people, of all ages from all over the country come together gives me this so much hope,
that change is really possible. Those of us here today know that mental illness has no
prejudice. It affects people of every race, age, gender, religion and economic status.
That’s why we are here today, we need to send this simple message to our nation’s
leaders. Mental health matters and needs and must be taken seriously. It is time to act
for mental health and pass Comprehensive Mental Health Bill this year.
We’re here because our voices really do matter, our stories, really do matter. We have
the power to make a difference. We know what it means to have our lives or the lives of
people we love, get off track because of mental illness. We also know that mental
illness can be treatable when we have the access to appropriate comprehensive care.
As I learn more, I realize how much we all have in common. Even with access to so
much, my journey has not been an easy one by any means. During my darkest times I
didn’t know why I was alive and definitely didn’t like myself. I was withdrawn,
disconnected and very angry. I would meditate myself, in an effort to feel normal, not
better, just, normal. I didn’t understand why somebody like me with all the resources,
When I finally got diagnosed with bipolar disorder, it was a relief, in so many ways. It
helped me to start make sense. Through the process of being misdiagnosed and
misunderstood, I learned how important it is to be open with your doctor, so that you
can get to the root, of what’s going on, as soon as possible. The journey to living well
But we owe it to ourselves, to keep trying. The reality is, is that you’re not a car, who
goes into the shop and gets fixed immediately. You need ongoing maintenance.
It’s my mission to share this with the world and to let them know that there’s life on the
other side, of those dark times, that seemed, so hopeless and helpless. I want to show
the world that there is life ̶ surprising, wonderful and unexpected life after diagnosis.
I’m proud to say that I’m living proof that someone can live, love and thrive with bipolar
disorder, if, they get connected with professional resources and accept support, as soon
as possible. That’s why I’m participating; I hope to do my part to make things a little
easier for others and to reduce the shame, associated with mental illness.
We’ve seen increased attention to our country’s broken Mental Health System over the
past few years, but we’ve seen very little action. Today, it’s time for Congress to act for
mental health by supporting the passage of Comprehensive Mental Health Bill this year.
Comprehensive care means that as a nation we step up, our efforts to prevent suicide.
Comprehensive care, means that if a man with mental illness gets diabetes or cancer
his doctors work together to determine what’s, the best approach for his mind and body.
At the heart of it, comprehensive care means that our mental health system reaches
people early, and far more often so that fewer people fall through the cracks, and suffer
alone. Together as mental health advocates we can make our voices heard, our shared
message is simple. Support passage of a Comprehensive Mental Health Bill this year.
So go out there and make today count. Together, we will make a difference, as we act