Political Dynasty

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Question 2

“Some dynasties have made positive contributions, but by and large the dynastic

system in the Philippines has stunted the growth of real democracy.” What are the positive

contribution of dynasties in political development and political modernization? How may

dynasties restrict democracy? Discuss how dynasties could stymie checks against

abuses and corruption.

Political dynasty has been a big problem in the Philippines for a long time. As we

observed, politicians even nowadays are members of the old political families.

Distinguished Philippine political dynasties include the Aquino, Marcos, Arroyo, Binay,

Duterte, and Roxas families. Political dynasty can be defined as a sequence of rulers

considered as members of the same family (Sydney Valdez, 2013).

Many people may be in contradiction of political dynasty but if we widen our

thoughts, political dynasty also has a positive contribution in political development and

political modernization. Below are the positive contribution of political dynasties.

 It would be able to finish the unfinished the unfinished projects of the former

leaders. They would be able to continue the legacy that their family has left. It

would be easier for the next leaders to think of new projects since their families

can help them and they are used to the situation of the place they are handling.
 The following leaders have sufficient education on politics. They can have advices

and proposal from their families. If the parents are politicians, there is a tendency

that their children might inherit their parents’ sense of leadership.

 They are knowledgeable in governance. They are competent and well-educated

when it comes to politics. They know what they are doing and what they need to

do for the improvement of our society.

In the meantime, every positive has its negative sides. As exposed above, many

Filipinos oppose the idea of political dynasty in our country. Below are the few reasons

why people may against with it.

 Political dynasty causes corruption. Families just collect money and do not use it

for the projects intended for the public and for common good. It shows that they

are responsible leaders when the election is getting close. They just use it for their

selves and everyone can prove it through their luxuries.

 It demonstrates unequal opportunities for other hopeful leaders. As all members

of the family are trying to have a position, other politicians are being refrained to

continue running for the elections.

 It worsens poverty in our country. They seem to forget their promises after getting

elected. They do not put into actions whatever they said in front of many people.

They just do noble deeds if they know that there is an exchange for it.

 Political dynasty defeats the purpose of democracy. It makes people lose their

rights to vote and freedom in choosing who they think is good for their place. They

would not be able to choose if the same family runs for election. The issue of vote

buying also rises. Some of the politicians tend to pay people just to win. They are
willing to do something bad just for the sake of victory. According to (Lincoln, 1963)

the government is for the people and by the people.

Political dynasty is not only affecting our government but also our whole country.

It develops the root of the misunderstanding within the government and society. Everyone

must be ready with changes like electing new leaders. We must use our right to vote

wisely because it will also affect our lives. We are also the reasons of the problems that

our country is facing right now at the same time we are the solutions. We should think

twice on our decisions especially the ones that might affect many people.



Political Dynasties in the Philippines (2013). In Wikipedia online. Retrieved

from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_dynasties_in_the_Philippines

Oligarchy (2013). In Wikipedia Online. Retrieved

from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oligarchy
Gettysburg Address (2013). In Wikipedia Online. Retrieved
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gettysburg_Address

Orejas T., (2013, May 21). War on Dynasties seen until 2016. Inquirer News. Retrieved
from http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/413167/war-on-dynasties-seen-until-2016

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