Octoechos Tone 7 PDF
Octoechos Tone 7 PDF
Octoechos Tone 7 PDF
On ''Lord, I have cried ... ': 4 stichera, the compo that He send down upon us the great mercy of
sition ofour venerable father John ofDamascus, His compassions.
in Tone VII-
Then, "0 gladsome Light... ". The prokimenon,
Stichos: From the morning watch until
"The Lord is king... ': with its stichoi. And after
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
"Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... ': the priest doth not in
the Lord.
tone the litanies, but we chant the first sticheron
Come, let us rejoice in the Lord Who hath
of the resurrectional aposticha, in Tone VIII-
broken the might of death and enlightened the
Thou didst rise from the tomb, 0 Savior of
human race; and let us cry out with the incor
the world, and with Thy flesh didst raise men
poreal ones: 0 our Creator and Savior, glory be
up. Glory be to Thee, 0 Lord!
to Thee!
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, And these other stichera, of the Theotokos, in
and with Him is plenteous redemption; and He the same tone: Spec. Mel.: "Disdaining transi
shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities. tory things ... "-
The foregoing sticheron is repeated. Stichos: I shall commemorate thy name in
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; every generation and generation.
praise Him, all ye peoples. 0 Virgin, thou wast the dawning ofthe noetic
For our sake, 0 Savior, Thou didst endure Sun Who came to the western lands of our
the Cross and burial. And as God Thou didst nature; and as thou dost have boldness, 0 most
slay death by death. Wherefore, we bow down lauded Theotokos, entreat Him, that He free our
before Thy rising on the third day. 0 Lord, glory souls from our boundless transgressions.
be to Thee! Stichos: Hearken, 0 daughter, and see, and
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to incline thine ear.
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid 0 Virgin, thou didst manifestly put forth
eth forever. the Rod from the root of Jesse, Who destroyed
Beholding the resurrection of the Creator, the delights of deception at the root. And as
the apostles marvelled, chanting angelic thou hast boldness, pray unceasingly, 0 most
praise. This is the glory of the Church! These lauded one, that He uproot the passions of my
are the riches of the kingdom! 0 Lord Who heart, plant fear of Him therein, and save me.
suffered for our sake, glory be to Thee! Stichos: The rich among the people shall
entreat thy countenance.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Dogmatic theotokion- 0 portal of God, deliver me from the gates of
Awesome and ineffable is the mystery hades, and show me the way of repentance
wrought in thee, 0 undefiled one; for through whereby I may find the gate which leadeth to
the Holy Spirit thou gavest birth, in manner life. 0 guide ofthe lost, preserve the generation
transcending cause and recounting, unto the of faithful men, and save our souls!
incarnate Word, the Cause of all, Who received Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Dogmatic theotokion, in
flesh ofthee, His own nature remaining immu the same tone-
table. For when both came together self Of thee, 0 most holy Virgin Theotokos, was
subsistently into one Person, a Being dual in Christ our God ineffably born, Who is truly the
nature resulted: fully God and fully man, per preeternal God and the new man. As the one,
fect in both, showing forth characteristic ener He is eternal, and He became the other for our
gies. For though He suffered on the Cross in the sake, preserving within Himself the character
flesh, as God He remained dispassionate; and of each nature, shining forth with miracles by
while He died as a man, He returned to life on the one, and confirming them by His sufferings
the third day, as God, having cast down the by the other. Wherefore, being One and the
might of death and delivered mankind from Same, He dieth as a man and riseth as God.
corruption. Him do thou entreat as the Deliv Him do thou entreat, 0 pure one who knewest
erer and Savior of our race, 0 Mother of God, not wedlock, that our souls be saved!
Then, "Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ... ': Trisagion, through Our Father ... , the resurrec
tional troparion, Glory ... , Now & ever ... , its theotokion. Little litany, and dismissal.
After the Introductory Psalm, the usual chant Fulfilling the prophecy of David, Christ re
ing from the Psalter. vealed His majesty to the disciples in Sion,
showing Himself to be ever-laudable and
On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 10 stichera. If the glorious, with the Father and the Spirit, and to
Menaion hath a doxasticon, it is chanted on be the One Who, as the Word, was incorporeal
Glory.... If there is no doxasticon, we chant in the beginning, was later incarnate for our
Glory ... , Now & ever ... , thedogmaticonofthe tone. sake, was slain as a man, and arose with power
as He Who loveth mankind.
The resurrectional stichera, in Tone VII Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa
Stichos: Bring my soul out of prison, that I tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord, my soul hath
may confess Thy name. waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath
Come, let us rejoice in the Lord Who hath hoped in the Lord.
broken the might of death and enlightened the Thou didst descend into hades as Thou didst
human race; and let us cry out with the incorpo will, 0 Christ; Thou didst overthrow death as
real ones: 0 our Creator and Savior, glory be to God and Master; and Thou didst rise on the
Thee! third day, raising up Adam with Thyself from
Stichos: The righteous shall wait patiently the bonds of hades and corruption; and he cried
for me until Thou shalt reward me. out, saying: Glory to Thy resurrection, 0 Thou
For our sake, 0 Savior, Thou didst endure Who alone lovest mankind!
the Cross and burial. And as God Thou didst Stichos: From the morning watch until
slay death by death. Wherefore, we bow down night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
before Thy rising on the third day. 0 Lord, glory the Lord.
be to Thee! Thou wast laid in the tomb as one asleep, 0
Stichos: Out of the depths have I cried unto Lord, and didst rise on the third day as one
Thee, 0 Lord; 0 Lord, hear my voice. powerful in might, raising up Adam with Thy
Beholding Thy resurrection, the apostles self from the corruption of death, in that Thou
marvelled, chanting angelic praise. This is the art almighty.
glory of the Church! These are the riches of the And these stichera ofthe all-holy Theotokos, the
kingdom! 0 Lord Who suffered for our sake, composition of Paul of Amorium, which are
glory be to Thee! chanted when there is no Menaion, or at Litia.
Stichos: Let Thine ears be attentive to the In Tone II: Spec. Mel.: "When from the Tree ... "-
voice of my supplication. Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy,
Thou wast seized by iniquitous men, 0 and with Him is plenteous redemption; and He
Christ, yet Thou art my God, and I am not shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities.
confounded. Thou wast beaten on the shoul Thou art the joy of the angels; thou art the
ders, yet I shun Thee not. Thou wast nailed to glory of men; thou art the hope ofthe faithful, 0
the Cross, and I do not conceal it. I boast in most lauded Mistress, our intercessor; and to
Thine arising; for Thy death is my life. 0 thee do we flee in every need, that by thine
almighty Lord Who lovest mankind, glory be to entreaties, 0 Bride of God, all of us who hymn
Thee! thee may be delivered from the enemy's darts of
Stichos: If Thou shouldst mark iniquities, soul-destroying pestilence and from all
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee sorrows.
there is forgiveness.
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; Then the usual litany. "Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... "
praise Him all ye peoples. The litany: "Let us complete our evening
Thou art my hope, 0 Theotokos; thou art prayer ... ", and the rest. And after the exclama
mine intercessor, rampart and refuge, 0 all tion, we chant the sticheron idiomelon of the
hymned Mistress, who without knowing man feast ofthe church, and performing Litia in the
gavest birth in the flesh to God, the Savior ofthe narthex, we chant the stichera of Paul of
world. By thine entreaties deliver us from the Amorium, or whatever the superior desireth.
temptations, misfortunes and evil circum And after the usual prayers, we enter the
stances which beset us, 0 thou who alone art church proper, chanting the aposticha
the refuge of Christians. stichera, in Tone VII-
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to Thou didst rise from the tomb, 0 Savior of
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid the world, and with Thy flesh didst raise men
eth forever. up. Glory be to Thee, 0 Lord!
Quell the assaults of my flesh; quench the Stichos: The Lord is King, He is clothed
flame of my passions, 0 Theotokos; drive from with majesty.
me the wicked heat of my desire, and make my Come, let us worship Him Who hath risen
nature again immune to every demonic attack, 0 from the dead and enlightened all; for He hath
Virgin, that in stillness of heart and dispassion freed us from the tyranny of hades, and by His
of soul I may hymn thee, the most lauded one. resurrection on the third day hath granted us
Glory ... , from the Menaion. life and great mercy.
Stichos: For He established the world
Now & ever ... : The dogmatic theotokion- which shall not be shaken.
Thou hast been known to have become a Thou didst descend into hades and make
Mother in supernatural manner, 0 Theotokos, death captive, 0 Christ; and rising on the third
and hast remained a Virgin in manner past day, Thoudidstraiseupwith Thyselfthosewho
recounting and understanding; and no tongue glorified Thine almighty arising, 0 Lord Who
can describe the wonder of thy birthgiving. For lovest mankind.
as thy conceiving is all-glorious, so is the man Stichos: Holiness becometh Thy house, 0
ner of thy birthgiving beyond comprehension; Lord, unto length of days.
for where God so willeth, the order of nature is
Awesome wast Thou, lying in the tomb as
over-ruled. Wherefore, knowing thee to be the
one asleep, 0 Lord; and rising on the third day
Mother of God, we all earnestly entreat thee:
as One mighty, Thou didst raise up Adam, who
Pray thou that our souls be saved!
cried: Glory to Thy resurrection, 0 Thou Who
alone lovest mankind!
Entrance. "0 gladsome Light... " And after the
Entrance, the appointed server, having made Glory ... , from the Menaion, ifthere is a doxasti
the usual bow to the superior, chanteth the daily con provided. If not, Glory ... , Now & ever ... :
prokimenon, in Tone VI- Theotokion-
The Lord is King, He is clothed with majesty. Having recourse unto thy protection, 0 Mis
Stichos: The Lord is clothed with strength and tress, all of us born of earth cry aloud to thee: 0
He hath girt Himself. Theotokos, our hope, deliver us from our count
Stichos: For He established the world which less transgressions, and save thou our souls.
shall not be shaken.
Stichos: Holiness becometh Thy house, 0 Lord, Then, "Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ... "
unto length of days. Trisagion through Our Father.
The priest saith: Blessed is our God ... , and we ODE III
respond: Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Irmos: 0 Lord and Savior, Who in the
Thee. 0 heavenly King... , Trisagion through beginning established the heavens by Thine
Our Father. Lord, have mercy (12 times). omnipotent Word and confirmed all their power
Glory ... , Now & ever ... 0 come, let us worship .. . by the all-accomplishing and divine Spirit: es
(thrice). Psalm 50 (Have mercy on me, OGod... ); tablish me upon the immovable rock of the
Psalm 69 (0 God, be attentive unto helping confession of Thee!
me.. .); and Psalm 142 (0 Lord, hear my prayer). Let us earnestly offer cries ofthanksgiving,
Then, Glory to God in the highest ... , and the honoring as our intercessor her who is the
Symbol ofFaith (I believe in one God ... ). magnitude of divine joy and our gladness from
the beginning.
Canon of Supplication to the All-holy
Delivered by thee from misfortunes, and hav
Theotokos, in Tone VIII
ing received joy because of thee, 0 Mother who
ODE I knewest not wedlock, we all glorify thee as a good
Irmos: Unto Him Who crushed battles with bestower of gifts and a right laudable helper.
His arm and drowned the mounted captains let Glory ... : Receiving release from transgres
us sing, as to our God and Deliverer, for He hath sions and temptations by thy divine supplica
been glorified. tion, 0 Mother of Christ God, with cries of
In song we offer unto thee as an adornment thanksgiving we faithfully hymn thee as the
gifts of thanksgiving and the divine hymn, source of good things.
"Rejoice now, 0 pure one!", for thou hast given Now & ever ... : The Mother of Christ God
us joy instead of grief. is the well-spring of joy which ever poureth
We shall not remain silent concerning the forth streams of immortality; and she herself
grace of thy mercy and the might of thy protec saveth all, for she is for us the bestowal of life
tion, 0 all-pure Virgin, for thou hast saved us everlasting.
from grievous misfortunes.
Glory ... : Delivered from divers trials and ODE IV
tribulations by thy maternal supplications, 0 Irmos: By Thy dispensation the virtue of
all-pure one, together we all fervently chant to Thine ineffable wisdom hath covered the heav
thee hymns of thanksgiving. ens, 0 Christ God Who lovest mankind.
Now & ever ... : Arrayed in the golden robes In gladness we offer thee the fitting hymn
of the virtues and the grace of the Spirit, 0 all ody ofjoy, 0 pure Virgin, having been delivered
pure one, adorned as the Bride of the Father, from misfortunes by thy supplications.
thou wast truly shown to be the Mother of God.
With the hands of our souls we thankfully Glory ... : 0 pure one, the whole world is
raise hymnody unto thee, 0 pure Virgin, play under debt to thank, praise and glorify thy
ing divine songs, having been delivered from grace with piety; for through thee have we been
great grief. delivered from misfortunes and griefs.
Glory ... : The sinful passions have raised up Now & ever ... : Day and night, openly and
many tribulations against us; but do thou de secretly, we who glorify thee with faith do flee
liver us by thy divine protection, 0 pure one. beneath thy protection, 0 all-pure Virgin.
Now & ever ... : Truly blessed are those who
honor thee, 0 all-pure Theotokos, for through Then, Lord, have mercy! Thrice.
thee have we been delivered from sin and grief.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Sessional hymn, in
Irmos: Night is bereft of light for those 0 Lord, we are Thy people and the sheep of
without faith, 0 Christ, but for the faithful Thy pasture. Like a shepherd return us who
there is enlightenment in the sweetness of Thy have strayed, and gather us together who have
words; wherefore, I rise early unto Thee and been scattered by corruption. Have mercy upon
hymn Thy divinity. Thy flock and take pity upon Thy people,
0 Virgin, thou gavest birth to Christ, the through the supplications of the Theotokos, 0
Destroyer of sin, by Whom the world hath been Thou Who alone art sinless.
saved from perils and pain; wherefore, we who
have been delivered from grief cry aloud unto ODE VII
thee: Rejoice! Irmos: Cast into the fiery furnace, the
Beset by divers perils, by grief and sorrow venerable children transformed the fire into
and adverse circumstances, 0 pure Mistress, dew, crying out thus in hymnody: Blessed art
we who were bereft ofgladness have found thee Thou, 0 Lord God of our fathers!
to be our hope. We offer thee the joy of thanksgiving,
Glory ... : As the preservation of salvation 0 Mother of God, for, truly delivered by thee
for us, thy servants, 0 pure one, thou dispellest from every evil power, we cry out to thee to
dangers and keepest us unharmed; wherefore, gether: Blessed art thou!
we who have shared in thy manifold good things We have come to dwell in the gloom of
give thanks to thee with hymns. evening, in the tears of lamentation, in the
Now & ever ... : Delivered bytheefrommany expectation of evils; yet, deified by thy godly
sins, from sickness and pain, and from grievous protection, 0 Virgin, we have found the joy of
illness, 0 all-pure Mistress, we give thanks the morning: for thou hast saved us.
unto thee; for thou art the sure hope of thy Glory ... : Having acquired thy protection
faithful servants. before God as a divine refuge amid perils, per
secutions and sins, 0 all-pure one, we all flee to
ODE VI thee, and through thee obtain release.
Irmos: Havingfallenintothe abyss of sin, 0 Now & ever ... : With mouth and spirit we
Good One, like Jonah from the midst of the sea proclaim the grace of thy supplication, 0 pure
monster I cry unto Thee: Lead up my life from and glorious one; for because of thee we are all
corruption, and save me, 0 Thou Who lovest delivered from danger and tempest, from griev
mankind. ous sorrows and the sin of the passions.
Even the tongues ofthe angels are unable to
sing thy praises fittingly, 0 pure one; but, ODE VIII
acting now as servants, we offer thee the salu Irmos: 0 ye priests and servants, and ye
tation of Gabriel. souls of the righteous, hymn and bless the
Having fallen into the abyss ofgriefand evil Creator of the world, Who is awesome to the
circumstances because of our sins, we are deliv cherubim and wondrous to the seraphim, and
ered by thee from want and danger, 0 pure exalt Him supremely forever.
Virgin Theotokos.
OnE IX Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and the rest as usual.
Irmos: 0 ye faithful, with hymns let us Dismissal.
magnify the Theotokos, who became a mother
The priest saith: "Blessed is our God ... ': and we Refrain: 0 all-holy Trinity, our God, glory
say: Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to be to Thee!
Thee. 0 heavenly King... Trisagion through The noetic mouth of my heart and my mate
Our Father... Priest: For Thine is the king rial lips do Thou open for Thy praise, 0 only
dom ... And we say: Amen. Lord, have mercy (12 thrice-radiant God of all, that I may chant
times), Glory ... , Now & ever ... , 0 come, let us hymnody of thanksgiving unto Thee, the Be
worship (thrice). Psalm 50 (Have mercy on me, stower of light.
0 God .. .) That Thou mightest show forth the abun
dance of Thy goodness, Thou didst create man,
And then, the Canon to the Holy & Life-creating who is the mere image in clay of Thy ruling
Trinity, the acrostic whereofis "I praise Thee, 0 image, 0 Creator, Trinity infinite in power.
Trinity, Thou sole reigning Essence': the compo 0 unoriginate Mind, Who didst beget the co
sition of Metrophanes, in Tone VII eternal Word and shine forth the equally
beginningless Spirit: Vouchsafe that we may
ODE I worship the one God in three Hypostases, alike
Irmos: By Thy hand was the nature of as to Their essence.
water, which before was fluid, transformed into Theotokion: 0 Word of God, Thou didst
solid form, 0 Lord. Wherefore, having passed appear to Moses in the bush as a purifying fire
through it dryshod, Israel chanteth to Thee a which in no wise consumed it, prefiguring
hymn of victory. Thine incarnation from the Virgin, whereby
Thou didst refashion men.
Theotokion: At the strange words [of the Moses, who was slow of speech and spake with
archangel] the Word Who was begotten before difficulty; and zeal of God showed forth as,
the ages as another Sun, of the Father Who is unvanquished in the fire, the three children,
the Sun, shone forth from the Virgin in latter chanted: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the
times, and preached the incomprehensible God Lord, and exalt Him supremely forever!
Who is One in three Persons. Vouchsafe that those who hymn Thee may
be enlightened with the illuminating rays ofthe
Lord, have mercy! Thrice thrice-radiant Sun, and may now behold Thy
beauty, 0 Trinity and Unity. And grant this
Sessional hymn, in Tone VII: Spec. Mel.: ever, as far as is possible, unto all who with
"Brighter than fire ... " fitting faith hymn Thy greatness for all ages.
0 consubstantial Trinity, Unity of all in Thou dost hold all things, 0 unoriginate
three Hypostases, have mercy upon those Thou Dominion in Trinity and Unity, and dost direct
hast created, 0 Immortal One, burning up the heaven and the earth. Wherefore, keep me ever
evils of transgressors and enlightening the drawn by Thy love, that I may chant unto Thee:
hearts of those who sing to Thy loving Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and
kindness: 0 our God, glory be to Thee! exalt Him supremely for all ages!
Make me a temple of Thy thrice-radiant
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion:
effulgence, 0 Benefactor Who lovest mankind,
More brilliant than light, fire is the mercy of
and show me to be immune to communion and
thy grace, 0 Mistress, burning up the sins of
fellowship with the invisible foe and the carnal
men and bedewing the thoughts of those who
passions, 0 my God, sole Ruler and Lord of
praise thy mighty works, 0 all-immaculate
glory, that I may hymn Thee for all ages.
Theotokion: The divine Light Who shone
forth from thy womb, 0 all-pure Mother of God,
hath illumined the whole world with the light of
Irmos: Cast into the fiery furnace, the
the threefold Sun, and shown the earth to be
venerable children transformed the fire into
another heaven, which singeth: Hymn the
dew, crying out thus in hymnody: Blessed art
Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and exalt Him
Thou, 0 Lord God of our fathers!
supremely for all ages!
0 thrice-radiant God, unapproachable and
transcendent Unity, ever shining with the ODE IX
splendors of rays of light, save those who Irmos: 0 Mother of God and Virgin, thou
piously believe on Thee and worship Thee, gavest birth yet remainest a virgin still, and
0 Master. this was not a work of nature, but of the conde
Following the sayings of the divine proph scension of God; wherefore, we ever magnify
ets, Thee only, the one God of all in three thee as her who hath been vouchsafed divine
Persons, do we glorify, crying out thus: Blessed wonders.
art Thou, 0 Lord God of our fathers! We who are clay are unable worthily to
With lips of dust, 0 Holy Trinity, do we hymn with exalted speech Thee Whom the
hymn Thee with songs together with the imma seraphim unceasingly hymn in the highest; yet
terial ranks, crying out to the Unity of Essence: do we dare to magnify Thee as the Master of all
Blessed art Thou, 0 Lord God of our fathers! Who art full of love for mankind.
Theotokion: That He Who fashioned Adam Deliver those who hymn Thee from illness of
might fashion him anew, He manifestly became body and the passions ofthe soul, 0 Trinity one
incarnate of thee, 0 most pure one, deifying and indivisible; and vouchsafe that we may be
men, who cry out thus: Blessed is the Fruit of preserved unharmed by all the trials of life.
thy womb, 0 all-pure one! 0 dominion equal in power, divine, thrice
radiant and omnipotent, immutable Beauty of
ODE VIII essential goodness: Grant remission of trans
Irmos: The bush on Sinai which partook of gressions unto Thy servants, and deliver us
fire without being consumed revealed God unto from temptations and sufferings.
Theotokion: Receiving mind and soul and We magnify Thee, the Godhead, the Lord of
fleshly substance from thine all-pure womb, 0 the cherubim, the incomparable divine Origin
Theotokos, God the Word truly became man; of the seraphim, the indivisible Trinity in
and He manifestly showed man to share in the Unity.
divine nature. I worship the unoriginate God the Father,
the Son Who is equally without beginning, and
Then, the hymn ofGregory the Sinaite, which is the Spirit. With hymns let us honor the one
chanted every Sunday after the canon- indivisible and unified Essence, the threefold
It is truly meet to glorify Thee, the Word of Unity.
God, before Whom the cherubim tremble and Shine forth Thy dazzling lightning flashes
quake, and Whom the hosts of heaven glorify. upon me, 0 my God in three Hypostases, Thou
And with fear we glorify Christ, the Bestower of Creator of all, and show me to be a splendid,
life, Who rose from the tomb on the third day. luminous and immutable habitation of Thine
With divine songs let us all in godly manner unapproachable glory.
hymn the Father, the Son and the Spirit divine, With fear let us glorify Christ the Bestower
the Might in three Hypostases, the one King of life, Who became ineffably incarnate of the
ship and Dominion, Virgin, for the cherubim tremble and quake
Whom all mortals hymn and the hosts of before Him, and the angelic armies glorify Him.
heaven glorify, the essential Unity in three Hy
postases, Who is worshipped with faith by all. The rest ofNocturns, and the dismissal.
After the Six Psalms, we chant "God is the After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
Lord... ': in Tone VII, and sing the resurrec resurrectional sessional hymns, in Tone VII-
tional troparion, twice, and the theotokion, once While the tomb was sealed, Thou didst
(see Great Vespers, p. 108). Then the usual shine forth life from the grave, 0 Christ God;
chanting of the Psalter. and while the doors were shut, Thou, the Resur
rection of all, didst stand before the disciples,
After the first chanting of the Psalter, these through them renewing an upright spirit for us,
resurrectional sessional hymns, in Tone VII- according to Thy great mercy.
Life lay in the tomb, and the seal lay upon Stichos: I will confess Thee, 0 Lord, with my
the stone. The soldiers guarded Christ as they whole heart, I will tell of all Thy wonders.
would a sleeping king, and the angels glorified The women ran to Thy tomb, bearing myrrh
Him as immortal God. And the women cried and tears; and while the soldiers were keeping
aloud: The Lord hath risen, granting great watch over Thee, the King of all, they said to
mercy to the world! themselves: "Who will roll away the stone for
Stichos: Arise, 0 Lord my God, let Thy hand us?" But the Angel ofgreat Counsel had arisen,
be lifted high; forget not Thy paupers to the end. trampling down death. 0 Lord almighty, glory
0 Christ God, Who by Thy burial madest be to Thee!
death captive, and Who by Thine arising raised
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
up man who had become corrupt: Glory to Thee,
Rejoice, 0 Virgin Theotokos full of grace,
in that Thou lovest mankind!
haven and intercession for the human race, for
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion of thee did the Deliverer of the world become
0 Virgin Theotokos, unceasingly entreat incarnate, for thou alone art both Mother and
Christ our God, Who for our sake was crucified, Virgin, ever-blessed and all-glorious. Entreat
rose again, and cast down the dominion of Christ God, that He grant peace to all the world.
death, that He save our souls.
Then, "Blessed are the blameless in the way ... ': Prokimenon, in Tone VII-
followed by the troparia "The assembly of the Arise, 0 Lord my God, let Thy hand be lifted
angels ... ". Little Litany, and this hypacdi, in high; forget not Thy paupers to the end.
Tone VII Stichos: I will confess Thee, 0 Lord, with my
0 Christ God, Who assumed our form and whole heart.
endured the Cross in the flesh, save me by Thy
Let every breath praise the Lord.
resurrection, in that Thou lovest mankind.
The appointed Resurrectional Gospel. Then,
Songs ofAscent, in Tone VII,
this resurrectional hymn, in Tone VI-
the verses being repeated
Having beheld the resurrection of Christ,
Antiphon I
let us worship the holy Lord Jesus, the only
0 Savior Who turned the captivity of Sian
Sinless One. We worship Thy Cross, 0 Christ,
away from falsehood, grant life unto me, rescu
and Thy holy resurrection we hymn and glorify.
ing me from enslaving passions.
For Thou art our God, and we know none other
He who with tears soweth the afflictions of
beside Thee, we call upon Thy name. 0 come,
fasting in the south shall reap sheaves of joy
all ye faithful, let us worship Christ's holy
and everlasting life.
resurrection, for behold, through the Cross joy
Glory ... : Through the Holy Spirit cometh the
hath come to all the world. Ever blessing the
well-spring of divine treasures: from Him are
Lord, we hymn His resurrection; for, having
wisdom, understanding and fear, and to Him are
endured crucifixion, He hath destroyed death
due praise and glory, honor and dominion.
by death.
Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated.
Psalm 50: "Have mercy on me, 0 God ... "
Antiphon II
Glory ... : Through the prayers of the
If the Lord buildeth not the house of the
apostles, 0 Merciful One, blot out the multitude
soul, in vain do we labor; for without Him is no
of our transgressions.
work or word made perfect.
Now & ever ... : Through the prayers of the
Moved by the Spirit, the saints, made true
Theotokos, 0 Merciful One, blot out the multi
children through adoption by the Son, have
tude of our transgressions.
transmitted the teachings of the Father.
Glory ... : Through the Holy Spirit doth ev Then, in Tone VI:
erything come into being; for, from before the Have mercy on me, 0 God, according to Thy
beginning of time, He hath been the God of all, great mercy; and according to the multitude of
the Lord of all, the unapproachable Light, and Thy compassions, blot out my transgression.
the Life of all.
Then, this sticheron:
Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated.
Jesus having risen from the grave, as He
foretold, hath given us life eternal, and great
Antiphon III
Having found the paths oflife, they who fear
the Lord are blessed, now and forever, with Then, the Prayer: "Save, 0 God, Thy people ... ':
incorruptible glory. followed by the exclamation: "Through the mercy
Seeing thine offspring like the trunks of and compassions and love for mankind... "
trees round about thy table, rejoice and be glad,
leading them to Christ, the Chief Shepherd. The Canons: ofthe Resurrection, with4 troparia;
Glory ... : From the Holy Spirit come an that of the Cross & the Resurrection, with 3
abyss ofgifts, a wealth ofglory and great depths troparia; that of the Theotokos, with 3 troparia;
ofjudgment; for, equal in glory with the Father and that from the Menaion, with 4 troparia. If a
and the Son, He is worshipped with Them. saint with 6 troparia is being celebrated, then the
Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated. Canon of the Cross & Resurrection hath 2 tro
paria, as doth that of the Theotokos.
With hymns we glorify Thee, Who destroyed Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
all the power of the tyrant with the might of Irmos: Jonah cried out...
Thine unapproachable divinity, and raised up Lifted up upon the Cross of Thine own will,
the dead by Thy resurrection. 0 Savior, Thou didst make captive the domin
Theotokion: 0 most hymned Theotokos, ion of the enemy, nailing the record of our sins
Mother ofour God and King, by thine entreaties to it, 0 Good One.
send down cleansing of transgressions upon Rising from the dead with power, 0 Savior,
those who with faith and love ever praise thee Thou didst raise up the human race with Thee,
in hymns. granting us life and incorruption, in that Thou
lovest mankind.
Canon of the Theotokos
Having now found everlasting deliverance Irmos: Sailing amid the tumult...
through thee, 0 Virgin, we earnestly cry out to The images ofthe law and the foretellings of
thee, "Rejoice!", 0 Bride of God; and uplifted to the prophets clearly proclaimed beforehand
joy by thy light, 0 most hymned one, we hymn thee, 0 pure one, who wouldst give birth to the
thee in songs. Benefactor of all creation, Who continually and
The Bridegroom found thee alone like a lily in manifold ways hath benefited those who
among thorns, shining with the radiance of hymn thee with faith.
purity and the light of virginity, 0 Virgin, and The first-created Adam, who of old was
He took thee to be His Bride, 0 most immacu banished from the divine delight of Eden
late one. through the treachery of the slayer of man,
didst thou restore when thou gavest birth unto
OnE VI Him Who hath delivered us from his transgres
Canon of the Resurrection sion, 0 thou who knewest not wedlock.
Irmos: Sailing amid the tumult ofthe cares He Who by His divine will and creative
oflife, I founder with the ship ofsinandamcast power brought all things into being out of noth
to the soul-destroying beast; yet like Jonah I cry ingness, issued forth from thy womb, 0 pure
to Thee, 0 Christ: Lead me up from the deadly one, and with divine lightning flashes He hath
abyss! illumined those who are in the darkness of
The souls of the righteous imprisoned in death.
hades and left there, remembered Thee and
besought salvation of Thee, which through the Kontakion, in Tone VII-
Cross Thou didst grant to the nether regions, 0 No longer is the might of death able to hold
Christ, having come there full of loving men, for Christ descended, crushing and break
kindness. ing its power. Hades is bound, and the prophets
The choir of the apostles despaired of ever rejoice together, saying: "The Savior appeared
seeing again Thine animate temple not made by tothosewithfaith, [exclaiming]: 'Comeforth,ye
man, which was destroyed by Thy sufferings; faithful, unto the resurrection!"'
yet, beyond hope, they worshipped Thee and Ikos: Below, the uttermost depths, hades
everywhere proclaimed Thee risen. and death trembled today before One of the
Theotokion: Who amongmencanexplain the Trinity; the earth quaked, and the gatekeepers
manner ofthine ineffable birthgivingwhich took of hades, beholding Thee, were horrified. And
place for our sake, 0 Virgin Bride of God? For all creation, rejoicing with the prophets,
God the Word, Who is uncircumscribable, unit singeth a hymn ofvictory to Thee, our Deliverer
ing Himself to thee, became flesh through thee. and God, Who hast now destroyed the power of
death. Let us exult and cry out unto Adam and Receiving the burning coal of old, Isaiah
his descendents, in that the tree of the Cross was purified, 0 Maiden; and in signs he beheld
hath restored him to paradise: Come forth, ye thy giving birth to the supremely exalted and
faithful, unto the resurrection! all-glorious God of our fathers.
Of old, the divine prophets, beholding im
ODE VII ages and signs of thy divine birthgiving, joy
Canon of the Resurrection ously cried out, chanting: Supremely exalted
Irmos: Of old, the children showed the fiery and all-glorious is the God of our fathers!
furnace to pour forth dew, hymning the one God
and saying: Supremely exalted and all-glorious
Canon of the Resurrection
is the God of our fathers!
Irmos: The bush on Sinai, which partook of
Through a tree death came to Adam, who of
fire without being consumed, revealed God
his own will committed disobedience; but
unto Moses, who was slow of speech and spake
through the obedience of Christ is he restored.
with difficulty; and the zeal ofGod showed forth
For my sake is the all-glorious Son of God
the three children in the fire as invincible, who
chanted: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the
All creation hath hymned Thee, 0 Christ,
Lord, and exalt Him supremely forever!
Who rose from the tomb; for Thou didst cause
Slaughtered for the world, the all-pure
life to blossom forth for those in hades, and
Lamb brought an end to the sacrifices offered in
resurrection for the dead, and light for those in
accordance with the law, in that He is God,
darkness, 0 All-glorious One.
purifying it of transgressions, that it may ever
Theotokion: Rejoice, daughter of corrupt
cry: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the Lord,
Adam! Rejoice, only Bride of God! Rejoice, 0
and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
thou who gavest birth to God, and through
Our flesh, which was assumed by the Cre
whom corruption was driven off! Him do thou
ator, was not incorrupt before His suffering; but
beseech, 0 pure one, that we all be saved.
after His suffering and resurrection it was ren
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection dered untouchable by corruption, and restoreth
Irmos: Cast into the fiery furnace ... mortals, who cry: Hymn the Lord, all ye works
Blessed art Thou, 0 Lord God of our fathers, of the Lord, and exalt Him supremely for all
who didst break the sting of sin on the tree ofthe ages!
Cross, and with the spear which pierced Thy side Theotokion: Thy pure and most unblem
didst tear asunder the record of Adam's crime! ished state hath purified the vile and abomi
Blessed art Thou, 0 Lord God ofour fathers, nable state of the whole world, 0 Virgin; and
Who wast pierced in the side and with the thou becamest the cause of our reconciliation
sprinkling of Thy divine blood didst cleanse the with God. Wherefore, 0 all-pure Virgin, all of
earth, which had been defiled by the blood of us, His works, bless and exalt thee supremely
idolatrous sacrifices! for all ages.
Theotokion: 0 Theotokos, upon the world
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
thou didst shine forth Christ, the Light Who
Irmos: The only unoriginate King ofglory ...
existeth from before the sun, and Who deliv
Him Who of His own will endured suffer
ereth from darkness and with divine knowledge
ings, Who was nailed to the Cross at His own
enlighteneth all who cry out: Blessed art Thou,
desire, and destroyed the power of hades, do ye
0 Lord God of our fathers!
hymn, 0 priests! Ye people, exalt Him su
Canon of the Theotokos premely for all ages!
Irmos: Of old, the children... (See above, Him Who abolished the dominion of death,
first canon) Who arose from the tomb in glory, and saved the
Thy Lord and Creator, 0 Virgin, loved thee, human race, do ye hymn, 0 priests! Ye people,
who art possessed ofraiment embroidered with exalt Him supremely for all ages!
gold, wrought of many colors. Supremely ex Theotokion: The only Compassionate One,
alted and all-glorious is the God of our fathers! the preeternal Word, Who was born of the
Virgin in the latter days, and annulled the It; moreover, we confound those who dare to
ancient curse, do ye hymn, 0 priests! Ye people, confuse that which we magnify.
exalt Him supremely for all ages!
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
Canon of the Theotokos Irmos: 0 Mother of God and Virgin, thou
Irmos: The bush on Sinai... (See above, first gauest birth yet remainest a virgin ....
canon) Christ, the Light from Light, the Effulgence
With the light of thy birthgiving thou didst of the Father's glory which shone forth time
strangely enlighten the whole world, 0 Theoto lessly, shone forth upon human life like Light in
kos; for in thine arms thou dost bear Him Who the darkness, and drove away the tormenting
is truly God, Who enlighteneth the faithful, gloom. 0 ye faithful, let us magnify Him with
who ever cry: 0 all ye works of the Lord, hymn out ceasing.
the Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages! Beholding in Christ sufferings of the flesh
0 pure one, we piously hymn thy womb, and the might of divinity, let those who reason
which ineffably contained the incarnate God, that He is a single, commingled Being be put to
Who hath given the enlightenment of the shame; for as man He dieth, but as the Creator
knowledge of God unto all the faithful, who ever of all He riseth again.
cry: 0 all ye works of the Lord, hymn the Lord "Myrrh is suitable for the dead, while hymn
and exalt Him supremely for all ages! ody is fitting for one who is alive. Tears are
With the splendors of thy light thou hast proper for the dying, but offer hymns 0 ye
rendered those who hymn thee luminous, 0 women, to the Life of all!", the herald of the
pure Theotokos, bearer of the Light; for thou resurrection cried out, announcing the glad
wast shown to be the habitation of the Light, tidings of Christ's arising.
illumining with light those who cry: 0 all ye Theotokion: "I know none other God than
works ofthe Lord, hymn the Lord and exalt Him Thee," the Church crieth out to Thee. "0
supremely for all ages! Word Who hast chosen me from among the
unbelieving nations as Thy bride, grant sal
Then we chant the Hymn ofthe Theotokos: "My vation unto the faithful, through the suppli
soul doth magnify the Lord... ': with the refrain cations of her who gave Thee birth, in that
"More honorable than the cherubim ... " Thou art compassionate.
Canon of the Theotokos
Irmos: 0 Mother ofGod and Virgin,... (See
Canon of the Resurrection
above canon)
Irmos: 0 Mother who knewest not man, who
Thou hast been the Mediatress of everlast
gavest birth without experiencing corruption,
ing joy and gladness for us, 0 Ever-virgin
and lent flesh to the Word Who hath fashioned
Maiden, having given birth to the Deliverer
all things, 0 Virgin Theotokos, thou receptacle of
Who delivereth those who worship Him as God
Him Whom naught can resist and dwelling
in truth and by the divine Spirit.
place of the Infinite: thee do we magnify.
David, thine ancestor, 0 all-pure one,
0 all ye of alien mind, who assume that the
hymning thee, calleth thee the ark of divine
Divinity suffered, stop your mouths; for we
holiness, which supernaturally contained God
magnify the Lord of glory crucified in the flesh,
Who sitteth in the bosom of the Father. 0 ye
but not crucified in His divine essence, for He is
faithful, let us magnify Him without ceasing.
One in two natures.
Thou art truly more exalted than all cre
0 ye who believe not in the resurrection of
ation, 0 Maiden, for thou didst give birth bodily
the body, come ye to the tomb of Christ and
to the Creator of all for us; wherefore, as the
learn; for the flesh of the Bestower of life was
Mother of the one Master, with authority thou
dead and rose again, to assure us of the final
dost carry the victory against all enemies.
resurrection, wherein we hope.
Triadicon: Worshipping a Trinity of Hy After the katavasia, the little litany. Then,
postases, not of Godheads, a Oneness of divin "Holy is the Lord our God!': thrice; and the
ity, not of Persons, we cut off those who divide matins exapostilarion.
On the Praises, 8 stichera, in Tone V11 raised the dead up from the indissoluble bonds
Stichos: To do among them the judgment of hades, and as God He hath granted the world
that is written. This glory shall be to all His life everlasting and great mercy.
saints. Stichos: Arise, 0 Lord my God, let Thy hand
Christ hath risen from the dead, bursting be lifted high; forget not Thy paupers to the end.
the bonds of death! 0 earth, proclaim great joy! The radiant angel sat upon the stone of the
Ye heavens, sing the glory of God! Life-receiving tomb and announced to the
Stichos: Praise ye God in His saints, praise myrrh-bearing women, saying: "The Lord is
Him in the firmament of His power. risen, as He told you before! Proclaim ye to His
Having beheld the resurrection of Christ, disciples that He goeth before you into Galilee,
let us worship the holy Lord Jesus, Who alone and granteth the world life everlasting and
is sinless. great mercy!"
Stichos: Praise Him for His mighty acts, Stichos: I will confess Thee, 0 Lord, with my
praise Him according to the multitude of His whole heart, I will tell of all Thy wonders.
greatness. Why did ye cause the Cornerstone to be
Let us not cease worshipping the resurrec rejected, 0 most iniquitous Jews? Behold, He is
tion ofChrist; for the holy Lord Jesus, revealing the One Whom God set in Sion, Who poured
His resurrection, hath saved us from our water forth from the stone in the wilderness,
iniquities. and poureth forth immortality upon us from
Stichos: Praise Him with the sound of His own side. He is the Stone which was
trumpet, praise Him with psaltery and harp. quarried from the mountain of the Virgin with
What shall we render unto the Lord for all out desire of man, the Son ofman Who goeth on
that He hath rendered unto us? God the Word, the clouds of heaven to the Ancient of Days, as
for the sake ofus and our corrupted nature, took Daniel said, and His kingdom is eternal.
flesh, and dwelt among us men. To the thank
less He came as Benefactor; to the captive as Glory ... : The matins Gospel sticheron ..
Liberator; to those sitting in darkness as the
Sun of righteousness. On the Cross, He was Now & ever ... : Theotokion, in Tone 11
dispassionate; in hades, He was light; in death Most blessed art thou, 0 Virgin Theotokos,
He was life and resurrection for the fallen. Let for through Him Who became incarnate ofThee
us cry aloud to Him: 0 our God, glory be to Thee! is hades led captive, Adam recalled, the curse
Stichos: Praise Him with timbrel and annulled, Eve set free, death slain, and we are
dance, praise Him with strings and flute. given life. Wherefore, we cry aloud in praise:
Thou didst break down the gates ofhades, 0 Blessed art Thou, 0 Christ God, Who hast been
Lord; with Thy mighty power Thou didst abol thus well-pleased, glory to Thee.
ish the dominion of death; and by Thy glorious
resurrection Thou didst raise up with Thyself Great Doxology, and resurrectional troparion-
the dead who slept in darkness from ages past, Today hath salvation come to the world! Let
as King of all and almighty God. us chant unto Him Who hath risen from the
Stichos: Praise Him with tuneful cymbals, tomb, the Author of our life; for having de
praise Him with cymbals of jubilation. Let stroyed death by death, He hath granted us
every breath praise the Lord. victory and great mercy.
Come, let us rejoice in the Lord and be glad
in His resurrection; for with Himself He hath And the dismissal.
On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone VII- Having risen from the dead on the third day,
The fruit which slew me was beautiful and the Lord bestowed His peace upon His disciples;
good to eat; but Christ is the Tree of life, and and having blessed them, He sent them forth,
eating of Him I do not die, but cry out with the saying: Lead all into My kingdom!
thief: Remember me, 0 Lord, in Thy kingdom! Glory ... : The Father is light; the Son and
0 Compassionate One, Who wast lifted up Word is light; and the Holy Spirit is light. Yet
upon the Cross, Thou hast erased the record of the Three are one Light, for they are one God in
Adam's ancient sin, and hast saved the whole three Persons, One in nature and origin, indi
human race from deception. Wherefore, we visible, unconfused and preeternal.
hymn Thee, 0 Lord and Benefactor. Now & ever ... : For our sake thou gavest
Thou didst nail our sins to the Cross, 0 birth in the flesh to the Son and Word of the
compassionate Christ, and by Thy death Thou Father, in a way that He Himself knoweth,
didst slay death, 0 Thou Who didst raise up the 0 Theotokos. Wherefore, 0 Virgin Mother, we
dead from among the dead. Wherefore, we who are deified through thee cry out to thee:
worship Thy holy resurrection. Rejoice, 0 hope of Christians!
The serpent once poured its venom into the
ears of Eve; but on the tree of the Cross Christ Prokimenon, in Tone VII-
poured forth the sweetness of life upon the The Lord will give strength unto His people; the
world. Wherefore, we cry out: Remember us, 0 Lord will bless His people with peace.
Lord, in Thy kingdom! Stichos: Bring unto the Lord, ye sons of God,
Thou wast laid in the tomb as one dead, 0 bring unto the Lord the sons of rams.
On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of repen Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
tance, in Tone VII: Spec. Mel.: "Today Judas prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid
keepeth vigil ... "- eth forever.
Stichos: IfThou shouldst mark iniquities, 0 With the shelter of your wings preserve all
Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee the faithful from the spirits of wickedness,
there is forgiveness. dispelling their darkness.
Lift up thine eyes, 0 my soul, and behold the
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
dispensation and lovingkindness of God: how
With the angels let us all cry out to the
having bowed down the heavens, He descended
Theotokos in hymns, for she gave birth to the
to the earth, that He might raise thee up from
Savior ofthe world, and remained a virgin even
the wretched state ofthy passions, and set thee
after giving birth, and by her birthgiving hath
upon the rock of faith. 0 the wonder of this
delivered the world from beguilement. She
awesome miracle! Glory to Thine abasement, 0
who fed the Liberator of our souls hath given us
Thou Who lovest mankind!
inexhaustible sustenance.
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
hoped in the Lord.
Behold thine all-iniquitous works, 0 my soul, Aposticha stichera ofrepentance, in Tone VII
and marvel that the earth still beareth thee, that I have come, 0 Compassionate One, like the
it hath not been riven asunder, that the wild prodigal son. As one of Thy hirelings do Thou
beasts do not devour thee, that the ever-shining accept me who fall down before Thee, 0 God, and
Sun hath not ceased to shine upon thee. Arise, have mercy on me, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind.
repent, and cry out to the Lord: I have sinned Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine eyes,
against Thee, I have sinned! Have mercy on me! unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Behold, as the
Stichos: From the morning watch until eyes of servants look unto the hands of their
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope masters, as the eyes of the handmaid look unto
in the Lord. the hands ofher mistress, so do our eyes look unto
Trusting in Thee, 0 omnipotent Lord, we the Lord our God, until He take pity on us.
beseech Thee, that we be delivered from all Like the one who fell among thieves and was
tribulations, sufferings and turmoil; that we wounded, so have I fallen through many sins,
may pass our life in peace; and, having lived in and my soul hath been wounded. To whom shall
purity, may find Thee, our Master, merciful on I who am guilty flee? To Thee alone, the Physi
the day of judgment. cian of men's souls. 0 God, pour forth upon me
Then the sticheraofthe saint, from the Menaion; Thy great mercy!
or if there is no Menaion, these stichera of the Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
holy incorporeal angels, in Tone VII- mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
Stichos: For with the Lord there is abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
mercy, and with Him there is plenteous re therewith; let reproach come upon them that
demption; and He shall redeem Israel out of prosper, and abasement on the proud.
all his iniquities. Martyricon: Glory to Thee, 0 Christ God,
Illumined by the rays of the Trinity, 0 arch Thou boast of the apostles and joy of the mar
angels, illumine those who hymn you with faith. tyrs, who preached the consubstantial Trinity!
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion
praise Him, all ye peoples. 0 Bride of God, we cry out to thee, Rejoice!,
0 ye who are secondary 1uminarie s with the angel, calling thee the bridal-chamber,
through communion, who are shown to be the portal and the fiery throne, the unquarried
perfect lights, we pray: Intercede for us before mountain and the bush unburnt.
the primal Radiance.
Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart... Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia. Litany,
and Dismissal.
Now & ever ... : The glory of thy supplica The demons of evil now rage exceedingly,
tions is everywhere supremely exalted, 0 all and the fire of the passions burneth within me;
pure Virgin Mother; thereby deliver me now yet with the rays of thy life, and all the more
from every assault of life. with thy compassions, do thou utterly consume
them, 0 intercessor for our race.
ODE VI Glory ... : entreating thy Son in our behalf,
Irmos: Sailing amid the tumult of the cares 0 all-pure Mother of God, with thy supplica
oflife, I founder with the ship of sin and am cast tions do thou never cease to rescue thy servant
to the soul-destroying beast; yet like Jonah I cry from the griefs and misfortunes of man.
to Thee, 0 Christ: Lead me up from the deadly Now & ever ... : The transcendent Son immu
abyss! tably took flesh from thee, 0 Virgin, and became
The utterances and words of all do praise man, that He might save those who chant:
thee with faith, 0 pure one, for by thy birthgiv Blessed is the Fruit ofthy womb, 0 all-pure one.
ing hath the debt of all men been manifestly
abolished; yet even now accept the entreaty of ODE VIII
those who hymn thee, and deliver us from Irmos: Bedewed, the children cried aloud in
temptations and griefs. the midst ofthe furnace: Let creation bless Him
Sick am I, and pierced by the thorns ofsinful Who formed all things by His word, and exalt
passions, 0 all-pure one, yet do I seek healing Him supremely forever!
from thee. Take from me all pain and sorrow, Expanses of the passions and multifarious
and deliver me from temptations and griefs. woes truly surround thy servant, 0 Mistress;
Glory ... : 0 Theotokos who becamest the but deliver me from their every temptation.
palace ofthe King ofglory, thou hast manifestly Let thy mighty hand now come upon us, 0
exalted human nature to heaven; wherefore, Mistress, and let it deliver us from the human
lead me up from the abyss of my manifold tribulations we expect.
transgressions, temptations and passions. Glory ... : Break thou the snares of wicked
Now & ever ... : 0 pure Virgin, in manner men of evil counsel, 0 pure Theotokos, and
past understanding and recounting thou gavest deliver thy servant from every need.
birth to the incarnate Word Who hath delivered Now & ever ... : As thou art the only divine
us from irrationality; wherefore, we unceas haven of the faithful, 0 pure Virgin, I entreat
ingly hymn thee with divine discourse, and thee to deliver me from the bitter tempest ofthe
glorify thee with faith. sea of life.
Then, Lord, have mercy! thrice. Glory ... , Now &
ever ... : Sedalion, in Tone VII
Irmos: Rejoice, 0 radiant Virgin, Mother of
0 Mistress, thy Son hath become angry with
the Bestower oflight! Rejoice, 0 thou who didst
thy sinful servants. We have turned to wrath
contain the Infinite One within thy womb!
Him Who is full of lovingkindness, but do thou
Rejoice, thou who gavest birth unto the Savior
turn Him again to mercy, 0 pure one. Have
of our souls, who art greater in honor than the
pity, 0 Mother of God, and with thine own
very cherubim!
entreaties beseech the Compassionate One,
Having bolted away from the command
and deliver those who are held captive.
ments of the Master like a colt, let me be
ODE VII restrained by the bridle of thy prayers, 0 all
Irmos: Cast into the fiery furnace, the pure one, and brought back to the path of
venerable children transformed the fire into speedy restoration.
dew, crying out thus in hymnody: Blessed art Brought low am I to the commission of my
Thou, 0 Lord God of our fathers! wicked sins through mindless stumbling. De
0 all-pure Maiden who art arrayed in the liver me from my bitter state, 0 Theotokos.
vesture of purity, transport now my soul from Glory ... : Having been shown to be the
vile wickedness to divine beauty, 0 blessed primal healing of human nature, thou didst
Mistress, thou intercessor for our race. cure the fall of Adam and Eve. Heal me also by
thine entreaties, 0 Theotokos.
Now & ever ... : Grant me a chaste mind, a Then, "It is truly meet ... ", and a prostration.
pure heart and a prudent understanding, 0 Trisagion through Our Father... Troparion,
Mistress, that I may keep the all-pure com and the rest as usual. Dismissal.
mandments of my God.
After the first chanting of the Psalter, these covering their faces with their wings; but thou,
sessional hymns of repentance, in Tone VII- beholding the incarnate Word with thine own
Possessing the therapy ofrepentance, 0 my eyes, dost bear Him. Entreat Him unceasingly
soul, draw nigh, falling down and with sighing in behalf of our souls.
saying: 0 Physician of souls and bodies, Who
lovest mankind, free me from my many of After the third chanting of the Psalter, these
fenses, and number me with the harlot, the sessional hymns, in Tone VII: Spec. Mel.: "The
thief and the publican. Grant me forgiveness of Fruit of thy womb ... "
mine iniquities, 0 God, and save me. The tempest ofthe divers passions and mine
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine offenses causeth me to sink into the depths of
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath. despair; but through the supplications of Thine
0 Lord Who lovest mankind, Who washed angels save me, as Thou didst the prodigal son,
away the denial of Peter with his tears, and 0 greatly merciful Jesus.
forgave the publican's offenses with his sighs: Prepare thyself in this thy life, 0 my soul,
Have mercy upon me! and have no doubt concerning the life to come;
for then thou wilt have no-one to help thee, nor
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
riches, power, friends or princes. There will
Thou hast surpassed the hosts of heaven,
only be the disclosure of thy deeds, and God's
for thou wast shown to be the temple of God, 0
love for mankind.
blessed Theotokos, in that thou gavest birth to
Christ, the Savior of our souls. Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion
0 undefiled Virgin Theotokos, with the
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
heavenly hosts entreat thy Son, that before the
sessional hymns of repentance, in Tone VII
end we, who glorify thee with faith, may be
I have not emulated the repentance of the
granted forgiveness of transgressions.
publican or acquired the tears of the harlot; for
in my blindness I am at a loss how to make any
such amendment. But in Thy lovingkindness,
Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ,
0 Christ God, save me, in that Thou lovest
& to His holy martyrs, the composition of
Joseph, in Tone VII-
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine
Irmos: In Egypt, Moses led Israel forth with
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath.
the help of God. To Him alone let us sing, for He
The abyss of life bestormeth me, 0 Lord,
hath been glorified!
and the waves of mine iniquities cause me to
Having fallen into the abyss of evils, I cry
founder. But stretch forth Thy hand as Thou
unto Thee: Reach forth Thy hand unto me, 0
didst to Peter, and save me, 0 Thou Who lovest
Compassionate One, and save me, as Thou
didst Peter, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind.
M artyricon: Pray ye, 0 saints, that we be
With a gesture ofThy mercy, 0 Christ, wash
granted remission of our transgressions, and
away the many offenses from me who repent, as
that we be delivered from the evils we expect
Thou didst the harlot, that I may glorify Thee
and from bitter death, we pray.
with faith.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- M artyricon: 0 Christ Who made Thy saints
Higher in honor than the glorious cherubim luminous in the crucible of multifarious
art thou, 0 all-holy Virgin: for, unable to bear wounds, by their entreaty deliver me from the
the divine power, they perform their ministry, darkness of the passions.
The armies of incorporeal beings, standing wisdom of God, cover themselves with their
with reverence round about Thy throne, 0 sacred and most luminous wings.
Master, ever manifestly cry out: Glory to Thy Delighting noetically in divine, most rich
power, 0 Lord! and most beauteous effulgence, the glorious
The ranks of angels were amazed, behold thrones are supernaturally shown to be behold
ing Thee, 0 Christ, living on earth in the body, ers of ineffable things.
with mortal men. Theotokion: In thine all-pure and most holy
Theotokion: 0 most hymned and all-pure womb the all-divine Mind joined Himself to
Mother of God, who ineffably gavest birth unto what is human, 0 pure one, uniting Himself
God: We beseech thee: Pray that we be saved. hypostatically, without confusion or change.
Canon of Repentance Canon of Repentance
Irmos: Rising at dawn unto Thy glory and Irmos: Jonah cried out from the belly of
laudation, 0 Word, we unceasingly praise the hades: Lead up my life from corruption! And we
image of Thy Cross, which Thou hast given us cry out to Thee: 0 almighty Savior, have mercy
as a weapon to help us. on us!
I have wasted my life in slothfulness, and The abyss of transgressions hath encom
tremble before Thine inevitable tribunal, at passed me, and I have gone down into the
which I, the passion fraught, must needs be depths of destruction. Lead me up, 0 Word, as
judged. Have pity on me, 0 Lord! once Thou didst raise Jonah up from corruption
0 Word Who enlightened the eyes of the unto life.
blind, open Thou the eyes of my soul, which Threefold waves of evil thoughts bestorm
have been cruelly darkened, that I may behold me, but guide me to the harbor of true repen
the light of Thy precepts. tance, 0 Compassionate One, preserving my
M artyricon: Confessing Christ with mighty heart in tranquillity.
thought, ye endured the wounds of every tor M artyricon: Defended by your faith, 0 holy
ment, 0 valiant athletes; wherefore, ye were martyrs, ye rejected the false blandishments of
blessed. the tyrants, and were not wounded by the darts
M artyricon: Navigating the threefold of the enemy.
waves of all torments, ye reached the harbor of Martyricon: Uplifted to God in love, ye
the kingdom on high, full of true serenity, 0 hated worldly love, 0 martyrs, and were shown
martyrs. to be friends of the Creator of all.
Theotokion: God theWord, Who created all Theotokion: We hymn thee, 0 all-hymned
things by His will, became incarnate of thee in Maiden who gavest birth unto the all-holy
manner past understanding, 0 Virgin; where Word, Whom all the hosts of heaven hymn with
fore, entreat Him earnestly in behalf of all. unceasing voices.
Canon of the Angels Canon of the Angels
Irmos: I rise early and cry to Thee, 0 Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
compassionate Lord: Having illumined my The dominions are ever shown to be illu
soul, which hath been darkened by sins, by the mined like the youths with the effulgences of
light of Thy commandments, guide and direct the Godhead, hymning His ineffable glory.
it. Twice
Illumined by immaterial effulgences, with Gazing with love upon Him Who is omnipo
most sacred and eloquent mouths the seraphim tent in power, the divine hosts manifestly re
hymn the all-unoriginate and all-divine main mighty in strength.
Godhead. Theotokion: A descendant ofthe royal tribe,
Not daring to gaze upon the divine Radi 0 Virgin, thou gavest birth in manner tran
ance, the cherubim, the manifestations of the scending nature unto the Word, the King of all,
and wast truly perfected as a virgin.
Lo! the judgment approacheth, and pos Theotokion: As a mother now possessed of
sessed of condemnation for my deeds, I am cast boldness before thy Son, 0 most holy Theoto
into despondency. 0 Christ God, righteous kos, deliver those who hymn thee with love from
Judge, condemn me not! grievous transgressions, ailments and tribula
Like the faithful Canaanite woman I cry to tions, that we may all ever magnify thee.
Thee: Have mercy upon me! And straighten me
as Thou didst the hunchback of old, that I may Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
walk aright in Thy ways, 0 Thou Who lovest prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
mankind. usual psalms.
Martyricon: Ye stripped away the garments
of all evil, 0 athletes, and, clad in grievous Aposticha stickera ofrepentance, in Tone VII-
torments, ye won for yourselves the vesture of Cut me not down, a sinner, like the barren
glory. fig-tree, 0 Savior, but grant that I may tarry for
Martyricon: The divine land of the living, many years, watering my soul with tears of
the city of Sion on high, received you, the first repentance, that I may bring thee the fruit of
born who are illumined by the beauties of your almsgiving.
struggles, 0 athletes. Stichos: We were filled in the morning with
Theotokion: With the enlightening rays of Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
the Word Who shone forth from thee, 0 pure glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
Virgin, illumine me who am covered with the wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
darkness of sins and the passions. wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
Canon of the Angels
guide their sons.
Irmos: 0 most hymned one, who art more
As Thou art the Sun of righteousness, en
exalted than the heavens, without seed thou
lighten the hearts of those who sing unto Thee:
didst conceive the unoriginate Word and gavest
Glory to Thee, 0 Lord!
birth for men to God incarnate; wherefore, we
Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
all magnify thee.
our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
All the choirs ofthe angels, delighting in the
do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
radiance of the effulgence of the Godhead, un
our hands do Thou guide aright.
ceasingly hymn our all-glorious God and ever
Celebrating the memorial of Thy holy ath
glorify Him. Twice
letes, we sing unto Thee: Glory to Thee, 0 Lord!
0 cherubim and seraphim, powers, princi
palities, angels, archangels, authorities, Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
thrones and dominions: Earnestly entreat By the supplications of the Theotokos give
Christ, that I be delivered from the besetting peace to the life of us who cry out to Thee: Glory
passions. to Thee, 0 merciful Lord!
On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone VII- Uplifted unto God, the athletes utterly cast
Comely and good to taste was the fruit down the wicked uprisings of the enemy; and,
which brought death upon me. But Christ is the revealed as victors, they now live amidjoy in the
Tree of life, and eating thereof I die not, but cry heavens, resplendent in incorrupt glory.
out with the thief: Remember me in Thy king Glory ... : 0 indivisible Trinity, Unity in a
dom, 0 Lord! single nature, Being in three Persons: With the
Like the faithful Canaanite woman I cry out hosts on high we worship Thee, 0 Father, Son
in the pain of my heart: Have mercy on me, 0 and Holy Spirit: the one Godhead, the one
Savior, in that Thou art good; for I have a soul Power, saying: There is but one God, the con
beset by all the wiles ofthe enemy, and am ever substantial Trinity!
tempest-tossed! Now & ever ... : I have defiled myself with
The cherubim and seraphim, the thrones, the pleasures oflife, but have fled unto thee, the
principalities and powers, the archangels, undefiled one, 0 Virgin. Deliver my most ac
the armies of angels, the dominions and all cursed soul from every lust and offense, that I
wise authorities, ever glorify Thee, 0 Lord may bless thee, the ever-blessed one.
our Benefactor.
On "Lord, I have cried ... ", 3 stichera of repen We glorify thee, 0 prophet, understanding
tance, in Tone VII: Spec. Mel.: "Judas keepeth thee to be the swallow heralding the divine
watch today ... "- spring to those in the world.
Stichos: IfThou shouldst mark iniquities, 0 Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid
there is forgiveness. eth forever.
0 most compassionate Master and God, by 0 divine Forerunner, intercessor for my life,
the judgments which Thou knowest grant that protector of my soul: Deliver me, thy servant,
I may have the fear of Thee in my heart, that I from the false tongue of man.
may spurn the works of the evil one, may love
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion
Thee with all my soul, and do Thy saving will;
0 Mistress, to the right tranquil haven of
for Thou art our God, Who said: Ask, and ye
salvation guide me who am tempest-tossed
shall receive.
amid the tumult of slothfulness.
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
hoped in the Lord.
I have become a mockery for the demons Aposticha stichera ofrepentance, in Tone VII
and contempt for men, lamentation for the I have come, 0 Compassionate One, like the
righteous and weeping for the angels, polluting prodigal son. As one of Thy hirelings do Thou
the air, the earth and the waters; for I have accept me who fall down before Thee, 0 God,
defiled my body and sullied my soul and mind and have mercy on me, 0 Thou Who lovest
with countless evil acts, and have become an mankind.
enemy to God. Woe is me, 0 Lord! I have Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
sinned, I have sinned against Thee! Forgive eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be
me! hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
Stichos: From the morning watch until of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
the Lord. eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
I pray Thee: Be Thou patient with me, who pity on us.
am devoid of fruits, 0 Master, and cut me not Like the one who fell among thieves and was
down like the barren tree with the axe of death, wounded, so have I fallen through many sins,
dispatching me to the fire; but be Thou entreated and my soul hath been wounded. To whom shall
to make me fruitful, giving me time for repen I who am guilty flee? To Thee alone, the Physi
tance, in that Thou lovest mankind, that I may cian of men's souls. 0 God, pour forth upon me
wash away my many sins, 0 Christ my Savior. Thy great mercy!
Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
Then the stichera ofthe saint, from the Menaion;
mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
or if there is no Menaion, these stichera of the
abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
holy & great prophet John the Forerunner, in
therewith; let reproach come upon them that
Tone VII-
prosper, and abasement on the proud.
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy,
Martyricon: 0 holy martyrs, who have
and with Him there is plenteous redemption;
fought the good fight and received crowns:
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his
Entreat ye the Lord, that He have mercy upon
our souls.
0 Forerunner, who didst live a blameless
life in the desert, restore thou my mind, which Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
hath become barren through sins. Rejoice, 0 Mistress, cloud of the noetic and
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; ineffable Sun! Rejoice, most lustrous lamp!
praise Him, all ye peoples. Rejoice, candlestand all of gold! For through
thee, 0 all-holyone, was Eve delivered from the Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
curse. As thou hast boldness before thy Son and Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
God Who is easily reconciled, cease not to en Litany, and Dismissal.
treat Him with thy maternal supplication, 0
all-pure one.
After the first chanting of the Psalter, these After the third chanting of the Psalter, these
sessional hymns of repentance, in Tone VII- sessional hymns, in Tone VII: Spec. Mel.: "The
Possessing the therapy of repentance, 0 my Fruit of thy womb ... "
soul, draw nigh, falling down and with sighing I fall down before Thee in compunction like
saying: 0 Physician of souls and bodies, Who the harlot, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind, even
lovest mankind, free me from my many of though I am wholly at a loss for tears. Take pity
fenses, and number me with the harlot, the on me as Thou didst on her, through the suppli
thief and the publican. Grant me forgiveness of cations of the Forerunner, 0 Merciful One, and
mine iniquities, 0 God, and save me. save me.
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine As Thou art good, 0 Lord and Savior, take
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath. pity, and wash away the defilement of my soul
0 Lord Who lovest mankind, Who washed with the hyssop of Thy mercy; and having
away the denial of Peter with his tears, and cleansed me of the defilement of the mire of the
forgave the publican's offenses with his sighs: passions, have mercy on me, 0 Master. Save
Have mercy upon me! Thy creature by the entreaties of Thy Forerun
ner, 0 Thou Who art greatly merciful!
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
Rejoice, 0 thou who didst contain in thy
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
womb the One Who is uncontainable in the
Thou art the fervent intercessor and helper
heavens! Rejoice, 0 Virgin, proclamation ofthe
of Christians, 0 most hymned Theotokos;
prophets, through whom Emmanuel shone
wherefore, with the Forerunner entreat thy
forth! Rejoice, 0 Mother of Christ God!
Son, that we may find mercy.
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
sessional hymns of repentance, in Tone VII
Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ,
I have not emulated the repentance of the
& to His holy martyrs, the composition of
publican or acquired the tears of the harlot; for
Joseph, in Tone VII-
in my blindness I am at a loss how to make any
Irmos: Unto Him Who crushed battles with
such amendment. But in Thy lovingkindness,
His arm and drowned the mounted captains let
0 Christ God, save me, in that Thou lovest
us sing, as to our God and Deliverer, for He hath
been glorified.
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine
I ever commit sins, and have no fear of
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath.
Thee, 0 Christ, Who seekest my repentance
0 Savior, Who accepted the tears of the
with longsuffering. Grant me the intention to
harlot and Peter, and justified the publican who
convert, and disdain me not, in that Thou art
sighed from the depths of his heart: Have pity
on me who am in despair over my deeds, and
Wretch that I am, I never cease to heap up
save me!
sins upon sins, 0 Christ, 0 only Good and
Martyricon: Thy saints, who struggled on
Sinless One. Take pity and save me.
earth, trampled the enemy underfoot and set at
M artyricon: Boldly did the valiant athletes
naught the falsehood of idolatry, 0 Lord;
call to each other: This contest is full of
wherefore, they received crowns from Thee, the
struggles. Let us run, for Christ, the Judge of
God of mercy and Master Who loveth mankind,
the contest standeth before us, crowning those
Who granteth the world great mercy.
who vanquish the enemy.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- M artyricon: Ye put off the body through
Thou hast surpassed the hosts of heaven, multifarious wounds, and clothed yourselves
for thou wast shown to be the temple of God, 0 in the vesture of incorruption, 0 wise mar
blessed Theotokos, in that thou gavest birth to tyrs; and ye became children of the Father of
Christ, the Savior of our souls. compassions.
Theotokion: 0 Virgin Theotokos, heal thou 0 passion-bearers, and have passed over to the
my soul, which hath been afflicted by many unwaning Light, ever removing the darkness of
sins, that with cries of thanksgiving I may ever our pangs.
earnestly glorify thee Theotokion: The prophet foresaw thee as
the portal of God, through which He alone
Another canon, of the honorable & great
passed, as is known, 0 all-pure Virgin. Where
prophet John the Forerunner, the composition
fore, I pray thee: Do thou thyself open the doors
of Joseph, in Tone VII-
of repentance unto me.
Irmos: By Thy hand was the nature of wa
ter, which before was fluid, transformed into Canon of the Forerunner
solid form, 0 Lord. Wherefore, having passed Irmos: 0 Lord and Savior, Who in the begin
through it dryshod, Israel chanteth to Thee a ning established the heavens by Thine omnipo
hymn of victory. tent word and confirmed all their power by the
The beauty of the Church, thou wast shown all-accomplishing and divine Spirit: establish
to be adorned, 0 blessed Forerunner. By thy me upon the immovable rock ofthe confession of
supplications ever save it mighty and un Thee!
shaken by every tempest of the heretics. With lightning-flashes of solar radiance
Thou didst offer thyself to the Creator as a dost thou illumine all creation; for thou wast
sacred, unblemished sacrifice, 0 divine Fore shown to be a brilliant star of the noetic Sun, 0
runner, and wast slaughtered like an innocent Forerunner. Him do thou earnestly entreat,
lamb. Wherefore, Ipraytheewithfaith: Deliver that He drive the darkness ofthe passions away
me from all the malice of the enemy. from our pain-wracked hearts.
Heal thou the diseases of our souls and Standing between the law and grace, 0
bodies, 0 ever-glorious Forerunner, ever be divine Forerunner, manifestly showing the ces
seeching the Word, Who in His lovingkindness sation of the one and the pure dawning of the
hath taken away all infirmities and sicknesses. other unto all: the perfect restoration of those
Theotokion: 0 most holy one, thou gavest who have waxed old through sins.
birth to the unapproachable Word Who shareth 0 Baptist of Christ, we cry aloud: Deliver us
the flesh with us hypostatically. Him do thou from the attacks ofthe demons, the temptations
ever entreat, that He save all who ever bless of life and all tribulation, entreating the All
thee with faith. good One; and on the day of judgment free us
from torments.
ODE III Theotokion: 0 blessed and pure Mistress,
Canon of Repentance who ineffably gavest birth unto God: With His
Irmos: 0 Thou Who lovest mankind, Who divine Baptist unceasingly pray for us who fall
established the heavens and made firm the into the perils of life and are beset by sins.
foundation of the earth upon many waters:
establish Thou my mind in Thy will. ODE IV
0 Christ, only Savior, Who overlooketh the Canon of Repentance
sins of men in Thy great love for mankind, Irmos: Assuring us of Thine advent in the
overlook my many evils, that I may glorify flesh, 0 Christ, the Prophet Habbakuk cried
Thee, the All-good One. aloud: Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
I do the wishes of my flesh, unconscionably I have wandered from the path which lead
ignoring Thy wishes, 0 Christ; and I fear the eth me to life, and have fallen into the pit of
fiery retribution, 0 Word. Deliver me there evils. 0 Savior, disdain me not.
from. Send down upon me streams of tears, 0
Martyricon: While partaking of bodily Master, Word of God, that I may wash away the
pangs, the athletes look forward to life and ease mire of my many offenses.
without pain; and having received it in joy, they Martyricon: Led like lambs to the slaugh
ever ease the pains of the faithful. ter, 0 martyrs, vouchsafed glory ye slew the
Martyricon: With the rays ofyour struggles warlike enemy.
ye disperse the cruel night of deception,
M artyricon: Thy streams of your blood Martyricon: Having like youths run the
which was shed prepared all to receive torrents race full of sweat, 0 athletes, ye attained unto
of delight, 0 all-praised and divine martyrs. splendor in heaven, receiving the honors of
Theotokion: The Lord was incarnate of thy victory from the hand of the Bestower of life;
pure blood, granting repentance to all men wherefore, ye now rejoice.
through thy mediation, 0 Maiden. Martyricon: With the mighty sinews ofyour
sacred pangs ye truly choked the serpent, the
Canon of the Forerunner
author of evil, 0 athletes, and have been vouch
Irmos: 0 Christ God Who, without leaving
safed the delight of paradise. Wherefore, we
the bosom of the Father, didst descend to earth:
praise you.
I have heard the mystery of Thy dispensation,
Theotokion: 0 thou who art the radiant
and have glorified Thee, Who alone lovest man
cloud ofthe Sun, shine upon me the noetic light
of true repentance, and dispel the darkness of
Having cast down the horde of the adver
wicked thoughts, that with faith I may hymn
sary and prevailed over them with brilliance, 0
thee as the salvation of the faithful.
Baptist, by thy supplications cast down sin
which reigneth in me, I pray thee. Canon of the Forerunner
Revealed as a noetic lampstand, 0 blessed Irmos: Rising at dawn unto Thee out of the
one, unto men didst thou point out Jesus, the night, I beseech Thee, 0 Lord my God: Grant me
great Sun of righteousness. Pray thou that the remission of my transgressions, and guide my
hearts of all may be illumined by Him. steps to the light of Thy precepts, I pray.
Conceived and born in iniquities, I live The voice of one crying in the wilderness, 0
in slothfulness, and fear the torments to all-wise one, thou didst cause the acknowledg
come. Praying to God, rescue me from them, ment of the thoughts of God to spring forth;
0 Baptist. wherefore, I pray thee: Restore my soul which
Bring to God entreaties for us who honor hath become a desert through all manner of
thee, 0 Baptist, that He may deliver us from crimes.
every grievous circumstance and from the harm Thou wast shown to be the pure vessel ofthe
wrought by the demons, we pray. Master, 0 divine prophet. By thy supplications
Theotokion: In many images the shadows of deliver me from impure acts, and entreat the
the law revealed thee who gavest birth unto Benefactor, that I may receive everlasting hon
God. Him do thou entreat, 0 most immaculate ors.
one, that He deliver me from iniquity and the Iniquities have entered into me through the
carnal passions. door of slothfulness. 0 blessed Forerunner,
make me better through examples of repen
0DEV tance, that I may diligently tread the paths of
Canon ofRepentance the Lord.
Irmos: 0 Thou Who hast dispelled the night Theotokion: Mortify the earthly under
of the passions, illumine me with the noetic standing of my flesh, 0 Theotokos who gavest
light, driving away the primordial darkness of birth unto Life, Who by death hath utterly
the abyss, and shining forth upon the world the destroyed death in His divine power, 0 pure
first-created light, 0 Creator of all. and all-holy one.
When Thou shalt judge the earth, 0 Word,
deliver me from Thy righteous wrath, and show OnE VI
me to be a temple of Thy goodness, cleansed of Canon of Repentance
my many offenses through repentance, 0 only Irmos: Havingfallenintothe abyss of sin, 0
Creator of all. Good One, like Jonah from the midst of the sea
I have become blinded in mind by the evil monster I cry unto Thee: Lead up my life from
gloom of the passions, and, my heart having corruption, and save me, 0 Thou Who lovest
become senseless, I know not what I do. Con mankind.
vert me, 0 Christ, and grant me the repentance I have been shown to be a new prodigal,
which purifies from sin. having lived vilely on earth, and have
capitulated before the assault of the pas 0 Savior, and have made myself like unto the
sions; but turn me, 0 Christ my God, and beasts. And, benighted, I no longer see Thee
save me, in that Thou lovest mankind. waiting with great patience, 0 Word. Grant me
Groan thou, 0 my soul, that thou mayest be time for repentance, and save me.
delivered from groaning; shed tears, that in the I have reached the end of my life in slothful
next world thou mayest not taste of ceaseless ness, doing what I ought not to do; and lo! I
tears and pain, which will avail thee not. approach now the gates of hades all unawares.
M artyricon: Ye were shown to be like stones Disdain me not, 0 Christ Who alone art good.
manifestly set in the crown of the Church of Martyricon: 0 all-wise ones, ye died, desir
Christ, and became its magnificent adornment, ing everlasting life for the world; and having
0 honored great-martyrs. utterly slain the enemy, ye took wing to the
Martyricon: Having received worthy heavens, ever praying for us, 0 athletes.
ends in God, 0 all-wise ones, ye have inher M artyricon: Released from the demands of
ited never-ending rewards. Wherefore, pray the body, 0 martyrs, ye broke asunder the
ye, 0 martyrs, that we may end our life in bonds of deception, and with mighty love bound
repentance. men's souls to Christ Who was bound by the
Theotokion: Lift me up out of the depths of flesh and loosed men from the curse.
the slothfulness of countless evils, 0 good one Theotokion: The prophet foresaw thee as a
who gavest birth to the Abyss of new scroll whereon the Word of the Father was
lovingkindness, and grant me a well-spring of written; wherefore, I beseech thee, 0 pure one:
tears, 0 Ever-virgin. Pray that I may be entered in the book of the
living, erasing the record of my many evils.
Canon of the Forerunner
Canon of the Forerunner
Irmos: Jonahcriedoutfrom the bellyofhades:
Irmos: Of old, the children showed the fiery
Lead up my life from corruption! And we cry out
furnace to pour forth dew, hymning the one God
to Thee: 0 almighty Savior, have mercy on us!
and saying: Supremely exalted and all-glorious
Manifestly aglow with rays of the virtues,
is the God of our fathers!
and shining with splendid martyrdom, thou
By thy supplications grant me showers of
dost illumine all creation, 0 close friend of the
tears, 0 Forerunner who immersed the
noetic Dayspring.
Abyss of lovingkindness in the river's
Thou didst spring forth from a barren and
streams, and wholly cleanse me of defile
elderly woman, 0 blessed one; wherefore, I cry
ment of flesh and spirit.
out to thee: With the beauty of repentance and
Offer entreaty to our God, Who is over all,
thy supplications renew me who have grown old
that, in that He is full of lovingkindness, He
through many sins.
have mercy upon me who have sinned and
0 divine prophet, lampstand of the never
cannot recover.
waning Light, with thy supplications light the
0 barren soul, haste thou to repent, lest the
lamp of my heart, and cause me to share in the
righteous judgment cut thee down at the root
divine Light.
like the barren fig-tree; butcryuntothe Master:
Theotokion: The Word descended into thy
0 God, having cleansed me, save me!
womb like rain. Him do thou beseech, 0 all
Theotokion: Possessed of a soul slain by evil
pure Virgin, that He dry up the flow of my
crimes, I pray thee, 0 Mistress who slew hades
countless evils, I pray thee.
by thy birthgiving: Enliven me with models of
Canon of Repentance ODE VIII
Irmos: In the furnace the fire neither Canon of Repentance
touched nor disturbed Thy children, 0 Savior. Irmos: Ye heavens of heavens, 0 earth and
Then the three, as with a single mouth, hymned ye mountains, ye hills and depths of the sea,
and blessed Thee, saying: Blessed art Thou, 0 and all ye race of men, with hymns bless ye as
God of our fathers! Creator and Deliverer God Who is unceasingly
I have fallen into the passion of dishonor, glorified in the highest by the angels!
Enjoying harmful pleasures in overabun Fire into thy womb, 0 Virgin. Wherefore, res
dance, I, the senseless one, have madly sur cue me from the unquenchable fire, bedewing
passed every other sinner. As Thou hast an me now with the all-beauteous examples oftrue
infinite abundance oflovingkindness, grant me repentance.
cleansing of my transgressions.
The Bridegroom is at the door! Light thy We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the
lamp, 0 my soul, filling it with the oil of Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable
lovingkindness and every good work. Before than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.
the door is closed, make haste to enter with
Christ in ineffable joy. ODE IX
Martyricon: Undaunted by tortures, the Canon of Repentance
valiant athletes cried out: "Behold, now is the lrmos: Who among men is able to describe
acceptable time! Let us all stand with steadfast the seedless conception of thy birthgiving? Who
mind, and with a little pain, let us acquire the among mortals will not marvel at the birth of
life which is devoid ofpain and sweetness which thine incorrupt Offspring? Wherefore, we, the
groweth not old!" tribes of earth, magnify thee, 0 Theotokos.
M artyricon: Ever irrigated with divine That we may inherit the good things to
waters, 0 passion-bearers of the Savior, ye come, let us weep, let us sigh, let us entreat
water the whole earth with the emulation of Christ, 0 ye faithful, while we have time for
your struggles, and forever render it fruitful in repentance and prayer.
the virtues, for Christ. Like the Canaanite woman I cry to Thee:
Theotokion: 0 Theotokos, renowned inter Have mercy on me, 0 Christ, as of old Thou
cession and hope of Christians: On the dread didst set aright the prostrate woman, 0 Jesus,
day intercede for me, who have greatly trans and save me who am drowning in sins, as Thou
gressed, and deliver me from terrible Gehenna, didst Peter 0 Savior.
numbering me among the sheep at the right Martyricon: Mflicted by tribulations, im
hand [of thy Son]. prisonment and torments, 0 martyred passion
bearers, ye passed over to the broad plain of
Canon of the Forerunner
consolation, and deliver us from oppression and
Irmos: The only unoriginate King of glory,
whom the hosts of heaven bless, and before
Martyricon: While the earth hath now cov
Whom the ranks of angels tremble, do ye hymn,
ered your bodies, heaven holdeth your holy
0 ye priests, and exalt supremely, 0 ye people!
souls; and standing ever before the throne of
Cease thou never to entreat the only Deliv
glory, they rejoice with the angels.
erer, Who gave release to those who were bound
Theotokion: The Lord Who clothed Himself
and ever glorifieth thee, 0 prophet, that I, who
in me issued forth from thee, 0 all-pure one;
have been bound, may be released from my
wherefore, beseech Him to illumine me with the
many transgressions
vesture of light, having now stripped from me
I have been wounded by the sword of plea
the most grievous rags ofthe passions, 0 Virgin.
sures, and cry out to thee in pain of heart: Heal
thou the pangs of my soul, entreating Christ, Canon of the Forerunner
the only Physician of souls and bodies. Irmos: 0 Mother who knewest not man, who
0 Forerunner who baptized the Word with gavest birth without experiencing corruption,
thine own hand, cease thou never to entreat and lent flesh to the Word Who hath fashioned
Him unceasingly, that from the hand of sin He all things, 0 Virgin Theotokos, thou receptacle
deliver me who have sinned greatly and am of Him Whom naught can resist and dwelling
brought low and condemned. place of the Infinite: thee do we magnify.
Because I have foolishly buried in the earth Thou didst spring forth from a sacred root,
the talant entrusted to me by God, I await bitter 0 prophet, and didst wholly uproot the roots of
retribution. Rescue me therefrom by thy sup evil, whereby I am choked and am become
plications, 0 Baptist, I beseech thee with faith. useless. 0 blessed one, set me aright, that I may
Theotokion: Thou didst remain uncon put forth the fruits of divine repentance.
sumed when thou didst take the unbearable
The Church knoweth thee to be a most Aposticha stichera ofrepentance, in Tone VII-
comely swallow and nightingale, 0 great Fore Cut me not down, a sinner, like the barren
runner; for thou didst sing the hymn of repen fig-tree, 0 Savior, but grant that I may tarry for
tance to souls laid waste and grown hard many years, watering my soul with tears of
through evils. Wherefore, we bless thee with repentance, that I may bring thee the fruit of
faith. almsgiving.
Unto all thou didst show the ways leading to Stichos: We were filled in the morning with
the gates of salvation, 0 glorious Forerunner. Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
Strengthen me to walk them, for I am drawn glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
into all the trackless wastes of life and, be wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
guiled, have committed evil. wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
The awesome day is nigh at hand, and servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
having deeds worthy of condemnation, I guide their sons.
lament: Lord, 0 Lord, Who alone art merci As Thou art the Sun of righteousness, en
ful: through the supplications of Thy Fore lighten the hearts of those who sing unto Thee:
runner and all the saints, show me then to Glory to Thee, 0 Lord!
be uncondemned. Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
Theotokion: 0 thou who art full of grace, our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
who gavest birth to the divine Light, illumine do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
my soul, which hath been darkened by trans our hands do Thou guide aright.
gression, I pray, and show me to be free of M artyricon: Rejoicing amid the tribunal of
everlasting darkness, that I may magnify and the violators of the law, Thy passion-bearers
glorify thee, the ever-blessed one. cried aloud: Glory to Thee, 0 Lord!
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a From the Virgin Thou didst spring forth as
prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the light, 0 Christ, and hast illumined the human
usual psalms. race. Glory to Thee, 0 Lord!
Then, "It is good to give thanks... Trisagion through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First Hour,
and Dismissal.
On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone VII- M artyricon: Having suffered and been
Comely and good to taste was the fruit crowned, ye put the enemy to shame, and now
which brought death upon me. But Christ is the dwell in the heavens, full of unapproachable
Tree of life, and eating thereof I die not, but cry light, 0 all-wise martyrs, praying in behalf of
out with the thief: Remember me in Thy king our souls.
dom, 0 Lord! Glory ... : Heal Thou the incurable suffer
Treat Thou the incurable sores of my heart, ings of my soul, 0 divine Trinity Who art pi
0 Lord, for Thou alone art the Physician ofsouls ously worshipped in a single Godhead, rescue
and bodies; and ever grant that I may tread me from Gehenna and temptations, and grant
aright the paths of salvation. me the eternal kingdom.
0 Baptist of Christ, who came before the Now & ever ... : In thy womb thou didst
Sun of righteousness, with thy divine supplica contain the Uncontainable One without confin
tions light thou the lamp of my soul, which hath ing Him. 0 pure Mother, ever beseech Him,
been extinguished by my great evil, that, saved, that from all oppression and the assaults of the
I may ever bless thee. passions He deliver thy servants who glorify
thee with love.
On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of the beheldest Him to Whom thou gavest birth, with
Cross, in Tone VII: Spec. Mel.: "No longer are we His hands nailed to the Tree of His own will,
forbidden the tree of life ... "- thou didst cry out: "0 Longsuffering One, Thou
Stichos: IfThou shouldst mark iniquities, 0 diest ofThine own will, delivering all who hymn
Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee Thee from death!"
there is forgiveness.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion
Of old, a tree drove me from paradise, but
0 most holy Virgin Mistress, who gavest
now a tree restored me to paradise when Thou
birth unto the Lord Who in His lovingkindness
wast crucified, 0 Christ.
was nailed to the Cross, and poureth forth a
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa
stream oflife upon the world: Entreat Him, that
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath
our souls may be saved; for thee alone do we, the
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath
faithful, have as a refuge, bulwark and aid.
hoped in the Lord.
Wherefore, we flee to thy protection.
0 awesome wonder! How can the Creator,
standing before a created being, be condemned
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
and crucified for the salvation of men?
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
Stichos: From the morning watch until
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone VII
the Lord.
No longer are we forbidden the Tree of life,
0 Cross of Christ, amazement of the holy
for we have Thy Cross as our hope. 0 Lord,
angels and great wounding ofthe demons: Save
glory to Thee!
thy servants!
Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
Then the stichera ofthe saint, from the Menaion; eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be
or if there is no Menaion, these stichera of the hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
Theotokos, in Tone VII: Spec. Mel.: "Today Ju of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
das keepeth vigil ... "- look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, and eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
with Him there is plenteous redemption; and He pity on us.
shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities. Suspended upon the Tree, 0 Immortal One,
Beholding her Lamb stretched out upon the Thou didst break the snares of the devil. 0
Tree, the Virgin, the unblemished ewe-lamb, Lord, glory to Thee!
cried aloud: "Woe is me, 0 my Child most sweet! Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
What is this strange and all-glorious mystery? mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
How hath the iniquitous assembly lifted Thee abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
up upon a Cross, and given gall for Thee to drink therewith; let reproach come upon them that
Who fed me with manna?" prosper, and abasement on the proud.
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; M artyricon: Caring naught for all the things
praise Him, all ye peoples. of earth, 0 holy martyrs, and having manfully
When Thy Virgin Mother beheld Thee preached Christ at the tribunal, ye received from
nailed by the Jews to the Cross on Golgotha, Him rewards for your torments; but as ye have
condemned by an unrighteous verdict, 0 my boldness, beseech Him, as the almighty God, that
Christ, she cried out: "Woe is me, 0 my Son He save the souls of us who flee to you, we pray.
most beloved! What is this strange sight? How
can the senseless children of the Jews nail Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
Thee, the Lord of all, to the Cross?" Beholding thy Son upon the Tree of old, thy
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to heart was wounded with the sword of grief, 0
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid all-pure one.
eth forever.
0 most holy Mistress, we have all come to Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart...
know thee alone as her who was manifest as a Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
virgin even after giving birth. And when thou Litany, and Dismissal.
Irmos: By Thy hand was the nature of Irmos: 0 Christ God Who, without leaving
water, which before was fluid, transformed into the bosom of the Father, didst descend to
solid form, 0 Lord. Wherefore, having passed earth: I have heard the mystery of Thy dispen
through it dryshod, Israel chanteth to Thee a sation, and have glorified Thee, Who alone
hymn of victory. lovest mankind.
With the serenity of thy divine entreaty Spread forth thy mercy and lovingkindness
cause thou the tempest ofmy lusts and passions upon thy servants who ever pray to thee, 0 pure
to cease, 0 all-immaculate one, that with a calm one, delivering them from dreadful torment by
heart I may glorify thine ineffable birthgiving. thy supplications.
Through thine Offspring hath all desire and With pure prayer and fervent love I flee
sweetness come to be, 0 Mistress Theotokos, for unto thee, 0 all-immaculate one. Be thou the
He driveth away all the bitterness engendered expunging of my manifold transgressions, de
by the passions and transgressions of thy ser livering and saving me.
vants. Glory ... : By thy birthgiving, 0 all-pure
Glory ... : Deliver me from the deception of Mistress, thou hast shown thyself to be the
the demons, from oppression, harm and temp mediatress of our Joy. Beseech Him, 0 all
tation, 0 all-pure one, that with faith I may immaculate one, to deliver us from perils and
glorify thee who, after God, art my helper and vouchsafe unto me eternal life.
protection. Now & ever ... : 0 Christ God, Who didst not
Now & ever ... : 0 Word of God, in the bush leave the bosom of the Father when Thou be
Thou didst reveal Thyself unto Moses, burning earnest incarnate of the Virgin: Preserve Thy
like fire, yet in nowise consuming it, showing flock which worshippeth the divine images of
forth an image of Thy nativity from the Virgin, Thy dispensation.
through whom Thou didst assume human form.
ODE III Irmos: Night is bereft of light for those
Irmos: 0 Lord and Savior, Who in the without faith, 0 Christ, but for the faithful
beginning established the heavens by Thine there is enlightenment in the sweetness of Thy
omnipotent word and confirmed all their power words; wherefore, I rise early unto Thee and
by the all-accomplishing and divine Spirit: hymn Thy divinity.
establish me upon the immovable rock of the Thee do I entreat, 0 pure Virgin, to deliver
confession of Thee! my soul from gloomy sin, and to illumine it with
Earnestly entreat Him Who was lifted up the divine radiance of repentance and thy
upon the Cross and hath cast down hell, 0 mercy.
Theotokos, in behalfofthose who ever faithfully By thy supplications and entreaties deliver
hymn thee with sacred songs and hymns, 0 those who find themselves in the midst of an
hope of the world and help of the faithful. abyss ofcruel temptations and violent passions,
Glory ... : 0 Mistress who by thy birthgiving 0 all-holy and pure one, and save those who
hast freed men from the corruption of death: praise thee.
Deliver me from the corruption of the passions, Glory ... : 0 all-holy Theotokos, who didst
from infirmities and grievous transgressions, conceive God in thy virginal womb and gavest
and by thy divine mediation grant me the life birth unto Him: from all eternal damnation
which groweth not old. deliver those who hymn thee.
Now & ever ... : Having immutably made Now & ever ... : Knowing thee to be the
Thyself like unto men in all things, 0 Word of Mother of God and our helper, 0 pure one, we
God, thou didst manifestly issue forth from the set thee before the compassionate Lord as the
pure Virgin, and hast revealed to all the thrice mediatress of our salvation.
radiant Godhead in the indissoluble Essence
and immutable Hypostases.
After the first chanting of the Psalter, these souls held fast in the nether regions of hades
sessional hymns of the Cross, in Tone VII- were loosed from their bonds.
The Church crieth out to Thee, 0 Christ 0 Thou Who for our sake willingly accepted
God, bowing down before Thee in the pine, crucifixion, crush the enemy who refuse to rec
cedar and cypress: Grant victories to the faith ognize Thee as the true God, and save us.
ful for the sake of the Theotokos, and have
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
1nercy on us!
Ever preserved by the Cross of thy Son, 0
Stichos: Exalt ye the Lord our God, and
Virgin, we elude the attacks of the demons;
worship the footstool of His feet, for it is holy.
wherefore, hymning thee as is meet, we glorify
0 Christ God, Who for my sake endured
thee, 0 most hymned Theotokos.
nailing to the Cross, accept my ready praise,
and save me.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion- Canon to the precious & life-creating Cross of
Christ God, Who was crucified for our sake the Lord, the acrostic whereof is: "When the
and cast down the dominion of death, do thou Cross was planted it uprooted deception': the
He save our souls Irmos: By Thy hand was the nature of wa
ter, which before was fluid, transformed into
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these solid form, 0 Lord. Wherefore, having passed
sessional hymns of the Cross, in Tone VII through it dryshod, Israel chanteth to Thee a
0 Christ, Thou didst show the tree of Thy hymn of victory.
Cross to be more radiant than fire and more Mocked, the Master endureth crucifixion,
powerful than flame, for it consumeth the sins removing the mockeries of men in that He
of men and illumineth the hearts of those who loveth mankind. He is pierced by a spear,
hymn Thy voluntary crucifixion. 0 Christ God, thereby slaying the adverse foe.
glory to Thee! Wielding Thy Cross like a bow, 0 merciful
Stichos: God is our King before the ages; He Savior, with the darts of the nails Thou didst
hath wrought salvation in the midst of the wound the adversary, and didst heal men, who
earth. of old were wounded by him.
0 Christ God, Who hast dominion over the Martyricon: By the blood of the saints were
incorporeal hosts and knowest the slothfulness the abominable defilements of blood offered to
of my soul, save me by Thy Cross, in that Thou the idols abolished; and the whole earth is
lovest mankind. sanctified, ever blessing the martyrs with
M artyricon: Rejoice, 0 ye righteous! Let the praises.
heavens be glad! For having struggled on earth, Martyricon: The hosts of heaven lifted their
the martyrs trampled the enemy underfoot. Let voice in song, beholding those on earth doing
the Church triumphant leap up, celebrating battle against incorporeal foes. Wherefore, the
Christ God, the one Judge of the contest and Judge ofthe contest hath crowned them victors.
Awarder of trophies, Who granteth the world Theotokion: "The record of Adam was torn
great mercy asunder when Thou wast pierced by the spear,
0 my Son," the all-pure Mistress cried out;
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
"Wherefore, I hymn Thy suffering, which
When she beheld Thee crucified, 0 Lord, the
poureth forth dispassion upon all, 0 Master."
Virgin cried out to Thee weeping: "I hymn Thine
ineffable longsuffering, 0 my Son, and Thine Another canon, of the all-holy Theotokos, the
utter and divine condescension toward men!" composition of Joseph, in Tone VII
Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
After the third chanting of the Psalter, these 0 Theotokos, preserve thy people, who
sessional hymns, in Tone VII- hymn thy mighty works with love, and deliver
When Thou wast crucified, 0 Christ, the them from harm; for thou art the intercessor,
enemy was bound and death slain, and the guide and confirmation of all, 0 pure one.
washing away all the deadly passions of our In this thy divine temple, wherein thou hast
souls and bodies. shown forth a well-spring of miracles, 0 pure
0 Mistress, full of the grace of God, thou one, grant the salvific petitions ofthy servants;
wast shown to be the honored habitation ofHim and deliver them from torment, ever pouring
Who honored the nature of our forefather forth thy divine visitation.
[Adam]; wherefore, we beseech thee, 0 pure Having given birth to Christ, the Abyss of
one: Deliver us from all dishonor. mercies and Bestower of all good things, in
Having given birth to the Sun of righteous manner transcending cause and recounting, 0
ness for the world, 0 most immaculate Maiden, pure one, thou truly showest this thy divine
drive the darkness away from those who hymn temple to be the expunging of all the passions,
thee with faith in this thy splendid and holy through thy divine overshadowing.
temple. Blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, 0 Virgin
Theotokos, joy of all; for thou truly gavest birth
ODE III to the joy and gladness of the whole world, Him
Canon of the Cross Who loveth mankind, driving away sinful grief,
Irmos: 0 Lord and Savior, Who in the begin 0 Bride of God.
ning established the heavens by Thine omnipo 0 Virgin, thou noetic coffer, who truly gav
tent word and confirmed all their power by the est birth to the incorrupt Manna: Come among
all-accomplishing and divine Spirit: establish us at this hour; and of all defilement rid us who
me upon the immovable rock ofthe confession of in pure manner call thee blessed.
0 Jesus, Who stretched out the heaven as it ODE IV
were a curtain, Thou didst stretch out Thy Canon of the Cross
hands upon the Tree, healing the intemperance Irmos: 0 Christ God Who, without leaving
of Adam, in that Thou art merciful, and snatch the bosom of the Father, didst descend to
ing all from the hands of the lying enemy. earth: I have heard the mystery of Thy dis
With thorns do the iniquitous men crown pensation, and have glorified Thee, Who
Thee, 0 Christ our King, Who hast crowned alone lovest mankind.
men with glory, uprooted the thorns of Adam's Having appeared on earth as a man, Thou
disobedience, and planted the plant of under didst make men heavenly; and suspended upon
standing for all. the Tree, 0 Master, Thou didst exalt with Thy
Martyricon: Mortal in essence, therein self all who hymn Thy sufferings.
ye deigned to teach immortality, 0 all-wise For mortals Thou dost die, 0 Life, and for
ones; wherefore, wounds and tribulations, the unjust Thou endurest violent suffering, 0
persecutions and beatings, and the severing my righteous Jesus. We hymn Thine infinite
ofyour members, did ye all endure, rejoicing, lovingkindness, 0 Long-suffering One.
0 martyrs. Martyricon: The onslaught of wild beasts,
Martyricon: With steadfast intent ye the raging ofthe fire, the severing of hands and
brought low the lying enemy who boasteth that feet, the mutilation of your members, and all
he will destroy all things, 0 ye athletes who other tortures which win divine delight, did ye
humbled yourselves for Christ; and having ar endure, 0 martyrs.
rayed yourselves against him, ye were exalted M artyricon: Crying out to Christ, the God of
with divine might. all, from the ends of your bodies, 0 athletes, ye
Theotokion: 0 Mother and ewe-lamb, be were heard, and have now been set high upon
holding the Lamb Who is slaughtered of His the rock of divine perfection.
own will going to His Passion, thou sheddest Theotokion: Make entreaty for us to Him
fountains of tears, saying: "What is this sacred Who became incarnate of thee, 0 Theotokos,
thing, 0 my Child? How dost Thou die, intend that we who glorify His sufferings may find help
ing to bring life to those who have died?" in time of peril.
to a young Child, Who is known to exist time Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
lessly with the Father, before all ages, and Who 0 most hymned Virgin, who gavest birth to
by His Cross reneweth mankind, which had the divine Fire, burn up the tinder of the pas
grown old through sins by the counsel of the sions of those who hymn thee, and illumine all
author of evil. with the light of repentance, we pray.
0 incorrupt Maiden, deliver us from corrup
Canon of the Theotokos
tion; 0 animate palace of God, show us to be
Irmos: Jonah cried out from the belly ofhades: temples of the divine Spirit, that we may un
Lead up my life from corruption! And we cry out
ceasingly hymn thee with faith in thy temple.
to Thee: 0 almighty Savior, have mercy on us!
Thou pourest forth streams of healings
Thou alone hast poured forth the Water of
upon all, for thou gavest birth to the Source of
salvation upon us, 0 only pure one, drying up
life, 0 Theotokos. By thy fervent supplication
the burning of deceptions; and thou bedewest
cleanse this thy flock of defilement, 0 Bride of
the true understanding of thy servants. God.
0 animate city of our God, free thy flock
All the divine prophets, beholding the fig
from godless barbarians, earthquake and want,
ures ofthy divine birthgiving, chanted withjoy,
and from every temptation.
crying: 0 all-hymned God of our fathers,
With the application of thy supplications
blessed art Thou!
cure the sores ofour souls, 0 Theotokos, that we
may hymn thee with divine voices. ODE VIII
0 Virgin Maiden, who by thine all-pure Canon of the Cross
birthgiving released Eve from pain: Release me Irmos: Emulating the children who in the
from the pain of the passions of soul and body. furnace received the dew ofthe Spirit, let us say
with faith: Bless the Lord, 0 ye works of the
Canon of the Cross The blood and water which flowed from Thy
Irmos: Of old, the children showed the fiery side renewed the whole world and poured forth
furnace to pour forth dew, hymning the one God incorruption, 0 Savior, and brought abomi
and saying: Supremely exalted and all-glorious nable sacrifices and the shedding of corrupt
God of our fathers! blood to an end. Wherefore, all ofus, Thy works,
The life of our first parents, devoid of pain, hymn Thee as Lord and exalt Thee supremely
did I find when thou wast suspended upon the for ·all ages.
Cross and died of Thine own will, and slew the Thou wast ringed about with a crown of
serpent, 0 greatly merciful Jesus Christ. thorns, wast given gall and vinegar to eat, wast
We have all been delivered from the curse of spat upon, beaten and lifted up upon the Cross,
the law; for the Bestower of the law was lifted Thy hands pierced with nails. And I, saved
up upon the Cross, pouring forth ever-flowing thereby, cry out to Thee: Hymn the Lord, all ye
blessing, grace, mercy, and the abolition of works ofthe Lord, and exalt Him supremely for
corruption. all ages!
Martyricon: Approaching tortures with M artyricon: Most splendidly enriched from
willing haste, the martyrs voluntarily emu the inexhaustible treasuries of truth, 0 ath
lated Him Who suffered; and, crowned by Him, letes, ye spat upon all the poverty of the idols
they now join chorus with the angels. and showed yourselves to be enrichers of the
Martyricon: Giving your bodies over to poor, crying out: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of
divers torments, 0 all-praised martyrs, ye the Lord, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
drowned the incorporeal foe in the streams of Martyricon: Having refused to obey the
your blood, and pour forth fountains of healing. unlawful edicts of the tyrants, 0 martyrs, ye
Theotokion: "Howcaninotweep, beholding were cast into a fiery furnace like the youths,
Thee upon the Cross, 0 my Child most sweet? and therein found the dew of God which cooled
How can I not lament Thee Who sufferest un you, as ye cried: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of
justly, 0 most righteous Judge?", the Virgin the Lord, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
Mother exclaimed.
Theotokion: The ark of the law prefigured Of Thine own will thou wast uplifted upon
thee of old, 0 pure one, containing not the the Cross like a lamb, 0 Master, snatching Thy
tablets of the law, but Christ, the Bestower of reason-endowed sheep from the wolf, 0 Savior,
the law, Whom iniquitous men nailed to the and enclosing those who hymn thee in the fold
Cross, and Who saveth us who cry: Hymn the of Thy precepts.
Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and exalt Him M artyricon: Shown to be emulators of Thy
supremely for all ages! sufferings, the right glorious passion-bearers
endured multifarious methods of torture, 0
Canon of the Theotokos
Thou Who lovest mankind; wherefore, they
Irmos: The only unoriginate King of glory,
received crowns of glory and have been vouch
whom the hosts of heaven bless, and before
safed Thy kingdom, 0 Christ.
Whom the ranks of angels tremble, do ye hymn,
M artyricon: The solar rays of grace shine
0 ye priests, and exalt supremely, 0 ye people!
round about, illumining the faithful on the
Pouring forth an abyss of miracles upon the
right laudable feast of the honored passion
world, 0 most hymned Virgin, dry up the efflu
bearers; wherefore, ever celebrating this, we
vium of our passions, and pour forth the dew of
are delivered from the darkness of grievous
remission upon us who honor thee with un
doubting faith.
Theotokion: A noetic Light shone forth on
The Sun of righteousness, Who shone forth
the Cross-thy Son, 0 all-pure one-rebuking
from thee upon those sitting in the darkness of
the princes of darkness; and darkening the
the passions, made thee light, 0 most hymned
light ofthe sun, He illumined the fullness ofthe
and pure one; wherefore, we hymn thee as is
faithful, 0 all-immaculate one.
meet, 0 Theotokos.
As a most splendid temple of God, 0 pure Canon of the Theotokos
one, show thy servants, assembled in thy holy Irmos: 0 Mother who knewest not man, who
temple, to be habitations of the Spirit; for we gavest birth without experiencing corruption,
glorify thee for all ages. and lent flesh to the Word Who hath fashioned
With the light of thy birthgiving thou hast all things, 0 Virgin Theotokos, thou receptacle
wondrously enlightened the whole world, 0 of Him Whom naught can resist and dwelling
Theotokos, bearing in thine arms the true God place of the Infinite: thee do we magnify.
Who ever enlighteneth those who cry with Thou wast shown to be more sacred than the
faith: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, hosts on high, for thou gavest birth to the
and exalt Him supremely for all ages! Creator of all, 0 holy Theotokos, Mother who
knewest not man; wherefore, with the angels
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the we glorify thee, unceasingly hymning thy
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable mighty works.
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations. Enlightened by the rays ofthe divine Spirit,
the most sacred prophet of old beheld thee as a
ODE IX mountain overshadowed, 0 Virgin Theotokos;
Canon of the Cross wherefore, we on earth bless thee with the
Irmos: 0 Mother of God and Virgin, thou angels, as thou didst foretell, 0 thou who art
gavest birth yet remainest a virgin still, and blessed of God.
this was not a work of nature, but of the conde Thou wast shown to be the jar holding the
scension of God; wherefore, we ever magnify divine Manna, and wast seen to be a ladder
thee as her who hath been vouchsafed divine leading men up from earth, 0 Virgin Theotokos
wonders. who alone knewest not wedlock; wherefore, we,
The might of the enemy in nowise failed the faithful, having assembled, glorify thee as is
until Thou didst cry out mightily on the Tree to meet, 0 divinely joyous one.
Thine unoriginate Father, and called Thy scat 0 Maiden who wast the dwelling-place of
tered sheep to the knowledge of Thee, 0 Christ, the Godhead, bathing me with tears, cleanse
mighty Master. me, who have become a den of soul-destroying
thieves and a place where every iniquity is servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
wrought; and show me to be an abode of the guide their sons.
divine Spirit. The Vine of life was nailed to the Cross, and
0 Virgin Mistress, who alone gavest birth to the nations embraced paradise with the thief.
the preeternal Light: Deliver me from everlast This is the glory of the Church! These are the
ing darkness, and enlighten my soul which riches ofthe kingdom! 0 Lord Who suffered for
hath become wholly darkened through the pas our sake, glory to Thee!
sions of life, that I may ever glorify thee with Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
love. our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a our hands do Thou guide aright.
prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the Martyricon: The all-praised passion
usual psalms. bearers of Christ were shown to be beacons for
the world, crying aloud: Glory to Thee, 0 Lord!
Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone VII
0 Master Who lovest mankind, Who art the Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion
Bestower of life, by Thy Cross Thou didst re When the most immaculate one beheld
deem the whole world. 0 Lord, glory to Thee! Thee nailed to the Tree of Thine own will,
Stichos: We were filled in the morning with weeping she hymned Thy might.
Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy Hour, and Dismissal.
On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone VII- Martyricon: Emulating the honored and
Comely and good to taste was the fruit saving sufferings of Christ, 0 all-praised
which brought death upon me. But Christ is the martyrs, ye endured multifarious tortures, and
Tree oflife, and eating thereof I die not, but cry together have passed over into immortality;
out with the thief: Remember me in Thy king wherefore, ye are blessed.
dom, 0 Lord! Glory ... : 0 holy Trinity, preserve us, Thy
Thou didst stretch forth Thy hands upon the servants, who hymn Thee, strengthen us with
Cross, in Thy great goodness setting aright the the power of the Cross, and instruct us how to
fall ofAdam, who stretched out his hands to the reach the heavenly city, that, residing there, we
fruit of the tree, 0 Compassionate One; where may find mercy.
fore, we glorify Thee, 0 Benefactor and Lord. Now & ever ... : Beholding Him Who was
On the place ofthe skull the assembly ofthe born of thee, crucified, 0 pure Mother, thou
Jews crucified Thee, 0 Christ our King, Who didst shed tears, thy womb in turmoil, and
crushed the head of the wicked destroyer, and didst cry: "How dost Thou willingly suffer
poureth forth upon us rivers of remission from these things, 0 my Son, desiring to deliver
Thy holy side. mankind from the passions?"
On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera ofthe holy Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
apostles, in Tone VII: Spec. Mel.: "No longer are Convey the entreaty of thy servants to thy
we forbidden the tree of life ... "- Son, 0 most pure one, that He may save all
Stichos: IfThoushouldstmarkiniquities, 0 whom He hath created.
Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee
there is forgiveness. Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
Having tilled the whole earth with the the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
plough of the knowledge of God, 0 glorious
apostles, ye caused a multitude ofthe faithful to Aposticha stichera ofthe apostles, in Tone VII
spring forth. 0 glorious apostles, pillars of the Church,
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa preachers of the Truth, radiant beacons: With
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath the fire of the Spirit ye consumed all deception
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath and illumined the human race with faith.
hoped in the Lord. Wherefore, we beseech you: Entreat our Savior
Set at naught the winter of my passions, 0 and God, that He grant peace to the world and
blessed apostles, and shine forth upon me the save our souls.
pure spring of peace. Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
Stichos: From the morning watch until eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
the Lord. of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
As disciples of the Word ye brought the look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
assemblies of the nations over from senseless eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
ness to the knowledge of God. pity on us.
0 apostles of Christ, husbandmen of the
Then the stichera ofthe saint, from the Menaion;
Savior, bearing the Cross upon your shoulders
or ifthere is no Menaion, these stichera ofthe great
as a plough, and having cleared the earth made
& holy wonderworker Nicholas, in Tone VII-
hard by the deception of idolatry, ye sowed the
Stichos: For with the Lord there is
word of faith. And ye are fittingly honored, 0
mercy, and with Him there is plenteous re
holy apostles of Christ.
demption; and He shall redeem Israel out of
Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
all his iniquities.
mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
As of old thou didst by thy supplications
abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
deliver the officers who were to be executed, 0
therewith; let reproach come upon them that
father Nicholas, so do thou now save us.
prosper, and abasement on the proud.
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
M artyricon: 0 most praised martyrs, spiri
praise Him, all ye peoples.
tual lambs, reason-endowed holocausts, ac
0 holy and most blessed hierarch Nicholas,
ceptable sacrifices well-pleasing to God: the
deliver from griefs all who invoke and hymn
earth did not hide you, but heaven received you,
thee with faith and love.
and ye are become communicants with the
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
angels. With them entreat our Savior and God,
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid
we pray you, that He grant peace to the world
eth forever.
and save our souls.
Free thy servants from famine and pesti
lence, from earthquake and tribulations, and Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
from all want, 0 all-wise and holy hierarch Let us hymn as the Mother of God theWord
Nicholas. her who alone was an all-pure virgin after
giving birth, saying: Glory to thee!
Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart... Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia. Litany,
and Dismissal.
Now & ever ... : 0 Mistress Mother of God, 0 0 pure one; wherefore, consume now the tin
all-immaculate one who for the world gavest der-like passions of my heart.
birth to hypostatic Life, grant thou the forgive Glory ... : Perceiving thee to be beauteous
ness of my transgressions. and comely among women, the Lord became
incarnate of thee; wherefore, entreat Him, 0
ODE VI all-holy Maiden, that He save me.
Irmos: Sailing amid the tumult of the cares Now & ever ... : The divine Dew which issued
oflife, I founder with the ship of sin and am cast forth from thee, 0 all-immaculate one, bedew
to the soul-destroying beast; yet like Jonah I cry eth those who have withered under the burning
to Thee, 0 Christ: Lead me up from the deadly heat of sin; wherefore, I beseech thee: Bedew
abyss! my soul which hath withered also.
By thy seedless birthgiving, 0 Theotokos,
have we been delivered from the corruption of ODE VIII
death and the sin of Adam; for thy Son, Who Irmos: The bush, which partook of fire on
alone is both God and man, granteth to the Sinai yet was not consumed, revealed God to
faithful deliverance from offenses. Moses, who was slow of speech and spake with
Rend asunder the record of my transgres difficulty; and the three children, unvan
sions, 0 Mistress, through thy divine supplica quished in the fire, showed forth zeal for God,
tions recording me in the Book of the Saved, chanting: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the
that in praise I may hymn thee, who art more Lord, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
holy than the cherubim. The bush which conversed with fire on Si
Glory ... : They who of old were cast from nai, yet was not consumed, showed forth thy
before Thy face by Thy righteous judgment, 0 strange birthgiving to Moses the God -seer;
Christ, hast Thou recalled by Thine advent in wherefore, marvelling at thy strange birthgiv
the flesh, in that Thou art full of loving-kind ing, 0 pure one, he cried aloud, rejoicing: Hymn
ness. And now, 0 Good One, accept us who have the Lord, all ye works ofthe Lord, and exalt Him
committed offense, and free us from evils. supremely forever!
Now & ever ... : 0 all-pure Virgin, I entreat 0 pure Virgin who gavest birth to Life,
thee who gavest birth to the Benefactor and grant life to my mind which hath been slain by
Cleansing ofsinners: By thy maternal supplica sin, and by thy maternal pleas to God save me
tion expunge my guilt for my countless trans who ever chant: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of
gressions, for thou hast the power so to do, as the Lord, and exalt Him supremely forever!
the Mother of thy Son. Glory ... : At night and during the day I have
thee, 0 pure one, as my steadfast protector
Then, Lord, have mercy! thrice. Glory ... , Now & against foes visible and invisible, and I am in
ever ... : Sedalion, in Tone VII- nowise daunted by their evil and wicked as
Beneath thy protection dxo all mortals flee. saults, chanting: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of
Deliver our souls from everlasting fire, 0 good the Lord, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
one. Now & ever ... : Moved by His love for man
kind, in that He is good, thy Son, 0 Theotokos,
ODE VII hath given thee as help against the enemy and
Irmos: Of old, the children showed the fiery the healing of sufferings unto those who cry:
furnace to pour forth dew, hymning the one God Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and
and saying: Supremely exalted and all-glorious exalt Him supremely for all ages!
God of our fathers!
My mind, which is weighed down by sin, 0 ODE IX
most immaculate one, do thou rouse unto good Irmos: 0 Mother who knewest not man, who
works, that I may bless thee who art more gavest birth without experiencing corruption,
honorable than all creation. and lent flesh to the Word Who hath fashioned
In the furnace the three young children all things, 0 Virgin Theotokos, thou receptacle of
prefigured thy birthgiving, for thou wast not Him Whom naught can resist and dwelling
consumed when thou gavest birth to Fire, place of the Infinite: thee do we magnify.
Having nourished as an infant Him Who as Wherefore, be thou now entreated, that thou
Creator sustaineth and sanctifieth the whole strengthen me by examples of repentance.
world, thou hast been shown to be the Mother of Now & ever ... : Let me not be sent into the
the Almighty according to the flesh, the irre fire prepared for me, 0 most Compassionate
movable riches of virginity, 0 Virgin Theoto and greatly Merciful One, for the Virgin who
kos, thou Bride who knewest not man. gave Thee birth imploreth thee, with the divine
Having given birth to the Word Who loveth choir of the incorporeal hosts, the apostles,
man exceedingly and taketh away the sin ofthe prophets, martyrs and holy hierarchs, and the
world, 0 Virgin, entreat Him to send down the souls of the righteous.
remission of sins upon us who with unwavering
faith bless thee as is meet. Then, It is truly meet... , and a prostration.
Glory ... : Enamored of sin, I tremble in fear Trisagion through Our Father ... Troparia, and
lest I suddenly reach the end of my life, 0 pure the rest as usual. Dismissal.
Mistress, intercessor of all the oppressed.
After the first chanting of the Psalter, these The prophets preached, the apostles taught,
sessional hymns of the apostles, in Tone VII the martyrs confessed and we have believed
0 Word, Thou didst reveal Thine apostles as that Thou art Christ, the Son of God, the Deliv
husbandmen in Thy garden, who cut down the erer of the world.
idols; wherefore, having preached thee, the Martyricon: Having armed themselves
Master, among the nations, they were magni with the power of Thy Cross, Thy martyrs, 0
fied in piety. Lord, vanquished the enemy and put the false
Stichos: Their sound hath gone forth into all hood of the idols to shame; wherefore, hymning
the earth, and their words unto the ends of the Thee with the angels, they cry out a hymn of
world. victory, glorifying Thee, 0 Christ. Through
Earthly glory did ye not love on earth, 0 their supplications grant our souls cleansing
glorious ones, and preaching the God of heaven and great mercy.
to men ye brought them to Him.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- Rejoice, thou through whom the Word be
Even though creation recognized thee as a came immutably flesh and dwelt among us!
mother, yet hath the Creator shown thee to be Rejoice, 0 pure one, joy of the apostles and
a virgin; for thou gavest birth in the flesh unto martyrs and salvation of us, the faithful!
Christ God, Who saveth our souls. Rejoice, 0 Mother of Christ God!
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these After the third chanting of the Psalter, these
sessional hymns, in Tone VII- sessional hymns, in Tone VII: Spec. Mel.: "The
As is meet, with hymns let us honor the all Fruit of thy womb ... "
wise apostles of Christ God as nurturers of our 0 most lauded disciples ofthe Lord, who like
salvation; for, having driven away the ungodli beacons illumined the whole world: Pray ye,
ness of deception, they have saved the world, as that light may shine upon me who am in the
those who beheld the Word with their own darkness of transgressions and the passions.
eyes-His servants, friends and brethren. As lamps unto the world, 0 apostles of the
Stichos: The heavens declare the glory of Lord, upon the faithful ye ever greatly shine
God, and the firmament proclaimeth the work forth the Word Who driveth away the gloom of
of His hands. deception; wherefore, ye enlighten the na
tions with baptism, as ever honored preach
ers of the Trinity.
penitent Ninevites: In Thy lovingkindness, as immaculate one, that thy servants may be
is Thy wont, have mercy on me for the sake of saved from all perils and tribulations.
Thine apostles, and let not the multitude of my
Canon of Saint Nicholas
transgressions bring torments upon me.
Irmos: Thou didst bedew the burning fur
Theotokion: 0 thou who gavest birth to the
nace, 0 Savior and didst save the children who
Light, enlighten my soul, which hath been
chanted, saying: Blessed art Thou forever, 0
darkened by the passions, and with the
Lord God of our fathers!
apostles, prophets and martyrs entreat Him to
As the beauty of the Church, 0 wise Nicho
deliver me from all sin, all harm, and all the
las, deliver me from all the ugliness of the
malice of the enemy.
ignominious passions, ever entreating the
Canon of Saint Nicholas Benefactor ofthe whole world, 0 holy hierarch.
Irmos: Jonahcriedoutfrom the bellyofhades: Water the hearts ofus all with the showers of
Lead up my life from corruption! And we cry out thy prayers, 0 wise Nicholas, that we may offer
to Thee: 0 almighty Savior, have mercy on us! fruits worthy of repentance, 0 holy hierarch.
Thou didst annul the unjust sentence of By thy supplications enlighten the minds of
death and by thy mercy didst save those who us who rise early with faith and glorify God, 0
were about to die, 0 father Nicholas, as the thou who by thine entreaties did raze the
fervent helper of those who call upon thee. temple of Artemis.
Ease thou the ailments of our souls, 0 most Theotokion: With faith doth every tongue
sacred pastor, and stop thou the mouths which glorify thee, who art the glory and boast of our
open vainly against those who love thee. race and the guide of those astray, 0 pure and
Thou didst destroy the bitter pasturage of all-blessed Theotokos.
the ungodliness of Arius with the medicine of
thy words, 0 Nicholas, initiate of the sacred ODE VIII
mysteries, and wast the confirmation of the Canon of the Apostles
faithful. Irmos: The bush on Sinai which partook of
Theotokion: 0 most immaculate one, heal fire without being consumed revealed God unto
thou my wretched soul, which hath been made Moses, who was slow of speech and spake with
incurably sick with the beguilements oflife and difficulty; and the zeal of God showed forth the
many sinful circumstances. three children in the fire as invincible, who
chanted: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the
ODE VII Lord, and exalt Him supremely forever!
Canon of the Apostles Coals set aflame by the noetic Fire, the
Irmos: Of old, the children showed the fiery disciples ofChrist burned up all the falsehood of
furnace to pour forth dew, hymning the one God idolatry as if they were reeds, and have enlight
and saying: Supremely exalted and all-glorious ened the souls of the faithful, who cry out:
God of our fathers! Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the Lord, and
The furnace of bitter ungodliness of old did exalt Him supremely for all ages. Twice
ye quench with the dew of divine preaching, 0 Enlighten now my soul which hath been
glorious apostles, crying: Supremely exalted darkened by sin, and my heart which through
and all-glorious is the God of our fathers! the passions hath been enshrouded in the
Rescue me from grievous sin, from torment gloom of dishonor, 0 apostles of Christ who
in hell and pain in Gehenna, 0 Christ, and save partake of everlasting light, that I may unceas
me, I pray Thee, through the entreaties ofThine ingly cry out: Hymn the Lord, allye works ofthe
apostles, 0 Word. Lord, and exalt Him supremely for all ages.
0 disciples of Christ, who drew men forth By the supplications of Thy sacred disciples
from the depths ofignorance with the net of the heal my soul, which hath been wounded by the
Word, save me who am tempest-tossed and venomous fangs ofthe prideful one, 0 Thou Who
drowning amid countless transgressions. accepted wounds in the flesh; and save those who
Theotokion: With the angels, martyrs and chant: Hymn the Lord, all ye works of the Lord,
apostles entreat thy Son and Lord, 0 most and exalt Him supremely for all ages.
Theotokion: When thou gavest birth to the passions, and render it fertile with the seed of
Fire without being consumed, thou wast pre repentance.
served, 0 all-pure Virgin; wherefore, with the Through the divine Spirit is the earth sanc
incorporeal choirs and the apostles entreat Him tified by the divine relics of the right glorious
to Whom thou gavest birth, that they may be apostles; and the heavenly Church of the first
saved who chant with faith: Hymn the Lord, all born is unceasingly made splendid by their
ye works of the Lord, and exalt Him supremely spirits. For their sake, 0 Savior, have pity upon
for all ages. us all.
Theotokion: 0 most Compassionate and
Canon of Saint Nicholas
greatly Merciful One, the Virgin who gave Thee
Irmos: Emulating the children who in the
birth, and the divine incorporeal choirs, the
furnace received the dew ofthe Spirit, let us say
apostles and prophets, the martyrs and holy
with faith: Bless the Lord, 0 ye works of the
hierarchs, and the souls of the righteous, en
treat Thee not to inflict upon me the fire pre
Thy body, redolent of myrrh, which lay in
pared for me.
Myra, 0 most holy Nicholas, poureth forth
myrrh upon those who have recourse thereto, Canon of Saint Nicholas
and bringeth an end to the infirmities of men. Irmos: 0 ye faithful, with hymns let us
The Creator and Lord of the world hath magnify the Theotokos, who became a mother
shown thee to be a helper of the world; where in manner transcending nature, is a Virgin by
fore, thou hast been found to be a ready deliv nature, and is blessed among women!
erer for those who now call upon thee in their Following the ways of the sacred apostles,
needs, 0 Nicholas. thou didst inherit their thrones, as an honorable
There is no-one who calleth upon thee amid and holy hierarch, 0 right glorious Nicholas.
tribulations who doth not quickly receive conso 0 blessed one, the Creator hath shown thee
lation; wherefore, we pray to thee: Ease all our forth as most great, as a lover of God and a
sicknesses, 0 Nicholas. helper in all things for those who fervently call
Theotokion: Every tongue hymneth and upon thee throughout the world.
glorifieth thee, 0 Virgin Bride of God, for thou With contrite heart we cry to thee, 0 father
gavest birth to the all-hymned God. Him do thou Nicholas: Be thou a comfort for us amid tribula
unceasingly beseech, that our souls be saved. tions, ever driving griefs away from our souls.
Glory ... : The severing of death lieth before
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the
thee as an axe lieth before a tree, 0 my soul.
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable
Wherefore, be not slothful but diligent in show
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.
ing God the fruits of repentance.
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: In thy holy arms
thou bearest Him Who upholdeth all things.
Canon of the Apostles
Him do thou beseech, 0 pure one, that we be
Irmos: 0 Mother who knewest not man, who
saved unharmed by the malefactions of the
gavest birth without experiencing corruption,
alien one.
and lent flesh to the Word Who hath fashioned
all things, OVirgin Theotokos, thoureceptacleof Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
Him Whom naught can resist and dwelling prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
place of the Infinite: thee do we magnify. usual psalms.
The Word of God the Father revealed you as
sons of the light and the day, for having loved Aposticha stichera ofthe apostles, in Tone VII
Him, 0 divine apostles, ye were shown to be 0 glorious apostles, pillars of the Church,
beacons for the whole world, dispellers of de preachers of the Truth, radiant beacons: With
mons, guides for the lost and firm foundations the fire of the Spirit ye consumed all deception
for the Church. and illumined the human race with faith.
0 ploughs of the Word, who bore His most Wherefore, we beseech you: Entreat our Savior
easy yoke upon your necks, cultivate now my and God, that He grant peace to the world and
soul, which hath grown hard through the save our souls.
Stichos: We were filled in the morning with M artyricon: Breathing forth one thing only,
Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were and looking toward one thing alone, the
glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days passion-bearing martyrs, having found the one
wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years path oflife, which is death for Christ, urged one
wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy another on to death. 0 the wonder! For, snatch
servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou ing up the treasures of torment, they said to
guide their sons. each other: Ifwe die not now, we shall die in any
0 apostles of Christ, husbandmen of the case; wherefore, let us do things worthy of life:
Savior, bearing the Cross upon your shoulders let us do what needs be done with love of honor,
as a plough, and having cleared the earth made that we may sell what we have and purchase life
hard by the deception of idolatry, ye sowed the with death!" Through their supplications, 0
word of faith. And ye are fittingly honored, 0 God, have mercy on us.
holy apostles of Christ.
Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
our God be upon us, and the works of our hands Thou wast ineffably born of the Virgin, 0
do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of Christ, and hast enlightened those in darkness,
our hands do Thou guide aright. who cry: Glory to Thee, 0 Lord!
On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone VII- M artyricon: While your members were be
Comely and good to taste was the fruit ing cut off with the sword, 0 divine athletes, ye
which brought death upon me. But Christ is the were not cut off from the love of the Deliverer,
Tree oflife, and eating thereof I die not, but cry but hastened to Him. And now ye alllive in joy,
out with the thief: Remember me in Thy king illumined with heavenly glory.
dom, 0 Lord! Glory ... : The most malignant corrupter of
From the depths of false belief did ye draw the human race besetteth me. 0 omnipotent
flocks of the nations unto the divinely beaute Trinity, snatch me from his maw by the suppli
ous Faith, 0 all-wise and glorious apostles, and cations of Thy preachers, that I may magnify
ye brought them to the noetic banquet as a Thine infinite mercy.
priceless gift. Now & ever ... : 0 pure Virgin, thou didst
Driving the darkness of grievous beguile bring forth the Son, bearing mortal flesh of thy
ment away with the light of preaching, 0 pure blood, Who is equally enthroned with the
apostles of the Lord, ye manifestly illumined Father, that He might make human nature
the hearts of the pious; wherefore, we bless you immortal; wherefore, we all bless thee as is
with divine hymns. meet.
On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of the 0 most holy Mistress, we have all come to
Cross, in Tone VII: Spec. Mel.: "No longer are we know thee alone as the one who wast manifest
forbidden the tree of life ... "- as a virgin even after giving birth. And when
Stichos: IfThou shouldst mark iniquities, 0 thou beheldest Him to Whom thou gavest birth,
Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee with His hands nailed to the Tree of His own
there is forgiveness. will, thou didst cry out: "0 Longsuffering One,
That Thou mightest make man god, Thou Thou diest ofThine own will, delivering all who
becamest man and wast crucified, 0 all-good hymn Thee from death!"
Christ. Glory to Thy power!
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa
0 most holy Virgin Mistress, who gavest
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath
birth unto the Lord Who in His lovingkindness
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath
was nailed to the Cross, and poureth forth a
hoped in the Lord.
stream oflife upon the world: Entreat Him, that
When the assembly of the Jews condemned
our souls may be saved; for thee alone do we, the
Thee to die on the Cross, 0 Jesus, the earth
faithful, have as a refuge, bulwark and aid.
quaked and the sun hid its light.
Wherefore, we flee to thy protection.
Stichos: From the morning watch until
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
the Lord.
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
The iniquitous assembly crowned Thee
with thorns, 0 Immortal and holy King, Who Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone VII
cuttest the thorns of deception off at the root. No longer are we forbidden the Tree of life,
Then the stichera for the saint, from the Men for we have Thy Cross as our hope. 0 Lord,
aion; or ifthere is no Menaion, these stichera for glory to Thee!
the all-holy Theotokos, in Tone VII: Spec. Mel.: Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine eyes,
"Today Judas keepeth vigil ... ':__ unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Behold, as the
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, eyes of servants look unto the hands of their
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; masters, as the eyes of the handmaid look unto
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his iniqui the hands ofher mistress, so do our eyes look unto
ties. the Lord our God, until He take pity on us.
Beholding her Lamb stretched out upon the Suspended upon the Tree, 0 Immortal One,
Tree, the Virgin, the unblemished ewe-lamb, Thou didst break the snares of the devil. 0
cried aloud: "Woe is me, 0 my Child most sweet! Lord, glory to Thee!
What is this strange and all-glorious mystery? Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
How hath the iniquitous assembly lifted Thee mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
up upon a Cross, and given gall for Thee to drink abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
Who fed me with manna?" therewith; let reproach come upon them that
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; prosper, and abasement on the proud.
praise Him, all ye peoples. Martyricon: Glory to Thee, 0 Christ God,
When Thy Virgin Mother beheld Thee Thou boast of the apostles and joy of the mar
nailed by the Jews to the Cross on Golgotha, tyrs, who preached the consubstantial Trinity!
condemned by an unrighteous verdict, 0 my Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
Christ, she cried out: "Woe is me, 0 my Son most When the most immaculate one beheld
beloved! What is this strange sight? How can Thee nailed to the Tree of Thine own will,
the senseless children ofthe Jews nail Thee, the weeping, she hymned Thy dominion.
Lord of all, to the Cross?"
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
eth forever. Litany, and Dismissal.
Now & ever ... : Thou dost hymn God Who the dew of thy mercy, imparting coolness unto
was incarnate of thee, 0 pure and all-immacu my soul.
late Virgin Mother; and, gazing upon Him, thou I have defiled my soul and rendered my
dost lament Him Who was lifted up upon the flesh corrupt through lust, wallowing therein.
Cross. And I have become a mockery unto men, and an
object of ridicule unto the enemy. 0 Mistress
Then, Lord, have mercy! thrice. Glory ... , Now & Theotokos, be thou my helper!
ever ... : Sedalion, in Tone VII Glory ... : Beseech God to Whom thou gavest
0 pure one, the Fruit of thy womb hath birth, 0 Virgin, that He send down upon those
planted the Cross in the ends of the earth and who honor thee with faith salvation, release
delivered the world from corruption; wherefore, from misfortunes, speedy deliverance from
we magnify thee, the all-glorious one. grievous ailments, and eternal grace.
Now & ever ... : The Lord, Who created
ODE VII Adam according to His image, assumed his
Irmos: Cast into the fiery furnace, the substance and abolished the primal curse,
venerable children transformed the fire into hymn ye, 0 priests, and exalt Him supremely
dew, crying out thus in hymnody: Blessed art forever!
Thou, 0 Lord God of our fathers!
The threat of my manifold transgressions ODE IX
hath increased, 0 pure one, and, deserving Irmos: 0 most hymned one, who art more
condemnation, I fall down and cry unto thee: exalted than the heavens, without seed thou
Before the end grant me cleansing, tears of didst conceive the unoriginate Word and gavest
compunction and correction of my morals. birth for men to God incarnate; wherefore, we
In that thou hast given birth to the Life of all magnify thee.
all, Opure andall-pureone, bythydivineworks 0 most radiant Virgin Mother and Theoto
grant life unto me who am in sore distress kos, with the light of thy supplications do thou
because of my vile transgressions, and ap radiantly guide to the fear of God my wretched
proach the grave in despair. soul, which hath been grievously benighted by
Glory ... : 0 good Theotokos, delivering from carnal pleasures.
spiritual death those who with faith call upon Despairing of salvation because of the mul
thine immortal grace, vouchsafe them the king titude of mine offenses, I am at a loss, 0 most
dom by thine all-pure supplications. holy Mistress. Send down upon me thy benefac
Now & ever ... : We glorify the unapproach tions and mercy.
able birthgiving ofthe Virgin, whereby we have Glory ... : Thy birthgiving, which transcen
been delivered from death; wherefore, reborn deth nature, 0 Theotokos, filleth the angels
unto incorruption, we cry: Blessed art Thou, 0 with wonder and men with awe; for it is inef
Lord God of our fathers! fable and unapproachable to all. And hymning
it, we piously glorify thee.
ODE VIII Now & ever ... : Thou hast stripped away my
Irmos: The only unoriginate King of glory, garments of mortality and corruption, 0 Virgin
Whom the hosts of heaven bless, and before who for men gavest birth to the incarnate Word,
Whom the ranks of angels tremble, do ye hymn, the robe of salvation. Wherefore, we all ever
0 ye priests, and exalt supremely, 0 ye people! magnify thee.
The furnace of the passions consumeth me,
0 Virgin, and devoureth me with the fire of Then, It is truly meet ... , and a prostration.
lusts; but, anticipating my need, quench it with Trisagion through Our Father ... Troparia, and
the rest as usual. Dismissal.
After the first chanting of the Psalter, these 0 Thou Who by the tree of the Cross healed
sessional hymns of the Cross, in Tone VII- Adam's condemnation, heal our broken hearts,
The Church crieth out to Thee, 0 Christ God, and save us.
bowing down before Thee in the pine, cedar and
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
cypress: Grant victories to the faithful for the
The Fruit of thy womb planted the Cross in
sake of the Theotokos, and have mercy one us!
the ends of the earth and delivered the world
Stichos: Exalt ye the Lord our God, and
from corruption; wherefore, we magnify thee, 0
worship the footstool of His feet, for it is holy.
all-glorious one.
0 Christ God, Who for my sake endured
nailing to the Cross, accept my ready praise,
and save me. OnE I
Canon of the precious and life-creating Cross
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
of the Lord, the acrostic whereof is "On the
Protected by the Cross of thy Son, 0 Virgin,
Tree Christ set at naught the ancient bane':
we evade the attacks of the demons; wherefore,
the composition of Joseph, in Tone VII
hymning thee as is meet, we glorify thee, 0
Irmos: To God Who shook Pharaoh off into
unwedded Theotokos.
the Red Sea let us chant a hymn of victory, for
He hath been glorified.
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
Uplifted upon the Cross, Christ drew all
sessional hymns, in Tone VII
men to Himself, and cast down the enemy who
0 Christ, Thou didst show the tree of Thy
had laid all low.
Cross to be more radiant than fire and more
From Thy life-bearing side Thou didst pour
powerful than flame, for it consumeth the sins
forth water upon my life, 0 Master, and as
of men and illumineth the hearts of those who
mortal didst slay the enemy.
hymn Thy voluntary crucifixion. 0 Christ God,
M artyricon: Bear ye earnest supplication to
glory to Thee!
Christ for us, 0 passion-bearers, that we all
Stichos: God is our King before the ages; He
may be delivered from the dread judgment.
hath wrought salvation in the midst ofthe earth.
Martyricon: 0 all-wise martyrs, who
Ever gazing upon Thy Cross as it is exalted,
humbled yourselves for Christ's sake: Cast
0 Lord, we faithfully hasten with hymns and
down the prideful foe with grace divine.
songs, embracing it with fear and joy. Sanctify
Theotokion: Beholding on the Cross Him
Thy servants, and bring peace to Thy world by
Who had shone forth from thee in His all-great
its appearance, 0 only greatly Merciful One.
lovingkindness, 0 Mistress, thou didst weep,
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
glorifying Him.
God of Israel.
Martyricon: 0 holy martyrs, ask that we
Another canon, of the all-holy Theotokos,
may be given remission of our transgressions,
in Tone VII-
and may be delivered from the torments which
Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
await us, and from bitter death, we pray.
In giving birth to God in the flesh, 0 all
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion pure one, thou didst restore our first father
0 pure Ever-virgin Theotokos, beholding Adam, who had fallen into the corruption of
thy Son hanging upon the Cross, weeping as a disobedience.
mother thou didst magnify His awesome conde In gladness we cry out to thee with the voice
scension, 0 Mistress who knewest not wedlock. of Gabriel, 0 pure one: Rejoice, 0 all-pure one,
thou hope of all! Rejoice, 0 Bride of God!
After the third chanting of the Psalter, these 0 all-pure Virgin, enliven my deadened
sessional hymns, in Tone VII- mind with the enlivening activity of Him Who
Thy precious Cross, 0 Christ, is the sword was truly born of thee.
and invincible victory of the world, and laying They who bless thee with faith are mani
low the invisible foe thereby, we hymn Thee festly blessed ofGod; for thou gavest birth to the
with thanksgiving. Source of blessing, 0 only most hymned one.
Theotokion: God sanctified thy womb and Him Who was uplifted upon the Cross, as thou
dwelt therein, 0 holy and pure one; and uplifted didst gaze upon Him, 0 Virgin Mother, holy and
upon the Cross, He raised up creation with most immaculate.
Canon ofthe Theotokos
Theotokion: 0 blessed one, who art holier Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone VII
than the cherubim, and gavest birth in the flesh 0 Master Who lovest mankind, Who art the
unto the Word of God, Who was uplifted upon Bestower of life, by Thy Cross Thou didst re
the Cross ofHis own will: Earnestly pray to Him deem the whole world. 0 Lord, glory to Thee!
in behalf of us all. Stichos: We were filled in the morning with
Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
Canon of the Theotokos
glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
Most perfect humanity was received from wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
thee, 0 all-pure Maiden, when the Word united servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
Himself to animate flesh and a soul adorned guide their sons.
with discourse; wherefore, all ofus, the faithful, The Vine of life was nailed to the Cross, and
magnify thee. the nations embraced paradise with the thief.
Let the foolishness of the rhetors keep si This is the glory of the Church! These are the
lence, but let the clarion of the apostles sound riches of the kingdom! 0 Lord Who suffered for
forth, praising thee, 0 Virgin, with cries of our sake, glory to Thee!
truth, and declaring thee the true Theotokos. Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
Because of thee mercy was shown to man our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
kind, which was hypostatically united to the do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
true Word, 0 Virgin, and by God's gift became our hands do Thou guide aright.
divine; wherefore, we all ever magnify thee. M artyricon: Celebrating the memorial of
The mystery of thy birthgiving was first Thy holy passion-bearers, 0 Christ, we hymn
understood through the visions of the prophets, Thee, crying out: Glory to Thee, 0 Lord!
0 Maiden, for for men thou gavest birth to God
incarnate, Who delivereth us from perils by thy Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion
supplications. When thou didst behold thine own Son upon
the Tree of old, 0 all-pure one, thy heart was
Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a wounded by the sword of grief.
prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
usual psalms. Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
Hour, and Dismissal.
On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone VII- the human race from all iniquity; wherefore, we
Comely and good to taste was the fruit magnify Thee.
which brought death upon me. But Christ is the M artyricon: Valiantly wearing the wounds
Tree oflife, and eating thereof I die not, but cry of many tortures like beautiful ornaments, the
out with the thief: Remember me in Thy king athletes were shown to be the splendid adorn
dom, 0 Lord! ment ofthe Church, ever praying for our souls.
Healing the sickness of Adam, which was Glory ... : 0 Holy Trinity, from torments de
caused by the counsel ofthe enemy, when Thou liver Thy faithful servants, who believe in Thee as
wast uplifted upon the Tree, Thy hands and feet a single Godhead, unceasingly glorified with pi
pierced with nails, 0 King of all, Thou didst ety; and grant us Thine everlasting kingdom.
endure pain; wherefore, we glorify Thy long Now & ever ... : Seeing Thee without form or
suffering, 0 Word. beauty, suspended upon the tree ofthe Cross in
Between two outlaws the assembly of the the flesh, 0 Christ, the most pure Virgin cried
Jews crucified Thee, 0 Christ, the only Be out in pain: Woe is me! How have the iniquitous
stower ofthe law and Deliverer, Who delivereth wounded Thee, 0 my Child?"
On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera ofthe holy manner of thy birthgiving beyond comprehen
martyrs, hierarchs and the venerable, in Tone sion; for where God so willeth, the order of
VII: Spec. Mel.: "No longer are we forbidden the nature is over-ruled. Wherefore, knowing thee
tree of life ... "- to be the Mother of God, we all earnestly entreat
Stichos: IfThou shouldstmarkiniquities, 0 thee: Pray thou that our souls be saved!
Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee
there is forgiveness. Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
The martyrs dispelled the darkness of un the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
godliness, showing forth the light of divine
knowledge unto all men. Aposticha stichera of the holy martyrs, zn
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa Tone VII-
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath Caring naught for all the things of earth, 0
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath holy martyrs, and having manfully preached
hoped in the Lord. Christ at the tribunal, ye received from Him
With Orthodox teachings as with divine rewards for your torments; but as ye have
rays didye enlighten the Church ofthe Lord, 0 boldness, beseech Him, as the almighty God,
most wise pastors. that He save the souls of us who flee to you, we
Stichos: From the morning watch until pray.
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
the Lord. eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be
Ever dwelling in trackless wastes, ye broke hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
the nets of the demons, 0 venerable fathers. of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
Then three other stichera, of the martyrs, in
eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
Tone VII-
pity on us.
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy,
0 most praised martyrs, spiritual lambs,
and with Him there is plenteous redemption;
reason-endowed holocausts, acceptable sacri
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his iniqui
fices well-pleasing to God: the earth did not hide
you, but heaven received you, and ye are be
0 Savior, when Thou comest to judge the
come communicants with the angels. With
whole world put me not to shame who have
them entreat our Savior and God, we pray you,
committed shameful acts.
that He grant peace to the world and save our
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
praise Him, all ye peoples.
Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
Glory to Thee, 0 Christ God, Thou boast of
mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
the apostles and joy of the martyrs, whose
abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
preaching was the consubstantial Trinity.
therewith; let reproach come upon them that
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
prosper, and abasement on the proud.
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid
Nekrosimon: 0 Thou Who in the beginning
eth forever.
didst make man in Thine image and according
0 holy martyrs, who fought the good fight
to Thy likeness, in paradise Thou didst appoint
and received crowns: Pray unto the Lord, that
him to exercise dominion over Thy creatures;
our souls be saved.
but, led astray by the malice of the devil, he
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Dogmatic theotokion- partook of the fruit, breaking Thy command
Thou hast been known to have become a ment. Wherefore, Thou didst condemn him to
Mother in supernatural manner, 0 Theotokos, return to the earth from whence he had been
and hast remained a virgin in manner past taken, 0 Lord, and to beg for repose.
recounting and understanding; and no tongue Nekrosimon: 0 our Savior, grant rest to our
can describe the wonder of thy birthgiving. For brethren whom Thou hast removed from transi
as thy conceiving is all-glorious, so is the tory things, and who cry: Glory to Thee, 0 Lord!
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
0 thou who alone didst receive the uncon Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
tainable Word of God, and gavest birth to Him Litany, and Dismissal.
incarnate: Pray that our souls be saved.
After the first chanting of the Psalter, these Church leap up, celebrating with hymns of
sessional hymns of the martyrs, in Tone VII- victory to Christ God, the Judge of the contest,
Make entreaty, 0 saints, that we be granted the one Granter of victory, Who giveth great
remission of our transgressions, and may be mercy to the world.
delivered from the evils which await us, and Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
from bitter death, we pray. God of Israel.
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the Having armed themselves with the power of
God of Israel. Thy Cross, 0 Lord, Thy martyrs vanquished
Struggling on earth, Thy saints trampled the enemy and put to shame the falsehood ofthe
the enemy underfoot and abolished the false idols; wherefore, chanting with the angels they
hood of the idols, 0 Lord; wherefore, they have cry out a hymn of victory, glorifying Thee, 0
received crowns from Thee, the Master Who Christ. By their supplications grant cleansing
loveth mankind, the merciful God, Who grant and great mercy to our souls.
eth great mercy to the world. Stichos: Many are the tribulations of the
righteous, and the Lord shall deliver them out
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
of them all.
Out of the pit and depths of transgressions
Nekrosimon: In the land of the living and
lead us up who trust in thee as the treasury of
the habitations of Thy righteous do Thou num
our salvation, 0 most hymned one; for, having
ber the souls ofthose whose memory we keep, 0
given birth to our salvation, thou didst save
Thou Who lovest mankind; and if any of them
those guilty of sin. Thou wast virgin before
have sinned in this life, forgive them, granting
giving birth, virgin during birth, and remainest
great mercy to the world, in that Thou art the
a virgin after birthgiving.
merciful God Who is readily propitiated.
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion
sessional hymns, in Tone VII- 0 most immaculate Maiden who knewest
Rejoice, 0 ye righteous, and let the heavens not wedlock, with the prophets, holy hierarchs
be glad! For, struggling on the earth, the and martyrs ever entreat our God, Who became
martyrs trampled the enemy underfoot and incarnate of thy blood, that our souls be saved.
abolished the falsehood of the idols. Let the
Nekrosimon: Into Thine eternal life accept Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
Thou the souls of those who have fallen asleep Thy departed servants.
in hope, 0 Merciful One; and cause them to Nekrosimon: Vouchsafe Thy supernatural
dwell in the divine bosom ofthe godly Abraham, radiance unto those who have departed in
and number them with the blessed Lazarus, 0 piety, when Thou shalt come with Thine an
Master. gels in Thy glory, 0 most Compassionate and
Glory ... : 0 compassionate Savior, Who greatly Merciful One.
earnest down from the heavens to save the Glory ... : 0 Good One Who lovest mankind,
human race: In Thy lovingkindness vouchsafe vouchsafe that those who have departed before
that those who have departed in piety have and glorify Thee may delight in the thrice
delight in Thine immaterial light and Thy di radiant splendor and the single effulgence of
vine glory and joy. the Godhead.
Theotokion: The laws of nature were set at Theotokion: Without leaving the bosom of
naught in thee when thou didst conceive the the Father, Christ made His abode within thy
unapproachable Word, 0 pure one; and the law bosom, 0 Virgin, and hath delivered from death
of God hath been given to us, by the grace of those who bless thee, 0 Mother of God who
divine love granting remission to all who are alone art most hymned.
driven to despair by transgressions.
OnE IV Canon ofAll Saints
Canon ofAll Saints Irmos: My soul riseth at dawn unto Thee, 0
Irmos: Assuring us of Thine advent in the God, for Thou art light, and Thy precepts are
flesh, 0 Christ, the Prophet Habbakuk cried healing for Thy servants, 0 Thou Who lovest
aloud: Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord! mankind.
Strengthened by love for the Lord, the Indifferent to wounds ofthe flesh, 0 mighty
martyrs rendered the power ofthe enemy impo athletes, by your divine wounds ye heal the
tent; wherefore, they are called blessed. wounds and passions of all.
As sheep and lambs of the Shepherd, 0 Ye received the authority to bind and loose on
blessed hierarchs, ye headed the flock of the earth, 0 holy hierarchs of Christ; wherefore, ye
Word with divine grace. have broken the unbreakable bonds of our sins.
As stars of great radiance, 0 our venerable The choirs of ascetics, prophets, the righ
fathers, ye illumined the fullness ofthe faithful teous, and the honorable women, having united
with the brilliance of virtue. themselves to God with a pure mind, dance in
The one company of mighty women and the constant chorus, rejoicing.
assembly of the holy prophets have received Nekrosimon: In that Thou alone art greatly
heavenly goodness. merciful, 0 Christ Who lovest mankind, make
Theotokion: Entreat the Son to Whom thou those who have departed this life in faith inhab
gavest birth, 0 most hymned one, that thy itants of paradise.
servants may be delivered from all temptations Theotokion: Having shown thyself to be an
and tribulations. indestructible chamber for God, 0 most holy
Virgin, entreat Him to make me an inhabitant
Canon of the Departed
of His noetic bridal-chamber.
Irmos: 0 Christ God Who, without leavingthe
bosomoftheFather, didstdescend to earth: I have Canon of the Departed
heard the mystery ofThy dispensation, and have lrmos: Rising at dawn unto Thee out of the
glorified Thee, Who alone lovest mankind. night, I beseech Thee, 0 Lord my God: Grant me
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the remission of my transgressions, and guide my
God of Israel. steps to the light of Thy precepts, I pray.
Martyricon: Patiently did the martyrs en Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
dure the pangs of suffering, 0 Christ, and they God of Israel.
were crowned with wreaths of Thy righteous M artyricon: Splendidly arrayed in life
ness, and glorify Thy power. bearing mortality woven of your torments,
0 most praised martyrs, ask divine rest for the M artyricon: The choir of the martyrs, who
souls that have departed before us. mightily endured nearly unbearable pains,
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of hath inherited delight devoid of pain, receiving
Thy departed servants. crowns of righteousness from the life-bearing
Nekrosimon: 0 Savior Who pourest forth right hand of God.
compassion from Thine inexhaustible treasur Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
ies, be Thou well-pleased that the souls which Thy departed servants.
Thou hast taken to Thyself may dwell with Thy The foregoing is repeated.
firstborn in the mansions of heaven. Glory ... : In that Thou art God immortal, 0
Glory ... : Be Thou well-pleased, 0 Christ Merciful One, Thy servants who have fallen
our Savior, that Thy servants, who have put off asleep before us do Thou number with the
their burdens, broken their bonds and passed righteous, where are the choirs ofthe saints, the
over to the life on high, may delight in the splendor of the venerable and the enjoyment of
splendors of Thy saints. life everlasting.
Theotokion: 0 Mistress, Mother of God, Theotokion: He Who of His divine will and
grant me the remission of mine offenses, and creative power created all things out ofnothing
give me forgiveness of my sins, 0 most immacu ness, issued forth from thy womb, 0 pure one,
late one who for the world gavest birth to and enlightened those in the darkness of death
hypostatic Life. with the effulgence of the Godhead.
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of Looking toward the heavenly glory of the
Thy departed servants. coming ofChrist, the martyrs disdained earthly
Nekrosimon: 0 Compassionate Savior, glory, piously hymning Him as King for all ages.
Who hast the power oflife and death: Vouchsafe Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
divine food unto those who have departed with Thy departed servants.
faith in Thee, and who cry out: Blessed art Nekrosimon: Grant a heavenly dwelling to
Thou, 0 God of our fathers! those who have fallen asleep in hope of life, 0
Glory ... : Illumining them with the light of Thou Who hast destroyed their earthly
immaterial effulgence, 0 Christ, cause the temples, and give them rest in the habitations
souls Thou hast taken to Thyselfto dwell in the of the righteous, for all ages.
mansions ofheaven, that they may glorify Thee Glory ... : 0 Thou Who as God giveth resur
unceasingly with those who have been pleasing rection to the dead, and with Whom is the
unto Thee. fountain of life: With nurturing floods do Thou
Theotokion: Christ was ineffably begotten water those who have fallen asleep before us,
-first of the Father without mother, and now for all ages, in that Thou alone art good.
of thee, 0 Virgin, without father- and He Theotokion: Ineffably receiving the unap
clothed Himselfin flesh for our sake. 0 all-pure proachable Light in thy womb, 0 Virgin Theo
one, blessed is the Fruit of thy womb! tokos, thou didst enlighten those in the dark
ness of life, that they might piously hymn
ODE VIII Christ Who ineffably issued forth from thee.
Canon ofAll Saints
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the
Irmos: Emulating the children who in the
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable
furnace received the dew ofthe Spirit, let us say
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.
with faith: Bless the Lord, 0 ye works of the
Ye demolished the temples of the idols, 0
Canon ofAll Saints
most glorious passion-bearers, and made your
Irmos: 0 ye faithful, with hymns let us
selves temples of the Spirit, bravely finishing
magnify the Theotokos, who became a mother
your race.
in manner transcending nature, is a Virgin by
Ye were shown to be like fragrant flowers, 0
nature, and is blessed among women!
holy hierarchs, gladdening the souls of the
Through the supplications of the sacred
faithful with the understanding ofpiety; where
martyrs, prophets and the righteous who lived
fore, ye are called blessed, as is meet.
virtuously in ages past, have mercy on our
Traversing the whole earth, 0 venerable
souls, 0 Christ.
ones, ye became divine sojourners and proph
Shown to be ministers of the Master, 0
ets, observing heavenly delight and ever-abid
initiates ofthe sacred mysteries, ye have joined
ing glory.
yourselves to the heavenly servants. With
Nekrosimon: 0 Word, Lord of the living and
them offer entreaties for us.
the dead, reckon among the choirs of all the
With the women who finished the good race
saved Thy servants who have departed with
let us honor the holy choirs of the ascetics, that
faith, for Thou alone lovest mankind.
through their supplications we may receive
Theotokion: The company of all the women
who with fasting and asceticism have sought
Nekrosimon: Vouchsafe that the departed
the Lord, offereth unceasing entreaty before
who served Thee in Orthodox manner may
thy divine face, 0 all-pure one.
partake of the glory which the choirs of all the
Canon of the Departed saints were vouchsafed, 0 Christ.
Irmos: The only unoriginate King of glory, Theotokion: Sin-loving, I tremble before the
whom the hosts of heaven bless, and before dreadjudgment of Him Who was born ofthee, 0
Whom the ranks of angels tremble, do ye hymn, pure one. But preserve me uncondemned
0 ye priests, and exalt supremely, 0 ye people! thereat, 0 good one.
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
God of Israel.
On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone VII- Number those whom Thou hast taken from
Comely and good to taste was the fruit us in the mansions ofthe saints, 0 Word of God,
which brought death upon me. But Christ is the overlooking the offenses of their souls commit
Tree oflife, and eating thereof I die not, but cry ted on earth, in knowledge and in ignorance;
out with the thief: Remember me in Thy king and take pity upon Thy servants.
dom, 0 Lord! Glory ... : Dying in Thee, 0 Holy Trinity, Thy
Having finished the good struggle and kept servants come to Thee to be delivered from
the faith, ye received from God crowns of incor dreadful torments, and to receive, forgiven, the
ruption, and were vouchsafed His glory, 0 most good things of Thy holy glory at the hour of
lauded martyrs, inhabitants ofheaven with the judgment.
angels. Now & ever ... : The Effulgence ofthe Father
Let the assemblies of the sacred ministers made His abode within thy womb, 0 most holy
and prophets, and let praise be given the com and pure one, and those who were beguiled by
pany of honorable women be praised, for they the evil counsel of the enemy and fell into
dwell now injoy in the mansions ofthe firstborn corruption did He restore again.
and abide with the incorporeal hosts.