TOS English 7 2nd Quarter Exam 2019 2020

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ENGLISH 8 – 2nd Quarter Examination

S.Y. 2019-2020
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Total Number
Of Items
Skill To Be Tested

30% -Easy 30 30%- Average 15 10%- Difficult 5

1. Use appropriate 3 3
mechanisms/tools in the
library for locating
2. Get information from 2 3 5
the different parts of a book
and from general
references in the library
3. Gather current 1 2 1 4
information from
newspapers and other print
and nonprint media
4. Recognize main/key 1 1 1 3
5. Note specific 2 3 1 1 7
details/elements of the text
listened to
6. Determine the tone and 2 2
mood of the speaker or
characters in the narrative
listened to
7 Narrate events 1 1
chronologically/ Arrange
ENGLISH 8 – 2nd Quarter Examination
S.Y. 2019-2020

ideas logically based on a

material viewed
8 Discriminate between 5 5
literal and figurative
9 Identify figures of 4 4
speech that show
comparison (simile
metaphor, personification)
10 Identify figures of 3 3
speech that show contrast
(irony, oxymoron, paradox)
11 Discover the conflicts 3 3
presented in literary
selections and the need to
resolve those conflicts in
non-violent ways
12 Infer the purpose of the 3 3
text listened to
12. Extract information 1 2 3
from a text using a
summary, precis, and
14. Use phrases, clauses, 4 4
and sentences appropriately
and meaningfully
Total: 9 21 2 13 3 2 50

Prepared by: Alma Joy Y. Quieta

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