological role for parent
additional research is needed to being due to mitotic influences of estrogens and individual estrogens,
clarify the effects. It is also unclear progestins on breast tissues. as well as for certain hydroxylation
how hormonally induced changes in Endogenous hormones are im- pathways (Fig. 3.6.3) [5]. Additional
breast tissue are involved. Recent portant predictors of breast cancer research is needed to assess the
attention has focused on the effects risk, although it has been difficult for influence of other endogenous hor-
of parity on involution of lobules, the studies to fully define relationships mones, such as androgens and pro-
structures from which the majority of with either breast cancer risk or pat- gestogens, on risk, both overall and
breast cancers are thought to arise terns of risk factors (see Chapter according to the hormone receptor
(Fig. 3.6.2) [3]. 5.9). This probably reflects difficul- status of the tumours.
The relationship of obesity with ties in measuring hormones or the
breast cancer risk is complex (see complexity of patterns of many in- Endometrial cancer
Chapter 2.7). Obesity is inversely re- terrelated markers, including not Endometrial tissue is extremely
lated to risk of premenopausal-onset only estrogens but also androgens, hormonally responsive, and endo-
breast cancer and is directly asso- progesterone, prolactin, and insulin- metrial cancer is believed to arise
ciated with risk of postmenopausal like growth factors. In addition, the as a result of estrogen stimulation
breast cancer. Obesity-associated importance of large inter-individual that is unopposed by progestins.
anovulation has been hypothesized differences in metabolism, which One of the strongest risk factors for
as responsible for the decreased may have etiological implications, is postmenopausal-onset endometrial
cancer is obesity (see Chapter 5.11),
presumably reflecting the conver-
Fig. 3.6.2. Assessment of terminal ductal lobular unit (TDLU) involution in the Susan
G. Komen Tissue Bank. Three quantitative measures (TDLU count, TDLU span, and sion of androstene dione to estrone
number of acini per TDLU) associated with reduced levels of TDLU involution were in adipose tissue. Particularly high
assessed. (A) Digital haematoxylin–eosin section with multiple TDLUs (TDLU count). risks have also been noted for use of
For up to 10 TDLUs per section, the longest TDLU span was measured and the counts unopposed estrogen therapy, which
of acini per TDLU were categorized. (B) Representative TDLUs for which the longest has been associated with 2–10-fold
TDLU span was measured. A representative acinus is circled in red and indicated with increases in risk, depending on the
an arrow.
duration of use and the woman’s
body size (higher relative risks are
observed in thin women). Use of
tamoxifen has also been strongly
related to an increased risk of endo-
metrial cancer.
In contrast to breast cancer, for
which especially elevated risks are
associated with use of estrogen
plus progestin menopausal hor-
mone therapy (combination ther-
apy), endometrial cancer shows a
favourable risk profile for such us-
ers. Data from the Women’s Health
Initiative clinical trial support that
relative risks are substantially lower
for users of combination therapy
Fig. 3.6.3. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals comparing the risk of breast cancer in individuals with a higher analyte
or pathway concentration (90th percentile) with that in individuals with a lower concentration (10th percentile).
than for non-users of hormones obese non-hormone users (who are to elevated risks of endometrial can-
(Fig. 3.6.4) [6]. at higher risk than obese users of cer in premenopausal women, for the
These risks also appear to be continuous estrogen plus progestin more commonly used combined oral
modified by body mass, although in therapy), although the confidence in- contraceptives (a combination of es-
contrast to the situation for use of un- tervals on these risks are often broad trogen and progestin), use has been
opposed estrogen therapy, the great- and overlapping (Fig. 3.6.5) [7]. The related to substantial reductions in
est reductions in relative risks are effects of combination therapy may risk. Long-term users have the lowest
seen in heavier women. Because of also be influenced by how it is pre- risk, and the reduction in risk persists
these complexities, more meaning- scribed (estrogens given sequentially for some time after discontinuation of
ful insights can be derived by a focus vs continuously), but studies are only use [8]. Although the progesterone
on absolute risks. The lowest risks beginning to investigate this issue. content of the pills used may affect
are seen in thin women (either non- Although use of sequential oral risk, studies have not been able to
hormone users or users of continu- contraceptives (estrogen-only pills confirm this hypothesis.
ous estrogen plus progestin therapy), followed by progestin pills for a limit- Nulliparous women have high
and the highest risks are observed in ed number of days) has been related risks of developing endometrial
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 3.6.4. Kaplan–Meier estimates of cumulative hazards of endometrial cancer in tumours, including serous cancers).
the Women’s Health Initiative randomized trial of continuous combined estrogen plus The tumour subtypes have been
progestin with the intention-to-treat principle. CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio;
shown to be etiologically heteroge-
y, years.
neous, and stronger relationships of
hormonal risk factors (such as obe-
sity and parity) are seen for type 1
tumours than for type 2 tumours.
Ovarian cancer
Nulliparity is a well-recognized risk
factor for ovarian cancer, as is in-
fertility. Although there has been
extensive controversy about the
potential effects of fertility drugs,
the latest studies suggest that the
indications for use are more im-
portant than the drugs themselves
(see Chapter 2.11). Endometriosis
is a well-established predictor of
certain types of ovarian cancer, in-
cluding clear cell and endometrioid
cancers (Table 3.6.1) [10]. Unlike for
breast cancer and endometrial can-
cer, body size is not strongly related
to risk of ovarian cancer, although
it may have some modest effect for
certain tumour subtypes.
Some studies have suggested
elevated risks with early age at men
arche and late age at menopause,
but the results are not entirely con-
sistent. Substantially reduced risks
have been observed in women who
have had a simple hysterectomy or
tubal ligation. Although this finding
cancer, and multiparous women Although it is recognized that may reflect detection of abnormali-
have the lowest risks, but no effect hormonal factors have a strong role ties and removal of ovaries during
on risk has been demonstrated ac- in the etiology of endometrial cancer, either of these procedures, more
cording to age at first birth. Instead, relatively few studies have assessed recent attention has focused on the
age at last birth or interval since last the role of endogenous hormones effects of partial devascularization
birth may be important contributors in the etiology of endometrial can- or partial removal of tubes, given
cer, and it has often been difficult to increasing evidence of the tubal ori-
to risk, although studies are still at-
disentangle effects of endogenous gin of many serous cancers.
tempting to understand these rela-
hormones from those associated Use of oral contraceptives is
tionships. Early age at menarche
with obesity. A recent study showed related to substantial reductions
and late age at menopause are even
that parent estrogens and individual in the risk of ovarian cancer, par-
stronger risk factors for endometrial
estrogen metabolites all appear to ticularly when long-term use is
cancer than for breast cancer, pre- involved. However, use of meno-
exert uterotropic activity [9], but fur-
sumably because these parameters ther studies are needed to clarify the pausal hormones has been linked
indicate an enhanced opportunity effects on endometrial cancer risk with increases in risk (Fig. 3.6.6)
for circulating estrogens to influ- of additional hormones, including [11]. This has been most clearly
ence risk. Like for breast cancer, androgens. In such studies, it will demonstrated for unopposed es-
recent efforts have been made to be important to distinguish patterns trogen therapy, but there is growing
develop individualized risk predic- of risk according to specific tumour evidence that combined estrogen
tion models based on identified risk subtypes (e.g. type 1 or endometri- plus progestin therapy may also be
factors for endometrial cancer. oid vs the rarer type 2 endometrial linked with elevated risk [12].
Fig. 3.6.5. Age-standardized incidence of endometrial cancer by use of menopausal which there is growing evidence of
hormone therapy and body mass index, from the United States National Institutes of etiological heterogeneity [14].
Health-AARP (NIH-AARP) Diet and Health Study. Error bars indicate 95% confidence
interval on the age-standardized incidence rate. EPT, estrogen plus progestin therapy;
ET, unopposed estrogen therapy; MHT, menopausal hormone therapy. Cervical cancer
Infection with human papillomavirus
(HPV) is recognized as a neces-
sary cause of cervical cancer, but
other co-factors are important (see
Chapter 5.10). Although the rela-
tionship of reproductive factors with
cervical cancer risk is controversial,
one project that involved combining
data from 25 epidemiological stud-
ies demonstrated that risk of inva-
sive cervical cancer increased with
the number of full-term pregnancies
within each stratum of age at first
full-term pregnancy, and vice versa
(Fig. 3.6.7) [15].
The same investigation found
an increased risk of cervical cancer
related to current and long-term use
of oral contraceptives. The relation-
ship of risk with use of menopausal
hormone therapy remains less clear.
There is some evidence that endog-
Although many of the identified Conflicting results have emerged enous sex steroids, particularly tes-
risk factors for ovarian cancer are about the respective roles of estro- tosterone and estradiol, may play an
consistent with a protective effect gens, androgens, follicle-stimulat- etiological role [16], but it remains
of reduced ovulation, this does not ing hormone, sex hormone-binding unclear how hormonal factors might
appear to entirely explain all of the globulin, and insulin-like growth interact with HPV. Studies are also
identified risk factors (see Chapter factor [13]. Further investigation needed to separately examine rela-
5.12). Recent attention has focused appears to be warranted, particu- tionships for squamous cell cancers
on the possible role of hormonal and larly with respect to specific ovarian versus adenocarcinomas, given sug-
immunological factors (including in- cancer subtypes, especially serous gestions that adenocarcinomas may
flammation) and their interplay. versus non-serous tumours, for be more affected by hormonal risk
Table 3.6.1. Associations between history of endometriosis and the histological subtypes of ovarian cancer
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 3.6.6. Relative risk of ovarian cancer by duration of use in current and past users of hormone therapy. * Risk relative to
never-users of hormone therapy, stratified by age at diagnosis, study, and body mass index, and adjusted for age at menopause,
hysterectomy, oral contraceptive use, and parity. CI, confidence interval.
Fig. 3.6.7. Relative risks (RRs) of invasive cervical carcinoma and corresponding 95% floating confidence intervals (FCIs) by number
of full-term pregnancies (FTPs) stratified by age at first FTP. 1 Conditioned on age and study or study centre. 2 As in 1, and conditioned
on age at first sexual intercourse and lifetime number of sexual partners.
factors such as obesity and use of tors, with suggestions of increased served was an inverse relationship
exogenous hormones. risks related to obesity, Klinefel with sex hormone-binding globulin.
ter syndrome, and gynaecomastia Use of finasteride reduces risk
Testicular cancer (Table 3.6.2) [18]. Data are also of prostate cancer by blocking the
beginning to emerge that implicate conversion of testosterone to di-
Hormonal factors play a role in the
the importance of endogenous hor- hydrotestosterone; use has also
etiology of testicular cancer, as evi-
mones (particularly estrogens) in the been associated with increases
denced by the rise in incidence start-
etiology of male breast cancer [19]. in estradiol levels. The Prostate
ing at adolescence and a variety of
Cancer Prevention Trial has shown
risk factors, including height, subfer-
substantial reductions in prostate
tility, and possibly exposure to endo- Prostate cancer cancer incidence associated with
crine disrupters (see Chapter 5.14).
Prostate cancers respond well to exposure to finasteride (https://
Several risk factors also support an
anti-androgen therapies, and both w w
influence of exposures received in
surgical and medical castration research/prostate-cancer-preven
utero, including cryptorchidism, hy-
results in substantial reductions tion-trial-qa). This has raised ques-
pospadias, inguinal hernia, low birth
in the risk of metastatic disease. tions about whether estrogen levels
weight, short gestational age, and
Although it has been assumed that may play a role in prostate cancer
being a twin, some of which may
androgens play a role in the etiol- etiology (see Chapter 5.13). The
reflect the influence of endogenous
ogy of prostate cancer, studies to fact that trial participants who de-
hormones [17]. Recent studies have
veloped prostate cancer while tak-
attempted to assess the role of en- date have provided conflicting evi-
ing finasteride experienced high-
dogenous hormones in the etiology dence of a role for any hormones
er-grade tumours has prompted
of testicular cancer, but further stud- as risk factors. One large pooling
interest in examining subgroup re-
ies are needed to fully understand project showed no association be-
lationships. The most recent study
the relationships. tween risk of prostate cancer and that assessed such relationships
circulating concentrations of tes- observed a strong inverse asso-
Male breast cancer tosterone, calculated free testoster- ciation between the ratio of estra-
The incidence of breast cancer in one, and conversion products; the diol to testosterone and aggressive
men is only about 1% that in wom- major conversion product is dihy- prostate cancer (Table 3.6.3) [21].
en, complicating the evaluation of drotestosterone, to which testoster- However, given the conflicting data
etiological factors. However, the few one is converted in the prostate by from other studies on the role of
available studies appear to implicate 5α-reductase (Fig. 3.6.8) [20]. The both estrogens and androgens in
several hormonally related risk fac- only evidence of association ob- the etiology of prostate cancer [22],
Table 3.6.2. Relationship of anthropometric and hormonal risk factors with risk of male breast cancer: results from the Male
Breast Cancer Pooling Project
Klinefelter syndrome
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
additional studies are needed to ous reproductive and hormonal fac- attempted to assess whether repro-
clarify the relationship of hormones tors on other cancer types, there are ductive and hormonal factors are as-
to prostate cancer risk, both overall many inconsistent findings. Findings sociated with the risk of cancers of
and according to tumour subtypes. with respect to some of the better the stomach, thyroid, and central ner
studied cancer types, including can- vous system as well as melanomas,
Other cancer types cers of the colorectum [23], liver [24], again without conclusive results.
Although some studies have sug- and lung [25], are particularly dif-
gested possible influences of vari- ficult to decipher. Studies have also
Table 3.6.3. Associations between circulating sex steroid hormone concentrations and aggressive prostate cancer
Estrogen and estrogen metabolism measures Odds ratioa (95% confidence interval) P trend
Quartile 1 Quartile 2 Quartile 3 Quartile 4
All estrogens and estrogen metabolites 1.00 1.27 (0.72–2.23) 1.28 (0.72–2.27) 0.84 (0.46–1.54) 0.65
2-Hydroxylation pathway 1.00 1.53 (0.87–2.70) 1.27 (0.71–2.28) 0.94 (0.51–1.72) 0.69
2-Hydroxylation pathway catechols 1.00 1.35 (0.75–2.41) 1.63 (0.92–2.87) 0.87 (0.47–1.62) 0.95
2-Hydroxyestrone 1.00 1.48 (0.82–2.65) 1.49 (0.84–2.64) 0.91 (0.49–1.68) 0.89
2-Hydroxyestradiol 1.00 1.23 (0.70–2.16) 0.94 (0.52–1.68) 0.92 (0.52–1.65) 0.79
2-Hydroxylation pathway methylated catechols 1.00 0.54 (0.30–0.98) 0.71 (0.41–1.24) 0.59 (0.33–1.06) 0.14
2-Methoxyestrone 1.00 0.47 (0.26–0.85) 0.65 (0.37–1.13) 0.53 (0.29–0.94) 0.06
2-Methoxyestradiol 1.00 1.07 (0.61–1.88) 0.96 (0.54–1.70) 0.80 (0.44–1.45) 0.38
2-Hydroxyestrone-3-methyl ether 1.00 0.75 (0.42–1.33) 0.65 (0.36–1.15) 0.82 (0.47–1.44) 0.34
4-Hydroxylation pathway 1.00 0.82 (0.46–1.45) 1.13 (0.65–1.97) 0.63 (0.34–1.14) 0.33
4-Hydroxyestrone 1.00 1.85 (1.05–3.28) 1.20 (0.66–2.17) 1.07 (0.58–1.97) 0.89
4-Hydroxylation pathway methylated catechols 1.00 0.63 (0.32–1.27) 0.60 (0.30–1.20) 0.54 (0.27–1.10) 0.09
4-Methoxyestrone 1.00 0.48 (0.24–0.97) 0.67 (0.34–1.30) 0.45 (0.22–0.92) 0.08
4-Methoxyestradiol 1.00 0.58 (0.29–1.17) 0.70 (0.36–1.37) 0.52 (0.25–1.06) 0.12
16-Hydroxylation pathway 1.00 1.02 (0.58–1.81) 1.04 (0.59–1.83) 0.76 (0.42–1.38) 0.43
16α-Hydroxyestrone 1.00 1.54 (0.86–1.77) 1.73 (0.97–3.07) 0.84 (0.44–1.58) 0.87
Estriol 1.00 1.00 (0.57–1.75) 0.77 (0.43–1.38) 0.82 (0.46–1.49) 0.33
17-Epiestriol 1.00 0.73 (0.41–1.30) 0.85 (0.48–1.50) 0.83 (0.47–1.47) 0.72
16-Ketoestradiol 1.00 1.23 (0.69–2.19) 1.41 (0.80–2.48) 0.87 (0.47–1.60) 0.80
16-Epiestriol 1.00 0.75 (0.42–1.34) 0.75 (0.42–1.34) 0.72 (0.41–1.28) 0.30
Estrogen metabolic pathway ratios
2-Hydroxylation pathway:parent estrogens 1.00 1.54 (0.86–2.76) 0.85 (0.45–1.60) 1.69 (0.95–3.02) 0.24
4-Hydroxylation pathway:parent estrogens 1.00 1.11 (0.62–2.01) 1.40 (0.79–2.47) 1.14 (0.63–2.05) 0.51
16-Hydroxylation pathway:parent estrogens 1.00 1.32 (0.74–2.35) 0.98 (0.55–1.77) 0.99 (0.55–1.78) 0.71
2-Hydroxylation pathway:16-hydroxylation pathway 1.00 1.31 (0.71–2.42) 1.73 (0.96–3.12) 1.53 (0.84–2.79) 0.10
2-Hydroxyestrone:16-hydroxyestrone 1.00 1.24 (0.65–2.37) 1.87 (1.01–3.44) 2.44 (1.34–4.45) 0.001
2-Hydroxylation pathway:4-hydroxylation pathway 1.00 1.41 (0.78–2.52) 1.09 (0.61–1.98) 1.29 (0.72–2.31) 0.62
4-Hydroxylation pathway:16-hydroxylation pathway 1.00 1.14 (0.63–2.03) 1.18 (0.66–2.10) 1.27 (0.71–2.27) 0.42
2-Hydroxylation pathway methylated
1.00 1.12 (0.65–1.94) 0.56 (0.31–1.02) 0.73 (0.41–1.30) 0.08
4-Hydroxylation pathway methylated
1.00 0.60 (0.30–1.22) 1.01 (0.52–1.94) 0.37 (0.17–0.80) 0.08
Adjusted for age at blood draw, body mass index, and sex hormone-binding globulin. Boldface indicates findings that are statistically significant.
Fig. 3.6.8. Association between risk of prostate cancer and increasing fifths of hormone concentrations, from a collaborative analysis
of 18 prospective studies. The position of each square indicates the magnitude of the relative risk (RR), and the area of the square
is proportional to the amount of statistical information available. The length of the horizontal line through the square indicates the
95% confidence interval (CI). The chi-square 1 degree of freedom statistic for linear trend (χ21 for trend) is calculated by replacing the
categorical variables with a continuous variable scored as 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1. The P value was two-sided for statistical signif
icance of χ21 for trend. DHEA-S, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate; DHT, dihydrotestosterone; SHBG, sex hormone-binding globulin.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
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Identification of
unknown signals ■■ Recent applications of
metabolomics to cancer
epidemiology have shown that
various metabolic pathways
Biomarkers, biological understanding are influenced by cancers,
and some of them are causally
linked to cancer development.
After data acquisition, metabo- tabolites generally belong to specif- ■■ Characterization of these
lite levels are statistically compared ic chemical classes, such as amino
metabolic changes is applied
in various groups of individuals to acids, bile acids, fatty acids, and
to the identification of new
identify metabolites that vary in lipids. In untargeted metabolomics,
biomarkers for early detection
their concentrations in any given thousands of metabolites can be
of cancer and new risk factors
condition. Data are interpreted on detected by MS, and the only limit
the basis of current knowledge of to the number of metabolites mea- for cancer.
factors that can influence concen- sured is the sensitivity of the ana-
trations of these metabolites and lytical instrument. The large volume
the corresponding metabolic path- of information collected makes this compounds that are present at low
ways. Novel hypotheses on mecha- approach ideal for biomarker dis- concentrations. The large number
nisms that lead to diseases can be covery studies [3]. of compounds measured makes
generated, and new biomarkers for However, untargeted metabo- calibration with chemical standards
diagnosis, prognosis, or disease lomics also has some limitations. impossible, and therefore measure-
susceptibility can be discovered. The first is that despite the large ments for any given metabolite are
Two different MS-based me- number of metabolites that can be expressed in study-based relative,
tabolomics approaches are com- measured in a single analytical run, rather than ab so
lute, concentra-
monly used: the targeted and un- no single method is able to compre- tions. This means that specific pro-
targeted approaches. In targeted hensively measure the metabolome. cedures are required to monitor the
metabolomics, a limited number of Combinations of methods are often stability of the response of the mass
metabolites (typically 50–200), de- recommended to maximize analyti- spectrometer over the analysis of
fined a priori, are measured by MS cal coverage. large series of samples (typically a
against calibration curves for each In addition, targeted MS as- few hundred to a few thousand) and
metabolite measured. These me- says may be needed to measure to check the quality of the data.
A second important limitation of to the identification of 4 steps in the and those with low-grade bladder
untargeted metabolomics is related pathway that enhance glycolysis cancer (ROC AUC, 0.96) [11].
to the identification of the metabo- in the tumour cell and underlie the Less-common biomarkers, which
lites detected. There are about 8000 Warburg effect [7]. are often present at low concentra-
known metabolites in blood, and Metabolomics is also used to tions in blood or urine, may be more
about 1000 of those can be iden- compare metabolic profiles of cells specific for a particular cancer type
tified in untargeted metabolomics treated with various enzyme in- and better predictors of cancer or of
experiments. Many more signals hibitors or drugs. Koningic acid was specific stages of the cancer. Several
are detected but are still unknown, identified as a highly specific inhibitor such markers were identified in un-
because of the lack of reference of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate de- targeted metabolomics studies using
mass spectra in metabolite data- hydrogenase, a rate-controlling en- high-resolution MS.
bases and of commercial standards zyme in the glycolytic pathway, with A conjugated steroid, 27-nor-5β-
needed for their identification. limited perturbations of other meta- cholestane-3,7,12,24,25 pentol glucu-
bolic pathways [8]. ronide, was significantly upregulated
Initial applications of metabo- in the serum of women with epithelial
Applications of
lomics to cancer epidemiology ovarian cancer in both early-stage
metabolomics to were case–control studies of small and late-stage patients when com-
understanding cancer sample size aimed at the identifi- pared with healthy women or women
development cation of biomarkers for diagnosis, with benign ovarian tumours [12].
Currently, applications of metabo- prognosis, and response to therapy Compared with α-fetoprotein, phe-
lomics to cancer research are quite [9,10]. Results of 106 case–control nylalanyl-tryptophan and glycochol
diverse. Tumour samples have been studies were systematically ana- ate were better able to differentiate
compared with normal tissues to lysed, showing that the cancer dis- individuals with hepatocellular carci-
identify metabolites that vary in their criminants most commonly report- noma from those with cirrhosis, with
concentrations in the two types of ed in blood or urine samples were ROC AUC values greater than 0.89
tissues. Metabolic alterations in tu- various amino acids, nucleotides, [13]. These two metabolites also had
mour samples were investigated in polyamines, sugars, organic acids higher diagnostic performance than
11 studies for 7 cancer types, and a from the tricarboxylic acid cycle, α-fetoprotein for early-stage hepato-
meta-analysis was performed of the bile acids, and closely related me- cellular carcinoma.
results from each individual study [4]. tabolites in their respective meta- In a similar metabolomics study,
Some metabolites were differentially bolic pathways [10]. Many of these several hydroxylated long-chain fatty
abundant in tumour samples and metabolites are affected by differ- acids with anti-inflammatory proper-
normal tissues for multiple cancer ent types of cancer, whereas oth- ties were identified and found to be
types; these included taurine, acyl- ers appear to be more specific for a downregulated in serum samples
carnitine, kynurenine, and lactate, particular cancer type; for example, from colorectal cancer cases in
reflecting common alterations in bilirubin and bile acids are associ- three independent groups of patients
pathways notably related to sugar ated with hepatocellular carcinoma. in Japan and the USA [14]. Two of
metabolism, glutathione metabolism, Most of these metabolites are these fatty acids were good predict
and fatty acid biosynthesis. Similarly, common, universally occurring me- ors of colorectal cancer cases, with
the comparison of metabolic profiles tabolites, which can also be influ- ROC AUC values ranging from 0.85
of 60 primary cancer cell lines from enced by various confounding fac- to 0.93. A later study in the European
9 tumour types showed that several tors, such as other diseases, age, or Prospective Investigation into Cancer
pathways were commonly affected body mass index (see Chapter 2.7). and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort confirmed
in the different cell lines, and that Therefore, there is little likelihood that the low concentrations of these two
glycine was highly correlated with any of these metabolites can be used fatty acids in pre-diagnostic samples
rate of proliferation [5], leading to the on their own as a biomarker for diag- of subjects who developed colorectal
recognition of the oncogenic role of nosis, but they may have applications cancer [15]. The differences in the
glycine decarboxylase. in the context of panels made up of levels of the fatty acids between cas-
Metabolomics and fluxomics several metabolites, proteins, and/or es and controls were seen 3–7 years
have been applied to tumour cell clinical biomarkers. A combination before diagnosis, suggesting possi-
cultures to identify metabolic alter of three serum metabolites differen- ble clinical applications as early bio-
ations and adaptations, which are tiated with high accuracy between markers of disease.
now recognized as a hallmark of individuals with low-grade bladder Applications of metabolomics to
cancer [6]. As an example, the sys- cancer and healthy controls, with prospective epidemiological studies
tematic overexpression of individual a receiver operating characteristic are relatively recent. The earliest
enzymes in the 12 steps linking ex- (ROC) area under the curve (AUC) application of metabolomics within
tracellular glucose to excreted lac- value of 0.99, and between individu- a prospective study involved 189
tate combined with flux analysis led als with high-grade bladder cancer individuals who developed type 2
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
diabetes and 189 matched controls sis with risk of cancer, suggest new betes. This finding confirms results
from the Framingham Offspring pathophysiological mechanisms that from earlier rat feeding studies that
Study [16]. Among 61 metabolites lead to cancer. Such studies face two showed a contribution of branched-
measured at baseline by MS, 5 main challenges. First, few of these chain amino acids to the development
metabolites (leucine, isoleucine, results have yet been replicated in of insulin resistance [25].
valine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine) independent cohorts [3,12]. They will
were associated with risk of type 2 need to be confirmed in future studies,
diabetes [16]. Subsequently, more
Metabolomics and
as has been done for type 2 diabetes.
studies were performed on risk of Second, complementary approaches
biomarkers of exposure
type 2 diabetes, and a recent meta- will be needed to interpret these new to cancer risk factors
analysis of results from eight origi- data. The combination of metabo- Anthropometric, lifestyle, and en-
nal publications showed consistent lomics with other –omics will help vironmental factors all influence
associations of levels of these five to establish the causal implications blood metabolic profiles (Fig. 3.7.2).
amino acids with the risk of devel- of specific metabolites or metabolic Their effects have been described
oping type 2 diabetes [17]. pathways in carcinogenesis, as illus- in an increasing number of inter-
In the past 5 years, 15 prospec- trated by a Mendelian randomization vention studies and observational
tive metabolomics studies on can- analysis on branched-chain amino studies, which aid in the interpre-
cers of the colorectum, liver, pan- acids and type 2 diabetes [24]. This tation of results from prospective
creas, prostate, and breast have analysis showed that genetic variants studies on cancer. Metabolites that
been published, with the number of associated with levels of branched- are simultaneously associated with
case–control pairs varying from 100 chain amino acids were significantly a specific risk factor for cancer
to more than 1000. All of the studies associated with risk of type 2 dia- and with cancer risk are possible
used blood samples that were ana-
lysed by NMR spectroscopy or MS.
In a case–control study on
Fig. 3.7.2. Metabolites associated with body mass index in two independent subcohorts
colorectal cancer nested in the of healthy subjects from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and
Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Nutrition (EPIC) study. A total of 22 metabolites replicate in both subcohorts (EPIC-Oxford
Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial and EPIC-Hepatobiliary controls). Arrows indicate the direction of the associations:
cohort, 676 metabolites, including positive association (), negative association (), and inconsistent direction (?). PCs,
447 metabolites of known identity, phosphatidylcholines; SM, sphingomyelin.
were measured [18]. The bile acid
glycochenodeoxycholate was asso- acylcarnitines biogenic amines
ciated with risk of colorectal cancer amino acids lysophosphatidylcholines
in women. In a case–control study phosphatidylcholines sphingomyelins
nested in the EPIC cohort, several
metabolites related to amino acid,
lipid, and carbohydrate metabo-
lism were associated with risk of
hepatocellular carcinoma [19,20].
45 22 40
In a prospective study involving EPIC-Hepatobiliary EPIC-Oxford
subjects from four cohorts in the Controls N = 392
USA (453 cases and 898 matched N = 327
controls), 83 metabolites were mea
sured; three branched-chain amino
acids – leucine, isoleucine, and
valine – were associated with risk
of pancreatic cancer, and these
associations were independent of
diabetes development [21]. In the
Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene
Cancer Prevention Study and the 1 biogenic amine: Kynurenine();
EPIC study, several metabolites 1 amino acid: Glutamate();
related to energy and lipid metab- 1 sphingomyelin: SM C18:0();
olism were associated with risk of 3 lysoPCs: C18:1(), C18:2(), C28:0(?);
prostate cancer [22,23]. 8 diacyl PCs: C32:2(), C34:4(), C38:3(), C38:4(),
These prospective studies, which C40:6(), C42:0(), C42:1(), C42:2();
show associations of blood metabo- 8 acyl-alkyl PCs: C38:2(), C40:5(), C42:3(), C42:4(),
lites several years before diagno- C42:5(), C44:4(), C44:5(), C44:6()
mediators of the risk. In a nested of hundreds of these compounds, estrogen receptor-positive breast
case–control study that included which together constitute the inter- cancer, enabling the generation of
621 postmenopausal breast can- nal exposome [27,28]. Many of these novel hypotheses on the role of diet
cer cases and 621 matched con- compounds are direct indicators of in breast cancer risk [33].
trols, 4 metabolites (16α-hydroxy- exposure to environmental factors. Metabolomics data, once col-
dehydroepiandrosterone-3-sulfate, They have been measured in pop- lected in a prospective study, can be
3-methylglutarylcarnitine, allo-iso- ulation studies as proxy biomark- further mined to selectively examine
leucine, and 2-methylbutyrylcar- ers of exposures to environmental associations of specific markers of
nitine) were associated with both factors. Detailed information on dietary exposures with cancer risk
body mass index and risk of inva- these biomarkers is curated in the [28]. Among 657 metabolites mea
sive breast cancer. These four me- Exposome-Explorer database [29]. sured in serum samples, trigonelline,
tabolites may point towards meta- Metabolomics approaches have a biomarker of coffee intake, was
bolic pathways that contribute to the potential to play an important found to be inversely associated with
breast carcinogenesis and explain role in the discovery of new bio- risk of colorectal cancer, suggest-
the positive association of body markers of exposure in intervention ing a protective role of coffee intake
mass index with risk of postmeno- studies or cross-sectional studies against colorectal cancer [34].
pausal breast cancer [26]. [30,31]. A classic early example is
This example and those given in the identification of proline betaine Conclusions
the previous section illustrate how as a biomarker for intake of citrus The potential of metabolomics for
metabolomics aids in understand- fruit [32]. Since then, many other di- elucidating mechanisms of carcino-
ing mechanisms that link exposures etary biomarkers have been identi- genesis and for identifying novel risk
to risk factors for cancer. In all of fied. These biomarkers of exposure factors for cancer is established.
these examples, the focus was put can be simultaneously measured in Techniques for metabolomics have
on endogenous metabolites, as exposome-wide association stud- improved considerably over the past
indicators of changes in host me- ies (EWAS) using untargeted or few years, and there is now little
tabolism. Beyond endogenous me- targeted metabolomics approaches doubt that metabolomics is emerging
tabolites, a large array of exogenous to study their association with can- as an essential tool, complementary
compounds, directly derived from cer risk. In a case–control study to the well-established genomics,
the diet, pollutants, and drugs and on breast cancer nested in the transcriptomics, and proteomics ap-
mainly absorbed through the gut Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and proaches, to identify novel biomark-
mucosa, are found in blood or urine, Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial ers for cancer and to better under-
often at low concentrations. The use cohort, of 113 metabolites related stand cancer etiology.
of sensitive MS techniques ena- to dietary exposures, 19 metabo-
bles the detection in blood or urine lites were associated with risk of
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Potential in diagnostics, therapy,
and prevention
Toshikazu Ushijima James Flanagan (reviewer)
Zdenko Herceg Igor Pogribny (reviewer)
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
dysregulated in human neoplasms
Of the three main epigenetic mech- [7]. Therefore, the importance of may be risk factor-specific
anisms, the best studied is DNA histone modifications in cancer and (“signatures”), which may
methylation. The methylation of other diseases is now recognized. prove instrumental in the
DNA refers to the covalent addition discovery of novel biomarkers
of a methyl group to the 5-carbon Non-coding RNAs of cancer.
position of cytosine in a CpG dinu- Non-coding RNAs consist of small ■■ Recent advances in epi
cleotide. DNA methylation, via the RNAs – microRNAs, Piwi-interacting genetics and epigenomics
function of maintenance DNA meth- RNAs (piRNAs), and small nucleolar present an exciting opportunity
yltransferase (mainly DNMT1), has RNAs (snoRNAs) – and long non- to incorporate epigenetic data
long been considered a highly stable coding RNAs, and many investi- into carcinogen identification
epigenetic modification. However, gators consider them as the third and safety assessment.
recent studies showed that the ten– class of epigenetic mechanisms [8].
eleven translocation (TET) family of MicroRNAs can regulate expression ■■ Epigenetic changes in cancer
proteins are involved in active DNA levels of messenger RNA, and piR- cells are now targets for
demethylation, and that DNA meth- NAs are important to suppress the cancer therapy, and correction
ylation can be dynamically regulated transcription of retrotransposons. of epigenetic changes can
at specific stages of life, such as Long non-coding RNAs, defined as form the basis for a cancer
during early embryogenesis. The endogenous cellular RNAs longer prevention strategy.
TET proteins hydrolyse methyl cy- than 200 base pairs, tend to be ex-
tosines, either fully methylated or pressed at lower levels compared
hemi-methylated, and produce 5-hy- with the majority of protein-coding tween these three epigenetic mech-
droxymethylcytosine and its further genes. Interest in long non-coding anisms in setting up and maintain-
metabolites, which will eventually be RNAs has been stimulated by the ing the genome-wide expression
removed by base excision repair [6]. recent finding that almost the entire programme in a tissue-specific and
mammalian genome is transcribed, lineage-specific manner.
Histone modifications although only a small fraction (~2%)
The second main epigenetic mecha- of the genome is established to en-
nism encompasses various modifi- code proteins [9]. A variety of human
Epigenomic changes in
cations of histone proteins. Typically, malignancies were found to exhibit
two copies each of the histones aberrant expression of long non- Consistent with the critical role of
H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 compose an coding RNAs, some of which were epigenetic mechanisms in the con-
octamer, which is wrapped by an ap- demonstrated to be involved in can- trol of cellular processes, a plethora
proximately 147-base-pair stretch of cer onset and progression [10]. of studies have revealed that the
DNA to form a nucleosome. Histone Experimental evidence sug- epigenome is markedly dysregulat-
modifications include acetylation, gests that there is intimate and ed in almost all malignancies [1,2]
methylation, phosphorylation, and mutually reinforcing cross-talk be- (Fig. 3.8.1).
Fig. 3.8.1. Interplay between genetics and epigenetics in cancer development. Epigenetic mechanisms regulate key cellular processes
(such as gene transcription, DNA repair, and differentiation) and play critical roles in cellular responses to environmental exposures
and endogenous stimuli. Dysregulation of epigenetic mechanisms may promote the development of abnormal phenotypes and cancer.
There is cross-talk between epigenetic and genetic changes in the process of cancer development and progression. Given that
epigenetic and genetic changes coexist in all cancers, it is important to identify the functionally important changes (“drivers”) that are
pertinent to carcinogenesis, and to distinguish them from events that are not functionally important (“passengers”).
DNA methylation come unable to bind the factors that cellular processes and cell identity,
Traditionally, two forms of aberrant are responsible for gene expression dysregulation of histone modifica-
DNA methylation have been de- [12], and the gene is not transcribed. tion patterns has a global impact
scribed in human cancer: the overall A large number of studies have in- on regulation of gene expression
loss of 5-methylcytosine (global hy- dicated that the silencing of tumour across the genome. This notion is
pomethylation) and gene promoter- suppressor genes and other cancer- supported by recent studies show-
associated (CpG island-specific) related genes may occur through ing that recurrent mutations in the
hypermethylation [11]. Genome-wide hypermethylation of their promoters. genes encoding histone modifiers
hypomethylation can induce chro- and remodellers were associated
mosomal instability and hypometh-
Histone modifications with widespread transcriptome and
ylation of cancer/testis antigen Recent genetic and molecular stud- epigenome changes in many can-
genes. The impact of genome-wide ies have directly implicated histone cer types [13,14]. It has also been
or gene-specific hypomethylation modifications and histone-modi- observed that cancer cells exhibit
on the activation of cellular proto- fying and histone-remodelling en- dysregulated occupancy of the his-
oncogenes is still debated, but hy- zymes in human cancer. Consistent tone modifications H3K27ac (at en-
permethylation of gene promoters with the critical role of histone hancers) and H3K27me (at promot-
is well established to be associated modifications in the establishment ers), revealing distinct mechanisms
with gene inactivation. When hy- and maintenance of gene expres- underlying transcriptional dysregu-
permethylated, gene promoters be- sion programmes that underpin key lation in cancer [15].
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Current and future studies aimed malignancies [14,18]. These findings toxin B1 (see Chapter 2.8) [21], and
at characterizing the functional im- should prove pivotal in facilitating inorganic arsenic and heavy metals
pact of dysregulation of chromatin functional studies, aimed at a better (see Chapter 2.9) [22], may leave
modifiers should provide valuable mechanistic understanding of tumour epigenetic signatures in the fetus
mechanistic insights into tumorigen- development (see Chapter 3.2) and that may be detected in neonatal
esis and reveal potential molecular of the plasticity of cancer cells that samples. These observations not
targets for biomarker discovery and underlies tumour resilience and ther- only suggest potential mechanisms
therapeutic intervention. A growing apy failure. of cancer development involving
emphasis in drug discovery on small epigenome dysregulation but also
molecules targeting HDACs, histone underscore that early life may rep-
Environmental influences
acetyltransferases, or histone meth- resent a critical period for interven-
yltransferases (“epigenetic drugs”)
on epigenomes
tion and cancer prevention.
may result in novel strategies for ef- A profound dysregulation of the Although the importance of the
ficient treatment and overcoming re- epigenome is a universal feature environment in the development of
sistance to therapies. across almost all cancer types, a wide variety of cancer types is
and increasing evidence points well supported by both epidemio-
Non-coding RNAs to an important role of epigenetic logical and laboratory-based stud-
Many recent studies also provided mechanisms in mediating gene– ies, the mechanisms by which en-
evidence that the dysregulation of environment interactions and their vironmental exposures dysregulate
non-coding RNAs is involved in the effect throughout the tumorigen- the epigenome remain poorly char-
development of human neoplasia esis process (see Chapter 3.3) [4]. acterized [4,23]. The recent estab-
Remarkable progress in the field of
[1,2]. Although epigenetic changes lishment of reference epigenomes
have been implicated in differ- epigenetics, in conjunction with the for normal cell types and cancer-
ent stages of tumour development emergence of powerful epigenomic specific epigenomes provided by
and progression, the challenge is technologies and computational several major international projects
to identify functionally important tools, has led to the establishment should facilitate the identification
epigenetic changes, which may be of the impact of different endog- of environmental factors that are
referred to as “epigenetic drivers” enous and external risk factors on associated with epigenomic al-
(“epidrivers”) in the same way that the epigenome. A wide range of es- terations. Ultimately, intervention
this term is used for mutations, and tablished and suspected cancer risk studies in animals or humans are
hence differentiate them from “pas- factors (including ageing, inflamma- important to establish causal asso-
senger” events, which are evident tion, tobacco smoking, alcohol con- ciations between environmental ex-
but not functionally important. sumption, fungal toxins, biological posures and epigenetic alterations.
One of the most remarkable and agents, and diet) as well as some
groundbreaking findings of the in- less widely studied exposures and
ternational high-resolution cancer lifestyle factors (such as air and wa- Epigenetic changes as
genome sequencing efforts, spear- ter pollution and certain endocrine biomarkers
headed by the Cancer Genome Atlas disrupters) have been shown to be Epigenetic changes, especially
(TCGA) and the International Cancer associated with epigenome dysreg- DNA methylation, are useful as
Genome Consortium (ICGC), is the ulation (Fig. 3.8.2). cancer biomarkers in multiple ways
high frequency of mutational and In addition to the type of environ- (Fig. 3.8.3). The accumulation lev-
non-mutational (expression) chang- mental exposure, the timing of ex- els of aberrant DNA methylation in
es in the genes encoding proteins posure may also play a critical role normal tissues can be correlated
that directly regulate the epigenome in influencing cancer risk. In utero with future cancer risk, and can be
in malignancies [14,16–18]. About and early life may represent particu- used for cancer risk diagnosis (see
half of all newly identified genes that larly vulnerable periods in humans, Chapter 6.7) [24,25]. Initially, the
are found to be recurrently mutated in because of the profound reconfigu- accumulation of DNA methylation
cancer encode proteins that are part ration of the epigenome during em- changes in normal-appearing tis-
of epigenetic machineries involved bryonic development. Epigenetic sues of cancer patients was shown
in DNA methylation and chromatin changes can be stably propagated for multiple cancer types. Unlike mu-
modifications [17,19]. Furthermore, it over many cell generations, and tations, methylation changes can be
is now evident that frequent dysregu- therefore epigenome dysregula- detected in a large number of cells in
lation of these epigenetic players may tion brought about by early-life ex- normal-appearing tissues, and can
be mediated not only through muta- posures may have lifelong health be readily measured [26]. The accu-
tional events but also through epige- outcomes. Accumulating evidence mulation can be associated with past
netic events; this suggests a potential suggests that in utero exposure to exposure to carcinogenic stimuli,
mechanism for epigenetic changes different agents, including tobacco and the genes that are methylated
that are rampant in almost all human smoke (see Chapter 2.1) [20], afla- can be specific to the exposure [27].
Fig. 3.8.2. Epigenetic mechanisms and cancer: an interface between the environment and the genome. Exposures arising from
external sources (such as environmental chemicals, air pollution, infectious agents, diet, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption,
and endocrine disrupters) and internal processes (such as metabolism, hormones, inflammation, gut microflora, and ageing) may
induce stable and potentially reversible changes in the epigenome. The patterns (“signatures”) and persistence of these alterations
depend on multiple factors, including the type of epigenetic changes (some genomic regions remain methylated for longer periods
than others), the duration and dosage of the exposure (longer and more intense exposures could minimize the reversibility of DNA
methylation), the tissue type, and the developmental stage (in utero life or puberty may be particularly sensitive periods for some
exposures). Thus, epigenetic mechanisms may represent “sensors” of exposure and “mediators” of the outcomes, including cancer
development. Epigenomic alterations should prove instrumental in the discovery of new biomarkers for risk stratification and early
detection, and attractive targets for novel therapies and preventive strategies.
- Smoking
Reverse causality
In utero life
- Air pollution
- Nutrition
- Heavy metals Epigenome
- Biological adaptation
- Endocrine
Epigenome processes
dysregulation CANCER
DNA repair
Endogenous “Normal”
- Hormones epigenome
- Microbiome
- Metabolome
- Inflammation Causality
The accumulation levels of aberrant methylation can be sensitively de- mixed results [31,32]. In addition,
DNA methylation can be correlated tected by technologies based on distinct DNA methylation patterns
with risk of cancer development for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) according to cancer types have
gastric cancer, liver cancer, cervi- amplification of methylated DNA been established, and the specific
cal cancer, and other cancer types molecules, the detection of can- patterns were used to predict the
[24,25]. The usefulness in cancer cer cell-derived DNA has been at- origin of cancers, with a very prom-
risk diagnosis has been shown by a tempted for decades. As a result, ising result [33].
prospective clinical study for gastric there are many cancer detection Even in a specific cancer type,
cancer and cervical cancer [28,29]. systems using materials that are methylation of specific genes or
Similar approaches appear to be likely to contain cancer cells or methylation profiles can be asso-
promising for multiple cancer types cancer cell-derived DNA, such as ciated with the pathophysiology of
in which aberrant DNA methylation stool, urine, sputum, and cervical cancers, and may be useful to de-
is deeply involved. smear, and some of them are al- termine patient prognosis and re-
Cancer cell-specific DNA meth- ready commercially available [30]. sponsiveness to a particular therapy
ylation can be used as a biomarker In contrast, the attempts at using [32]. In sharp distinction to patterns
to detect cancer. Because DNA serum or plasma DNA have had of gene expression, DNA methylation
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 3.8.3. DNA methylation as a biomarker. Normal tissues without exposure have minimal levels of aberrant methylation. Exposure
to environmental factors, such as Helicobacter pylori infection and tobacco smoke, is known to induce aberrant DNA methylation
of specific genes in normal-appearing tissue. Further accumulation of aberrant DNA methylation and genetic alterations will lead to
the development of cancer, and each cancer has individual epigenetic profiles that can be associated with pathophysiology, such
as aggressiveness, response to therapy, and prognosis. Measurement of methylation in normal-appearing tissues can be used as
a biomarker of cancer risk. Cancer cell-specific DNA methylation can be used as a biomarker for cancer detection. Methylation of
specific genes that are associated with pathophysiology can be used as a biomarker of pathophysiology.
Normal tissue
Gene A
D Unmethylated gene
Methylated gene
(external and endogenous)
Normal-appearing tissue
Very early cancer
Cancer #2
Cancer detection biomarker
Cancer #1
Pathophysiology biomarker
can indicate that a particular gene patient prognosis in several can- tinguishes such change from mu-
cannot be expressed even if its ex- cer types, including colorectal and tation, is the fact that it can be re-
pression is induced in the future. gastric malignancies as well as versed by drugs [1,19,36]. During
For example, if the promoter region neuroblastomas. Specifically, the the past decade, this field has rap-
of O 6 -methylguanine-DNA methyl- CpG island methylator phenotype idly expanded from agents affecting
transferase (MGMT) is determined in neuroblastoma provides prog- DNA methylation and histone acet-
to be methylated at biopsy of a nostic information that is more pre- ylation to now include histone meth-
brain tumour, this gene will never cise than that from the amplifica- ylation modifications (Fig. 3.8.4).
be expressed even after future che tion of the MYCN oncogene, one of DNA methylation can be reversed
mo therapy involving an alkylating the clearest prognostic indicators by DNA demethylating agents.
agent. In the absence of MGMT ex- in clinical oncology [35]. Two such drugs, azacitidine and
pression, such chemotherapy has decitabine, have been approved by
been shown to be effective [34]. the United States Food and Drug
DNA methylation of multiple Epigenetic therapy Administration and other regulatory
genes – the CpG island methyla- One of the most important aspects agencies for treating myelodysplas-
tor phenotype – is associated with of epigenetic change, which dis- tic syndrome and acute myeloid
Fig. 3.8.4. Epigenetic targets for drugs. DNA methylation and histone modifications are written, erased, and read by specific
proteins. Many of the writers, erasers, and readers are now used as drug targets. Among these, DNA methyltransferase (DNMT)
inhibitors and histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors (targets shaded in blue) are already approved by the United States Food and
Drug Administration. Only major drug targets are shown here; novel targets are still being identified. BRDs, bromodomains; HATs,
histone acetyltransferases; TETs, ten–eleven translocation proteins; MBDs, methyl-CpG-binding domains.
leukaemia, and are now being ex- have pleiotropic effects on cancer ered as drug targets, and their spe-
plored for treating solid tumours. In cell phenotypes. In addition, some cific inhibitors have been developed.
addition to these two drugs, multi- HDAC inhibitors induce acetylation Some histone demethylases are
ple new DNA demethylating agents, of non-histone proteins, including also targets for therapy. Currently,
such as SGI-110 and CC-486, are p53, signal transducer and activator the most successful target is LSD1,
being developed. All these drugs of transcription 1/3 (STAT1/3), and which demethylates di- and mono-
are incorporated into DNA and co- heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90). methylated H3K4. Inhibition of LSD1
valently bind to DNMT1, which ulti- In contrast to HDAC inhibitors, induces differentiation of leukaemia
mately leads to its degradation. As overactivity of oncogenes and other cells and apoptosis of brain tumour
a result, cell replication in the ab- genes due to the formation of ex- cells by activating enhancers and
sence of maintenance methylation tensively histone-acetylated en- promoters of related genes.
leads to DNA demethylation. DNA hancers (super-enhancers) can be
demethylation leads to the activa- targeted by inhibitors of proteins
tion of aberrantly silenced tumour that bind to acetylated histones,
Epigenetic cancer
suppressor genes and an increased namely bromodomain and extrater-
immune response. To achieve this minal domain (BET) proteins [37]. Suppressing the induction of epi-
mode of action, low-dose and long- Multiple BET inhibitors are being genetic changes and reversing
term administration are seen to be developed against haematological induced epigenetic changes are
important [19]. malignancies and brain tumours. also useful for cancer prevention
Histone deacetylation can be Mutations of histone methyl- [38]. As a proof of concept, in ex-
reversed by HDAC inhibitors [1,19, transferases and histone demethyl- perimental animals, tumours such
36]. Three such drugs have been ases have also provided novel ther- as those of the colon, prostate, and
approved for treating cutaneous apeutic targets [1,19,36]. Especially stomach have been suppressed
lymphoma, and one for treating the H3K27 methyltransferase EZH2 by repression of DNA methyltrans-
multiple myeloma, and many new is mutationally activated in some ferases by gene engineering and
HDAC inhibitors are being devel- tumour types, such as lymphomas, DNA demethylating agents [39–41].
oped. Individual HDAC inhibitors and is overexpressed in many tu- However, it must be recognized that
have different specificities to the mour types. Multiple EZH2 inhibitors DNA methylation is physiologically
individual molecules of HDAC1– are being developed. In addition, essential to repress transposons
HDAC11 in classes I, IIa, IIb, and IV. inhibitors of the H3K79 methyl- and some genes, and nonspe-
All the HDAC inhibitors induce ex- transferase DOT1L and the H3K9 cific demethylation is expected to
pression of many genes, and thus methyltransferase G9a are consid- lead to long-term adverse effects.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Therefore, to enable epigenetic appears to be more practical. Also, to benefit from effective chemopre-
cancer prevention by reversing it is now possible to identify individ- vention by balancing the benefit and
epigenetic changes in the human uals at extremely high risk of some the potential adverse effects (see
population, the specificity of pre- cancers by assessing accumulated Chapter 6.4). Because epigenetic
ventive agents for genes with aber- levels of aberrant DNA methylation cancer prevention has great poten-
rant epigenetic modifications must in normal-appearing tissues, as pre- tial, multiple relevant studies are re-
be improved. Instead, suppressing viously discussed. These individuals quired in a timely manner.
the induction of epigenetic changes represent a population that is likely
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Immune function
From the tumour microenvironment to
therapeutic targeting
Alberto Mantovani Terry Lichtor (reviewer)
Graham Pawelec (reviewer)
are essential components of the tumour microenvironment (TME) by role in the orchestration of the TME.
tumour microenvironment. interacting with cancer cells as well Mononuclear phagocytes are
as with stroma and the vascular bed. extremely plastic. In the context of
●● Innate and adaptive immunity Immunity in all its diversity and interferon-driven type 1 immune
in the tumour microenvironment plasticity acts as a double-edged responses, macrophages acquire
are double-edged swords. sword during carcinogenesis, inva- tumoricidal activity. Type 1 immunity
●● Appropriately activated adap- sion, and metastasis. Appropriately signatures are generally associated
activated T cells and innate immune with better prognosis in human tu-
tive immune responses medi-
effectors (natural killer [NK] cells) mours [7]. Moreover, type 1 immu-
ate resistance to carcinogen-
mediate early elimination of trans- nity resulting in M1 polarization of
esis and progression.
formed cells and limit progression macrophages mediates the initial
●● In contrast, cancer-related in- [3]. In contrast, inflammatory cells (elimination) phase in the natural
flammation orchestrated by in- and myeloid cells – in particular, history of carcinogenesis [8].
nate immunity, such as mac- macrophages – act as “corrupted During neoplastic progression,
rophages and the complement policemen”, promoting carcinogen- macrophage function is skewed in a
esis and tumour progression at pro-tumour direction (M2 or M2-like)
system, facilitates tumour pro-
different levels, including suppres- [7]. Signals responsible for the pro-
gression via several mecha-
sion of effective adaptive immune tumour function of TAMs are known
nisms, including suppression of
responses [4,5].
adaptive immune responses. to originate from tumour cells (e.g.
This chapter concisely summa-
interleukin-10 [IL-10], transforming
●● Progress has been made in de- rizes key aspects of the yin–yang
growth factor β [TGF-β]); T helper
fining the beneficial anti-cancer relationship between immunity and
type 2 (Th2) cells, eosinophils, or
immunity cycle, its cellular and cancer, emphasizing clinical impli-
basophils (IL-4 or IL-13, resulting in
cations. Inflammation and innate im-
molecular brakes (checkpoints), M2 activation); B cells (antibodies,
munity are discussed first, in a sche-
and its relevance to prognosis immune complexes); and stromal
matic way, followed by a description
and treatment of human cancers. cells (IL-1).
of lymphoid cell-mediated immune
There is evidence suggesting
●● A revised view of the role of responses that have impacts on pre-
vention, diagnosis, and treatment. that the relative importance of dif-
the tumour microenvironment ferent pathways for regulating the
in cancer progression, and function of TAMs varies in different
the dissection of molecular Inflammation, innate tissues [9]. Single-cell analysis has
mechanisms, has opened up a immunity, and cancer added a new dimension to the dis-
new frontier in oncology, repre- A connection between inflamma- section of myeloid cell diversity in
sented by tumour immunology tion and cancer (Fig. 3.9.1) has cancer [10]. Clusters of more than 10
and immunotherapy. long been perceived [1,4,6] (see differentiation/activation states have
Chapter 3.5). Inflammatory cells in- been identified. The microanatomical
Fig. 3.9.1. Pathways connecting inflammation and cancer at the tissue level and at the
systemic level.
Tissue level Systemic level ■■ Immune cells are a key
component of the tumour
activation Intrinsic ■■ Components of innate
pathway immunity drive tumour-
promoting inflammation.
Inflammatory cells
and mediators ■■ Macrophages promote
Inflammaging tumour progression and
(e.g. macrophages,
complement) immunosuppression.
Lifestyle ■■ T cells eliminate and edit
Extrinsic (diet, physical exercise) cancer cells.
non-resolving ■■ Checkpoints and other
inflammation pathways of suppression
restrain the anti-tumour activity
Tumour promotion
(genetic instability, angiogenesis, of T cells, natural killer cells,
suppression of immunity) and macrophages.
■■ Immune components have
strong prognostic significance.
signals responsible for the diversity plement system can also act as a ■■ Immunology and immunother-
of cancer-associated myeloid cells double-edged sword by mediating apy represent a new frontier in
remain to be defined. complement-dependent cytotoxic- the fight against cancer.
Phagocytosis is the eponymous ity in the presence of antibodies or,
function of mononuclear phagocytes. alternatively, by recruiting tumour-
CD47 on normal and tumour cells promoting myeloid cells. The long
delivers a “don’t eat me” signal via pentraxin PTX3 was shown to act as and mortality from lung cancer [17].
signal regulatory protein 1α (SIRP1α) an extrinsic oncosuppressor, which These and other results provide a
on macrophages [11]. CD47 is am- is epigenetically silenced in selected strong proof-of-principle rationale
plified downstream of the oncogene human tumours [15]. PTX3 silenc- for targeting tumour-promoting in-
MYC [5]. CD47, which is one of the ing unleashes complement-driven flammation in human tumours.
negative regulators (checkpoints) of recruitment and functional orienta-
myeloid cells, can serve as a thera- tion (M2-like) of TAMs, which is re- Anti-tumour immunity
peutic target [12]. Recent evidence sponsible for tumour promotion and and immunosuppression
suggests that blocking CD47 may increased genetic instability.
unleash antibody-dependent cel- Cytokines are a key component T-cell-orchestrated type 1 immune
lular cytotoxicity and phagocytosis of tumour-promoting inflammation. responses mediate host resistance
mediated by TAMs [13]. TAMs and In particular, IL-1 has been shown to during the early phases of carcino-
other myeloid cells – for example, op- drive myeloid cell infiltration, gener- genesis (Fig. 3.9.2). Moreover, in hu-
erationally defined myeloid-derived ation of MDSCs, and angiogenesis man tumours, the presence of T cells
suppressor cells (MDSCs) [14] – [8]. Recent evidence is consistent and type 1 immunity or interferon
have now been shown to have im- with IL-1 being an important driver signatures is associated with bet-
pacts on diverse aspects of cancer of progression in human tumours ter prognosis [7,19]. Genomics has
progression, including tumour cell [17,18]. The Canakinumab Anti- provided a more in-depth view of im-
proliferation and invasion, construc- inflammatory Thrombosis Outcomes mune cell recognition of tumour-spe-
tion of a metastatic niche, angio- Study (CANTOS) was originally de- cific antigens, arising from mutations,
genesis, and immunosuppression. signed to assess the impact of an or tumour-associated antigens, re-
Immunosuppression, a key function anti-IL-1β antibody (canakinumab) sulting from overexpression of normal
of myeloid cells, is discussed below. on atherosclerosis-related cardio- cell genes. Evidence in mouse and
Components of the humoral arm vascular pathology. In more than human tumours has indicated that
of innate immunity have recently 10 000 patients, blocking of IL-1β mutations and genetic instability rep-
been recognized as important ele- was associated with reductions of resent the fundamental molecular ba-
ments in the TME [15,16]. The com- more than 50% in the incidence of sis for T-cell-dependent anti-tumour
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
immunity [3,7,9,20]. The intersection sis has provided new vistas on the suggests that this pathway plays a
of genomics and the dissection of im- T-cell receptor repertoire and func- dominant role in carcinoma of the
munity is paving the way to personal- tional properties of tumour-infiltrating breast and in pancreatic ductal ad-
ized immunotherapy approaches. lymphocytes. Regulatory T cells enocarcinoma. Th17 cells activate
Failure of effective immunity (Treg cells) have long been associ- a neutrophil-dependent pathway of
is associated with progression ated with immunosuppression in immunity to extracellular pathogens,
and the appearance of clinical cancer. Single-cell analysis has led and neutrophils can contribute to
cancer. In the Darwinian TME, tu- to the identification of molecules ex- myeloid cell-mediated tumour pro-
mour cell-centred and host cell- pressed by infiltrating Treg cells [22]. motion [23].
centred mechanisms of immune For instance, the IL-1 decoy receptor Whereas a skewed, inappro-
evasion drive progression, inva- IL-1R2 was found to be expressed at priate response and exhaustion
sion, and metastasis (Fig. 3.9.2). very high levels in infiltrating Treg cells. are important determinants of the
Mechanisms of physical exclusion Whereas a Th1-orchestrated cy- failure of immunity to restrain can-
(e.g. extracellular matrix deposition totoxic T-cell-mediated response has cer, active immunosuppression has
[21]), and selection of less immuno- a protective function, Th2-polarized emerged as a dominant mechanism
genic variants, can hamper effec- T cells and Th17 cells trigger tu- of progression. Checkpoints are
tive recognition. mour-promoting cascades. IL-4 and physiological mechanisms to re-
T-cell exhaustion is an effector IL-13 produced by Th2 cells or by strain uncontrolled T-cell activation
T-cell-intrinsic mechanism for failure eosinophils elicit alternative M2 po- and tissue damage. Targeting of the
to mount an effective immune re- larization of macrophages, which re- programmed cell death 1 (PD-1)/
sponse. Single-cell genomic analy- sults in tumour promotion. Evidence programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1)
Fig. 3.9.2. The immunity–immunosuppression circle. ADCC, antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity; ADCP, antibody-dependent
cellular phagocytosis; CDC, complement-dependent cytotoxicity; IL-10, interleukin-10; NK, natural killer; PG, prostaglandin; TAA,
tumour-associated antigens; TGF-β, transforming growth factor β; Th2, T helper type 2; TSA, tumour-specific antigens.
Elimination Escape
Effective immunity Immunosuppression
T-cell exhaustion
Treg checkpoints
TSA/TAA recognition (T, NK, M0)
T cells Microbiome
Skewed T cells (Th2, Th17)
Type 1 immune responses M2-like macrophages
NK cells Lifestyle
(diet, exercise) Myeloid cell-mediated
M1 macrophages suppression (checkpoints;
Neutrophils IL-10, TGF-β, PG, aminoacid
B cells Organ
contexture metabolism)
ADCC Neutrophils
ADCP Mast cells
CDC B cells
axis and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte- sive cytokines (IL-10) and/or produc- In many human tumours, in par-
associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) has tion of antibodies and formation of ticular colorectal cancer, T-cell infil-
had an unprecedented impact on immune complexes that skew TAMs tration is a positive prognostic indica-
cancer treatment. A host of mo- in an M2-like direction [6]. tor, independent of other parameters.
lecular brakes acting on T cells as Adaptive T-cell-orchestrated im- The so-called Immunoscore to as-
well as other cell types have been munity and its subversion are cen- sess T-cell infiltration was validated
identified [3], and these represent tral in the control of carcinogenesis in a large cooperative study. A recent
candidate therapeutic targets. and progression. Recent results study involving more than 3500 pa-
Immunosuppression in the TME have shed new light on the long- tients worldwide confirmed the value
is orchestrated by tumour cells overlooked role of innate lymphoid of the Immunoscore in colorectal
and/or by stromal cells, in particu- cells. NK cells are a population of cancer as an independent prognostic
lar myelomonocytic cells. Tumour innate lymphoid cells that has not factor [19]. That study proposed mov-
cells produce immunosuppressive been credited with playing a ma- ing from a tumour–node–metastasis
cytokines (IL-10, TGF-β) and ex- jor role in resistance against solid (TNM) classification to a TNM-I clas-
press triggers of checkpoint block- tumour carcinogenesis. Evidence sification of colorectal cancer, where
ade, such as PD-L1. PD-L1 gene suggests that NK cells mediate re- “I” stands for immunity.
amplification was found to occur in sistance against haematopoietic The results obtained in the past
Hodgkin lymphoma, in which PD- neoplasms and restrain haematog- few years prove that assessment
L1 is also prominently expressed of the quantity and diversity of im-
enous dissemination of cancer cells.
by TAMs. In general, the relative mune cell infiltration has prognostic
The differentiation and activity of NK
contribution of tumour cells versus significance. Genomic analysis of
cells are also controlled by nega-
myeloid cells to PD-L1 expression the TME has confirmed these ob-
tive regulators. Recently, novel NK
in the TME varies considerably in servations and has provided tools
cell checkpoints (e.g. IL-1R8) were
different human cancer types [15]. for TME-based classification of
identified, and unleashed NK cells
Myelomonocytic cells at dif- cancer, as illustrated by colorectal
were found to mediate resistance
ferent stages of differentiation or cancer [19]. Conventional immuno-
to carcinogenesis and metastasis
activation have the capacity to histology as well as gene expres-
strongly suppress T-cell-mediated at NK-cell-rich anatomical sites,
sion profiling are faced with the
responses. MDSCs are operation- such as the liver and the lung [25].
challenge of moving from prognosis
ally defined as a mixed population Elucidation of the molecular mecha-
to prediction, particularly in the con-
of relatively immature myeloid cells nisms that regulate the function of
text of immunotherapy.
with potent suppressive activity NK cells and innate lymphoid cells
[24]. Depending on the system ex- may pave the way to therapeutic
amined among MDSCs, suppres- strategies that are complementary Implications for
sion was mediated by neutrophils to the current checkpoint blockade. immunotherapy
or, more frequently, monocytes. Immunotherapy in the form of PD-
Monocytic MDSCs differentiate into Prognosis versus 1/PD-L1 and CTLA-4 checkpoint
TAMs in the TME [24]. prediction blockade inhibitors and chimeric
TAMs were found to exert immu- antigen receptor T cells is now part
As expected given the complexity of the anticancer armamentarium. A
nosuppressive activity via diverse
mechanisms. These include immuno- and diversity of the roles of innate recent review discussed the mech-
suppressive cytokines (IL-10, TGF-β), and adaptive immunity, infiltration anisms, resistance to, and stum-
triggers of checkpoint blockade (e.g. of different components of the im- bling blocks of this approach [20].
PD-L1), amino acid metabolism (ar- mune system has different, at times In spite of the unprecedented broad
ginase, tryptophan metabolites), and divergent, prognostic significance. impact of checkpoint blockade in-
prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are Infiltration of TAMs is generally as- hibitors, only approximately 20% of
particularly significant in view of the sociated with worse prognosis [5], treated patients benefit from current
protective effect of aspirin on several which is a reflection of their pro-tu- checkpoint blockade. As discussed
human tumour types. mour function. However, infiltration above, new vistas on fundamen-
B cells and antibodies are part of of TAMs is associated with better tal mechanisms, including novel
the anti-tumour response. However, prognosis in colorectal cancer. The checkpoints, targeting of tumour-
evidence suggests that B cells can positive prognostic significance of promoting myeloid cells [12], and
contribute to tumour progression in TAMs in colorectal cancer reflects harnessing NK cell potential, hold
certain epithelial tumours, such as the association with response to promise to help predict which pa-
prostate cancer. B-cell-mediated tu- chemotherapy. If these results are tients will be responsive, thus spar-
mour promotion has been shown to confirmed and extended, they raise ing toxicity and contributing to the
involve different mechanisms, such the possibility of using TAMs to financial sustainability and to the
as production of immunosuppres- guide eligibility to chemotherapy. improvement of therapeutic results.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Conclusions checkpoint blockade, and induction nessed to cope with advanced dis-
and recruitment of Treg cells. seminated neoplastic diseases.
Immunity is an essential component
Quantification of the immune Full exploitation of the diagnostic
of the TME and a key determinant
of metastasis [1,2,7]. Inflammatory and inflammatory landscape of the and therapeutic potential of innate
cells, in particular TAMs, pave the TME has provided novel prognos- and adaptive immunity will require:
way to tissue invasion and intra- tic indicators of cancer progres- an integrated in-depth analysis of its
vasation and provide a nurturing sion, as shown by quantification components in primary tumours ver-
microenvironment for metastasis, of tumour-infiltrating T cells and sus spreading, metastatic tumours;
serving as a component of the can- TAMs. Genomic technologies have the dissection of the diversity of me
cer cell niche at distant sites. NK added a new dimension to the char- tastatic niches; and the identification
cells are innate lymphoid cells that acterization of the TME and to the and development of new molecular
have long been considered to play classification of cancers. Finally, and cellular tools. Moreover, the in-
a role in resistance against haema- the elucidation of the mode of ac- tegration of –omics approaches with
togenous dissemination of cancer tion of conventional cytoreductive the elucidation of immunological
cells, in particular to the lungs. strategies, the impact of checkpoint complexity holds promise for the de-
Tumour progression and escape blockade inhibitors, the introduc- velopment of personalized immuno-
are associated with immunosup- tion of therapeutic antibodies, and, therapy, and for addressing the fun-
pressive pathways in innate and very recently, adoptive cell therapy damental issue of the sustainability
adaptive anti-tumour responses, for haematological malignancies of these innovative approaches for
which include, among others, sup- [8,26,27] have proven the principle health-care systems.
pressive myeloid cells, activation of that the immune system can be har-
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
The microbiome
Its influence on tumorigenesis
and therapy
Georg Zeller Nele Brusselaers (reviewer)
Mazda Jenab (reviewer)
Herbert Tilg (reviewer)
intestine, but also in other lo- to microbe-associated molecular
cations – have been associ- The understanding of the complex patterns. However, many dysbi-
ated with multiple tumour types relationship between the human mi- otic microbiome states, both in the
in retrospective case–control crobiota and its host organism has intestine and in the oral cavity, are
studies. However, it often re- expanded rapidly in recent years, characterized by microbes degrad-
mains unclear whether these
fuelled by high-throughput meta ing and penetrating the mucus. This
alterations are consequential,
genomic sequencing technologies, compromised barrier eventually per-
or relevant to cancer etiology.
advanced bioinformatics analysis mits bacterial translocation and al-
Currently, evidence is strongest
methodology, and the development lows increased levels of microbe-as-
for an enrichment of pathogenic
of experimental model systems [1]. sociated molecular patterns to reach
species in the gut microbiota
Research focusing primarily on the the circulation. The inflammatory re-
associated with cancers of the
gut microbiome has led to a growing sponses that ensue both locally and
digestive tract.
appreciation of its key role in main- systemically are a central factor in
●● To date, bacterial mechanisms taining health, and of dysbiotic gut many pathologies and contribute to
that promote carcinogenesis microbiome states being associated neoplastic transformations in many
are still incompletely elucidated. with many common human disor- organs [3,8].
However, a few bacterial geno- ders, including cancer [1].
toxins and carcinogens are well The microbiota, in particular in
described, as well as mecha- the gut, is shaped by, and in turn
Cancers associated
nisms by which bacteria repro- modulates, many environmental and
with a single microbial
gramme host signalling towards host factors by chemical transfor- pathogen
neoplastic transformation, pro- mation of endogenous (host) and Helicobacter pylori is the best-un-
mote inflammation, or protect exogenous (diet, medication) me- derstood model bacterium with a
against immunosurveillance. tabolites as well as host–microbiota causal role in infection-related can-
●● Recent research has uncov- signalling. Recently, we have begun cer, and the only one that has been
ered profound effects of the to understand the contribution of classified as carcinogenic to humans
gut microbiota on cancer ther- these processes to individual-spe- (Group 1) by the IARC Monographs
apies. Strikingly, response to cific cancer risks and therapy out- (see Chapter 2.2). As a persistent
immunotherapy depends par- comes (Fig. 3.10.2) [1–7]. colonizer of gastric mucosa, H. py-
tially on an intact gut micro- Central to this host–microbiota lori can develop pathogenic traits,
biota with immunostimulatory cross-talk is the host immune sys- and its presence is a major risk fac-
function. Whereas antibiotics tem (see Chapter 3.9) [3,7]. Host tor for gastric cancer. Consistent
compromise immunotherapy re- cells sense commensal and patho- with its causal role, eradication of H.
sponse, microbiome reconstitu- genic bacteria through pattern rec- pylori was found to significantly re-
tion (e.g. by probiotics) improves ognition receptors. These bind to duce the incidence of gastric cancer,
outcomes in animal models. microbe-associated molecular pat- both in animals and in humans [9].
Fig. 3.10.1. A street in Busan, a large city in the Republic of Korea. The presence
of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, a major risk factor for gastric cancer, is particularly FUNDAMENTALS
relevant to parts of China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea.
■■ Epithelial and mucosal
surfaces of the human body
are colonized by complex
microbial communities
consisting of bacteria,
archaea, eukaryotes (mostly
unicellular in this context), and
viruses; collectively, they are
referred to as the microbiota.
■■ The microbiota is charac
terized by large taxonomic
diversity and inter-individual
heterogeneity, and also
possesses enormous
metabolic capabilities, which
far exceed the enzymatic
repertoire of the host.
■■ Collectively, the microbiota
and its genes and metab
olites, which shape the
environmental milieu, are
referred to as the microbiome.
■■ The microbiota has co-
Research on Helicobacter has Helicobacter largely evades the im- evolved with its host to fulfil
mune system to persist in the host many important physiological
unveiled many of the key molecu-
functions in co-metabolism
lar mechanisms by which bacteria (Fig. 3.10.3) [9,10]. with the rest of the organism;
persistently colonize host tissues Another well-studied example these include the digestion of
and create a pro-oncogenic milieu. of a single bacterial pathogen that dietary compounds and the
Many of these might be generaliz- may promote tumorigenesis during synthesis of micronutrients,
able to other cancer-associated chronic infection is Salmonella en- as well as the breakdown
pathogens (Fig. 3.10.3) [10]. Key terica serovar Typhi. Epidemiological of endogenous (host) and
xenobiotic compounds,
features of H. pylori virulence in- studies have associated persistent
including drugs.
clude bacterial surface proteins Salmonella colonization of the gall
facilitating attachment to epithelial bladder with strongly increased risk ■■ Culture-independent metage-
cells, enzymes capable of modify- of biliary cancer. This is further sup- nomic sequencing (and other
–omics technologies) has
ing the host environment to facilitate ported by research on mouse mod- enabled microbiome charac-
colonization (e.g. urease permitting els of long-term Salmonella infection terization in situ. Based on
survival in a low-pH environment), [10,11]. this technology, microbiome-
and manipulation of host signalling. In these etiologies, a single infec- wide association studies have
Reprogramming of cellular signal- tious agent is sufficient to promote linked many common human
ling can be achieved via diffusible neoplastic transformation. Based diseases, including cancers,
with changes in microbiota
toxins and/or export of effector pro- on culture-independent metagenomic
composition; disease-asso-
teins into host cells through a bac- sequencing of the more diverse mi- ciated microbiome states are
terial secretion system. This can crobial communities that inhabit the sometimes referred to as
locally alter mucus and acid secre- mouth and the gut, polymicrobial dysbiosis.
tion of the host, which further facili- signatures have been statistically as- ■■ Experimental studies based
tates colonization; it can also entail sociated with several other tumour on in vitro systems and
stimulation of host pathways that types, in particular with those that animal models complement
drive proliferation and cell survival are anatomically close to the gastro- microbiome-wide association
or compromise tumour suppres- intestinal tract. However, because of studies as they have started
sion and DNA damage response the complexity of cancer-associated to unravel causal relationships
and molecular mechanisms
(see Chapter 3.4). Manipulation alterations in these communities,
underlying microbe–host
of other host pathways can alter the timing of microbial tumour colo- interactions in health and
host cell morphology and polarity. nization, causalities, and molecular disease, including in the
Finally, despite its ability to sustain mechanisms remain to be elucidat- etiology of several cancers.
a chronic inflammatory response, ed in most cases. Although some
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 3.10.2. Environment- and host-dependent effects of the microbiota on carcinogenesis, cancer prevention, and therapy. The
composition of the microbiota is shaped by many environmental factors, such as diet and xenobiotics (pharmaceuticals), as well as
host factors, which include lifestyle, metabolism, the immune system, and pathophysiological conditions (e.g. cancer) that alter mu-
cosal milieus. The microbiota itself modulates many of these effects, which contributes to individual-specific cancer risk and therapy
outcomes. Examples of such modulations are (i) gut microbial fermentation of dietary fibre into butyrate (and other short-chain fatty
acids), which promotes epithelial health and prevents neoplastic transformation; (ii) gut microbial metabolism of primary bile acids
into carcinogenic secondary bile acids; (iii) disruption of mucosal barriers by microbial mucus degradation and pro-inflammatory
metabolites, which promotes cancer development; (iv) gut microbial drug metabolism and reversal of host detoxification processes;
and (v) microbial immunostimulation. Both (iv) and (v) can affect the outcome of cancer therapy. Current knowledge of cancer-
preventing or cancer-promoting mechanisms is based on preclinical and observational studies. However, because large-scale
cohort studies in multiple countries are now collecting faecal samples, it will soon become possible to evaluate gut microbial risk
factors for several cancer types prospectively. Similarly, prospective follow-up studies of cancer patients will enable better definition
of prognostic microbial biomarkers for general survival or treatment success. (For more details, see [2–5,20].)
Host Carcinogenic
Host metabolism
Disruption of
mucosal barrier
bacterial pathogens and their pro- genera Fusobacterium, Parvimonas, that promote epithelial health (e.g.
oncogenic mechanisms have been Porphyromonas, and Escherichia short-chain fatty acids, vitamins, and
characterized in animal models, the [4,12–15]. Preclinical studies have antioxidants) towards those that con-
evidence from clinical studies is still complemented these microbiome- tribute to carcinogenesis and inflam-
limited. To date, the role of the gut wide association studies by eluci- mation (including secondary bile
microbiota in gastrointestinal tumour dating the molecular mechanisms acids and protein degradation prod-
development has been most conclu- through which gut microbes may ucts) (see Chapter 5.5) [4,5,14–16].
sively defined. directly or indirectly promote colo- Because the liver is connected to
rectal carcinogenesis (Fig. 3.10.3). the intestine through the portal vein,
Cancers of the Mouse models have revealed sev- it is exposed to gut bacterial metabo-
gastrointestinal tract eral virulence factors and metabo- lites translocating through the epithe-
associated with lites from Fusobacterium nucleatum lium into the circulation. Especially
altered gut microbiota and strains of Bacteroides fragilis when the intestinal barrier is compro-
composition or Escherichia coli that can trigger mised, microbial metabolites and mi-
Many independent studies have pro-oncogenic signalling and cel- crobe-associated molecular patterns
linked colorectal cancer at the time of lular transformation programmes reach the liver in higher concentra-
diagnosis to alterations in gut (faecal (Fig. 3.10.3) [2,4,13]. In addition, colo- tions. There, upon binding to pattern
and mucosal) microbiota composi- rectal cancer appears to be linked to recognition receptors at multiple liver
tion. Metagenomic meta-analyses a shift in the metabolic products of cell types, they can elicit persistent
confirmed a broad agreement of bacterial digestion of dietary and host inflammatory programmes. This pro-
tumour-enriched bacterial taxa be- metabolites (contained in meat, fat, cess was found to be a hallmark of
tween studies. These include the fibre, or digestive juices) from those many chronic liver diseases that are
Fig. 3.10.3. Molecular mechanisms by which bacteria promote carcinogenesis. Although most mechanisms remain to be
characterized in detail, they can be broadly grouped into direct and indirect mechanisms. Bacteria can directly contribute to
genomic instability of host cells via diffusible genotoxins such as colibactin or cytolethal distending toxin (CDT). Another means
of directly promoting genomic instability is to interfere with host DNA damage repair (in some cases via manipulation of p53
activity). Bacterial pathogens have further evolved a range of mechanisms that divert host signalling processes to promote cell
survival and proliferation. As a consequence, various pro-oncogenic cellular programmes are triggered, for instance via activation
of oncogenes and deactivation of tumour suppressors, or via disruption of cell–cell junctions, cell polarity, and epithelial barrier
integrity (through interference with β-catenin/WNT signalling). Bacterial manipulation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase
(MAPK), the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) protein, and the nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of
activated B cells (NF-κB) pathways can result in pro-inflammatory signalling (see Chapter 3.5). Systemic inflammation can also be
promoted indirectly via signalling of host pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) binding to microbe-associated molecular patterns,
which include bacterial cell-wall antigens such as lipopolysaccharide. Bacteria are also capable of producing pro-inflammatory
metabolites, such as secondary bile acids, which can act systemically when reaching the circulation. Indirect ways of triggering local
inflammation include the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as extracellular superoxide, or the induction of the host
spermine oxidase (SMO), an enzyme that is involved in generating hydrogen peroxide from polyamine breakdown. Finally, some
bacteria can also elicit immunosuppressive responses, thereby indirectly contributing to tumour survival through evasion of immune
surveillance. AvrA, avirulence A; BFT, Bacteroides fragilis toxin; CagA, cytotoxin-associated gene A; FadA, Fusobacterium adhesin
A; IpgD, inositol phosphate phosphatase; VacA, vacuolating cytotoxin A. (For a more detailed presentation of these mechanisms,
see [2,10].)
precursors to hepatocellular carci- findings support a causal role of an signalling [17]. However, larger clini-
noma (see Chapter 5.6) [8]. Another altered microbiome in liver inflamma- cal studies are needed to validate
process by which intestinal bacteria tion and malignancy [8]. individual microbial taxa enriched in
promote hepatocellular carcinoma There is also emerging evidence pancreatic tissue [18] or in the mouth
involves bile acids. Primary bile for a bacterial contribution to pan- and the gut of patients with pancre-
acids are secreted from the liver into creatic cancer development [13]. In atic ductal adenocarcinoma.
the gut, where they can be convert- mouse models, germ-free condi- Although microbiome-wide as-
ed into secondary bile acids, such tions or administration of antibiotics sociation studies of medium scale
as deoxycholic acid, by intestinal were shown to slow down progres- (with n ≈ 300 each) have investi-
Clostridium spp. After re-uptake, de- sion of pancreatic ductal adenocar- gated the oral microbiota in case–
oxycholic acid circulates back to the cinoma. Moreover, the microbiota control studies for oesophageal
liver, where it exerts its carcinogenic colonizing the pancreas was found cancer and head and neck cancers,
effects. In sum, several clinical stud- to play an important role in regulat- bacteria–tumour associations were
ies have revealed profound changes ing the inflammatory tone in the pan- relatively weak in these patient pop-
in the gut microbiota associated with creatic tumour microenvironment in ulations. In addition, it is currently
chronic liver diseases, and preclinical mice via pattern recognition receptor unclear whether microbial markers
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 3.10.4. Low-temperature electron micrograph of a cluster of Escherichia coli Role of the gut
bacteria, ×10 000. E. coli strains can produce the carcinogenic colibactin toxin.
microbiome in cancer
The gut microbiota is increasingly
appreciated as a versatile “microbial
pharmacist within us” [22], because
evidence is accumulating that it can
also affect the pharmacokinetics,
efficacy, and toxicity of various
anticancer therapies (Fig. 3.10.5)
As one of the first examples, irinote-
can was reported to be metabolized
by intestinal bacteria. This chemo-
therapeutic drug, used to treat colo-
rectal cancer, is detoxified (glucu-
ronidated) in the liver to SN-38-G.
After SN-38-G is excreted into the
intestine, it can be reactivated by
bacterial β-glucuronidases, and
this causes intestinal toxicity, such
as severe diarrhoea [6].
Another example is the che
would have diagnostic or prognos- understanding of hormonal co-me- motherapeutic drug gemcitabine,
tic value for these tumour types tabolism between the host and its gut which can be rendered inactive by
[19,20]. microbiome has yet to be elucidated, bacterial enzymes, as has been
and its clinical significance remains demonstrated in mouse models.
Cancers in organs to be established [21]. Other stud- Bacteria capable of this biotrans-
outside the ies have examined microbiota resid- formation were found in tissue sam-
gastrointestinal tract ing in breast tissue of women with ples from patients with pancreatic
and without breast cancer. Whereas ductal adenocarcinoma, suggest-
Breast cancer structural alterations were not de- ing that this bacterial resistance
Among tumour types outside the tected in association with breast mechanism is clinically relevant
digestive tract, breast cancer has cancer, some studies found rare taxa [6,16,23,24].
been most extensively examined to differ in abundance in tumour tis- There is also recent evidence
for potential associations with mi- sue. However, among the published that the gut microbiota modulates the
crobiota at various body sites [7,21]. microbiome-wide association studies anti-tumour efficacy of platin-based
As in the liver, tumorigenesis in the there is little agreement on the pre- and cyclophosphamide chemother-
breast may potentially be influenced cise breast cancer-associated bacte- apies. The efficacy of cisplatin and
by the gut microbiota through pro- oxaliplatin is greatly decreased in
rial taxa [21].
inflammatory metabolites (microbe- mice under germ-free conditions or
associated molecular patterns). Lung cancer when their gut microbiome has been
Another potential connection occurs perturbed with broad-spectrum anti-
An involvement of the respiratory
via estrogen metabolism. Intestinal biotics. The immunogenic cell death
tract microbiota in lung cancer de-
bacteria may affect estrogen expo- that these drugs induce is depen
velopment is conceivable, based dent on inflammatory responses (par-
sure, a major risk factor for breast
on epidemiological studies showing tially mediated by signalling through
cancer (see Chapter 2.11), via acti-
vation (or reactivation) of estrogens bacterial lung infections (including pattern recognition receptors), which
(excreted in conjugated form from pneumonia) to be associated with in mouse models were enhanced by
the liver into the intestine) or dietary lung cancer risk [13]. However, only the administration of specific bacte-
xeno-estrogens [21]. few studies of relatively small scale rial species [6,7].
Clinical studies have found es- have directly investigated this ques-
trogen-dependent and estrogen-in- tion; hence, the evidence on the Immunotherapy
dependent microbiome associations role of the airway microbiota in lung Clinical and preclinical studies have
with breast cancer, but a mechanistic cancer is currently still inconclusive. indicated that the composition of
Fig. 3.10.5. Effects that the gut microbiota can have on cancer treatment. The gut improved efficacy of anti-PD-1
microbiota can influence cancer therapy either directly, via biotransformation of drugs, treatment. Similar effects were ob-
or indirectly, via immune modulation. The indirect effects have recently been found served in mouse tumour models
to play a critical role in response to cancer immunotherapy. Examples of intestinal
upon administration of defined bac-
bacterial genera with immunostimulatory effects are highlighted in dark magenta, and
cancer treatments that are known to be affected by bacteria are highlighted in cyan. terial marker species predictive of
(For more details, see the text and [6,7,20,21].) PD-1 response [6,24,26–28,30].
Allogeneic haematopoietic
stem cell transplantation
Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell
transplantation can be seen as a
form of immunotherapy that is pri-
marily used to treat various hae-
matological malignancies (and also
immune disorders). Although poten-
tially curative, it is associated with
a range of serious, life-threatening
complications, which include graft-
versus-host disease and systemic
infections. Therefore, several pre-
clinical and clinical studies have ex-
amined whether the gut microbiome
influences relapse or mortality after
allogeneic haematopoietic stem
cell transplantation. They found
that general microbial diversity and
the abundance of specific micro-
the gut microbiota is an important Collectively, these studies es- bial taxa (from within the classes
cause of heterogeneous patient re- tablished that the gut microbiota of Clostridiales, Bacteroidia, and
sponse to cancer immunotherapy, has a systemic effect on the out- Actinobacteria) were prognostic
among several other factors that come of treatments targeting vari- markers of allograft maintenance
determine the cancer immune phe- ous cancers types, including some and survival [31,32].
notype [6,24,25]. that are distal to the gastrointestinal
tract (e.g. melanoma and non-small Probiotics/prebiotics and
These studies have shown that
cell lung cancer). The molecular dietary interventions for
the composition and diversity of a improved cancer therapies?
patient’s gut microbiota (assessed mechanisms through which the
before the start of treatment) are gut microbiota achieves immune The accumulating evidence that gut
activation are still poorly defined. microbes affect cancer therapy has
predictive of the response to im-
Consequently, elucidation of the reinforced interest in microbiome
munotherapy with checkpoint in-
cross-talk between the microbiota modulations that aim to improve
hibitors – primarily targeting the
and innate as well as adaptive im- response rates. Along these lines,
programmed cell death 1 (PD-1)/
munity has become a major re- preclinical studies have found ben-
programmed death ligand 1 (PD-
search focus [3,29]. eficial effects of probiotics (oral
L1) interaction, but also cytotoxic
Clinical studies published to date administration of defined live bac-
T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 terial strains) on progression-free
have been limited in size (n < 100
(CTLA-4) [6,24,26–28]. In patients in most cases) and only partially survival in mice when administered
with melanoma, renal cell carcino- agree on the gut commensal mark- alone or in combination with immu-
ma, or non-small cell lung cancer, ers for response to immunotherapy. notherapy [7,24,26,30]. However,
the diversity of the gut microbiota However, by examining how the re- current regulations impede the rap-
was predictive of a favourable prog- sponse phenotype from human pa- id clinical translation of these find-
nosis and response to immuno- tients can be transferred to animals, ings; strict regulation of probiotics
therapy [26–28]. These data are these studies have provided strong as combination therapies with im-
consistent with clinical observa- data supporting a causal role of gut munotherapeutic treatment modali-
tions that treatment with antibiot- microbes. When the faecal microbi- ties necessitates extensive clinical
ics can compromise the efficacy of ome from patients who responded trials [24].
immunotherapy, presumably due to to immunotherapy was transplanted An attractive alternative may
a dramatic loss of microbiota diver- into mice, the recipients showed be to instead focus on prebiotics
sity [24,26]. slower tumour progression and (dietary compounds that stimulate
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
the growth of certain gut microbial of the gut microbiome on cancer im- damage to commensal microbes, or
clades) or diets that are rationally munosurveillance suggests that ear- directly target pathogenic or carci-
designed to modulate the gut mi- ly interventions aiming to rectify gut nogenic processes with small-mol-
crobiome. These could promote microbiota dysbiosis and to promote ecule inhibitors (e.g. Fusobacterial
microbiota diversity and the expan- microbiota diversity may also help to adhesion proteins, required for
sion of gut commensal taxa that are prevent cancer. These questions are their virulence, or the Clostridial
predictive of therapy response and anticipated to also be addressed in 7α-dehydroxylation pathway, which
progression-free survival relative to prospective cohort studies or direct- results in carcinogenic secondary
those that are associated with non- ly in prospective intervention studies bile acids; see Fig. 3.10.3) [5,7].
response or severe complications aiming to modulate the microbiome. Secondary cancer prevention
[7,24,27,31]. However, these intervention studies strategies based on the microbiome
will have to be sufficiently powered are closer to actual implementation.
to overcome the large inter-individu- Several studies have suggested that
Microbiome-based microbiota alterations in colorectal
al heterogeneity in microbiota com-
approaches to cancer position and response [7]. cancer are characteristic enough
prevention Eradication of H. pylori has to hold promise for non-invasive
The current understanding of micro- proven to be an effective strategy cancer screening (potentially also
bial processes with a causal effect for the prevention of gastric cancer in combination with existing non-
on carcinogenesis is still very incom- [9]. However, studies of more com- invasive tests) [4,13–16]. However,
plete, and this limits primary cancer plex microbial communities have no microbial biomarkers for accu-
prevention approaches targeting the had difficulties to precisely pinpoint rate detection of precancerous co-
microbiota. Nevertheless, a few di- cancer-associated bacterial strains lonic lesions (advanced adenomas)
rections are emerging, and in par- and metabolic processes and to have been discovered yet [13]. Early
ticular approaches that closely inte- establish their carcinogenic effects. microbiome-wide association stud-
grate with nutrition appear promising At least for some tumour types, ies for several other cancer types –
(see Chapter 2.6). Reconsidering for example colorectal cancer, re- although they are of small scale and
dietary recommendations in view of search towards this goal has none- lack independent confirmation – fuel
the emerging knowledge of their di- theless progressed rapidly in the the hope for microbiome-based ear-
rect effects on, and their modulation past 5 years. Growing appreciation ly detection of cancer. Continuing
by, gut microbial metabolism may be of diverse microbial processes with efforts for liver cancer (primary can-
warranted. For instance, increasing potential roles in cancer etiology cer and metastases) and pancreatic
dietary fibre content (beyond current (Fig. 3.10.3) also drives the continu- cancer are particularly promising
recommendations) may help to pre- ing search for specific microbiome [13,33], but all these microbiome-
vent malignancies in a microbiota- modulation strategies. These could based secondary prevention ap-
dependent manner via stimulation either aim to suppress pathogenic proaches will also have to be evalu-
of butyrate production (Fig. 3.10.2) species with narrow-spectrum an- ated in large prospective trials.
[5]. The recently discovered impact tibiotics that minimize collateral
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Identifying carcinogens
from 10 key characteristics
A new approach based on mechanisms
Martyn T. Smith Gloria M. Calaf (reviewer)
Kathryn Z. Guyton John D. Groopman (reviewer)
introduced as the basis for a hazard identification – the first Center of the Japan Organization of
uniform approach to evaluating step in cancer prevention. Occupational Health and Safety). In
mechanistic evidence to support contrast, data on carcinogen mech-
cancer hazard identification. anisms from human biomarker stud-
●● The key characteristics reflect The IARC Monographs programme ies, in vivo animal tests, and in vitro
the chemical and biological identifies the causes of human can- cell culture models are increasing in
properties of established hu- cer, based on the systematic as- both volume and diversity [2–5].
sembly, review, and integration of When the evidence from human
man carcinogens, including
evidence of cancer in humans, can- epidemiological studies is less than
“is genotoxic”, “is immunosup-
cer in experimental animals, and sufficient, strong mechanistic data
pressive”, and “modulates re-
carcinogen mechanisms. Of the ap- can play a pivotal role in the over-
ceptor-mediated effects”. The
proximately 120 agents classified all carcinogen hazard classifica-
key characteristics are distinct
by the IARC Monographs as carci- tion [6]. For instance, even though
from the hallmarks of cancer,
nogenic to humans (Group 1), most the evidence from rodent cancer
which relate to the properties
have sufficient evidence of carci- bioassays provided sufficient evi-
of cancer cells.
nogenicity in humans, based on dence of carcinogenicity in experi-
●● The key characteristics ap- epidemiological studies. However, mental animals, d -limonene was
proach avoids a narrow focus epidemiological studies of cancer in categorized as not classifiable as
on specific pathways and hy- exposed humans are often limited in to its carcinogenicity to humans
potheses and provides for a number, and may have deficiencies (Group 3) on the basis of mecha-
broad, holistic consideration in terms of sample size, confound- nistic and other relevant data, be-
of the mechanistic evidence. ing, and exposure characterization. cause the probable mechanism
Therefore, data on the key Furthermore, for chemicals that of carcinogenicity in experimental
characteristics can provide have recently been introduced on animals was unlikely to operate in
independent evidence of car- the market, epidemiological studies humans. Other agents have been
cinogenicity when data from may not exist or may not be relevant, classified as probably carcinogenic
studies in humans are lacking, because of the long latency period to humans (Group 2A) or even as
and can help in establishing for cancer development. The num- carcinogenic to humans (Group 1)
biological plausibility. ber of lifetime rodent cancer bio- based on strong evidence for rec-
assays being performed is declin- ognized carcinogen mechanisms,
●● The key characteristics ap- ing, and only a fraction of the ap- such as genotoxicity (for ethylene
proach is being increasingly proximately 75 000 chemicals that oxide), inhibiting DNA repair (for
applied by agencies throughout are listed in the Toxic Substances etoposide), or binding to the aryl hy-
the world, and key characteris- Control Act Chemical Substance drocarbon receptor and subsequent
tics for other toxicological haz- Inventory of the United States downstream effects (for 2,3,7,8-tet-
ards are being developed. Environmental Protection Agency rachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin).
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
and refinement. The last section of metabolic activation [12]. The ability cesses that can be usurped during
the chapter further discusses how to form adducts with nucleic acids the carcinogenic process, with im-
the paradigm could be expanded and proteins is a common property pacts on gene expression and DNA
to other end-points and how fu- of these inherently electrophilic repair dynamics [8]. A wide range
ture toxicological and molecular and/or metabolically activated hu- of carcinogens have been shown to
epidemiological studies could be man carcinogens [13]. dysregulate the epigenome [18].
developed to generate more useful
information for the process of car- Characteristic 2: Is genotoxic Characteristic 5: Induces
cinogen evaluation. A genotoxic agent induces dam- oxidative stress
age to a cell’s genetic material (see Many carcinogens are capable of
Descriptions of the Chapter 3.2). Examples of DNA influencing redox balance within
damage include DNA strand breaks target cells. If an imbalance occurs,
key characteristics of (breaks in the phosphodiester favouring the formation of reactive
carcinogens bonds), protein–DNA cross-links, oxygen species at the expense of
The number of ways in which and oxidative damage to DNA. their detoxification, this is referred
agents contribute to carcinogenesis Genotoxic agents may also induce to as oxidative stress. This may be
can be extensive. However, these damage at the chromosomal level, accompanied by the production of
mechanisms can be grouped into a including chromosomal aberra- reactive nitrogen species, or nitra-
limited number of categories (geno- tions, micronuclei, sister chroma- tive stress. Oxidative stress can
toxicity, immunosuppression, etc.). tid exchanges, and aneuploidy. A lead to the generation of mutations
Guyton et al. described 15 types of mutation, which is a change in the in DNA, and more than 100 differ-
“key events” associated with human
DNA sequence, usually arises as ent types of oxidative damage to
carcinogens that collectively rep- the cell attempts to repair the DNA DNA have been identified [19]. The
resented many carcinogen mecha- damage [14]. A large proportion of induction of oxidative stress and
nisms [1]. As part of its review of the agents classified by IARC in subsequent injury is a character-
the agents classified in Group 1, Group 1 are genotoxic. istic of a diverse group of carcino-
IARC convened two meetings in gens, including radiation, asbestos,
2012 to review mechanisms of es- Characteristic 3: Alters DNA chemicals, and carcinogenic infec-
tablished human carcinogens. At repair or causes genomic tious agents.
the first of the meetings, 24 mecha- instability
nistic end-points were identified. Carcinogens may act not only by Characteristic 6: Induces
However, these were considered producing DNA damage directly but chronic inflammation
too impractical as a guide for cat- also by altering the processes that Chronic inflammation from persis-
egorizing the evidence on carcino- control normal DNA replication or tent infections, such as that caused
gen mechanisms. Therefore, at the repair of DNA damage (see Chapter by Helicobacter pylori, has been as-
second meeting, these end-points 3.4). Examples include the inhibi- sociated with several forms of cancer
were merged into 10 categories. tion of DNA repair by cadmium [15] (see Chapter 3.5) [20]. Various other
The 10 key characteristics listed in and formaldehyde [16]. In cells ex- carcinogens also induce chronic
Table 3.11.1 represent the majority posed to ionizing radiation, genetic inflammation, including fibres (e.g.
of the chemical and biological prop- instability is a relatively late-occur- silica, asbestos) and chemicals (e.g.
erties of human carcinogens, as ring event that appears several cell polychlorinated biphenyls) [7].
described below and in more detail generations after irradiation and re-
elsewhere [7]. sults in a reduced ability to replicate Characteristic 7: Is
the genotype faithfully [17]. immunosuppressive
Characteristic 1: Is electro- Immunosuppression is a reduction
philic or can be metabolically Characteristic 4: Induces in the capacity of the immune sys-
activated to electrophiles epigenetic alterations tem to respond effectively to foreign
Electrophiles are electron-seeking The term “epigenetic” refers to sta- antigens, including antigens on tu-
molecules that form addition prod- ble changes in gene expression mour cells. Persistent immunosup-
ucts, commonly referred to as ad- and chromatin organization that are pression presents a risk of cancer
ducts, with cellular macromolecules not caused by changes in the DNA (see Chapter 3.9), especially ex-
including DNA, RNA, lipids, and sequence itself and can be inherit- cess risk of lymphoma. Several
proteins (see Chapter 3.3). Some ed over cell divisions [8]. Epigenetic carcinogens act entirely or largely
chemical carcinogens (e.g. sulfur phenomena – including changes in by immunosuppression, often in
mustard) are direct-acting electro- the DNA methylome, in chromatin concert with oncogenic infectious
philes, whereas others (e.g. afla- compaction states, and in histone agents. The Group 1 agents that
toxins, benzene) require chemical modification – are important as- act by immunosuppression include
conversion within the body [11] or pects of normal developmental pro- HIV-1 and the immunosuppressive
drug ciclosporin (also known as cy- Characteristic 10: Alters cell result of an impaired nutrient sup-
closporine) [21]. proliferation, cell death, or ply. The number of neoplastic cells
nutrient supply can increase exponentially, quickly
Characteristic 8: Modulates outstripping the supply capabilities
A component common to many
receptor-mediated effects of the existing tissue vasculature.
types of cancer is the evasion of
All actions of hormonally active Neo-angiogenesis, in which new
programmed cell death, via apopto-
agents are mediated by their abil- blood vessels grow into a tumour,
sis, or of other terminal program-
ity to interact with a receptor, with is key to providing a supply of nu-
ming, including autophagy, in at
the hormone acting as an endog- trients. Thus, agents that promote
least a proportion of the cell popu-
enous ligand (see Chapter 2.11). or inhibit angiogenesis, such as ar-
lation [25]. In contrast to apoptosis
For a chemical to interfere with senic, will promote or delay tumour
and autophagy, necrotic cell death
hormone signalling and produce growth [28,29].
releases pro-inflammatory signals
adverse effects, it must ultimately
into the surrounding tissue, which
interfere with hormone receptor
can enhance cancer cell prolifera- Using the key
activation – either directly or indi- characteristics to
tion and promote cancer metastasis
rectly. Numerous carcinogens act
as ligands to receptor proteins, in-
[26,27]. Many agents affect necro- identify carcinogens
sis, apoptosis, and/or autophagy, Recently, Guyton et al. [30] reviewed
cluding hormone replacement ther-
apy and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo- and they can have profoundly diver- the feasibility and the limitations of
para-dioxin. Many exogenous agents gent effects on cancer induction in applying the 10 key characteristics
act directly as agonists or antago- different tissues. of carcinogens to comprehensively
nists by competing for binding In addition to cell death caused search for, screen, and evaluate
with the endogenous ligand (e.g. directly by the toxicity of an agent, mechanistic evidence in cancer haz-
a hormone, such as testosterone). cells within a tumour may die as a ard identification. The methods and
However, there are also receptors
for which few or no endogenous
Fig. 3.11.1. Typically, various classes of oncogenic viruses mediate immortalization of
ligands have been identified, such
target cells, such that cell proliferation continues indefinitely, rather than being constrained
as the aryl hydrocarbon receptor by shortening of telomeres [7]. Telomeres are unique DNA sequences located at the
[22,23]; in these cases, the carci- ends of chromosomes, as visualized by red fluorescence in this micrograph.
nogenic chemical is the activating
ligand. Carcinogens may also act
indirectly on receptor-mediated ef-
fects by altering the bioavailability
of endogenous ligands by affecting
the biosynthesis, bioactivation, and/
or degradation of the ligand. These
direct and indirect effects all modu-
late receptor-based regulation of
gene transcription, and ultimately
cell growth and proliferation.
Characteristic 9: Causes
Several human DNA and RNA vi-
ruses are carcinogenic to humans.
Although oncogenic viruses belong
to different families, their strategies
in human cancer development show
many similarities and involve viral-
encoded oncoproteins targeting the
key cellular proteins that regulate
cell growth [24]. These targets may
include important tumour suppres-
sor genes and/or oncogenes. The
result of these viral effects is to im-
mortalize the cells of the target tis-
sue such that they divide continu-
ously (see Chapter 3.1).
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
results of mechanistic data evalua- ation to classify two agents in utility of the key characteristics
tions were compiled from eight re- Group 2A: tetrabromobisphenol A approach is underscored by the
cent IARC Monographs meetings and tetrachloroazobenzene, both of fact that it is being increasingly ap-
in which expert Working Groups which modulate receptor-mediated plied by agencies throughout the
classified 34 diverse chemicals and effects in combination with other world, including at the EPA and the
complex exposures into Group 1, key characteristics. Fewer studies NTP Report on Carcinogens in the
Group 2A, Group 2B (possibly carci- were available for the 17 agents USA. In parallel, key characteris-
nogenic to humans), or Group 3. For classified in Group 2B or Group 3, tics for other toxicological hazards
these evaluations, the key charac- and only one agent classified in are being developed, in line with
teristics served as the basis for tar- Group 2B (1-bromopropane) had the recommendations of the re-
geted literature searches to identify strong evidence of more than one port Using 21st Century Science to
published mechanistic studies, and key characteristic. Thus, this ob- Improve Risk-Related Evaluations
the Health Assessment Workplace jective approach to identify and [31], which recognized that the key
Collaborative (https://HAWCproject. evaluate mechanistic studies re- characteristics approach “avoids a
org) was used to record the litera- vealed strong evidence for multiple narrow focus on specific pathways
ture search terms, sources, articles key characteristics for most agents and hypotheses and provides for a
retrieved, exclusion criteria, and cat- classified in Group 1 or Group 2A, broad, holistic consideration of the
egorization of included articles. but it also identified opportunities mechanistic evidence”. Thus, the
As illustrated by the resulting for improvement. Specifically, fur- key characteristics approach can
literature flow diagram for penta- ther development and mapping of aid in preventing bias and misinter-
chlorophenol (Fig. 3.11.2), a broad toxicological and biomarker end- pretation, even when disproportion-
literature encompassing multiple points and pathways relevant to the ate resources have been focused
key characteristics was identified key characteristics could advance on investigating a favoured mecha-
for most of the 16 carcinogens the systematic search for and eval- nism [6]. In contrast, focusing on
classified in Group 1 or Group 2A uation of mechanistic data in car- hypothesized modes of action or
at those eight IARC Monographs cinogen hazard identification. adverse outcome pathways can
meetings. Mechanistic data were Notwithstanding the opportuni- result in exclusion of data, leading
used as part of the overall evalu- ties for further development, the to analyses that favour a particular
Fig. 3.11.2. Literature flow diagram for pentachlorophenol (classified in Group 1 by the IARC Monographs in Volume 117) illustrates
the results of the search, screening, and organization of the published scientific literature, according to the key characteristics and
other topics relevant to the evaluation of mechanistic data.
viewpoint. As a related challenge, in exposed humans were avail- limitations underscore the need for
hypotheses are inherently limited able. Especially when mechanistic a testing battery with greater rel-
by the current understanding of data are sparse, high-throughput evance to cancer hazard identifica-
the disease process and may be testing systems such as the EPA’s tion – perhaps a Carcinogenicity
shown to be incorrect or incomplete Toxicity Forecaster (ToxCast) and Forecaster (CarciCast). In parallel,
as biological knowledge develops the NTP’s Toxicology in the 21st the report Applications of Toxico-
[1]. This limitation was recognized Century (Tox21) can aid as an ad- genomic Technologies to Predictive
by Hill [32], who noted that “what ditional or supportive source of Toxicology and Risk Assessment
is biologically plausible depends mechanistic data [30]. However, the [2] has encouraged human bio-
upon the biological knowledge of experience of applying an approach marker studies to improve hazard
the day”. based on key characteristics to the prediction; end-points related to the
The experience of applying the mechanistic data stream, as further key characteristics could be applied
key characteristics approach for elaborated by Chiu et al. [33], dem- in such studies to better forecast
34 sequentially evaluated chemi- onstrated the usefulness of high- carcinogenic activity in humans [3].
cals and complex exposures in throughput testing systems for the In summary, the application of the
the IARC Monographs has clearly key characteristic “modulates re- key characteristics to cancer haz-
revealed the variable extent of the ceptor-mediated effects” while also ard identification is a robust new
mechanistic information available, revealing significant gaps in their approach that complements other
even for carcinogens with wide- coverage for most other key char- efforts to advance identification of
spread human exposures [30]. acteristics. These and other chal- the causes of human cancer – the
Moreover, for most agents, few lenges have hampered carcino- first step in cancer prevention.
studies of biomarker end-points genicity prediction, which remains
relevant to the key characteristics imprecise [1,34]. Together, these
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Béatrice Lauby-Secretan
The IARC Handbooks of Cancer referred to as preventive therapy; Monographs Preamble in 2006. The
Prevention series was launched see Chapter 6.4); the scope was later Handbooks programme undertook
in 1995 to complement the IARC enlarged to cover evaluation of other a formal update by convening an
Monographs series. The purpose of types of preventive interventions, in- Advisory Group at IARC in February
the IARC Handbooks is to evaluate cluding primary prevention and can- 2019. The Working Procedures are
scientific evidence on agents and cer screening. So far, the Handbooks now referred to as the Preambles.
interventions that may reduce the in- have covered cancer-preventive Planned future Handbooks in-
cidence of or mortality from cancer. agents, including non-steroidal anti- clude evaluations of screening for
The Handbooks assist national inflammatory drugs (such as aspirin), cervical cancer (updating Volume
and international authorities in as- vitamin A, carotenoids, and retinoids, 10, published in 2005) and oral cav-
sessing the benefits and risks of a preventive actions (e.g. use of sun- ity cancer (first-time evaluation).
particular intervention and in devis- screens, absence of excess body The IARC Handbooks of Cancer
ing programmes of health promotion fatness, physical activity, and con- Prevention have had a broad impact
and cancer prevention. There is a sumption of fruit and vegetables), on guidelines, public recommenda-
major demand worldwide for such screening (for breast cancer, cervical tions, and implementation of health
evaluations in order to improve pub- cancer, and colorectal cancer), and strategies, including the following:
lic health. IARC is ideally placed to the efficacy of tobacco control mea- ●● Numerous national health agen-
respond to this demand, because of sures (reversal of risk after quitting cies (including those of Australia,
its expertise, experience, reputation, smoking, smoke-free policies, and Canada, New Zealand, the
and independence. tax and price policies). United Kingdom, and the USA),
The principles, procedures, and After a 5-year hiatus due to re- the European Committees,
scientific criteria that guide the IARC structuring and financial restric- and offices of the World Health
Handbooks evaluations closely mir- tions, the Handbooks series was Organization have used the IARC
ror those of the IARC Monographs: relaunched in 2014. The first in the Handbooks as a basis for devel-
interdisciplinary Working Groups of new series, Volume 15, was a re- oping their public health strate-
experts review the published stud- assessment of breast cancer screen- gies and guidelines.
ies and evaluate the weight of evi- ing (updating Volume 7, published in ●● Both Handbooks on breast cancer
dence on the effectiveness of pri- 2002). Volume 16 dealt with a pre- screening (Volume 7 and Volume
mary and secondary interventions ventive action, absence of excess 15) have triggered national mea-
to prevent cancer. The full evalua- body fatness (updating Volume 6, sures to implement programmes
tions are then published in a volume published in 2002), and Volume 17 or update guidelines.
of the Handbooks series, and a was a first-time evaluation of colorec- ●● After the publication of the Hand-
summary is published as a Special tal cancer screening. books on tobacco control (Vol-
Report in a leading scientific jour- At the time of the relaunch, the umes 11–14), IARC was invited
nal, currently The New England original Working Procedures were to report to the Conference
Journal of Medicine. revised in accordance with devel- of the Parties to the World
The Handbooks were origi- opments in the Monographs pro- Health Organization Framework
nally developed for the evaluation gramme, incorporating many of the Convention on Tobacco Control.
of chemopreventive agents (now elements from the update to the
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
4 Inequalities
that affect
cancer prevention
This is the first time that a section primar- burden of cancer. The relevant factors may
ily concerned with inequalities and cancer be specific to particular countries or regions.
is being included in a World Cancer Report. Recently, there have been improvements in
Inequalities that affect cancer prevention in- the methods for investigating associations
clude those determined by educational at- between inequalities and cancer as well as
tainment and by limitations on circumstances; the ways in which adverse outcomes may be
examples are nutrition and housing, which minimized. Typically, data are available on
are determined by financial income. Such in- variations within a particular country, and the
equalities may perturb the efficacy of almost chapters in this section describe such data for
all initiatives that are aimed at reducing the certain countries.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
household income, and the occupa- able. However, caution should be services are often lower
tional classification, and sometimes exercised when linking aggregate- in lower-income countries
by the socioeconomic circumstanc- level indicators to health outcomes and among groups with low
es of the area or the location of the and attempting to draw conclusions socioeconomic position and
home residence. The choice be- about individual-level relationships. other disadvantaged groups.
tween these indicators may depend For more details about how to mea-
on the availability of data or on the sure inequalities in cancer, see [9]. ■■ Coordinated efforts could
objective of the study, because lead to efficient interventions,
these indicators may suggest dif- particularly those focusing on
ferent aspects and mechanisms for
Evidence of cancer prevention, and ultimately to a
the role of social determinants. inequalities between reduction of social inequalities
Several measures of associa- countries in cancer.
tion can be used to estimate the Large variations in cancer occur-
strength of the relationship between rence are observed between coun-
socioeconomic conditions and dis- tries (see Chapter 1.2), although a
ease, including cancer, or the ex- distinction must be made between of new cancer cases worldwide was
tent of inequality. Examples of ab- cancer incidence and cancer mor- 18.1 million, of which 44% occurred
solute measures of socioeconomic tality. On average, the incidence in countries with very high HDI, and
inequalities in cancer are rate dif- rates for all cancers combined, in 36%, 15%, and 4% occurred in coun-
ferences and the slope index of in- both sexes, increase with increasing tries with high, medium, and low HDI,
equality. Examples of relative mea- levels of national socioeconomic de- respectively [10]. In contrast, for the
sures are rate ratios, odds ratios, velopment: the highest-income coun- mortality rates for all cancers com-
and the relative index of inequality. tries have much higher rates than the bined, no clear gradient is observed
Because absolute and relative mea- lowest-income countries (Fig. 4.1.1). with average levels of national socio-
sures may lead to different conclu- In 2018, the estimated total number economic development.
Fig. 4.1.1. Age-standardized (world population) incidence and mortality rates of all cancer types, by average level of socioeconomic
development in 2012. Socioeconomic development is measured by the education and income index (EDI), which is similar to the
Human Development Index (HDI) but excludes life expectancy. (HDI was not appropriate for this analysis because life expectancy
could be directly affected by cancer mortality.) EDI is calculated by taking the geometric mean of normalized indices of gross
national income per capita and of national education level (average and expected years of schooling). EDI is a dimensionless
variable between 0 and 1 (the higher a country’s score, the higher the level of development). Four categories of socioeconomic
development are shown: low (EDI ≤ 0.55), medium (0.55 < EDI ≤ 0.7), high (0.7 < EDI ≤ 0.8), and very high (EDI > 0.8).
All cancers excl. non−melanoma skin cancer, Male All cancers excl. non−melanoma skin cancer, Female
Low Medium High Very High Low Medium High Very High
Age−Standardized Rate (per 100 000)
Furthermore, the profile of can- socioeconomic development have, higher rates are currently observed
cer types varies markedly between on average, higher standards of liv- in high-income countries.
high- and low-income countries: low- ing, improved hygienic conditions, In populations in which cancer
income countries have a higher rate higher life expectancy, and lower screening is widely available, “screen-
of infection-related cancers [11,12], rates of infection-related cancers. ing pressure” and increased detec-
such as stomach cancer, liver can- However, these improvements are tion of clinically irrelevant cancers in
cer, and cervical cancer (see Chapter often accompanied by changing individuals with higher access to the
2.2), whereas high-income countries environments, which may result in health-care system may contribute,
have higher rates of cancer types at least partly, to overdiagnosis and
increased exposure to other cancer
such as breast cancer, prostate can- overtreatment of certain cancers,
risk factors, particularly among low-
cer, colorectal cancer, thyroid cancer, such as prostate cancer, breast can-
income groups, and which may lead
and melanoma. cer, and thyroid cancer (see Chapter
Although there is considerable to national increases in cancer inci- 6.6). Overdiagnosis may have con-
heterogeneity in cancer patterns dence. In several low- and middle- tributed to the rise in incidence rates
between countries and there are income countries, particularly those observed in several high- and middle-
several exceptions, depending on that are undergoing rapid socioeco- income countries without substan-
the country or area and the cancer nomic transitions, the decreases in tially affecting mortality rates [13].
type, some general considerations rates of infection-related cancers In high-income countries, access to
apply. Countries that are undergoing are counterbalanced by increases screening and early detection pro-
a transition towards higher levels of in rates of cancer types for which grammes and to effective treatments
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
has contributed to keeping mortality infection-related cancers, such as with lower educational attainment,
rates relatively low, even when inci- stomach cancer, liver cancer, and cancer mortality has declined at a
dence rates have increased to very cervical cancer [14,18–20]. slower rate, has remained stable, or
high levels. Data on trends in cancer mor- has even, in some cases, increased.
The discrepancy between in- tality are available mainly in high-in- These differential trends can prob-
cidence and mortality is generally come countries and generally show ably be explained by the fact that
less pronounced in low- and mid- more favourable trends among peo- individuals with higher socioeco-
dle-income countries than in high- ple with higher socioeconomic posi- nomic position tend to benefit more
income countries, probably because tion. Among men and women with from cancer prevention interven-
of lower survival rates in low- and higher educational attainment, can- tions and to have earlier detection
middle-income countries as a result cer mortality has generally declined, and diagnosis and better treatment,
of later diagnosis and poorer access whereas among men and women because they have better access to
to treatment. It is not clear whether
it will be possible to provide an ad-
equate response to the growing Fig. 4.1.2. Relative social inequalities in cancer mortality by education level in 17
European countries, by country, for the most recent data available for each country
cancer epidemic in low- and middle-
(from 2004 to 2013). The charts show rate ratios and corresponding 95% confidence
income countries, given the organi- intervals of mortality from all cancers combined for men (above) and women (below)
zational constraints and the limited with a low versus high education level, and a pooled rate ratio estimate obtained from
resources available. a random effects meta-analysis.
Evidence of cancer
inequalities within
Within countries, the socioeconom-
ic gradient for cancer incidence may
vary in magnitude and direction
across different cancer sites, but
cancer mortality is often higher, and
cancer survival lower, in groups with
low socioeconomic position and oth-
er disadvantaged groups (e.g. ethnic
and racial minorities and Indigenous
populations), for cancer overall and
for the large majority of cancer types
[7,12,14–17] (Fig. 4.1.2). There is a
clear gradient of higher overall can-
cer mortality and lower cancer sur-
vival from high to low socioeconomic
position [7], which shows that can-
cer inequalities affect (almost) the
entire population and are not limited
to low-income sectors of society.
Therefore, policies and interventions
to reduce cancer inequalities can
be beneficial for entire populations,
although the potential benefits are
largest for disadvantaged groups.
Relatively large socioeconomic
inequalities, with much higher can-
cer incidence and mortality in groups
with lower socioeconomic position,
have been consistently reported,
most markedly for smoking-related
cancers (see Chapter 2.1), such as
lung cancer, oral cancer, pharyn-
geal cancer, laryngeal cancer, and
oesophageal cancer, and also for
health-care services, greater health to the observed inequalities in can- the health-care system is often dif-
literacy, and fewer financial barriers cer survival, particularly in disad- ficult for disadvantaged groups, and
to health care compared with indi- vantaged populations. the availability of health-care ser-
viduals with lower socioeconomic vices is often lower in lower-income
position. The higher severity of co- Factors underlying countries [27]. Universal health cov-
morbidities in individuals with low erage, a current priority of WHO, is
cancer inequalities, and
socioeconomic position is also an key to improve access to essential
interventions to reduce components of cancer control for all
important factor that could reduce
inequalities individuals, without exposing them
cancer survival.
When data are available in low- Several factors, usually related and to financial hardships.
and middle-income countries, they intertwined, underlie the complicat- Preventive policies are potentially
often show similarly strong socio- ed patterns and socioeconomic gra- powerful ways to reduce not only the
economic gradients in cancer as dients in different cancer outcomes average incidence of and mortality
observed between and within coun- from cancer but also socioeconom-
observed in high-income countries,
tries. Exposures to certain cancer ic inequalities in cancer occurrence.
but they also reveal much poorer
risk factors, such as tobacco smok- National and international laws may
cancer outcomes than in high-in-
ing, alcohol consumption, unhealthy also have a powerful role, particu-
come countries [21,22], with very
diet, occupational exposures, and larly when used in coordination
high cancer mortality and low can-
cancer-causing infections, are high- with other initiatives (see Chapter
cer survival even for preventable or
est predominantly among individu- 6.8). Examples of legislative mea-
curable cancers, including cervical
als with low socioeconomic position sures are the banning of asbestos
cancer and childhood cancers. This and among the most disadvantaged
is generally due to the absence, or in workplaces and comprehensive
groups [24–26]. The reasons for this international tobacco control poli-
at best the limited availability, of re- are complex and include cultural, cies, such as the WHO Framework
sources and infrastructures at all economic, and psychosocial factors, Convention on Tobacco Control, in
phases of cancer control, from pre- as well as the availability, affordabili- which countries make commitments
vention to effective and timely treat- ty, and marketing of the products that to regulate tobacco use. Taxation is
ment to palliative care. Recently, cause cancer (e.g. tobacco and alco- a particularly efficient tool to reduce
there have been improvements hol) or prevent cancer (e.g. healthy consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and
in survival for most cancer types foods and sun-protective clothing). unhealthy foods.
in many low- and middle-income High-quality health-care servic- However, any intervention or
countries, although with a large var- es are key to control the burden of legislation that aims to reduce the
iability between cancer types and disease. Such services may reduce overall burden of a disease in a
between countries [23]. The stage cancer incidence and mortality at all population may result in either an
at diagnosis, the quality of treat- phases of cancer control, from pre- increase or a decrease in social in-
ment, and the quality of health-care vention to early detection, diagnosis, equalities in cancer, depending on
services are important contributors and treatment. However, accessing how it is designed, on the specific
context, and on many other factors.
Fig. 4.1.3. In almost all countries, graphic evidence of disparity within particular com- Therefore, there is a need to en-
munities may be illustrated. This photograph shows the physical divide that separates hance the use of evidence for the
Bloubosrand, a middle-class suburb northwest of Johannesburg, South Africa, from development, implementation, and
Kya Sands, an informal settlement consisting of improvised housing made of plywood
regulation of interventions, to en-
and corrugated metal.
sure that these would reduce or, at
least, would not exacerbate social
inequalities in cancer.
Interventions and policies are
likely to be more effective when
they are based on approaches that
combine a population strategy with
a vulnerable-population strategy –
an approach called proportionate
universalism. In the case of cervical
cancer, there is enormous potential
to eliminate the disease, and thus
reduce inequalities, through a com-
bination of human papillomavirus
(HPV) vaccination and screening
with HPV testing.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
The increasing use of technol- Fig. 4.1.4. Access to state-of-the-art medical technology, such as this scanner, is re-
ogy in medical practice may be very stricted to high-income countries and is often available in a disproportionate manner.
useful, but in some cases it may Individuals with greater access to health-care services are most at risk of overdiagno-
sis and overtreatment.
also increase social inequalities in
cancer. This is because access to
innovative technology, and the re-
sulting benefits – like for any other
expensive intervention – are likely to
be enjoyed predominantly by high-
income individuals and countries.
In this context, it is relevant to high-
light an important phenomenon:
there is increasing evidence that
individuals and populations with
high socioeconomic position may
receive unnecessary care and that
the harms related to the use of tech-
nological advances and expensive
interventions may outweigh the
benefits. An example is the case of
thyroid cancer (see Chapter 5.18);
the increased medical surveillance
of the thyroid gland and the use of
advanced diagnostic techniques
have led to massive overdiagnosis in cancer, by implementing and im- which may, in some cases, increase
and overtreatment, affecting mainly proving the quality of cancer regis- social inequalities in cancer.
high-income countries and individu- tries, by carrying out surveys to moni- There is a strong need to expand
als with greater access to health- tor risk factors and access to health both the research focus on and in-
care, and by collecting other data in vestments in prevention, particularly
care services [28].
the context of surveillance, whether because of the low interest in invest-
national, regional, or global. In addi- ment in this area by the private sector.
Research priorities tion, etiological studies within a life- Of particular importance would be to
Research priorities have recently course framework, exploring oppor- ensure that all interventions and can-
been identified to inform approach- tunities to prevent the disease at all cer control initiatives, from prevention
es to tackle cancer inequalities [29]. stages of life, should be implemented to treatment measures, are explicitly
As a first step, the importance has to provide a more detailed analysis of designed and evaluated not only for
been recognized of (i) improving the inequalities in cancer. their overall effects but also, ideally,
collection of high-quality monitoring Furthermore, although social to decrease or eliminate social in-
data on the magnitude of social in- determinants affect all steps of the equalities or, at least, not exacerbate
equalities in cancer, (ii) increasing cancer continuum, including preven- them. This would represent an attain-
the scientific evidence base on the tion, diagnosis, treatment, and end- able, desirable, and ethical objective.
multidimensional aspects related to of-life care, it is prevention that has
social inequalities, particularly in the greatest potential to reduce can- Conclusions
low- and middle-income countries, cer disparities in all settings. This is Inequalities in cancer are consis-
where data are currently limited, particularly true in low- and middle- tently observed between and within
and (iii) improving the understand- income countries, where health-care countries. Although social inequal-
ing of the impact of social factors on services are lacking or are available ities affect the entire population,
all steps of the cancer continuum. almost exclusively for the highest- it is often the most disadvantaged
In all countries where data are income individuals. However, despite individuals and groups who suf-
available, there are striking differ- this great potential, investments in fer the most. This has an impact
ences in cancer occurrence between cancer prevention are disproportion- across societies, causing human
socioeconomic groups. Nevertheless, ately lower compared with other ar- and economic costs in the health
information on social characteristics eas, such as basic science and treat- system, which are borne by society
is often not collected in population- ment. The low budget allocated to but which could be, in large part,
based studies, including those based cancer prevention also contrasts with avoided. Coordinated, multisectoral
on cancer registry data. Improved ef- the large investments made in the de- efforts and efficient interventions
forts are needed to generate knowl- velopment of advanced technologi- could ultimately lead to a reduction
edge and monitor social inequalities cal devices and precision medicine, of social inequalities in cancer.
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Table 4.2.1. Population covered by cancer registries in Africa (number of people and
percentage of the national population) and number of patients diagnosed during 2000– FUNDAMENTALS
2014, by country
■■ Cancer is becoming a
Cancer registry Population Percentage Total number significant health problem in
covered of population of patients
covered many low- and middle-income
countries, where both incidence
Algeria 2 447 075 6.3%
15 602 and mortality rates are higher
Mali (Bamako) 764 245 9.0% 60 than those in some high-income
countries, but where the health
Mauritius 1 268 567 100.0%
3 959 agenda has been dominated
by maternal mortality,
Morocco (Casablanca) 2 178 083 12.7%
4 683
communicable diseases, and
Nigeria (Ibadan) 2 797 220 1.6%
8 274 nutritional diseases.
South Africa (Eastern Cape) 1 078 572 2.0%
7 619 ■■ The Human Development
Total 10 533 762 3.5% 40 197
Index (HDI) and the poverty
rate explain more than 50% of
the global variance in cervical
Table 4.2.2. Age-adjusted cervical cancer mortality rates per 100 000 (world standard cancer mortality.
population), in 2008
■■ Cervical cancer is known to be
Country Number of deaths Age-adjusted a preventable disease.
mortality rate
■■ Modern technology has the
Countries with the highest mortality rates
potential to enable greater
Guinea 1217 41.7 precision and sensitivity in the
application of screening and
Zambia 1276 38.6
early detection for many cancer
Malawi 1621 38.3 types, but it is not accessible in
Uganda 2464 34.9
low-income countries.
■■ There are still differences in the
Zimbabwe 1286 33.4
occurrence of cancer across
Lesotho 178 22.7
different groups, resulting in
Angola 1008 21.9 deepening health inequalities.
risk of dying from cancer before age Fig. 4.2.1. Total expenditure on health as a percentage of gross domestic product
75 years was 10%. In men, prostate (GDP) in 2000 and 2012, by WHO region.
cancer was the most frequently di-
agnosed cancer in 12 regions of
14 13.6
the world. In both sexes, lung can-
cer was the most frequent cause of 12 11.0
death from cancer in 14 regions of 10
the world. In women, breast cancer 8
was the most frequently diagnosed 6 5.6 5.8
cancer in all regions of the world, 4.2
3.6 3.7 4.0 4.6
and cervical cancer ranked fourth 2
for both incidence and mortality [8].
Of the 18.1 million new can-
Africa Americas South-East Europe Eastern Western
cer cases in 2018, 5.8% occurred Asia Mediterranean Pacific
in Africa, 21.0% in the Americas,
23.4% in Europe, 1.4% in Oceania, 2000 2012
and 48.4% in Asia. Of the 9.6 mil-
lion cancer deaths, 7.3% occurred Fig. 4.2.2. Per capita total expenditure on health (purchasing power parity at interna-
in Africa, 14.4% in the Americas, tional dollar rate) in 2000 and 2012, by WHO region.
20.3% in Europe, 0.7% in Oceania,
and 57.3% in Asia [9]. Although the 4000 3768
proportion of the global cancer bur- 3500
den is lower for Africa than for other
regions of the world, cancer is also
2500 2402
low on the health agenda in Africa 2055
because of multiple competing 2000
health priorities and other needs. 1500 1216
1000 857
Costs of cancer care 500 260
110 208 88 208
In 2009, the global cost of treat- 0
ing 12.9 million patients diagnosed Africa Americas South-East Europe Eastern Western
with cancer was estimated to be Asia Mediterranean Pacific
US$ 285.8 billion [10]. The indirect
2000 2012
costs associated with premature
death and lost productivity from the
growing cancer burden were es-
timated to be US$ 1.16 trillion per disease that is largely preventable, nancial contributions to the health
year [10]. such as cervical cancer. The high system exceeded 40% of income
World Health Statistics 2015 incidence of cervical cancer in remaining after subsistence needs
presented data on the total expen- Africa is also related to the high had been met. The analysis showed
diture on health as a percentage rates of HIV infection, particularly in that certain groups were particu-
of gross domestic product (GDP) eastern and southern Africa, where larly vulnerable, such as older
in the six WHO regions (Fig. 4.2.1) HIV infection is epidemic and cervi- people, people with disabilities, un-
[11]. In most regions, there was very cal cancer is classified as an AIDS- employed people, people with low
little change in the percentage ex- defining illness [12]. incomes, and people with reduced
penditure between 2000 and 2012. Out-of-pocket expenditure on or no access to health insurance.
The percentage expenditure was health care is a major barrier to Wyszewianski [14] made the point
highest in the Americas. For per accessing health care in low- and that catastrophic health expendi-
capita total expenditure on health middle-income countries, and a ture is common in many countries
(Fig. 4.2.2) [11], the values were significant illness in a family can be and can lead to impoverishment
lowest in Africa and South-East catastrophic. Xu et al. [13] used a that has long been ignored by the
Asia and highest in the Americas cross-country analysis design and health system. There is a significant
and Europe. data from household surveys in amount of data showing that low-
The lack of access to screen- 59 countries to explore variables income households have a limited
ing and early detection and the high related to catastrophic health ex- capacity to cope with health-care
costs of treatment are often cited as penditure. Expenditure was defined expenditure compared with higher-
the causes for a high incidence of a as catastrophic if a household’s fi- income households.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
The American Public Health As Moreover, access to anti-can- to-incidence ratio for prostate can-
sociation reported that before the cer therapies is very limited in al- cer, breast cancer, and lung cancer.
introduction of the Patient Protection most all African countries. A WHO They concluded that the population
and Affordable Care Act of 2010 in study in 2001 found that only 22% density of radiotherapy machines
the USA, about 20% of the popula- of African countries had access to is related to cancer mortality in-
tion younger than 65 years was medi- anti-cancer drugs, compared with dependently of other public health
cally uninsured, and that after the in- 91% in Europe. An analysis by the parameters. They also found a lin-
troduction of the act, about 13% (or International Atomic Energy Agency ear relationship between GDP per
one eighth) of people younger than found that in 2010 only 23 of the 52 capita and the population density of
65 years remained uninsured [15]. African countries included in the radiotherapy machines, until a GDP
The USA spends more on health analysis had facilities for teletherapy per capita of US$ 60 000 [19].
care than any other high-income (external radiation therapy), which
country (18% of the GDP), but in were concentrated in the northern Health-care workforce
terms of life expectancy it ranks 26th and southern regions of the conti- The African continent has 168 med-
out of the 36 member countries of nent [17]. Brachytherapy resources ical schools, located in 41 coun-
the Organisation for Economic Co- were available in only 20 of the 52 tries. However, facilities for training
operation and Development. Further countries. A total of 160 radiation in cancer prevention, diagnosis,
more, in the USA only about 3% of facilities were recorded in the conti- and management are found mainly
spending on health is allocated to nent, housing 277 radiotherapy ma- in North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, and
preventive health care. chines (88 cobalt-60 units and 189 Morocco) and South Africa, with lim-
linear accelerators) [17]. ited facilities in Libya, Nigeria, and
Barton et al. [18] performed a de- Zimbabwe [20]. Overall, sub-Saha-
Barriers to prevention tailed analysis of the gap between ran Africa has a very low physician-
and treatment of cancer existing radiation facilities in low- to-population ratio of about 18 per
in Africa and middle-income countries and 100 000, compared with the ratios
Almost all of the 54 countries the needs of the population. They of India (60 per 100 000), Brazil
in sub-Saharan Africa have low concluded that the African conti- (170 per 100 000), and France (370
HDI values and high values of the nent had only 18% of the radiation per 100 000) [20].
Human Poverty Index [16]. Of the equipment needed for full coverage Adding to the complexity of the
total population of sub-Saharan of the population. Medenwald et al. challenges facing sub-Saharan
Africa, which was estimated to be [19] extracted data from a wide vari- Africa (including environmental
more than 1 billion in 2018, only ety of sources and found an inverse disasters, competing health needs,
7.2% were covered by medically linear relationship between the endemic civil strife, war, and lack of
certified causes of death and 8.3% number of radiotherapy machines safe drinking-water and sanitation,
by population-based registries. in the population and the mortality- to name just a few) has been the
HIV/AIDS epidemic. Sub-Saharan
Africa accounts for about 70% of
Fig. 4.2.3. Women signing up for free breast cancer and cervical cancer screening in people living with HIV worldwide
Senegal. Breast cancer and cervical cancer are the two most common cancer types [21]. HIV infection increases the
among women in Africa.
risk of developing certain types of
cancer, and Kaposi sarcoma, non-
Hodgkin lymphoma, and cervical
cancer have been classified as
AIDS-defining diseases since 1993
[12]. Women living with HIV have an
increased risk of being infected with
human papillomavirus (HPV) and
are therefore considered to be at a
higher risk for anogenital cancers.
determinants of health
The political determinants of
health inequity and socioeconom-
ic factors deserve careful analy-
sis. The Lancet-University of Oslo
Commission on Global Governance
for Health noted that the lowest- Fig. 4.2.4. Two girls aged 10–14 years are vaccinated against human papillomavirus
income population groups have the (HPV) by an outreach nursing team from Binga District Hospital in Matabeleland North
heaviest burden of disease; this can Province in Zimbabwe.
be attributed not only to poverty but
also to socioeconomic inequality
[22]. The commission identified five
dysfunctions of the global gover-
nance system that allow adverse
effects of global political determi-
nants of health inequity to persist:
(i) insufficient participation in deci-
sion-making by civil society, health
experts, and marginalized groups;
(ii) weak accountability mecha-
nisms; (iii) lack of response to
changing societal needs, enabling
entrenchment of power dispari-
ties, with adverse effects on health
(called “institutional stickiness” by
the authors); (iv) inadequate policy
space for health; and (v) lack of
international institutions to protect
and promote health [22].
The Commission on Social De
terminants of Health, led by Michael
Marmot, stated in its report: “The
poor health of the poor, the social ach cancer, liver cancer, oesopha- for late presentation were: negative
gradient in health within countries, geal cancer, and cervical cancer. interpretation of symptoms; fear;
and the marked health inequities Together, these cancers accounted lack of belief, trust, or confidence
between countries are caused by for 62% of the cancer burden in re- in orthodox medicine; poor social
the unequal distribution of power, gions with low HDI. In both settings, relations and networks; and lack of
income, goods, and services, glob- lung cancer was the most common access to health care [24].
ally and nationally, the consequent cancer diagnosed.
unfairness in the immediate, visible
circumstances of people’s lives ...
Challenges associated
and their chances of leading a flour-
Priorities for prevention, with cancer care in
ishing life. This unequal distribution research, policy, and Africa
of health-damaging experiences is development Analyses of the causes of ill health
not in any sense a ‘natural’ phenom- Men and women with cancer in low- are essential to prioritize public
enon but is the result of a toxic com- and middle-income countries, par- policy and to determine the re-
bination of poor social policies and ticularly in Africa, face multiple chal- search agenda and the allocation
programmes, unfair economic ar- lenges because of poor health-care of resources, particularly based on
rangements, and bad politics...” [23]. infrastructure. Access to diagnosis, the population-level risk. Attaining
Bray et al. [16] used four tiers treatment, and timely intervention the highest standard of health care
of HDI (low, medium, high, and are lacking, resulting in high case requires access to safe drinking-
very high HDI) to evaluate cancer- mortality rates, lack of trust in the water, adequate sanitation, educa-
specific patterns in 2008 and trends health-care system, stigmatization, tion, health-care education, nutri-
over the period 1988–2002. They and high rates of premature death. tion, and good employment, among
found that in the regions with the In a systematic review of nine many other factors. Cancer care is
highest HDI in 2008, breast cancer, eligible studies of late presenta- relatively expensive, and without
lung cancer, colorectal cancer, and tion of women with breast cancer effective means of prevention and
prostate cancer accounted for more conducted in Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, early detection, aligned with appro-
than half of the cancer burden. In Libya, and Nigeria, more than 50% priate interventions, the incidence
regions with low HDI, other cancer of women presented with advanced of and mortality from cancer will
types were more common: stom- disease. The most important drivers continue to rise.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
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as demographic and socioeconomic than in rural areas, contributing
determinants (e.g. age, sex, educa-
Cancer burden in urban to the rural–urban disparity
tion level), as well as to lifestyle fac- in the incidence of these two
and rural communities tors and inequalities in health-related cancer types.
Along with rapid economic develop- issues (e.g. allocation of health-care
ment, urbanization, and the ageing resources, health outcomes). ■■ Although differences in cancer
of the population, the cancer burden Quality of life and provision of incidence between urban and
and the spectrum of cancer types health-care services have improved rural areas still exist in China,
show considerable variation be- greatly in China with the rapid so- the gap has been narrowing
tween urban and rural areas [4,5]. cioeconomic development during every year.
In 2014, the age-standardized the past decades. However, ur-
incidence rate (by world standard ban–rural inequalities in health care
population) for all cancers com- are still striking [7,8]. According to cy, China has a lower birth rate and
bined was higher in urban areas the National Bureau of Statistics of a lower death rate, especially in ur-
(191.6 per 100 000) than in rural ar- China, in 2015 the average per cap- ban areas [11]. This has led to a rapid
eas (179.2 per 100 000), whereas ita disposable income of urban resi- ageing of the population, especially
the age-standardized mortality rate dents was ¥31 790, almost 3 times in urban areas, thus increasing the
(by world standard population) for that of rural residents (¥10 772) [9]. pool of older adults, who are more
all cancers combined was higher in The average life expectancy for susceptible to cancer [2,11].
rural areas (110.3 per 100 000) than male and female urban residents In rural areas, there was inad-
in urban areas (102.5 per 100 000) was estimated to be 7.09 years and equate allocation of basic educa-
[2], indicating that cancer survival 6.64 years longer, respectively, than tional resources, and teachers were
was lower in rural areas than in ur- that of their rural counterparts [10]. less highly trained than in urban
ban areas. Differences were also Mainly as a result of the one-child areas [12]. The education level of
seen between urban and rural ar- policy and increases in life expectan- rural residents was also generally
lower than that of their urban coun- than in urban areas, as a result of etables (see Chapter 2.6), are more
terparts [13]. In addition, utilization differences in health-care services, prevalent in rural areas than in ur-
of health-care services of all types socioeconomic inequalities, and ban areas [2,16,17]. Higher rates of
was lower in rural areas than in ur- lack of awareness about cancer Helicobacter pylori and hepatitis B
ban areas [14], as a result of the prevention and early detection, as virus infection also contribute to the
unbalanced development between well as the unbalanced allocation of high incidence of stomach cancer
urban and rural areas in the provi- health-care resources, with lower and liver cancer, especially in ru-
sion of health-care services. government health expenditure per ral areas (see Chapter 2.2) [22,23].
These differences in socioeco- capita and less advanced health- The lower quality of medical treat-
nomic status between urban and ru- care facilities in rural areas [6,10]. ment and limited health-care re-
ral areas could lead to differences in Age-standardized incidence rates sources led to lower survival in rural
lifestyles and dietary patterns. For of oesophageal cancer, stomach areas [24].
example, the prevalence of smok- cancer, liver cancer, and cervi-
ing (see Chapter 2.1) and alcohol cal cancer were higher in rural ar-
consumption (see Chapter 2.3) was eas than in urban areas, and were
Cancer patterns and
still higher in rural residents, where- higher in areas with low GDP per trends in urban and
as in urban residents the level of capita and low urbanization. Strong rural areas
physical activity was relatively low risk factors for cancer, including In recent decades, the overall can-
(see Chapter 2.7), as a result of in- smoking, alcohol consumption, cer incidence in China has been
creasingly sedentary occupations and low intake of fruits and veg- relatively stable, with a total annual
[15]. Surveys also showed that the
intake of animal products is sig-
nificantly higher in urban residents Fig. 4.3.3. Rapid increases in (a) the numbers of hospital beds and of registered doc-
than in rural residents; this may tors and (b) health expenditures in China, during the period 1980–2014.
contribute to differences in energy a
intake [15]. Problems associated
with rapid urbanization, including
large-scale migration, ageing of the
population, and pollution in both ur-
ban and rural areas (see Chapter
2.9), have also emerged [10].
Age-standardized incidence rates
of colorectal cancer, breast cancer,
prostate cancer, kidney cancer,
and bladder cancer were higher
in urban areas than in rural areas,
and were higher in areas with high
gross domestic product (GDP)
per capita and high urbanization
[16,17]. Obesity and physical inac-
tivity, which are the leading attribu-
table risk factors for both colorec- b
tal cancer and breast cancer, are
more prevalent in urban areas than
in rural areas, not only in China but
also worldwide; differences in the
prevalence of obesity and physical
inactivity are partly responsible for
the rural–urban disparity in the in-
cidence of these two cancer types
[18–20]. Changes in reproductive
factors, such as increasing expo-
sure to xeno-estrogens and oral
contraceptives, may also lead to a
higher incidence of breast cancer
in urban areas [21]. For colorectal
cancer and breast cancer, cancer
survival was lower in rural areas
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
change of 4% in the crude incidence the prevalence of cigarette smoking ciated with air pollution, radiation,
rate, whereas cancer mortality has will emerge in the future [26]. and other cancer risk factors, such
decreased [4,5]. During the past 20 years, there as exposure to asbestos, which
From 2003–2005 to 2012–2015, has been a rapid upward trend in could lead to the development
age-standardized 5-year relative the incidence of breast cancer and of cancer [35]. According to the
survival increased significantly for colorectal cancer, especially in ur- Hukou policy in China, when a mi-
all cancers combined, from 30.9% ban areas [4,5]. From the 1970s to grant is diagnosed with cancer, the
to 40.5%; age-standardized 5-year the 1990s, liver cancer, stomach case will be registered in the rural
relative survival also increased for cancer, and oesophageal cancer cancer registry where the person
most cancer types, including can- were the most common cancers in was born [36]. Another explanation
cers of the oesophagus, stomach, both urban and rural areas [4,5]. for the high cancer burden in rural
larynx, bone, cervix, uterus, blad- Oesophageal cancer, stomach areas could be the lack of aware-
der, and thyroid [6]. This reflected cancer, and liver cancer are still the ness among rural residents about
the overall improvement in the qual- major cancer types in rural residents health care and cancer prevention
ity of cancer care in China, which [5]. Declining trends in age-stan- [6]. As a result, the willingness to
could be shown partly by an annual dardized incidence rates and mor- participate in cancer screening pro-
increase in health-care resources, tality rates were observed for these grammes and the subsequent fol-
including the numbers of hospital three cancer types in both sexes in low-up is lower in rural areas than
beds and of registered doctors, as 2000–2013. These declines are a in urban areas, even if the screen-
well as increases in health expendi- result of socioeconomic develop- ing is provided free of charge.
tures (Fig. 4.3.3) [25]. ment and a series of cancer pre-
During the past 40 years, the vention and control programmes,
such as comprehensive interven-
lung cancer mortality rate in China
has increased 4-fold. Consequently, tion and control strategies imple- Global experience in alleviating the
lung cancer has replaced stomach mented in high-risk rural ar eas cancer burden has demonstrated
cancer as the leading cause of since the 1990s and early detection the importance of comprehensive
cancer death [4,5], accounting for programmes initiated in rural ar- strategies such as tobacco control
27.3% of all cancer deaths in China. eas and aimed at specific high-risk campaigns, vaccination, targeted
Although the prevalence of tobacco cancer types [27–30]. Control of in- cancer screening programmes, and
smoking is slowly decreasing in fections, including hepatitis B virus appropriate and efficient diagnostic
China, the development of lung can- and hepatitis C virus for liver cancer and treatment technology. In China,
cer may take decades. Therefore, and H. pylori for stomach cancer, although some cancer preven-
the new cases of lung cancer may may also contribute to these tem- tion and control programmes have
be the result of a high prevalence of poral patterns [22,23]. Studies have yielded significant benefits, chal-
smoking in the past. The effects of shown that the food policy reforms lenges still remain because of the
current anti-smoking campaigns on in China dramatically decreased heavy cancer burden, the compli-
exposure to aflatoxin and reduced cated cancer patterns, and the un-
overall liver cancer risk in Qidong, balanced allocation of health-care
a city in Jiangsu Province, even resources and primary health care
Fig. 4.3.4. Colourized scanning electron
micrograph of Helicobacter pylori and hu- before universal hepatitis B virus between urban and rural areas.
man gastric epithelium cells. vaccination of newborns was imple- The distinct differences in can-
mented [31,32]. cer patterns between urban and
Although differences in cancer rural communities emphasize an
incidence between urban and rural urgent need to implement cancer
areas still exist in China, the gap prevention and control strategies
has been narrowing every year. that are customized for different re-
Cancer incidence in rural areas is gions of the country. For example,
predicted to surpass that in urban the hazards associated with smok-
areas in the future [33,34]. As a re- ing were previously more severe in
sult of rapid urbanization, a large- urban areas, because of the lim-
scale migration from rural to urban ited availability and affordability of
areas is occurring [10]. Although cigarettes in rural areas. However,
migrants move to cities seeking a this difference is diminishing and
better life, most of them can only the situation is even likely to be
find jobs in areas like construction, reversed, because rural residents
manufacture, or mining, because of start smoking at a younger age and
their comparatively lower education with a somewhat higher prevalence
level. Most of these jobs are asso- than urban residents [37].
It is also important to further public awareness of cancer preven- mental and psychological health.
improve the primary health-care tion, and develop programmes for The effective implementation of
system in rural areas, including a the early detection and treatment targeted early diagnosis and treat-
more comprehensive design and of major cancer types that focus on ment programmes is also crucial in
implementation of the health insur- rural residents. urban areas.
ance system, which can effectively For urban residents, the points In addition, international cooper-
serve low-income residents of ru- of focus are (i) to promote healthy ation should be enhanced, to learn
ral areas. Moreover, it is of great lifestyles and dietary habits, (ii) to from useful experiences and ap-
importance to improve basic living control smoking, alcohol consump- proaches and to avoid common pit-
and sanitary conditions, strengthen tion, and obesity, and (iii) to improve falls and unnecessary expenditures.
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
and behaviour change, addressing women in most regions in India. associated with overweight
the socioeconomic determinants that Increasing trends (e.g. breast
and obesity, lower levels of
influence these factors is critical to ad- cancer, colorectal cancer) or de-
physical activity, and seden-
vance cancer prevention in India [5]. creasing trends (e.g. cervical can-
tary lifestyles, such as breast
cancer and colorectal cancer,
Box 4.4.1. Cancer burden and patterns in India in 2018. is increasing, and these can-
cer types are associated with
• There are an estimated 1.16 mil- lung cancer (49 000), stomach higher socioeconomic status.
lion new cancer cases, 784 800 cancer (39 000), colorectal can-
cancer deaths, and 2.26 million cer (37 000), and oesophageal
5-year prevalent cases in India’s cancer (34 000) account for 45%
population of 1.35 billion. of cases. cer) in the incidence of the major
• The six most common cancer • Of the 587 000 new cancer cancer types over time (since the
types are breast cancer (162 500 cases in women, breast can- documentation of incidence began
cases), oral cancer (120 000 cas- cer (162 500), cervical cancer in different cancer registries) are
es), cervical cancer (97 000 cas- (97 000), ovarian cancer (36 000), evident with the socioeconomic
es), lung cancer (68 000 cases), oral cancer (28 000), and colorec- changes that are occurring in differ-
stomach cancer (57 000 cases), tal cancer (20 000) account for ent regions and states in India [4,7].
and colorectal cancer (57 000); 60% of cases. Recently, an increasing trend in the
together, these account for 49% • 1 in 10 Indians will develop can- incidence of oral cancer has been
of all new cancer cases. cer during their lifetimes, and 1 observed among men in the fourth
• Of the 570 000 new cancer cas- in 15 Indians will die of cancer. to seventh decades of life [4], possi-
es in men, oral cancer (92 000), bly as a result of the increasing con-
sumption of unregulated flavoured
chewing products that contain are- Fig. 4.4.1. Trends in age-standardized incidence rates (per 100 000 women) of breast
ca nut, such as paan masala [8]. cancer in selected populations in India, 1983–2015.
There is a clear increasing trend
in the incidence rates of breast can- 45
cer across the country, with an an- 40 40.8
nual percentage increase that ranges
from 1.4% to 2.8% and is more pro- 35 34.4
nounced in urban areas than in rural 28.7 33.6
areas (Fig. 4.4.1). Incidence rates are
also increasing for cancer types as- 24.6
sociated with overweight and obesity
20 18.9
and lower levels of physical activ-
ity, such as colorectal cancer (an- 15 18.2
nual percentage change, 1.0–3.9%), 12.4
uterine cancer (annual percentage 10
change, 2.7–5.5%), ovarian cancer 8.7
(annual percentage change, 0.8–
2.4%), and prostate cancer (annual 0
percentage change, 1.2–4.1%). 1983-87 1988-92 1993-97 1998-02 2003-07 2008-11 2012-15
There is a clear decreasing Bangalore Chennai Mumbai Delhi Barshi
trend in the incidence rates of cer-
vical cancer in most regions in
India (annual percentage change, Fig. 4.4.2. Trends in age-standardized incidence rates (per 100 000 women) of cervical
−2.0% to −3.5%), with age-stan- cancer in selected populations in India, 1983–2015.
dardized incidence rates as low as
6 per 100 000 in women in Kerala 50
[4] (Fig. 4.4.2). However, rates of 44.5
cervical cancer are still high in less
educated women with low socioeco- 40
nomic status [7]. 35
The underlying socioeconomic
factors and changes that influence 30
31.1 25.8
risk factors, exposure patterns, pat- 25 27.4
terns of health beliefs, health-seek- 19.3
ing behaviours, and the availability
20 16.0
of and access to health-care ser- 15 15.3
vices are largely responsible for the 10 14.9
observed cancer patterns in India. 9.0
Socioeconomic factors 0
and cancer prevention 1983-87 1988-92 1993-97 1998-02 2003-07 2008-11 2012-15
Bangalore Chennai Mumbai Delhi Barshi
Prevention of lung cancer,
oral cancer, and other
tobacco-related cancers
Socioeconomic determinants of to- Recent studies indicate that be- has increased in all socioeconom-
bacco use patterns have a major tween 2000 and 2012, the preva- ic groups, with a greater increase in
impact on the prevention of cancer lence of any form of tobacco use households with higher income and
types associated with tobacco use, decreased in the richest house- higher education levels, and the
such as lung cancer, oral cancer, and holds (from 43.8% to 36.8%) and re- volume of smokeless tobacco and
other head and neck cancers (see mained stable in the poorest house- areca nut products used is increas-
Chapter 2.1). There are currently holds (from 61.5% to 62.7%) [9]. ing [10]. The reported prevalence
164 million users of smokeless tobac- Despite the implementation of pre- of tobacco use in tribal populations
co, 69 million smokers, and 42 million ventive interventions, in India there exceeded 80%.
smokers and chewers in India, and is a distinct and unique pattern of Because inadequate attention
tobacco-related cancers constitute a tobacco use; the use of smokeless has been paid to curtailing the use
major burden in the country. tobacco and areca nut products of smokeless tobacco and areca
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Oral cancer is the major tobac- as smoking of cigarettes and bidis by manufacturers, and the large-
co-related cancer type in India, and (made of shredded tobacco leaves scale switching by consumers from
low socioeconomic status is associ-
ated with a high risk of oral cancer
and precancerous lesions such as Fig. 4.4.4. A man in West Bengal, India, holding gutka in his hand.
leukoplakia, erythroplakia, and oral
submucous fibrosis (see Chapter
5.2) [11–13]. Alcohol consumption
is an independent risk factor and
substantially increases the risk of
oral cancer when combined with
tobacco use. In India, substantial
differences exist in the sociodem-
ographic correlates of alcohol con-
sumption and types of alcoholic
Socioeconomic disadvantages
appear to have a cumulative effect
over the life course and are associ-
ated with a high risk of oral cancer.
Early-life socioeconomic disadvan-
tages have a lasting effect on oral
cancer risk in adulthood [12]. More
than 90% of patients with oral can-
cer have low or lower-middle so-
tobacco products to paan masa- Fig. 4.4.5. Mobile oral cancer screening in India.
la are currently encouraging the
growth of the paan masala market.
The Indian paan masala market
was valued at about US$ 5 billion in
2017 and is expected to increase to
US$ 8 billion by 2023.
In 2016, after a Supreme Court
order, the central government issued
a complete ban across India on the
production, promotion, and sale of
food products containing tobacco
and nicotine as ingredients, includ-
ing gutka, paan masala, zarda, and
tobacco-based flavoured mouth
fresheners. However, several states
have yet to follow suit, and illegal
sales continue (see Chapter 6.8).
Among people with lower socio-
economic status, non-awareness
of the harms of tobacco use in any
form and of chewing products that
contain areca nut is common, as is improvements in the socioeconom- economic status were found to be
inadequate comprehension of the ic status of women, as indicated by more likely to participate in screen-
associated health risks. The use of higher education levels, increas- ing compared with other women
hookah (water pipes) and e-ciga- ing household incomes, later ages [19]. In a recent study in Mumbai,
rettes is increasing among young at marriage and at first birth, lower women with higher socioeconomic
people, and this is creating a new parity, and increasing adoption of status were found to have higher
problem. There is an urgent need to sedentary lifestyles, dietary pat- breast awareness than women with
create comprehensive awareness terns typical of industrialized coun- lower socioeconomic status [20].
about the health hazards of all forms tries, and lower levels of physical Two large randomized trials
of tobacco and areca nut use among activity in successive generations of screening by clinical breast ex-
every subsection of society and to of women (see Chapter 5.9). amination in India have shown that
regulate the availability, affordabil- The most developed states clinical breast examination screen-
ity, and accessibility of tobacco and report the highest breast cancer ing is followed by early diagnosis of
areca nut products, to prevent all rates in the country [4]. In India, breast cancer [21,22]. Findings from
tobacco-related cancers. high socioeconomic status is as-
a randomized trial in Kerala indi-
In a randomized trial of oral can- sociated with a higher prevalence
cated that women who had a higher
cer screening with oral visual inspec- of overweight and obesity and with
education level and a higher house-
tion in Kerala, which demonstrated a shift towards sedentary lifestyles
hold income, were employed in
a significant reduction in oral cancer and dietary patterns typical of in-
non-manual occupations, and were
mortality in users of tobacco or al- dustrialized countries, which are
living in better housing were more
cohol or both, participation was sig- established risk factors for breast
nificantly higher among people with likely to have breast awareness and
cancer; households with high so-
higher socioeconomic status than cioeconomic status spend less on to practice breast self-examination
among those with lower socioeco- cereals, millets, and vegetables but less likely to participate in clini-
nomic status [16,17]. and more on beverages, processed cal breast examination screening,
foods, dairy products, meat, eggs, which was offered in the trial by the
Breast cancer control and fish [18]. public health services [23]. A pos-
In India, the incidence of breast The most effective intervention sible explanation for these para-
cancer is consistently increas- for breast cancer control is early doxical findings is that women with
ing and the incidence of cervical detection and prompt treatment. higher socioeconomic status have
cancer is decreasing with time, as Breast awareness and participation less faith in public health services,
shown by data from several popu- in screening are conducive to early can afford private health care, and
lation-based cancer registries [4]. detection and completion of treat- seek mammography screening
The diverging incidence trends for ment. In a cross-sectional study of elsewhere. Similar findings were re-
breast cancer and cervical cancer breast cancer screening practices ported in a breast cancer screening
in India may be partly explained by in Kerala, women with higher socio- trial in Mumbai [22].
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Cervical cancer prevention similar protection against persistent in India [4]. Colorectal cancer, for
India accounts for about one fifth of HPV16 and 18 infections as three which incidence rates in India were
the global burden of cervical cancer, doses and has shown that even a previously low, is already the sixth
despite decreasing incidence rates single dose is immunogenic and most common cancer (Box 4.4.1),
in several regions of the country (see provides lasting protection against and increasing trends are evident in
Chapter 5.10). Thus, elimination of HPV16 and 18 infections, similar to the most developed states in India
the three-dose and two-dose vac- and in urban populations [4,6]. To
cervical cancer in India will have a
cine schedules [30,31]. Currently, curtail the future burden of these
major impact on global elimination
Punjab is implementing two doses lifestyle-related cancer types, in-
of the disease as a public health
of HPV vaccination in an incremen- cluding breast cancer, it is critical
problem. Cervical cancer dispropor-
tal fashion, and Sikkim has imple- to reverse the emerging trends in
tionately affects women with lower
mented a statewide HPV vaccina- risk factors and to preserve the
socioeconomic status, who are at
tion programme targeting girls aged lifestyles that kept the incidence of
a considerable disadvantage in the
11–12 years, with high vaccination these cancer types low.
availability of and access to public
coverage and an excellent safety
health services for prevention and
profile. Delhi state is implementing
early detection, and therefore this is
opportunistic HPV vaccination sup-
an equity issue. Low socioeconomic Because cancer is not one disease
ported by the state government.
status is a major risk factor for cervi- but a group of many diseases that
Despite the decreasing inci-
cal cancer [24]. differ in their etiology and biology, it
dence of cervical cancer, there is a
It is well established that persis- is not surprising that socioeconom-
6-fold difference in age-standardized
tent infection with one of the high- rates, ranging from 5 per 100 000 ic determinants of cancer risk are
risk human papillomavirus (HPV) women to 30 per 100 000 women, variable for different cancer types,
types is the necessary cause of reflecting the underlying differences reflecting the underlying complex
cervical cancer. HPV types 16 and in socioeconomic factors and HPV relationships. There is a positive
18 are detected in about 80% of all prevalence, among other risk fac- association of low socioeconomic
cervical cancers in India [25]. Low tors [4]. Incidence rates are about 6 status with the incidence of tobac-
socioeconomic status is associated per 100 000 women in Kerala, which co-related cancer types. However,
with a high prevalence of HPV in- has achieved 100% literacy and has improvements in education, in-
fection in India [26,27]. Cervical the highest HDI value (0.784) of any creasing disposable incomes, and
cancer is an eminently preventable state in the country [4]. Because higher overall socioeconomic status
disease, by HPV vaccination and cervical cancer disproportionately are associated with an increasing
screening. The decreasing inci- affects women with low socioeco- risk of breast cancer and colorectal
dence rates of cervical cancer nomic status, the lack of effective cancer, among other lifestyle-relat-
provide an exciting opportunity to interventions such as HPV vaccina- ed cancer types.
rapidly decrease risk and eliminate tion and screening in public health The limited available data in-
cervical cancer by implementing services will widen the disparities dicate disparities in participation
an integrated HPV vaccination and and increase the inequities in the in cancer screening by socioeco-
screening programme. cervical cancer burden in India. nomic status. Good participation by
A large randomized trial in India people with low socioeconomic sta-
has shown a 50% reduction in cer- Prevention of other cancer tus in the cervical cancer screening
vical cancer mortality after a single types related to lifestyle studies and the high participation
round of HPV screening; in another factors of girls in all socioeconomic groups
trial, a 35% reduction in cervical Given the association between diet, in HPV vaccination programmes
cancer mortality was seen after a overweight, obesity, and physical in Punjab and Sikkim indicate the
single round of screening by visual activity and cancer types such as importance of appropriate educa-
inspection of the cervix with acetic colorectal cancer, ovarian cancer, tional initiatives.
acid [28,29]. An HPV vaccination endometrial cancer, and prostate As the reduction of socioeconom-
study that is under way in India to cancer, among others, and the ic inequalities in population groups in
assess the effectiveness of fewer emerging trends in the prevalence India is addressed, highly focused
than three doses of HPV vaccine of these lifestyle factors accompa- and tailored public health interven-
has demonstrated that two doses nying socioeconomic changes, the tions are needed to target different
of quadrivalent vaccine offer an incidence of these cancer types socioeconomic groups to reduce the
equivalent immune response and is increasing in various regions disparities in cancer prevention.
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
for cervical cancer, and faecal oc- across countries throughout Europe
cult blood test (FOBT) screening (Tables 4.5.1, 4.5.2, and 4.5.3).
for colorectal cancer. The latest
revision of the EU code reconfirms Breast cancer
■■ Currently, based on the
the appropriateness of population- There is wide agreement within recommendations of the
based screening programmes for the EU on different aspects of the
European Council, all European
these three cancer types, and not policy for breast cancer screening,
Union countries have some
yet for other cancer types [12]. In such as the screening test based on
most EU countries, organized or mammography, the minimum tar- form of screening for breast
opportunistic screening is available get age range of 50–69 years, and cancer and cervical cancer,
for these cancer types. the screening interval of 2 years and most countries have
The total target population in (Table 4.5.1) [10,13–16]. started to implement screening
the EU is massive: almost 68 mil- However, there are substantial for colorectal cancer.
lion women in the EU are eligible differences within the EU in the
■■ It would not be appropriate to
for breast cancer screening (age extent to which target populations
range, 50–69 years), and more than are actually exposed to screening implement a single, uniform
100 million women can participate [13]. Among the EU countries, there screening programme per
in Pap smear screening (age range, is a nearly 2-fold difference in the cancer type for all countries;
30–59 years). Although the potential coverage by invitations and a more however, in many instances,
target population for colorectal can- than 5-fold difference in the atten- there is no plausible reason for
cer screening is even larger (more dance reported. the huge variations in the three
than 150 million people; age range, cancer screening programmes
50–74 years), approximately 25% of Cervical cancer
across the European Union.
this population had not yet been tar- Cervical cancer screening usually
geted by a screening programme. starts at age 20–30 years and stops ■■ Successfully improving
The number of screening tests that at age 60–70 years. Some coun- screening coverage would po-
are actually performed in the EU is tries recommend starting screening tentially have an impact on the
much lower. In addition, the existing before age 20 years (Table 4.5.2) lives of millions of people, but
screening programmes for breast [10,13,17,18]. would also put further pressure
cancer, cervical cancer, and colorec- For the screening interval, nine on the available clinical and
tal cancer vary in terms of their ap- countries recommend an interval economic resources.
plication, both within countries and of 5 years, and six countries rec-
■■ Organized population-based
screening programmes could
Fig. 4.5.1. A woman undergoing breast cancer screening in Moscow, Russian Federation. be very effective in reducing
health inequalities.
■■ Although nearly all countries
make some degree of
national recommendations for
screening policy, the decision-
making and implementation
are often delegated to lower-
level health authorities.
Table 4.5.1. Breast cancer screening practices in countries in the European Union
Austria 45 69 2 57 Mammography/US
Belgium 50 69 2 33 b
Bulgaria 50 69 – ND Mammography
Croatia 50 69 2 45 Mammography
Czechia 45 69 d
2 70 Mammography
Denmark 50 69 2 72 Mammography
Estonia 50 64 2 46 Mammography
Finland 50 69 2 76 Mammography
France 50 74 2 53 Mammography/CBE
Germany 50 69 2 53 Mammography
Greece 40 49 2 1 Mammography/CBE
> 50 1 – Mammography/CBE
Hungary 45 64 2 56 Mammography
Ireland 50 69 2 74 Mammography
Italy 50 69 2 ND e
Piedmont and Emilia- 45f 49 f 1 ND Mammography
Romagna 50 74 2 ND Mammography
Latvia 50 69 2 34 Mammography
Lithuania 50 69 2 45 Mammography
Luxembourg 50 69 2 60 Mammography
Malta 50 69 3 36 Mammography
Netherlands 50 75 2 80 Mammography
Poland 50 69 2 44 Mammography
Portugal 60 Mammography
Algarve 50 69 2 56 Mammography
Azores 45 74 2 ND Mammography
Other regions 45 69 2 ND Mammography
Slovakia – – – ND Mammography/US
Slovenia 50 69 2 19 Mammography
United Kingdom 50 70 3 84 i
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Table 4.5.2. Cervical cancer screening practices in countries in the European Union
Belgium 25 64 3 37 b
Bulgaria 30 59 3 47
Cyprus 24 65 3 67 Cytology
Estonia 30 59 5 77 Cytology/HPV
Finland 30 c
64 c
5 98 Cytology/HPVc
France 25 64 3 8d Cytology/HPV
Hungary 25 65 3 15 Cytology
Ireland 25 44 3 70 Cytology
45 60 5
Latvia 25 69 3 94 Cytology
Lithuania 25 59 3 78 Cytology/HPV
Malta f
25 35 3 49 Cytology/HPV
Netherlands 30 64 5 95 Cytology/HPV
Poland 25 29 3 98 Cytology/HPV
Co-test 30 59 3
Portugal 25 59 3 19 g Cytology/HPV
Azores 25 64 3 ND Cytology/HPV
Lisbon/Madeira – – – – No programme
Romania 25 64 5 65 Cytology
Slovenia 20 21 1 71 Cytology/HPV
22 64 3
Spain 25 64 3 73 Cytology/HPV
Sweden 23 50 3 81 Cytology/HPV
51 60 5
Azores excluded from attendance. In Portugal, large regional differences can be seen in attendance: North, 34%; Centre, 100%; Alentejo, 57%; Algarve, 13%.
In the United Kingdom, regional differences can be seen in attendance: England, 104%; Northern Ireland, 91%; Scotland, 93%; Wales, 104%.
Fig. 4.5.2. A biomedical scientist in England making an assessment in relation to variations in the three cancer
cellular characteristics in the context of cervical cancer screening. screening programmes.
These substantial differences
may result in inappropriate inter-
ventions, excessive screening,
and overtreatment, or in delayed
provision of appropriate treatment.
The differences certainly result in
a higher disease burden, a lower
quality of life, health inequities,
and increased costs for health and
care systems. For example, there
are countries where cervical can-
cer screening is performed in a
non-organized manner and where,
even though very large numbers of
tests are performed, no appropriate
benefit has been seen in terms of
reduced incidence of and mortal-
ity from cervical cancer [22,23].
Major modifiable barriers to effec-
tive screening programmes are re-
sponsible for the observed differ-
ences [24], and there appears to be
Cytology is the most commonly ences. For example, in France, the
a lack of quantified country-specific
recommended primary screening target population is invited to gFOBT
knowledge on the expected ben-
test in Europe, with human papillo- screening; in Italy, FIT screening is
efits and harms of the policies.
mavirus (HPV)-based follow-up for used, except in some areas in the
In 2014, an international com-
women with minor cytological abnor- north of the country, where sigmoi-
parison was made of screening
malities (atypical squamous cells of doscopy is offered once in a lifetime
policy-making in Europe and glob-
undetermined significance [ASCUS] at age 58–60 years. The target age
ally [25], with a focus on comparing
and low-grade squamous intraepithe- groups also differ substantially: in
these processes with, for example,
lial lesion [LSIL] cytology). However, some countries, screening is con-
those used in the United Kingdom.
there is no consensus on the use of fined to people aged 60–69 years,
The authors found some impor-
cytology or HPV testing as a triage whereas in others it covers a much
tant differences: (i) Although all of
test for a given cytological diagnosis. larger range of at-risk individuals
the countries considered except
Currently, the Netherlands and some (aged 50–74 years).
Spain made some degree of na-
regions of Italy are the only parts of Attendance rates for screen-
tional recommendations for screen-
Europe where HPV-based screening ing programmes based on FOBT
ing policy, the decision-making
is offered [5,10]. range from 8% to 71% in different
and implementation were often
EU countries. Because colorectal
delegated to lower-level health au-
Colorectal cancer cancer screening is currently still
thorities. (ii) Although in the United
For colorectal cancer, the most widely being implemented in many coun-
Kingdom proposals for new screen-
used FOBT is guaiac FOBT (gFOBT), tries, clear guidance on reducing
ing programmes from stakeholder
which is based on a biochemical test inequities is crucial now.
organizations would generally be
that detects haemoglobin in the stool reviewed, considerations for decid-
(Table 4.5.3) [10,13,19–21]. For a Variation in programmes ing which topics to work on varied
gFOBT, dietary restrictions are re- The underlying risk of cancer varies across the countries to a very large
quired before testing, to reduce the across the EU – and, in the case of extent. (iii) Required measures of
number of false positives. For a fae- colorectal cancer, between the sex- effectiveness varied across coun-
cal immunochemical test (FIT), which es. The countries also vary in terms tries, ranging from high-quality evi-
is based on human haemoglobin an- of capacity and organizational re- dence from randomized controlled
tibodies, a special diet is not required sources. Therefore, it would not trials (in the United Kingdom) to
before testing. be appropriate to implement a sin- Grading of Recommendations As
Assessment of the colorectal gle, uniform screening programme sessment, Development and Evalu
cancer screening strategies cur- per cancer type for all countries. ation (GRADE) working groups (in
rently adopted by the 28 EU coun- However, in many instances, there Sweden) to including international
tries reveals remarkable differ- is no plausible reason for the huge consensus (in France); the United
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 4.5.3. Elements of a community-based campaign to encourage colorectal cancer screening, from the Institut Paoli-Calmettes in
Marseille, France.
Kingdom explicitly required con- inequalities. In both study areas, in study in the Netherlands among pa-
sideration of the public pressure the period before the introduction of tients with breast cancer showed that
for widening the inclusion criteria. screening, overall survival was signif- screen detection was a significant in-
(iv) Differences were found in the icantly lower in women with a lower dependent prognostic variable, after
methods for appraising the quality education level than in those with a adjustment for all well-known predic-
of evidence and in the methodolo- higher education level, in both the tive variables, including tumour size,
gies for synthesizing the evidence. younger and older age groups. After lymph node status, and other stage
(v) Differences were found in the the screening programme was fully characteristics [28].
decision-making process itself implemented, the differences in sur- A cross-sectional study in 22
(ranging from voting to decision vival decreased in both age groups European countries using individu-
support systems). and then disappeared completely al-level data from the WHO World
among women in the age group in- Health Survey showed substan-
Health inequalities research vited to screening. These findings tial socioeconomic inequalities in
related to screening suggest that an organized popula- countries with opportunistic screen-
Two studies in Italy showed that the tion-based mammography screen- ing for cervical cancer (comparing
introduction of an organized breast ing programme could be effective highest with lowest education level,
cancer screening programme can in reducing differences in survival relative index of inequality [RII],
have an impact in reducing health in the target population [26,27]. A 1.28; 95% confidence interval [CI],
Table 4.5.3. Colorectal cancer screening practices in countries in the European Union, and in European Council countries outside
of the European Union
Austriaa 40 80 1 61 gFOBT
> 50 10 2 TC
Burgenland 40 80 1 ND FIT
> 50 10 ND TC
Belgium 28
Wallonia–Brussels 50 74 2 6–7 FIT or gFOBT
50 74 10 ND TC
Flemish Region 56 74 2 47–49 FIT
56 74 10 ND TC
Bulgaria 40 60 1 ND FOBT
Croatia 50 74 2 15 gFOBT
Cyprus 50 69 2 ND FIT
Denmark 50 74 2 ND FIT
Estonia b
60 69 2 ND FIT
Germany 50 54 1 19 gFOBT/FIT
≥ 55 2 ND gFOBT/FIT
≥ 55 10 3–4 TC
Greece 50 70 2 8 FOBT/gFOBT
50 70 5 ND TC
Hungary 50 70 2 1 FIT
Ireland 60 c 69 c 2 12 FIT
Italy 50 69 2 29 d
Piedmont 58 60 Once in a lifetime ND FSe
59 69 2 ND FIT
Latvia 50 74 1 11 gFOBT
Luxembourg 55 74 2 ND FIT/TC
Malta 55 66 2 45 FIT
Poland 55 64 ≥ 10 2 TC
Portugal 50 70 2 1 FIT/gFOBT
Romania – – ND –
Slovakia > 50 ND TC
United Kingdom 60 74 2 56 f
England 60 74 2 50–60 gFOBT
Scotland 50 74 2 61–65 gFOBT
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Table 4.5.3. Colorectal cancer screening practices in countries in the European Union, and in European Council countries outside
of the European Union (continued)
Georgia 50 69 2 53 gFOBT
Iceland 55 75 2 84 FOBT
50 59 – ND TC
Monaco 50 80 2 60 FIT
Montenegro 50 74 – 33 FIT
Norway 55 64 2 ND FIT
– 65 FOBT + FS
Russian Federation
Saint Petersburg 48 75 – ND FIT
Kazan/Tatarstan ND FOBT + DRE
Serbia 50 74 2 58 FIT
Turkey 50 69 – 30 FOBT
Ukraine – – – ND ND
DRE, digital rectal examination; FIT, faecal immunochemical test; FOBT, faecal occult blood test; FS, sigmoidoscopy; gFOBT, guaiac faecal occult blood
test; ND, no data available; TC, colonoscopy.
In Austria, a population-based screening programme has been implemented only in the state of Burgenland. In the rest of the country, screening is opportunistic.
In Estonia, the population-based pilot programme started in 2016 among a cohort aged 60 years, with an intended target group of age 60–69 years.
Ireland is planning to extend the target age range to 55–74 years.
In Italy, large regional differences can be seen in attendance: North, 48–52%; Centre, 21–24%; South, 8%; Piedmont (FS + FIT), 17–20%.
In Piedmont, Italy, FIT is offered to individuals aged 59–69 years if they are unwilling to undergo FS. For both FIT and FS together, the attendance is
In the United Kingdom, regional differences can be seen in gFOBT attendance: England, 50–60%; Northern Ireland, 54%; Scotland, 61–65%; Wales, 52–56%.
1.12–1.48) and for breast cancer and the disappearance of this effect compared with breast cancer and
(RII, 3.11; 95% CI, 1.78–5.42) [29], in screened women. cervical cancer screening, may lead
as well as in countries with regional European data on colorectal to substantial inequalities.
programmes. In countries with or- cancer screening are even more lim- The possible reasons for so-
ganized programmes (limited to ited, but in the first 2.6 million invita- cioeconomic differences in partici-
Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, tions in England, there was a clear pation in cancer screening are not
Sweden, and the United Kingdom gradient in screening participation well known. In the United Kingdom
for cervical cancer, and those rates across quintiles of deprivation, Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Screening
countries plus Luxembourg for ranging from 35% in the most de- Trial, at the Scottish centre, 6383
breast cancer), such inequalities prived quintile to 61% in the least de- people responded to a question-
were not found for cervical cancer prived quintile (with an average rate naire about psychosocial and cogni-
(RII, 1.13; 95% CI, 0.92–1.40) or for of 54%) [30]. Multivariate analyses tive factors and interest in screening
breast cancer (RII, 1.03; 95% CI, confirmed an independent effect of [31]. The results showed the predict-
0.88–1.20). An early study in the deprivation, with stronger effects in ed gradient in interest with socio-
Netherlands had found the same women, in older people, and in the economic status, but also showed
positive and unfavourable asso- most ethnically diverse areas. It is that the groups with lower socioeco-
ciation in women not screened for possible that the lower participation nomic status felt at high risk of can-
breast cancer or cervical cancer, rates in colorectal cancer screening, cer and were more worried about
cancer. Therefore, the lesser inter- experience the same inequalities, health inequalities. In patients with
est did not derive from complacen- although evidence is sparse. In breast cancer, it has been shown
cy or lack of concern about cancer. southern Italy, attendance rates for that screen detection is an inde-
In contrast, in the groups with high- breast cancer and cervical cancer pendent favourable prognostic fac-
er socioeconomic status, perceived screening were about 40% for im- tor. Therefore, much effort is still
benefits were higher and perceived migrants [34], and in Norway, regis- needed in the EU to ensure the im-
barriers, fear, and fatalism were try data showed that in immigrants, plementation of high-quality orga-
lower. The authors described these rates of non-adherence to the cer- nized screening programmes with
findings as being consistent with vical cancer screening programme fair attendance rates, provision of
evidence that groups with lower so- were 1.7 times those in the autoch- informed choice, and fair designs,
cioeconomic status are less hope- thonous population [35]. specifically with respect to benefits
ful that behaviour change will yield and harms. Equity should be taken
health gains [32] and more fatalistic Reducing health inequalities into account in all the decision-mak-
about the future [33]. Research shows that achieving ing and implementation processes.
It is likely that immigrant sub- relatively high participation rates
groups in many European countries in cancer screening will reduce
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
class bias, which reflects automatic insurance has been shown to
and unconscious negative attitudes higher in non-Hispanic American
be an effective, low-intensity
towards low-income and minority Indians/Alaska Natives than in non- intervention to reduce cancer
groups and has been shown to neg- Hispanic Whites [4]. disparities in disadvantaged
atively influence patient communica- This chapter focuses on both groups; however, interventions
tion and clinical care [3]. the descriptive epidemiology of that only improve insurance
From 2009 to 2013, the trends cancer disparities in the USA and coverage without ensuring direct
in overall cancer incidence in the the structural and systemic factors pathways to high-quality care will
USA for all cancers combined in that contribute to their persistence. not reduce disparities.
men and women in each racial and ■■ Patient navigation has been
ethnic group were similar in direc- Racial and ethnic shown to improve disease out-
tion to those in the overall popula- disparities comes by overcoming institu-
tion [4]. Also, from 2010 to 2014, The United States Census Bureau tional barriers attributable to the
overall cancer death rates declined defines race as an individual’s difficulty of manoeuvring through
in men and women in all racial and self-identification as Asian, Black, complex and often unresponsive
ethnic groups [4]. These trends Native Hawaiian or another Pacific health-care institutions.
were attributed mostly to reductions Islander, American Indian, Alaska ■■ Recent evidence has shown that
in tobacco use, the contribution of Native, and White. Hispanic origin the most effective interventions
screening to early detection of inva- is considered an ethnicity, and a to reduce disparities in cancer
sive cancer and precursor lesions, person of any race may also iden- outcomes occur when key institu-
and improvements in therapy. tify themselves as Hispanic or tions and leaders in local settings
However, Black men and women Latino. Health disparities research commit to the implementation of
still had the highest cancer mortali- consistently shows racial inequali- multicomponent interventions that
ty rates among all racial and ethnic ties across most health outcomes. target specific barriers to care.
groups, and 5-year relative survival Socioeconomic status contributes
to racial inequalities, but generally enduring inequities that continue cer screening rates, because of recall
residual disparities by race and eth- to be enabled by health systems, bias and social desirability, which has
nicity remain after adjustment for their administrations, and health- been shown to be highest in Blacks
socioeconomic status [5]. care professionals. This direct and and lowest in Hispanics [8].
In 2003, the Institute of Medicine indirect discrimination also leads
published a landmark report on ra- to patient-level attributes that fur-
cial and ethnic disparities in health ther contribute to disparities, such
care in the USA [6]. The report’s as refusing recommended services disparities
conclusions were direct and un- because of mistrust, prior adverse
hesitant. In the USA, racial and eth- experiences, and so on [6].
nic minorities receive less and low- Racial and ethnic disparities in re- In 2017, the United States federal
er-quality health care, for reasons cent cancer screening are shown in government’s poverty level was an
that go beyond lower socioeco- Table 4.6.1. In general, reported can- annual income of US$ 12 140 for a
nomic status and being uninsured cer screening rates are similar be- single individual or US$ 25 100 for
or underinsured. These disparities tween Blacks and Whites but lower in a family of four. In the USA, recent
are attributable to structural racism, Hispanics and Asians [7]. However, cancer screening is strongly asso-
which has its roots in historical and these data overestimate recent can- ciated with a usual source of care,
Table 4.6.1. Prevalence (%) of recent cancer screening examinations among adults in the USA by race and ethnicity, health
insurance coverage, and education level, from the 2015 National Health Interview Survey
% SE % SE % SE % SE % SE % SE % SE % SE % SE % SE
Endoscopyc 63.3 0.7 59.3 1.4 47.6 1.5 44.8 2.6 56.8 0.9 24.0 2.2 45.3 1.4 56.4 1.0 61.6 0.9 68.9 1.0
6.9 0.3 8.0 0.9 7.3 0.8 9.2 1.4 6.2 0.4 4.0 1.1 6.3 0.7 7.1 0.6 7.2 0.6 7.7 0.5
test or 65.4 0.7 61.8 1.4 49.9 1.5 49.4 2.7 59.6 0.9 25.1 2.2 47.4 1.4 58.6 1.0 64.3 0.9 71.3 1.0
within the
50.3 0.8 55.4 1.8 45.7 1.5 47.1 2.6 52.5 0.9 20.9 2.3 38.9 1.8 45.0 1.5 51.2 1.3 57.9 1.1
within the
64.8 0.8 68.8 1.6 60.8 1.6 59.4 2.5 67.8 0.8 30.7 2.4 50.8 1.9 58.0 1.4 65.9 1.2 73.2 1.0
2 years
Pap test f 83.3 0.7 84.8 1.1 77.5 1.2 73.3 2.0 84.4 0.5 60.8 1.7 70.1 1.8 75.4 1.4 84.0 0.9 88.8 0.6
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
a personal health-care provider, Low educational attainment, low units of analysis, and developing
a recommendation from a health- health literacy, and limited English geospatial epidemiological meth-
care professional, and a recent proficiency have been shown to ods to explore the interplay be-
health maintenance visit, each of be negatively correlated with rates tween population characteristics,
which is strongly associated with of recent cancer screening [13]. health resources, social and envi-
having health insurance. Low- Similar to the associations between ronmental barriers, and the influ-
income groups have higher rates of income and recent cancer screen- ence of spatial patterning on social
being uninsured. ing, there is a significant linear re- inequality and disparities [15].
Access to health insurance has lationship between educational at- Modern approaches to medical
improved as a result of the Patient tainment and being adherent with geography recognize that there are
Protection and Affordable Care all cancer screening recommenda- independent and interdependent fac-
Act of 2010 [9,10], which expanded tions (Table 4.6.1) [7]. tors associated with context (place)
eligibility for Medicaid coverage and composition (people) that con-
to those with incomes at or below Health insurance coverage tribute to health disparities [16]. For
138% of the federal poverty level Some of the largest gaps that are example, a review of research on
and provided tax subsidies to low- observed in cancer prevention, ear- the association between segregation
income populations with incomes ly detection, and cancer outcomes and Black–White cancer disparities
too high to qualify for Medicaid. are those between insured and showed a common association be-
However, in 2018 25% of those with uninsured populations. Preliminary tween racial segregation and high-
incomes of 100% to less than 200% data from the 2018 National Health er rates of late-stage diagnosis of
of the poverty level still reported Interview Survey showed that breast cancer and lung cancer after
lacking health insurance [10]. among adults aged 18–64 years, adjustment for socioeconomic status
Lower socioeconomic status is 12.5% had no health insurance, and health insurance coverage [17].
associated with lower rates of cancer 20.0% had public insurance (includ-
screening. Compared with people ing Medicaid), and 69.2% had pri-
Rural–urban disparities
who have incomes above 400% of vate insurance [10]. In the USA, about 46 million people
the federal poverty level, women with Under the Patient Protection and (~14% of the population) live in rural
incomes of less than 139% of the Affordable Care Act, individuals with areas. According to the Pew Research
federal poverty level are less likely private insurance may receive pre- Center (https://www.pewsocialtrends.
to have had a recent mammogram ventive services recommended by org/2018/05/22/what-unites-and-
(58.7% vs 78.8%) or Pap test (75.2% the United States Preventive Services divides-urban-suburban-and-rural-
vs 89.7%), and among both men and Task Force at no cost to the patient, communities/), rural counties are pre-
women, those with incomes of less and this also applies to public insur- dominantly White (79%); compared
than 139% of the federal poverty ance in the 37 states that expanded with cities, rural areas have a higher
level are less likely to have recently access to Medicaid to low-income in- proportion of adults with a high school
been screened for colorectal cancer dividuals. The expansion of Medicaid education or less (51% vs 38%) and
(46.9% vs 70.0%) [11]. eligibility has been associated with a substantially higher proportion of
higher rates of screening for cervical counties in which the poverty rate ex-
Education level ceeds 20% (31% vs 19%), and nearly
cancer and colorectal cancer for low-
In the USA, data on individual and income adults [14]. Adults with health twice as many rural residents (63% vs
family incomes are difficult to obtain insurance report significantly higher 36%) report that access to health care
in research studies on health-care rates of cancer screening compared is a problem. Compared with people
utilization. Given the strong corre- with adults who report that they are who live in metropolitan areas, rural
lation between educational attain- uninsured (Table 4.6.1) [7]. However, residents have higher rates of being
ment, unemployment, occupation, health insurance coverage alone uninsured, have higher rates of smok-
and income, education level has does not guarantee access to high- ing, obesity, and physical inactivity,
been used as a surrogate mea- quality care. and have lower rates of human papil-
sure for an individual’s socioeco- lomavirus (HPV) vaccination and can-
nomic status. Education level also cer screening (Fig. 4.6.2) [18].
is strongly associated with health Geographical disparities
literacy [12]. An assessment of the Geographical disparities in cancer Disparities by state and region
health literacy of adults in the USA outcomes have been documented States and regions of the USA
found that 49% of adults who did since the mid-20th century. More vary in the proportions of men and
not complete high school had a recently, greater attention has women who have incomes below
below basic level of health literacy, been focused on improving the the poverty level, have health in-
compared with 15% of adults with measurement of health disparities surance, have convenient access
a high school diploma and 3% of by examining data from smaller, to health services, have been vac-
adults with a bachelor’s degree [12]. more homogeneous geographical cinated against HPV infection, and
Fig. 4.6.2. Healthy People 2020 objectives related to cancer, including social determinants of health, health risk behaviours,
recommended vaccination against cancer-causing viruses, and recommended cancer screening, by rural versus urban residence.
have access to cancer screening tion of tobacco control policies, such ability in the decline in the breast
and to specialty care if they are diag- as Tobacco 21 (banning the sale of cancer mortality rates in states. In
nosed with cancer [19]. States also tobacco products to people younger the USA, from 1988–1990 to 2013–
vary in the prevalence of obesity and than 21 years) and excise taxes [20]. 2015, the breast cancer mortality
physical activity, in the proportion of Taken together, these factors rate declined by 39% overall, but by
adults who use tobacco and who contribute to considerable variation only 20–29% in 10 states (Fig. 4.6.3)
have access to cessation treatment in cancer incidence and mortality [21]. Similar variability is evident for
coverage, and in spending on to- rates across states and in trends colorectal cancer mortality: from
bacco control and the implementa- over time, as is evident in the vari- 1980–1982 to 2013–2015, the rate
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
declined by 49% overall, but by only the Centers for Disease Control to National Breast and Cervical
12–31% in eight states, of which six collaborate on a fact-finding mis- Cancer Early Detection
also had the smallest reductions in sion in which Dr Harold Freeman of Program
breast cancer mortality [21]. Harlem Hospital Center convened In 1990, the United States Congress
Siegel et al. [22] examined colo- seven fact-finding hearings across passed the Breast and Cervical
rectal cancer mortality rates in the the USA to gather testimony from Cancer Mortality Prevention Act,
USA to assess trends over time low-income people affected by can- which directed the Centers for
from 1970 to 2011 and to identify cer and from clinicians who served Disease Control and Prevention to es-
clusters of significantly higher mor- low-income populations [23,24]. tablish a programme to provide breast
tality rates, designated as hotspots. In its 1989 Report to the Nation, cancer and cervical cancer screen-
The regions with the highest colo- the American Cancer Society de- ing services to low-income women
rectal cancer mortality rates shifted scribed the disproportionate pain, in all states, the District of Columbia,
over the 40-year period from 1970 to suffering, institutional indifference, United States territories, and tribes
2009 (Fig. 4.6.4). Before 1990, the and obstacles faced by low-income or tribal organizations (https://www.
rates were high in the mid-central cancer patients and their families
and north-eastern parts of the USA and issued 10 broad recommenda- Uninsured and underinsured women
and low in the south of the country. tions to reduce inequities in cancer who have incomes at or below 250%
By 2000–2009, there was a more prevention, early detection, and of the federal poverty level and who
homogeneous pattern of similar meet the recommended age require-
treatment, and to reform health-
rates across most of the country, ments (~1 in 10 women) are eligible
care services [23].
with the exception of three distinct for the programme. However, the
There are now annual reports
hotspots: the Lower Mississippi federal government only appropri-
on cancer disparities, and in the de-
Delta, west central Appalachia, and ates enough funding to cover services
cades since 1989, there have been
eastern Virginia/North Carolina. In for a small fraction of eligible women
investments in research, imple-
these three hotspots, the mortality (6.5% for Pap testing and 10.5% for
mentation of interventions such as
rates in 2009–2011 were respec- mammography) [25]. Since 1991, the
patient navigation (Fig. 4.6.5; see
tively 40%, 18%, and 9% higher National Breast and Cervical Cancer
also “Patient navigation”), special
than those in non-hotspot counties. Early Detection Program has served
programmes to increase access
more than 5.4 million women [25]. A
to screening, and policy changes,
Interventions to reduce similar programme exists to increase
such as legislation to increase ac- colorectal cancer screening rates (the
disparities cess to health insurance. Although Colorectal Cancer Control Program;
By the late 1980s, the accumula- these interventions have been ben-
tion of evidence of broad dispari- eficial, they are unable to overcome index.htm), but it covers even fewer
ties in cancer care and outcomes the core underpinnings of systemic eligible people.
led the American Cancer Society, inequality and the lack of universal
the National Cancer Institute, and access to health care in the USA. Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act of 2010
The Patient Protection and Affordable
Fig. 4.6.3. Decline in breast cancer mortality rates from 1988–1990 to 2013–2015, Care Act of 2010 has improved the
by state. quality of health insurance, eliminat-
ed patient costs for recommended
preventive services, and increased
the availability of affordable health
care to millions of Americans [9].
The insurance coverage provisions
went into effect in 2014. The origi-
nal legislation intended that states
would expand Medicaid eligibility
to all individuals with incomes at or
below 138% of the federal poverty
level. However, in 2012, the United
States Supreme Court ruled that
states could reject Medicaid expan-
sion, and as of 2018, 17 states have
not expanded their public insurance
programmes, leaving 4.2 million
non-elderly adults uninsured.
Fig. 4.6.4. Hotspot analysis of county-level colorectal cancer mortality rates during the four decades from 1970 to 2009. Three hotspots
are indicated for 2000–2009: (1) the Lower Mississippi Delta, (2) west central Appalachia, and (3) eastern Virginia/North Carolina.
1990-1999 2000-2009
Although insurance coverage in- groups for which disparities have cancer mortality rate in Blacks, re-
creased substantially, the short pe- persisted are just another inequity sulting in an annual mortality rate in
riod since the beginning of coverage added to the others. A growing Blacks that was nearly the same as
in 2014 and the lags in data avail- emphasis on genetics and person- that in Whites [27]. In San Francisco,
ability limit the ability to measure alized medicine overshadows the California (, and
the impact of new coverage on use persistent failure to ensure that in Chicago, Illinois (www.chicago
of cancer preventive services and disadvantaged groups have equal; see also “The
outcomes. However, a review of 14 access to long-standing, conven- enduring disparity in breast cancer
studies concluded that the Patient tional, evidence-based cancer pre- mortality between Black and White
Protection and Affordable Care Act vention, early detection, and state- women in the USA”), there is a city-
had improved access to cancer of-the-art treatment services. wide commitment to reduce cancer
screening, and especially colorec- National policies can contribute disparities by engaging local health
tal cancer screening, among adults to reducing disparities, but there is systems, local government, com-
who had faced the highest cost bar- an increasing realization that major, munity leaders, and the population.
riers before its passage [26]. enduring change can occur only The knowledge needed to eliminate
when community leaders commit cancer disparities exists; what must
to removing barriers in access to also exist is the national and local
Conclusions high-quality care. A statewide effort commitment to do so.
Despite progress in cancer control in Delaware to eliminate disparities
in most population demographics in colorectal cancer outcomes led
in the USA, smaller gains in the to a 42% reduction in the colorectal
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 4.6.5. The patient navigation (PN) model of the New Hampshire Colorectal Cancer Screening Program (NHCRCSP), showing
inputs, activities, and outcomes. CRC, colorectal cancer; RN, registered nurse; USMSTF, United States Multi-Society Task Force
on Colorectal Cancer; USPSTF, United States Preventive Services Task Force.
Inputs Activities Short-term Outcomes Long-term Outcomes
• Program • Deliver Six Topic Navigation • Reduced missed • Improve coordination • Decrease colorectal
infrastructure & Protocol appointments and continuity of cancer mortality
resources care for primary care
− Engagement, CRC Screening • Reduced late providers and patients • Decrease colorectal
• Trained RN Navigators Education, and Barrier cancellations of cancer incidence
Assessment appointments • Increase clinic-level
• Contracts with health screening rates • Improve state’s
systems and other − Prep Education and Barrier • Improved quality of colorectal cancer
partners Resolution bowel prep • Enhance access to screening rates
− Prep Review and Re-addressing screening and other
• Eligible patients Barriers • Improved completion clinic services • Increase early-stage
enrolled in NHCRCSP of colonoscopy detection
− Assessment of Prep and • Provide complete
Confirmation of Test Day Details • Improved receipt of and timely diagnostic • Reduce colorectal
− Day of Colonoscopy colonoscopy results follow up cancer-related health
by patients disparities
− Follow-up and Patient • Create timely access
Understanding of Results • Improved receipt of to medical treatment
colonoscopy results for persons diagnosed
• Facilitate needed services by primary care with CRC
• Document PN services delivered
• Increase adherence to
• Improved accuracy recall and surveillance
• Track patients
of rescreening/ intervals
• Verify receipt of colonoscopy surveillance intervals
results by patients and primary
care providers
Patient navigation
The first patient navigation pro- Patient navigation has been cancer types included in navigation
grammes in the USA were devel- shown to overcome common barri- programmes. Therefore, a range of
oped by Dr Harold Freeman and ers attributable to poverty, low edu- remaining and new questions are
established at Harlem Hospital cation level and health literacy, lack being addressed.
Center in New York City to reduce of English fluency, poor clinical com- • Which patients need naviga-
disparities in breast cancer care munication, lack of knowledge and tion services? At the National
for low-income Black and Hispanic confidence required to manoeuvre Academies of Sciences, Engi
women [1]. Patient navigation was in a complex health system, lack of neering, and Medicine work-
initially designed to ensure timely insurance and need to access finan- shop on Establishing Effective
follow-up of abnormal screening cial aid, and lack of transportation Patient Navigation Programs in
findings and eliminate delays in di- [2]. A skilled navigator can recog- Oncology [2], there was agree-
agnosis and initiation of treatment. nize and address barriers that may ment that all patients would
The substantial investment in re- exist at the system level, with the probably benefit from some
search funding to further develop clinician, or with the patients them- degree of navigation; how-
this concept has extended naviga- selves, and thus prevent delays in ever, because of the limited
tion programmes to improve rates the receipt of care. resources available to support
of cancer screening; to ensure Although the benefits of patient navigation, it was suggested
timely progress through follow-up navigation are well documented, that programmes should target
of abnormal screening findings, di- there are still some areas where those patients at greatest risk
agnostic evaluation, and initiation the benefit of navigation has yet to for delays in care, and expand
of treatment; and to build trust be- be determined, such as accrual to to cancer types that are not so
tween patients and families and the clinical trials, cost–effectiveness, commonly studied, for example
health-care system. and the expansion of the range of types other than breast cancer.
Reinforced over
time by the patient
access to
ment with
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
The enduring disparity in breast cancer mortality between Black and White
women in the USA
In the USA, there has persistently likely to receive therapy that adheres been associated with higher rates of
been a significantly higher breast to practice guidelines, and are more obesity, diabetes, and hypertension
cancer mortality rate in Black likely to discontinue hormone ther- in Black women, although variation
women than in White women [1]. apy early. The higher rate of being between states is attributable mainly
Past efforts to understand this dis- uninsured and underinsured is as- to differences in access to high-
parity focused on differences in sociated with these health services quality health care. Differences in
socioeconomic status or inherent disparities, as is well-documented these disparities across states prob-
differences in tumour biology; to- poor communication with health- ably account for much of the range
day, the disparity in breast cancer care providers, especially among in breast cancer mortality rate ratios
mortality is better understood as African immigrants. Differences in between Black women and White
complex and multifactorial. Daly breast cancer mortality have also women (Fig. B4.6.2) [1].
and Olopade [2] described racial
disparities in cancer mortality as a
“perfect storm” (in which a combi- Fig. B4.6.2. Mortality rate ratios comparing breast cancer mortality rates in Black
women versus White women in the USA, by state, in 2012–2016. Lighter shaded
nation of circumstances aggravates
bars indicate that mortality rates in Black women and in White women were not
the situation) resulting from the col- statistically different.
lision of tumour biology, genomics,
and health-care delivery patterns.
Differences in tumour biol-
ogy are well documented, includ-
ing higher percentages of hormone
receptor-negative tumours in Black
women, intratumour genetic hetero-
geneity, and a higher rate of triple-
negative disease in Black women
(approximately double the rate in
White women).
Health services research in vari-
ous communities in the USA has re-
vealed disparities in standards of
breast cancer-related care. Among
younger women diagnosed with
breast cancer, Black women are less
likely to report a discussion about
BRCA testing and less likely to un-
dergo BRCA testing compared with
White women, and among carriers
of BRCA mutations, Black women
are significantly less likely to under-
go risk-reducing surgery compared
with White women. Black women
are less likely to have undergone re-
cent mammography screening, are
less likely to have access to high-
quality mammography screening,
and are more likely to experience
a longer duration from abnormal
mammography results to diagnosis,
and from diagnosis to treatment.
Compared with White women, Black
women are more likely to be under-
Black:White mortality rate ratio
treated for breast cancer, are less
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storm: how tumor biology, genomics, and
cancer mortality rates in the USA United States city among 10 stud- health care delivery patterns collide to
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multilevel interventions, such as mortality rate in Black women de- cancer and proposed interventions for
change. CA Cancer J Clin. 65(3):221–
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
traditional social and legal structures, groups tend to have the worst health
and imposes new cultural values, of identifiable ethnic groups; the FUNDAMENTALS
languages, and economic and politi- United Nations report on the state of
cal systems that serve to advantage Indigenous peoples concluded that ■■ There are estimated to be
the colonizing populations [4]. “discrimination against Indigenous 370 million Indigenous people
Through historical and cur- peoples, based on language, race, worldwide, living in more than
rent colonialism, the health of 90 countries.
culture, and identity, is rampant
Indigenous peoples is adversely af- across the Asian states” [2]. ■■ Indigenous peoples are the first
fected by destruction of their lands, Where data are available, Indig peoples of a country or region.
resources, and cultures, typically enous peoples tend to have high They have traditions and social,
resulting in marginalization, loss rates of preventable cancers, re- cultural, economic, and political
of autonomy, lower income levels, lated to tobacco exposure, alcohol characteristics that are distinct
worse living conditions, greater consumption, poor diet, and infec- from those of the new arrivals
food insecurity, and poorer access who later became dominant
tions [2,9,10].
through invasion, occupation,
to health, education, and other ser- The relationships between over- settlement, or other means.
vices [2,5]. These factors are ex- arching historical and contemporary
acerbated by health systems and forces shape the social determi- ■■ Indigenous peoples have a
other systems that generally do not nants of health, in turn influencing special relationship to their
reflect the worldview or practices both factors that enhance health and ancestral lands, seas, and
of Indigenous peoples. Indigenous waterways, and holistic
prevent cancer and those that af-
people may experience discrimina- understandings of health that
fect access to effective health care
are fundamentally important
tion and racism in their everyday (Fig. 4.7.1). These interacting ele- for their cultural and physical
lives and in their encounters with ments all affect cancer outcomes, survival and well-being.
the health system (Fig. 4.7.1) [2,6]. both positively and negatively, in
There is a lack of data relating Indigenous peoples globally. ■■ Colonization has taken differ-
to Indigenous peoples in almost ev- ent forms, involving varying
ery country in which they live; this degrees of violence, dispos-
greatly limits the extent to which in- Preventing cancer in session, dislocation, cultural
equalities in health and in upstream Indigenous peoples oppression, and discrimination.
Each has had impacts on the
determinants of health can be de-
Tobacco exposure social determinants of health
fined, measured, and addressed and on disparities in conditions
[2,7]. The United Nations estimates In several regions of the world,
of daily life experienced by
that about 80% of Indigenous peo- Indigenous populations have high
Indigenous peoples.
ples live in Africa, Asia, and Latin rates of exposure to tobacco [10–
America, but very little detailed 15]. In Australia, Canada, and New ■■ Colonization and systemic
information is available about the Zealand, the prevalence of smoking racism drive health inequities
is declining in all populations, but by the establishment of, and
health status of these peoples. For
despite that, Indigenous peoples perpetuation of, forces and
Indigenous and minority peoples in
systems, social norms, social
high-income countries like Australia, still have smoking rates that are
policies, and political systems
Canada, and the USA, there is not 2–3 times those of non-Indigenous
that serve to advantage the
necessarily better reporting or mea- peoples [11,12,14]. This pattern is colonizing populations.
surement of health outcomes. For also seen in the USA and in some
example, in Canada, authors have regions of Latin America, although ■■ The cancer burden and,
the differences between Indigenous more generally, the health
described “the absence of relevant,
and non-Indigenous populations of Indigenous peoples are
consistent, and inclusive Indigenous
significantly affected by the
identifiers in core population health vary [10,13].
broader social, political, and
data sources” [8]. As a result, rates of tobacco-re- economic environments as well
Despite this lack of data, it is lated cancers, particularly lung can- as by the legacy of colonization
clear from the existing literature cer, tend to be higher in Indigenous and racism.
that Indigenous peoples frequent- peoples [9,16]. For example, in New
ly face the double burden of high Zealand, the risk of lung cancer in ■■ Indigenous peoples must
be involved in the design,
rates of infectious diseases and a Māori is 3–4 times that in non-Māori
implementation, monitoring, and
rapidly increasing burden of non- [16]. However, it is also worth noting
quality improvement processes
communicable diseases, including that tobacco holds a sacred place of all policies related to health
cancer, as well as poor access to in the culture of some Indigenous (including the determinants of
health services [2]. For example, in populations and is used in traditional health) and to the elimination of
Asia, where there are massively di- rituals and ceremonies, although it is inequities in health care.
verse Indigenous populations, these not necessarily smoked or inhaled.
In the USA, some tobacco compa- colonization, which has had serious Indigenous populations. In some re-
nies historically appealed to these long-term effects on the health of gions, marginalized people in gen-
cultural connections to encourage Indigenous Australians [18]. eral, and Indigenous peoples in par-
the use of tobacco among Native ticular, tend to have higher or more
Americans [17]. In Australia, to- Alcohol consumption hazardous alcohol consumption; ex-
bacco was used by early colonists Alcohol consumption is related to amples are the Scheduled Tribes in
as payment for labour or as govern- several cancer types, including some regions of India and Indigenous
ment-funded rations – along with breast cancer, liver cancer, colorec- peoples in Australia and Canada
flour, tea, and sugar – to encour- tal cancer, oral cancer, and stomach [12,14,19,20]. In New Zealand and the
age Indigenous people to remain in cancer (see Chapter 2.3). Patterns of USA, Indigenous people and non-
White settlements. The underlying alcohol consumption vary marked- Indigenous people are similarly likely
sentiment of that time was one of ly around the world, including in to consume alcohol, but Indigenous
people are more likely to have a con-
sumption pattern that is hazardous to
Fig. 4.7.2. A woman from the Tupi–Guarani tribe in Brazil smoking tobacco in a pipe. their health [13,21].
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 4.7.3. A Mayan woman selling fruits and vegetables at a market in San Cris B virus infection, which increases
tób al, Mexico. the risk of primary liver cancer, re-
main higher in Indigenous people in
Australia and New Zealand, and in
the Inuit of Canada, although infec-
tion rates are generally declining as
a result of successful vaccination
programmes [33–36]. In general,
rates of infections including HIV, zo-
onotic infections, and tuberculosis
tend to be high in Indigenous popu-
lations in Africa and Asia [2].
In parts of Africa and Asia,
Indigenous peoples have higher
rates of HIV infection than other
groups because of a range of fac-
tors, which are compounded by the
fact that many of the Indigenous
peoples live in remote and hard-
to-reach places, making access to
health care extremely difficult. HIV
infection is associated with sev-
eral cancer types, including Kaposi
sarcoma and B-cell lymphomas.
Although very few data exist on
Patterns of physical activity Chronic infections these populations, it is likely that
are highly variable, and few coun- Infection with human papillomavirus the rates of these associated can-
tries measure the physical activity (HPV) is common in many coun- cer types are also high in these
of their Indigenous populations. In tries, and generally does not seem Indigenous populations [2].
those countries that do report this, to occur with substantially greater
the picture is a mixed one, with frequency in Indigenous popula- Environmental degradation
some countries reporting similar tions, although the specific patterns Loss and degradation of land and
or mixed levels of physical activ-
vary between countries [10,24–26]. resources are critical determinants
ity between Indigenous and non- Despite this, rates of cervical can- of health for Indigenous populations
Indigenous peoples [14,21], and cer are often higher in Indigenous around the globe. These factors re-
some countries suggesting that people, probably reflecting poorer sult in disempowerment, political
Indigenous peoples may be more access to screening and other marginalization, and loss of au-
likely to be sedentary [12,13]. health services [9,10,27,28]. tonomy, which have impacts on all
Consistent with patterns globally, In contrast, rates of oncogenic aspects of health and well-being. In
rates of overweight and obesity are infections that are strongly related addition to these broad considera-
tending to increase in Indigenous to poverty and overcrowding tend to tions, there are many examples of
populations; however, the increases be substantially higher in Indigenous environmental damage that poten-
are tending to occur more rapidly people. An example is Helicobacter tially has a direct impact on cancer
and more severely in Indigenous pylori, an important cause of stom- risk in Indigenous peoples.
populations in many countries, in- ach cancer (see Chapter 5.4). Environmental contamination
cluding Canada, the USA, Australia, Infection with H. pylori is strongly has been associated with concerns
New Zealand, and countries in related to overcrowding, particu- about increased risk of cancer in
several regions of Latin America larly in childhood. Rates of H. pylori some Indigenous groups in the west-
[10,12–14,23]. A recent study in New infection in Indigenous people are ern USA, through contamination of
Zealand showed that although to- 2–3 times those in non-Indigenous water and soil with cadmium, arse-
bacco-related cancers remained the people in both Australia and New nic, uranium, and other heavy met-
main driver of inequalities in cancer Zealand, and very high prevalence als [37]. Similarly, oil drilling in the
incidence between Māori and non- rates of H. pylori infection have been Amazon basin of Ecuador caused
Māori, rates of obesity-related can- found in Indigenous populations in continuous contamination, which
cers, including breast cancer and Canada, the USA, the circumpolar may have resulted in higher cancer
endometrial cancer, were increasing region, and Latin America [29–32]. incidence in local Indigenous popu-
the most rapidly [16]. Similarly, rates of chronic hepatitis lations [38]. However, the starkest
Fig. 4.7.4. Two members of the Nunukul Yuggera Aboriginal Dance Company perform ally. They often face political and
at the opening ceremony of the inaugural World Indigenous Cancer Conference, held social isolation, prejudice, and
in Australia in 2016. poverty. These influence their
health and quality of life, and are
reflected in issues across the can-
cer continuum. The current state
of Indigenous health is the direct
result of past policies related to
colonization [2,4,5,41]. Data relating
to Indigenous people are scarce.
Indigenous people are more likely
to be exposed to risk factors for
many cancer types, and for many
Indigenous groups there are sub-
stantial barriers to accessing cancer
services and other health services.
Indigenous peoples have rich,
holistic, complex, and heteroge-
neous worldviews, which are cen-
tral to their health and well-being.
Article 24 of the United Nations
Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples clearly articu-
lates that Indigenous peoples have
the right to the highest attainable
example of environmental contami- was 26 percentage points lower for
standard of health. Signatories are
nation was seen after the nuclear Indigenous women than for non-In-
obliged to take action to improve
testing in the Pacific. Testing by the digenous women (41.8% vs 68.3%)
the health of Indigenous peoples
USA on Bikini Atoll in the Marshall [27]. In New Zealand, participation
within their countries. This means
Islands in 1954 was “the most se- rates in screening for breast can-
actively identifying and address-
rious episode of radioactive con- cer, colorectal cancer, and cervical
cancer have improved for Māori over ing social, economic, and political
tamination in the history of nuclear
time but still remain lower than rates structural barriers, which hinder the
weapons testing” [39]. It resulted attainment of equitable health for
in a continuing excess of thyroid for non-Māori [16]. In Canada and
the USA, there are smaller differ- Indigenous peoples.
cancer and other cancer types in Improving cancer outcomes for
the local Indigenous population, ences in rates for breast cancer and
cervical cancer screening between Indigenous peoples requires that
as well as massive pollution of the achieving equity is a central prior-
marine ecosystem. Nuclear test- Indigenous and non-Indigenous
women, and in general screen- ity and that all action must have
ing by France in the Moruroa and Indigenous leadership, participa-
ing rates are improving [13,14]. In
Fangataufa atolls has also resulted tion, and decision-making at its
low- and middle-income countries
in continuing high rates of thyroid core [2,5]. It must include improve-
throughout Africa, Asia, and the
cancer in the Indigenous popula- ment of data related to Indigenous
Pacific region, screening services
tions of French Polynesia [40]. peoples, including Indigenous iden-
are frequently poorly coordinated, of
low quality, or completely absent for tifiers, which will enable Indigenous
Cancer screening peoples to identify and prioritize
many Indigenous people.
Effective cancer screening can re- their health needs [7,42]. There is
duce both the incidence and the im- an urgent need for comprehensive,
pact of cancer (see Chapter 6.6), but How cancer outcomes in sustained efforts to improve can-
services may not meet the needs Indigenous peoples may cer outcomes for Indigenous peo-
of Indigenous peoples. In Australia, be improved ples, grounded in the principles of
Whop et al. found that 3-year partici- Indigenous people are among the Indigenous autonomy and empow-
pation in cervical cancer screening most marginalized peoples glob- erment (Fig. 4.7.5).
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 4.7.5. Framework for intervention to improve cancer outcomes among Indigenous peoples.
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Prevention offers the greatest public been enthusiastically promoted by sociocultural norms, risk factor pat-
health potential and the most cost- the European cancer associations. terns, cancer burden, and the state
effective long-term cancer control. The ECAC also acts as a guide to of development of health systems.
However, with today’s multiple media aid in the development of national These differences underscore the
streams, the general public is often health policies in cancer preven- importance of an in-depth appraisal
overwhelmed by an abundance of tion and provides an important ba- of the recommendations on primary
confusing, ambiguous, or apparently sis for health promotion. However, and secondary prevention of cancer
contradictory messages on disease for the ECAC to achieve its full im- in other regions of the world.
prevention. It has been estimated pact, wider dissemination among The adapted Codes Against
that at least 40% of cancer cases both the general public and policy- Cancer will offer exceptional public
could be prevented through actions makers is needed, as well as period- health tools to support governments
targeted towards risk prevention at ic updates. The ECAC emphasizes in the implementation of cancer con-
the individual or population level. that its 12 recommendations need trol strategies adapted to the local
What can we recommend to people to be aligned with population-level needs, priorities, and resources.
to reduce their risk of cancer? preventive actions, either supported Consideration of such an adapted
The European Code Against by policies aimed at minimizing ex- model illustrates why a simple trans-
Cancer (ECAC) is an integrated posures that are beyond the control lation of the ECAC would not be suf-
multirisk instrument for cancer pre- of individuals or by empowering in- ficient to promote cancer prevention
vention that informs the general dividuals to enable them to comply globally. In addition, support from
public about how to avoid or reduce with the recommendations. authoritative regional leaders in can-
exposures to established causes of The experience of developing cer prevention and in cancer control
cancers, to adopt behaviours to re- and promoting the ECAC has gen- enables regional ownership of the
duce cancer risk, and to participate erated interest in developing such recommendations, and may help to
in vaccination programmes and or- a set of recommendations for oth- secure the highest acceptance and
ganized screening programmes ac- er regions of the world. Under the uptake, both by the general public
cording to the respective national overall umbrella of a World Code and by those working in the health
guidelines, by following 12 recom- Against Cancer using the same system. Broad involvement of the
mendations [1]. The ECAC carries IARC methodology, regional Codes scientific community and of civil so-
the authority of the leading expert Against Cancer would be devel- ciety networks to ensure the most
scientists, who worked under the co- oped. They would focus on regions suitable dissemination and advoca-
ordination of IARC to develop a rig- sufficiently large but also distinct cy is key for the successful imple-
orous evidence-based methodology enough to merit the development of mentation of the recommendations.
to synthesize the scientific evidence, versions adapted to differences in
leading to the update of the ECAC risk factors and cancer patterns, as References
(4th edition) in 2014. Several work- well as economic, social, and cul-
1. Schüz J, Espina C, Villain P, Herrero R,
ing groups of cancer experts and, tural conditions [2]. Leon ME, Minozzi S, et al.; Working Groups
importantly, experts in the commu- The main goal of developing re- of Scientific Experts (2015). European
nication of health messages worked gional Codes Against Cancer would Code Against Cancer 4th edition: 12
together to revise the previous rec- be to raise awareness about risk ways to reduce your cancer risk. Cancer
Epidemiol. 39(Suppl 1):S1–10. https://
ommendations. As a result, the factors and the available preven- /10.1016/ j.c anep. 2015.0 5.0 0 9
ECAC stands out among other initia- tion measures by effectively com- PMID:26164654
tives for its clarity and accessibility municating the current state of the
as a short set of recommendations science and, as a consequence, 2. Espina C, Herrero R, Sankaranarayanan R,
Krug E, Wild CP, Schüz J (2018). Toward
for the general public. empowering individuals and commu- the World Code Against Cancer. J Glob
The messages of the ECAC nities. Other world regions differ from Oncol. (4):1–8.
are aimed at individuals and have the European context in terms of JGO.17.00145 PMID:30241265
2 Make your home smoke free. Support smoke-free policies in your workplace.
4 Be physically active in everyday life. Limit the time you spend sitting.
6 If you drink alcohol of any type, limit your intake. Not drinking alcohol is better
for cancer prevention.
7 Avoid too much sun, especially for children. Use sun protection. Do not use
9 Find out if you are exposed to radiation from naturally high radon levels in your
home. Take action to reduce high radon levels.
10 For women:
Breastfeeding reduces the mother’s cancer risk. If you can, breastfeed your baby.
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) increases the risk of certain cancers.
Limit use of HRT.
The European Code Against Cancer focuses on actions that individual citizens can take to help prevent cancer.
Successful cancer prevention requires these individual actions to be supported by governmental policies and actions.
Find out more about the European Code Against Cancer at:
This project is co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by the specialized cancer agency of the
World Health Organization, the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
5 Preventing particular
tumour types
Cancer is not a single disease but a multi- sporadic disease and detection of precan-
plicity of variously related diseases. This un- cerous lesions. Screening procedures can
derstanding is as applicable and relevant to be meaningfully explored only with respect
cancer prevention as it is to the clinical man- to particular cancer sites. For many cancer
agement of cancer. Broad knowledge about types, there are no recognized population-
cancer causation, development, detection, based screening procedures. However, suc-
and avenues to prevention must be qualified cess with respect to any research aspect of
according to the tumour type or subtype be- tumour development or a preventive measure
ing considered. Descriptions of causation and for one tumour type often indicates a possi-
prevention cannot be given uniformly for all ble way to approach the same challenge for
cancer types. For example, exogenous caus- at least one other tumour type and perhaps
es of prostate cancer are not evident; for now, many other tumour types.
prevention of prostate cancer must focus on
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Lung cancer
Continues to be the leading cause
of cancer death
Rayjean J. Hung Joanna Didkowska (reviewer)
Adi F. Gazdar Mattias Johansson (reviewer)
silica, several heavy metals, and ra-
out. Some molecular changes over time correspond to the trends don (see Chapter 2.10). In addition,
provide druggable targets. in incidence rates. indoor air pollution from household
●● Lung cancer in never-smokers combustion of solid fuel and cooking
is a specific disease entity. Etiology fumes in poorly ventilated homes was
established as a lung carcinogen,
●● Lung cancer screening by low- Carcinogens predominantly on the basis of studies
dose computed tomography The major cause of lung cancer is in female never-smokers in Asia (see
in high-risk populations repre- tobacco smoking (see Chapter 2.1), Chapter 4.3). More recently, outdoor
sents an opportunity for mortal- which is responsible for 80–85% of air pollution, particulate matter in out-
ity reduction, but its efficiency lung cancer cases worldwide; tobac- door air pollution, and one specific
will be improved by individual co smoke contains more than 7000 pollutant – diesel engine exhaust –
risk prediction. chemicals and at least 69 carcino- have each been classified by the
gens, including polycyclic aromatic IARC Monographs as carcinogenic
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.1.1. Global distribution of estimated age-standardized (World) incidence rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for lung
cancer (A) in men and (B) in women, 2018.
tions have identified multiple Asian- nant mutations in adenocarcinomas
specific lung cancer susceptibility Comprehensive genomic charac- arising in patients in Europe and
loci, such as ROS1, along with sev- terizations were conducted by the North America, of which about 85%
eral loci in common with those found Cancer Genome Atlas Research were ever-smokers (Fig. 1.5.3A).
in European descendants, such as Network for lung adenocarcino- TP53 mutations occurred in 46%
TERT-CLPTM1L. A detailed list of ma and squamous cell carcinoma of adenocarcinomas [29] and in al-
lung cancer susceptibility loci in both [28,29]. Both tumour types showed most all squamous cell carcinomas,
European and Asian populations is a very high average tumour muta- along with a variety of activating mu-
included in a recent review [26]. tion burden of about 8–9 somatic tations, although none at very high
Data on the African American popu- mutations per megabase. In ade- frequencies [28]. Biallelic inactiva-
lation are currently limited to a single nocarcinoma, mutations in KRAS tion of TP53 and RB1 appears to be
study, which confirmed the asso- were mutually exclusive with those a universal feature of SCLC [30]. All
ciation of the CHRNA5 and TERT- in EGFR. EGFR mutations were the three of these types of lung tumours
CLPTM1 loci with lung cancer [27]. main mutations in adenocarcinoma have marked genomic complexity,
Fig. 5.1.2. Age-standardized (World) incidence rates per 100 000 person-years by calendar year in selected countries for lung
cancer (left) in men and (right) in women, circa 1978–2012.
including rearrangements and copy are classified by the most common subtype, which is less well differenti-
number variations. subtype present [31]. ated, is the presence or absence of
The mutation spectra shown in The adenocarcinoma in situ visible keratin on histological exami-
Fig. 5.1.3 are markedly different by subtype is characterized by lepidic nation. No other molecular features
histological type, suggesting that (scale-like) growth along existing al- have been described that separate
they may arise via very different veolar walls without underlying tissue these two common subtypes. The
molecular pathways. In addition, invasion. The papillary subtype has basaloid subtype has cells that are
spatial and temporal intratumour fibrovascular cores, which distinguish morphologically similar to those
heterogeneity in the processes of it from the micropapillary subtype. found in the basal layer of the large
genomic instability is an active new The acinar subtype is frequent and airways and that have a specific
area of research, with potential val- has gland formation as its hallmark mRNA expression profile [33]. The
ue as a prognostic predictor. The feature. These three subtypes have mutation spectrum for squamous cell
morphological and molecular fea- frequent EGFR mutations. The solid
carcinoma is shown in Fig. 5.1.3C.
tures of the main histological sub- with mucin subtype is poorly differen-
types are described below. tiated and is associated with KRAS Small cell lung carcinoma
mutations or translocations in ALK,
Adenocarcinoma SCLCs are aggressive carcinomas
ROS, RET, and NTRK. The recently
that originate from neuroendocrine
Adenocarcinomas have more mor- recognized micropapillary subtype
phological heterogeneity than other lacks fibrovascular cores and may cells in the bronchial epithelium. Only
types of lung cancer; a uniform ter- contain ALK or HER2 mutations. two SCLC subtypes are recognized:
minology was recently proposed Mucinous carcinomas, although not pure SCLCs and combined SCLCs.
and has been widely accepted an official subtype, are relatively rare Combined SCLCs have a non-SCLC
[31,32]. The new subtypes, along and have frequent KRAS mutations. (NSCLC) component that consists of
with their major morphological fea- at least 10% of the tumour [34].
tures and the presence of frequent Squamous cell carcinoma
gene mutations, are summarized Squamous cell carcinoma has three
Epigenetics of lung cancer
in Table 5.1.1 and illustrated in subtypes: keratinizing, non-keratiniz- The epigenetic landscape of lung
Fig. 5.1.4. However, most adeno- ing, and basaloid. The morphological cancer commences early during
carcinomas are composed of more difference between the keratinizing pathogenesis and consists of two
than one subtype, and the tumours subtype and the non-keratinizing major components: methylation and
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.1.3. Mutation spectra by histological type of lung cancer, showing the percent- histone modifications (see Chapter
age of samples with a mutation detected by automated analysis. “Unknown” refers 3.8) [35].
to potentially druggable mutations and excludes tumour recessive genes including Global hypomethylation is a com-
TP53. (A) Mutation pattern of adenocarcinomas arising in patients in Europe and North
America, of which about 85% were ever-smokers. (B) Mutation pattern of adenocar-
mon feature of cancer. Smoking-
cinomas in Asian never-smokers. (C) Mutation pattern of squamous cell carcinomas. related hypomethylation measured
(D) Mutation pattern of small cell lung carcinomas. in pre-diagnostic blood samples
was shown to be associated with in-
creased risk of lung cancer, and the
A TP53 46
most consistently replicated change
KEAP1 17 was in the AHRR gene [36]. DNA
EGFR 14 hypermethylation, mainly in the pro-
NF1 11
moter region, is a major mechanism
RBM10 8 for the silencing of tumour suppres-
ARID1A 7 sor genes, although it may also oc-
cur in the body of the gene, where
SMARCA4 6 it may result in gene activation.
RB1 4 Several hundred genes are methyl-
UNKNOWN 42 ated in lung cancers, and the best
studied and most frequently methyl-
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
ated genes are listed in Table 5.1.2.
Methylation results in inactivation
of one allele, and the other allele is
TP53 30 usually deleted.
ALK 6 In addition to methylation, many
HER2 4 covalent modifications can occur
KRAS 3 on the N-terminal tail that protrudes
ROS 1 from each of the four histone pro-
teins. Histone modifications target
many key tumour suppressor genes.
The major histone changes that
characterize NSCLC are listed in
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Table 5.1.2.
Although most epigenetic studies
C TP53 81 of lung cancer focus on NSCLC, the
MLL2 20 epigenetics of SCLC has both simi-
PIK3CA 16 larities and differences with NSCLC.
CDKN2A 15 In particular, EZH2, a master regula-
NFE2L2 15 tor of transcription that affects DNA
KEAP1 12 methylation via upregulation of DNA
NOTCH1 8 methyltransferases, is upregulated
in many cancer types, including
SCLC, where it plays a major role
RB1 7
in tumour progression and is asso-
ciated with poor prognosis. These
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 findings have led to widespread ef-
forts to therapeutically target EZH2.
D TP53 98
The genetic and epigenetic somatic
RB1 91
KIAA1211 26 alterations of lung cancer have re-
NOTCH GENES 25 cently been reviewed [37].
COLO22A1 14 Lung cancer in
RBL1 6 Lung cancer in never-smokers is
KIT 6 a specific disease entity, because
there are significant differences in eti-
ology and clinical characteristics be-
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
tween lung cancer in never-smokers
Fig. 5.1.4. Morphological features of adenocarcinoma subtypes: (A) adenocarcinoma in situ, (B) acinar, (C) solid with mucin,
(D) papillary, (E) micropapillary, and (F) mucinous.
Table 5.1.1. Lung adenocarcinoma subtypes, growth patterns, and frequent gene mutations
Solid with mucin Predominantly solid with focal mucin production KRAS, ALK
versus ever-smokers. For example, mutation landscape, burden, and smokers. However, in populations
adenocarcinomas are more preva- affected genes; TP53 is the most where the prevalence of smoking is
lent in never-smoker patients with extensively documented gene [39]. low, an increasing proportion of lung
lung cancer [38]. In addition, lung Other features that distinguish lung cancer occurs in never-smokers and
cancers in never-smokers have cancer in never-smokers and ever- former smokers.
different somatic characteristics smokers, such as methylation pat-
(Fig. 5.1.3). Most notably, never- terns, have also been reported [39]. Screening
smoker patients with lung cancer The National Lung Screening Trial
have a lower prevalence of KRAS in the USA reported that the low-
mutations and a higher prevalence
Prevention and mortality dose computed tomography (LDCT)
of EGFR mutations and show longer reduction screening reduced the lung cancer
survival after treatment with EGFR Currently, the best hopes for reduc- mortality by 20% in former and cur-
inhibitors than do ever-smokers. ing lung cancer mortality are pre- rent smokers who were eligible to
Overall, there are extensive differ- venting smoking through effective be screened, based on age (age
ences between smokers and never- tobacco control and promoting suc- 55 years to 74 or 80 years) and his-
smokers with regard to the tumour cessful smoking cessation in current tory of tobacco smoking (at least
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Table 5.1.2. Frequent abnormalities of genes involved in the epigenetic regulation of lung cancers
30 pack-years of smoking, or have are now considering implement- approve LDCT screening for insur-
smoked within the past 15 years). ing LDCT lung cancer screening at ance coverage.
This presented an appealing comple- the population level, and the United Currently, in the USA most of the
mentary strategy for reducing lung States Preventive Services Task screening recommendations provid-
cancer mortality through detection of ed by health agencies are derived
Force has issued the Grade B rec-
early-stage lung cancer, which is still from the National Lung Screening
potentially curable by surgical resec- ommendation for LDCT screening.
Trial eligibility criteria based on age
tion [40]. Since 2015, several major health and history of tobacco smoking, and
As a result, many public health insurance programmes in the USA, a recent National Comprehensive
agencies and medical institutions including Medicare, have started to Cancer Network Category 2 recom-
mendation also included family his-
tory and non-tobacco risk factors to
Fig. 5.1.5. A man undergoing lung cancer screening at the University of Connecticut
Health Center, USA. improve the screening criteria [41].
However, studies have shown that
applying individual risk probabili-
ty-based screening criteria could
prevent more lung cancer deaths
and reduce the number needed to
screen to prevent one lung cancer
death [42]. Although substantial ef-
forts have been made to establish
lung cancer risk prediction models
based on personal health and ex-
posure history [43], lung cancer re-
searchers are now working towards
integrating individual molecular pro-
files to improve risk prediction.
The development of biomarkers for
early detection of lung cancer is an
active research area, which encom- reported biomarker panels was re- better identify individuals who are at
passes a wide range of biomarker cently published [46]. high risk of lung cancer and should
research, including markers and me- In terms of epigenetic mark- be recommended for LDCT screen-
tabolites that could be found in the ers, in addition to methylation and ing. To yield an optimal predictive
various biological fluids, particularly histone modification as mentioned performance for early detection of
circulating blood, urine, or sputum. above, microRNAs and long non- lung cancer, one can consider mul-
The main types of circulating bio- coding RNAs are also potential epi- tiple layers of data, including epide-
markers are protein-based markers, genomic biomarkers. In particular, miological and clinical information
metabolites, autoantibodies from hu- several previous studies have shown and an individual’s molecular pro-
moral immune response, epigenetic a promising predictive performance files; this aligns with the concept of
markers, and circulating tumour DNA. of multi-microRNA panels [47], al- precision medicine (Fig. 5.1.6) [52].
Although most of the biomarkers though the sample sizes tend to be It is anticipated that biomarkers
have failed to be replicated in inde- limited and external validation in in- may also help to differentiate ma-
pendent studies, several promising dependent studies is still required. lignant nodules from benign ones.
biomarkers have been established In addition to blood-based bio- The challenge is to establish a pan-
across multiple prospective cohort markers, another type of biomarker el that would be applicable in the
studies. For example, plasma level of for early detection of lung cancer clinical setting and remain cost-ef-
pro-surfactant protein B was shown focuses on the gene expression fective for the health-care system.
to be an independent predictor of profile of the airway epithelium,
lung cancer risk based on a pan-Ca- based on the theory of field of in- Nodule malignancy
nadian screening programme and jury and field cancerization [48,49]. For individuals who undergo LDCT
the Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Finally, given the known association screening, about 15–20% of chest
Trial, after adjusting for demograph- between chronic obstructive pulmo- scans detect non-calcified pulmo-
ic factors and lung cancer risk fac- nary disease and risk of lung cancer, nary nodules. However, the National
tors [44]. It has become clear that a previous studies have evaluated the Lung Screening Trial reported that
panel of multiple biomarkers, rather added predictive performance of only 1 in 20 nodules detected by
than any single marker, would be lung function [50,51]. LDCT screening are actually lung
needed to improve risk prediction Biomarker research for early de- cancers [40]. To address this issue,
[45]. A succinct review of various tection of lung cancer can help to several clinical probability models
Information Commons
Knowledge Network
identification Treatment
New molecular taxonomic classification
of patients by biomarkers
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
were proposed to improve the as- ture extraction, the analytical meth- sis, perhaps because the NSCLC
sessment of nodules, and use of the ods vary greatly across studies, and component is resistant to cytotoxic
Lung CT Screening Reporting and proper validation is still required for therapies. Adenocarcinoma in situ
Data System (Lung-RADS) classi- robust reproducibility. Therefore, it usually has an excellent prognosis
fication of the American College of is currently considered premature if it is completely resected, even if
Radiology was shown to substantial- to implement radiomics as part of small foci of invasion are present
ly decrease the false-positive rate, the routine diagnostic process. (microinvasive carcinomas).
with a moderate reduction in sensi- Despite the growing number of
tivity [53]. However, currently there mutations that continue to be iden-
Prognosis and targeted
is still a wide range of clinical proto- tified, only a few somatic mutations
cols for how patients with pulmonary
treatment can be used for targeted therapy,
nodules detected on LDCT screen- Lung cancer survival remains dis- such as EGFR mutation, ROS1 fu-
ing are managed, and the diagnostic mal, with 5-year survival rates of sion, and ALK translocation; more
evaluation of suspicious abnormali- only 10–20% in most parts of the recently, immunotherapy agents
ties can range from watchful waiting world [55,56]. The stage at diagnosis have been developed that target
and monitoring to needle biopsy and is a major determinant of lung can- programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) pro-
pulmonary resection. cer prognosis; 5-year survival rates tein. A range of other targeted and
In response to the need to dif- range from 50–70% for diagnosis immunotherapy trials are currently in
ferentiate between benign and at stage I to 1–5% for diagnosis at progress, with the hope of improving
malignant nodules, radiomics has stage IV, because surgical resec- treatment response based on the
emerged as a field of study. Radio tion at an early stage is still the most principle of precision medicine. A
mics is the analysis of high-dimen- effective treatment [55]. However, complete review has been provided
sional imaging data, focusing on fewer than 20% of patients are diag- by the International Association for
the extraction of quantitative vari- nosed at stage I, and most are diag- the Study of Lung Cancer [57].
ables from radiographic features for nosed at stage IIIB or IV [55]; hence, In summary, lung cancer com-
subsequent agnostic data mining early detection is important. prises very different types and sub-
[54]. This field has shown promise The clinical outcome varies by types, which affect the strategies
to better differentiate nodules with histological type. SCLC is the most for prevention, early detection, di-
malignant potential. However, there aggressive type, and combined agnosis, and clinical management.
is no standardized process of fea- SCLC may have a worse progno-
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Head and neck cancers originate ynx (upper part), oropharynx (middle
SUMMARY from squamous cells located in the part, including the soft palate, uvula,
mucosal epithelium inside the head the base of the tongue, the tonsils,
●● Worldwide, head and neck can- and neck. They can also begin in tonsillar pillars, and oropharyngeal
cer is the seventh most com- the salivary glands, but cancers of wall), and hypopharynx (lower part);
mon cancer overall (the fifth the salivary glands are relatively (iii) larynx: located below the pharynx,
most common in men and the uncommon [1]. including the supraglottic and infra-
12th most common in women), Head and neck cancers are fur- glottic areas, with the vocal cords in
accounting for an estimated ther classified by the anatomical the middle; (iv) nasal cavity and para-
888 000 new cases in 2018. area in which they arise (Fig. 5.2.1): nasal sinuses; and (v) salivary glands.
(i) oral cavity: lips, front two thirds of Within these major anatomical
●● In the past 15 years, strong
the tongue, hard palate, mucosa in- areas, the head and neck can be fur-
evidence has accumulated that
side the cheeks, gums, and floor of ther subdivided into at least 14 sub-
infection with certain human
the mouth; (ii) pharynx: nasophar- sites, according to the International
papillomaviruses (HPVs) is eti-
ologically involved in a subset
of head and neck cancers, par- Fig. 5.2.1. Major anatomical areas within the head and neck.
ticularly oropharyngeal cancer.
●● HPV-related oropharyngeal
cancers differ from those that
are non-HPV-related, in terms
of epidemiological, clinical, and
molecular characteristics. HPV-
related cases of oropharyngeal
cancer have better survival than
non-HPV-related cases.
●● The main carcinogenic process
in HPV-related head and neck
cancers is through the action
of viral oncoproteins: E6 affects
p53 and E7 affects retinoblasto-
ma, disrupting these pathways.
●● HPV vaccination is a potential
tool for prophylaxis of HPV-
related head and neck cancers.
There are promising new po-
tential screening and monitor-
ing biomarkers, such as HPV16
E6 serology.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
cavity cancer. In 2018, India was were even more remarkable and
the country with the highest burden, extensive. Decreasing trends in in- disease, prognosis is poor.
with 120 000 new cases. cidence are probably due to tobac-
Trends in incidence rates of co control, changes in dietary pat-
oral cavity cancer were evaluated terns, and economic development.
for 23 countries across four conti- Declines in mortality rates are the Laryngeal cancer
nents in 1983–2002. In men, inci- results of advances in diagnostic Laryngeal cancer is the 16th most
dence rates increased significantly and radiotherapy techniques, as common cancer in men and is rare
in Denmark, the Netherlands, the well as decreased incidence rates in women; the male-to-female inci-
United Kingdom, Brazil, and India. [4]. In 1983–2002, incidence rates dence ratio is 7:1 (Fig. 5.2.3). In 2018,
In women, the burden is much low- of oropharyngeal cancer increased there were an estimated 177 000
er, and incidence rates of oral cav- significantly, predominantly in high- new cases of laryngeal cancer world-
ity cancer increased significantly income countries and at younger wide [2]. About 66% of the new cases
only in European countries [3]. The ages [3]. occurred in low- and middle-income
Fig. 5.2.2. Global distribution of estimated age-standardized (World) incidence rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for head
and neck cancers in both sexes, 2018: (A) lip and oral cavity, (B) larynx, (C) nasopharynx, (D) oropharynx, and (E) hypopharynx.
B Larynx
C Nasopharynx
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.2.2. Global distribution of estimated age-standardized (World) incidence rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for head
and neck cancers in both sexes, 2018: (A) lip and oral cavity, (B) larynx, (C) nasopharynx, (D) oropharynx, and (E) hypopharynx.
D Oropharynx
E Hypopharynx
countries, and about half of the cases Etiology cause of their multifactorial etiology,
occurred in Asia. which is largely attributed to tobacco
Age-standardized incidence rates Human papillomaviruses use and alcohol consumption [6,8].
tend to be higher in the Caribbean In the past 15 years, strong evidence The mere presence of HPV DNA
and in some countries in eastern has accumulated that infection with is not sufficient to prove viral causa-
Europe (Fig. 5.2.2). In 2018, laryn- certain human papillomaviruses tion, because it may reflect only a tran-
geal cancer accounted for an es- (HPVs) is etiologically involved in a sient infection unrelated to the carci-
timated 95 000 deaths worldwide. subset of head and neck cancers, nogenic process (see Chapter 2.2)
In some countries, such as in most particularly oropharyngeal cancer [9,10]. Most early studies and meta-
of Europe, a declining trend in inci- [6]. Although almost all squamous analyses assessing the quantitative
dence and mortality was observed cell carcinomas of the cervix are contribution of HPVs in head and neck
over the past few decades, after considered to be HPV-driven [7], cancer used the presence and detec-
favourable changes in tobacco use quantitative assessment of the etio- tion of HPV DNA in the tumour as the
and, mostly for Mediterranean coun- logical involvement of HPVs in head sole criterion. To accurately classify a
tries, alcohol consumption [5]. and neck cancer is challenging be- tumour as HPV-driven, it is crucial to
Fig. 5.2.3. Estimated age-standardized (World) incidence and mortality rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for head and neck
cancers, by sex and region, 2018: (A) lip and oral cavity, (B) larynx, (C) nasopharynx, (D) oropharynx, and (E) hypopharynx.
A Lip and oral cavity
B Larynx
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.2.3. Estimated age-standardized (World) incidence and mortality rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for head and neck
cancers, by sex and region, 2018: (A) lip and oral cavity, (B) larynx, (C) nasopharynx, (D) oropharynx, and (E) hypopharynx.
C Nasopharynx
D Oropharynx
Fig. 5.2.3. Estimated age-standardized (World) incidence and mortality rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for head and neck
cancers, by sex and region, 2018: (A) lip and oral cavity, (B) larynx, (C) nasopharynx, (D) oropharynx, and (E) hypopharynx.
E Hypopharynx
include other markers related to HPV- Cancer Incidence in Five Continents cavity cancer and laryngeal cancer
induced carcinogenesis, such as database (Table 5.2.1) [11]. were overestimated. Currently, the
p16INK4a and messenger RNA (mRNA) HPV-related cases of head and attributable fractions are estimated
of the viral oncoproteins E6 and E7. neck cancer arise more often in the as 2.2% for oral cavity cancer and
A recent systematic review reported oropharynx (for which 30.8% of cas- 2.4% for laryngeal cancer [11]; these
on the attributable fractions in head es are HPV-related), and particu- figures have been confirmed with re-
and neck cancers, on the basis of larly in the tonsils. Recent estimates cent comprehensive studies [10].
HPV DNA and viral E6/E7 mRNA and showed that previous figures based Globally, approximately 38 000
the numbers of new cases from the on HPV DNA for HPV-related oral cases of head and neck cancer are
Table 5.2.1. Numbers of new cases of head and neck cancer attributable to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and corresponding
attributable fractions by cancer site, worldwide, 2012a
Number of incident cases 200 000 9 6 000 78 000 160 000
ICD-10, International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision.
Numbers are rounded to two significant digits.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.2.4. Global distribution of age-standardized (World) incidence rates (ASR) per 100 000 of head and neck cancer cases
(oropharynx, oral cavity, and larynx) attributable to human papillomavirus (HPV) in both sexes, 2012.
HPV-related (Fig. 5.2.4). The bur- of tumours in locations such as the alcohol consumption are still poorly
den of HPV-related oropharyngeal oral cavity, larynx, and hypopharynx understood. Studies have produced
cancer is higher in high-income and are responsible for a different diverse results [8].
regions such as North America fraction of oropharyngeal cancers
and northern Europe, where HPV- across regions, with a higher attribu- Other risk factors
related cancers make up about 70– table fraction in regions with a lower Other risk factors include poor oral
80% of cases [10–12]. rate of HPV-related cancers. The risk hygiene, smoking marijuana, drink-
In several countries, particularly of cancer is higher in heavy smok- ing hot beverages such as maté,
in high-income regions, there has ers, as identified by a high product and some occupational exposures,
been an increasing trend in oro- of smoking rate in packs per day and such as metal smelting and tex-
pharyngeal cancer, attributed to an duration of smoking in years (“pack- tile production. These etiological
increase in HPV-related cases [8,12]. years”), and is higher for longer du- agents cause a field cancerization
This increasing trend could be ex- ration of smoking and in smokers of background that produces a high
plained partly by changes in the prev- black tobacco (see Chapter 2.1). probability of developing second
alence of risk factors, with decreases Use of chewing tobacco, other primary cancers at different sites in
in tobacco use and changes in sexual smokeless tobacco products, and the head and neck. This is not the
behaviour resulting in an increase in other substances, such as through case for HPV-related cancers of the
the likelihood of oral HPV infection. betel quid and areca nut chewing, head and neck, for which the inci-
There is a greater predominance is associated with risk of oral cav- dence of second primary cancers is
of HPV16 in head and neck cancers ity cancer, particularly in India and lower than that for non-HPV-relat-
compared with other HPV-related China, and specifically affects the ed cancers. HPV-related cancers
cancers. Globally, 84.9% of HPV- floor of the mouth and the pharynx. result from a persistent localized
related head and neck cancers The interaction between to- epithelial infection, which – if not
are attributable to HPV16/18; for bacco use and alcohol consump- resolved – may evolve by a trans-
HPV6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58, the tion is greater than additive. For formation process.
proportion is 89.7% (Table 5.2.2) [11]. alcohol consumption (see Chapter Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is clas-
2.3), the risk is related to the du- sified by the IARC Monographs as
Tobacco use and alcohol ration of heavy drinking more than carcinogenic to humans (Group 1) for
consumption to the quantity consumed per day. nasopharyngeal cancers, consider-
Tobacco use and alcohol consump- The types of interactions between ing that almost all tumours harbour
tion are the most important causes HPV infection and tobacco use and the EBV genome and express certain
EBV gene products [13]. Other risk Table 5.2.2. Numbers of cases of head and neck cancer attributable to human
factors for nasopharyngeal cancers papillomavirus (HPV) infection by region and sex, and relative contributions by specific
include genetic susceptibility (the fa- HPV types, worldwide, 2012a
milial relative risk of nasopharyngeal Number or proportion Male Female
cancer is estimated to be greater
than 4–fold) [14]; consumption of pre- Number attributable to HPV
Africa 600 230
served foods, particularly Chinese- Asia 9 810 2 200
type salted fish, probably because Americas 7 980 2 180
of their high content of nitrosamines Europe 11 000 2 800
Oceania 320 90
[15]; and, less consistently, other ex- Less-developed countries 8 600 2 100
posures such as tobacco use or, per- More-developed countries 2 2 000 5 500
haps, alcohol consumption [16,17].
Number of cases and proportion among HPV-related cases
HPV16/18 32 000; 84.9%
Genetics HPV6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58 34 000; 89.7%
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Table 5.2.3. Genes with frequent and highly significant somatic genetic changes in human papillomavirus (HPV)-negative head
and neck cancers
infections, whereas the viral trans- invisible pre-malignant lesions are Prevention and
formation process more commonly also identified microscopically as monitoring biomarkers
arises from the epithelium of the dysplastic mucosal epithelium.
Early-stage tumours of the upper
tonsillar crypts. The tonsillar epi- Two potential genomic profiles
thelium may be a non-permissive can be identified for non-HPV-re- aerodigestive tract can be cured;
productive medium in which HPV lated cancers: (i) a profile presum- for late-stage disease, prognosis is
infection progresses at a higher ably related to ageing, with CNA- poor. For non-HPV-related cancers,
frequency directly to a transforma- silent tumours, wild-type TP53, prevention strategies could include
tion process, without a clear pre- and HRAS and CASP8 mutations; oral cancer screening through visu-
neoplastic lesion. and (ii) a tobacco-related profile, in al oral examination, which has been
Two genomic profiles can be which deregulation of the cell cycle demonstrated to result in a lower
described for HPV-related cancers by abrogation of the retinoblastoma mortality rate in a randomized con-
on the basis of expression profil- and p53 pathways seems to occur trolled trial setting.
ing: (i) immune response and mes- at the very beginning of the carci- Options for prevention of head
enchymal cell differentiation, indi- nogenic process. The first profile and neck cancer depend on the
cated by enrichment of 16q losses; seems to have better prognosis type of etiological factor involved in
and (ii) keratinocyte differentiation than the second. Within the second various situations and the type of
and oxidative reduction process, group, at least three subgroups can prevention.
indicated by enrichment of 3q copy be identified on the basis of expres-
number alterations (CNA) and sion profiling: classical, basal, and
Primary prevention
PIK3CA mutations [25]. There is no mesenchymal. The classical sub- The aim of primary prevention is
evidence that these two groups be- group is characterized by mutations to intervene before health effects
have differently in terms of survival. of the nuclear factor erythroid 2-re- occur. Globally, the burden of can-
lated factor 2 (NFE2L2) pathway. cers attributable to tobacco use has
Non-HPV-related head and More subgroups may exist, and been reduced in some world regions
neck cancers further research is required, also on as a result of intensive campaigns
Although a high proportion of cas- the clinical implications [26–28]. to prevent and reduce tobacco use.
es present with tumours de novo, Finally, it is noteworthy that im- Reduced alcohol consumption may
there are precancerous lesions that mune checkpoint inhibitors have also be a consideration.
are visible, such as leukoplakia and recently emerged as novel potential An increasing proportion of cas-
erythroplakia lesions, and many therapeutic options [29,30]. es, such as those of oropharyngeal
Fig. 5.2.5. Genomic carcinogenesis models of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. CNA, copy number alterations; HPV,
human papillomavirus; IMU, immune response and mesenchymal cell differentiation; KRT, keratinocyte differentiation and oxidative
reduction process.
Age ?
FAT1 and
CUL3 or
cancer, are caused by other agents, infections compared with non- be successful for head and neck
such as HPV. Therefore, HPV vacci- vaccinated individuals (1.99% vs cancer. However, repeated visual
nation is a potential tool for primary 3.52%; P = 0.04). The second study oral examination has been demon-
prevention (see Chapter 6.3). Only analysed data from 2627 people strated to have long-term effects
one study has reported on the ef- aged 18–33 years who participated in reducing oral cancer incidence
ficacy of the bivalent HPV vaccine in NHANES in 2011–2014 [33]. The and mortality in a randomized trial
as prophylaxis against oral infection prevalence of oral HPV6/11/16/18 in India; this result supports the
[31]. In the context of this vaccine infections was significantly lower in introduction of visual oral screen-
clinical trial in women aged 18– vaccinated individuals than in non- ing, particularly targeting users of
25 years, the estimated efficacy of vaccinated individuals (0.11% vs smoking or chewing tobacco, al-
the vaccine in reducing oral HPV in- 1.61%; P = 0.008), corresponding cohol drinkers, or both in high-inci-
fection was 93.3% (95% confidence to an estimated reduction in preva- dence countries [34].
interval, 63–100%) [31]. lence of 88.2% (95% confidence in- Serological detection of antibod-
Two recently published stud- terval, 5.7–98.5%) after adjustment ies against HPV (anti-HPV16 E6) has
ies have assessed the effective- for age, sex, and race. recently been postulated as a poten-
ness of the quadrivalent HPV vac- tial biomarker for HPV-related oro-
cine in reducing oral HPV infection Screening pharyngeal cancer. In cohort studies,
[32,33]. The first study included Because a considerable proportion seroconversion has been detected
3040 people aged 18–30 years of cases are diagnosed at locally ad- up to 10 years before the diagnosis of
who participated in the National vanced stages, screening (second- oropharyngeal cancer [35]. This ob-
Health and Nutrition Examination ary prevention) for early detection of servation is very relevant given that
Survey (NHANES) in the USA in disease is of great importance. it is not yet known what the pre-neo-
2009–2014 [32]. Vaccinated indi- Early detection strategies based plastic lesion of oropharyngeal can-
viduals had a significantly lower on cytology, such as for cervical cer is. However, there are still many
prevalence of oral HPV6/11/16/18 cancer, have not been proven to gaps in knowledge that must be filled,
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
such as determining the best clinical increased risk of recurrence, and able tumour DNA was 100% for
triage algorithm for identifying po- the third study did not observe dif- early-stage disease and 95% for
tential lesions once an HPV-positive ferences [36–38]. In relation to late-stage disease. Saliva was ob-
case has been detected, among oth- the persistence of viral HPV DNA served to be preferentially enriched
er considerations. in oral rinses after treatment, one for tumour DNA from the oral cavity,
study reported that persistence whereas plasma was preferentially
Monitoring biomarkers could be linked with the incidence enriched for tumour DNA from the
The prognostic value of monitoring of recurrence [39]. other sites. Tumour DNA in saliva
anti-HPV antibody titres throughout In 2015, a study explored tu- was found after surgery in three
a patient’s treatment in the survival- mour-specific DNA as a biomarker patients before clinical diagnosis of
free period of disease is not well detected in saliva or plasma for recurrence, but in none of the five
characterized. So far, only three head and neck cancer by search- patients without recurrence. These
studies have provided information ing for somatic mutations or HPV findings, if confirmed, have direct
on this topic. Two of the studies ob- genes (collectively referred to as implications in the follow-up and
served an association of increased tumour DNA) in 93 cases [40]. The clinical management of patients.
levels of antibodies in blood with fraction of patients with detect-
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Oesophageal cancer
A tale of two malignancies
phisms associated with risk of teristics, geographical distributions, mutational signatures have been
these tumours, but genetic pre- risk factors, and time trends [2,3]. correlated with the overall survival
disposition has not been defini- Five-year survival rates for oe- of patients with oesophageal can-
tively characterized. High rates sophageal cancer are about 20% in cer; in the future, these may serve
of TP53 mutations occur in both Europe and the USA and less than as prognostic biomarkers [4].
tumour types in most, but not 5% in low- and middle-income coun-
all, populations. tries [1], mainly because of the late
occurrence of symptoms and the Epidemiology
●● Tobacco use and alcohol con- consequent usually advanced stage In 2012, there were an estimated
sumption are the known and at diagnosis. Therefore, identifying 398 000 new cases of oesopha-
primary causes of oesopha- and reducing exposure to modifiable geal squamous cell carcinoma and
geal squamous cell carcinoma, risk factors (primary prevention) and 52 000 new cases of oesophageal
particularly in low-incidence development and implementation of adenocarcinoma worldwide, corre-
countries. Other risk factors practical and accurate methods for sponding to global incidence rates
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.3.2. Global distribution of estimated age-standardized (World) incidence rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for oesopha-
geal cancer (A) in men and (B) in women, 2018.
mutation pattern is highly sugges- Etiology New Zealand, almost 90% of cases
tive of a causative role for multiple of oesophageal squamous cell car-
Risk factors for oesophageal squa-
environmental carcinogens, includ- cinoma are attributable to tobacco
mous cell carcinoma and oesopha-
ing polycyclic aromatic hydrocar- use and heavy alcohol consump-
bons (PAHs) [10]. In contrast, a geal adenocarcinoma are listed in
tion, and the incidence rate in men
substantial fraction of oesophageal Table 5.3.1. is 3–4 times that in women [1,3,12].
squamous cell carcinoma tumours However, in the oesophageal squa-
Oesophageal squamous cell
in East Africa do not appear to have mous cell carcinoma hotspots in
TP53 mutations, and a novel muta- Asia, Africa, and South America,
tional signature suggests that an- Oesophageal squamous cell carci- where the incidence rates in men
other, as-yet-unknown carcinogen noma is well known for its marked and women can be nearly equal,
could be important in this high-inci- etiological heterogeneity [1,12]. In multiple additional risk factors have
dence area [11]. the USA, Europe, Australia, and been implicated, including a poor
diet deficient in vitamins (especially Table 5.3.1. Risk factors for squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of
riboflavin), indoor air pollution, con- the oesophagus a
sumption of hot beverages, poor
Risk factor Oesophageal Oesophageal
oral health, use of non-piped water, squamous cell adenocarcinoma
and opium use [1,12–14], with dif- carcinoma
ferent profiles of attributable risks
Sex Male > female Male > female
in different hotspot regions.
Low socioeconomic status is also Race Black > White White > Black
a consistent risk factor for oesopha- Genetic susceptibility ++ +
geal squamous cell carcinoma, even
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease No data ++++
after comprehensive adjustment
for tobacco use, alcohol consump- Obesity Limited data ++++
tion, age, and many other potential Tobacco use ++++ ++
risk factors (see Chapter 4.3) [15]. In
addition, as suggested by the novel Alcohol consumption ++++ No association
mutational signature seen in the ge- Very hot beverages +++ No data
nomic study of tumours in East Africa
Diet low in fruits and vegetables +++ +
mentioned above [11], there may also
be as-yet-unknown risk factors that Low socioeconomic status +++ Limited data
may be important for the carcinogen- Helicobacter pylori infection No association Protective
esis of oesophageal squamous cell
carcinoma in the high-risk regions Poor oral health ++ Limited data
Polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons and nitrosamines
One of the main suspected carcino-
gens for oesophageal squamous
cell carcinoma is PAHs. PAHs are
important carcinogens in tobacco
smoke (see Chapter 2.1) as well as
in the combustion products of other to high incidence rates in certain in poorly ventilated rooms may be a
organic materials, such as opium, regions [17]. In populations at high major factor for both the high rates
automobile and industrial fuels, risk, exposure to PAHs from indoor of oesophageal squamous cell car-
coal, and wood; exposure to PAHs air pollution caused by heating and cinoma and the nearly equal rates in
from both sources could contribute cooking with open coal or wood fires men and women [12,18].
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Opium use
The cultivation of opium and the of opium and showed dose–re- interval, 1.18–2.90) for developing
consumption of raw opium take sponse trends for intensity, dura- oesophageal squamous cell carci-
place mainly in West and Central tion, and cumulative use [2]. Since noma, and there was a significant
Asia. These regions have a rela- the 1970s, opium use has also dose–response trend [3]. In an-
tively high incidence of oesopha- been shown to increase the risk of other analysis of total mortality in
geal cancer. In these areas, opium other malignancies, including can- the Golestan Cohort Study, 40%
has traditionally been used for rec- cers of the stomach, larynx, lung, of deaths among opium users and
reational purposes – in lieu of al- and bladder [1]. 10% of all deaths were attributable
cohol, which is strictly forbidden in The Golestan Cohort Study to opium use.
Islam – and as a medication to re- is the only long-term prospec- There are at least two mecha-
lieve pain from chronic conditions. tive study that has detailed infor- nisms by which opium could cause
The first evidence that opium mation on opium use from large oesophageal squamous cell carci-
use may increase the risk of oe- numbers of participants. Of the noma [1]. Opium smoke and opium
sophageal squamous cell carci- cohort participants, 17% reported dross – the material left in the pipe
noma came from ecological and opium use, which is largely without after opium is smoked, which is
case–control studies of urinary me- negative social stigma. Over a me- sometimes eaten – contain car-
tabolites in north-eastern Islamic dian of 11 years of follow-up, 317 cinogenic pyrolysis products,
Republic of Iran in the early 1970s cases of oesophageal squamous including polycyclic aromatic hy-
[1]. A more recent case–control cell carcinoma were diagnosed. drocarbons, heterocyclic amines,
study of 300 cases of oesophageal Compared with participants who and N-nitrosamines. Some opium
squamous cell carcinoma and 571 had never smoked opium, those constituents can prolong exposure
neighbourhood controls found an in the highest tertile of cumula- of the oesophagus to ingested
odds ratio of 2.00 (95% confidence tive opium smoking had a haz- carcinogens: papaverine reduces
interval, 1.39–2.88) for ever use ard ratio of 1.85 (95% confidence oesophageal peristalsis, and mor-
phine inhibits relaxation of the low-
er oesophageal sphincter.
Fig. B5.3.1. Opium use in the Central Asia oesophageal cancer belt. Global map
showing ranking of opiates in order of prevalence among most commonly used References
drugs, in 2004. Inset: “tears” of the opium poppy. 1. Kamangar F, Shakeri R, Malekzadeh R,
Islami F (2014). Opium use: an emerging
risk factor for cancer? Lancet Oncol. 15(2):
2045(13)70550-3 PMID:24480557
al. (2019). Individual and combined
effects of environmental risk factors
for esophageal cancer based on re-
sults from the Golestan Cohort Study.
Gastroenterology. 156(5):1416–27. https://
A case–control study in the trols, reported odds ratios of more carcinoma, but confirmation in pro-
Islamic Republic of Iran, which than 25 for the most exposed quin- spective studies is required.
measured exposure to PAHs in en- tile compared with the least exposed Nitrosamines are probably anoth-
doscopically normal oesophageal quintile [19]. This finding strongly er important carcinogen for oesoph-
tissues from cases of oesophageal implicates PAHs in the carcinogen- ageal squamous cell carcinoma.
squamous cell carcinoma and con- esis of oesophageal squamous cell They are an important carcinogen in
tobacco smoke, and they are thought low selenium status is also known agus are the established precursor
to be the main factor contributing to to combine with other exposures lesions for oesophageal squamous
the increased risk of oesophageal (especially viral infections) to cause cell carcinoma and oesophageal
squamous cell carcinoma associat- novel diseases that require both ex- adenocarcinoma, respectively, but
ed with poor oral health and the con- posures, as in Keshan disease [20], most of these tumours are diag-
sumption of non-piped water [12,13]. so it may also be important for the nosed in patients without a prior di-
Further studies to identify sources of oesophageal carcinogenicity of oth- agnosis of these precursor lesions
and routes of exposure to PAHs and er exposures. Further studies are [1,3]. Endoscopic screening for pre-
nitrosamines are needed to confirm needed to confirm the association cursor lesions and endoscopic re-
their role in the etiology of oesopha- of low selenium status and oesoph- section or ablation of the dysplastic
geal squamous cell carcinoma and ageal squamous cell carcinoma in lesions have been shown to reduce
to translate the knowledge of these Africa, and to explore how low se- the risk of developing oesophageal
associations into strategies for pri- lenium status and other risk factors squamous cell carcinoma and dy-
mary prevention in regions with high interact to increase risk of oesopha- ing from the disease [23]. A large
incidence of oesophageal squamous geal squamous cell carcinoma. trial is now under way.
cell carcinoma. Screening for Barrett oesopha-
Oesophageal gus has been used in clinics on
Low selenium status adenocarcinoma an individual basis in high-income
Another risk factor for oesophageal The main etiological factors for countries, but no randomized con-
squamous cell carcinoma that de- oesophageal adenocarcinoma are trolled trials have shown a signifi-
serves special attention is low sele- similar across the world and in- cant benefit [3]. Population-based
nium status. The selenium content clude gastro-oesophageal reflux endoscopic screening will require
of soil is variable worldwide, and disease, obesity (especially vis- well-trained health workers with di-
soil selenium levels are reflected in ceral obesity), tobacco use, and verse skills as well as considerable
local plants and animals as well as genetic risk factors [3,21]. People infrastructure; these are not widely
in people, assuming that they eat who have never been infected with available, especially in low- and
local foods. Helicobacter pylori also appear to middle-income countries, where
In both China and Africa, there be at elevated risk of oesophageal most cases of oesophageal squa-
are suggestive similarities in the dis- adenocarcinoma. Several recent mous cell carcinoma occur.
tribution of low selenium availability studies have suggested that sex Non-endoscopic screening of
(low soil selenium levels in China hormones, physical activity, certain oesophageal cells obtained with
and low dietary intake of selenium medications, and diet may also play balloon or sponge samplers and
in Africa) and the high-risk areas for a role in altering the risk of oesoph- molecular biomarker identification
oesophageal squamous cell carci- ageal adenocarcinoma [21]. of precursor lesion cells are now
noma [1]. In addition, cohort studies The markedly higher risk in men being evaluated for early detection
in both China and the Netherlands compared with women (up to 6-fold) of Barrett oesophagus and oesoph-
have shown significant inverse as- and in Whites compared with Blacks ageal adenocarcinoma in Europe
sociations between low serum or (up to 8-fold) cannot be explained [24] and for early detection of
toenail selenium levels and risk of by any of the confirmed risk factors, squamous dysplasia and oesopha-
oesophageal squamous cell carci- although visceral obesity, which is geal squamous cell carcinoma in
noma [12], and two intervention trials more common in men and is more the Islamic Republic of Iran [25],
in China have reported results sug- strongly associated with oesopha- with promising preliminary results.
gesting that selenium supplementa- geal adenocarcinoma, may contrib- However, further randomized con-
tion may be able to prevent oesoph- ute to the sex difference. Age–peri- trolled trials or well-conducted, ac-
ageal squamous cell carcinoma in od–cohort analyses suggest that a curate studies are required before
populations with low selenium status change in exposures in about 1950 these procedures can be recom-
when it is given early in the course of may have started the subsequent mended for implementation outside
the disease (see Chapter 6.4) [12]. rapid increase in oesophageal ad- of research studies.
Low selenium status is not an enocarcinoma rates in high-income Sampling of blood or other body
important risk factor for oesopha- countries [22]. fluids (referred to as liquid biopsies)
geal squamous cell carcinoma in to measure tumour-derived material
all high-risk populations, and spe- is also being evaluated for its poten-
cifically it is not a risk factor in the Early detection tial in early detection (see Chapter
Islamic Republic of Iran, but it is the Detection of oesophageal cancer at 6.7), including interrogation of cir-
only suspected risk factor in China an earlier, potentially curable stage culating cell-free tumour DNA, cir-
and Africa that is not commonly pres- of disease is critical to improve pa- culating tumour cells, exosomes,
ent in the low-risk populations of tient survival. Oesophageal squa- and microRNAs [26]. For example,
these regions as well. Furthermore, mous dysplasia and Barrett oesoph- one recent study investigated the
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Many observational studies have was asked to sip the tea and say Tanzania, in the African corridor of
found an association between whether that was the temperature high risk of oesophageal squamous
drinking hot beverages and the at which they usually drank tea. If cell carcinoma, 62% of the par-
development of oesophageal squa- not, the tea was allowed to cool ticipants drank milky tea (or chai),
mous cell carcinoma [1]. The IARC further and the question was asked which is common in East Africa and
Monographs classified drinking again at 5 °C intervals until the rel- is made by boiling black tea leaves
very hot beverages at above 65 °C evant temperature was reached. and equal amounts of cow’s milk and
as probably carcinogenic to hu- At baseline, the cohort drank water, and 37% drank black tea. The
mans (Group 2A), especially for a mean tea volume of 1179 mL/ same protocol as in the Golestan
oesophageal squamous cell car- day, at a mean temperature of Cohort Study was used. Participants
cinoma. However, nearly all of the 62.4 °C. After a median follow- started drinking tea at a mean tem-
relevant studies were question- up of 10 years, 328 cases of oe- perature of 70.6 °C, and those who
naire-based studies that analysed sophageal cancer (96% of them consumed milky tea drank their tea
only subjective estimates of bever- oesophageal squamous cell carci- an average of 1.9 °C hotter than
age temperatures. noma) were diagnosed. Compared those who drank black tea [3].
The first large study to mea- with drinking less than 700 mL/day Thermal injury may increase
sure actual beverage tempera- of tea at less than 60 °C, drinking risk of oesophageal cancer by
tures was the Golestan Cohort 700 mL/day or more of tea at 60 °C inducing inflammatory process-
Study of 50 000 adults in Golestan or above was associated with a es. Formation of carcinogenic
Province, in north-eastern Islamic 75% higher risk of oesophageal N-nitroso compounds may be rele-
Republic of Iran. In this study, a cancer; drinking any amount of tea vant. Thermal injury may impair the
fresh cup of tea was prepared for at less than 60 °C was not associ- barrier function of the oesophageal
each participant, and the tempera- ated with risk [2]. mucosa, thereby increasing expo-
ture was measured. When the tem- In a cross-sectional study of 188 sure to intraluminal carcinogens
perature was 75 °C, the participant villagers in rural United Republic of such as N-nitroso compounds and
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Fig. B5.3.2. Measurement of the temperature of tea, in the Golestan Cohort Study. References
Inset: close-up of the measuring device. 1. Islami F, Boffetta P, Ren JS, Pedoeim
L, Khatib D, Kamangar F (2009). High-
temperature beverages and foods and
esophageal cancer risk – a systematic
review. Int J Cancer. 125(3):491–524.
h t t p s : / / d o i . o r g / 1 0 .1 0 0 2 / i j c . 2 4 4 4 5
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(2015). Africa’s oesophageal cancer
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such as prevention of tobacco use, housing, use of natural gas instead or oesophageal adenocarcinoma
smoking cessation, moderation of of biomass for cooking and heating [32]. However, emerging data sug-
alcohol consumption, weight loss, (resulting in the elimination of indoor gest that a comprehensive assess-
and modification of diet – is promis- air pollution from biomass smoke), ment of the health effects of proton-
ing but is difficult to accomplish [3]. and use of piped water instead of pump inhibitors is critical to assess
However, it should be possible to non-piped cistern water (preventing the overall effects of these agents.
reduce exposure to several risk fac- exposure to high concentrations of Aspirin and other non-steroidal
tors for oesophageal squamous cell nitrosamines) [29]. In 1970, fewer anti-inflammatory drugs have also
carcinoma by relatively straight- than 5% of people in the rural ar- been shown in observational stud-
forward interventions. Finland was eas had refrigerators; this propor- ies to be associated with reduced
able to eliminate the low selenium tion has now increased to more risk, by up to 50%, of oesopha-
status of its population by inexpen- than 98%, enabling better food geal squamous cell carcinoma
sive supplementation of chemical storage and decreased consump- and oesophageal adenocarcinoma
fertilizers [28]. Indoor air pollution tion of salted and smoked foods. [33]. A meta-analysis of 13 stud-
from coal or wood fires can be In addition, electricity, telephone ies showed a reduction of 28%
reduced by improving room ven- communication, and transporta- overall in the risk of oesophageal
tilation, replacing open fires with tion networks are now available to adenocarcinoma among users of
stoves, and adding chimneys to 98% of the population in the urban statins, compared with non-users,
stoves. Exposure to nitrosamines areas and 92% in the rural areas
and a reduction of 41% in the risk
can probably be reduced by cam- [29]. These dramatic changes in
of oesophageal adenocarcinoma in
paigns to encourage tooth brushing living standards in Golestan are
patients with Barrett oesophagus
and by increasing the availability of probably the main reasons for the
who took statins [3]. Given the ad-
treated water. sharp decrease in incidence rates
ditional preventive benefits of use
A comprehensive way to reduce of oesophageal squamous cell car-
of aspirin and statins for other can-
many of these harmful exposures, cinoma [29].
cer types and for cardiovascular
and hence rates of oesophageal
Cancer management in disease, these drugs may be good
squamous cell carcinoma, may be
groups at high risk candidates for chemoprevention in
to improve living standards and the
groups at high risk.
socioeconomic status of the popu- In high-risk regions in the Islamic
lation. This appears to be what has Republic of Iran and China, the avail- Several large trials examining
happened in north-eastern Islamic ability of free endoscopy services for the effects of proton-pump inhibi-
Republic of Iran over the past sev- early diagnosis and of therapeutic tors, aspirin, and statins for preven-
eral decades. In 1968–1971, the capabilities including endoscopic tion of oesophageal cancer are in
age-standardized incidence of oe- therapy, surgery, radiotherapy, and progress [3]. Recent results from
sophageal cancer in what is now chemotherapy have resulted in a randomized trial of protein-pump
Golestan Province was estimated much better care for patients with inhibitors and aspirin in Barrett
to be 80 per 100 000 in both sexes oesophageal squamous cell carci- oesophagus patients without high-
[29]. A retrospective study of cases noma, including improved survival grade dysplasia showed a sig-
in the same area in 1996–2000 re- and better quality of life after treat- nificant reduction in a combined
ported rates of 44 per 100 000 in ment. In more resource-limited set- end-point of death, oesophageal
men and 36 per 100 000 in women tings, oesophageal stents can pro- adenocarcinoma, or high-grade
[29], and the prospective Golestan vide significant palliation [31]. dysplasia in patients taking high-
Population-Based Cancer Registry dose proton-pump inhibitors, com-
reported rates in 2004–2008 of Chemoprevention pared with those taking low-dose
24 per 100 000 in men and 19 per Several clinical cohort studies have proton-pump inhibitors, and there
100 000 in women [30]. shown that use of proton-pump in- was some evidence that adding
During the 40 years between hibitors can significantly reduce the aspirin improved the beneficial ef-
1968 and 2008, living standards risk of progression from Barrett oe- fect of the high-dose proton-pump
improved significantly, with better sophagus to high-grade dysplasia inhibitors regimen [34].
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Stomach cancer
Still one of the main cancer types
Christine Varon Rolando Herrero (reviewer)
Francis Mégraud Wenbo Meng (reviewer)
Liang Qiao (reviewer)
discovery, Warren and Marshall
of the gastric microbiota may
contribute to gastric carcino- were awarded the Nobel Prize in
genesis by increasing inflam- Physiology or Medicine 2005. The
mation and producing carci- IARC Monographs classified infec-
nogenic compounds. tion with H. pylori as carcinogenic
to humans (Group 1) in 1994, on the
●● The molecular profiles of gastric basis of epidemiological evidence
cancer were recently identified, [1], and this classification was con-
and two molecular classifica- firmed in 2009 [2].
tions are based on sequencing; Stomach cancers, often referred
these will provide a roadmap for to as gastric cancers, are mostly
trials of targeted therapies.
gastric adenocarcinomas. They are
●● New treatments are being pro- classified according to stage (early
posed, especially those using or advanced), anatomical location
is more often associated with ge- the intestinal and diffuse types [4].
netic abnormalities. The molecular In addition, in African populations,
profiles of gastric cancer were re- parasitic infections that drive the
cently identified and classified by immune response appear to be ■■ Stomach cancer is the third
the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) beneficial (i.e. Th2 response rather most common cause of cancer
Research Network and the Asian than Th1 response), leading to less death worldwide.
Cancer Research Group (ACRG). inflammation [5]. Because gastric
cancer typically occurs later in life, ■■ Stomach cancers, often
the shorter life expectancy of popu- referred to as gastric
Epidemiology cancers, are mostly gastric
lations in many African countries
The incidence of gastric cancer is also contributes to the low rate of adenocarcinomas. They are
still high, and it is the third most gastric cancer in these populations. classified according to stage
common cause of cancer death Two systematic reviews and me- (early or advanced), anatomical
worldwide, responsible for an es- ta-analyses of the worldwide preva- location (in the proximal or
timated 783 000 deaths in 2018 lence of H. pylori infection were distal part of the stomach), and
[3]. However, there is consider- published in 2017 and 2018. Hooi et histological subtype.
able geographical heterogeneity. al. covered the period 1970–2016
The countries with the highest inci- and 62 countries (531 880 subjects) ■■ The principal cause of gastric
dence rates are in East Asia, and [6], whereas Zamani et al. analysed cancer is infection with the
incidence rates in men are much the period 2000–2017 and 73 coun- bacterium Helicobacter pylori,
higher than those in women. tries (410 879 subjects) (Fig. 5.4.2) which is particularly prevalent
Infection with H. pylori is a nec- [7]. Both studies showed the same in Africa, Latin America, and
essary but not sufficient cause; global prevalence of H. pylori infec- Asia. Infection with H. pylori is
this explains why the incidence of tion in adults (48.5% and 48.6%, a necessary but not sufficient
gastric cancer does not mirror the respectively). The prevalence was cause.
prevalence of H. pylori infection. It highest in Africa, followed by Latin
is now well known that the impor- ■■ Decreases in the incidence
America and Asia, and the preva-
tant risk factors are the host’s ge- of stomach cancer over the
lence was lowest in Australia, North
netic makeup, the characteristics of decades before the role of H.
America, and western Europe.
H. pylori strains, and environmental pylori was known have been
However, large differences were
factors, notably diet. correlated with environmental
observed between countries on the
People in East Asia harbour ag- same continent and between areas factors such as type of diet,
gressive strains of H. pylori, have within large countries. There was a i.e. decreased consumption of
a diet that is high in salt, and may trend towards a decrease in preva- salt-preserved food, avoidance
have genetic elements that favour lence in 2009–2016 compared with of a diet that is high in salt, and
the development of gastric cancer, 2000–2009 [7]. availability of fresh fruits and
whereas people in Africa harbour Several relevant studies have vegetables throughout the year.
less aggressive strains of H. pylori been performed in East Asia. In the ■■ Patients with stomach cancer
and generally have a diet that in- Republic of Korea, the prevalence are often diagnosed with
cludes more vitamins and less salt. of H. pylori infection, determined in advanced disease, and
Recently, a dietary inflammatory 4920 asymptomatic subjects by se-
survival is poor.
index was calculated for partici- rology, was 51.0%. The prevalence
pants in the European Prospective decreased progressively from 1998
Investigation into Cancer and to 2005, 2011, and 2015–2016.
Nutrition (EPIC) study. The results Interestingly, the prevalence was the urea breath test found a 34.4%
showed that the inflammatory po- lower in urban areas than in rural prevalence of H. pylori infection,
tential of the diet was associated areas [8]. In south-western China, and an association was noted with
with the risk of gastric cancer, but a cross-sectional study carried out low albumin levels and hyperglycae-
no differences were seen between in 2014 on 10 912 subjects using mia [9]. In Viet Nam, the observed
Table 5.4.1. Histological subtypes of gastric adenocarcinoma according to the Laurén classification and the WHO classification
WHO (2010) Tubular Papillary Mucinous Poorly cohesive Mixed Uncommon variants
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.4.2. Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection for adults (A) and children (C) than 50 years (Fig. 5.4.3). This in-
across six continents. The reference line represents the overall global prevalence crease was more marked in women
than in men; the incidence in wom-
en born in 1983 was double that in
Africa (A)
those born 30 years earlier. These
Africa (C) data were collected from registries
Northern America (A) where there was no information on
H. pylori infection status, but given
Northern America (C)
the socioeconomic status of these
Latin America & the Caribbean (A) cases and the predominant locali-
Continent & age group
Latin America & the Caribbean (C) zation of the tumours to the corpus
Asia(A) of the stomach, H. pylori infection is
unlikely to have played a role. One
Asia (C)
hypothesis is that gastric cancer in
Europe (A) these patients is the consequence
Europe (C) of autoimmunity related to dysbio-
sis of the gastric microbiome [16].
Oceania (A) No data
In an evaluation of trends in gas-
Oceania (C) tric cancer incidence, an increased
Overall (A) risk was also noted in recent birth
Overall (C)
cohorts in several countries in
South America and Europe, for both
0 20 40 60 80 100 men and women [17]. This change,
Infection rate (%) and 95% CI which is most likely to be related
to lifestyle and environmental risk
factors, needs to be explored fur-
prevalence was similar (38.1%), but tion in Japan was estimated to be ther. In a systematic review of the
it varied according to ethnicity [10]. 27% in 2016 [12], and the sponta- prevalence of H. pylori infection in
Mortality from gastric cancer was neous decrease has been boosted Europe, the prevalence was lowest
also studied in China (see Chapter by the eradication policy. The in- in northern Europe and highest in
4.3). When mortality rates were cidence of gastric cancer is also eastern and southern Europe. Two
standardized by the age scale of decreasing more rapidly since this countries still had a high preva-
the population in 2010, a 17.8% de- policy was implemented [13]. H. py- lence (84%): Poland and Portugal.
crease was observed between 2006 lori eradication reduces the cumu- Studies on the impact of lifestyle
and 2013, which is in line with the lative incidence of gastric cancer in indicated the usual risk factors for
global decrease in the prevalence a healthy asymptomatic population, gastric cancer [18].
of H. pylori infection during that pe- and the effect on the prevention of
riod. The age-standardized mortality gastric cancer is observed in all age
rate was higher in rural areas than in groups [14]. Genetics and genomics
urban areas. However, a surprising In the USA, a study of 11 mil-
Genetic susceptibility
finding was an increasing trend in lion patients investigated the preva-
mortality rates in young age groups lence of H. pylori infection in people Hereditary gastric cancer makes
(0–29 years) between 2006 and 2013 of five ethnic groups who had up- up about 1–3% of cases of gastric
[11]. In Mongolia, which has high per gastrointestinal symptoms. The cancer. It includes mainly heredi-
gastric cancer incidence and mortal- relative risk of gastric diseases as- tary diffuse gastric cancer, gastric
ity rates, the prevalence of H. pylori sociated with H. pylori infection was adenocarcinoma and proximal pol-
infection was 80.0%. Dyspepsia is highest in Blacks and Asian Pacific yposis of the stomach, and familial
common in this population, and the Islanders, and the prevalence of H. intestinal gastric cancer [18].
salty diet was considered to worsen pylori infection was highest in Native About 30–40% of cases of he-
the atrophy observed. Americans and Alaska Natives [15]. reditary diffuse gastric cancer are
In Japan, insurance coverage A study assessed incidence linked to a dominant germline patho-
for H. pylori eradication began in trends in 1995–2013 in the USA. genic mutation in CDH1, which en-
2000 for peptic ulcer disease and in There were 137 447 non-cardia codes E-cadherin. In whole-exome
2013 for gastritis, leading to eradi- gastric cancers in 4.4 billion person- sequencing studies, germline muta-
cation in about 650 000 patients per years of observation. An overall de- tions in the tumour suppressor genes
year from 2001 to 2012, and double cline in incidence rates was seen, CTNNA1, STK11, and SDHB and the
that number annually since 2013. but a slight increase was observed DNA repair-related genes PALB2,
The prevalence of H. pylori infec- in non-Hispanic Whites younger BRCA2, and ATM were identified
Fig. 5.4.3. Age-specific incidence trends of non-cardia gastric cancer among non- virus (EBV) (8.8%), which display
Hispanic White men (A) and women (B). The symbols represent the observed incidence recurrent PIK3CA mutations, ex-
rates in 15 4-year age groups over four 4-year time periods. The shaded areas denote treme DNA hypermethylation, and
95% confidence intervals from the age–period–cohort models. The modelled 95%
confidence intervals provide a good fit to the observed data for every age group except
amplification of JAK2, PD-L1, and
women aged 25–28 years. PD-L2; (ii) tumours with microsatel-
lite instability (MSI) (21.7%), which
A B have elevated mutation rates in on-
cogenes such as human epidermal
growth factor receptor 2 (HER2),
epidermal growth factor receptor 1
(EGFR1), and HER3 (also known as
ERBB3); (iii) genomically stable tu-
mours (19.7%), which are enriched
for the diffuse type and mutations
of CDH1, RHOA, and genes as-
sociated with the cytoskeleton and
cell junctions; and (iv) tumours with
chromosomal instability (49.8%),
which are of the intestinal type and
show marked aneuploidy, TP53 mu-
tations, and focal amplification of
RAS and receptor tyrosine kinases.
The EBV-positive subtype was as-
sociated with the most favourable
prognosis, followed by the MSI and
chromosomal instability subtypes.
ACRG reported a similar classi-
fication of gastric cancer and distin-
guished the following four molecular
subtypes (Fig. 5.4.4): (i) MSI hyper-
mutated tumours, which are of the
intestinal type and are mostly local-
ized to the antrum, and microsatellite
stable (MSS) tumours, subdivided
into (ii) those that exhibit features of
epithelial–mesenchymal transition
(MSS/EMT), which occur at a youn-
ger age and are mostly of the diffuse
type; (iii) those that lose p53 activity
(MSS/TP53−) and show amplification
of HER2 (ERBB2); and (iv) those with
wild-type TP53 (MSS/TP53+), which
are associated with EBV. The MSS/
EMT and MSS/TP53− gastric can-
cers had the poorest survival [23].
A recent meta-analysis con-
in hereditary diffuse gastric cancer Genomics firmed the prognostic value of histo-
without CDH1 mutation [19]. In 2014, by integrating whole-genome logical subtyping of gastric cancer,
Hereditary gastric cancer also sequencing, genomic data, and pro- showing that the diffuse subtype is
develops in patients with Lynch syn- teomic data, TCGA [21] and ACRG associated with younger patients and
drome (mutations in the mismatch [22] each defined four molecular sub- poorer prognosis than the intestinal
repair genes MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, types of gastric cancer, to provide a type [24]. According to the TCGA
or MLH1) and, more rarely, in pa- roadmap for patient stratification and and ACRG molecular classifications,
tients with Li–Fraumeni syndrome trials of targeted therapies. the genomically stable and MSS/
(TP53 germline mutation), Peutz– TCGA distinguished the fol- EMT subtypes, which are composed
Jeghers syndrome (STK11 muta- lowing four molecular subtypes of mostly of tumours of the diffuse type,
tion), and familial adenomatous pol- gastric cancer (Fig. 5.4.4): (i) tu- have the worst prognosis and overall
yposis (APC mutation) [20]. mours positive for Epstein–Barr survival (Fig. 5.4.4) [25,26,27].
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.4.4. The main subtypes of gastric adenocarcinoma defined according to the Laurén histological classification and the
Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Research Network and Asian Cancer Research Group (ACRG) molecular classifications. The global
distribution frequencies of gastric cancer subtypes are indicated as percentages. TCGA subtypes: MSI, microsatellite instability;
CIN, chromosomal instability; EBV+, positive for Epstein–Barr virus; GS, genomically stable. ACRG subtypes: MSI, microsatellite
instability; MSS/TP53−, microsatellite stable with inactive TP53; MSS/TP53+, microsatellite stable with active TP53; MSS/EMT,
microsatellite stable with features of epithelial–mesenchymal transition. For each subtype, the clinical characteristics and the main
genetic and molecular alterations are listed. mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; RTKs, receptor tyrosine kinases.
(22.7%) (15.3%)
(35.7%) (26.3%)
Best prognosis Worst prognosis
Intermediate Intermediate
(survival, 77.8 (survival, 42.6
prognosis (survival, prognosis (survival,
months) months)
59.8 months) 66.9 months)
ACRG molecular Mostly intestinal Mostly diffuse
Mostly intestinal Enriched in EBV+
classification Diagnosis at an early
Low mutation rate tumours (66%)
Younger patients
stage (50%) Lowest mutation rate
TP53 mutations Mutations in PIK3CA,
MLH1 loss Mutations in ARID1A
(60%) ARID1A, KRAS,
High mutation rate and CDH1 (loss)
Amplification of APC, etc.
(ARID1A, PIK3CA, Low cell adhesion
ERBB2, CCNE1, Amplification of
KRAS, mTOR pathway, and mesenchymal
etc.) phenotype
Recent studies using integrated gastric adenocarcinomas – via the gastric biopsies by 16S ribosomal
bioinformatics analyses have led Correa cascade of multistep gastric DNA sequencing and compared the
to the proposal of a panel of genes carcinogenesis for the intestinal type microbiota of patients with gastritis,
that are associated with the patho- and by other mechanisms for the dif- precancerous lesions, and gastric
genesis of gastric cancer, the value fuse type – and that about 10% of cancer. A study in Singapore and
of adjuvant therapy, and the prog- gastric cancers are the consequence Malaysia compared cases of gastric
nosis of resectable gastric cancer of EBV infection. However, since cancer and controls with functional
[28,29]. There is a need for further the development of new molecular dyspepsia (n = 32) and found that
validation in prospective studies methods to study the microbiota (see patients with gastric cancer had
and for standardization of tools that Chapter 3.10), it has been shown that higher relative abundances of bac-
can be used in clinical practice to H. pylori is not the only bacterium terial species that are commonly
screen gene expression in tumours. that is found in the stomach, and the found in the oral cavity [30]. A study
question of the newly recognized role in Taiwan, China, compared patients
of the microbiota in gastric carcino- with gastritis, intestinal metaplasia,
Etiology genesis has emerged. and gastric cancer (n = 27) and found
It is now agreed that H. pylori infec- Recent studies, mainly in Asia, a gastric cancer-specific bacterial
tion is responsible for about 90% of have identified the microbiota from signature consisting of Clostridium
(mainly C. colicanis), Fusobacterium that there was a significant positive More studies are needed on pa-
(F. nucleatum), and Lactobacillus (L. correlation between expression of tient cohorts, on humanized animal
gasseri and L. reuteri) [31]. A study Deinococcus, Sulfurospirillum, and models, and on different populations;
in Xi'an, China, observed significant Campylobacter and H. pylori genes, also, elements of the microbiota oth-
microbial dysbiosis in cases of intes- especially those involved in pH regu- er than bacteria should be included,
tinal metaplasia and gastric cancer lation and nickel transport [34]. such as fungi, archaea, and viruses
compared with cases of superficial The main limitation of these [35]. A more in-depth knowledge of
gastritis only (n = 81) and highlighted studies is that they are cross-sec- the gastric microbiota in relation to
a group of five species of oral bac- tional and cannot reveal whether gastric cancer should help research-
teria that are associated with gastric the gastric microbiota described ers to develop strategies for reducing
cancer [32]. In contrast, a study in corresponds to bacteria that the burden of this disease.
Portugal of patients with chronic are resident or only transitory.
gastritis and with gastric carcinoma However, because high pH is an
Biological characteristics
(n = 135) found an enrichment of important determinant of bacterial
intestinal bacteria rather than oral colonization, it is logical to imagine
and early detection
bacteria, and these results were that these bacteria can colonize the Biomarkers
confirmed in validation cohorts in stomach in the case of atrophy and
Many biomarkers for gastric can-
China and Mexico (Fig. 5.4.5) [33]. intestinal metaplasia, which leads
cer diagnosis have been described,
A study in Nicaragua determined the to decreased acid production and is
including CA72-4, CA12-5, SLE,
presence of viable bacteria by meta- the outcome of long-term H. pylori
BCA-225, hCG, and the ratio be-
transcriptomic analysis of stomach infection. Once established, these
tween the levels of pepsinogen I
biopsy specimens from patients bacteria could contribute to carcino-
and II; the most frequently used
undergoing endoscopy (n = 25) genesis by increasing inflammation,
biomarkers in clinical practice are
and found that the gastric micro- producing N-nitroso compounds or
biota did not change in relation to CEA and CA19-9 [36]. Cellular het-
acetaldehyde, and also modifying
the level of atrophy in the tissue but erogeneity must be considered in
the physiology of the stomach.
research on biomarkers for early
detection, prognosis, and targeted
therapy. Cancer stem cells are a
Fig. 5.4.5. The influence of Helicobacter pylori in the microbiota composition of chronic
gastritis and gastric carcinoma. Relative abundance of the different bacterial phyla rare subpopulation of gastric can-
overall (i.e. in all patients), in patients with chronic gastritis only, and in patients with cer cells at the origin of tumour initi-
gastric carcinoma. NS, not significant. ation and progression [37]. Several
cell surface markers of gastric can-
100 Other cer stem cells have been identified
Fusobacteria using mouse models of patient-
Actinobacteria derived tumour xenografts, gastric
Relative abundance (%)
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Table 5.4.2. Current topics of molecular markers associated with diagnosis, prognosis, and prediction of therapeutic response of
gastric cancer
miR-29a, miR-101, miR-125a, miR-129, miR-148b, Upregulation Diagnostic, prognostic, Blood, plasma
miR-181c, miR-212, miR-218, miR-335, miR-375, therapeutic
miR-449, miR-486, miR-512
Cell-free microRNAs
miR-331 and miR-21 Upregulation Diagnostic, prognostic Blood
miR-20b, miR-125a, miR-137, miR-141, miR-146a, Upregulation Prognostic Blood, plasma
miR-196a, miR-206, miR-218, miR-486-5p
miR-10b-5p, miR-132-3p, miR-185-5p, miR-195-5p, Upregulation Prognostic Plasma
miR-20a-3p, miR-296-5p
Long non-coding RNAs
ncRuPAR Downregulation Diagnostic, prognostic Tissue
AI364715, GACAT1, GACAT2 Downregulation Prognostic Tissue
PVT1 Upregulation Prognostic Tissue
Table 5.4.2. Current topics of molecular markers associated with diagnosis, prognosis, and prediction of therapeutic response of
gastric cancer (continued)
CagA, cytotoxin-associated gene A; EMT, epithelial–mesenchymal transition; FGFR, fibroblast growth factor receptor; HER2, human epidermal growth
factor receptor 2; MSI, microsatellite instability; mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; PI3K, phosphoinositide 3-kinase; PD-L1, programmed death-ligand
1; VacA, vacuolating toxin A; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; VEGFD, vascular endothelial growth factor D; VEGFR2, vascular endothelial growth
factor receptor 2.
which are abnormally expressed in ness to chemotherapy and on prog- Carcinogens from red meat in-
tumour tissue and can be detected nosis in resectable gastric cancer. clude heterocyclic aromatic amines
by sensitive molecular methods in In two clinical trials, patients with and polycyclic aromatic hydrocar-
body fluids including serum, plasma, either MSI-high or mismatch repair- bons produced by cooking meat at
gastric juice, and urine of patients. deficient tumours (6.6%) had better high temperatures. N-nitroso com-
Additional studies are required to overall survival than patients with pounds and polycyclic aromatic hy-
improve their diagnostic and prog- neither MSI-high nor mismatch re- drocarbons are found in processed
nostic accuracy (Table 5.4.2) [36]. pair-deficient tumours when treated meat after curing and smoking.
with surgery alone [41,42]. Inhibition Red meat and processed meat also
Targeted therapies of anti-tumour immune cell activity, contain salt; high dietary salt intake,
Trastuzumab therapy for patients mediated by programmed death- low intake of fresh fruits and veg-
with HER2-positive tumours was ligand 1 (PD-L1) or PD-L2, is par- etables, and tobacco smoking are
the first example of molecular ticularly upregulated in EBV-positive behavioural factors that increase
targeted therapy for gastric can- tumours [21]. The successful out- the risk of gastric cancer [2].
cer. The Trastuzumab for Gastric comes of multicentre trials of the im-
Cancer international randomized mune checkpoint inhibitor pembroli-
clinical trial demonstrated that treat- zumab support the use of tumour Fig. 5.4.6. The consumption of processed
ment with trastuzumab (a mono- PD-L1 and MSI status as a guide to meat has been associated with increased
clonal antibody targeting HER2) therapy and prognosis in resectable risk of gastric cancer.
plus chemotherapy significantly gastric cancer [43,44].
improved survival of patients with
HER2-positive advanced disease Prevention
[39]. HER2 amplification is routine-
ly detected in resected tumours by Reduced exposure to
standard immunohistochemistry. In carcinogens
an international randomized mul- The consumption of processed
ticentre trial, ramucirumab, which meat has been associated with gas-
targets vascular endothelial growth tric cancer in several case–control
factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2), has and cohort studies in many coun-
also shown efficacy as anti-angio- tries worldwide. For gastric cancer
genic therapy for previously treated specifically, the IARC Monographs
advanced gastric cancer [40]. found the evidence to be limited for
The MSI and mismatch repair processed meat and inadequate for
status has an impact on responsive- red meat (see Chapter 2.6) [45].
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
The Stomach Cancer Pooling (OLGA) and the Operative Link gastric pre-neoplastic lesions is the
Project, a consortium that included on Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia use of both serum pepsinogen lev-
23 epidemiological studies with Assessment (OLGIM) systems is els and H. pylori serology [53]. A low
10 290 cases and 26 145 controls recommended [48,49]. CDH1 test- serum pepsinogen I level or a low
from Europe, North America, and ing is recommended for patients pepsinogen I/II ratio is associated
Asia, evaluated the risk factors for with a family history of hereditary with gastric atrophy and is the best
gastric cancer using individual data diffuse gastric cancer and those available marker, despite its limited
rather than conventional meta- with precursor lesions for signet sensitivity for predicting risk of gas-
analysis. Tobacco smoking was ring cell carcinoma [50]. Guidelines tric cancer. A recent meta-analysis
confirmed as an important risk fac- were also developed for follow-up of 27 studies including 8654 pa-
tor. The risk was higher for cardia of individuals at risk [51]. tients from different geographical
tumours than for non-cardia tu- The development of new endo- regions confirmed the potential use
mours, both with and without H. scopy imaging technologies will help of serum pepsinogen I and II levels
pylori infection. In addition, the risk health professionals to diagnose in- in combination with gastrin-17 and
increased with the intensity and du- testinal metaplasia and early gastric anti-H. pylori antibodies for the non-
ration of smoking and decreased cancer [52]. Another strategy, in ad- invasive diagnosis and screening of
after smoking cessation [46]. dition to upper digestive endoscopy, atrophic gastritis of the corpus and
Alcohol consumption was also a for the diagnosis and surveillance of the antrum [54].
risk factor for both cardia and non-
cardia gastric cancer and for both
the intestinal and diffuse histologi- Fig. 5.4.7. A patient undergoing endoscopy.
cal subtypes, but at a lower magni-
tude than that found in conventional
meta-analysis [47].
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Colorectal cancer
Decreasing disparities and promoting
prevention are policy priorities
Carlo Senore Colinda Simons (reviewer)
Nereo Segnan Piet van den Brandt (reviewer)
Marc Gunter
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
novative drugs and chemotherapy ing and/or to persisting unfavour- colorectal cancer burden.
regimens, has resulted in a trend to- able lifestyle patterns. This pattern
wards improved stage-specific sur- was observed in countries in the
vival outcomes, in particular for pa- high-middle and middle SDI quin-
tients with stage II and III colorectal tiles, as well as in some countries explained by the early introduction
cancer. Improvement in patient with high HDI and high SDI, reflect- of screening as well as changes in
management and closer adherence ing the observed variability in the profiles of risk factors and protec-
to treatment guidelines – reflected implementation of screening and in tive factors, together with the avail-
in a higher use of curative surgery, the patterns of risk factors. ability of high-quality cancer care.
chemotherapy, and radiotherapy – The third pattern, character- On the basis of currently esti-
have contributed to the increasing ized by decreases in both incidence mated incidence and mortality rates,
trends in survival [9–11]. rates and mortality rates, was ob- the projected demographic changes
Financial and cultural barriers, served in countries with high HDI in the global population alone will re-
which delay or limit access to diag- and high SDI. This pattern may be sult in increases of about 80% both
Fig. 5.5.1. Time trends in colorectal cancer incidence and mortality for countries by quintile of the Sociodemographic Index (SDI).
Average annual percentage change in age-standardized death rate (ASDR) and age-standardized incidence rate (ASIR) between
2006 and 2016 for both sexes, by SDI quintile.
High SDI High-middle SDI Middle SDI Low-middle SDI Low SDI
SDI quintile
in the annual incidence of colorectal Chromosomal instability growth, they are likely to be detected
cancer (from 1.2 million new cases pathway at screening [17].
in 2008 to 2.2 million in 2030) and The chromosomal instability path- Different mechanisms contribute
in the mortality from colorectal can- way is thought to be driven by the to chromosomal instability, resulting
cer (from 0.6 million deaths in 2008 accumulation of mutational events in in karyotypic abnormalities, such as
to 1.1 million in 2030). Most of this oncogenes and tumour suppressor chromosome number alterations,
additional disease burden will oc- genes during the progression from telomere dysfunction or overexpres-
cur in countries with lower HDI, as small adenoma to invasive carcino- sion, or loss of heterozygosity, which
a result of the demographic transi- ma [15]. The earliest genetic event has been reported in more than 70%
tion and the adoption of lifestyles of colorectal cancers at chromosome
is the activation of Wnt signalling
more typical of industrialized coun- 18q. The stage of colorectal carcino-
by an inactivating mutation of the
tries. Although the number of new genesis at which the chromosomal
adenomatous polyposis coli (APC)
cases per year will remain higher in instability phenotype arises is still
tumour suppressor gene. Sporadic
countries with high HDI, by 2035 the uncertain. A role of APC mutation in
APC mutations are detected in 5%
number of deaths from colorectal favouring the initiation of chromoso-
of aberrant crypt foci, in 30–70% of
cancer will be greatest in countries mal instability has been proposed,
adenomas, and in more than 70%
with low HDI [14]. although chromosomal abnormali-
of colorectal cancers. Mutation of
the KRAS oncogene occurs prefer- ties have also been observed at very
Pathogenesis entially in early phases of the ade- early stages of tumorigenesis [16].
Colorectal cancer is a heteroge- noma–carcinoma sequence. KRAS
Serrated pathway
neous disease. The majority of mutations are detected in about
cases are sporadic tumours, which 50% of large polyps and colorectal Sessile serrated adenoma
have traditionally been described cancers and result in promotion of The initiating event in the develop-
as developing along two molecular adenomatous growth. Mutations of ment of sessile serrated adenoma is
pathways: (i) the conventional ade- TP53, SMAD4, PIK3C, and PTEN thought to be activation of the mito-
noma–carcinoma, or chromosomal are late events in colorectal carcino- gen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)
instability, pathway, and (ii) the ser- genesis [16]. The dwell time of these pathway through mutation of the
rated pathway. These two pathways lesions (i.e. the period of time for a BRAF oncogene; this triggers down-
account for about 70–75% and benign polyp to evolve into cancer) regulation of apoptosis and enables
25–30%, respectively, of sporadic is thought to be about 10–15 years, cell proliferation. In the serrated path-
colorectal cancers. and because of their regular, slow way, BRAF mutation is associated
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Data from the United States people younger than 40 years, re- 2. Peterse EFP, Meester RGS, Siegel RL,
Chen JC, Dwyer A, Ahnen DJ, et al.
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and sulting in an increase in the lifetime (2018). The impact of the rising colorectal
End Results (SEER) programme risk of colorectal cancer. However, cancer incidence in young adults on the
have shown that colorectal can- colorectal cancer mortality rates optimal age to start screening: microsim-
cer incidence and mortality rates have remained stable since the ulation analysis I to inform the American
Cancer Society colorectal cancer screen-
have declined in people older than mid-1990s in adults younger than ing guideline. Cancer. 124(14):2964–73.
50 years since the late 1980s. This 50 years, with a modest increase ht t p s: //d o i.o r g /10.10 0 2 /c n c r. 315 4 3
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implementation of screening. In recent years, and the large rela- 3. Murphy CC, Lund JL, Sandler RS (2017).
contrast, there has been a continu- tive increase in colorectal cancer Young-onset colorectal cancer: earlier
diagnoses or increasing disease bur-
ous increase in colorectal cancer incidence was based on a small den? Gastroenterology. 152(8):1809–
incidence rates in adults younger increase in the absolute risk [3]. 1812.e3.
than 50 years, from the 1990s until Also, a similar trend towards an tro.2017.04.030 PMID:28461196
2014 [1]. increase in colorectal cancer inci- 4. Senore C, Bellisario C, Segnan N (2017).
Although an increase in the dence in younger cohorts has not Distribution of colorectal polyps: impli-
screening of adults younger than yet been reported in other high- cations for screening. Best Pract Res
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50 years may have contributed to income countries. Therefore, the d o i.o r g /10.1016 / j. b p g. 2 017. 0 4. 0 0 8
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specific risk of colon and rectal cancers located in the proximal 6. Massat NJ, Moss SM, Halloran SP, Duffy
cancer was observed in more re- colon occurs at a younger age in SW (2013). Screening and primary pre-
cent birth cohorts. This supports women than in men [5,6]. This may vention of colorectal cancer: a review of
sex-specific and site-specific differences.
the hypothesis of a strong birth also suggest a need to design sex- J Med Screen. 20(3):125–48. https://
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born in the 1950s [1]. The stage distribution of colo- PMID:24197771
The results of a decision-ana- rectal cancer at diagnosis has 7. Goodyear SJ, Leung E, Menon A,
lytic modelling analysis suggest- remained stable over the past de- Pedamallu S, Williams N, Wong LS
cades in several high-income coun- (2008). The effects of population-based
ed that starting screening at age
faecal occult blood test screening upon
45 years instead of age 50 years tries, with a shift towards a more fa- emergency colorectal cancer admissions
may have a favourable balance vourable stage distribution after the in Coventry and north Warwickshire. Gut.
between benefits and costs for all introduction of screening [7,8]. 57(2):218–22.
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[2]. This result holds only under References 8. Zorzi M, Mangone L, Sassatelli R,
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the assumption of an increase in 1. Siegel RL, Fedewa SA, Anderson WF, IMPATTO COLONRETTO working group
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(2017). Colorectal cancer incidence pat-
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with the accumulation over time of ized by high microsatellite instability adenomas with these features have
epigenetic alterations, in the form of (MSI-high), are frequently associated a BRAF-mutated/CIMP-high/MSI-
global methylation of CpG islands with the development of cytological high molecular profile, it was sug-
(the CpG island methylator pheno- dysplasia [17]. Epigenetic silencing gested that a subset of sessile ser-
type [CIMP]), which cause silencing of p16 is associated with the devel- rated adenomas, with methylation of
of regulatory genes. Methylation of opment of high-grade dysplasia or the DNA repair gene MGMT, may be
the promoter region and suppression invasive carcinoma [18]. precursors of BRAF-mutated/CIMP-
of the mismatch repair gene MLH1, Although serrated colorectal high/microsatellite stable serrated
resulting in a phenotype character- cancers arising in sessile serrated colorectal cancers [18].
Sessile serrated adenomas may rarely methylated in traditional ser- rectal cancers generally have a fa-
have an indolent course in the early rated adenomas; this supports the vourable prognosis; this may relate
phase after BRAF mutation, with a hypothesis that traditional serrated to an immune response, because
rapid progression to invasive colo- adenomas are precursors of micro- these tumours are strongly infil-
rectal cancer after the development satellite stable or MSI-low colorec- trated by T lymphocytes, opening
of cytological dysplasia, which is tal cancers. Inactivation of p53 has up opportunities for immunotherapy
associated with the development been associated with the develop- [24]. BRAF mutation is also associ-
of MSI [17]. This hypothesis is sup- ment of high-grade dysplasia and ated with poorer survival within the
ported by the observation of a very invasive carcinoma [18]. MSI group [25]. MSI has been as-
low risk of BRAF-mutated colorec- Recent efforts using data on sociated with resistance to 5-fluoro-
tal cancers in people younger than RNA expression and immune re- uracil chemotherapy [24].
60 years, who, however, have a sponse have led to new classifi-
similar prevalence of sessile serrat- cations associated with survival,
which are undergoing validation
Risk factors
ed adenomas to older people [19].
The prevalence of sessile ser- [20]. Also, the detection of tumour Of 17.2 million disability-adjusted
rated adenomas in people at average mutational signatures on the basis life years due to colorectal cancer,
risk who undergo colonoscopy or of genome-wide data may yield 6.8 million (39.4%) are attributable
stool-based tests for occult blood – possible targets for prevention, to lifestyle factors [26]. This fraction
guaiac faecal occult blood test because specific signatures have appears to be fairly constant across
(gFOBT) or faecal immunochemi- been associated with particular different countries, irrespective of the
cal test (FIT) – has been reported to exposures [21]. However, tumour– large differences in colorectal cancer
be 2–7%. Sessile serrated adeno- node–metastasis (TNM) stage and risk. The available evidence supports
mas are located predominantly in markers associated with the chro- the association of diet, physical activ-
the proximal colon; they have a flat mosomal instability pathway and ity, and smoking with risk of colorec-
or sessile morphology, and they are the serrated pathway remain the tal cancer (Table 5.5.1) [27–31].
often covered by a mucus cap. These guides in clinical decision-making.
KRAS mutations have been as- Dietary and nutrient patterns
features interfere with their detection,
both by endoscopy (their subtle en- sociated with reduced survival and The analysis of dietary or nutrient
doscopic appearance and indistinct with treatment failure in patients with patterns has been developed as a
borders are associated with a higher advanced colorectal cancer who un- complementary approach to analy-
miss rate and a higher proportion of dergo targeted treatment with anti- ses of single foods or nutrients, to
incomplete excisions) and by gFOBT epidermal growth factor receptor adequately account for the interac-
or FIT (their morphology and the mu- (anti-EGFR) antibodies [22]. tion between food components and
cus cap are associated with a lower CIMP-high status and BRAF to characterize specific dietary hab-
likelihood to bleed) [17]. mutation have been associated with its in a more comparable way across
poor prognosis [23]. MSI-high colo- populations (see Chapter 2.6).
Traditional serrated adenoma
Traditional serrated adenomas Fig. 5.5.2. In high-income countries, a dietary pattern characterized by, among other
make up less than 1% of all serrated things, high intakes of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and nuts and legumes is
lesions. Therefore, limited evidence associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer.
is available about their epidemiol-
ogy and natural history. Traditional
serrated adenomas are located
predominantly in the distal colon
and have a polypoid morphology
and a villous component, similar to
advanced conventional adenomas.
Activation of the MAPK path-
way is more frequently associated
with mutation of the KRAS onco-
gene, although traditional serrated
adenomas may also have BRAF
mutation. Both CIMP-high and
CIMP-low phenotypes have been
described in different series; the
variance is probably related also to
differences in the panel of markers
used to define CIMP [18]. MLH1 is
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Genetic susceptibility
Germline mutations or epimuta- Much of the heritable risk is offers the prospect of tailoring
tions of genes involved in colorectal probably explained by co-inher- colorectal cancer screening to an
carcinogenesis, which are also in- itance of low-penetrance genetic individual’s level of risk, thereby
volved in sporadic colorectal can- variants. Genome-wide associa- optimizing the use of screening
cer pathways, are associated with tion studies have so far identified resources. Assessments of the
hereditary syndromes. These syn- about 60 common single-nucleo- feasibility and cost–effectiveness
dromes can be divided into three tide polymorphisms that influence of this approach in the setting of
broad categories: (i) non-polyposis individual susceptibility to colorec- population-based screening are
syndromes, (ii) adenomatous pol- tal cancer [2]. Although the risk being planned.
yposis syndromes, and (iii) non-ad- associated with variation at each A recent report from a large
enomatous polyposis syndromes. locus is modest, risk genotypes prospective cohort study showed
They collectively account only for a are common in the population. It that a genetic risk score composed
small fraction of colorectal cancer has been suggested that develop- of 41 published, genome-wide sig-
risk attributable to genetic factors. ing genome-wide polygenic scores nificant single-nucleotide polymor-
These syndromes are character- may enable the identification of in- phisms for colorectal cancer did
ized by an increased risk of colo- dividuals with risk levels compara- not meaningfully improve model
rectal cancer during the individual’s ble to those of people with heredi- discrimination of two previously
lifetime. The estimated cumulative tary syndromes. validated risk prediction models
probability of developing the dis- Accounting for the interaction for colorectal cancer, and did not
ease by age 70 years ranges from between genetic and lifestyle-re- substantially influence the predict-
90% in familial adenomatous polyp- lated factors may present a chal- ed probabilities for 95% of partici-
osis to almost 0% in some variants lenge. However, the development pants [3]. These findings suggest
of Lynch syndrome [1]. A summary of risk prediction models that incor- that a genetic risk score for colo-
of these syndromes is presented in porate genetic risk scores together rectal cancer risk prediction may
Table B5.5.1. with other risk factor information have some additional practical
benefit only if it is applied to people
who are already predicted to be at
Table B5.5.1. Genetic syndromes associated with increased risk of colorectal cancer high risk, on the basis of existing
Syndrome Gene mutations Inheritance pattern models, rather than to people at
average risk.
Non-polyposis syndromes Implementing such an ap-
Lynch syndrome MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, Autosomal dominant proach also requires taking into ac-
PMS2, and EPCAM count the confidentiality and ethi-
Familial colorectal cancer Not defined
cal implications of genetic testing,
(previously known as familial and this consideration influences
colorectal cancer type X) the acceptability of this approach.
Adenomatous polyposis syndromes
Familial adenomatous polyposis APC Autosomal dominant 1. IARC (2019). Colorectal cancer screen-
Attenuated familial adenomatous
ing. IARC Handb Cancer Prev. 17:1–
300. Available from: http://publications.
MUTYH-associated polyposisa MUTYH Autosomal recessive
2. Schmit SL, Edlund CK, Schumacher FR,
Non-adenomatous polyposis syndromes Gong J, Harrison TA, Huyghe JR, et al.
(2019). Novel common genetic suscep-
Peutz–Jeghers syndromeb SKT11 Autosomal dominant
tibility loci for colorectal cancer. J Natl
Cancer Inst. 111(2):146–57. https://doi.
Cowden syndrome (PTEN PTEN Autosomal dominant
org/10.1093/jnci/djy099 PMID:29917119
hamartoma tumour syndrome)
3. Smith T, Gunter MJ, Tzoulaki I, Muller
Juvenile polyposis syndrome SMAD4 and BMPR1A Autosomal dominant DC (2018). The added value of genetic
information in colorectal cancer risk pre-
Serrated polyposis syndromec GREM1 and MUTYH
diction models: development and evalu-
The phenotype is highly variable, presenting also with both adenomatous and hyperplastic polyps. ation in the UK Biobank prospective co-
hort study. Br J Cancer. 119(8):1036–9.
Genetic testing may be negative in up to 50% of the cases that meet the clinical criteria.
ht tps:// 41416 - 018 -
Not universal. Associated with increased risk of sporadic mismatch repair-deficient colorectal cancer. 0282-8 PMID:30323197
Table 5.5.1. Risk factors and protective factors for colorectal cancera
Strong – convincing Physical activityc,d Higher versus lower Processed meat per 50 g/day
Alcoholic beverages > about 2 drinks a day
Body fatness
Multivitamin supplements
Fig. 5.5.3. In high-income countries, a dietary pattern characterized by high intakes of Two distinct dietary patterns have
red meat, processed meat, sugar-sweetened beverages, refined grains, desserts, and been associated with risk of colo-
potatoes is associated with a higher risk of colorectal cancer. rectal cancer, and the association is
stronger for men than for women. A
“healthy” pattern, which is associated
with a lower risk of colorectal cancer,
is characterized by high intakes of
fruits and vegetables, whole grains,
nuts and legumes, fish and other
seafood, and milk and other dairy
products. In contrast, an “unhealthy”
pattern, which is associated with a
higher risk of colorectal cancer, is
characterized by high intakes of red
meat, processed meat, sugar-sweet-
ened beverages, refined grains, des-
serts, and potatoes [32].
In the European Prospective
Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
(EPIC) cohort, higher scores on two
nutrient patterns have been associat-
ed with a reduction in risk of colorectal
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
cancer (mainly for lesions located in tal cancer burden, the scale of the metastases, and are thought to be
the proximal colon) [33]. One of the obesity epidemic and the high in- pro-inflammatory [38]. Atopobium, a
nutrient patterns is characterized by a cidence of colorectal cancer may gram-positive anaerobic bacterium,
high variety of vitamins and minerals, necessitate more direct preventive is associated with Crohn disease and
and the other is characterized by vi- interventions that target people at was reported to inhibit colonocyte
tamin B12, calcium, phosphorus, ribo- higher risk. apoptosis in vitro [39]. These studies
flavin, cholesterol, and total proteins. are consistent with microbiotic imbal-
Microbiota ance (known as dysbiosis) leading
Adiposity and body fatness There is a growing body of experi- to a pro-inflammatory microenviron-
Overweight, obesity, and type 2 mental and observational evidence ment, which is conducive to colorec-
diabetes (see Chapter 2.7) are es- implicating the gut microbiome in the tal tumorigenesis. However, caution
tablished risk factors for colorectal development of colorectal cancer is required in the interpretation of
cancer, and it has been estimated (see Chapter 3.10). However, human case–control and cross-sectional
that they may account for more than studies linking variation in the gut studies, because of the potential of
10% of cases worldwide [34]. Given microbiome with colorectal cancer reverse causality [40].
the worldwide rising prevalence of are limited, and more are needed.
obesity and type 2 diabetes, these A small case–control study with Prevention and screening
diseases are likely to have significant available faecal samples demon-
impacts on colorectal cancer inci- strated differences between colorec- Screening
dence in the future [35]. tal cancer cases and controls in the The available evidence suggests that
Public health strategies aimed relative abundance of bacterial taxa, screening, with stool-based tests for
at reducing the prevalence of obe- with enrichment of Bacteroidetes and occult blood (gFOBT or FIT) or with
sity, promoting physical activity, depletion of Firmicutes in cases [36]. endoscopic methods, is associated
and discouraging the consumption In addition, increased carriage of the with a reduction in colorectal cancer
of high-energy, obesogenic foods genera Fusobacterium, Atopobium, incidence and mortality (Table 5.5.2)
are gradually being implemented in and Porphyromonas has been asso- [41,42].
many regions of the world. Although ciated with colorectal cancer [36,37]. Colorectal cancer incidence
such strategies could, if successful, Fusobacterium are prevalent in co- and mortality have been observed
lead to a reduction in the colorec- lon tissue, are maintained in distal to decline in countries where the
Guaiac faecal occult blood test (gFOBT) Sufficient evidence for reduction in mortality Sufficient 2 years
Evidence suggestive of a lack of effect for evidence 50–60 to 75 years
reduction in incidence
Higher-sensitivity guaiac faecal occult Sufficient evidence for reduction in mortality Sufficient 1 or 2 years
blood test (gFOBT) (with rehydration) Limited evidence for reduction in incidence evidence 50–60 to 75 years
Faecal immunochemical test for Sufficient evidence for reduction in mortality Sufficient 2 years
haemoglobin (FIT) Limited evidence for reduction in incidence evidence 50–60 to 75 years
Sigmoidoscopy Sufficient evidence for reduction in mortality Sufficient Once in lifetimeb
Sufficient evidence for reduction in incidence evidence
Computed tomography (CT) Limited evidence for reduction in mortality Inadequate Once in lifetimed
colonography Limited evidence for reduction in incidence evidence
Evidence on newer techniques that have emerged recently was deemed insufficient. In particular, only one study was available assessing the accuracy
of a multitarget stool DNA test combined with the faecal immunochemical test (FIT); it showed an increased sensitivity for sessile serrated adenoma,
compared with FIT alone. Similarly, only one study has been conducted to assess the accuracy of a blood biomarker (methylated septin 9 DNA); it showed
a low sensitivity for advanced adenomas.
Screening trial included people 55 years or older, and current population-based programmes offer screening between age 55 years and age 59 years.
Available evidence supporting the colonoscopy screening test refers to people aged 50 years and older and suggests that the impact is lower in elderly
people (aged > 75 years).
Evidence about the optimal target age is limited.
implementation of interventions for with higher socioeconomic status creased risk of colorectal cancer (see
early detection started in the 1990s (see Chapter 4.5) [46]. In the USA, Chapter 6.4) [51]. In individuals at
already [43]. In addition, preliminary use of screening remains consis- average risk, calcium supplementa-
reports show a reduction in colorec- tently lower, independent of ethnic- tion (> 200 mg/day) was associated
tal cancer incidence, mortality, and ity and education level, in uninsured with a reduction in risk of colorectal
surgery rates after the introduction people and in those without access cancer [32], and use of aspirin (daily
of population-based screening pro- to primary care, because of eco- or alternate-day dose, ≥ 75 mg) ap-
grammes [42,44,45]. These find- nomic and organizational barriers peared to reduce colorectal cancer
ings confirm the beneficial impact of (see Chapter 4.6) [47]. incidence and mortality, after a la-
screening on the colorectal cancer Reports from organized gFOBT- tency of about 10 years, with a small
burden at the population level. based or FIT-based screening pro- reduction in all-cause mortality
However, screening rates in grammes still document lower par- within 10 years of initiating use [52].
adults aged 50–75 years remain ticipation in screening in the most In a recent network meta-analysis,
low, and non-adherence to recom- disadvantaged groups [48]. However, low-dose aspirin appeared to be as
mended protocols is an important screening rates are higher and the effective as gFOBT or sigmoidos-
attributable factor for colorectal can- gap by socioeconomic status is copy in reducing colorectal cancer
cer mortality, in particular in disad- smaller in settings with organized incidence and mortality, and more
vantaged groups. programmes than in settings with op- effective for cancers located in the
Trends in colorectal cancer mor- portunistic screening; this suggests proximal colon [53]. The cost–effec-
tality in the USA have been observed that implementing population-based tiveness of an approach combining
to be associated with socioeconom- screening can ensure the organiza- screening and chemoprevention still
ic status. This association, together tional framework for enhancing par- needs to be assessed.
with the timing of the implementation ticipation, while reducing inequities in
Primary prevention
of screening in the USA, is consistent access [49,50].
with the hypothesis that the gradient Preventive interventions aimed at
in screening uptake with socioeco- Chemoprevention promoting healthier lifestyles may
reduce the risk of colorectal can-
nomic status and the later adoption of There is some evidence that aspirin
cer, or may maintain the low risk in
screening in disadvantaged groups and cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) inhib-
those countries where industrial-
resulted in widening disparities in itors may reduce recurrence of ad-
ized lifestyles are not yet common.
colorectal cancer mortality – a dis- enomas and incidence of advanced
Such preventive measures may be
parity that is now in favour of groups adenomas in individuals at an in-
implemented at the population level
and/or at the individual level.
Fig. 5.5.4. This food from Ethiopia exemplifies a vegetable-based diet. Incidence Regular cancer screening of-
rates of colorectal cancer continue to be low in many countries, and in such countries fers the opportunity to convey health
industrialized lifestyles are typically not yet common. education messages, and the over-
all impact of primary prevention and
screening could reduce the inci-
dence of colorectal cancer by up to
60% in screenees who comply with
health education recommendations.
Studies assessing the impact of life-
style interventions proposed in the
screening setting showed that coun-
selling can be effective in encourag-
ing the adoption of healthier dietary
patterns, but not in promoting an
increase in physical activity or in
prompting smoking cessation [54].
In evaluating trends of colorec-
tal cancer risk, the impact of inter-
ventions not specifically designed
for colorectal cancer prevention,
but targeting multiple chronic dis-
eases sharing the same risk fac-
tors, should also be considered.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Liver cancer
An infectious disease
for many communities
Chien-Jen Chen Isabelle Chemin (reviewer)
Zdenko Herceg (reviewer)
Tatsuhiro Shibata (reviewer)
sults in fibrosis and cirrhosis, most common cancer and the fourth
fections acquired before age 5 years.
which predisposes to the devel- most common cause of cancer
A significant decrease in the global
opment of liver cancer. Alcohol death worldwide [2]. The cumulative
incidence of liver cancer is expected
acts synergistically with chron- incidence of liver cancer from birth
in the future, because the worldwide
to age 75 years was 1.6% for males
ic viral hepatitis and tobacco prevalence of chronic HBV infection
and 0.6% for females, and the cu-
use in causing hepatocellular in children younger than 5 years has
mulative mortality from liver cancer
carcinoma. been reduced dramatically by HBV
was 1.5% for males and 0.5% for
vaccination programmes.
●● There is a dose–response rela- females. There is substantial geo-
tionship between risk of hepa- graphical variation in liver cancer
tocellular carcinoma and in- incidence and mortality globally. Genetics and genomics
creasing serum level of aflatoxin Age-standardized rates in Africa Hereditary diseases that are as-
B1–albumin adducts, a biomark- and Asia are 2–3 times those in the sociated with an increased risk of
er that provides a cumulative Americas, Europe, and Oceania. HCC include haemochromatosis,
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Table 5.6.1. Major etiological factors for liver cancer with their biomarkers and related major genes
Anti-HCV, hepatitis C antibody; HBeAg, HBV e antigen; HBsAg, HBV surface antigen; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus.
for women. The AA genotype of cause most people who are infected the REVEAL study, for patients with
the S267F (rs2296651) variant on have no or mild symptoms. Most chronic hepatitis C the lifetime (ages
NTCP was found to be associated asymptomatic infections progress to 30–75 years) cumulative incidence
with HBsAg-seropositive status, and chronic hepatitis, with the patient not of HCC was 24% for men and 17%
the GA or AA genotype was associ- being aware of this until end-stage for women. Co-infection with HBV
ated with a low risk of progression liver diseases, including cirrhosis may increase the lifetime cumulative
to cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic HCC in and HCC, occur. Spontaneous clear- risk of HCC to 38% for men and 27%
patients with chronic hepatitis B [11]. ance of HCV RNA occurs in about for women. Polymorphisms near the
HCV infection is infrequently di- 8–36% of patients with chronic hep- IFNL3 gene (formerly known as
agnosed during the acute phase, be- atitis C without antiviral treatment. In IL28B) are associated with sponta-
neous clearance of HCV RNA and
reduced risk of HCC [12]. In particu-
Fig. 5.6.1. Chinese liver fluke. Human liver fluke infection, a major risk factor for lar, the TT variant of rs8099917 near
intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, is prevalent in parts of East Asia. IFNL3 is significantly associated
with increased spontaneous clear-
ance of HCV RNA and decreased
risk of HCC.
HLA also plays an important
role in the progression of chronic
hepatitis C. For example, eight sin-
gle-nucleotide polymorphisms near
HLA-DQB1 are associated with risk
of HCC in patients with HCV geno-
type 1 infection. DQB1*03:01 has a
protective effect, and DQB1*06:02
increases the risk of HCC [13].
Hepatocarcinogenesis caused
by infection with HBV or HCV is a
multistage process with a multifac-
torial etiology (Fig. 5.6.3). Infection
with HBV or HCV also causes in-
trahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, at
a much lower incidence than HCC.
Fig. 5.6.2. In the natural history of chronic hepatitis B, there are milestone transitions of three hepatitis B virus (HBV) seromarkers.
The serum HBV DNA level (viral load) remains high during the immune tolerance phase. Both HBV e antigen (HBeAg) seroclearance
and anti-HBe seropositivity occur after a period of elevation of serum level of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), a seromarker of liver
inflammation, during the immune clearance phase. The serum HBV DNA level (viral load) may remain high or may gradually decline
in patients with HBeAg-seronegative status. Seroclearance of HBV surface antigen (HBsAg) may occur after the serum HBV DNA
level becomes undetectable during the residual phase. HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.6.3. The progression from self-limited hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection through chronic hepatitis
and cirrhosis to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a multistage pathogenic process driven by the interaction among viral, host, and
environmental factors. Viral co-factors include viral load and genotype of HBV and HCV. Environmental co-factors for virus-related
HCC include alcohol consumption, aflatoxin exposure, cigarette smoking, low intake of carotenes and selenium, and others. Host
co-factors include age, sex, family history of HCC, obesity, serum level of alanine aminotransferase (ALT, a seromarker of hepatic
inflammation), fibrosis score, serum testosterone level, and genetic polymorphisms of metabolism enzymes, oncogenes, tumour
suppressor genes, hormone-related genes, immunity-related genes, inflammation-related genes, and others. F, female; HBeAg,
HBV e antigen; M, male.
Viral factors
Host characteristics
environmental exposure Gender
(M > F)
Family history
Fig. 5.6.4. A liver with cirrhosis. Cirrhosis induced by alcohol consumption predisposes patients with chronic hepatitis B with
to the development of hepatocellular carcinoma. null genotypes of GST M1 or T1 (i.e.
without detoxification capability), but
not in those with non-null genotypes.
The TP53 tumour suppressor
gene is critically important for the
regulation of the cell cycle and the
maintenance of genomic integrity.
A specific mutation at codon 249 in
exon 7 of TP53 has been associ-
ated with aflatoxin B1-induced HCC.
Liver flukes
Both Opisthorchis viverrini infection
and Clonorchis sinensis infection
have been classified by the IARC
Monographs as carcinogenic to
humans; they cause intrahepatic
cholangiocarcinoma. Globally, the
estimated number of infections with er HBsAg seroclearance rate and a recent study, long-term exposure to
O. viverrini is at least 10 million and persistently higher serum levels of PM2.5 was found to increase the risk
with C. sinensis is at least 35 mil- HBV DNA [19]. There is a dose– of liver cancer mediated by serum
lion [1]. The spread of these flukes response relationship between in- ALT level, after adjustment for age,
is restricted by the distribution of two creasing adiponectin levels and risk sex, alcohol consumption, cigarette
definitive hosts other than humans – of cirrhosis and HCC in patients smoking, and HBV and HCV infec-
particular species of snails and cypri- with chronic hepatitis B. tion [21]. However, this finding needs
nid fish – and by the cultural practice Diabetes increases risk of HCC further scrutiny.
of eating raw fish. The transmission with or without chronic viral hepa-
cycle requires eggs from fish-eating titis. Patients with HCV infection
hosts, which emerge in faeces to have a significantly increased inci-
Risk prediction
contaminate the freshwater inhab- dence of diabetes, with a multivar- Because several risk factors in-
ited by snails and fish. iate-adjusted hazard ratio of 1.5 in teract to cause liver cancer, it is
a long-term prospective study [20]. important to integrate them into a
Obesity and diabetes risk prediction model to derive one
Both obesity (see Chapter 2.7) and Fine particulate matter measure of absolute risk, for the ap-
diabetes are associated with the Exposure to fine particulate mat- propriate identification of people at
development of HCC. Obesity may ter (particulate matter with particles high risk who require clinical inter-
influence HCC through non-alco- of aerodynamic diameter less than vention. Risk prediction is very im-
holic fatty liver disease and non-al- 2.5 µm [PM2.5 ]) is associated with portant for the personalized health
coholic steatohepatitis, which pro systematic inflammation markers care of those who are susceptible
gress through fibrosis and cirrhosis and serum levels of liver enzymes, to liver cancer.
to liver cancer [18]. including alanine aminotransferase Easy-to-use nomograms have
Higher plasma levels of adi- (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase, been developed for predicting long-
ponectin are associated with a low- and gamma-glutamyl transferase. In term risk of HCC in patients with
Fig. 5.6.5. Nomograms from the Risk Evaluation of Viral Load Elevation and Associated Liver Disease/Cancer of Hepatitis B Virus
(REVEAL-HBV) study are some of the earliest risk calculators for predicting risk of cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in
patients with chronic hepatitis B. Integer risk scores are assigned to various groups of eight predictors: sex, age, family history of
HCC, alcohol intake, serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) level, HBV e antigen (HBeAg) serostatus, serum HBV DNA level, and
HBV genotype. Both 5-year and 10-year risks of HCC by summed risk score are depicted in the nomogram. It is easy to identify the
long-term HCC risk by summing the risk scores. These nomograms have high internal validity and discriminatory ability to triage
patients with chronic hepatitis B into different risk groups.
5-year risk
10-year risk
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Hepatocellular carcinoma risk calculators for patients with chronic viral hepatitis
In the era of precision medicine, biomarkers during long-term fol- and 1313 anti-HCV-seropositive
it is important to classify patients low-up are essential. For exam- participants were enrolled, and
with viral hepatitis into subgroups ple, the Risk Evaluation of Viral among them 384 new cases of
that differ in their susceptibility to Load Elevation and Associated HCC occurred until 30 June 2008.
liver cancer, their prognosis, and Liver Disease/Cancer (REVEAL) A series of HCC risk calculators
their response to clinical manage- study recruited a cohort of 23 820 were developed and validated for
ment. Preventive or therapeutic adult male and female residents patients with chronic hepatitis B
interventions can then be concen- of seven townships in 1991–1992. and those with chronic hepatitis C,
trated on those who will benefit, The health examination at study from the REVEAL study [2,3].
thus sparing expense and side-ef- entry and follow-up visit included The Risk Estimation for Hepa
fects for those who will not. In the abdominal ultrasonography and tocellular Carcinoma in Chronic
past decade, risk calculators for serological tests of (i) hepatitis B Hepatitis B (REACH-B) scoring
predicting long-term risk of hepa- biomarkers, including HBV surface systems were derived from the
tocellular carcinoma (HCC) in pa- antigen (HBsAg), HBV e antigen community cohort of the REVEAL-
tients with chronic hepatitis B and (HBeAg), genotype, mutant types, HBV study and validated inter-
C have been derived and validated and DNA (HBV DNA); (ii) hepati- nationally in hospital cohorts.
internationally [1]. tis C biomarkers, including HCV Important risk predictors includ-
For the derivation and vali- antibody (anti-HCV), genotype, ing age, sex, HBeAg serostatus,
dation of the risk of liver cancer, and RNA (HCV RNA); and (iii) liver and serum levels of ALT, HBV
well-designed prospective co- function biomarkers, including ala- DNA, and HBsAg were incorpo-
hort studies on a large cohort of nine aminotransferase (ALT) and rated into the REACH-B scores.
patients with viral hepatitis with aspartate aminotransferase (AST). These scores have high validity for
comprehensive collection of serial A total of 4155 HBsAg-seropositive HCC risk prediction. Table B5.6.1
Table B5.6.1. Projected risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis B, from the Risk
Estimation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Chronic Hepatitis B (REACH-B) IIa prediction model
HBeAg/HBV DNA (copies/mL)/HBsAg (IU/mL) 8 0.13 0.37 1.13
Negative/< 10 4/< 100 0 9 0.21 0.61 1.87
Negative/< 10 4/< 100–999 2 10 0.35 1.01 3.08
Negative/< 10 /≥ 1000
3 11 0.59 1.66 5.04
Negative/10 4 –10 6/< 100 2 12 0.97 2.74 8.21
Negative/10 4 –10 6/100–999 3 13 1.60 4.49 13.21
Negative/10 4 –10 6/≥ 1000 4 14 2.63 7.32 20.91
Negative/≥ 10 6/any 6 15 4.32 11.82 32.18
Positive 7 16 7.04 18.80 47.42
17 11.39 29.15 65.49
ALT, alanine aminotransferase; HBeAg, HBV e antigen; HBsAg, HBV surface antigen; HBV, hepatitis B virus.
shows the risk scores assigned serum HCV RNA level, and HCV 2. Yang HI, Tseng TC, Liu J, Lee MH, Liu
CJ, Su TH, et al. (2016). Incorporating
to different groups of risk predic- genotype, were incorporated into serum level of hepatitis B surface anti-
tors, together with the projected the risk score. The risk score has gen or omitting level of hepatitis B virus
risk of developing HCC for poten- satisfactory to high validity and DNA does not affect calculation of risk
for hepatocellular carcinoma in patients
tial cumulative risk scores in the discriminatory ability for HCC risk without cirrhosis. Clin Gastroenterol
REACH-B IIa prediction model [2]. prediction. However, it needs to be Hepatol. 14(3):461–468.e2. https://
An HCC risk score for anti- validated internationally for its ap- d o i .o r g /10 .1016 / j .c g h . 2 015 .10 . 0 3 3
HCV-seropositive patients was plication in other countries.
derived from the REVEAL study 3. Lee MH, Lu SN, Yuan Y, Yang HI, Jen CL,
References You SL, et al. (2014). Development and
and validated in another commu- validation of a clinical scoring system for
nity-based high-risk cohort [3]. 1. Chen CJ, Lee M-H, Liu J, Yang H-I predicting risk of HCC in asymptomatic
(2015). Hepatocellular carcinoma risk individuals seropositive for anti-HCV an-
Important risk predictors, includ-
scores: ready to use in 2015? Hepat tibodies. PLoS One. 9(5):e94760. https://
ing age, serum ALT level, serum Oncol. 2(1):1–4.
AST/ALT ratio, cirrhosis status, hep.14.32 PMID:30190979 PMID:24801353
chronic viral hepatitis (Fig. 5.6.5). therapy. Lamivudine was first ap- variants were found to be associated
These risk calculators are helpful proved in 1998 for the treatment of with the efficacy of interferon-based
for the triage of patients with viral chronic hepatitis B. It significantly therapy for chronic hepatitis C, and
hepatitis who need intensive liver decreases the risk of HCC in treat- ethnicities in the Asia-Pacific region
surveillance and/or antiviral ther- ed patients but has the disadvan- were shown to have a high frequency
apy, and for the evaluation of the tage of inducing antiviral-resistant of favourable genotypes.
efficacy of clinical management of YMDD mutants. Newly developed Direct-acting antiviral agents
patients with chronic viral hepatitis antiviral drugs for chronic hepatitis are highly effective for all HCV ge-
in South and East Asia. Risk calcu- B have higher genetic barriers, to notypes, without any ethnic vari-
lators for predicting cirrhosis, the limit the development of antiviral- ation. They are convenient oral
most important predisposing factor resistant strains. A recent cohort agents with a low side-effect profile.
for HCC, in patients with chronic study reported a significant de- In a recent study of 62 354 patients
hepatitis B have also been derived crease in the incidence of HCC in with chronic hepatitis C treated with
and validated internally [22]. 973 patients with chronic hepatitis interferon and/or direct-acting anti-
B treated with pegylated interferon viral agents, sustained virological
or any anti-HBV nucleoside/nucleo- response (versus non-sustained vi-
Prevention tide analogue. The study found a rological response) was associated
Liver cancer may be prevented 77% reduction in HCC incidence with a significant reduction in risk of
through interventions related in treated patients, compared with HCC in patients treated with direct-
to its major etiological factors 4935 untreated patients, after ad- acting antiviral agents only (71%
(Table 5.6.2). Viral hepatitis con- justment for the Risk Estimation reduction), with both direct-acting
trol is included within the United for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in antiviral agents and interferon (52%
Nations Sustainable Development Chronic Hepatitis B (REACH-B) reduction), and with interferon only
Goals. The HBV vaccine has high predictive risk score [24]. In a (68% reduction), after adjustment for
efficacy and cost–effectiveness to European study of 1951 adult multiple risk factors [26]. In a study
prevent HCC. It is the first vaccine Caucasian patients with chronic of 4639 patients with chronic hepati-
to prevent a cancer type in humans hepatitis B treated with entecavir or tis C treated with pegylated interfer-
(see Chapter 6.3). The HBV vaccine tenofovir, there was a significant de- on and ribavirin, sustained virologi-
has been incorporated into the na- cline in the annual HCC incidence cal response (versus non-sustained
tional immunization programmes of rate in patients with cirrhosis, from virological response) was associat-
187 countries. The worldwide per- 3.22% within the first 5 years of ed with a significant decline in HCC
centage of children younger than therapy to 1.57% within 5–10 years incidence in patients with cirrhosis
5 years living with chronic HBV after enrolment [25]. (46% reduction) and in those without
infection fell from 4.7% in the pre- The standard treatment for chron- cirrhosis (63% reduction) [27].
vaccine era to 1.3% in 2015. HBV ic hepatitis C was interferon-based The global targets for 2030 set
vaccination prevents an estimated therapy until the advent of direct-act- by WHO include 90% HBV vaccina-
4.5 million HBV infections per year ing antiviral agents in 2013. HCV ge- tion coverage, 90% prevention of
in children [23]. notypes 1 and 4 are less responsive mother-to-child HBV transmission,
Several antiviral drugs have to interferon-based therapy com- 100% blood transfusion safety and
been approved for viral hepatitis pared with other genotypes. IFNL3 injection safety, diagnosis of 90% of
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Table 5.6.2. Prevention of liver cancer through interventions related to its major etiological factors
Hepatitis B virus infection Hepatocellular carcinoma Immunization with HBIg and vaccine
Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma Interruption of mother-to-child transmission
Early diagnosis of HBV infection
Treatment of eligible patients with HBV infection
Hepatitis C virus infection Hepatocellular carcinoma Injection safety using engineered devices
Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma Blood safety by donation screening
Harm reduction for people who inject drugs
Early diagnosis of HCV infection
Treatment of eligible patients with HCV infection
Aflatoxin exposure Hepatocellular carcinoma Pre-harvest good agricultural practices to reduce crop stress
Post-harvest sorting, storing, and drying
Improvement in grain storage
Introduction of fungus-resistant strains
Avoidance or reduction of consumption of contaminated foods
Biocontrol to reduce aflatoxin-producing fungi
Liver fluke infection Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma Stopping the consumption of raw fish
Cooking fish before eating
Screening and treatment with single-dose praziquantel
Practising hygienic defecation
HBV and HCV infections, and treat- Sustainable financing and innova- aflatoxin exposure, liver fluke infec-
ment of 80% of eligible patients [23]. tion are also required for the devel- tion, and obesity (Table 5.6.2). [1].
To reach these targets, concerted opment and delivery of vaccines, Basic improvements in sorting, dry-
national and international efforts diagnostics, and treatments to trans- ing, and storing the groundnut crop
are urgently needed. The coverage form the global hepatitis response. in West Africa resulted in a marked
of diagnosis and treatment should Several effective interventions reduction in aflatoxin contamination,
be rapidly scaled up through a pub- are recommended to reduce the in a feasible and cost-effective ap-
lic health approach to benefit all. prevalence of alcohol consumption, proach [28]. Reductions in aflatoxin
biomarkers over time in China, linked
to changes in consumption of afla-
Table 5.6.3. Methods for early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of liver cancer toxin-contaminated foods, were also
associated with reduced incidence
Clinical strategy Methods
of HCC [29]. Concerted efforts to
control liver fluke infection have been
Early detection and diagnosis α-Fetoprotein (low sensitivity for small tumours)
Serum M2BPGi level implemented in Thailand and have
Ultrasonography (< 1 cm)
High-resolution computed tomography (CT) scan
resulted in a large reduction in the
Contrast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan prevalence of infection [1].
Biopsy (not required for diagnosis) Detection
Treatment Surgical resection (partial hepatectomy) Methods for screening, diagnosis,
Liver transplantation and treatment of liver cancer are
Radiofrequency ablation shown in Table 5.6.3. Both serum
α-fetoprotein (AFP) level and ab-
Radioembolization dominal ultrasonography are used
Targeted therapy for the screening of HCC in high-
risk patients: those with chronic viral
M2BPGi, Mac-2-binding protein glycosylation isomer. hepatitis and those with cirrhosis.
Because chronic hepatitis B virus (HBeAg)-seropositive status or in people aged 5–29 years have
(HBV) infection and chronic hep- with a high HBsAg titre received decreased significantly from birth
atitis C virus (HCV) infection are hepatitis B immunoglobulin with cohorts born in 1977–1980 to those
major etiological factors for liver the first dose of vaccine at birth. born in 1997–2000. The age- and
cancer, their effective control may From July 1987, previously unim- sex-adjusted rate ratio for HCC
significantly reduce the burden of munized preschool children were incidence was 0.37 and for HCC
disease globally. Hepatitis B may also vaccinated, which means that mortality was 0.21, for the 1997–
be prevented by immunization, and birth cohorts born in 1981–1984 2000 birth cohorts compared with
both hepatitis B and hepatitis C were vaccinated after age 1 year. the 1977–1980 birth cohorts. From
may be treated with antiviral drugs. The immunization rate of eligi- a study of 3.8 million vaccinees,
Successful reduction of liver can- ble infants was more than 90%. incomplete immunization and ma-
cer incidence and mortality has The rate of HBsAg-seropositive ternal serostatus of HBsAg and
been demonstrated through sev- status at age 6 years decreased HBeAg are important predictors of
eral national programmes of viral significantly, from more than 10% HCC risk for the vaccinees [2].
hepatitis control. in unimmunized birth cohorts to For patients with chronic viral
The first national immuniza- less than 1% in immunized birth hepatitis, prompt treatment is the
tion programme in the world was cohorts. only strategy to prevent liver can-
launched in July 1984 [1]. From This immunization programme cer. The first national programme
July 1984 to June 1986, only ba- has been well documented to to treat patients with chronic viral
bies born to HBV surface anti- prevent hepatocellular carci- hepatitis in the world was launched
gen (HBsAg)-positive mothers noma (HCC) in immunized birth in October 2003 [3]. Available
were immunized; after July 1986, cohorts, showing a very high ef- treatments for chronic HBV infec-
all newborns were immunized. ficacy 30 years after the launch tion include interferon-α, pegylated
Although all newborns received of the immunization programme interferon-α, lamivudine, adefovir,
vaccines, only babies born to high- (Table B5.6.2) [1]. Both the inci- entecavir, telbivudine, and tenofo-
risk mothers with HBV e antigen dence of and mortality from HCC vir. Available treatments for chronic
Table B5.6.2. Significant reductions in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) incidence and mortality through national programmes
of hepatitis B virus immunization and chronic viral hepatitis therapy
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
HCV infection include ribavirin, launch of the chronic viral hepatitis 2. Chien YC, Jan CF, Chiang CJ, Kuo HS,
You SL, Chen CJ (2014). Incomplete hep-
pegylated interferon, and direct- therapy programme. Further diag-
atitis B immunization, maternal carrier
acting antiviral agents. nosis and treatment of more eligi- status, and increased risk of liver diseas-
From 2000–2003 to 2012– ble patients with viral hepatitis are es: a 20-year cohort study of 3.8 million
still needed. vaccinees. Hepatology. 60(1):125–32.
2015, there was a significant reduc-
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tio for HCC incidence was 0.76 and MS, Chen CJ (2013). Thirty-year out- Significant reduction in end-stage liver
comes of the national hepatitis B im- diseases burden through the national vi-
for HCC mortality was 0.64, for
munization program in Taiwan. JAMA. ral hepatitis therapy program in Taiwan.
2012–2015 compared with 2000– 310(9):974–6. Hepatology. 61(4):1154–62. https://doi.
2003, the 4-year period before the jama.2013.276701 PMID:24002285 org/10.1002/hep.27630 PMID:25476749
Ultrasonography may detect HCC sylation isomer (M2BPGi) is able to ods of choice depend on the tumour
tumours smaller than 1 cm. AFP accurately distinguish between stag- size, lymph node involvement, me-
level has a screening sensitivity of es of fibrosis in patients with chronic tastasis, liver function and cirrhosis
about 70% for detecting early-stage, viral hepatitis. It has been reported status, overall health condition, and
small HCC tumours. However, AFP to be a seromarker that is as good patient preference. However, detec-
level remains a useful seromarker as AFP level for short-term predic- tion and treatment options are very
for short-term prediction of HCC af- tion of HCC in patients with chronic limited in low- and middle-income
ter antiviral treatment in patients with hepatitis B [30]. countries, where liver cancer is a
chronic hepatitis C [27]. The serum There are several options for the major health problem.
level of Mac-2-binding protein glyco- treatment of liver cancer. The meth-
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Pancreatic cancer
Many risk factors too poorly
characterized to enable prevention
Jessica N. Everett Eric J. Duell (reviewer)
Diane M. Simeone Donghui Li (reviewer)
Núria Malats (reviewer)
USA, there were projected to be rates of pancreatic cancer (~1.0 per
creatic cancer, even in the ab- 100 000) were observed in East
55 440 new cases and 44 310
sence of a positive family his- Africa and South-Central Asia.
deaths from pancreatic cancer in
tory, is increasingly recognized. Global differences in pancreatic
2018. The USA has one of the high-
●● Activating mutations in the est pancreatic cancer incidence cancer incidence rates have been
KRAS oncogene and loss-of- rates in the world, and it is still ris- attributed largely to exposure to
function mutations in the tu- ing. Pancreatic cancer is projected known or suspected risk factors re-
mour suppressor genes TP53, to become the second most com- lated to lifestyle or the environment,
SMAD4, and CDKN2A are prev- mon cause of cancer death in the although heritable factors may con-
alent in pancreatic adenocarci- USA by 2030 [1]. tribute. The contributions of inter-
noma. None of these genetic Despite advances in the under- national differences in diagnostic
alterations can be targeted with standing of the biology of pancre- capacity or registry quality to ob-
current chemotherapeutics. atic cancer, clinical translation into served pancreatic cancer incidence
effective treatment and early detec- rates are not known.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
signalling pathways reduced tumour rare cases of hereditary pancreati- sortium [21], the Pancreatic Cancer
growth in an animal model [14]. tis, caused by mutations in the cat- Cohort Consortium, and the Pancre
Oral antidiabetic medications ionic trypsinogen (PRSS1) gene. In atic Cancer Case-Control Con sor
have significant potential to decrease people with hereditary pancreatitis, tium [22] – have identified loci asso-
risk of pancreatic cancer. In a meta- the lifetime risk of pancreatic can- ciated with risk of pancreatic cancer.
analysis, use of metformin was asso- cer is about 40%. Further studies will be needed to
ciated with reduced risk of pancreatic Family history and genetic risk understand the functional conse-
cancer in patients with type 2 dia- factors also play a role in risk of quences of the identified common
betes [15], and metformin has been pancreatic cancer. Up to 8–10% variants. Risk models could poten-
shown to inhibit pancreatic tumour of patients with pancreatic cancer tially be developed to estimate risk
growth in mouse models [16]. carry a pathogenic germline vari- using validated SNPs and the pres-
The inflammatory microenviron- ant in a known cancer risk gene ence of other modifiable and non-
ment is also thought to be a major (including ATM, BRCA1, BRCA2, modifiable risk factors to identify
mechanism by which chronic pan- CDKN2A, EPCAM, MLH1, MSH2, patients at higher risk [23].
creatitis leads to the development MSH6, PALB2, PMS2, STK11, and
of pancreatic cancer (see Chapter TP53) [18–20]; these confer a life-
3.5). Although the population attri- time risk of pancreatic cancer that
butable fraction is less than 3% [2], ranges from 3% to 58%. An addi- Infiltrating pancreatic ductal ade-
chronic pancreatitis has been as- tional group of patients with two or nocarcinoma is characterized by
sociated with pancreatic cancer in more family members with pancre- glandular neoplastic epithelial cells
multiple independent epidemiologi- atic cancer have familial pancre- typically surrounded by an intense
cal studies. A recent systematic re- atic cancer without an identifiable desmoplastic stromal reaction
view of 17 587 cases of pancreatitis genetic risk factor; this is associ- (Fig. 5.7.1). Therefore, the bulk of a
confirmed a strong association be- ated with a lifetime risk of 3–32%, pancreatic cancer is composed of
tween chronic pancreatitis and risk depending on the number of close stromal cells and collagen, with in-
of pancreatic cancer [17]. In that relatives affected. Patients with flammatory cells and blood vessels.
study, the risk of pancreatic cancer symptomatic pancreatitis who carry Pancreatic cancers are known
was associated with the duration of a pathogenic germline variant in to contain a high interstitial pres-
pancreatitis, with the highest risk in PRSS1 or have a documented fam- sure, and blood vessels within the
pancreatitis cases diagnosed within ily history of chronic pancreatitis tumour are compressed, creating
1 year. It is possible that the very also have an elevated lifetime risk, a hypoxic environment with de-
strong association in this group of up to 44%. Data on risk of pan- creased perfusion, as evidenced
could be ascribed to pre-existing creatic cancer associated with in- by the presence of a hypodense
pancreatic cancer that presented as herited syndromes are summarized mass on cross-sectional imaging
pancreatitis; however, the high risk in Table 5.7.1. (Fig. 5.7.2). The desmoplastic stro-
of pancreatic cancer in the groups Common single-nucleotide poly- mal reaction has been proposed
with pancreatitis duration of 2, 5, morphisms (SNPs) in the popula- to limit effective delivery of thera-
and 10 years highlights the clear tion may account for an additional peutic agents within the tumour.
association. Further evidence of the portion of pancreatic cancer cases. Therapeutic strategies that target
link between pancreatitis and risk of Large-scale efforts – including the the stroma are being developed.
pancreatic cancer is evident in the Pancreatic Disease Research Con Perineural tumour invasion is also
Syndrome Genes mutated Published risk estimates
Peutz–Jeghers syndrome STK11 Cumulative risk: 32–36% by age 70 years
Familial atypical multiple mole melanoma CDKN2A Cumulative risk: 17% by age 75 years
(FAMMM) syndrome
Familial pancreatic cancer Unknown Overall: SIR = 9.0
Three affected first-degree relatives: SIR = 32
Hereditary pancreatitis PRSS1 Cumulative risk: 44% by age 70 years
Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome BRCA1 Relative risk: 2.6
BRCA2 Relative risk: 3.5–5.9
Lynch syndrome MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2 Cumulative risk: 3–4% by age 70 years
ATM, PALB2 Unknown
Fig. 5.7.1. Histopathology of infiltrating pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, highlighting Fig. 5.7.2. A hypodense mass in the pan-
desmoplastic stroma. creas, indicated by a white arrow, shows
the characteristic imaging appearance of
a pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.7.3. Overview of the molecular genomic features of pancreatic ductal adeno- eral population. In individuals with
carcinoma, from the Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network [24]. lncRNA, long non- significantly increased risk of pan-
coding RNA; mRNA, messenger RNA; miRNA, microRNA; WT, wild-type.
creatic cancer on the basis of fam-
ily history and genetic risk factors,
imaging of the pancreas is per-
formed for screening. Endoscopic
ultrasonography and magnetic res-
onance imaging (MRI) or magnetic
resonance cholangiopancreatogra-
phy (MRCP) are used in the clinical
setting. However, clear definitions
of who should be screened and at
what age screening should com-
mence have not been formalized.
The potential benefit of screen-
ing of high-risk individuals has been
demonstrated in a study in Europe,
which noted that CDKN2A mutation
carriers were more likely to be di-
agnosed with a resectable pancre-
atic cancer and had a higher 5-year
survival rate [32]. Recent data from
the International Cancer of the
Pancreas Screening Consortium
showed that 9 of 10 screen-detect-
ed pancreatic cancers were resect-
able, suggesting a benefit of screen-
ing in individuals at high risk [33].
An effort to engage in larger-scale,
collaborative consortia is needed to
provide more rigorous evidence of
the value of screening of high-risk
change in blood glucose level, and Screening and
age at onset of diabetes. The model individuals. Patients with new-on-
identification of set diabetes and intraductal papil-
identified patients who developed
pancreatic cancer within 3 years of
high-risk groups lary mucinous neoplasms are also
onset of diabetes with an area under No reliable screening test is cur- groups with elevated risk in which
the receiver operating characteristic rently available for the early detec- studies of the benefits of screening
curve value of 0.87 [31]. tion of pancreatic cancer in the gen- are under way.
Fig. 5.7.4. The elevation of fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels beginning 30–36 months before diagnosis of pancreatic ductal
adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is an area of interest for early detection strategies.
Prevention a diet high in fruits and vegetables, for vitamin D the results have been
regular physical activity, and avoid- mixed. Non-aspirin non-steroidal
Risk factors such as age, attained
adult height, race, and family his- ing heavy alcohol consumption. anti-inflammatory drugs do not
tory cannot be modified, but primary In the absence of effective appear to have an effect on risk
prevention by the alteration of modi- screening methods, options for pri- [34]. Metformin appears to protect
fiable risk factors has the potential mary prevention of pancreatic can- against genomic instability through
to decrease the overall risk of pan- cer are of significant importance, various mechanisms in vitro, and
creatic cancer and warrants further and chemoprevention for pancre- metformin in combination with as-
study. Potentially modifiable risk fac- atic cancer is a high priority for pirin has been shown to inhibit tu-
tors include smoking, obesity, diabe- translational research. A review of mour growth in a mouse model of
tes, diet, and alcohol consumption. epidemiological data performed by pancreatic cancer [35]. These stud-
The best strategy for risk reduction is a working group in 2015 suggested ies have provided some insights for
lifestyle modification: smoking ces- that aspirin and statins may provide planning future prospective preven-
sation, maintaining a healthy weight, some protective effect, whereas tion trials.
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Skin cancer
A focus on primary prevention
genes as well as through local- dermis and dermis. The most com-
SUMMARY ized immunosuppression. High monly described subtypes are
mutational burdens have been superficial spreading melanomas
●● The highest incidence rates of identified in both tumour types, (with an initial radial growth phase
skin cancer are observed in consistent with extensive ultra- in the epidermis, followed by dermal
the predominantly fair-skinned violet radiation-induced dam- invasion) and nodular melanomas
populations living in areas with age, but the driver genes differ (with early vertical growth and little
very high ambient levels of so- between the two. or no radial growth). Lentigo malig-
lar radiation, such as Australia na melanomas occur on chronically
and New Zealand. sun-damaged skin, and acral len-
●● Genes associated with pigmen- Cancers of the skin are the most tiginous melanomas are distinctive
tation or with naevi, together common cancer type in humans. tumours that arise on palmar and
with DNA repair genes and The term “skin cancer” covers a plantar surfaces.
other genes of unknown func- range of pathological entities that Histological characteristics of
arise from different cells of the epi- melanomas, notably tumour thick-
tion, have been confirmed to in-
dermis and dermis. This chapter ness and presence of ulceration,
crease heritable melanoma risk.
is restricted to cutaneous melano- correlate strongly with mortality.
●● Genes critical for melanoma mas and the keratinocyte cancers The American Joint Committee on
development, which often have (basal cell carcinomas and squa- Cancer incorporates these prog-
ultraviolet radiation-induced mu- mous cell carcinomas). nostic features into its staging sys-
tation, include genes that control tem. Recent analyses of long-term
cell proliferation (e.g. BRAF), Melanoma survival have led to changes in mel-
cell cycle and replication (e.g. anoma staging criteria, particularly
TP53), and metabolic pathways. Pathology for thinner lesions [1]. The eighth
●● Cutaneous melanomas may Melanoma, the most aggressive (2017) edition of the American Joint
arise from a pre-existing be- type of skin cancer, arises from Committee on Cancer staging sys-
nign naevus or occur on chroni- melanocytes – pigment-producing tem recognizes a new threshold
cells in the skin. Most melanomas for melanoma thickness (0.8 mm),
cally sun-damaged skin. Since
(> 95%) are cutaneous tumours that which now separates T1a from T1b
2007, the incidence of melano-
arise on skin surfaces exposed to melanomas. Also, whereas earlier
ma has been declining overall
the sun, but melanomas also oc- staging criteria incorporated both
in Australia, driven largely by
cur on skin of the palms and soles. ulceration and tumour mitotic rate
significant reductions in recent
Melanomas also occur in the eye, as prognostic features, in the eighth
birth cohorts, consistent with a
in the meninges, and on mucous edition only ulceration has been re-
successful intervention to re-
membranes of the gastrointestinal tained (Table 5.8.1).
duce sun exposure.
and genital tracts; these types of The most recent (2018) edition
●● Sunlight is the principal environ- melanoma are not discussed here. of the WHO classification of skin tu-
mental cause of basal cell carci- Various histological subtypes of mours introduced a pathway-based
noma and squamous cell carci- cutaneous melanomas are recog- classification of melanoma, which
noma, mediated through direct nized, reflecting patterns of growth explains many of the differences
mutagenic effects on regulatory and attendant changes in the epi- in pathology and clinical behaviour
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
melanoma and about 61 000 deaths ing in Australia, particularly in more control programmes.
from melanoma worldwide [3]. The recent birth cohorts; this is consis-
global range of population incidence tent with the impact of prolonged
of melanoma is the greatest of any public health campaigns (as dis-
cancer type. The incidence in a giv- cussed below). of cutaneous melanomas, manifest-
en region is determined largely by ing as a very high mutational burden
the pigmentation characteristics of Risk factors in key regulatory genes that bear
individuals in that population and the Observational epidemiological stud- UVB signature mutations [7] (see
ambient levels of solar radiation. ies long ago identified both solar ul- Chapter 2.4). In addition to solar UV
The highest incidence is ob- traviolet (UV) radiation [4] and host radiation, there is strong evidence
served in the predominantly fair- factors [5,6] as causes of melanoma. that repeated exposures to artificial
skinned populations living in areas Recent genomic sequencing studies sources of UV radiation from tan-
with very high ambient levels of so- have confirmed the causal role of ning devices and phototherapy also
lar radiation, such as Australia and UVB radiation for the vast majority increase risk of melanoma.
Fig. 5.8.1. Malignant melanoma. At the TERT), and the remainder are pre- highest rate observed among all
left is a plaque of early-stage superficial sumed to carry private mutations solid tumours); this is largely due to
spreading melanoma in the radial growth [9]. However, for most patients damage from UV radiation. The very
phase. At the right, contiguous with the
genetic susceptibility is conferred high rate of mutations in melanoma
plaque, is a pink (amelanotic) nodule of
deeply invasive melanoma in the vertical through multiple polymorphisms presented an analytical challenge
growth phase. Melanomas diagnosed at in low-risk genes that act through when attempting to identify which
this stage have a poor prognosis. many different pathways. of the mutations were “drivers” (i.e.
The genes first linked to mela- those occurring in key genes at criti-
noma were candidates identified cal points in the evolution of melano-
through their association with pig- ma) and which were “passengers”.
mentation characteristics. Of these, Using sophisticated bioinfor-
the highly polymorphic gene that matics techniques that control for
encodes the melanocortin 1 recep- patient-specific and gene-specific
tor (MC1R) is the most prevalent parameters, investigators have con-
and the most strongly associated verged on a core group of genes
with melanoma. A large and grow- that are critical for melanoma de-
ing number of genes associated velopment. These include genes
either with pigmentation (ASIP, that control cell proliferation (BRAF,
TYR, and SLC45A2) or with naevi NRAS, and NF1), cell cycle and
(CDKN2A-MTAP, PLA2G6, and replication (CDKN2A, TP53, and
TERT) have also been confirmed to TERT), and metabolic pathways
increase risk of melanoma. Large (PTEN and KIT). Other genes that
meta-analyses of genome-wide as- have been shown to be important in
sociation studies have extended subsets of cutaneous melanomas
the list of confirmed gene variants include RAC1, MAP2K1, PPP6C,
associated with melanoma to at ARID1, IDH1, and RB1.
Host factors that confer an in-
least 20, including several genes The mutational spectrum for cu-
creased risk of melanoma relate to
not associated with pigmentation or taneous melanomas differs accord-
the function or number of melano- ing to anatomical site, as predicted
with naevi [10]. Other variants that
cytes. Overall, the strongest pheno- by earlier epidemiological studies.
have been confirmed are for genes
typic risk factor for melanoma is the Melanomas that occur at habitually
involved in DNA repair (PARP1 and
propensity to develop large numbers
ATM), as well as genes for which
of melanocytic naevi (moles) on the
the functional relevance remains Fig. 5.8.2. A woman applying sunscreen.
skin. People with very large num-
unclear (ARNT-SETDB1, CASP8, Use of sunscreen has a recognized role
bers of naevi (> 100) have risks of
FTO, and MX2). To date, no sus- in reducing the burden of skin cancer in
melanoma up to 7 times those in
ceptibility loci have been identified fair-skinned populations.
people with very few naevi (< 15)
for acral melanomas.
[5]. The pigmentation characteris-
tics consistently associated with in- Somatic mutations
creased risks of melanoma include With the advent of high-throughput
fair skin that burns and does not genomic sequencing (see Chapter
tan, red or light hair, blue eyes, and 3.2), in the past few years there has
the propensity to develop freckles; been an explosion in knowledge
therefore, melanoma is rare in popu- about the cascade of mutations that
lations with non-European ancestry lead to melanoma. The first report
[6]. Immunosuppression increases described the mutational burden
the risk of melanoma 2–3-fold [8]. in a cell line derived from a meta-
static deposit in one patient [11].
Constitutional genetics Subsequent investigations expand-
About 5–10% of patients with cu- ed the catalogue; hundreds of mel-
taneous melanoma have a strong anomas have now been sequenced
family history of the disease. About [7,12], including growing numbers
half of these patients are found to of acral, desmoplastic, and uveal
carry a highly penetrant germline melanomas [13].
mutation in one of a small number All sequencing studies have re-
of genes (in descending order of ported exceptionally high mutational
frequency: CDKN2A, CDK4, BAP1, burdens in cutaneous melanomas
MITF, POT1, ACD, TERF2IP, and (> 10 mutations per megabase, the
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
sun-exposed sites have markedly existing benign naevus (the naevus tural rearrangements. Melanomas
higher overall mutational loads than pathway). Other cutaneous melano- that arise through the chronic sun
those that occur at sun-shielded mas, particularly those that occur exposure pathway exhibit a differ-
sites. Thus, mucosal and acral mel- on chronically sun-damaged skin, ent sequence of driver mutations,
anomas exhibit strikingly different do not arise from pre-existing naevi often harbouring mutations in
mutational spectra from other cuta- but rather arise through a variety NRAS and NF1, as well as muta-
neous melanomas, with much lower of intermediate lesions (e.g. lentigo tions in TERT promoter sites and
mutation frequencies overall and dif- maligna) or frankly invasive tumours heterozygous CDKN2A mutations
ferent driver genes implicated [13]. (nodular melanoma), which are as- [17] (Fig. 5.8.4).
Mutations in TP53, PTEN, or RB1 sociated epidemiologically with high
are infrequent in acral melanomas, levels of cumulative sun exposure. Prevention
but a diverse range of triple wild- For tumours that arise through Primary prevention
type mutations are evident, includ- the naevus pathway, the initial mu- Despite exciting progress in new
ing mutations in KIT and GNAQ, as tation is in BRAF. In the absence therapies to treat melanoma, pre-
well as notably higher occurrence of of any further mutations, the nae- ventive strategies remain of para-
breakpoints and structural variants. vus enters a senescence-like state mount importance to deliver cost-
and eventually involutes in middle effective melanoma control. The
Pathogenesis life. However, a very small fraction population attributable fraction esti-
Recent studies have sought to over- of naevi acquire additional muta- mates the proportion of melanoma
lay the sequence order in which driv- tions in targets such as TERT pro- that would, in theory, be prevented if
er mutations are acquired onto the moter sites (probably due to ad- exposure to sunlight was reduced to
histologically discernible stages of ditional exposure to UV radiation, historical lows. For populations with
progression from benign melanocyt- although other mutagens are also predominantly European ancestry,
ic tumours to metastatic melanoma possible), followed by biallelic loss the population attributable fraction
[14]. Findings from epidemiological of CDKN2A. Combinations of muta- for exposure to solar UV radiation
studies about 30 years ago and sub- tional events of this type allow the has been variously estimated at 65–
sequent genetic studies led to and naevus to escape senescence and 90%, with most estimates closer to
elaborated the hypothesis that cuta- acquire proliferative and invasive the upper bound, underscoring the
neous melanomas can arise through characteristics, eventually leading potential gains to be had from pri-
multiple pathways, depending on the to metastasis. At this later stage, as mary prevention [18]. Encouraging
anatomical site of the target cell, the the cancers are becoming invasive, behaviours that minimize hazard-
age and constitutional characteris- it appears that they acquire addi- ous exposure to sunlight remains
tics of the host, and the pattern of tional mutations in TP53 and PTEN, the mainstay of primary prevention
sun exposure [15,16]. Many cutane- as well as increasing frequencies of efforts, supported by evidence that
ous melanomas arise from a pre- copy number alterations and struc- regularly applying sunscreen signifi-
cantly reduces the risk of melanoma
[19]. In many jurisdictions, the use of
Fig. 5.8.3. Children playing on the beach wearing sun-protective clothing. Sun protec- tanning devices is being restricted
tion at an early age and avoidance of sunburn are key goals in programmes aimed at
through regulation.
reducing the incidence of skin cancer.
Primary prevention campaigns
have been running in Australia
since the 1980s and have focused
on reducing sun exposure through
rescheduling outdoor activities,
seeking shade, using clothing to
protect the skin, and applying sun-
screen to exposed body sites. There
is moderately strong evidence from
controlled trials that sun protection
including use of sunscreen reduces
development of naevi and risk of
melanoma [19,20]. Since 2007, the
incidence of melanoma has been
declining overall in Australia, driven
largely by significant reductions in
recent birth cohorts, consistent with
a successful intervention to reduce
sun exposure [21].
Fig. 5.8.4. Schematic pathogenesis of cutaneous melanomas. Cutaneous melanomas arise on a background of susceptibility
conferred by a large number of genetic variants. Most cutaneous melanomas appear to be initiated by exposure to ultraviolet B
radiation in early life, which causes mutations in BRAF in melanocytes. Further progression depends on the site of the target cell
and the genetic background of the host, but several key driver genes appear to be important in all pathways.
Early detection and screening Keratinocyte cancers cy and the attendant costs of diag-
Currently, no national or international Keratinocyte cancers of the skin – nosis and surgery.
authorities (except in Germany) rec- basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and
ommend population-based screen- squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) –
ing for melanoma, based on the as- are the most common cancer types BCCs are slow-growing tumours
sessment that there is insufficient in humans. Although mortality rates that occur most frequently on the
evidence of mortality benefit. In from these cancer types are very face, neck, shoulders, and chest
most jurisdictions where melanoma low, they impose a heavy financial of fair-skinned people who are ex-
is prevalent, people deemed at high burden on health systems in many posed to high levels of solar radia-
risk are advised to engage in early countries, because of their frequen- tion. BCCs can be locally invasive
detection strategies. Several predic-
tion algorithms have been developed Fig. 5.8.5. Deliberate sun exposure by fair-skinned people to attain a tanned appear-
to identify those at high risk, incorpo- ance is at odds with cancer prevention.
rating information on demographic,
phenotypic, and clinical factors [22]
and, in some instances, genetic data
as well. The performance of these
tools varies and is influenced by set-
ting-specific characteristics including
ambient insolation and population
diversity, but discrimination indices
of 0.65–0.75 are typical, which is
indicative of moderate accuracy. In
Germany, a biannual skin cancer
screening programme was intro-
duced nationwide in 2008 for insured
people 35 years and older. As yet,
there is no evidence of a sustained
change in mortality from melanoma
after the introduction of the screening
programme [23].
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
but rarely metastasize. The cell of Fig. 5.8.6. The shade structure above this basketball court in San Antonio, Texas,
origin remains an open question, USA, provides sun protection.
but emerging consensus points to
cells in the hair follicle.
SCCs are epidermal cancers
that grow more rapidly and are
much more likely to invade and me-
tastasize. SCCs arise on habitually
sun-exposed sites, particularly the
face, ears, neck, and exposed sur-
faces of the limbs. Precancerous
skin lesions that have similar mor-
phology to SCCs include actinic
keratoses (sunspots), intraepider-
mal or in situ SCCs, and Bowen
disease. There is debate about
whether these are true precursors
of SCC or concomitant actinic le-
sions, and about whether the term
“Bowen disease” encompasses all
intraepidermal SCCs [24].
BCCs. Consequently, the ratio of (particularly for BCC). morphisms in many genes, all with
BCC to SCC changes rapidly, from Cutaneous infection with human small effect. Genome-wide associa-
about 10:1 at age 40 years to about papillomavirus (HPV), specifically tion studies have confirmed a suite
3:1 at age 60 years. the beta types, has been repeat- of previously identified pigmenta-
Both BCC and SCC are prone edly implicated as a cause of SCC, tion genes as risk loci for BCC and
to multiplicity. Data from Australia although the connection is not SCC, including MC1R, ASIP, TYR,
suggest that most people who de- completely certain and the precise SLC45A2, OCA2, IRF4, and BNC2.
velop one lesion will develop more mechanism remains open to ques- At least 31 loci have now been impli-
within 3 years; a small proportion tion [28]. A suite of phenotypic char- cated in BCC [29]. Recently, four loci
will develop more than 20 can- acteristics confers increased risks not known to be associated with pig-
cers, and this has important conse- for both BCC and SCC, including mentation were identified as putative
quences for detection and control fair skin that does not tan, light or risk loci exclusively for SCC: 2p22.3,
[26]. People who are immunosup- red hair, propensity to freckling, and AHR, SEC16A, and CADM1-BUD13
pressed, particularly in connection blue eyes. [30]. The mechanisms enabled by
polymorphism of these loci remain Fig. 5.8.7. Genetic makeup corresponding to a Celtic complexion – as characterized by
to be elucidated. blue eyes, red hair, and fair skin – contributes markedly to increased risk of skin cancer.
Sequencing studies have iden-
tified extremely high mutational
burdens in both BCC and SCC,
consistent with extensive UV ra-
diation-induced damage, but the
lists of driver genes differ for BCC
and SCC. Mutations in genes in
the hedgehog pathway appear to
be critical for BCC development,
particularly PTCH1 and SMO [31].
TP53 is also very often mutated
in BCC. Recurrent mutations have
also been reported in MYCN,
PIK3CA, and the RAS family.
For SCC, NOTCH1 appears to
be a gatekeeper, although muta-
tions in other key genes such as
TP53, CDKN2A, and HRAS (some-
times within the same tumour) sug-
gest that tumours arise through candidates, CDKN2A may be the use of sunscreen for preventing
key suppressor of SCC formation. SCC and actinic keratoses, but not
multiple pathways and may be poly-
BCC. It is possible that the lack of
clonal in origin. NOTCH1 plays a Prospects any observed effect for BCC was
key role in cell–cell signalling and
Although mortality from BCC and because the intervention was deliv-
serves to regulate the switch be- ered to adults, and not earlier in life.
SCC is very low, these cancer
tween proliferation and differen- types exact a sizeable toll in terms Encouraging behaviours that mini-
tiation of keratinocytes; hence, it of morbidity and costs. The recent mize hazardous exposure to sun-
is a highly credible candidate [32]. steady rises in incidence reported light remains the mainstay of prima-
Notably, many of the driver muta- across Europe and North America ry prevention efforts, complemented
tions in SCC, except for CDKN2A, are likely to continue in the absence by regulating against the use of tan-
are also readily detectable in mac- of systematic primary prevention ning devices and other sources of
roscopically normal photo-exposed campaigns. Randomized trials have artificial UV radiation.
skin [33], suggesting that of all the demonstrated the benefit of daily
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Breast cancer
Multiple, often complex, risk factors
●● Emerging data indicate that many have been identified [1], but these
SUMMARY risk factors directly influence the have yet to be considered in epide-
numbers and/or properties of miological studies.
●● Exposures occurring in utero breast epithelial progenitors.
and until menopause can in-
fluence breast cancer risk. Epidemiology
Therefore, prevention efforts Breast cancer is the most commonly
Breast cancer is a heterogeneous
should be considered through- diagnosed cancer type and the lead-
disease, with wide variation in tu-
out a woman’s life. ing cause of cancer death in women
mour morphology, molecular char-
worldwide. In 2018, there were an
●● Some breast cancer risk fac- acteristics, and clinical response.
estimated 2.1 million new cases of
tors (e.g. mammographic den- Invasive ductal carcinoma is the
breast cancer and 627 000 deaths
sity) are similarly associated most common type of breast cancer,
from breast cancer worldwide [2].
with most currently recognized making up about 70% of tumours,
The incidence and mortality rates
breast cancer subtypes, where- and about 15–20% of tumours are
show marked international variation
as for others (e.g. parity) the invasive lobular carcinomas.
(Fig. 5.9.1 and Fig. 5.9.2). However,
relationships vary significantly Assessment of the estrogen re-
incidence and mortality data remain
by subtype; reliable estimates ceptor (ER), progesterone receptor
extremely limited for several world
of these differences have only (PR), and human epidermal growth
recently begun to emerge. regions, such as Africa.
factor receptor 2 (HER2) expres-
More than half of breast can-
●● Tumour subtypes should be sion status of tumours has been
cer cases are now diagnosed in
considered when evaluating used in clinical decision-making
low- and middle-income countries
etiology and in developing pre- for many years. Tumour molecular
[3], where a greater proportion of
vention strategies. subtypes have subsequently been
cases (and sometimes a markedly
identified, for example on the ba-
●● Breast cancer risk conferred greater proportion) are diagnosed
sis of prognostic multigene classi-
by an increasing number of at later stages, which are linked to
fiers, to derive at least the luminal
high-penetrance predisposition poorer survival (see Chapter 1.3)
A, luminal B, HER2-enriched, and
genes has been better quanti- (Fig. 5.9.3). Continuing reductions
basal-like classifications.
fied and characterized. Panels in the prevalence of infectious dis-
The importance of distinguish-
of single-nucleotide polymor- eases and associated increases in
ing between ER-positive and ER-
phisms both modify penetrance life expectancy, along with changes
negative breast cancer in epide-
of the strong susceptibility in population reproductive patterns
miological studies of etiology and
genes and confer quantifiable (e.g. later age at first birth) and life-
prevention is now established.
breast cancer risk themselves. style factors (e.g. increasing obe-
Studies linking risk factors with spe-
sity) portend an ever-increasing
●● Large population studies and cific molecular subtypes of breast burden of breast cancer in low- and
major international collabora- cancer are more recent, and sev- middle-income countries [3].
tions, particularly those integrat- eral consistent findings, noted be-
ing new technologies and basic low, have emerged. Most recently,
science discoveries, are provid- several subtypes of triple-negative Genetics and genomics
ing novel insights into breast (i.e. ER-negative, PR-negative, An inherited component to breast
cancer etiology and prevention. and HER2-negative) breast cancer cancer susceptibility has long been
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
studied in the greatest detail in adolescent, and premenopaus- have assessed childhood and ado-
large collaborative cohorts (e.g. al body size are inversely related lescent body size and have noted
CIMBA), from which the available to risk; and postmenopausal body similar inverse associations [14].
data include genotype–phenotype size is positively related to risk [14]. Mechanistic understanding of these
correlations and the identification of On the basis of recent data from 19 inverse associations may offer fu-
modifier single-nucleotide polymor- prospective cohorts, the inverse as- ture targets for prevention.
phisms (SNPs) [8], although none sociation with larger adult body size A consortium analysis with more
are yet used clinically to improve in- in premenopausal women is strong than 36 000 breast cancer cases
dividual risk prediction. Examination and linear [15] and is apparent for reported that long duration of smok-
of somatic and germline mutational both ER-positive and ER-negative ing before a first pregnancy was as-
signatures (Fig. 5.9.4) may provide disease and across race and eth- sociated with a significant 18% (95%
clues to breast cancer etiology nicity [15]; furthermore, on the basis confidence interval [CI], 12–24%)
based on specific patterns of ac- of a large Mendelian randomization increase in breast cancer risk; the
quired DNA alteration [9]. study [16], the association is prob- associations were not confounded
Fig. 5.9.1. Global distribution of estimated age-standardized (World) incidence rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for breast cancer
in women, 2018.
Fig. 5.9.2. Global distribution of estimated age-standardized (World) mortality rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for breast cancer in
women, 2018.
by current alcohol consumption and breast cancer risk [14], particularly ited the conclusions. Increasingly,
were observed predominantly for for ER-negative disease; similarly, efforts have focused on evaluating
ER-positive tumours [17]. These data several studies have observed exposure during windows of sus-
support a causal link of smoking with an inverse association between a ceptibility, by assessing links be-
breast cancer risk and re-emphasize Mediterranean diet score and ER- tween contaminants and intermedi-
the importance of smoking prevention negative breast cancer [18]. ate markers of risk such as breast
and cessation programmes in adoles- The potential role of environ- density, and by increasing transdis-
cents and young adults (see “Tobacco mental and occupational exposures ciplinary research efforts. Such ef-
cessation: the WHO perspective”). in breast carcinogenesis has re- forts are providing new insights into
Studies suggest that caroten- mained a major interest, although the potential for exposures such as
oids, or other constituents in ca- challenges in exposure assess- endocrine disrupters to influence
rotenoid-rich foods, may decrease ment and study design have lim- breast cancer risk [19].
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.9.3. Percentage of breast cancer cases diagnosed at a late stage (stages III and IV combined), by country or region and by
time period or population group.
Reproductive factors breast cancer. Women who breast- observed more recently include di-
The inverse association observed fed versus never breastfed had etary factors [14,18]. Furthermore,
between parity and risk of breast lower risk of ER-negative and triple- associations of parity and breast-
negative disease (Fig. 5.9.5) [22]. feeding with risk appear to vary by
cancer overall is consistently seen
Importantly from a prevention per- molecular subtype [20,22,23]. Such
for ER-positive disease, whereas no
spective, breastfeeding appears to analyses require both large sample
association or a positive association
reduce risk of these breast cancer sizes and the availability of tumour
has been observed for ER-negative
subtypes that have poorer progno- tissue; hence, reliable estimates of
and triple-negative disease [20]. In
sis. (For a discussion of reproduc- these differences have only recent-
addition, breastfeeding has been
tive factors such as age at menar- ly begun to emerge.
associated with lower risk of hor-
che, age at first birth, and age at
mone receptor-negative (including menopause, see Chapter 3.6.) Population attributable risks
ER-negative, triple-negative, and Several recent efforts have evalu-
basal-like) breast cancer; weaker Breast tumour subtypes ated the population attributable
and less consistent associations Studies have increasingly focused risks for breast cancer. In a study
have been observed for ER-positive on evaluating risk factors by mo- that combined data from two large
tumour subtypes [21]. These stud- lecular characteristics of breast cohorts and assessed a range of
ies have been conducted largely in tumours, to provide causal insight well-established breast cancer risk
populations of European ancestry. for observed associations and to factors in relation to breast cancer in
Recently, across four studies of better inform prevention strate- postmenopausal women, the popu-
African American women, parity gies. The differential associations lation attributable risk was 70.0%
was observed to significantly in- of postmenopausal obesity and (95% CI, 55.0–80.7%) overall [24].
crease risk of ER-negative and tri- use of hormone therapy with ER- For modifiable risk factors only,
ple-negative breast cancer, and to positive but not ER-negative breast the population attributable risk was
modestly lower risk of ER-positive cancer are established; differences 34.6% overall and was higher for
Fig. 5.9.4. Pathway enrichment map for susceptibility loci based on summary association statistics for 65 new breast cancer loci.
Each coloured circle (node) represents a pathway (gene set), coloured by enrichment score, where redder nodes indicate lower
false discovery rates. Larger nodes indicate pathways with more genes. Green lines connect pathways with overlapping genes
(minimum overlap, 0.55). Pathways are grouped by similarity and organized into major themes (large labelled circles).
Fig. 5.9.5. Relative risks (with 95% confidence intervals) for number of births in relation to estrogen receptor (ER) status, according
to history of breastfeeding, from the African American Breast Cancer Epidemiology and Risk (AMBER) Consortium. The reference
for both ER-positive (ER+) and ER-negative (ER-) analyses is women who had only one birth and had breastfed.
1 2 3 4+
Number of births
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Breast epithelial stem cells and as a marker of quiescent cells with (COX-2) also upregulate the ex-
progenitors are the cells of origin proliferative potential. pression of aromatase, an enzyme
of breast carcinomas; therefore, A follow-up study analysed the that is key for estrogen biosynthe-
cancer risk factors are expected frequencies of cells with expres- sis, resulting in higher local estro-
to affect the numbers and/or prop- sion of the proliferative marker Ki- gen levels. The presence of crown-
erties of these cells [1]. Despite 67 and the quiescent marker p27 like structures was associated with
the importance of this issue, the in normal breast biopsies of wom- poor clinical outcome independent
knowledge of cancer risk-associat- en in the Nurses’ Health Study. of body mass index and in all breast
ed differences in the normal breast Premenopausal women with high cancer subtypes, suggesting that
is rather limited. Among the best- Ki-67-positive and low p27-positive inflammation is a general inducer
understood risk factors are early cell frequencies had a 5-fold high- of cancer risk. In addition to local
full-term pregnancy and obesity. A er risk of breast cancer compared effects, obesity also increases cir-
full-term pregnancy in young adult- with women with low Ki-67-positive culating levels of leptin and IL-6,
hood (age < 20 years) decreases and low p27-positive cell frequen- which can promote tumour initia-
the risk of estrogen receptor (ER)- cies. These results suggest that tion via direct effects on the mam-
positive postmenopausal breast the higher number of cycling cells mary epithelial cells and by chang-
cancer. In contrast, the risk of in the normal mammary epithelium ing the microenvironment.
ER-negative breast tumours is not increases the probability of muta-
decreased by pregnancy, and mul- tions; thus, the fraction of these References
tiple early pregnancies, coupled cells may be a biomarker of breast
1. Visvader JE, Stingl J (2014). Mammary
with lack of breastfeeding, is one cancer risk [3].
stem cells and the differentiation hi-
of the most significant risk factors One potential mechanism by erarchy: current status and perspec-
for triple-negative breast cancer. which obesity influences breast tives. Genes Dev. 28(11):1143–58.
Comprehensive comparative cancer risk is via alterations in the
analysis of normal human breast local and systemic microenviron- PMID:24888586
tissues from nulliparous and par- ments [4]. Obesity is associated 2. Meier-Abt F, Bentires-Alj M, Rochlitz C
ous women, including BRCA1 and with inflammation in white adipose (2015). Breast cancer prevention: les-
BRCA2 germline mutation car- tissue, which is characterized by sons to be learned from mechanisms of
early pregnancy-mediated breast can-
riers, determined that the most crown-like structures formed by
cer protection. Cancer Res. 75(5):803–7.
significant gene expression and macrophages surrounding dead or
epigenetic changes occur in line- dying adipocytes. Such structures 14-2717 PMID:25660950
age-negative progenitor-enriched lead to the release of free fatty
3. Atashgaran V, Wrin J, Barry SC, Dasari
cells and that the numbers of these acids that trigger Toll-like recep- P, Ingman WV (2016). Dissecting the
cells are higher in nulliparous tor signalling and nuclear factor biology of menstrual cycle-associated
women and even higher in BRCA1 kappa-light-chain-enhancer of ac- breast cancer risk. Front Oncol. 6:267.
and BRCA2 mutation carriers tivated B cells (NF-κB)-mediated
[2]. Transforming growth factor upregulation of pro-inflammatory
β (TGF-β), WNT, and insulin-like cytokines (e.g. tumour necrosis 4. Iyengar NM, Gucalp A, Dannenberg
growth factor 1 (IGF-1) signalling factor α [TNF-α] and interleukin-1β AJ, Hudis CA (2016). Obesity and can-
cer mechanisms: tumor microenviron-
were identified as candidate regu- [IL-1β]). Besides creating a pro- ment and inflammation. J Clin Oncol.
lators of hormone-responsive pro- inflammatory environment, these 34(35):4270–6.
genitors, and p27 was identified cytokines and cyclooxygenase 2 JCO.2016.67.4283 PMID:27903155
ER-positive tumours (39.7%) than for breast cancer, and personal history or urine, and risk of breast cancer. SECTION 5
ER-negative tumours (27.9%) [24]. of benign breast disease; the great- Postmenopausal levels of estradiol
The Breast Cancer Surveillance est contributors to these estimates and testosterone are established
Consortium reported that 52.7% and were BMI and breast density [25]. risk factors, with relative risks of
54.7% of breast cancers in premen- breast cancer of 1.5–3.0 when com-
opausal and postmenopausal wom- Biological characteristics paring women in the top versus the
en, respectively, could potentially be bottom 20–25% of hormone levels.
attributed to six risk factors: Breast Endogenous hormones Data in premenopausal women
Imaging Reporting and Data System Substantial progress has been made have been sparse, largely because
(BI-RADS) breast density, parity, to further the understanding of the of complexities in measuring estro-
age at first birth, body mass index link between endogenous hormone gen levels during the menstrual cy-
(BMI), first-degree family history of concentrations, measured in blood cle. In a recent pooled analysis of
Fig. 5.9.6. Relative risks (with 95% confidence intervals) of premenopausal breast prospective studies with 767 cases
cancer by quantile of circulating hormone concentrations. and 1699 controls, a modest but
significant positive association was
noted for estradiol and testosterone
levels in premenopausal women,
with comparable relative risks of
1.41 (P trend = 0.01) for estradiol and
1.32 (P trend = 0.02) for testosterone
(Fig. 5.9.6); no association was
observed for plasma progesterone
levels [26]. A positive association
between prolactin levels and risk
of breast cancer, primarily in post-
menopausal women, also has in-
creasingly been documented [27].
Estrogen metabolites have been
hypothesized to independently influ-
ence risk via effects on proliferation or
by inducing oxidative damage. With
an improved assay technology [28]
Mammographic density
Mammographic density represents Increasing efforts have focused on neural networks or autoencoders,
the relative amounts of dense (epi- delineating the biological mecha- for mammogram-based breast
thelial and stromal) tissue versus nisms underlying mammographic cancer risk assessment has also
non-dense (adipose) tissue in the density and its strong association been promising [1]. Although these
breast as seen on mammogram. with breast carcinogenesis. Recent new approaches have shown
Mammographic density varies findings suggest roles for multiple great potential, there is currently a
widely between women. Both quali- factors, including those that influ- lack of evaluations of multiple ap-
tative measures (e.g. the four-cate- ence the composition and stiffness proaches simultaneously in large
gory Breast Imaging Reporting and of the extracellular matrix, and and diverse populations to deter-
Data System [BI-RADS]) and quan- genes associated with increased mine the optimal combination of
titative measures (e.g. quantitative cellular proliferation, although fur- tissue features and the strength
thresholding using the Cumulus ther work is needed. of their association with future risk
software) of mammographic den- In the past few years, several across different tumour subtypes.
sity are strongly predictive of breast novel approaches have begun to
cancer risk, with relative risks of be evaluated to fully automate as- References
4–6 (when comparing women with sessments of mammographic den-
1. Gastounioti A, Conant EF, Kontos D
high versus low percentage den- sity (e.g. using Volpara, a program (2016). Beyond breast density: a review
sity) that do not vary by tumour es- that provides an automated volu- on the advancing role of parenchymal
trogen receptor status [1,2]. metric measure of density) and to texture analysis in breast cancer risk as-
Recent large genome-wide as- assess additional parenchymal sessment. Breast Cancer Res. 18(1):91. - 016 -
sociation studies (GWAS) have textural features (e.g. run-length
0755-8 PMID:27645219
pointed to a shared genetic basis and structural features) that may
between mammographic density better characterize tissue com- 2. Sherratt MJ, McConnell JC, Streuli CH
(2016). Raised mammographic density:
and breast cancer [2]. Newer studies plexity on mammogram. These
causative mechanisms and biological
also have suggested that assess- studies have generally shown simi- consequences. Breast Cancer Res.
ment of mammographic density can lar or stronger associations with 18(1):45.
add substantially to current breast breast cancer risk, indicating that, 016-0701-9 PMID:27142210
cancer risk prediction models, and relative to traditional density as- 3. Shawky MS, Martin H, Hugo HJ, Lloyd
that change in mammographic den- sessment, some of the new mea- T, Britt KL, Redfern A, et al. (2017).
sity (e.g. > 10% decrease in density) sures are likely to substantially Mammographic density: a potential mon-
can be used as a surrogate marker improve upon or add independent itoring biomarker for adjuvant and pre-
ventative breast cancer endocrine thera-
for breast cancer to indicate who will new information in risk prediction pies. Oncotarget. 8(3):5578–91. https://
most benefit from chemopreven- [1]. Emerging research with a deep /10.18 6 32 /onc ot arget.13 4 8 4
tion or other prevention efforts [3]. learning approach, using either PMID:27894075
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
used across five studies in postmen- Risk stratification Given the increasing proportion
opausal women, a relative increase Breast cancer risk prediction models of breast cancer cases in low- and
in levels of 2-hydroxylation pathway have been developed to estimate middle-income countries, as well
metabolites versus 16-hydroxylation the risk of carrying a high-risk germ- as the changing patterns of risk fac-
pathway metabolites was associ- line mutation, the risk of developing tors in these countries, it is critical
ated with a 34% decrease (95% CI, breast cancer, or both [32]. Until re- to identify feasible strategies to im-
16–48%) in breast cancer risk inde- cently, existing models, such as the prove prevention and early detec-
pendent of total estrogen levels [29]. Breast Cancer Risk Assessment tion in these settings.
Data in premenopausal women are Tool (also known as the Gail mod-
limited but are suggestive of similar Racial and ethnic variations
el) and the Rosner–Colditz model,
associations [28]. generally included reproductive fac- Racial differences in breast cancer
Anti-Müllerian hormone is pro- tors, family history of breast cancer, incidence and mortality exist, and it
duced by the ovaries, is measurable and a subset of lifestyle factors. has become increasingly clear that
only before menopause, reflects the Recent work has suggested signifi- differences in the distribution of
size of the ovarian follicular pool, cant improvements in model perfor- both individual risk factors and soci-
and is strongly correlated with age at mance with the addition of several etal and contextual factors, as well
menopause [30]. In a large consor- biological markers, including mam- as tumour biology, all contribute to
tium analysis of 10 prospective stud- mographic breast density, genetic this variation.
ies, a significant positive association risk scores, and plasma endoge- For example, from the United
was observed, with a multivariable nous hormone levels (e.g. [12,33]). States National Cancer Institute’s
relative risk comparing the top ver- Further enhancements are needed, Surveillance, Epidemiology, and
sus the bottom quartile categories End Results (SEER) programme, the
including incorporation of newly
of 1.60 (95% CI, 1.31–1.94; Ptrend 2007–2011 age-adjusted incidence
confirmed risk factors (e.g. anti-
< 0.001) (Fig. 5.9.6) [30]. The find- rate (per 100 000) for breast can-
Müllerian hormone), more specific
ings were unchanged after account- cer was 128 for non-Hispanic White
disease definitions, and develop-
ing for testosterone concentrations, women and 123 for African American
ment and validation in a wider range
were similar regardless of meno- women, but the age-adjusted mor-
of study populations. Other priorities
pausal status at diagnosis, and were tality rate (per 100 000) was 21.7 for
are assessment of clinical utility and
observed primarily for ER-positive non-Hispanic White women and 30.6
strategies to successfully implement
tumours. Anti-Müllerian hormone is for African American women. African
these models in clinical practice.
one of the few hormones assessed American women have a higher
The current Women Informed to
in premenopausal women that is prevalence of triple-negative breast
Screen Depending on Measures of
now confirmed to predict later risk cancers [35], for which outcomes are
Risk (WISDOM) clinical trial exam-
of breast cancer. Additional facets of poorer, and this is a likely contributor
ining risk-stratified mammographic
this association, as well as the bio- to the higher SEER mortality rates.
screening, and the work by the group
logical mechanisms underlying the However, even among the subset of
in Manchester, United Kingdom, in-
association, require further study. women diagnosed with similar early-
corporating risk SNPs and mammo-
graphic density into the Tyrer–Cuzick stage disease, mortality rates were
Novel technologies
multivariable model, among others, higher for African American women,
New analytical technologies such indicating that other factors, such as
will provide data with which to assess
as metabolomics and proteomics differences in patterns of care [35],
the impact of these approaches.
(see Chapter 3.7) can be used in contribute as well (see “The enduring
population-based studies and are disparity in breast cancer mortality
beginning to provide new insights Social inequalities in risk between Black and White women in
into the biological mechanisms un- and burden the USA” in Chapter 4.6).
derlying known breast cancer risk
factors, as well as offering the po- Socioeconomic differences
tential to identify new biomarkers of In epidemiological studies, a positive Prevention
risk or early detection. For example, association between socioeconomic Prevention trials require large study
several diet-related metabolites (re- status and breast cancer risk is well populations and long follow-up
lated to alcohol, vitamin E, and ani- established. This is due in large part periods, which makes them both
mal fat) were associated with risk to different distributions by socioeco- costly and challenging to conduct.
of breast cancer, particularly for nomic status of breast cancer risk Therefore, preliminary data for pre-
ER-positive disease, thus suggest- factors such as parity, age at first vention trials often come from bio-
ing additional factors that may play birth, and use of hormone therapy. marker modulation studies, or from
a mechanistic role underlying these Other possible contributors include evaluation of the effects of interven-
dietary exposures and modulation differences in screening practices tions on contralateral breast cancer
of risk [31]. across socioeconomic status [34]. events in breast cancer treatment
trials. Colditz and Bohlke recently tion to prevent breast cancer recur- marker of breast tissue proliferation,
reviewed the evidence that acting rence [37]. If BWEL is successful, in women with insulin resistance
on already established information weight loss would probably be fur- [38], but in a meta-analysis on met-
about modifiable risk factors could ther targeted in a trial for breast formin and cancer risk, after adjust-
substantially reduce breast cancer cancer risk reduction. ment for BMI, no significant reduc-
incidence in high-income countries tion in breast cancer incidence was
(Table 5.9.1) [36]. Metformin observed [38].
Metformin, which is used for treat-
Weight loss ment of metabolic syndrome and Familial or other high-risk
There have not been compelling diabetes, has been linked with lower groups
new data for weight loss, but Breast risk of breast cancer in observa- Other medical interventions gener-
Cancer Weight Loss (BWEL) is a tional studies. In a pre-surgical trial ally target women who have sub-
current randomized trial addressing in Italy, metformin taken before sur- stantial risk of breast cancer. The
the ability of a weight-loss interven- gery decreased levels of Ki-67, a duration of the effects of selective
Premenopausal women
Healthy weight: avoid weight gain All women 100 50 (after 10–30
Healthy diet: fruits, vegetables, Youth eating few fruits and 5–11 20–50 5–20
and whole grains vegetables
Breastfeed: 1 year total across all Women who have given birth 81 18 5
Prophylactic bilateral oophorectomy BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers < 1 50 ≥ 2
Postmenopausal women
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
ER modulators, such as tamox- 0.91) (Fig. 5.9.7) [40]. The effect was and of ovarian cancer. The timing
ifen and raloxifene, on breast can- observed for both ER-positive breast and advisability may be considered
cer prevention was estimated in a cancer and ductal carcinoma in situ, in a framework put forward by Tung
meta-analysis, which demonstrated but not for triple-negative breast can- et al. (see Chapter 6.5) [42].
a measurable reduction in breast cer. Aromatase inhibitors, both anas- Recent data indicating that
cancer incidence that was greatest trozole and exemestane, have been RANK ligand is an essential mol-
in the first 5 years of follow-up but shown to reduce breast cancer risk ecule in the development of breast
also extended into years 5–10 of fol- by about half [41]. There is a lack of cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers
low–up [39]. proven strategies for reducing the have led to an international che-
In the follow-up of the Internation risk of HER2-positive and triple-neg- moprevention trial evaluating the
al Breast Cancer Intervention Study ative breast cancers. RANK ligand inhibitor denosumab
(IBIS) trial (tamoxifen vs placebo), the The management of women at in BRCA1 mutation carriers, led by
hazard ratio for the occurrence of all high risk based on predisposing the Austrian Breast and Colorectal
breast cancers in the tamoxifen group mutations in cancer susceptibility Cancer Study Group (ABCSG). The
versus the placebo group in the first genes includes risk-reducing mas- next phase of trials will focus on
10 years of follow-up was 0.72 (95% tectomies and premenopausal oo- bringing progress in cancer immu-
CI, 0.59–0.88) and after 10 years of phorectomies, which may reduce nology to prevention.
follow-up was 0.69 (95% CI, 0.53– risk of ER-positive breast cancer
Fig. 5.9.7. Cumulative incidence of breast cancer over time in the International Breast Cancer Intervention Study I (IBIS-I) trial,
according to treatment group (tamoxifen or placebo) and duration of follow-up. Solid lines indicate all breast cancers, and dashed
lines indicate invasive estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancers.
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Cervical cancer
Successes in some communities
to be extended worldwide
Zvavahera Mike Chirenje Maribel Almonte (reviewer)
Bothwell Takaingofa Guzha Karen Canfell (reviewer)
Lynette Denny (reviewer)
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Box 5.10.1. Significant changes in the 2014 WHO classification of neoplasms of the
• Two-tiered subdivision of precursor lesions of squamous cell carcinoma ■■ Infection with high-risk human
(according to the Bethesda classification for cytology) papillomavirus (HPV) types
causes almost all cases of
• Stratified mucin-producing intraepithelial lesion (SMILE) as a variant cervical cancer.
of adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS)
■■ Cytology-based screening
• Subdivision of adenocarcinomas programmes have demon-
strated remarkable success in
• Relation of the individual carcinoma types to human papillomavirus (HPV) reducing the incidence of and
• Neuroendocrine tumours mortality from cervical cancer
in high-income countries. The
main limitation of cytology is its
The Lower Anogenital Squa include most squamous cell carci- relatively low sensitivity, espe-
cially if comprehensive quality
mous Terminology Standardization nomas without any specific differ- assurance processes are not in
Project also recommended the use entiation or cornification. place. Because of the complexi-
of a two-tiered classification system ties and cost involved in setting
Invasive glandular cell up cytology-based screening
for cervical precursor lesions, as programmes, most low- and
well as the use of p16 immunohisto- carcinomas middle-income countries have
chemical staining as a biomarker to Invasive cervical adenocarcinomas either opportunistic screening
differentiate between cervical pre- or no screening at all.
(Fig. 5.10.4) constitute 10–25% of
cancerous lesions and their mimics, cervical carcinomas. About 5–10% ■■ Advances in molecular technol-
and in the stratification of cervical in- ogy have made testing for
of cervical adenocarcinomas are high-risk HPV widely available,
traepithelial neoplasia grade 2 (CIN2) unrelated to HPV infection. albeit mostly in high-income
lesions [6]. Low-grade squamous The histological subtypes of cer- countries, and the increasing
intraepithelial lesions encompass focus is now on demonstrating
vical adenocarcinoma are shown its broader applicability to low-
HPV infection and CIN1, whereas
in Table 5.10.3. The most frequent and middle-income countries.
high-grade squamous intraepithe- Testing for high-risk HPV types
histological variant is HPV-related
lial lesions include CIN2 and CIN3. is currently being used for
adenocarcinoma of the usual type. primary screening, to triage
Invasive squamous cell Other types include the various women with atypical squamous
subtypes of mucinous adenocarci- cells of undetermined signifi-
carcinomas cance and low-grade squamous
nomas and clear cell carcinomas, intraepithelial lesion cytology
Invasive squamous cell carcinoma
of the cervix (Fig. 5.10.3) accounts which occur more commonly in results, for co-testing with cytol-
younger women. Primary serous ogy, and as a test of cure.
for 80–85% of cervical carcinomas.
HPV infection causes almost 100% adenocarcinomas are uncommon. ■■ The high negative predictive
Immunohistochemistry aids in the value of high-risk HPV DNA
of cases of cervical squamous cell testing has enabled screening
carcinoma, and in most cases an diagnosis of mesonephric tumours intervals to be safely increased.
underestimation of HPV prevalence and mixed adenocarcinoma and
■■ Previously, it was considered
is due to the limitations of relevant neuroendocrine carcinoma [8]. that a limitation of high-risk
studies [7]. HPV testing was its lower
The histological subtypes of Rare epithelial cervical specificity for detection of high-
tumours grade squamous intraepithelial
cervical squamous cell carcinoma lesions. However, this is effec-
are shown in Table 5.10.2. The term Rare epithelial neoplasms of the tively managed through the use
“squamous cell carcinoma, not oth- cervix (Table 5.10.4) include ade- of clinically validated tests, by
limiting the age range of testing,
erwise specified” was introduced to nosquamous carcinomas (1–2%), and – in some settings and in
some countries – by the effect
of HPV vaccination, which
Table 5.10.1. Comparison of classifications of precursor lesions of squamous cell enables HPV-based screening
carcinoma of the cervix to be done in women younger
than 30 years.
1975/1994 WHO 2003 WHO classification 2014 WHO classification
■■ There is much interest in
classification biomarkers to predict which
cervical precancerous lesions
Low (mild) dysplasia CIN grade 1 (CIN1) Low-grade squamous
are likely to progress in women
intraepithelial lesion (LSIL)
with high-risk HPV infection and
Moderate dysplasia CIN grade 2 (CIN2) High-grade squamous
normal, atypical squamous cells
of undetermined significance, or
Severe dysplasia CIN grade 3 (CIN3) intraepithelial lesion (HSIL)
low-grade squamous intraepi-
Carcinoma in situ
thelial lesion cytology results.
CIN, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia.
Fig. 5.10.1. Global distribution of estimated age-standardized (World) incidence rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for cervical
cancer, 2018.
Fig. 5.10.2. Global map of estimated age-standardized (World) mortality rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for cervical
cancer, 2018.
glassy cell carcinomas, and neu- Genetics and genomics loci within 6p21.3 were associated
roendocrine tumours. with increased susceptibility to cer-
Cervical cancer is a rare outcome
vical cancer [9,10].
in women with HPV infection. The
Rare non-epithelial cervical Persistent HPV infection is due
biological underpinnings of this pro-
tumours to both viral and host immune sys-
cess are not yet clearly understood. tem factors. Several factors attribu-
Rare non-epithelial neoplasms of There is renewed interest in the role table to HPV contribute to the ability
the cervix include mesenchymal of host genetics in the development of the infection to evade the host im-
types and other tumorous changes, of cervical cancer. mune system. Host genetic variants
such as postoperative spindle cell In the Han Chinese population, influence the ability of the immune
nodules. The occurrence of a sec- loci at 4q12 and 17q12 were asso- system to clear HPV infection.
ondary malignancy in the cervix is ciated with a higher risk of cervical New data from genome-wide
clinically important but is very rare. cancer; in the Swedish population, association studies have shown
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.10.3. Photomicrograph of invasive Table 5.10.2. Histological types of squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix (2014 WHO
cervical squamous cell carcinoma, show- classification)
ing invasive squamous cells (bottom right)
budding off from a focus of cervical high- Histological type ICD-O code
grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (cen- Squamous cell carcinoma, NOS 8070/3
tre). Normal non-dysplastic cervical squa-
mous epithelium is present at the periphery Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma 8071/3
(top right and top left). Haematoxylin and Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma 8072/3
eosin stain, 40× magnification.
Papillary squamous cell carcinoma 8052/3
Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma 8083/3
Warty squamous cell carcinoma 8051/3
Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma 8051/3
Squamotransitional carcinoma 8120/3
Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma 8082/3
ICD-O, International Classification of Diseases for Oncology; NOS, not otherwise specified.
cells (bottom centre and bottom left)
surrounded by pale pink, inflamed mu- Mucinous adenocarcinoma, signet ring cell type Partial HR-HPV 8490/3
cus. Haematoxylin and eosin stain, 40× Villoglandular carcinoma HPV16, HPV18, 8263/3
magnification. HPV45
Endometrioid carcinoma Noa 8380/3
Clear cell carcinoma No or HR-HPV b 8310/3
Serous carcinoma Noa 8441/3
Mesonephric carcinoma No 9110/3
Mixed adenocarcinoma and neuroendocrine carcinoma HR-HPV 8574/3
Table 5.10.4. Other rare epithelial neoplasms of the cervix (2014 WHO classification) mal residual disease after treatment
related to human papillomavirus infection and subclinical recurrence [16].
Squamous cell carcinoma an-
Histological type Related HPV ICD-O code
tigen (SCC-Ag) is a protein-based
Adenosquamous carcinoma HPV18, HPV16 8560/3 biomarker with a good correlation
Glassy cell carcinoma HPV18 8015/3 between its levels before treatment
and tumour burden. It can poten-
Adenoid basal carcinoma HPV16, HPV33 8098/3
tially be used to provide prognos-
Adenoid cystic carcinoma HPV16 8200/3 tic information, as well as to detect
Undifferentiated carcinoma HPV16 8020/3 recurrences early. SCC-Ag was
Neuroendocrine tumours – –
also shown to be a useful adjunct
to imaging in detecting lymph node
“Low-grade” neuroendocrine tumour HR-HPV –
metastasis, an important adverse
Carcinoid tumour – 8240/3 prognostic factor [17]. There is an
Atypical carcinoid tumour – 8249/3 association between SCC-Ag lev-
els and disease recurrence and
“High-grade” neuroendocrine carcinoma HR-HPV (HPV18) –
mortality in women with newly diag-
Small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma – 8041/3 nosed cervical cancer [18].
Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma – 8013/3 Normal epithelium and carcino-
mas of the uterine cervix produce
HR-HPV, high-risk human papillomavirus; ICD-O, International Classification of Diseases for Oncology.
serum cytokeratin 19 fragments
(CYFRA 21.1). CYFRA 21.1 was
HPV types identified in cervical can- shown to be a useful biomarker
nosuppressive conditions, smoking
in predicting parametrial invasion,
cer include HPV16 (53%), HPV18 (in squamous cell carcinomas only),
another important adverse prog-
(15%), HPV45 (9%), HPV31 (6%), multiparity, and long-term use of
nostic factor. A predictive model us-
and HPV33 (3%) [14]. oral contraceptives [15].
ing CYFRA 21.1 levels, tumour size,
The integration of the viral epi-
and SCC-Ag levels demonstrated
some into the host genome is a Prognostic markers for an ability to accurately predict par-
necessary step in the develop-
ment of cervical cancer. The E6
invasive cervical cancer ametrial invasion in patients with
Despite the wide availability of International Federation of Gy ne
and E7 oncoproteins deactivate
screening in high-income countries cology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage
the protein products of the TP53
and recent advances in radiother- IB cervical cancer [19].
and retinoblastoma (RB) tumour
suppressor genes, respectively. apy techniques, the 5-year overall
Overexpression of the E6 and E7 survival in cervical cancer remains Socioeconomic, racial,
oncogenes results in the loss of about 60–70% in high-income and ethnic differences
cell-cycle control and leads to un- countries and is much lower in In large parts of sub-Saharan Africa,
controlled cellular proliferation, im- low- and middle-income countries. as well as in countries in Melanesia,
mortalization, and reduced apo- Research is under way on potential cervical cancer is the leading cause
ptosis; the result is chromosomal biomarkers that could help to iden- of cancer death in women, whereas
instability and the development of tify the disease in early stages, pre- in countries with high values of the
cervical cancer. The essential mo- dict tumour burden, detect recur- Human Development Index (HDI),
lecular interactions of the different rences early, and offer prognostic cervical cancer incidence and mor-
HPV oncoproteins to induce cervi- information, thus providing a poten- tality rates are declining [20].
cal carcinogenesis are summarized tial way to improve survival. Many In some countries with high HDI,
in Fig. 5.10.5. of these biomarkers are not yet in racial disparities in disease burden
In most women, the activity routine clinical use. and mortality are common. In the
of humoral and cellular-mediated HPV integration mutation was USA, the incidence of and mortal-
immunity helps to clear the HPV shown to be a molecular marker ity from cervical cancer in African
infection within 12–24 months. If of circulating tumour DNA in HPV- American women was shown to
persistent high-grade squamous in- associated tumours. Tumour bur- be twice that in White women [21].
traepithelial lesions are left untreat- den, an adverse prognostic marker, These disparities are caused by un-
ed, the risk of developing cervical correlated well with serum levels of equal access to primary prevention
cancer is about 30%. circulating tumour DNA. Therefore, (see Chapter 4.6), screening, and
Known co-factors associated circulating tumour DNA may provide treatment services. Compared with
with disease progression include important prognostic information and other ethnicities, African American
infection with HIV and other immu- may also play a role in detecting mini- girls were less likely to complete
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.10.5. The role of promising biomarkers in the molecular mechanisms that lead advanced disease. These interven-
to a transforming infection. Schematic diagram of molecular and cellular processes tions form part of targets and indica-
that are affected during cervical carcinogenesis after infection with high-risk human tors of the WHO Global Action Plan
papillomavirus (HPV). E6 leads to activation of telomerase-related genes as well
as to the ubiquitination of p53. This results in the degradation of p53 and therefore
for the Prevention and Control of
inhibits apoptosis. E7 inactivates pRb and therefore increases the amount of free Noncommunicable Diseases 2013–
E2F in the cell, leading to both an increase in p16 and aberrant proliferation (which 2020 [23].
can be detected by increased levels of Ki-67 expression). In combination with the
inactivation of tumour suppressor genes (CADM1 and MAL), these actions lead to the
immortalization of the cell. This, in turn, leads to genomic instability, which cannot be Prevention
counteracted by DNA repair mechanisms because these mechanisms are inactivated
by the high-risk HPV oncogenes. Whether viral integration should be considered as Primary prevention
an initiator of genomic instability or a result of it is currently unclear. Nevertheless, Remarkable progress has been
the mechanisms shown in this flow chart lead to a transforming infection, causing the made worldwide to scale up HPV
occurrence of severe dysplasia and ultimately resulting in cervical malignancy.
vaccination, especially in high-in-
come countries (see Chapter 6.3). In
↑ p16 the past 5 years, very few low- and
middle-income countries have rolled
out countrywide HPV vaccination
programmes. More countries are
E6 ↓ p53 ↑ ↓ pRb E7 preparing to introduce national vac-
cination programmes with the sup-
port of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
For both the bivalent and the
quadrivalent HPV vaccine, two dos-
Aberrant Inactivation of tumor
Activation of
Apoptosis suppressor genes
es were shown to be non-inferior to
telomerase proliferation
inhibition (CADM1 and MAL) three doses, and WHO now recom-
related genes (↑ Ki-67)
by methylation mends the use of two doses in girls
younger than 14 years [24]. There
is emerging evidence that one dose
of HPV vaccine may be equally ef-
Immortalization ficacious; this will reduce the cost of
vaccines and make the delivery of
vaccines easier in low- and middle-
income countries. The introduction
Genomic instability in 2014 of the nonavalent HPV vac-
cine (against HPV types 6, 11, 16,
18, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58) was a
significant scientific advance that
expanded the number of oncogenic
HPV types for which infection is pre-
ventable through vaccination. For
the three doses of the HPV vaccine with low HDI and in countries with the nonavalent vaccine, WHO also
required at the time of the study high HDI [21]. recommends the use of two doses
[22]. In the USA, women in minority These disparities across socio- in girls younger than 14 years.
groups with low socioeconomic sta- economic, racial, and ethnic groups New HPV vaccines are currently
have also been documented both in undergoing clinical trials, and they
tus tend to be underinsured, which
other countries with high HDI and in may become available by 2020.
limits their access to screening and
countries with low HDI (see Chapter However, the insufficient HPV vac-
clinical services. When these wom-
1.3). However, the burden and im- cine supply is a major challenge
en are screened, they are more
pact of cervical cancer on communi- and will remain a constraint in low-
likely to be lost to follow-up and to and middle-income countries for
ties can be mitigated by implement-
later present with advanced dis- ing national HPV vaccination and the foreseeable future.
ease [22]. The geographical loca- screening programmes with effec-
tion may also play a role in these tive treatment of high-grade squa- Secondary prevention
disparities. Women living in rural ar- mous intraepithelial lesions, early Secondary prevention of cervical
eas have the lowest screening rates detection and treatment of cervical cancer with cytology screening has
and the highest incidence rates of cancer, and improvement of pal- reduced the incidence of cervical
cervical cancer, both in countries liative care services for women with cancer in high-income countries.
Large clinical trials have shown mation. The PreTect HPV-Proofer CIN3. In cytology samples positive
that HPV-based screening leads to assay and the NucliSENS EasyQ for high-risk HPV, a sensitivity of
increased detection of precursor le- HPV assay are nucleic acid se- 70% and a specificity of 78% were
sions and decreased rates of inva- quence-based amplification tests demonstrated for the detection of
sive cervical cancer [25]. WHO and designed to detect HPV E6/E7 lesions of CIN3 or worse [32,33].
other organizations have recom- messenger RNA (mRNA) of the five
mended primary HPV testing in set- most common oncogenic high-risk Management of invasive
tings with sufficient resources. The HPV types (16, 18, 31, 33, and 45). cervical cancer
advent of portable point-of-care The APTIMA HPV assay is a target
testing devices will lead to the wide amplification nucleic acid probe test Microinvasive cervical cancer is
availability of this screening modal- typically an incidental histological
that detects the viral mRNA of 14
diagnosis after large loop excision
ity and increase its use in low- and HPV types (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39,
of the transformation zone (type 1
middle-income countries. 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, and 68).
and 2 excision) or cone biopsy (type
HPV self-sampling was intro- In women who have negative
3 excision). Macroscopic cervical
duced to overcome known barri- cytology and are positive for high-
cancer is often suspected clini-
ers to screening, which include risk HPV, a positive mRNA test re-
cally, because most of the women
restrictive work schedules as well sult implies an increased risk of pro-
present with a foul-smelling watery
as cultural and religious beliefs. gressive lesions compared with a
and sometimes bloody vaginal dis-
Therefore, self-sampling has the negative mRNA result; mRNA tests
charge, irregular vaginal bleeding,
potential to increase coverage of showed a higher specificity than
and contact bleeding.
cervical cancer screening in non- DNA tests in detecting high-grade
Until recently, FIGO staging
attendees in both high-income and cervical lesions [30]. Clinically,
of cervical cancer was performed
low-income countries. In Argentina, HPV E6/E7 mRNA molecular test-
mainly by clinical examination, with
the uptake of screening improved ing is being incorporated into cervi-
a few other procedures that were al-
from 20% with cytology-based cal cancer screening algorithms to lowed to change the stage. In 2018,
screening to 86% with the imple- triage women who are positive for the FIGO Gynecologic Oncology
mentation of HPV self-sampling high-risk HPV and have negative Committee revised this to include
[26]. The diagnostic accuracy of cytology to either immediate col- imaging and pathology results,
self-collected samples compares poscopy or close follow-up. Testing where available, to assign the stage.
favourably with that of clinician-col- for E6/E7 mRNA of high-risk HPV The revised FIGO staging is shown
lected specimens. types has also been found to be in Table 5.10.5 [34]. FIGO stage IB
useful as a test of cure. has now been subdivided into three
Improved methods of Women with HPV16 or HPV18 (instead of two) substages, and
detection and diagnosis infection have a much higher risk of lymph node involvement, an impor-
Biomarkers are also being exten- developing high-grade squamous tant adverse prognostic factor, is
sively evaluated for incorporation intraepithelial lesions compared now included in FIGO stage IIIC.
into cervical cancer screening pro- with women who are positive for Treatment for early-stage dis-
grammes, to predict which cervical other high-risk HPV types and have ease is surgical. However, concur-
precancerous lesions are likely to negative cytology [31]. This finding rent chemoradiotherapy has simi-
progress. has been incorporated into cervical lar outcomes. In locally advanced
Dual staining with p16INK4a and cancer screening algorithms to tri- disease, concurrent chemoradio-
Ki-67 has shown high sensitivity age women with normal, atypical therapy is the treatment of choice.
in detecting high-grade squamous squamous cells of undetermined Treatment of women with FIGO
intraepithelial lesions in both cyto- significance, and low-grade squa- stage IVB and recurrent disease is
logical and histological specimens mous intraepithelial lesion cytol- highly individualized. Palliative care
[27–29]. Clinically, it can be used to ogy results to either immediate col- remains an important component
differentiate reactive from dysplas- poscopy or repeat co-testing after of management of cervical cancer.
tic cervical lesions and to detect 12 months. This strategy effectively Women with advanced disease
high-grade squamous intraepithe- reduces the number of women re- should have an early referral to a
lial lesions with higher accuracy. ferred for colposcopy. palliative care team. There is a role
Persistent infection with high- Methylation of the cell adhe- for fertility-sparing surgery in young
risk HPV results in overexpression sion molecule 1 (CADM1) and women with early-stage disease
of the E6 and E7 viral oncogenes, T-lymphocyte maturation-associat- who desire to become parents.
which leads to cellular prolifera- ed protein (MAL) genes was associ- Long-term follow-up is required to
tion, immortalization, and transfor- ated with a high risk of developing detect recurrence.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Table 5.10.5. 2018 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) staging of cancer of the cervix uteri
Stage a Description
I The carcinoma is strictly confined to the cervix uteri (extension to the corpus should be disregarded)
IA Invasive carcinoma that can be diagnosed only by microscopy, with maximum depth of invasion < 5 mmb
IA1 Measured stromal invasion < 3 mm in depth
IA2 Measured stromal invasion ≥ 3 mm and < 5 mm in depth
IB Invasive carcinoma with measured deepest invasion ≥ 5 mm (greater than stage IA), lesion limited to the cervix uteric
IB1 Invasive carcinoma with ≥ 5 mm depth of stromal invasion and < 2 cm in greatest dimension
IB2 Invasive carcinoma ≥ 2 cm and < 4 cm in greatest dimension
IB3 Invasive carcinoma ≥ 4 cm in greatest dimension
II The carcinoma invades beyond the uterus but has not extended into the lower third of the vagina or to the pelvic wall
IIA Involvement limited to the upper two thirds of the vagina, without parametrial involvement
IIA1 Invasive carcinoma < 4 cm in greatest dimension
IIA2 Invasive carcinoma ≥ 4 cm in greatest dimension
IIB With parametrial involvement but not up to the pelvic wall
III The carcinoma involves the lower third of the vagina and/or extends to the pelvic wall and/or causes hydronephrosis or non-
functioning kidney and/or involves pelvic and/or para-aortic lymph nodesd
IIIA The carcinoma involves the lower third of the vagina, with no extension to the pelvic wall
IIIB Extension to the pelvic wall and/or hydronephrosis or non-functioning kidney (unless known to be due to another cause)
IIIC Involvement of pelvic and/or para-aortic lymph nodes, irrespective of tumour size and extent (with r and p notations) d
IIIC1 Pelvic lymph node metastasis only
IIIC2 Para-aortic lymph node metastasis
IV The carcinoma has extended beyond the true pelvis or has involved (biopsy proven) the mucosa of the bladder or rectum. A
bullous oedema, as such, does not permit a case to be allotted to stage IV
IVA Spread of the growth to adjacent organs
IVB Spread to distant organs
When in doubt, the lower staging should be assigned.
Imaging and pathology can be used, when available, to supplement clinical findings with respect to tumour size and extent, in all stages.
The involvement of vascular/lymphatic spaces does not change the staging. The lateral extent of the lesion is no longer considered.
Adding notation of r (imaging) and p (pathology) to indicate the findings that are used to allocate the case to stage IIIC. For example, if imaging indicates
pelvic lymph node metastasis, the stage allocation would be stage IIIC1r, and if confirmed by pathological findings, it would be stage IIIC1p. The type of
imaging modality or pathology technique used should always be documented. When in doubt, the lower staging should be assigned.
1. de Martel C, Plummer M, Vignat J, 4. Hall MT, Simms KT, Lew JB, Smith MA, 6. Darragh TM, Colgan TJ, Cox JT, Heller
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Lower Anogenital Squamous Terminology
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Classification of Tumours series, 4th edi-
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Endometrial cancer
Prevention through control of obesity
driven by the prevalence of obesity.
inactivity; therefore, effective in-
Globally, uterine cancer is the sev- However, in Denmark increases
terventions to reduce the preva-
enth most common cancer and the have been reported in the inci-
lence of obesity and increase
14th most common cause of cancer dence of type 2 cancers, despite an
physical activity levels are likely
death in women, with an estimated overall decline in the incidence of
to have the greatest impact on
382 000 new cases and 90 000 endometrial cancer [3]. In the USA,
incidence rates.
deaths in 2018. Age-standardized incidence rates of type 2 cancers
●● Progestin-containing intrauter- incidence rates (per 100 000) vary have also increased more rapidly
ine devices, metformin, and, about 12-fold between countries, than those of type 1 cancers, with
possibly, non-steroidal anti-in- from 2 to 24, although in a few coun- marked increases in Asian women
flammatory drugs may reduce tries the reported rates are lower (e.g. and particularly in non-Hispanic
incidence of endometrial can- 1.5 in Guinea and 1.8 in Mongolia) Black women, who now have the
cer in high-risk women, but the or higher (e.g. 24.1 in Lithuania and highest rates of these more aggres-
full range of risks and benefits 24.9 in Belarus). The rates are gen- sive endometrial cancers [4].
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
TCGA label MSI (hypermutated) POLE (ultramutated) Copy-number low Copy-number high
Defining characteristic Mutation (germline or Mutation in exonucle Microsatellite stable, TP53 mutation
somatic) or epigenetic ase domain of POLE no POLE or TP53
modification of MLH1, DNA polymerase mutation
MSH2, MSH6, or
PMS2, leading to MMR
deficiency and MSI
Common mutations PTEN (~90%) POLE (100%) PTEN (~75%) TP53 (>90%)
PIK3CA (~50%) PTEN (> 90%) PIK3CA (~50%) PIK3CA (~50%)
[PTEN (~10%)]
EDM, exonuclease domain mutation; MMR, mismatch repair; MSI, microsatellite instability; NSMP, no specific molecular profile; ProMisE, Proactive
Molecular Risk Classifier for Endometrial Cancer; TCGA, Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network.
Strength of evidence Factors that increase risk Factors that decrease risk
Use of tamoxifen
Body fatness
Use of bisphosphonates
Insufficient Treatment for infertility; endometriosis; use of statins; other aspects of diet
benefit persists for at least 30 years apy) and use of sequential estrogen Although there are suggestions
after last use [13]. Despite reduc- plus progestin (combination) meno- that women who use clomiphene
tions in the hormone content of oral pausal hormone therapy (progestin citrate may have an increased risk
contraceptives since their introduc- for < 10–15 days per month) are of endometrial cancer, the current
tion, the effects appear to be similar associated with an increased risk evidence is limited and it is not pos-
for formulations used in the 1960s, of endometrial cancer, and this in- sible to separate any potential risk
1970s, and 1980s [13]. It is too soon crease in risk may be greater in thin associated with use of the medica-
to say whether use of newer formu- women and normal-weight women,
tion from that associated with the
lations, including progestin-only oral who have lower endogenous es-
underlying cause of the infertility
contraceptives, will reduce risk to trogen levels. In contrast, use of
[16] (see Chapter 2.11).
the same extent, but early data sug- continuous estrogen plus progestin
gest that progestin-containing intra- therapy (progestin for ≥ 25 days per
Body size and physical
uterine devices (e.g. the levonorges- month) has been associated with a
trel-releasing intrauterine system) reduced risk of endometrial cancer
also protect against endometrial [15] (see Chapter 3.6). In postmenopausal women, the pri-
cancer [14]. Increasing use of fertility drugs mary source of estrogen is from con-
Use of estrogen replacement has raised concerns about their version of androgens to estrogens
therapy (unopposed estrogen ther- potential effects on cancer risk. by aromatase in adipose tissue. Risk
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.11.2. A comparison of risk factors for type 1 and type 2 endometrial cancer, show- type 2 cancers. This has been at-
ing odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals, from the Epidemiology of Endometrial tributed to the fact that smokers tend
Cancer Consortium. BMI, body mass index; OC, oral contraceptive. to have lower endogenous estrogen
2 levels than non-smokers [9].
Type 1 Type 2
1.8 Medical conditions and use of
1.6 medication
1.4 Diabetes and metabolic
1.2 syndrome
1 Metabolic syndrome describes a
0.8 cluster of related metabolic condi-
tions, including abdominal obesity,
high blood pressure, impaired fast-
ing glucose or diabetes, high lev-
0.2 els of serum triglycerides, and low
Per 2 kg/m2
< 11
levels of high-density lipoprotein;
the presence of three of these con-
ditions is sufficient for a diagnosis.
Of all of these conditions, obesity is
BMI Diabetes Age at Parity OC use Smoking most strongly associated with risk
menarche of endometrial cancer, but metabol-
ic syndrome, impaired glucose tol-
erance or diabetes, and hyperten-
of endometrial cancer increases by Diet sion appear to increase risk by an
about 50% for every increase of 5 kg/ Data from prospective studies sug- additional 20–40%, independently
m2 in body mass index (BMI), with gest that a diet with a high glycaemic of any underlying obesity [19].
stronger associations seen for type 1 load probably increases risk of endo-
cancers than for type 2 cancers Endometriosis, polycystic ovary
metrial cancer by approximately 15% syndrome, and fibroids
(Fig. 5.11.2). However, the relation-
per 50 units per day, whereas con-
ship is nonlinear and risk increases The relationship between a history
sumption of coffee (caffeinated and
more steeply at higher BMI (risks for of endometriosis and risk of endo-
decaffeinated) reduces risk by ap-
BMI of 30, 35, and 40 kg/m2 are ap- metrial cancer is not clear, but there
proximately 7% per cup per day [18].
proximately 2-, 4-, and 13-fold those is significant genetic overlap be-
Although previous reports suggested
for BMI of 20 kg/m2) [17]. The effect tween the two conditions, suggest-
a possible positive association with
is stronger among premenopausal ing that women who are genetically
intake of red meat and an inverse as-
women and those who have not used predisposed to developing endome-
sociation with intake of non-starchy
menopausal hormone therapy. triosis may also be at increased risk
vegetables, the current data do not
Similar patterns are seen for of endometrial cancer (see Chapter
other measures of obesity, includ- support this, and there is little evi-
3.5) [20]. Other conditions, including
ing waist circumference, hip cir- dence that other components of diet, polycystic ovary syndrome and fi-
cumference, waist-to-hip ratio, and including fat, fibre, or soy products, broids, have been more consistently
weight gain in adulthood. Greater which contain phytoestrogens, play associated with risk of endometrial
height has also been associated an independent role in the etiology of cancer, possibly because both con-
with greater risk, but it is unlikely endometrial cancer [18]. ditions are associated with elevated
that this is a causal relationship; estrogen levels.
Alcohol consumption and
rather, adult height is probably a
tobacco smoking Common medications
marker for a range of other genetic
factors and non-genetic factors Although alcohol intake has been There has been much interest in the
(e.g. nutritional status, hormones) associated with higher estrogen potential chemopreventive effects
before and around menarche [18]. levels and with an increased risk of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
Independent of its effect on of breast cancer (see Chapter 5.9), drugs (NSAIDs) and of medications
obesity, there is now evidence that there is little evidence to suggest used to treat diabetes, specifically
physical activity of all types (rec- that moderate consumption increas- metformin, and hypercholesterol-
reational, occupational, and house- es risk of endometrial cancer [18]. aemia, namely statins. Regular use –
hold) probably reduces risk of en- Endometrial cancer is one of the usually defined as at least once per
dometrial cancer, and a suggestion few conditions that is less common week – of aspirin and, potentially,
that more time spent sedentary may among smokers, with inverse asso- other NSAIDs has been associated
increase risk [18]. ciations reported for both type 1 and with a reduced risk of endometrial
cancer among obese women; little Fig. 5.11.3. Population attributable fractions for endometrial cancer in the United
effect was seen for normal-weight Kingdom and Australia for overweight and obesity, insufficient physical activity (exer-
women [21]. It is less clear whether cise), and use of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT).
any association is restricted to stand-
ard-dose aspirin or whether use of
low-dose formulations may also con-
fer a benefit. An effect is plausible be- Kingdom
cause both aspirin and other NSAIDs
inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX) activ-
ity, leading to a reduction in prosta-
glandin levels, and COX inhibitors Exercise
also downregulate aromatase activity Australia MHT
in breast cancer cell lines.
Use of metformin has been re-
ported to reverse endometrial hy-
perplasia, the precursor of type 1 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00
endometrial cancer, but the current Population attributable fraction (%)
data are very heterogeneous [22].
Although use of statins at baseline
was associated with a significantly
contraceptives prevents approxi- loss among women who are already
reduced risk of endometrial cancer
mately 31% of endometrial cancers obese, have the greatest potential to
during follow-up of the Women’s
[24] and that in high-income coun- reduce risk of endometrial cancer. It
Health Initiative cohorts, there was
tries, it prevented approximately is also likely that increasing physical
no association when information
200 000 endometrial cancers in activity levels would have a benefi-
about statin use was updated during
women younger than 75 years in cial effect, both independently and
follow-up [23]. Use of bisphospho-
the 10 years from 2005 to 2014 [13]. through the effects of exercise on
nates, which are used to treat osteo-
body weight (see Chapter 6.1).
porosis, has also been associated
with reduced risk of endometrial Prevention However, preventing the one
cancer. The heterogeneous results, third of endometrial cancers attri-
The most effective way to prevent
the challenges of interpreting obser- butable to obesity would require all
endometrial cancer is surgery to
vational data on use of medications women to achieve and maintain a
remove the uterus (hysterectomy),
because they may be subject to healthy weight – a highly implausi-
and this is an option for women at
confounding by indication, and the ble scenario. Under more plausible
high risk who have completed their
lack of trial data mean that further family. Greater screening for Lynch weight-loss scenarios, the numbers
evidence is required before firm con- syndrome, for example by testing of cases prevented would be much
clusions can be drawn about any po- all those diagnosed with colorectal lower. For example, an study in
tential benefits of these medications. cancer or endometrial cancer and Australia estimated that if the pro-
cascade testing of family members, portion of women who are obese
Population attributable risks would identify more carriers of decreased by 10% every year for
Estimates from the United Kingdom, high-risk mutations. However, there 10 years and the proportion who
Australia, and globally suggest that is currently no screening test for en- are overweight decreased by 5%
between 30% and 40% of endometri- dometrial cancer that could be used every year for 10 years, this would
al cancers can be attributed to poten- in this group (although regular colo- prevent 11–18% of endometrial
tially modifiable factors (Fig. 5.11.3). rectal cancer screening would re- cancers over a 25-year period [26].
The greatest proportion is attribu- duce their risk of colorectal cancer).
table to overweight and obesity
(26–34%), and smaller proportions Behaviour change Use of oral contraceptives cannot
are attributable to physical inactivity There is increasing evidence that be widely recommended for preven-
(4–6%) and use of menopausal hor- intentional weight loss greatly re- tion of endometrial cancer, because
mone therapy (1–3%) [24]. duces risk of endometrial cancer current users are at increased risk of
Given that more recent data (Fig. 5.11.4), and benefits are also breast cancer. Progestin-containing
suggest additional protection from seen for those who undergo bar- intrauterine devices (e.g. the levonor-
breastfeeding, it is possible that iatric surgery [25]. Therefore, inter- gestrel-releasing intrauterine system),
more cancers could be prevented ventions that reduce the prevalence which supply hormones directly to
if all parous women breastfed their of obesity, whether by prevent- the gynaecological tract, might pro-
children for at least 6 months. It ing young women from becoming vide similar gynaecological protec-
has been estimated that use of oral obese or by encouraging weight tion without increasing risk of breast
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.11.4. Hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals for the association between cancer. An early report suggests
weight change and risk of endometrial cancer in women who gained or lost at least that they also increase risk of breast
10 pounds (4.54 kg) over a 3-year period, from the Women’s Health Initiative observa- cancer [14], but the current data are
tional study. Weight loss is further separated into intentional and unintentional weight loss.
restricted to women younger than 55
1.6 years so they do not capture the full
range of risks and benefits, which, for
1.4 endometrial cancer, are not likely to
be apparent until users reach their
Hazard ratio (95% CI)
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Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. Gynecol Oncol. 148(3):540–6. https://
24(1):261–7. /10.1016 / j.ygyno. 2018 .01.0 0 6
9965.EPI-14-0923 PMID:25587111 PMID:29422345
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Ovarian cancer
Complicated etiology and very few
preventive options
Renée Turzanski Fortner Ronny Drapkin (reviewer)
Rudolf Kaaks Anita Koushik (reviewer)
atively few known modifiable major subtypes are high-grade se- nomas, or for their resemblance to
risk factors, particularly for the rous (~60%), endometrioid (~10%), tumours arising in organs that are
predominant, and lethal, high- clear cell (~10%), mucinous (~3%), embryologically derived from the
grade serous subtype. Bilateral and low-grade serous (< 5%) ovar- Müllerian ducts, such as the fallo-
salpingectomy is of increasing ian carcinomas. High-grade serous pian tubes, endometrium, and va-
interest for prevention, includ- carcinomas are poorly differenti- gina. Furthermore, extensive path-
ing in women at average risk ated tumours with high response ological searches generally failed
who are undergoing steriliza- to chemotherapy but very poor to identify convincing precursor le-
tion or hysterectomy. survival. In contrast, endometrioid, sions within the ovaries.
low-grade serous, and mucinous There is a growing consensus
carcinomas are generally well-dif- that ovarian carcinomas derive large-
Ovarian cancer is frequently ag- ferentiated low-grade tumours with ly from cells originating in extra-ovar-
gressive and is generally detected lower response to chemotherapy ian tissue. This paradigm shift re-
at a late stage. It is the eighth most but favourable prognosis, whereas garding the origins of ovarian cancer
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Characteristic Histotype
Possible tissues of Fallopian tube fimbria; Endosalpingiosis; Endometriosis or Endometriosis; endometrioid adenofibroma
origin ovarian cortical papillary tubal tubal-peritoneal
inclusion cysts hyperplasia junction
Possible cells of Fallopian tube secre- Fallopian tube secre- Unknown Endometrial epithelial cell
origin tory or epithelial cell, tory or epithelial cell,
or progenitor cell or progenitor cell
Precursor lesion Serous tubal Serous borderline Mucinous borderline Endometrioid borderline tumour
intraepithelial tumour/atypical tumour; cystadenoma;
carcinoma, p53 proliferative serous Brenner tumour
signature tumour
Familial/genetic risk Germline mutations Not applicable Not applicable Lynch syndrome (germline mutations in MLH1,
in BRCA1, BRCA2, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2)
Frequent somatic TP53, BRCA1, BRAF, KRAS, NRAS, KRAS ARID1A, PTEN, HNF1β, ARID1A,
mutations BRCA2; copy number HRAS, ERBB2 CTNNB1 (β-catenin), PIK3CA
alterations of CCNE1; PIK3CA, KRAS;
PTEN deletion; loss of mismatch repair
RB1, NF1 defects, microsatellite
by germline mutations in genes (rarely observed in other histotypes) vided into three subtypes showing
involved in DNA mismatch repair: and also show associations with different mutation load and DNA
MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, and PMS2. activating mutations of PIK3CA or mismatch repair signatures: ultra-
Besides germline genetic vari- loss-of-function alterations in PTEN. mutator, microsatellite instable, and
ants, the major ovarian carcinoma Endometrioid tumours specifically microsatellite stable; the microsat-
histotypes are associated with dis- may also show KRAS mutations. ellite stable group has a high pro-
tinct sets of recurrent somatic mu- More extensive analyses of portion of CTNNB1 (β-catenin) and
tations and defects in DNA repair. ovarian tumour histotypes by whole- KRAS mutations (Table 5.12.1).
High-grade serous tumours are genome sequencing also identified
ubiquitously characterized by inacti- structural genomic alterations re- Etiology
vating mutations in the TP53 gene, flecting specific DNA repair mecha-
often in combination with genomic nisms, which in combination with Established and putative risk
instability due to BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation patterns form signatures factors
defects. Furthermore, a key mo- that further segregate tumours into In terms of non-genetic and poten-
lecular characteristic of high-grade distinct molecular and biological tially modifiable risk factors, recent
serous tumours is the presence of classes, both within and between studies increasingly have docu-
widespread copy number alterations histotypes [21]. Thus, high-grade mented distinct risk factor profiles
[19], including of CCNE1 (cyclin E1), serous tumours are distinguished by tumour histotype. However, the
and this histotype often also shows from non-serous tumours by loss etiology of sporadic invasive ovar-
defects in genes of the retinoblas- of heterozygosity and homologous ian cancer remains poorly under-
toma and Notch pathways [20]. recombination signatures, and are stood. Studies in large consortia
Invasive low-grade serous tu- further split into a subgroup en- have shown substantial heteroge-
mours are characterized by (mutu- riched in fold-back inversions and neity in the associations between
ally exclusive) sequence mutations a subgroup characterized by other well-established risk factors for
in the KRAS, BRAF, or ERBB2 on- types of genomic rearrangements. ovarian cancer, such as parity and
cogenes, and mucinous tumours are Clear cell tumours are divided use of oral contraceptives, and dis-
characterized by KRAS mutations. into subgroups characterized by ease risk by histotype [11,15,22].
The endometriosis-associated ovar- deamination of the APOBEC fam- For example, being parous is asso-
ian cancer (clear cell and endome- ily of cytidine deaminases or age- ciated with the largest reductions in
trioid) histotypes both show loss- related mutational signatures. The risk for clear cell and endometrioid
of-function mutations in ARID1A endometrioid tumours can be di- carcinoma (~50–65%) and is more
Fig. 5.12.1. Global distribution of estimated age-standardized (World) incidence rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for ovarian
cancer, 2018.
Fig. 5.12.2. Global distribution of estimated age-standardized (World) mortality rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for ovarian
cancer, 2018.
modestly associated with risk of risk of serous and endometrioid use [23]. Findings on use of meno-
serous disease (~20%) [11]. Longer ovarian carcinomas [11,23]; higher pausal hormone therapy are com-
duration of use of oral contracep- risk is apparent even for short-term plemented by recent studies on
tives is inversely associated with use (< 5 years) and for estrogen- circulating endogenous estrogens
risk of serous, endometrioid, and only and combined estrogen–pro- and androgens, which have shown
clear cell carcinomas (~15–20% gestogen formulations (see Chapter higher risks of non-serous ovarian
lower risk per 5 years of use) but not 2.11) [23]. The increase in risk as- cancer subtypes with higher blood
of mucinous carcinomas [11,22]. sociated with use of menopausal concentrations of both estrogens
Ever or current/recent use of hormone therapy wanes with time and androgens [24,25].
menopausal hormone therapy is since cessation of use; however, Tubal ligation is associated with
associated with a 40–70% higher this may be dependent on length of an approximately 50% reduction in
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.12.3. Trends in age-adjusted ovarian cancer incidence rates per 100 000 person-years by region and country from 1973–1977
to 2003–2007, from Volumes IV–X of Cancer Incidence in Five Continents.
risk of endometrioid and clear cell body power, sexually transmitted The sexually transmitted infec-
ovarian cancer [11,26]; one pooled infections, and pelvic inflammatory tion Chlamydia trachomatis was
analysis also indicated a more mod- disease, and use of anti-inflamma- recently associated with increased
est 20% reduction in risk of serous tory analgesics may affect risk of risk of ovarian cancer [29], al-
disease and a 32% reduction in ovarian cancer. though the results to date on sexu-
risk of mucinous carcinomas [26], Perineal use of talc-based body ally transmitted infections are not
whereas a subsequent pooled analy- powder has been classified by the consistent. Infection with C. tra-
sis observed no association in these IARC Monographs as possibly car- chomatis may increase risk via
subtypes [11]. The subtype-specific cinogenic to humans (Group 2B). tubal pathologies induced by pelvic
associations are in line with the hy- However, experimental evidence inflammatory disease.
pothesis that tubal ligation reduces supporting an association is limited, Very frequent use of aspirin
disease risk by blocking “retrograde and prospectively collected data on (≥ 6 days per week) has been as-
menstruation” or reflux of endo- perineal talc exposure are sparse sociated with modest reductions
metrial tissue through the fallopian [28]. Prospective consortium-based in risk of ovarian cancer in both
tubes, and with the observation that studies are required to clarify this pooled case–control and prospec-
endometriosis, the result of ectopic association. tive studies [30,31]. However, the
uterine tissue in the peritoneal cav-
ity, increases the risk of endometri-
Fig. 5.12.4. Talcum powder. In relation to ovarian cancer, perineal use of talc-based
oid, clear cell, and low-grade serous body powder by women has been classified by the IARC Monographs as possibly
ovarian cancer [10,11]. carcinogenic to humans, but there is limited evidence of an association and prospective
Relatively few classic lifestyle studies to clarify the association are sparse.
exposures are associated with risk
of ovarian cancer. Higher body
mass index is associated with mod-
est increases in the risk of muci-
nous carcinomas (~8–15% increase
in risk per 5 kg/m2) and endometri-
oid carcinomas (~8% increase per
5 kg/m2) [11,27]. The available data
do not support strong associations
between diet or physical activity
and risk of ovarian cancer.
Table 5.12.2. Associations between established and putative risk factors for ovarian cancer and risk of invasive epithelial ovarian
cancer, by histologya
Non-modifiable exposures
Relative risks: ↑, > 1.0 to 1.25; ↑↑, 1.25–1.5; ↑↑↑, 1.5–2.0; ↑↑↑↑, > 2.0; ↓, 0.80 to < 1.0; ↓↓, 0.70–0.80; ↓↓↓, 0.50–0.70; ↓↓↓↓, < 0.50.
Low-grade serous carcinomas only.
No significant heterogeneity by histology.
effects of long-term aspirin use (i.e. ty (in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal als suggest that transvaginal ul-
≥ 10 years) and use of other analge- and Ovarian Cancer Screening trasound (with or without CA125)
sics (e.g. acetaminophen) and dif- study, in the USA [32]) or only a may generally be more effective for
ferential effects by histotype are not small (15%) and statistically non- early detection of more indolent tu-
well described. significant reduction when longitu- mours than for the more aggressive
dinal changes in CA125 were con- high-grade serous carcinomas [35].
sidered (in the Collaborative Trial of A proportion of the less aggressive
Biological characteristics
Ovarian Cancer Screening, in the tumours detected early by trans-
and early detection United Kingdom) [33]. Detailed anal- vaginal ultrasound may include dis-
In view of the low absolute incidence yses of data from these studies and ease that would not have been clini-
rates of ovarian cancer, screening some smaller trials indicated limited cally diagnosed if screening had not
tools must have very high specific- sensitivity of ovarian cancer detec- taken place (i.e. overdiagnosis), or
ity to avoid unnecessary interven- tion for both CA125 and transvaginal caused symptoms or mortality.
tions in false-positive cases, while ultrasound [34]. In population cohort To reduce mortality, screening
providing good detection sensitivity studies, analyses of blood samples tools should aim to more specifi-
for early-stage, curable disease. So collected at different lag times be- cally detect aggressive tumours at
far, ovarian cancer screening strat- fore diagnosis under usual care also a localized stage. A novel class of
egies have been based on blood- suggest limited sensitivity of CA125 promising biomarkers is cell-free
based biomarkers combined with and other candidate markers (e.g. tumour DNA or tumour cells from
transvaginal ultrasound imaging. HE4 and CA72-4) for detection of blood or other body fluids and tissue
In randomized trials, multimodal early-stage disease. samples (see Chapter 6.7), referred
screening by transvaginal ultra- Furthermore, CA125 and trans- to as liquid biopsies (see “Liquid bi-
sound and CA125 – the best avail- vaginal ultrasound also have only opsy: a promising approach for early
able blood-based biomarker – re- limited specificity, for ovarian can- detection”). However, it remains un-
sulted in a shift towards an earlier cer in general and more particularly known at present whether liquid bi-
disease stage at diagnosis but pro- for the more aggressive tumour opsy tools, or any other biomarker,
vided either no reduction in mortali- subtypes. Data from screening tri- will be able to detect serous tubal
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
low-grade serous and mucinous plasma and Pap brush samples
cardiovascular events. In addition, menopausal at surgery, are under that study. Although the risk reduc-
further data are required on risk as- way in women at high risk [37]. tion for bilateral salpingectomy is
sociations based on contemporary Opportunistic salpingectomy with more modest than that for bilateral
oral contraceptive formulations. ovarian conservation (in lieu of tub- salpingo-oophorectomy, the proce-
In terms of other opportuni- al ligation) has been suggested as dure may be appropriate for women
ties for chemoprevention (also re- a risk-reducing measure in women at average risk of ovarian cancer, and
ferred to as preventive therapy; see at average risk who are undergoing has rates of operative complications
Chapter 6.4), emerging evidence hysterectomy or sterilization. In a as low as those reported for tubal
suggests an inverse association large registry-based study, a reduc- ligation or hysterectomy without sal-
between daily aspirin use and risk tion of up to about 65% in risk was pingectomy [39]. Furthermore, ovar-
of ovarian cancer [30,31]. However, reported for bilateral salpingectomy, ian conservation in women younger
additional studies are required to compared with 28% for tubal ligation than 65 years yields a survival ben-
weigh potential risks and benefits and 94% for hysterectomy with bilat- efit [40] and prevents early surgical
and to delineate target populations. eral salpingo-oophorectomy [38]; no menopause in women who are pre-
Use of menopausal hormone data on histotype were available in menopausal at surgery.
therapy and perineal use of talc-
based body powder are avoidable
Fig. 5.12.5. Women wait for consultation at a health centre in Buhigwe, United Republic
exposures. Although associations
of Tanzania. Some of the lowest incidence rates of ovarian cancer are observed in the
between body mass index and risk of WHO African Region.
ovarian cancer are modest, maintain-
ing a healthy body weight has well-
documented and widespread health
benefits. Furthermore, the recently
observed association between C.
trachomatis infection and risk of ovar-
ian cancer suggests potential novel
leads for primary prevention.
In carriers of BRCA1 or BRCA2
mutations, prophylactic oophorec-
tomy is recommended at a rela-
tively young age (< 35–40 years
for BRCA1 and < 40–45 years for
BRCA2) to reduce the risk of both
breast cancer and ovarian cancer.
Trials investigating salpingectomy
with delayed oophorectomy, thus
delaying surgical menopause and
its sequelae in women who are pre-
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Prostate cancer
Challenges for prevention, detection,
and treatment
Timothy R. Rebbeck Timothy J. Key (reviewer)
Richard M. Martin (reviewer)
●● Among studied exposures and cell carcinoma, and neuroendocrine Rates of prostate cancer in
lifestyle, nutritional, and dietary tumours (adenocarcinoma with neu- Africa, particularly in sub-Saharan
factors, only attained adult roendocrine differentiation, small Africa, are very poorly captured by
height and underlying biologi- cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, and population-based tumour registries,
cal factors associated with adult large cell neuroendocrine carcino- and there is limited screening and
height are likely to be associ- ma) [1]. The most common of these early detection of prostate cancer in
ated with risk of prostate can- tumour subtypes is acinar adeno- Africa. Therefore, it is not clear that
cer. Factors related to obesity carcinoma, which accounts for more the apparently low rates of prostate
appear to be associated with than 99% of all prostate tumours [2]. cancer in Africa estimated by IARC
unfavourable outcomes in men There is significant variation and others are accurate.
diagnosed with prostate cancer. across these subtypes by age at Systematic surveys of the prev-
The evidence for other risk fac- diagnosis, race, prostate-specific alence of prostate cancer in Africa
tors is limited. Therefore, inter- antigen (PSA) level at diagnosis, [5] suggest that rates are as high
ventions to reduce exposures to and stage [2]. In addition, the WHO as or higher than those in African
Americans, who have among the screening. In Asia, which has lower
highest incidence rates of prostate rates of prostate cancer compared FUNDAMENTALS
cancer in the world. These infer- with other parts of the world, the in-
ences are consistent with findings crease in prostate cancer incidence ■■ Prostate cancer is highly
from autopsy studies that rates of was less profound. prevalent in middle-aged and
latent (prevalent) prostate cancer Trends in prostate cancer mor- older men. The incidence of
are highest in men of African de- tality (Fig. 5.13.4) have been influ- diagnosed prostate cancer is
scent, lower in men of European enced both by patterns of screen-
strongly correlated with the
descent, and lowest in men of Asian ing-associated detection and by
use of screening by prostate-
descent [6]. Therefore, it is likely treatment advances in some parts
that prostate cancer incidence in of the world. Since the advent of specific antigen (PSA) level.
Africa (particularly sub-Saharan PSA screening and the availability ■■ Older age, African ancestry
Africa) may be substantially higher of new surgical, radiotherapeutic, or race, and a family history
than is currently reported. and chemotherapeutic regimens in of prostate cancer are the
In contrast to prostate cancer the past 20 years, prostate cancer
only consistent risk factors for
incidence, prostate cancer mor- mortality has been slowly declin-
tality rates are highest in sub-Sa- prostate cancer.
ing in most parts of the world. Most
haran Africa, somewhat lower in recently, it has been reported that ■■ Sociodemographic inequities in
Central and South America and the mortality rates have levelled off af- prostate cancer screening and
Caribbean, lower in Europe, and still ter a period of decline, and the inci- treatment are likely to affect
lower in North America, Australia, dence of advanced prostate cancer prostate cancer outcomes.
and New Zealand (Fig. 5.13.2). The has increased in the USA since the The specific nature of these
rates are lowest in Asia. United States Preventive Services
This global variation in prostate inequities remains unclear.
Task Force recommended against
cancer mortality rates in part reflects PSA screening [7]. As discussed ■■ Screening for prostate cancer
underlying biological differences in below, screening has a more pro- by PSA level remains con-
risk as well as access to treatment. found impact on incidence for pros- troversial. After recommen-
For example, regions with increased tate cancer than for most other dations against widespread
detection of low-grade cancers cou- cancer types. The relationship of PSA screening, screening
pled with advanced treatment op- screening with prostate cancer
tions (e.g. the USA) tend to have rates declined, followed by an
mortality is more complex.
lower mortality rates compared with increase in rates of higher-
regions with low screening rates stage tumours at diagnosis. An
and the accompanying diagnosis Genetics and genomics improved approach is needed
of aggressive tumours coupled with Prostate cancer has the highest that balances early detection
limited treatment options (e.g. sub- reported heritability of any major of treatable cancers versus
Saharan Africa). cancer type [8]. Unlike the situation overdetection and overtreat-
Secular trends in prostate can- for other cancer types, the ability to ment of prostate cancers.
cer incidence rates (Fig. 5.13.3) re- define hereditary prostate cancer
flect the patterns of prostate cancer syndromes and identify hereditary
screening, including evaluation of cancer genes (see Chapter 3.2) has
PSA level and digital rectal exami- been limited. Family-based linkage ciations of inherited mutations in
nation. In North America, Australia, studies of hereditary prostate can- BRCA2 had implications for risk
New Zealand, and parts of Central cer have focused largely on popula- assessment and treatment. Among
and South America, prostate cancer tions of European descent to identi- carriers of BRCA2 mutations, the
incidence increased dramatically fy a series of genes responsible for risk of prostate cancer is increased
during the late 1980s and the 1990s hereditary prostate cancer [9,10]. 2.5–4.7-fold [12]. Also, prostate tu-
as a result of widespread PSA Although many high-penetrance mours with BRCA2 mutations have
screening. Similar trends were seen prostate cancer loci have been re- less favourable clinical character-
in other countries (e.g. in Europe) ported, very few have been imple- istics, including higher probability
but occurred about 10 years later, mented clinically. of nodal involvement, metastases,
in part because of later adoption Giri et al. reported the recom- high grade, advanced stage, and
of PSA screening compared with mendations of the first consensus lower median survival [13].
North America, Australia, and New conference to assess the value of Giri et al. also identified HOXB13
Zealand. In many countries, in- genetic testing for risk as well as mutations and DNA mismatch re-
cidence rates of prostate cancer clinical management of prostate pair gene mutations (accounting for
reached a peak about 5 years after cancer, held in 2017 [11]. This ex- Lynch syndrome) as potential can-
the widespread introduction of PSA pert group identified that asso- didates for genetic testing [11]. For
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.13.1. Global distribution of estimated age-standardized (World) incidence rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for prostate
cancer, 2018.
Fig. 5.13.2. Global distribution of age-standardized (World) mortality rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for prostate cancer, 2018.
HOXB13 mutations, relative risks magnitudes of association with The majority of these have reported SECTION 5
were estimated to be greater than prostate cancer have been identi- associations of loci with prostate
3, and for DNA mismatch repair fied through genome-wide asso- cancer risk (n = 659) as well as as-
gene mutations, estimated relative ciation studies (GWAS) and related sociations with prostate cancer me-
risks were 2.1–3.7 [12]. approaches. At least 170 common tastasis, aggressiveness, or survival
These associations suggest that variants associated with prostate (n = 56). Most associations reported
mutations at these loci confer suffi- cancer have been reported [14]. The in populations of European or Asian
ciently large effects that they can be NHGRI-EBI Catalog of published descent have not been replicated
considered in prostate cancer risk GWAS (, in populations of African descent
management and decision-making. accessed 13 October 2018) reported [15]. Few independent GWAS hits
In addition to high-penetrance more than 700 GWAS associations have been identified in populations
genes, loci with low to moderate for 23 prostate cancer-related traits. of African descent [16]. Multiple in-
Fig. 5.13.3. Age-standardized (World) incidence rates per 100 000 person-years by calendar year in selected countries for prostate
cancer, circa 1978–2012.
Fig. 5.13.4. Age-standardized (World) mortality rates per 100 000 person-years by calendar year in selected countries for prostate
cancer, circa 1978–2012.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
dependent genomic associations at factors that are correlated with at- making about active treatment with
8q24 have been validated as pros- tained adult height. Exogenous ex- curative intent versus active surveil-
tate cancer susceptibility loci in mul- posures, including diet, nutrition, lance depends in part on knowing
tiple racial groups, including African and lifestyle, have not been con- which prostate tumours are likely
Americans [17]. Although no gene sistently associated with prostate to have unfavourable prognosis.
has been designated to be respon- cancer risk or a protective effect Therefore, knowledge of biomark-
sible for this increased risk of pros- [19]. These include no evidence ers that predict the likelihood of ag-
tate cancer, regulation of the down- for prostate cancer risk associated gressive disease may have clinical
stream gene MYC or regulation by with β-carotene, dietary calcium, vi- utility. These biomarkers include
long non-coding RNAs has been tamin D, dairy products, selenium, the TMPRSS2-ERG gene fusion
reported [18]. vitamin E, lycopene, and other fac- [25], Ki-67 expression [26], and bio-
tors that have been widely studied. markers involved in androgen me-
Etiology The limited convincing evidence tabolism [27]. Multigene genomic
for associations of exogenous ex- classifiers have been identified that
In contrast to the high heritability
posures, physical activity, lifestyle, assess prostate tumour aggres-
and large number of genetic as-
or dietary exposures with prostate siveness or prognosis [28].
sociations that influence prostate
cancer risk or outcomes makes it There are substantial differ-
cancer risk and outcomes, con-
difficult to identify modifiable factors ences in the distribution of pros-
firmed environmental factors or
that may be used in prostate can- tate tumour biomarkers by race,
exposures that influence prostate
cer prevention strategies. However, including ERG, AMACR, SPINK1,
cancer risk and outcomes are lim-
factors related to obesity appear to NKX3-1, GOLM1, and androgen
ited [19]. Older age, African ances-
be associated with unfavourable receptor. Dysregulation of AMACR,
try or race, and a family history of
outcomes in men diagnosed with ERG, FOXP1, and GSTP1 as well
prostate cancer are among the few
as loss-of-function mutations in the
uncontested risk factors for pros- prostate cancer, because of bio-
tumour suppressor genes NKX3-1
tate cancer. As summarized by the logical influences or less effective
and RB1 were found to predict the
2014 Continuous Update Project screening or treatment [20].
risk of extraprostatic extension and/
report on associations between
or seminal vesicle invasion in a
food, nutrition, and physical activity Biological characteristics race-dependent manner [29].
and the risk of prostate cancer, the
“convincing” level of evidence was
and early detection Although TMPRSS2-ERG trans-
Molecular signatures found in pros- locations do not seem to correlate
not achieved for any environmental
tate tumours reflect heterogeneity with clinical outcome in most studies
or behavioural risk factors [19].
in tumour etiology [21,22], corre- [30], the frequency of these events
Attained adult height and under-
late with a biological propensity to differs substantially by race [31]. In
lying biological factors associated
exhibit aggressive phenotypes [23], addition, several predictive or prog-
with adult height are probably risk
factors for prostate cancer. These and/or may direct optimal surveil- nostic models have been developed
effects are indirect and involve lance and treatment [24]. Decision- that include molecular biomarkers as
well as clinical and other traits (e.g.
the Stockholm-3 test, the 4Kscore
Fig. 5.13.5. A group of African American men. African ancestry or race is one of a few test, and multiparametric magnetic
uncontested risk factors for prostate cancer. resonance imaging [mpMRI]). These
results suggest that molecular signa-
tures, perhaps in combination with
clinical or other traits, may aid in un-
derstanding the biological underpin-
nings of prostate cancer disparities
and identify precision surveillance
and treatment regimens.
The PAM50 gene expression
classifier (which is used to identify
the major molecular subtypes of
breast cancer) has been used to de-
fine three prostate tumour subtypes –
luminal A, luminal B, and basal –
with significant differences in 10-
year biochemical recurrence-free
survival, distant metastasis-free
survival, prostate cancer-specific
survival, and overall survival [32]. Fig. 5.13.6. Access to health care is associated with prostate cancer outcomes
Luminal B prostate cancers were and disparities.
significantly associated with post-
operative response to androgen
deprivation therapy. The biomark-
ers identified to date may inform
screening for prostate cancer (e.g.
as an alternative or a supplement
to PSA testing), treatment choices,
and prognosis.
Rates of prostate cancer are high-
er in African American men than
in men of other races across the
entire spectrum of prostate car-
cinogenesis, including high-grade
prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia,
prevalent (autopsy-detected) pros-
tate cancer, screen-detected can-
cer, incident prostate cancer, and
prostate cancer mortality [6,33]. protocols at a single institution [35]. captures multivariate comorbidity
At almost every point along the Other studies report that the dispar- data [38]. Given that some groups
prostate cancer continuum and for ity by race disappears after equal are more likely than others to have
almost every age group, prostate clinical protocols are applied [36]. co-existent chronic conditions, co-
cancer is more common in African Critically, the impact of access morbid conditions may play a role in
American men than in men of other to health care on outcomes may prostate cancer disparities in treat-
races in the USA. These data sug- vary by the metric used to assess ment and outcomes.
gest that the disparity may have these associations. A systematic
a biological component, because review and meta-analysis of differ-
the disparity is evident even before ences in prognosis by race report-
cancer is usually clinically detected. ed no disparity in overall survival by Prevention and early detection of
However, the disparity increases race but found evidence for differ- prostate cancer have been con-
in magnitude in clinically detected ences in prostate cancer-specific troversial, and the source of great
disease and in mortality, suggest- survival and risk of biochemical re- confusion for both patients and cli-
ing that factors related to exposure, currence [37]. Thus, not all studies nicians. PSA screening had been
behaviour, or access to health care have been able to clearly demon- widely used in the USA and other
are also important in prostate can- strate that equal treatment leads to countries since 1992, when profes-
cer disparities (see Chapter 4.6). equal outcomes. The data available sional organizations, including the
Access to health care, and its to date do not completely resolve American Urological Association,
social, economic, and behavioural the question of whether racial dis- recommended annual PSA screen-
correlates, are associated with parities could be eliminated if treat- ing for men aged 50 years and old-
prostate cancer outcomes and ment were optimized for specific er. Subsequently, a large increase
disparities. For example, the care groups on the basis of race and/or in prostate cancer incidence was
received by African American or socioeconomic status. observed, particularly for low-stage
Hispanic men differs in terms of Prediction of prostate cancer prostate tumours [39].
quality from that received by men screening participation, treatment This trend continued until the
of other races, and this, in turn, choices, and outcomes may also United States Preventive Services
affects outcomes and disparities involve the presence of comorbid Task Force recommended against
[34]. Disparities in outcome may conditions, which may influence the widespread PSA testing, in 2008 for
persist even within settings where clinician to assess whether a patient men older than 75 years and in 2012
men of different races have equal- will be able to benefit from a spe- for all men. Since that recommenda-
ity of care, including in the United cific medical intervention, including tion, rates of prostate tumours, par-
States Veterans Administration active surveillance. A variety of in- ticularly early-stage tumours, have
health-care system, within a clinical dices have been developed that at- decreased [40]. Subsequently, there
trial, or with treatment by standard tempt to create a simple metric that has been a trend towards diagnosis
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.13.7. A man having blood drawn. Screening has a more profound impact on nasteride to increase the risk of
incidence for prostate cancer than for most other cancer types. high-grade tumours despite an
overall reduction in prostate cancer
incidence. The observation of in-
creased high-grade tumours in men
using finasteride has proven to be
incorrect [43], but use of finasteride
as a chemopreventive agent has
not been widespread.
Recently, the findings of the
earlier Prostate Cancer Prevention
Trial were replicated in a large popu-
lation-based non-randomized study
to demonstrate that 5α-reductase
inhibitors reduce risk of prostate
cancer, without an increase in risk
of high-grade disease [44]. These
data suggest that hormonally driv-
en chemopreventive regimens may
have value in reducing risk of pros-
tate cancer in some men.
of prostate tumours of unfavourable and other men at high risk of devel- Trials of micronutrients have
stage/grade [7]. oping prostate cancer [41]. been conducted both in the general
The public health implications of Chemoprevention for prostate population and in men with high-
prostate cancer screening to detect cancer has been of limited util- grade prostatic intraepithelial neo-
cancers at an early, treatable stage ity to date. In the Prostate Cancer plasia [45,46]. These trials ether
versus a desire to limit overdetec- Prevention Trial [42], evidence demonstrated no effect or revealed
tion and overtreatment of prostate was reported for reduction in risk a reduction in risk of prostate can-
cancers need to be resolved, par- of prostate cancer, but a concern cer at the cost of greater toxicities
ticularly for African American men was raised by the potential for fi- in the treatment arm.
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Testicular cancer
New inroads into early diagnosis
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Box 5.14.1. Main types of germ cell tumours of the testis, according to the 2016 WHO
Germ cell tumours derived from germ cell neoplasia in situ ■■ Testicular germ cell tumours
• Germ cell neoplasia in situ occur predominantly in
adolescents and young men
• Seminoma, pure
(aged 15–45 years), who
• Non-seminomatous germ cell tumours, pure develop seminoma or non-
-- Embryonal carcinoma seminomatous tumours, which
are derived from germ cell
-- Yolk sac tumour, postpubertal type
neoplasia in situ. Testicular
-- Trophoblastic tumours, including choriocarcinoma tumours in children and older
-- Teratoma, postpubertal type men are relatively rare and
• Non-seminomatous germ cell tumours, mixed have different pathogenesis.
Germ cell tumours unrelated to germ cell neoplasia in situ ■■ Incidence rates of testicular
cancer vary geographically and
• Spermatocytic tumour
ethnically; rates are highest in
• Prepubertal (paediatric) tumours men of European descent and
-- Teratoma, prepubertal type lowest in men of African and
-- Yolk sac tumour, prepubertal type East Asian ancestry.
of testicular tumours, germ cell tu- during development.
Germ cell tumours unrelated mours that occur in young men,
to GCNIS which are derived from GCNIS, com- ■■ Testicular cancer has a gener-
Germ cell tumours unrelated to prise about 95% of cases and hence ally good prognosis and low
GCNIS include rare spermatocytic are responsible for the global bur- mortality, when managed by
tumour of older men (mean age at den of testicular cancer. Seminomas modern methods that exploit
diagnosis, > 54 years) and child- are most often diagnosed in men the sensitivity of germ cells to
hood testicular tumours (most com- aged 25–45 years, whereas non- cisplatin-based chemotherapy.
mon in infants and children up to seminomatous tumours occur in Non-seminomas, especially
age 4 years). Spermatocytic tumour relatively younger men, mainly in the somatically differentiated
has been renamed from the previ- age group 15–35 years [5]. teratomas, are more resistant
ously used term “spermatocytic Testicular cancer is relatively to treatment compared with
seminoma”, to avoid confusion with rare compared with other cancer seminomas.
seminoma derived from GCNIS [2]. types, with an estimated 71 105 new
Fig. 5.14.1. Schematic depiction of the pathogenesis of testicular germ cell tumours cases worldwide in 2018 (< 1% of the
derived from germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS). These tumours are thought to be male cancer burden) [6]. However, it
caused by a combination of adverse environmental and genetic factors (multifactorial is the most common cancer type in
and polygenic), which result in insufficient masculinization of the gonads, mainly
because of impaired function of Sertoli cells and Leydig cells. The insufficient
young men. Germ cell tumours are
stimulation of developing germ cells causes arrest of gonocyte differentiation. The most common in men of European
delayed gonocytes (pre-GCNIS cells) begin to proliferate during pubertal hormonal descent, whereas the incidence is
stimulation of the testis. Increased proliferation results in genomic changes that favour very low in men of African and East
malignant transformation of GCNIS cells into an invasive tumour, either a seminoma or Asian ancestry.
a non-seminoma. Normal germ cell development is shown in the top part of the figure, Age-standardized incidence rates
on the green background. EC, embryonal carcinoma; PGC, primordial germ cells.
range from less than 0.5 per 100 000
in the lowest-incidence areas to more
than 10 per 100 000 in high-risk
populations (Fig. 5.14.2) [6]. In 2018,
the estimated 5-year prevalence
of testicular cancer worldwide was
284 073, of which 107 570 prevalent
cases (38%) were in Europe [6].
The incidence of testicular germ
cell tumours increased markedly
around the world in the second half
of the 20th century, with substan-
tial geographical differences [7,8].
Recent studies have shown dra-
matically increasing trends in some
European countries that previously
had low incidence rates (e.g. Croatia
Fig. 5.14.2. Distribution of estimated age-standardized (World) incidence rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for testicular
cancer, 2018: (A) globally, (B) in Europe.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
and Finland), and in Hispanic popu- and 8.6 per 100 000 in Slovakia) ap- men [11]. In most countries in Asia,
lations in the Americas. In contrast, proached the rates in the high-risk the incidence is low and is increas-
incidence rates in Denmark, which countries in northern Europe [10]. As, ing only modestly, whereas in Latin
were previously very high, have for example, in the Nordic countries, America marked increases have
shown signs of levelling off [8,9] incidence rates of testicular cancer been observed [7,8].
(Fig. 5.14.3). can vary widely between neighbour-
These changing trends reflect ge- ing countries while showing smaller Mortality
ographical patterns. In 2008–2012, within-country variations compared In 2018, there were an estimated
incidence rates in western Europe with other cancer types [9]. In the 9507 deaths from testicular cancer
(9.1 per 100 000 in Germany and multiethnic USA, there are large dif- worldwide [6]. Age-standardized
8.8 per 100 000 in Switzerland) and ferences between ethnic groups; a mortality rates for testicular can-
in some countries in south-eastern recent increase in incidence rates cer are low (≤ 1 per 100 000). This
Europe (8.8 per 100 000 in Slovenia has been noted in Hispanic White is due in part to the relative ease of
Fig. 5.14.3. Age-standardized (World) incidence rates per 100 000 person-years by calendar year in selected countries for testicular
cancer, circa 1955–2010. Asterisks indicate regional registries (other registries are national).
10 12
10 12
Age−standardized (World) incidence rate per 100000
Ecuador* Israel
Canada* Costa
USA Japan*
Black* China* Singapore
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Year Year Year
10 12
10 12
Slovenia Germany*
Age−standardized (World) incidence rate per 100000
Czech Netherlands
Republic UK,
Slovakia Italy* England*
Bulgaria France*
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Year Year Year
Fig. 5.14.4. Global distribution of estimated age-standardized (World) mortality rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for testicular
cancer, 2018.
diagnosis and surgical treatment, tween different world regions, such dividuals is variable, but it is great-
but predominantly to the very effi- as between Latin America and North est in those with mixed gonadal
cient cisplatin-based chemothera- America [7]. dysgenesis (e.g. 45,X/46,XY karyo-
py regimens. For the population of type) and with partial androgen in-
the USA in 2009–2015, the 5-year Etiology and risk factors sensitivity syndrome [3,16].
relative survival was 95.2% over- Cryptorchidism is the most sig-
all; for localized testicular cancer The increasing prevalence of crypt- nificant risk factor for sporadic tes-
it was more than 99%, but for dis- orchidism, other genital malforma- ticular cancer, and about 5% of pa-
seminated testicular cancer it was tions, and male infertility synchro- tients with a history of undescended
about 73% [12]. Despite the gener- nous with testicular cancer was the testis develop a testicular germ cell
ally good prognosis, studies have basis for the hypothesis that these tumour. Other repeatedly identified
revealed that the treatment efficacy conditions could be etiologically risk factors include inguinal hernia,
of disseminated and refractory tes- linked within testicular dysgenesis low birth weight, high maternal age,
ticular cancer, especially for cases syndrome [1]. The causal factors being born first, late age at puberty,
that require salvage surgery, is best behind the epidemic increase in and poor spermatogenesis [1].
in high-volume centres with good incidence rates and the rapidly Epidemiological and clinical
experience [13]. changing trends in testicular cancer studies that identified links to early
Although in high-income coun- remain largely unknown, but they development are consistent with
tries early diagnosis and adequate must be related to environment or the biological features of GCNIS,
treatment are available and mortality lifestyle. The primary importance of which is characterized by close
rates have been declining since the environmental factors is also sup- similarity to fetal gonocytes [17]
1970s or 1980s, in low- and middle- ported by studies of migrant popu- (see below for details). However,
income countries access to testicular lations, in which the risk of testicu- except for the rare cases of disor-
cancer control is more limited [14]; lar cancer changed depending on ders of sexual development with
this is reflected in higher mortali- the geographical location during obvious genetic defects that lead to
ty rates in lower-income countries development (reviewed in [1]). germ cell tumours (e.g. mutations in
(Fig. 5.14.4) and large global vari- The etiology is known only in SRY or AR), identification of specif-
ations in incidence-to-mortality ra- a small percentage of genetically ic causal factors that cause delayed
tios [6,7]. The EUROCARE-5 study determined cases. Individuals with maturation of gonocytes has proven
reported age-standardized 5-year developmental abnormalities of the difficult. Among multiple hypotheti-
relative survival for 2005–2007 of gonads and sex differentiation (in- cal environmental factors, prenatal
90%, with survival in eastern Europe cluding testicular dysgenesis syn- maternal lifestyle factors or intra-
about 10% lower than that in northern drome and disorders of sexual de- uterine or perinatal exposures to
and western Europe [15]. Disparities velopment) are at high risk of germ xenobiotics or endocrine disrupters
in mortality have been reported be- cell neoplasia. The risk in these in- have been suggested.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Early studies investigated es- patients with testicular germ cell tu- sequencing study of 919 patients and
trogenic compounds, including in mours, no strong associations have 1609 cancer-free controls [25]. This
utero exposure to diethylstilbes- been found; furthermore, the few complex polygenic nature of testicu-
trol, followed by anti-androgenic existing studies on maternal or pa- lar cancer is consistent with a com-
organochlorine compounds, such rental exposures have not yielded plex and multifactorial pathogenesis,
as 4,4′-dichlorodiphenyltrichloro- any consistent results [21]. which renders genetic screening for
ethane (DDT), and phthalates. Few germline mutations impossible in the
conclusive results were obtained, clinical setting.
except for weak associations with Several genome-wide associa-
exposure to 4,4′-dichlorodiphenyl- Testicular cancer is among the tion studies (GWAS) (see Chapter
dichloroethylene (DDE) – a metab- cancer types with a relatively high 3.2) performed since 2009 have
olite of DDT that is sometimes used heritability. Familial risk is high, identified a number of possibly pre-
as a biomarker of exposure to DDT – especially for brothers of patients disposing gene variants. The strong-
and chlordane [1,18]. with germ cell tumours, who have est genetic markers for an increased
Larger, well-controlled studies an estimated 8–10-fold increased risk of testicular germ cell tumours
that are based on novel ideas are risk, whereas the sons of cases are located within or near the fol-
needed [19]. Future studies should have a 4–6-fold increased risk [22]. lowing loci: KITLG, SPRY4, DMRT1,
investigate maternal and devel- A greater risk for brothers than for PRDM14, DAZL, and HPGDS (re-
opmental exposures to emerging sons is consistent with a strong en- viewed in [26]). Other informative
endocrine disrupters and their mix- vironmental modulation of the risk markers have been revealed by re-
tures, preferably in combination with during development. cent meta-analytic GWAS that com-
the evaluation of the genetic predis- Specific oncogenic driver muta- bined data from very large cohorts,
position of the studied individuals. tions in a single gene have not been increasing the number of predispos-
With regard to postpubertal or identified in patients with testicular ing loci to 49 and the combined her-
adult exposures, very few risk fac- cancer, except for secondary gain-of- itability to more than one third of the
tors have been identified. Heavy function KIT mutations, which were studied cases [27,28]. The multicen-
use of cannabis (defined as use detected essentially only in pure tre meta-analyses currently being
at least weekly or use for at least seminomas [23], or KRAS mutations, carried out by international consor-
10 years), but not occasional use, which were detected mainly in non- tia will probably identify additional
has been associated with a dou- seminomas, as well as a few other susceptibility genes. Most of the
bling of the risk of developing a secondary passenger mutations [24]. predisposing genetic markers iden-
non-seminoma, compared with The absence of a major single pre- tified so far implicate predominantly
never use [20]. Among occupation- disposition gene has recently been pathways involved in germ cell de-
al exposures of the relatively young confirmed by a large whole-exome velopment, sex differentiation, and
gonadal development, as well as
Fig. 5.14.5. A cannabis plant. The only consistently reported postpubertal risk factor for centrosome cycle, DNA repair, and
testicular cancer (mainly non-seminoma) is heavy use of cannabis. telomere function [26].
Some of the predisposing vari-
ants have different prevalence be-
tween racial groups, thus shedding
some light on the reasons for the
large ethnic differences in the in-
cidence of testicular cancer. One
illustrative example is the KITLG
locus (single-nucleotide polymor-
phism rs995030), which is carried
by most people of European de-
scent but only a minority of people
of African descent.
Biological characteristics
important for diagnosis
The biological features of tumours
derived from GCNIS differ markedly
from those of the normal germ cells
found in the adult testis; this provides
insights into their pathogenesis and
Fig. 5.14.6. The precursor lesion of the most prevalent testicular germ cell tumours in young men, germ cell neoplasia in situ
(GCNIS), in a testicular biopsy. (A) Haematoxylin and eosin staining showing the difference between tubules with GCNIS (upper
right corner) and preserved tubules with ongoing spermatogenesis. (B) A close-up of a tubule with nuclei of GCNIS cells stained
positive for OCT4, a pluripotency marker that is not present in normal adult germ cells and helps to detect GCNIS.
facilitates detection and diagnosis. mas, respectively [23]. The miRNA- ing risk factors: history of cryptorchi-
GCNIS and seminoma cells re- based tests outperformed the classi- dism, poor semen quality, young age,
semble fetal gonocytes and have a cal serum markers in a large clinical testicular atrophy, and microlithiasis.
similar gene expression profile, char- study [34]. Efforts are under way to develop
acterized by high expression of em- a less invasive method than testicu-
bryonic pluripotency factors, such as lar biopsy for detection of GCNIS
Prevention of invasive or incipient microinvasive tumour.
(AP2-gamma), and LIN28 [17] (re-
cancer by early detection Such a method would preferably
viewed in [5]). This unusual profile is
of GCNIS require only a blood or semen sam-
partly explained by very low levels of Preventive measures are currently ple. An immunocytological detec-
DNA methylation of the genome of very limited, because of the uncer- tion method has been established,
GCNIS and seminoma, in contrast tainty about the causation of tes- using an automated double-stain-
to non-seminomas, which have high ticular cancer in the vast majority of ing assay for alkaline phosphatase
DNA methylation profiles, similar to cases. The most effective preven- and AP2-gamma or OCT4 in the
those of somatic cells [5,23,29–31]. tion strategy for invasive cancer is ejaculate, but further improvement
In addition, GCNIS cells are charac- early diagnosis at the pre-invasive of sensitivity is needed for routine
terized by permissive histone modifi- stage. This is currently possible use of this approach in the clinic
cations, which render their chromatin only in patients in high-risk groups, [35]. Novel serum assays exploiting
including individuals with disorders miRNAs have a very good specific-
accessible to transcription factors;
of sexual development, cryptorchi- ity and sensitivity for overt tumours
this could potentially explain their
dism, infertility, or other signs of [32–34], but it remains unclear
plasticity in response to environmen-
testicular dysgenesis. whether these tests will be sensitive
tal stimuli [1,30,31].
Unequivocal diagnosis of GCNIS enough to detect GCNIS or early
An important recent development
microinvasive tumours.
in the biology of testicular cancer is requires testicular biopsy (usually
the discovery of specific microRNAs bilateral) and immunohistochemi-
(miRNAs) secreted by malignant cal staining for at least one specific Fertility preservation and
germ cells, including GCNIS cells, marker (e.g. PLAP or OCT4) [5] prevention of late effects
both in adult men and in children (re- (Fig. 5.14.6). In about 5–6% of cas- Because testicular cancer occurs
viewed in [32,33]). The miRNA pro- es of seemingly unilateral testicular predominantly in young men and
file of malignant germ cells is char- germ cell tumours, GCNIS is present modern management means that
acterized by particularly high levels in the contralateral testis. Therefore, the prognosis is good, most sur-
of the miR-371-3 cluster, as well as a biopsy of the remaining testis is ad- vivors live for many decades after
miR-302 and miR-367 [32–34]. The vised at the time of orchidectomy for treatment. Therefore, the emphasis
presence of additional clusters, miR- the primary tumour, at least in men at has shifted from saving life to pre-
519 and miR-375, has been reported high risk, who are defined as present- serving quality of life. Even after be-
in embryonal carcinomas and terato- ing with more than one of the follow- ing declared cancer-free, survivors
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
should be followed up for many the overt tumour has developed, cers, cardiovascular disease, pe-
years, taking into account not only and in most men the situation wors- ripheral neuropathy, ototoxicity, and
the possibility of a late recurrence ens markedly after orchidectomy hepatotoxicity [38]. Also important
of the malignancy but also health or cytotoxic chemotherapy [1,37]. are quality-of-life issues related to
issues related to the lack of one Andrological follow-up is important, prolonged anxiety and stress. There
or both testes, such as subfertility, with close monitoring of testoster- is a growing consensus that individu-
hypogonadism, sexual dysfunction, one levels, because Leydig cell alized treatment is needed to dimin-
metabolic syndrome, and osteopo- dysfunction is common and the en- ish immediate and late side-effects,
rosis later in life, which result in de- suing hypogonadism is a major risk and attention should be paid to is-
creased life expectancy [36]. factor for metabolic syndrome [37]. sues related to reproductive health
Many patients with testicular In addition, patients treated with and quality of life.
cancer have poor spermatogenesis radiotherapy or chemotherapy have
and decreased fertility even before an increased risk of secondary can-
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Bladder cancer
A genotoxic causal agent recognized
[1]. Like tumours of the renal pelvis sion and mutation patterns, includ-
SUMMARY and ureter, tumours of the bladder ing aggressive histological variants
are derived from transitional epithe- with poor response to existing thera-
●● More than 90% of bladder can- lia. Together, these tumour types ac- pies. Muscle-invasive bladder can-
cers are urothelial carcinomas, count for 10–15% of all primary ma- cers are heterogeneous and can be
which are usually staged as ei- lignancies in adults. These urothelial grouped into the basal and luminal
ther muscle-invasive tumours, carcinomas are multicentric in na- intrinsic subtypes [5].
which have a poorer prognosis, ture and often occur – and recur – Five expression subtypes have
or non-muscle-invasive tumours, at multiple sites in the lower urinary been identified that may stratify re-
which have a better prognosis tract in an affected patient. The wall sponse to different treatments. The
but frequently recur. of the bladder is the most common luminal-papillary subtype is char-
●● In addition to causes includ- site of involvement. acterized by FGFR3 mutations, fu-
ing inhaled tobacco smoke and sions with TACC3, and/or amplifica-
certain occupational exposures, Molecular subtypes tion. The luminal-infiltrated subtype
aristolochic acid is now recog- is characterized by high expression
Significant differences in patient
nized as causing bladder can- characteristics, incidence, and sur- of epithelial–mesenchymal transi-
cer, possibly in association with vival exist, and research is continu- tion and myofibroblast markers, with
renal failure. ing on gene–environment interac- medium expression of PD-L1 and
tions with risk of bladder cancer [2]. CTL4 immune markers. The lumi-
●● Aristolactam–DNA adducts and nal subtype has high expression of
a specific mutational signature Urothelial carcinoma is the most
common type of bladder cancer, but luminal markers, as well as KRT20
(A:T → T:A transversion), initial-
distinct histomorphological pheno- and SNX31. The basal-squamous
ly discovered in the TP53 gene,
types have been reported (10–25%) subtype is characterized by a higher
may serve as biomarkers of ex-
that are associated with more ag- incidence in women, squamous dif-
posure to aristolochic acid.
gressive disease and poor response ferentiation, basal keratin expres-
●● With the increasing use of to existing therapies [3]. These can- sion, and high expression of PD-L1
large-scale genome-wide pro- cers are usually staged as either and CTLA4 immune markers. The
filing studies, the conventional non-muscle-invasive tumours (~75%) neuronal subtype is characterized
two-pathway model of bladder or muscle-invasive tumours (~25%). by expression of both neuroendo-
cancer pathogenesis is being The Cancer Genome Atlas crine and neuronal genes, as well as
superseded by a molecular de- (TCGA) project identified genetic a high cell-cycle signature, reflective
scription of disease pathogen- drivers for muscle-invasive bladder of a proliferative state [6].
esis and clinical behaviour. This cancer as well as clusters associ- The identification of multiple
approach should provide more ated with distinct prognostic factors distinct molecular subtypes of
adequate information for per- and therapeutic responses [4]. The non-muscle-invasive and muscle-
sonalized clinical and therapeu- TCGA Research Network reported invasive bladder cancer suggests
tic management. the major genetic determinants of multiple pathways within each of
muscle-invasive bladder cancer and the major pathways. Development
showed that bladder cancer can be of histopathologically recognizable
Bladder cancer causes an estimated further subclassified at the molecu- urothelial alterations is preceded
199 900 deaths per year worldwide lar level according to gene expres- by clonal expansion of altered cells
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
of upper urinary tract urothelial car- cur in Lynch syndrome, are an active cific biomarker of exposure, even
cinoma is particularly high in Asian area of research. Lynch syndrome more than 10 years after exposure
countries, including specifically in is an inherited condition that in- to aristolochic acid. They are also
Taiwan, China, because traditional creases the risk of cancers, includ- found in the urothelium, where they
medicines are very popular and the ing urothelial carcinoma. Screening give rise to a unique mutational sig-
complexity of the pharmacopoeia of patients known to have Lynch nature in the TP53 gene and gener-
presents a high risk of aristolo- syndrome is important, to evaluate ally (Fig. 5.15.2).
chic acid intoxication, as a result of for the development of primary tu- This A:T → T:A transversion –
some confusion between closely mours. Inherited mutations in DNA also called COSMIC signature 22 –
related species [15]. In the Balkan repair genes confer a greater risk of has frequently been detected in
countries, the causative factor was urothelial carcinoma. Additional re- cases of upper urinary tract urothe-
identified as the environmental phy- search is needed to evaluate the op- lial carcinoma described in the
totoxin aristolochic acid contained in timal frequency and type of screen- Balkans and in Taiwan, China [20],
Aristolochia clematitis, a common ing for individual patients [18]. whereas this mutation rarely occurs
plant growing in the wheat fields, Genome-wide association stud- in tumours that are not related to ex-
which was ingested in home-baked ies (GWAS) (see Chapter 3.2) have posure to aristolochic acid [15,21].
bread [16] (Fig. 5.15.1). found sequence variants that can In Taiwan, China, such mutations
The nephrotoxic effect of aristo- increase the risk of bladder can- were also detected at activating
lochic acid is irreversible. Given that cer. Most of the significant vari- positions in the FGFR3 and HRAS
chronic kidney disease and carci- ants associated with risk of blad- oncogenes. Extensive analyses of
der cancer are located in DNA mutation spectra from bladder can-
nogenic complications may develop
repair genes. Polymorphisms for cer cases in Singapore and Taiwan,
very slowly after the initial exposure,
GSTM1-null, NAT2-slow, APOBEC- China, suggested a strong involve-
aristolochic acid nephropathy and as-
rs1014971, SLC14A1-rs10775480, ment of aristolochic acid in bladder
sociated upper urinary tract urothelial
CCNE1-rs8102137, PSCA-rs2294008, cancer development in Asian coun-
carcinoma and bladder cancer may
UGT1A-rs1189203, and TP63 - tries, indicating an important public
become a major public health issue
rs35592567 confer increased risk health issue [22].
in the next few years [17].
Mutational signatures of
Genetics and genomics Mutational signature of tobacco smoking
aristolochic acid The mechanisms of tobacco car-
Genetic susceptibility After metabolic activation, aristolo- cinogenesis are very complex and
Some evidence supports a genetic chic acid reacts with DNA to form may vary between tumour sites.
predisposition to bladder cancer. aristolactam–DNA adducts. These Comparative studies of cancer ge-
Potential inheritable forms of blad- lesions concentrate in the renal cor- nome sequences from smokers and
der cancer, such as those that oc- tex, serving as a sensitive and spe- non-smokers found that smokers had
Fig. 5.15.1. (Left) Aristolochia clematitis blossoming in grasslands in Serbia, and (right) the corresponding fruits and seeds collected
during the harvest of the wheat crop from fields in the same area. A. clematitis is recognized as the causal agent of Balkan endemic
nephropathy and is associated with upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma and bladder cancer.
Fig. 5.15.2. Metabolic activation and DNA adduct formation by aristolochic acid (AA). fangchi (known as Guang Fang Ji),
R = OCH3 in AAI, and R = H in AAII. COX, cyclooxygenase; CYP, cytochrome P450; dA- because they are morphologically
AAI, 7-(deoxyadenosin-N 6-yl)aristolactam I; dA-AAII, 7-(deoxyadenosin-N 6-yl)aristolac- similar (Fig. 5.15.3).
tam II; dG-AAI, 7-(deoxyguanosin-N 2-yl)aristolactam I; dG-AAII, 7-(deoxyguanosin-N 2-yl)
Originally, aristolochic acid ne-
aristolactam II; NQO1, NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase; POR, NADPH:cytochrome
P450 oxidoreductase. phropathy was reported in Belgium
in more than 100 individuals who
O had ingested weight-loss capsules
containing powdered root extracts
5 O
N O2
Metabolic N
DNA adduct
of Aristolochia fangchi. The causal
link with the intake of capsules
activation formation N
containing aristolochic acid was
dA-AAI (persistent)
demonstrated by the detection of
Aristolochic acid I, II
Aristolactam I, II
nitrenium ion
O dA-AAII aristolactam–DNA adducts in renal
AAII: R=H O N N tissue samples. It is estimated that
exposure to aristolochic acid af-
N fects 100 000 people in the Balkans
(where the total number of pa-
tients with kidney disease is about
A:T to T:A transversions
(in TP53 and other 25 000), 8 million people in Taiwan,
cancer-related genes) China, and more than 100 million
people in China [16].
In the initial cohorts for iatrogenic
aristolochic acid nephropathy, the
higher numbers of base substitutions process) in some susceptible tis- majority of patients were described
compared with non-smokers [23]. In sues, in particular in tissues directly as exhibiting a rapid and progressive
tumours of tissues directly exposed exposed to tobacco smoke [23,25]. evolution towards chronic kidney dis-
to tobacco smoke (the lung and the ease or end-stage renal disease [14].
larynx), COSMIC signature 4 was DNA methylation in urothelial In environmental aristolochic acid
prominent. This signature is similar carcinoma nephropathy, the progression rate
to that produced by benzo[a]pyrene Potential epigenetic signatures, is much slower, reaching end-stage
in cells in vitro and suggests a mis- mainly for DNA methylation alter- renal disease after 15–20 years [27].
replication of DNA damage (adducts) ations but also for mutations in chro- Activities such as mining, com-
formed by carcinogens present in matin regulators, have been linked bustion of fossil fuels, and the use
tobacco smoke. Other signatures, to specific carcinogens (see Chapter of arsenic-based pesticides are
such as signature 2 (which features 3.11). Their validation as potential known to potentiate the environ-
GC → AT mutations) and signature biomarkers in urine or tissue samples mental accumulation of arsenic.
13 (which features GC → CG muta- is still required [26]. This presents a major threat to hu-
tions), are considered to reflect an man health because exposure of
over-reactivity of the APOBEC family individuals through inhalation, inges-
of cytidine deaminases in DNA edit- Etiology tion, and skin contact can result in
ing [24]. A multiplatform analysis of numerous adverse health effects [9].
Risk factors
more than 400 patients with muscle- Consumption of drinking-water from
invasive bladder cancer confirmed In Asia, Aristolochia species are contaminated groundwater sources
a high mutational load driven by considered an integral part of the and ingestion of contaminated food
APOBEC-mediated mutagenesis. herbology used in traditional Chi (fish and grains) are the major routes
The detection of this signature cor- nese medicine, Japanese Kampō of human exposure. Biological fac-
responded to a 5-year survival rate medicine, and Ayur vedic medicine. tors (sex, race, and age) and lifestyle
of 75% [6]. Aristolochia is part of the same factors (nutrition and smoking sta-
Signature 5 is found in all tumour therapeutic family as the Akebia, tus) may influence the efficacy of the
types related to smoking and has Asarum, Cocculus, and Stephania pathways implicated in arsenic me-
a predominance of AT → GC and plants. These plants are referred tabolism and cytotoxic outcome, re-
GC → AT mutations. In smokers, to by common names such as sulting in inter-individual variations in
the frequency of mutations attribu- Mu Tong, Mokutsu, and Fang Ji, susceptibility to arsenic toxicity [9,10].
table to signature 5 has been found and they are used in a multitude
to increase with age at diagnosis; of herbal mixtures for therapeutic Evaluation and diagnosis
this has been suggested to reflect use. Stephania tetrandra (known as Patients suspected of having blad-
an acceleration of endogenous Han Fang Ji) is sometimes mistak- der cancer are usually evaluated by
mutagenic processes (a “clocklike” enly substituted with Aristolochia white-light cystoscopy, with adjunct
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.15.3. (Left) Leaves of the Stephania tetrandra S. Moore plant (known as Han Fang Ji in traditional Chinese medicine). (Middle)
Leaves of the Aristolochia elegans plant; the shape is similar to that of Stephania tetrandra leaves. (Right) Transverse sections of
the roots of Aristolochia fangchi (known as Guang Fang Ji in traditional Chinese medicine) and weightloss capsules containing the
powdered root, ingested by a Belgian patient who developed end-stage renal disease. A. fangchi is recognized as the causal agent of
aristolochic acid-induced severe to end-stage renal failure and multifocal urothelial carcinoma in Belgium.
cytology performed to detect malig- The possibility of using circulat- prevention in populations at risk, in
nant cells. To date, no urinary-based ing tumour cells as a means, among the form of intensified screening.
tumour markers have demonstrated other things, to detect bladder cancer Recurrent prevention campaigns
sufficient sensitivity and specificity has been discussed [30]. Methylation can provide information about can-
to replace cystoscopy in the detec- markers in urine have been described cers related to tobacco smoking. In
tion of bladder cancer. for detection of bladder cancer, but contrast, measures to fight environ-
Cystoscopic detection may be the diagnostic accuracy is highly vari- mental arsenic contamination are
enhanced by optical imaging tech- able among reports [31]. difficult to implement. Specific equip-
nologies such as fluorescence cys- ment to remove arsenic from con-
toscopy or narrow-band imaging. taminated water is of poor efficiency
These technologies improve the dif-
Prevention (activated carbon-based filters) or
ferentiation of tumorous lesions from Reduced exposure to expensive (reverse osmosis). Other
normal tissue by taking advantage carcinogens approaches have been proposed on
of the increased metabolic activity the basis of animal studies: metal
(blue light) and vessel architecture With respect to urothelial malignan- chelators (partially successful), vita-
(narrow-band) that occur in cancer cies associated with aristolochic mins (vitamin C, vitamin B12, and fo-
cells, and they have higher specific- acid (Fig. 5.15.5), primary prevention lic acid) and trace elements for their
ity for bladder cancer than tradition- through regulation and education is antioxidant properties, glutathione
al cystoscopy does. Especially the possible. However, the general pop- as an antioxidant and an inhibitor of
detection rate of carcinoma in situ ulation considers traditional herbal reactive oxygen species, and plant-
could be significantly increased by remedies to be harmless because derived polyphenols with antioxidant
the use of these methods. they are of natural origin. Moreover, properties [10]. To date, only a few
Microscopic imaging techniques most patients who use these natural of these have been tested in a clini-
like confocal laser endomicroscopy products fail to inform their physicians cal setting. Because the proportions
and optical coherence tomography of their use. Therefore, these natural of possible responders vary among
permit a real-time high-resolution as- products, like all drugs, should be subgroups of the population, some
sessment of the bladder mucosa at submitted to rigorous pharmacologi- biomarker-based screening pro-
a cellular and subcellular level with cal and toxicological studies to deter- grammes are likely to be developed
spatial resolutions similar to those of mine their safety and efficacy. for individuals with high health risk
histology, but these techniques are In addition to opportunities for and arsenic exposure.
not yet approved for routine use in primary prevention, detection of
the diagnosis of bladder cancer [28]. exposure to aristolochic acid by Screening
Prognosis and management of blad- the use of molecular epidemiology No major organization recommends
der cancer depend on histopathology, studies (biomarkers and endog- screening asymptomatic adults for
the only reliable determining factor of enous mutagenic processes) would bladder cancer, and current evi-
tumour biology (Fig. 5.15.4) [29]. provide opportunities for secondary dence is insufficient to assess the
Fig. 5.15.4. Histological aspect of bladder carcinoma in situ observed adjacent to high-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma in a
Belgian patient who underwent a kidney transplant for end-stage aristolochic acid nephropathy. Urothelial carcinoma in situ is
characterized by flat, disordered proliferation of urothelial cells with marked cytological abnormalities. Haematoxylin and eosin
staining; magnification 100× (left) and 400× (right).
balance of benefits and harms of cinogens, such as aromatic amines. Immunotherapy with programmed
screening. However, non-random- UGT1A is involved in tumour pro- cell death 1 (PD-1) and programmed
ized trials have demonstrated the gression, and decreased levels of death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) checkpoint in-
ability to detect bladder cancer in UGT1A are associated with recur- hibitors has revolutionized the treat-
selected populations, such as those rence and progression of bladder ment paradigm of bladder cancer.
exposed to aristolochic acid [32,33]. cancer. UGT1A is differentially reg- Since 2016, five agents have been
ulated by estrogens, and androgen- approved to treat platinum-refractory
Improved methods of mediated signals promote bladder bladder cancer. The approved PD-1
detection and diagnosis and PD-L1 inhibitor agents have simi-
carcinogenesis by downregulating
Several urine biomarkers exist, but the expression of UGTs [36,37]. lar efficacy and safety profiles. There
until now these have had a limited is a lack of consensus on the utility
role for the detection of bladder Improved therapeutic of testing for PD-L1 as a predictive
cancer. Emerging studies have strategies biomarker, because patients with no
been published proposing panels of For nearly 30 years, the first-line expression also derive some clinical
protein biomarkers for the detection standard of care treatment for pa- benefit. Tumour mutation burden is
of bladder cancer, and the diagnos- another putative predictive biomark-
tients with locally advanced or me-
tic performance of multiplex urinary er, but further validation is needed
tastatic bladder cancer has been
protein profiling could be improved [38]. The improved tolerability of
cisplatin-containing combination
when it is combined with clinical in- immunotherapy over chemothera-
chemotherapy. The median survival
formation about the patient, such as py and radiation directly correlates
is now approximatively 15 months,
age, race, and smoking status [34]. with its targeted mechanism of ac-
compared with the estimated surviv-
tion. The current landscape is rapidly
New research paths al of 6 months for patients with me- evolving, and novel immunotherapy
Epidemiological studies have shown tastatic disease before the develop- combination trials are under way to
differences between the sexes in ment of modern chemotherapy. The further improve outcomes and define
the incidence and progression of 5-year survival rate with contempo- the ideal patients [39].
bladder cancer, suggesting an as- rary regimens remains poor, at 15%. With the increasing use of large-
sociation with steroid hormone About 21% of patients are treated scale genome-wide profiling studies,
pathways; therefore, the role of sex with cisplatin-based chemothera- the conventional two-pathway model
steroids is an emerging research py, and cisplatin ineligibility is com- of bladder cancer pathogenesis is
area in the development and pro- mon because of renal dysfunction, being superseded by a molecular
gression of bladder cancer [35]. an Eastern Cooperative Oncology description of disease pathogenesis
A member of the family of UDP- Group (ECOG) performance status and clinical behaviour. This approach
glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs), of 2, or both. Hearing loss, grade 2 should provide more adequate infor-
UGT1A, is an enzyme that is vital neuropathy, and heart failure may mation for personalized clinical and
for the detoxification of major car- also confer cisplatin ineligibility. therapeutic management.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.15.5. Nested variant of bladder carcinoma infiltrating the muscle wall in another Belgian kidney transplant recipient. Haematoxylin
and eosin staining; magnification 100× (left) and 400× (right).
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Kidney cancer
Multiple risk factors, but currently
limited preventive strategies
Ghislaine Scelo Rosamonde E. Banks (reviewer)
Alexander Parker Carlo La Vecchia (reviewer)
ies. The implicated pathways in-
carcinomas can be cured by surgi- such as India, Thailand, and some
clude the VHL-HIF pathway.
cal resection as the main treatment. countries in Africa (Fig. 5.16.1) [2].
●● The increase in risk of renal Kidney cancer that occurs in In the USA, age-standardized
cell carcinoma is about 30% in children (Wilms tumour, also known incidence rates of kidney cancer are
smokers compared with never- as nephroblastoma) is a different higher in Blacks (15.6 per 100 000
smokers. Excess body weight, entity, which is beyond the scope in males and 8.6 per 100 000
hypertension, chronic kidney of this chapter. Tumours that arise in females) than in Whites (14.0
disease, diabetes, and occupa- in the renal pelvis and the ureter per 100 000 in males and 7.6 per
tional exposure to trichloroethy- (urothelial carcinomas) are far less 100 000 in females) [3]. Incidence
lene are each associated with an common than renal cell carcino- rates in Hispanic Whites are simi-
mas and have different epidemio- lar to those in non-Hispanic Whites.
increased risk of kidney cancer.
logical features, which are similar Rates in American Indians and
●● Opportunities for early detec- to those of bladder cancer (see Alaska Natives are intermediate
tion are limited, and renal cell Chapter 5.15). (10.9 per 100 000 in males and 6.6
per 100 000 in females), and rates same pattern as for incidence rates.
in Asians and Pacific Islanders are Age-standardized mortality rates are
lower (6.4 per 100 000 in males and highest in Belarus (11 per 100 000 in
2.9 per 100 000 in females) [3]. males) and the Baltic countries [2]. ■■ “Kidney cancer” refers to a
In Europe, large regional vari- Globally, mortality rates of kidney histologically heterogeneous
ations have been described within cancer have been stable since the group of tumours. There are
some countries, notably in Germany 1990s [5]. In recent years, mortality large geographical variations
(higher incidence rates in the east- rates have decreased in most coun- in incidence rates, which are
ern regions of the country) and in tries, with the notable exception poorly explained, as well as
Italy (higher incidence rates in the of Brazil, Croatia, Greece, Ireland,
increasing incidence rates in
northern part of the country) [4]. Portugal, and Slovenia, where rates
certain populations.
have increased.
Age and sex In general, mortality rates ap- ■■ Incidence rates of kidney
Incidence rates of kidney cancer pear to be decreasing faster in cancer have been increasing
increase steadily with age, with women than in men. In the USA, worldwide since the 1970s.
a peak of incidence at about age the decline in mortality rates is
75 years [3,5]. Worldwide, more ■■ The vast majority of cases
more pronounced in Blacks than
than half of all cases are diagnosed are sporadic, and known
in Whites, and mortality rates in
in people younger than 65 years [2]. Blacks have remained slightly low- risk factors, such as tobacco
The incidence of kidney can- er than those in Whites since the smoking, obesity, and
cer in men is about twice that in 1970s [5,8]. Competing mortality hypertension, confer only
women, across geographical re- may play a role, but ethnic differ- modest risk increases. This
gions and categories of race and ences in the biology and aggres- makes it difficult to identify
ethnicity [6]. The stability of the siveness of kidney cancer could high-risk groups and to
male-to-female incidence ratio over also explain this variation [9]. develop screening procedures.
time, across countries, and by age
groups substantiates that biologi- ■■ Enhanced early detection
cal differences between men and Genetics and genomics efforts that do not result in
women – rather than differences overdiagnosis are needed,
Genetic syndromes because these would reduce
in lifestyle factors, such as tobacco
smoking – are likely to account for Approximately 3–5% of renal cell car- mortality from kidney cancer.
much of this disparity in incidence. cinomas occur in a familial context For localized, early-stage, low-
[10]. Only a subset of the familial kid- grade tumours, the prognosis
Temporal trends ney cancer cases can be explained is very good after surgical
Incidence rates of kidney cancer by known genetic syndromes [10]. intervention.
have been increasing worldwide The most common syndrome
known to be associated with re- ■■ Kidney cancer is often
since the 1970s [5]. In the USA, inci-
nal cell carcinoma is von Hippel– diagnosed at an advanced
dence rates in males have increased
Lindau (VHL) syndrome. It affects stage; for such tumours,
steadily, from 8.0 per 100 000 in
1975 to 13.4 per 100 000 in 2008– an estimated 1 per 36 000 live prognosis is poor.
2012. In most countries, the aver- births in the United Kingdom and
age annual percentage increase is suggested to account for ap-
is about 2–3%. Only Austria and proximately 1% of patients with
Poland have reported significant renal cell carcinoma [11]. VHL syn- to increase the risk of renal cell car-
decreases in rates, since the early drome is caused by mutations in cinoma: familial clear cell renal car-
2000s. Because the effects of both the VHL tumour suppressor gene, cinoma with chromosome 3 trans-
birth cohort and calendar period which is located on the short arm location, hereditary papillary renal
contribute to the increases in inci- of chromosome 3. VHL syndrome carcinoma syndrome, Birt–Hogg–
dence rates, the observed temporal also increases the risk of a range Dubé syndrome, hereditary leio-
trends are likely to be due to a com- of other tumours: haemangioblasto- myomatosis and renal carcinoma
bination of changes in lifestyle and mas of the brain, spine, and retina; syndrome, PTEN hamartoma syn-
in exposures to risk factors, as well pheochromocytomas of the adrenal drome, succinate dehydrogenase
as changes in tumour detection and gland; and neuroendocrine tumours complex-associated renal carci-
in diagnostic practices over time [7]. of the pancreas. The risk of renal noma, and BAP1 mutant syndrome
cell carcinoma depends on the type [10]. These syndromes have been
Mortality patterns of mutation in the VHL gene. described in less detail than VHL
International variations in kidney Currently, there are seven other syndrome with respect to their as-
cancer mortality rates follow the syndromes that have been reported sociation with risk of kidney cancer,
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.16.1. Global distribution of estimated age-standardized (World) incidence rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for
kidney cancer in men, 2018.
and their prevalence in the popula- it is present in up to 7% of eastern matin remodelling or chromatin
tion is mostly unknown. European populations. Finally, a vari- modifier genes, including PBRM1,
ant in MITF has also been reported ARID1A, SETD2, BAP1, KDM5C,
Genetic polymorphisms to increase the risk of developing and KDM6A [16,17]. Several of
Genetic variants in 13 regions of cutaneous melanoma, renal cell car- these genes are located on the X
the genome have been identified as cinoma, or both by about 5-fold [14]. chromosome, and this may play
risk factors for renal cell carcinoma a role in the difference in risk be-
through large-scale genome-wide Tumour molecular tween men and women.
association studies (GWAS) [12]. phenotypes An unusual tumour genomic pat-
The implicated pathways include Kidney cancers – even the most tern was reported in cases of clear
the VHL-HIF pathway – with vari- common subtype (i.e. renal cell car- cell renal cell carcinoma in Romania,
ants discovered in two regions: the cinomas) – are histologically hetero- marking the mutational signature of
EPAS1 gene, which encodes hypox- geneous clinical entities. A concerted exposure to aristolochic acid [17] (see
ia-inducible factor 2 alpha (HIF-2α), effort is being made to explore the Chapter 2.8). Although the exposure
and the 11q13.3 region, which im- molecular underpinnings of these tu- has been confirmed [18], the causal
pairs binding of HIF-2α and results mours (i.e. molecular phenotyping) to link between the exposure and the
in an allelic imbalance of cyclin D1 more accurately define the nature of occurrence of the tumour remains to
– as well as mediation of cholesterol these cancers. Most of the research be investigated.
transfer, obesity-related pathways, has focused on clear cell renal cell Moving beyond genomics, there
and pathways related to chromatin carcinomas. Sporadic and familial are several reports of the presence
remodelling. Much remains to be clear cell renal cell carcinomas are and clinical significance of other mo-
discovered; the risk loci identified so biologically similar; they almost al- lecular alterations at the RNA and
far for renal cell carcinoma are es- ways show a loss of the short arm of protein levels in renal cell carcinoma
timated to account for only 10% of chromosome 3, which carries VHL (see Chapter 3.8). For example,
the familial risk, leaving about 90% and other tumour suppressor genes. higher expression levels of survivin,
of the heritability unexplained. It was recently reported that some topoisomerase II alpha, and IMP3
Two rare genetic variants may genomic structural events, typically have all been reported in clear cell
also be implicated in the risk of renal through chromothripsis, can occur renal cell carcinoma and, more im-
cell carcinoma, with no evidence of during childhood or adolescence – portantly, linked to poor prognosis
familial syndromes. The I157T mis- decades before the development of after curative surgery [19,20]. These
sense variant in the cell-cycle control the renal cell carcinoma tumour [15]. biomarkers and others offer oppor-
gene CHEK2 increases the risk by For clear cell renal cell carcino- tunities to better manage post-oper-
about 50% [13]. Although the I157T mas, in addition to VHL, somatic ative follow-up for patients with clear
variant is very rare in most countries, mutations are recurrent in chro- cell renal cell carcinoma.
Non-clear cell renal cell carcino- horts [24]. In several studies the 5 years after blood pressure mea-
mas have different genomic profiles association was shown to be linear, surement in an attempt to minimize
[21]. For example, papillary renal with an increase in risk of about reverse causation [28]. In a study
cell carcinomas are typically char- 25% for each increase of 5 kg/m2 in with repeated measurements of
acterized by alterations of the MET body mass index (BMI). No data are blood pressure over time, the risk
pathway, and chromophobe renal available on the benefit of weight of renal cell cancer decreased with
cell carcinomas are characterized loss and/or long-term maintenance decreasing blood pressure [28].
by metabolic pathway alterations of a lower BMI in association with
with mitochondrial dysfunctions. risk of kidney cancer. High BMI is Alcohol consumption
estimated to be responsible for 26% Moderate consumption of alcohol
Etiology of incident cases of renal cell carci- reduces the risk of developing renal
noma worldwide [25]. cell carcinoma, and this protective ef-
Tobacco smoking Height has also been consis- fect may be stronger in women than
The effect size of tobacco smoking tently associated with risk of kidney in men. The identification of alcohol
on the risk of renal cell carcinoma cancer, independently of weight, consumption as a factor associated
is modest; the increase in risk is with an increase in risk of about with lower risk of renal cell carcinoma
36% in current smokers, 16% in for- 30% for each increase of 10 cm resulted from early observations in
mer smokers, and 31% in all smok- in height [26]. The mechanisms case–control studies and progressed
ers, compared with never-smokers involved could include levels of to much more robust and consistent
[22]. Epidemiological evidence for growth hormones, genetic back- evidence from large prospective co-
a causal role of tobacco smoking ground, and childhood exposures, horts, pooling projects, and meta-
includes a dose–response relation- rather than a direct link with renal analyses [29]. Investigators have
ship between risk and the quantity of cell carcinoma. begun to explore the possibility that
tobacco smoked per day, as well as the association between alcohol in-
decreased risks with a larger number Hypertension take and risk of renal cell carcinoma
of years after smoking cessation. In In the USA, a history of hyperten- may be modulated by variation in un-
high-income countries, an estimated sion has been estimated to double derlying genetics such as the genes
6% of deaths from kidney cancer are the risk of kidney cancer in Whites, coding for enzymes that metabolize
due to tobacco smoking [23]. and to triple the risk in Blacks [27]. alcohol [30].
Prospective cohort studies have
Anthropometric measures consistently reported dose–re-
Chronic kidney disease
The association between excess sponse associations between blood Chronic kidney disease increases
body weight and risk of renal cell pressure at baseline and risk of the risk of kidney cancer by 2–3-
carcinoma has been reported ex- kidney cancer, even when the risk fold [31]. Evidence suggests that
tensively in large prospective co- analysis is restricted to more than in the USA the increase in risk is
more pronounced in Blacks than in
Whites; this may contribute to the
Fig. 5.16.2. A patient’s blood pressure is monitored. Prospective cohort studies have higher observed incidence rates in
reported associations between blood pressure at baseline and risk of kidney cancer. Blacks, given that chronic kidney
disease is also more prevalent in
Blacks than in Whites [31,32].
The association between diabetes
and risk of kidney cancer has been
assessed in several prospective
cohort studies, but independence
from comorbidities of diabetes,
such as obesity, hypertension, and
chronic kidney disease, is still un-
clear [33]. A history of diabetes was
found to be associated with a 40%
excess risk of kidney cancer [33].
The IARC Monographs classified
occupational exposure to trichloro-
ethylene as carcinogenic to humans
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
(Group 1), on the basis of a body of a range of medical conditions and the rise in incidence predates
sufficient evidence that this chemi- symptoms. Because renal cell car- widespread use of sensitive ab-
cal causes kidney cancer [34]. The cinoma usually remains clinically dominal imaging, and the incidence
most recent meta-analysis estimat- occult for most of its course, it is of late-stage tumours has also in-
ed that occupational exposure to tri- often diagnosed at an advanced creased [36].
chloroethylene confers a 30–40% stage, and 25–30% of patients Opportunities for primary pre-
excess risk of kidney cancer (see have metastases at diagnosis [37]. vention are limited, because the
Chapter 2.10) [35]. Because most kidney tumours factors that are responsible for the
develop outside the context of diag- geographical variations and time
Biology and early nosed genetic cancer syndromes, trends have not been identified. For
detection there is currently no recommended example, kidney cancer incidence
screening practice for primary renal rates have not benefited from the
Kidney cancer is characterized by general reduction in tobacco use.
cell carcinoma in people who are
the absence of early warning signs As discussed earlier, the factors
not known to carry genetic mutations
and by non-specific symptoms. that are known to be associated with
associated with increased risk of the
Patients who are diagnosed with lo- renal cell carcinoma confer modest
disease. Given that renal masses
calized renal cell carcinoma (stages risk increases (relative risks of about
can be detected with ultrasonogra-
I and II) are commonly cured after 1.2–2.5), resulting in population attri-
phy techniques, which are non-inva-
nephron-sparing nephrectomy as butable risks of less than 50% [40].
sive and harmless, the question of
the sole treatment, with limited This poses challenges for identify-
whether general screening for early
long-term side-effects. For tumours ing high-risk populations that could
detection of kidney cancer in the
that invade local tissues (stage III) benefit from enhanced screening
population is warranted has arisen
or have distant metastasis (stage
from patient associations as well as protocols. Nevertheless, the discov-
IV), prognosis is poor, with 5-year
clinicians. However, there has been ery of genetic polymorphisms as-
survival rates of about 50% and
no systematic evaluation of the con- sociated with development of renal
10%, respectively [36].
ditions for implementing a screening cell carcinoma and the identification
The majority of curable early-
programme (see Chapter 6.6). of refined molecular subtypes of the
stage tumours are detected inci-
In the absence of clear high-risk disease provide a clear opportunity
dentally through the wide use of
groups at the population level and to explore gene–environment inter-
ultrasonography examinations for
of non-invasive biomarkers for renal actions coupled with molecular sub-
cell carcinoma that could be mea- typing, which could reveal more indi-
Fig. 5.16.3. Although trichloroethylene sured in blood or urine, secondary vidualized risk estimates that would
has largely been replaced by tetrachloro- support the screening of certain
prevention for kidney cancer is still
ethylene as the main solvent used in dry populations. This approach is par-
cleaning, trichloroethylene is still used as a long way off. Research efforts are
a spot remover. A meta-analysis estimat- under way to identify such biomark- ticularly intriguing given the future
ed that occupational exposure to trichlo- ers. Plasma levels of KIM-1 were re- possibility of developing lower-cost
roethylene confers a 30–40% excess risk cently reported to predict the risk of and scalable screening tests based
of kidney cancer. being diagnosed with renal cell car- on circulating biomarkers. However,
cinoma in the subsequent 5 years care must be taken to avoid the risk
[38]. However, the predictive ability of overdiagnosis that has occurred
would need to be improved for use with other cancer types (e.g. pros-
in a screening setting. tate cancer).
A systematic evaluation is war-
ranted of the conditions for imple-
Opportunities for
menting a screening programme.
prevention Kidney cancers are asymptomatic
Projections from Cancer Research and are usually detected inci-
UK indicate that over the next 20 dentally through routine imaging.
years kidney cancer will be one Therefore, most patients are treat-
of the cancer types with the most ed for a suspicious renal mass and
rapidly rising incidence [39]. These are only diagnosed with a cancer
estimates are based on increas- or a benign tumour after invasive
ing trends over the past decade surgery. The discovery of circulat-
and may be inflated as a result of ing biomarkers that could stratify
overdiagnosis during this period. renal masses into likely benign or
However, the increasing trends can- likely malignant would be extremely
not be explained solely by increased valuable to overcome the issues of
detection of asymptomatic tumours: overdiagnosis and overtreatment.
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Brain cancer
Increasing attention
on the immune response
Dominique S. Michaud John D. Mathews (reviewer)
Hiroko Ohgaki (reviewer)
Joachim Schüz (reviewer)
varicella zoster virus are each also highlighted the need for ad-
SUMMARY inversely associated with risk of ditional research on the causes of
glioma, and several markers of non-malignant brain tumours and
●● The revised WHO classifica- immune status are strongly as- childhood brain tumours [2].
tion of malignant tumours of the sociated with risk. About 68% of all brain and cen-
central nervous system includes
tral nervous system tumours are
molecular data, along with his-
non-malignant; about half of these
tology, in defining tumour types. In 2018, cancer of the brain and tumours are meningiomas, followed
●● The topic of mobile phones and central nervous system was the by pituitary tumours and nerve
brain tumours remains con- 17th most common cancer type, sheath tumours [3]. Meningiomas,
troversial despite decades of with an estimated 297 000 new even when they are non-malignant,
research and results from nu- cases worldwide. The study of the can have a devastating impact on
merous observational studies. etiology of brain tumours is particu- health by altering normal brain func-
Some studies have reported a larly challenging because of the rel- tion. Epidemiological studies that
higher relative risk for heavy atively low incidence rates of brain examine genetic and environmental
use of mobile phones, but in- and central nervous system can- determinants of brain tumours no
cidence rates of malignant tu- cers and the high heterogeneity of longer combine meningiomas with
mours have not increased over these tumours. As a result, most re-
other types of brain tumours, given
the past three decades. search in this field has been based
that they are etiologically (as well as
on case–control studies, which
●● Various genetic susceptibility clinically) distinct tumours. Among
have methodological limitations, or
loci have been identified for glio- the malignant tumours, heteroge-
cohort studies, which are often lim-
mas, and two distinct suscepti- neity is also substantial; almost half
ited by small numbers of cases.
bility loci have been associated of these are glioblastomas, followed
Because it is difficult to study
with meningiomas. Some sus- by other gliomas [3]. Most epide-
brain tumours within individual in-
ceptibility loci appear to be spe- stitutions, international brain cancer miological studies examine gliomas
cific to tumour grade, and risk consortia have been established to together, given that they originate
variants may also vary by sex. increase sample sizes, improve the from the same cell types (i.e. glial
classification of tumours, pool data cells), although often glioblasto-
●● Inherited variants or mutations mas – the most aggressive brain
for genetic and molecular analyses,
and acquired somatic mutations tumours – are examined separately.
and increase collaboration across
in or near telomerase genes are This chapter focuses on re-
different disciplines. These collabo-
associated with increased risk of search advances in the field of
rative efforts have been highly suc-
glioma. This suggests that long- epidemiology in the past 5 years.
cessful, resulting in advances in the
er telomere length may be a key
molecular classification of malig- It highlights findings from pooling
contributor to gliomagenesis.
nant brain tumours and the identifi- studies (consortium efforts) or co-
●● There is increasing evidence cation of new genetic susceptibility hort studies that have confirmed
that the immune response plays regions, and a consensus is being earlier findings, as well as new and
an important role in the etiology approached on the role of allergies promising results from studies ex-
of malignant glioma. Allergies [1] and other risk factors [2] in brain amining the role of the immune re-
and a history of infection with tumours. The collaborations have sponse in etiology.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
were strongly associated with age at In the past 5 years, various com- and inherited genetic
diagnosis, survival, grade, and spe- mentaries, original studies, and susceptibilities, increase the
cific germline variants [5]. Similarly, meta-analyses have been published risk of brain tumours.
in a data set of lower-grade gliomas on this subject, which continues to ■■ Exposure to ionizing radiation,
from the Cancer Genome Atlas, receive substantial news coverage.
whether from atomic bombs
three groups of tumours, classi- However, causality remains question-
or therapeutic irradiation, has
fied on the basis of the presence able (see Chapter 2.5). Observational
been firmly established as a
or absence of mutations in IDH and study designs have limitations, some
cause of brain tumours.
1p/19q co-deletions, were strongly of which are particularly problematic
linked to clinical characteristics, in- when studying mobile phones and ■■ No excess risk of brain and
cluding histology, age at diagnosis, brain cancer. Limitations that contrib- other central nervous system
and survival (Fig. 5.17.2) [6]. ute to the complexity of determining tumours has been attributed to
Future widespread use of the re- causality include: difficulties in ac- use of tobacco products.
vised WHO classification in clinical curately measuring mobile phone
Fig. 5.17.1. A simplified algorithm for classification of the diffuse gliomas on the basis of histological and genetic features. A caveat
to this diagram is that the diagnostic “flow” does not necessarily always proceed from histology first to molecular genetic features
next, because molecular signatures can sometimes outweigh histological characteristics in achieving an integrated diagnosis. A
similar algorithm can be followed for anaplastic-level diffuse gliomas. NOS, not otherwise specified. * Characteristic but not required
for diagnosis.
IDH status
IDH mutant IDH wild-type IDH mutant IDH wild-type
Oligodendroglioma, IDH mutant and 1p/19q co-deleted Genetic testing not done
or inconclusive
use, with reference to both dose in the USA, age-standardized, of increase in incidence rates in
and duration; the potential for recall delay-adjusted incidence rates of countries with high use of mobile
bias, especially with respect to use malignant brain and other central phones, call causality into question.
of the phone on a particular side of nervous system cancers continued Nevertheless, this topic will continue
the head (i.e. laterality); the relative to decline in males (annual percent- to be highly controversial, because
recency of widespread use of mobile age change, −0.2%) and in females experts continue to disagree on the
phones, which is problematic for ex- (annual percentage change, −0.7%) interpretation of data that arise from
amining the possible impact of long in the most recent 5-year period different study designs. Results from
latency periods; and the heterogene- (2010–2014), even with adjustment prospective cohort studies that col-
ity of brain cancer subtypes. The re- for delays in reporting to cancer lect self-reported data on the use of
sults of experimental studies, wheth- registries [13]. Similarly, stable or mobile phones may shed light on the
er in vitro, in vivo, or animal studies, decreasing incidence rates of ma- associations, but a long waiting peri-
are similarly inconsistent [11]. lignant brain tumours (glioma and od is expected before these studies
Time trends in the incidence glioblastoma) were reported across provide results [14].
rates of brain cancer in countries all age groups in 2000–2014 in a
where mobile phones have been summary of the most recent and Genetic susceptibility
in widespread use for 25 years or comprehensive data on rates of Genome-wide association studies
more, including the USA, the Nordic malignant and non-malignant brain (GWAS) have identified several ge-
countries, the United Kingdom, and tumours for 99.9% of the population netic variants associated with risk
Australia [12], do not support the of the USA (Fig. 5.17.4) [3]. of different brain tumour subtypes.
strong positive relative risks report- It has been more than 25 years Single-nucleotide polymorphisms
ed in some case–control studies, since mobile phones were intro- (SNPs) in seven genes (TERT,
even after accounting for a 10-year duced, and they have been used TP53, CCDC26, EGFR, CDKN2B/
latency period. In the most recent by billions of people. These facts, CDKN2A, RTEL1, and PHLDB1)
(2018) report on cancer incidence combined with the consistent lack have been consistently linked to risk
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.17.2. (A) Kaplan–Meier estimates of overall survival in patients with lower- of glioma in several large GWAS.
grade gliomas that are classified according to traditional histological type and grade. Recently, a large meta-analysis iden-
Glioblastoma samples (from previously published Cancer Genome Atlas data) tified 13 new susceptibility loci for
are also included for comparison. (B) Overall survival in patients with lower-grade
gliomas that are classified according to IDH mutation and 1p/19q co-deletion status.
glioma [15]. Although some suscep-
Glioblastoma samples classified according to IDH mutation status are also included. tibility loci are common to all glioma
GBM, glioblastoma; LGG, lower-grade glioma. subtypes (e.g. TP53), others appear
to be specific to glioblastoma (e.g.
EGFR) or non-glioblastoma glioma
A Gliomas Classified According to Histological Class and Grade (e.g. PHLDB1) [15] or to molecular
subgroups of glioma [5,16].
100 Astrocytoma II (N=30)
Two genetic variants located
Astrocytoma III (N=65)
Oligoastrocytoma II (N=41) near the telomerase genes TERC
Oligoastrocytoma III (N=33) and TERT are associated both with
80 Oligodendroglioma II (N=65) increased risk of high-grade glioma
Oligodendroglioma III (N=44) and with longer telomere length
Glioblastoma IV (N=397) [17]. The presence of frequent mu-
tations in telomerase genes in glio-
Overall Survival (%)
tibility to glioma, and improved mo-
P<0.001 by log-rank test lecular classification of glioma sub-
types may result in the identification
40 of additional susceptibility loci.
Fig. 5.17.3. A man using a mobile phone. Observational studies have not yet established lergy status, have observed inverse
definitively whether use of mobile phones causes brain cancer. associations with risk of glioma [23–
25]. These findings provide support
for a causal relationship, because
cohort studies are not prone to re-
call bias or reverse causation.
Improved immunosurveillance
and protection against environ-
mental toxins in people with al-
lergies have been proposed as
mechanisms for how allergies may
confer protection against glioma [1].
However, the exact mechanisms for
these associations are not known,
and further research is required.
Fig. 5.17.4. Annual age-adjusted incidence rates of primary brain and other central nervous system gliomas in the USA, and incidence
trends by age group for diagnosis years 2000–2014. APC, annual percentage change; CI, confidence interval.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
1. Amirian ES, Zhou R, Wrensch MR, Olson 3. Ostrom QT, Gittleman H, Liao P, Vecchione- 5. Eckel-Passow JE, Lachance DH, Molinaro
SH, Scheurer ME, Il’yasova D, et al. Koval T, Wolinsky Y, Kruchko C, et al. AM, Walsh KM, Decker PA, Sicotte H, et al.
(2016). Approaching a scientific consen- (2017). CBTRUS statistical report: primary (2015). Glioma groups based on 1p/19q,
sus on the association between allergies brain and other central nervous system IDH, and TERT promoter mutations in tu-
and glioma risk: a report from the Glioma tumors diagnosed in the United States mors. N Engl J Med. 372(26):2499–508.
International Case-Control Study. Cancer in 2010–2014. Neuro Oncol. 19(Suppl
Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 25(2):282–90. 5):v1–v88. PMID:26061753
nox158 PMID:29117289 6. Brat DJ, Verhaak RG, Aldape KD, Yung
0847 PMID:26908595
4. Louis DN, Perry A, Reifenberger G, WK, Salama SR, Cooper LA, et al.;
2. Bondy ML, Scheurer ME, Malmer B, Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network
Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Davis FG, Il’yasova von Deimling A, Figarella-Branger D,
(2015). Comprehensive, integrative ge-
D, et al.; Brain Tumor Epidemiology Cavenee WK, et al. (2016). The 2016
nomic analysis of diffuse lower-grade
Consortium (2008). Brain tumor epidemi- World Health Organization classification
gliomas. N Engl J Med. 372(26):2481–98.
ology: consensus from the Brain Tumor of tumors of the central nervous system: a
Epidemiology Consortium. Cancer. summary. Acta Neuropathol. 131(6):803–
113(7 Suppl):1953–68. 20.
1002/cncr.23741 PMID:18798534 1545-1 PMID:27157931
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Thyroid cancer
The challenge of overdiagnosis
cancer spreads through the lym- cidence of thyroid cancer in adults
care system factors.
phatics, whereas follicular thyroid has doubled, tripled, or more in
●● Various risk factors associ- cancer spreads haematogenously several high-income countries [2].
ated with the development of and has a greater predilection for Dramatic increases in incidence
thyroid cancer have been in- distant metastases. have also been seen in middle-
vestigated. Robust evidence of Medullary thyroid cancer, which income countries, such as Brazil,
causal associations exists only arises from parafollicular calcitonin- China, and Turkey (Fig. 5.18.1) [3].
for radiation exposure during secreting C cells, has an interme- Studies from a few of the coun-
childhood. Emerging data indi- diate severity and mortality rate. tries with detailed registries show
cate an association with over- Medullary thyroid cancers comprise that almost the entire increase in in-
weight and obesity. fewer than 5% of thyroid cancers cidence has been due to increased
and can occur sporadically or as diagnosis of papillary thyroid can-
●● There are also genetic fac- part of the multiple endocrine neo- cer [4,5]. The size of the cancers
tors that increase the risk of plasia (MEN) syndromes. The rarest that are now being detected is
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.18.1. Global distribution of estimated age-standardized (World) incidence rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for
thyroid cancer in women, 2018.
health-care funding model includes cioeconomic status have lower rates Age at exposure is significantly re-
fee-for-service options [15]. In stud- of detection of thyroid cancer, more lated to risk. Among survivors of
ies of countries that have more than advanced stage at presentation, and the Hiroshima atomic bomb, those
one model of funding, patients treat- higher mortality from thyroid cancer who were younger than 19 years
ed at private hospitals that used a [23]. In the USA, the discrepancy in at the time of the bombing had an
fee-for-service payment model were mortality rates indicates that in some increased risk relative to the back-
found to be more likely to have thy- cases, patients with lower socioeco- ground risk, and that increased risk
roid cancer detected on unrelated nomic status may be undertreated persisted for at least five decades.
imaging compared with patients relative to those with higher socio- Those who were younger than
treated at public hospitals; this sug- economic status, although survival 5 years at the time of exposure had
gests that patients with private insur- is not always affected (see Chapter the highest risk, and those who were
ance were more likely to have thyroid 4.6) [24]. older than 19 years at the time of
cancer detected by imaging than by exposure did not have an increased
palpation [16,17]. This disparity may Etiology risk relative to the background risk
be explained by different factors, in- The vast majority of thyroid cancers [25].
cluding physician incentivization and are sporadic. However, there are Iodine deficiency can interact
the availability of advanced imaging specific risk factors. For medullary with the effects of radiation if the ra-
technology [18]. The larger the num- thyroid cancer in particular, heredi- diation is received from radioactive
bers of imaging tests ordered and tary syndromes contribute signifi- iodine. This affected the severity of
the more health-care providers in- cantly to the disease burden. the effects of the Chernobyl acci-
tervene for increasingly smaller find- dent, because iodine deficiency was
ings, the more thyroid cancers are Risk factors common in the populations of the
detected [19–21]. Various risk factors associated with affected areas. People who were
the development of thyroid cancer exposed thus absorbed more radio-
Socioeconomic status active iodine, and this increased the
have been investigated. Robust evi-
Recent detailed population-based dence of causal associations exists radiation dose received [26].
studies suggest that people with only for radiation exposure during After the Chernobyl accident,
higher socioeconomic status and childhood. early analyses suggested that ex-
those living in cities are more fre- posure to radiation led to more ag-
quently diagnosed with thyroid can- Radiation gressive thyroid cancer. Compared
cer, but that this does not correspond Exposure to radiation is the strong- with non-exposed children, many
with exposure to environmental pol- est known risk factor for papillary exposed children had disease that
lutants [22]. People with lower so- thyroid cancer (see Chapter 2.5). appeared to be more aggressive,
Fig. 5.18.2. The ruined reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine. tors, additional research is required
Exposure to radiation is the strongest known risk factor for papillary thyroid cancer. to identify the mechanisms that
would lead to the development of
thyroid cancer [30].
In recent years, it has been sug-
gested that environmental and die-
tary exposure to nitrites may contrib-
ute to the development of papillary
thyroid cancer [31,32].
Several inherited conditions with
known genetic causes are associ-
ated with increased risk of thyroid
cancer of different cellular origins
[33]. Medullary thyroid cancer can
occur as a result of a germline ac-
tivating mutation in the RET onco-
gene. In children, medullary thyroid
cancer is most commonly associ-
ated with the MEN type 2 (MEN2)
syndrome. Increased risks of dif-
ferentiated thyroid cancer are seen
in people with PTEN hamartoma
tumour syndrome (Cowden syn-
with more extensive local invasion, In observational studies, over-
drome), DICER1 pleuropulmonary
lymph node involvement, and distant weight, obesity, and type 2 diabetes
blastoma syndrome, Carney com-
metastases. However, subsequent have all been found to be weakly plex type 1, and familial adenoma-
analysis suggested that this obser- associated with increased inci- tous polyposis syndrome.
vation was related to several varia- dence of papillary thyroid cancer. Familial differentiated thyroid
bles, including increased absorption These factors have been postulated cancer has also been noted, but no
of radioactive iodine by iodine-defi- to be associated with greater use of chromosomal abnormalities have
cient children and the initial lack of health care overall; as described yet been identified. For a patient to
a monitoring programme for chil- above, this is a known mechanism qualify as having familial non-med-
dren, who were the ones at risk of by which rates of thyroid cancer de- ullary thyroid cancer, there need to
developing thyroid cancer. When the tection may be higher in one region be three first-degree relatives with
clinical presentation and survival of than in another. For all of these fac- the disease.
exposed and non-exposed children
of the same age were compared, the
Fig. 5.18.3. A child undergoing a computed tomography (CT) scan. Exposure of
suspected difference in clinical ag- children to medical radiation may contribute to the development of thyroid cancer and
gressiveness was not observed [27]. should therefore be minimized.
Exposure to medical radiation
has increased in children, and this
may also contribute to the develop-
ment of thyroid cancer [28].
Other factors
In geographical areas where the
population has a low dietary intake
of stable iodine, there is a higher
incidence of goitre, follicular thyroid
cancer, and possibly anaplastic thy-
roid cancer. Iodine excess has been
proposed as a cause of increased
risk of papillary thyroid cancer, but
no plausible mechanism has been
identified [29].
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Genetics and genomics tary variants (MEN2A, MEN2B, and with anaplastic carcinomas, thereby
familial medullary thyroid cancer) supporting the multistep de-differ-
Differentiated thyroid cancers have germline RET mutations, and entiation process [37,38]. The more
Abnormalities of the mitogen-acti- about 50% of sporadic cases have common somatic mutations are in
vated protein kinase (MAPK) path- somatic RET mutations. The so- the TP53 and β-catenin (CTNNB1)
way lead to both papillary and fol- matic RET codon M918T mutation genes. These mutations are rare
licular thyroid carcinoma [30]. in sporadic medullary thyroid cancer in differentiated thyroid cancers.
In adults, papillary thyroid can- has also been shown to portend a Other mutations, in BRAF and RAS,
cers commonly show point muta- more aggressive clinical course and are common in both differentiated
tions in BRAF and tend to have poorer prognosis. and anaplastic thyroid cancers and
relatively large numbers of genetic The genetics of medullary thy- are probably early events in thyroid
mutations overall. In children, rear- roid cancer are important for risk carcinogenesis that predispose to
rangements of the RET oncogene, stratification and treatment deci- tumour de-differentiation. Currently,
leading to activation of this area sion-making. Recent guidelines DNA or RNA analysis does not have
that is usually silent, are more com- designated risk categories of RET a role in the staging and manage-
mon than the BRAF mutations. In mutations as follows: “highest risk” ment of patients with anaplastic thy-
2014, the Cancer Genome Atlas includes patients with MEN2B and roid cancer [39,40].
Research Network showed a low the RET codon M918T mutation,
frequency of somatic alterations “high risk” includes patients with
RET codon C634 mutations and the
(relative to other carcinomas for
which strong environmental risk RET codon A883F mutation, and The identification and treatment of
factors exist) and extended the “moderate risk” includes patients iodine deficiency is central to the
set of known papillary thyroid can- with RET codon mutations other prevention of thyroid cancer. In
cer driver alterations to include than M918T, C634, and A883F [36]. population-based studies, follicular
EIF1AX, PPM1D, and CHEK2 and thyroid cancer is more common in
Anaplastic thyroid cancer iodine-deficient areas in low- and
diverse gene fusions [34].
Papillary thyroid cancers in Anaplastic thyroid cancers are typi- middle-income countries, whereas
children tend to show more fusion cally aneuploid and have a complex papillary thyroid cancer is the pre-
events, rather than the pattern in karyotype with multiple chromoso- dominant subtype in countries with
adults of multiple point mutations. mal abnormalities. Loss of hetero- iodine sufficiency. Follicular thyroid
These genetic patterns may be why zygosity at multiple chromosomal cancers are more aggressive; they
thyroid cancers in children tend to regions is common. A progressive spread haematogenously, with a
be more iodine-avid and highly re- accumulation of chromosomal ab- predilection for lung metastases,
sponsive to treatment, whereas normalities is often seen when com- and have lower survival rates than
those in adults can have wider pat- paring differentiated carcinomas papillary thyroid cancers [41].
terns of spread and loss of differ-
entiation. Staging for thyroid cancer Fig. 5.18.4. Production of iodized salt on the outskirts of Vientiane, Lao People’s
reflects this: the American Joint Democratic Republic. The identification and treatment of iodine deficiency is central to
Committee on Cancer staging sys- the prevention of thyroid cancer.
tem defines all differentiated thyroid
cancers in children as stage I or II,
regardless of metastases [35].
Follicular thyroid cancers spe-
cifically are associated with point
mutations in other genes in the
MAPK pathway, such as RAS, or
with rearrangements of PPARγ.
Avoiding unnecessary radiation accidents, provision of iodine thy- cause the harms outweigh the ben-
of the thyroid during childhood and roid blocking (i.e. saturating the thy- efits [42]. For the very small propor-
adolescence decreases the risk of roid gland with stable iodine) up to tion of the population with specific
papillary thyroid cancer. Even low- 24 hours before and up to 2 hours identified risks of thyroid cancer,
dose radiation of children from diag- after the exposure may be preven- such as associated tumour predis-
nostic X-rays, for example CT and tive, particularly for individuals liv- position syndromes as described
fluoroscopy, should be minimized. ing in iodine-deficient areas [33]. above, or with MEN2 or familial
Exposure to radiation increases the Population-based screening for medullary thyroid cancer, personal-
risk of thyroid cancer for decades thyroid cancer is not recommended ized screening with the appropriate
after the exposure. After nuclear by major task force bodies, be- testing method is appropriate.
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Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Complex etiology, including the role
of immune function
Sonja I. Berndt Franco Cavalli (reviewer)
Karin Ekström Smedby (reviewer)
●● To date, more than 120 genetic deaths (2.6% of all cancer deaths) in
SUMMARY susceptibility loci have been 2018 [2]. The incidence varies glob-
identified for lymphoid malig- ally (Fig. 5.19.1).
●● Non-Hodgkin lymphoma com- nancies, including variants in The age-standardized incidence
prises more than 50 different the human leukocyte antigen rate for both sexes combined is
neoplasms that arise from im- (HLA) region. 9.3 per 100 000 in more-developed
mature or mature B cells, T
regions, compared with 4.2 per
cells, or natural killer cells.
100 000 in less-developed regions
● ● The incidence varies glob- Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) com- (Fig. 5.19.2). Increased detection
ally. The age-standardized prises more than 50 different neo- (especially of more indolent lympho-
rate for both sexes combined plasms that arise from lymphocytes mas), solid organ transplantation,
is 9.3 per 100 000 in more- and can manifest in the lymph nodes, and immunosuppression are some
developed regions, compared lymphatic organs, and extranodal factors that are hypothesized to con-
with 4.2 per 100 000 in less- lymphatic tissue. The classification tribute to this difference, but environ-
developed regions. of these tumours has changed over mental, viral, or genetic factors may
●● Accurate diagnosis is impera- time with advances in molecular also play a role.
tive for disease management technology and the implementation Despite differences in incidence,
and treatment. Classification of of the WHO classification system. age-adjusted mortality rates are
lymphoid malignancies under- NHLs are classified broadly by line- similar in more-developed regions
pins diagnosis and is based on age as either B-cell neoplasms or (2.7 per 100 000) and less-devel-
a combination of morphologi- natural killer (NK)/T-cell neoplasms oped regions (2.3 per 100 000).
cal, phenotypic, genetic/molec- (Table 5.19.1). This may reflect better access to
ular, and clinical features. In the WHO classification sys- treatment and a higher proportion
tem, plasma cell tumours (e.g. mul- of indolent lymphomas in more-de-
●● The etiology of non-Hodgkin tiple myeloma) and lymphoid leu-
lymphoma is complex, with veloped regions. Less-developed
kaemias (see Chapter 5.20) are regions have a greater proportion of
multiple known or suspected
considered B-cell lymphoid malig- poor-prognosis NK/T-cell lympho-
risk factors. Evidence suggests
nancies. Lymphoid malignancies are
that some risk factors are com- mas (13.4%) and high-grade B-cell
then further subtyped within major
mon to multiple subtypes of lymphomas (59.6%) compared with
WHO categories on the basis of a
non-Hodgkin lymphoma, but more-developed regions (9.3% and
combination of morphological, phe-
others are subtype-specific. 39.2%, respectively) [3].
notypic, genetic/molecular, and clini-
The incidence trends and pat-
●● Established causes of non- cal features [1]. These subtype clas-
Hodgkin lymphoma include terns of NHL subtypes vary world-
sifications are used in determining
chronic infections (e.g. hepa- wide. In the USA, the incidence rates
disease management and treatment.
titis C virus), autoimmune dis- of most NHL types are high but ap-
eases (e.g. Sjögren syndrome), pear to be relatively stable or declin-
immune alterations (e.g. im- Epidemiology ing [4]. Although incidence rates in
munosuppression), exposure NHL is the 13th most common can- Asia are lower than those in the USA,
to lindane, and family history cer type worldwide, with an esti- the incidence rates of many lympho-
of non-Hodgkin lymphoma or mated 509 600 new cases (2.8% of ma subtypes are rising in Japan [5]
haematological malignancy. all new cancer cases) and 248 700 and other Asian countries, possibly
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Table 5.19.1. Subtypes of non-Hodgkin lymphoma based on the 2016 WHO classification
Heavy chain diseases, mu/gamma/alpha
dysfunction, and hereditary/
High-grade B-cell lymphoma with MYC
and BCL2 and/or BCL6 rearrangements genetic factors are thought to
High-grade B-cell lymphoma, NOS contribute to the risk of non-
DLBCL, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; EBV, Epstein–Barr virus; HHV8, human herpesvirus type 8; Hodgkin lymphoma.
NK, natural killer; NOS, not otherwise specified.
as the result of changes in lifestyle or compared with rates in Whites in In the USA, the incidence of most
environmental exposures. the USA [5,6]. For Asians living in B-cell lymphomas is higher in non-
Unlike most NHL types, the in- the USA, the incidence appears to Hispanic Whites than in other racial
cidence rate of Epstein–Barr virus be intermediate [6], suggesting that or ethnic groups; however, NK/T-cell
(EBV)-related nasal NK/T-cell lym- both environmental and host fac- lymphomas, such as mycosis fun-
phoma is higher in Asian countries tors may contribute to risk. goides, peripheral T-cell lymphoma
Fig. 5.19.1. Global distribution of estimated age-standardized (World) incidence rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for non-
Hodgkin lymphoma in both sexes, 2018.
Fig. 5.19.2. Estimated age-standardized (World) incidence and mortality rates (ASR) per 100 000 person-years for non-Hodgkin
lymphoma, by sex and region, 2018.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
(PTCL), and adult T-cell leukaemia/ line genetic loci associated with the NK/T-cell lymphoma [10], and vari-
lymphoma, are more common in risk of different lymphoid malignan- ants in both HLA class I and class
non-Hispanic Blacks [4,7]. The per- cies (Fig. 5.19.3). The majority of II are associated with follicular lym-
centage of PTCL cases is also higher discovered loci confer only a small phoma and MZL [11,12].
in southern Africa [3]; this suggests a increase in susceptibility and appear Susceptibility loci (see Chapter
possible genetic component. to be subtype-specific. However, a 3.2) have been discovered for both
Overall, incidence rates of NHL few loci overlap among subtypes, DLBCL and follicular lymphoma at
are higher in males than in females and some chromosomal regions are chromosome 8q24 near MYC [9,11],
(Fig. 5.19.2), but this difference var- important for multiple subtypes even a region known to be associated
ies substantially by subtype; the if the variants are subtype-specific. with multiple different cancer types.
greatest excess risk is seen for Genetic variants in the human Genetic variation near LPP at chro-
mantle cell lymphoma, Burkitt lym- leukocyte antigen (HLA) region, mosome 3q27.3–3q28, a region
phoma, and hairy cell leukaemia [4]. a gene encoding the major histo- also associated with immune-relat-
Little difference between the sexes compatibility complex proteins re- ed diseases, is associated with both
is observed for marginal zone lym- sponsible for immune function, are follicular lymphoma in subjects of
phoma (MZL); this may reflect the associated with multiple lymphoma European descent [11] and DLBCL
higher prevalence of autoimmune
subtypes, including follicular lym- in the Chinese population [13].
diseases in women and the strong
phoma, diffuse large B-cell lympho- Many B-cell lymphomas are
association between autoimmune
ma (DLBCL), and MZL in European characterized by chromosomal
disease and risk of MZL [8].
populations and extranodal NK/T- translocations, often involving the
cell lymphoma in Asian popula- immunoglobulin heavy chain locus,
Genetics and genomics tions. Variants in HLA class I are although copy number alterations
Genome-wide association studies associated with DLBCL [9], variants and mutations may also be pres-
have identified more than 120 germ- in HLA class II are associated with ent. These somatic alterations may
Fig. 5.19.3. Established genetic loci for specific lymphoid malignancies. To date, most loci have been discovered in populations of
European ancestry. Two loci have been identified in populations of East Asian ancestry: one locus for B-cell lymphoma, particularly
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), and one locus for natural killer/T-cell lymphoma (NKTCL). ALL, acute lymphoblastic
leukaemia; CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia; FL, follicular lymphoma; HL, Hodgkin lymphoma; MM, multiple myeloma; MZL,
marginal zone lymphoma; NSHL, nodular sclerosing Hodgkin lymphoma; WM, Waldenström macroglobulinaemia.
be the result of a deviation in the Fig. 5.19.4. Lymphocyte development and cell lineages. Lymphoid malignancies
normal lymphocyte maturation pro- arise from immature or mature B cells, T cells, or natural killer cells. MHC, major
cess as part of the adaptive immune histocompatibility complex.
system, which generates broad
antibody diversity and specificity
through V(D)J gene recombination
(which involves DNA double-strand
breaks), germinal centre reaction,
clonal expansion, somatic hypermu-
tation of immunoglobulin G genes,
class-switch recombination, selec-
tion, and differentiation/apoptosis.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.19.5. A crop duster spraying a cornfield. Nodal MZL, which accounts for
10–25% of MZL cases, occurs in
the lymph nodes and has a hetero-
geneous morphology and cytology.
Transformation to DLBCL occurs
in about 15% of patients with nodal
MZL. Splenic MZL occurs in the
spleen, blood, and bone marrow; de-
letion of 7q and NOTCH2 mutations
are characteristic of the malignancy.
Chronic infection, autoimmune
disorders, inflammation, and anti-
gen stimulation are thought to be
strong contributors to the etiology
of MZL. Infection with Helicobacter
pylori is observed in most cases
of gastric MALT lymphoma, and
eradication of H. pylori with antibi-
otic treatment leads to regression
of MALT lymphoma in 75–80% of
cases. H. pylori infection is thought
Follicular lymphoma protective against follicular lym- to trigger inflammation and immu-
Follicular lymphoma is a slow- phoma, possibly because of an in- nological responses, leading to
growing B-cell malignancy that ac- creased response against cancer- the positive selection of malignant
counts for 12–20% of NHL cases. It specific or cancer-related antigens B cells. HCV infection is associ-
is the second most common adult and early eradication of tumour ated with an increased risk of MZL,
lymphoma in Europe and the USA. cells. Exposure to the chlorinated particularly splenic MZL and nodal
insecticide lindane, which is classi- MZL. Chronic antigen stimula-
The 5-year survival rates tend to be
fied as carcinogenic to humans on tion leading to B-cell stimulation is
higher than 80%, with 2–3% of cas-
the basis of epidemiological studies thought to underlie the association,
es transforming to DLBCL per year.
showing an increased risk of NHL, and interferon-based antiviral treat-
Follicular lymphoma arises from
may be a stronger risk factor for fol- ment leads to disease regression
the transformation of germinal cen-
licular lymphoma [22]. Exposures in more than 70% of cases [25].
tre B cells with varying proportions
to trichloroethylene and other chlo- B-cell activating autoimmune con-
of centroblasts and centrocytes,
rinated solvents are suspected risk ditions, such as Sjögren syndrome
which determine the pathological
factors [23,24]. and systemic lupus erythematosus,
grade of the lymphoma. Grades 1
are strongly associated with an in-
and 2 are considered low-grade creased risk of MZL [8].
disease, whereas grade 3B is more
Marginal zone lymphoma
aggressive. About 80–90% of folli- MZL is a slow-growing B-cell ma- Mantle cell lymphoma
cular lymphomas display a t(14;18) lignancy that accounts for 7–11%
Mantle cell lymphoma is a rare,
translocation, in which the BCL2 of NHL cases. MZL arises from the
aggressive B-cell lymphoma that
gene is joined to an immunoglobu- marginal zone or edge of lymphoid
makes up about 3–6% of NHL cas-
lin heavy (IGH) gene, and a subset tissue. There are three distinct
es. It occurs more often in men than
of cases have BCL6 translocations. types of MZL: extranodal, nodal, in women, and more often in Whites
Pesticide exposure has been asso- and splenic. Extranodal MZL of than in Blacks or Asians [4]. It often
ciated with t(14;18) translocations mucosa-associated lymphoid tis- involves the bone marrow, spleen,
[20], suggesting a possible etiologi- sue (MALT lymphoma) is the most peripheral blood, and gastrointestinal
cal link. common type of MZL, accounting tract. Mantle cell lymphoma is char-
Evidence from epidemiological for about two thirds of MZL cases. It acterized by the chromosomal trans-
studies points to several risk factors occurs outside the lymph nodes at location t(11;14) and overexpression
for follicular lymphoma, including a variety of anatomical sites, includ- of cyclin D1, which is observed in
family history of NHL [21]. Unlike ing the stomach, salivary glands, most cases. Overexpression of the
DLBCL, solid organ transplanta- thyroid, and lung. Several chromo- transcription factor SOX11 is of-
tion does not appear to increase somal translocations, some of which ten present, but absence of SOX11
risk [18], and autoimmune diseases involve genes encoding NF-κB expression is associated with a
appear to play a smaller role [21]. regulators, have been reported for more favourable prognosis. Overall,
Allergy and hay fever appear to be MALT lymphoma. mantle cell lymphoma has a poor
prognosis, with 5-year survival rates Fig. 5.19.6. A girl aged 9 years sits with her mother and baby sister before undergoing
of less than 50%. treatment for Burkitt lymphoma at Bugando Medical Centre in Mwanza, United
The etiology of mantle cell Republic of Tanzania.
lymphoma is not well understood.
Unlike many other NHL subtypes,
solid organ transplantation and
most autoimmune diseases do not
appear to be associated with risk
of mantle cell lymphoma. Hay fever
and allergy appear to be protective
against mantle cell lymphoma, and
having a first-degree relative with a
haematological malignancy is asso-
ciated with an increased risk [26].
Living on a farm may also be asso-
ciated with increased risk.
Burkitt lymphoma
Burkitt lymphoma is an aggressive,
rapidly growing B-cell NHL involving
the jaw, central nervous system, colo-
rectum, kidney, or other organs. The
hallmark of Burkitt lymphoma is the
presence of translocations involving
MYC and an immunoglobulin gene
(e.g. IGH). Although they are histo- The risk factors for sporadic tations in RHOA. Anaplastic large
logically indistinguishable, there are Burkitt lymphoma are not well un- cell lymphomas are characterized
three etiological subtypes of Burkitt derstood. In developed countries, by the chromosomal translocation
lymphoma: endemic, immunodefi- the incidence of Burkitt lymphoma t(2;5)(p23;q35) involving ALK.
ciency-associated, and sporadic. peaks in childhood and then again Except for a history of coeliac
Endemic Burkitt lymphoma oc- in late adulthood, and the incidence disease, which is associated pri-
curs primarily in equatorial Africa rate in males is substantially higher marily with enteropathy-associated
and Papua New Guinea, where than that in females. For younger T-cell lymphoma, there are few
Plasmodium falciparum malaria is cases, a history of allergy is asso- established risk factors for PTCL.
holoendemic. It is the most common ciated with a reduced risk of Burkitt HIV infection has been linked to an
childhood cancer in those coun- lymphoma, suggesting that immuno- increased risk of PTCL [28], impli-
tries, and nearly 100% of tumours logical hypersensitivity may be im- cating immune dysregulation in the
are positive for EBV. Although re- portant [27]. For older cases, HCV pathogenesis. Although this is rare,
cent malaria infections are hypoth- infection may be a risk factor. textured breast implants appear
esized to contribute to endemic to increase the risk of anaplastic
Burkitt lymphoma, the mechanism Peripheral T-cell lymphoma large cell lymphoma [29], possibly
and interaction with EBV are not PTCL is the most common T-cell through chronic immune stimula-
well understood. lymphoma and accounts for 4–7% tion. Recent evidence suggests that
Immunodeficiency-associated of NHL cases in Europe and the psoriasis and eczema may be asso-
Burkitt lymphoma occurs primar- USA. It is a heterogeneous group ciated with increased risk of PTCL,
ily in individuals with HIV infection of lymphomas with diverse mor- whereas allergy may be protective
and less commonly after organ phological and clinical features. [30]. Family history of any haema-
transplantation. Sporadic Burkitt Predominantly nodal PTCLs include tological malignancy is associated
lymphoma makes up about 30% of anaplastic large cell lymphoma, an- with an increased risk.
lymphoid malignancies in children gioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma,
and about 1–5% in adults in devel- and PTCL not otherwise specified.
oped countries and often occurs in A subset of PTCLs, including an- Socioeconomic
the abdomen. In contrast to endem- gioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma differences
ic Burkitt lymphoma, EBV is identi- and some PTCLs not otherwise The diagnosis and classification
fied in only 30–60% of immunode- specified, have features of folli- of lymphomas remain challenging
ficiency-related Burkitt lymphoma cular helper T cells. Up to 75% of in low- and middle-income coun-
tumours and only 15–30% of spo- these lymphomas have mutations tries, where immunohistochemis-
radic Burkitt lymphoma tumours. in TET2, and about 60% have mu- try and other technologies needed
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
to make an accurate diagnosis are areas have a substantially lower per- and immunosuppression increase
often unavailable. Less-developed centage of cases in women [3], sug- the risk of NHL. Prevention or early
countries tend to have a higher per- gesting that sex disparities in medi- treatment of these infections and
centage of unclassifiable cases and cal care may exist in some regions. diseases can decrease the inci-
more misclassified cases compared dence of some subtypes of NHL.
with more-developed countries [3]. Reduced exposure to lindane and
As accurate and more refined clas-
Prevention other suspected lymphomagens
sification becomes more critical to Much progress has been made in (such as benzene) may also be ben-
disease management and treat- identifying risk factors associated eficial. Further research on the eti-
ment, these disparities could result with specific NHL types. There is ology of specific NHL subtypes and
in greater mortality differences in convincing evidence that some in- the identification of early biomark-
the future. Although NHL is more fections (e.g. HCV), autoimmune ers may offer insights into pathways
common in men, some geographical diseases (e.g. Sjögren syndrome), of prevention.
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Understanding pathogenesis through
similarities and differences
Eve Roman Martha S. Linet (reviewer)
Alexandra G. Smith Joachim Schüz (reviewer)
subtype to another. The 5-year implemented in 2001 (the basis for cases [6]. However, because many
relative survival is more than the International Classification of countries still do not have high-qual-
80% for chronic lymphocytic Diseases for Oncology, third edition ity and representative cancer reg-
leukaemia and chronic myeloid [ICD-O-3]), which, for the first time, istration systems, examining global
leukaemia but less than 20% incorporated genetic data with infor- variation and trends over time is
for other subtypes, such as mation on immunology, morphology, challenging for any cancer type; for
acute myeloid leukaemia. and clinical parameters [3]. This re- leukaemias, the situation is exacer-
●● Increased understanding of sulted not only in significant refine- bated by the diagnostic challenges
pathogenesis has resulted in ments to previously defined catego- associated with identifying the vari-
marked improvements in sur- ries but also in the addition of several ous leukaemia subtypes, coupled
vival for some leukaemia sub- new entities, including the myelodys- with the inconsistent implementation
types, including chronic my- plastic syndromes and myeloprolif- of the WHO classification [1,7,8].
eloid leukaemia. erative neoplasms, which form part Furthermore, even in countries with
of the myeloid leukaemia spectrum. good cancer registration systems,
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
B-cell lymphocytosis is increasingly contrast, at older ages, CLL, the and the relative contribution of each
being studied with a view to increas- myeloproliferative neoplasms, and varies from one subtype to another.
ing the understanding of pathogen- the AMLs are far more common With respect to environmental ex-
esis of CLL (defined by a monoclo- (Fig. 5.20.4). Variations with sex posures, relatively little has changed
nal B-cell count of ≥ 5 × 10 9/L with are also marked; the overall male in the past 5 years; well-established
CLL morphology and phenotype). predominance is evident across the risk factors continue to produce
The overall incidence of leukae- full age spectrum and the main di- strong associations but explain only
mia, like that of many other types of agnostic subtypes. a small proportion of the total burden
cancer, increases with increasing Additional differences are evident of disease. Examples of such asso-
age, and the incidence rate is high- within subtypes [17], as illustrated ciations include those with cytotoxic
er in men than in women. However, in Fig. 5.20.5, which presents sex chemotherapy, benzene, ionizing
in contrast to many other cancer rate ratios for myelodysplastic syn- radiation, and viral infections such
types, leukaemias can occur at any dromes and AML. Myelodysplastic as human T-cell lymphotropic virus
syndrome with deletion of chromo-
age, and different subtypes domi- type 1 (HTLV-1), which is a neces-
nate at different ages. The hetero- some 5q has a strong female pre- sary but not sufficient cause of the
geneity of the various leukaemia dominance, in contrast to the other comparatively rare adult T-cell leu-
subtypes (excluding monoclonal subtypes of myelodysplastic syn- kaemia/lymphoma (see Chapter 2.2).
drome. AML with myelodysplasia-
B-cell lymphocytosis) is illustrated HTLV-1 causes leukaemia in about
related changes has a strong male
in Fig. 5.20.4, which distributes the 5% of people infected with the virus.
predominance, whereas AML with
data by age at diagnosis and sex. Although HTLV-1 is endemic in parts
MLL rearrangement is more com-
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemias of Japan, South America, Papua New
mon in females.
(ALL), notably B-cell ALL, which Guinea, Africa, and the Middle East,
accounts for less than 4% of the it is hardly ever found elsewhere.
total, predominate in children youn- Risk factors With respect to broader envi-
ger than 15 years, an age group in Like all diseases, the leukaemias ronmental associations, systematic
which some leukaemia subtypes have both genetic and environmen- trends with frequently used proxies
are often rare or non-existent. In tal determinants to their etiology, of exposure are rarely observed
Fig. 5.20.2. Diagnostic distribution of haematological malignancies classified by the International Classification of Diseases for
Oncology, third edition (ICD-O-3). Data from the Haematological Malignancy Research Network (HMRN) for 2004–2016 (n = 29 329).
DLBCL, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma; HL, Hodgkin lymphoma; NOS, not otherwise specified.
for leukaemias, in contrast to many potential etiological role of specific tion of Down syndrome with AML
other cancer types. For example, risk factors, such as exposure to and ALL and of Fanconi anaemia
in high-income countries the inci- antibiotics, non-ionizing radiation, and other bone marrow failure syn-
dence of several common cancer or hair dyes, often produce results dromes with myelodysplastic syn-
types tends to vary with regularly that are weak and inconsistent. An dromes and AML.
used markers of socioeconomic extensive up-to-date review of all In contrast to knowledge about
status or lifestyle, including educa- the evidence relating to the envi- environmental determinants, knowl-
tion level, income, and deprivation ronmental determinants of leukae- edge relating to the genetic deter-
level, for reasons that are related mia in children and adults can be minants of several leukaemia sub-
either to etiology – exemplified by found in the latest edition of Cancer types has increased markedly over
lung cancer and smoking, or cervi- Epidemiology and Prevention [18]. the past 5 years. This increase is,
cal cancer and human papillomavi- As with environmental deter- at least in part, due to the advent of
rus (HPV) infection – or to detec- minants, certain genetic features new genomic technologies and their
tion, as illustrated by colon cancer that predispose towards leukaemia growing accessibility to the wider
and screening. The consistency of have long been known. Perhaps scientific community. As a result, the
such observations often helps to the most notable is male sex, number of predisposition syndromes
target public health interventions which is generally associated with recognized to be associated with
and policies that aim either to pre- an increased risk across the age certain leukaemia subtypes, particu-
vent the development of disease spectrum (Fig. 5.20.4). In addition, larly (but not exclusively) those of the
(see Chapter 6.1) or to detect it at certain congenital disorders are myeloid lineage, has increased con-
an early stage (see Chapter 6.6). strongly associated with the subse- siderably. Knowledge in this area is
However, for the leukaemias, quent development of the acute leu- advancing rapidly. A chapter on my-
coherent patterns of this type are kaemias, usually those occurring eloid neoplasms with germline pre-
rarely observed. Findings from epi- in children, adolescents, or young disposition (inherited and de novo)
demiological studies examining the adults. Examples are the associa- is, for the first time, included in the
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 5.20.3. Diagnostic distribution of leukaemias (including monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis) classified by the International
Classification of Diseases for Oncology, third edition (ICD-O-3). Data from the Haematological Malignancy Research Network
(HMRN) for 2004–2016 (n = 11 231).
most recent WHO classification, and part of routine clinical practice of which – unlike the single chromo-
associations between genetic condi- for many decades [1]. However, somal translocation and resulting
tions and lymphoid leukaemias, no- these methods have limitations. aberrant fusion protein in CML –
tably B-cell ALL, are also discussed Conventional cytogenetics are lim- have complex pathogenic pathways.
in the relevant chapters [1]. ited to detecting structural changes Although next-generation sequenc-
at a chromosome level, whereas ing and other techniques are rapidly
smaller abnormalities such as point becoming part of routine diagnostic
Genomics, survival, and
mutations are not detectable, and practice in some settings, the incor-
treatment molecular cytogenetics can only be poration of this information in other
The leukaemias have led the field of targeted at known abnormalities. settings, particularly in low-income
cancer genomics. In the 1960s, the Accordingly, new techniques that countries, remains challenging.
Philadelphia translocation was dis- have been developed in the past The scientific advances that
covered in chronic myeloid leukae- 15 years are increasingly being used have led to improvements in sur-
mia (CML), a subtype of myelopro- for the diagnosis, classification, and vival for some leukaemia subtypes
liferative neoplasms. This discovery prognostication of the leukaemias. are a major success story. In high-
eventually resulted in the develop- These include DNA sequencing and income countries, survival rates for
ment of the first targeted therapy in array-based platforms with next- paediatric B-cell ALL now exceed
cancer, a BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase generation sequencing, which cur- 90%, and survival rates for acute
inhibitor, which has transformed rently provides the greatest genomic promyelocytic leukaemia, a subtype
outcomes in CML [19]. resolution (see Chapter 3.2). Recent of AML, are about 80%. Tyrosine
Chromosomal analysis, under- studies using these techniques are kinase inhibitors have transformed
taken through either classical or revealing the complexity of many CML from a comparatively rare fa-
molecular techniques, has been leukaemia subtypes [20–23], many tal cancer to a long-term condition
Fig. 5.20.4. Incidence proportions of leukaemias (excluding monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis) distributed by subtype within age
strata, age-standardized (world, 2000–2025) rates per 100 000, and 5-year overall survival (OS) and relative survival (RS). Sex
rate ratio is male rate divided by female rate. Data from the Haematological Malignancy Research Network (HMRN) for 2004–2016,
followed up September 2018.
with a survival rate that approaches population-based data is 13.2%. survival, 84.1%) and the myelopro-
that of the general population. Such For AML, the median age at diag- liferative neoplasms (5-year relative
progress has redirected the re- nosis is about 70 years. Although survival, 92.1%), is relatively good,
search efforts to other types of leu- the frequency of curative therapy is despite the fact that these cancers
kaemia, and to other cancer types. relatively high in younger patients, are currently incurable. The path-
However, despite these improve- who often comprise the focus of ways of patients with these more
ments, the outlook for older people clinical trials involving ALLs as well chronic cancers often follow a remit-
and those with aggressive subtypes as AMLs, the inability of some pa- ting–relapsing course, with patients
remains poor. Contemporary esti- tients, notably older patients, to tol- being monitored until chemothera-
mates of 5-year overall survival and erate intensive chemotherapy regi- py treatment is required, and some
relative survival from the HMRN mens remains problematic. never receiving treatment at all.
population-based patient cohort The increased application of
are shown in Fig. 5.20.4, both by genomic technologies is leading to Prevention and early
age strata for all subtypes com- the development of new targeted detection
bined and by major subtype by all agents, including monoclonal anti- In recent decades, advances in mo-
ages combined. The corresponding bodies. However, at present, most lecular biology and therapy have
relative survival curves are shown of these agents still need to be used transformed the landscape for sev-
in Fig. 5.20.6. in conjunction with intensive che- eral leukaemia subtypes. However,
Although some subtypes of motherapy, so little progress has in general this progress has not
AML are potentially curable with been made to date for the treatment been matched by similar insights
intensive chemotherapy, over the of patients who cannot tolerate into the etiological determinants of
past three decades there has been such regimens [24]. the majority of leukaemias. In such
little improvement for the majority In contrast, the outlook for pa- circumstances, the development of
of AML patients. The 5-year rela- tients with more indolent leukae- preventive strategies that will af-
tive survival for AML in the HMRN mias, including CLL (5-year relative fect the total burden of leukaemia
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
is challenging. However, it is clear Fig. 5.20.5. Sex rate ratios (male rate divided by female rate) for subtypes of myelo-
that reduction in population expo- dysplastic syndromes and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML).
sures to well-known leukaemogenic
agents such as polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons should be pursued.
In addition, radiological diagnostic
and therapeutic procedures involv-
ing ionizing radiation should be
used only when clinically required,
and at the lowest possible doses.
With respect to the potential
impact on high-risk groups, more
careful monitoring of individuals
with recognized leukaemia predis-
position syndromes or other genetic
susceptibilities is one area where
improvements could be made. For
example, the onset of bone mar-
row failure, a prelude to AML, could
perhaps be detected at an earlier
stage, enabling pre-emptive hae-
matopoietic stem cell transplanta-
tion to be undertaken.
However, in situations where
primary prevention is not possible,
early detection and improved treat-
ments tend to be the major focus.
In this respect, the landscape for
the leukaemias is changing rapidly,
with new diagnostic technologies
and less toxic targeted novel agents
emerging, providing considerable
promise for the future.
Fig. 5.20.6. Relative survival curves for leukaemias classified by the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, third edition
(ICD-O-3). Data from the Haematological Malignancy Research Network (HMRN) for 2004–2016, followed up September 2018.
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
André M. Ilbawi
Background and rationale intended to shape the global agenda registries and other information
Over the past two decades, there and highlight priority actions. systems; and
has been rapid progress in the un- • draw attention to cancer research
Aim and scope to better understand the causes
derstanding of cancer prevention
and treatment. Cancer now features The WHO Report on Cancer: Setting of cancer, to evaluate interven-
in global development targets, in- priorities, investing wisely and pro- tions, and to formulate a research
cluding the United Nations 2030 viding care for all provides evidence- agenda to develop new policies
based public health- and policy- and programmes.
Sustainable Development Goals,
oriented guidance on cancer, based The primary target audience for
and is a critical element of universal
on the latest available evidence and the WHO Report on Cancer is policy-
health coverage.
international experience. The report makers. The report is also intended
However, the reality for cancer
catalyses global collaboration and for a broad multisectoral audience,
patients suggests that progress
provides guidance on next steps to including nongovernmental organi-
has been inadequate and inequita-
improve cancer control in countries. zations, philanthropic foundations,
ble, particularly in low- and middle-
The aim of the WHO Report on academic institutions, and private
income countries. At the current
Cancer is to set the agenda for ac- sector entities. It is global in its reach,
rate, global targets to reduce prema-
celerated action on evidence-based, providing clear guidance for policy-
ture mortality will not be achieved.
comprehensive cancer control pro- makers in all settings.
Exacerbating the problem, the num-
ber of new cancer cases is projected grammes and to raise awareness Link to IARC World Cancer
to double over the next two or three about cancer as a preventable and Report
decades. The greatest impact of controllable public health priority
The WHO Report on Cancer is a
cancer and the fastest increase in globally.
complement to the existing IARC
the cancer burden will be in low- and The scope of the WHO Report
World Cancer Reports, which pro-
middle-income countries, many of on Cancer is to:
vide extensive details and scientific
which are ill-equipped to cope with • present the cancer burden and
background on cancer patterns and
the current burden. trends, and the social and eco-
causes and tested preventive in-
The time is now to set the can- nomic impact of the disease;
terventions. This new IARC World
cer policy agenda promoting health • inform policy-makers about the Cancer Report comprehensively
for all, consistent with universal need to prioritize investment in presents the most up-to-date sci-
health coverage and the Sustainable cancer, and provide recommenda- ence in cancer prevention.
Development Goals. Implementation tions on the way forward; The WHO Report on Cancer
of evidence-based cancer policies • describe effective public health translates this structured evidence
will shift the trajectory and save mil- strategies to mitigate common risk and other scientific findings into ac-
lions of lives each year. Governments factors for cancer; tionable policies and programmes.
expressed their commitment to ac- • provide the most up-to-date evi- This has been achieved by promot-
celerate action through the 2017 dence on effective cancer control ing clear linkages between the two
World Health Assembly resolution programmes for all resource levels, documents and integration of con-
on cancer prevention and control with a focus on access and equity; tent. The WHO Report on Cancer
(WHA70.12). As part of resolution • facilitate evidence-based decision- summarizes the current state of the
WHA70.12, governments specifically making by policy-makers in select- science to advance understanding
requested WHO, in collaboration ing a basic cancer control package of how the science of cancer informs
with IARC, to produce a global report relevant for their national context. policy. In effect, the new IARC World
on cancer, a landmark document • highlight the importance of cancer Cancer Report and the WHO Report
WHO Report on Cancer: Setting priorities, investing wisely and providing care for all 485
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
on Cancer have complementary underwent regional consultations of the WHO Report on Cancer will
roles, respectively summarizing the to ensure that it presents the per- be measured by its impact in shift-
evidence and promoting evidence- spectives of stakeholders around ing the global dialogue, supporting
based policies, based on the highest the world and summarizes the best the formulation and implementation
quality science. global understanding of cancer pol- of effective cancer policies, and
icies. The work does not stop with changing the trajectory of cancer
Next steps the release of the report; there will for communities around the world.
Before global release of the WHO be spin-off products and broad dis-
Report on Cancer, the report semination strategies. The success
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. P1.1. Proportion of current smokers who intend to quit (countries with Global Adult Tobacco Survey data [4], various years).
Proportions include those who indicated they were thinking of quitting in the next month, within the next 12 months, or sometime in
the future.
Botswana 2017
Senegal 2015
Mexico 2015
Kenya 2014
Argentina 2012
Costa Rica 2015
Uruguay 2017
Malaysia 2011
Ukraine 2017
Ethiopia 2016
Qatar 2013
Nigeria 2012
Cameroon 2013
Bangladesh 2017
Panama 2013
Kazakhstan 2014
Uganda 2013
Romania 2011
Philippines 2015
Russian Federation 2016
Turkey 2012
Thailand 2011
Viet Nam 2015
Greece 2013
Brazil 2008
Poland 2010
India 2017
Indonesia 2011
Egypt 2009
China 2010
Pakistan 2014
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
10 years of life expectancy. Even at increasing the years of economically lar diseases, cancer, chronic lung
age 50 years, quitting results in an and socially productive life. diseases, and diabetes – and ac-
average of 6 years of life expectancy celerate action against the leading
gained [11]. Hence, it is never too risk factors for NCDs. The agreed
Policy actions
late to gain the health benefits of target for tobacco control is a 30%
quitting tobacco use. The life years
recommended by WHO relative reduction in the prevalence
gained can also be expected to be Following the Political Declaration of current (daily and occasional) to-
lived in better health, because the on the prevention and control of bacco use in people aged 15 years
diseases caused by tobacco use noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and older between 2010 and 2025,
are commonly chronic and debilitat- adopted by the United Nations which was endorsed by the World
ing and lead to years of diminished General Assembly in 2011, WHO Health Assembly in May 2013. To
quality of life. Therefore, quitting can developed nine voluntary global tar- achieve this target, it is essential
reduce the health-care costs associ- gets to reduce global mortality from not only to prevent the uptake of to-
ated with long-term illness while also the four main NCDs – cardiovascu- bacco use but also to ensure that
more tobacco users quit. Several Despite these commitments, approaches have been developed
highly effective and inexpensive in- progress towards best-practice ces- to help people stop using tobacco
terventions exist to help make this sation support in countries is slow (Table P1.1). These vary in terms of
happen, as summarized below. compared with progress on other intensity, cost, and effectiveness,
The importance of helping cur- WHO-recommended policy mea- and can broadly be categorized
rent tobacco users quit is reflected sures, such as smoke-free places as behavioural or pharmacological
in the WHO Global Action Plan for and bans on tobacco advertising, interventions.
the Prevention and Control of NCDs promotion, and sponsorship.
2013–2020 [12]. The Global Action Behavioural interventions
Plan lists a menu of “best buys” Although behavioural interventions
and cost-effective policy options for
Effective cessation
for tobacco cessation are generally
countries to address the NCD bur-
interventions are low-cost, they can be very effective.
den. These include the recommen- available Brief advice from health profession-
dation that countries should provide A wide choice of behavioural and als as part of their routine consulta-
cost-covered, effective, and popula- pharmacological tobacco cessation tions or interactions is an approach
tion-wide cessation support, includ- interventions is available. Without that makes use of existing health-
ing brief advice, national toll-free cessation assistance, only 4% of at- care systems. When a tobacco user
quitline services, and mCessation tempts to quit tobacco succeed [13]. visits a primary or specialized care
(a mobile phone-based intervention Proven cessation medications and service, this presents an opportuni-
providing text messages supporting professional support can double a ty for the health-care worker to offer
individual efforts to stop smoking), to tobacco user’s chance of success- and provide them with personalized
all those who want to quit [12]. fully quitting [14]. Several different counselling. Brief advice is a key
Behavioural Population-level Brief advice Advice to stop using tobacco, usually taking only a few minutes,
interventions approaches is given to all tobacco users during the course of a routine
consultation and/or interaction with a physician or health-care
Individual specialist Intensive behavioural Behaviour support refers to multiple sessions of individual or
approaches support group counselling aimed at helping people stop their tobacco use.
It includes all cessation assistance that imparts knowledge about
tobacco use and quitting, and provides support and resources to
develop skills and strategies for changing behaviour.
Pharmacological Nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs) NRTs are available in several forms, including gum, lozenges,
interventions patches, inhalers, and nasal spray. These cessation tools reduce
cravings and withdrawal symptoms by providing a low, controlled
dose of nicotine without the toxins found in cigarettes. The doses
of NRT are gradually reduced over time to help the tobacco user
wean off nicotine by getting used to less and less stimulation.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
means of motivating people who more effective and can double the Therefore, every country can use its
might not otherwise seek tobacco chances of successfully quitting [16]. existing systems and resources to
cessation support and encouraging ensure that tobacco users at least
them to quit, and thus it is an essen- Mechanisms for receive brief advice (Fig. P1.3).
tial component of tobacco cessation Incorporating brief advice into
services. Countries can easily train
developing tobacco existing health-care programmes
physicians and health-care workers
cessation support has the potential to reach more than
to provide brief advice effectively to Implementing tobacco 80% of all tobacco users in a coun-
the population they serve. cessation measures try each year if delivered routinely
Toll-free quitlines are a conve- alongside other tobacco and widely across a health-care
nient way for tobacco users who are control policies maximizes system [19]. Tobacco cessation in-
ready to quit to access brief and po- their impact terventions should be integrated into
tentially intensive behavioural coun- any existing health programmes in
selling. People who use quitlines Tobacco cessation support has primary care where feasible, as well
increase their absolute quit rate by 4 optimal effect when implemented as disease- and population-specific
percentage points, which represents in conjunction with other demand- programmes such as national tuber-
a doubling of success in quitting reduction tobacco control policies, culosis programmes [20], NCD pro-
compared with those who attempt such as raising tobacco taxes, grammes, oral health programmes
to quit without assistance [14]. This establishing smoke-free environ- [21], HIV/AIDS programmes, men-
rate can be further increased if the ments, banning tobacco advertis- tal health programmes, and pro-
quitline is proactive and counsellors ing, promotion, and sponsorship, grammes addressing the needs of
make follow-up calls to potential to- printing large pictorial health warn- women’s, children’s, and adoles-
bacco quitters. ing labels on tobacco packages, and cents’ health. In particular, there
With the advent and spread of delivering anti-tobacco mass media has been a major drive globally to
mobile phone technologies, people campaigns. In turn, these tobacco integrate cessation services into
who want to quit can now be ac- control measures promote tobacco tuberculosis programmes and into
cessed not only through telephone cessation by encouraging quitting sexual and reproductive health
calls but also via text messages. Text and creating a supportive environ- programmes. Both of these pro-
message interventions can increase ment. A good example of synergiz- grammes reach populations at
the absolute quit rate by 4% [15]. ing efforts is to include the local particular risk from the harms of to-
mCessation register portal/number bacco and present an opportunity to
Pharmacological or quitline number on cigarette and address tobacco dependence when
interventions tobacco packs and in mass media people make (potentially rare) con-
Pharmacotherapy cessation inter- anti-tobacco campaigns; this can tact with the health system.
ventions include nicotine replace- significantly increase the demand Countries should also consider
ment therapies (NRTs) as well as for tobacco cessation services [17]. leveraging existing infrastructure
medications that do not contain to provide wide-reaching intensive
nicotine but act to alleviate tobacco
Using existing infrastructure behavioural support for tobacco us-
withdrawal symptoms. Both forms
to develop cessation support ers. Many countries have existing
of therapy are effective aids to help is feasible and affordable call centres and substance abuse
people to quit tobacco use. The Integrating brief advice into exist- or other health-related hotlines that
efficacy of pharmacotherapies is ing primary health-care systems is can be expanded to provide tobac-
generally high, and compared with one of the first actions that countries co quitline services.
people who do not use an interven- can take to develop tobacco cessa-
tion, increases in the absolute quit tion support. Guidelines for imple- Provide comprehensive
rate can range from 6% for a sin- mentation of Article 14 of the WHO tobacco cessation support
gle type of NRT to almost 15% for Framework Convention on Tobacco and treatment when
varenicline [16]. Combining more Control recommend that countries resources allow
than one type of NRT (patches and adopt a stepwise approach to de- The cost and effectiveness of differ-
a faster-acting form) can also in- velop and strengthen national to- ent cessation approaches vary, and
crease the effectiveness of NRTs bacco cessation systems as rapidly therefore the affordability of the dif-
(see “Combined NRT” in Fig. P1.2). and cost-effectively as possible [18]. ferent approaches varies across low-,
Both behavioural cessation sup- Much of the needed infrastructure middle-, and high-income countries.
port and pharmacotherapies are for promoting tobacco cessation Overall, almost all population-level
effective in helping people to quit measures, such as a primary health- behavioural interventions are global-
tobacco use (Fig. P1.2). However, care system, already exists in most ly affordable, whereas intensive face-
combining both behavioural and countries, making such promotion to-face therapy is affordable for mid-
pharmacological interventions is not only feasible but also affordable. dle- and high-income countries [16].
Fig. P1.2. Increased proportion of people who abstain from smoking for 6 months or more due to a specific intervention. Each
bar represents the findings of a meta-analysis, and the strength of evidence associated with each study will vary. The vertical axis
represents the projected percentage point increase in 6–12-month abstinence compared with no intervention. The authors adjusted
the published percentage point increase in 6–12-month abstinence to allow for direct comparison between each intervention where
the meta-analyses did not use a comparator equivalent to “no intervention”. Assessments were based on the published effectiveness
of the comparison intervention through a consensus [16]. NRT, nicotine replacement therapy.
Behavioural interventions
Absolute increase in proportion of people
who quit smoking (percentage points)
Pharmacological interventions
Absolute increase in proportion of people
who quit smoking (percentage points)
If resources allow, countries should effective way to quit, but uptake of (individual, group, or telephone),
provide tobacco users with the high- interventions also relies on people’s pharmacological therapy, and other
est level of support to facilitate a suc- preferences, which is likely to vary cessation services via text messag-
cessful quit attempt. Countries may across different social and cultural ing or online tools [22,23]. Providing
follow a stepwise approach to devel- contexts. Tobacco users may pre- a diverse range of tobacco cessa-
op their tobacco cessation support fer using multiple tobacco cessa- tion support options, as often as
systems (Fig. P1.3). tion interventions, including health possible, is also important to ensure
Combining behavioural and phar- education materials, advice from maximal uptake and effectiveness
macological interventions is the most health professionals, counselling (Table P1.2).
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. P1.3. Stepwise approach to developing and strengthening national tobacco cessation systems.
Specialized treatment
Establish free, proactive quitline
and/or mCessation service
Prompt quit
Establish system components attempts
Address any issues related to health-care workers
Integrate brief advice into existing health systems
E-cigarettes and other create an aerosol that is inhaled These aerosols are inhaled by
products promoted as by the user. The liquid contains users during a process of suck-
nicotine (but not tobacco) and ing or smoking involving a device.
“cessation aids”
other chemicals that may be toxic They contain nicotine and non-
In recent years the tobacco industry to people’s health. tobacco additives, and are often
(and other non-tobacco commercial • Electronic non-nicotine delivery flavoured. The tobacco may be
actors, such as those manufactur- systems (ENNDS) are similar to in the form of specially designed
ing e-cigarettes) has introduced ENDS, but the heated solution cigarettes (e.g. “heat sticks”, “Neo
a wide array of products, the ma- delivered as an aerosol through sticks”) or pods or plugs.
jority of which simulate the act of the device does not generally These products are aggressive-
smoking while typically delivering contain nicotine. ly marketed or promoted as “clean-
nicotine. There are currently three • Heated tobacco products (HTPs) er” alternatives to conventional cig-
broad categories of these products: are tobacco products that pro- arettes, as smoking cessation aids,
• Electronic nicotine delivery sys- duce aerosols containing nicotine or as “reduced risk” products (see
tems (ENDS), which are some- and toxic chemicals upon heating Chapter 2.1). They have proliferated
times referred to as e-cigarettes, of the tobacco or activation of a in several markets around the globe
are devices that heat a liquid to device containing the tobacco. and present a unique challenge to
regulators. Although some of these harmful relative to conventional to- conclusions could be drawn from the
products have lower emissions bacco products [24,25]. available studies [28,30]. This is con-
than conventional cigarettes, they There remains a great deal of sistent with the conclusion of the 2018
are not risk-free, and the long-term uncertainty surrounding the risks review by the National Academies of
impact on health and mortality is associated with ENDS (Table P1.4). Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
still unknown. There is insufficient Although some have been shown of the evidence on ENDS (referred to
independent evidence to support to help smokers quit conventional as e-cigarettes in this and the subse-
the use of these products as a pop- smoking under certain conditions quent reports): “Overall, there is lim-
[26,27], the evidence is inconclusive ited evidence that e-cigarettes may
ulation-level tobacco cessation in-
[28–30]. There have been only a be effective aids to promote smoking
tervention to help people quit use of
limited number of randomized con- cessation” [31].
conventional tobacco (Table P1.3).
trolled trials and longitudinal studies In contrast, a randomized con-
HTPs contain tobacco, and the use investigating the role of ENDS as trolled trial of e-cigarettes versus
of these products constitutes to- potential cessation aids offered to NRT concluded that e-cigarettes
bacco use, thereby contributing to a population, and their conclusions were more effective for smoking
the burden of tobacco in countries are equivocal [28,30]. cessation than NRT when both
where they are sold. In addition, Two systematic reviews – which products were accompanied by
some studies do not support the were published in 2016 and 2017, behavioural support, based on a
claims that these products are less respectively – established that no 1-year abstinence rate of 18.0%
Table P1.3. Questions and summaries of the evidence for heated tobacco products (HTPs)
Do HTPs contain harmful chemicals? From available evidence, we know that many of the harmful chemicals that are generated by
HTPs are similar to those generated by conventional cigarettes, but generally at lower levels
[46,47]. However, there is also some evidence that there are new chemicals in HTPs that are not
present in the emissions of conventional cigarettes, and that could have some degree of toxicity
and associated harm [24].
Are HTPs less harmful than cigarettes? To date, the available evidence demonstrates that exposure to harmful and potentially harmful
chemicals from these products may be lower relative to cigarettes [48] (but higher compared
with electronic nicotine delivery systems [ENDS]). However, the evidence does not show that
these products will reduce tobacco-related diseases, or that they are exclusively used as
substitutes for cigarettes. If they attract users who were not previously tobacco users, their
overall impact on health would be negative.
Are HTPs useful as a cessation aid? HTPs are tobacco products and, therefore, even if a tobacco user converts from the use of
conventional cigarettes to HTPs, this would not constitute cessation. Claims that smokers
switch from conventional cigarettes to exclusive use of HTPs are unsubstantiated [49]. Further
independent studies are needed to gather more information and inform policy options.
Table P1.4. Questions and summaries of the evidence for electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS)
What are the consequences of taking Recent surveys in the USA and some European countries have shown marked increases in
up ENDS use at a younger age? ENDS use among young people [50]. Between 2011 and 2018 in the USA, rates of e-cigarette
use in young people increased from 1.5% to a staggering 20.8% [44]. Young people who use
ENDS are exposed to nicotine, which can have long-term effects on the developing brain, and
there is a risk of nicotine addiction, given that tobacco product use is primarily established in
adolescence [37]. Furthermore, there is a growing body of evidence in some settings that never-
smoker minors who use ENDS at least double their chance of starting to smoke cigarettes later
in life [51,52].
What is the harm of ENDS relative to ENDS’ aerosols are likely to be less toxic than cigarettes, but there is insufficient evidence
conventional cigarettes? to quantify the precise level of risk associated with them [39]. Also, many factors will have an
impact on the relative risk associated with their use, for example the amount of nicotine and
other toxicants in the heated liquid.
What are the health effects associated ENDS pose risks to users and non-users [39]. There is insufficient evidence to quantify this risk,
with ENDS? and the long-term effects of exposure to ENDS’ toxic emissions are unknown [39,50]. In addition
to risks associated with emissions of ENDS, there are also risks of physical injury brought about
by fires or explosions related to ENDS devices [53].
Do ENDS help smokers quit tobacco? The effectiveness of ENDS as a smoking cessation aid is still being debated. To date, in part
due to the diversity of ENDS products and the low certainty surrounding many studies, the
potential for ENDS to play a role as a population-level tobacco cessation intervention is unclear
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
in the e-cigarette group compared WHO does not endorse ENDS tobacco users to quit, but currently
with 9.9% in the NRT group [32]. as cessation aids only about 30% of the world’s popu-
However, the study has several The scientific evidence on e-ciga- lation have access to comprehen-
limitations. For example, although rettes as cessation aids is inconclu- sive tobacco cessation services.
people who were assigned to the e- sive, and there is a lack of clarity as Countries – in particular low- and
cigarette group were more likely to to whether these products have any middle-income countries, where
abstain from using traditional ciga- role to play in smoking cessation. the majority of tobacco users in
rettes compared with those who There are also real concerns about the world live – should implement
were assigned to the NRT group, the risk they pose to nonsmokers these proven tobacco cessation
80% of people in the e-cigarette who start to use them, especially measures, alongside other tobacco
group continued to use e-cigarettes young people. Unlike for the tried control policies, to maximize their
1 year after the study started, and tested nicotine and non-nic- impact on reducing the prevalence
whereas only 9% of those in the otine pharmacotherapies that are of tobacco use and the risk of death
NRT group continued to use NRTs known to help people quit tobacco from all tobacco-related diseases,
at 1 year. In most countries where use, WHO does not endorse e-cig- including cancer.
e-cigarettes are available, the ma- arettes as cessation aids. Resources are finite. In order
jority of users of e-cigarettes con- As ENDS are increasingly intro- for tobacco cessation interventions
tinue to use e-cigarettes and con- duced to the market, careful moni- to reach as many tobacco users
ventional cigarettes concurrently, toring of cessation rates is vital. The as possible at the lowest achiev-
which has little or no beneficial im- possibility of tobacco industry inter- able cost and have the most im-
pact on health risk and effects [33]. ference in tobacco cessation efforts pact, governments should prioritize
Some reviews have also sug- through misinformation about the population-wide tobacco cessation
gested that use of e-cigarettes potential benefits of these products approaches as recommended by
could in fact hinder smoking ces- – which are presented as alterna- the WHO Global Action Plan for the
sation [34]. Furthermore, beyond tives but in most cases are comple- Prevention and Control of NCDs
the scope of cessation, novel and mentary to the use of conventional 2013–2020: integrating brief advice
emerging tobacco and nicotine tobacco products – is a present and into primary care, providing national
products are increasingly being real threat (Box P1.1 and Box P1.2). toll-free quitline services, and mak-
taken up by never-users of tobacco ing mCessation support available.
[35]. These products therefore play If resources allow, countries should
an important role in expanding the Conclusions also provide tobacco users with
market of nicotine users, with a high A wide range of proven behavioural combined behavioural and pharma-
associated risk of addiction, particu- and pharmacological cessation in- cological interventions to facilitate a
larly in children and adolescents. terventions can be used to support successful quit attempt.
Box P1.1. Excerpt on electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) from the WHO Director-General’s Commentary in The Lancet [54].
Much has been written and said about the potential of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) such as
e-cigarettes to help tobacco users quit [31,36–38]. Although tobacco and related industries promote these
products as tools for quitting, the evidence does not support their use as part of population-based cessation
strategies. The aerosols of ENDS contain toxic chemicals that are harmful to both users and non-users and
are, therefore, products that come with health risks of their own [31,39]. And in combination with smoking,
which is the practice with the majority of ENDS users, the health effects of two or more products are combined
[35]. ENDS on their own are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular diseases [40] and lung disorders
[41] and adverse effects on the development of the fetus during pregnancy [37]. For adolescents, the addictive
nature of nicotine can lead to dependence and may harm adolescent brain development, including reduced ac-
tivity in the prefrontal cortex [42,43]. Use of ENDS could also lead to a new generation of nicotine and tobacco
users, as seen in some countries [44], especially given how these products are marketed to young people [37].
Although the specific level of risk associated with ENDS has not yet been conclusively estimated, ENDS are
undoubtedly harmful, should be strictly regulated, and, most importantly, must be kept away from children. It is
also incorrect to think that heated tobacco products are the answer, as they simply move tobacco users from
one harmful tobacco product to another.
To truly help tobacco users quit and to strengthen global tobacco control, governments need to scale up
policies and interventions that we know work. Tried and tested interventions, such as nicotine and non-nicotine
pharmacotherapies, should be promoted for cessation.
Box P1.2. Summary on electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) and electronic non-nicotine delivery systems (ENNDS) and
cessation, from the seventh report of the WHO Study Group on Tobacco Product Regulation [45].
ENDS are a heterogeneous class of products, with various profiles of nicotine and non-nicotine toxicants,
which depend on factors including their construction, power, liquid constituents, nicotine concentration, and
user behaviour. The amount of nicotine delivered can range from none to doses that exceed those delivered
by tobacco cigarettes in the same number of puffs. Nicotine from ENDS reaches users’ blood faster than from
most types of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), and, at least with some ENDS, at higher concentrations.
ENDS could be effective in cessation for some smokers under some circumstances, while, for other smokers,
in different circumstances, it might have the opposite effect. Whether an ENDS has beneficial or detrimental
effects on smoking cessation appears to depend on the technology, the motivation and consumer behaviour
of the ENDS user, the type of smoker who seeks ENDS use, and the regulatory environment for ENDS and
tobacco use.
Translating the evidence into a potential role of ENDS and ENNDS in smoking cessation is difficult. The
evidence does not allow a blanket policy recommendation for or against general use of ENDS and ENNDS as
cessation aids.
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Changing behaviour
The need for sustainable
Graham A. Colditz Steinar Tretli (reviewer)
Sydney E. Philpott-Streiff Giske Ursin (reviewer)
balance could achieve comparable report in Canada in 1974 [3] and the
SUMMARY benefit. Vaccination is effective in Healthy People report in the USA in
preventing some cancers caused 1979 [4], the focus on health equity
●● Prevention strategies over the by infectious agents. Variations in and reducing disparities in disease
past 5 years have made strides the implementation of prevention burden has taken centre stage in
in cancer prevention through the strategies across countries and the the past decade. In 2009, Australia
modification of various causal benefits that extend beyond individ- established a National Preventative
pathways. ual countries deserve further study. Health Taskforce with the intention
●● Two of the most notable suc- of Australia becoming the world’s
cesses in prevention have been Scope of the preventive healthiest country by 2020 [5].
through tobacco control and vac- approach Similarly, the USA expanded the
cination policies. Healthy People goals with targets
There has been a renewed focus on
to reduce disparities by 2020 [6],
●● Despite advances in evidence- the increasing global cancer burden,
and some progress has been re-
based interventions, widespread which rose to an estimated 18.1 mil-
ported [7].
implementation of these preven- lion new cases and 9.6 million deaths
Globally, the most notable suc-
tion strategies varies between in 2018 [1]. Currently, a growing
cesses in prevention have been in
countries. emphasis is on how to increase the
two contrasting domains. The first
availability of evidence-based pre-
●● For effective prevention prac- vention and treatment strategies [2]. is in tobacco control. In 2008, WHO
tices, the cultural context, mea- With respect to primary preven- identified the MPOWER measures
surement strategies, and sus- tion, the nine principles of preven- (Fig. 6.1.1), a set of six cost-effective
tainability for implementation tion associated with effective pro- and high-impact changes that help
must be considered. grammes are still relevant to ensure countries reduce demand for to-
that the approach will be effective. bacco. More than half of the world’s
Interventions must include the fol- countries have implemented at least
The burden of death from the mul- lowing characteristics: they should one MPOWER measure at the high-
tiple different cancer types can be (i) be comprehensive, (ii) be ap- est level of achievement [8].
reduced in all communities and propriately timed, (iii) use varied In addition, the WHO Framework
countries by implementing evi- teaching methods, (iv) have suf- Convention on Tobacco Control,
dence-based prevention and treat- ficient dosage, (v) be administered which is implemented variably by
ment strategies. The incidence of by well-trained staff, (vi) provide country, has led to increases in regu-
cancer can be reduced by decreas- opportunities for positive relation- latory approaches to reduce ciga-
ing or eliminating exposure to car- ships, (vii) be socioculturally rel- rette smoking, resulting in a decline
cinogens in multiple contexts and evant, (viii) be theory-driven, and in lung cancer mortality [9]. However,
by maximizing adherence to a life- (ix) include outcome evaluation. this decline is restricted to high-
style that lowers risk. Success in Population health and preven- income countries, and the preva-
reducing the incidence of smoking- tion strategies have evolved over lence of smoking and the rates of
related cancers is well established the past 50 years, with an increas- lung cancer remain high in low- and
but varies by country. Interventions ing awareness that the social con- middle-income countries [9]. In many
to change behaviour related to nu- text drives exposures and health countries, a broad spectrum of pre-
trition, physical activity, and energy habits. Evolving from the Lalonde vention research is occurring, with a
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 6.1.2. Coverage and timing of birth dose of hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine for children aged 12–60 months in 13 countries with
national vaccination schedules that include a vaccine dose at birth, 2005–2014. Coverage is the percentage of children receiving
the birth dose of HBV vaccine. Timing of vaccination is the percentage of children receiving the birth dose within 7 days of birth and
within 24 hours of birth.
Percentage of children
Dominican Republic
Sierra Leone
Republic of Moldova
Coverage Timing: within 7 days Timing: within 24 hours
in population screening rates after data suggest that the prevalence was successfully implemented on
the establishment of countrywide of childhood obesity has plateaued 1 January 2014, resulted in a 5.5%
colorectal cancer screening pro- in some countries, groups with low reduction in purchases of taxed bev-
grammes. Mathematical modelling socioeconomic status face a dis- erages in 2014 and a 9.7% reduction
studies have shown that screening proportionate impact, including in in 2015 [28].
by colonoscopy is potentially highly populations in South Asia [25]. Broader application of effective
cost-effective at combatting colo- No countrywide programmes prevention strategies to address
rectal cancer in countries in sub- against childhood obesity are cur- these top public health initiatives
Saharan Africa [22]. rently being implemented, but some must move beyond tobacco control
In addition to these notable pre- interventions are showing promise. and singular interventions. Applying
vention strategies, other countries One example is a school-based pro- the principles of implementation
have implemented successful pro- gramme evaluated in urban Pakistan science to evidence-based inter-
grammes that are showing progress that demonstrated favourable trends ventions will speed up the transla-
in improving various public health ini- in blood pressure and body mass in- tion of research into practice and
the achievement of the global ben-
tiatives. For example, in Brazil con- dex at follow-up [26]. Cost-effective
efit of a reduced disease burden.
ditional cash transfer programmes school-based programmes have
Implementation science provides a
(which provide low-income families been implemented successfully in
framework to study and identify the
with cash conditional on invest- Australia and in groups with low so-
effective strategies to move from
ments in health and education) have cioeconomic status [27]. Although
research to practice [29].
been shown to increase the odds of these programmes show promise in
children’s visits for preventive ser- the field of physical activity, proper
vices and vaccinations [23]. implementation requires scaling up Background information
Childhood obesity is a global through a transdisciplinary approach. required before
public health problem with conse- An established driver of child- implementation
quences such as premature car- hood and adolescent obesity is con- Defining evidence-based interven-
diovascular disease and premature sumption of sugar-sweetened bever- tions is a necessary first step for
mortality [24]. Adolescent obesity ages (see Chapter 2.6). In Mexico, the implementation of effective pre-
increases the risk of several can- an excise tax of 1 peso per litre on vention strategies. Evidence-based
cer types. Although trends from sugar-sweetened beverages, which health care can provide access to
more and higher-quality information Fig. 6.1.3. A poster about human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in the Sinhala
on what works, resulting in a higher language, in Sri Lanka.
likelihood of successful programmes
and policies being implemented,
greater workforce productivity, and
more efficient use of public and pri-
vate resources [30].
Despite the gold standard pro-
vided by timely implementation of
these evidence-based interven-
tions, much less attention has been
focused on how to effectively imple-
ment these practices [30]. A useful
framework ties the evidence-based
strategies to implementation sci-
ence for effective uptake, dissemi-
nation, and scale-up. The context
for the preventive interventions (e.g.
public health or clinical systems,
regulatory strategies, or community-
or group-based interventions, such
as in the workplace, at schools, and
at childcare centres) must be con-
sidered when identifying strategies
for implementation [31].
In addition to the characteristics
of the intervention, the capacity of the
public health infrastructure and the
health delivery system to implement
and sustain a prevention strategy is
fundamental to the success of the in-
tervention. In the setting of tobacco
control, partners of WHO assess
the commitment and organizational
structure for implementing evidence-
based tobacco control programmes.
For other interventions, including
vaccination programmes, the un-
derlying structure of health systems
and the goals of access to universal
health coverage are integral to the
programme’s success. Universal ac- egies. For example, national cam- Australia has led the world with
cess to health care is important for paigns engage public awareness to simple messages about sun protec-
the delivery of the preventive inter- support the changes in culture that tion [34], which have been comple-
vention and also for cancer care and have removed the acceptability of mented by professional education,
outcomes of care [32]. indoor smoke exposure (and indoor mass media messaging, and envi-
smoking). These campaigns are ronmental modifications, resulting in
most effective when the messages population-wide changes in beliefs
Considerations for are reinforced by health-care provid- about sun exposure and prevention
national campaigns ers and by other structural changes, (see Chapter 5.8). As a result, the in-
A common tension of implementing including restricting access to ciga- cidence of and mortality from mela-
prevention strategies is the trade- rettes or putting in place workplace noma have fallen [35].
off of population-wide coverage policies, facilities, and practices.
versus targeting prevention to the However, for national, popu-
groups at highest risk. lation-wide campaigns, the com-
Considerations that limit
Vaccination programmes and ponents of health literacy and cul- wider applicability
taxation on cigarettes demonstrate tural context within a country must Sustainability has been defined as
the value of population-wide strat- be considered [33]. For example, the continued use of components
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
of a programme to achieve its goals Fig. 6.1.4. A poster about healthy nutrition from the Cancer Prevention 4 Africa
and the desired population health campaign, which is designed to improve people’s understanding about the early
outcomes. Often, interventions are signs of cancer and how simple lifestyle changes can greatly reduce the likelihood of
developing many cancer types.
adapted to fit in a new applied con-
text, and the study of this process
shows promise to inform broader
prevention goals. Specifically, inter-
ventions that address children’s nu-
trition, physical activity, and energy
balance can be adapted to diverse
school settings and student popula-
tions to align with local relevance
and account for the norms and cul-
ture within schools [36]. Similarly,
the components of programmes
that lead to sustainability are now
considered within frameworks that
may help to bring prevention to
broader populations [37].
Public health capacity is a key
variable that underpins the suc-
cessful implementation of pro-
grammes. When evaluating and
implementing a programme, cues
can be taken from other strategies
that have proven effective in build-
ing capacity [38].
Finally, approaches to measur-
ing and evaluating the success of
interventions (and their component
parts) must be defined and as-
sessed within the constraints of re-
al-world delivery. Using appropriate
measures in the context of imple-
mentation models bring a sharper
focus to quantification of the impact
of programmes [30].
Health behavioural interventions,
such as prevention, should follow the
dimensions of the RE-AIM framework
(i.e. reach, efficacy, adoption, imple-
mentation, and maintenance). To
ensure that preventive interventions
are effective, a focus must be placed
on the maintenance and sustainabil-
ity of the intervention. Furthermore,
given the clear role that policy and the integration of research findings strategies for overcoming barriers
environmental approaches play in and evidence into health-care policy to the adoption, adaptation, integra-
ensuring population-level access to and practice [39]. Implementation tion, scale-up, and sustainability of
prevention, increased research illus- science seeks to understand the evidence-based interventions, tools,
trating a more systematic increase in behaviour of health-care profes- policies, and guidelines. Expanding
implementation of these approaches sionals and other stakeholders as a the focus of implementation science
is critical, although such research is key variable in the sustainable up- to include policy research could be
rarely funded. take, adoption, and implementation very fruitful.
In the past 5 years there has been of evidence-based interventions. Brownson et al. [40] summarized
an increasing emphasis on imple- The field of implementation sci- lessons learned related to population-
mentation science research, which ence offers innovative approaches level prevention of chronic disease,
is the study of methods to promote to identify, understand, and develop including several that are relevant
to implementation science in cancer department) and individuals. Key ment of effective programming, the
prevention specifically: (i) start with questions include the following: cultural context, measurement strat-
environmental and policy interven- • How does the intervention align egies, and sustainability for imple-
tions as the key to initiating and sus- with local needs and provide avail- mentation must be considered.
taining systematic change, (ii) think able resources for feasible moni- Future priorities in the area of
across multiple levels of influence, toring strategies? changing behaviour include:
(iii) make better use of existing tools • Will additional technical assis- • identifying the components of
tance be needed for broader interventions that are key to sus-
for implementation, (iv) understand
implementation? tained change, and those that are
the local context and politics, (v) build
• How is this developed, delivered, most readily adapted to fit a popu-
new and non-traditional partner-
and sustained? lation group;
ships, (vi) address health disparities, • How flexible can and must the in- • a clearer understanding of when
and (vii) conduct more and better pol- tervention be? prevention strategies are not ad-
icy research. These lessons deserve • What are the measures of organi- equate and should be abandoned
particular attention in terms of identi- zational success and of overall or replaced;
fying untapped levers for increasing outcome? • a greater use of implementation
implementation of the evidence base
science to move from research to
for cancer prevention. Conclusions broader application of prevention
When planning to scale up inter- strategies;
Numerous effective prevention strat-
ventions for wider population cover- • maintaining programmes for the
egies have been evaluated over the
age, questions arise, such as the sustained achievement of desir-
past 5 years. Vaccination and to-
strength of the evidence base, the bacco control strategies have been able goals and population out-
ability to deliver the intervention at shown to be scalable and effec- comes; and
low cost, the approaches to monitor- tive in widespread implementation. • a better understanding of the
ing the consistency or integrity of the However, there is continuing devel- benefits of prevention through
delivery of the intervention, and out- opment in the areas of nutrition and the leading modifiable risk factors
comes across levels of health sys- physical activity, among other pre- and the benefits that extend be-
tem (health-care provider or health vention strategies. For the develop- yond individual countries.
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education, have limited effects and tion for effective change, the imple-
can be associated with increases mentation of effective intervention FUNDAMENTALS
in health inequalities. A compre- policies is dependent on govern-
hensive community approach to ment knowledge, the capacity and ■■ Although evidence from trials,
changing health behaviours has will to act, and the governance struc- modelling (i.e. theoretical anal-
been demonstrated historically in tures to translate evidence into prac- ysis estimated from existing
the North Karelia Project in Finland, tice. In addition, actions have to take data), and practical experience
which showed significant reduc- account of the local context and the can guide action for effective
tions in cardiovascular outcomes, specific needs of the population (see change, the implementation
followed by reductions in cancer Chapter 6.1). of effective and equitable
mortality, arising from “the correct intervention policies, such as
theory base, comprehensive work Diet and nutrition a sugar tax, is dependent on
with the population, and much hard government action.
work in the community” [4]. Food ■■ Natural experiments can
There is a growing evidence base For cancer prevention, both dietary provide useful evidence for
on the impact of behaviour change quantities (i.e. appropriate energy intervention planning and
communications and programmes, intake) and diet quality are impor- policy development.
which include individual-level coun- tant. Plant-based dietary patterns –
selling by health professionals, edu- with an emphasis on whole grains, ■■ Evidence from comprehensive
cation, and social support, such as vegetables, fruits, and beans, and community programmes sug-
demonstrated by the diabetes pre- limited intake of red meat, processed gests that a combination of be-
vention programmes. However, these meat, sugar, ultra-processed foods, havioural theory, commitment,
approaches tend to be intensive and sugar-sweetened beverages, and and national and local action
may have low generalizability, espe- alcoholic beverages – are desirable are key factors in the design of
cially in the most vulnerable commu- (see Chapter 2.6). programmes and policies.
nities [5]. There is now clear evidence It is clear that multiple factors, ■■ When implementing pro-
that the greatest change in diet and beyond personal decision-making, grammes that were successful
physical activity across a population influence food choice and dietary in other regions, care needs to
can be achieved when population- patterns, including sociocultural back- be taken to consider the local
wide approaches, such as policy ground, lifestyle patterns, and eco- context and the specific needs
specification, are combined with indi- nomic and commercial pressures. of the population.
vidually targeted approaches. Therefore, to achieve equitable, se-
Although evidence from trials, cure, sustainable, and optimal die- ■■ Most research evidence
modelling (i.e. theoretical analysis tary intake, wider environmental fac- has short- to medium-term
estimated from existing data), and tors need to be embraced in addition outcomes, and more research
practical experience can guide ac- to individually focused approaches. is needed on programme
sustainability, reach, and long-
term outcomes to assess the
Fig. 6.2.2. Vegetables and fruits at a market in France. impact of programmes and
policies on cancer outcomes
across all population groups.
Chapter 6.2 • Improving diet and nutrition, physical activity, and body weight 507
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
resources, information, and skills; sessed. Implementing regulations vending machines, nutrition edu-
(iii) approaches that encourage for food composition (e.g. maximum cation, and provision of access to
people to reassess existing un- limits) and standards for product safe drinking-water – have been
healthy preferences at the point availability (e.g. trans fatty acids and associated with modest reductions
of purchase through changes in salt) for use in food marketing and in consumption in many countries.
price, availability, and presentation procurement (such as in local and However, intakes remain high, nota-
(sometimes referred to as choice national government catering set- bly in children (compared with adults)
architecture); and (iv) the ability to tings, worksites, nurseries, schools, and in groups with lower socioeco-
stimulate food-systems response and food assistance programmes), nomic status. Sales of sugar-sweet-
so that changes made by one ac- accompanied by mandatory label- ened beverages are continuing to
tion, such as mandatory nutrition ling, can have a significant effect on increase in low- and middle-income
labelling, have an impact elsewhere population dietary patterns [8]. The countries; this is most likely to be re-
in the food environment, for exam- impact is likely to be greatest when lated to the low cost, large unit size,
ple product reformulation. regulatory rather than voluntary ap- and marketing.
For decades, nutrition pro- proaches are used [9]. Recent efforts have focused
grammes have focused primarily on on the additional, population-wide
behaviour change communications Beverages strategy of introducing taxes on
such as education programmes, Caloric beverages can make a sig- sugar-sweetened beverages, with
food labelling information (e.g. traf- nificant contribution to excess energy the aims of decreasing consump-
fic-light labelling), and skills (e.g. intake and the development of weight tion, encouraging beverage compa-
food preparation). These are con- gain, or may decrease appetite for nies to reformulate their products,
sidered to be important strategies more nutrient-dense foods, thus de- and generating income to support
to support people to practically im- creasing dietary quality. In addition, public health. Taxes are commonly
plement advice, to help frame pub- alcoholic beverages are of concern identified as the single most impor-
lic understanding, and to generate because of the established associa- tant policy approach for reducing
support for healthy public policy, but tion between alcohol consumption intakes of sugar-sweetened bever-
their impact on dietary intake alone and the incidence of cancer at sev- ages. Although taxes are financially
is small and may be lowest in vulner- eral sites (see Chapter 2.3). regressive for low-income groups,
able groups. More recently, many this financial impact can be bal-
countries have developed voluntary Sugar-sweetened beverages anced by using tax revenues to
codes of practice in conjunction with Consumption of sugar-sweetened reduce the prices of healthier food
the food industry, for example reduc- beverages is associated with weight options [10]. It is estimated that in
tion in sugar intake, but these have gain, overweight, and obesity, which 2018 at least 26 countries had intro-
not been demonstrated to achieve increase the risk of cancer. Health duced a sugar tax, with a significant
desirable levels of change. promotion efforts – including nutri- impact on purchases. For exam-
Increasingly, it is recognized that ent regulations in schools, bans on ple, in 2014 Mexico introduced an
government regulatory measures,
such as product nutrient specifica-
Fig. 6.2.3. A young man in South Africa drinking water. Reducing consumption of sugar-
tion, and fiscal interventions can be
sweetened beverages is a positive step towards a healthier diet.
used to successfully affect dietary
patterns, but industry opposition
can influence the design of optimal
programmes. Actions by govern-
ments should be monitored, and ac-
countability mechanisms should be
in place at the local, national, and
international levels [7]. Fiscal incen-
tives and disincentives, such as food
prices, subsidies, and financial re-
wards and penalties, are considered
to be positive approaches in chang-
ing dietary behaviours, notably when
implemented as part of an integrated
package of mutually reinforcing ac-
tivities, such as education and mar-
keting. However, the level of financial
impact needed to improve health
outcomes needs to be carefully as-
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
excise tax of 10% on sugar-sweet- The approaches considered to and health-care organizations [17].
ened beverages, accompanied by be the least effective in decreasing Positive effects were also reported
campaigns to raise awareness of alcohol consumption are educa- from environmental and policy ap-
the association between consump- tion in schools, public service an- proaches that include the creation
tion of sugar-sweetened beverages nouncements, and voluntary regu- or enhancement of access to places
and diabetes; this was followed by lation by the alcohol industry [16]. to be active, through infrastructural
an average decrease of 7.6% in initiatives such as community-scale
purchases of taxed beverages in and street-scale urban design and
Physical activity
2014 and 2015 [11]. land use, an active transport policy
Consistent with the new Driving and practices, and community-wide
Alcohol Action policy framework from World policies and planning [17].
Reviews of approaches to reduce Cancer Research Fund Interna The same review recommended
alcohol consumption indicate that tional [2], evidence suggests that the informational approaches of
the most cost-effective strategies health-enhancing environments and community-wide and mass media
include taxes that increase prices, behaviour change communications campaigns, as well as short mes-
restrictions on the physical avail- are key components for increasing sages about physical activity tar-
ability of alcohol, drink–driving physical activity. In addition, a sys- geting key community sites. Given
laws, brief interventions with at-risk tems approach is needed to provide the importance of social support,
drinkers, and the treatment of drink- a structural framework for national behavioural and social approaches
ers with alcohol dependence [12]. and local action. Examples include are effective for increasing physical
Data from natural experiments government policies that ensure ad- activity within communities, neigh-
suggest that the level of price restric- equate and affordable access to and bourhoods, and worksites. For chil-
tion is important and that similar in- use of natural environments for ac- dren, school-based strategies that
terventions can have different effects tivity, recreation, and play. encompass physical education,
depending on context and culture A 2012 review of physical activ- classroom activities, after-school
[13]. The effects are influenced by ity interventions around the world sports, and active transport can
availability and licensing, acceptabil- reported that initiatives to pro- produce positive impacts. A key
ity of alcohol use within society, mar- mote physical activity can have in- message from the review is that
keting (including sponsorship), and creased effectiveness when health although individuals need to be
labelling information (i.e. alcohol con- agencies form partnerships and co- informed and motivated to adopt
tent, calories, serving size). Changing ordinate efforts with several stake- physical activity, the public health
consumer attitudes and norms about holders: schools; businesses; poli- priority should be to ensure that
alcohol consumption and garnering cy, advocacy, nutrition, recreation, environments are safe and sup-
support for comprehensive policy ap- planning, and transport agencies; portive of health and well-being. In
proaches may be challenging in con-
texts where knowledge levels about
Fig. 6.2.4. Young men playing football on the beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
the association between alcohol
consumption and cancer risk are low
[14]. Opportunities to provide warning
labels related to cancer are consid-
ered to be a useful avenue to raise
awareness of cancer risk, although
such approaches are not supported
by the alcohol industry.
At the individual level, opportunis-
tic screening (assessment of alcohol
consumption) in primary care and
other health-care settings, followed
by brief interventions, is an effective
approach, which has been demon-
strated to have a moderate effect
on reducing alcohol consumption
and increasing the number of people
drinking alcohol below levels associ-
ated with increased risk. Brief inter-
Chapter 6.2 • Improving diet and nutrition, physical activity, and body weight 509
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 6.2.5. Women and girls participating in a free public yoga course held every De tivity will compete with other health-
cember morning in Yangon, Myanmar. care demands.
Sedentary behaviour
Research on changing sedentary
behaviour (i.e. time spent sitting) in
the workplace, during leisure time,
commuting, and in the household is
relatively recent (see Chapter 2.7).
Several reviews have highlighted
that interventions that target both
physical activity and sedentary be-
haviour are generally ineffective
in changing time spent sitting [19].
This finding underlines the impor-
tance of an intervention having a
primary aim of reducing sedentary
behaviour; otherwise, effects on
this outcome tend to be small.
Current evidence from behav-
iour change studies indicates that
environmental restructuring, per-
addition, the authors noted that to physical activity in built environ- suasion, education, and training
properly support initiatives for the ments, such as limiting street access generally show promise in reduc-
promotion of physical activity, work- to cars, increasing access to cyclists ing sedentary behaviour. A recent
forces need to be trained in physi- and pedestrians, and improving walk- systematic review evaluated the
cal activity and health, core public ability, especially when combined evidence from randomized con-
health disciplines, and methods of with promotional efforts. In addition, trolled trials on the effectiveness of
intersectoral collaboration [17]. although most countries have adopt- workplace interventions to reduce
More recently, a review of inter- ed national physical activity policies time spent sitting at work [20]. The
vention studies in low- and middle- and plans, major challenges with im- review concluded that sit–stand
income countries highlighted that plementation are evident. In low- and desks are effective in reducing sit-
although the number of interven- middle-income countries, resources ting time at work, total sitting time,
tions is increasing, the challenge to scale up effective interventions and duration of sitting bouts. In ad-
is greater because the prevalence and train workforces in physical ac- dition, short breaks (1–2 minutes
of physical inactivity is higher in ur-
ban versus rural communities at a
time when there is a rising global Fig. 6.2.6. Using a standing workstation effectively reduces sitting time at work.
trend towards urbanization [18].
The review of intervention studies
in low- and middle-income coun-
tries, including examples from the
Islamic Republic of Iran, China,
India, South Africa, and Vanuatu,
reported an increasing number
of promising approaches, includ-
ing community-wide campaigns
(e.g. using multiple communication
media to raise programme aware-
ness), strategies that include social
support (e.g. walking groups), and
school-based programmes, al-
though not all of these approaches
were found to be effective.
There is increasing evidence of
the effectiveness of community-wide
policies and planning to enhance
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
every 30 minutes) were more effec- ity is considered particularly helpful needed for sustainable behaviour
tive than long breaks (two 15-min- in maintenance of weight loss. change. It is clear that relevant policy
ute breaks per workday) in the short The global burden of obesity actions for addressing obesity need
term. Computer prompting resulted highlights an urgent need to iden- to be identified in a systematic man-
in decreases in the average number tify and implement policies that will ner. The Food Environment Policy
and duration of sitting bouts lasting have an impact on prevention and Index [24], which offers a useful tool
30 minutes or more [20]. management. To date, no country for developing consensus for action,
In randomized controlled tri- has reversed the obesity epidemic has been used in Thailand, New
als, interventions to reduce non- in its population, and evidence on Zealand, Australia, and England.
occupational sedentary behaviour effective national programmes is For example, in England the top-
have been shown to be effective lacking. Much of the work in this priority policy actions identified for
in adults. The current evidence arena has been focused on tackling government were those that affect
suggests that use of technology to childhood obesity, given the burden both children and adults: (i) control
reduce sedentary time (e.g. alert- of noncommunicable diseases that the advertising of unhealthy foods
ing the user to accumulated time are now presenting in adolescence. to children; (ii) implement the levy
spent sedentary), use of specific However, many children who are on sugary beverages; (iii) reduce
behaviour change techniques (e.g. overweight also have parents who the sugar, fat, and salt content in
self-monitoring), or a combination are overweight, and the adult world processed foods; (iv) monitor school
of both are characteristics of ef- shapes what children see and re- and nursery food standards; (v) pri-
fective programmes [21]. Reduced spond to. Societal actions that have oritize health and the environment in
television viewing, computer use, favourable impacts on vulnerable the 25-year Food and Farming Plan;
and total transport-related sitting groups of all ages and backgrounds (vi) adopt a national food action
time and the use of smart technolo- offer the greatest potential for equi- plan; (vii) monitor the food environ-
gies need further investigation, and table effects. ment; (viii) apply buying standards to
these are promising areas for fur- Tackling obesity is more com- all public institutions; (ix) strengthen
ther investigation. plex than addressing either en- planning laws to discourage less-
ergy intake or energy expenditure, healthy food offers; and (x) evaluate
and there are no simple solutions. food-related programmes and poli-
Obesity Approaches that tackle both envi- cies [25].
Excess body fat results from an im- ronmental factors, which support or The combined forces of regula-
balance between energy consumed undermine the ability of people to tory actions from governments and
from food and beverages and en- participate in healthful behaviours, increased efforts from industry and
ergy expenditure, notably through and individual action are desirable. civil society will be necessary to
physical activity. Data from weight- Roberto et al. [23] highlighted how address obesity (see Chapter 6.9).
loss studies clearly show that ener- food environments exploit people’s Public advocacy efforts [26] (includ-
gy intake is the most important driv- biological, psychological, social, ing those from cancer organizations)
er for achieving changes in energy and economic vulnerabilities, mak- are considered to be a key compo-
balance, although physical activity ing it easier for them to eat pro- nent in creating demand and sup-
is also important. Review-level evi- cessed foods and follow unhealthy port for effective obesity policies and
dence demonstrates that combined dietary patterns (see Chapter 2.6). in mitigating reaction against their
diet plus physical activity interven- This situation reinforces preferenc- implementation. Important issues
tions can result in a loss of 8–11% es and demands for foods of poor for obesity coalitions to address
of body weight within 6 months, nutritional quality, thus maintaining include challenges from the food
whereas moderate- to high–inten- unhealthy food environments. and beverage industry and ways to
sity interventions without reduction Approaches by governments to avoid stigmatization by insensitive
in energy intake achieve a loss of address obesity have tended to fo- programmes and campaigns, and
about 2–3% of body weight within cus on one or two target areas and thus lose support for obesity pro-
the same period [22]. Physical activ- lack the comprehensive approach grammes by civil society. CHAPTER 6.2
Chapter 6.2 • Improving diet and nutrition, physical activity, and body weight 511
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
The prospect of eliminating some
cancer types
Silvia Franceschi Julia Brotherton (reviewer)
Iacopo Baussano Laia Bruni (reviewer)
alone or with an additional one of the most important causes en. Therefore, HPV vaccination
two or seven types, have been of liver cancer, particularly in highly is preferentially recommended for
available since 2006. By 2018, endemic areas such as sub-Saharan pre-adolescent girls. By 2018, 85
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 6.3.1. Attributable fraction (AF) for liver cancers due to (A) hepatitis B virus (HBV) and (B) hepatitis C virus (HCV).
In the USA, the incidence of acute trends in HBV vaccine coverage in Mali, Nigeria, Haiti, Guatemala,
HBV infection decreased by 81% be- all WHO regions (Fig. 6.3.3), with a Iraq, the Syrian Arab Republic, and
tween 1990 and 2006 [15]. major increase in coverage at the Papua New Guinea [9].
By 2016, 185 countries had in- beginning of the 21st century [4]. In The recommended introduction
troduced HBV vaccination, and 2016, vaccine coverage was still low of universal HBV vaccination of ba-
three-dose vaccination coverage (≤ 80%) in some high-risk popula- bies at birth has been successful in
in children had reached 87% glob- tions, such as in Kenya, the Central far fewer countries. In 2016, cover-
ally [9]. There have been favourable African Republic, Chad, Gabon, age of birth dose of HBV vaccine
Fig. 6.3.2. An eight-week-old baby is vaccinated against eight antigens, including hep- occurred in less-developed countries
atitis B virus (HBV), at the Madarounfa Health Centre in Niger. [3]. Multiple epidemiological studies
over the past three decades have
confirmed the carcinogenicity of 13
oncogenic types in cervical cancer
(HPV16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52,
56, 58, 59, and probably 68). Types
HPV16 and HPV18 are detectable in
about 70% of cervical cancers, with
little variation around the world [17].
Substantial fractions of other
cancer types, including cancers of
the anus (88%), vulva and vagina
(41%), penis (50%), and oropharynx
(30%), are also attributable to HPV,
nearly always due to type HPV16
[17]. The relative importance of HPV
in oropharyngeal cancer is much
greater in more-developed countries
in which the prevalence of tobacco
use has been declining. Non-cervical
cancers account for about 100 000
HPV-related cases per year globally.
The incidence of HPV-associated
was estimated to be 46% globally Human papillomaviruses cancers is especially high in immu-
and only 10% in sub-Saharan Africa
nodeficient individuals, especially
[9,16]. The United Nations includ- Human papillomaviruses anal cancer in HIV-positive men who
ed combating viral hepatitis in the and cancer have sex with men.
Sustainable Development Goals, HPV is a sexually transmitted infec- The natural history and molecu-
with the target of achieving 90% tion that is acquired by most wom- lar mechanisms involved in HPV
global coverage of birth dose by en and men shortly after the onset carcinogenesis are best understood
2030. Because of the increasing ef- of sexual activity. HPV infection is in the cervix [7]. The most common
ficacy and the decreasing cost of an- considered a necessary cause of morphological manifestation of HPV
tiviral treatments for HBV and HCV cervical cancer (see Chapter 5.10). infection consists of minor epithe-
infection, WHO also has an aim of In 2018, there were an estimated lial abnormalities (equivocal and low-
identifying and treating at least 80% 570 000 new cases of cervical can- grade cellular changes). In a minority
of chronic carriers of HBV and HCV cer and 311 000 deaths from cervi- of women (~10%) in whom the infec-
infections by 2030 [9]. cal cancer worldwide, 95% of which tion is not cleared by the immune
Fig. 6.3.3. Three-dose hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine coverage, by WHO region, 1990–2015.
90 African Region
Region of the Americas
60 Eastern Mediterranean Region
Coverage (%)
European Region
30 South-East Asia Region
Western Pacific Region
0 Global
1990 1995 20 0 0 2005 2010 2015
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
system, precancerous lesions (ad- from 26 randomized controlled tri- (CIN3+) were consistent with those
vanced intraepithelial neoplasia) can als that included a placebo or other for CIN2+ [18].
develop. If these lesions are not treat- vaccine control arm and involved a Vaccines also prevented CIN2+
ed, they can lead to cervical cancer total of 73 428 women, mainly aged in HPV-negative women vaccinat-
after many years, usually decades. 15–26 years, with a follow-up of ed at age 24–45 years. However,
1.3–8 years. the protection against HPV16/18-
Human papillomavirus Vaccine efficacy and the corre- associated CIN2+ of all women,
vaccines sponding 95% confidence intervals regardless of baseline HPV status,
Three subunit vaccines against HPV (CIs) against cervical intraepithe- was weaker than that in younger
are currently available. All are com- lial neoplasia grade 2 and above women and was not statistically
posed of virus-like particles and are (CIN2+), and adenocarcinoma in significant (vaccine efficacy, 26%;
produced by expression of the HPV situ were evaluated by computing 95% CI, −5% to 48%); the lower fre-
L1 gene in insect cells or yeast. The risks in the vaccination group ver- quency of CIN2+ in this age group
bivalent vaccine is against HPV16 sus the control group separately was noted [18].
and HPV18. The quadrivalent vac- by women’s HPV DNA status, i.e. The risk of serious adverse
cine also includes HPV6 and HPV11, the presence of oncogenic HPV events, including autoimmune dis-
which are the cause of most genital infection at vaccination. In HPV- eases, was similar in the vaccinated
warts, and the more recent nonava- negative women aged 15–26 years, and control groups (relative risk,
lent vaccine also targets HPV31, 33, vaccines reduced the risk of CIN2+ 0.94; 95% CI, 0.72–1.06) [18]. Total
45, 52, and 58. associated with HPV16/18 from 164 death rates were similar (11 per
HPV vaccines also differ by the to 2 per 10 000 (vaccine efficacy, 10 000 in the control group and 14
adjuvant. An alum adjuvant is used 99%; 95% CI, 95–100%). Vaccine per 10 000 in the HPV vaccinated
in the quadrivalent and nonavalent efficacy was about 90% also for group), and no pattern in the cause
vaccines, and a complex adju- relatively rare adenocarcinoma in or timing of death was detected. In
vant system (ASO4) consisting of situ (Table 6.3.1). Among all young addition, HPV vaccines did not sig-
monophosphoryl lipid A and alum is women, regardless of baseline HPV nificantly increase the risk of miscar-
used in the bivalent vaccine. status, the risk of CIN2+ associated riage, pregnancy termination, con-
with HPV16/18 fell from 341 to 157 genital abnormality, or stillbirth [18].
Vaccine efficacy and safety per 10 000 (vaccine efficacy, 54%; The effectiveness [19] and safety
A systematic review [18] combined 95% CI, 43–63%). Reductions in [20] of HPV vaccines continue to
published and unpublished findings risk for the most severe precancer be monitored in many countries
Table 6.3.1. Efficacy of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines in women aged 15–26 years who were negative for oncogenic HPV
infection at vaccination
Outcome Anticipated absolute effectsa (95% CI) Vaccine efficacy (%) Number of
(95% CI) c participants
Risk with placebo Risk with HPV (number of studies)
(per 10 000) vaccination b
(per 10 000)
CIN2+ associated with HPV16/18 164 2 (0 to 8) 99 (95 to 100) 23 676
Follow-up: 3–5 years (3 RCTs)
CIN3+ associated with HPV16/18 70 0 (0 to 7) 99 (90 to 100) 20 214
Follow-up: 3–5 years (2 RCTs)
AIS associated with HPV16/18 9 0 (0 to 7) 90 (18 to 99) 20 214
Follow-up: 3–5 years (2 RCTs)
Any CIN2+ irrespective of HPV type, 287 106 (72 to 158) 63 (45 to 75) 25 180
bivalent or quadrivalent vaccine (5 RCTs)
Follow-up: 2–6 years
Any CIN3+ irrespective of HPV type, 109 23 (4 to 120) 79 (−10 to 96) 20 719
bivalent or quadrivalent vaccine (3 RCTs)
Follow-up: 3.5–4 years
Any AIS irrespective of HPV type 10 0 (0 to 8) 90 (24 to 99) 20 214
Follow-up: 3–5 years (2 RCTs)
AIS, adenocarcinoma in situ; CI, confidence interval; CIN2+, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 and above; HPV, human papillomavirus, RCTs,
randomized controlled trials.
The risk in the intervention group (and its 95% CI) is based on the assumed risk in the comparison group and the relative effect of the intervention (and its
95% CI). When risk in the vaccinated group is zero, the 95% CI is computed using an exact binomial method.
Assumed risk calculated from the sum of control group event rates.
Vaccine efficacy (%) = (1 − relative risk)*100.
through population-based surveil- document the long-term non-inferior- and boys who had missed a dose in
lance systems, ad hoc studies, and ity of one dose are under way [25]. school [28].
follow-up of trial participants. National programmes exist in
The most recently licensed no- Immunization rates many low-income countries in Latin
navalent HPV vaccine (not includ- Between 2006 and 2014, 64 coun- America, but not yet in India, China,
ed in the systematic review [18]) tries implemented national HPV and most countries in Africa [6].
was compared with the quadriva- vaccination programmes, but vac- Bhutan, Malaysia, and Rwanda
lent HPV vaccine in a randomized cine uptake varies widely across pioneered the implementation of
trial involving 14 215 women aged and within countries [6]. HPV vaccination [24] before GAVI
15–26 years. The nonavalent HPV Nearly all European countries started supporting HPV vaccine
vaccine prevented infection and offer HPV vaccination [26]. The in 2012. Since then, more than 30
precancers related to HPV31, 33, average time between first vac- GAVI-eligible countries have start-
45, 52, and 58 and generated an cine authorization and universal ed implementing vaccination [29]
antibody response to HPV6, 11, 16, mass vaccination was 36 months, and have achieved good levels of
and 18 that was non-inferior to that ranging from 5 months in Spain participation (> 70%) in the targeted
generated by the quadrivalent HPV to 117 months in Croatia. The tar- girls [30]. However, the GAVI target
vaccine [21]. In HPV-uninfected get age is generally 12–13 years, of vaccinating 40 million girls in the
women, the efficacy of the nonava- but some countries recommended lowest-income countries by 2020 is
lent vaccine against CIN2+ associ- starting at older ages or including considered to be at risk, because of
ated with the nine targeted onco- several birth cohorts in the first a slow ramp-up from demonstration
genic HPV types was 100% (95% rounds. Immunization rates ranged projects to national programmes
CI, 70.4–100%). from 14.1% in Bulgaria to 85.9% in and because of challenges with the
Both trial data [18] and popula- the United Kingdom. Coverage of supply of vaccines [5].
tion-based studies [22] demonstrate
less than 30% was reported in east-
that the bivalent vaccine induces
substantial and significant cross-
ern European countries, Greece, Conclusions
and France, but the accuracy of Despite the effectiveness and safe-
protection against HPV31, 33, and
vaccination monitoring also varies ty of HPV vaccines, anti-vaccina-
45 at least. Preliminary findings also
greatly in Europe [26]. tion campaigns and the relatively
suggest that the vaccines can pre-
In the USA, the HPV vaccines high cost, coupled with the delayed
vent HPV infection in the entire ano-
were recommended for girls in 2006 benefits of anti-cancer vaccines,
genital tract and in the mouth [23].
and for boys in 2011, but uptake hamper the universal implementa-
Doses has been slow compared with that tion of HPV vaccination. There are
for other adolescent vaccines [27]. projected to be 770 000 new cases
The initial recommendation for HPV
According to a nationwide database of cervical cancer per year by 2040
vaccination was a three-dose sched-
of medical billings, in 2014 cumula- [3]. To seize a unique opportunity to
ule for everybody. A significant de-
velopment to improve population tive vaccination coverage of one or tackle a major disease in women,
coverage was the endorsement by more doses by age 18 years was in 2018 the WHO Director-General,
WHO in 2014 of two-dose instead 53.3% in girls and 30.3% in boys. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,
of three-dose schedules up to age Although coverage is still lower in made a call for coordinated global
15 years, supported by stronger boys, the ramp-up in vaccination in action against cervical cancer.
immune responses in children and boys was quicker than that in girls, Modelling studies are being
adolescents than in young women which indicates good acceptability. done to identify the best vaccina-
[24]. One-dose-only vaccination Immunization rates were found to be tion and screening strategy to elimi-
could greatly further augment the substantially affected by area of resi- nate cervical cancer as a public
feasibility and affordability of mass dence and type of health insurance. health problem [31]. The higher the
vaccination (see Chapter 4.4). The Vaccination at later than age 12 years pre-vaccination prevalence of HPV
earliest non-randomized evidence was frequent among girls in the USA, infection, the more difficult HPV
that one dose of vaccine could pro- and vaccination is administered by a elimination will be [32]. Fortunately,
vide durable protection against HPV variety of providers: paediatricians, if coverage is equal, herd protection
infection came from the Costa Rica family doctors, and gynaecologists. is predictably stronger against a
Vaccine Trial [25]. The antibody lev- In Australia, 80.1% of girls and sexually transmitted virus like HPV
els after one dose, although lower 74.1% of boys aged 15 years had than it is against airborne and food-
than the levels elicited by three dos- been fully vaccinated in 2015– borne infections [33].
es, were 9 times as high as the levels 2016, thanks to an especially strong In the absence of vaccination,
elicited by natural infection. A formal societal advocacy and a close inter- the prevalence of HPV16 infec-
randomized controlled trial and other action between school-based vac- tion may increase in populations
complementary studies to further cination and active recall of girls in less-developed countries, as a
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
result of the transition from tradi- and programme factors responsible from a population more rapidly, but it
tional to gender-similar age-related for vaccine delivery and completion. is less cost-effective than increasing
sexual behaviour, i.e. the sexual The implementation of additional the coverage or the number of birth
pattern that is most conducive to strategies to increase population- cohorts in girls [33].
rapid spread of the infection in level protection, such as vaccinating Because there are currently
young people. A prompt introduc- older women or men, would be de- only two manufacturers of vac-
tion of HPV vaccination before the pendent on greatly reduced vaccine cines, a shortage of vaccines is
transition of sexual behaviour would prices. Offering vaccination to multi- threatening the global action of
decrease the prevalence of HPV16 ple cohorts of girls, for example up WHO [5]. Therefore, more abun-
infection, whereas introduction to age 15 years or 18 years, is very dant availability of fair-priced HPV
of vaccination after the transition cost-effective, even at current vac- vaccines greatly depends on the
would mean that vaccination will cine prices, and accelerates cervical advent of new manufacturers in
take longer to decrease the preva- cancer prevention. Beyond a certain low- and middle-income countries.
lence of HPV16 infection by the age, vaccination remains attractive Multivalent vaccines are ideal, but
same amount (Fig. 6.3.4) [32]. but has limited return, because of bivalent vaccines would be wel-
Key factors to improve HPV vac- the age-related accumulation of per- come, because of the preponder-
cination coverage include educating sistent HPV infections whose fate ant role of HPV16/18 in the onset of
communities – including adoles- is not ameliorated by the vaccines HPV-associated cancer in the cer-
cents, families, and health workers – [34]. Gender-neutral vaccination is vix and at other sites [17].
and better addressing organizational highly desirable to eliminate HPV
Fig. 6.3.4. Expected variations of vaccination effectiveness according to pre-vaccination HPV prevalence in women and changes
in sexual behaviour. Changes in the prevalence of HPV16 among women aged 20–34 years in relation to the number of years
since the beginning of a population’s transition from traditional to gender-similar age-related sexual behaviour and the introduction
of vaccination among girls aged 11 years (with an assumption of 70% coverage) before and after the transition. The shaded area
shows an assumption of a 15-year transition period. The arrows show the approximate timing of the introduction of vaccination,
before or after the transition. Traditional sexual behaviour indicates a population in which genders have different age-specific sexual
activity rates and a wide gap in ages (e.g. an average of 5.6 years, as observed in India) of spouses or cohabitating sexual partners.
Gender-similar sexual behaviour indicates a population in which genders have similar age-specific sexual activity rates and a
narrow gap in ages (e.g. an average of 2.1 years, as observed in the USA) of spouses or cohabitating sexual partners.
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Preventive therapy
Certain interventions clearly
Jack Cuzick Karen Brown (reviewer)
Diona L. Damian (reviewer)
prevent cancer is still in its infancy. [3]. Four prevention trials have sub-
SUMMARY This partly reflects the fact that sequently confirmed this finding
cancers are more heterogeneous in high-risk women without breast
●● For women at high risk of breast and biologically complex than car- cancer (Table 6.4.1).
cancer, reductions of 30–70% diovascular disease, and the causal Overall, these trials show a 38%
in the incidence of breast can- pathways are less well understood. reduction in breast cancer incidence
cer can be achieved with use of Good biomarkers for identifying in- [4], as a result of a 50% reduction
anti-estrogenic agents. dividuals at increased risk of spe- for estrogen receptor (ER)-positive
●● Widespread use of low-dose as- cific cancer types are also missing, breast cancers but no effect for ER-
pirin for 10 years between ages and even less is known about fac- negative tumours. Two of these tri-
50 years and 65 years could tors that are predictive of response als with long-term follow-up have
have a major impact on cancer to specific treatments. shown that the protection persists
incidence and mortality. Interventions have been divided long after stopping use of the medi-
into four groups: those for which cation [5,6]. In the International
●● Many other agents, including there is good evidence of efficacy, Breast Cancer Intervention Study I
some medicines used for other those with findings that are promis- (IBIS-I) trial, 5 years of treatment
purposes and some food com- ing but not fully convincing, those with tamoxifen resulted in a greater
ponents, seem promising for for which there is a substantial reduction in the incidence of breast
cancer prevention but have not amount of evidence of no benefit, cancer in the 10–20-year follow-up
been fully evaluated in humans. and those for which there is good period than in the first 10 years of
evidence of harm. follow-up (cumulative risk, 4.6% vs
●● Good short-term biomarkers
for response to treatment are 6.3% in years 0–10, 3.3% vs 6.3%
needed to efficiently evaluate Breast cancer in years 10–20) (Fig. 6.4.1).
new agents. Breast cancer prevention has been The two major side-effects of
facilitated by the fact that studies of tamoxifen are endometrial can-
the treatment of existing cancers cer and venous thromboembolism
Cancer prevention is a large field can also provide reliable evidence (Table 6.4.2). Endometrial cancer
comprising lifestyle changes to re- for a preventive effect on new tu- was increased in postmenopaus-
duce risk, screening interventions mours in the contralateral breast. al women by about 2.5-fold above
to detect early lesions, and preven- the baseline rate of about 60 per
tive interventions aimed at more ac- Tamoxifen 100 000 per year at age 60 years,
tively interrupting the carcinogenic The Cancer Research Campaign II whereas venous thromboembolism
pathway. Although tobacco use is (CRC-II) trial provided the first occurred about twice as often in
clearly the strongest known avoid- evidence of a preventive effect for the tamoxifen arm compared with
able cause of cancer [1], only thera- tamoxifen [2]. A subsequent meta- placebo. Less serious but more
peutic interventions to reduce risk analysis of 20 randomized clinical common side-effects of tamoxifen
are considered in this chapter. trials of 5 years of treatment with include vasomotor symptoms such
Compared with cardiovascu- tamoxifen as adjuvant therapy in as hot flushes and night sweats,
lar disease, for which preventive about 15 000 women overall docu- and gynaecological symptoms such
treatments are firmly established, mented a reduction of about one as bleeding and uterine polyps.
the development of therapies to third in contralateral breast tumours Topical formulations of tamoxifen
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
The effects of three other selective than tamoxifen. menopausal women, because it is
ER modulators (SERMs) on breast Trials in women with osteoporo- already widely used to treat and
cancer risk have now been evalu- sis suggested larger effects for ral- prevent osteoporosis.
Fig. 6.4.1. Long-term effect of tamoxifen treatment on cumulative incidence of breast cancer over time in the International Breast
Cancer Intervention Study I (IBIS-I) trial. Solid lines indicate all breast cancers, and dashed lines indicate invasive estrogen receptor
(ER)-positive breast cancers.
Table 6.4.2. Potential common or major side-effects of pharmacological agents considered for cancer prevention
Aromatase inhibitors Bone fractures 50% increase in adjuvant trials without baseline bone density scan; non-
significant 11% increase in prevention studies with baseline identification and
treatment of women with low bone density
Musculoskeletal symptoms, Increase from 58% in placebo to 64% with anastrozole (10% relative increase)
Carpal tunnel syndrome 3.6-fold increase in adjuvant setting vs tamoxifen (3% vs 1%); 58% increase in
prevention setting (3% vs 2%)
Vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, 20% increase in prevention setting vs placebo (19% vs 16%); 3-fold increase
loss of libido in adjuvant setting vs tamoxifen (1% vs 0.3%)
LHRH agonist Bone loss, menopausal 7% loss in bone mineral density at lumbar spine; substantial increase in
symptoms vasomotor symptoms
Aspirin/NSAIDs Gastrointestinal bleeding Increase of ~50%, mostly in initial period after starting treatment
Haemorrhagic stroke 35% increase, but larger reduction in occlusive stokes; net decrease in
incidence, but increase in fatal events
LHRH, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone; NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; SERMs, selective estrogen-receptor modulators.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Two other SERMs – lasofox- bined (primary end-point) was seen and no data are available on reduc-
ifene [4,9] and arzoxifene [4] – have (hazard ratio, 0.47; 95% confidence tion in cancer risk.
been investigated again in post- interval, 0.32–0.68; P < 0.0001) None of these agents have had
menopausal women with osteo- [13], which was similar to the results an effect on ER-negative breast can-
porosis, with reduction in the inci- reported in the MAP3 trial. For ER- cer; this remains an unmet need.
dence of fractures as the primary positive invasive cancer, the reduc-
end-point. For both agents, a re- tion was 58%, but – as in the MAP3 Ovarian cancer
duction in the incidence of breast trial – no effect was found for ER-
cancer was found that was larger Although no randomized trials have
negative breast cancer. Vasomotor
than has been seen for tamoxifen been conducted, there is clear
and musculoskeletal side-effects
(Table 6.4.1). Lasofoxifene was also evidence from case–control and
were increased with both agents,
associated with reductions in the in- cohort studies that use of oral con-
but only by 10–15%, and these ad-
cidence of fractures, heart disease, traceptives has a large protective
verse events were also reported
and strokes [9], suggesting that it effect for ovarian cancer. In an over-
by many women who received pla-
could be an ideal preventive agent, view of 24 such studies, Havrilesky
cebo (64% for anastrozole vs 58%
but the manufacturer is not pursu- et al. demonstrated a 27% reduc-
for placebo in the IBIS-II trial). This
ing the licensing of this drug for any tion for any use and a 57% reduc-
illustrates the need to have a place-
of these indications. tion for more than 10 years of use
bo arm to accurately assess subjec-
[15]. Oral contraceptives have im-
tive side-effects. Blinded long-term
Aromatase inhibitors pacts on other cancer types, includ-
follow-up is continuing in IBIS-II,
The third-generation aromatase in- ing a small increase in the risk of
so that the long-term efficacy and
hibitors anastrozole, letrozole, and breast cancer and cervical cancer
side-effects of anastrozole can be
exemestane have all been found to but larger reductions in the risk of
be more effective than tamoxifen endometrial cancer and colorectal
Overall, the reported reductions
for the treatment of ER-positive cancer [16].
in breast cancer incidence for both
breast cancer in postmenopausal
exemestane and anastrozole were
women [10] and are now routinely
larger than those seen for tamox- Aspirin and other
used for this indication. In these tri- non-steroidal anti-
ifen or raloxifene, and indicate that
als, the incidence of contralateral
these two drugs are attractive op- inflammatory drugs
breast tumours, a good surrogate
tions for breast cancer prevention There is now overwhelming evi-
for new cancers, was also reduced
in postmenopausal women at high dence for a reduction of about one
by a further 50% compared with ta-
risk. Although both SERMs and third in colorectal cancer incidence
moxifen [11].
aromatase inhibitors increase men- and mortality from long-term regu-
Two large breast cancer preven-
opausal symptoms, SERMs also lar aspirin use [17]. Beneficial ef-
tion trials have reported on the use
increase the incidence of endome- fects of a similar size have been
of aromatase inhibitors in high-risk
women without breast cancer. The trial cancer and thromboembolic seen for oesophageal cancer and
Mammary Prevention 3 (MAP3) trial events, whereas aromatase inhibi- stomach cancer, and smaller, less
randomized 4560 postmenopaus- tors increase the incidence of frac- convincing reductions of 5–15%
al women to either exemestane or tures and musculoskeletal symp- have recently also been found for
placebo for 5 years and found a 65% toms (Table 6.4.2). The fracture risk lung cancer, breast cancer, and
reduction in invasive breast cancers seems to be largely controlled by prostate cancer (Table 6.4.3) [18],
[12]. No reduction was observed for a baseline dual-energy X-ray ab- but there appears to be little or no
ER-negative disease, but the effect sorptiometry (DEXA) scan and use effect on other major cancer sites.
on ER-positive disease was even of bisphosphonates in women with Long-term use of about 10 years
greater than the overall effect (haz- low bone density [13]. was estimated to reduce overall
ard ratio, 0.27; 95% confidence inter- For premenopausal women, the cancer incidence by about 9% in
val, 0.12–0.60; P < 0.001). However, only well-studied option remains men and 7% in women, and over-
these conclusions are limited by the tamoxifen, although a small ran- all cancer mortality by 13% in men
short median follow-up period of domized trial in 75 women has ex- and 9% in women (Table 6.4.3) [18].
35 months. amined a combination of the lutein- The relative impact appears to be
The IBIS-II trial compared anas- izing hormone-releasing hormone similar between the sexes, but the
trozole with placebo in 3864 post- (LHRH) agonist goserelin with ral- overall effects are greater for men
menopausal women at increased oxifene in women at high risk [14]. because these cancer types are
risk of breast cancer. After a me- A 4.7% absolute reduction in breast relatively more common in men.
dian follow-up of 5 years, a 53% density was seen after 2 years of Gastrointestinal and cerebral
reduction in invasive breast cancer treatment, but this was not main- bleeding are the most important
and ductal carcinoma in situ com- tained after treatment completion, harms associated with aspirin use,
Table 6.4.3. Estimated impact of 10 years of aspirin use for individuals aged 50– is also found in other fruits and veg-
70 years on percentage reduction in 15-year incidence and 20-year mortality from six etables. Both sulforaphane and ly-
cancer sites affected by aspirin use, and for all cancers separately for men and women copene have been linked to reduced
risk of prostate cancer [26,27].
Site Reduction in incidence (%) Reduction in mortality (%)
Several spices have also been
Colorectum 35 40 put forward as having protective ef-
fects. Curcumin, which comes from
Oesophagus 30 50
turmeric, has been the most studied,
Stomach 30 35 but there is still very limited evidence
in humans for cancer prevention
Breast 10 5
[28]. Of the many hundreds of other
Prostate 10 15 compounds that have been studied
Lung 5 15
[29], those that have received the
most attention are resveratrol (which
Overall – men 9 13 is found mostly in red wine and ber-
Overall – women 7 9 ries) [30], green tea polyphenols
[31], and pomegranate juice [32],
but again convincing evidence of ef-
and their risk and fatality rate in- The impact of aspirin use on ficacy in humans is lacking.
crease with age [19]. Use of prophy- cancer mortality appears to be larg- Reports on vitamin D with or
lactic aspirin in the general popula- er than that for incidence, suggest- without calcium are very mixed,
tion aged 50–65 years is likely to ing an anti-metastatic effect as well with no compelling evidence for
be beneficial when the reduction as a separate effect on incidence benefit at any cancer site [33].
in risk of cancer and cardiovascu- [22,23]. The mechanisms that me-
lar disease and the risk of excess diate these effects are currently not Agents that have not
bleeding are all considered. The established, and trials are under worked
benefit–risk ratio is highly favour- way to examine aspirin as an adju-
Epidemiological and laboratory evi-
able for the general population for vant treatment for individuals with
dence suggested a potential anti-can-
both men and women and is about colorectal, stomach, oesophageal,
cer effect of vitamin A, β-carotene,
5:1 for serious events and at least breast, and prostate cancer [24].
and their analogues. Despite ran-
7:1 for deaths [18]. Markers that Data on other non-steroidal an-
domized evidence of a benefit of
identify individuals most likely to ti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibu-
β-carotene, vitamin E, and sele-
benefit would enable treatment to profen, sulindac, or celecoxib, are
nium in a severely deficient popula-
be more focused, and this is a cur- less extensive, and there are no tri-
tion in Linxian, China [34], subse-
rent research priority. The United als with long-term follow-up, except
quent studies in Europe and North
States Preventive Services Task for studies of colorectal adenomas.
America have been negative. Two
Force currently supports the use of However, observational studies have
large studies of β-carotene in heavy
aspirin for those at increased risk of found similar overall effects on can-
smokers and in workers exposed to
cardiovascular disease or colorec- cer incidence [22].
asbestos found that it actually led to
tal cancer [20]. increases in the incidence of lung
The effects of daily use of as- Other agents cancer [35,36], and one found an
pirin on cancer incidence are not Vaccination against human papil- increase in all-cause mortality [35].
apparent until at least 3 years after lomavirus (HPV) has proven to be An overview of all randomized trials
the start of use (Fig. 6.4.2), with a highly effective in reducing precur- of β-carotene confirmed an increase
relative reduction in incidence after sor lesions for cervical cancer and in the incidence of lung cancer and
that time for all cancers of about is very likely to prevent cervical also found an increase in the inci-
24% [21]. Some benefits appear to cancer and other HPV-related can- dence of stomach cancer but no sig-
be sustained for several years after cers (see Chapter 6.3). nificant effect on other cancer types,
treatment cessation in long-term us- Many studies have suggested a either individually or overall [37].
ers. Relative reductions in cancer in- protective effect of consumption of Vitamin E and selenium were
cidence appear to be similar in men fruits and vegetables, with a strong- thought to have a beneficial effect on
and women [21], although data are er effect for vegetables [25]. Specific prostate cancer, on the basis of labo-
less extensive for women and men potentially active components in- ratory and epidemiological studies
have a higher incidence of the can- clude sulforaphane, which is found [38], but randomized trials have been
cer types for which the incidence is in cruciferous vegetables, and lyco- negative. In particular, neither sele-
reduced by aspirin use, leading to pene, which is found at particularly nium nor vitamin E supplementation
greater absolute reductions. high levels in cooked tomatoes but reduced the incidence of prostate
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
cancer in the Selenium and Vitamin both the Prostate Cancer Prevention stands out as having the largest po-
E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT), Trial (PCPT) [40], which investigat- tential impact on the population at
in which prostate cancer was the pri- ed finasteride, and the Reduction large. This is because it has a major
mary end-point, and Klein et al. [39] by Dutasteride of Prostate Cancer effect on three common gastrointes-
reported that the incidence of pros- Events (REDUCE) trial [41], which tinal cancer types – colorectal, stom-
tate cancer increased by 17% with assessed dutasteride. ach, and oesophageal cancer – and
vitamin E supplementation. Other There has also been much inter- potentially provides small reductions
studies have not shown any effects est in the role of statins for cancer in three other major cancer types:
of supplementation on the incidence prevention, but the overall evidence lung, breast, and prostate cancer.
of prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, is largely negative [42]. However, questions still remain about
or cause-specific mortality. aspirin’s optimal dose, duration, effi-
The use of 5α-reductase inhibi- cacy, safety, and impact on different
tors either for prevention or for man-
Conclusions and subtypes of specific cancers, and
agement of early prostate cancer has challenges more research is needed.
produced complex outcomes, with Despite its early stage of develop- In terms of relative overall impor-
substantial reductions in disease of ment, important discoveries have tance for cancer prevention, tobacco
low Gleason grade but an apparent already been made for preventive cessation remains the most impor-
increase in high-grade cancers in therapy. Of these, low-dose aspirin tant factor. Parkin et al. estimated that
tobacco use is responsible for 19% of ifen in women at high risk of breast only been reported more recently,
all new cancer cases but calculated cancer is only 10–20% [43], and largely because they were not ap-
that no other activity is responsible much of this low uptake is due to parent until after 3–5 years of as-
for more than 10% of cancers [1]. The a lack of knowledge and interest in pirin use. Education of both health
estimate that 7–10% of cancers could prevention from health profession- professionals and the general pub-
be avoided with daily use of low-dose als. Aspirin has had earlier recom- lic about the benefits of therapeutic
aspirin for 10 years between ages mendations from professional bod- prevention needs to be a major goal
50 years and 65 years, with a larger ies against using it in the general and activity.
reduction of 9–13% for mortality [18], population [44]. However, those Also, activities to promote pre-
makes this a key element of any can- recommendations were based on ventive therapy need to be inte-
cer prevention strategy. comparing cardiovascular benefits grated with those to encourage a
However, several major chal- with risks of bleeding, and now healthy lifestyle. Neither of these
lenges remain. Key among these need to be updated in view of the alone will eliminate cancer, and
is to find ways to encourage more much larger benefits seen for can- adoption of one does not preclude
widespread use of agents with es- cer prevention than for cardiovas- the need for the other.
tablished utility. Uptake of tamox- cular disease. These benefits have
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Hereditary cancer is caused pre- phylactic surgery [4]), there are still
SUMMARY dominantly by one (or, rarely, more health system, ethnic, and socioeco-
than one) moderately or highly pen- nomic disparities in access to risk
●● The identification of individu- etrant pathogenic or likely pathogenic assessment, especially in low- and
als and families with hereditary (P/LP) germline variant in a cancer middle-income countries [5].
cancer is an important opportu- predisposition gene (see Chapter The phenotypic effect is hetero-
nity for cancer prevention. 3.2). The identification of individuals geneous for most variants associ-
●● Cancer risk-reducing interven- and families with hereditary cancer is ated with hereditary cancer. Genetic
tions (e.g. lifestyle changes, an important opportunity for cancer variants can be classified according
enhanced surveillance, che- prevention [1]. to their frequency and the associ-
moprevention, and prophylac- About 5–10% of all solid tumours ated risk of cancer (Fig. 6.5.1). In ad-
tic surgery) are available, and and haematological malignancies dition, there are geographical, popu-
are associated with P/LP germline lation-derived differences in variant
identification of the causative
variants in cancer predisposition type and frequency among different
germline genetic variant is key
genes [2,3]. Carriers of such vari- regions of the world, and founder
to the development of rational
ants have significantly higher risks mutations account for a substantial
management guidelines ac-
of developing multiple cancer types, fraction of the cancer burden in cer-
cording to specific cancer risks.
often at an early age, compared with tain regions (Table 6.5.2). Therefore,
●● Recent advances in diagnos- the general population. Therefore, characterization of the mutational
tic tools using multigene panel these cases contribute a significant landscape of cancer predisposition
testing have enabled the simul- proportion of the cancer burden genes and variant penetrance is of
taneous and more affordable worldwide, given that lifetime cancer great importance.
analysis of multiple cancer pre- risks in these individuals may reach Although specific cancer predis-
disposition genes. up to 80% (e.g. for hereditary breast position syndromes are clearly iden-
and ovarian cancer syndrome) or tified (Table 6.5.1), phenotypic over-
●● Health system, ethnic, and so- even close to 100% (e.g. for Li– lap exists among several of them
cioeconomic disparities in ac- Fraumeni syndrome). (Fig. 6.5.2) [5]. Most P/LP germline
cess to risk assessment still Genetic/genomic cancer risk as- variants are inherited, but in some
exist, especially in low- and sessment (GCRA) is standard-of- cancer predisposition syndromes,
middle-income countries, and care medical practice that uses such as Li–Fraumeni syndrome and
add to the complexity of en- genetic and genomic tools to iden- familial adenomatous polyposis, de
abling universal access to this tify individuals and families with in- novo mutations in TP53 and APC,
important strategy to reduce creased risk of cancer. This enables respectively, have been described in
the global cancer burden. early and frequent screening to de- 5–10% of affected patients [6]. As tu-
These disparities must be ad- tect smaller, more curable cancers, mour genetic testing becomes more
dressed to ensure that all ben- and to propose cancer prevention common, previously unrecognized
efits of incorporating genetic measures (Box 6.5.1). Despite such germline mutations will be detected,
or genomic information into an high risks and the availability of can- and the percentage of cancers ac-
individual’s clinical care are at- cer risk-reducing interventions (e.g. counted for by high or moderate
tained at a global level. lifestyle changes, enhanced surveil- genetic risk as a result of de novo
lance, chemoprevention, and pro- mutations will be better understood.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Chapter 6.5 • Managing people with high and moderate genetic risk 531
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 6.5.1. Genetic risk categories in hereditary cancer and their characterization according to penetrance, actionability, screening
and management recommendations, and implications for family members. Clinical utility increases with higher cancer risk
predisposition; the gradient in the arrow denotes the potential significant overlap between the categories. Odds ratios are presented
as estimates of the generalized odds over the baseline population for organ-specific cancer risk. More studies, especially on genes
in the low- and moderate-risk categories, are needed to better clarify the associated cancer risks and penetrance. It is important to
note that penetrance and expressivity can widely vary with specific mutations within the same gene. HBOC syndrome, hereditary
breast and ovarian cancer syndrome; LFS, Li–Fraumeni syndrome; OR, odds ratio.
or in newly identified or very rare cancer incidence statistics for solid Considering the prevalence of
genes for which validation stud- tumours and assuming that 10% are hereditary cancer and its effects in
ies are required, and the pervasive hereditary, an estimated 1.7 million terms of cancer risks and preven-
conundrum of variants of uncertain new cases of hereditary cancer were tion, it is noteworthy that only a few
significance. Another complication diagnosed worldwide in 2018 (http:// countries address this issue in their
is that causality of observed moder- The identification of can- strategic plans for cancer control.
ate- or low-risk variants is difficult cer patients with genetic predisposi- In the World Cancer Declaration
to infer, and many are simply an tion can influence oncological man-
Progress Report 2016, only
incidental finding with respect to a agement and can direct screening
Bermuda, France, and Greece for-
given patient’s history of cancer [7]. and prevention strategies to ame-
mally included GCRA among their
liorate the risk of second primary tu-
strategies to reduce cancer risks
mours. Critically, cascade testing of
Scope of the preventive relatives for a familial mutation has (
approach in cancer the greatest potential to enhance Nationwide guidelines and/or gov-
genomics cancer prevention and improve the ernment programmes of GCRA
Moderately or highly penetrant P/LP cost–benefit ratio for society, as well and genetic testing have been es-
germline variants have been de- as enable the avoidance of cancer tablished in some countries, includ-
scribed in individuals with most, if mortality and treatment-related mor- ing Canada, France, the United
not all, tumour types. On the basis of bidity for individuals [8,9]. Kingdom, and the USA [10].
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Table 6.5.1. Common cancer predisposition syndromes, associated genes, and phenotype
Ataxia telangiectasia ATM Leukaemia, breast cancer, pancreatic Ataxia, telangiectasias, recessive
cancer inheritance; female carriers at increased
risk of breast cancer
Cowden syndrome PTEN Breast cancer, thyroid cancer, colorectal Macrocephaly, Lhermitte–Duclos
cancer, endometrial cancer disease, acral keratosis, trichilemmomas,
papillomatous papules; developmental
delay and/or autism spectrum disorders
Familial adenomatous APC Colorectal cancer, pancreatic cancer, Osteomas, dental abnormalities, congenital
polyposis, attenuated gastric cancer, thyroid cancer, desmoid hypertrophy of the retinal pigment
and classic forms tumours, tumours of the central nervous epithelium, benign cutaneous lesions
system, hepatoblastoma
Gorlin syndrome PTCH Basal cell carcinoma, medulloblastoma, Pits in palms and soles, macrocephaly
ovarian tumours and prominent forehead keratocystic
odontogenic tumours, cardiac and ovarian
fibromas, calcified falx cerebri
Hereditary breast BRCA1/BRCA2 Breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate Biallelic mutations in BRCA2 cause
and ovarian cancer cancer, melanoma, pancreatic cancer Fanconi syndrome
BRIP1, RAD51C, Ovarian cancer
BRCA1, BRCA2, Triple-negative breast cancer Includes both high-risk and moderate-risk
PALB2, RAD51D? genes
Juvenile polyposis BMPR1A, SMAD4 Colorectal and small intestine cancer, Hamartomatous polyps
syndrome pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer
Multiple endocrine MEN1 Pancreatic cancer, pituitary and parathyroid Familial isolated hyperparathyroidism,
neoplasia type 1 tumours, well-differentiated endocrine facial angiofibromas, collagenomas,
(MEN1) tumours of the gastroenteropancreatic lipomas, meningiomas, ependymomas,
tract, carcinoid and adrenal tumours leiomyomas
MUTYH-associated MUTYH Colorectal (polyps) and small intestine Recessive inheritance; carriers may be at
polyposis (MAP) cancers increased risk of colon cancer
Peutz–Jeghers STK11 Colon cancer (polyps), breast cancer, Hyperpigmented lesions, Peutz–Jeghers
syndrome ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, gastric polyps
cancer, endometrial and cervical carcinoma
Von Hippel–Lindau VHL Haemangioblastoma, clear cell renal Retinal angiomas; renal, pancreatic, and
syndrome cell carcinoma, pheochromocytoma, genital cysts
Chapter 6.5 • Managing people with high and moderate genetic risk 533
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Differences between disease, and access to periodic need for a skilled workforce include
countries in effective cancer screening methods, predic- programmes such as the American
implementation of GCRA tive genetic testing, and appropriate Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
therapeutic options remains limited University curricula and the Cancer
In high-income countries, prog- (see Chapter 1.3). Therefore, the Genomics Education Program at City
ress in the detection and diagno- proportion of potentially curable tu- of Hope (
sis of hereditary cancer in the past mours at diagnosis is decreased in education/health-professional-edu
20 years has been enormous and lower-income countries, especially cation/cancer-genomics-education-
well documented [5]. Important dis- in patients who rely solely on public program).
coveries about the biology of he- health-care systems. The incidence Hereditary cancer syndromes
reditary cancers have resulted in and mortality rates of several cancer also have distinct clinical patterns
efforts to increase the awareness types (e.g. breast cancer and endo- and distribution globally. One of the
and education of both the general metrial cancer) have been correlated main factors to explain such dif-
public and health-care profession- with the Human Development Index ferences is the occurrence of spe-
als, as well as the discovery of (HDI) level of a country; decreases cific founder mutations at higher
targeted treatments for hereditary in mortality-to-incidence ratios have frequency in certain geographical
cancers, and even the development been observed with increments in regions or populations, leading to
of public policies. These, in turn, HDI level, probably resulting from large clusters of specific inherited
have enabled early – and often pre- better access to cancer screening, cancers (Table 6.5.2), in addition
symptomatic – detection of carriers, diagnosis, and treatment [11,12]. to the geographical differences in
prompt and effective intervention, In addition to regional economic cancer detection rate, registration,
and thus effective reduction of the and social constraints, an important diagnosis, prevention initiatives,
cancer burden in families with he- barrier is lack of awareness of he- and management [13–16]. Only a
reditary cancer. reditary cancer and of the cancer few national cancer institutions in
However, this progress has prevention opportunities that result low- and middle-income countries
reached only part of the world’s pop- from proper GCRA. An additional have formulated coordinated pro-
ulation. In many countries, diagno- challenge is the limited availabili- grammes towards the identification
ses still rely on overt clinical signs, ty of GCRA practitioners. GCRA and management of patients with
which appear late in the course of training resources to address the inherited cancers.
Table 6.5.2. Hereditary cancer in different populations: examples of founder mutations identified in selected cancer predisposition
Continent Country Gene Mutation(s) Details Reference
Africa Algeria, Morocco, BRCA1 c.798_799delTT 22% of BRCA1 mutations in North [35]
and Tunisia African families
South Africa BRCA1 c.1374delC, c.2641G>T 77.8% of mutation carriers had 1 of [36]
BRCA2 c.7934delG the 3 Afrikaner founder mutations
North America Canada MSH2 c.942+3A>T 27% of Lynch syndrome mutations in [37]
families from Newfoundland
Mexico BRCA1 Exon 9–12 del 35% and 29% of the BRCA- [38]
associated cases of ovarian cancer
and breast cancer, respectively
South America Brazil TP53 c.1010G>A 70–80% of TP53 mutations in patients [13]
with breast cancer in Brazil
Asia China MSH2 c.1452_1455del 21% of Lynch syndrome mutations in [37]
Palestine TP53 c.541G>A 2% of women with early-onset breast [39]
cancer in one study
Europe Denmark MLH1 c.1667+2_1667+8del7ins4 25% of Lynch syndrome mutations in [37]
Portugal BRCA2 c.156_157insAlu 37.9% of BRCA2 pathogenic variants [40]
in Portuguese families
Germany VHL c.T292C, c.T334C Observed in families from the Black [41]
Forest and east central regions
Oceania Australia BRCA1 c.3331_3334del Also recurrent in Hispanic [15]
populations, Europe, the United
Kingdom, and the USA
Australia BRCA2 c.6275_6276del Also recurrent in the United Kingdom, [15]
Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, and
North America
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Models for implementa- In integrated GCRA, consulta- tary cancer remain undetected; this
tion of GCRA tions and/or referrals are embedded is the main argument in favour of
in pathology services or oncology proposing population-based genet-
The high cost of diagnostic cancer
practices. For example, a reflexive ic testing for high-risk variants, re-
gene sequencing has historically
statement may be included in the pa- gardless of clinical or pathological
been a barrier to access, although
thology report (e.g. BRCA mutation features. However, robust evidence
costs associated with newer meth-
testing is suggested in all high-grade for the cost–effectiveness and fea-
odologies (high-throughput mas-
serous ovarian cancers) and/or elec- sibility of such practices is still lack-
sively parallel or next-generation
tronic medical record. Genetic coun- ing outside populations with a high
sequencing) are decreasing signifi-
sellors may be embedded in oncol- frequency of founder mutations in
cantly. Intrinsic to the identification
ogy clinics to identify eligible patients hereditary cancer. Finally, there are
and management of patients with
and provide point-of-service GCRA numerous initiatives to increase the
hereditary cancer is the complexity
of interpreting and communicating during oncology visits [19,20]. low rate of cascade testing to iden-
the genetic information as well as These established models are tify at-risk relatives [21–23].
the desirability for a multidisciplinary being challenged by (i) the practice
shift from single-gene testing to mul-
approach in patient care. Different
tigene panel testing, thus increasing
Management of patients
models have been proposed to pro-
the complexity of risk interpretation
with hereditary cancer
vide comprehensive GCRA, includ-
and communication; (ii) the expan- In the past two decades, major ad-
ing the following three.
sion of direct-to-consumer genetic vances have occurred in the diagno-
Integrated nationwide reference
testing platforms, which offer, but sis and management of patients with
centres provide GCRA, genetic test-
ing, and long-term management of do not require, genetic counselling; hereditary cancer [5,7]. The advent
patients and families with heredi- and (iii) the increasing identifica- and decreasing costs of next-gen-
tary cancer in specialized networks. tion of germline hereditary cancer eration sequencing have resulted in
There are examples of such net- predisposition through genomic tu- the development of multigene panel
works in the United Kingdom (within mour analysis, which provides un- testing and a significant expansion
specialist genetic services of the solicited and previously unsuspect- of knowledge about the genes in-
National Health System), France (in ed diagnoses of hereditary cancer. volved and the degree of phenotypic
the national health-care system), Furthermore, the availability of tar- overlap among them (Fig. 6.5.2). In
and Canada (http://ocp.cancercare. geted drug therapies has created addition, incidental (unrelated to the a medical necessity and increased respective phenotype) but clinically
5&pageId=10051) [17]. the frequency of germline genetic important findings have become in-
The community of practice ap- testing in a treatment-focused con- creasingly common, such as those
proach relies on the collaboration text; however, inclusion of personal identified through tumour genetic
of academic centres with commu- and family counselling has not been testing and those that do not match
nity-based providers in practice emphasized. the clinical picture (e.g. the pres-
networks, leveraging their practice Whatever the approach, several ence of a P/LP germline variant in a
with the experience and the multi- studies indicate that genetic testing mismatch repair gene in a proband
disciplinary nature of academic pro- rates are still low and a significant with no personal and/or family his-
grammes [5,18,19]. proportion of patients with heredi- tory of colon cancer) [24–26].
Fig. 6.5.2. Phenotypic overlap of solid tumours observed in association with germline pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in
cancer predisposition genes. SNPs, single-nucleotide polymorphisms.
Pancreatic Prostate RAD51D
Melanoma Colon BARD1 PALB2
RAD51C Breast
Breast Breast
Chapter 6.5 • Managing people with high and moderate genetic risk 535
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Compared with sequential sin- sive Cancer Network change every first cancer diagnosis, and less often
gle-gene testing, multigene panel year in response to this dynamic. met established testing criteria for
testing is more efficient in identify- Furthermore, the identification of a Li–Fraumeni syndrome, compared
ing a P/LP variant, less expensive, P/LP variant in a moderate-pene- with those identified by single-gene
and faster, and it also identifies trance gene may not necessarily testing [27]. These findings are likely
variants in intermediate-penetrance be associated with causality of the to result in a revision of the pheno-
(moderate- or low-risk) genes. For phenotype that motivated testing. type and genetic testing criteria for
these reasons, next-generation se- In these situations, a critical review Li–Fraumeni syndrome.
quencing is often regarded as an of results of genetic testing in light The definition of the penetrance
increasingly economical diagnostic of the family history of cancer and of variants has also been shown
tool, with the potential to democra- segregation analyses may add to to be of great importance in cas-
tize access to effective risk assess- the interpretation of the significance cade testing of a patient’s relatives.
ment and cancer prevention. of the results. As demonstrated recently, residual
However, for many of the genes Multigene panel testing has also cancer risk for relatives who test
included in multigene panel test- resulted more often in the identifica- negative for a familial P/LP variant
ing, there are still limited data tion of unexpected, phenotype-unre- is inversely proportional to variant
on cancer-specific penetrance, and lated P/LP variants. Apart from the penetrance and is influenced by
therefore screening or risk-reducing question of causality, one has to con- family history of cancer. Therefore,
interventions are less established sider the incomplete knowledge of negative results of familial testing
(Box 6.5.2). As a result, clinical man- allelic heterogeneity and genotype– for high-penetrance variants have
agement of patients harbouring a phenotype associations in these a higher negative predictive value
P/LP variant in a moderate-pene- situations. A recent study showed than those for low-penetrance vari-
trance gene or a newly identified that carriers of germline TP53 mu- ants, and counselling of a relative
gene with little associated information tations identified by multigene panel who is unaffected by cancer and
can be very challenging. The guide- testing had fewer tumours in child- has a P/LP germline variant in a low-
lines of the National Comprehen hood, had an older median age at penetrance gene should take into
account family history of cancer [28].
Another challenge that arises
Box 6.5.2. Different levels of information and clinical utility of results of multigene panel
as a consequence of the improved
testing, according to the genes harbouring pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants.
diagnostic capacity is the frequent
identification of variants of uncertain
Genes associated with a well-known cancer predisposition syndrome significance; this is an especially fre-
• Highest cancer risks quent occurrence in populations that
• High-penetrance, low-frequency alleles are less well represented. Despite
multiple efforts to standardize the
• Risk well defined for most associated cancers process of variant calling, discor-
• Screening and management guidelines well defined dant classifications among different
laboratories are still fairly common.
• Clear implications for family members
In a study of 518 patients (603 ge-
Genes not associated with a well-known syndrome but well netic variants) tested in more than
known/researched one laboratory, the interpretation dif-
fered among the laboratories for 155
• Moderate to high cancer risks
(26%) of the variants [29].
• Moderate-penetrance and high- or moderate-frequency alleles In addition to variant calling, dis-
• Risk fairly well defined for some but not all cancers closure of a result of variants of un-
certain significance is a challenge
• Screening and management guidelines dependent on test results both for the patient and for the cli-
and family history nician, because the result does not
• Implications for family members less well defined have an associated clinical utility.
To overcome this challenge, efforts
Recently described genes should be directed towards reclas-
• Cancer risks not well defined (usually moderate or low) sification of variants of uncertain
• Management guidelines not well defined significance, but that process usu-
ally takes years, and when it is
• Implications for family members not clear available, patient contact and coun-
• Frequent variants of uncertain significance selling may be difficult.
Taken together, the benefits
• May not change medical management
and challenges of multigene panel
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
testing underscore the importance those not undergoing surveillance. cancer and to qualify them to pro-
of genetic counselling and taking a This result shows that long-term vide genetic services. Inform and
family history of cancer – an afford- compliance with surveillance for empower patients with hereditary
able tool that can still drive patient early tumour detection in patients cancer, to enhance the adherence
care and data-sharing initiatives in with Li–Fraumeni syndrome is ef- to and effectiveness of interven-
providing clinically useful genetic fective [32]. Similar strategies have tions to reduce cancer risk. These
information [8,26]. been applied in other countries, and actions aim at a reduction of the
Finally, although the benefit of although results from screening are harms that have been reported
risk-reducing mastectomy and sal- positive overall, there are still lim- as a result of lack of access to ad-
pingo-oophorectomy for BRCA mu- ited data on the effect on mortality equate genetic testing, inaccurate
tation carriers is well established, and a lack of consensus on the best interpretation of results, or failure
there have also been important long-term follow-up protocol [33]. to tailor risk-reducing interventions
advances in evidence to support A very recent advance is the de- appropriately.
cancer risk-reducing strategies in velopment of polygenic risk scores • Address the challenge of a lim-
other scenarios. The most emblem- that combine information on multi- ited workforce in GCRA through
atic example is that of Li–Fraumeni ple single-nucleotide polymorphisms, the development of tailored initia-
syndrome (OMIM no. 151623), one which are associated with very mod- tives aimed at increasing access
of the most aggressive cancer pre- est risk individually. As these tools to service provision for at-risk
disposition syndromes, which is are clinically validated, they will refine individuals.
described and characterized by a the capacity to predict risk and apply • Improve the quality of care (i.e.
high and early-onset risk of cancer. tailored interventions [34]. accuracy of genetic testing and
The disease is caused by germline interpretation of results) through
TP53 mutations, and carriers have research efforts, data shar-
an estimated lifetime risk of 80%
Current challenges,
ing, training of multidisciplinary
(males) to 100% (females) of devel-
and interventions to teams, and regulatory actions.
oping at least one malignancy. In a overcome barriers This includes (i) in-depth study
recent study of 214 families with Li– The identification and manage- of the clinical utility (i.e. associ-
Fraumeni syndrome, 4% of carriers ment of patients with hereditary ated cancer risks and appropri-
developed a malignancy in the first cancer should be regarded as a ate screening and risk-reducing
year of life, 41% were diagnosed public health concern, because options) of P/LP variants in
with cancer by age 18 years, and public health plays an important moderate-penetrance genes and
40% developed second neoplasms role in ensuring access to interven- in newly identified genes; (ii) in-
[30]. In another study of 286 carri- tions that can prevent disease. The depth study of the clinical sig-
ers from 107 families, the cumula- timely identification of patients with nificance of unexpected, pheno-
tive cancer incidence was 50% by hereditary cancer and their at-risk type-unrelated findings obtained
age 31 years in females and 50% relatives can drastically change the by multigene panel testing; and
by age 46 years in males, and near- management of individuals who (iii) characterization of the mu-
ly 100% by age 70 years for the en- have already been diagnosed with tational landscape and associ-
tire cohort [31]. cancer, and enables the implemen- ated phenotypes in populations
Recently, survival benefits from tation of cancer prevention strat- or countries with reduced ac-
intensive cancer screening in pa- egies or early detection options cess to genetic risk assessment
tients with Li–Fraumeni syndrome among at-risk relatives who are un- and, thus, very limited available
have been reported, and this has affected by cancer. information.
completely changed the approach However, to ensure that all bene- • Invest in population-specific re-
towards managing affected fami- fits of incorporating genetic or geno- search to better define the land-
lies. In 2004, a clinical surveillance mic information into an individual’s scape of genetic variants (indi-
protocol using physical examina- clinical care are attained at a global vidually or in combination) that
tion and frequent biochemical and level, several barriers must still be significantly influence cancer risk.
imaging studies was introduced in overcome. Actions suggested to re- • Develop public policies aimed at
three tertiary care centres in North duce such barriers include, but are increasing access to GCRA and
America. An 11-year follow-up not restricted to, the following: management, including genetic
showed that 5-year overall survival • Invest in the education of health- counselling, testing, risk-reducing
was significantly higher in individu- care providers, to reduce variabil- interventions, and targeted cancer
als undergoing surveillance than in ity in knowledge about hereditary therapies whenever applicable.
Chapter 6.5 • Managing people with high and moderate genetic risk 537
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
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Chapter 6.5 • Managing people with high and moderate genetic risk 539
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From biology to public health
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
scientific debate about the valid meth- to intervene in the natural history
ods for the assessment and evalua- of the disease [4,15]. However, the FUNDAMENTALS
tion of cancer screening [10], as well use of morphological features for
as about alternative approaches for the diagnosis of pre-neoplastic le- ■■ The essential components of
programme organization to pursue sions poses the inherent challenge successful cancer screening
a better balance between diagnostic of accessing the target organ [15]. are a suitable disease, a
accuracy and treatment rates [11,12]. In addition, breast cancer, prostate suitable screening test,
The uncertainty derived from this cancer, and lung cancer have re- and a suitable screening
controversy can be reduced only by vealed great heterogeneity of dis- programme. Although there
progressively understanding tumour ease, with controversial results in is relative consensus about
biology, the factors associated with mortality reduction by screening [5]. these principles of screening,
successful screening, and technolo- The existence for the same can- improved knowledge about the
gy development as a binding element cer type of indolent, less aggressive critical components is required.
between cancer biology and public (slow-progressing), and aggressive ■■ The natural history of the
health programmes. This chapter re- tumours is currently one of the big- disease does not enable
views the contribution and potential gest challenges for cancer screen- an understanding of the
use of knowledge about these ele- ing, given the possibility of overdi- differences between
ments as a means to improve early agnosis of tumours without clinical indolent, less aggressive,
detection of cancer. significance and, at the same time, and aggressive tumours.
the difficulty of detecting lethal tu- This challenge can lead
mours in early phases (interval can- to both overtreatment and
Biological bases of cers). Furthermore, the identification undertreatment of cancers
screening of only a limited number of driver detected by screening.
genes, the discouraging results of
Natural history of the disease ■■ Improved knowledge of
mutation-targeted therapies on over-
A linear model with consecutive tumour biology warrants new
all survival, and the variable progres-
steps explains carcinogenesis from approaches in developing
sion of precancerous lesions, most
initiation to invasion [13]. The clonal screening tests or in combining
of which return spontaneously, chal-
evolution theory states that a first screening tests in alternative
lenge the theory of successive linear
mutation in a driver gene induces algorithms to improve the
somatic mutations as the only route
abnormal cell proliferation; a sec- accuracy and reliability.
of carcinogenesis [5,14,16].
ond mutation contributes to abnor- Next-generation sequencing has ■■ The experience in both high-
mal cell division and the alteration shown for a single tumour thousands income countries and low- and
of cellular architecture, resulting in of genetic alterations not contained middle-income countries on
benign tumours or identifiable pre- in germlines, and has enabled a implementation of cancer
cancerous conditions; and subse- better understanding of the roles of screening has furthered
quent mutations produce the final these alterations not only by differen- innovative programmatic
transformation to a cell with inva- tiating driver genes from passenger approaches that are suited to
sive capacity [13]. genes but also by elucidating the role different levels of resources
With this approach, actionable of epigenetic alterations involved in and contexts.
models of carcinogenesis are best malignant cellular transformation.
expressed by the progress of cervi- Moreover, recent publications have
cal intraepithelial neoplasia to inva- highlighted the role of the tissue and states that many anomalies involv-
sive cervical cancer and the devel- tumour microenvironment [16] and ing genomic instability could rapidly
opment of adenomatous polyps that have proposed new approaches to occur, reshaping the entire genome
progress to invasive cancer of the better explain tumour heterogeneity from one or two dominant clones [18]
colon [5]. However, the approach is and the onset of aggressive tumours (Fig. 6.6.1).
also proposed in the development over a short period, such as the con- The new theories enable a better
of cutaneous naevi to melanoma, cept of the field effect, which sug- understanding of tumour diversity.
the progression of Barrett oesopha- gests multiple initiating cells with in- Srivastava et al. have argued that
gus to oesophageal adenocarcino- dependent evolution [17]. In addition, the difference between indolent and
ma, and the progression of ductal alternative models of clonal evolution aggressive tumours may not rely ex-
adenocarcinomas in the pancreas suggest branched and punctuated clusively on the characteristics of tu-
and the breast [5,13,14]. evolutions; branched evolution en- mour cells, but is instead determined
In this context, dysplasia is the tails multiple clonal lineages evolv- by interactions among the host, en-
ideal surrogate marker for cancer, ing in parallel and cellular coopera- vironmental exposures, and neopla-
and its detection in asymptomatic tion via paracrine interactions, and sia [14]. Therefore, understanding
individuals is seen as the best way the model of punctuated evolution these interactions could determine
Principles of early disease detection, from Wilson Essential components of successful cancer
and Jungner (1968) [3]: screening, from dos Santos Silva (1999) [2]:
the ideal time to effectively use a unrelated to a specific evolution- the molecular profile of premalignant
screening test and significantly re- ary model. From this perspective, lesions remains challenging, because
duce the chance of overdiagnosis. therapies targeted to precise sig- individual mutations do not follow a
nalling pathways have been devel- consistent pattern between premalig-
Hallmarks of cancer oped irrespective of clinical stage nant and malignant states, suggest-
Hanahan and Weinberg proposed at diagnosis, with the idea that each ing a variable order and timing in the
a set of characteristics of malignant tumour expresses its hallmark ca- process of carcinogenesis [21]. In ad-
cells as the basis of molecular mech- pabilities within a certain clinical dition to cellular properties, changes
anisms that enable tumour growth and molecular course, which might in the surrounding tissue and in the
and metastatic invasion [19]. They differ from patient to patient [14]. cell microenvironment have been
proposed acquired capabilities as Although the described hallmarks proposed as early indicators of malig-
the hallmarks of cancer cells, includ- are distinctive of malignant cells, nant transformation, including pro-in-
ing sustaining proliferative signalling, many of them must be expressed flammatory and immune responses,
evading growth suppressors, resist- early in the process of carcinogen- changes in energy metabolism, and
ing cell death, enabling replicative esis. Accordingly, alterations in cell increased angiogenesis.
immortality, sustaining angiogenesis, proliferation and differentiation, an-
evading immune destruction, repro- ti-growth signalling, and apoptosis
gramming energy metabolism, and have been reported for different pre- Screening tests
activating invasion and metastasis. cancerous conditions [20]. Therefore, Cancer diagnosis continues to be
In addition to an improved un- early detection of anomalies in the morphology-based. Therefore, tis-
derstanding of cancer biology, the cell circuits involved has prompted sue or cell samples are needed to
hallmarks of cancer offer an alter- enthusiastic research into cancer verify the malignant transformation,
native approach to carcinogenesis screening. However, understanding and this condition may influence the
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 6.6.1. Models of clonal evolution and tumour progression. The relationship between models of carcinogenesis (clonal evolution
with tumours shown in black), tumour progression through clinical stages, and progression time with regard to early detection by
screening. A linear evolution of carcinogenesis (A) is more plausible in tumours that have a long sojourn time, progressively transit
through clinical stages, and are detectable by screening. However, some tumours that are due to this pattern may have a slow
growth rate (even regression) and would not be detected by screening (indolent tumours, shown by the dotted lines). In tumours
with branched evolution (B), clones derive from a common ancestor but evolve in parallel. Such tumours may have more rapid pro-
gression, but the sojourn time is still long enough to enable their detection by screening. Some tumours have punctuated evolution
(C), with a large number of mutations in short periods and one or two clones progressing rapidly. Therefore, they are more difficult
to detect by screening (interval cancers).
Indolent tumour
B Interval cancer
Normal Dysplasia/ Cancer Cancer Cancer
cell Ca in situ Stage I Stage II/III Stage IV
Indolent tumour
C Interval cancer
Normal Cancer Cancer
cell Stage I–III Stage IV Screen-detectable
Indolent tumour
development of technologies for the events associated with invasive An additional characteristic of
early detection of cancer. procedures highlight the need to morphology-based diagnosis is ob-
To date, the epidemiological ax- confer higher value to the specific- server dependency. Most screening
iom favours the combination of a ity of screening tests, in addition to tests in use today (Table 6.6.1) seek
highly sensitive screening test with reassessing their capability to avoid macroscopic or microscopic visuali-
a highly specific diagnostic test [4]. the detection of indolent tumours. zation of changes related to malignant
Despite the low sensitivity of cer-
vical cytology and faecal occult Fig. 6.6.2. Safe specimen sampling is possible if direct anatomical access is available,
blood tests, the achievements of as is the case for skin cancer screening.
screening for cervical cancer and
colorectal cancer reinforce this ap-
proach. Highly frequent screening
(i.e. with a short interval) usually
rectifies the low sensitivity; how-
ever, this is possible only if the dis-
ease has a long sojourn time and
if it is not difficult to obtain tissue
or cell samples, thus resulting in a
positive balance between the ben-
efits and the risk [15].
Safe specimen sampling is pos-
sible if direct anatomical access is
available, as to the skin or the oral
cavity, and even for organs that are
accessible by endoscopy, such as
Image-based screening
Cervix Visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) 1–3 30–49 Yesb
Biomarker-based screening
Ovary CA125 – – No
Restricted to individuals at high risk: tobacco use for lung cancer and oral cancer; chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis for liver cancer.
Limited evidence: VIA, one trial using “screen and treat” in one visit; direct visual inspection, one trial without adjustment by cluster design; cervical
cytology, based on observational studies (effectiveness).
Regularly combined with ultrasound.
transformation. Observer-dependent nario would be to combine different ficity for early identification of le-
techniques share some limitations, tests in diagnostic algorithms to guar- sions with high malignant potential.
such as variability in the character- antee adequate sensitivity and speci- To date, only human papillomavirus
istics of premalignant and malignant ficity. However, gains in diagnostic (HPV) tests and faecal occult blood
lesions, inter-observer variability in accuracy could be counterbalanced tests have solid evidence for reduc-
the interpretation of findings, and er- by the effects of such algorithms on tion of cancer mortality when used
rors in sampling techniques for mi- the number of visits and patient ad- as screening tests (Table 6.6.1).
croscopic analysis [15,22]. Although herence to clinical protocol [23]. The search for new diagnostic
these techniques are complemented Biomarkers have several ad- biomarkers requires prolonged pro-
by histological verification, the limi- vantages for cancer screening, in- cesses and faces several challeng-
tations noted must be compensated cluding the possibility of measuring es, which increase if asymptomatic
for with short screening intervals and them in body fluids, measuring in individuals with low prevalence of
high reassessment rates. quantitative terms, lowering pro- disease are envisioned as the target
Currently, research on alternative vider dependency, using automated population. The accessibility of body
approaches to cancer screening fo- platforms with high throughput, re- fluids is countered by the lack of
cuses on functional images and bio- ducing costs by large-scale produc- specificity to the site of tumour origin
markers of early disease. To date, no tion, and reducing the number of and by the low concentration of mark-
single technology has overcome the visits through simultaneous testing ers released in the early stages of
limitations of anatomical accessibility in a single specimen [24]. However, tumour development [24]. Moreover,
or diagnostic accuracy and reliability. most existing biomarkers suffer mortality reduction as the main re-
Therefore, the most likely future sce- from limited sensitivity or low speci- search outcome and avoidance of
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
detection of indolent tumours contin- Although mortality rates from tified as major factors that influ-
ue to be major challenges in translat- cervical cancer are low in Europe, ence cost–effectiveness ratios [36].
ing basic research into clinical prac- data from programme evaluation in Hence, quality assurance plays a
tice. These limitations are common to European countries show that popu- central role in minimizing false-neg-
tests based on cells, DNA, proteins, lation-based screening programmes ative and false-positive results, and
and circulating metabolites, which do not cover most of the region [31] observer-dependent tests present a
are currently the most widespread (see Chapter 4.5). Moreover, case– challenge in this respect. However,
research approaches to early detec- control studies reveal greater effec- the broad concept should be tailored
tion of cancer. tiveness for organized screening ver- according to the level of resources,
Some novel approaches to sus opportunistic screening [32,33], because certain quality assurance
overcome these limitations include but cohort analyses have shown vari- guidelines from high-income coun-
combining oncoproteins, cell dam- able results over time, with a greater tries propose more than 40 indica-
age markers, and epigenetic mark- effect of organized screening on cer- tors per programme [6–8], a stan-
vical cancer incidence revealed in dard that is difficult to meet in most
ers to increase specificity to lesions
earlier studies [34,35]. low- and middle-income countries.
with high malignant potential [25],
Similarly, cost–effectiveness anal- In addition to deficient participa-
combining circulating markers with
yses on organization of cervical can- tion and quality, deficient follow-up
tumour antigens to improve specific-
cer (see Chapter 5.10) and breast of positive screening results and
ity to the site of tumour origin [26],
cancer (see Chapter 5.9) screening reassessment of equivocal results
searching for markers in fluids spe- contribute to the lack of mortali-
report variable results depending
cific to the site of tumour origin [27], on the assumptions in the models. ty reduction in low- and middle-
and combining functional tests with In general, organized screening is income countries [30], as well as
anatomical images [28]. Thus, new more cost-effective than opportu- to the higher mortality in socially
technologies in genomics, proteo- nistic screening. However, analy- disadvantaged populations in high-
mics, and metabolomics, as well as ses of the effectiveness of screen- income countries. Cervical cytology
the growing number of high-quality ing reveal no significant differences screening has reduced mortality
biorepositories and a greater capac- when data from real scenarios are from cervical cancer in high-income
ity for data analysis, are opening up fed into the models [36,37], as op- countries, but short screening inter-
new avenues to search for cancer posed to models with hypothetical vals and high reassessment rates
screening biomarkers. scenarios that assume substantially hinder adherence in women with
Furthermore, the use of big da- lower participation rates for oppor- limited access to health care [30].
tabases and machine learning offer tunistic screening [38]. The gap in mortality reduction
new opportunities to improve the Although the definition of orga- between high-income countries and
accuracy of screening tests (par- nized and opportunistic screening low- and middle-income countries
ticularly for image-based screen- is not consistent across studies, has invigorated the search for alter-
ing) and to improve individual risk screening accuracy and excessive native programmatic approaches,
stratification in order to better guide use of diagnostics have been iden- accompanied by the introduction of
screening protocols.
Fig. 6.6.3. Women waiting at a mobile clinic for free breast cancer screening in Moscow,
Screening programmes Russian Federation.
technologies that conform to these the requirements for facilities and Recently, stratified screening ac-
approaches. A “screen and treat” ap- professional skills are challenges cording to individual risk has been
proach in one or two visits has been for patient access in low-income proposed for early detection of breast
proven to result in a significant reduc- settings [43]. Moreover, controver- cancer [44]. This is the underlying
tion in mortality from cervical cancer sial data on effectiveness, cost– concept of HPV testing in cervical
in low-income settings, either with effectiveness, and overdiagnosis cancer screening, and similar ap-
visual inspection with acetic acid or have impaired the implementation proaches have been developed for
with HPV testing [39,40]. HPV testing of mammography screening pro- screening of colorectal cancer (by fa-
has also enabled self-sampling and grammes in low- and middle-income milial and genetic risk) and lung can-
the identification of women at higher countries. A stepwise approach ac- cer (by smoking history). Although
risk. Self-sampling favours participa- cording to level of resources and preliminary data on effectiveness
tion in reluctant populations [41], and health system capacity seems more and cost–effectiveness are positive,
the identification of women at higher suited to these scenarios, moving the ultimate success of the strategy
risk has led to a greater reduction from breast awareness (based on will depend on the predictive capacity
in the incidence of cervical cancer breast self-examination) to a shift of risk assessment and the final im-
[42]. However, the lower specificity of the stage distribution of detect- pact on mortality reduction.
must be corrected for by additional ed disease towards a lower stage
visits to triage HPV-positive women (based on clinical breast examina-
(Fig. 6.6.4). tion) and progressive implementa- Conclusions
Mammography screening has re- tion of mammography screening The connections among disease,
duced mortality from breast cancer (from hospital-based to population- screening tests, and screening pro-
in high-income countries. However, based) [11]. grammes remain valid. However, in
Fig. 6.6.4. Alternative approaches for cervical cancer screening according to natural history of the disease. Available technologies for
self-collection and physician collection. * Visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) has not reliably demonstrated high specificity.
High-risk HPV
HPV E6/E7 markers
Persistent HPV
Cytology, VIA*
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Tumour biology
Target population Age range Burden of disease
Triage testing
Tumour biology
Treatment Access/Adherence
Number of visits
Active surveillance
understanding tumour biology, the capacity of new technologies, must (Fig. 6.6.5). Knowledge accumulated
prevailing linear approach to iden- be reviewed. from years of experience, not only
tifying tumours with aggressive be- Currently, the implementation of in high-income countries but also in
haviour that merit early detection cancer screening might be improved low- and middle-income countries,
must be overcome. Overdiagnosis by variations in programmatic ap- reveals the need to rethink screen-
of indolent tumours and the mor- proaches, including, as necessary, ing programmes on the basis of
phological basis of cancer diagnosis decreased screening intensity, a re- the level of resources available and
are the most relevant challenges in duced number of visits for the clini- the specific conditions of each sce-
searching for alternative approach- cal protocol, increased cut-off points nario. Combining programmatic ap-
es to cancer screening. These con- for referrals on diagnostic confirma- proaches with suitable technologies
cepts elicit a change in the traditional tion, stratified screening accord- ensures broader participation and
epidemiological approach, in which ing to population risk, and expect- increased treatment rates.
the balance between sensitivity and ing behaviour against lesions that
specificity, as well as the predictive are suspected to be indolent [45]
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
course. However, metastatic disease cation of ctDNA analysis for early di-
remains largely incurable, with very agnosis of small cancerous lesions. FUNDAMENTALS
few exceptions, which specifically in- The proper choice of markers is
clude testicular cancer or small liver also very important. Markers detect- ■■ The analysis of circulating
metastases in colon cancer. ed and validated in patients with ad- tumour cells, circulating cell-
Liquid biopsy, as a minimally in- vanced disease, such as CEA, lack free tumour DNA, and other
vasive and easily repeatable meth- specificity and sensitivity for early tumour-derived products
od, seems to offer an attractive al- detection. Concentrations of the detectable in the blood and
ternative to invasive tissue biopsies marker are lower at early stages of other body fluids has been
as the current definitive methodol- disease than at late stages. In addi- referred to as liquid biopsy.
ogy in tumour diagnostics. However, tion, the biology of these two disease
states varies; therefore, a late-stage ■■ Most research has been
programmes for early detection or
marker may not be suitable to detect focused on prognosis and
screening require well-validated tests
small tumours at early stages. Also, therapy, including real-time
with exceptionally high sensitivity
blood markers of early lesions may assessment of the stage
and specificity.
In the context of the TRACERx be masked by comorbidities, such of malignant disease in
study, Abbosh et al. investigated as chronic inflammatory diseases individual patients.
the potential of ctDNA analysis for [9], as well as by the accumulation
■■ Liquid biopsy tests have the
early diagnosis and monitoring in of cancer-related mutations with age
potential to aid in the detection
patients with non-small cell lung in healthy individuals [10,11].
of minimal residual disease.
carcinoma (NSCLC). The sequenc- These limitations may be illus-
ing of single-nucleotide variants in trated by the recently published work ■■ The presence of circulating
resected tumour tissue was used to of Cohen et al., who introduced the tumour cells as potential
create a patient-specific panel for CancerSeek panel for the detection seeds of distant metastases is
next-generation sequencing-based of the eight most common cancer highly predictive of metastatic
ctDNA analysis of plasma collected types [12]. This complex approach outgrowth and worse outcome
before surgery. With the detection combined the evaluation of eight in patients with both early-
soluble tumour biomarkers, including stage and late-stage disease.
threshold of at least two tumour-
standard tumour markers such as
specific single-nucleotide variants, ■■ Analysis of therapy-relevant
CEA, with ctDNA analysis of cancer-
the sensitivity of personalized tests genomic aberrations in circu-
related mutations in 16 genes. The
in pre-surgery plasma samples was
panel reached an overall median lating tumour cells and circulat-
97% for lung squamous cell carci-
sensitivity of 70%, with specificity of ing cell-free tumour DNA ena-
nomas but only 19% for lung adeno-
99% or more, but significant differ- bles the guidance of precision
carcinomas [8]. The authors calcu-
ences in sensitivity were observed therapy and the prediction of
lated that a tumour with a diameter
among the tumour types analysed, resistance to therapy.
of about 2.7 cm (volume, 10 cm3)
including 98% in ovarian cancer,
would result in a mean ctDNA plas-
60% in lung cancer, and 33% in
ma variant allele frequency of 0.1%. cancer face similar challenges to
breast cancer [12]. These findings
Modern low-dose computed tomog- require validation, ideally in an in- tests for early detection, including
raphy lung screening enables the dependent prospectively sampled, low concentrations of ctDNA and
detection of tumours of diameter pre-diagnostic cohort. Moreover, other liquid biomarker analytes [7].
0.4 cm (volume, 0.34 cm3), which the study analysed only healthy con- Tie et al. evaluated the ability of
would correspond to a plasma vari- trols; therefore, the high specificity of ctDNA analysis to detect minimal
ant allele frequency of 1.8 × 10 −4%, the CancerSeek approach requires residual disease in blood samples
below the detection limit of most further validation with non-cancer obtained from patients with stage II
current ctDNA technologies [8]. controls with comorbidities such as colon cancer after surgical removal
Another aspect is the cost of inflammatory diseases, which are of the primary tumour. The method
the patient-tailored next-generation common in ageing individuals. was able to predict recurrence at
sequencing-based ctDNA approach 36 months with a sensitivity of 48%
for the detection of single-nucleotide and a specificity of 100% [13]. In the
variants. Abbosh at al. estimated
ctDNA for monitoring of above-mentioned study of Abbosh
the current cost of targeted ctDNA minimal residual disease et al. in patients with lung cancer,
profiling to be US$ 1750 per pa- in patients with early- detection of ctDNA mutations that
tient, which is likely to be too high stage cancer were also present in the respective
for routine implementation as a test Liquid biopsy tests for the detection primary tumour was predictive of
for population cancer screening [8]. and monitoring of minimal residual relapse in 93% of cases, with a me-
These findings challenge the appli- disease in patients with early-stage dian of 70 days before radiological
Chapter 6.7 • Circulating DNA and other biomarkers for early diagnosis 551
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
confirmation [8]. Both of these stud- whether chromosome 1q23.1 ampli- provides a snapshot of the actual
ies demonstrate the feasibility and fication was enriched in tumour-initi- disease status. It has been shown
potential clinical value of ctDNA ating cells from patients with breast that regular enumeration of CTCs
analysis for monitoring of minimal cancer. Amplification of the region can be used for disease prognosis,
residual disease. However, ctDNA was detected in ctDNA as the aver- diagnosis of minimal residual dis-
detection required knowledge of age copy-number ratio of three genes ease, and monitoring of effective-
primary tumour-specific mutations, (TUFT1, S100A7, and S100A8) rela- ness of therapy [17–19].
and the mutational spectrum may tive to a reference gene by droplet Although reliable information
change during progression from digital polymerase chain reaction can easily be obtained in patients
minimal residual disease to overt (PCR). Detection of the amplifica- with advanced disease, patients with
metastatic disease. tion in ctDNA samples already at first early-stage cancer usually pres-
ctDNA analysis without prior diagnosis was predictive of relapse ent with very low concentrations of
knowledge of the genetics of the within 5 years in 67% of patients with CTCs. Nonetheless, a pooled analy-
primary tumour was applied in a re- early-stage breast cancer (stage I or sis including data from 3173 patients
cent study of patients with stage I–III II) and within 3 years in 40% of pa- with non-metastatic breast cancer
lung cancer. Chaudhuri et al. used tients with locally advanced breast (stage I–III) provided strong evi-
the highly sensitive cancer person- cancer (stage II or III), with 100% dence for CTCs as an independent
specificity in both cohorts [15]. prognostic factor with regard to poor
alized profiling by deep sequencing
Taken together, these results overall, breast cancer-specific, and
(CAPP-Seq) approach targeting 128
demonstrate the power of ctDNA disease-free survival [20]. Detection
genes that are recurrently mutated in
analysis to predict minimal residual of CTCs in patients with breast can-
lung cancer. Detection of ctDNA af-
disease in patients with cancer. cer receiving neoadjuvant therapy
ter the initial treatment of the primary
tumour was predictive of progres- is a significant predictor of outcome
sion in 72% of patients, with a me- CTCs for early detection independent of the response of the
and monitoring of primary tumour to therapy [21,22].
dian of 5.2 months before radiologi-
minimal residual disease This suggests that the presence
cal evidence of disease recurrence.
of CTCs signals the occurrence of
Remarkably, ctDNA was detectable Over the past decade, in addition to clinically relevant minimal residual
in 94% of patients experiencing re- the measurement of ctDNA, various disease at distant sites.
currence at the “minimal residual methods have been developed to Currently, most CTC assays rely
disease landmark” time point, which detect CTCs in the peripheral blood on epithelial markers such as EpCAM,
was defined as the first post-treat- of patients with cancer [16]. As for and most of the CTCs detected are
ment blood draw within 4 months of any other liquid biopsy analyte, single isolated cells. Despite the rel-
treatment completion [14]. quantification and characterization evance of epithelial–mesenchymal
Goh et al. used in vitro and pa- of CTCs in the blood of patients transition to cancer, the presence of
tient-derived xenograft assays to test with cancer at any particular time these “epithelial” CTCs is associated
with an unfavourable prognosis in
Fig. 6.7.2. A patient receiving chemotherapy in the context of cancer management. The cancer of the breast, prostate, colon,
currently available data suggest improved clinical management based on the power of and lung [23]. The clinical relevance
circulating cell-free tumour DNA (ctDNA) analysis to detect and monitor minimal residual of “mesenchymal” CTCs lacking any
disease in patients with cancer. epithelial markers as well as of CTC
clusters is still under investigation,
but the additional detection of these
subsets of CTCs may improve the
early detection of cancer and mini-
mal residual disease. The sensitivity
of current CTC assays seems to be
too low to enable them to be used
for early cancer detection. Only one
report has shown that detection of
CTCs in the blood of patients with
chronic obstructive pulmonary dis-
ease was able to predict the occur-
rence of lung cancer [24].
It has been shown that the pres-
ence of CTCs after completion of
adjuvant therapy is a predictor of
metastatic relapse and poor survival
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
[18]. Moreover, information provided could identify NSCLC with high ac- particular during the early stages
by CTCs may extend to the prote- curacy (AUC, 0.942) [28]. of cancer that are relevant to early
omic, transcriptomic, and genomic Recently, tumour-educated plate- detection programmes.
levels. Although single-cell analysis lets have emerged as new members Researchers have used various
is challenging, investigations of pro- of the family of liquid biopsy analytes. targeted DNA sequencing tech-
tein expression and genome-wide External stimuli, such as activation niques, such as digital PCR (quan-
studies on single cells are becoming of platelet surface receptors and titative PCR), BEAMing (beads,
the state of the art [25,26]. Molecular lipopolysaccharide-mediated platelet emulsion, amplification, magnetics)
characterization of CTCs provides a activation, induce specific splicing of technology, the safe-sequencing
powerful tool to assess intrapatient precursor messenger RNAs (mR- system, CAPP-Seq, and tagged-
heterogeneity and to obtain informa- NAs) in circulating tumour-educated amplicon deep sequencing [33].
tion about the clonal origin of CTCs platelets. The combination of specific These methods can reach ctDNA
and clonal selection under therapy. splice events in response to external detection limits of less than 0.01%.
The identification of clones that are signals and the capacity of platelets A disadvantage of these technolo-
sensitive and resistant to therapy to directly ingest (spliced) circulating gies is the requirement for detailed
may provide new insights and po- mRNA can provide tumour-educated prior information on the mutational
tential targets for cancer treatment. platelets with a highly dynamic mRNA spectrum of the tumour in the indi-
repertoire, with potential applicability vidual patient. This may be a limita-
to cancer diagnostics [6,29]. tion if these techniques are used for
Liquid biopsy beyond The first results on the use of cancer screening. Such information
ctDNA and CTC analyses tumour-derived exosomes and other is not required if non-targeted next-
In addition, the analysis of circulat- extracellular vesicles [30] are prom- generation sequencing is applied
ing non-coding nucleic acids such as ising, and their potential as cancer to investigate ctDNA, enabling the
miRNAs and lncRNAs (see Chapter biomarkers has been explored in genome-wide analysis of mutations
3.8) is a highly promising liquid biopsy multiple studies. However, the lack by whole-genome sequencing or
approach [4]. miRNAs and lncRNAs of standardization of protocols for whole-exome sequencing. However,
were found to provide additional lev- pre-analytical handling and ana- the drawbacks of genome-wide ctD-
els of transcriptional and translational lytical workflows limits interstudy NA analyses compared with target-
regulation and to be strongly involved comparisons and large international ed approaches include the need for
in cancer development. multicentre studies [31]. Moreover, higher concentrations of ctDNA and
Although levels of upregulation the investigation of extracellular ves- the lower overall assay sensitivity.
icles and their content in combina- In addition to next-generation
and downregulation of individual
tion with other liquid biopsy analytes sequencing-based mutation analy-
miRNAs or lncRNAs are probably in-
(e.g. CTCs, ctDNA) may provide sis (see Chapter 3.2), which is the
sufficient for a reliable test to detect
new opportunities for the develop- most prominent approach in ctDNA
cancer, signatures of 3–6 non-coding
ment of diagnostic tests [32]. analysis, copy number alteration
RNAs may be powerful and sensitive
In addition to ctDNA and CTCs, (CNA) and methylation analyses are
tools for early detection of cancer
the biomarkers discussed in this garnering substantial interest [34].
(reviewed in [4]). For example, a sig-
chapter provide information not Shallow whole-genome sequenc-
nature of serum miR-21 and miR-155
only on tumour cells but also on the ing of ctDNA, which enables the
was reported as a sensitive and spe- cost-effective global assessment of
tumour microenvironment – such as
cific biomarker for diagnosis of breast CNAs [35], has introduced the glob-
stromal and immune cells. This ad-
cancer; for miR-21 the receiver oper- al CNA score as a reliable biomarker
ditional information may be helpful
ating characteristic (ROC) area un- associated with active disease and
to detect the body’s response to the
der the curve (AUC) value was 0.788, survival in patients with melanoma.
development of small cancerous le-
the sensitivity was 66.67%, and the Similarly, genome-wide CNA as-
sions, which in turn could be used
specificity was 88.89%, and for miR- sessment has been used to screen
for early cancer detection.
155 the ROC AUC value was 0.749, cfDNA for the detection of incipient
the sensitivity was 100%, and the haematological malignancies in ap-
specificity was 51.02% [27]. Technologies for parently healthy individuals [36].
lncRNAs can also be suc- detection of ctDNA and Epigenomic tumour-specific al-
cessfully used in diagnostic tests. CTCs terations can be detected in ctDNA
Tang et al. found that three lncR- Circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in and have the potential to serve as
NAs (LINC01627, LINC01628, and blood plasma is highly fragmented biomarkers. Shen et al. demon-
ERICH1-AS1) were upregulated in DNA derived mainly from apoptotic strated the ability to identify large-
the plasma of patients with NSCLC cells. The concentration of ctDNA scale tumour-specific ctDNA meth-
compared with healthy individuals. in blood may be less than 0.01% of ylation patterns [37]. The method
The suggested diagnostic signature the total cfDNA concentration, in they established was successfully
Chapter 6.7 • Circulating DNA and other biomarkers for early diagnosis 553
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
applied for cancer detection and Fig. 6.7.3. A women having blood drawn. Liquid biopsy is recognized as a means of
classification in a patient cohort indicating prognosis for patients with cancer, but its potential is also being explored for
across several tumour types [37]. the purpose of early diagnosis.
Besides large-scale methylation as-
sessment, smaller panels have the
benefit of being less expensive and
easier to interpret. Thus, methylation
of 12 genes investigated by droplet
digital methylation-specific PCR in
ctDNA was successfully applied to
accurately distinguish between pa-
tients with breast cancer and healthy
volunteers [38].
Furthermore, the physicochemi-
cal properties of methylated DNA
assessed as the methylation land-
scape of cfDNA could be used to
accurately discriminate between
healthy individuals and patients
with cancer (accuracy > 70%) [39].
These recent findings demonstrate
the high potential as biomarkers of Although some antigens are applica- biopsy should be performed to de-
cfDNA CNA and methylome analy- ble to various different cancer types termine whether the NSCLC mu-
ses. However, these findings require (e.g. keratins are suitable for cancers tations are present. Insofar as the
further validation in larger cohorts of the breast, colon, and prostate test provides positive results, it may
and groups of patients with early- and other epithelial tumours), tissue- benefit patients who may be too ill
stage cancer or benign disease. specific antigens such as prostate- or are otherwise unable to provide a
Efficient enrichment of CTCs specific antigen or breast-specific tumour specimen for EGFR testing.
can be achieved by approaches mammaglobin are also suitable. Blood is a rich source of infor-
that exploit the differences between mation through which solid can-
tumour cells and blood cells, includ- cers can be detected, classified,
From discovery to
ing the differential expression of cell and matched to a specific thera-
membrane proteins (e.g. EpCAM,
clinical validation and py. Different approaches such as
the most widely used marker for the utility ctDNA, non-coding nucleic acids,
enrichment of CTCs in blood from Currently, only two liquid biopsy extracellular vesicles, tumour-ed-
patients with carcinoma) as well as tests are approved in the USA by ucated platelets, or CTC analyses
different sizes, densities, electric the FDA, but not for the early detec- will provide complementary infor-
charges, and deformabilities [5,16]. tion of cancer. The FDA approved mation, depending on the tumour
After enrichment, the CTCs are still the above-mentioned system for type and the intended clinical use.
surrounded by hundreds to thou- detecting CTCs in metastatic can- Despite the potential of individual
sands of leukocytes, and therefore cer in 2018 and an EGFR mutation techniques, each has its own limi-
reliable methods are required to iden- test for ctDNA analysis in 2016 [3]. tations; this leads to the idea of
tify a CTC at the single-cell level. The EGFR mutation test can detect combining different analytes for the
CTCs can be detected by anti- EGFR gene mutations in patients early detection of cancer. Technical
bodies against membrane and cyto- with NSCLC. Such mutations are and clinical validation of assays is
plasmic antigens, including epithelial, present in about 10–20% of pa- very important and can be achieved
mesenchymal, tissue-specific, and tients with NSCLC. The EGFR mu- in independent, international con-
tumour-associated markers. Most tation test identifies the presence sortia such as the European IMI
current CTC assays use the same of 42 specific NSCLC mutations in Cancer-ID network (https://www.
identification step as the system ap- exons 18–21, including the L858R Similar to the devel-
proved by the United States Food mutation, exon 19 deletions, and opment of new drugs, the pipeline
and Drug Administration (FDA) for the T790M mutation. On the basis for the development of new diag-
detecting CTCs in patients with meta- of these data, patients who may nostic tools needs more standardi-
static cancer: cells are fluorescently benefit from treatment with erlotin- zation to bridge the gap between
stained for epithelial keratins as a ib or osimertinib may be selected. the plethora of published biomark-
marker of CTCs, and CD45 is used However, if such mutations are not er studies and the paucity of new
as a leukocyte exclusion marker. detected in the blood, then a tumour markers entering clinical practice.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
In the past, obesity was viewed “Effective modern approaches for the income countries. Most of the users
as a matter of personal responsibility control of obesity”) [4]. Many of these are young women. Use of ultravio-
that could be controlled through in approaches could also be applicable let-emitting tanning devices is clas-
dividual choice. Governmental inter to the reduction of exposure to other sified by the IARC Monographs as
vention focused on education cam- known or suspected carcinogens. carcinogenic to humans (Group 1);
paigns and on taxation of unhealthy Public health interventions to reduce such devices cause malignant mela-
foods and beverages to urge individ- the prevalence of obesity are likely noma of the skin and eye. The risks
uals to adopt healthy lifestyles (see to accelerate with the recognition are higher for exposure at younger
Chapter 6.2). More recently, a wider that the cancer burden attributable ages (see Chapter 2.4). Risks of
variety of governmental interven- to obesity and overweight is greater cutaneous melanoma are higher
tions have been recognized as hav- than was previously believed. for people who first used tanning
ing value in reducing the prevalence devices before about age 30 years
of obesity. A recent survey described Ultraviolet-emitting tanning (overall relative risk, 1.75). Risks of
worldwide trends towards strength- devices ocular melanoma are higher for peo-
ening existing interventions and Indoor tanning using ultraviolet-emit- ple whose first use was before age
introducing novel approaches to re- ting devices, such as sunlamps and 20 years. There is also a positive as-
duce the prevalence of obesity (see sunbeds, is common in many high- sociation with risk of squamous cell
These approaches for the control have included trans fat content salted foods to include a govern-
of obesity [1] are also applicable to since 2008, there has been a ment health message.
other health concerns. documented decrease in levels of
Restrictions, standards, and
trans fatty acids in the population.
Stronger taxes bans on specific ingredients
For example, in 2014, the Navajo Built environment For example, many European
Nation in the USA imposed higher Obstacles to obtaining healthy countries have adopted legislation
taxes on sugar-sweetened bever- food include lack of supermarkets, that restricts the trans fat content
ages and foods high in salt, fat, lack of public transportation, and of foods. Also, Ghana has a law
and/or sugar, and eliminated tax- unsafe neighbourhoods. For ex- to restrict the fat content of meats,
es on fresh fruits, vegetables, and ample, since 2011, Canada has and several Pacific island coun-
nuts. Mexico placed an 8% tax on worked with supermarkets to pro- tries have banned the sale or im-
high-calorie foods in 2013 and a vide nutritious perishable foods to port of certain fatty animal parts.
10% tax on sugar-sweetened bev- more than 70 000 people living in
Screening to target high-risk
erages in 2014. isolated northern communities. individuals
Stronger educational messages School-based interventions For example, Japan has a law that
For example, in 2012, Western Many countries promote healthy requires adults to have their waist
Australia launched a campaign meals in schools or restrict the circumference measured annually
featuring graphic images of obese provision of unhealthy foods. Since and compared to population stan-
people coupled with messages 2013, at least 19 states in the USA dards. There are fines for employ-
about “toxic fat”. Evidence from re- have required schools to provide ers and local governments that do
search on anti-tobacco campaigns parents with body mass index as- not meet population health goals,
shows that advertising featuring sessments of their children. but no penalties for individuals.
powerful images and health warn- Sustainable agriculture,
Restrictions on advertising and
ings can affect public opinion. environment, and healthy food
Labelling Many countries have long re- These are integrated programmes
Labelling provides better informa- stricted advertising of unhealthy that engage government, multi-
tion on more food products. For foods directed at children. In ad- ple private-sector industries, and
example, since 2012, Cameroon dition, some countries are mov- stakeholders.
has mandated nutritional label- ing towards restricting advertis-
ling, and Chile, Ecuador, and the ing of certain products aimed at
1. Taylor AL, Parento EW, Schmidt LA
United Kingdom have introduced the broader public. For example,
(2015). The increasing weight of regula-
front-of-package, traffic-light la- France requires advertisements tion: countries combat the global obesity
belling. In the USA, where labels for processed, sweetened, or epidemic. Indiana Law J. 90(1):7.
Fig. 6.8.2. A woman using a sunbed. Brazil was the first country to ban indoor tanning 7 years, and sellers are required to
for people of all ages. disclose a phone’s specific absorp-
tion rate of energy [9]. In 2017, the
state of California in the USA is-
sued guidance to reduce exposure
to energy from mobile phones [10].
Occupational exposures
to chemical, physical, and
biological agents
Worldwide, an estimated 740 000
people per year die from exposure
to carcinogens in the workplace [11]
(see Chapter 2.10). Many such can-
cers occur in high-income countries,
because of longer life expectancies.
However, exposures can be higher
in low- and middle-income countries
if there is low compliance with safety
norms, if there is weak enforcement
of hazard control in workplaces, if
worker organizations are not strong
enough to ensure compliance with
standards, and/or if there is a large
informal economy that is not subject
to regular inspection [12].
The Globally Harmonized Sys
tem of Classification and Labelling
of Chemicals [13] is becoming an
international standard for the com-
munication of chemical hazards. The
Globally Harmonized System defines
two categories of carcinogenic haz-
carcinoma of the skin, especially for Mobile phones ards: known or presumed human
use before age 20 years [5]. carcinogens (Categories 1A and
Concern about children’s health is 1B) and suspected human carcino-
Soon after the announcement evident in some actions to reduce
of the IARC Monographs conclu- gens (Category 2). The European
exposure from mobile phones. Chil Chemicals Agency aligned its clas-
sions, Brazil became the first coun- dren hold phones closer to their
try to ban indoor tanning for people sification and labelling practices with
brains than adults do, and the bone the Globally Harmonized System in
of all ages, and Australia followed and marrow in children’s skulls have 2011, the United States Occupational
in 2015. In view of the higher sus- higher conductivity. Radiofrequency Safety and Health Administration in
ceptibility of younger users, age electromagnetic fields from mobile 2012, and the Scientific Committee
restriction has been a more com- phones have been classified by the on Occupational Exposure Limits
mon type of action. In Europe, 11 IARC Monographs as possibly car- for the European Union in 2017 [14].
countries ban indoor tanning under cinogenic to humans (Group 2B), Labelling provides workers with in-
age 18 years, as do New Zealand with positive associations for glio- formation on the potential hazards of
and each province in Canada. In ma and acoustic neuroma [8]. chemicals in the workplace.
the USA, 17 states ban commercial Although regulation of mobile
indoor tanning under age 18 years. phone use mostly aims to reduce
Most other states have restrictions distractions while driving or in the Restrictions quantita-
for minors, such as bans under classroom, some health agencies tively based on levels of
age 14–17 years or requirements have acted in response to the pos- exposure or risk
for parental consent or accompani- sible risk of cancer, citing the IARC Some laws require a quantitative
ment [6]. Research shows that laws Monographs findings. Since 2014, evaluation of exposure or risk be-
with age restrictions are effective Belgium has banned the sale and fore acting to reduce risks to ac-
in reducing rates of indoor tanning advertising of mobile phones de- ceptable levels. Determining what
among female students [7]. signed for children younger than level of risk is acceptable can entail
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
intense debate, especially when the derive an exposure–response rela- bacco products. Guidance proposed
scientific evidence is inconclusive tionship, often linear, to estimate risk in 2012 describes the need to dem-
or when the benefits and costs of as a function of exposure. Final regu- onstrate whether a new or modified
exposure reduction accrue to dif- latory limits consider these health- tobacco product will reduce levels of
ferent segments of the population. based estimates along with political, exposure to hazardous substances
Government agencies often dis- socioeconomic, technical, and other or will reduce the risk of tobacco-
tinguish between the underlying considerations, depending on the related disease.
health science (known as risk as- governing legislation (Fig. 6.8.3).
sessment) and the legal, political, In 2016, a new law amended the Incorporation of
social, economic, and technical as- United States Toxic Substances Con
pects of a decision (known as risk trol Act [16]. This law directs the En
increased understanding
management) [15]. vironmental Protection Agency to
and new types of
Risk assessment of carcinogens develop risk-based evaluations that information
generally proceeds in distinct steps consider individuals who may be at Although observational epidemiol-
(Fig. 6.8.3): (i) hazard identification greater risk than the general popu- ogy has led to the identification of
determines whether an agent can lation because of biological suscep- about 100 known human carcino-
cause cancer under some condi- tibility or higher exposure. The new gens, animal bioassays are the pri-
tions; (ii) dose–response assess- law also prescribes timelines to mary support for the identification of
ment describes cancer risk as a accelerate the pace of risk evalua- most suspected carcinogens. In the
function of exposure to the agent; tions. Most of the first 10 substances past decades, the pace of animal
(iii) exposure assessment identifies selected to undergo risk evaluation bioassays has slowed. The United
human exposure pathways and es- are classified by the Environmental States National Toxicology Program
timates the levels of human expo- Protection Agency as known or sus- published its first 200 technical re-
sure; and (iv) risk characterization pected carcinogens. ports during 1976–1982 (a period of
integrates these steps for a conclu- 6 years), the next 200 during 1982–
sion about cancer risk. Exposure and risk 1993 (11 years), and the most recent
assessment of tobacco 200 during 1993–2018 (25 years)
Occupational and products (
environmental exposures In 2009, a new law authorized the pubs/index.html). At the same time,
Many government agencies use two United States Food and Drug Admin data on cancer mechanisms have
approaches to set regulatory limits istration to regulate tobacco products. become increasingly pivotal, and in
for known or suspected carcinogens, The law mandates several preventive the IARC Monographs programme
although specific procedures and ter- measures that have been success- mechanistic data have led to the
minology differ. Threshold approach- fully implemented in other countries. classification of more than a dozen
es estimate an exposure level below It also provides a unique risk-based agents as known human carcino-
which carcinogenic effects should approach for evaluating claims of re- gens (
not occur. Non-threshold approaches duced harm from new or modified to- of-classifications-volumes/).
Hazard Dose–Response
Identification Assessment
Can the agent How is exposure
cause cancer related to human
under some cancer risk?
Characterization Identify options
Integrate Hazard, Evaluate risks
Dose–Response, Legal and other
and Exposure Political considerations
Exposure Social Take action
How are people Technical considerations
Fig. 6.8.4. The United States Capitol Building. In 2016, the 114th Congress passed a erties of chemicals, and read-across
new law on chemical safety to amend and update the Toxic Substances Control Act, approaches for filling data gaps.
which went into force in 1976.
In the USA, Section 4 of the
2016 law that amended the Toxic
Substances Control Act directs the
Environmental Protection Agency
to develop and implement alterna-
tive testing methods to reduce ver-
tebrate animal testing. Examples
include computational toxicology
and bioinformatics, high-throughput
screening methods, testing of cate-
gories of substances, tiered testing
methods, in vitro studies, systems
biology, and new methods identified
by authoritative validation bodies.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Stockholm Convention on Table 6.8.2. Persistent organic pollutants listed under the Stockholm Convention
Persistent Organic Pollutants Persistent organic pollutant IARC Monographs classification a
The Stockholm Convention on Per Annex A: Elimination
sistent Organic Pollutants is a legally Aldrinb Group 2A
binding treaty initiated by the United Chlordaneb Group 2B
Nations Environment Programme Dieldrinb Group 2A
and adopted in 2001 (http://chm. Endrinb Group 3 Countries undertake to Heptachlor b Group 2B
Hexachlorobenzeneb Group 2B
eliminate or restrict the production,
Mirexb Group 2B
use, import, and export of persistent
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) b Group 1
organic pollutants, which can cross
Toxapheneb Group 2B
national boundaries, persist in the
Chlordecone Group 2B
environment, bioaccumulate, and
Short-chain chlorinated paraffins Group 2B
harm human health and the environ-
Decabromodiphenyl ether (commercial mixture) –
ment (see Chapter 2.9). To date, 181
Technical endosulfan and its related isomers –
countries plus the European Union Hexabromobiphenyl –
have ratified the treaty. There are 28 Hexabromocyclododecane –
listed pollutants, most of which are Hexabromodiphenyl ether and heptabromodiphenyl –
known or suspected human carcino- ether (commercial octabromodiphenyl ether)
gens (Table 6.8.2). Hexachlorobutadiene Group 3
An example of research translat- Alpha hexachlorocyclohexane Group 2B
ed into governmental action involves Beta hexachlorocyclohexane Group 2B
perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). In Lindane Group 1
2014, the IARC Monographs classi- Pentachlorobenzene –
fied PFOA as possibly carcinogenic Pentachlorophenol and its salts and esters Group 1
to humans (Group 2B), based in Polychlorinated naphthalenes –
part on evidence of testicular can- Tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl –
ether (commercial pentabromodiphenyl ether)
cer and kidney cancer in humans
Annex B: Restriction
[22,23]. Subsequently, PFOA, its 4,4′-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) b Group 2A
salts, and PFOA-related compounds Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), its salts, and –
were proposed for listing under the perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride
Stockholm Convention. In addition Annex C: Unintentional production
to testicular cancer and kidney can- Polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxinsb Group 3
cer, the proposal cites thyroid dis- 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin Group 1
ease, pregnancy-induced hyperten- Polychlorinated dibenzofuransb Group 3
sion, and high cholesterol as health 2,3,4,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran Group 1
issues linked to PFOA. Chemicals proposed for listing
A recent example of national Dicofol Group 3
legislative action on persistent or- Pentadecafluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts, and Group 2B
PFOA-related compounds
ganic pollutants is Section 6 of the
Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid, its salts, and related –
2016 law that amended the Toxic compounds
Substances Control Act. The law a
Group 1, carcinogenic to humans; Group 2A, probably carcinogenic to humans; Group 2B, possibly
specifies that exposure shall be re- carcinogenic to humans; Group 3, not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans; –, not evaluated
duced “to the extent practicable” for (
In 2018, a legally binding sup- system, and through law enforce- Disclaimer
plement, the Protocol to Eliminate ment and other measures to enable
The views expressed in this chap-
Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, international cooperation.
was ratified ( ter are those of the author and do
protocol/en/). The protocol provides not necessarily represent the views
tools to prevent illicit trade by secur- or the policies of the United States
ing the supply chain, by establishing Environmental Protection Agency.
an international tracking and tracing
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
tobacco smoking is key to re- tors – tobacco use, excess alco- countries than in high-income coun-
ducing the risk of many can- hol consumption, unhealthy diet, tries. For example, rates of car-
cer types as well as other and lack of physical activity – are diovascular disease and death are
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
It has been particularly difficult carcinogenic to humans (Group 1) dynamic diameter less than 2.5 µm
to specifically characterize diet as a and indoor emissions from house- (PM2.5), are thought to be mainly
risk factor for cancer, with the ex- hold combustion of biomass fuel responsible for the excess in lung
ceptions of contaminants such as (primarily wood) as probably carci- cancer, because these particles can
aflatoxin contamination of mouldy nogenic to humans (Group 2A). In penetrate deeply into the lungs. In
foods as a cause of liver cancer, 2013, the IARC Monographs classi- addition to particulate matter, air-
and arsenic in drinking-water as a fied outdoor air pollution as carcino- borne gases such as ozone, carbon
cause of bladder cancer and skin genic to humans (Group 1) and esti- monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sul-
cancer [8]. In the World Cancer mated that 223 000 deaths per year fur dioxide may be associated with
Research Fund/American Institute worldwide (about 15% of all deaths risk of diseases such as asthma,
for Cancer Research (WCRF/AICR) from lung cancer) are attributable to cardiovascular disease, and stroke.
2018 Expert Report, the only other outdoor air pollution.
diet–cancer relationship for which On the basis of estimates from
Experience in high-
the evidence was categorized as the Global Burden of Disease Study
convincing was between consump- 2015, The Lancet Commission on
income countries
tion of processed meat and risk of Pollution and Health estimated In some high-income countries,
colorectal cancer [8]. However, the that 24% of DALYs lost due to tra- the mortality rates of NCDs have
WCRF/AICR committee catego- cheal, bronchial, and lung cancers peaked – particularly with respect
rized a large number of associations worldwide are attributable to air to cardiovascular diseases and,
as probable, and these directions of pollution, both indoor and outdoor, possibly, cancer. The 60-year
association are mostly considered with a higher burden in low- and trends in the USA (Fig. 6.9.2) show
to be the same for risk of cardiovas- middle-income countries [10]. The that age-adjusted mortality rates for
cular disease. Hence, dietary rec- association of air pollution with cardiovascular diseases have de-
ommendations for cancer and car- cardiovascular disease, stroke, creased by about 75% from a peak
diovascular disease largely overlap; and chronic obstructive pulmonary in the 1960s, those for cerebrovas-
they both emphasize consuming a disease means that much larger cular disease have decreased by
largely plant-based diet and eating numbers of DALYs lost and deaths 78%, and those for cancer have
whole foods rather than processed due to these other NCDs are attrib- decreased by 17% since 1980
foods [8,9]. uted to air pollution than for cancer. (https://w w
However, reduction in exposure to hus/2011/024.pdf).
Air pollution air pollution would be predicted to Similar reductions in the inci-
In recent years, the contribution reduce the incidence of all four of dence of cardiovascular diseases
of air pollution to NCDs has be- these NCDs. and of lung cancer in men have been
come far more widely appreciated. The precise components of air seen in many high-income countries
In 2006, the IARC Monographs pollution that are causal are not fully [11]. However, despite these declines
classified indoor emissions from identified. Particulates, notably par- in age-adjusted risks, reductions in
household combustion of coal as ticulate matter with particles of aero- the absolute number of deaths per
Fig. 6.9.2. Decline in age-adjusted death rates per 100 000 people for major noncommunicable diseases in the USA, 1950–2010.
Per 100,000
Chronic lower respiratory diseases
Malignant neoplasms
400 Cerebrovascular diseases
Diseases of the heart
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
year are smaller, because of popu- ing leading to early detection and ternational cooperation in tobacco
lation growth and ageing. The es- treatment [14]. Therefore, the ex- and agricultural policies; (ii) promo-
timates from the Global Burden of perience in high-income countries tion of health literacy, to increase
Disease Study 2017 of age- and sex- suggests that the size of the NCD self-efficacy in avoiding risks and
specific rates for deaths and DALYs epidemic is not predetermined, and maintaining health; and (iii) health
lost due to NCDs globally demon- the challenge for low- and middle- services that combine timely and
strate a substantial reduction in inci- income countries is whether they cost-effective management of NCD
dence rates, but because of increas- can intervene sufficiently early to risk factors and clinically manifest
ing population sizes and population mitigate the epidemic. NCDs (Table 6.9.1).
ageing the absolute number of cases However, forecasting of future The major priority for cancer
continues to increase [12]. cancer rates suggests an increas- prevention is tobacco control (see
Modelling suggests that reduc- ing global burden in the absence of Chapter 2.1), which could prevent
tions in the prevalence of risk fac- major interventions. The projections about 29% of all cancer deaths in
tors explain about 44–76% of the from the Global Burden of Disease the USA and also greatly reduce the
decline in mortality from coronary Study 2017 of the leading causes of number of deaths from cardiovascu-
heart disease in the USA and other years of life lost predict that between lar disease and chronic respiratory
high-income countries, and im- 2016 and 2040, cancers of the lung, disease [16]. Tobacco smoking is
proved treatments and access to liver, colorectum, and breast will the second largest cause of deaths
treatments explain about 23–47% move up the rankings, as a result worldwide [10]. Recent experience
of the decline [13]. The causes of a combination of changes in the documents that when the preva-
of the decline in cancer mortali- prevalence of risk factors, popula- lence of smoking declines, there are
ty rates in the USA are less well tion growth and ageing, and declin- almost immediate reductions in the
quantified, although a reduction in ing mortality from NCDs [15]. incidence of myocardial infarction
lung cancer mortality in men as a and hospital admissions for asthma,
result of a decrease in the preva- and the incidence of lung cancer de-
lence of smoking is clearly a major Prevention and control of creases within a decade [17].
contributor. Over the 20th century, NCDs The most effective way to re-
mortality rates from cervical cancer A comprehensive NCD control pro- duce tobacco use is by increasing
decreased dramatically in high-in- gramme should include: (i) policy the price of tobacco products (see
come countries, mainly because of interventions that assist people to Chapter 6.1), and the most effec-
organized cervical cancer screen- avoid risky behaviours, including in- tive way to do this is by increasing
Table 6.9.1. Opportunities for the prevention, detection, and treatment of noncommunicable diseases in low- and middle-income
Health system Intersectoral planning for health promotion Surveillance for risk factor and Facilities and equipment for
Training of health personnel, including task- NCD prevalence affordable treatments
shifting for cancer detection and treatment Facilities and equipment for Recognition of need for both
low-cost detection of patients acute and chronic treatment
who should be referred for of NCDs
cancer workup
Clinicians Counselling of patients in risk factor Evaluation of intermediate Evidence-based treatment with
reduction risk factors; lifestyle and drug affordable essential medicines
Treatment for tobacco addiction interventions to lower risk Procedural or surgical
factor profiles interventions if appropriate
Appropriate screening (e.g.
HPV detection)
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Fig. 6.9.3. This display advertisement income for those who are financially The evidence shows that sugar-
from Nepal illustrates one of the many dependent on growing tobacco. sweetened beverages are important
aspects of tobacco control plans. The increase in the prevalence of causes of childhood obesity, and
obesity is predicted to result in an in- substitution of lower-calorie options
crease in cancer incidence and mor- is associated with weight loss in ran-
tality (see Chapter 2.7). This implies domized trials [20,21]. Taxes on sug-
that prevention of obesity is a prior- ar-sweetened beverages have been
ity for the prevention of cancer, as successful in lowering consumption,
well as cardiovascular diseases and particularly in Central and South
diabetes. The environment in much America, and preliminary evidence
of the world has been described as suggests some reductions in the
obesogenic because of the increas- prevalence of obesity (see Chapter
ing availability of lower-cost pro- 6.2). However, much larger societal
cessed foods, combined with lower changes will be needed in intersec-
levels of daily physical activity. toral management of agriculture and
Fig. 6.9.4. This poster is part of the “no fast food” campaign in Azerbaijan.
the food supply, as well as urban de- tion has recently become an issue vascular diseases, chronic obstruc-
sign to promote healthier transport in several cities in sub-Saharan tive pulmonary disease, stroke, and
options. In many countries, the im- Africa. Policies that reduce levels of diabetes. HPV vaccination and cervi-
pact of rapid urbanization has meant air pollution are urgently needed, to cal cancer screening are also a “best
that these considerations are given a reduce the burden of air pollution- buy” but would not be predicted to
low priority. related morbidity and mortality. directly alter the risk of other NCDs.
Exposure to indoor air pollution Early-life vaccination against
has become less prevalent glob- hepatitis B virus has sharply reduced Health system
ally but is still highly prevalent in the prevalence of chronic hepatitis
low- and middle-income countries; B virus infection (see Chapter 5.6),
about 3 billion people worldwide are and thus the incidence of liver can- The global NCD epidemic challeng-
exposed to household air pollution, cer [25]. The recent development es all health systems, although the
which accounts for an estimated of direct-acting antiviral agents that challenges vary according to the
3.5–4 million deaths per year [22]. can cure hepatitis C virus infection level of development. In low- and
Exposure to outdoor air pollution in more than 95% of people who middle-income countries, limited fi-
has increased substantially in recent take a 12-week course offers the nancial protection from the costs of
decades (see Chapter 2.9). In 2016, potential to remove hepatitis C virus cancer treatment drives many peo-
an estimated 95% of the world’s infection as a cause of liver cancer. ple into bankruptcy. The health-care
population lived in areas with ambi- Reductions in the prevalence of in- infrastructure is inadequate to meet
ent PM2.5 levels that exceeded the fections with hepatitis B virus and the needs, with limited facilities for
WHO air quality guideline of 10 μg/ hepatitis C virus will also reduce the advanced care and shortages of
m3 for outdoor PM2.5 (annual aver- incidence of non-cancer liver dis- trained health workers. In general,
age), and 58% lived in areas with eases, such as cirrhosis. the health systems are configured
levels that exceeded 35 μg/m3 [23]. Many of these interventions have to provide acute episodic care and
The sources of PM2.5 vary sub- been identified by WHO as being need to be adapted to provide chron-
stantially geographically. Sand is cost-effective. A set of 16 “best buys” ic continuous care across multiple
a major component in North Africa out of 88 interventions have been disciplines. Although investment in
and the Middle East. In India, burn- selected on the basis of cost–effec- secondary and tertiary hospitals
ing of crop wastes, construction tiveness and feasibility of implemen- may provide the physical facilities
dust, and vehicular emissions com- tation [26]. Five of these are policies for cancer care, the specialization
bine to create high levels of outdoor designed to reduce the prevalence involved means that economies of
air pollution in the growing metropo- of tobacco use, three are to reduce scale or clinical experience may not
lis of Delhi, which is surrounded by alcohol consumption, and one aims be readily achievable between the
agricultural states. In China, coal- to increase physical activity. These treatment of cancer and treatment
fired power plants, automobiles, interventions involve legislative ac- of other NCDs. This contrasts with
and industrial facilities are thought tions, public awareness campaigns, the win–win component of a joint
to be the dominant contributors to and public health interventions. approach to reducing the preva-
air pollution in the Beijing–Shanghai These steps would be expected to lence of risk factors.
corridor [24]. Outdoor air pollu- decrease the risk of cancers, cardio- In many countries, access to es-
sential drugs is not assured. As a re-
sult, some countries, such as India
Fig. 6.9.5. Part of the “This Girl Can” campaign from Sport England, which encourages and Thailand, are resorting to com-
women to get active. pulsory licensing to domestically
produce the more expensive cardio-
vascular or anticancer drugs. Many
patients with cancer are deprived
of low-cost drugs such as morphine
that can provide pain relief; this is
due to both national policies and in-
ternational regulations that restrict
the trade in opioid drugs [27].
There is a need to train and
deploy non-physician health-care
workers in primary care to provide
appropriate referral for potential
cancer cases in an attempt to detect
cancers at an earlier stage. This is
a complex endeavour because of a
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
lack of knowledge in many popula- at three levels (state, capital, and health-care providers. The global
tions about the signs and symptoms district), is being pioneered by the movement for universal health cov-
of cancer and its potential to be treat- Tata Trust in India to offer afford- erage means that many countries
ed. Necessary diagnostic facilities able clinical care closer to patients’ are adopting policies that provide
include imaging, biopsy, and histo- homes [28]. Telemedicine and mo- greater financial protection to peo-
pathology. Treatment facilities range bile phone consultations may be ple for health care, including the
from outpatient oncology treatments helpful in initial assessment before more treatable cancer types [29].
to surgery and/or radiotherapy. Early referral as well as in continuing clini- It is essential to ensure that na-
presentation by patients, along with cal management. tional cancer control programmes
rapid referral, diagnosis, and treat- The costs of acute interventions actively explore potential synergies
ment initiation, requires substantial and chronic care for NCDs, includ- with the prevention and acute and
specialist staffing. The development ing cancer, are a formidable bar- chronic care of other NCDs.
of local and regional cancer centres, rier for patients, governments, and
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Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Christian C. Abnet Bruce K. Armstrong Rosamonde E. Banks
National Cancer Institute The University of Western Australia University of Leeds
Rockville, Maryland Perth Leeds
[email protected] and [email protected]
The University of Sydney
Clement A. Adebamowo Sydney Partha Basu
University of Maryland School of [email protected] International Agency for Research
Medicine on Cancer
Baltimore, Maryland Patricia Ashton-Prolla Lyon
[email protected] Universidade Federal do Rio [email protected]
Grande do Sul
Demetrius Albanes and Linda Bauld
National Cancer Institute Hospital de Clínicas de Porto The University of Edinburgh
Bethesda, Maryland Alegre Edinburgh
[email protected] Porto Alegre and
[email protected] Cancer Research UK
Laia Alemany Vilches London
Institut Català d’Oncologia (ICO) – Dagfinn Aune [email protected]
Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Imperial College London
Bellvitge (IDIBELL) London Iacopo Baussano
and and International Agency for Research
CIBER en Epidemiología y Salud on Cancer
Bjørknes University College
Pública (CIBERESP) Lyon
Barcelona [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Laura E. Beane Freeman
Anssi Auvinen
Maribel Almonte National Cancer Institute
Tampere University
International Agency for Research Bethesda, Maryland
on Cancer [email protected]
Lyon [email protected]
[email protected] Sonja I. Berndt
Anna Babayan National Cancer Institute
Devasena Anantharaman University Medical Center Bethesda, Maryland
Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Hamburg-Eppendorf [email protected]
Biotechnology Hamburg
Thiruvananthapuram [email protected] Margherita Bignami
[email protected] Istituto Superiore di Sanità
Chunxue Bai Rome
Annie S. Anderson Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan [email protected]
University of Dundee University
Dundee and Maria Blettner
[email protected] Chinese Alliance Against Lung Universitätsmedizin der Johannes
Cancer Gutenberg Universität Mainz
Benjamin O. Anderson and Mainz
University of Washington International Society for [email protected]
and Respiratory Diseases
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research and Ron Borland
Center Chinese Society of e-Health Cancer Council Victoria
Seattle, Washington Shanghai Melbourne, Victoria
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Disclosures of interests
Laia Alemany Vilches reports that her unit at the Harry J. de Koning reports that his unit, the Department
Catalan Institute of Oncology benefited from research of Public Health at Erasmus University Medical Center,
funding from GSK, Merck, and Seegene. benefits from research funding from SCOR Global Life.
Bruce K. Armstrong reports having received personal Joanna Didkowska reports that her unit at the Maria
consultancy fees from Maurice Blackburn Lawyers. Skłodowska-Curie Institute benefits from research
funding from Roche Polska, AstraZeneca, and Logistic
Patricia Ashton-Prolla reports having received per- Speed.
sonal consultancy fees from AstraZeneca.
Ronny Drapkin reports having received personal
Anssi Auvinen reports having received personal
consultancy fees from Repare Therapeutics and from
consultancy fees from Epid Research Inc. and Merck
Mersana Therapeutics.
Sharp & Dohme.
Jessica N. Everett reports that her unit at NYU
Linda Bauld reports providing expert opinion on to-
bacco control to the parliaments of the European Union Langone Health benefits from research funding from
and Iceland, members of the German Bundestag, and Immunovia.
several governments.
Judy E. Garber reports receiving personal consul-
Julia Brotherton reports that her unit at the Victorian tancy fees from Helix Pharma and benefiting from re-
Cytology Service benefited from an unrestricted re- search funding from Ambry Genetics.
search grant from Seqirus.
Gemma Gatta reports that her unit at Istituto Nazionale
Karen Brown reports that her unit at the University of dei Tumori benefited from research funding from
Leicester benefited from research funding from Indena Amgen Dompé.
Adi F. Gazdar (deceased) reported receiving personal
Laia Bruni reports that her unit at the Catalan Institute consultancy fees from Genentech and Bristol-Myers
of Oncology benefits from research funding from Merck Squibb.
and GlaxoSmithKline.
Charles W. Jameson reports providing expert tes-
Franco Cavalli reports that his unit at the Oncology timony for plaintiffs in litigation related to glyphosate
Institute of Southern Switzerland benefited from re- products and talc products.
search funding from Roche.
Dominique Laurier reports that his unit at the Institute
Aaron J. Cohen reports that his unit at the Health
for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety benefits
Effects Institute benefits from funding from companies
from research funding from Areva and EDF.
that manufacture or market motor vehicles for sale in
the USA.
Alberto Mantovani reports receiving honoraria from
Jack Cuzick reports that his unit at the Wolfson Biovelocità, Novartis, Merck, Compugen, Roche,
Institute of Preventive Medicine benefits from research AstraZeneca, and Chiesi.
funding from AstraZeneca, and reports having received
personal consultancy fees in his capacity as a member Francis Mégraud reports that his unit at the University
of an advisory board at Merck. of Bordeaux benefits from research funding from
Allergan, reports having benefited from research fund-
Diona L. Damian reports receiving non-monetary sup- ing from Biocodex, and reports having received hono-
port from Blackmores Ltd. raria from Mayoly Spindler.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Klaus Pantel reports that his unit at the Institute of Martyn T. Smith reports having received personal
Tumour Biology at University Medical Center Hamburg- consultancy fees from several law firms in connection
Eppendorf benefits from research funding from Janssen with providing expert testimony for plaintiffs in litigation
and from EU/IMI CANCER-ID EFPIA partners, and re- related to pharmaceutical, occupational, and environ-
ports holding EPO patents No. 2016128125 A1 and ap- mental exposure cases.
plication No. 17157020.3 – 1405.
Ioannis P. Trougakos reports that his unit at the
Electra D. Paskett reports that her unit at The Ohio National and Kapodistrian University of Athens ben-
State University benefits from research funding from efited from research funding from Amgen.
the Merck Foundation.
Michelle C. Turner reports having received personal
David H. Phillips reports receiving personal consul- consultancy fees from ICF Incorporated LLC.
tancy fees from the law firm Shook, Hardy & Bacon.
Giske Ursin reports that her institution, the Cancer
You-Lin Qiao reports having benefited from person- Registry of Norway, benefits from research funding
al consultancy fees and support for travel, and re- from Merck/Merck Sharp & Dohme.
ports that his unit at the Chinese Academy of Medical
Sciences benefited from research support from Merck Toshikazu Ushijima reports that his unit at the
Sharp & Dohme. National Cancer Center Research Institute benefits
from research funding from Ohara Pharmaceutical Inc.
Martin Röösli reports having been an unpaid mem-
ber of the foundation board of the Swiss Research Elizabeth Ward reports that her unit at the American
Foundation for Electricity and Mobile Communication, Cancer Society Intramural Research Program benefit-
a non-profit research foundation at ETH Zurich. ed from research funding from Merck-Serrano.
Wolfgang A. Schulz reports that his unit at Heinrich Penelope M. Webb reports that her unit at QIMR
Heine University benefited from research support from Berghofer Medical Research Institute receives funding
4SC. for a research project from AstraZeneca.
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Subject index
A ALK 302, 307, 474
alkaline phosphatase 436
ACD 376
allergy 458, 473, 474
acetaldehyde 68, 69, 166, 338, 358
allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation
acinar adenocarcinoma 421 226
acoustic neuroma 88, 89, 560 Alternate Healthy Eating Index 97, 98
acrylamide 113 aluminium production 128
actinic keratoses 379, 380 AMACR 425
acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) 479–482 American Cancer Society 95, 99
acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) 53, 212, 478–483 American Institute for Cancer Research 68, 92–94,
acute promyelocytic leukaemia 481 101, 144, 145, 567
ADAM29 324 anal cancer 66, 513, 516
adefovir 364 anaplastic large cell lymphoma 474
adenomatous polyposis syndromes 349 anaplastic thyroid cancer 461, 464, 465
ADH 69, 166 anastrozole 391, 525
adiposity 102, 103, 106, 144, 351, 406, 566 androgen deprivation therapy 426
adoptive cell therapy 219 androgen insensitivity syndrome 434
adult T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma 66, 471, 479 androgen receptor 356, 425
aerodigestive cancers 69, 70, 72, 166 androgens 404, 406, 414, 425
aflatoxins 109–111, 160, 175, 209, 356, 358, 359, angiogenesis 216, 542
363, 567
angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma 474
age at first birth 25, 31, 189, 193, 262, 382, 387, 389
anogenital cancers 63, 518
age at last birth 405
anogenital warts 64
age at menarche 25, 189, 193
antibiotics 185, 224–227, 480
age at menopause 193, 389
anti-Müllerian hormone 389
ageing 16, 149, 151
α-1-antitrypsin deficiency 356
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
(ATSDR) 121 antiviral drugs 362, 364
air pollution 20, 19, 40, 116–120, 299, 326, 330, 567, APC 177, 336, 346, 530
570 APOBEC 318, 413, 442
alcohol consumption 19, 20, 26, 40, 68–75, 166, APOBEC3 160
186, 238, 242, 254, 256, 261, 290, 313, 317, 320,
apoptosis 232, 346, 351
325, 330, 341, 355, 356, 358, 363, 368, 372, 407,
450, 509, 565, 566, 570 areca nut 52, 260–262, 317
alcohol-related cancers 68–75 ARID1A 324, 405, 413, 449
ALDH 69, 166 aristolactam–DNA adducts 441, 442
Aristolochia 111, 178, 440–442 biomarkers 103, 110–113, 201–204, 209, 210, 305,
aristolochic acid 109–111, 160, 175, 178, 179, 306, 318, 320, 321, 328, 329, 338, 358, 361, 365,
440–444, 449 370, 387, 395, 398, 400, 416, 425, 426, 441–444,
449, 451, 544, 545, 550–554
aromatase inhibitors 391, 525
biomass combustion 116, 119, 326, 330, 567
arsenic 116, 120, 122, 209, 291, 379, 440, 442, 443,
567 Birt–Hogg–Dubé syndrome 448
asbestos 116, 119–121, 127, 129, 134, 135, 231, 242, bladder cancer 53, 66, 101, 116, 120, 121, 123, 129,
299 134, 202, 254, 439, 440–444, 567
aspirin 27, 94, 167, 186, 218, 330, 352, 372, 407–409, BNC2 379
415, 418, 525–528 body mass index (BMI) 41, 106, 107, 204, 291, 387,
asthma 458, 567, 568 407, 415, 418, 450, 558, 559, 566
asymmetric division 150 body weight 106, 107, 144, 145, 383, 418, 450, 508,
ataxia–telangiectasia 174
Bowen disease 379
ATM 318, 335, 369, 370, 376
brachytherapy 249
atrophic gastritis 341
BRAF 346–348, 376, 377, 413, 465
atypical proliferative serous tumours 412
brain cancer 454–459
autoimmune diseases 471–475
BRCA1 154–156, 174, 177, 369, 370, 383, 387, 391,
autophagy 232 412, 413, 417, 418
azacitidine 211 BRCA2 156, 174, 177, 300, 335, 369, 370, 383, 387,
412, 413, 417, 418, 422
breast cancer 17, 25–27, 36, 40, 41, 69, 70, 72, 75,
B 92–97, 101, 103–106, 119, 123, 134, 137, 138,
140–142, 154, 157, 158, 164, 167, 174, 177, 204,
bacteria 61–63, 185–187, 221–227, 333, 337, 338, 217, 225, 240, 246, 248–250, 254, 255, 259, 260,
351 262, 263, 266, 267, 271, 273, 274, 279–281, 283,
285, 290, 291, 382–391, 412, 522, 523, 525–528,
Bacteroides fragilis 223 552–554, 558
Balkan endemic nephropathy 111, 178, 440 breast cancer screening 25, 26, 262, 266, 267, 271,
BAP1 376, 448, 449 273, 274, 279, 281, 285, 286, 292, 388, 389, 540,
541, 545, 546
Barrett oesophagus 328, 330, 541
breast density 384, 387–389
basal cell carcinoma (BCC) 378–380
breastfeeding 66, 122, 189, 385, 387, 405, 408
base excision repair 171, 173, 175, 176
breast implants 474
BCL2 472, 473
1-bromopropane 233
BCL6 472, 473
Burkitt lymphoma 65, 471, 474
BCR-ABL1 159
1,3-butadiene 116, 129
behavioural support 490–495
behaviour change 259, 408, 490–492, 499–511, 568
benzene 53, 116, 123, 127–129, 299, 472, 475, 479
benzo[a]pyrene 116, 129, 175
betel quid 317 CA125 416
bidis 51, 52, 56, 57, 261 CA19-9 338
bile ducts 66 CADM1 400
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Cancer Genome Atlas 158, 301, 334, 405, 439, 455, checkpoint blockade 218, 219
465 CHEK2 449, 465
cancer hazard identification 230, 232–234 chemopreventive agents 352, 408, 418, 427
cancer stem cells 150, 152 chemotherapeutic agents 225
cannabis smoking 300 chewing tobacco 317, 320
cannabis use 435 chickenpox 458
captafol 124 childhood cancer 122
carbon monoxide 53, 567 chimeric antigen receptor T cells 218
carcinogen identification 558, 561, 562 Chinese herbs nephropathy 440
carcinogen mechanisms 229–234, 561 Chlamydia trachomatis 415, 418
carcinogens in alcoholic beverages 68
chlordane 435
carcinogens in natural products 109–111
chlorination by-products 120
cardia stomach cancer 30, 40
cholangiocarcinoma 66, 355–359
cardiovascular disease 16, 17, 19, 166, 437, 489,
choriocarcinoma 431
526, 528, 565–570
CHRNA5 301
Carney complex 464
α-carotene 92 chromium 116
β-catenin 356, 405, 413, 465 chronic kidney disease 440–442, 450
CCDC26 456 chronic liver infections 355–358, 360–364
CCND1 356 chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) 478, 479, 482
CCNE1 413 chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) 159, 481
CD79B 472 chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) 300,
552, 567, 570
CDH1 335, 336, 338, 341, 383
chronic pancreatitis 368, 369
CDK4 376
CDKN2A 318, 324, 356, 369–371, 376, 377, 380, ciclosporin 232
456 cigarettes 50–53, 56–58, 255, 261, 299, 300, 488,
celecoxib 526 491, 493, 495, 499, 500, 502
cellular senescence 149, 150 circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) 553, 554
cervical adenocarcinoma 394, 395, 397 circulating cell-free tumour DNA (ctDNA) 550–554
cervical cancer 19, 30, 31, 36, 41–43, 53, 63, 64, circulating tumour cells (CTCs) 550, 552, 554
66, 106, 137, 138, 240–242, 246–250, 254, 259, cirrhosis 186, 202, 357, 358, 360, 362, 363, 365,
260, 263, 266, 267, 270, 273, 291, 394–400, 513, 514, 570
514, 516–519, 525, 526, 568
cisplatin 225, 434, 444
cervical cancer screening 31, 63, 64, 263, 266, 267,
270, 271, 274, 279, 281, 292, 398–400, 500, 540, clear cell renal cell carcinoma 447, 449
543, 545, 546, 568, 570 clinical breast examination 262
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
dietary patterns 92–98, 254, 262, 348, 350, 507, electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) 51–53,
508, 511 57, 58, 300, 493–495
diet quality 93, 98, 507 electronic non-nicotine delivery systems (ENNDS)
493, 495
diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) 471–473
electronic waste (e-waste) 122, 123
dioxins 115, 122–124
electrophilicity 231
direct-acting antiviral agents 362, 365, 570
ellagic acid 186
disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) 41, 70, 72, 73,
75, 348, 566–568 embryonal carcinoma 431, 436
discrimination 276, 278, 289 emphysema 300
disinfection by-products 120 endocrine disrupters 115, 121–123, 209, 384, 434,
disorders of sexual development 431, 434, 436
endogenous hormones 102, 103, 106, 191, 193,
disparities 17, 20, 238–243, 246–250, 253, 254, 196, 387, 389
258, 263, 276–279, 281–283, 285, 291, 352, 398,
399, 425, 426, 463, 499, 504, 530 endometrial cancer 40, 97, 101, 104–106, 137, 138,
140–142, 174, 191–193, 263, 291, 403–409, 522,
d -limonene 229 523, 525, 558
DMRT1 431, 435 endometriosis 193, 407, 412, 413, 415
DNA damage 78, 80–82, 88, 170–179, 440, 442 endosalpingiosis 412
DNA glycosylases 173, 175–177 endoscopy 328, 330, 338, 341, 348, 351, 371
DNA methylation 207–213, 436, 459 entecavir 362, 364
DNA photolesions 78–82 environmental degradation 291, 292
DNA repair 160, 165, 170–179, 207, 231, 347, 370, environmental pollution 115–124, 563
383, 441
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 120, 121,
dose–response assessment 561 229, 561, 562, 564
Down syndrome 480 EPAS1 449
drinking-water contaminants 120, 121, 440, 442, EPCAM 404
443, 567 epidemiological transition 16, 17, 19, 20, 34, 40, 43,
ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) 391 344
dutasteride 527 epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) 348
dysbiosis 221, 227, 335, 338, 351 epigenetic alterations 184, 206–213, 440, 442, 541
epigenetics 150, 151, 206–213, 302, 303
epigenetic therapy 211, 212
E epigenomics 206–209, 306
epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) 149, 336,
early detection 540–547, 550–554 552
early-life exposures 209 Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) 61, 65, 317, 318, 336–338,
E-cadherin 94, 335 340, 469, 474
e-cigarettes 51–53, 57, 58, 262, 300, 493–495 ERBB2 336, 380, 413, 440
eczema 458, 474 ERBB3 336
education level 239, 241, 253, 255, 258, 260, 262, erionite 120
271, 279, 283 erlotinib 554
EGFR 301–304, 307, 336, 397, 456, 457, 554 Escherichia coli 223
EIF1AX 465 estradiol 194, 196, 387, 388
electromagnetic fields 88, 89, 455 estrogen-only menopausal therapy 141, 403, 406, 414
faecal immunochemical test (FIT) 270, 348, 351, 352
faecal occult blood test (FOBT) 267, 270, 348, 351, gall bladder cancer 40, 106, 558
352, 543, 544
gastric adenocarcinoma and proximal polyposis of
fallopian tube 412 the stomach 335
FAM135B 324 gastric atrophy 335, 338, 341
familial adenomatous polyposis 173, 336, 349, 464, gastric cancer 61–63, 65, 101, 106, 177, 221, 227,
530 333–341, 525–527, 558
familial medullary thyroid cancer 465, 466 gastric cancer screening 341
familial non-medullary thyroid cancer 464 gastric lymphoma 61
familial pancreatic cancer 369 gastric microbiome 335, 337, 338
Fanconi anaemia 174, 324, 383, 480 gastrin-17 341
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
germ cell tumours 411, 430–432, 434–436 hallmarks of cancer 148, 542
germline mutations 154, 156, 171, 173–175, 177, hazard identification 558, 561
300, 349, 376, 379, 412, 413, 464, 465, 530, 532, hazardous waste 121, 123
head and neck cancers 310, 311, 313, 316–321
glioblastoma 454, 456, 457
health disparities 17, 20, 238–243, 246–250, 253–255,
glioma 88, 89, 175, 454–459, 560 258, 263, 276–283, 285, 291, 352, 426, 499, 504
global burden of cancer 16, 17, 19–21, 23–32, 34, health inequalities 17, 20, 238–243, 246–250, 253,
35, 40, 43 254, 258, 263, 271, 273, 274, 289–291, 500, 507
Global Burden of Disease Study 55–58, 72, 74, 116, health insurance coverage 276, 277, 279, 281, 282,
118, 119, 355, 567, 568 305, 463
Globally Harmonized System of Classification and health literacy 259, 276, 279, 283, 502, 568
Labelling of Chemicals 560
heated tobacco products (HTPs) 52, 53, 493, 494
glycaemic load 407
height 368, 372, 425, 450
glycine 202
Helicobacter pylori 29, 30, 41, 61–63, 185, 221, 222,
glycine decarboxylase 202 227, 231, 254, 255, 291, 328, 333–335, 337, 338,
glycolysis 202 341, 473
hepatitis B virus (HBV) 61, 64, 65, 110, 111, 175, human papillomavirus (HPV) 30, 31, 41, 43, 61, 63,
254, 255, 291, 355–365, 500, 513–516, 570 64, 70, 194, 249, 263, 270, 291, 313, 316–321,
hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccination 255, 291, 362, 379, 394–398, 400, 500, 513–519, 526
364, 500, 513–515, 570 human papillomavirus (HPV) screening 242, 263,
hepatitis C virus (HCV) 61, 64, 65, 255, 355–358, 270, 394, 399, 400, 500, 544, 546
361–365, 472–475, 513, 514, 516, 570 human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination 31, 242,
hepatocellular carcinoma 64, 65, 97, 175, 179, 202, 263, 279, 320, 394, 399, 500, 513, 517–519, 526,
203, 224, 355–365, 514 570
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
MSH2 173, 175, 336, 369, 404, 413 neuroblastoma 157, 177, 211
MSH6 336, 369, 404, 413 next-generation sequencing 154–158, 161, 329,
370, 383, 472, 481, 535, 536, 541, 551, 553
NF1 376, 377
mucinous cystic neoplasms 355, 370
NFE2L2 319, 324
multigene panel testing 531, 535–537
NF-κB 81, 182–185, 187, 387, 472, 473
multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) 461, 464–466
multiple myeloma 40, 106, 212, 468, 558 nickel compounds 128
muscle-invasive bladder cancer 439, 442 nicotine 51–53, 58, 488, 491, 493–495
mutational signatures 80, 174–179, 348, 375, 397, nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) 491, 494, 495, 569
413, 441, 442, 449 Nijmegen breakage syndrome 174
mutator phenotype 175, 177, 179 nitrates 120, 121
MUTYH 173, 175–177 nitrative stress 231
MUTYH-associated polyposis (MAP) 177, 349 nitrites 464
MYC 216, 356, 404, 425, 471, 472, 474
nitrosamines 327, 328, 330
MYCN 211, 380
NKX3-1 425
mycosis fungoides 469
N-nitroso compounds (NOCs) 112, 338, 340
mycotoxins 110–112
non-adenomatous polyposis syndromes 349
MYD88 472
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease 360
myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) 211, 477–480
non-alcoholic steatohepatitis 360
myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) 216, 218
non-cardia stomach cancer 29, 30
myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) 477–479, 481,
482 non-coding RNA (ncRNA) 207, 209, 306, 338, 550, 553
noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) 16–21, 34,
489–491, 495, 565–571
nucleotide excision repair 170, 171, 174, 175 organ transplantation 379, 468, 472–474
nutrient patterns 350, 351 oropharyngeal cancer 53, 54, 63, 68, 310, 311, 313,
316–318, 320, 513, 516
nutrient supply 232
osimertinib 554
nutrition 92–99, 144, 145, 227, 290, 499, 503, 504,
508, 509, 511, 559 outdoor air pollution 116, 118, 119, 299, 567, 570
nutrition transition 92, 97, 98 ovarian cancer 36, 40, 102, 106, 137, 138, 140–142,
154, 174, 177, 193, 194, 202, 260, 263, 391,
411–418, 525, 558
ovarian cancer screening 416
ovary-stimulating drugs 142
O -methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT)
6 overdiagnosis 240, 243, 416, 451, 462, 541, 542,
171, 175, 211 546, 547
obesity 19, 26–28, 30, 40, 41, 93, 97, 106, 107, 181, overweight 19, 27, 30, 93, 97, 106, 107, 258, 260, 262,
185, 187, 191, 254, 256, 258, 260, 262, 263, 279, 263, 291, 351, 408, 450, 464, 508, 511, 558, 559
280, 285, 291, 328, 351, 356, 358, 360, 363, 368, oxaliplatin 225
372, 382, 385, 387, 403, 405, 407–409, 415, 425,
450, 455, 464, 501, 508, 511, 558, 559, 566, 569 oxidative stress 78, 80, 102, 103, 231, 440
OCA2 379
occupational carcinogens 119, 124, 127–136, 560, 561
occupational exposures 78, 79, 86, 87, 120, 124,
127–136, 239, 242, 440, 450, 560, 561
p16 347
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 560
p27 387
OCT4 436
paan masala 260–262
ocular melanoma 559
PALB2 335, 369, 370
oesophageal adenocarcinoma 40, 101, 323, 324,
328, 330, 541 pancreatic cancer 40, 53, 54, 69, 102, 106, 112, 177,
203, 217, 224, 225, 367–372, 558
oesophageal cancer 40, 53, 54, 68, 70, 72, 74,
101, 106, 111, 166, 241, 250, 252, 254, 255, 263, pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia 370
323–330, 525–527, 558 pancreatitis 368, 369
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 249, pleuropulmonary blastoma syndrome 464
279, 281, 282 PMS2 336, 369, 404, 413
pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) 221, 223–225 pneumonia 300
PBRM1 449 POLE 405
pembrolizumab 179, 340 pollutants 115–123
penile cancer 513, 516 poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors 370
pentachlorophenol 124, 472 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) 122
pepsinogen 338, 341 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 122, 231
peptic ulcer disease 333, 335 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) 52, 113, 129,
perfluorinated alkylated substances 120, 121 170, 299, 300, 325–328, 340, 379, 483
perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) 121, 563 polycystic ovary syndrome 407
perineal powder 415, 418 polygenic risk score 158, 537
peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL) 471, 474 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 210, 552–554
persistent organic pollutants 121, 122, 563 polyps 346
pesticides 122, 124, 442, 473 population attributable fraction (PAF) 99, 152
Peutz–Jeghers syndrome 336 population-based screening programmes 267, 271,
phagocytosis 216 274, 540, 545, 546
pharmaceutical drugs 137–142 population-wide prevention strategies 502, 503
pharmacotherapies for tobacco cessation 490–492, POT1 376
495 POU5F1 436
pharyngeal cancer 70, 72, 241, 310, 311, 317 PPARγ 465
phenylketonuria 168 PPM1D 465
Philadelphia translocation 159, 481 PRDM14 435
PHLDB1 456, 457 prebiotics 226
photocarcinogenesis 78–82 precision medicine 168, 177, 306, 307, 361, 550, 551
photosensitivity 82, 171
precision prevention 168
phototherapy 375
pregnancy 189, 194, 383, 387
phthalates 435
premature mortality 16–20, 34, 41
physical activity 95, 101–105, 144, 145, 254, 258–260,
prevention strategies 499–504, 518, 522, 523, 525–
262, 263, 291, 407, 408, 499, 501, 503, 504, 506,
528, 542–546, 557–559, 561, 564–566, 568–570
507, 509–511, 565, 566, 569, 570
primary effusion lymphoma 65
physical inactivity 19, 20, 26, 27, 103, 185, 254, 408,
510, 565, 566 probiotics 226
phytochemicals 92, 93 processed foods 93, 96, 97, 507, 511, 567, 569
processed meat 93, 97, 99, 112, 186, 340, 350, 507, radiation 77–82, 84–89, 231, 375–380, 459, 463,
567 464, 466
progenitor cells 150, 151, 387 radiofrequency electromagnetic fields 88, 89, 455, 560
progesterone receptor (PR) 382 radiomics 307
progestin-containing intrauterine devices 406, 408, 409 radionuclides 84, 87
progestins 191–193, 406 radiotherapy 84, 249
progestogen-only contraceptives 137, 140, 141, 406 radon 84, 87, 127, 299
prognostic markers 210, 211, 398 raloxifene 391, 523, 525
programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) 179, 217, 218, 226, ramucirumab 340
307, 444 RANK ligand 391
programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) 340, 444 RB1 301, 324, 356, 376, 377, 425, 440
prolactin 388 reactive nitrogen species 231
prostaglandins 181, 218, 408 reactive oxygen species 68, 80, 81, 176, 231, 368
prostate cancer 17, 28, 29, 40, 93, 95, 102, 106, receptor-mediated effects 232–234
112, 157, 158, 196–198, 203, 218, 240, 246,
248–250, 254, 260, 263, 421–427, 525–527 receptor tyrosine kinases 336
prostate cancer screening 28, 29, 422, 426, 427, rectal cancer 141, 344, 346, 347, 350, 352
540, 541 red meat 93, 97–99, 112, 186, 340, 350, 368, 507
prostate-specific antigen (PSA) 28, 29, 40, 421, 422, 5α-reductase inhibitors 427, 527
426, 554 Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and
prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia 426, 427 Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) 562, 563
Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco regulatory initiatives 508, 511, 557, 558, 560–564
Products 564 regulatory T cells (Treg cells) 217, 219
proton-pump inhibitors 330 renal cell carcinoma 40, 111, 178, 447–451
PRSS1 369 reproductive factors 25, 189–198, 254, 385, 389, 405
psoriasis 474 respiratory disease 16, 19, 565, 566, 568
PTCH1 379, 380 resveratrol 69, 187, 526
PTEN 346, 376, 377, 404, 405, 413, 440, 448, 464 RET 302, 464, 465
PTX3 216 retinoblastoma 165, 300
pulmonary nodules 306, 307 RHOA 336, 474
pyrimidine dimers 78, 81 ribavirin 362, 365
risk assessment 561
risk prediction models 191, 193, 349, 360–362, 378,
Q 383, 388, 389, 536, 537
racial and ethnic disparities 276–279, 282, 283, 285, salivary glands 310
286, 289, 291, 389, 426 Salmonella 222
racism 278, 289 salpingectomy 418
γ-radiation 84 salpingo-oophorectomy 537
Private copy of Juan Carlos Guerrero R <[email protected]>. Unauthorized reproduction of this work is prohibited.
sigmoidoscopy 270, 273, 352 squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCC-Ag) 398
signet ring cell carcinoma 333, 341 squamous intraepithelial lesions 395, 398–400
sunlamps and sunbeds 79, 375, 559 tissue-specific stem cells 150
sunlight 77–82, 377, 379, 380
tobacco cessation 488–495
sun protection 79, 82, 377, 502
tobacco control 54–56, 58, 242, 280, 304, 488, 489,
sun protection campaigns 377, 502, 557
491, 495, 499, 500, 502, 504, 563, 564, 568, 569
sunscreen 377, 380
tobacco products 50–54, 56–58, 261, 262, 317, 488,
survivin 449 493–495, 561, 564
survivorship 95 tobacco smoking 20, 24, 25, 50–58, 160, 209, 238,
susceptibility alleles 154–158, 160, 166, 167, 383 242, 255, 260, 261, 289, 299, 300, 304, 305, 313,
317, 320, 325, 326, 328, 340, 341, 368, 372, 407,
sustainability of implementation strategies 502–504
440–443, 450, 488, 494, 499, 500, 558, 568
Sustainable Development Goals 17–20, 362, 516,
tobacco-specific nitrosamines 52, 53, 299
565, 569
topoisomerase II alpha 449
synthetic lethality 177
toxicity testing 562
Toxic Substances Control Act 561–563
TP53 mutations 80, 111, 155, 156, 160, 175, 301,
T 304, 318, 324, 325, 336, 346, 356, 359, 369, 370,
376, 377, 380, 383, 405, 413, 440, 456, 457, 465,
talc 415, 418 530, 536, 537
tamoxifen 191, 391, 522, 523, 525, 528 traditional serrated adenoma 348
tanning devices 79, 375, 377, 380, 559, 560 TRAF3 318
Tao brush 417 transcription factors 181–184, 186, 187
taxation 242, 500–502, 508, 509, 559, 569 trans fat 97, 98, 559
telbivudine 364 transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) 215, 218, 387
telomerase 149, 457 transitions in human development 26, 27, 35, 36,
telomeres 149, 346, 457 40–43
temozolomide 175 transvaginal ultrasound 416
tenofovir 362, 364 trastuzumab 324, 340
teratoma 431, 436 trichloroethylene 129, 450, 451, 473
TERC 457 trigonelline 204
TERF2IP 376 trihalomethanes 120
TERT 356, 376, 377, 455–457 triple-negative breast cancer 382, 383, 385, 387,
389, 391
TERT-CLPTM1L 300, 301
tubal ligation 414, 415, 418
testicular cancer 121, 123, 157, 196, 430–437, 563
tumour antigens 216
testicular dysgenesis syndrome 430, 431, 434
tumour-associated macrophages (TAMs) 184, 215,
testicular germ cell tumours 430–432, 434–436
216, 218, 219
testosterone 194, 196, 387, 388, 437
tumour-educated platelets 550, 553, 554
TET2 474 tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes 217
tetrabromobisphenol A 233 tumour microenvironment 148, 150, 160, 184,
tetrachloroazobenzene 233 215–219, 541, 553
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin (TCDD) 124, tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α) 80, 181, 183, 184,
229 186, 387
tumour suppression 149, 151 vinyl chloride 123, 129
tumour suppressor genes 158–160, 177, 208, 212, viral hepatitis control 355, 362, 364, 365, 570
303, 318, 335, 346, 356, 370, 398, 404, 425, 441, visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid (VIA)
448, 449 263, 546
tylosis 324 visual oral examination 319, 320
TYR 376, 379 vitamin A 526
tyrosine kinase inhibitor 481 vitamin D 27, 94, 96, 526
vitamin E 526, 527
vitamins 92, 94, 96
U von Hippel–Lindau syndrome 448
UGT1A 444 voriconazole 82
ultrasonography 361, 363, 365, 371, 462 vulvar cancer 513, 516
ultraviolet lamps 78
ultraviolet radiation 77–82, 160, 170, 175, 375–377,
379, 380, 559 W
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous Peoples 292 waist circumference 106, 107, 407, 559
United States Preventive Services Task Force 279, water contamination 120, 121, 291, 440, 442, 443, 567
305, 422, 426, 526 water pipe smoking 51, 53, 57, 262
United States Surgeon General 53 weight loss 390, 408, 511
universal health coverage 20, 242, 478, 485, 502, 571 welding 79
unopposed estrogen therapy 191 WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
upper urinary tract urothelial carcinomas 175, 178, 54, 56, 491, 499, 563, 564, 569
440, 441 WHO Global Burden of Disease Study 134
urbanization 247, 253–255, 510 whole-genome sequencing 156, 553
uterine cancer 260, 403–408 whole grains 92, 93, 95, 97, 98, 350, 507
uterine lavage 417 WHO MPOWER package 54, 58, 499
WHO Report on Cancer 485
Wilms tumour 447
V wood dust 129
World Cancer Research Fund 68, 92–94, 101, 144,
vaccination 63, 64, 259, 263, 320, 355, 362, 364,
145, 506, 509, 567
399, 499–502, 504, 513–519, 570
World Code Against Cancer 295
vaccines 63, 64, 65, 66, 500, 513–515, 517–519
vaginal cancer 513, 516
varenicline 491
variants of uncertain significance 532, 536
varicella zoster virus 458, 459 xeroderma pigmentosum 82, 171
vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 X-radiation 84
(VEGFR2) 340
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) 184
vegetables 92, 93, 95, 97, 98, 99, 185, 186, 326, Y
350, 507, 526, 559
VHL 448, 449 yolk sac tumour 431
Cancer is the second most common cause of death globally, accounting for an estimated 9.6 million deaths in 2018.
The 2017 World Health Assembly requested WHO, in collaboration with IARC, to provide a global perspective on
all measures that are recognized to limit the burden of cancer. The outcome of this charge – the WHO Report on
Cancer: Setting priorities, investing wisely and providing care for all – complements the IARC World Cancer Report
by synthesizing evidence to translate the latest knowledge into actionable policies to support governments.
— Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, WHO
In 2014, World Cancer Report established that it is implausible to treat our way out of the coming cancer burden:
prevention is the only option. Accordingly, this new World Cancer Report is totally focused on prevention, and it
is the most comprehensive overview of relevant research currently available.
— Dr Christopher P. Wild, IARC Director 2009–2018
This new World Cancer Report provides investigators with detailed information across a multidisciplinary spec-
trum. Equally, World Cancer Report provides people in the wider community, no matter where they are located
worldwide, with insights into how the cancer types that have for so long affected their communities may now have
a lesser impact than was previously thought.
— Dr Elisabete Weiderpass, Director, IARC
“Cancer research for cancer prevention” is not simply a way to describe a particular field of investigation. Far
more importantly, these words identify a pathway that may materially reduce the acknowledged burden of cancer
faced by humanity. There is, in fact, no other way.
— Professor Bernard W. Stewart, University of New South Wales, Sydney